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Makhmetova Natalya Sergeevna
Open lesson "Concepts of sound [n] - [n '], letter p, voiced and deaf sound"

Subject: « Concepts sound P, pi sound, letter P, voiced and dull sound»

Target: introduce children to letter P and sounds [p] and [p '].


1. Educational:

Refine articulation sounds [ P ], [Пь];

Improve the skill of phonemic analysis and synthesis;

Learn to position sound in words;

Introduce children to graphics letter P;

To teach the analysis and synthesis of syllables AP, OP, UP.

2. Educational:

Develop auditory memory, attention and perception;

Develop the ability to concentrate;

Develop the ability to control impulsive actions;

Teach children to throw out accumulated tension in an acceptable form (anger).

3. Educational:

Cultivate clear pronunciation skills sounds [ P ], | Pi|;

Cultivate the ability to work throughout classes.

Equipment: subject pictures (postman, piglet, rooster); signal cards); envelopes with tasks;

Methods and techniques for working with children:

Demonstration (consideration)

Practical Methods:


Game Methods:

An imaginary situation in expanded form;

A game "Clap your hands"

verbal methods:

The teacher's story;

Plan classes:

1. Organizational moment

2. Post topic classes

3. Feature sounds"P", "p"

4. Work with the textbook

5. Physical education

6. Consolidation of the studied material

7. Summing up classes

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment.

Psycho-gymnastics (allows children to relieve emotional stress, corrects the emotional-volitional sphere).

Depict quarreling roosters.

Depict the pigs who were afraid of the wolf.

Now look at each other, smile, call each other affectionately (After that, the children sit down).

II. Topic message classes.

(The teacher invites children to guess riddles)

1. For apartments and houses

Many letters, telegrams

He brings to the addressees.

What's his name guys? (Postman)

2. Pink back,

And on it a bristle,

Guinea pigs baby

Call him... (piggy)

3. Scarlet scallop,

Ruffled caftan,

Double beard.

4. From - for faraway lands

Rushing paper crane

But dived into the mailbox (Letter)

What is the first sound in a word"postman"? (Sound P)

What is the first sound you heard in a word "rooster"? (Sound [Pi])

Guess what sounds shall we talk today? (ABOUT sounds [P], [Пь])

III. Characteristic sounds [P |. [Pi|.

Speak sound [P]. What do you see? (Lips compress and unclench and create a barrier to air)

Try to sing along sound [P].

It turns out? (No)

Means, sound[P| vowel or consonant? (Consonant).

What house are we going to put him in? (In blue) (The blue house is on display)

Put your hand on your throat, say sound. Is the voice sleeping or ringing? (asleep)

Means, sound [P] voiceless or voiced? (Deaf)

Which sound do we pronounce firmly [П] or [Пь]? (Sound [P|)

What color do we mean solid sound? (in blue)

How do we pronounce sound [Pi]? (Soft)

What color do we designate soft sound? (Green)

What is the first sound in postman? Solid sound [P]

What is the first sound in a word"rooster"? [pi]

Name the first sound in a word"piggy"[P]?

Name the first sound in a word"letter"[pi]

Now tell me what sound [P]? (Consonant, firm, deaf) .

IV. Work with the textbook.

Hear what sounds are made by sound-tooths: "P", "p". Say them too. Are they vowels or consonants? (Consonants). Which one is on the left sound? (Solid, what color shall we designate it? (in blue). Which one is on the right sound? (Soft, what color shall we designate it? (Green). Guys, Gramoteika is washing the dishes. Name what he already washed? (Ladle, bowl). Let's circle these objects around the office and draw the diagrams. What is the first sound in a wordladle? [P], what color will we designate it on the diagram? (in blue). What is the first sound in a word"bowl"? [Пь], what color is indicated on the diagram? Get to know letter P. Listen, I'll tell you a poem about letter P.

The letter P looks like a bridge,

A passer-by is walking across the bridge.

And down through the aisle

The steamer is sailing.

Guys, how many sticks does it consist of letter"P"? (out of three). Take three pencils and put this book on your desk. Sounds P and P are denoted by this letter. Let's write this letter. Consider the drawing. Read what the mouse squeaked when it saw the cat? [PI]. What did the cat do? Read. [AP]. Write these words. How many sounds in every word? (two). What is the first sound in a word"Pi"? [pi] (Soft). What color shall we mark? (Green). What is the second sound? [AND]. What color shall we mark? (in red). Color the diagram under the word "Up" on one's own.

V. Physical education.

And now let's rest.

Once - got up, stretched,

Two - bent, straightened,

Three - in the hands of three claps,

Three head nods.

Four - arms wider.

Five - wave your hands.

Six - sit quietly at the desk.

If this word "on the floor", then we squat if "on the ceiling" then we raise our hands up: plinth, lamp, parquet, whitewash, carpet, spider.

Clap your hands if you hear sound [P]

The spider came to the market.

The fly-spider brought the goods.

He hung it on an aspen:

"Which of you wants cobwebs?"

VI. Consolidation of the studied material

Now let's play (Development of auditory perception). I'll call sounds [P] [P], and you will raise a blue circle if you hear a solid sound, or green if you hear soft sound.

Pencil case, rooster, desk, vacuum cleaner, glove, saw, song, dog, bee, park, field, gift, tomato, Friday, stove, Petya, peacock.

