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To increase the throughput of the walk-behind tractor and use it as an all-terrain vehicle or snowmobile, you can equip it with tracks. They can be purchased ready-made, but they are expensive, and it is not always possible to find the right option for your walk-behind tractor. There are several ways how to make a caterpillar for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands.

How to make a caterpillar on a walk-behind tractor with your own hands

If you wish, you can independently modify your walk-behind tractor, turning it into a tracked all-terrain vehicle or snowmobile. The main rule is to take into account what kind of work the tracks are intended for in order to choose the right material, because they must be not only durable, but also extremely light.

Having the materials at hand, having correctly calculated the length of the caterpillar, you can make it yourself using simple improvised means.

First of all, you need to equip your walk-behind tractor with an additional pair of wheels. For each side pair, the caterpillar track will be worn.

The length of each of the two goslings will be equal to the circumference of one wheel and the distance between the axles of each pair of wheels, multiplied by two.

Important: the wheels on the walk-behind tractor must be of the same diameter.

The material for homemade products can be:

  • conventional conveyor belt and bush-roller chain;
  • car tires;
  • belts and chains.

So, let's consider several options for making a goose yourself, depending on the material used.

From the conveyor belt

This method is the simplest, since it does not require a large number of special tools and auxiliary materials.

  • When choosing a belt for a caterpillar, give preference to a strip with a thickness of at least 7 mm, because it has a fairly large load. Hitching with moving parts will be provided by a sleeve-roller chain.
  • To give the tape strength and increase its operational life, it is recommended to sew along the edges of the tape with frequent stitches with a step of about 10 mm.
  • It is also necessary to sew the tape along the ends in order to connect it into a ring of the required diameter, or use, for greater reliability, hinges resembling a piano canopy.
  • Make sure that the additional wheelset that you install on the walk-behind tractor frame is the same diameter as the main wheels on the walk-behind tractor.

From the tire

It is enough just to make a durable reliable goose for a walk-behind tractor from a tire. The process of manufacturing from a car tire does not take too long, since it does not need to be stitched and lugs built up - the tire itself is a closed structure with a tread for traction.

Tires from wheels for trucks or tractors with a pronounced tread pattern are best suited for a caterpillar.

The manufacturing process is divided into several stages:

  1. Using a very sharp knife, dipped in soapy water to enhance the cutting ability on rubber, cut the tape for the goose of the required width.
  2. The sides of the tire are cut off with a jigsaw with a fine-toothed file.
  3. The hard parts on the inside of the tire are also sheared off with a knife or jigsaw.

However, here, too, there are several points that you should pay attention to:

  • The tread pattern should be clearly pronounced, since its reliefs are a kind of lugs that increase the adhesion of the moving mechanism to the surface.
  • The length of such a track is limited by the diameter of the tire, therefore, before attaching an additional pair of wheels, this should be taken into account.

Of belts and chains

In order to make a tracked all-terrain vehicle from a walk-behind tractor, you can use ordinary belts with a wedge-shaped profile. The connection of the belts to each other is carried out by grousers attached to them on rivets or screws. This gives us a belt track.

To make a goose from chains (chain tracks), you need to take two pieces of the same chain of the required length.

  • The end links of both segments are expanded in order to connect them into two closed rings.
  • The unclenched links are clamped again, and then welded for strength.
  • Sections are cut from steel of the required thickness, which will serve as lugs.
  • The lugs are bolted from both ends to the links of both closed chains, thus forming a relief track for the walk-behind tractor.

Homemade track links

You can also make your own homemade goose tracks from any suitable material. The main thing that needs to be taken into account is what kind of load you are going to give to your walk-behind tractor.

From plastic pipes

You can use pieces of plastic pipe as tracks for a snowmobile goose. To do this, cut the plastic water pipe # 40 into lengths equal to the width of the caterpillar. Use a circular saw to cut each piece lengthwise into two equal halves, or use a circular saw for wood.

The resulting tracks must be attached at regular intervals to the conveyor belt with furniture bolts No. 6 with large hemispherical caps.

From wooden blocks

Sometimes, if the load on the goose is not very large, birch blocks can be used as tracks. They are not particularly durable for heavy loads, but they are light, affordable, and a track with such tracks can be repaired at any convenient place.

Iron tracks

The most reliable are metal tracks made of high quality iron. For this purpose, metal pipes or a profile cut into pieces of the required length are suitable. A profile metal pipe is cut according to the same principle as a plastic one, and is attached to a conveyor belt with bolts.

