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In 1799, the French engineer Philippe Le Bon discovered luminaire gas and received a patent for the use and method of producing luminaire gas by dry distillation of wood or coal. This discovery was of great importance, primarily for the development of lighting technology. Very soon in France, and then in other European countries, gas lamps began to successfully compete with expensive candles. However, luminous gas was not only suitable for lighting. The inventors set about designing engines capable of replacing a steam engine, while the fuel would not be burned in the firebox, but directly in the engine cylinder. 1799 Philippe Lebonce French light gas European steam engine in the engine cylinder

In 1801, Le Bon took out a patent for the design of a gas engine. The principle of operation of this machine was based on the well-known property of the gas he discovered: its mixture with air exploded on ignition with the release of a large amount of heat. Combustion products expanded rapidly, putting strong pressure on the environment. By creating the appropriate conditions, you can use the released energy in the interests of man. The Lebon engine had two compressors and a mixing chamber. One compressor was to pump compressed air into the chamber and the other compressed luminous gas from a gas generator. The air-gas mixture then entered the working cylinder, where it ignited. The engine was double-acting, that is, alternately acting working chambers were located on both sides of the piston. Essentially, Le Bon had the idea of ​​an engine internal combustion, but in 1804 he died, not having time to bring his invention to life. 1801 Leboncompressor gas generator cylinder Lebon 1804

Jean Etienne Lenoir In the following years, several inventors from different countries tried to create a workable lamp gas engine. However, all these attempts did not lead to the appearance on the market of engines that could successfully compete with the steam engine. The honor of creating a commercially successful internal combustion engine belongs to the Belgian mechanic Jean Etienne Lenoir. While working in a galvanic plant, Lenoir came to the idea that the air-fuel mixture in a gas engine could be ignited with an electric spark, and decided to build an engine based on this idea. Jean Etienne Lenoirud's steam engine was not immediately successful. After it was possible to make all the parts and assemble the car, it worked quite a bit and stopped, because due to heating, the piston expanded and jammed in the cylinder. Lenoir improved his engine by thinking over a water cooling system. However, the second start attempt also failed due to poor piston stroke. Lenoir supplemented his design with a lubrication system. Only then did the engine start to run.

August Otto By 1864, more than 300 of these engines of various capacities had been produced. Having become rich, Lenoir stopped working on improving his car, and this predetermined her fate, she was ousted from the market by a more perfect engine created by the German inventor August Otto. 1864 August Otto In 1864, he received a patent for his model of a gas engine and in the same year made a contract with the wealthy engineer Langen for the exploitation of this invention. Otto & Company was soon founded. 1864 by Langen

By 1864, more than 300 of these engines of various capacities had already been produced. Having become rich, Lenoir stopped working on improving his car, and this predetermined her fate, she was ousted from the market by a more perfect engine created by the German inventor August Otto. 1864 August Otto In 1864, he received a patent for his model of a gas engine and in the same year made a contract with the wealthy engineer Langen for the exploitation of this invention. Otto & Company was soon formed. 1864 by Langen At first glance, the Otto engine represented a step backward from the Lenoir engine. The cylinder was vertical. The rotating shaft was placed over the cylinder from the side. A rack connected to the shaft was attached to it along the axis of the piston. The engine worked as follows. The rotating shaft lifted the piston by 1/10 of the cylinder height, as a result of which a rarefied space was formed under the piston and a mixture of air and gas was sucked in. The mixture then ignited. Neither Otto nor Langen possessed sufficient knowledge in the field of electrical engineering and abandoned electric ignition. They were ignited with an open flame through a tube. During the explosion, the pressure under the piston increased to about 4 atm. Under the influence of this pressure, the piston rose, the gas volume increased and the pressure dropped. When the piston was raised, a special mechanism disconnected the rail from the shaft. The piston, first under gas pressure, and then by inertia, rose until a vacuum was created under it. Thus, the energy of the burned fuel was used in the engine with maximum efficiency. This was Otto's main original find. The downward working stroke of the piston began under the influence of atmospheric pressure, and after the pressure in the cylinder reached atmospheric, the exhaust valve opened, and the piston displaced the exhaust gases with its mass. Due to the more complete expansion of combustion products, the efficiency of this engine was significantly higher than the efficiency of the Lenoir engine and reached 15%, that is, it exceeded the efficiency of the best steam engines of that time. Otto's engine