And now, guys, I suggest you repeat syllables: PA, PYA, PO, PYO, PY, PI, PU, ​​PYU, PE, PE, MA. Tell me which syllable is extra? (MA).

The guys in front of you are sheets with letters. I ask you to emphasize only letters"P". A P U O P I E S P M Y P Y Z P

VII. Summarizing classes. Evaluation of children's work. Well done! They coped with the task perfectly, which sounds we studied today? ([P], [Pi]) Name one word sound [P].

Explanatory note

This lesson can be used for speech therapy work on the formation of the phonetic side of speech and initial literacy training for children of the older group preschool age with speech and musculoskeletal disorders.

Speech therapy work for any pathology of speech should be built taking into account its pathogenetic mechanisms.

Children with pathology of the musculoskeletal system in the process of learning have a number of difficulties in mastering the program material.

These difficulties are due to certain reasons, which include:

- sound disturbances

- violation of the prosodic side of speech

- distorted development of the phonetic-phonemic system

- violation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech

- underdevelopment of spatial representations

- impaired visual perception

- unformed temporal representations, etc.

The proposed summary of the lesson for children of the senior group of preschool age with disorders of the musculoskeletal system in mastering the elements of literacy and the formation of the phonetic side of speech is built in an entertaining, game form, using didactic games and allowances. The use of various games and exercises allows the speech therapist to solve as many tasks as possible in the classroom, using a certain amount of lexical material, which ultimately ensures better memorization and assimilation.

The use of gaming techniques in speech therapy classes allows you to make complex tasks emotional, interesting and developing. Simultaneously with fixing the correct pronunciation of sound, various games develop phonemic perception, exercise in sound analysis and synthesis, strengthen the skill of writing letters, enrich the dictionary, improve coherent speech, develop the ability to work independently and thus comprehensively prepare the preschooler for learning to read and write.

Game form, fun physical education, constant change of activities allow you to keep children active throughout the lesson.

Taking into account psycho-emotional, speech, motor characteristics, the content of the lesson includes exercises aimed at developing auditory and visual attention and memory, fine motor skills.

The speech therapist invites children on an exciting journey through a very unusual country. In the lesson, children clarify the characteristics of sounds (П), (Пь) by articulatory and acoustic features, sing, determine the place of a sound in a word, get acquainted with the letter (П), perform game tasks for the development of visual and auditory attention, develop fine motor skills of fingers.

This lesson is aimed at developing the ability to differentiate by ear and in pronunciation sounds that are close in sound or pronunciation: voiced - deaf, hard - soft.

The tasks were completed on individual cards (pre-prepared handout in the form of subject pictures), since the attention of children is concentrated on this object and allows them to concentrate better. The main tool of the teacher in the classroom is a type-setting canvas and a magnetic board. The use of any visual information in the classroom has a positive effect.

Lesson summary "Sounds (П - Пь), letter П"


  • Continue acquaintance with the sounds P and P, learn to characterize the sound.
  • Develop phonemic awareness skills.
  • To form the ability to find the place of sound in a word.
  • Learn to distinguish between hard and soft consonants.
  • Get to know the letter P.
  • Develop thinking, voluntary attention.
  • Develop graphic skills.


  • Cards with sound patterns (large and small for each child).
  • Subject pictures for the studied sound.
  • Object pictures for sound (P) (with Velcro), any other pictures.
  • Rolls for the game "Sound Mosaic". The card is divided into 12 squares: 4x3.
  • A tactile track made of peas (the number of tracks according to the number of children).
  • Blue and green cubes
  • 2 tables, 2 tablecloths blue and green
  • Toys: spider, penguin
  • Velvet paper, woolen threads.
  • Counting sticks.
  • Surprise cards: letter P and P

Organizing time

Speech therapist. Guys, today we have a mysterious guest. And guess who he is.

Riddle: He himself is modest, 8 legs

There are no catchy clothes on him,

Deftly weaves lace,

He creates patterns

Knits nets and ropes,

Humble, kind old man

This is who it is guys

Well, of course…..

Children: Spider.

Speech therapist. Today we have a PAK spider as a guest, but he did not come alone.

Riddle: A bird, but does not fly,

Dexterously jumps, dives.

Catches fish among the ice floes ....

What is his name?

Children: Penguin.

Also an interesting occupation of a speech therapist in senior group:

  1. Topic message

Speech therapist. Spider PAC came with his best friend a penguin named PIN.

- What is the first sound in the name PAK?

Children: Sound P.

Speech therapist. What is the first sound in the name PIN?

Children: Pt.

Speech therapist. Today we will continue our acquaintance with the sound P and get acquainted with the sound Pi.

P! We put our lips together

P! - We'll take a deep breath!

(speech therapist lays out a sound model on a typesetting canvas P, pronounce the sound P. Together with the children we give a description of the sounds P And Pt. On the typesetting canvas, the speech therapist lays out sound patterns)

Sound P - consonant, solid, deaf, denoted in blue.

Pi sound- consonant, soft, deaf, denoted in green.

How are the sounds different?

Children: Sound P- solid, sound pi- soft.

Speech therapist: What common?

Children: Sounds P And pi consonants, deaf.

