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Traffic rules clearly state that any vehicle contains a limit on the permitted number of passengers who can move in it. This limitation is determined by the design of the vehicle. In reality, situations often arise when drivers neglect the established requirements, believing that their actions are not a violation. In fact, this is not the case, and a traffic police representative, having discovered an offense, will issue a fine for extra passengers.

When the person in the car is superfluous

Requirements regarding the maximum permissible number of persons transported in a car are specified in To determine whether a person transported in a car is redundant, you need to understand the following:

  • Vehicle type;
  • Used for personal use or passenger transportation.

In accordance with the current edition of the SDA, any vehicle can carry as many people as its factory parameters allow. Exceeding this number is prohibited.

If the car is a passenger car, then 5 seats will be installed in its cabin, designed for 4 passengers and a driver. More than 5 people should not move in it, regardless of whether the "extra" passenger is an adult or a child.

For trucks, the requirements for transportation are even stricter, since passengers are supposed to be placed only in the cab of the truck, if the design of the car implies this.

Transportation in the box is allowed only in the following cases:

  1. Category C or C1 was opened by the driver at least 3 years ago;
  2. If no more than 16 passengers are transported, then category D or D1 is allowed, if more than 16 people are transported - strictly category D;
  3. The number of people transported should not exceed the number of seats in the car;
  4. When transported on board, it is necessary to ensure that car seats are installed at a height of up to half a meter from the floor level and at least 30 cm from the upper edge;
  5. Seat backs must be secure and strong.

It is strictly forbidden to transport children on board the truck.

If vehicle performs regular transportation, then the maximum number of people who can be in it (including sitting and standing places) is determined based on the design of the car and must be indicated in the cabin.

There are situations when only seated passengers are allowed on the bus. This rule applies in the following cases:

  • Motor transport performs intercity transportation;
  • The route passes through mountainous terrain;
  • The bus is used to organize excursions;
  • Transportation of children is carried out.

In any other cases, standing passengers are allowed on the bus.

How to determine the maximum number of seats in a car

To deal with the question of how many passengers can be in a vehicle, in addition to the technical characteristics of the car itself, the following should be considered:

  • It is allowed to accommodate passengers in the amount that corresponds to the number of equipped seats;
  • If there are seat belts in the car, each passenger must be fastened;
  • Children under the age of 12 must be transported in a car using seat belts or using special devices.

Some vehicle models are not equipped with rear seat belts. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the technical documentation that is intended for this vehicle model.

Penalty for violation

If an extra person is found in the car, the traffic police representative will write a fine of 500 rubles to the offender (in accordance with Article 12.23, clause 1 of the Administrative Code).

However, in addition to this fine, the inspector will also fine the offender for the fact that the person in the car while driving did not use seat belts. In such a situation, the amount of the punishment will be 1,000 rubles. The total amount of the fine is 1,500 rubles. The summation of fines is determined in accordance with Part 1 of Article 4.4 of the Administrative Code.

If a traffic police officer stopped the car and it turned out that the passenger is being transported outside the cabin, then for such transportation, the previously indicated amount of the fine will add another 1,000, in accordance with Article 12.23 of the Administrative Code.

Sanctions for non-compliance with the requirements for the number of passengers in the passenger compartment apply to the driver of the vehicle itself.

A person who moved in vehicles without using seat belts will also be fined separately. The amount of the penalty will be 500 rubles.

In accordance with article 32.2 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, the driver can pay half of the total amount of the fine received. This is possible if the penalty is paid within the first 20 days from the date of its presentation to the offender.

Thus, it should be noted that the amount of punishment for the transportation of an extra passenger is small, but the consequences of this offense can be the most serious. Therefore, if a driver has a need to transport a large number of passengers, he should take care in advance that the car chosen for this has technical compliance and allows transporting the given number of passengers.

