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  • Each person's body is unique, so it reacts differently to supplements.
  • Athletes tend to prefer creatine, it allows you to maintain a high pace of training and better strengthen muscles.
  • With the support of proper nutrition and training, supplements will help you get to the next level faster.

So, the five most important supplements for rapid muscle growth

If you walk through a bodybuilding store, you will see a huge number of supplements designed specifically for better muscle growth and recovery of your body after a grueling workout. For the most part, all supplements are good in their own way, but not all of them are suitable for every individual. Each person's body is unique, so it reacts differently to supplements. Despite all this, there are a number of supplements that help you achieve the best results and get the most bang for your buck across the board. Next, Pittsport will tell you about the supplements that will best help you build muscle.

1. Creatine

Creatine is a completely natural, natural substance found in our muscle cells. Primarily around skeletal muscle tissue, where about 95% of all creatine in the body is located. The remaining five percent is evenly distributed throughout the body.

This natural metabolite is reproduced as creatine monohydrate for sports dietary nutrition. In the body, it is needed for cellular energy production and modulation.

Benefits of using creatine:

  • Stimulating the beginning of muscle growth
  • Increasing the volume of muscle cells
  • Fast recovery after workouts
  • Rapid glycogen synthesis
  • High intensity muscle work

Athletes tend to enjoy using creatine in both strength training and bodybuilding as it allows them to keep up the pace of their workouts and build muscle better. At the same time, it is always easy to stop taking creatine, because it is always present in the body anyway. As a rule, it will take the body 3-4 weeks to bring the level of creatine back to normal.


Beta-Alanine is a naturally occurring, non-essential amino acid that comes into our bodies from protein-rich foods such as chicken. The increase in training performance is due to its ability to increase intramuscular levels of carnosine. Taking Beta-Alanine as a supplement will allow you to increase your carnosine levels by over 60% in just 4 weeks.

This is very important during intense training, when our body produces a large amount of hydrogen, due to which the pH drops, that is, there is more lactic acid in the body. This acidity can cause extreme fatigue, impair muscle performance, and even cut off nerve impulses.

By maintaining elevated carnosine levels with Beta-Alanine supplements, you will be able to delay the production of hydrogen and subsequent acidity, which will allow you to avoid rapid fatigue or muscle failure.

Additional positive points when using Beta-Alanine:

  • Enhanced endurance
  • Increased power
  • Less fatigue
  • Improved body composition
  • Beta Alanine Works Well With Creatine
  • Increased performance, regardless of intensity or duration.

3. Whey protein.

It has long been a known truth that bodybuilders can increase their performance and build powerful muscles by consuming whey protein shakes. These proteins provide our body with a lot of protein, as well as the necessary amount of calcium, magnesium and other minerals that are so easily absorbed in the form of a drink.

These protein blends are usually consumed both before and after workouts for better recovery. Whether you're sticking to your muscle-building diet or want to burn excess fat, then using whey protein every day can help speed up those processes. Next, Pittsport will tell you about the main benefits of this supplement.

  • Easy absorption. Many athletes can save time by using post-workout whey shakes for fast-absorbing nutrients, as these supplements contain a range of vitamins and minerals not available in daily diets, making it a great option for busy business people.
  • There are no problems with digestion of lactose. People with lactose intolerance are aware of the discomfort that often awaits them when using everyday shakes. Whey protein blends are usually a combination of egg and soy proteins, as well as calcium caseinate. As you yourself may have noticed by the composition, no negative effect, as after milk, is observed.
  • Increased muscle recovery. After intense weight lifting or other sporting activities are over, your body needs to recover, and for this it needs special nutrition. Protein is the most important building block for muscle recovery. Protein is the main ingredient in protein blends and many other supplements. If you use it immediately after training, then your body will start the process of rapid recovery.
  • Natural appetite suppressants. Eating a high protein diet can easily satisfy hunger, thereby allowing you to eat a low-calorie diet without feeling hungry. Whey protein supplements and shakes can be used as meal replacements or as a snack between meals.
  • Amino acids. Our bodies need a significant amount of quality proteins and amino acids to function properly. Whey protein supplements are literally loaded with amino acids that enable protein synthesis.
  • Improved metabolism. A large amount of protein is necessary for athletes as fuel for the stove. When consumed throughout the day, it serves as a great source of energy and fuels that fire we call metabolism. With an improved metabolism, you will burn more calories and satisfy your hunger.