Speech therapist: Prove that the sounds P and P are consonants?

Children: When we pronounce them, the air stream meets an obstacle, lips.

Speech therapist. What does the sound of P-Pi sound like?

Children: The kettle is boiling; the train is puffing; the samovar is boiling...

Speech therapist. Let's run a finger along the path: P-P - P - ...

P! We put our lips together

P! - We'll take a deep breath!

(Children run their fingers along the tactile track, while pronouncing the characteristics of the sound)

  1. Develop phonemic awareness

Speech therapist. The game "Name the right sound."

Friends love to play with cubes. PAKA has a blue cube, indicating the sound P - a solid sound. PINA has a green cube, denoting the sound Pi - a soft sound.

I will show a blue or green cube, and you will name the corresponding sound.

(The speech therapist shows either blue or green cubes, and the children name the corresponding sound).

Children: P, P, P, P, P,……

Speech therapist. We continue the game. I will name the syllables, and you be careful!

Clap your hands when you hear the sound P

sit down when you hear the sound Pi.

(the speech therapist calls the syllables: Pa, Pya, Py, Pe, Pu ....)

- Well done! They sat down in their seats.

A game "Signals".

- I will name the words with the sound P or P. When you hear the word, where the first sound is P - click on the card - the sound scheme P. When you hear the word, where the first sound is P - click on the card - the sound scheme P.

(words: peony, postman, vacuum cleaner, dumplings, sailboat, stick, cake)

Speech therapist. PACK and PIN are very fond of playing outdoor games and one day they got so naughty that they mixed up all the pictures, help the spider and the penguin find their pictures.

PAC has a blue house.

PIN has green.

(Children go to the houses of PAK and PIN, take 2 pictures each and put them in the corresponding house. P - button, cook, train, palm tree, pillow, shelf; P - letter, pen, pirate, saw, pies, gloves)

Speech therapist.What do you have?

Child: I have a button.

Speech therapist. To whom will you give?

Child: I will give a spider, in the word button 1 sound P.

Speech therapist. Well done! All pictures are correctly placed.

  1. Determine the place of the sound in the word.

Speech therapist: Put cards for determining the place of a sound in a word in front of you. Sounds P And pi hiding in words. Determine where the sound is hidden in the word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end). (Speech therapist distributes subject pictures to children:

PP dress, lo P ata, sa P ogi, P train, P condemnation, re P A

pi- A P elsin, P idzhak, P fuck, kir P ichi, P silt, P ijama

Speech therapist: Where do you hear the sound P (Pi) in the word LO P ATA, at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word?

Child: I hear a sound P (Pi) in the middle of a word.

(speech therapist checks all words)

  1. We develop phonemic analysis, attention, memory.

Speech therapist: Working with cards.

- Identify the first sound in the word P or pi?

- What is the wrong word? Why?

(each child is given cards with the words: gloves, train, pirate; cook, palm tree, letter; pillow, pies, saw; oven, dishes, shelf; sailboat, postman, peony; pajamas, gloves, tomato)

  1. Fizkultminutka.

Speech therapist. PACK and PIN are very funny friends. And they invite you to move a little:

Two cheerful friends walked around the yard (imitation of movements)

Two cheerful friends started a game.

They made heads: peak, peak, peak. (head tilts to the left - to the right)

They clapped their hands: clap - clap - clap. (imitation of movements)

They stamped their feet: top - top - top.

  1. We develop phonemic synthesis.

Speech therapist: A game "Change the Word"(with a ball).

(children stand in a circle or behind chairs)

- Replace the first sound of a word with a sound P (pi) and get a new one:

dot - P point river - P echka

map - P arta forest - P esok

wheelbarrow- P achka treatment - P cookie

wolf - P olk green - P elenka

lye - P olka ladder - P esenka

jackdaw - P alka doctor - P doctor

  1. We develop phonemic analysis.

Speech therapist. A game Sound Mosaic.

Prepare cards for the game "Sound Mosaic". Listen carefully and identify the sounds carefully.

(The speech therapist calls the words, and the children determine the sounds P - P in words and put the corresponding sound symbol in each square.)

Words: P odorous, P train, P alto, P They

P alka, P and he, P helot, P abalone

P mail P doctor, P ianino, P arachute

What words for the sound pi do you remember?

What does this pattern look like? (Letter P)

9. Acquaintance with the letter.

Speech therapist: We hear sounds, but we write, we read?

Children: Letters.

Speech therapist. P - looks like a stump Suitable gate

Sit on it mate. Come on, whoever wants to.

Letter P in the gym

They called it a crossbar

Come on, honey, don't be lazy

Come and pull up.

We lay out the letter P from woolen threads on velvet paper.

- determine the left - right sides of the paper, top - bottom.

How many elements does a letter consist of? (from 3 elements)

Are the threads the same or different? (2 long, 1 short)

(We lay out the letter on velvet paper made of woolen threads, circle it with a finger; write on the table with a finger; write with a finger in the air; lay out a letter from counting sticks.)

  1. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist: What sounds did you continue your acquaintance with?

Sound P Which?

Sound pi Which?

What letter are you familiar with?

And what was the most difficult task?

What task did you like the most?

Spider Pak and penguin PIN have prepared gifts for you: you will paint the letters P at home: the big one with a blue pencil, and the small one with green.