Since Otto's engines were almost five times more economical than Lenoir's engines, they immediately became in great demand. In subsequent years, about five thousand of them were produced. Otto worked hard to improve their designs. Soon the gear rack was replaced by a crank drive. But the most significant of his inventions was made in 1877, when Otto took out a patent for new engine with a four-stroke cycle. This cycle is at the heart of most gas and petrol engines to this day. The following year, the new engines were already in production. 1877 The four-stroke cycle was Otto's greatest technical achievement. But it was soon discovered that a few years before his invention, exactly the same principle of operation of the engine had been described by the French engineer Beau de Roche. A group of French industrialists challenged Otto's patent in court. The court found their arguments convincing. Otto's rights stemming from his patent were significantly reduced, including his monopoly on the four-stroke cycle was revoked. ... By 1897, about 42 thousand of these engines of various capacities were produced. However, the fact that luminous gas was used as a fuel greatly narrowed the scope of the first internal combustion engines. The number of lighting and gas factories was insignificant even in Europe, while in Russia there were only two of them - in Moscow and St. Petersburg. 1897 in Europe, Russia, Moscow, St. Petersburg.

The search for a new fuel Therefore, the search for a new fuel for the internal combustion engine did not stop. Some inventors have tried to use liquid fuel vapors as a gas. Back in 1872, the American Brighton tried to use kerosene in this capacity. However, kerosene evaporated poorly, and Brighton switched to a lighter petroleum product, gasoline. But in order for a liquid fuel engine to compete successfully with a gas one, it was necessary to create a special device for evaporating gasoline and obtaining a combustible mixture of it with air. 1872 Brighton Brighton in the same 1872 invented one of the first so-called "evaporative" carburetors but he acted unsatisfactorily. Brighton 1872

Gasoline engine A workable gasoline engine did not appear until ten years later. Probably its first inventor can be called O.S. Kostovich, who provided a working prototype of a gasoline engine in 1880. However, his discovery is still dimly lit. In Europe, the German engineer Gottlieb Daimler made the greatest contribution to the creation of gasoline engines. For many years he worked for Otto's firm and was a member of its board. In the early 80s, he proposed to his boss a project for a compact gasoline engine that could be used in transport. Otto took Daimler's proposal coldly. Then Daimler, together with his friend Wilhelm Maybach, made a bold decision in 1882, they left the Otto company, acquired a small workshop near Stuttgart and began working on their project. Kostovich's gasoline engine O.S. Gottlieb Daimler Daimler Wilhelm Maybach 1882

The problem facing Daimler and Maybach was not an easy one: they decided to create an engine that would not require a gas generator, would be very light and compact, but powerful enough to propel the crew. Daimler hoped to increase the power by increasing the shaft speed, but for this it was necessary to ensure the required ignition frequency of the mixture. In 1883, the first glowing gasoline engine was created with ignition from a hot tube inserted into the cylinder of a gas generator. 1883 A glowing gasoline engine from a glowing tube cylinder

The first model of a gasoline engine was intended for an industrial stationary installation. The evaporation process of liquid fuels in the first gasoline engines left much to be desired. Therefore, the invention of the carburetor made a real revolution in engine building. Its creator is considered to be the Hungarian engineer Donat Banki. In 1893 he took out a patent for the jet carburetor, which was the prototype of all modern carburetors. Unlike his predecessors, Banks proposed not to evaporate gasoline, but to spray it finely in the air. This ensured its uniform distribution over the cylinder, and the evaporation itself took place in the cylinder under the action of the compression heat. To ensure atomization, gasoline was sucked in by an air flow through a metering nozzle, and the consistency of the mixture composition was achieved by maintaining a constant level of gasoline in the carburetor. The jet was made in the form of one or more holes in a tube located perpendicular to the air flow. To maintain the pressure, a small reservoir with a float was provided, which maintained the level at a given height, so that the amount of gasoline drawn in was proportional to the amount of air supplied. engine power, usually increased cylinder displacement. Then they began to achieve this by increasing the number of cylinders. Cylinder volume At the end of the 19th century, two-cylinder engines appeared, and from the beginning of the 20th century, four-cylinder engines began to spread.

