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Extracurricular activity on vocational guidance "Driver's work".

Author: Sevostyanova Natalya Vasilievna, educator Nizhny Tagil special correctional general education boarding school № 15

Work description: This extracurricular career guidance activity may be helpful for after-school teachers and class teachers. The lesson is intended for students in grades 8-9.
Target: acquaintance of pupils with the profession of a driver.

1. Didactic: acquaintance with the history of the emergence of the profession of a driver; repetition of previously learned rules road traffic.
2. Educational: the formation of a positive attitude towards the profession of a driver; the formation of positive character traits.
3. Correctional: correction of thinking, speech of pupils.

1. Introductory part. Organizing time.

Good afternoon, dear guys, dear adults!
- Good day!
- Let us begin our lesson.
- Draw on the pieces of paper one by one a circle, either red, or black, or blue.

- Thanks!
- Your mood can be determined by the color of the circles.
(Hanging the table "Matching color to mood")
(Summing up)
- Now let's play a game called "Tell me a word."
(Repetition of the rules of the game "Say a word")
- There is no end at the line,
Where are the three points.
Who will invent the end
That will be….
- … well done.
- Where there is a stream of cars,
There are many road signs
The sentry blows the whistle,
So there ....
- … road.
- For me to take you,
I don't need oats.
Feed me gasoline
Give rubber to your hooves
And then, raising the dust,
Will run ....
- … automobile.
- Knows traffic rules,
As a teacher lesson.
Plus the dexterity in driving,
Call him….
- … driver.
- Well done!
- What is a road?
- The road is….
"A road is a driving lane, a rolled or deliberately prepared stretch for the movement of vehicles and people")
- What is a car?
- A car is….
"A car is a transport trackless vehicle, mainly wheeled, driven by its own engine, used to transport people and goods by road")
- Who is called the driver?
- Driver - … .
(Hanging a table with text
"Driver (chauffeur) - a person driving a car)
(Summing up)

2.The main part.