Title: Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson in the senior group "Sounds (P - Pn), letter P"

Position: teacher - speech therapist of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MDOU Kindergarten- 108 "Snowflake"
Location: Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk

The manual includes 17 progressively more difficult tasks for working with the sounds P and P (from isolated pronunciation to phrasal speech, literacy tasks). All assignments are accompanied by illustrative material, artistic word.



Bezuglaya I.L., speech therapist of the II category of the Children's Clinical Health Center No. 8 of the city of Avdiivka, 2012.

System of work on automation of sounds П and Пь.

1 task "Catch the sound."

Clap your hands when you hear the sound P: a, s, y, p, t, i, m, p, k.

Task 2 "Select the pictures."(Annex 1)

The speech therapist shows and names the picture, the child selects the picture for himself if there is a sound P (or Pb) in its name, and leaves it to the speech therapist if there is no such sound.

3 task "Imitate the sounds."(Annex 2)

The speech therapist, together with the child, depict how porridge puffs in the pan: p - p - p - p, the locomotive lets off steam: P - P - P.

Task 4 "We read syllables and words."(Annex 3)

The speech therapist reads the syllables by pointing at them with his finger. After three repetitions, he “reads” the word-picture. Then the same line is repeated with the child.

a) pa - pa - pa - stick, pa - pa - pa - dad, pa - pa - pa - tent,

By - by - by - field, pu - pu - pu - bullet, py - py - py - dust;

b) pack - pack - pack - soup, op - op - op - forehead, ap - ap - ap - crab;

C) hat - hat - hat, paws - paws - paw, tyap - tyap - chopper,

Cap - cap - kpalya, cap - cap - cap, tooth - tooth - teeth.

5 task "Chistogovorki".(Annex 4)

By - by - by - sing a song.

Pa - pa - pa - small cereals. Py - py - py - wipe the dust.

Pu - pu - pu - we bought cereals. Poo - poo - poo - fluff flies.

Py - py - py - yellow sheaves. Whoop - whoop - whoop - I'm cooking soup.

6 task "Finish the word."(Annex 5)

The child is invited to finish the word by adding the syllable PA, then repeat the whole word: pa-(pa), lam-(pa), kru-(pa), lu-(pa), la-(pa), tol-(pa).

7 task "One - many".(Annex 6)

The speech therapist shows and names a picture with one object, and the child calls these objects in the plural (for the first time, the child simply repeats both options after the speech therapist):

Papa – papas lamp – cereals lamps – cereals

Magnifier - magnifiers paw - paws crowd - crowds

8 task "Continue the word."(Annex 7)

The child examines, and the speech therapist names all the proposed pictures. Then the speech therapist calls the first syllable of the word, and the child must choose and name (show) those pictures whose name begins with this syllable.

PA - peacock, folder. PU - gun, bullet. PO - field, shelf. PY - donut, dust.

9 task "What is missing?".(Annex 7)

The speech therapist closes one of the pictures with a card, the child must say what is gone.

Peacock, folders, guns, bullets, fields, shelves, donuts, dust.

10 task "What are they doing?"(Annex 8)

The child is asked to name actions according to the pictures. The speech therapist helps with questions: - What are the children doing? - They swim.

Verbs: swim, sing, jump, travel, cry, vacuum, beg, sleep, stomp, bathe, dig, write.

11 task "Hard - soft"

A) the speech therapist together with the child sings a song of hard lips: P - P - P and soft lips: P - P - P (if necessary, you can put your finger on your lips during the pronunciation of sounds).

B) we repeat syllables with a hard, then with a soft sound. You can play with the ball: the speech therapist says a syllable with a hard P and throws the ball, the child returns the ball, calling the same syllable with a soft sound. And vice versa.

Pa-pa-pa - pah-pah-pah p-p-p - p-p-p

Po-po-po - po-po-po-poo-poo-poo-poo-poo-poo

12 task "We read syllables and words."(Annex 9)

The task is carried out similarly to working with solid sound.

Pya - pya - pya - heels pee - pee - pee - pie

Pyu - pyu - pyu - puree pe - pe - pe - song

Pyo - pyo - pyo - dog pe - pe - pe - stove

13 task "1 - 2 - 5»(Annex 10)

One dress - two dresses - five dresses.

One lamp - two lamps - five lamps.

One computer - two computers - five computers.

One locomotive - two locomotives - five locomotives.

One spider - two spiders - five spiders.

One penguin - two penguins - five penguins.

One chain - two chains - five chains.

One turtle - two turtles - five turtles.

One desk - two desks - five desks.

One ship - two ships - five ships.

One coat - two coats - five coats.

One piglet - two piglets - five piglets.

One gun - two guns - five guns.

One mushroom - two mushrooms - five mushrooms.

One oven two ovens - five ovens.

One boot - two boots - five boots.

14 task "Sounds of P and P"(Annex 11)

The speech therapist invites the child to consider and name the pictures, and then cover them with chips of different colors: the pictures, in the name of which there is a sound P - blue, and the pictures, in the name of which there is a sound P - green chips.

Words with P sound: dress, bast shoes, spider, turtle, cabbage, cap, parachute, piglet, bubbles.

Words with pi sound: computer, pie, penguin, chain, pepper, gun, rooster.

