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Evacuation of a car is clearly an unpleasant event in the life of a car owner. You can quickly find out that the car was taken by a tow truck, and not taken by intruders, by calling 02, on the phone of a single evacuation service or a specific impound. Returning the car will take time and, most likely, pay a considerable amount. It all depends on whether the car owner knows how to pick up the car from the parking lot correctly - without unnecessary emotional and financial losses.

In what cases the car is taken to the impound

Cars are detained and taken to the parking lot in the following cases:

  • the driver parked the car in the wrong place, including under the “No parking” sign, closer than 5 m to the pedestrian crossing or the edge of the carriageway before a turn, an intersection, closer than 15 m to the stop of route vehicles, etc. .;
  • the driver does not have documents for the car when stopping by the traffic police. In this case, you can ask someone to quickly bring documents, if possible, then you will not have to go to the impoundment;

IMPORTANT! If the elimination of the reason for the detention is possible in the presence of traffic police officers, for example, changing the parking lot or providing documents that were promptly brought by relatives, then only a fine for the corresponding traffic violation will have to be paid.

There are other violations of the traffic rules and the Code of Administrative Offenses, which are the reason for the evacuation of the car to the parking lot. Frequently encountered are described above.

IMPORTANT! Detention of a vehicle and its evacuation is not carried out with people in the cabin or if the owner appears in the process of filling out the protocol. It should be borne in mind that a special presence in the car in order to prevent its evacuation can be regarded as resistance to traffic police officers, which entails an administrative penalty, up to and including arrest.

Car return procedure

After the car owner has found out exactly which car parking lot is located, it is necessary to act in accordance with the rules indicated in each specific city.

  1. First, you will have to visit the traffic police department and get a certificate that allows you to pick up the car from the parking lot. You can pay the fine both when visiting the department and after, within 60 days.
  2. The owner of the vehicle can immediately pick up the car from the parking lot, inspecting it for damage received during transportation, and presenting Required documents... The decision on the violation with the amount of the fine will be sent to him by mail. It is better to find out how to do the right thing in a specific situation (go to the department or immediately to the parking lot) by calling the phone that was used to locate the car.

The documents

In order to return the car, the owner will need to provide:

  • driver's license;
  • passport;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • insurance policy;
  • a certificate from the traffic police (if necessary);
  • a power of attorney certified by a notary, if the car is not taken by the owner (it should be borne in mind that the person must be entered in the policy). This is especially true in the case of a drunk driver caught.

In addition to the documents and rules of conduct, before picking up the car from the impoundment, you should pay attention to such an important detail as the protocol of detention and evacuation. It should describe in detail:

  • the evacuated vehicle, its technical and visual characteristics available during an external examination, as well as the presence of damage;
  • special equipment, with the help of which the evacuation was carried out, because some cars with automatic transmission gear or low ground clearance can only be transported on certain tow trucks;
  • place and time of registration and elimination of the violation.

If violations are found in the data of the protocol, it is considered invalid and contested in a pre-trial or judicial order, and the owner can pick up the car from the parking lot without paying evacuation costs and fines.

IMPORTANT! If it is impossible to pick up the car from the parking lot within a certain time, during which the amount required for payment becomes equal to the average market value of the car, then the car is withdrawn from the owner on account of the debt.

How much will you have to pay

Stress in the event of a car evacuation for a violation Traffic rules driver he experiences not only when he sees that the car is not at the place where it was left, but also when voicing the amount that he will have to pay. It is compiled taking into account the following factors:

  • payment for tow truck services (from 2,000-3,000 rubles for a car or motorcycle, up to 27,000 rubles for a truck);
  • payment of the parking lot (the cost depends on the region, on average from 30 to 60 rubles / hour, in some regions the first day of stay at the parking fine is not paid);
  • payment of a fine for a specific violation (the amount of the fine for a violation also depends on the region, for example, non-observance of the rules for parking a vehicle in Moscow is punishable by 3,000 rubles, and in Vologda - only 1,500 rubles).

IMPORTANT! Fines for some offenses leading to the evacuation of the vehicle can be paid within 20 days.