Recommended Portion: consume 30-40 grams of whey protein. Best before or after workouts, and also when there is simply no other food nearby to get the required amount of protein. However, while these shakes are ideal workout supplements, at other times, always try to eat whole foods.

4. Branched amino acids.

Another essential supplement that is often used by both strength and bodybuilders are branched-chain amino acids. Of the 21 essential acids, three are branched: leucine, isoleucine, and valine. These amino acids are the main building blocks of protein and make up about 30% of all skeletal muscle in our body. Our body uses them to repair muscles. Just like whey proteins, they send nutrients directly to the muscles, allowing them to recover better. Your body uses up BCAAs during exercise, so supplementing can help you replenish lost nutrients. This supplement also reduces muscle pain from fatigue and speeds up metabolic recovery.

A good proof that BCAAs really help is the increase in muscle endurance through constant fueling. This may be of interest to long-distance athletes such as marathon runners, swimmers, or even just backpackers.

5. Glutamine

Glutamine is generally praised for its ability to cushion muscle tissue breakdown during intense exercise, which can help increase endurance and strength threshold. You will find that you can lift heavier weights, both longer and more times. Your body compensates for overcoming strength limits with muscle growth. Glutamine, as a supplement, also has a number of other benefits:

  • Preserving muscle tissue allows your body to burn extra fat, because the stronger your muscles, the more efficient your metabolism. When you work out to lose weight, your body can burn some muscle mass, so it's important to slow down this process.
  • Glutamine has been shown to be beneficial in restoring the immune system in many people who have taken it. During intense training, glutamine allows you to distribute part of the load on the immune system, thus it not only restores muscles, but also integrates into the immune system, allowing the whole body to recover faster.
  • Glutamine is also known for its ability to increase growth hormone levels in the body. This is incredibly important for those who are focused specifically on muscle growth. Studies show that as little as 2 grams of glutamine supplementation already increases hormone levels.
  • Muscle tissue needs nitrogen. Glutamine supplements (L-glutamine) contain about 20% nitrogen, making them one of the best sources of nitrogen for muscles.
  • Together with other builders and building blocks such as creatine and whey protein, you will see significant growth and move quickly towards your goal.

If you're a serious athlete or bodybuilder, you probably know that sports supplements can help you get the most out of your intense workouts and strict diet. But what exactly are the additives? The sports nutrition market is bursting at the seams today like a child's jacket on a bodybuilder! One could, of course, try to wander through the depths of Internet blogs and sites of personal training gurus, but, unfortunately, one can often stumble upon information that is not entirely correct on such pages.

Fortunately, we decided to help you find the grain of truth. We've researched a wide variety of sports nutrition options and selected supplements from the wide variety that will help you maximize muscle strength and size. Knowing what to take, how much to take, and when to take it will help you get every drop of results from your hard work, so let's focus on the list of the most appropriate sports nutrition to achieve your goals.

If your goal is to get as big and strong as possible, these eight supplements will help you get there!


This muscle-building and strength-enhancing supplement is extremely safe and has plenty of evidence to support its effectiveness. Creatine works by increasing creatine and phosphocreatine in muscles and helps maintain energy during high-intensity disciplines such as weightlifting. In addition, boosting phosphocreatine can help speed recovery between sets.

Long-term use of creatine improves the quality of strength training and typically results in a 5-15% increase in strength and performance.

Recommended dose: The fastest way to increase muscle mass with creatine is to take 20g per day for 5-7 days, then the standard dose of 5g per day. However, lower doses of creatine - 5 g for 28 days - will also increase the effectiveness of training without causing the 1-2 kg weight gain observed in the first case.


Caffeine is perhaps the most widely used stimulant in the world, and with good reason. Caffeine has been repeatedly proven to be an effective ergogenic aid in both endurance and high-intensity exercise. However, when it comes to strength training, the effect of caffeine is quite controversial.

While some studies suggest that consuming caffeine prior to strength training can increase benching 1-rep max, other studies have found no strength benefit from caffeine.

Caffeine has been found to reduce the rate of fatigue and reduce the perception of exertion, which can be helpful during high-intensity, long-term workouts and if you just need to tone up before lifting weights.

Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs)

If you're an athlete or bodybuilder, we can't think of a single reason why you shouldn't take amino acids during your workouts. In addition to being very palatable, taking amino acids between sets can help speed up the recovery and healing process after high-intensity exercise.

