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  1. Loose or damaged electrical connections on the ignition coil.
  2. Insufficient pressure in the fuel rail.
  3. The connections of the parts of the intake tract are leaking (catalytic manifold or intake manifold receiver).

Lada Largus does not start on a cold:

  1. If the crankshaft rotates slowly, the battery may be discharged or the engine oil is frozen.
  2. The water in the fuel rail is frozen.
  3. The coolant temperature sensor (DTOZH) of the engine management system is faulty.
  4. Fuel injectors are leaking.
  5. Low compression in cylinders.
  6. Defective engine management system. Run diagnostics.

Recall that regular Maintenance car.

Keywords: Lada Largus engine | starter lada largus | ignition system lada largus | power supply system lada largus | ECM Lada Largus

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    Why Largus won't start. The starter turns. Reasons - logbook Lada Largus 2014 on DRIVE2

    1) Defective IAC. If you jerkily press the gas and the car starts, then the IAC is to blame (the regulator idle move)

    2) Defective DPKV. We check for a spark, there is no spark. We check the availability of power on the gasoline pump, disconnect the plug from the pump and connect, for example, a light bulb. At the first turn of the key, the light should turn on and off, which means that the fuel pump is powered. Then we turn the starter, if the light is off, then the DPKV is most likely out of order.

    3) If the DPKV is working, then we check the fuel pump itself. Checked with or without pressure gauge =).

    4) If there is no power to the fuel pump, check the fuses in the engine compartment. If the fuse is intact, check the + for the fuse, it is permanent. Checking the fuel pump relay. We close with a jumper and the power should go to the gas pump. This means that the circuit from the relay to the pump is working properly. Next, we check the relay control. + goes constant. A - controlled. We twist the starter, if it is off, then the unit does not give a minus to the relay. Next, either the block or the immobilizer is the reason.

    Lada largus does not start, the starter turns - RemontoMore

    Car: Lada Granta. Asks: Aleksey Gurba. Question: After a night stop, I can't start, the starter turns, but the engine won't start, what should I do?

    I arrived in the courtyard in the evening, everything is as usual. I drowned it out, put it on the alarm and went home. At night there was a heavy downpour, let's say, VERY heavy. The alarm went off a couple of times. Disconnected it from the keychain.

    It got chilly in the morning and I decided to start from autostart. I pressed the key fob, the key fob squeaked once, there was no confirmation that it had started. He got dressed and went downstairs. The ignition is on, the engine is not running.

    It's good that I went down quickly, the battery has not yet been discharged. I try to start it myself, with the key. The starter motor cranks, but the engine will not start. When you turn the key, the gas pump hums at the very beginning, but somehow it turns off quickly.

    What could it be? The check engine icon is off.

    The alarm does not allow to start

    The following two tabs change content below.

    Good afternoon. I am inclined to believe that the alarm on your car has "turned off". To give an accurate answer to your question, you need to know how the alarm is implemented in the car. That is, which nodes it protects.

    Blown cigarette lighter fuse

    Yes, you heard right. The designers of AvtoVAZ are so ingenious that they put a fuse on the cigarette lighter, on the sound signal, and on the immobilizer. If the fuse blows, the car will not start at all.

    Malfunctioning spark plugs and high voltage wires

    It is also possible that the spark plugs are faulty. Or high voltage wires. Moreover, you mentioned heavy rain. Water may have entered the wires. In this case, it is necessary to remove the wires from the candles, blow them with air, and install them back.

    Spark plug test

    If the fuel pump is running, the starter is turning, and the engine does not start, then the first thing to do is check for a spark. To do this, unscrew the spark plug, attach it to the body, and operate the starter. If there is a spark, then you will see it.

    The engine can go wrong in different ways.

    Basically, the reasons are the same, only the degrees of neglect of the problem are different. That is, some element may not work correctly, and the engine will work, but triple. And then this element will break completely, and the engine will not start either. For example, a starter may stop turning the engine as a result of its failure.

    A source:

    The car does not start, the starter turns but does not grab - RenoStar

    Good day to all! We continue talking about the problems of starting the engine and possible causes. It's no secret that difficulties of this kind are always an unpleasant and unexpected surprise for any driver.

    Surely each of us had to witness a situation when the car does not start, the starter turns but does not grasp. Let's try to figure out why this is happening in order to have an idea of ​​how to behave in such a situation.

    The fact that the starter turns well already means your accumulator battery healthy. Read how to check the condition of the battery here.

    Not a single car engine is insured against such a situation. It doesn't matter what the outside temperature is. Let us analyze sequentially what to do for different types of power units.

