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The evergreen juniper is known for its decorative and resinous aroma with tart, smoky and fresh notes. The reason for this smell is juniper oil, the properties and application of which have long been of interest not only to the creators of perfumery, but also to doctors of various specialties, cosmetologists.

There are a lot of areas in which a natural remedy with analgesic, phytoncidal and bactericidal, tonic properties turned out to be truly useful, and sometimes completely indispensable.

Features of juniper essential oil

All essential oils are obtained using water-steam distillation technology. A product made from juniper twigs and berries is no exception. However, the quality of the finished oil directly depends on the selected raw materials. The more berries are processed, the more fragrant and useful is the transparent viscous liquid with a yellow-green tint, the brighter and lighter its aroma.

Such a product has a full range of useful properties and the widest possible scope of use. In the essential oil of juniper, obtained from shoots and needles, there are more resinous turpentine notes, and it is used for pain relief, antibacterial and insecticidal protection. To reveal the aromatherapeutic qualities of the product, it is combined with oils of various types of citrus, rosemary and other plants.

At home, the oil is stored in a glass, preferably dark vessel, away from sources of heat and sunlight.

Medicinal properties and uses of juniper oil

Based on a detailed study of the composition, it was possible to find out the properties of juniper essential oil, its use in various fields and the degree of usefulness. It is known for certain that the remedy:

  • has significant bactericidal activity and helps to cope with the problems of the genitourinary, respiratory, digestive systems;
  • working as a natural diuretic, it helps to eliminate toxins, rid the body of sand and stones, relieve swelling and correct weight;
  • stimulates the intestines, eliminates irritation of the mucous membrane and signs of fermentation;
  • cleanses and heals the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, gently anesthetizes, disinfects;
  • improves blood supply to tissues;
  • helps in the treatment of problems of the urogenital area, including menstrual irregularities.

The use of the properties of juniper oil is justified in the prevention of seasonal respiratory and viral diseases. This tool will help strengthen the body's natural defenses, will become an active shield against unwanted infections.

Doctors note that due to the tonic ability, the oil copes with weakness, dizziness, mood swings and other signs of malaise.

Natural product without side effects:

Juniper essential oil is a good helper for those who suffer from atherosclerosis, who have fluctuations in blood sugar levels and unacceptable jumps in blood pressure.

Essential oil of juniper in cosmetology

Medicinally, juniper oil has proven itself in the treatment of several skin conditions, including eczema and dermatitis, and musculoskeletal problems. Cosmetologists also use this natural and very useful remedy, but already to maintain the beauty of the skin, increase the tone of tissues.

The scope of juniper oil and its properties includes:

  • elimination of foci of inflammation, irritation and swelling in complicated acne;
  • strengthening of skin turgor;
  • activation of recovery processes;
  • alignment of the relief and color of the skin;
  • improvement of blood circulation in tissues.

The benefits of juniper oil for the face are undeniable. But the natural “healer” has even more opportunities. The oil included in anti-cellulite therapy actively helps restore tissue structure, remove excess moisture, which causes the “orange peel” effect, as well as smooth out and make less noticeable stretch marks and other imperfections.

For owners of oily, prone to rapid loss of volume or thin, weak hair, juniper oil is recommended as part of shampoos, balms, masks or lotions. The tool not only perfectly refreshes and strengthens curls, it positively affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands, prevents the formation of oily dandruff, itching, and discomfort.

All about the benefits of juniper oil - video

Evergreen juniper is a plant from the genus of coniferous trees and shrubs of the Cypress family. It is also called archey and veres. And it lives on our Planet for about 50 million years. This is one of the record holders for life expectancy. After all, it can reach an age of up to 3,000 years! Nature generously endowed this centenarian with useful substances that have been used by man since ancient times.

It is believed that at first the Mediterranean region was its habitat. These are Portugal, Morocco; southern Lebanon and Israel; eastern France, western Iran. Today, it grows in different hemispheres from the Arctic to the subtropics, in forests, mountains and steppe zones. It occupies small areas in Asia, Mexico, southern North America.

