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RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT Milk is an obligatory and indispensable product of baby food. Milk has a high nutritional value and is one of the richest vitamins needed for the formation of bones and teeth. Unfortunately, not all children drink milk and eat meals made from milk and dairy products. And therefore, we, adults, must help children discover the valuable qualities of milk, its significance for a growing organism.

Purpose: to expand children's ideas about milk as a valuable and useful product for the growth and health of the child's body. Objectives: To expand children's understanding of milk and dairy products as an essential component of the daily diet; Teach children to make a daily menu with the inclusion of dairy products; Teach children to choose the right dairy products; To form the ability to use existing knowledge in practice.

Research hypothesis If children learn about the value of milk and dairy products through their own experience, they will have a desire to eat it, as they will understand that for normal growth and development, children simply need to eat cottage cheese and drink milk.

Stages of project implementation: Preparatory (creation of a developing environment, selection of information resources, encyclopedic and fiction literature, creation of problem-game situations) Practical (observation, search work, experimentation) Final (cause a desire to eat milk and dairy products)

Preparatory stage: Selection of information resources, encyclopedic and fiction Reading poems and nursery rhymes about dairy products, cows. L. Tolstoy “About a frog that got into milk”, fairy tales “Khavroshechka”, “Geese-swans”, “Three from Prostokvashino”, D. Mamin-Sibiryak “A parable about milk and oatmeal”, M. Boroditskaya “Milk ran away » Organization of an exhibition of packaging of dairy products "Prostokvashino" Role-playing game "Dairy Products Store"

Experience 2 How milkshake and yogurt are obtained Pour milk into one glass and put fresh berries or jam. Pour kefir into another glass and put jam, dried fruits and fruits. Beat everything with a mixer. Conclusion: If you add berries and jam to milk, you get a milkshake. If you add jam or fruits to kefir, you get drinking yogurt.

Experience 3 Drawing with milk Using a brush, draw a picture with milk. Iron the finished dried drawing with an iron. Conclusion: If you warm up the paper on which milk is drawn or written, then after a while a picture will appear. So, the guys learned about another "magic" property of milk.

"Round table" with parents Parents at the "Round table" shared their experience on how to turn ordinary milk, kefir or cottage cheese into a culinary masterpiece, as well as decorate it so that the child simply could not refuse such food. The result of such a meeting was the creation of a collection of recipes for dishes from milk and dairy products.

Project results Children learned new things about the properties of milk They learned how to produce some dairy products and dishes from their own experience Parents created a collection of recipes for dishes from milk and dairy products Milk and dairy products have become permanent components in the children's menu And most importantly: children drink milk and they like it!

Nomination "First discoveries"

Milk is an essential and indispensable product of baby food. It is in its own way chemical composition and biological properties occupies an exceptional place among animal products used in the nutrition of children of all age groups.

Not all children are happy to drink milk and eat milk-based dishes. Therefore, we, adults, must help children discover the valuable qualities of milk, its significance for the development of the child's body.

Project Passport:

  • project type: research;
  • deadline: 1.5 months;
  • project participants: children 4 - 5 years old, teachers, parents;
  • educational area: cognition;
  • integration: cognition, communication, socialization, health, reading fiction.

Target: enrich children's knowledge about milk as a valuable and a useful product for the growth of the child's body.


  • To broaden the horizons of children about milk and dairy products.
  • To form research skills in children (search for information in various sources).
  • To develop a cognitive interest in research activities, the desire to learn new things.
  • Develop the ability to work in a team share information, participate in joint experimental activities.
  • To form in children a conscious attitude towards healthy eating.
  • Invite parents to participate in the project.

Hypothesis:If children learn more about the value of milk and dairy products through their own research activities, they will understand that milk is a valuable food for the child's body and they will have a desire to eat it.

Fundamental question: WHAT IS MILK?

Problem questions:

  • Where did milk come from?
  • Is milk good for humans?
  • What are dairy products?

Stages of project implementation


  • creation of a developing environment:
    • Enrichment of material in the "Dairy Store" for role-playing games
    • "About milk in drawings" organization of an exhibition of family works.
    • Organization of an exhibition of crafts from packaging of dairy products "Once in Prostokvashino"
  • selection of information resources, encyclopedic and fiction literature
  • creation of problem - game situations

Practical stage

  • Research "Where did milk come from"
  • Excursion to the supermarket
  • Experimenting with milk
  • Experiences

Experience number 1. Modification of milk into curdled milk

Pour into 2 cups of fresh whole milk. One glass was placed in the cold, the other in the heat. Have you observed how milk changes in the cold and in the heat?

Conclusion: milk does not change in the cold, it is stored. When warm, milk sours and turns into a new food product - yogurt.

Experience number 2. Modification of milk into yogurt

Conclusion: if you add berries or jam to yogurt, and then beat it with a mixer, you get yogurt.

Experience number 3. Modification of milk into curd

We have a question : What will happen to curdled milk if it is heated even more? Put the yogurt on the fire, brought to a boil. Thick flakes appeared in the curdled milk and a yellow liquid separated. Strained through a colander. The water was glass and a thick mass remained - cottage cheese.

Conclusion: to get cottage cheese, you need to heat yogurt to a boil and strain.

milk magic

Experience in creating gorgeous floating patterns from common household materials. Pour milk into a flat bowl. Dripped on milk in several places gouache of different colors. A cotton swab was dipped into the product. Dishwashing liquid causes the milk and dye to mix, resulting in beautiful colored swirls on the surface of the milk.


  • Milk is given by a cow.
  • The cow lives in a barn.
  • The cow grazes in the meadow and eats grass.
  • Milk is white, sold in the store.
  • Porridge is made from milk.
  • A car brings milk to the store.


  • Milk is used to make cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, yogurt, yogurt.
  • Various dishes are prepared from milk.
  • If you do not eat milk, you will be in poor health.
  • Milk is brought to the store from the dairy, where it is processed and dairy products are made.
  • There are many useful things in milk: vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, carbohydrates.

Project result: Children have changed their minds about milk and dairy products and have now decided to consume dairy products on a regular basis. THE HYPOTHESIS HAS BEEN CONFIRMED.


  • Murzakaev F.G. A healthy lifestyle is the key to health. Ufa, 1987
  • Stepanov V. Russian proverbs and sayings from A to Z.: Dictionary game. M., 1998.
  • Shcherbakov S.G., Vytkalova L.A., Kobchenko N.V., Khurtova T.V. Organization project activities. 2009.

Project "Milk and dairy products"

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Research work "Drink, children, milk - you will be healthy!" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 366, Chelyabinsk

RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT Introduction: Milk is the first drink Milk is our destiny Milk is our protection We will always drink milk Milk is an obligatory and indispensable product of baby food. It ranks first in its composition and properties. Unfortunately, not all children are happy to drink milk and eat milk-based dishes. Many children do not understand all its benefits. Therefore, we will reveal the valuable qualities of milk, its importance for the development of the child's body.

The purpose of the project: -to understand the benefits of milk and dairy products; -increase knowledge about milk by experimenting and creating a dairy product at home; -develop interest in studying the properties of milk.

Project type: research - creative. Hypothesis: Is milk really valuable for baby food? How does milk turn into curdled milk?

Excursion to the grocery store. I decided to go with my mother to the grocery store to explore the types of milk and dairy products Conclusion: the choice is huge, for every taste and need.

Research methods: - observation - going to the store - searching for information in books - conducting experiments

Exhibition of dairy products in the group:

Experience No. 1 "Comparison of milk and water." For this experiment, we needed: 1 glass of milk; 1 glass of water; Conclusion: Milk is an opaque, white, tasty liquid, odorless.

Experience No. 2 "Mixing milk with other products." For this experiment, we needed: 1 glass of milk; 1 glass of tea: Conclusion: When milk is mixed with other products, the color, smell, taste changes.

Experiment No. 3 "fermentation of milk". For this experiment, we needed: 1 glass of milk, cloth. 1 . Pour milk into a glass 2. Cover with a cloth and put in a warm place for one day 3 . The resulting drink Conclusion: Due to the warm temperature, milk tends to ferment. And from it a completely different drink is obtained - yogurt.

Experience No. 4 "Rainbow in milk." For this experiment, we needed: milk, a saucer, food colors, 2 drops of Fairy (detergent). We took a saucer and poured milk into it: 2. We poured paint on the milk: 3. We added two drops of detergent to the center of the saucer 4. We got patterns Conclusion: due to the fact that milk contains fats, and Fairy dissolves them, movement occurs paints. Thus, colored patterns are formed on the milk.

