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We paid, everything is fine, started saving and then ... Check Engine lights up! An indicator that all motorists are afraid of, and which, as a rule, does not bode well ... You come to the installers, and they tell you that the lambda probe (oxygen) sensor gives an error because the fuel mixture, when running on gas, has a different composition as on gasoline.

And what's next, most car owners ask? How to deal with this? And then you are told several options for getting out of the situation, among which there will certainly be the installation of a lambda probe emulator. Here more and more questions arise, continuous confusion is shorter, you have the feeling that they are trying to cheat you or they are being promoted again for money ... So in order for you to understand what this is about and what a lambda probe emulator is and what it is for , we decided to write this article. Sit back, now we will tell you everything in order in simple and understandable words for you ...

To begin with, I'll tell you "where the legs grow from" and why such a problem arises, that is, why the "Check" lights up.

How does a lambda probe work?

An oxygen sensor or oxygen sensor, as well as a lambda probe, is a sensor that monitors the toxicity of the exhaust. How does this happen? During the combustion of a fuel-air mixture (FA) consisting of oxygen and gasoline (diesel oil or gas), harmful elements are formed in the exhaust that pollute the atmosphere. So, in order to prevent pollution, smart people came up with the idea of ​​monitoring the toxicity of the exhaust using such sensors. The lambda monitors what percentage of oxygen is contained in the exhaust and sends data about this to the ECU (brains, in other words), which in turn concludes whether the mixture is "rich" or "poor" and then decides whether to increase the fuel supply or decrease it. The ideal air to fuel ratio is considered to be: 14.7: 1. This proportion is called stoichiometric, and it is based on it when adjusting the fuel equipment and all engine systems as a whole. In addition, it has been proven that it is this ratio that causes minimal harm to the environment. So, when the engine is in good working order and works on its familiar native fuel assembly, everything is fine and there is no "Check". But as soon as you install HBO, the composition of the mixture will change significantly, and the lambda, which "stands on guard and sees everything," will somehow notice it, report it to the "brains", which will notify you about this with the appropriate inscription on the panel. More details about why "Check" lights up on a car with HBO. So, we sort of figured it out, let's move on.

What is a lambda probe emulator, how does it work and what is it for?

A lambda probe emulator is a device that, roughly speaking, "replaces concepts", that is, it simulates or intercepts and corrects the signal coming from the lambda and sends it further in the correct correct form, that is, to the ECU. Lambda probe emulator is installed on injection cars in which oxygen sensors are present, either during or after the installation of HBO. Depending on the type and brand of the manufacturer, the emulator copies the signal of the lambda probe and thus prevents errors during engine operation on the gas-air mixture.

Installing a lambda probe emulator

The emulator is installed in the engine compartment in places protected from moisture and high temperatures. At the same time, the lambda probe emulator should be located in a place where its operation (signal indicators) will be conveniently monitored, and also, if necessary, make adjustments to its operation.

Connecting an emulator

  • The blue wire connects to the gas / petrol switch.
  • The white wire connects to the injector ECU.
  • The white-blue wire is connected to the lambda probe.
  • The black wire is connected to ground.

Attention!!! An incorrectly connected emulator can lead to undesirable consequences, up to a complete failure of the standard ECU.

How it works?

When the engine switches to gas, the emulator is notified by a signal from the gas / petrol switch, the control signal from the lambda probe to automatic mode disconnected from the engine ECU. Instead of a standard signal, the ECU receives emulation, that is, a signal from the lambda emulator. The signal coming from the lambda is transmitted to the emulator and displayed as control lamps, each of which means the following:

  • Green - mixture "poor";
  • Yellow - normal proportion (intermediate state);
  • Red is a "rich" mixture.

When the engine runs on a kind of fuel, that is, gasoline, the signal input and output are short-circuited, while the oxygen sensor signal can freely go through the lambda probe emulator and exit without any changes.

In general, something like this ... I hope now everything is clear to everyone, and the question of what is a lambda probe emulator can be considered closed !? Thank you for your attention and see you soon on the pages.

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At the current time of strict Euro standards, only older models do not experience any problems with the exhaust system. The situation is completely different with machines that comply with Euro-2 and higher standards. The oxygen sensor in such systems is an integral part that controls the quality of the mixture and the amount of toxic substances in the exhaust.

In cases where the neutralizer is removed or changed to , The ECU malfunctions, causing emergency mode work. At such moments, experienced motorists use a corrector for the operation of an oxygen lambda probe, which allows you to avoid errors and continue to operate the car.

