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There is a certain type of people who, in an effort to save their time, do several things at once. So, for example, in order not to interrupt for a meal, such people prefer to have a snack while working with documents. The effect of saving time is obvious - a busy person never has an extra 10-15 minutes of time. But everything has its price. In an effort to have time to do everything on time, you concentrate on work and you can accidentally put a greasy stain from a sandwich on a sheet of paper. It's good if it's a draft, but what if it's an important document? What to do then? Don't worry, there is a solution. Of course, you won’t be able to quickly remove a greasy stain from paper, but you can still remove it. Follow the instructions below to completely get rid of grease stains on paper.

You will need:

  • paper napkins
  • heavy book
  • Baking soda

How to remove oil stain from paper

  1. Take two paper napkins.
  2. Fold each napkin in half.
  3. Place one folded paper towel under the grease stain and one on top.
  4. Lay a heavy book or other flat, heavy object on top of the napkins.
  5. Leave a sheet of paper with a greasy stain between the napkins for 2-3 days.
  6. If a greasy stain remains, sprinkle it with a small layer of baking soda.
  7. Leave the baking soda on a piece of paper overnight.
  8. Sweep the baking soda off the paper.
  9. If there is still a grease stain on the paper, repeat steps 6-8 with fresh baking soda until it is completely removed.
  • A melamine sponge, available from hardware stores, can remove a "difficult" grease stain from paper. It is not necessary to moisten the sponge, gently pressing and wiping the stain, the fat from the deepest pores of the sheet of paper is drawn into the open pores of the sponge and remains there. It will be especially useful if the greasy spot is in place of the color pattern.

What is paper for? To record important thoughts, upcoming tasks and impending events. It is necessary to keep it intact and not lose what is drawn or written on it. Grease stains affect not only the aesthetic appearance of paper surfaces, but also their direct functional purpose - under the influence of fat or oils, the ink on paper blurs, becomes not as clear as it used to be, and sometimes it is very difficult to read what is written, so you can try to remove ugly streaks.

How do greasy marks appear?

Paper is a material that easily absorbs moisture, grease and literally attracts all possible dirt to itself. This is its undoubted minus, but for notes and sketches there is nothing better than paper, and we need to know all the secrets and tricks that will help get rid of existing stains.

Clean sheets of office paper, and children's school notebooks, and printed documents, even a passport or wallpaper get dirty - none of the paper surfaces is insured against such "accidents".

Either solvents (gasoline or others), which destroy it, or absorbents (chalk, oatmeal), which absorb it, cope with the scourge.

How to Remove an Oil Stain from a Clean, Untouched Sheet of Paper

Blotter, chalk, chalk paste, starch, tooth powder

Fat on paper is afraid of dryness and iron, so many methods are based on "ironing" a paper sheet:

Method 1, with blotting paper:

  1. Take blotting paper (it absorbs liquids very well and absorbs excess fat) or a table napkin;
  2. Cover the grease stain;
  3. Iron with an iron;
  4. If the blotting paper or napkin is already soaked with grease, and our paper still has it, you should simply replace the napkin and iron it a few more times.

The blotting paper method only works on a fresh oil stain, in case it has been bothering you for a long time, it is more effective to use gasoline or bread crumb methods.

Method 2, using white school chalk:

  1. Grind white chalk into powder;
  2. Evenly cover the pollution with a good layer of crushed chalk;
  3. Put a sheet of paper on the stain (you can use a blotter again);
  4. Iron the entire "construction" with an iron;
  5. In this method, as necessary, we change the crushed chalk for a new portion.

Method 3, chalk paste with water, is used after using dry chalk, if method 2 did not work:

  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of crushed chalk with 1/2 teaspoon of water;
  2. We apply the resulting paste to our stain;
  3. Put a sheet of paper on top;
  4. We iron.

The chalk paste should not be too liquid, otherwise there is a risk of soaking the paper as well, and then the sheet will be unusable.

How to get rid of using solvents

Solvents are rarely used in their pure form, more often they make mixtures, for example, with crushed chalk or tooth powder. They are not suitable for removing stains from thin paper and important documents.

For thick paper: gasoline, alcohol and starch

Heavy paper can tolerate more aggressive cleaners and is suitable for both absorbents and solvents, such as:

  • A mixture with the addition of gasoline - in a ratio of 1: 1: 1, mix crushed chalk or tooth powder, white clay and gasoline; Spread the paste on the stain, let it dry, rub off. You can leave such a mixture on the area of ​​​​contamination for 3 days, and then remove it using a bread crumb;
  • Potato starch - sprinkle it on paper and rub off the fat with a damp piece of flannel cloth, rub with medium force, try not to damage.