Results of the project We learned that: - Milk comes from a cow. - White milk, tasty, sold in the store. - From milk, at home, you can make yogurt. - You can cook different dishes from milk. - Milk contains a large amount of nutrients. Milk is good for the growth of the child's body.


Educational technopark of propagandistic orientation

"Drink, children, milk - you will be healthy!"

Grigorkina, Anna

5 years old, Zhuravushka Group



MBDOU "DS No. 366 of Chelyabinsk"

Chelyabinsk - 2018

Stage 1. Theoretical study ………………………………………4

Stage 2. Practical research …………………………………….…5


List of used literature……………………………………………8


Project participants: children, parents, teachers of the senior group.

Relevance of the project: Milk is an obligatory and indispensable product of baby food. In terms of its chemical composition and biological properties, it occupies an exceptional place among animal products used in the nutrition of children of all age groups. But not all children drink milk with pleasure and eat dishes prepared on the basis of milk and dairy products (cereals, milk soups, cottage cheese casseroles, cheese, sandwiches with butter).

Problem Statement: Children preschool age do not understand the importance of milk and dairy products in the development of the mammalian organism.

The subject of study is milk and dairy products.


Is milk really valuable for baby food?

How does milk turn into curdled milk?


Understand the benefits of milk

And dairy products;

Increase knowledge about milk

By experimenting and creating a dairy product at home;

Develop an interest in studying the properties of milk.


Learn about the history of milk consumption.

To expand the horizons of children about the benefits of milk and dairy products.

To convey to children knowledge about the benefits of dairy products for the body, using different kinds activities;

To give an idea about pets, about the relationship between man and animal;

To develop a cognitive interest in research activities, the desire to learn new things.

To develop the ability to work in a team, the desire to share information, to participate in joint experimental activities.

To form in children a conscious attitude towards healthy eating.

Invite parents to participate in the project.

Types of children's activities:



cognitive - research,


Stage 1

Theoretical study:
- Conducting a conversation with parents "Formation of experimental research activity of preschoolers in joint activities with the family."
- Collection of information about milk and home-made dairy products together with parents.

Selection of works of art about milk.
- Selection of experiments with milk.
- Collecting packages of dairy products for the exhibition.

Excursion to the store in the dairy department.
- Carrying out the GCD "The importance of milk in human life."
- Experiments with milk: "Comparison of milk and water", "Mixing milk with other products", "fermentation of milk", "Rainbow in milk".
- Making an exhibition of crafts made from packages of dairy products, made together with parents.
- Preparation of the presentation of the project.
Equipment for experimental activities: Containers for experiments, milk, tea, coffee, instant cocoa, detergent, paints (gouache) yellow, red, blue, cotton buds, water, pictures, tables.
Exhibition of packaging and crafts from boxes of dairy products

Directly - educational activities
"The Importance of Milk in Human Life"

Stage 2

Practical research

Conducting experiments:

1. "Comparison of milk and water"

Material: a glass of milk and water.

- What is the difference between milk and water?

Dip the stick into a glass of water and milk.
- In what glass do we see a stick?
- We smell milk and water. What can we say?

The water is clear, but the milk is not. Water has no smell, but milk does.

2. "Mixing milk with other products"

Material: a glass of milk, tea, coffee.
Statement of the research problem:
Will the milk change in color and taste?
Predicting the result and performing the experiment.
Pour tea and coffee into glasses with milk.
- What happens to milk?
- Has the color, taste, smell changed?
Fixing the results of the experiment and conclusion.
When milk is mixed with other products, the color, smell, taste changes.

3. "fermentation of milk"

Material: a glass of milk.
Statement of the research problem:
- How to get kefir?
Predicting the result and performing the experiment.

Leave a glass of milk in a warm place for several hours. Let's see what happens to milk?
Fixing the results of the experiment and conclusion.
If you leave the milk for several hours in a warm place, you get kefir.

4. "Rainbow in milk"

Material: a glass of milk, a plate for the experiment, paints (gouache) yellow, red, blue, detergent, cotton swab.
Statement of the research problem:
- How to get a rainbow on milk?
Predicting the result and performing the experiment.
Pour milk into a bowl. Add red paint to the center of the plate, then blue and yellow. We dip a cotton swab into the detergent and dip into the center of the plate with milk and paint.
Fixing the results of the experiment and conclusion.
When you add detergent, the paint diverges on the plate in the form of a rainbow.


Results of the implementation of experimental activities:
Project presentation.
The presentation of the project was held in the form of a thematic lesson, which was attended by the children of the group and kindergarten teachers.
Positive results of the project.
During the project, children learned about the importance of milk and dairy products for the development of humans and other mammals. In the course of project activities, children's speech activity increased, the ability to compare according to various criteria, draw conclusions, and their interest in knowing the world around them increased.
During the experimental activity, children:

Children began to drink milk better, eat dairy products.

Children have formed knowledge and ideas about the composition of milk, about its benefits and the need for a child's diet.

We learned - the milk of which animals a person uses for food, got acquainted with the history of the use of milk in dairy products.

We learned from our own experience how to produce some dairy products and dishes.


1. Great Encyclopedia of the student. CJSC "Rosmen-Press", 2006

2. Children's encyclopedia. Mammals. CJSC "Rosmen-Press", 2011

3. Zaitsev G. Lessons of Moidodyr / / Ed. Doctor of Medical Sciences V. V. Kolbanov. - St. Petersburg: Accident, 1994.

4. Laptev A. K. Secrets of the pyramid of health. - St. Petersburg. ,1998.

5. 6. Yu.Chernykh. Drink, children, milk - you will be healthy!


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 366 of Chelyabinsk"

Educational technopark of propaedeutic orientation

for preschool children "Create, invent, try!"

April scientific readings for children of senior preschool age

"Forest Conservation - Paper Recycling"

(naturally - scientific direction)

Nurgaleeva Darina,

5 years old, Kolobok Group

MBDOU "DS No. 366 of Chelyabinsk"


Gelmisurina Rimma Farhitdinovna,


MBDOU "DS No. 366 of Chelyabinsk"

Chelyabinsk - 2019


Stage 1. Theoretical study ………………………………………..4

Stage 2. Practical research …………………………………….…...6


List of used literature…………………………………………..9


Project participants: children, parents, teachers of different age groups.

Educational area: cognitive development.

Relevance of the project: Ecological education of children is a huge potential for their comprehensive development. Grains of environmental knowledge acquired in childhood will help the child navigate the surrounding reality, correctly understand it. But most importantly, they will lay the foundation for a conscious attitude towards nature, the definition of one's place in it in the future. The need for paper products is increasing every day, and the scale of deforestation is increasing every day. In order to save the forest, to give it time to fully recover, it is advisable to come up with ways to recycle paper and cardboard. Recycling waste paper is of great importance, as it saves wood raw materials.

The relevance of the study lies in the fact that today the consumer attitude to nature, the expenditure of its resources without the implementation of measures to restore them are a thing of the past. Usually, when any things or materials become unusable, we throw them away. However, many can be reused or recycled to make new materials. It is economical and less harmful to the environment.

Problem Statement: We believe that all children should love the environment in which they grow up. They must understand that you can’t just pick a flower, break a bush or hang on a tree branch, because all this beauty around us helps us breathe, rejoice, admire, and the fruits of some of these bushes and trees bring us satiety and health. The child, having learned what recycling, for example, paper, can contribute to this process. And adults should turn paper recycling into an educational and environmental option for children.

Object of study: types and possibilities of using paper in modern society and life.

Subject of study:reuse of paper in everyday life.


recycling paper saves our resources.


  1. To acquaint children with the process of recycling paper raw materials.
  2. Continue to form ideas about the role of forests in human life.
  3. To develop practical research skills in preschool children.
  4. To cultivate a careful attitude to the forest wealth of our region.

Stage 1. Theoretical study

  • analysis of the project problem;
  • creation of a bank of ideas and proposals;
  • drawing up and discussing a phased project plan;
  • selection of methodological reference literature on the subject of the project;
  • selection of the necessary equipment and manuals for the practical enrichment of the project;
  • joint planning of educational and creative activities with parents.

main stage

Activities with children

Activities with parents

2.Practical lesson "Trees in our area».

3. ExperimentationTypes of paper and cardboard».

4. Viewing the presentation "Paper production and processing».

5. Practice "Making paper in a kindergarten».

6. Conversation "We save together."

1. Questioning of parents on the topic:

« How do we save paper?»

