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1.develop the ability to classify types of transport at the place of his movement - land, air, water; ability to reason, draw conclusions.

2.Exercise the skill to find signs of differences and similarities between cargo and passenger transport. in the active dictionary the words: passenger transport, cargo, passenger, land, water, air.

4. expand the horizons of children, educate observation.



Lesson summary in middle group.

Topic: "Modes of transport"

Tasks: develop the ability to classify types of transport according to the place of its movement - land, air, water; ability to reason, draw conclusions.
2. to exercise the skill to find signs of differences and similarities between freight and passenger transport.
3. to fix in the active dictionary the words: passenger, cargo, passenger, land, water, air transport.
4. expand the horizons of children, educate observation.

1. Educator: Guys, today I came to work, and we have a letter on our table. I wonder who it might be from? (Reads): Lenin Street, 22, kindergarten "Cinderella", children of the group "Fairy Tale". Location: the village of Prostokvashino. (Is reading):

"Hello guys! The postman Pechkin is writing to you. Sharik and Matroskin started to build a new house and asked me to deliver them everything necessary materials by mail. I couldn't bring it by bike. Uncle Fyodor says that there are some vehicles that fly through the air, travel on the ground and float along rivers. And I live in Prostokvashino, I don't go anywhere and I don't know anything about transport. Tell me about it, help me figure out what kind of transport is and what it is intended for. Waiting for an answer. Pechkin ".

2.- Guys, you are ready to help the postman Pechkin. Is it possible to transport goods on bicycles? And what can be transported on? (by car) What are the names of the vehicles for the transport of goods? (freight)
The teacher shows the children two cars and asks them to name which one is a truck. Shows another car - which one? (car) What is it for? (for transporting people). What is the name of the people who are transported in transport (passengers).

3. Let's see - what are the similarities and how the cars differ:
- at cargo wheel more than passenger car;
- cargoes are transported in a freight car - sand, building materials, logs ...), and in a car - people;
- the cargo has a body and a cabin, the passenger has a cabin for passengers;
- who drives the vehicle? (chauffeur);
- name the place of movement of this transport? (on the ground);
- What car will Pechkin carry the goods with? (on freight).

4. Postman Pechkin's car broke down on the way. Yes, it crumbled so much, right in parts. Let's help Pechkin put together the car from parts and name what parts the truck consists of.
5. The teacher seats the children in front of the magnetic board.
- Guys, tell me, what is transport? (these are the means that are used to transport people and goods). Guys, we looked at a car and a truck. They move along the ground, which means that such transport is called ... ground.
- And if Pechkin encounters a river or sea along the way, what kind of transport will help him on the way? (the teacher exposes water transport, the children call it) Everything that moves on the water is called water transport.
- And if Pechkin meets high mountains, then what should he do? (then he will travel by another type of transport, which is called ... air).
To make it clearer for you, I suggest the game "Types of Transport"

For this game, you will unite into three groups and complete the task:
On the table are pictures with different kinds transport.
6. Group 1 selects only those pictures that relate to land transport and puts them on the roadway.
Group 2 selects pictures of water transport and puts them on the water.
Group 3 chooses an air mode of transport and attaches in the sky.
Children classify pictures into groups, the teacher asks:
- Guys, tell me, how can Pechkin bring building materials to Prostokvashino? (by truck, dump truck).
7. Physical minutes
They poured gasoline, got on the car,
We drove by car and reached the river.
Stop. U-turn. There is a steamer on the river.
The steamer is unlucky, you have to get on the plane.
The plane flies, the engine hums in it: oo-oo-oo. Hands to the sides, we send the plane into flight.

Right wing forward, left wing forward

One two three four. Here is our plane flying.
- Have a rest? Now sit down. We also have an interesting game called "The Fourth Extra".

And now, let's collect all the information for Pechkin in one letter.

I will display various types of transport on the board, and you take a close look and tell me which transport was superfluous.
Fine art teacher: Guys, let's collect all the information for Pechkin in one letter, and on what type of transport we will send him, you will now find out.

The wind walks on the sea

And the boat urges

He runs to himself in the waves on inflated sails.

What is this poem about? That's right, about the boat. See what he has. Children examine a model of a sailboat. They note that he has stern, sails. You liked the sailboat. How does a sailboat move? I propose to make a sailboat, only a small one, like the one on my sample. Do you agree?

Demonstration of the method of making a sailboat.