There is a more time-consuming way, for example, to use turpentine: heat it without boiling it, apply it with a brush on the stain with a thin layer, cover with a blotter folded 3-4 times and iron it.

You can clean the sheets with alcohol, you need to take colorless - alcohol or vodka:

  1. We put blotting paper on the stain, leave it for 10-15 minutes so that the maximum amount of fat goes into it;
  2. Wipe the residue with a dry soft cloth;
  3. Pour a little alcohol onto a clean sponge, carefully treat the oily area;
  4. We place the sheet on which the stain was between two sheets of clean paper and iron it with an iron.

Video: how to clean paper with a solvent

In a student notebook: oatmeal, starch, clay and flour

Children are not always neat, and therefore stains on notebooks are a frequent nuisance. Our goal is to remove them without damaging the homework already done. To do this, you can use oatmeal, finely ground in a coffee grinder (flour, potato starch, white clay are also suitable):

  1. Grind oatmeal;
  2. Apply on fat slide;
  3. Leave for 15-20 minutes for the oatmeal to absorb the dirt;
  4. Sweep the oatmeal off the sheet with a soft brush or dry cloth;
  5. If necessary, repeat all steps with a new portion of oatmeal.

On sale there are means for removing grease stains from fabric. But cloth and paper are not the same thing. Such funds should not be used inappropriately.

How to remove a stain from a printed document

Bread and salt

  • You need to take a crumb of rye bread and rub it into the oil stain, do this until it disappears;
  • You can also use salt - sprinkle the contaminated area, cover with a clean sheet and iron with an iron (it is better to take finely ground salt, or grind coarse salt in a coffee grinder or crush it in a mortar). In this case, it is important to remember that the iron should not be taken very hot, otherwise there is a risk that the text from the printed document will “run away” onto a clean sheet of paper with which you covered the salt and the stain.

If the printed document is very valuable and exists only in a single copy, clean it from the stain very carefully, otherwise you may ruin it completely. If the speck is small and does not attract much attention and does not interfere with reading, you can simply not display it.

How to withdraw from a passport at home

Clay and flour

Our passport is thick paper plus a seal, the most important document for a citizen, and a stain can simply destroy its value. What to do if we have soiled such a document?

If the stain is not one, but several, and they are all solid, it is better to give a replacement passport. But before that, you can try to sprinkle them with wheat flour or white clay and leave it like that for a while - for 5–6 hours, so that the fat dries up and the clay or flour absorbs it. You don't need to press your passport. This method only works with fresh stains.

How to clean off wallpaper

Bread and turpentine

With stains on the wallpaper, you need to be careful - you can not use excessively wet or aggressive methods, otherwise the wallpaper may get wet, peel off the wall, sag, pick up new stains ... The crumb of fresh white bread will help here - use it as an eraser, rub the grease stain until it is absorbed into the bread and disappears. If necessary, change the bread as it absorbs the fat.

To clean the wallpaper from the stain, you can also use heated turpentine - apply with a brush on the stain, cover with a blotter, change it as the fat is absorbed.

There are special wallpaper cleaners that will help remove the oil stain, they are applied to the stain with a clean piece of soft cloth, it disappears, and then the wallpaper is wiped with a damp cloth again.

Video: how to clean a greasy stain from wallpaper

Before trying the detergent on already pasted wallpaper, you should test it on their separate piece, which was left over from the repair. Otherwise, you can spoil them, which we do not want at all.

How to remove from a cardboard box

Detergents, petrol

Here you can use detergents, water and a vacuum cleaner. Cardboard is much denser than paper and will withstand such methods.

  1. Pour water mixed with detergent into a spray bottle;
  2. Lightly spray the contaminated area;
  3. Use a vacuum cleaner to “pull out” moisture, do not lean the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner against the surface itself, keep it at some distance, but close enough;
  4. Repeat if necessary.

Another way is using gasoline:

  1. On a clean sponge, apply pure gasoline (quite a bit);
  2. Erase the stain - move from its edges to the center;
  3. Remove any remaining moisture with a blotter or dry paper towel.

Table: which methods are suitable for which materials.