You have already guessed that today in the lesson we will talk about the work of the driver.
(Hanging a table with text
- The purpose of our lesson ...
(Hanging a table with text
"Purpose: to get acquainted with the profession of a driver")
- The profession of a driver is closely related to the history of the development of self-propelled Vehicle... Historically, drivers have existed since the first cars appeared. The first drivers (chauffeurs) appeared in Europe at the end of the 18th century. They drove steam carriages that could reach speeds of no more than 7 kilometers per hour. The very, very first car was designed by the Frenchman Nicolas Cugno in 1770 (showing a portrait of Nicolas Cugno and a drawing of a car designed by him). But it was just a prototype of the car that the German engineer Karl Benz designed in 1885 - the first car with gasoline engine(showing a portrait of Karl Benz and a drawing of a car designed by him). The car moved a little faster than a pedestrian. People laughed at this mechanical freak and called him a "self-running stroller." In Russia, the first car appeared 120 years ago in 1895. Each transport novelty caused surprise and even apprehension on the part of civilians, who preferred to leave its control and personal safety in the hands of an experienced driver who knew the rules of movement very well. The first drivers looked like monsters in their glasses, caps with headphones and long overalls, laced high boots - they were people of the new automobile age (showing a portrait of the first driver). Taxis later appeared, and then trucks, buses. Cars began their conquest of the world. Now we cannot even imagine life without transport and without people working on machines. Today in our country the driver of a motor transport is one of the most widespread professions.
- Is it easy to be a driver? Let's answer this question after reading an excerpt from the work of N. Nosov "How Dunno rode in a carbonated car."
“Once, when Toropyzhka was not at home, Dunno got into the car that was in the yard and began to pull the levers and press the pedals. At first he did not succeed, then suddenly the car snorted and drove off. The short ones saw it through the window and ran out of the house.
- What are you doing? They shouted. - You will kill yourself!
- I will not kill myself, - answered Dunno and immediately ran into a doghouse, which stood in the middle of the yard.
Fuck - fuck! The booth crumbled to pieces. It's good that Bulka had time to jump out, otherwise Dunno and he would have crushed.
- You see what you've done! - cried Znayka. - Stop now.
Dunno got scared, wanted to stop the car and pulled some lever. But the car, instead of stopping, went even faster. On the road came across a gazebo. Fuck - ta - ra - rah! The gazebo fell to pieces. Dunno was thrown from head to toe with chips. One board hit him on the back, the other cracked him on the back of the head.
Dunno grabbed the wheel and let's turn. The car rushes around the yard, and Dunno shouts at the top of his lungs:
- Brothers, open the gate as soon as possible, otherwise I'll break everything in the yard!
The short ones opened the gates, Dunno drove out of the yard and rushed down the street. Hearing the noise, short men ran out from all the yards.
- Beware! - Shouted Dunno to them and rushed forward.
Znayka, Avoska, Vintik, Doctor Pilyulkin and other short men ran after him. But where is there! They couldn't catch up with him.
Dunno drove around the city and did not know how to stop the car.
Finally the car drove up to the river, fell off a cliff and rolled head over heels down. Dunno fell out of it and remained lying on the shore, and the carbonated car fell into the water and drowned. "
- Is it easy to be a driver?
- … .
- How to get the profession of a driver?
- It is impossible to become a driver without a driver's license, so the first step is driving school. The second step is practice: according to some calculations, the skill of a chauffeur begins after 30 thousand kilometers driven. If you wish, you can significantly expand your driver's scope by continuing your education in higher educational institutions in the automotive industry and become, for example, an automotive engineer or a road construction engineer.
- What are the requirements for the driver?
- The driver must know the rules of the road.
- Do you know the rules of the road?
- Yes.
- Let's conduct a blitz poll. When interviewing, you will need to quickly and correctly answer the questions.
Blitz poll questions.
1. What traffic signal prohibits traffic? (Red.)
2. Traffic light signal allowing movement. (Green.)
3. Part of the street intended for transport. (Carriageway.)
4. Part of the street intended for pedestrians. (Sidewalk.)
5. Place of intersection of roads. (Crossroads.)
6. How to cross a one-way road?
7. How to cross a two-way road?
8. How to cross the intersection?
9. Man walking. (A pedestrian.)
10. Which side of the sidewalk should a pedestrian walk on? (On the right.)
11. On which side of the road should a pedestrian walk if there is no sidewalk? (On the left, towards the going traffic.)
12. How many turns are there in total? (Right and left.)
- What qualities should a driver have?
- The driver drives a complex expensive machine, in the creation of which many engineers and workers participated, so he must know well the structure of the machine in order to take care of it, that is, to maintain and repair it, to be able to operate it at different times of the day, of the year. The driver must have such qualities as attentiveness, observation, vigilance, caution, prudence, poise, patience, and be a physically resilient person.
- Are you physically tough?
- Yes.
- I propose to check it out.
(Exercise by children
to the "Song of the chauffeur" performed by L. Agutin)
- Well done!
- I bring to your attention a video about the profession of a driver.
(Children watching a video about the profession of a driver)
- How does the driver work?
- The driver constantly monitors the road, the means of regulation (traffic lights, road signs, marking lines), after the readings of the devices, after the transport, which is moving towards and ahead.
- Who is the driver watching most closely?
- The driver is most closely watching pedestrians.
- During the day, the driver covers long distances. He gets tired and his attention weakens. The driver should be assisted in every possible way in his work.
- What kind of assistance can we provide to the driver in his work?
- Little is required from pedestrians - to follow the rules of the road by yourself and keep other pedestrians from wrong actions on the street.
- Performing important work, the driver expects that you will be disciplined on the street and on the road, and he will save you from accidents.

3. The final part.

Now I would like to know what your mood is at the end of our lesson. Draw a circle of either red, blue, or black on the pieces of paper, one at a time.
(Practical work of pupils)
- Who's mood improved at the end of the lesson?
- … .
- Why?
(Lesson summary)
- Our lesson is over. Thanks.