Since ancient times, juniper was sacrificed to the goddesses of fertility and carnal love by the Sumerians and Babylonians. Even in ancient Greece, it was known for its amazing healing properties, where it was called "sharp cedar" (oxycedrus). In America, the natives treated their animals with it for all sorts of ailments.

In many countries, people, even without scientific knowledge, fumigated the premises with the smoke of dried juniper berries against the plague. Brooms from its dry branches drove out various ailments in the baths. Many healers used veres to prolong youth and beauty of the body.

There is an opinion about the magic of dried branches on a living juniper. No wonder the Brothers Grimm glorified the aroma and berries of this plant in one of their fairy tales.

In Rus', this plant was considered an exile of evil spirits, and its branches consecrated in the church were placed behind the icons. And dishes were made from juniper bark, in which milk did not sour for a long time, retaining its freshness. Our ancestors considered this tree to be the staff of Perun. And Sergei Radonezhsky considered it dedicated to the Holy Trinity because of the divine blue cones with three scales.

The tree-like juniper differs in rather large sizes and height from 10 meters. Such a feature of it as toxicity allows you to find ways to use it for different purposes. But the bushy Cossack variety has a very strong toxicity, which makes it unsuitable for harvesting, especially for food purposes.

Juniper blossoms in May. The color of the flowers determines their gender (female - green, male - yellow). The fruits that appear later (cone berries) ripen only in the second year, and in the first they remain green.

Essential oil in the form of a light viscous liquid is extracted from needles, wood, berries. Its color depends on the color of certain parts of the tree. It can be green, yellow or orange. Thanks to terpenes, as the main active substances, the ether in a concentrated state has a sharp, rich smell. Actually their name is translated from Latin as "turpentine". But in combination with other components, the oil exudes the finest refreshing, spicy, tart aroma of juniper resin, wood buds.

Healing oil is obtained by steam distillation of these parts. Among them, the highest quality is the ether from berries, which outwardly resemble berries. Therefore, they are often referred to as "cones".

As you know, its cost depends on the quality of the product. Here the price can range from 50 to several hundred rubles for a small bottle of only 5 ml.

Essential oil has a mass of useful substances, numbering about 175 names. The main components that determine the medicinal properties of the plant and, especially, cones, is a group of terpenes. These are terpinene, terpineol, pinene. It also includes:

  • borneol
  • tannins
  • camphor
  • carpen
  • colorants
  • limonene
  • linalyl acetate
  • linalool
  • nerol
  • organic acids (ascorbic, formic, acetic)
  • sugar (glucose, sucrose, fructose, etc.)
  • resins.

It is noteworthy that each part of the plant has its own "favorites" that endow them with their own flavors. So, needles are distinguished by the advantage of ascorbic acid, and wood and roots - by various resins, tannins and dyes. But in the berries, essential oil and resins predominate, giving them a characteristic aroma, which intensifies when rubbed. They are the most valuable in the whole plant.

The miraculous possibilities of a tree are felt even at some distance from it, and especially in a juniper grove. It has been noticed that in the places where these plants grow, the air is much cleaner than usual. After all, in just 24 hours, about 30 kg of phytoncides evaporate on one hectare of juniper. This can clear the air of an entire metropolis of pathogens.

It is noteworthy that it can be used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, both externally and internally. The various components that make up the juniper ether give it valuable therapeutic properties, namely:

  • disinfectants
  • painkillers
  • antiseptic
  • antispasmodic
  • sweat and diuretics
  • wound healing
  • binders
  • soothing
  • antidepressants
  • strengthening the immune system
  • preventing the development of respiratory diseases.

Along with these basic qualities, juniper essential oil can resist various diseases of the joints, gums, skin, and gastrointestinal tract. When used externally, it is able to saturate the skin with oxygen, contributing to the detoxification of the entire body. The ether has a beneficial effect on the regulation of blood pressure, increased brain activity, getting rid of depression.

