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In which children of 1-4 classes participate. Work experience shows that in the course of working on projects, children learn to plan and evaluate the result of their activities, develop an algorithm for achieving it, identify gaps in their knowledge and skills, and carry out information search. Make reasoned conclusions, correlate your actions with the interests of other people. Interact productively with people around you, obtaining the necessary information in a dialogue, present your point of view in a dialogue and public speaking. All this is aimed at the formation of key competencies of students and will allow each of them to successfully realize themselves in school life and life in society.

An indispensable condition for the organization of project work is the presence of pre-developed ideas about the final product of the activity, the stages of project implementation, at different stages of the project it is necessary to solve research problems, otherwise the project breaks away from life and becomes unrealistic and uninteresting for children.

It should be noted that, given their psychological characteristics, children of primary school age should not be given too complex tasks, required to cover several areas of activity at the same time. Various auxiliary didactic material (memos, instructions, templates) should be included in the work, parents and teachers should be asked for help.

The main stages of the organization of work on the project.

1. Introduction to the project, setting the task, understanding and formulating the goal of the project.

2. Beginning of design. Discussing the outcome of the project and the process (“What do we want and how to achieve it?”) Identifying the technical skills needed to implement the project (“What will we need, where and how to get it?”)

3. A short practical lesson for initial acquaintance with the necessary skills.

4. Planning and organization (design) of work. Creation of groups and distribution of responsibilities.

5. Implementation of the project in models and projects of the real world. Improvement of technical skills. Clarification of the result and action plan.

6. Presenting the results to each other in the form of a multimedia essay.

7. Discussion of the results, the progress of the project and the learned skills that may still be useful.

The preparatory phase of the project is quite long and laborious. The teacher must think over the idea and develop the structure of the project, create organizational, didactic and methodological materials (task instructions, observation diary templates, publications for additional reading, templates for filling in the results of research and practical activities of students)

The organizational stage includes the definition of the topic.

It is necessary to help children find all the ways leading to the achievement of the goal, guided by

1 The topic should be interesting to the child, research work is effective only on a voluntary basis.

2 The topic must be feasible, its solution must be useful to the participants of the study.

3 The theme must be original with elements of surprise, unusualness. Originality should be understood as the ability to look outside the box at traditional objects and phenomena.

4 The topic should be such that the work can be done relatively quickly. The ability to concentrate their own attention on one object for a long time is limited in a younger student.

5 The theme must be accessible. It must be appropriate for the age of the children.

The stage of current reflection serves as a prerequisite for students to create a project organization scheme and evaluate intermediate materials.

Forms of educational reflection are different (oral discussion, written questioning). Primary school students like graphic reflection when they need to draw, draw, depict their mood during the project.

The planning phase determines possible options problems that are important to explore within the framework of the intended topic. Problems are put forward by students, the teacher only helps them.

The search stage distributes tasks into groups. Students discuss research methods. They work on individual or group tasks.

The stage of intermediate results and conclusions has great importance in the organization of external evaluation of projects. This is the only way to track their effectiveness and shortcomings, the need for modern correction.

In the implementation of the project, the stage of protection is mandatory

The work ends with a group discussion. Expertise. Announcement of results, formulation of conclusions. The results must be realistic. If a theoretical problem is considered, then the result of the project activity is its specific solution: advice, recommendations, conclusions. If a practical problem is put forward, then it is required to obtain a specific product ready for implementation (video film, album, computer newspaper, report, etc.).

Reflection of the result of the project is an important final stage that helps the student to comprehend his own actions. The student realizes what has been done, the methods of activity applied by him, once again thinks about how the research was carried out. The final reflection differs from the current volume of the period under reflection and the degree of predetermination and certainty on the part of the teacher. At the end of the project, a lesson is held in which students reflect on their work, answering the questions “What have I learned?”, “What have I achieved?”, “What have I done?”, “What I did not succeed before, but now it works?”, “Who did I help?”.

The implementation of the project method in practice leads to a change in the position of the teacher. From a carrier of ready-made knowledge, he turns into an organizer of the cognitive activity of students. The psychological climate in the classroom becomes different, since the teacher has to reorient his educational work and the actions of students to various types of their independent activities, which are of a research and creative nature.

Project work in a team is built taking into account the properties and qualities that an elementary school graduate should possess. By studying pedagogical literature and the classics of pedagogy, one can deduce the qualities of an elementary school graduate:

The need and initiative in the field of cognitive activity. Interest in working with a book, in reading, and through reading to the knowledge of the world around. Observation Seeing the world through the prism of one's own experience and skills. Independence. The ability to express your opinion. Sincerity. Curiosity and inquisitiveness. Openness to loved ones. The ability to listen to other people, their peers, to adequately assess their own and other people's skills.

To use the project method in practice, the question of the typology of projects is important. And the following types of projects are distinguished:

    According to the activities dominating in the implementation of the project - research, creative, role-playing (game), familiarization - indicative (information), practice-oriented (applied); By subject-content area - a mono-project (within one area of ​​knowledge), an inter-subject project; By the nature of project coordination - with open explicit coordination, with hidden coordination (the project manager imitates a participant); By the nature of contacts - internal (within the class, school), regional (within the same country), international (project participants are representatives of different countries); By the number of participants - personal (between two partners), pair (between pairs of participants), group (between groups of participants); By duration - short-term (can be implemented within one or several lessons), medium-term (from a week to a month), long-term (from one to several months).


    The significance and relevance of the problems put forward, the adequacy of their study topics; the correctness of the methods used for processing the results obtained; activity of each project participant in accordance with his individual capabilities; the collective nature of the decisions made; the nature of communication and mutual assistance, complementarity of project participants; necessary and sufficient depth of penetration into the problem, attraction of knowledge from other areas; evidence of decisions made, the ability to argue their conclusions, conclusions; aesthetics of the results of the completed project; the ability to answer questions from opponents, the conciseness and reasoning of the answers of each member of the group.

used for the purpose of becoming subjectivity

junior schoolchildren

in the course of projects

    Written surveys of students to study their current interests and further determine the topics of future projects (“Which question would you be most interested in getting (search for) today?”, “What problem are you most interested in at the moment?”;
    brainstorming for the direct formulation of the topic of the collective project;
    joint discussion of the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of project activities, the type, content and location of the project defense, drawing up a presentation plan;
    collective compilation of self-assessment algorithms different types projects

The main problems of organizing project activities of younger students

    Insufficient, superficial awareness by the teacher of the essence of project activity and the role of the student in it leads to pseudo-projecting. Mechanical borrowing by teachers of methods and forms of work on projects from the middle and senior levels of education without any adaptation to the age characteristics of younger students. Displacement by the teacher of the goal of the project activity from the internal to the external result. Instead of the formation of personal qualities, skills and abilities, the teacher focuses on the immediate external result, the product of children's design.