Theme. Driver's work.

Goals. To acquaint children with the profession of a driver, to show its social significance. Consolidate knowledge about freight, passenger, light transport. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. To cultivate attention and respect for adults.

Material. Toy cars: car, truck, bus. The didactic game "Assemble the car", illustrations - professions, a toy phone, hats of the heroes from N. Pavlov's fairy tale "By car".

Course of the lesson

I. Psychogymnastics"Magic Chair". The child sits down on the "magic chair", the others say sweet words to him.

II. Problematic situation.

Educator. On the table are a passenger car, a truck, a bus. I call on the phone and ask them to send a taxi for me. Vova, you are the driver, get in the car and come after me. What car did Vova drive?

Children. Vova arrived by car.

Educator. Why not by truck?

Children. It transports goods, not people.

Educator. Why not by bus?

Children. It transports a lot of people, and a car only a few.

III. Game "What's gone?"

Educator. Name the cars that are on my desk.

Children. Passenger car, truck, bus.

Educator. Close your eyes, now some car will leave. Open your eyes. What's gone?

IV. Physical minute "Traffic light"... The teacher raises a red flag - children stand still, yellow - clap their hands, green - stamp their feet.

V. Conversation.

Educator. Who drives all these machines?

Children. The cars are driven by the driver.

Educator. This profession is important and necessary for all people. The driver gets up very early while you are still sleeping and goes to work. The driver returns from work very late, when many are already asleep. Drivers operate vehicles that transport goods, deliver food, people to work and home, monitor the vehicle and repair it if it breaks down. Imagine if an evil wizard kidnapped all the drivers, what would happen then? (Children's answers.) The profession of a driver is very important and necessary for all of us.

Vi. Finger gymnastics "Lock"... Connect the fingers of both hands in a "lock" and squeeze tightly.

Vii. Didactic game "Assemble the car".

Educator. Trouble has happened, the car has broken down, it needs to be repaired. (Children from two parts assemble the whole according to the pattern.)

VIII. Staging of Pavlov's story "By car".

anastasia vladimirovna kuznetsova
"Acquaintance with the work of a chauffeur." Integrated lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the younger group

Municipal preschool educational autonomous institution

General developmental kindergarten with. Naumovka

Municipal District Sterlttamak District of the Republic of Bashkortostan


direct educational activities

« Acquaintance with the work of a chauffeur»

for pupils II junior group


Kuznetsova Anastasia Vladimirovna

Target: Introduce the profession of a chauffeur, show how important it is for a person.


Give children an understanding of the profession of a chauffeur

To shape the ability to distinguish between trucks and cars

Consolidate knowledge of color (red, blue) and quantities (big, small)


Promote the development of connected speech, articulatory apparatus during onomatopoeia

Activate passive vocabulary

Develop memory, attention, imagination


Bring up interest and respect for the profession of a chauffeur

Develop the ability to communicate with each other and with adults

Main activities: game, cognitive research, communicative, motor, reading fiction.

Dictionary: chauffeur, garage, car wash, signal, passenger.

Equipment: toys (cars and trucks of different sizes and colors, teddy bear, building material (cubes, sign "Car wash", for research activities (wet and dry wipes, 2 basins of water, TCO (music Center).

Preliminary work: observation, games (didactic, desktop-printed, mobile, finger, verbal, reading fiction (poetry, nursery rhymes, proverbs, viewing illustrations, plot pictures.

Educator: Guys, look at us today at class guests came... Let's say hello to them and give them smiles. Well done.

Educator: We all gathered in kindergarten, and now we can play.


One, two, three, four, five-

We will call transport: (step in place)

Passengers are carried on the ground

Car, bus and train. (rotate an imaginary steering wheel in front of you sound w-w-w)

The plane aims to fly (raise your arms to the sides and swing them like an airplane with your wings rrrr)

And the ship sails on the sea (join palms in front of the chest, then spread your arms to the sides in a wave-like movement, imitating the sea waves y - y - y)

Soundtrack sounds

(Noise of a passing car, stopped, turned off the engine)

A large truck drives out from behind the screen, driving a teddy bear.