2. Poster competition on the topic " Take care of the forest."

4. Competition of crafts from waste material "».

Project implementation

Within the framework of the project, many interesting events were held together with all project participants:

1. Practice "Trees in our area”, where children replenished their knowledge about trees growing in Russia, in the city of Chelyabinsk; worked with herbariums, determined from which tree a leaf; competed in teams, answering tasks and quiz questions.

2. As part of direct educational activities, a practical lesson was held on children's experimentation "Comparison of properties of different types of paper and cardboard". In class, the children were introduced to different types paper and cardboard, in the course of an independent study of the properties of paper and cardboard, the children came to the conclusion that paper and cardboard products require careful handling.

3. Practical classes were held at home "paper making"and" Making a pot using the papier-mâché technique "

4. Children together with their parents took part in a poster competition on the topic “How environmental pollution occurs»and the contest of handicrafts from junk material«The second life of paper and cardboard". It should be noted the active participation and creative approach of the families of the group.

Stage 2. Practical research

Practical work "Making paper at home"

Target: Get paper in a kindergarten from used newspapers and scribbled notebook sheets.

To achieve this goal, experiments were carried out.

Experience No. 1. Method for obtaining paper from paper waste.

To get paper at home from paper waste, the following technique was applied.

What to do:

1. Tear the paper into small pieces (no more than 2x2 cm) and place them in a basin. Pour water into a basin and leave overnight.

2. Add a large amount of water and grind the paper with a mixer so that small pieces or fibers of the paper can be distinguished. Make, thus, a full bucket of pulp.

3. Bend a square or round frame.

4. Pull one leg of tights onto the frame. Tie the ends.

5. Fill the basin with pulp and immerse the frame in it.

6. Gently lift the frame, keeping it horizontal. Don't touch it or drip water on it!

7. Lay the frame on a flat surface for five minutes and then hang to dry.

8. After a few hours, the sheet of paper will dry. Carefully separate it with a dull knife from the frame.

Conclusion : The paper is white.

Practical work "Making a pot using the papier-mâché technique"

1. Prepare thin paper (newspaper works well). To do this, you can cut or tear it into pieces, their size depends on the intended size of the product - for small works it can be 1x1 cm, for large ones up to 4x4, 4x10 cm. Torn paper will make the surface of the product smoother than cut.

2. Prepare the form on which the paper will be pasted.

To make the finished papier-mâché easily separated from the base (both finished and molded), it is recommended to grease the form with petroleum jelly or wrap it with cling film before applying the first layer of paper.

3. Paste the form with layers of paper. The number of layers depends on the desired thickness and strength - the minimum number is 4–5, the maximum is not limited, but already with 15 layers, the wall thickness of the product will be about 0.5–0.7 cm, so it usually makes no sense to make more than this number of layers.

To evenly cover the form with paper, it is convenient to alternate layers of different colors - this will make it clear when to start a new one.

4. Dry the product well (within a day) and remove from the mold. If a cut is required for removal, it is convenient to make it with a sharp paper knife. After removing the mold, you need to stick pieces of paper along the cut on the inside of the product so that half of the piece goes beyond the border of the cut, then smear them with glue and attach the second half of the product.

You also need to glue the junction line of the halves on the outside with two layers of paper and, for strength, cover the entire form with another layer of papier-mâché (if further staining is expected, it is better with a layer of white paper).

A well-dried product can be sanded with fine-grained sandpaper.
You can decorate papier-mâché with any paint, but it is best to take acrylic - it will not be erased from the mold and dries quickly. If desired, papier-mache is opened with varnish.

Conclusion : it turned out a pot.


1. As a result of the work done, we studied the history of the emergence of paper, got acquainted with the technology of paper production at a pulp and paper mill.

2. After studying various sources, we tried one of the methods for making paper at home. Using old newspapers and scribbled notebook sheets, we managed to get paper of different quality, and with the help of dyes, bleach, we were able to get paper of different colors.

Thus, the children got acquainted with the manufacture of paper. The resulting paper can be used for household needs, as well as for children's creativity, which will save the family budget and natural resources of our country.

3. Considering that used paper can be recycled while retaining some of its properties, we propose to conduct more explanatory work among children of preschool and school age on the following topics: Waste to income", " The book has a second life»;

We believe that the use of recycled paper raw materials on the scale of the whole state and individual regions makes it possible to conserve forest resources.

We must remember that the forest is a treasure that mother nature gave us and that the forest must be protected, protected and saved with all our might.


  • children's knowledge about the forest as an interconnected system of living organisms;
  • expanding the ideas of preschoolers about the significance and influence of the forest in nature and human life;
  • the emergence of a persistent interest in saving paper and cardboard
  • activation of cognitive and research activities of children and parents;

List of used literature

  1. "Big soviet encyclopedia» / ed. S.I. Vavilov. 2nd ed. State scientific publishing house "Great Soviet Encyclopedia", 1949-1951. T.6.
  2. "Great Soviet Encyclopedia" / ed. B.A. Vvedensky. 2nd ed. State scientific publishing house "Great Soviet Encyclopedia", 1951-1958. T.26.
  3. "Big Book interesting facts". M.: EKSMO, 2010.
  4. Datskevich V. How a book is made. M.: Children's literature, 1987.
  5. Dietrich A., Yurmin G., Koshurnikova R. Why. Moscow: Pedagogy-press, 1997.
  6. Zubkov B.V. A book about a book. M .: "Kid, 1984.
  7. "What is Who is". M.: Pedagogy, 1980.
  8. Shulkina N.V. May there always be a book! Saratov: Privolzhskoe book publishing house, 1988.
  9. I know the world: Children's Encyclopedia: The history of things. M.: AST Publishing House; M.: Astrel Publishing House, 2000. slide 2

    RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT The relevance of the study lies in the fact that today the consumer attitude to nature, the expenditure of its resources without the implementation of measures to restore them are a thing of the past. Usually, when any things or materials become unusable, we throw them away. However, many can be reused or recycled to make new materials. It is economical and less harmful to the environment.

    Formation of ecological culture, economical, careful attitude to paper and cardboard products in older preschool children. Development of skills for independent research activities (hypothesis, planning and conducting practical work that confirms the stated hypothesis). OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT

    research - creative. PROJECT TYPE HYPOTHESIS Is it really possible to get paper from recycled materials?

    Joint activities of parents and children Making paper at home Crafts "The second life of paper and cardboard" Watching a video about paper production Posters on the theme "Take care of the forest" STAGE I

    Mosaic from paper pieces


    Papier mache


    STAGE II Educational activities in a group (conversations, reading, drawing, etc.) Children's experimentation Consultations for parents Homework for parents with children (making models, posters, etc.) Joint activities of children, parents and teachers.

    "Working with the herbarium"

    "Working with Tree Species"

    Drawing "Pollution"


    STAGE III Drawing up a presentation Exhibition of creative works Summarizing the activities of parents, children and educators Summing up the project activities

    The result of the ecological education of preschoolers is the ecological culture of the individual. Everything good in people comes from childhood! How to awaken the origins of goodness? Touch nature with all your heart: Surprise, learn, love! We want the earth to flourish, And grow like flowers, kids, So that for them ecology becomes Not a science, but a part of the soul! V. Sukhomlinsky

    Marina Safronova
    Research project "Benefits of milk and dairy products"

    annotation project.

    Brewed porridge, so don't be sorry and milk.

    Target project:

    This is the formation of children's ideas about the value and.

    Development research- creative and mental abilities of children.

    View project: research and creative.

    Implementation period: 2 weeks

    Members project: children 5-6 years old, teachers and parents.


    Mandatory and indispensable product baby food is milk. In its chemical composition and biological properties, it has an exceptional place among products animal origin, used in the nutrition of children of all age groups. Unfortunately, not all children drink with pleasure. milk and eat meals prepared on the basis milk. Children do not understand the importance milk and dairy products in the development of the human body. Therefore, we, adults, must help children discover valuable qualities. milk, its importance for the development of the child's body.

    Tasks to be solved by the implementation project:

    Expand children's understanding of milk and dairy products, their benefit for the child's body;

    Form in children research skills;

    Develop a cognitive interest in, the desire to learn new things;

    To develop the ability to work in a team, the desire to share information, to participate in joint experimental activities;

    To form in children a conscious attitude towards healthy eating.

    Involve parents in the educational activities of the preschool.


    Is not it milk and dairy products are valuable for baby food?

    Is not it milk is a valuable product for humans?

    Methods research:


    Search work (with various sources of information);

    Experience and experimentation.

    Plan project.

    theoretical stage.