A study published in 2010 in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Metabolism describes that subjects who took 100 mg of amino acids per kilogram of body weight experienced significantly less muscle damage and soreness during high-volume squat exercises.

Thus, branched chain amino acids, especially leucine, help regulate protein metabolism by promoting protein synthesis and inhibiting protein degradation, which improves recovery of damaged muscles during strength training.

citrulline malate

Initially, citrulline was positioned as a general tonic sports supplement. In fact, if you were to travel back in time 40 years ago, you would find that citrulline malate was prescribed to treat both mental and physical fatigue in postoperative patients. It is only very recently that citrulline malate has become popular for its effective performance enhancement.

The benefits of sports nutrition with citrulline malate are most associated with the synergistic combination of L-citrulline and malate, which help increase ATP levels (adenosine triphosphate, the body's main energy source) during exercise, as well as increase the rate of phosphocreatine recovery after exercise.

Studies have shown that a single dose of citrulline malate (8 grams) increased the number of sets during upper body strength training and reduced the duration of post-workout soreness to 24 hours compared to 48 hours in subjects taking placebo substances without medicinal properties. And recently, researchers from the University of Mississippi (USA) found that one dose of citrulline malate (8 g) significantly increased the results of exercises on the lower body.

Thus, citrulline malate may be beneficial for improving physical performance during intense upper and lower body strength training.

Sources of natural nitric oxide

Eating nitrate-rich foods like beets, radishes, and pomegranates is a great way to increase your body's production of nitric oxide (NO). Despite relatively little research on the effects of beetroot juice and pomegranate extract on strength training, these ingredients have previously been shown to increase skeletal muscle blood flow and reduce pain, ultimately leading to improved endurance and performance.

A number of studies have used both beetroot juice and pomegranate extract alternately as one of the sports nutrition ingredients and observed their effects on improving strength, hypertrophy and performance among athletes. At the moment, however, it is difficult to say whether the improvements found were due to the single action of beet juice and pomegranate extract, or their synergistic interaction with other ingredients.

Whey Protein

Fast-digesting whey protein is ideal for post-workout intake as it can help improve your muscles' ability to recover and adapt after exercise. Indeed, whey protein intake has been found to stimulate muscle protein synthesis to a greater extent than other proteins such as casein or soy protein.

It has been found that the intake of whey protein sports nutrition during long-term (>6 weeks) strength training can lead to a significantly greater increase in muscle mass and strength compared to the effectiveness of training without dietary protein intake.

When consumed after endurance exercise, a mixture of whey protein and casein has been found to promote muscle hypertrophy and physique improvement to a greater extent than soy-based proteins. The combination of fast-digesting whey and slow-digesting casein keeps the body in a highly anabolic environment for an extended period of time, helping to increase the rate of protein synthesis while minimizing any muscle breakdown.

Athletes who follow high-intensity, heavy-weight training programs, such as many bodybuilders, can also reap the benefits of consuming carbohydrates immediately after training. When taking carbohydrates in combination with protein after training and an hour after performing strength exercises, an increase in insulin levels and glycogen resynthesis was observed in the body.


Although this essential amino acid does not bring amazing physical results or incredible muscle growth, it plays an important role in the recovery of the body. Glutamine works by removing excess ammonia that can build up during intense exercise and also helps regulate your body's acid-base balance. People who do intense strength training, train twice a day, or are in a calorie deficit may also benefit from supplementing with glutamine.

Fish fat

Fish oil is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which provide countless benefits to the body. Fish oil is especially useful for strength athletes and bodybuilders for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Intense strength training can cause microscopic tears in muscle fibers, leading to muscle damage and irritation. While some stimulation of muscle tissue is necessary, too much of it can delay the recovery process after training.

Research shows that omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce muscle soreness and speed up the post-workout recovery process, quickly getting you ready for your next strength training session. As an added bonus, when combined with amino acids and carbohydrates, omega-3 fatty acids can increase the rate of protein synthesis, which leads to faster muscle growth.

Confused by the variety of drugs on the market? Confused by promising advertisements for amazing product features? Then we will tell you which drugs to use and why.

People buy a lot of different products, useful and not very, and often we take much more drugs than we really need. The choice is great, choosing the right drug is not easy, and advertising from nutritional supplement manufacturers claims that without a “unique innovative product”, all our efforts will be in vain. It is not surprising that many are completely confused in this diversity and no longer understand what exactly they should accept, and why all this is needed. As a result, they buy countless jars in the hope that among them will come across one that will bring the long-awaited result.