B. A clubfoot bear is riding

He waves his paw to the guys!

Who came to us, guys?

Q. What did the bear come with?

D. By car.

Look how beautiful big car... What does the car have? Wheels, cab, body, windows, doors.

Children show parts of the car.

2. Getting to know the machine:

Who is sitting in the cockpit? (chauffeur)

What is he doing chauffeur? (he is driving)

What chauffeur helps to drive the car? (steering wheel)

So who is the bear? (chauffeur)

Where is the car going? (on the way to)

Guys, this car transports goods, it's called a cargo car. (children repeat).

Where does the machine load the load? (body)

Look, the bear also has a load in the car. Let's see what he's lucky. Cubes. what color are the cubes? (answers)

How many cubes? (many)

(one-many, big-small)

Now I invite you to become chauffeurs and drive your car. To find out chauffeur what kind of car you will become, you have to assemble your car.

DI "Assemble from parts"

B. On the road, the driver is very attentive and careful. Observes traffic rules, moves to a traffic signal.

P / N "Red, yellow, green"

Oh, while we were playing, something happened to the bear, he became sad. What's up, bear? The car broke down. but don’t worry, we will help you to repair the car. Chauffeur can always fix the car himself. Tell me, how are we going to fix the car? (tools)

What tools will we need? (children's answers)

DI “Pick up tools for chauffeur»

we will select the tools that are needed for the job chauffeur.

Well done, now you know what chauffeur fixing the car, coped with the task and the bear is joyful again.

You have cars on your tables that also need to be repaired. (I suggest the children go to the tables on which the silhouette of a car is depicted on the album sheet, you need to think about which parts are missing and finish drawing (glue, plasticineography) their (wheels, windows).

Before setting up the car, let's stretch our fingers a little.

Finger gymnastics "Our fingers are tired"

Our fingers are tired Intensely work with cams of both hands

They held the steering wheel very tightly. Squeeze and unclench your fingers.

And now we will rest, Waving the hands of both hands in front of us.

And let's go for a walk.

Walked, walked, walked, with index and middle fingers

They came to the workshop. sort out, go. And the nameless thumbs

press the nameless and little fingers to the palm

v. Chauffeurs are hardworking people, they always make sure that the cars are well-maintained, clean and beautiful. Our bear is also good chauffeur... Here and his car is adjusted. Now the bear will wash it and put it in the garage. Can we help the bear to wash the car?

What do you need to wash your car? (rag, water, bucket)... Which water is better to wash the car cold, warm or hot.

So I prepared water for the bear and forgot which bucket had warm water. Help me.

An experience "Property of water" (cold, warm)

Well done. The bear has gotten sick with us, it's time to put his car in the garage. Let's see the bear, say goodbye. (takes the car away)

What car did the bear come in? (cargo)

Who is the bear? Chauffeur

How we helped the bear (washed the car, set it up)

Finally: we are with you today got acquainted with the work of the chauffeur... We learned a lot. Chauffeur work is hard, but it is very important and necessary for people, and we also learned that there are cars and trucks. People cannot live without cars. They are their main assistants.

Irina Harlanova
Cognitive development "Driver's work" (second younger group)

Cognitive development« Driver's work»

(second junior group)

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge of cars. Introduce the driver's difficulty... Foster respect for adult labor, respect for toy cars. Strengthen the skills of cultural behavior on the road.

Educator: Guys, look at the cars in our garage. What color are they? What size?

Educator: Tell me, do the cars move by themselves?

(No. We are them drive)

Educator: What is the name of the person who driving a car?


Educator: How the driver drives the car?

(Turns the steering wheel, pedals, etc.)

Educator: To work driver, you need to know a lot. Where is left, where is right, where is straight. Do you want to become drivers? (Yes)

Then let's play a game "We drivers» .

The teacher gives a task, on a signal to change direction: left, right, straight, brake….