It is necessary to choose a vehicle taking into account how many people are planned to be transported. For an insignificant number of 6-7 people, you can pick up a specially equipped passenger car or a crossover. If you need to transfer a significant number of people, then you will need to choose a more capacious model.

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Currently, there are various car models on the market, depending on power, cross-country ability, roominess and other factors.

Perhaps the most affordable in the price category and the most suitable for urban conditions are two-seater cars. They are small in size, which allows the driver to easily park in any designated area. Such cars are produced with both open and closed top. Such cars are very convenient for moving around the city, especially for students and newlyweds who have not yet acquired their own children.

The most common among passenger cars are models in which there are from 4 to 5 seats... Moreover, in many cars the luggage compartment can be increased due to the transformation of the rear passenger seats. The body type of such cars can be either open or closed. These cars are very convenient for both city dwellers and the rural population, since they are spacious enough for both passengers and luggage; well manageable in urban traffic jams and in the absence of a sufficient number of parking spaces.

A passenger car of the "station wagon" class, has 7 passenger seats, and the rear seats can be easily folded, which can significantly increase the volume luggage compartment... These are five-door cars with 3 rows of seats in the cabin.

Crossovers also have 7 seats for passengers, but their cabins are more voluminous in height, which provides passengers more comfort and convenience.

SUVs have an even larger cabin capacity with the number of seats for passengers from 7 to 9.

Passenger cars can also have more seats. For example, in limousines or minivans, the number of passenger seats reaches 10. It should be noted that minivans are also produced with a large number of seats. A typical example of this will be the GMC Savana, which has 13 seats. Minivans are also called high-capacity station wagons.

The class of passenger cars also includes minibuses, in which the number of seats for passengers can reach 16. The difference between a minibus and a minivan is that the latter cannot have more than 3 rows of seats. In addition, the interior of a minivan is lower than that of a minibus.

Extra passengers to carry the Rules road traffic is strictly prohibited.

Exists 5 main categories: A - motorcycles, B - cars, C - trucks, D - buses, M - mopeds, 4 subcategories: A1, B1, C1, D1 and special categories for driving vehicles with a trailer BE, CE, DE, C1E, D1E.

For example, a category B driver's license allows you to drive only cars and does not allow getting behind the wheel of a minibus or bus (these vehicles require a category D driver's license).

This article will cover categories and subcategories of driving licenses, as well as the peculiarities of their use when driving vehicles.

The driver has the right to drive only vehicles whose categories are indicated on the back of his driving license. If he does not comply with the specified requirement, he will receive -
5,000 - 15,000 rubles.

Driver's license category table in 2020

On November 5, 2013, amendments to the law "" came into force, which not only changed the list of categories of a driver's license, but also added completely new subcategories.

Category or subcategory Vehicle type
IN 1

Driving license category A

1. In the Russian Federation, the following categories and subcategories of vehicles that are included in them are established, for the management of which a special right is granted (hereinafter referred to as the right to drive vehicles):

A driving license of category A allows you to drive any motorcycles, including motorcycles with a sidecar.

In addition, it gives the right to drive motorized carriages, which are extremely difficult to meet on the roads in 2020.

Let me remind you that motorcycles in accordance with include two-wheeled vehicles with or without a side trailer. In addition, category A allows you to drive three-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles with a curb weight of no more than 400 kg.

Subcategory A1

I would like to note that drivers with category A rights can also drive vehicles of subcategory A1.

category "B" - cars (except for vehicles of category "A"), the maximum permissible mass of which does not exceed 3500 kilograms and the number of seats of which, in addition to the driver's seat, does not exceed eight; vehicles of category "B" coupled to a trailer, the maximum permissible mass of which does not exceed 750 kilograms; vehicles of category "B" coupled to a trailer, the maximum authorized mass of which exceeds 750 kilograms, but does not exceed the unladen weight of the vehicle, provided that the total maximum authorized mass of such a combination of vehicles does not exceed 3500 kilograms;

A category B driver's license allows you to drive cars, as well as small trucks, vans and jeeps that meet the above requirements.