    1. What is milk?

    2. Dairy.

    3. Human use of pet products.

    Practical stage.

    1. Experiments and experiments.

    2. A variety of cognitive activities.

    Theoretical stage

    1. What is milk?

    Methods research:


    Search for materials on the Internet


    Identification of the level of knowledge of children about milk and dairy products with

    surveys of children.

    20 children took part in the survey.

    1 question: What's happened milk?

    Drink - 7

    - dairy product - 6

    Useful product-2

    I don't know - 5

    2. Question: Which dairy you know?

    Snowball, kefir, sour cream, condensed milk, cream, melted milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, ryazhenka

    3. Question: How it appears milk?

    Animals give - 15

    Buying in the store - 3

    Manufactured at the factory - 2

    4. Question: Do you like milk? Why?

    Yes – 10 - 50%

    No - 10 - 50%

    5. Question: What benefits of milk?

    Vitamins - 7

    I don't know - 10

    In order not to get sick - 3

    Conclusion: children do not have enough knowledge about milk as a product and its usefulness.

    Monitoring how children drink milk.

    Fidgets - senior group (23) - drank - 10, did not drink or did not finish drinking - 13

    Firefly - middle group (26) – drank – 20, 6 – didn’t drink

    Teremok - junior group (27) – drank 26, didn’t drink 1

    Conclusion: Younger children drink milk is better than the older ones.

    Finding information about what milk

    Milk is the nutrient fluid given by animals. People use milk from pets:

    Cow - goat - horse - deer - camel

    Most known species milk - cow's milk, it is produced in large quantities and is the most sold and the type used by humans animal milk.

    Part milk included:

    Vitamins – Minerals – Proteins - Dairy acids – sugar – mineral salts

    Collection of information about sour dairy products.

    Methods research:

    Reading educational literature

    Search for materials on the Internet


    Yogurt - fermented milk product, which is fermented thanks to a special bacterium - "Bulgarian stick" Yoghurts are now very common throughout the world: they are made from cow milk with the addition of cream and dry fat-free milk. Yogurts contain a lot of calcium, which is so important for the growth and condition of teeth and bones, they have a good effect on the intestinal microflora.

    Kefir - fermented milk drink, fermented with the help of the so-called "kefir fungus"(this starter is a symbiosis of many microorganisms, lactic acid streptococci and rods, acetic acid bacteria and yeasts). Kefir has a beneficial effect on the microflora intestines: just a couple of glasses of this drink a day prevents the development of intestinal infections and quickly copes with dysbacteriosis caused, for example, by antibiotics. Kefir strengthens the immune system, defeats chronic fatigue, is indispensable for sleep disorders and diseases of the nervous system, helps to lose weight (if you drink it regularly) and well quenches thirst on hot summer days.


    Butter is not only nutritious, but also useful - for skin, hair, vision, bone and muscle tissue. It is rich in vitamins, calcium, contains phospholipids necessary for the structure of cells, especially nerve cells. In addition, the composition of butter includes essential amino acids - substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body, which come only with food. So there is no doubt about the usefulness of butter. We just need to remember that when we melt it in a pan, there are no vitamins left in it. That is why it is better to put a piece of butter in already prepared food.

    curdled milk

    The very word "sour milk" talks about how easy it is to make product. Cooking her So: chilled boiled milk add sourdough(it can be a crust of black bread, a spoonful of sour cream, kefir or yogurt from the previous day) and put in a warm place for 10-12 hours. It is worth remembering that this drink is good only during the day, then it deteriorates. Curdled milk is not as sour as other sour dairy, so it is often fed to children. And if it is made from fat-free milk, it is quite suitable for diet food.

    Cream dairy appear on the surface of fresh milk just a few hours after milking. Since ancient times, this thick, greasy layer was removed or drained (this is how the word appeared, by the way "cream") from the surface milk and churned out the oil. Dairy we used to add cream to coffee, they are indispensable in the preparation of sauces, puree soups, mouth-watering creams, cocktails, homemade ice cream. In Russia, cream of varying degrees of fat content is produced - 10, 20 and 35 percent. They also produce dry cream for coffee, but in terms of taste and nutritional value, of course, they cannot be compared with real ones.

    Sour cream abroad "penetrated" only after the Second World War, and in some countries sour cream is still called "Russian cream". Our ancestors made it Just: filmed ( "swept away"(hence the name) milk cream that floated during fermentation. Now sour cream according to the state standard is prepared from cream with 32% fat content; depending on the technology product different consistency - from 10 to 40 percent fat.

    Cottage cheese, homemade cheese

    The word cottage cheese is Slavic: in Europe and America similar to it the product is calledcottage cheese ("country cheese"). Even in our country, until the 18th century, cottage cheese was simply called cheese, because until the time of Peter the Great, cheese in the modern sense was not known in Rus'. Milk turned sour, due to the bacteria contained in the air, or sourdough was added to it (yogurt, after which it was slightly heated in the oven, and it disintegrated into white clots of cottage cheese ( "cheese") and serum. In Russia, they even invented a recipe "dry cheese": the finished cottage cheese was dried in an oven, pressed, tightly packed in clay pots and poured melted butter on top (in the cellar product could be stored for months). By the way, in Russian the word "cheese" still in use today meaning: salted low-fat cottage cheese in Russia is called "homemade cheese"

    Finding information about benefits and human use of household products



    Strengthens bones, nails and hair, does not cause allergies, strengthens the heart, heals the stomach.


    Helps with colds, heart and skin diseases,

    Good for the stomach


    Helps with diabetes, allergies,

    Rich in vitamins C and D

    Good thirst quencher


    Rich in proteins

    Protects a person from many diseases,

    Great anti aging remedy

    Collection of information about benefits of milk and dairy products.

    It is well known that milk- a very healthy drink. Everyone knows that it contains a large amount of calcium and therefore is useful for strengthening teeth and bones. Is there any other benefits of milk? It turns out there is.

    For nerves

    long time ago milk It was considered an excellent remedy for calming the nervous system and treating diseases associated with mental disorders. For these purposes milk widely used in the ancient East. It was recommended to drink it in the morning to eliminate drowsiness, strengthen mental abilities and intelligence in general. Taken at night milk promotes good sleep and has a calming effect. According to the Indian Vedas, milk is the most important drink, using which a person becomes more reasonable, begins to better understand the world around him and acquires the correct vision of good and evil.

    Modern doctors also claim that milk useful for people suffering from insomnia. To combat it, it is recommended to drink one glass at night. milk. Although a special hypnotic effect milk does not have, but drunk at night, it reduces gastric secretion and has a general calming effect.

    For heart

    Velika benefits of milk and to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Recently Conducted research American scientists testify that taking even one glass milk every day, strengthens cardiac functions and prevents the risk of such events as heart attack and stroke by 37%. This is due to the high content in milk potassium required to maintain vascular elasticity. Milk also has the ability to reduce arterial pressure and therefore useful for people suffering from hypertension.

    For the stomach

    Milk very beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa and is effective tool with heartburn. Since it reduces the acidity of gastric juice, and heartburn, most often, occurs just because of the increased acidity of the stomach. Little known is the fact that milk is a useful addition to berries and vegetables. It increases the calcium content of food and contributes to a valuable mixture of amino acids. Strawberries, blueberries and red currants are recommended to be consumed with milk, because it improves the digestibility of these berries, and also reduces the possibility of an allergic reaction. Milk It is also an excellent thirst quencher, as it contains a large amount of proteins and carbohydrates.

    To normalize body weight

    Moreover, milk, which is sometimes credited with the property of increasing body weight, in fact, on the contrary, it is useful in the fight against extra pounds. In Canada, as a result of a 15 week research found that people who are on a diet and consume milk, on average, lost 4 kilograms more than those who followed a similar diet, but did not include in their diet dairy products. As the authors of the experiment report, “the brain, detecting a lack of calcium, seeks to compensate for it by increasing cravings for products that are not included in the weight loss program. As a result, there is an increase in excess weight.

    Outcome: in the process of collecting and studying information, we confirmed our assumptions about the importance and health benefits of milk.

    Practical stage


    Expand children's knowledge about milk, in the process of various cognitive - research activities;

    Develop curiosity and research skills;

    To promote the ability to work in a team of adults and peers.

    Part 1 - Experienced - research

    Exploring properties milk:



    Conclusion: Milk is opaque, white, tasty liquid, odorless.

    Making curdled milk

    Pouring a glass milk

    Cover with a napkin

    Put in a dark place

    Seeing in a day

    We try the resulting drink

    Conclusion: Milk has the property of fermenting, it turns out a completely different drink - yogurt.