Educational project - a set of actions specially organized by the teacher, independently performed by students to solve a problem that is significant for the student, culminating in the creation of a creative product. At all stages, parents act as assistants in determining the topic and problem of the project, in selecting materials, and designing the product of project activities. The topics of children's projects should be closely related to the subject content. The problem of the project should be in the field of cognitive interests of the child and be in the zone of its proximal development. When evaluating the success of a child in a project, it is necessary to understand that the most significant assessment for him is the public recognition of his independence. In the project activity of the child, it is important to increase his level of confidence in achieving the goal, to preserve his individuality.


"Organization of project activities

In primary school"


Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the project activities of schoolchildren ...... .4

  1. The essence of the concept of "project activity"……………………..4
  2. Types and forms of project activities…………………………….5
  3. The main characteristics of training based on the method of projects.
  4. Interaction of participants in project activities……………10

Chapter 2. Organization of project activities in elementary school…………14

2.1. Conditions for organizing project activities………………………14




A person's success in the modern world is largely determined by his ability to organize his life as a project, i.e. determine the long-term and short-term prospects, find and attract the necessary resources, outline a plan of action and assess whether it was possible to achieve the set goals after the implementation of this plan. Obviously, only a well-prepared person can cope with such a variety of activities; a person with a “project type of thinking”. Today, the school has every opportunity to develop project thinking through the organization of a special type of activity -project activity.

Of course, the interest of schoolchildren in such significant independent work is manifested in the middle or even in the senior school. However, the general consensus is that it is best to start project work in elementary school. The project activity satisfies the needs of primary school children to feel like adults, meets their desire to show independence and experience a trusting attitude from adults.

Despite the fact that project activity is so widely included in modern general education schools, the idea of ​​​​what it should be has not yet been fully formed. Sometimes a project is called both an essay prepared by the student on his own, and a non-standard approach to completing a task.

The purpose of this work is to reveal the theoretical foundations of project activities, the features of its organization in elementary school.

Chapter 1.

Theoretical aspects of project activities of schoolchildren

1.1. The essence of the concept of "project activity"

In the methodological literature, the work on the project is described by the formula of "five Ps": problem - design - search for information - product - presentation.

P1. What is the problem with the product? Any real problem of everyday life. It should be meaningful, important, interesting for students. The problem should be a real task, the solution of which is not obvious and which in the course of the solution involves not only the use of existing knowledge, skills and abilities, but also, if necessary, the search and mastery of new knowledge, skills and abilities. When solving the problem, integrated knowledge and research methods are used.

P2 . “Design is a purposeful activity that has a sequence of procedures leading to effective solutions. Design is one of the types of work, the result of which is a product-project. Thus, on the one hand, design is the creation of an ideal model of the final product, and on the other hand, the planning of real steps, the consistent implementation of which will allow us to obtain the planned final product.

At the design stage, there are:

  1. Preparatory stage.
  • Formulation of the theme of the project, clarification of the direction of work.
  • Definition of project goals.
  • Definition of the final product.
  • Determining the number of project participants and the degree of their independence.
  • Establishing project deadlines.
  1. Planning stage. At this stage, you should:
  • outline the path that needs to be taken in order to achieve the goal and get the stated final result. Break this path into separate successive steps, plan specific deadlines for each step;
  • identify available and missing resources;
  • determine how to work on each step.

The table lists questions that can be answered sequentially to help students in the planning phase.

Project problem


Objective of the project

Why are we doing this?


What are we doing?

Methods and methods

How are we doing?

Assessment of available and missing resources

What do we already have to complete the project, and what is missing?


When do we do?

P3 . At the stage of information search, the teacher corrects the work of students, directs and, most importantly, supports the motivation of students to complete the project.

P4. What is the product of the project? Planned result. In what form the product of the project will be presented depends on the imagination of those who work on this project. Moreover, the products of the same project can be different. Product examples are provided in the Appendix.

P5. The presentation and defense of the project is a serious test for the guys. It is necessary to draw up a speech plan, prepare a computer presentation, write a speech to be delivered.

1.2. Types and forms of project activities

To master the project method, you must first know that projects can be different. Consider the classification proposed by E. S. Polat.

  1. Depending on the dominant activity in the project, projects are divided into:
  • research (such projects require a well-thought-out structure, defined goals, relevance of the subject of research, social significance, appropriate methods for processing results; they have a structure close to scientific research);
  • creative (such projects, as a rule, do not have a detailed structure of the joint activities of the participants, it is only outlined and further developed, obeying the genre of the final result. The design of the results is most often in the form of a script, video film, dramatization, article, reportage)
  • role-playing, or game (in such projects, the structure is also only outlined and remains open until the completion of the work. Participants assume certain roles, due to the nature and content of the project);
  • familiarization-indicative, or informational (this type of project was originally aimed at collecting information about some object, phenomenon; it is supposed to familiarize project participants with this information, analyze it and summarize facts intended for a wide audience. Such projects, like research projects, require a well-thought-out structure);
  • practice-oriented, or applied (these projects are distinguished by the result of the activity of its participants that is clearly indicated from the very beginning, and this result is necessarily focused on the social interests of the participants themselves, for example, a draft law, reference material, etc.).
  1. By coverage of school disciplines there are:
  • monoprojects (covering issues within one school discipline (language, literature, natural science, history, music, environmental, etc.));
  • interdisciplinary, or interdisciplinary (they solve problems affecting several disciplines that require the integration of knowledge, skills and abilities in the environment of different academic subjects).
  1. By number of participants:
  • individual (performed by each student individually). Among the advantages of these projects are the following:
    - maximum consideration of individual interests in the choice of the project topic;
    - formation of a sense of personal responsibility, skills of independent work, initiative, organization;
    - the ability to progress to the result at your own pace.
  • group (the subject is an association of participants, different in number (from two people or more) and in composition (groups of students of the same class, groups of schoolchildren of different ages or a parent-child association). When implementing such projects, cooperation skills, cooperative and communication skills are effectively formed).
  1. Based on duration:
  • short-term (do not exceed one week, often cover several lessons. Such projects are carried out to solve a small problem or part of a larger problem and can be developed in several lessons in the program of one subject or as interdisciplinary);
  • medium duration (from a week to a month);
  • long-term (from a month to several months or more).

Projects of medium duration and long-term are more often interdisciplinary and involve the solution of a fairly large problem or several interrelated problems.