It is known that any medicine, if used improperly, is a poison. Therefore, here one should also remember the postulate "Do no harm!" and take precautions. Among the contraindications for taking this non-toxic natural product are the following:

  • Individual intolerance to at least one of the components of its composition. To avoid this, before taking, a test application of oil on the back of the wrist is mandatory.
  • Pregnancy due to the threat of stimulation of the muscles of the uterus and the provocation of a miscarriage.
  • Use by infants and children under 12 years of age.
  • Hypertension.
  • Chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys.
  • Various inflammatory processes stomach ulcer.
  • Violation of the recommendations of doctors about the dosage, methods and timing of administration. Otherwise, the development of hypononia, poisoning, the appearance of blood in the urine, poisoning and increased inflammation of vulnerable organs is possible.

Our body can also signal the need to stop using oil. The first sign of exceeding the deadlines, doses will be the smell of urine, like violets. So at all stages, you should listen to the opinions of specialists and the reaction of your body.

The scope of this tool is quite diverse. Among the methods used in official and traditional medicine, cosmetology, the most popular are:

  • compresses for skin diseases (weeping eczema, acne, scabies, etc.)
  • means for massage in cases with muscle weakness, paralysis, varicose veins, sprains and muscles, arthritis, osteochondrosis, injuries, bruises, etc.
  • relaxing baths after exercise
  • therapeutic inhalations
  • enrichment of creams, masks, shampoos
  • addition to aroma lamps, aroma pendants
  • ingestion to cleanse the body of toxins.

It is important to consider that each of these procedures has its own dosage and compatibility options with other means.

Juniper oil in cosmetology

The use of ether at home allows you to solve many problems for the skin of the body, face, hair. After all, it is not only an effective antiseptic but also a great tonic. Here it can help with cellulite, as it can smooth out wrinkles, remove stretch marks, heal scars, and fight herpes.

The use of juniper oil has been known since ancient India. Today, centuries-old remedies are used to combat dandruff, baldness and hair loss, and scalp problems.

You can eliminate dandruff in the following ways:

  • adding just 3 drops of oil to the balm, shampoo, conditioner of a non-chemical nature. This enriched product is used during shampooing. It can also be used for pediculosis, seborrhea
  • aroma-combing hair with a wooden comb treated with 2-3 drops of juniper
  • massaging the hair roots with a therapeutic mixture of juniper oils (10 drops), castor oil (10 ml), soybean (0.5 tsp), wheat germ (2 drops). It should be stored in a dark container and used as a mask 2 hours before shampooing. After that, you need to wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with warm water. The procedure is done within a month, 2 times a week.

Getting rid of these problems of the scalp by strengthening the hair follicles allows you to say goodbye to itching, dryness, and give your hair a natural shine. At the same time, it is important to remember the need for the right choice of procedures for a particular type of hair.

This remedy, bestowed by mother nature, is excellent for solving various skin problems. Due to the ability to break down fats, it helps to restore the cells of the dermis, cleanse, moisturize and nourish them. With the systematic competent use of juniper ether, its mild disinfection occurs, existing acne is dried and the formation of new ones is prevented.

It is an invaluable tool for the treatment of dermatological diseases (wet lichen, eczema, psoriasis, dermatosis, mycosis, acne, acne, etc.). The oil can also fight fungal pustular infections, non-healing wounds. It is also very important for the rapid enrichment of the skin with oxygen, the acceleration of blood circulation in different layers of the epidermis, and cleansing it of toxins.

Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of the oil, it is possible to achieve positive results in eliminating not only fresh wounds, but also chronic scars. Quite a high efficiency of its use for healing inflamed, oily skin.

For massage, you can prepare special mixtures. One of them consists of 4 drops of each ester of juniper, thyme, rosemary, cedar + 20 ml of coconut. It is used to get rid of both infectious skin problems and the fight against the effects of allergies. The positive effect is achieved through disinfection, removal of dead cells, rapid healing of wounds.