Before you learn how to make a blende for a catalyst with your own hands, it does not hurt to familiarize yourself with the arguments in favor of this operation. Cars that are structurally compliant with Euro-4 or Euro-5 standards provide for the presence of two oxygen controllers installed before and after the catalytic converter. The sensors compare the readings, and if they do not match, then on-board computer concludes that the autocatalyst is defective or missing. This situation leads to the following consequences:

  • The ECU puts the engine into emergency mode, when the operation of the engine is carried out according to the specified fuel cards without taking into account the readings of the oxygen sensors.
  • On dashboard the "Check Engine" indicator lights up and the enriched fuel mixture enters the cylinders.
  • Carbon deposits on spark plugs increase, decrease internal combustion engine power and the oil gets dirty.
  • Increased fuel consumption entails unnecessary financial costs.

Almost all car manufacturers recommend replacing a faulty converter. But not every car owner will go for it, because the price of some copies, for example, for VAZ reaches 60,000 rubles. It is also worth adding to this the cost of installing the device. Therefore, many motorists are interested in what a do-it-yourself catalyst snag and the scheme for its implementation are.

The essence of the emulator is to change the actual readings of the sensors, after which the ECU switches to normal operation. In this case, the neutralizer itself can be cut out or replaced with a flame arrester. The simulator installation procedure is no more complicated than Renault Duster.

Do-it-yourself methods for making a lambda probe trick for a car catalyst

To change the readings of the oxygen sensor in the exhaust system, our motorists use several methods, the choice depends on design features auto and the capabilities of the motorist himself:

  1. Mechanical spacer for lambda probe.
  2. A spacer for a sensor with a built-in mini-catalyst.
  3. Use of electronic simulators.
Any of the methods copes with the task quite effectively. Another option is not indicated here - flashing the on-board computer. The fact is that independent implementation of such a project requires not only specific knowledge, but also equipment and software.

How to make a mechanical corrector for an exhaust system?

For the implementation of mechanical blende on the catalyst with your own hands, it is recommended to use blanks made of heat-resistant steel or bronze. So the parts will not deform from high temperatures. There are two designs, but both require a lathe or the help of an experienced specialist turner.

First option

It is a sleeve 40-100 mm long. On the one hand, a standard sensor is screwed in, and on the other, gas circulation is limited by a small diameter hole. The essence of the "device" is that the composition of the exhaust mixture is averaged, because the lambda probe is removed from the gas stream itself and, accordingly, catches less toxic substances. Due to this, it turns out to deceive the ECU.

The standard drawing with the dimensions of the spacer can be changed in terms of dimensions, it depends on the model and brand of the car. The optimal diameter of the inlet remains unchanged - 1.5-2 mm. In some cases, the length of the sleeve may not allow it to be installed in its original place. As a result, you have to weld the mount in a different place in the exhaust pipe.

Second option

(function (w, d, n, s, t) (w [n] = w [n] ||; w [n] .push (function () (Ya.Context.AdvManager.render ((blockId: "RA -227463-2 ", renderTo:" yandex_rtb_R-A-227463-2 ", async: true));)); t = d.getElementsByTagName (" script "); s = d.createElement (" script "); s .type = "text / javascript"; s.src = "//"; s.async = true; t.parentNode.insertBefore (s, t);)) (this , this.document, "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");

It is similar to the first one, but the spacer has a built-in mini-catalyst. The platinum-rhodium catalytic element helps to accelerate the afterburning of toxic substances. The essence of the method is as follows:
  • Exhaust gases enter the bushing body through a small bore hole.
  • In the volume of the spacer, excess CH and CO are oxidized by oxygen, as a result of which the concentration of harmful substances is reduced.
  • The ongoing processes change the shape of the sinusoid, and electronic system believes that the catalytic converter is operating normally.

Hand-made according to the above scheme, the catalyst blende has a disadvantage similar to the previous version. Here the standard probe will be raised by 32 mm, although this is less than 40-100 mm.

Features of installing spacers

The installation procedure is not difficult, and begins with placing the car on an overpass or lift. Further actions take place according to the following scheme:

  • Disconnect the negative terminal of the battery.
  • Unscrew the controller.
  • Screw the sleeve onto the probe.
  • Screw the upgraded assembly back into place.
  • Connect the battery.