  1. By the nature of coordination:
  • with open, explicit coordination (in this case, the project coordinator participates in it in his own function, unobtrusively directing the work of its participants, organizing, if necessary, individual stages of the project, the activities of some participants);
  • with hidden coordination (in such projects, the coordinator does not find himself in his function, but acts as one of the participants in the project).
  1. By the breadth of contacts (coverage area):
  • intraclass;
  • intraschool;
  • regional;
  • international.

The last two types are telecommunications, because require the coordination of the participants, from the interaction on the Internet and, consequently, the use of modern computer technology.

1.3.Main characteristics of training based on the project method

In the pedagogical literature, the concept of "project" has 3 important features. This is the orientation of students: to gain knowledge in the process of carrying out activities; on reality, expressed in the solution of a practical problem in conditions close to real life; for a specific product that involves the application of knowledge from various fields of science in order to achieve the planned result.
What are projects for?
First of all, work on projects is a way of forming:

  • regulatory,
  • educational,
  • personal,
  • communicative learning skills.

In accordance with the requirements of the new standard, at the end of elementary school, it is supposed to assess how schoolchildren have developed universal educational activities. The organization of children's work on projects is one of the directions for the formation of universal learning activities in the classroom and, as a result, will allow demonstrating good performance in the final diagnosis. In addition, this work allows you to:

  1. give students a sense of success, independent of academic performance,
  2. learn to apply what you have learned.

"Project-based learning encourages and reinforces true learning on the part of learners, expanding the scope of subjectivity in the process of self-determination, creativity and concrete participation." V. Guzeev

Consider the main characteristics of learning based on the project method:

Relevance. Project-based learning is based on the active participation of students in projects that ensure their development and allow them to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in the lessons. The material of the subject is perceived more meaningfully, since the training is based on facts from real life and the information is presented in an interesting way for students. Most of the information in the process of working on the project, students must extract on their own. The project method is designed to develop thinking, consolidate skills, and socialize schoolchildren.

Interdisciplinary character of training.Teaching based on the project method involves solving problems by schoolchildren using knowledge from various academic disciplines. In any project, students perform tasks that involve the relationship of different subjects.

Complex problem solving.Project-based learning stimulates students to solve complex real-world problems. They research, draw conclusions, analyze and summarize information.

The motivating nature of learning.Project-based learning implies that a significant role in the learning of students is played by their internal desire to learn, the ability to do important work and the need for evaluation of their work. The possibility of choosing the topic of the educational project, self-monitoring of its implementation and cooperation with classmates also contribute to increasing the motivation for learning.

Set up for cooperation.The project method creates the prerequisites for cooperation both between students and between students and teachers, which often goes beyond the boundaries of one school class. Collaborative work of students is important in the study of all disciplines as a means of deepening the understanding of the subject being studied.

Positive attitude.Students enjoy project-based learning. A student with learning problems can be successful in working on a separate project, which has a positive effect on his self-esteem and increases his motivation to learn.

In the process of working on a project, a student develops a large number of super-subject skills:

Design - understanding the task, planning the stages of the upcoming activity, predicting its consequences;
- research - making an assumption, establishing cause-and-effect relationships, searching for options for solving the problem;
- informational - an independent search for the necessary information, structuring information, highlighting the main thing;
- cooperative - interaction with project participants, providing mutual assistance in a group in solving common problems, searching for a compromise solution;
- communicative - the ability to listen and understand others, engage in dialogue, ask questions, participate in discussions, express oneself;
- reflexive - understanding one's own activity (its course and intermediate results), self-assessment;
- presentational - building an oral report on the work done, choosing various means visibility during a speech, monologue speech skills, answers to unplanned questions.

Thus, the project method has great opportunities for students to master the activity component of the content of education.
In addition, work on the project helps to educate schoolchildren in significant universal values ​​(social partnership, tolerance, dialogue), a sense of responsibility, self-discipline, the ability to self-organize, and the desire to do their job efficiently.

1.4. Interaction of participants in project activities

When using the project method, the teacher must abandon his dominant role and become the organizer or co-organizer of project activities. The implementation of the educational project is carried out according to a certain plan, and at the same time, each student can choose any topic of the project, taking into account their interests, inclinations and abilities.

The teacher acts as an assistant, consultant to the student. The teacher does not transfer knowledge, but directs the activity of the student. Allocate characteristic activities of the teacher in the course of the implementation of the educational project:

Consulting.The teacher in the classroom is the consultant who must resist prompting, even if the students are wrong. It is important that during counseling, the teacher only answers the student's questions, but does not ask them. In the process of working on projects, the teacher helps children to measure their desires and capabilities. If one of the children wants to complete a project on a different topic, the teacher must be understanding and respectful of the desire of the students, since one cannot force a child to design something that is not interesting to him.

Motivation. A high level of motivation in activity is the key to successful work on a project. During work, the teacher creates conditions for freedom of choice and self-determination.

Facilitation.The teacher does not indicate in the evaluation form the shortcomings or errors of the student's actions, the failure of intermediate results, but provokes questions, reflections, self-assessment of activities, modeling various situations, transforming the educational environment. They can be the organization of a group discussion; asking questions, the answers to which are not known to the student; posing questions, the answers to which will sound absurd, revealing contradictions in the decisions and methods of activity taken by students; the placement in the class of objects that generate certain associations, ideas, etc.

observation. When using the project method, it is necessary to monitor the psychological and pedagogical effect - the formation of psychological neoplasms in schoolchildren (personal qualities, reflection, self-esteem, the ability to make an informed choice and comprehend its consequences). The teacher is recommended to write down brief summaries based on the results of observations of students.

With the application of the project method, the role of students in the educational process fundamentally changes: they act as active participants in it, and not passive listeners.

At the same time, the situation of uncertainty that often arises during the implementation of the project causes objective difficulties for students:

Definition of goals and objectives;

Finding the best ways to solve them;

Implementation and argumentation of your choice, taking into account the possible consequences;

Implementation of independent actions;

Comparison of the result obtained with the required ones;

Adjustment of their activities, taking into account intermediate results;

Objective evaluation of the design process and result.

Overcoming these difficulties is one of the leading didactic goals of the project method.

Many teachers are of the opinion that the cooperation of schoolchildren on the basis of small groups helps to overcome difficulties. Zemlyanskaya E. N. highlights the following advantages with such an organization of work on the project:

  • Collaborative learning based on small groups helps each student to better master the educational material, delving deeper into its content. Performing a group task, each student is subject to control by his comrades, which helps to prevent errors.
  • Working in a group contributes to the emergence of interest in the learning process and a sense of satisfaction not only with the results, but also with the learning process itself, especially if the teacher creates, notices and maintains a situation of success for each student.
  • In group work in collaboration, all students in the class work in the lesson. The very organization of the lesson is so exciting that none of them can sit it out, do something else.
  • The principle of personal responsibility of each for the success of all, the rule of distribution of work and roles, as well as the principle of reflection lead to the fact that students tend to choose their own way of intra-group participation, taking into account the maximum benefit for the common cause, and this, in turn, contributes to the formation of adequate self-esteem and self-determination of the student, helps to develop his creative abilities.