Another of the massage products for the skin is a mix of juniper esters (8 drops), lavender (2 drops), grape seeds (10 ml in a warm state). Instead of the latter, you can use any other transport (base) oil. This mixture is applied to the body and gently massaged in circular motions. It can be used as compresses for problem areas for half an hour with a polyethylene wrap.

Juniper oil is beneficial for both oily and problem skin.

For greasy skin, a mask made from one egg white whipped into foam and three drops of juniper oil is suitable. After cleansing the face, this composition is applied to the skin in an even thin layer for 15 minutes, and then washed off with water at room temperature. With the help of such a mask, you can achieve a noticeable narrowing of perfectly cleansed pores, regulate the production of sebum, and dry out pimples.

For problematic skin, you can use your own tonic. It consists of non-carbonated mineral water (200 ml) and 3-4 drops of juniper oil. They should wipe the skin of the face and neck three times daily. After a couple of weeks, an increase in the elasticity of refreshed skin, narrowing of pores becomes noticeable.

This water procedure helps to increase the action of the body's defenses, optimize mood, relieve fatigue, lethargy. In the process of taking it, the components of the ether penetrate the blood faster, activating the functioning of the respiratory organs. That is why baths are relevant for colds, acute respiratory infections and various problems with the bronchi and lungs. One of the obstacles to their adoption is high body temperature.

To prepare the bath, you need to create a mixture of juniper ether (up to 5 drops) with some kind of emulsifier. It can be honey, whole milk, table salt, which are able to combine water and oil into a homogeneous liquid.

Bathing in the bathroom with just two drops of juniper ether helps to get rid of eczema, herpes, psoriasis, lichen, small wounds.

For genitourinary diseases, taking a bath with a few drops of essential oils from juniper, tea tree, almond in a ratio of 8:2:10 is indicated. This procedure lasts up to 15 minutes.

Juniper oil can also be used for foot baths. They have a softening and deodorizing effect, eliminate fungus and corns.

Steam treatments are a proven remedy for colds, runny nose, and severe coughs. For them, you will need to introduce up to 3 drops of pure oil into water not higher than 85 ° C. These vapors should be inhaled deeply for 10 minutes with a covered head and eyes closed. Please note that this method is also contraindicated at elevated body temperature.

For cold inhalation, you should use just a napkin soaked in a couple of drops of ether. The duration of this simple procedure also lasts no more than 10 minutes. It can be repeated several times a day.

Another type of inhalation can be inhalation of a couple of drops of oil from a warm palm. This can be done at the slightest emotional tension, the appearance of an inexplicable feeling of anxiety.

Cold prevention

You can prevent colds with the help of oil during wet cleaning of rooms. To do this, add 1 drop of oil to 1 liter of water. Here, air deodorization using an aroma lamp justifies itself. The effect can be enhanced by adding essential oils of eucalyptus, tea tree.

The main argument is the property of the ester of deep penetration into the skin and stimulation of the breakdown of fats. This contributes to the removal of excess fluid, toning and tightening of the skin, overcoming the effect of "orange peel". All this allows, respectively, to reduce appetite, and hence to adjust the weight. Various procedures with external use of juniper oil are suitable here: baths, body wraps, massage. It is good to add it to lotions and body creams.

Natural relaxants such as inhaling the smell of juniper with the help of aroma lamps or cold inhalations can indirectly contribute to weight loss.

However, for weight loss, you can take the oil inside. To do this, you can eat a piece of bread, on which you can drop a little ether. It should be remembered that internal use should not last more than one month.

Juniper essential oil: video

Juniper oil in pediatrics

An important point here is the recommendations of experts for matching dosages to age categories. It should be remembered that babies under 3 years of age are excluded here. But for older children, gentle procedures are allowed to reduce the feeling of fear. This can be spraying the pillow with a mixture of 4 drops of oil and 30 ml of water.

With the necessary precautions, one drop of oil gently rub the bottom of the back, the soles of the legs. Strong and prolonged rubbing of delicate baby skin should be avoided.