    Manufacturing milkshake.

    Ingredients: milk, syrup, ice cream.

    Conclusion: From milk you can make a delicious cocktail.

    Part 2 - joint cognitive, playful and productive activity.

    Artistic - productive activity

    modeling "House in the village"

    Making a layout "Rural yard"

    Reading cognitive and fiction, looking at encyclopedias.

    Excursion to grocery store.

    Role-playing games "Farm", "Shop dairy products» , didactic games

    "The Fourth Extra", "Guess the Taste", "Labyrinths".

    Conversations aimed at shaping the value of a healthy lifestyle in children.

    Exhibition of family drawings and crafts « Milk– the health of the whole family”

    Conclusion: in the process of joint cognitive - research activities of adults and children expanded children's knowledge about milk, dairy products and their benefits, teamwork skills are formed, children's interest in milk and dairy products.

    Part 3 - summarizing the work

    We learned:

    - Milk is given by a cow

    The cow lives in a barn

    The cow grazes in the meadow and eats grass

    Cows live on farms and are cared for by people. (cattlemen, milkers)

    How does a cow give milk

    - Milk white, sold in the store

    From milk cook porridge

    To the store machine brings milk

    To the store milk is brought from the dairy where it is processed and manufactured dairy products

    From milk make curd

    How milk goes to the store

    What else products made from milk

    What can be prepared from milk

    From milk you can cook different dishes: pancakes, scrambled eggs, pies, bread, porridge, added to mashed potatoes

    What in healthy milk

    IN milk contains vitamins and minerals, fats, carbohydrates, proteins

    - Milk useful for the growth of the child's body.

    Outcome project:

    Design of an exhibition of children's and family works jointly with parents « milk fantasy»

    Research project "Milk and dairy products"

    Project Information Card

    Full name of the project

    Project duration - 2 weeks.

    Project type- research.

    Project participants- children of the preparatory group, educators and parents.

    Children's age- 6-7 years.

    preschool children do not understand the importance of milk and dairy products in the development of the human body.

    Hypothesis: If children learn more about the value of milk and dairy products through their own research activities, they will understand that milk is a valuable food for the child's body and they will have a desire to eat it.

    Model of three questions:

    What do we know about milk?

    Milk is white.

    It is given by cows.

    You can drink it because it is healthy.

    What do we want to know?

    What are the benefits of milk?

    What can be made from milk?

    What is useful in milk?

    How does milk get to the store? Where? (dairy)

    How to find out?

    Ask your mother, grandmother.

    Look in the children's encyclopedia, the Internet.

    Objective of the project: enrich knowledge about milk as a valuable and useful product for the growth of a child's body.

    Project objectives:

    - for children:

    Expand knowledge about milk and dairy products.

    To give an idea of ​​the importance of milk and dairy products for the child's body, to identify the role of milk in human life.

    To form research skills in children (search for information in various sources).

    To develop cognitive interest in research activities, the desire to learn new things.

    To develop the ability to work in a team, the desire to share information, to participate in joint experimental activities.

    To form in children a conscious attitude towards healthy eating

    - for teachers:

    Create the necessary conditions to introduce children to milk, by enriching the developing environment.

    To intensify joint activities with parents to form in children a conscious attitude to eating dairy products for the development of the body.

    - for parents:

    Help to understand the importance and necessity of children's consumption of milk and dairy products for the healthy development of the body.

    Generate interest in collaborative activities.


    "Journey to Dairy Country"

    Project products

    - for children: an album of children's drawings "Drink milk, children, you will be healthy." presentation for children: “What do we know about milk? ”, poster “KOs graze in the meadow”, layout “Cows in the meadow”

    - for teachers: presentation of the project at the teachers' council; these materials can be used to familiarize children with the outside world, in a conversation about proper nutrition for the development of the body.

    - for parents: stand (mobile) "Merry Burenka", a collection of recipes "Family recipes for dishes from dairy products".

    in the course of working on the project, we will find out that milk is the basis of the child's diet. A glass of milk a day is a recipe for longevity that has been proven for centuries! With milk, our body receives all the necessary nutrients for the normal development of the organism.

    for children:

    Knowledge about milk and dairy products, their significance for the child's body and the role of milk in human life will be enriched.

    Cognitive interest in research activities will develop, the desire to learn new things (search for information in encyclopedias and other literary sources, from communication with adults, television programs, etc.).

    for teachers

    Pedagogical skills will improve in the formation of children's ideas about milk and dairy products, in the application of the project method in the work, to see the children's desire to be active participants throughout the project

    - for parents

    We will help to realize the importance of the consumption of milk and dairy products by children for the healthy development of the body

    II. Summary project

    "Milk and Dairy Products"

    Project stages

    Children's actions

    Actions of teachers

    Activities of family members and social partners

    Preparatory Problem: d Preschool children do not understand the importance of milk and dairy products in the development of the mammalian organism.

    Planning: find out "Why does a person need milk?"

    in the course of working on the project, find out that milk is the basis of the child's diet.

    1. Offering solutions to a problem situation (“brainstorming”).

    2.Discussion possible solutions, situations, choice of priority solutions

    1. Creates a problem situation and describes it (uses the 3-question model).

    2. Formulates problems.

    3. Defines tasks.

    4. Develops the content of the educational process according to the centers of activity.

    5. Selects methodological and fiction on this topic.

    6. Attracts family members to cooperation.

    1. Entry of parents into the topic of the project.

    2. Familiarization of parents with the content of the project.

    3.Help to collect literature about milk and dairy products

    4. They talk with children about milk, help them in solving a problem situation.


    (immediate project activities, step-by-step assessment)

    1. Conversations on the formation of children's initial ideas about the value of a healthy lifestyle

    2. Experimenting with milk.

    3. Reading fairy tales, nursery rhymes, proverbs to children about milk and cows, learning poems.

    4. Collective work on drawing on the theme “Kos graze far in the meadow ...”,

    5. Collection of material for the manufacture of a stand (mobile) "Merry Cow",

    6. Making a “Glass of Milk” layout (what vitamins are contained in a glass of milk)

    7. Inventing poems, riddles, short stories about milk (word-creation).

    1.Decoration of the exhibition of children's works.

    2. Development of a scenario for the final entertainment.

    3. Design of information stands for parents,

    4. Assistance in the production of attributes and game aids for children and parents.

    5. Learning poems with children, reading fairy tales and stories.

    6. Controls the development of children's project activities.

    7. Providing differentiated assistance to children in the course of project activities.

    6. Collecting children's drawings for the design of the album "Drink milk, children, you will be healthy."

    1. Helping children in the design of the album "Drink milk, children will be healthy",

    2. Compilation of a recipe book “Family recipes for dishes from dairy products”.

    3. Joint activities to collect material for the manufacture of the stand (mobile) "Merry Burenka"

    4. Help children in the study of the refrigerator to find milk products.

    5.Consultation for parents "Benefits of milk".

    Final ( presentation of project products and reflection - reflections on new knowledge or experience)

    Discussing the result of project activities, finding out the reasons for successes and failures.

    Carrying out the final entertainment "Journey to the dairy country"

    Design and selection of visual and practical material for children.

    Summing up the work on the project.

    Assistance in organizing an exhibition of the project products: a stand "Merry cow", a poster "Benefits of milk".



    1. Project Information Card

    Full name of the project– “Milk and dairy products”

    Project duration - 2 weeks.

    Project type - research.

    Project participants- children of the preparatory group, educators and parents.

    The age of children is 6-7 years.

    The problem that is significant for children, which the project is aimed at solving:preschool children do not understand the importance of milk and dairy products in the development of the human body.

    Hypothesis : If children learn more about the value of milk and dairy products through their own research activities, they will understand that milk is a valuable food for the child's body and they will have a desire to eat it.

    Model of three questions:

    What do we know about milk?

    Milk is white.

    It is given by cows.

    You can drink it because it is healthy.

    What do we want to know?

    What are the benefits of milk?

    What can be made from milk?

    What is useful in milk?

    How does milk get to the store? Where? (dairy)

    How to find out?

    Ask your mother, grandmother.

    Look in the children's encyclopedia, the Internet.

    Objective of the project: enrich knowledge about milk as a valuable and useful product for the growth of a child's body.

    Project objectives:

    For children:

    Expand knowledge about milk and dairy products.

    To give an idea of ​​the importance of milk and dairy products for the child's body, to identify the role of milk in human life.