Often the question arises: should parents be involved in the design process by schoolchildren or not? On the one hand, it is important that parents do not take on part of the children's work on projects, since in this case the very idea of ​​the project method disappears. On the other hand, an important factor in maintaining motivation and ensuring the independence of schoolchildren in the implementation of project activities is the manifestation of interest on the part of parents, help with advice, information. In this regard, the involvement of parents in project activities of students should be specially organized by the teacher.

The role of parents changes depending on the stage of the educational project:

Project stage

Forms of possible participation of parents

in the project activities of children

Ideation stage

Help your child come up with as many ideas as possible

Choice and formulation of the project topic

Help choose the best idea and justify the choice

Statement of the project task

Assistance in the correct formulation of the project task

Development of a plan and structure for the implementation of the project

  • Assistance in planning work, taking into account the employment of the child.
  • Creation of conditions for the implementation of the plan.
  • Definition of intermediate terms of work.

Discussion of possible results of work on the topic of the project

  • Discuss with your child the possible outcomes for each task.
  • Break the scope of work into small parts and determine the deadline for each part.

Search for information

  • View the list of selected literature and supplement it or remove any sources that do not correspond to the selected topic.
  • Help the child in moving to the library, orientation in bookstores.

Chapter 2

Organization of project activities in elementary school

2.1.Conditions for the organization of project activities in elementary school.

Currently, in domestic pedagogy there is no single point of view on the application of the project method in the process of teaching younger students. First grade or later? In class or in extracurricular activities? All classes or not?

Of course, in order to carry out educational and extracurricular projects by younger students, they need a certain initial baggage of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of various subjects.

As the first component of readiness for project activities, communication skills are distinguished:

  • the ability to listen, receive information (without interrupting, carefully and respectfully listen to any respondent who speaks in the lesson: teacher, classmate, correlating the content of his statement with his opinion);
  • the ability to initiate communication, exchange information, find out the points of view of other students, ask a teacher, a consultant to clarify information or methods of action;
  • the ability to control the voice (speak clearly, adjusting the volume, the strength of the voice depending on the situation: so that everyone can hear when speaking in front of the class and so as not to disturb others during group work);
  • the ability to address one’s statement (referring to someone, try to look at him and use the pronouns “you”, “you”, and not “he (a)” and “they” in your speech);
  • the ability to express one's point of view (it is clear for everyone to formulate their opinion, to explain and prove it with reason);
  • the ability to negotiate, find a compromise (to choose the most correct, rational, original solution, reasoning in a friendly atmosphere).

These skills can and should be formed in younger students from the first days of training.

The next group of skills that must be formed to complete any project are special project skills:

  • the ability to predict, present the product, the result of the work (What do I want to do, come up with, find out? How will it be or could it look like?);
  • the ability to analyze the available opportunities and resources to perform activities (What do I have for work and what is missing? What information, materials, tools, technical means do I need?);
  • the ability to plan your work and follow it;
  • the ability to search for the necessary information in various sources (including addressing an information request to a teacher and other adults);
  • the ability to present the process of the work performed and its result.

Initially, each of the named project skills should be formed separately in the process of solving various educational problems. To this end, the following techniques are effective, which organically fit into the educational process and can be used in lessons in various disciplines:

  • solving polyvariant problems (with many possible answers); selection of the most successful, beautiful, interesting options for solving educational problems; bringing the proposed product to the presented ideal; solving creative problems related to fantasizing the properties of objects, their application;
  • isolating missing and redundant data to solve educational problems; selection of the most necessary, accurate, high-quality information, materials, tools from the proposed set to perform specific tasks; drawing up a list of what is necessary for the upcoming activity;
  • supplementing the plans proposed by the teacher for the implementation of specific educational tasks; transformation of deformed plans; independent drawing up plans for solving educational problems and fixing them in various ways (schematic and visual plan, question, name);
  • selection by children of additional materials on a given topic, information on issues of interest from books, magazines, dictionaries, reference literature and illustrations to it; finding out the necessary information from conversations with adults (teachers, parents) and peers;
  • construction of oral brief reports on the work done by individual or group work according to the proposed plan or independently; a story about the solved educational problem to a group or the whole class; formulating questions for the speaker.

The formation of these project skills will be successful with a gradual increase in the degree of children's independence. In addition, it should be emphasized that all the above project skills, initially formed at the minimum required level, are further improved and qualitatively more complicated already in the process of project activity.

The fulfillment by students of the most different projects involves mandatory reflection, self-assessment of the effectiveness of the work done and, therefore, the relevant experience should already be in children at the stage of their acquaintance with project activities. In this regard, as the third component of the readiness of younger students for effective project activities, we consider the followingreflective (self-assessment) skills:

  • adequately evaluate their work on work according to various indicators (criteria);
  • justify (explain) their own self-evaluative position;
  • be sure to note the merits, strengths in work, personal achievements, not forgetting about the shortcomings;
  • plan ways and means of overcoming difficulties and failures.

When planning the project activities of younger students, it is necessary to follow the complication algorithm:

  • a gradual increase in the duration of work on the project: from short-term short-term projects to projects of medium duration and long-term, which is associated with the initial difficulties of elementary school students in planning their own activities for long periods of time and its self-control;
  • strengthening children's independence in the implementation and presentation of projects: from projects with the maximum possible support and participation from the teacher and parents within the framework of the method to projects with minimal adult help;
  • expansion of the sphere of communication between students and classmates in the process of project activities: from mini-group and individual projects to group and general classes, which is justified by the gradual assimilation by younger students of the communication skills necessary for productive interaction with each other;
  • introduction of projects that require for their implementation the integration of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the process of studying various academic subjects: from monodisciplinary or single-subject projects to inter-subject multi-projects.

The purposeful formation of the selected components of readiness for project activity in younger students makes it possible to successfully apply the project method in its simplest modifications at the second stage of the primary level (in the third and fourth grades).

For the teacher, practice is of great interest to the experience of colleagues. I want to give an example of an interesting project around the world.

"Symbols of the countries of the world"

Methodological passport of the project

  1. Tasks:
  • acquaintance of younger schoolchildren with the history of the most famous architectural structures of various countries of the world, consolidation of knowledge about the geographical location of countries and cities, skills in working with a map;
  • development in children of the ability to work with various information sources;
  • improvement of public speaking skills in primary school students.
  1. Academic year: Grade 3.
  2. Project type:
  • interdisciplinary;
  • informational;
  • long-term (performed from two weeks to a month);
  • group.
  1. Mode of operation: combined (classroom - extracurricular)
  2. Planned result: an exhibition of symbols of the countries of the world and an excursion program.