Method/materialBlank sheetHeavy papernotebook sheetWallpaperCardboard boxprinted documentPassport
Blotting paper
dry chalk
Chalk paste
A mixture of gasoline with clay and chalk
White clay
crumb of bread
fine salt
Wheat flour

The article offers many ways to help remove unpleasant grease stains from paper and paper surfaces without causing them additional harm. Some methods are more efficient than others. You need to try them all, and the result will definitely be achieved!

For many, it will be useful to know how to remove a greasy stain from paper. After all, there are few people who have not encountered this problem at least once in their lives. Valuable documents or paper wallpapers may be damaged. If such a nuisance happens, you should not immediately panic. There are several options for correcting damaged paper material.

For many, it will be useful to know how to remove grease stains from paper.

Old stains are more difficult to remove than fresh ones. Therefore, cleaning should not be delayed if the paper cannot be replaced with another copy. Before proceeding with the removal procedure, it is recommended to test the selected method on a test instance. Thus, there is a chance to practice and prevent damage to valuable documentation.

Old stains are more difficult to remove than fresh ones.

Paper is a fairly fragile material that is easily damaged. Therefore, during the cleaning of oil stains, it is not recommended to exert a strong mechanical impact. The use of chemical cleaners that are designed to remove stains from fabrics is not recommended. All cleaning products, along with a greasy trace, can also remove important information that a valuable document contains. If removal is performed, for example, on wallpaper, then chemicals can destroy the pattern or spoil their original color. Using a soapy solution and a soft sponge is only suitable for cleaning stains on the wallpaper, and then not always.

Removing stains on paper with hydrogen peroxide (video)

fresh oil stains

When an unpleasant incident occurred and a greasy stain formed on the paper surface, the following can act as assistants:

  • napkins;
  • blotters;
  • salt;
  • iron.

How to clean suede shoes at home

Paper absorbs fat well, which is why you can take advantage of this advantage and reverse the process. That is, you need to take a damaged sheet, put it on a flat surface and cover it with a napkin on top. The blotting paper should be ironed with a heated iron, and it will absorb excess fat. During cleaning, the cloth must be changed several times to allow the grease to soak into the pulp.

Paper absorbs fat well, which is why you can take advantage of this advantage and reverse the process. That is, you need to take a damaged sheet, put it on a flat surface and cover it with a napkin on top.

Another equally effective way is to remove with crushed chalk. The powder is poured over the entire contaminated surface, covered with a napkin or other sheet of paper, and then ironed. Oiled chalk during the cleaning process will need to be changed until the trace of the greasy stain disappears. Salt is used in the same way.

Particular attention should be paid to the heating temperature of the iron. If it is too hot, then the letters from the security paper will be reprinted onto the napkin placed on top. Another danger of too high a temperature is that the sheet may burn out altogether. Therefore, it is best to put the iron on the "synthetics" mode.

Old oil marks

The above methods in the presence of old stains will not work. To remove the oil trace, you will need gasoline, white clay and tooth powder. In the case when there is no last ingredient, it can be replaced with crushed chalk.

How to remove oil stain

Bulk substances are mixed and gasoline is added to them to obtain a homogeneous mass. It is applied to the problem area in an even layer and left until completely solidified. After a few hours (it is better to wait a day), the previously applied mixture will turn into a crust. It is removed with a flannel cloth or an ordinary old toothbrush.

In almost every home there is starch, which is also able to absorb fat.

A fairly effective option for cleaning paper from oil traces is the use of turpentine. During the performance of all work, you must be attentive to your own safety. Before removing contamination, it is necessary to heat the turpentine in a water bath. When small bubbles and steam with a characteristic smell of this substance appear on the surface, the fire must be turned off. After that, you should wait until the turpentine cools down a bit, and apply it on the oil stain. In order not to burn your hands, it is recommended to use a brush, the fibers of which are made of natural wool.

Immediately after applying hot turpentine, the document is covered with a clean sheet of paper and ironed. Remove the stain only with hot turpentine. Otherwise, you can further aggravate the situation. The use of a cold substance will increase the oil stain, and the mark may darken.

Many people have encountered the problem of the appearance of greasy spots on documents, notebooks, notebooks and wallpaper. Someone forgot to wash their hands after dinner, and someone decided to combine a snack and familiarization with the contract, and the result is the same. Moms are familiar with a different situation: traces of fat in notebooks due to sandwiches or other food. If something like this happened to you, do not rush to take drastic measures, because you can remove a greasy stain from paper with improvised means.