    To form research skills in children (search for information in various sources).

    To develop cognitive interest in research activities, the desire to learn new things.

    To develop the ability to work in a team, the desire to share information, to participate in joint experimental activities.

    To form in children a conscious attitude towards healthy eating

    For educators:

    To create the necessary conditions for children to get acquainted with milk, by enriching the developing environment.

    To intensify joint activities with parents to form in children a conscious attitude to eating dairy products for the development of the body.

    For parents:

    Help to understand the importance and necessity of children's consumption of milk and dairy products for the healthy development of the body.

    Generate interest in collaborative activities.

    The form of the final event of the project: entertainment.

    Name of the final event of the project:

    Project products

    For children : an album of children's drawings "Drink milk, children, you will be healthy."presentation for children: “What do we know about milk? ”, poster “KOs graze in the meadow”, layout “Cows in the meadow”

    For teachers: presentation of the project at the teachers' council; these materials can be used to familiarize children with the outside world, in a conversation about proper nutrition for the development of the body.

    For parents : stand (mobile) "Merry Burenka", a collection of recipes "Family recipes for dishes from dairy products".

    Expected results for the project:in the course of working on the project, we will find out that milk is the basis of the child's diet. A glass of milk a day is a recipe for longevity that has been proven for centuries! With milk, our body receives all the necessary nutrients for the normal development of the body.

    For children:

    Knowledge about milk and dairy products, their significance for the child's body and the role of milk in human life will be enriched.

    A cognitive interest in research activities, a desire to learn new things will develop (search for information in encyclopedias and other literary sources, from communication with adults, television programs, etc.).

    for teachers

    Pedagogical skills will improve in the formation of children's ideas about milk and dairy products, in the application of the project method in the work, to see the children's desire to be active participants throughout the project

    For parents

    We will help to understand the importance of the consumption of milk and dairy products by children for the healthy development of the body.

    II. Summary of the project

    "Milk and Dairy Products"

    Project stages

    Children's actions

    Actions of teachers

    Activities of family members and social partners

    Preparatory Problem: dPreschool children do not understand the importance of milk and dairy products in the development of the mammalian organism.

    Planning: find out "Why does a person need milk?"

    Forecasting the results / products of the project:in the course of working on the project, find out that milk is the basis of the child's diet.

    1. Offering solutions to a problem situation (“brainstorming”).

    2. Discussion of possible solutions, situations, selection of priority solutions

    1. Creates a problem situation and describes it (uses the 3-question model).

    2. Formulates problems.

    3. Defines tasks.

    4. Develops the content of the educational process according to the centers of activity.

    5. Selects methodological and fiction literature on the topic.

    6. Attracts family members to cooperation.

    1. Entry of parents into the topic of the project.

    2. Familiarization of parents with the content of the project.

    3.Help to collect literature about milk and dairy products

    4. They talk with children about milk, help them in solving a problem situation.


    (immediate project activities, step-by-step assessment)

    1. Conversations on the formation of children's initial ideas about the value of a healthy lifestyle

    2. Experimenting with milk.

    3. Reading fairy tales, nursery rhymes, proverbs to children about milk and cows, learning poems.

    4. Collective work on drawing on the theme “Kos graze far in the meadow ...”,

    5. Collection of material for the manufacture of a stand (mobile) "Merry Cow",

    6. Making a “Glass of Milk” layout (what vitamins are contained in a glass of milk)

    7. Inventing poems, riddles, short stories about milk (word-creation).

    1.Decoration of the exhibition of children's works.

    2. Development of a scenario for the final entertainment.

    3. Design of information stands for parents,

    4 . Assistance in the production of attributes and game aids for children and parents.

    5. Learning poems with children, reading fairy tales and stories.

    6. Controls the development of children's project activities.

    7. Providing differentiated assistance to children in the course of project activities.

    6. Collecting children's drawings for the design of the album "Drink milk, children, you will be healthy."

    1. Helping children in the design of the album "Drink milk, children will be healthy",

    2. Compilation of a recipe book“ « Dairy family recipes.

    3. Joint activities to collect material for the manufacture of the stand (mobile) "Merry Burenka"

    4. Help children in the study of the refrigerator to find milk products.

    5.Consultation for parents "Benefits of milk".

    Final ( presentation of project products and reflection - reflections on new knowledge or experience)

    Discussing the result of project activities, finding out the reasons for successes and failures.

    Carrying out the final entertainment "Journey to the dairy country"

    Design and selection of visual and practical material for children.

    Summing up the work on the project.

    Assistance in organizing an exhibition of the project products: a stand "Merry cow", a poster "Benefits of milk".

    III. Planning (system web) for the project

    « Milk and dairy products»

    IV. Methodological support of the project

    "Milk and Dairy Products"

    The Tale of Princess Kasha and Prince Milk.

    In one sweet kingdom where cakes, eclairs and donuts lived, suddenly, quite unexpectedly, princess porridge was born.

    Ordinary porridge, but very capricious.

    Give me another pan, this one is too small for me! I'm cold, warm me up immediately! the princess shouted, and the courtiers hurried to fulfill her every whim.

    Add some salt!

    Little sugar! More, more, don't be sorry!

    I'm still the princess of the sweet kingdom! the princess puffed and puffed up.

    Hey you, come to me! - ordered the porridge, when she could no longer hold her magnificent body, and it began to overflow from the pan, - Eat some of my porridge! Well, at least lick!

    The princess begged the inhabitants of the kingdom, but everyone refused to eat, lick, did not even want to smell, because of her harmfulness.

    And they began to complain to the king of the Sahara that, they say, the porridge does not close its mouth, it eats from morning to evening.

    Let's take decisive action! - said the king, and refused porridge, first at breakfast, then at dinner. And the princess herself refused dinner, and imprisoned herself in the tower.

    A day, a week, a month passes, and the princess does not ask for forgiveness. He sits in his tower, is silent, and does not let anyone in.

    The king was in despair, how much easier it was for him to negotiate with donuts, or marmalade. But porridge? She can easily flood the whole kingdom with porridge!

    The king thought. Advisors thought. But they couldn't come up with anything.

    Then the king issued a decree, and sent messengers to acquaint all the inhabitants of the kingdom with it:

    I will give my obstinate and rebellious daughter as a wife, and even half the kingdom in addition to the one who persuades the princess to leave the tower!

    And the grooms fell from all sides, gathered around the tower and think how to lure the princess out of there. And she sits near the round window and chuckles.

    But suddenly a rider on a white horse caught her attention. The princess's heart fluttered.

    Is this my prince? she thought as she ran down the stairs.

    At the door, the princess paused to catch her breath and opened the door. In front of her, on one knee, stood the beautiful Prince Milk.

    Do you agree, Princess Kasha, to become my wife and go to my Dairy Kingdom? the young man asked.

    Yes! Yes! Yes! I agree! the princess exclaimed.

    And do you agree, dear princess, to feed all my people with your delicious fragrant porridge with our milk?

    I agree to feed not only your people, but all the inhabitants of my sweet kingdom! Right now! - the princess said happily and began to distribute porridge with milk to all the people who came running to look at the obstinate princess.

    And you know, very tasty porridge turned out! - licking the spoon, said main cook kingdoms , and added, - Bon appetit!

    And then, there was a feast mountain! And I was there!

    I tried the porridge

    I drank milk

    Added strength.

    Appetite for everyone!

    Proverbs and sayings about milk

    Oh-ho-ho, without milk it is not easy, there will be no milk, there will be no cream.

    Too much feed means plenty of milk.

    You won’t give a cow a drink - and you won’t milk it.

    Milk in abundance - and we're fine.

    The cow is warm - milk is on the table.

    Drink cow's milk for health.

    Good weed - milk increase.

    If you work hard, you will have both bread and milk.

    Whoever burns himself in milk, he blows into the water.

    There is no cream without milk.

    There will be hay - there will be milk.

    A cow has milk on its tongue: as you feed, so you milk.

    Proverbs and sayings about a cow:

    The cow is in the yard, so the food is on the table.

    The milk in a cow will not go sour.

    From a black cow and white milk.

    Feed cows from autumn, spring will be more satisfying.

    A naughty cow pampers the whole herd.

    The cow has milk on the tongue.

    Walks like a cow after a calf.

    An affectionate calf sucks two queens, but not a single one will fall on an unkind one.

    He rested like a bull on his horns.

    The cow is horned and rich in milk.

    A cow with milk, and a woman with sweet clover.

    The cow is black and the milk is white.

    If you don't feed a cow, you won't get milk.

