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The people are used to calling a tractor blade a shovel. But we will not talk about names, but about self-made for the tractor.

Not everywhere nearby are shopping centers, dealers and other salons where it is easy to buy a blade for a tractor. So for a person who has a tractor and lives in the village, it is easier to make a dump with his own hands than to buy in the city.

Dump is hollow structure, boil dumps from thick sheets become. At the bottom of the front part, the knives are bolted. They can be removed if necessary.

On the back side, in the center, there is a bracket with which the blade is lowered and raised.

In the same place, only on the sides, spars are welded, the hinges of which are attached to. The only thing is that the tractor must have hydraulic system.


The dumps have different geometric configuration- depending on the type of work performed by the tractor with the blade.

When the task is to move a lot of bulk materials, and quickly, bulldozers with dumps are used spherical or hemispherical.

On the sides of the dump do special openers- so that the bulldozer grips material such as sand, soil, as in a bucket.

If you need to fill up a trench or foundation pit, a blade that can turn 25 degrees to the sides - to the side is suitable.

When opening or removing the top layer of soil, you will need bulldozers equipped with reclamation dumps... This shovel has a wide grip.

Straight blades can rightfully be called universal.

The tractor equipment must be capable of skewing the blade - this will allow it to work with both normal and solid soils. Such cuts better surface.

If the tractor is small, for example, the T-25, it is, in principle, easy to make a blade for it.

This requires, firstly, steel pipe with a diameter of no more than 50 cm. Cut the pipe into 3 segments lengthwise. One will become the frontal plane - the front blade, the other rear - the rear, and from the third make openings and perimeter boxes.

Weld to the finished shovel thrust pushers, which should be fixed to the supporting part of the tractor structure. For fastening use floating hinges.

From the back, in the center, weld two strips of thick iron. The plates must have calibrated holes, since it will be attached to them hydraulic cylinder rod.

So now you know what dozer blades are and what each design is best for.
An example of how to make a front blade from a barrel

The world of special equipment is striking in its diversity. However, for homemade technique we watch with particular fondness. Your attention is presented a photo of the equipment made by your own hands

And if the mini-equipment is made with your own hands for a personal backyard and with a soul, then the work is done twice as fast. In any case, I want it to be so. I built a mini-excavator - and dug up the entire field, built a dumper - transported the soil. But this, as you know, depends on the hands that made it. Let's see what masterpieces of home-made technology for a personal backyard can be made by folk craftsmen!

So, the first photo of homemade equipment. We talked about the thought ... Forget it! Here she apparently left the master. To work on such a homemade mini-bulldozer, apparently, you need to jump into it from a run. And calculate it so that it fits into the window. And if you are more than one meter tall, then you are not destined to ride this masterpiece!

Photo source:

A similar homemade "construction". Here we see the caterpillars, the blade, everything is in order with the doors. In general - backwater and drive. Have you dreamed of a red Ferrari? See how this mini bulldozer winks at you, Ferrari near not worth it!

Photo source:

And here is a homemade dumper. How do you like this option? And the operator's seat is in place, and the loading hopper is not bad. And a do-it-yourself dumper is much cheaper.

Photo source:

This homemade copy deserves all the praise and approval. And what an arrow! A sight for sore eyes.

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Homemade mini-tractor. The details were a little lacking.

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When winter comes, the owners begin to think about how to remove snow over a large area. Many continue to think so until spring, and some take and make mini-equipment for their personal backyard with their own hands. For example, here's a homemade snowplow.

Photo source:

Here the question of snow removal is solved in a much more prosaic way. Snow needs to be crushed. The most important thing in this process is to shout: "Spring, come, melt the snow!"

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Conceptually. Decoration of any vegetable garden! Depending on the mood, the exterior is selected. If you want polka dots, you want striped. And if you want - in a rusty piece of iron.

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Did you think it was easy to deal with such a brood? I wonder what this homemade mini-loader is more for: load, feed or scare?

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Laugh. Of course laugh! Like a loader from our last shot. Lies and laughs!

Photo source:

Recently, in a good company of bloggers, I managed to visit the Promtractor plant, which is located in the city of Cheboksary. The enterprise is part of the Tractor Plants concern and is engaged in the production of a wide range of tractors, bulldozers, pipe layers, excavators and other heavy equipment under the CHETRA brand.

Today, especially for the readers of the community, there is a report on how equipment is made for various needs and about the largest bulldozers in our country.

During the Soviet Union, the plant produced only one model - the T-330 heavy industrial tractor. Now graders, bulldozers, excavators, all-terrain vehicles, loaders, pipe-layers, loaders, forestry equipment and even rollers are produced here, more than 10 models of equipment are produced in total.

The plant has recently been modernized, equipped with new machines, in order to be competitive not only in our market, but also abroad.

The new machines allow making more varied parts than was possible on the old Soviet counterparts.

The details of the bulldozers are not small.

However, the plant also has a lot of old machines, both Soviet, which do only a few operations, and German, such as SCHISS machining complexes, which were purchased in the mid-80s. The line is still in operation and consists of 25 machining centers, differing only in equipment and software. There was a rather dull glass here, that's why the photo is like this.

Large workshops of the plant are not loaded at full capacity, but here and there are parts ready for assembly.