However, metal tracks, despite their noticeable strength, also have their drawbacks: they are heavy compared to plastic and wooden ones, and can bend during use. To straighten the track, you need to remove it from the goose, and this is a laborious operation.

When choosing the material from which the track links for your mini-all-terrain vehicle will be made, you should evaluate the degree of load and operating conditions. To overcome snowy expanses, light plastic or wooden tracks are perfect, and for using a walk-behind tractor as a mini-tractor, it is still better to make a caterpillar with metal lugs.

Buy a hitch and trailed to a walk-behind tractor in online stores

DIY caterpillar for a motorized towing vehicle

The motorized towing vehicle, popularly called "motorized dog", is the best suited for use in northern latitudes with good snow cover. Using a walk-behind tractor, you can independently make a high-speed tracked vehicle alternative to a dog sled, which can tow a sled with a person or a small load in the snow.

Making a caterpillar for a motor dog with your own hands is not difficult at all.

You can use an old goose from the Buran snowmobile. To increase the undercarriage, you should cut it in half and build it up with inserts. Carriages from the old "Buran" can serve as tracks. Three carriages with rollers are enough. They also need to be cut and extended with inserts.

In the absence of old spare parts, a track for a motorized towing vehicle can be made from improvised means in one of the above ways. For example, from a conveyor belt.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • conveyor belt from 22 cm wide;
  • metal tires for reinforcement;
  • hardwood blocks of wood for crawler tracks.

We bring to your attention a video showing the process of making a caterpillar.

Making a track for a walk-behind tractor is a simple process, although it requires a sufficient amount of time. It is also necessary to apply all diligence and skill so that all the links of the goose are located at an equal distance from each other. This will help prevent the track from skewing and slipping off the bearing surfaces.

A do-it-yourself caterpillar can be made by any craftsman. If you have been thinking about how to make a caterpillar for a long time, then you should read the presented recommendations. For work, you can use a variety of tools and materials. It is permissible, of course, to use, if necessary, a caterpillar that was produced in the conditions of the plant. But this will cost much more than if you do the manufacturing yourself. The article will present several options for manufacturing tracks, one of which you can choose for yourself.

A simple option for making a caterpillar

A do-it-yourself caterpillar can be made using the simplest technology. It will take you a minimum amount of time. The caterpillar propeller can be made on the basis of a sleeve-roller chain, as well as a conveyor belt. To carry out the work, you need to prepare a certain set of special tools or equipment. In order to extend the life of the tape, it is recommended to stitch its edges with a fishing line, reinforcing it at a distance of 1 cm. It is necessary to use the principle that seamstresses use to overcast the edges of the fabric, which will protect the tape from damage.

A do-it-yourself caterpillar can be made by pairing elements into a single ring, this can be done in several ways. So, it is permissible to use a hinge like a piano hinge; you can also use a less reliable method, which involves patching the ends of the tape. It is important to take into account that the thickness of the tape must be chosen, which corresponds to the power of the motor. If you intend to use an engine from a motorcycle of domestic production, then you can use a belt, the thickness of which is 10 mm, of the type that is used on agricultural conveyors.

If the caterpillar is made with your own hands using this technology, then you will not have to spend a lot of effort. Despite the fact that such a model of a caterpillar is made quite simply, it has a long service life and a large resource.

Making tracks from car tires

You can make a caterpillar yourself using car tires. To carry out the work, it is necessary to select tires borrowed from trucks, it is recommended to use a suitable tread pattern, while you will spend less effort when working with the tire. The manufacture of such a caterpillar must be done by cutting out the sides from the tire, while leaving space for the treadmill. It should be borne in mind that this work is quite laborious and involves the application of a lot of patience and strength, in this case it is necessary to use an exceptionally well-sharpened boot knife.

In order to make less effort when making a caterpillar for a car with your own hands, you can wet the blade from time to time using a soap solution. As an alternative solution, you can use a device designed for cutting, it is permissible to use an electric jigsaw. On the latter, you first need to fix a file with small teeth, the file must also be pre-moistened with water, during operation such manipulations must be performed periodically.

Work technology

Do-it-yourself tracks for a car should be made using a technology that involves the initial removal of the beads from the tires, then, if necessary, you need to remove excess layers that are located on the seamy side of the formed ring, this is necessary if the track has increased hardness. If the tread pattern does not fit, then a new structure must be cut, which will be necessary so that the structure can cling to the soil.