    What to do with the carburetor

    In case of carburetor engine it is a little easier to determine the reasons for the difficult start. First, let's try to pull out the choke knob (air damper control). If that doesn't help, then move on to finding the spark.

    Poor contact, oxidized or burnt terminals can make it difficult to start the motor. The same goes for poor coil ground contact.

    If everything is in order with the spark and there is fuel in the gas tank, then there are problems in adjusting the starting device.

    The procedure will be as follows:

    1. Remove the air filter cover.
    2. We find the throttle valve rod and open it by pulling it towards ourselves. The appearance of jets of gasoline will indicate that there is fuel in the float chamber.
    3. At the same time, we check the cleanliness of the fuel filter and the absence of damage to the diaphragm of the fuel pump.
    4. If fuel has been pumped into the float chamber, you can try to start again.
    5. In the case when there is fuel in the chamber, but the engine does not react well to turning the key in the ignition lock, you need to check the operation of the starting device.

    The injector has its own peculiarities, which appear in case of problems with starting. With these symptoms, you need to start by checking the fuel pump. This could be due to oxidation of the power terminals. After that, it is necessary to check the level of fuel pressure in the fuel rail.

    Find the side to which the fuel supply is connected. On the side opposite to it, a valve is located under the cap. Click on it and expect fuel to run from there.

    What could be the reason that I twist the starter, but injection motor won't start - blog readers often ask me? One of the possible troubles is associated with flooded candles. This often happens in frosty weather. It is required to wait until they are dry enough. The engine can be cranked with the starter by first removing the injector connectors.


    Most difficult to start a diesel engine. The fuel in it ignites according to a slightly different principle.

    The chambers in which the diesel fuel burns up are heated to very high temperatures, after which the diesel fuel is supplied to them together with air, which is ignited by compression. In cold weather, it is advisable to heat the air in the cylinders with glow plugs.

    If this is not done, then the car may start, but it immediately stalls or works unstably until warming up.

    We start by checking the glow plug control unit. For this we need a control lamp. We connect it to the mass and power of the candles, and then turn the key in the ignition lock.

    In the case of a working unit, the indicator of the control lamp will light up.

    Other diesel engine starting problems

    Another reason why the starter motor spins for a long time, but the engine fails to start, may be due to the airing of the high pressure pump.

    First you need to check if there is power to the kill valve. We turn on the ignition and use the already familiar control lamp for this.

    When connected, the valve should emit clicks, and their absence may just signal its malfunction.

    It remains to check the fuel line - we unscrew either the return line of the injectors, or the plug. If there is a manual pumping option, it should be carried out until diesel fuel flows and the air stops flowing. If pumping fails, then it makes sense to check fuel filter, which is often clogged with paraffin from fuel or ordinary dirt.

    Friends, these are the main reasons why the engine may not start even with prolonged torsion of the starter. If you have not yet joined the blog subscriber base, I recommend that you do so right now. In the coming days, we are expecting new useful materials from a variety of areas related to the car and its maintenance. For today we will say goodbye!

    A source:

    What if the starter turns and the car won't start?

    Often, car owners are faced with the fact that when ignited, the starter only clicks, but does not turn, and, as a result, the car does not start. But it happens that the starter turns regularly, which is audible by the characteristic sound, but the car still does not start. What to do in a similar situation?

    Reasons why the car will not start

    Any modern car is inherently a kind of symbiosis of numerous units, systems and mechanisms, due to which not only its characteristics improve, but also there are more chances to face a situation when the car simply does not start. The localization of such problems can be different and, as a result, the reasons are different.

    Among these are:

    • Lack of gasoline, oil and other automotive fluids;
    • Discharge of the battery and / or the formation of rust (oxide) on its marks, which interfere with the transfer of charge;
    • Problems with candles, injector (carburetor);
    • Malfunctions in the electronics system;
    • Problems in the operation of the fuel pump;
    • Clogged fuel and / or air filters;
    • Clogged throttle valve.

    In some cases, problems manifest themselves differently - the car does not start, the starter turns. The reasons for this, as a rule, lie in the fuel system or the ignition system, which is why it is important to immediately diagnose them.

    The starter motor cranks, but the engine will not start. How do you find the reason?

    The reason for the situations in which the engine turns but does not start can be several factors, however, in the event of such problems, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the correct operation of the ignition system and the power supply system, that is, the fuel supply.

    IMPORTANT! It is advisable to carry out diagnostics of these systems only in those cases when the operation of the starter proceeds without jerks and unnecessary sounds. In this case, the problem usually lies in the starter itself.