Since paper is a fragile material, it is impossible to wet, rub or wrinkle it, as this can permanently ruin it. Adsorbents (starch, flour, salt, chalk, etc.) help to remove greasy stains well. Solvents (turpentine, gasoline, etc.) can also be used, but only for sheets of high density. But special tools that are used for fabrics are strictly prohibited.

Removing stains on paper with peroxide - video:

Method 1 - blotter

Since blotters are made of a material that absorbs moisture and liquids well, they are good for removing a fresh trace of grease. The application is very simple. Put the blotter on the problem area and iron it with a warm iron. Change consumables as they become saturated with grease.

If you don't have blotters in your house, use paper napkins. Use only white wipes. You can use this method for documents, leaves with important notes or photographs, but one napkin or blotter may not be enough to remove a well-soaked stain.

Method 2 - chalk

You can remove a greasy stain from a sheet using ordinary crayons that are used in schools. Actions should be performed in the following sequence:

  1. Grind chalk into powder in any convenient way.
  2. Sprinkle them on the problem area.
  3. Top with a clean sheet of paper or a white napkin.
  4. Iron the stained area with a warm iron.
  5. The procedure can be repeated several times, each time changing the fat-soaked chalk to clean.

If dry chalk did not help to reduce the trace of fat, you can use another method:

  1. Mix a teaspoon of chalk powder with 0.5 teaspoon of water.
  2. Mix the ingredients. You should get a thick slurry.
  3. Apply it to the oil spill area.
  4. As in the previous case, cover with a clean sheet and iron.
  5. Remove any remaining chalk.

Chalk can be mixed with white clay. After applying to the stain and waiting for the mixture to dry, then gently scrub with a toothbrush.

Method 3 - salt

When it becomes necessary to remove a greasy stain from printed documents, the choice of methods must be approached with all responsibility, since there is a risk of damage to them. Salt solves this problem well. So, follow these steps:

  1. Take finely ground salt. If this is not in the house, use a coffee grinder or mortar to grind.
  2. Sprinkle salt on the stain.
  3. Cover with a clean sheet, and then iron with an iron heated to a low temperature.
  4. If necessary, salt can be replaced with clean one or two times if the stain is too large.

Do not heat the iron too hot, as this increases the risk that the printed text will be transferred to the salt.

Method 4 - oatmeal

You can remove an unattractive trace from a notebook with the help of oatmeal. You need to act as soon as a problem is discovered. Stick to a simple algorithm of actions:

  1. Grind oatmeal into flour in a coffee grinder.
  2. Pour the powder over the greasy mark.
  3. Leave on for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Brush gently with a soft brush or cloth.
  5. If necessary, repeat the steps if the trace has not completely disappeared.

Method 5 - white clay

You can effectively remove a fresh oil stain with white clay. To do this, follow these simple steps:

  1. Mix equal proportions of white clay powder with water. You should get a thick mass.
  2. Apply it to the problem area of ​​the paper with a thin layer.
  3. Leave the mixture to dry.
  4. When the clay dries, use a brush to gently remove it from the paper.

Note! Do not use this method on very thin sheets of paper, as they can absorb moisture from the mixture and become soggy.

White clay is also used to remove coffee stains.

Method 6 - potato starch

Potato starch, which is available in every home, will help remove greasy stains from printed documents and other paper media. Sprinkle the oily area with potato flour and lightly rub with a soft flannel cloth. If the stain does not immediately disappear, you can repeat the procedure again using pure starch. It is a good adsorbent, it absorbs not only grease, but also dirt.

Method 7 - turpentine

Turpentine will help to effectively cope with the problem. It is also suitable for removing dried stains, but only on thick paper. Use it like this:

  1. Heat the turpentine, but be careful that it does not boil when heated.
  2. Apply a small amount of liquid to the contaminated area. For this, it is best to use a pipette.
  3. Lay a white clean napkin or blotting paper on top.
  4. Iron with an iron, setting the temperature to a minimum.

Turpentine can also be used to remove grease stains from wallpaper, but in this case, the use of an iron should be abandoned, as this can cause the canvas to peel off the wall. Just drop turpentine and blot with a napkin. Always change your napkins for clean ones. After that, you can wipe the wallpaper with a slightly damp, clean and soft cloth.

Method 8 - gasoline

You can remove old grease stains from paper with gasoline. This liquid perfectly dissolves grease and is able to cope with pollution of any complexity, but it is better not to use this method for thin sheets.