A do-it-yourself track for a snowmobile made according to the above scheme will have many advantages, even if compared with the above option. This is due to the fact that it has a closed loop, which indicates reliability. But there are also disadvantages, one of which is expressed in the limited width of the caterpillar, but if there is a need, then you can apply a double width.

Making a caterpillar from belts

The next version of the caterpillar is especially attractive in that you do not have to spend extra energy in the process of carrying out the work. Before starting, it is necessary to prepare belts that have a V-shaped profile. They will have to be joined together using soil hooks, which are fixed with screws; rivets can be used as an alternative solution. As a result, you will get a snowmobile track, created by your own hands, which has holes for the drive sprocket. In order to form the holes, it will be necessary to leave some space between the belts.

Another option for making a caterpillar

Before making a caterpillar with your own hands, you need to choose the technology for carrying out the work. It is also acceptable to use the technique presented below. The frame of the propellers can be welded using pipes that have a rectangular cross section. It is recommended to connect them using a frame, this will make the structure collapsible. The spline part can be borrowed from the "Buran", this will allow the drive shafts to be made, to them you need to weld the spline part of the shafts, which are borrowed from the "Oka". It will be necessary to use brake discs as well. When working on the front shafts, you need to install brakes on them. Some part of the gearbox housing must be cut off. Making a caterpillar with your own hands will not only save money, but also move around the snow-covered area without any problems. This design can be used for a long time without the need for repairs.

As soon as winter begins in our country, given the climate, two-wheeled vehicles are removed to the garage until spring. It is sometimes impossible to use the car for movement due to heavy snow. And here to the aid of all motorists who want to move on a snow-covered road comes a snowmobile on tracks, which can be made from a walk-behind tractor with your own hands.

Not everyone has the opportunity to buy an additional vehicle, but everyone can independently design a homemade tracked snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor.

Advantages and features of a homemade snowmobile

  • The vehicle has a mechanical drive and a tracked walk-behind tractor, when driving on which, you will not get stuck in snowdrifts.
  • The steering comes from the skis, and the steering system is in front, so you can easily control it.
  • The price when buying a particular vehicle is important. Therefore, if you count, the cost of making a snowmobile yourself will be five times lower than buying it from the manufacturer. And it will come out even cheaper due to the available walk-behind tractor and other parts.
  • Reliability - where a person does not pass and a car does not pass, the snowmobile will overcome all obstacles with ease.
  • If the snowmobile is made by hand, then the designer approaches the choice of parts very carefully. By doing everything yourself, you are responsible for the quality of your design. In addition, by paying great attention to the components of the mechanism, you make the snowmobile all-round.

The device of a homemade motoblock snowmobile

This is a sought-after invention that you can make yourself if you have quality parts. The walk-behind tractor is taken partially (separate parts) or used completely. If you decide to use it not fully loaded, you need to weld on it a base frame with a rear axle, steering fork and wheels. The most difficult stage in this case is the transformation of the working shaft of the walk-behind tractor into a drive gear.

The most practical and versatile solution in the manufacture of self-propelled vehicles will be the use of parts from the walk-behind tractor. You only need to remove the steering fork and the engine from the finished walk-behind tractor.

The motor can be positioned at the rear of the structure.

Before starting the independent manufacture of the structure, draw a drawing, collect all the necessary material, prepare the tool, and you can start. The design is quite simple and any person can handle it; technical education and any skills are not required for this.

If you did not graduate from the Faculty of Engineering and it is difficult for you to draw up a drawing, use ours.

Drawing of a simple frame for a homemade snowmobile

The drawing shows the frame that you will need when making the snowmobile.

A walk-behind tractor in a homemade tracked snowmobile is the main part due to which your vehicle will move.

If everything is done correctly according to the drawing, you will have a goose-based snowmobile.

Snowmobile frame drawing on tracks

DIY crawler snowmobile making

Before starting work, decide on the tool. We can say with 100% certainty what you need: various screwdrivers, a hammer, welding, a pipe bender (if there is no ready-made frame).

Before preparing a blueprint for making your own snowmobile, familiarize yourself with the standard configuration.

  1. Frame. Every snowmobile has a frame: the more complex the structure, the more reliable and sturdy the frame must be. The best option is to take from an ATV, scooter or motorcycle. If there is no such part, you can weld it yourself from pipes with a diameter of at least 40 mm.
  2. Seat. The riding position on the snowmobile must be firm, as the structure itself is quite low.

Prerequisite: the seat must be made of waterproof material.