The truth is that you don't need all these drugs. Of course, if you're a seasoned veteran bodybuilder, athlete, or just someone looking to get the most out of your body, then you really need Progressive Nutrients to help you reach your goals. But if you're exercising "for yourself" for health purposes or just consider yourself an active person who needs nutritional supplements, then the key nutritional supplements that will be discussed below will be enough for you.

Five Key Supplements

Of course, everyone chooses their own key supplements based on individual characteristics, from joint preparation to creatine and multivitamin complex. However, only five products truly deserve the title of every athlete's essential nutrition:

  1. Creatine
  2. Multivitamin complexes
  3. Protein

These are key supplements that every athlete should take on a daily basis, and in this article, we'll explore the importance and biological role of these nutrients.

Supplement #1: Creatine

- a thoroughly studied nutrient, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed in clinical trials, this is one of the most popular and sought-after products on the market. Creatine should be in the arsenal of every athlete, both a representative of strength disciplines and an endurance athlete. In our body, creatine performs many biological functions, in particular, it is a buffer in the process of anaerobic glycolysis, participates in transport during aerobic processes, and, most importantly, is responsible for ATP resynthesis against the background of intense anaerobic exercise.

Creatine is an amino acid derivative, a natural chemical compound that is always present in our body and is deposited mainly in the skeletal muscles. The maximum concentration of creatine in muscle tissue is approximately 150-160 mmol/kg dry weight. Since the body can only synthesize 100-150 mmol per kilogram of dry weight, nutritional supplements really allow us to increase the concentration of creatine in muscle tissue. By the way, the level of creatine in the body of women is initially higher than that of men.

Best Creatine Supplements

Although this is widely practiced in practice, the creatine loading phase is not mandatory, since once the muscle stores are filled, further absorption and accumulation of the product is no longer possible. Contrary to popular belief, after filling the muscle depot with creatine, a daily intake of 2-3 g is sufficient to maintain this limit.

After cessation of creatine intake, the level of the nutrient in muscle tissue decreases to its original concentration in about 4-5 weeks.

Supplement #2: Multivitamins

Human health largely depends on adequate intake. Since such a stereotype of eating behavior has already been formed in modern society, in which many people are deficient in vitamins and microelements, the additional intake of multivitamin complexes is of great importance in terms of meeting the body's basic needs for these nutrients.

Vitamins are organic compounds that our body cannot synthesize; All vitamins are usually divided into fat and water soluble. Minerals are inorganic compounds that are present in the earth's crust; All minerals are usually divided into macroelements and microelements.

The Best Multivitamins

Both vitamins and minerals perform many functions in our body: they participate in the processes of growth and development, in energy metabolism and muscle contraction, contribute to the functioning of the immune and reproductive systems, help to recover after training, play the role of buffer systems and have a general strengthening effect. To improve the diet and optimize the functioning of all organs and systems, supporters of an active lifestyle, for example, athletes, should receive more vitamins and minerals than the average citizen, so they need multivitamin complexes with a high content of minerals and vitamins.

Supplement #3: Healthy Fats

Lipids - this is the collective term used to refer to all types of fats present in the human body, such as cholesterol, steroids, triglycerides and many others. But within the framework of this material, instead of the term lipids, we will use the much more familiar name “fats”.

As one of the three vital macronutrients, fats play a critical role in a variety of physiological processes aimed at ensuring the survival of the body, including energy metabolism, the work of the visual analyzer and the immune system, the formation of anatomical structures, thermal insulation and protection of vital important organs in the synthesis of essential hormones such as estrogens and testosterone.

Best Omega-3 Supplements

Fats are made up of fatty acids. The “healthy” fats, also known as monounsaturated and/or polyunsaturated fatty acids, are liquid at room temperature and include essential fatty acids, omega-6 and omega-9.

Supplement #4: Protein

- the main structural element of the body, quantitatively inferior only to water and accounting for 17% of the dry mass of the human body. They serve as building materials for the synthesis of protein molecules, and it is the source of amino acids that all proteins from food are. Particularly important is the role of essential amino acids, which the human body cannot obtain in the process of endogenous synthesis, and therefore the need for them must be covered by dietary intake.

