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  • Design capacity - 950 students

  • The structure of the management of a general educational institution - the Director of the school, appointed by the head of the education department of the Karabalyk region

  • Operating mode: two shifts

  • 1 shift: 08.30-13.40

  • 2 shift: 14.00 – 18.20

  • Forms of education: full-time, full-time

  • Language of instruction: Russian

  • The total area of ​​the premises is 4055 sq.m.

  • Working area 1887 sq.m

  • Building type - Standard

  • Number of school buildings - 3

  • Floors of the building -3

  • Cold water supply - yes

  • Heating - gas

  • Sewerage - local

  • Lighting - Meets hygienic requirements

  • The operating mode of the institution complies with sanitary and hygienic and fire safety requirements

  • Library - 10 seats - 47.6 sq.m

  • Library fund - 20700 copies

  • Dining room - 50 seats - 133.5 sq.m

  • Sports hall - 291.4 sq.m

  • Number of classrooms - 27

  • Informatics cabinet -2 pcs x 48 sq.m

  • Labor office - 1

  • Technology room - 1

  • - consistency (training is carried out sequentially, a team of specialists is functioning, preparing students in various areas - informationally, subjectively, psychologically);

  • flexibility (tracking changes in the regulatory framework, the accumulation of scientific and methodological materials on the issues of CPC and UNT, an individual approach to each student)

  • The school has created a center for children's initiative, one of the divisions of which is the NOU "SLASH". The purpose of the center is to attract initiative students and develop a creative personality. Scientific society "SLASH" was organized in 2000. The society has its charter, anthem. The rights and obligations of NOU "SLASH" have been developed.

  • Charter of the Scientific Society "SLASH".

  • General position: "SLASH" is a scientific organization that unites students of the Karabalyk secondary school named after Abai Kunanbaev, students of grades 7-11.

  • The purpose of the KNOW: Raise the level of school performance, increase students' interest in scientific activities.

Information and statistical report

MBOU secondary school No. 11

for 2011/2012 academic year

  1. General information about the educational institution

1.1. Information about the design capacity and actual occupancy of the Shelter

1.2. The educational institution provides paid educational services that are not provided for by the main general educational programs by state educational standards, if so, indicate which ones : No
2. Staffing of the educational process

(without collaborators)

2.1. Characteristics of the staff

people /%

Number of teaching staff


Number of teachers with higher pedagogical education

43 /100 %

Number of teaching staff certified for qualification categories

42 / 98 %

The number of awarded teachers in 2011/2012 year

1 / 2,3 %

Of them awarded orders and medals


received honorary titles


Badges and badges


Honorary diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

1 / 2,3 %

Winners of the priority national project "Education" in 2011


2.2. Information about the provision of educational institutions with teaching staff

The percentage of provision of an educational institution with teaching staff - 100 %

Number of teaching vacancies - 2

3. The contingent of students and its structure


I stage

II stage




Number of students

157/ 15

179 / 12



Of them

In 1 class - 37

In grade 9 -

In 11 cl. -fourteen

boys in grade 10 - 15

Total number of classes-sets





Number of general education classes / average class size

8 / 19,6

9 / 19,8

2 / 20

18 / 19.4

Number of gymnasium classes / average occupancy





Number of in-depth classes / average class size





Number of specialized classes / average occupancy





Number of compensatory education classes / average occupancy





Number of classes of correctional and developmental education / average occupancy





Number of extended day groups / average occupancy

4 / 23

1(k) / 12



Presence of a speech center / number of students

1 / /50


1 / 45

3.2. Saving the contingent

Information about school-age children who do not receive an education of the appropriate level

Level of education

Total uch-Xia at the beginning of uch.

Total students

at the end of the academic year

Dropped out within a year

Arrived in

throughout the year

Uch-Xia systematic-matich not visited. busy


are trained

Expelled from OU

in flow

change of the year according to the decision of the KPDN

From the number of poor progress

Of them

working but not studying

don't work, don't study

in colonies, special institutions

I stage












II stage












III stage
























4. Level of health and healthy lifestyle

where - the specific load of the store, food and non-food stores are also taken into account, taken from table 2.2.1 of the RD,

Shop area, m2.

Determine the reactive power:

We also find the total total power:

The current is determined by the expression:

The load calculation was made using the EXCEL program. All calculation results are tabulated and presented in Appendix A.

1.4 Light load calculation

The calculation of the electrical loads of outdoor lighting networks is determined as the total power of lighting installations, taking into account the demand factor equal to one. At the same time, the power is set on the basis of a lighting calculation, taking into account the nature of the illumination of the territory, the normal illumination of these territories, the type and parameters of the lamps used.

As a result of the lighting calculation, the specific lighting power is determined, related to 1 m2 of the illuminated surface:

, (8)

where is the rated power of the lamp, (Dnat 250 W),

Power losses in the ballast, GRL, W,

The number of lantern lamps belonging to one row,

The number of rows of lamps,

The step of the lanterns of individual lamps, in m,

The width of the roadway.

The calculation was made using the Light-in-Night Road program. The lamp power is 70 W, the lamps are staggered, two rows of lamps, the pitch of the lamps is 30 meters. As a lamp, we accept the ZhKU12-70-001 lamp with a 70 W DNAT lamp. As a result of the calculation, the following values ​​were obtained:

Table 1 - Lighting calculation

On the roadway




On the sidewalk


The power supply system is built depending on the size of the object and the power consumption. As a rule, several options for power supply are considered and a final decision is made on the basis of a technical and economic comparison.

2.1 Determining the location of the TP

6 transformer substations were selected. There are two transformer substations for each quarter. Each TP is as close as possible to the center of load concentration.

2.2 Selection of the scheme and sections of the distribution network 0.4 kV

The task of building an electrical network is usually multivariate. Therefore, an important criterion is its efficiency in terms of construction and operation costs and the consumption of non-ferrous metal. Attention should also be paid to ease of use, reliability of the circuit and its simplicity. Sometimes these requirements take precedence over the requirements of economy. That is, the scheme should be built in such a way that the damaged section of the network is easily detected and replaced, so that as few consumers as possible are disconnected. The evaluation and selection of the scheme can be made only on the basis of the totality of all indicators, in relation to the specific conditions of the installation under construction. There are the following possible schemes of the 0.4 kV supply network: loop, ring, beam and others.

The most reliable and economical, in comparison with other options, is a loop circuit for connecting 0.4 kV network elements. Also, the loop scheme replaces 2 beams, so we accept the loop scheme.

Figure 2 - Loop connection diagram

When supplying consumers with electricity, often on the same line

consumers of residential buildings and public buildings and premises also receive food. The calculated electrical load for lines up to 1 kV is determined by the formula:


where - the greatest load of the building from the number of buildings fed through the line;


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