According to experts, only natural oils can be used in aromatherapy. Here, as in many other cases of the use of oil, it should be noted the expediency of its combination with other "brothers". It can be esters of vetiver, geranium, fir, citrus, bergamot, spruce, pine, frankincense, cedar, cypress, rosemary, lavender and other plants.

Depending on the presence of a particular component, juniper can be involved in solving various problems. In addition, such a combination allows you to somewhat minimize the harshness of this coniferous smell, to create its unique layering.

User opinion is another argument in favor of juniper essential oil. Among the most unanimous assessments is the approval of use for hair care, body skin and, in particular, the face. The fragrance is confirmed to help kill viruses and create beauty.

Many positively perceive the use of smell for the respiratory system. Here they note the effectiveness of cleaning rooms with this oil and creating an atmosphere of forest, freshness. This is especially true for those who are constantly among people and need psychological relaxation.

Some have discovered the ability of the oil to deal with puffiness around the eyes due to lack of sleep or kidney problems .. In doing so, it outperforms many exclusive expensive miracle creams.

There are also know-hows about adding oil from cones or the fruits themselves to various strong drinks. The creators of those consider them worthy competitors of high-quality juniper vodka by giving them a special sweetish resinous note.

The disadvantages, some include a very strong aroma and a price that "does not have a tonic effect." However, at the same time, everyone finds in juniper essential oil what they were looking for!

The healing properties of juniper, a plant of the cypress family, have long been legendary. All parts of the tree have a powerful therapeutic effect on the human body.

A unique product, juniper essential oil, is extracted from dry fruits, needles and bark of the plant by steam distillation (hydrodistillation). Most often, blue-black berries are used for the production of ether, ripening in late summer - early autumn.

Juniper oil is transparent, sometimes with a barely noticeable tint of green or yellow tones, light, fluid, with a subtle elusive aroma of needles and meadow flowers, has notes of resins, plum stones and smoke, perfectly refreshes and tones.

Juniper belongs to aphrodisiacs, the smell is multi-layered, revealing all its facets gradually. Like all esters, the product should be stored in dark glass bottles in a shady place, since the sun's rays destroy most of the biologically active components.

The healing properties of juniper oil are due to its rich biochemical composition. More than 170 biologically active compounds have been isolated in the essential oil, including: vitamins, mineral salts (macro- and microelements), organic acids (acetic, malic, formic, tartaric), natural sugars (fructose, glucose), resins, tannins, bioflavonoids, coloring pigments, antioxidants.

The main qualities of juniper oil include:

Juniper oil: application

The uses for juniper oil are varied. This is aromatherapy, and traditional medicine, and cosmetology, and, and.

Juniper oil is a proven adjuvant in the treatment of the following conditions:

  • poisoning of the body with metabolic products and heavy metals;
  • cystitis;
  • urinary and nephrolithiasis;
  • edema of various origins;
  • inflammation;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngitis, tracheitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypotension;
  • neuralgia;
  • cellulite, obesity;
  • stretching;
  • gout, rheumatism;
  • joint inflammation.

Impact on the psycho-emotional sphere

Oriental sages use juniper oil for meditation practices. Its scent awakens inspiration, creativity and intuition.

It is believed that the woody-coniferous aroma creates an invisible protection in the human aura, activates the mental abilities and internal reserves of the body, which help in the fight against existing breakdowns both on the physical and spiritual planes.

Juniper aromatherapy eliminates fears, lethargy, apathy, depression, neurosis, spleen, puts thoughts in order, improves emotional mood and general condition of the body.

Ways to use juniper essential oil

Aromatization and disinfection air in living and working premises: 5 drops in aroma lamps for every 15-17 sq. meters of the room.

Steam inhalation: 2-3 drops of pure juniper oil are injected into hot water (temperature about 80-85 ° C), bend over the container and inhale deeply the healing vapors for 7-10 minutes, covering your head with a towel and closing your eyes.

A proven remedy for severe coughs, runny nose and colds. Like baths, hot inhalations are contraindicated at elevated temperatures.

Cold inhalations: soak a napkin or handkerchief with 1-2 drops of ether, inhale for 10 minutes.