15 task "We divide words into syllables"(Annex 12)

The speech therapist invites the child to divide each word into syllables and draw a line from the picture to the house with as many floors as there are syllables in the word.

Monosyllabic words: tooth, mushroom.

Two-syllable words: palm tree, tulip, drops.

Three-syllable words: pelican, parrot, captain.

16 task "Patters and poems"(Annex 13)

Tongue twisters are learned slowly, rhythmically.

The baker baked pies in the oven. I went to weed the fields in the field.A cap on a cap, a cap under the cap.

Buy a pile of spades. Buy a pile of fluff.

Millet flying in Frosya's field.

Tell me about shopping.

About what, about shopping?

About shopping, about shopping

about my shopping.

Cat Potap clapped on the paw,

And from Potap the cat drowned.

Task 17 "Determine the place of sound in a word"(Annex 14)

The speech therapist introduces the child to the sound arrangement patterns in the word (beginning, middle, end) and offers to pick up words for each of the patterns.

Words where the sound P is at the beginning: vacuum cleaner, school desk, steamer.

Words where the sound P is in the middle: shovel, ax, cabbage.

Words with a P sound at the end: mushroom, sheaf, dill.


Application number 1. Words: folder, paw, owl, palm tree, cabbage, house, mushroom, spider, doll, pyramid, pelican, plane, gun, flower, rooster, vacuum cleaner, parrot, sheaf, apple, cat.


Application number 2.



Pa-pa-pa - small cereals Pu-pu-pu - we bought cereals

Py-py-py - yellow sheaves

Annex No. 4.

By - by - by - sing a song. Py - py - py - wipe the dust.

Poo - poo - poo - fluff flies. Whoop - whoop - whoop - I'm cooking soup.


– PA

– PA

– PA

Application number 5. Words: dad, lamp, cereal.

– PA

– PA

– PA

Words: magnifying glass, paw, crowd.


To use the preview, create yourself a Google account (account) and log in:


Find words that start with the given syllable.





Appendix No. 7. Words: peacock, shelf, folder, cannon, field, donut, bullet, dust.


To use the preview, create yourself a Google account (account) and log in:


PY - PY - PY

PI - PI - PI

PY - PY - PY

Application number 9. Words: heels, pie, mashed potatoes.

PE - PE - PE

Pyo - Pyo - Pyo

PE - PE - PE

Words: song, dog, stove.


Appendix No. 10. Words: dress, lamp, computer, locomotive, spider, penguin, chain, turtle,

Steamboat, cap, coat, piglet, cannon, mushroom, stove, boot.


Put on each picture, in the name of which there is a sound P,

A blue chip, and on those pictures in the name of which there is a sound Pi -

Green chip.

Appendix No. 11. Words: dress, bast shoes, computer, pie, spider, penguin, chain, turtle,

Cabbage, cap, parachute, piglet, pepper, gun, bubbles, rooster.


Put each picture in your house: monosyllabic words - in a one-story

A house, two-complex - into a two-story, three-complex - into a three-story.

Appendix No. 12. Words: palm tree, tooth, tulip, pelican, mushroom, parrot, captain, drops.


Appendix No. 13.

Tongue twisters and poems for automating the sounds P and P.

* * *

- P, P, P! - let off steam

samovar full of tea.

Porridge on the stove puffs,

Steam escapes from under the lid.

Steam locomotive lets

running along the rails.

Floating smoothly on the river

steamboat blazes…

P! We put our lips together.

P! - we will exhale sharply!

P, P, P! - we puff deafly,

* * *

Draw an entrance, a portal,

Sail, pavilion, pencil case,

Pedestal, poster, tablet,

Folder, handrails, package -

Everywhere the letter P is visible,

She simply writes:

Stick, stick, ceiling -

P drew chalk!

* * *

The parrot said to the parrot:

- I'll parrot you, parrot!

Parrot in response parrot:

- Parrot, parrot, parrot!

The field is not a canvas,

The field is not watered

He asks for a drink -

You need to water the field.

Striped tiger cubs

Striped from birth.

A raccoon has stripes

And the zebra has no number of them.

There are stripes on the mattress

And stripes on a sailor suit.

At the barrier strips,

And birch stripes.

There are nice stripes.

At dawn and dusk.

But guys meet -

Everything is striped from dirt ...

I don't want to write about them.

In a striped notebook.

G. Sapgir.

The bird wants to wake up

The bird sings a song

Because a bird with a song

Wake up more interesting.

V. Berestov.


A bunny is dancing on the edge,

Dancing hedgehog on a stump,

A chizhik is dancing on a branch,

The dog is dancing on the porch,

The cat is dancing near the stove,

The mouse is dancing near the mink,

A goat is dancing on a hill,

A duck is dancing on the river

Turtle on the sand.


Dancing paws, dancing ears,

Dancing horns and tails!

What are you standing? Swim and you!

I'm starting to go according to plan.

Tomorrow I will become obedient

Day after tomorrow, so be it

I will stop being rude.

I will behave well in class.

And in the apartment, I won’t forget the floor of revenge either ...

I did everything honor by honor:

The plan hangs in a conspicuous place.

Grandma reads paragraphs ...

Sweeps and sighs...

The spider came to the market.

The fly-spider brought the goods.