  1. Engine. When choosing an engine, pay attention to its power. If you want a powerful sled, then the engine must be that.
  2. Tank. A container with a volume of 10-15 liters, made of metal, is perfect for a fuel tank.
  3. Skis. If you do not have ready-made skis that can be adapted for a snowmobile, you can make them yourself from wood. It is better if it is at least nine-layer plywood.
  4. Steering wheel. When choosing a steering wheel, consider your convenience. It is best if it is borrowed from a two-wheeled unit.
  5. Caterpillars. Making tracks is perhaps the most difficult part of the entire self-propelled vehicle.
  6. Drive unit. For the tracks to spin, you need a drive - the best way to do this is to use a chain from a motorcycle.


If a ready-made frame is not available, then it is easy to weld it from a profile pipe, and to shape it using a pipe bender.

If you cannot independently make calculations and draw up a drawing, then for example, use the drawing from our website.

Once the frame is assembled, treat it with an anti-corrosion agent and paint it with quality paint that will withstand both moisture and frost.


Everyone who previously independently designed a tracked walk-behind tractor notes: making tracks is the most difficult process in a homemade product.

The easiest way to construct them is from car tires. This option is the most advantageous - high-quality and low-budget. The part is manufactured in a closed circle, so a tire rupture cannot occur.

Tracks for a snowmobile from a tire (tires)

Caterpillar manufacturing instructions:

  • From a car tire: we take the tire and cut off the sides (it is better to do this with a sharp knife). You need to cut so that the flexible part with the protector remains.

Dear visitors of the site "" today we will figure out how to independently make tracks for a tracked all-terrain vehicle and what is needed for this? Drove ... is the most passable among its fellows, and all because the specific pressure on the ground is evenly distributed over the entire lower plane of the caterpillar, that is, it is a homogeneous fulcrum. But on wheeled all-terrain vehicles, the pressure is distributed over 4 points, so they often get stuck and skid. A simple example to you, why tracked tanks? Yes, all for the same reason, in order to evenly distribute the huge weight of the machine on the plane of the caterpillar in contact with the ground, otherwise they will simply get stuck in the ground and not budge.

The first step is to get a conveyor belt, it looks like this.

You will also need a rectangular pipe.
Well, of course, fasteners in the form of: bolts, nuts, washers, engravers.
First, we make the blanks of the tracks according to the width of the produced caterpillar, saw it with a grinder and put it in a pile)
After that, these blanks need to be given the desired shape and crimped on a special home-made machine. For clarity, let's see how a professional does it, 40 seconds for crimping one track is not a joke to you guys)

It is advisable to lubricate the ends a little with used oil.
After the track is given the correct shape, it still needs to be welded on the fangs-restraints.

In the upper part, reinforcement is additionally welded in the form of the letter " V»

In general, such a track should work.
First, you need to check and fit directly at the installation site of the track itself. Then you can already start assembling the caterpillar, but first you need to make holes in the conveyor belt, basically such a homemade tool is used. The tube is sharpened from the end, and on the side there is a hole for removing chopped rubber.
The tracks are also drilled with a drill, 2 holes on each edge.
Next, we are already assembling the caterpillar into a single whole.

This is how they make homemade tracks for all-terrain vehicles, as you can see, it is quite possible to do it yourself, which will significantly reduce the cost of the all-terrain vehicle you are assembling.

Thank you all for your attention!

Making a snowmobile with your own hands is much easier than it seems. This will require desire, a few parts from equipment that is idle in a shed or garage, amateur skills in working with metal and a little time. Purchased units will most likely also be required, but the cost of a snowmobile or snow scooter with a motor, assembled in a few evenings, will be much cheaper than a purchased one.

General construction rules

Homemade products for driving on snow are varied in appearance, size, layout, power, and even in the principle of movement. But in each version there are nodes that provide the properties necessary for snowmobiles, namely:

  1. Don't fall into the snow.
  2. Move on the surface with minimal friction and in the desired direction.

Obviously, the probability of sinking into the snow and the friction force depend on the weight of the unit, the contact area, and the shape of the contact surface with the snow. Of course, the condition of the snow has its effect, but this must be taken into account.

To fulfill the main purpose, the following components are always present in the design of a snowmobile:

Making homemade products simplifies the availability of parts from specialized equipment. Spare parts from Buran snowmobiles or any tools and vehicles with a motor - scooters, motorcycles, motoblocks are often taken. The area for creativity when creating each node is huge. There are many varied and proven solutions for every detail.