    Poems about milk:

    From him - health, strength

    And blush cheeks always.

    White, not white

    Liquid, not water.

    O great wonder of nature,

    Snow-white source of goodness,

    Sing you all this ode,

    This is an ode to milk.

    Milk is the first drink

    Milk is our destiny

    Milk is our protection

    We will always drink milk!

    "I'm looking at milk"

    Breakfast. I'm still awake, thoughts are somewhere far away ...

    Resting my cheek with my hand, I look at the milk.

    I think at the same time: an interesting movie -

    So why should children drink it? And is it useful?

    I could hardly cope on my own, my mother told me.

    It contains phosphorus, calcium, potassium, vitamins A and D

    And my mother also said, drink milk as you like.

    You want with cereal, with cocoa, with honey, with and without a bun.

    Porridge is wonderful with milk, excellent tea with milk.

    With chocolate, you can even - that will be a sweet paradise.

    And, looking directly into my eyes, my mother also said to me:

    Musician, driver, teacher, steelmaker, artist, builder,

    A scientist or a businessman, a president or an athlete -

    Now and in previous centuries - life began with milk.

    Quickly my mind turned on, thoughts became so easy ..

    I took my glass and immediately drank milk in one gulp!

    V. Lavrina

    In the store, in the window

    A conversation ensued.

    What is more needed? What tastes better?

    A heated argument broke out.

    Bighead cheese

    He boasted to everyone:

    "I'm squishy

    Firm, fragrant

    With round holes

    There is no better cheese!

    I'm not like milk

    It's easy to spill it."

    And white sour cream

    Suddenly, she also became bold:

    "I, listen, guys,

    Spill over salads

    Soups and vegetables

    Casseroles and borscht.

    Without me and cakes -

    All second grade.

    I need more milk

    I'm sweeter than cottage cheese."

    Here cottage cheese intervened:

    "That's one of us.

    Respect for cottage cheese:

    We are the stuffing for pies.

    I need more than milk

    And sour cream... Well, a little."

    The oil was also not silent,

    He said very loudly to everyone:

    "To make a sandwich,

    You need butter for bread. Here.

    Pancakes and porridge without me

    There is no one will even.

    I'm fatter than milk

    Cheese, cream, cottage cheese."

    Here is ice cream

    Exclaimed enthusiastically:

    "And me, and me

    All the guys are very fond of:

    With strawberries and cookies

    And with nuts, and with jam.

    The milk was silent

    Sighed deeply:

    "stupid foods,

    How did you forget

    What is cow's milk

    All once were?

    Made cheese from milk

    And cottage cheese - from milk,

    And sour cream with butter -

    This is clear to the children!

    E. Golubev

    IN kindergarten a cow came

    And she said: "Hello, Vova.

    How so? milk porridge

    Didn't you even try?"

    Vova mumbled in response to her:

    "Know, aunty cow,

    Everyone says it's useful.

    It's so uninteresting.

    But offended cow

    Mumbled: "Poor, Vova.

    How are you without this porridge

    You will become stronger and older.

    Porridge is not tastier with jam.

    Moooo, In a good mood!"

    Vladimir Korman

    Delicious porridge.

    Little Petya with his sister Natasha

    I ate semolina porridge for breakfast.

    Mom put it on a plate,

    Milk porridge was highly praised:

    Sweet, fluffy with delicious butter.

    Cooking porridge is also an art!

    To make it good

    It is necessary that in moderation it boiled soft,

    So that the milk is fresh, fragrant,

    It smelled like a meadow and a radiant sun.

    Sugar to be surprisingly sweet

    Semolina is poured evenly and smoothly.

    Semolina porridge - one meal,

    With honey and butter, with cherry jam.

    The porridge with the additive disappeared so quickly!

    Mom looked - in plates clean


    I listened to my mother's order

    I drank milk as a child

    And barely grown

    Cottage cheese ate - that's two!

    Pancake dipped in sour cream

    Look, it's three!

    I like thick cream.

    After three comes four!

    Add oil to porridge

    Very tasty - it's a five!

    Do not count different yogurts,

    And in the counting - it's six!

    It's not too lazy to drink yogurt

    And useful - it's seven!

    The cheese is ripe, because autumn is coming soon!

    There were seven, now there are eight!

    And why should a sheep bleat?


    It became nine!

    Cats love to play tricks

    Drinking milk is ten!

    All dairy products

    I counted in a minute!


    We are funny friends

    Let's sing ditties for you

    About healthy nutrition

    You will be interested to know!

    Drink, children, milk,

    It's not easy to learn!

    For education

    There is no better food.

    Milk is a useful product

    Very tasty, known to all.

    I'll tell you from the bottom of my heart -

    Better not look for food.

    Yogurt, cottage cheese, milk -

    Lots of calcium.

    Teeth are always white

    And no caries!

    I give preference

    I am milk porridge

    So that with each new day

    Become more beautiful.

    Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream

    Good for health.

    I love these products

    I tell you from the bottom of my heart!

    I have a big hair

    The ribbon is short

    I gobble up butter with honey,

    Because young.

    And the blush on the cheeks

    Not at all from cola,

    I drink milk guys

    Be healthy everyone!

    Something I can't sleep at night

    I'll drink milk with honey,

    I will have a wonderful dream

    I'll get a five.

    White color - there is no tastier!

    Ryazhenka, kefir.

    And looks into your mouth

    Pancake with sour cream.

    Cottage cheese, ryazhenka, kefir

    Conquered the whole world.

    Butter, yogurt, indeed,

    They even flew into space!

    If you want to be healthy

    Eat right!

    Drink more milk

    Do sports!

    Drink, children, milk,

    You will be healthy!

    Don't forget that it

    They give you cows!!!


    White, but not snow,

    Delicious, but not honey.

    They take from the horned

    And they give it to the guys. (Milk)

    Although liquid - but not water,

    Not snow, but white. (Milk)

    Under the black cow is a white calf. (Milk)

    From him - health, strength

    And blush cheeks always.

    White, not white

    Liquid, not water. (Milk)

    From white water -

    Whatever you want, do:

    Oil in our porridge

    Cream in yogurt,

    Curd for a pie.

    Eat and drink, pour for the guests,

    And don't be sorry for the cat. (Milk)

    Not snow

    And always white.

    Even though it flows

    Not water. (Milk)

    Chain of riddles for children.

    Chief Farmer Uncle Vova

    Milked a cow in the morning

    After all, she grass is easy

    Transforms into...

    Milk all over the world

    Loved by adults and children.

    If you do not cook porridge with him,

    Sour - will be ...

    Everything is not easy with yogurt,

    You need to drink it for growth.

    And if you don't love - grandma


    Pancakes have a friend,

    He looks like a pie.

    And his name is...

    Every chef knows

    That all this is not a game -

    It's time to take it out.

    After this strange bath

    He plunges into…

    Ah, sour cream! Dishes queen!

    She is proud of both soup and borscht.

    And in love with sour cream

    Brothers round...

    Damn can't roll

    Embark on an adventure.

    Dirty on the path side

    It will only become...

    The fox will catch the kolobok

    Break it in half

    Lubricated with oil, put it in your mouth,

    Because now he...

    Take a sandwich on the road

    To eat a little.

    Rescues all tourists

    Thermos with fragrant…

    Tea was invented by the Chinese

    There are carrots - forest hares,

    Italy is proud

    The fact that there arose ...

    Pizza can be very clever

    Warm up in your oven.

    Well, the cook would be able to us

    Bake a big one in it…

    The aroma of the guests teases everyone,

    But maybe you love

    Sweet with cream...

    The cake is cut into pieces -

    Father, mother, son, daughter.

    And they will visit them again

    Kind farmer and cow!

    Olesya Emelyanova.

    Experience number 1. "Spy secrets"

    Target: To prove to children that with the help of a heat source, milk becomes visible due to the content of useful substances in it.

    Children on sheets of paper with a cotton swab draw various figures with milk, after drying, the drawings must be ironed.

    Experience number 2 "Is there fat in dairy products."

    Target: Prove the fat content of dairy products.

    Place the product (milk, cheese, butter, cream) on a piece of paper and cover with a napkin on top, according to size greasy spots determine the fattest product.

    Conclusion: The more fat in dairy product, the more useful it is.

    Experiment No. 3: An explosion of color in milk.

    To conduct this spectacular experiment, you will need:

    Whole milk

    Food coloring in different colors

    Any liquid detergent

    Cotton buds


    We draw your attention to the fact that milk must be whole, not skimmed. Why? All explanations after experience.