In addition, it is possible to use trailers weighing more than 750 kilograms, subject to the following requirements:

1. The permissible maximum weight of the trailer must not exceed the unladen weight of the vehicle.

2. The total permissible maximum weight of the vehicle and the trailer must not exceed 3.5 tons.

For example, suppose the permissible maximum vehicle weight is 1,900 kg and the unladen weight is 1,400 kg (these values ​​are specified in paragraphs 14 and 15).

With a category B certificate, you can attach a trailer to the specified vehicle with a maximum permissible weight of 1400 kg. In this case, the permissible maximum weight of the trailer does not exceed the unladen weight of the vehicle. In addition, the maximum permitted mass of a combination of vehicles is 1,900 + 1,400 = 3,300 kg. It does not exceed 3,500 kilograms.


To drive a Category B vehicle with a heavy trailer, the driver will need Category BE:

category "BE" - vehicles of category "B" coupled to a trailer, the maximum permissible mass of which exceeds 750 kilograms and exceeds the mass of the vehicle without load; vehicles of category "B" coupled to a trailer with a permissible maximum mass exceeding 750 kilograms, provided that the total permissible maximum mass of such a combination of vehicles exceeds 3,500 kilograms;

Subcategory B1

In 2020, there is no detailed information on vehicles of category B1.

Note, "ATV" and "ATV" are not the same thing. Therefore, regular driver's licenses will not work.

category "C" - cars, except for cars of category "D", the maximum permissible mass of which exceeds 3500 kilograms; cars of category "C" coupled to a trailer, the maximum permissible mass of which does not exceed 750 kilograms;

Driver's license category C allows you to drive only medium (from 3500 kg to 7500 kg) and heavy (over 7500 kg) trucks, as well as trucks with a trailer, the permissible maximum weight of which does not exceed 750 kg.


To drive a category C vehicle with a heavy (over 750 kg) trailer or semi-trailer, the driver will need an additional CE category.

Subcategory C1

subcategory "C1" - cars, except for cars of category "D", the maximum permissible mass of which exceeds 3500 kilograms, but does not exceed 7500 kilograms; cars of subcategory C1, coupled to a trailer, the maximum permissible weight of which does not exceed 750 kilograms;

Drivers with main category C can also drive vehicles of subcategory C1.


subcategory "C1E" - cars of subcategory "C1" coupled to a trailer, the maximum authorized mass of which exceeds 750 kilograms, but does not exceed the unladen weight of the vehicle, provided that the total maximum permitted mass of such a combination of vehicles does not exceed 12,000 kilograms;

Drivers with the senior category CE can also drive vehicles of subcategory C1E.

Driving license category D

category "D" - vehicles intended for the carriage of passengers and having more than eight seats, in addition to the driver's seat; category "D" vehicles coupled to a trailer with a maximum permissible mass not exceeding 750 kilograms;

Category D driver's license allows you to drive buses different sizes, regardless of their permissible maximum mass, as well as buses with a trailer, the permissible maximum mass of which does not exceed 750 kg.

Having a driver's license of category D, the driver can drive both small buses used as route taxis and huge tourist buses.

The only type of buses that category D is not suitable for are articulated buses or "accordion buses".


A DE category driver's license is required to tow trailers with a gross vehicle weight exceeding 750 kg and to operate articulated buses.

Subcategory D1

subcategory "D1" - vehicles intended for the carriage of passengers and having more than eight, but not more than sixteen seats, in addition to the driver's seat; cars of subcategory "D1" coupled to a trailer with a maximum permissible mass not exceeding 750 kilograms;

This category includes small minibuses, such as RAF-2203 or GAZelle-3221, which were previously widely used as route taxis. Currently, minibuses of foreign brands have become widespread, which have more than 16 seats, and for which the D1 subcategory is not enough to drive.