On a white cardboard sheet, spread glue on the bottom edge. (a wavy line is drawn on the sheet representing the edge of the sea) Then we take a blue napkin, tear off a piece, crush and glue it. What is the name of the part of the sailboat that we glued (hull)

What else is left for us to do? Correctly sails, Look at your plates. What did you see? Triangles. What color is yellow. This will be our sails. What did you put on Vitya? Look, colorful flags are fluttering on sailboats, let's also decorate our sailboats. Postman Pechkin will love our sailboats. Guys, to make the picture complete, you can stick the sun, clouds from napkins. Well captains, let's set sail. We take a letter for Pechkin with us and sail on a sailing ship. They swam.

Lesson summary:
- Guys, you enjoyed collecting information about transport. Tell me, what do we call transport? (this is all that can transport goods and people by land, water and air). And how transport is distinguished by the place of movement: land, air, water.

Well done! You have done an excellent job. Get a surprise from Pechkin.

Lesson on the development of speech for children of middle preschool age

Transport theme


  • Consolidation and generalization of children's knowledge on the topic "Transport".
  • Strengthen the skills of children to classify different types of transport (air, land, water, rail);
  • Strengthen the knowledge of children about the parts of the transport;
  • Develop thinking, visual perception, attention, memory, coherent speech; develop the ability to respond with a full sentence to the question posed.

Material: illustrations depicting transport.

Course of the lesson

Children enter the group, sit on high chairs. The role of the leader is performed by the educator (B). The role of Dunno (N) is the child of the group.

There is a knock on the door, Dunno appears.

Part I: Introductory

Q: Guys, Dunno came to visit us. Hello, Dunno!

N: Hello guys! I went to school today and I was given homework, but I do not know how to do it, help me, please!

Q: Well, can we help Dunno do his homework?

Children: Of course, we will help!

N: (1 task) Here is the first task, help meguess riddles(makes a guess):

"What a miracle - a long house," Boldly floats in the sky,

There are many passengers in it, flying overtaking birds,

Wears rubber shoes, a man runs him,

And it feeds on gasoline "What is it?"

(Bus) (Airplane)

“Brothers have equipped themselves for a visit,

They clung to each other
And they rushed off on a long way,
They only left the smoke "


Part II: Main part

Q: Guys, let's tell Dunno what these riddles are about?

Q: Dunno, do you know that transport is different?

N: No, I don’t know! Who cares, transport is transport.

Q: Now the children will tell you and show you that there are different types of transport. (Children's stories about air, land, water transport and why it is called that).

N: Thanks guys, I got it. Help me complete the second task.

(2nd task):

Fourth extra "

Q: We will now check how Dunno remembered what types of transport are. In the second task, you need to exclude an extra object and explain why it is unnecessary.

(a ship is a water transport, and all other transport is air).

  • motorcycle, bus, car, helicopter ;
  • plane, helicopter, rocket, ship ;
  • ship, steamer, boat,truck.

N: It's great, you helped me with this task too. Now the task is a little more difficult.

(Task 3) "What is missing in the row"

N: Look carefully and tell me what is missing in the row.

  • car, truck, car, truck ; passenger car;
  • car, truck, steam locomotive, passenger car , truck, steam locomotive;
  • ship, ship, steam locomotive, ship , ship, steam locomotive;

N: Oh guys, it seems to me that the next task is the most difficult and before this difficult task you need to practice.

Physical education "Raketa".

Q: Guys, you definitely need to help Dunno to cope with this difficult task.

(Task 4) "What picture is missing"

Q: Guys, look carefully, think! What a picture is hidden here!

  • a wheel from a passenger car - passenger car ;
  • truck cab -truck.

N: Well guys, you helped me to cope with all the tasks!

Q: Guys, let's help Dunno to consolidate his knowledge of transport. Choose a picture of the vehicle that you like best and tell us about it.

Part III: Drawing up a descriptive story about any transport according to plan:

1. What is it?

2. What kind of transport?

3. What parts?

4. Who is driving this vehicle?

  1. What is needed for movement?

6. Where can this transport go?

Q: Dunno, did you remember everything?

N: I remembered everything, now I know a lot! Thanks guys for helping me with my homework. Goodbye!

Part IV: Reflection

Q: What interesting things happened in class today?

Q: What did you like the most?