    Work plan:

    1. Pour milk into a bowl.

    2. Add a few drops of each dye to it. Try to do this carefully so as not to move the plate itself.

    3. And now, believe it or not, we're going to get the milk moving with regular detergent! Take a cotton swab, dip it in the product and touch it to the very center of the plate of milk. See what happens! The milk will move and the colors will mix. A real explosion of color in a bowl!

    Explanation of experience: Milk is made up of different types of molecules: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. When a detergent is added to milk, several processes occur simultaneously. Firstly, the detergent reduces surface tension, and due to this, food colors begin to move freely over the entire surface of the milk. But most importantly, the detergent reacts with the fat molecules in the milk and sets them in motion. That is why skimmed milk is not suitable for this experiment.

    Experience number 4. How to quickly cook yogurt from milk.

    Target: Introduce children to the method of quickly fermenting milk.

    Children drip a few drops of lemon juice into cups of milk, observe the process of milk clotting.

    Summary of entertainment in the preparatory group.

    "Journey to Dairy Country"

    Target : to consolidate children's knowledge about the benefits of milk and dairy products.


    Teach children to be mindful of their diet;

    To expand children's knowledge about dairy products, their receipt;

    To continue the formation in children of the value of health, the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle;

    Develop visual memory and thinking of children; develop the conversational speech of children, expand vocabulary;

    Develop the ability to work in a team;

    Develop the ability to navigate in space.

    Preliminary work:

    Talk to children about milk and dairy products.

    Learning the musical-rhythmic game "A goat was walking through the forest."


    Stand "Merry Cow";

    Magic flower with riddles;

    Carpet plane;

    Cow poster;

    Sets of dummies of dairy products;

    Musical compositions “They are grazing in the meadow ...”, “A goat was walking through the forest”;

    Multimedia equipment, presentation on the topic of the lesson.

    The course of entertainment "Journey to the Dairy Country"

    Presenter: Children, we have an unusual lesson today. We'll take a trip. And to find out where we will go and what we will talk about, you need to guess the riddle:

    From him - health, strength

    And blush cheeks always.

    White, not white

    Liquid, not water. (Milk.)

    Quite right. Milk and dairy foods are good for people of all ages, so milk and dairy products should be one of the main places in the diet. It is very important that dairy products have a beneficial effect on the intestines, which helps to strengthen immunity and prevent various diseases. What are the nutrients found in dairy products?

    (consideration of the layout "Glass of milk")

    1) Calcium. It is simply necessary for our bones, for the nervous system. Especially calcium is necessary for the growing body of children, so that the bones develop properly and the teeth are strong.

    2) Vitamin A. A very valuable vitamin for immunity, for the beauty of the skin, nails, strengthening vision.

    3) Vitamin D. Everyone knows that this vitamin is necessary for the absorption of calcium; dairy products contain both calcium and vitamin D.

    4) Protein. It is the main element of which our muscles and bones are composed. The main builder of our body.

    And our journey will be to the Dairy Country.

    Presenter: This morning a parcel was brought to the kindergarten for the children of the preparatory group, let's see what's in it. Guys, here is a letter for us, let's read it!

    "Hello guys! My name is Burenka. I live in Dairy Country and I invite you to my country, and for this I sent you a flying carpet that will be useful to you on your journey.

    Presenter: Guys, do you know where the Dairy Country is located? And who lives there?

    But to find out who lives in the Dairy Country, let's go right there and go and see! Guys, sit on our carpet - the plane!

    Our carpet is an airplane

    Taking flight!

    Together we will all sit down with you,

    Let's fly above the clouds!

    We are heading for the Dairy Country!

    Hey guys, where are we? What is this?

    An image of a meadow with cows grazing on it. Children talk about cows, that they give milk, eat grass.

    Presenter: - Where do cows live? Where is their home?

    Let's see. (Image of a farm, cow pens, a milkmaid, a milk truck.)

    Presenter: Look here is a cow, but she has no tail, let's help her.

    Game Attach the tail to the cow. A large poster depicting a cow (without a tail) is hung on a magnetic board. We give the child a tail in his hands, blindfold, unwind. The child needs to attach the tail to the cow. The game takes place under the musical accompaniment of the song "Who grazes in the meadow?".

    Presenter: - Children, and who, besides the cow, gives us milk? (Goat)

    Musical game "A goat was walking through the forest."

    The goat walked through the forest, through the forest,

    Found a princess

    Found the princess.

    Chorus: Come on, goat, let's jump,

    Let's jump, let's jump

    And kicking our legs

    Let's jump, goat.

    And clap our hands

    Let's clap, clap

    And we'll stomp our feet

    Let's drown, let's drown.

    And we'll wave our tail

    Let's wave, let's wave

    And we'll just dance

    Let's dance the goat.

    Let's shake our heads,

    We swing, we swing

    And we start again


    Presenter: - And where did the milk go now? But before we go after him, let's get to know the people of Dairy Country better?! Different dairy products live in this country. What dairy products do you know? Let's play?

    Ball game "Name the product" Children name different dairy products. For a hint, there is a stand "Merry Cow" with dummies of dairy products

    Host: Look, another letter for us. What is in it?

    Open an envelope and read. It is the inhabitants of the Dairy Country who heard their names and offer the guys to be friends with them. Do you agree? But for this they prepared riddles in which their names are hidden.

    Chain of riddles for children.

    Chief Farmer Uncle Vova

    Milked a cow in the morning

    After all, she grass is easy

    Transforms into...

    Milk all over the world

    Loved by adults and children.

    If you do not cook porridge with him,

    Sour - will be ...

    Everything is not easy with yogurt,

    You need to drink it for growth.

    And if you don't love - grandma


    Pancakes have a friend,

    He looks like a pie.

    Cottage cheese sits in it like a prisoner,

    And his name is...

    Every dumpling floats up.

    Every chef knows

    That all this is not a game -

    It's time to take it out.

    After this strange bath

    He plunges into…

    Ah, sour cream! Dishes queen!

    She is proud of both soup and borscht.

    And in love with sour cream

    Brothers round...

    Damn can't roll

    Embark on an adventure.

    Dirty on the path side

    It will only become...

    The fox will catch the kolobok

    Break it in half

    Lubricated with oil, put it in your mouth,

    Because now he...

    Take a sandwich on the road

    To eat a little.

    Rescues all tourists

    Thermos with fragrant…

    Tea was invented by the Chinese

    There are carrots - forest hares,

    Italy is proud

    The fact that there arose ...

    Pizza can be very clever

    Warm up in your oven.

    Well, the cook would be able to us

    Bake a big one in it…

    Where there is a pie, there will be a holiday,

    The aroma of the guests teases everyone,

    But maybe you love

    Sweet with cream...

    The cake is cut into pieces -

    Father, mother, son, daughter.

    And they will visit them again

    Kind farmer and cow!

    Presenter: - Wow, how many people live in this country ... And who is the main one among them?

    An image of a dairy plant appears. A story about the fate of milk and about the work of the dairy industry.

    And then from the dairy factory all these products are sent to ... a store, where our moms and dads already buy them.

    Host: Oh! Look what a wonderful flower has grown here! Magical, I guess! On each of the petals he has riddles for us. Guys, let's try to guess?

    White water

    We will all need it.

    From white water

    Whatever you want, do:

    Cream, curdled milk,

    Oil in our porridge

    Cottage cheese for a pie

    Eat, Vanyushka, my friend! (Milk)

    Very fond of children

    Cold pack.

    Cold, cold

    Let me lick you once! (Ice cream)

    Guess who is?

    White, thick.

    The cream was whipped early in the morning,

    So that we have ... (Sour cream)

    What are the white grains?

    Not grain and not snowflakes.

    Sour milk - and on time

    We got ... (Cottage cheese)

    It's made from milk

    But his sides are firm.

    It has so many different holes.

    Guessed? This is... (Cheese)

    We'll spread it on bread

    And add to different cereals.

    The porridge will not be spoiled for sure

    White-yellow pieces. (Oil)

    Presenter: Well, our journey to the Dairy Country has come to an end ... We found out which long haul waiting for milk before it appears in our refrigerator. We got acquainted with the Dairy Country and its inhabitants, with whom we will now be friends. Is it true guys?

    Milk, milk for health is given to us!

    Dairy products are great!

    Very tasty and nutritious!

    Milk helps everyone

    Strengthens teeth and gums.

    You feel easy

    If you drink milk.

    With him I grow by the hour

    And good advice ladies:

    Instead of pepsi, lemonade

    Milk should be drunk more often.


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