Dive into the project

You can organize the acquaintance of younger students with the topic of the project and interest them in different ways. Here are some of them.

  1. Video quiz "Which country are we in?".

The teacher describes the following game situation: “Imagine that the plane on which we are traveling around the world makes an unplanned landing. We don’t know in which country we landed, but maybe what we see from the windows will tell us about this? Next, slides are shown to the children, which depict: the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, the Cheops pyramid, the Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China, the Burj el Arab, the Colosseum.

  1. Game "Confusion".

The teacher informs the children that the gathered representatives of different countries of the world boasted so much of the structures and buildings known in their homeland that they did not notice how they mixed up the cards with the names of countries and photographs with images of these structures:

Big Ben France

Pyramid of Cheops Italy

Great Wall of China India

leaning tower of pisa england

Taj Mahal UAE

burj el arab egypt

Colosseum Russia

eiffel tower usa

Statue of Liberty China

The proposed version of the confusion contains both redundant data (two objects are presented about Italy) and missing data (an object from Russia is not presented). This helps to activate the attention of children and gives them the opportunity to choose the building that symbolizes Russia and is a national pride for Russians.

In a conversation with children, it is clarified that the most important symbols for all countries of the world are the national flag, coat of arms and anthem.

You can also interest children in the fact that for some countries the symbol is a certain animal or bird, for example: panda is a symbol of China; kangaroo is a symbol of Australia; the elephant symbolizes Thailand, for Finland and Sweden the symbol is the elk, for Russia it is the brown bear. In addition, many countries of the world have their own national plant as an insignia, a special symbol: for England it is a rose; for Germany - cornflower; For Holland - a tulip; in Egypt - lotus; in China - narcissus; in Japan - chrysanthemum and sakura; in Canada - maple; in Russia - birch and chamomile.

The main task of the teacher is to captivate children, to interest them so that they want to become “great travelers” and tell others about their travels and discoveries.

In the process of joint discussion, a name is chosen for the future project, its main tasks and form of implementation (group project) are determined.

Organization of activities

At this stage, the teacher organizes a collective discussion and solution of the following questions:

  1. What information needs to be collected about the symbol?

The list of required information may be approximately the following:

  • when and by whom the building, structure was built;
  • features of the object;
  • interesting facts, stories, events related to this symbol;
  • what other objects the given country or city is proud of.
  1. Possible form of presentation of the project.

The teacher can invite the children to try themselves as tour guides, to introduce the selected symbols of the countries to students from other classes, parents.

  1. Criteria by which the results of the project activity will be summed up in the future.

In this project, the following indicators can be used as evaluation indicators:

  • completeness of information;
  • interesting and emotional story-tour;
  • a variety of high-quality visual materials (photos, slides, video clips, computer presentation, souvenirs, drawings, layouts, three-dimensional and planar puzzles).
  1. Determine the duration of the project

After a collective discussion, students are divided into groups for joint project activities. Already in groups, schoolchildren are planning the upcoming work:

  • choose a symbol of any country for further study;
  • decide from what sources and with whose help they will seek the necessary information and visual material;
  • carry out the distribution of functions in the group.

Implementation of activities

At this stage, each group works in accordance with the planned plan.

At a fine art lesson, students can be asked to draw a drawing of the object chosen for study, and before the presentation, decorate the venue with children's work.

In technology lessons, a very successful technique is the modeling of any structure using the origami technique or three-dimensional puzzles.

During extracurricular work of children on the project, the teacher advises groups on emerging issues and problems, monitors intermediate results, and assesses the degree of readiness for the final presentation.

At this stage, you can have a test presentation inside the class, where students from each group will present the learned symbols to their classmates. This will allow the children to mutually evaluate the work of the group according to the previously selected criteria, adjust their performances and approve the general excursion program. At the same stage, invitation cards or announcements, a book for reviews and wishes are prepared.


It is necessary to prepare a place for the presentation, where the exhibits and guests would be conveniently placed, all the necessary technical equipment would be concentrated.

The main function of the teacher at this stage is to coordinate the process of protecting children's projects, tracking the effectiveness of student messages and the effectiveness of the project as a whole.

After the end of all excursions, self-assessment by students of the process and result of their own activities and the work of their group within the framework of the project should be organized. You can use any self-assessment form or offer to write a short essay on the topic “What do I remember about the project?” or “What have I learned from working on the project?”

  1. Barton R., Cavindish R.Atlas of the wonders of the world: Outstanding architectural structures and monuments of all times and peoples. - M., 2007.
  2. Zhukova I.V. Notable Buildings: Paper Wonders. - M., 2003.
  3. Ivanova L.V. Masterpieces of World Architecture: Small Atlas of Wonders of the World. - M., 2003.
  4. Littlefield D, Jones W. The Greatest Works of Mankind: Masterpieces of Architecture and Engineering in the 20th and 16th Centuries. - M., 2003.
  5. Neil Stevenson. The most famous architectural structures in the world. - Belgorod, 2008.
  6. Potatueva N.V. 100 Wonders of Modern Architecture: Great Museums of the World. - M., 2009.
  7. Saplin E.V., Saplin A.I.Symbols of my country. - M., 2009.


According to a similar scheme of group project activities, you can work with younger students on such topics around the world as “Coats of arms of the cities of the Golden Ring”, “Coins of the countries of the world”, etc.

An interesting methodological find, in my opinion, is the maintenance of project notebooks by students

Project book

Learn ________________________________________________ class


Project ____________________________________________________

Participants _________________________________________________

Organizational stage

General name of the project ______________________________________

The main question of the project ______________________________________

Group question ______________________________________________

Group name ____________________________________________

You can draw the logo of the group.

What do you want to do? What to learn? Who to help? What to become?

Draw a smiley that matches your mood at the beginning of the project.

Planning stage

My role in the group _____________________________________________

My work plan:

Whom will I turn to for help and advice? Who can I count on?_________________________________________________________

  1. _____________________________________________________________
  2. _____________________________________________________________

These are the items I need:

  1. _____________________________________________________________
  2. _____________________________________________________________

What else needs to be done for the best execution of the project?


Search stage

Write what new you learned during the work on the project.

To protect the project, students can offer (or develop with them) a memo.

Memo for preparing a public speech

Public speaking is different from talking. As a speaker you are in the center of attention, your main goal is to inform or perhaps convince your listeners.