He hung it on an aspen:

- Which of you wants cobwebs?

B. Zakhoder.

The two girls said:

The day has been extended at our school!

- I love the extension of the day.

Sign me up too!

They signed us up right away.

They took me to an extended class.

There's an extended window

The sun is surprised.

And then an extended lunch -

Borscht whitened with sour cream.

And then - attention! -

Party in the yard!

And then - an extended period,

To learn a lesson.

Only the evening is very, very

Was shortened that evening.

L. Fadeeva.


The parrot is tired of arguing.

Sat on a branch, dozed off.

I am his portrait in a notebook

Wanted to draw.

Here is the head, crest,

Slightly closed eye in a dream.

Turned out to be alive

My sharp-nosed debater.

E. Karelskaya.

Pony gifts.

The pony ran across the field.

I messed around with the pony!

smelled the flowers,

Jumped over the bushes.

Jumped to the zoo

Brought everyone a gift:

Pume is a yellow flower

Baboon - cornflower.

Primrose - for quail.

Other birds - on a panicle

Millet, feather grass, oats.

Let them chirp at the porch!

E. Karelskaya.

The peacock is proud of his trade:

“Our goods are first class!”

Placed all over the shelves

From crystal, glass dishes.

E. Karelskaya.

Play hide and seek all day long

With Paramoshey gloves.

- Hey! Didn't anyone see them?

- Look at your coat!

E. Karelskaya.


We found a hedgehog in the forest

And they brought it home.

Let him run around the kitchen

Prickly and funny!

Let him grumble angrily

Puffs like a locomotive

Let it fuss everywhere

Your round black nose!

I. Pivovarova.

How do I pick mushrooms?

I went for mushrooms -

Lost the basket.

While looking for her

Lost the scarf.

While looking for her

Lost the tape.

While looking for her

The slipper is gone.

So that my mother does not scold,

I'll go look first!

While looking for a slipper

I found a scarf in the grass.

While looking for a ribbon

I found a basket in the grass.

And here is the ribbon with the slipper,

And next to it are three waves,

Two white ones, two redheads

And three big pigs!

And my mother did not scold.

I. Pivovarova.

Our sharp saw -

She didn't drink, she sang.

Didn't drink, didn't eat

Never sat down.

She sang as loudly as she could

Cheerful saw.

I am Akim.


At dawn, at dawn

Sawing saws in the yard.

Saw saws incessantly,

They saw the oak and the Christmas tree.

L. Kvitko.

Father taught me how to work

Smart Danilka.

Father bought, bought, bought

Danilka a saw, a saw.

A. Shibaev.

The children asked the rooster:

- Why is your name Petya?

So Peter answered the children:

- I can sing well.

I. Konkov.

Early in the morning mama

I sent my son to class.

She said: - Do not fight,

Don't tease, don't fuss.

Hurry up, it's time.

Well, neither fluff nor feathers!

An hour later, barely alive,

The rooster goes home.

Barely hobbles

He's from the schoolyard.

Appendix No. 14. Words: mushroom, shovel, vacuum cleaner, desk, ax, sheaf, steamer, cabbage, dill.

“Sounds P, Pb. Letter P "" Acquaintance with the sounds [p, p '], with the letter P, p. "Sounds P, Pb. Letter P"

Topic: “Sounds P, Pb. Letter P"


  1. To consolidate the skills of distinguishing and clearly pronouncing the sounds P, Pb;
  2. Develop phonemic awareness;
  3. To form the skills of analysis and synthesis of syllables;
  4. Develop memory, attention, thinking;
  5. Dictionary enrichment;
  6. Acquaintance with the letter;
  7. Development of reading and writing skills.
Material: envelopes for sound characteristics, mirrors, "Merry Art Stadium".