Actions in the event of damage to the vehicle

Often, owners who come to pick up a car from the impoundment yard are faced with the fact that it is damaged. Headlights, rear-view mirrors, fenders, bumpers are in the zone of special risk during evacuation. Although there are cases in practice when cars fall from a tow truck and require almost complete restoration of the body.

If the owner, intending to pick up the car from the parking lot, found chips, scratches or other damage, it is necessary to contact the parking staff with a request to issue a protocol of detention and evacuation. If there are no marks in it about the presence of damage to the car, it is necessary to call the police directly to the impoundment parking lot to fix the violation of the rules for the evacuation of the car and draw up a protocol. Further actions of the car owner depend on the management of the parking lot: compensation can be paid during peace negotiations, it is possible that compensation for damage will have to be sought in court. The truth in most cases is on the side of the owner of the car.

Andrey, Hello.

If you were not given a decision to return, then, unfortunately, you will have to go to the traffic police for it. After this decision is issued to you, the car must be returned. They should not demand anything additional from you.

Good luck on the road!

Alexander, sorry. You either need to get the specified amount (for example, take a loan or debt) and return the car, or, if the cost of the car is less than the cost of storage, simply do not pick it up, because it is not economically feasible.

Good luck on the road!

I got into an accident (the wheel broke). From the scene of the accident, the traffic police officers took the car to the impoundment parking lot by a tow truck from the traffic police. On my part, they refused to give the car to the tow truck, explaining that from the moment of the accident they are fully responsible for my car. After the end of the investigation, the investigator says that it will be necessary to pay for the tow truck. Moreover, the investigator calls the amount of 8,000 rubles, and 10,000 rubles at the impound. Do we have to pay for the tow truck? And do we have the right to refuse to take out the car on our own at the parking lot?

Rodion, indicate on the basis of which clause of which regulatory document the car was taken by the traffic police tow truck. Or did you voluntarily give the car to a tow truck employee?

Are you not allowed to pick up the tow truck yourself and are offered to use the traffic police tow truck again?

At the time of loading the car, I was not there, as I was taken to the hospital, my friend had all the documents and he handed them over to the traffic police officers.

Now the car is parked in a private parking lot, the same company as the tow truck, but they said that when I pick up my car, they will not let my tow truck into the territory, but only their tow truck can be used.


1. Concerning the payment of the parking lot and the tow truck. I recommend that you in the organization, which owns the tow truck, demand the documents on the basis of which they want you to pay for their services. As far as I understand, you have not entered into any contract with them, so let them justify why you should pay them.

2. Regarding the admission of a "foreign" tow truck. It is quite possible that the company really has such rules and unauthorized tow trucks cannot enter the territory. Again, you can ask the company to show you documents confirming this. In any case, the tow truck of the parking lot can put the car out of its limits, where it will be taken by "your" tow truck.

Good luck on the road!

Hello. Is the deferred payment for tow truck and parking extended for incorrect parking? Or for all kinds of violations?

This is not a deferred payment, when, on the basis of a statement that it is impossible to pay now, you may be allowed to pay later than the due date. It is necessary to look at the local laws on the evacuation of the vehicle to the parking lot, it is there that the procedure and terms of payment are described. And the car will be returned immediately.


Hello Maxim! If the car was taken away for incorrect parking, and when the car was issued to us, the car was not given to us, because the bailiffs imposed a ban on the issue. I will explain that we had an overdue loan, but it has nothing to do with the car. The bailiffs do not lift the ban and say that they will lift the ban after the loan is fully repaid, and we will pay all the costs of the parking lot. We are extinguishing the loan, but finding a car in the parking lot has been almost 4 months and the cost of paying for the parking lot is several times higher than the cost of the car itself! Please tell me, Maxim, is it possible, in this case, not to pick up the car from the impound parking lot?

Sergey, Hello.

If the cost of the parking lot exceeds the cost of the car, then it is impractical to pick it up. Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that the owner of the car parking lot may subsequently try to recover the cost of storing the car from the car owner. Whether this will happen in practice, I do not know. In some cases, the employees of the parking lot simply demand to pay for storage, and in case of non-payment, they dispose of the vehicle.