Research work on the topic "History of the development of internal combustion engines"

Prepared by the student

Grade 11

Popov Pavel

Project goals:

  • study the history of the creation and development of internal combustion engines;
  • consider Various types ICE;
  • to study the scope of application of various internal combustion engines


An internal combustion engine (ICE) is a heat engine in which the chemical energy of the fuel combusted in the working cavity is converted into mechanical work.

All bodies - earth, stones, clouds - have internal energy. However, it is quite difficult to extract their internal energy, and sometimes even impossible.

Most easily, the internal energy of only some, figuratively speaking, "combustible" and "hot" bodies can be used for the needs of a person.

These include: oil, coal, hot springs near volcanoes, warm sea currents, etc. The use of internal combustion engines is extremely varied: they drive

airplanes, motor ships, automobiles, tractors, diesel locomotives. Powerful internal combustion engines are installed on river and sea vessels.

By the type of fuel, internal combustion engines are divided into liquid fuel and gas engines.

According to the method of filling the cylinder with a fresh charge - for 4-stroke and 2-stroke.

According to the method of preparing a combustible mixture from fuel and air - for engines with external and internal mixture formation.

The power, efficiency and other characteristics of engines are constantly improving, but the basic principle of operation remains unchanged.

In an internal combustion engine, fuel is burned inside the cylinders and the thermal energy released is converted into mechanical work.

The first engine was invented in 1860 by the French mechanic Etienne Lenoir (1822-1900). The working fuel in his engine was a mixture of lamp gas (combustible gases, mainly methane and hydrogen) and air. The design had all the main features of the future car engines: two spark plugs, double-acting piston cylinder, two-stroke duty cycle. Her efficiency was only 4 % those. only 4% of the heat of the burnt gas was spent on useful work, and the remaining 96% went with waste gases.

Lenoir engine

Jean Joseph Etienne Lenoir

2-stroke engine

In this engine, the working stroke occurs twice as often.

1 stroke intake and compression

2 stroke working stroke and release

Engines of this type are used on scooters, motor boats, motorcycles.

4-stroke Otto engine

Nikolaus August Otto

4-stroke engine

Scheme of operation of a four-stroke engine, Otto cycle 1.inlet 2.compression 3.working stroke 4.exhaust

Engines of this type are used in mechanical engineering.

Carburetor engine

This engine is one of the varieties of internal combustion engines. The combustion of fuel occurs inside the engine and its essential part is the carburetor - a device for mixing gasoline with air in the right proportions. The creator of this engine was Gottlieb Daimler.

For several years, Daimler had to work on improving the engine. In search of more efficient automobile fuel than luminous gas, Gottlieb Daimler made a trip to the south of Russia in 1881, where he got acquainted with the processes of oil refining. One of its products, light gasoline, turned out to be just such a source of energy that the inventor was looking for: gasoline evaporates well, burns quickly and completely, and is convenient for transportation.

In 1886, Daimler proposed a design for an engine that could run on both gas and gasoline; all subsequent Daimler car engines were designed for liquid fuels only.

Carburetor engine

Gottlieb Wilhelm Daimler

The first variant of an injection engine appeared in the late 1970s.

In this system, the oxygen sensor in the exhaust manifold determines the combustion efficiency, and electronic circuit sets the optimum fuel / air ratio. In a closed-loop fuel system, the air-fuel ratio is monitored and adjusted several times per second. This system is very similar to the system carburetor engine.

Modern injection engine

First injection engine

Main types of engines

Piston internal combustion engine

Engines of this type are installed on vehicles of various classes, sea and river vessels.

Main types of engines

Rotary internal combustion engine

Engines of this type are installed on various types of vehicles.

Main types of engines

Gas turbine internal combustion engine

Engines of this type are installed on helicopters, airplanes and other military equipment.

Diesel engine

One type of internal combustion engine is a diesel engine.

Unlike gasoline internal combustion engines, fuel combustion in it occurs due to strong compression.

At the moment of compression, fuel is injected, which, due to the high pressure, burns out.