    Diagnostics of the ignition system

    First of all, you need to unscrew the plug and check for a spark. To do this, put on a switched off candle high voltage wire, and its skirt touches the metal part of the engine. If a spark appears during the rotation of the engine, then the spark plug is in good order and does not require replacement - that is, the problem lies elsewhere.

    The ignition module, due to the design and performance features, is almost impossible to check on your own, which cannot be said about the coil.

    To diagnose the ignition coil, you need to remove the central wire of the distributor cover and bring it to a distance of about 5 mm to the metal part of the engine, excluding any contact. If there is no spark after cranking the engine with the starter, the coil is out of order.

    If the coil is in good condition, it is necessary to perform the last check of the ignition system - remove the distributor cover and check it for defects and damage. If the diagnostics of the ignition system did not give the expected result, and the starter still works, but the car does not start, you need to proceed to the next stage - diagnostics fuel system.

    NOTE! In most cases, problems of this nature lie precisely in the ignition system, therefore, all stages of the diagnosis should be carried out as carefully as possible.

    Fuel system diagnostics

    Checking this unit should be performed sequentially, starting from the fuel pump and ending with the injector (carburetor).

    In vehicles with an injector, when the ignition is switched on, the sound of the electric fuel pump operating in the passenger compartment should be heard. If this sound is absent, the reason is in the pump motor - either it burned out or does not receive voltage. Therefore, first of all, you need to check the pump itself and its safety system.

    Cars with a carburetor are more difficult to diagnose, since the pump is driven by camshaft... In view of this, to check it will be necessary to disconnect the end of the hose from the inlet fitting. So, if after that you swing the pump priming lever several times, then fuel should flow from the fitting or hose.

    When the starter turns, but the car does not start, the problem may also lie in the injector ramp, or rather, in the presence of gasoline in it. To check, it is enough to press on the valve of the union connecting the pump - gasoline should come from it.

    You should also check the throttle valve, which, if clogged, can cause the starter to idle.

    What to do when the engine won't start but the starter clicks

    Often, car owners are faced with a problem like "drowned out the car and will not start, although the starter turns."

    To eliminate and eliminate problems of this kind, you should also diagnose the relay, after which you may have to repair or replace it.

    Starter relay diagnostics

    "The car does not start, the starter is spinning" - the cause of such problems can often be identified and eliminated at an early stage, but for this you need to responsibly and thoroughly diagnose the starter relay.

    To check the condition of the retraction relay, first of all, it must be carefully removed from under the hood. After that, the starter must be cleaned of dust, dirt, mechanical debris. Oxidized contacts are treated with fine emery paper.

    The next step is to place the starter in close proximity to the battery and prepare two wires of the required length. It is advisable to use wires with crocodiles.

    A source:

    Lada Granta starts up and stalls cause

    Sometimes there are unpleasant moments when, in the morning bustle, your faithful companion, Lada Granta, suddenly refuses to start. Having left his car for the night, which is no more than three months old, the owner is thoroughly convinced that no incidents should occur.

    But once sitting behind the wheel, and trying to start the car, it suddenly turns out: the starter does not turn, and the fuel pump does not show signs of activity. Leaving offended, you come back in the evening and try to start the car - and lo and behold, it is already working, as if nothing had happened.

    What to do if the car won't start.

    So what's the reason?

    What provoked this behavior of Lada Grant? The list of reasons can be quite solid when the starter is not turning. The most common failure will be the electrical factor, or rather, the lack of mass at the starter terminal or insufficient contact at the terminals or in the connectors.

    After a long downtime, it is necessary to check the battery charge level, because if the source is "planted", then not only Lada Granta, but also any other car will not be able to start. When checking, pay attention to the tightness of the terminals. When the machine has reached the age of three, it is possible for the start of oxidative processes on the wiring connections.

    Do not forget that the cold can easily "eat" more than 2/3 of the battery charge. If you had to leave the car in the cold, then you should take care of covering it with a special cover. Before doing this, we recommend that you clean the contacts of the battery terminals.

    Sometimes Lada Granta may refuse to start the engine, especially when it does not turn the starter, due to some flaw in the fuel system. This manifests itself on a motor that instantly stalls after starting. The most common cause is when the pump is out of service. For verification, dismantle the unit and directly power it from the battery.

    If the component refused to work, then we change it to a new analog. Hoses and fuel lines should not be ignored, but carefully examine them for damage and depressurization. The procedure is simple - inspecting the highways under the bottom and under the hood. Remember to monitor the filter condition.

    See also: Reviews of noise isolation Lada Largus

    And if the Starter turns but does not grasp the reasons here are different.