Good luck on the road!

Day, such a situation: They evacuated the car from the parking lot, indicated by the parking sign, it was written in the protocol that it parked in the second row (but for understanding the passage did not block anyone and stood on the side of the car that drive forward or backward, without a photo of the place, of course, you probably cannot understand) ... We arrived at the traffic police, paid the fine, arrived at the parking fine, took the car without paying the parking fine, because I do not agree that the car was evacuated legally. A year later, they send me a lawsuit stating that I must pay 1900 (for a parking fine) + 400 (state duty) + 5200 (for the representative who made this lawsuit).

How to be in such a situation? How to correctly formulate an answer that I do not agree, that they would provide me with a photo from the parking lot, that their actions were legal? Or at least how to avoid paying those 5200 and pay them those 1900. Thanks in advance.


I am on vacation. At this time, my brother's girlfriend got behind the wheel of my car and was stopped by the traffic police and fined for driving without a license, after which she was released. Then a few days later the situation repeated and the traffic police officer decided to evacuate the car to the impound. a place for my brother with the rights to drive a car (I have unlimited insurance), they refused to give the car, saying that he was not a proprietor. Meanwhile, as a proprietor, there were no messages and calls from the traffic police, although in fact my car was twice taken without permission (stolen) and for this the moment is at the parking lot penalty and I do not learn about it from the law enforcement agencies. Should the traffic police in such cases contact me?


Hello, we took the vehicle to the parking lot for incorrect parking.

I came to the parking lot, they wrote out a protocol and a resolution on an administrative offense to me. The decree says that the person is responsible for paying the cost of moving and storing the detained vehicle.

Please tell me where and when will I receive a receipt for the tow truck and vehicle storage in the parking lot and how long will it take to pay?


Maxim, hello! The same situation, only taken away old car from the yard (five 97years). I no longer live in this courtyard, I noticed this 6 months after the evacuation. The traffic police did not issue any fines or notifications. The amount of debt in the car parking lot is several times higher than the cost of the car. The parking lot belongs to the municipal unitary enterprise. The question is, could it be easier to come to an agreement with the head of the parking lot, and go to remove and write off the car?

Yuliya, Hello.

Unfortunately, in the described situation, you immediately had to deal with the appeal of the traffic police fine. Since you have not disputed either the fine or the evacuation, the claim for reimbursement is legal.

Good luck on the road!

Vladimir, in this case the traffic police is not obliged to notify you. Your car was not hijacked, because You did not file a hijacking report.

Good luck on the road!

Alexander, Hello.

It is better to clarify this question at the parking lot, because evacuation rules are established by each region independently.

Good luck on the road!

Alexey, Hello.

If there is an opportunity to negotiate with the employees of the parking lot, then it is better to do so to minimize costs.

Good luck on the road!

Hello! The situation is this: the car stood in a private parking lot for half a year, since the owner of the car died and did not have time to pick it up, the Gai refused to give permission until half a year had passed. I am the representative by proxy of the heir. I did all the registration with a notary and went straight to Gai, where they gave me permission to issue a car, but the owner of the parking lot demands money for half a year, who should pay it if a completely different person was detained on the car - not the deceased owner himself .. Please tell me what law to regulate? Thank you.

Olga, Hello.

After what violation the car was sent to the impound parking lot?

The car was detained for drunk driving ...

Olga, article 27.13 of the Administrative Code, part 10:

10. Moving vehicles to a specialized parking lot, with the exception of vehicles specified in part 9 of this article, their storage and return to owners, representatives of owners or persons who have documents necessary for driving these vehicles, payment by persons brought to administrative responsibility for administrative offenses that entailed the use of detention of vehicles, the cost of moving and storage of detained vehicles are carried out in the manner prescribed by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Return detained vehicles to their owners, representatives of owners or persons who have documents necessary for driving these vehicles, is carried out immediately after elimination of the reason for their detention.