In 1890, Rudolph Diesel developed the theory of an "economical thermal engine", which, thanks to the strong compression in the cylinders, significantly improves its efficiency. He received a patent for his engine

Diesel engine

Although Diesel was the first to patent such a compression-ignition engine, an engineer named Ackroyd Stewart had similar ideas earlier. But he ignored the biggest advantage - fuel efficiency.

In the 1920s, German engineer Robert Bosch improved the built-in fuel pump. high pressure, a device that is widely used in our time.

The high-speed diesel in demand in this form has become increasingly popular as power unit for auxiliary and public transport

In the 50s - 60s, diesel was installed in large quantities on trucks and vans, and in the 70s, after a sharp rise in fuel prices, world manufacturers of inexpensive small passenger cars are paying serious attention to it.

The most powerful diesel engine in the world, which is installed on sea liners.

The gasoline engine is rather inefficient and can only convert about 20-30% of the fuel energy into useful work. A standard diesel engine, however, usually has an efficiency of 30-40%.

diesel engines with turbocharging and intercooling up to 50%.

Benefits of diesel engines

The diesel engine, due to the use of high-pressure injection, does not impose requirements on the volatility of the fuel, which allows the use of low-grade heavy oils in it.

Another important aspect regarding safety is that diesel fuel non-volatile (that is, it does not easily evaporate) and, thus, the likelihood of fire in diesel engines is much less, especially since they do not use an ignition system.

The main stages of ICE development

  • 1860 E. Lenoir first internal combustion engine;
  • 1878 N. Otto first 4-stroke engine;
  • 1886 W. Daimler the first carburetor engine;
  • 1890 R. Diesel created the diesel engine;
  • 70s of the 20th century creation of an injection engine.

The main types of internal combustion engines

  • 2- and 4-stroke internal combustion engines;
  • gasoline and diesel internal combustion engines;
  • piston, rotary and gas turbine internal combustion engines.

Scope of ICE application

  • automotive industry;
  • mechanical engineering;
  • shipbuilding;
  • aviation technology;
  • military equipment.

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

1 slide

Slide Description:

Car engine Prepared by: Tarasov Maxim Yurievich 11th grade Supervisor: Master of industrial training MAOU DO MUK "Eureka" Barakaeva Fatima Kurbanbievna

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Slide Description:

Car engine The internal combustion engine (ICE) is one of the main devices in the design of a car, used to convert fuel energy into mechanical energy, which, in turn, performs useful work. The principle of operation of an internal combustion engine is based on the fact that fuel in combination with air form an air mixture. Combustion cyclically in the combustion chamber, the air-fuel mixture provides high pressure directed to the piston, which, in turn, rotates the crankshaft through crank mechanism... Its rotational energy is transferred to the vehicle's transmission. A starter is often used to start an internal combustion engine - usually Electrical engine turning the crankshaft. In heavier diesel engines, an auxiliary ICE ("launcher") is used as a starter and for the same purpose.

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Types of engines There are the following types of engines (ICE): gasoline diesel gas gas diesel rotary piston

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ICEs are also classified: by the type of fuel, by the number and arrangement of cylinders, by the method of forming the fuel mixture, by the number of strokes of the internal combustion engine, etc.

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Gasoline and diesel engines. Duty cycles of gasoline and diesel engine Petrol engines internal combustion - the most common of automobile engines. Gasoline serves as fuel for them. Going through fuel system, gasoline enters through the spray nozzles into the carburetor or intake manifold, and then this air-fuel mixture is fed into the cylinders, compressed under the influence piston group is ignited by the spark from the spark plugs. The carburetor system is considered obsolete, so the fuel injection system is now widely used. Fuel atomizing nozzles (injectors) inject either directly into the cylinder or into the intake manifold. Injection systems are divided into mechanical and electronic. Firstly, plunger-type mechanical levers are used for fuel metering, with the ability electronic control fuel mixture. Secondly, the process of drawing up and injection of fuel is completely assigned to the electronic control unit (ECU). Injection systems are necessary for more thorough combustion of fuel and minimization of harmful combustion products. Diesel internal combustion engines use special diesel fuel. Engines of this type of car do not have an ignition system: the fuel mixture entering the cylinders through the injectors is capable of exploding under the influence of high pressure and temperature, which are provided by the piston group.