Protein molecules play the role of regulators, maintain homeostasis, participate in a variety of biochemical reactions and physiological processes, including the formation of all organs and tissues, energy generation, and blood coagulation (thrombosis). Protein molecules are immunoglobulins that protect our body from harmful microorganisms and form the humoral link of immunity, protein molecules provide acid-base balance and adequate hydration, and are responsible for the feeling of satiety. Proteins are many hormones and all enzymes, protein molecules also regulate the processes of muscle growth.

Since a significant part of the dry weight of the human body falls on muscle tissue, it is very important to get enough protein from food, which is a source of amino acids for the synthesis of protein structures of skeletal muscles.

According to studies, the average member of the population should receive 0.8 g / kg of protein daily, while bodybuilders and people who seek to gain muscle mass need higher amounts of protein. If you exercise normally, you should get about 1.0-1.2 g/kg/day, if you exercise in the morning or when you are hungry, your protein intake should be increased to 1.5-1.7 g/day. kg/day.

Best Protein Blends

Most of us get our daily allowance from food. However, those whose protein needs are above the average should get an additional 20-30 grams of protein with each meal. Eating so much is not only difficult, but also undesirable in terms of gastrointestinal health. In such a situation, taking protein preparations becomes an excellent solution to the problem - with their help, we can provide the body with the necessary building material without loss of quality.

Protein shakes are ideal for the lion's share of product consumers, especially people who lead an active lifestyle, are constantly limited in time and have to eat on the go.

Supplement #5: Branched Chain Amino Acids

As mentioned earlier, amino acids are the building material from which protein molecules are synthesized, and these include essential amino acids, valine and isoleucine. Our body cannot synthesize essential amino acids on its own, and therefore we must obtain them from outside with food or nutritional supplements.

The Best BCAA Supplements

Like protein, branched chain amino acids perform many functions in our body, but they are mainly involved in energy metabolism and provide instant energy, especially when glycogen stores in muscle tissue are depleted.

A daily intake of 10-30 g of branched chain amino acids will help active people preserve muscle tissue glycogen and speed up the recovery process after training stress, especially in hot climates.


The average citizen does not need nutritional supplements, with the possible exception of multivitamin complexes, which will help prevent the development of vitamin and trace element deficiencies. But supporters of an active lifestyle, amateur athletes and, moreover, professional athletes need much more nutrients than a standard diet can provide. Of all the products on the market, only five categories of nutrients can rightly be called indispensable, because they play a key role in shaping the diet.

Creatine is essential for ATP resynthesis and is especially important for strength training and intense anaerobic exercise. Multivitamin complexes are necessary for everyone who wants to avoid the development of a deficiency of vitamins and microelements, and supporters of an active lifestyle need to get more vitamins and minerals to cover the physiological needs of their body. Without healthy fats, the synthesis of hormones and many vital processes aimed at survival are impossible.

Protein is the main structural element of our body, yielding in quantitative terms only to water, and performs many functions aimed at maintaining homeostasis and regulating physiological processes. Branched chain amino acids are an additional source of energy and accelerate recovery processes; our cells cannot synthesize them on their own, and therefore we must obtain BCAAs from food or nutritional supplements.

So, before you start looking for other nutritional supplements, make sure that you have all the basic, basic sports supplements in your arsenal!

Now sports and sports nutrition have become almost inseparable concepts from each other. Bodybuilding athletes are well aware that the right diet is the most important component of success after strength training. It should ideally compensate for the energy costs of intense training, due to which the highest recovery rate of the body is achieved - muscle recovery and the fastest increase in their mass.

And sports nutrition for bodybuilding will greatly help optimize this process - will ensure the presence in the body of all the necessary elements in the right amount. Therefore, sports nutrition occupies an important place in bodybuilding, and here we list and consider the most popular complexes and nutritional supplements.

Protein shakes

Protein (protein - protein) is a building material for the whole organism - all organs, tissues and muscles, in particular. And protein shakes are protein-carbon supplements, and the protein content in them usually reaches 70-80% of the total volume. Such cocktails are used for effective and high-quality recruitment of muscle mass and are in one of the first positions in the sports nutrition rating for bodybuilding.