In the situation described by you, the person who violated the rules must pay the cost of storing the vehicle. The car must be returned to you without payment for storage. If the car is not returned, ask for a written refusal, and file a complaint based on it.

Good luck on the road!

Thanks for the answer! I myself read this many times, in the parking lot they agreed with this, assuring me that until the violator paid, she would stay there ... In general, I felt sorry for the car, I had to pay 80 thousand. But I did not guess the refusal, I later read your answer ... Can I go to court now?

And yet, how can I put the car on myself? If the heir is in prison? It is not a problem to draw up a contract or a deed of gift, but the signature in the TCP, how to make the previous owner if meetings with the convict are prohibited?

Olga, in this case, you can try to collect the cost of storage from a person who violated the traffic rules, because You have paid for it.

With regard to the ownership of the car. Perhaps you have the opportunity to contact the heir by mail. In this case, you can draw up a contract and, together with PTS, send it in a letter. In response, the heir will send you a signed contract and TCP. Or look for another connection opportunity. If there are no options, then you can contact the head of the correctional institution on this issue.

Good luck on the road!

Hello, 10/05/17, was stopped by traffic police officers, my son. After refusing to be examined, the car was sealed and sent by a tow truck to a specialized paid parking lot, although there were two drivers with him with driver's licenses. The court was a special order, they gave 9 months of strict regime for 264/1. They took them away from the courtroom, no one explained anything about the car. After 4 months, they counted 48,000 thousand for parking or refusal in favor of parking. Do they have the right to demand this.

Do they have the right to demand it.

In the right. Consider yourself lucky that your son's car was taken away.


Good day! I took the car from the impound parking lot without paying for the evacuation of the car. And subsequently the decree was canceled (the "stop is prohibited" sign was installed after the car was parked). More than half a year has passed, but I still have a fine for evacuating the car. how can I "remove" it from myself? Data on cancellation of the order is not automatically transferred anywhere? Do I need to go somewhere myself with a copy? where?

05.12.16 125 460 0

And how to reduce costs in such a situation

Every motorist can run into a tow truck. You don't have to be a malicious violator to do this.

It is enough to inadvertently stand under the sign "Stopping prohibited", run over the curb with a wheel or park in a place for the disabled.

Evgeny Popkov


In this article, we will figure out where to call, how to draw up documents and when and how much to pay if the car is taken away.

Evacuate someone else's car

Let's say someone's car is being evacuated in front of you. The owner parked a meter away from the crosswalk and went about his business. For such parking, a fine of 1000 rubles and transfer to a special parking lot are provided. In Moscow and St. Petersburg the fine is more - 3000 rubles.

Don't be indifferent and help the owner. Go to the car and try to find the owner's phone number. It could be on a note under glass.

Found the number? Call the owner and warn that his car will be evacuated. He will have time to return to the parking place and pick up the car before being taken to a dedicated parking lot. This will save him several thousand rubles for the evacuation.

Evacuation staff will not call the owner themselves. They are interested in taking the car to an impound parking lot as soon as possible, because the law obliges the offender to pay the costs of moving the car.

Auto business card

Write your phone number on the back of any white business card and place it on the inside in the right corner windshield... This way, witnesses to the evacuation of your vehicle will be able to call and warn you.

Evacuate your car

You returned to the car parked on the side of the road and saw that the car had been sealed with stickers "Spetsstoyanka" and was being lifted onto a tow truck. It turned out that you drove rear wheel on the curb and violated the traffic rules.

3000 RUB parking penalty

Go to the traffic police inspector and show the documents for the car, confirming that you are the owner. Inform that now rearrange the car correctly - parallel to the road without going over the curb.

The traffic police inspector will check the documents and instruct the tow truck driver to put the car back on the road.

According to the law, evacuation services are required to remove the car from the tow truck and return it when the owner appears. Provided that he moves the car to an authorized place.

For incorrect parking, you will be issued a protocol on an administrative offense and a fine of 3000 rubles. The fine will have to be paid within 60 days. If you keep within 20, you will be given a 50% discount.