Wearing an aroma medallion: 1-2 drops.

Massage: 5-7 drops per 30 ml of base oil.

Compresses: 5-7 drops per 300 g of oil. The composition is impregnated with a gauze bandage and applied to the affected area of ​​the body, insulated with cellophane and a fixing bandage.

Enrichment cosmetics: 2-4 drops per 15 g of the base.

Water treatments with juniper oil, especially baths, relieve fatigue, spleen, lethargy, apathy, optimize mood, increase the body's defenses, relieve withdrawal symptoms (hangover), and eliminate excessive swelling.

During the procedure, a double effect is achieved: the healing components of the ether penetrate the skin into the bloodstream and improve the activity of all organs and systems, the volatile compounds of juniper directly affect the respiratory organs, cleansing them of mucus, viruses and accumulated toxins.

That is why juniper for colds work so well, increasing the protective functions of the body. Ablutions are an effective way to combat acute respiratory infections and diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system.

A high temperature is considered a contraindication to taking baths. For the procedure, you will need to mix 4-6 drops of ether with any emulsifier (bee honey, whole milk, salt), which is then dissolved in warm water.

Juniper oil for stretch marks

Massage and self-massage with basic vegetable oils with the addition of juniper ether at home eliminates stretch marks (stretch marks) formed on different parts of the body after pregnancy, breastfeeding, sudden weight loss.

It is best to combine juniper with grapefruit: 4 drops of each essential oil are added to 15 g of the base.

Massage with juniper oil improves muscle tone, smoothes shallow skin folds, promotes the resorption of scar tissue and scars, and improves color.

According to many women, juniper essential oil is a proven assistant in the fight against overweight. Ways to use the ether - baths, anti-cellulite massage, body wraps, applying creams and body lotions.

Inhaling the aroma of juniper with the help of aromatherapy, pendant or cold inhalation also contributes to weight loss, but not directly, but as a natural relaxant. Juniper eliminates the effects of stress caused by the refusal to eat your favorite foods.


Juniper oil should never be used during pregnancy. Contraindications are acute infectious pathologies of the kidneys and hypertension.

It should be emphasized that the ether should be used strictly according to the recommended dosages, since juniper is a poisonous plant. Juniper oil should be used no longer than 3 weeks, after which a 1-2-month break is necessary.

Juniper (veres, juniper - people are quite inventive in naming useful plants, by the way, this can be used as one of the criteria for real usefulness, guided by the principle: “The more a person came up with names for a particular plant, the more significant it is for him”) is an evergreen shrub of the cypress family, the resinous smell of needles and fragrant berries of which were glorified in their fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm. Cones, needles and juniper wood have a powerful healing power, so it is logical and quite expected that the use of juniper oil is also very diverse.

Juniper is one of those wonderful foods that can be used just about anywhere from cooking to medicine. So, even the North American Indians knew: the rich forest aroma of juniper treats various forms of tuberculosis, and since antiquity, houses were fumigated with lit branches of juniper to escape the plague infection. In the Scandinavian countries, tart juniper fruits are used for salting fish and making various smoked meats.

But, perhaps, the main advantage of juniper is its oil, the therapeutic benefits of which are enormous. The oil from the berries of the shrub has the widest spectrum of action, while the essential oils from the wood are, first of all, excellent antiseptics and painkillers.

Juniper oil in aromatherapy

The aroma of juniper oil has an amazing power: it is coniferous and tart, but at the same time surprisingly fresh. Not everyone will be able to appreciate the sharp smell of concentrated oil, but in dissolved form it is a multi-layered and very pleasant aroma. Light an aroma lamp at home or inhale with essential juniper oil - at any time of the year, the house will immediately be filled with the smell of summer, endless meadows and at the same time dense coniferous forests ... By the way, a similar effect can be achieved using.

Sunny Juniper is a strong, successful and uplifting scent. In a controversial situation, juniper oil will help you focus and find the right way out, recognize lies and cope with irritation and anger.