For driving small buses with heavy trailers, the D1E subcategory is intended:

subcategory "D1E" - cars of subcategory "D1" coupled to a trailer that is not intended for the carriage of passengers, the maximum permissible mass of which exceeds 750 kilograms, but does not exceed the mass of the vehicle without load, provided that the total permissible maximum mass of such a combination of vehicles does not exceed 12,000 kilograms.

Please note that the trailer, firstly, should not be designed to carry passengers, and secondly, the total permitted maximum mass of the bus and trailer should not exceed 12 tons.

Note that drivers with a D category can drive buses of subcategory D1, and drivers with a DE category can drive buses with a subcategory D1E trailer.

Category M

Drivers of category M can also be driven by drivers who do not have category M, but have any other category of driver's license.

Please note that foreign driving licenses do not allow driving mopeds either.

Categories Tb and Tm

In 2020, a Tm or Tb category is required to operate trams or trolleybuses, respectively.

Let me remind you that a few years ago trolleybuses and trams did not stand out in separate categories. Information about driving these vehicles was entered in the "" column of the driver's license.

How do I open a new category of rights?

Quite often, drivers have a question: "How to add an additional category to the rights?" It's actually pretty simple. It is necessary to undergo training in a driving school and in the corresponding category.

You can find out more about this in the article:

Well, in conclusion, I would like to remind you once again that driving a vehicle without the appropriate category of rights entails a fine in the amount of 5,000-15,000 rubles. In addition, the driver is removed from driving, and the car is sent to the impound.

Good luck on the road!

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Good evening! Can I drive C1 category cars in the city? Thanks.

Evgeniy, Hello.

You should have been issued a certificate without category M. Refusal in this case is not lawful.

Good luck on the road!

Nurtas, Hello.

If you have a certificate of category C or subcategory C1, then you can.

Good luck on the road!


Hello! I have open categories B and C. The term for replacing the VU is suitable, which categories will they open to me?


Good luck on the road!


Hello, a car with a maximum load capacity of 3500 kg coupled to a trailer of 750 kg. What category B or BE is needed?

Michael, Hello.

If the carrying capacity of the car is 3500 kg, then its permissible maximum mass is greater than this figure. Those. category C is required to drive such a vehicle.

As for the trailer, you did not indicate what mass we are talking about. If about the carrying capacity (as well as for the car), then the permissible maximum mass of the trailer exceeds 750 kg. In this case, a CE category is required for towing.

Good luck on the road!

KatyaSs, everything is correct. If you have a category B, you can use a car with an approved maximum weight up to 3.5 tons and a trailer up to 750 kg.

There is another option for category B. For example, the permissible maximum vehicle weight is 2000 kg, and its unladen weight is 1500 kg. A trailer with a permissible maximum weight of up to 1500 kg can be attached to such a vehicle. And this will also be category B.

Good luck on the road!


Hello! I want to clarify one nuance, my wife and I are studying for category "B" on the innovation there is information that when studying at manual transmission, automatic transmission cannot be used.


Hello, today I turned to the traffic police to replace a driver's license after the expiration of the term, in the old driver's license there was an E mark for the VSD, and in the new ones I was not given the category BE, DE, D1E why? They said it is necessary to take an exam separately only then they will be open. I wonder if this is legal? Category D, E opened in 2008.

Zarina, to get an accurate answer, you should study the documents (PTS) for the specified vehicle.

As far as I know, the mass of this vehicle exceeds 3.5 tons, and the number of seats is 5. That is. such a car belongs to category C.

Good luck on the road!

Good luck on the road!

Hello. Please tell me, my license expires, I have the category of AVSD, during the medical examination they did not mark it under category A in the certificate, did not tick the box, could there be problems when obtaining new rights? Thanks.

Eric, Hello.

There will be no problems, but category A will not be transferred to your new rights. If you want to keep this category, then you should get a new help, in which this category will be opened.

Good luck on the road!