Since you returned to the car before the tow truck started moving, you do not have to pay for evacuation and storage costs in the impound. In Moscow, for a car of category B, you will save from three to seven thousand rubles on evacuation costs and 1000 rubles for each day of storage.

Your car has already been evacuated

You returned to the parking lot and did not find your car where you left it. Find out urgently if the car was stolen or evacuated. To do this, call the traffic police on duty at 112.

After you are convinced that the car was moved to the car park for incorrect parking, be sure to ask the duty inspector who issued the detention and where the car was taken.

Let's say you were informed that the detention was executed by the traffic police inspector of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of Moscow, and the car was taken to a specialized parking lot at Moscow, Podolskikh Kursantov Street, possession 7A. Write down the information so you don't forget.

The further procedure depends on where the documents for the car are in your hands or remained in the glove compartment.

After evacuation

If the documents are left in the car

If the documents remain locked in the evacuated car, then first you need to go to the impound.

In the parking lot, you write an application for opening the car and admission to the salon. An employee of the car parking lot will issue an autopsy report and remove the seal. As a rule, they are removed only from the driver's door. You pick up the documents from the salon. After that, the employee draws up an act of re-sealing and seals the door again.

Now that all the documents are in your hands again, you can go to the traffic police department, which issued the detention.

After evacuation

If the documents are on hand

To pick up a car from a car parking lot, first go to the traffic police department for a decision on the return. You need to go to the department whose inspector issued the arrest.

The inspector on duty will require a driver's license from you, a vehicle registration certificate and an OSAGO policy. You do not need to call home for a PTS, a registration certificate is enough.

On the basis of your documents, the inspector on duty will issue a resolution on an administrative offense. The decree is the key document during the evacuation. It is the very same decision on return, which confirms that the official allows the owner to pick up the detained car.

The order is accompanied by a receipt for payment of a fine for incorrect parking

With the decree in hand, go to the impound. There you need to show it to employees and confirm that you are the owner of the car or have the right to drive it. To do this, show the vehicle registration certificate.

5000 RUB payment for car evacuation

The parking staff will write out a receipt for payment for evacuation and storage and will lead you to the car.

1000 RUB day in the parking lot

It is not necessary to pay the cost of evacuation and storage prior to receiving the car. By law, the owner can pick up the car without prepayment.

Example of evacuation costs

Let's imagine that you pick up the car three days after the evacuation. In Moscow for passenger car category B with power over 80 and up to 250 hp. evacuation costs 5,000 rubles, and storage is 1,000 rubles per day. In the receipt they will write to you 5000 + 3 × 1000 = 8000 R. If you pay before receiving the car, you will be able to save 25% - 2000 RUR.

At the end, you check if the car was damaged when loading / unloading onto a tow truck, sign the acceptance certificate and pick up the car.


  1. If you see someone else's car being evacuated, call the owner and help him pick up the car.
  2. Evacuation services are obliged to return the car to you if you managed to come up before the tow truck started moving.
  3. If the car was evacuated, and the documents for the car remained in the glove compartment, then your route is as follows: Penalty station → Traffic police department → Penalty station.
  4. If the car was evacuated, and the documents for the car are in your hands, then your route is as follows: Traffic police department → Penalty.
  5. You must return the car from the parking lot without prepayment of the fine and the costs of evacuation and storage. But if you decide to prepay, get a discount.

When parking in the wrong place, be prepared for your car to be evacuated. It will be useful for every driver to learn how to pick up a car from an impound parking lot in Moscow in 2017. The procedure is carried out in a similar way in other cities.

What to do if the car was evacuated to the impound

This problem can be faced not only by a violator of the parking rules, but also, for example, a driver who does not have a document with him that gives the right to drive a vehicle. In addition, an inspector can seize a car if he detects a malfunction in which movement is prohibited (in the steering or brake system).

We call the traffic police

The first thing that worries a citizen who has not found his car in the place left by him is where to look for it. Initially, it is worth finding out if the evacuation has taken place or if your car has been stolen.