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Slide Description:

Gas engines Gas engines use gas as fuel - liquefied gas, generator gas, compressed natural gas. The proliferation of such engines was due to the growing requirements for the environmental safety of transport. The original fuel is stored in cylinders under high pressure, from where it enters through the evaporator into gas reducer losing pressure. Further, the process is similar to an injection gasoline internal combustion engine. In some cases, gas supply systems may not use vaporizers.

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Slide Description:

The principle of operation of the internal combustion engine Modern car is most often driven by an internal combustion engine. There are many such engines. They differ in volume, number of cylinders, power, rotational speed, used fuel (diesel, gasoline and gas internal combustion engines). But, in principle, the device of the internal combustion engine seems to be. How does an engine work and why is it called a four-stroke internal combustion engine? Internal combustion is understandable. Fuel burns inside the engine. Why 4-stroke engine, what is it? Indeed, there are also two-stroke engines. But they are rarely used on cars. The four-stroke engine is called due to the fact that its work can be divided into four, equal in time, parts. The piston will move through the cylinder four times - two times up and two times down. The stroke begins when the piston is at its extreme low or high point. In mechanics, this is called top dead center (TDC) and bottom dead center (BDC).

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The first stroke - the intake stroke The first stroke, also known as the intake stroke, starts from TDC (top dead center). Moving down, the piston sucks the air-fuel mixture into the cylinder. The operation of this stroke occurs when the intake valve is open. By the way, there are many engines with multiple intake valves. Their number, size, time spent in the open state can significantly affect the engine power. There are engines in which, depending on pressing the gas pedal, there is a forced increase in the time that the intake valves are open. This is done to increase the amount of sucked in fuel, which, after ignition, increases the engine power. The car, in this case, can accelerate much faster.

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Second stroke - compression stroke The next engine stroke is the compression stroke. After the piston has reached its lowest point, it begins to rise upward, thereby compressing the mixture that entered the cylinder at the intake stroke. The fuel mixture is compressed to the volume of the combustion chamber. What is this camera? The free space between the top of the piston and the top of the cylinder when the piston is at top dead center is called the combustion chamber. The valves are completely closed during this cycle of engine operation. The tighter they are closed, the better the compression is. Of great importance, in this case, is the condition of the piston, cylinder, piston rings... If there are large gaps, then good compression will not work, and accordingly, the power of such an engine will be much lower. Compression can be checked with a special device. By the amount of compression, one can conclude about the degree of engine wear.

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The third cycle is a working stroke The third cycle is a working one, it starts from TDC. It is no coincidence that he is called a worker. After all, it is in this cycle that the action takes place that makes the car move. In this cycle, the ignition system comes into operation. Why is this system called that? Because it is responsible for igniting the fuel mixture compressed in the cylinder in the combustion chamber. It works very simply - the candle of the system gives a spark. In fairness, it is worth noting that the spark is emitted from the spark plug a few degrees before the piston reaches the top point. These degrees, in modern engine are automatically regulated by the "brains" of the car. After the fuel ignites, an explosion occurs - it sharply increases in volume, forcing the piston to move downward. The valves in this stroke of the engine, as in the previous one, are in a closed state.

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The fourth stroke is the exhaust stroke The fourth stroke of the engine, the last one is the exhaust stroke. Having reached the bottom point, after the working stroke, the exhaust valve in the engine begins to open. There may be several such valves, as well as intake valves. Moving up, the piston removes exhaust gases from the cylinder through this valve - ventilates it. The degree of compression in the cylinders, the complete removal of exhaust gases and the required amount of the sucked-in fuel-air mixture depend on the precise operation of the valves. After the fourth measure, it is the turn of the first. The process is repeated cyclically. And due to what does the rotation take place - the operation of the internal combustion engine for all 4 strokes, which makes the piston rise and fall in the compression, exhaust and intake strokes? The fact is that not all the energy received in the working stroke is directed to the movement of the car. Part of the energy is spent on unwinding the flywheel. And he, under the influence of inertia, turns the crankshaft of the engine, moving the piston during the period of "non-working" strokes. The presentation was prepared based on materials from the site

creation ..