Lesson progress:
1. Repetition of the passed sounds (A, U, M) on soundless articulation.
2. Articulatory gymnastics "Merry arts stadium".
3. Creating a problem situation: what sound is most often repeated?
The parrot says to the parrot: I, parrot, parrot! Parrot in response to the parrot: Parrot, parrot, parrot! (sound P)
4. Articulation and sound characteristics P:
Lips clenched tight! Like a paperclip squeezed the lips.
How can sound get through here? After all, there is an obstacle in the way!
The sound broke through the barrier and got us as a reward.
We uttered it, but without a voice, alas!
P - deaf, explosive, consonant, he likes to be next to a vowel.
5. Speech charging: PA-PYA, PO-PYO, PU-PYU, PY-PI, AP-AP, OP-OP, UP-UP, YP-YP.
6. Distinguishing P - Pb by ear:
A) pa, pya, po, pe, pu, py, pi, pyu, ap, op, ap, ip, ...
B) dust, five, heel, top, sing, drink, school desk, spider, rooster, letter, steamer ...
C) the game “On the contrary”: pa-pa-pa - pya-pya-pya, p-p-p - p-p-p-p, p-p-p-p - p-p-p-p, p-p-p - p-p-p, ap-ap-ap - ap-ap-ap, op-op-op - op-op-op, oop-up-up - yup-yup-yup, top-top- top - tep-tep-tep.
7. The game "Who is attentive?" - remember words with sounds P, Pb from G. Yudin's fairy tale "Day of the Piglet":
Piglet Peach came to the post office and told Petya the postman: “Tomorrow is our holiday, Piglet Day, I want to send a package to my friend Donut. Here, in a scarf, pies and cakes. He loves them very much." And Donut lived on the other side of the pond. “Walking far away. I won't make it before the holidays. I’d better swim on a raft, ”Petya decided. He sat on the raft, set the sail and sailed slowly. And suddenly, in the very middle of the pond, the raft untied, and Petya fell into the water! And he doesn’t know how to swim at all, “Help! I'm drowning! - Petya shouts, but does not release the package. And the pig Donut sits at his house and thinks: “Will the rooster drown or not?” Well Peach heard! He flopped into the pond and began to push Petya to the shore with a snout. Somehow he got him to shore. “Why didn’t you help, Donut? After all, Petya was carrying a parcel for you. “So if I knew what I was, I would help. And you can catch a cold."
8. Physical education.
9. a) Put the sound P at the beginning of the word: ears, Ulya, Olya, Allochka, meadow, shop
B) replace the first sound of the word with the sound P: dot, wheelbarrow, map, silk, silk, cake, boy, bridge, stake.
10. a) replace the first sound in the word with the sound Pb: doctor, ladder, river, forest, treatment, brilliant green, vila, medal, laziness, peace, chalk.
B) Name the first and second sounds in the words: paste, poodle, stick, button, peacock, powder.
11. Dictionary: Birds.
(picture) These are the toothy scarecrows that were the great-great-great-grandmothers of our birds! Now the largest bird - an ostrich - is taller than a man, and the smallest - a hummingbird - is no more than a candy. Baby, and flies all day without rest. He even eats nectar from flowers, hanging in the air like a helicopter. But domestic chickens have almost forgotten how to fly. All birds are covered with feathers that serve as their clothing. A peacock, for example, has a royal outfit, but his voice is useless. And the gray nondescript nightingale is the most skillful singer. Birds are eggs that hatch into chicks. In ancient birds, eggs were the size of a soccer ball, and in a baby hummingbird, they were the size of a pea. To feed their hungry chicks, some birds destroy a huge number of harmful insects in one summer. And what is the use of a bird sitting in a cage?
12. The result of the lesson.

Reinforcement outside of class.
1 Articulation and finger gymnastics ..
2. The game "On the contrary" - the distinction between P-P
3. The game "Run to me" - distinction P-P
4. The game "Remember, repeat": up-op-up, op-up-up, up-up-up
5. The game "No. Live sounds" (ap, op, ip)
6. Game "Guess the last sound?"

Reading and writing:
1. Finding the letter at the checkout.
2. "How many elements does a letter consist of?"
3. Laying out the letter P from sticks.
4. Drawing P in the air.
5. Letter printing.
6. Analysis of the syllables AP, UP.
7. Synthesis of syllables AP, UP.
8. Printing syllables AP, UP.
9. Reading on card number 4.

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summary of the lesson “Introduction to the sounds [p, p’], with the letter P, p.
(preparatory group)

Target: to consolidate the sound pronunciation skill R in words and phrases; learn to determine the syllable by count; conduct sound-syllabic analysis of words; determine percussive sound; develop phonemic awareness. Get to know the letter learn to transform words; print syllables and words. Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.
Lesson progress
Organizing time.
The one who will name the words consisting of one, two, three syllables and denoting the names of animals sits down.
Guessing the sound by description.
- The tongue is behind the upper teeth, the air stream is directed to the tip of the tongue, while it trembles.
- What do you think, what sound are we going to talk about today? (About the sound R.)
Story about 2 dogs (with toys or pictures showing): two dogs lived in the same yard, one big, the other small. The cat Vaska got into the habit of walking in this yard. The dogs were very angry with him and growled: a big dog - r-r-r, and a small one - r'-r'-r'.
The game "Let's roar like a small and a big dog."
Sound characteristic . A jet of air meets an obstacle, which means the sound is consonant. We pronounce with a voice - sonorous. It is hard and soft.
Speech charging : tra - tro - trou - tra
pra - pro - pru - pra
stra - stro - stru - stra
Ra - ra - ra - frame, cancer, mountain, hole
Ro - ro - ro - rose, grove, mouth, feather.
Ru - ru - ru - hands, guns, kangaroos
Ry - ry - ry - fish, market, camelina, lynx.
Determining the position of sound in words (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of a word). Children work on pictures.
Physical education minute
There are two frogs in the swamp, two green girlfriends
Washed early in the morning, rubbed with a towel.
They stamped their feet, clapped their hands.
To the right, to the left they leaned and returned back.
Here is the secret of health.
To all friends - physical education

Getting to know the letter R, r (er)
What does the letter look like? The letter P is a sail on the mast,
“I'm trembling with fear, floating into the distance, touching the sky.
Still! - V. Stepanov
The log exclaimed, - The handle is round at the cane.
It looks like an ax! The cane for grandfather was made by Kostya.
Definitely split." G. Vieru
E. Terlapan
Printing letters, syllables, words . (ra, ro, ru, ry, ri, re, wound, frame, Rita, Rimma).
Sound-syllabic analysis of words . Drawing up schemes for words (hands, tiger, mushrooms, balls), determining the place of hard and soft sounds R in words, division of words into syllables, definition of stressed sound.
Game exercise "Make a word." The teacher calls the first syllable, and the children add a word to this syllable dot.
Vocabulary material: car (dot), cable (dot), chicken (dot), black (dot), kof (dot), for (dot).
Didactic exercise "Insert the sound r into the word after the first sound"
Vocabulary: forge - bed
firebox - trail
lady - drama
cat - baby
helmet - paint post - simple
Summing up the lesson : What letter did you meet?
What sounds does it represent?
Describe the sounds [p, p'].