Tell me if you need A1 category rights to drive an electric scooter, thanks in advance for your answer. I ask the question, because unpleasant incidents arise with the relevant authorities

Dmitriy what is maximum speed of the specified electric scooter? And the maximum power of its engine?

Hello, I have a Ford Transit 2010 2.2 diesel engine. 8 pass in the back. seats + 1 driver. Can I drive this Category B minibus ??

Artem, Hello.

The category of a car is primarily determined not by the number of seats in the body, but by what is indicated in the car documents. If the STS says that the car category is B, then you can drive this car.

Good luck on the road!


Can I drive a moped if I have a category B?

Vyacheslav, this is possible if the certificate does not have a special mark ML.

Good luck on the road!

Good day! Can I drive a road train as part of a KRAZ (tractor) + tractor trailer (registered with Rostekhnadzor), all categories of rights + tractor driver's license (all categories)?

Marina, Hello.

1. From the point of view of the Law on Traffic Safety, trailers are not subdivided into tractor and car trailers. That is, the CE category allows you to drive a truck with any trailer.

2. I have never heard of such cases in practice, so I cannot say how the traffic police officers will react to such a composition of vehicles. Perhaps they will try to find some kind of violation in the actions of the driver.

If you have a conflict with the traffic police on the use of a trailer, then please describe it here.

Good luck on the road!

Over the course of life, changes occur as in the technique of transport.

and in the Rules who can manage.

More than once a transport has collided with an electric motor.

From the question of how to qualify it, how to call it and, accordingly,

Moreover, there is a transport that is subject to registration, but there is

which is not required. Moreover, there is no clear, unambiguous terminology.

Moreover, the power factor of the electric motor "joins" this.

I mean from electric unicycle to scooters, bikes, scooters to electric bicycles.

Where can you drive, what rights you need to have, how else to divide in the same power group.

Not only in our country, but all over the world there is a saturation with similar and convenient, ecological transport... And also very economical to operate.

However, neither the legislators nor the traffic police in Russia are ready to build a clear policy and order of requirements for those who operate

this type of transport.

There is a scooter, there is a bike (they call who likes it and how is it really correct?) With a power of 1000 watts - they drive on public roads without registration, and without a license. But there is also a capacity of 4000-6000 watts. And this is a serious and powerful technique!

There is a scooter for 250 watts, and there are 2400 for each wheel = 4800! And both are driving

on the sidewalks, explaining that a scooter is equated to a pedestrian.

There are whole disputes with traffic police inspectors on the roads. And everyone imagines

himself an expert, guided as he wants.

I would like to hear your opinion on this issue.

In terms of the overall situation, each electric vehicle needs to be considered individually. Depending on the power, it can be a bicycle, a moped or a motorcycle in terms of traffic rules. The driver must comply with the relevant rules.

Good luck on the road!


Good afternoon. Faced with such a situation, I have a moped similar to a category A motorcycle, but a moped in terms of the engine. Accordingly, there are no numbers or documents. They stopped the motorbats (or rather caught up), only category B, B1 are in the rights, there is no category M. The inspector proves with the help of traffic rules that in April 2014 the category M was introduced and it should be registered in the rights, my rights are December 2014 and for some reason it is not there. The medical board is allowed category A, B, but I did not give up on A. Question: can I drive a moped, and how to prove it to the inspector


Hello. An interesting question. I have a car of category B (dry weight 1600kg). I want to carry a trailer with a boat and a motor with a total weight of 1300 (trailer + boat weight + motor weight). It turns out that the total weight of the trailer does not exceed the dry weight of my car and the total weight of the road train does not exceed 3500 kg, which does not correspond to the BE category. Question. Can I move if I have category B?

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will look at the fine for extra passengers in the vehicle.

In practice, a situation often occurs when a driver wants to carry more passengers than is provided for by the characteristics of the vehicle. In this case, the passengers are placed in the car and, at first glance, there are no problems.