  • Think carefully about your presentation. It should include an introduction, body and conclusion. Point out what you have learned, possible ways of further study.
  • Make up your speech so that the story takes 5-7 minutes. Remember that an emotional and short-term presentation of the material is well perceived using interesting examples and visualization.
  • Do not forget that a consistent presentation allows the listeners to better understand the speaker.
  • Use only terms you understand.
  • Use sign language.
  • The story is well perceived, not the reading of the text.
  • Voice and pauses in speech help listeners to better understand the message.
  • Think and make possible questions.

Preparation technique

  • Start your speech with a greeting, and at the end thank the audience for their attention.
  • Rehearse your speech and bring it to the desired duration.
  • Prepare clear and colorful visual material.
  • Think in advance how to organize your workplace.

The project book helps the student to master the meta-subject universal educational activities, such as setting a goal, planning work, analyzing, comparing, generalizing, and making conclusions.

The project gives students a tremendous communication experience, forms the ability to jointly find answers to questions of interest, teaches them to learn and develops creative abilities.


Design in elementary school - necessary element modern education system.

Initial education lays the necessary foundation for the further development of project skills and the use of educational projects to organize the independent acquisition of knowledge by students in subject classes and their more effective assimilation.

But before the teacher can use educational design as a didactic tool, it is necessary to prepare students for independent work within the framework of this activity, to form the necessary skills and abilities in them. By developing these skills, it is possible to shape the project activity as a whole.

This activity involves the implementation of creative projects, starting from grades 2-3. During the performance of this work, cognitive activity increases in children, creative abilities, attention, analytical abilities, abilities for planning and self-control, and reflection develop.

Students see the real application of their knowledge, understand how much, it turns out, they still do not know and they have to learn, they have a sense of responsibility to their comrades, because if one of them does not do part of his work, then the necessary result will not be achieved. When preparing to defend their project, students should build their presentation so that it is as argumentative, clear and logical as possible, which develops, in addition to logic and thinking, a culture of speech. Parents can also be involved in projects, which is also important.


  1. Golub G.B. Method of projects - technology and competence-oriented education: method. A guide for teachers-project managers of basic school students. / G.B. Golub, E.A. Perelygin, O.V. Churakova; ed. prof. E.Ya. Kogan. - Samara: Educational literature, 2006.
  2. Guzeev V.V. Planning for educational outcomes and educational technologies. - M .: Didactics of high school. 1982 - p. 192.
  3. Dubova M.V. Organization of project activities of younger students. A practical guide for teachers beginning. classes. – M.: Balass. 2010.
  4. Zemlyanskaya E.N. Educational cooperation of younger schoolchildren in the classroom / E.N. Zemlyanskaya // Primary school. - 2008. - No. 1. - S. 17-23.
  5. Zemlyanskaya E.N. . Educational projects of younger schoolchildren: the role of parents / E.N. Zemlyanskaya, M.K., Chugreeva // Primary education. - 2006. - No. 5. - S. 31-36.
  6. Ivanova N . V., Marunina G.N. How to organize project activities in elementary school: Methodological guide. – M.: ARKTI, 2013. – 128 p.: ill. (Elementary School)
  7. Polat E.S. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system. – M.: Academy, 2000.
  8. Project activity of younger schoolchildren using ICT / ed. N.V. Fedyainova, I.S. Khiryanova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2014. - 175 p.
  9. Rogozinskaya N.I., Kolobyakina T.P.Pedagogical design in the innovative activity of primary school teachers // Uchitel, No. 3, 2004.
  10. Free Internet encyclopedia "Wikipedia".
  11. Seliverstova E.N.From the School of Knowledge to the School of Creation: Theoretical and Technological Aspects of Teaching: A Study Guide. - Vladimir: VGGU. 2008.
  12. Educational projects using Microsoft Office [text]: teacher's guide. – M.: Binom. Knowledge Lab. 2006.
  13. Fridman E.M. Mathematics. Projects? Projects… Projects! Grades 5-11: teaching aid / E.M. Friedman. - Rostov n / D: Legion, 2014. - 80 p. - (Master Class.)

Master Class " "


    Actualization of knowledge on the application of the project-based teaching method for the development of students' creative activity

    Show the need to introduce active teaching methods based on the pedagogical technology of project-based learning;


    To acquaint with the features, purpose and place in the lesson of the project method, as well as possible options for using it in the lesson.

    Show the practical significance of the project method for organizing work.

    To form the skills of information retrieval activities, as well as the skills of step-by-step lesson design.

Predicted result of the master class:

    Integration of modern pedagogical and information communication technologies in the process of creating a subject educational environment for a teacher.

    Expansion of knowledge about the possibilities of using the method of projects.

    Involvement of teachers in project activities.

Used ICT tools, software and equipment:

    Multimedia projector, screen;

    Whatman paper and felt-tip pens

The structure of the “Master Class”:

1. Presentation of the pedagogical experience of the teacher-master

    Substantiation of the main ideas of pedagogical technology used by the teacher

    Characteristics of the teacher's creative laboratory (description of achievements in work experience)

    Identification of problems and prospects in the work of a master teacher

2. Introducing the activity

    The teacher's story about the lesson project

    Definition of the main techniques and methods of work to be demonstrated

    Brief description of the effectiveness of the technology used

    Questions to the teacher on the project outlined

3. Lesson with students demonstrating effective work techniques

4. Simulation

    independent work students to develop their own model of the project in the mode of demonstrated pedagogical technology. The teacher plays the role of a consultant, organizes independent activities of students and manages it.

5. Reflection

    Discussion on the results of the joint activities of the Master and students

    The final word of the teacher-master on all comments and suggestions

Form: Integrated (lecture-practical) lesson

Lesson progress

    Organizational start

2. Motivational start

I offer you a universal game "Yes-no". I will guess something, and you will try to find the answer by asking me questions. I can only answer your questions with “yes” and “no”. Attention! Here lies an object that has something to do with geometry and is very fond of children. Your questions. (This is an apple, it is shaped like a ball, and is very loved by children.)

(This game is able to captivate both children and adults. During this game, a search strategy is developed. You can use the game in any lesson, both for relaxation and for creating an intriguing situation.)

And now, dear colleagues,

Let's exchange apples - and each of us will have an apple;

Let's exchange ideas - and each of us will have two ideas.(T.A. Edison)

3. Introduction to new material

slide 1. Before you is the word PROJECT. What associations do you have with the word PROJECT

Slide 2. We have this topic of the lesson “How to organize student project activities?

Each teacher regularly asks himself questions: “How to make the learning process effective?”, “What methodology will be adequate to the modern model of personality education?”

Slide 3. I also asked myself these questions until I read a Chinese parable. It says: “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, involve me and I will learn”.