To find out where to pick up a car from a car impoundment in Moscow in 2017, you should call the police (02) or directly to the evacuation service (+7 495 531-25-55) and clarify the answer to this question. Also, do not forget to find out which traffic police department is in charge of the area from which the transport was evacuated.

We pay the fine and get a certificate

Taking the documents for the vehicle with you, you should visit the traffic police department according to jurisdiction. Here you need to pay a fine and get a certificate that allows you to pick up the vehicle.

Before going to the impound, you should call and clarify the details. Perhaps, in a separate situation, it will be necessary to perform some other mandatory steps for the procedure adopted in a particular region.

We pick up the car from the impound

To pick up your car, you need to make sure that you have all the required documents:

  • permission to issue, obtained from the traffic police;
  • documents for the vehicle, certifying your right to own it;
  • CTP policy.

If a citizen who does not act as the owner will pick up a car from a car impoundment in Moscow, you also need a power of attorney in his name.

If the documents are left in the salon

Quite often, a situation arises when the car was taken away along with the documents contained in it, which makes it difficult for the owner to prove his rights. It is clear that such a situation occurs if the evacuation takes place outside the presence of a citizen. In this case, the instructions on how to pick up a car from the impoundment parking lot looks a little different:

  • First of all, you need to find out what parking lot your car is in. It is enough to get the telephones of the parking lots closest to the place of loss of the vehicle and call.
  • By contacting a specialist. parking lot should write an autopsy statement.
  • In the presence of an employee who fills out the protocol, the car is opened, from where you pick up the necessary papers.
  • The employee seals the car.

After this procedure, you need to proceed as described above.

If a car is threatened with evacuation in your presence, it is better to take all possible measures so that it is not taken to a specialized storage place. This will avoid unnecessary waste.

How to avoid evacuation

For example, if, when checking by an inspector, it turns out that you have forgotten your driver's license at home, you should deliver it for presentation yourself or with the help of relatives. For this you are entitled to a fine (800 rubles), but you will not be deprived of the vehicle.

In order not to have to pick up the car from the parking lot, indicate in the protocol that you are asking for a delay of one or two hours for the delivery of documents.

If you are detained driving a faulty car and are not allowed to drive, it is better to call a tow truck yourself and deliver the vehicle to your parking lot, garage or service station. It will cost a lot, but it will still result in less money. And, in addition, it will not require unnecessary loss of time for travel to offices and parking lots.

It is also worth remembering that transporting vehicles is not allowed if there is a person inside. If you stay inside, then you will not lose the car, but this threatens with responsibility for opposing the traffic police or the police.

How to avoid a fine

We should also pay special attention to what is reflected in the protocol. This is a very important moment. After all, if there are inaccuracies in it or it is filled out with violations, then it may be declared invalid, which is why the fine issued on its basis is also canceled.

The most common mistakes are called the use of unsuitable special equipment for the evacuation of a car with an automatic transmission or with a low landing. For such vehicles, it is necessary to use a special type of tow trucks.

It is also worth checking the malfunctions and visual characteristics described in the protocol. This will help to identify scratches or damage that the car received during the evacuation process, which is also important for the owner. Only after that you can pick up the car from the impound parking lot in Moscow.

Before picking up the car from the parking lot - pay the fine

Amount of penalties

It will not be possible to pick up a car from a car impoundment in Moscow without material costs. The driver will need to pay a fine for staying the car in the parking lot. Prices may vary slightly by city. The following rates are valid in Moscow today:

  • Motorcycles: 3 thousand rubles;
  • Cars up to 80 hp: 3 thousand rubles;
  • Cars up to 250 hp: 5 thousand rubles;
  • Vehicle over 250 hp: 7 thousand rubles;
  • Trucks: 27 thousand rubles.

In addition to this cost, which includes the cost of evacuation, the driver will need to pay for each day of downtime. Here the cost can be, depending on the parking rates, from 500 rubles to 3 thousand. Therefore, it is worth hurrying up and picking up the car from the parking lot in Moscow on the same day it was evacuated.

Video: How to pick up a car from a parking lot in Moscow


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