After the first start, the "Check Engine" signal should go out. The motor will now run normally.

Diy electronic blende of the catalyst and emulator circuit

Real electronic emulator is a microprocessor device consisting of a single-chip microcircuit. The principle of its operation is based on the formation of an output signal, which in shape corresponds to the information with a working neutralizer. This option for self-implementation is difficult, so you should immediately consider a simpler method. To implement it, you need to prepare:

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  • Electric soldering iron.
  • Solder and rosin.
  • Knife and side cutters.
  • Resistance 200 KOhm with a power of 0.25 W.
  • Non-polar capacitor with a capacity of 4.7 MkF.

The principle of operation of the system consists in averaging the readings of the oxygen sensor, which is installed after the neutralizer. The way to connect emulator components is simple and versatile. All elements are connected directly to the conductors on-board network car. Before connecting electronic trickery to the catalyst with your own hands, disconnect the terminals to eliminate the possibility of a short circuit.

After the implementation of the project, the car demonstrates good dynamics. However, the effect of re-enrichment of the combustible mixture may appear, which causes the deposition of a layer of soot in the exhaust manifold. In addition, error P0133 appears on some models, indicating low speed lambda probe reactions.

What do the parts manufacturers offer?

On the shelves of car dealerships there are all kinds of parts for tuning the exhaust system. The production of mechanical simulators of the normal operation of the catalytic converter is made of bronze or chrome-plated steel. The price of such devices ranges from 400 to 800 rubles, and a standard installation at a service station will cost about 500 rubles.

A spacer with a minicatalyst is offered much more expensive than an elementary analogue, its cost is 1,500-4,000 rubles. Simple electronic emulators of industrial production are sold for 1,500-3,000 rubles. The range of prices for flashing the ECU software is quite wide - from 1,000 to 30,000 rubles.

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The lambda probe (also called oxygen controller, O2 sensor, DC) is an integral part of the exhaust system of vehicles that meet environmental standards EURO-4 and above. This miniature device (usually 2 or more lambda probes are installed) monitors the O2 content in exhaust mixtures vehicle, due to which the emission of toxic waste into the atmosphere is significantly reduced.

In case of incorrect operation of the DC or if the lambda probe is disconnected, the functioning of the power unit may be disrupted, due to which the engine will go into emergency mode (Check Engine will light up on the panel). To prevent this from happening, the car system can be outsmarted by installing a snag.

Mechanical snag lambda probe ("screwdriver")

"Vvertysh" is a bushing made of bronze or heat-resistant steel. The inner part of such a "spacer" and its cavities are filled with ceramic chips with a special catalytic coating. Due to this, the exhaust gases are burned out faster, which, in turn, leads to different indicators of pulses 1 and 2 DC.

Important! Any snag is installed only on a serviceable lambda probe.

Homemade lambda probe snag, the diagram of which is presented below, is easy to manufacture. To do this, you need to prepare:

  • blank;
  • screwdriver;
  • a set of keys.

A snag is made on a processing lathe. If there is none, then you can contact a specialist by providing him with a drawing.

The resulting part is compatible with most exhaust systems both domestic and foreign cars.

The installation of the lambda probe trick is as follows:

  • Lift the car onto the overpass.
  • Disconnect the negative terminal on the battery.
  • Unscrew the first (upper) probe (if there are two, then remove the one located between the catalyst and the exhaust manifold).
  • Screw the lambda probe into the spacer.
  • Reinstall the "enhanced" sensor.
  • Connect the terminal to the battery.

Healthy! Usually, the mechanical snag of the second lambda probe is not performed, since this DC is protected by the catalyst and only monitors its condition. The most sensitive is the first sensor, which is installed closest to the collector.

After that, the "Check Engine" system error should disappear. If this method does not work, you can use a more expensive trick.

Electronic snag

Another way to eliminate problems with DC is the electronic snag of the lambda probe, the diagram of which is presented below. Since the oxygen sensor transmits a signal to the controller, a decoy circuit connected to the wiring from the sensor to the connector will allow the system to be "coarse". Due to this, in a situation where the lambda probe is faulty, the power unit will continue to work correctly.

Healthy! The installation locations of such trompe l'oeil may differ depending on the PBX model. For example, it can be installed in the center tunnel between the seats, in a torpedo or in the engine compartment.

The blende circuit is a single-chip microprocessor that analyzes the processes in the catalyst, receives data from the first DC, processes them, converts them to the readings of the second sensor and sends a corresponding signal to the car's processor.