Educator: Well done. How well did you learn drive.

You know, a car cannot drive without gasoline. And we need to refuel our cars.

Didactic game "Refuel the car".

On the board there are cards with machines of different sizes. And also cards with the image of cans with gasoline. It is necessary for each car to pick up a card with a canister of the appropriate size. (Large car - large canister, medium - medium, etc.)

Educator: Well done. Your refueled cars can now go far. But it is necessary to drive the car very carefully so that an accident does not happen. What should you know driver to make it safe on the road?

(Take your time, be attentive, know traffic signals, etc.)

Educator: Well done. Now you are real drivers and you can hit the road.

(Children play, drive cars, look at them)

Related publications:

"Cognitive development" (FEMP) "Little mathematicians visiting Mukha - Tsokotukhi" (junior group) Objectives: Educational: improve the ability to distinguish and name colors. To form the ability to distinguish between the concepts: "one", "many", "big" ,.

Target excursion "Labor of the driver" Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 5, Volsk, Saratov region" Revolutionary Street, 29, Phone: 7-10-39.

Sports and educational entertainment "Playing in space" (second junior group) Play - cognitive entertainment for kids "Playing in space". Developed and conducted by the physical culture instructor Tatiana Balmusova.

Physical culture and cognitive lesson "The hen went out for a walk" (second junior group) OBJECTIVES: To form the emotional experience of children, to facilitate elementary reincarnation. Foster a desire to exercise.

OA summary in the educational area "Cognitive development" "Let's help the Gnomes" (second junior group) Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Physical culture", "Speech development", "Social and communicative development".

Abstract of the OOD "Cognitive Development" "Bears visiting children" (second group of early age) Purpose: to acquaint children with the names of objects of the immediate environment: "toy", "bear". Educational tasks: teach to describe the toy.

Abstract of the OOD in the educational area "Cognitive development" Topic: "Travel of butterflies." Second junior group Program content: Exercise in the ability to reproduce a given number of movements and call them with words one, many. (Social and communicative.

Summary of the lesson in the educational area "Cognitive development", "On a visit to the birds" (second junior group) Topic: "On a visit to the birds" Purpose: Formation in children of the idea of ​​the peculiarities of the life and behavior of birds in the winter forest. Educational.

Kind of activity : Cognition

Carrying out form: subgroup

Integration of educational areas : cognition, communication, socialization, safety, labor, music.

Target: To acquaint with the profession of a chauffeur, to show how important it is for a person.



  • Give children an understanding of the profession of a chauffeur
  • Form the ability to distinguish between trucks and cars
  • Reinforce knowledge of color (red, blue) and size (large, small)


  • Promote the development of connected speech, articulatory apparatus during onomatopoeia
  • Activate passive vocabulary
  • Develop memory, attention, imagination


  • Foster interest and respect for the chauffeur profession
  • Develop the ability to communicate with each other and with adults

Main activities : play, cognitive research, communication, movement, reading fiction.

Dictionary:chauffeur, garage, car wash, signal, passenger.

Equipment:toys (cars and trucks of different sizes and colors, teddy bear, kitten), screen, game attributes (driver's hats, steering wheel, highchairs, model bus, building material, car wash sign), for research activities (wet and dry napkins), small trucks (red and blue), TCO (music center).

Preliminary work: observation, games (didactic, desktop-printed, mobile, finger, verbal), reading fiction (poetry, nursery rhymes, proverbs), viewing illustrations, plot pictures.

GCD move

Soundtrack sounds

(Noise of a passing car, stopped, turned off the engine)

A large truck drives out from behind the screen, driving a teddy bear.

V.A clubfoot bear is riding

He waves his paw to the guys!

Who came to us, guys?

D... Bear.

V... How did the bear come?

D... By car.

Q. The one who sits behind the wheel in a car is a chauffeur. So who's the bear?

D... Chauffeur.

V... Right. Well done! The car is driven by a chauffeur. There are different types of cars, large and small, trucks and cars. ( He removes the screen, demonstrates the cars)

V... How many different cars do you want to ride on these cars?