  1. To consolidate the skills of distinguishing and clearly pronouncing the sounds P, Pb;
  2. Develop phonemic awareness;
  3. To form the skills of analysis and synthesis of syllables;
  4. Develop memory, attention, thinking;
  5. Dictionary enrichment;
  6. Acquaintance with the letter;
  7. Development of reading and writing skills.
Material: envelopes for sound characteristics, mirrors, "Merry Art Stadium".

Lesson progress:
1. Repetition of the passed sounds (A, U, M) on soundless articulation.
2. Articulatory gymnastics "Merry arts stadium".
3. Creating a problem situation: what sound is most often repeated?
The parrot says to the parrot: I, parrot, parrot! Parrot in response to the parrot: Parrot, parrot, parrot! (sound P)
4. Articulation and sound characteristics P:
Lips clenched tight! Like a paperclip squeezed the lips.
How can sound get through here? After all, there is an obstacle in the way!
The sound broke through the barrier and got us as a reward.
We uttered it, but without a voice, alas!
P - deaf, explosive, consonant, he likes to be next to a vowel.
5. Speech charging: PA-PYA, PO-PYO, PU-PYU, PY-PI, AP-AP, OP-OP, UP-UP, YP-YP.
6. Distinguishing P - Pb by ear:
A) pa, pya, po, pe, pu, py, pi, pyu, ap, op, ap, ip, ...
B) dust, five, heel, top, sing, drink, school desk, spider, rooster, letter, steamer ...
C) the game “On the contrary”: pa-pa-pa - pya-pya-pya, p-p-p - p-p-p-p, p-p-p-p - p-p-p-p, p-p-p - p-p-p, ap-ap-ap - ap-ap-ap, op-op-op - op-op-op, oop-up-up - yup-yup-yup, top-top- top - tep-tep-tep.
7. The game "Who is attentive?" - remember words with sounds P, Pb from G. Yudin's fairy tale "Day of the Piglet":
Piglet Peach came to the post office and told Petya the postman: “Tomorrow is our holiday, Piglet Day, I want to send a package to my friend Donut. Here, in a scarf, pies and cakes. He loves them very much." And Donut lived on the other side of the pond. “Walking far away. I won't make it before the holidays. I’d better swim on a raft, ”Petya decided. He sat on the raft, set the sail and sailed slowly. And suddenly, in the very middle of the pond, the raft untied, and Petya fell into the water! And he doesn’t know how to swim at all, “Help! I'm drowning! - Petya shouts, but does not release the package. And the pig Donut sits at his house and thinks: “Will the rooster drown or not?” Well Peach heard! He flopped into the pond and began to push Petya to the shore with a snout. Somehow he got him to shore. “Why didn’t you help, Donut? After all, Petya was carrying a parcel for you. “So if I knew what I was, I would help. And you can catch a cold."
8. Physical education.
9. a) Put the sound P at the beginning of the word: ears, Ulya, Olya, Allochka, meadow, shop
B) replace the first sound of the word with the sound P: dot, wheelbarrow, map, silk, silk, cake, boy, bridge, stake.
10. a) replace the first sound in the word with the sound Pb: doctor, ladder, river, forest, treatment, brilliant green, vila, medal, laziness, peace, chalk.
B) Name the first and second sounds in the words: paste, poodle, stick, button, peacock, powder.
11. Dictionary: Birds.
(picture) These are the toothy scarecrows that were the great-great-great-grandmothers of our birds! Now the largest bird - an ostrich - is taller than a man, and the smallest - a hummingbird - is no more than a candy. Baby, and flies all day without rest. He even eats nectar from flowers, hanging in the air like a helicopter. But domestic chickens have almost forgotten how to fly. All birds are covered with feathers that serve as their clothing. A peacock, for example, has a royal outfit, but his voice is useless. And the gray nondescript nightingale is the most skillful singer. Birds are eggs that hatch into chicks. In ancient birds, eggs were the size of a soccer ball, and in a baby hummingbird, they were the size of a pea. To feed their hungry chicks, some birds destroy a huge number of harmful insects in one summer. And what is the use of a bird sitting in a cage?
12. The result of the lesson.

Reinforcement outside of class.
1 Articulation and finger gymnastics ..
2. The game "On the contrary" - the distinction between P-P
3. The game "Run to me" - distinction P-P
4. The game "Remember, repeat": up-op-up, op-up-up, up-up-up
5. The game "No. Live sounds" (ap, op, ip)
6. Game "Guess the last sound?"

Reading and writing:
1. Finding the letter at the checkout.
2. "How many elements does a letter consist of?"
3. Laying out the letter P from sticks.
4. Drawing P in the air.
5. Letter printing.
6. Analysis of the syllables AP, UP.
7. Synthesis of syllables AP, UP.
8. Printing syllables AP, UP.
9. Reading on card number 4.


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