To install a snag of this type, you need a lambda probe connection diagram, which looks like this.

As you can see, there are different pinout of the lambda probe (4 wires, three and two). The colors of the wires may also differ, most often there are products with 4 pins (2 black, white and blue).

To make a fraudulent device, you will need:

  • small tip soldering iron and solder;
  • rosin;
  • non-polar capacitor with a capacity of 1 μF Y5V, +/- 20%;
  • resistor (resistance) for 1 mOhm, C1-4 imp, 0.25 W;
  • knife and duct tape.

Healthy! Before installation, it is best to place the circuit in a plastic case and fill it with "epoxy".

  • Disconnect the negative terminal of the battery.
  • "Dissect" the wire that goes from the DC itself to the connector.
  • Cut the blue wire and connect it back through the resistor.
  • Solder the non-polar capacitor with the white and blue wires.
  • Insulate connections.

Below is a diagram of a do-it-yourself lambda probe trick for pinout for 4 wires.

On the final stage, you should get the following.

Such manipulations should not be performed if you do not have the proper experience. Today, stores offer ready-made trick schemes that even a novice driver can easily install.

Re-flashing the controller

Some particularly sophisticated car owners decide to rewrite the control unit, thereby blocking the processing of signals from the second oxygen sensor. However, it should be borne in mind that any changes in the system operation algorithm can lead to irreversible consequences, since it will be almost impossible and costly to return the factory settings. Therefore, it is not recommended to perform such manipulations on your own. The same goes for ready-made firmwares that are sold on the Internet.

Healthy! When flashing, the lambda probes are deleted.

If you still want to flash the system, then contact a competent specialist who can disable the receipt of DC data using specialized equipment.

It should also be borne in mind that almost any intervention in the operation of systems can lead to not the most pleasant consequences.

What are the consequences after installing bogus

You need to understand that any snag is installed at the risk of the car owner. If the installation was done incorrectly, then you may encounter the following problems:

  • Due to the fact that the on-board computer cannot regulate the liquid injection, a malfunction of the motor may occur.
  • If the circuit is not properly soldered, it can damage the wiring.
  • During the installation of the trick, you can damage the oxygen sensors, after which you will not even know about their malfunction (since you will already have the trick installed).
  • After such interventions (not only when flashing), a failure in the on-board computer may occur.

Any inaccuracy will lead to disastrous consequences, so it is better to install a more secure ready-made emulator. Unlike the trick, it does not "deceive" the control unit, but only ensures its correct operation by converting the DC signal. A microprocessor is also installed inside the emulator (as in a homemade electronic blende), which is able to evaluate the exhaust gases and analyze the situation.

In custody

Many car owners install homemade trickery on their cars to save money on buying new oxygen sensors. However, in such a pursuit of profit, you may well face large monetary costs if the artisanal device affects the operation of "vital" systems. Therefore, it is recommended to install trompe l'oeil only if you understand the work of such a plan.

I am collecting questions about installing a lambda probe emulator, answering them along the way 🙂

  1. Lambda probe emulator. The location of the components on the board.

In order to avoid brainstorming, loss of time and errors in wiring the circuit, I give an image on which all the components are signed, the polarity is indicated (when it is required) and the values ​​of the components of the lambda emulator are indicated.

It is in this form that the board will appear in front of you after etching. Naturally, this is a rear view, from the side of the tracks, keep this in mind, because the components on this side will be soldered, and on front side to be 🙂

2. What lambda should I choose to install it with a lambda probe emulator?

It's up to you to choose on this topic. You need zirconium, that is, the one that is in any auto parts store. On the specialized forums of each machine, there are whole topics with an answer to this question. But I will write a few numbers later, these are the lambdas that people have and work in conjunction with the lambda probe trick.

3. How to properly install lambda snag?

At the time of this writing, there are two connection instruction images. The first is a photo of an unknown author, the second is mine) I am attaching.

Lambda probe emulator. Connection diagram.

Looking ahead, I will say, the idea arose to record a video with the installation process of the emulator and comments. So far I do not promise anything on the timing, but I really hope that the video will be recorded with the arrival of the summer heat) We are waiting, monitoring)

By the way, the scheme given above will be supplemented well, just the other day ...

4. Cars on which it is possible to install a lambda probe emulator.

At this point, there will be a supplemented list. Supplemented by feedback, it means slow) You can always help if your car is not on the list.