In stressful situations, a juniper oil bath or hot inhalation will surely set you on a positive note, relieve apathy, laziness and drowsiness, and remove unreasonable fears.

Juniper works great in combination with citrus aromas, spruce and. Together with vetiver oil, juniper is a good anti-cold remedy.

Juniper oil in medicine

You can talk about the use of juniper oil in medicine for a long time - it treats a variety of ailments.

Juniper oil successfully removes toxins and cleanses the body, improves the functioning of both the genitourinary system and the gastrointestinal tract, for example, with flatulence and colitis. Improves juniper and digestion, normalizes metabolism. With cystitis and kidney stones, juniper essential oil is also an excellent healer. It relieves inflammation in the genitourinary system, removes pain during menstruation.

In diseases of the heart and blood vessels, you can also use juniper oil - it normalizes blood pressure, increases the elasticity of blood vessels: for atherosclerosis, feel free to include it in complex therapy. Juniper helps lower blood sugar levels.

Juniper essential oil increases the elasticity of cartilage in osteochondrosis and arthritis, helps with rheumatism and sprains, is indispensable for strong physical exertion: compresses, baths and massages.

In case of serious skin problems, juniper essential oil will also save - its properties in this area are unique: it will help with weeping eczema and ulcers, acne and dermatosis, atonic wounds and scabies.

Juniper oil in cosmetology

It is not surprising that juniper oil has also proven itself in cosmetology. This is an effective anti-cellulite remedy, mixed with other oils, juniper not only smoothes the skin well, but also improves its tone, removes stretch marks and improves color, heals scars.

Juniper oil for the face is good for all skin types, but it works best for oily and acne-prone skin. Juniper is an excellent antiseptic, it removes inflammation and pimples, heals scars after acne and tightens pores, in hair care it eliminates.

On the forums, you can find grateful reviews about juniper oil as an excellent remedy for herpes. But here one must be more careful: if concentrated oil gets on the tongue, unpleasant sensations cannot be avoided.

As part of juniper oil, it has a deodorizing and softening effect, removes corns and treats fungus.

How to use juniper oil?

Juniper oil is used in aroma lamps and pendants, in compresses and inhalations, taken orally, added to the bath:

- in lamps - no more than 5 drops, pendants - 3;

- in the bathroom - up to 6 drops (dilute in milk, honey and salt are not used);

- to enrich cosmetics - 5 drops per 10 g of the base product;

- inside: 1 drop of juniper oil on a coffee spoon of honey, dissolve in 100 grams of water.

Juniper also has contraindications: in addition to individual intolerance, do not use essential oil during pregnancy, with acute inflammation of the kidneys and chronic hypertension. The course of treatment with juniper oil "inside" - no more than a month.

Recipes with juniper oil

For hair:

For oily hair, make this mask: 2-3 tablespoons of warm vegetable oil (any) + 4-6 drops of juniper oil, apply to hair along the entire length, rinse thoroughly with shampoo after an hour.

To get rid of, simply add juniper oil to your regular hair care products (3 drops per teaspoon of shampoo or balm). Aroma combing will also help: drop 2 drops of juniper oil on a wooden comb.

For face:

This mask will help clear oily skin and get rid of acne: beaten egg white + 3-4 drops of juniper oil. Mix well, apply evenly on the face, rinse with cool water after 15 minutes.

To care for problem skin, you can make a home tonic: 200 ml of mineral water without gas + 3-4 drops of juniper oil. Wipe face 2-3 times a day.

For legs:

Such a mask will soften the heels and remove corns: 2 drops of juniper oil and + a teaspoon. Rub this mixture on your feet, put on socks and leave it on all night.

Juniper is a coniferous tree or shrub that belongs to the Cypress family. It is also called Veres or Archa (old names). Where the juniper grows, the air is very clean. A hectare of this plant can clean a small city from harmful microorganisms in just a day. The plant is widely used in medicine: essential oil is made from berries, fragrant tinctures are made from needles. Juniper bark and roots are also used as a medicine. Veres berries resemble small blue cones. They have a rich coniferous aroma, have a sweetish taste.