D... Yes.

V... Katya will be the driver, Sasha will be the driver, etc.

V... Vova, who will you be now?

R... Chauffeur. (I list everyone to whom I put on a hat and put on a chauffeur's hat myself)

And I will be a chauffeur today. Pick up cars.

Dynamic pause "Be attentive while driving"

V... On the road, the driver is very attentive and careful. Moves only on its side, in one direction does not interfere with oncoming cars. But if suddenly someone is on the way, he will definitely give a signal like this: "Beep - beep."

V... How will he honk?

D... Beep - beep (individual and group responses)

V... That's right, well done! Look, the pussy sat on the road, what needs to be done?

D... Honk your horn.

V... That's right, and you can also say:

Nursery rhyme

Pussy, pussy,

Pussy, scatter,

Don't get on the road.

Our kids will go.

They will fall through the kitty.

V... Let's say pussies "scatter"

D... Scatter. (We remove the toy)

V... Kisa ran away, the way is clear, you can go. Be careful not to rush.

Outdoor game "Drive a car"

(Children, together with the teacher, roll cars on the carpet before the construction of the cubes "car wash", the teacher reads a poem)


Rustling along the road

Funny tires

Rushing along the roads

Machines, machines

Chauffeur job

Difficult and difficult

But how is she to people

Needed everywhere!

V... So we arrived. The driver's fingers were tired, they held the steering wheel tightly

Let's get some rest.

Finger gymnastics "Our fingers are tired"

Our fingers are tired Intensively working with the cams of both hands

They held the steering wheel very tightly. Squeeze and unclench your fingers.

And now we will rest, Waving the hands of both hands in front of us.

Let's go for a walk on the sand.

Walked, walked, walked, with index and middle fingers

We came to the car wash. sort out, go. And the nameless thumbs

press the nameless and little fingers to the palm

V... Have a rest.

D... Yes.

V... And we arrived with you at the car wash where the cars are washed.

Game-situation "Car wash"

V... Our cars drive well. But, in my opinion, they are a little dusty.

Cars love to be looked after, when they are washed. I have napkins, here they are, some wet and others dry. What to give you - wet

or dry. (Children choose themselves).

D... I'm wet.

V... And I'll take a wet one for myself.

(I distribute napkins to the children, the children repeat after the teacher

We wipe the cab, body, wheels.

These are the clean cars of steel. What a caring chauffeur she has.

Our cars are clean, but they are still wet. Let our cars stand in the garage, rest and dry out. And we will go back to the kindergarten by bus.

The plot of the role-playing game "Bus"

(The bus is made of highchairs, cabin frame)

V... Look what a beautiful bus we have. There are many seats on the bus, passengers have their own seats, the driver has his own.

The chauffeur sits behind the wheel. Today Dima will be the driver, and you and I will be passengers, go through and take seats for passengers.

V... Where will Dima sit?

D... Behind the wheel.

V.Who is Dima? ?

(We put on a hat for the driver)

D. Chauffeur.

A verse from the song sounds: "We're going, we're going, we're going."

V... So we came back to the kindergarten, where your favorite toys are waiting for you.

Who brought us to kindergarten?

D.Chauffeur. (Group and individual responses)

Surprising moment.

(I roll out a large one from behind the screen, truck... Small in the back

cars of the same shape and size, but different in color red and blue)

V... Today you will each go home in your own car. The boys will ride blue typewriters, and girls on red. (I distribute cars to children)

What color do boys have?

D. Blue.

V... And what color do the girls have?

D... Red.

V... Right. Clever girls!

An outdoor game with the words "We drove, drove and came"

(Children repeat fame and movement after the teacher)


We're going, we're going home

By truck.

The tires rustle merrily

They tell us to go faster.


V. Conclusion: today we met with the work of a chauffeur. We learned a lot. The work of a chauffeur is difficult, but very important and necessary for people, and we also learned that there are cars and trucks. People cannot live without cars. They are their main assistants.


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11. Source.

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