How to determine the lambda on the car? Get into the car with any pribluda, "sniffing" the lambda and see the numbers or lambda graphs. Titanium lambda ranges from 0 to 5 volts, zirconium from 0 to 1 volts.

  • Jeep Cherokee XJ. 1987-1991 years of release (onwards)
  • Opel Vectra. ???? - ???? G.V.
  • Hyundai V6 - ?????

The most important thing is feedback! If you have questions, write them in the comments, in the feedback form, on Drive, I will supplement the article for future readers)

Quite a frequent occurrence for owners of cars with LPG installed is the "Check Engine" button that lights up, about what this inscription means and why this is happening, we figured it out in detail. Today, the topic of our article will be to consider a solution to one of the most common problems that can cause the inscription "Check Engine" - a failure of the lambda. The cheapest and most common solution to this problem is to install a lambda probe emulator. What is a lambda emulator and how does the "snag" help the owner of a car with LPG?

What is a lambda probe

To understand why to use a lambda blende (catalyst emulator), you must first understand the principle of operation of the probe itself. Often, modern car owners do not realize how “smart” (computerized) their cars have become. This process went gradually, from subsystem to subsystem - for example, the lambda probe appeared in serial cars in the last century. In fact, lambda is such a specialized sensor for measuring oxygen, which allows you to determine its residual amount in the exhaust of a car engine.

Based on the signal from this sensor, modern electronic vehicle control units (ECUs) decide how “lean” or “rich” (supersaturated with oxygen or fuel) the air-fuel mixture entering the internal combustion engine cylinders is. Factory configured with modern power units manufacturers usually focus on the so-called "stoichiometric" ratio of air to fuel:

  • for gasoline ~ 14.7: 1,
  • for liquefied gas ~ 15.4-15.6: 1,
  • for methane ~ 17.2: 1

This value ensures the most complete combustion and the minimum content of associated harmful gases in the exhaust.

When using LPG, the problem is that the car already runs on a different fuel, and for its most complete and efficient combustion, a different ratio of components (gas and air) in the fuel-air mixture is required.

Thus, when installing gas equipment, not only the fuel on which the car travels changes, but also the oxygen content in the exhaust.

Of course, most HBO installers do not bother with setting up the car's ECU, informing him about the installed HBO. After several tens of kilometers, the lambda probe, responding to a change in the amount of oxygen in the exhaust, gives a signal about a malfunction, which does not know anything about the electronic control unit of the car installed by the LPG. And that, in turn, to the car owner, through the "Check Engine" indicator on the dashboard.

What is a lambda emulator for?

An emulator is a system or device designed to copy (or emulate) the functions of one system to another. Moreover the emulated behavior should be as close as possible to the behavior of the original device.

Thus, the electronic emulator of the lambda probe intercepts and corrects the existing signal from the original oxygen sensor in such a way that the ECU injection engine did not give an error when the car was running on gas. Usually, a lambda probe emulator is installed on a car either immediately during the installation of LPG, or a little later, after an engine error has been detected.

Emulators "good" and "bad"

It is important to understand what exist as simple emulators lambda probe trompe l'oeil, and quite complex systems that adjust the readings of a standard oxygen sensor. The task of the first, most simple lambda trickery, is to prevent the appearance of the inscription "Check Engine" on the indicator, and to create the appearance of the correct operation of the system. But more advanced representatives of lambda emulators are designed to intercept the signal of the original sensor, correct it, and transmit the already corrected signal to the standard ECU, thereby improving the operation of the entire car.

Of course, the lambda probe snag is made from some general considerations so that the engine operating modes are more or less close to optimal. But a "good" emulator does this based on a real signal from the sensor, adjusting it in the right direction, according to the algorithms programmed in the emulator. It also takes into account the specifics of the original sensor used and the manufacturer.

Installing the lambda emulator

Installation and connection of the lambda probe emulator is done in the engine compartment of the car, in places that are protected from high temperatures and moisture. In addition, this place should at the same time ensure the ease of subsequent access to the device, because the operation of the device will need to be monitored, and if necessary, adjustments should be made. Typically, manufacturers / installers use the following connection color scheme:

  • the blue conductor is connected to a gas / petrol switch or a relay (+ 12v must be supplied to the wire when the car is running on gas);
  • the white conductor is connected to the vehicle ECU;
  • blue and white conductor connects directly to the lambda probe;
  • black conductor is connected to ground;


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