As a medicine, juniper was used by the Egyptians in ancient Rome. The Egyptians believed that the product is able to strengthen the stomach, relieve spasms. The instruments for the operation were stored in the juniper extract.

Juniper is a coniferous shrub or tree from the cypress family.

The chemical composition of the plant

The benefits of the product are due to the rich composition. The composition of juniper berries contains two percent of essential oil, acid (acetic, formic and malic), glucose, wax, alcohol. They contain a large amount of trace elements, macronutrients and ash. The bark and stems are rich in various water-soluble aromatic (tannins) substances and contain essential oil. The needles contain a lot of ascorbic acid. Veres contains phytoncides (substances that stop the development of bacteria).

Beneficial features

The healing properties of Veres oil are difficult to overestimate. Juniper essential oil relieves inflammation, promotes wound healing, and generally has a positive effect on the body.

  • The tonic properties of juniper oil are used to treat various types of injuries, it helps to restore strength after intense training.
  • The use of juniper oil is useful for people suffering from skin diseases, bronchitis, pneumonia.
  • The use of this juniper product will help to cope with many problems in women. Juniper essential oil can be taken as a tonic during menstruation. It will relieve cramps during menstruation painlessly and without harm to the body.
  • Essential oil of juniper will help get rid of diseases of the kidneys, stomach, bladder.
  • Veres juice and berries have a diuretic effect. Berries are an analgesic, so the removal of crystals or sand from the body is painless.
  • Juniper oil is also used externally. For example, with severe ear pain, lichen and scabies. It also has a beneficial effect on gum disease.
  • The product is used in the field of beauty for the treatment of problem areas of the skin and hair.
  • The drug is used for weight loss.
  • The use of veres increases reproductive functions in men.
  • It can also be used for hygiene. The antiseptic properties of the product allow it to cope well with various microbes (including STDs, such as Trichomonas).
  • The beneficial properties of this remedy affect the emotional sphere of a person. Juniper aroma has a positive effect on human performance, reduces irritability, suppresses negative emotions (the use of aroma lamps).
  • The use of the drug during epidemics for the prevention of viral diseases. It is useful to apply essential oils by inhalation through a special device (inhaler).
  • The aromatic properties of veres provide the product with the ability to repel insects and vipers.

Recipe for cooking at home

Juniper oil deserves special respect. It is an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent that is actively used to treat various diseases, as well as in the field of beauty. To prepare the product, juniper berries are used, similar to cones, only blue, needles, rarely bark and roots. The blue berries that are used for cooking must be ripe. Harvested in autumn. It is well inspected, sorted out, needles, grassy bugs (which give the fruit an unpleasant odor) and dirt are removed.

To prepare 1 liter of juniper oil, 50 kg of plant branches are needed. The branches along with the berries are washed and crushed. In a three-liter jar, needles are laid out at the bottom, poured with unrefined vegetable oil, and a gap of up to 5 mm is left on top. The jar is closed with a metal lid. Next, the jar with its contents is heated in a water bath over low heat for about 6 hours. Periodically add water to the pan to prevent complete evaporation. After 6 hours of heating, the needles are thrown out. After that, the whole procedure is repeated again. The finished essential oil has a pleasant smell and taste. Such a drug should be kept in the cellar or in the refrigerator.

In order to prepare 1 liter of juniper oil, you will need 50 kg of plant branches with berries

Benefits for weight loss

Juniper oil for weight loss has been used for a long time. It is very popular among people who want to lose weight painlessly and quickly. It is used for both external and internal use.

This remedy

  • Helps fight cellulite, improves skin elasticity. The product delicately removes toxins, filling the body with the missing vitamins. That is why juniper oil for weight loss is especially effective. Its use helps to eliminate the "orange peel". Therefore, the tool is used for anti-cellulite massage.
  • Improves the process of metabolism in the body. Its use contributes to the regulation of metabolism, normalizes the hormonal background of a person.
  • Affects self-confidence, helps to overcome self-doubt and one's abilities.


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