Summary of a generalizing lesson in the middle group
Topic: "Modes of transport"
educator MDOU
Bershet kindergarten
Yushkova Elena Viktorovna

Tasks: develop the ability to classify types of transport according to the place of its movement - land, air, water; ability to reason, draw conclusions.
2. to exercise the skill to find signs of differences and similarities between freight and passenger transport.
3. to fix in the active dictionary the words: passenger, cargo, passenger, land, water, air transport.
4. expand the horizons of children, educate observation.

Preliminary work:
- monitoring of passing vehicles
- outdoor games "Taxi", "Train", "Airplanes", "Cars and traffic lights"
- did / games "Guess by the description", "Where am I traveling", "Pick up the load to the car", "On the water, in the air, on the ground."
Fun games with a car on the control panel, "Railroad", a clockwork helicopter, boats for playing with water, a battery-powered plane.
- conversations with the examination of special purpose vehicles
- productive activities on a given topic
- role-playing games "We are driving, driving, driving", "Dexterous chauffeur", "Travel around the world"

Equipment: postal envelope with a letter from the village. Prostokvashino, illustrations with types of transport, 2 cars - cargo and passenger, classification table by lexical topic"Transport", did / game "The fourth extra".

The teacher informs the children that a letter came today:
I wonder from whom the letter (reads) Children gr. "Teremok" kindergarten village Bershet, st. Lenin, 9. From: the village of Prostokvashino. Is reading:

"Hello guys! The postman Pechkin is writing to you. Sharik and Matroskin started building a new house and asked me to deliver them all the necessary materials by mail. I didn’t manage to bring the bike. Uncle Fyodor said that there are some vehicles that fly through the air and float on rivers. Tell us about it, help us figure out what kind of transport is and what it is intended for. Waiting for an answer. Pechkin ".

Guys, you are ready to help the postman Pechkin. Is it possible to transport goods on bicycles? And what can be transported on? (by car) What are the names of the vehicles for the transport of goods? (freight)
The teacher shows the children two cars and asks them to name which one is a truck. Shows another car - which one? (car) What is it for? (for transporting people). What is the name of the people who are transported in transport (passengers). Let's see - what are the similarities and how the cars differ:
- the cargo wheel is larger than that of a passenger car;
- cargoes are transported in a freight car - sand, building materials, logs ...), and in a car - people;
- the cargo has a body and a cabin, the passenger has a cabin for passengers;
- who drives the vehicle? (chauffeur);
- name the place of movement of this transport? (on the ground);
- What car will Pechkin carry the goods with? (on freight).
The truck is carrying sand
The people are surprised "What a miracle - miracles,
There is sand in it under the clouds. "
The teacher seats the children in front of the magnetic board.
- Guys, tell me, what is transport? (these are the means that are used to transport people and goods). We have already said that this transport moves on the ground, which means that it is called ... ground.
- And if Pechkin encounters a river or sea along the way, what kind of transport will help him on the way? (the teacher exposes water transport, the children call it) Everything that moves on the water is called water transport.
- And if Pechkin meets high mountains, then what should he do? (then he will travel by another type of transport, which is called ... air).
- And now, let's collect all the information for Pechkin in one letter, for this I propose to unite in three groups - agree who will work with whom, and listen to the task:
Pictures with different types of transport are laid out on the table.
Group 1 selects only those pictures that relate to land transport and enter them into the classification table.
Group 2 chooses pictures of water transport and also put them on the table.
Group 3 chooses an air mode of transport and fills in the table.
Children classify pictures into groups, the teacher asks:
- Guys, tell me, what will Pechkin use to bring building materials to Prostokvashino? (by truck, dump truck).
- And on what car will Pechkin send mail? (on a special vehicle "Mail") And what else will this correspondence use to travel further? (by train, by plane, by ship).
Children put everything they have prepared for Pechkin in an envelope and send it by mail.

They poured gasoline, got on the car,
We drove by car and reached the river.
Stop. U-turn. There is a steamer on the river.
The steamer is unlucky, you have to get on the plane.
The plane flies, the engine hums in it: oo-oo-oo.

Have a rest? Now sit down more comfortably on the carpet, let's play the game "The fourth extra".
Lesson summary:
- Guys, you enjoyed collecting information about transport. Tell me, what do we call transport? (this is all that can transport goods and people on land, by water and by air). And how transport is distinguished by the place of movement: land, water, air.
- Well done! You have done an excellent job. Today we will go to the post office and send a letter to the village. Buttermilk. And Sharik and Matroskin will be happy when Pechkin delivers building materials to them.