This Chinese proverb can serve as an epigraph to the project-based learning method.

What to teach today's students? What amount of knowledge should be invested in them so that they will have enough for the rest of their lives?We cannot answer these questions. The only way we can help our children here and now is to teach them to acquire the necessary knowledge on their own, assess the situation, identify problems and find adequate ways to solve them, and improve themselves. Therefore, the main skill of the XXI century is the ability to learn. It is these results that are laid down in the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

slide 4. Informatics is defined as a school subject that can increase the effectiveness of educational activities, support the processes of integrating a student's knowledge, choose an individual path of self-development, self-education, and realization of knowledge. In the process of studying the course "Computer Science and ICT", universal learning activities are effectively developed through design and research activities.

Slide 5. A project is a plan, an idea, as a result of which the author should get something new: a product, a program, a book, a script, etc. A project is a form of research work. Therefore, if we are talking about the method of projects, then we mean a way to achieve a didactic goal through the development of a problem that will end in a practical result.

slide 6. Work according to the project method is a relatively high level of complexity of pedagogical activity. Using the project method for several years with the support of ICT tools, I saw great advantages over the traditional method.

    First of all, this technology allows you to form the key competencies of students.

    positive results in the educational process.

    The project method has found application in the lessons of computer science, mathematics,

    in extracurricular activities,since the use of project activities in informatics lessons leads to a change in the content of education, teaching technology and relations between participants in the educational process.

And now let's stop at the stages of work on the project:

Slide 7. Stage 1 - motivational.

It is important for the teacher to create a positive motivational attitude. The problem that students have to solve should be relevant and interesting. At this stage, the theme is formulated and the result, the product, is determined.

Slide 8. Stage 2 - planning and preparatory.

The project concept is being developed, tasks are formulated, an action plan is being formulated, students are divided into groups.

Slide 9. Stage 3. Information and operational

Here is the implementation of the project. Material is collected, all information is processed, sorted. The role of the teacher at this stage is to coordinate, observe, give recommendations, and consult.

10 slide. Stage 4. Reflective-evaluative.

Protection of the project, collective discussion of the result, self-assessment of activities. This stage is very important, it solves several problems: the development of scientific speech, the opportunity to demonstrate one's achievements, and the replenishment of knowledge.

Work on projects will continue, but already now we can talk about the effectiveness of this method.

Slide 11. The experience found support and interested colleagues:

    on this topic there were speeches at teachers' councils at the school, at a meeting of the methodological association for teachers of the school and the district;

    open lessons were held within the framework of the regional MO;

    participation in the international competition for teachers "Open Lesson" ( publication a lesson in informatics on the topic "Information technology for project development" on the pages of the media "ZavuchInfo")

    I am a member of the All-Russian experimental creative group of the pedagogical club "Science and Creativity" on the topic "The use of design and research technologies as factors that increase the effectiveness of pedagogical activity"

More information can be found on my personal website.

Who will feel better if the project method is actively used at school?

I am sure you will agree with me that in the first place:

slide 12. For students . They are studying:

    apply knowledge in a changed and new situation;

    demonstrate their ICT competence;

    to search for partners for the implementation of joint projects;

slide 13. Parents which

    a positive attitude towards school is formed;

    there is satisfaction with the educational services of the school.

Pedagogical Community of Teachers , because they can use my experience as a resource in their work, as well as for professional development and creative growth.

slide 14. And finallyState .

slide 15. The President of the Russian Federation identified 5 points of the presidential initiative on the project:

1. Updated education content. New generation of educational standards

2. Search and support of talented children.

3. The key role of the teacher.

4. New principles for the work of schools.

5. Health of schoolchildren.

4. Practicing the acquired knowledge in practice

slide 16. And now I would like to involve you in the development of a presentation mini-project "Teenagers in virtual reality in drawings" which may be in demand. I suggest you watch the video. (watching the movie)

Slide 17-20.

Slide 21. And so, we watched a video film with you, what impression did it make on you? Did you see a problem that needs to be discussed with parents and children, what is it? How clearly can you tell children about the threat of computer games to their health?

A) Distribution into groups.

Each of you has different colored apples. I ask you to divide into 2 groups according to the corresponding colors.

1 group of "Virtuals", and 2 groups of "Realists".

slide 22.Task for groups: from the position of "Virtuals" and "Realists" clearly depict on a piece of paper how the virtual world differs from the real one.

What are the pros and cons each team sees in the virtual world.

What can a child lose when immersed in a virtual world, and how does this threaten his health.

During the defense of the mini-project, the group should explain:

What did they depict in their drawings?

What in the figure speaks of the terrible misfortune of the Internet - children's addiction.

- What solutions do you propose to solve this problem?

b) other listeners

While our “students” are developing the project, I want to show you the educational projects of the students of our school.(Projects of students are demonstrated.)

Slide 23. 5. Protection of projects

(speech by group representatives)

slide 24.

Dear colleagues, even though your project is still only on paper, I hope that you will definitely implement these projects with your colleagues and students. I remember one parable.

There was a wise man in ancient times. He had many followers and many learned from him. And then one day two of his students argued among themselves. One claimed that he could ask the sage a question that would baffle him. The second said it was impossible.

Early in the morning the first disciple went to the field and caught a beautiful little butterfly there. He held it in his palms so that it was not visible. He came up with a trick to defeat the teacher: "I will ask him if the butterfly is alive, which is in my palms. If he says no, then I will open my palms and it will fly up. If he says yes, then I will crush it and opening my palms, he will see only her lifeless body. So he will get into an awkward situation, and I will win the argument."

A student came to his sage teacher and in the presence of everyone asked him:

- Teacher, is the butterfly in my palms dead or alive?

- All in your hands...

Sometimes in a child's life it seems that the people around him, the events taking place, and so on, are all either black or white. But the real world is multicolored. Let's teach children to see in people and their lives the nuances that can so easily change everything for them.

Let's help a teenager gain confidence in the real, not in the virtual world!

6. Summing up in the form of a syncwine

Our methodological lesson is nearing completion. But any lesson requires summing up. To understand your own activities, I suggest you compose a syncwine for the word PROJECT.

slide 25. Memo for compiling syncwine

Sinkwine - (translated from French means "five") - this is a five-line poem that requires the synthesis of information in brief terms.

Rules for writing syncwines :

The first line consists of one word - a noun that identifies the topic.

The second line consists of two words - adjectives, clarifying and explaining the topic.

The third line is formed by three words - verbs, participles, which describe actions within the framework of the chosen topic or the quality of actions.

The fourth line is a four-word phrase illustrating the attitude of the author of the syncwine to the topic.

The last line is a synonym or metaphor consisting of one word that reflects the meaning of the topic.