Here are some types of protein supplements:

  • Whey - has a high rate of splitting. It quickly penetrates into the bloodstream, saturating it with amino acids, and muscle tissues quickly receive the necessary energy. It is used in the daytime: in the morning, before strength exercises, after them, and also between meals.
  • Casein - on the contrary, it is absorbed for a long time, about 6-8 hours. In the sports nutrition of bodybuilders, it occupies an important place and is distinguished by the fact that it is consumed before bedtime - ensuring the gradual entry of amino acids into the bloodstream and further into the muscles. Sometimes it is replaced by dairy products, for example, cottage cheese.
  • Soy is a balanced type of protein with excellent digestibility, but not as effective and popular as the first two.
  • Other.

It is believed that the body's need for protein is 2-3 grams per day per kilogram of body weight. In other words, if an athlete weighs 70 kg, then he will need from 70 * 2 = 140 to 70 * 3 = 210 grams, that is, 140-210 grams of protein per day.

Protein blends are the most popular in sports nutrition, not only for bodybuilding and sports, but also for those people who want to lose weight or, on the contrary, gain weight.


Gainer (gain - build up) is a carbohydrate-protein supplement. In it, unlike a protein supplement, the percentage is shifted to a greater extent already towards carbohydrates. That is, it contains approximately 60-70% carbohydrates and 20-30% protein.

This supplement is used to gain muscle mass and body weight in general. Therefore, athletes who are prone to overweight are advised to treat it with caution. And on the contrary, a gainer is an ideal sports nutrition for beginner ectomorph bodybuilders - people with a fast metabolism, that is, with difficulty gaining weight, prone to thinness.

It should be noted that a good gainer includes vitamins with minerals, and healthy fats, as well as enzymes that accelerate the absorption of the gainer in the body. .

Amino acids

Muscles are almost entirely composed of proteins. Proteins are built from amino acids. When they are absorbed, they are instantly absorbed into the bloodstream and delivered exactly to the muscle tissue like an ambulance.

Unlike protein blends, which often include both carbohydrates and fats, and sometimes lactose, amino acids are a pure product. It has a minimum calorie content, which is extremely important for athletes working on burning fat.

In total, there are two dozen types of amino acids. Most of it is synthesized within us, the rest come from outside with food. And in this, just the same, these complexes help us. And also protect muscles from catabolism - the process of destruction of muscle tissue.

Popular amino acid complexes in sports nutrition for bodybuilding

BCAA(Branched-Chain Amino Acid - branched chain amino acids) - this complex contains three components: valine, leucine, isoleucine. These amino acids are not synthesized by the body and are essential. Muscles are 35% composed of them, and they also provide up to 25% of energy during the physical work of the body.

Valine restores muscle fibers, due to which their growth occurs - an increase in volume. Leucine lowers blood sugar, increases the production of growth hormone, which is necessary for recovery and growth of muscles. Isoleucine increases the psycho-physical stability of the athlete and also accelerates the recovery process.

The BCAA amino acid complex is considered the most effective for building muscle, and if taken immediately before and during training, muscle endurance will increase markedly and fatigue will decrease.

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the human body. About 65% of the muscles are made up of it. It is involved in muscle recovery, supports the immune system, and normalizes protein metabolism. Serves as a source of energy and is involved in the nutrition of all tissues.

In bodybuilding sports nutrition, glutamine plays an extremely important role: it helps to suppress catabolism, and its use before bedtime stimulates the production of growth hormone. Glutamine can be combined with many other supplements, but experts recommend not taking it with proteins or weight gainers, as it slows down the absorption of this amino acid.

Arginine participates in the transport of oxygen and trace elements, accelerates the growth of muscle tissue, promotes fat burning. Improves blood circulation, increases emotional mood, serves as a donor and carrier of nitrogen, stimulates the immune system. Arginine is especially important for the strong half of humanity, since sperm consists of 80% of this amino acid. With its production decreases and it is recommended for the athlete to replenish its level.

But, at the same time, comparative training experiments with and without arginine did not reveal any noticeable difference. Therefore, in bodybuilding, the effectiveness of this supplement is questioned.

Sports nutrition for effective bodybuilding, in addition to those considered, sometimes includes such amino acid supplements as taurine, histidine and others, as well as amino acids that promote weight loss - carnitine, phenylalanine, lysine, etc.

Pre-workout complexes (pre-workouts)

It often happens that during training, an athlete feels a breakdown, lethargy and other decadent phenomena, and they occur not only in the physical plane, but also capture emotions. And, just to overcome such an unpleasant state, pre-workout complexes are used from the arsenal of sports nutrition for bodybuilding.