History of creation

Etienne Lenoir (1822-1900)

ICE development stages:

1860 Etienne Lenoir invents the first lamp gas engine

1862 Alphonse Bo de Rocha proposed the idea of ​​a four-stroke engine. However, he failed to implement his idea.

1876 ​​Nikolaus August Otto invents the Roche four-stroke engine.

1883 Daimler proposed a design for an engine that could run on both gas and gasoline

Karl Benz invented the self-propelled three-wheeled sidecar based on Daimler's technology.

By 1920, ICEs became the leading ones. steam and electric carriages became a rarity.

August Otto (1832-1891)

Karl Benz

History of creation

The three-wheeled carriage invented by Karl Benz

Operating principle

Four-stroke engine

The working cycle of a four-stroke carburetor internal combustion engine takes 4 piston strokes (stroke), i.e., 2 revolutions crankshaft.

There are 4 measures:

1 stroke - intake (the fuel mixture from the carburetor enters the cylinder)

2 stroke - compression (the valves are closed and the mixture is compressed, at the end of the compression the mixture is ignited by an electric spark and the fuel is burned)

3 stroke - working stroke (the heat obtained from fuel combustion is converted into mechanical work)

4 stroke - exhaust (exhaust gases are displaced by the piston)

Operating principle

Two-stroke engine

There is also a two-stroke internal combustion engine. The working cycle of a two-stroke carburetor internal combustion engine is carried out in two piston strokes or in one revolution of the crankshaft.

1 beat 2 beat


In practice, the power of a two-stroke carburetor internal combustion engine often not only does not exceed the power of a four-stroke, but turns out to be even lower. This is due to the fact that a significant part of the stroke (20-35%) of the piston makes with open valves

Engine efficiency

The efficiency of an internal combustion engine is small and is approximately 25% - 40%. The maximum effective efficiency of the most advanced internal combustion engines is about 44%. Therefore, many scientists are trying to increase the efficiency, as well as the power of the engine itself.

Ways to increase engine power:

Use of multi-cylinder engines

Use of special fuels (correct mixture ratio and type of mixture)

Replacing engine parts (correct dimensions component parts depending on the type of engine)

Elimination of part of the heat loss by transferring the place of fuel combustion and heating the working fluid inside the cylinder

Engine efficiency

Compression ratio

One of critical characteristics engine is its compression ratio, which is determined by the following:

e V 2 V 1

where V2 and V1 are the volumes at the beginning and at the end of compression. With an increase in the compression ratio, the initial temperature of the combustible mixture at the end of the compression stroke increases, which contributes to its more complete combustion.

Varieties of internal combustion engines

Internal Combustion Engines

Main engine components

The structure of a prominent representative of the internal combustion engine - a carburetor engine

Engine frame (crankcase, cylinder heads, crankshaft bearing caps, oil pan)

Movement mechanism(pistons, connecting rods, crankshaft, flywheel)

Gas distribution mechanism(camshaft, pushers, rods, rocker arms)

Lubrication system (oil, coarse filter, sump)

liquid (radiator, liquid, etc.)

Cooling system

air (blowing with air streams)

Power system (fuel tank, fuel filter, carburetor, pumps)

Main engine components

Ignition system(current source - generator and battery, breaker + capacitor)

Starting system (electric starter, power source - battery, remote control elements)

Intake and exhaust system(pipelines, air filter, muffler)

Engine carburetor

Slide 1

Physics lesson in grade 8

Slide 2

Question 1:
What physical quantity shows how much energy is released when burning 1 kg of fuel? What letter do they represent? Specific heat of combustion of fuel. g

Slide 3

Question 2:
Determine the amount of heat released during the combustion of 200 g of gasoline. g = 4.6 * 10 7J / kg Q = 9.2 * 10 6J

Slide 4

Question 3:
The specific heat of combustion of coal is approximately 2 times higher than the specific heat of combustion of peat. What does it mean. This means that for the combustion of coal, 2 times more heat is required.

Slide 5

Internal combustion engine
All bodies have internal energy - earth, bricks, clouds and so on. However, most often it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to extract it. Most easily, the internal energy of only some, figuratively speaking, "combustible" and "hot" bodies can be used for the needs of a person. These include: oil, coal, warm springs near volcanoes, and so on. Let's consider one of the examples of using the internal energy of such bodies.