Anna Svetlichnaya
Summary of the lesson in the middle group on familiarization with the outside world using ICT "Transport"


- to form an idea of ​​transport and its types;

Give information about the history of appearance transport;

Explain the rules of conduct in public transport;

Develop the ability to highlight the distinguishing features of objects and

combine them into group by essential features;

Foster the desire to protect green spaces.

Type of classes: learning new material.

Equipment: multimedia presentation.

Course of the lesson:


Tell me guys, do you like to travel? (children's answers)

Who can tell me where you have been? (children's answers)

How did you get there, is it very far away? (answers children: by car, by train, etc.)

How can you name the items that helped you get to the right place in one word? (transport)

You probably took some things with you? After all, you never know what you might need on a trip? (children's answers)

Why do we need transport? (transport people, goods)

Well done boys! What else transport you know? (children's answers)

How much! Guys, do you know that transport is divided into types? Here, today, we are with you and find out what types there are transport... But first, I'll tell you a story. This morning, Bear called me and said: “Masha and I are going to The land of sweets where there are many, many raspberries. The way there is long and we cannot cope without the help of the guys! "

Let's help Masha and the Bear, guys? (children's answers)

Then let's get started. So, Masha and the bear set off on a journey. They walked for a long time, and here in front of them is a dense forest, trees grow so often that they look like a wall. (Slide 2)

What to do? Which transport will help them? (helicopter, plane and balloon)... That's right, but a helicopter, an airplane and a balloon, what kind is it transport? (air) (Slide 3,4,5)

Masha and the bear made their way through the forest and continued their journey. Suddenly they saw a large lake in front of them. The lake turned out to be wide and very deep. (Slide 6)

What to do? How to get across the lake? (swim across) Well done! What is it transport? (water) (Slide 7,8,9)

So the lake is left behind. Masha and the Bear continued their journey. But suddenly a cave appeared in front of them. (Slide 10)

How to get through it? What can help our heroes? (underground) What kind is it transport? (underground) (Slide 11,12,13,14)

Masha and the Bear crossed the cave, and a wide field stretched out in front of them. (Slide 15)

How to be? Where to go? (children's answers) And what kind is it transport? (ground) (Slides 16-21)

Now Masha and Misha got to Land of Sweets... Which transport helped them along the way? (Slide 22)

2. Physical education "Aircraft"

Guys, get up from your seats, we will stretch a little.

The planes hummed

(rotation in front of the chest with arms bent at the elbows)

The planes flew

(arms to the sides, alternately tilts to the sides)

They quietly sat down on the clearing,

(sit down, hands to knees)

And they flew again.

(arms to the sides with bending to the sides)

3. History transport(Slide 23-28)

A very, very long time ago, a person moved only on foot, and all that he needed to carry, all the loads - he carried on himself. Do you think it was easy for him to carry all the weights on him? Yes, it was very difficult. Time passed, and they came to the aid of a man (horses, donkeys) That's right guys, pets. And in hot countries also camels and elephants. Animals made life much easier for people. Then man began to build boats from wood, and with the invention of sails and ships, use the power of the wind inflating the sails. Man was able to swim along rivers, seas and even oceans. Then, a steam locomotive appeared, it could transport huge loads and a large number of people over great distances.

But rails cannot be laid everywhere. And the inventors came up with the first car, they removed the rails and the locomotive went on wheels. Since then species transport constantly improved. Cars became more powerful and faster, thanks to the engine that ran on gasoline. Then the first appeared aircraft: the inventors put Gas engine on the glider, and then submarines, subways, rockets and many more different types appeared transport.

4. Consolidation of the studied material.

The game "Tell me a word"

Will not go without gasoline

Neither the bus nor. (a car)

He rides on two wheels,

Does not skid on the slopes,

And there is no gasoline in the tank - It's mine. (bike) (Slide 29)

Feed me gasoline

Give rubber to your hooves

And then, raising the dust,

Runs. (automobile) (Slide 30)

Without acceleration, it soars up,

It resembles a dragonfly.

Takes flight

Rotary-winged. (helicopter) (Slide 31)

There is silence in this house

Many windows, one door.

The house flies into the sky.

All behind the window country.

the house went flying.

This means it. (airplane) (Slide 32)

There are no clouds on the horizon

But an umbrella opened in the sky.