After their application, working capacity is noticeably increased, a charge of vivacity and energy is provided, strength indicators are noticeably increased, and mood improves. In addition, they also actively stimulate the growth of lean muscle mass and burn excess fat in parallel.

Pre-workouts include different elements, and usually it contains elements such as:

  • Caffeine is a very powerful nervous system stimulant.
  • Guarana is a source of caffeine containing bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory substances that provoke fat burning. It also increases stamina and strengthens the lungs.
  • Taurine is an amino acid that provides intense blood flow to the muscles and increases their endurance by up to 50%.
  • BCAA - stimulates muscles, increases energy and endurance. Prevents the destruction of muscle tissue (we talked about this complex above in more detail)
  • Tyrosine - an amino acid that will increase mood and concentration, add adrenaline
  • Arginine is an essential amino acid that fuels muscles during workouts. Actively participates in the occurrence of the pumping effect - muscle swelling during exercise due to intense blood flow
  • Creatine - increases strength, adds energy, stimulates muscle growth (more on this below)
  • Beta-alanine is an amino acid that increases muscle activity and overall strength. Actively participates in the restoration of muscle structures after heavy training.

Pre-workouts are very popular not only in sports nutrition for professional bodybuilders, but also for beginners to build their body.

As for the harm of pre-workouts, it is connected with the principle of its work. The fact is that not everyone can withstand the powerful stimulation of all organs, and therefore their use is prohibited for people with problems of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. There may also be problems with the digestive system. Therefore, before using such complexes, you need to make sure that they are safe for you. However, experts say that problems will not arise if you follow the dosage and the rules for taking, which are indicated on the package.


Creatine is a natural substance in the muscles of humans and animals, which is synthesized by the body itself. Plays no less important role than proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Provides energy exchange in muscle tissues and the nervous system.

Creatine is produced in the liver, pancreas and kidneys. And its entire volume is stored in the muscles and used as needed. During training, he intensively begins to supply the muscles with energy.

This supplement allows you to maintain a sufficient level of creatine in the body - to withstand serious loads longer and increase the intensity of training by up to 25%. In addition, creatine allows you to recover faster between sessions and in short breaks between sets. Serves as a neutralizer of harmful acids, improves the functioning of the heart muscle.

We have listed and described the action of the most popular supplements and complexes. Also, besides them, there are supplements for burning fat and various ones. The former, as the name implies, help to cope with excess fat, and the latter replenish the body's vitamin and mineral reserves.

Thus, from the above, it can be seen that the plus of sports nutrition for bodybuilding is that it is free from harmful fats and sugars. Very rich in much-needed proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

And the most important advantage is that it needs to be consumed much less in terms of volume to fully satisfy all the needs of the athlete's body than regular food.

The minus of the sports nutrition for bodybuilding lies in its unnatural origin, which can sometimes lead to some side effects. The same situation is observed with synthetic vitamins - it is not known what their degree of assimilation by our body is. Scientists are constantly working on these questions. And today there is even a diet created specifically for vegetarian bodybuilders, with only plant-based proteins. But here for everyone there is a simple and very effective measure - this is the use of fresh natural products. Vegetables and fruits, berries and greens will share with us not only vitamins, minerals and other trace elements, but are also the most effective means of cleansing and neutralizing substances objectionable to the body.

Be that as it may, today, especially professional athletes, there is no other alternative to sports nutrition. And if there is an intention to claim big wins, then sooner or later you will have to include them in your diet.

1. Protein

Different types of proteins complement each other, and if you want to achieve effective muscle growth, only one of them will not be enough for you. Ideally, combine them, consuming each at the right time and in the right amount, or choose multicomponent protein complexes - mixtures of casein, whey protein, protein isolate, egg and soy protein in various combinations.

There are many manufacturers of proteins on the market. Let's name such brands as Optimum Nutrition, BSN, SAN, MusclePharm, MuscleTech, Dymatize, Cellucor.

2. Amino acids


4. Gainers

Gainers are high-calorie carbohydrate-protein mixtures for those who want to build muscle, increase strength, or simply increase weight. The composition of gainers is based on high-quality carbohydrates and protein (building material for muscles). It may also include various vitamins and creatine.

You should choose the right supplement option individually for your tasks, loads and metabolism. For example, lean athletes with a fast metabolism who find it difficult to gain muscle mass will be helped by a gainer with the maximum amount of carbohydrates. Conversely, those who are prone to rapid weight gain and the formation of fat deposits should focus on protein supplements.


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