Slide 6

Slide 7

Carburetor engine.
carburetor - a device for mixing gasoline with air in the right proportions.

Slide 8

Main Main parts of the internal combustion engine parts of the internal combustion engine
1 - filter for intake air, 2 - carburetor, 3 - gas tank, 4 - fuel line, 5 - atomizing gasoline, 6 - intake valve, 7 - glow plug, 8 - combustion chamber, 9 - exhaust valve, 10 - cylinder, 11 - piston.
The main parts of the internal combustion engine:

Slide 9

The work of this engine consists of several stages, repeating one after another, or, as they say, cycles. There are four of them. The clock starts counting from the moment when the piston is at its extreme high point and both valves are closed.

Slide 10

The first stroke is called the intake (fig. "A"). The intake valve opens and the descending piston sucks the gasoline / air mixture into the combustion chamber. The inlet valve then closes.

Slide 11

The second measure is compression (fig. "B"). The piston, rising upward, compresses the gasoline-air mixture.

Slide 12

The third stroke is the working stroke of the piston (Fig. "C"). An electric spark flashes at the end of the candle. The gasoline-air mixture burns out almost instantly and a high temperature builds up in the cylinder. This leads to a strong increase in pressure and the hot gas does useful work - it pushes the piston down.

Slide 13

The fourth measure is release (fig "g"). The exhaust valve opens, and the piston, moving upward, pushes gases from the combustion chamber into exhaust pipe... Then the valve closes.

Slide 14

physical education

Slide 15

Diesel engine.
In 1892 the German engineer R. Diesel received a patent (document confirming the invention) for the engine, which was later named by his last name.

Slide 16

Principle of operation:
Only air enters the cylinders of the Diesel engine. The piston, compressing this air, does work on it and the internal energy of the air increases so much that the fuel injected there immediately ignites spontaneously. The resulting gases push the piston back, making a working stroke.

Slide 17

Work steps:
air suction; air compression; fuel injection and combustion - piston stroke; exhaust gas release. A significant difference: the glow plug becomes unnecessary, and its place is taken by a nozzle - a device for injecting fuel; these are usually low-quality gasoline grades.

Slide 18

Some engine information Engine type Engine type
Some information about engines Carbureted Diesel
History of creation First patented in 1860 by the Frenchman Lenoir; in 1878 it was built by him. inventor Otto and engineer Langen Invented in 1893 by German engineer Diesel
Working body Air, saturate. gasoline vapors Air
Fuel Gasoline Fuel oil, oil
Max. chamber pressure 6 × 105 Pa 1.5 × 106 - 3.5 × 106 Pa
T at compression of the working medium 360-400 ºС 500-700 ºС
T of fuel combustion products 1800 ºС 1900 ºС
Efficiency: for serial machines for the best samples 20-25% 35% 30-38% 45%
Application B passenger cars relatively low power In heavier machines of high power (tractors, truck tractors, diesel locomotives).

Slide 19

Slide 20

What are the main parts of the internal combustion engine:

Slide 21

1. What are the main strokes of the internal combustion engine. 2. In what strokes are the valves closed? 3. In what cycles is valve 1 open? 4. In what cycles is valve 2 open? 5. What is the difference between an internal combustion engine and a diesel engine?

Slide 22

Dead spots - extreme positions of the piston in the cylinder
Piston stroke - the distance traveled by the piston from one dead center to another
Four-stroke engine - one working cycle occurs in four piston strokes (4 strokes).

Slide 23

Fill in the table
Stroke name Piston movement 1 valve 2 valve What happens
Working stroke
way down
way down
Suction of a combustible mixture
Compression of the combustible mixture and ignition
Gases push the piston
Exhaust gas emission

Slide 24

1. Type heat engine in which steam rotates the engine shaft without the aid of a piston, connecting rod and crankshaft. 2. Designation of the specific heat of fusion. 3. One of the parts of an internal combustion engine. 4. Cycle cycle of an internal combustion engine. 5. The transition of a substance from a liquid to a solid state. 6. Vaporization from the surface of the liquid.


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