Use refined gasoline to remove grease. Follow simple steps:

  1. Mix gasoline with tooth powder and white clay to make a thick paste.
  2. Lay a sheet of paper on a flat surface.
  3. Apply the prepared mixture on it in a thin layer.
  4. Leave to dry for a day.
  5. Use a soft flannel cloth to gently remove any remaining mixture.

We remove all kinds of stains from paper - video:

If a greasy stain appears on the paper, you need to act quickly, since it is much more difficult to remove the dried mark. If the fat got on an important document in a single copy, then it makes sense to abandon the idea of ​​removing the stain, as this can ruin it.

Surely many of you have ever ruined an important document at least once by filling it with tea, juice, coffee, or smearing it, say, with butter from a sandwich. Tragedy! But do not rush to despair: after reading this article, you will learn how to remove a greasy stain from paper.

How to get rid of fresh traces?

This can be done in several different ways. Of course, you should first "arm yourself: before removing a greasy stain from paper, stock up on ordinary napkins or blotters, school chalk, white clay, starch, bread crumbs, table salt or an iron.

Having placed the soiled sheet on a flat surface, cover it with a napkin on top and iron it with a hot iron. As the fat is absorbed, it is necessary to change the blotters.

There is another simple method. For those who do not know how to remove a greasy stain from paper, it will be interesting to find out that this is done using pre-shredded school chalk. Having laid the document on a flat surface, a powdered agent is poured onto the problem area and covered with a napkin. After that, the page is ironed with a hot iron. Periodically, you need to change the oiled chalk to a clean powder.

Ordinary table salt will also help to cope with a similar problem. How to remove oil stain from paper? Yes, very easy! Sprinkle the soiled document with this substance and cover with a clean sheet on top, ironing the surface of which is not too hot. Otherwise, the text available there will be completely reprinted on the top.

How to get rid of old traces?

Before embarking on a practical solution to the question of "how to remove a greasy stain from paper", you need to think about how this can be done. Since in this case none of the above methods is suitable. You can remove stale oily marks with ordinary tooth powder, white clay and gasoline.

So, how to remove a greasy stain from a sheet of paper? It is necessary to mix the first two substances. In the absence of tooth powder, it can be replaced with crushed chalk. Gasoline is added to the resulting mixture. The result should be a thick homogeneous mass. The document is placed on a smooth surface and the prepared composition is evenly distributed over the stain. A day later, a crust forms on the surface of the sheet. It should be carefully removed with a flannel cloth or a soft brush.

Cleansing with turpentine

This is a fairly effective proven tool that allows you to remove oil stains. Before removing a greasy stain from the paper, it is necessary to preheat the turpentine in a water bath. After waiting for the appearance of small bubbles, steam and a strong characteristic odor, you need to remove the composition from the stove and cool slightly. After 10-15 seconds, the product can be applied to the contaminated area. It is convenient to do this with a brush made of natural wool.

Without waiting for the turpentine to dry completely, you need to cover the document with white paper and iron it with a heated iron. Do not lubricate the stain with a cold substance, as it may increase and darken.

Removing greasy traces with white bread

This is the simplest and at the same time quite effective method of getting rid of oily stains. To get rid of the stain, you will need a small amount of freshly baked white bread. A pre-made circle of crumb is rolled over the surface of a damaged document, periodically changing a piece of bread. In most cases, the oily spot disappears a few minutes after the start of the above manipulations.

Oat flour

It is an excellent absorbent, so it can be used not only to eliminate greasy traces, but also as a dry shampoo. In addition to finely ground, you need to stock up on a soft brush and brown paper bags.

How to remove grease stains from paper? An absorbent layer is applied to the contaminated surface. Half an hour later, the remnants of oatmeal are swept into a pre-prepared bag. If necessary, this procedure is recommended to be repeated several times until the stains disappear completely.

Having figured out how to remove a greasy stain from paper, do not forget about caution. The sheet can be easily torn, so it does not need to be heavily moistened with gasoline or rubbed too hard. In order to avoid damage to the document, it is desirable to minimize the mechanical impact. In such cases, it is advisable to use chemical and physical methods. And one moment. When working with paper, you can not rely on products designed to clean the fabric.

If stains appear on an important document, you need to use the most gentle methods. In cases where the stain does not impede the reading process, it is better not to touch it at all.

Before using a particular technique, it is advisable to test it on another sheet of similar density. To remove oil stains from wallpaper, you can try all kinds of detergents and water. In most cases, with the help of a soap composition, it is possible to clean the stained area.


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