In a few minutes,

Got down. (parachute) (Slide 33)

Conversation on questions.

All named funds movement serves one purpose. Which? (Carriage)

What are they carrying? (Loads, people)

So, depending on what or who is being transported transport it can be divided into group... Which ones? (Passenger and cargo)

And if you divide transport by types, depending on where he is used by: on the ground, on the water, underground, in the air. What are these species called? (air, water, ground and underground)

What do you think transport is the safest means? Why?

How to avoid dangerous situations associated with transport?

Once mainstream horses served as transport? Now they have been completely replaced by machines. People, of course, benefit from this replacement. And nature?

How can we be? After all, we cannot give up the modern transport?

5. Behavior of Outcomes classes

Guys, today we helped Masha and the Bear to get to The Land of Sweets and met with different kinds transport... You are already familiar with cars, trains and ships, and a little later you meet others vehicles ... But you must remember for the rest of your life that you need to be careful on any road and in any form. transport and follow the rules of the road.

Target: Familiarization of children with modes of transport.
- To expand the knowledge of children about modes of transport.
- Activate the dictionary: passenger, cargo, passenger, land, water, air transport
- To develop the ability to classify types of transport according to the place of its movement - land, air, water; - Ability to reason, draw conclusions.
- to cultivate a respectful attitude towards others;
- friendly relations;
- the desire to support friends, takes care of them.
Preliminary work:
- observation of passing vehicles,
- outdoor games "Taxi", "Train", "Airplanes",
- productive activities on a given topic
- Role-playing games "We are driving, driving, driving", "Dexterous chauffeur".
- Telegram;
- Four envelopes (1 - large; 3 - blue, red, green);
- Toys: cars - trucks, cars; boats, boats, ships, airplanes, helicopters;
- Pictures with different types of transport.
Course of the lesson:
Educator: Hello guys! Today I received a telegram from Dunno. He writes that he had a dream that he was sailing in a car along a river, and his friends were traveling by plane along the road and carrying cargo on a bicycle. He's completely confused. What kind of transport flies through the air and floats on rivers. Tell me about it, help me figure out what kind of transport is and what it is intended for.
Educator: Guys, you are ready to help Dunno. Is it possible to transport goods on bicycles? And what can be transported on? (by car) What are the names of the vehicles for the transport of goods? (freight). Look, I have two cars. One is cargo, the other is passenger. What do they serve?
Children's answers: For transporting people.
Educator: What is the name of the people who are transported in transport.
Children's answers: passengers.
Educator: Let's see - what are the similarities and how the cars differ: - a cargo wheel has more than a passenger car;
- cargoes are transported in a freight car - sand, building materials, logs, and in a car - people;
- name the place of movement of this transport? (on the ground);
- What car will Dunno and his friends carry the cargo? (on freight).
Physical education
We're going, we're going home (movements imitating a steering wheel)
By car
We drove up the hill: clap, (hands up, clap over head)
The wheel went down: stop. (hands through the sides down, sit down).
Educator: Guys, tell me, what is transport? (these are the means that are used to transport people and goods). We have already said that this transport moves on the ground, which means that it is called ... ground. And what kind of transport can help Dunno and his friends to cross the river or sea.
Children's answers: boats, boats, ships.
Educator: Well done, I have water transport. Everything that moves on the water is called water transport. And if high mountains are encountered, then what should he do? What type of transport will he use, Dunno and his friends?
Children's answers: helicopters, airplanes.
Educator: Well done, right. This is called air travel. And now, let's collect all the information for Dunno in one letter, agree. On the table are pictures with different modes of transport, and There are three envelopes: a red envelope is for land transport, a blue envelope for water transport, and a green envelope for air transport.
Children put pictures on envelopes. Children put everything they have prepared for Dunno in a large envelope and send it by mail.
Physical education
They poured gasoline, got into the car, drove by car, got to the river. Stop. U-turn. There is a steamer on the river. The steamer is unlucky, you have to get on the plane. The plane flies, the engine hums in it: oo-oo-oo.
Educator: Children, you've learned a lot about transportation. Tell me, what do we call transport?
Children's answers: This is all that can be used to transport goods and people on land, by water and by air.
Educator: Well done! You have done an excellent job. Today we will go to the post office and send a letter to our Dunno and his friends. Now he will know where to ride, where to sail, where to fly.


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