The lines in one of the shops are served by such small automatic loaders, which themselves move along a certain trajectory, which is set by special marks mounted in the floor. You can see them in the photo too.

We found the plant during a shift shift, so there were few workers, although, as we were explained, only 20 people work in the machining shop. This is enough, because all the work is done by CNC machines, the workers can only follow the process.

In Soviet times, the number of workers at Promtractor reached 30,000 people. The plant then produced about 2,000 T-330 tractors a year. Now the plant produces about 1200 units of various equipment, and the staff is only 3000 people.

In the neighborhood of modern automated centers, there are also very old machines. This is the adjacent workshop - the transmission workshop.

There is metal tiles from the Soviet era on the floor, and it is unlikely that time can spoil it.

The capacity of the enterprise has not changed, although the number has decreased, but the range of manufactured equipment has significantly expanded. It used to be easier to produce a model of one tractor than now a dozen different models of machines, many of which are much heavier and more complex than the T-330.

The decrease in the number of employees was not only due to automation. Previously, "Promtractor" was a typical "all-in-one" plant for the USSR. Everything from nuts and bolts was produced here. But this is very inefficient, and now the production of very small parts is outsourced. The foundry, which is engaged in another plant as part of a single concern, was also withdrawn.

The old equipment is gradually removed from the shops and used for scrap. The vacated areas are occupied for other needs, like this workshop for the assembly of transmissions for agricultural tractors.

On the walls of the plant there are posters with images of the manufactured products.

Simple Cheboksary workers.

Here is such a cool stall with nice girls right in the shop! True, it did not function, we never tried the branded factory pies).

Soviet slogans are present in almost all factories created in Soviet times. True, not all of them survived, by contrast.

In addition to robotic loaders, there are other examples. human-driven... You can say rarities.

We go to the assembly shop.

The parts and bodies of the cars themselves seem gigantic.

As you can see, there is no conveyor here. Each bulldozer is assembled in one place.

While some workers were hiding from cameras, others, on the contrary, asked to photograph them.

At the last stage, as I understand it, the caterpillars are put on.

An astronaut, a worker and a toiler of cultural events?

We will soon have a test drive on these tractors.

Cabins and other external parts are powder coated in a modern paint booth.

This is how the Chetra tractor cab looks from the inside. There is no rudder here!

Hi Vitaly dervishv .

And these cabins will be installed on the tractors of the Vladimir Tractor Plant

The assembled car is sent for testing, and after passing them it is sent to the customer in one of 40 countries of the world. The CHETRA technique is widely demanded in Australia, Egypt, Indonesia, Mozambique, Syria, South Korea. The plant has its own testing ground for testing.

And now we are waiting for a small show, where we will be shown the capabilities of the Chetra technique.

Probably you have already noticed Chetra's corporate colors?

The concept of a new S-33 dump truck with a payload capacity of 33 tons was also presented here. He is now being tested. Those who have seen Volvo dump trucks think they will be able to find comparisons between them.

Soon it will go into production. In general, if earlier the plant produced only industrial tractors, now excavators are also made here and soon the production of dump trucks will begin, and even combine harvesters... The production of Yenisei combines from Krasnoyarsk is transferred here to Promtractor.

This was done because the main consumers of this equipment are located in the European part of Russia, as well as the main suppliers of components, some of which are produced here, at the Promtractor.

Here every year 1-2 new models are introduced, and about 20 new units of various equipment are in varying degrees of readiness.
Tractors like these are used in pipe-laying.

Excavators "Chetra" are in no way inferior to foreign counterparts. And the price is even more affordable.

The abbreviation T-6 means a tractor weighing 6 tons.

T-11, respectively -?

By the way, CHETRA equipment was used in the construction of major infrastructure projects of our time, such as pipelines Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean, Sakhalin-2, gas pipelines "Blue Stream", "Vankor-Purpe", "Pochinki-Gryazovets".

Well, the show has begun! The bulldozer shows how the bucket can turn.

Enters the podium.

The egg and matchbox are not here by chance.

Spray paint too.

But first, the bulldozer rises on the bucket and the teeth located at the back of the machine and rotates the tracks.

And now the test for accuracy. Despite the enormous weight of the machine and the seeming clumsiness, the operation of closing the matchbox and neatly breaking the shell is successful).

These machines even participated in the "Minute of Glory" program, where they showed their extraordinary capabilities. In particular, one of the Chetra tractors drove over an impromptu bridge of two ropes, I was impressed.

A solemn event took place after the show. Chetra has a tradition of naming its equipment after famous athletes. This time two loaders were honored: they were given the names of the 2013 Universiade champions, weightlifters Olga Zubova and Tatyana Kashirina

Moment of glory).

And now to the landfill. The photo shows the largest domestic bulldozer T-40. Soon I will sit in the driver's seat to steer it and roll the photographer nearest to me into the mud).

Inside the bulldozers are girls working in factories. As if a hint that even a girl can handle the technique)

The camera is filming me. Waiting for me to finally fall under the tracks)

If you have a production or service that you want to tell our readers about, write to Aslan ( [email protected] ) and we will make the best report that will be seen not only by the readers of the community, but also by the site


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