Simple kids snowmobiles

The easiest way to make support is to fit wide skis under the frame. The option of creating snowmobiles is especially attractive in that a children's snow scooter and a tool with a low-power motor are used for their assembly - for example, a screwdriver, a hand-held lawn mower-trimmer or a 2-horsepower chainsaw.

A children's snowmobile from a chainsaw is assembled without reinforcing its frame, but for transporting adults in winter clothes, it is worth adding strength to the structure.

Ice snowmobiles

Walking along the river in winter is a slippery activity. However, if you replace the snow scooter with a sled and attach a 4-5 hp engine from the Druzhba chainsaw to them, you will get a safe means of transportation on ice:

The efficiency and speed of a sled on ice is much higher than that of other designs. But on loose snow, such a structure will go with great difficulty.

Inflatable wheels

In terms of time consumption, the second most attractive design after snow-scooters and sledges is a home-made snowmobile from a chainsaw on wide inflatable chambers from the wheels of a truck or tractor. For strength, a uniform layer of liquid rubber is applied to their surface or another flexible and waterproof material is glued. In a circle, at equal distance from each other across the chamber, chains are put on or cross-members are firmly attached to increase traction. Rims for wheels can be borrowed for bicycles, motorcycle or do it yourself.

If there are no runners in the inflatable structure, then it will be able to ride even without snow on the soil. On such all-terrain vehicles, you can put frames together with engines from Izh, Ural or Dnepr motorcycles. Design flaws - dimensions, weight and a high degree of wheel vulnerability, but this does not affect the popularity of high-speed home-made pneumatics.


Caterpillar supports are used more often than others, while simultaneously performing the function of propellers. The reason is high efficiency and reliability. This design allows for high speeds while maintaining stability and maneuverability. There are several options for how to make tracks for a snowmobile with your own hands:

  • from a conveyor belt;
  • from truck tires;
  • from drive V-belts.

Across the conveyor belt, it is necessary to bolt plastic or PVC pipes cut along the axis, no more than an inch in diameter.

Even a child can handle such a light apparatus.

Old truck tires with winter tread can also be used as tracks if the sidewalls are cut off. They do not need crossbeams, but they will have to sweep the edges with a line in increments of a centimeter, otherwise the tire will quickly get loose.

Drive belts, like the conveyor belt, must be equipped with lugs. Several parallel belts, from 2 or more, are interconnected with transverse strong lugs, attaching them to the belts with rivets or screws. The distance between adjacent hooks should be equal to the pitch of the drive sprocket.

Tracks made from conveyor belts or belts are often reinforced with a chain, which increases the reliability and durability of the mover.

These snowmobiles combine lightness with a reliable drive.

One of the varieties of tracked snowmobiles is a motorized dog, which is named after its resemblance to a sled dog. To the detriment of maneuverability, the design was lightened, the tractive effort also increased. But it is the most efficient snow towing mechanism.

To change direction, you need to apply considerable effort with a shift in the center of gravity of the motorized dog.

The basic dimensions for assembling a two-seater snowmobile shown in the drawing will help to make the ride comfortable. The rest of the dimensions will depend on the availability of spare parts, assembly diagram.

When driving, discomfort from headwinds is alleviated by installing motorcycle glass and mudguards for the legs. But it is impossible to completely close on such transport from the cold wind. Comfort requires a fully enclosed cab, which means more weight and a more powerful engine.

A snowmobile with a car engine is designed for long journeys over long distances. With the heat-insulating material of the body, the ride is comparable to the comfort of a car.

And the easiest way to achieve comfort is to simply put the rear-wheel drive car on wide supports such as skis, tracks or pneumatic wheel tubes, and also start up the drive of the standard wheels to the snowmobile propellers and attach the front ski to the steering bipod.

It will not be superfluous during manufacture to provide for a replaceable scheme for replacing wheels with skis and vice versa, if you use spare parts for alteration.

Upgrading homemade snowmobiles

Having a ride on a simple snowmobile assembled with your own hands, it is impossible to resist thinking about improving transport. First of all, you can reduce the influence of frosty wind. For this, ready-made fairings, windshields are usually used - for example, as in the popular Buran:

On short winter days, the light from a motorcycle or car headlight comes in handy more than once. To make the lamp shine, you need a generator. For mini-constructions, it is enough to install a bicycle generator driven by a motor reducer. High-speed vehicles will require more powerful lighting.

There is no limit to perfection. Once assembled, the snowmobile can be endlessly retrofitted with all new attachments for performance, comfort and reliability. Many forums on this topic exist on the network, allowing you to transfer your own and taking into account someone else's experience in designing winter transport.

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