Consider how many passengers can be transported without breaking the rules, as well as possible penalties for violating the rules of transportation:

Transportation of extra passengers in the car

Let's look at a common example.

The family consists of two adults (parents) and four children. They own a car, the rear seats of which are not equipped with seat belts. Similar cars can still be found on secondary market, although there are not too many of them left.

Since there are no seat belts in the car, there is no obligation to use special restraints for transporting children (paragraph 22.9):

22.9. Transportation of children under the age of 7 in a passenger car and cab truck, or the seat belts and ISOFIX child restraint system must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) appropriate for the weight and height of the child.

Transportation of children from 7 to 11 years old (inclusive) in a car and a truck cabin, which are designed with seat belts or the seat belts and ISOFIX child restraint system must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or using seat belts, and on front seat a car - only with the use of child restraint systems (devices) appropriate for the weight and height of the child.

The installation of child restraint systems (devices) in a passenger car and the cab of a truck and the placement of children in them must be carried out in accordance with the operating instructions for these systems (devices).

It is forbidden to transport children under the age of 12 on back seat motorcycle.

Four children can easily climb onto the back sofa of the car and at the same time feel quite comfortable. The question arises. Is it possible to transport 6 people in a five-seater car and will this be a violation of the rules?

One more example. There are five adults and one child in the car. At the same time, the child sits on his lap. Again, no one experiences any discomfort. Is such transportation allowed?

Ban on carriage of extra passengers

Consider paragraph 22.8 of the rules of the road:

22.8. It is forbidden to transport people:

  • outside the cab of the car (except for the cases of transporting people in the back of a truck with an onboard platform or in a box-body), a tractor, other self-propelled vehicles, on a cargo trailer, in a dacha trailer, in the back cargo motorcycle and outside of the seating areas provided for by the design of the motorcycle;
  • in excess of the amount stipulated by the technical characteristics of the vehicle.

To understand how many people a car can accommodate, you need to refer to it technical characteristics... This document should indicate how many passengers can be carried in the vehicle. Usually this information is indicated in the "Body" section. For example, the entry "5-seater" means that the car can be driven by 4 passengers and 1 driver. Most passenger cars are exactly 5-seater. However, there are other options as well.

In passenger cars, the maximum number of people in the passenger compartment usually corresponds to the number of seating positions. As for the buses (including), they may include standing places.

Consider paragraph 22.3 of the SDA:

22.3. The number of people transported in the body of a truck, as well as in the cabin of a bus carrying out transportation on an intercity, mountain, tourist or excursion route, and at organized transportation groups of children should not exceed the number of seats equipped for seating.

This paragraph lists several situations in which each passenger should be provided with individual place:

  • When transporting people in the back of a truck.
  • On an intercity bus.
  • On a bus following a mountain route.
  • On a sightseeing or tourist bus.
  • At .

In other cases, the bus can also carry standing passengers. However, their number should also not exceed the value indicated in the technical characteristics of this bus.

Extra passenger penalty in 2020

The punishment for the transportation of extra passengers is provided for in the article:

Article 12.23. Violation of the rules for transporting people

1. Violation of the rules for the transportation of people, with the exception of cases provided for by parts 2 - 6 of this article, -

entails overlapping administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

Thus, for the carriage of an extra passenger, a fine in the amount of 500 rubles... This fine is imposed on the driver of the vehicle and does not depend on the number of "extra" passengers.

The penalty for this violation is minimal, so I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in the event of an accident, "extra" passengers can not only get injured, but also cripple other people in the car.

The question arises, what should large families do? How to transport four or more children? In fact, everything is quite simple. There are several models of passenger cars on the market with 6 passenger seats. These are the ones that should be used.

The most common mode of transport on public roads is passenger cars, which require a Category B driver's license. Many have noticed that when the driver's license is changed, the "M" and "B1" are additionally opened. They open up an additional opportunity to legally drive several types of vehicles. Next, we will look at what these icons mean.

on a driver's license, how to get it, what you can ride and how many passengers you can carry.