(The resulting cinquain is announced.)

Slide 26. 7. Reflection

At the beginning of the lesson, you asked me questions, and I answered yes or no. Now let's switch roles and answer yes or no questions.

1. Were there any difficulties during the development of the project?

2. Did you understand the idea of ​​the project?

3. Do you think this technology is promising in working with students

I think that the epigraph of today's lesson worked.

8. Final word

Thank you for your attention and cooperation!

Happy professional holiday!

The ongoing changes in modern society require the development of new methods of education, pedagogical technologies aimed at individual development of the individual, creative initiative, the development of the skill of independent navigation in information fields, the formation of students' universal ability to set and solve problems in order to resolve problems that arise in life - professional activity, self-determination, Everyday life. The most important thing is the education of a truly free personality, the formation in children of the ability to think independently, acquire and apply knowledge, carefully consider the decisions made, clearly plan actions, effectively cooperate in groups of various composition and profile, be open to new contacts and cultural ties. Consequently, already within the walls of the school, a person must master the sum of modern universal skills, learn how to apply them in everyday life.



On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Project and research activities of students in extracurricular time as a way to unlock the creative potential of the student's personality

Working on projects helps to develop students' communicative competence and the social competence that makes it up. The research activity of students makes it possible to realize the dif...

Organization of design and research activities of students during extracurricular time

This article reveals the method of research projects, which solves the problems of the new school, is an effective way to achieve one of the most important goals of education: to teach children to self-s...

Organization of design and research activities of students during extracurricular time

Search problem effective methods and methods of teaching foreign language communication is very relevant for us. Education and personal development of a modern student is possible if the activity (student ...

Guidelines for the organization of research activities of students during extracurricular time

late 19th - early 20th century

John Dewey (acquisition of experience by "doing", in the course of exploring the environment)

William Kilpatrick (any activity done wholeheartedly)

S. T. Shatsky (emphasis on socially useful, labor, ideological activity)

  • Project- a teaching method based on setting a socially significant goal and its practical achievement.
  • Project activity- a form of educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren, which consists in the motivational achievement of a consciously set goal to create creative projects, ensuring the unity and continuity of various aspects of the learning process.
  • Project method - This is a set of techniques, actions of students in a certain sequence to achieve the task - solving a problem that is personally significant for students and designed in the form of a certain final product.

Project requirements

  • The presence of an actual problem that requires integrated knowledge, research search for its solution
  • Practical, theoretical, cognitive significance of the expected results
  • Independent (individual, group, pair activity of students)
  • Structuring the content of the project (indicating the phased results)
  • Use of research methods: definition of the problem and objectives of the study; putting forward a hypothesis for their solution; choice of research methods; registration of final results

Subjects of project activity:

  • Teacher (project leader)
  • Student (group of students)
  • Adults (subject teachers, parents, other persons)


  • The principle of predictability(focused on the future state of the object)
  • Stepwise principle(gradual transition from design intent to the formation of an image of the goal and mode of action)
  • The principle of rationing(passing through all stages of creating a project)

  • Dive into the project
  • Organization of activities
  • Implementation of activities
  • Presentation of results

Types of projects by the nature of priority activities:

  • Research(designation of tasks, research methods, examination of the results)
  • Informational(collection of information about any object, methods for obtaining information, methods for processing information, result)

  • Creative(joint wall newspaper, video film, dramatization, sports game, holiday, expedition)
  • Gaming(students take on certain roles. The dominant activity is a game)
  • Practice-oriented(document created on the basis of the results of the study: action program, recommendations, draft law)

By coverage of school disciplines:

  • Monoprojects (language, literary, historical)
  • Interdisciplinary (affecting several disciplines)

By number of participants:

  • Individual
  • Group

By duration:

  • Short term (1 week)
  • Medium duration (1 week - 1 month)
  • Long term (up to several months)

Communication skills

  • Ability to listen and receive information
  • Ability to share information
  • Ability to control voice
  • Ability to direct your speech
  • Ability to express your point of view
  • Ability to negotiate and find a compromise

Design Skills:

  • Ability to predict, present the product, the result of the work
  • Ability to analyze
  • Ability to create and follow a work plan
  • Ability to search for necessary information
  • Ability to present the process of work performed and its result

Receptions: (can be used in any lesson)

  • Solving polyvariant problems (with many answers)
  • Extraction of missing data or redundant data to solve problems
  • Supplementation of plans for the implementation of specific educational tasks proposed by the teacher
  • Selection by children of additional material on a given topic
  • Construction of oral short reports on the done individual or group work


  • Evaluate your work appropriately
  • Justify your own self-assessment position
  • Be sure to note the merits, strengths in work, personal achievements
  • Plan ways and means to overcome difficulties and failures

The logic of introducing projects in elementary school


  • Constant increase in the duration of the project
  • Strengthening children's independence in the presentation of projects
  • Expanding the scope of student communications
  • Introduction of projects that require integrated knowledge, skills and abilities for their implementation

Project topics depend on:

  • Children's age
  • Individual characteristics of the class
  • Cognitive interests of children

  • Presentation of projects by primary school students
  • Exhibition of products with a story - a commentary of each of its authors
  • Reports with visual support (group long-term projects)
  • Concert or celebration with various numbers
  • Family evening with parent-child performances or messages

Self-assessment with various kinds visual modeling

  • Emotionally expressive self-assessment (little men with different facial expressions)
  • Color self-assessment
  • Self-assessment ladders
  • Contour self-assessment
  • Symbolic self-esteem
  • Self-assessment segment

Emotionally-expressive evaluation

  • Not very happy
  • Satisfied W find it difficult to assess

Self-assessment ladder



not all so good


I have been working on a project:

Self-assessment ladder


not very interesting

not interested

I had to complete the project:

Contour self-assessment

My activity My efforts

Symbolic self-esteem

Self-assessment segment




Oral self-assessment based on

algorithm :

  • Mark what went well in the work on the project, succeeded, your successes.
  • Did you see what didn’t work out very well, didn’t succeed, your difficulties.
  • Think about why something didn't work.
  • Decide what you need to do to overcome your difficulties and failures.
  • Decide if you can handle it on your own or if you need help.

Written self-assessment can take place according to the proposed forms - questions :

I think working on this project

  • taught me something new
  • Helped to consolidate my knowledge, skills
  • Didn't give me anything

I would like a (similar) project:

  • We no longer performed
  • Would repeat again
  • We would do more

Doing this project in a group, I liked more:

  • Discuss the project with the guys
  • Do a project
  • Submit a project

Unfinished sentences:

  • I believe that my project……
  • I was working on this project....
  • I think my project would be even better if...


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