What does Category B (B) mean in rights

If you refer to the decree of the government of the Russian Federation "On admission to drive vehicles" No. 1097 dated November 24, 2014, category B of a driver's license allows you to drive cars (except for vehicles falling under "A") with the following characteristics:

  • The maximum weight does not exceed 3.5 tons;
  • The number of seats for passengers is not more than 8 (together with the driver 9);
  • It is allowed to use a trailer weighing up to 750 kg. (if the trailer weighs more than 750 kilograms, category BE must be open, excluding the following condition);
  • When using a trailer weighing more than 750 kg, it should weigh less than a car, and their total weight in a loaded state should not exceed 3.5 tons.

What can you ride with category B

The presence of a category B driver's license allows its owner to drive a fairly wide range of vehicles, including light trucks, such as:

  • Cargo gazelle (Gazelle Business and Sable);
  • UAZ Cargo, UAZ "loaf" 39625;
  • Various small-scale "heels" based on Grants, VAZ 2104, Niva, etc:
  • Serial Lada Largus, Citroen Berlingo, VW Caddy, Ford Transit etc.;
  • Volkswagen Transporter, Mercedes Vito, Peugeot Expert, Peugeot Jumpy, Hyundai starex H1, Peugeot Boxer, Renault Master, Mercedes Sprinter, Iveco Daily, Hyundai Porter, etc.
  • Any passenger car and minibus up to 3.5 tons
  • Quadricycles and Tricycles corresponding to category B1 driving license;
  • Mopeds and scooters (M);

How many passengers can be carried

As mentioned earlier, category B rights allow the transportation of passengers in cars, the number of seats in which does not exceed 8, excluding the driver. Together with the driver, it will be 9.

Independent conversion, for example, of a passenger Gazelle for 8 seats does not give the right to drive it. Unauthorized interference with the vehicle design is prohibited - all changes must be coordinated with the traffic police and registered in accordance with all the rules. The vehicle title must reflect the vehicle category that corresponds to the driver's license. Thus, MTS is the best indicator, when in doubt, which vehicle can be driven with "B" rights and how many passengers to carry.

About trailer

If you intend to hook up a trailer to your "passenger car", then it should weigh no more than 750 kg, and the total mass should not exceed 3500 kg. To do this, it is enough to have a category B in your driver's license. general condition when driving light vehicles, however, there are a number of additional ones.

Additionally, the trailer is allowed to be used with a mass of more than 750 kg, provided that two conditions are met simultaneously:

  • The vehicle weighs more than the trailer;
  • Structure weight within 3.5 tons

Consider the compliance with the example nissan suv Patrol, which weighs almost 3.4 tons, coupled to a 500 kg trailer. Everything seems to be within the normal range, but the total weight exceeds the maximum allowable, which prohibits the operation of this design with category B.

Training for the right "B"

Admission to the traffic police exam will be available for a candidate for drivers only after completing training in a driving school and at the age of 18. Self-study and passing exams at VU as an external student have sunk into oblivion, so there is no getting away from this reality. Training for category B costs from 17,000 rubles, lasts from 2 months and includes:

  • Theoretical course and passing certification on the knowledge gained;
  • Teaching of driving at the circuit, including special exercises with an instructor;
  • Driving in urban environments

When the prescribed training hours are over, the student will be given a driver's card confirming the successful completion of a driving school, which gives the right to pass the exam at the traffic police. It should be noted that a candidate for drivers must have a medical certificate in his hands, indicating that there are no contraindications for health.

After passing the exam in the traffic police, a driver with an open category B, B1 and M in a driver's license will be released, who has confirmed his skills in driving cars. Now he will be able to safely drive on public roads, not forgetting to designate his vehicle with a special identification mark"Exclamation point". By law, a beginner must ride with him for 2 years in order to signal other road users that they have no experience.


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