    Spark plugs that have worn out are also capable of upsetting the owner by refusing the engine to start.

    Sometimes the spark plug electrodes simply get dirty due to short trips when the engine does not have time to recruit a worker temperature regime.

    These components should be cleaned with a wire brush and then checked for clearance. Sometimes it helps to purge the combustion chambers, which is best done in service conditions.

    And now it won't start

    Despite vain efforts, the car still does not respond to activation of the ignition key and will not start. We check the air path filter, since it is very likely to be heavily clogged. Trying to start with the element removed.

    If everything worked out, we definitely change the "consumable". Moving without this element is categorically contraindicated, since the cylinders will instantly become clogged with dust and small abrasive particles.

    And here it is not far from the damage to the mirrors on the sleeves.

    Another commonplace reason when the starter does not turn can be a blown safety element. It's a shame that such a cheap contraption can upset the owner. Therefore, stock up on a set of fuses and keep it in the car.

    When the motor is on LADA Granta worked with short-term overheating, it also may not start later.

    To prevent this, it is required to periodically "look" into the cooling system and monitor the sensor, pump, level in the expansion tank, because no one has yet canceled the natural "withdrawal" of the liquid. Prevent the appearance air congestion.

    Also, pay special attention to the tightness of the circuit, since loosening of the clamps on the hoses and nozzles is a very common occurrence. Fluid leakage, especially on the road, will make it impossible to drive normally.

    Starting the motor is directly related to the functionality of the starter. This unit is a conventional electric motor, which can be checked by connecting to the battery.

    When the motor does not respond to starting attempts, it is possible that the starter has "visited" problems, especially when the starter does not turn, starting with oxidation of the contacts (including the mass) and ending with a malfunction of the retractor relay.

    A common symptom is a "stick out" of the sensor crankshaft... This component (DPKV) is designed to track and adjust the engine speed with the subsequent provision of this information to the control unit.

    If the sensor has allowed itself to break, the car will no longer start, which will remind everyone of the annoying “check” symbol on the “tidy”. Sometimes it happens that the sensor is working properly, but the dirt adhering to its connector does not allow transmitting the correct impulses to the "brain".

    Here, the launch of Lada Grant will also fail.

    Normal cleaning can fix the problem. When this fails, involve specialists for diagnosis and replacement. You can independently check the gap located between the DPKV winding and the core. The value of this distance should not exceed 1 mm, since its violation will make the reading of the magnetic pulse impossible.

    There are situations when the engine of a car with a "native" immobilizer started, then stalled, and all the lights and symbols in the cabin lit up, like on a Christmas tree. The problem lies in the decoupling of the key fob microcircuit, without which it is impossible to start Lada Grant. The solution is to carefully solder the circuit with a low-power soldering iron.

    The fuel pump will ignore the engine's desire to start if the contacts in its control relay have moved away. Do not blame the pump, but rather resort to checking the contacts and fuses.

    Burnt contacts on the starter retractor relay can play an insidious joke with Grantavod. The first start of the motor will be successful, and subsequent attempts will be ineffective. V field conditions gentle tapping with the key on the relay case can help, but in the future you will have to disassemble the unit for cleaning or repair.

    Many owners of Lada Grant are puzzled by a fair question - why it is not always possible to start the engine on the first try. And sometimes it happens that the car starts up and stalls, the reason is what? This may be due to the idle speed regulator. Through the designated sensor, the control module (ECU) monitors the running engine in the parking position of the car.

    Symptoms are as follows: normal start, but then there is a drop in speed and when the driver tries to "support" the engine with "gas", the unit stops.

    If "check" was activated, then it is very likely that several reasons will appear, including the ones we have just indicated.

    Low fuel pressure will not allow the engine to start correctly, and will also provoke dips or sudden engine shutdown.

    Why does the motor suddenly stall?

    Among the possible factors that determine the tendency of the motor to stop, if it starts and stalls, the reason may be that the damper has become dirty in the throttle assembly. The problem is eliminated by cleaning.

    A clogged fuel filter can also cause the engine to stall. This symptom can manifest itself after a long time from the moment low-quality fuel enters the tank. The solution is the same - discharge of substandard gasoline and unambiguous replacement of the filter component in LADA Granta.

    Does the starter turn but does not pick up or the engine stalls and refuses to start? Perhaps the generator has become unusable or an unauthorized break in its drive belt has occurred.

    If an unfortunate situation has taken place, then the on-board network is not supplied with the required power supply.

    The "command" takes over the battery, but its charge dries up, and the starter will subsequently not be able to rotate the motor.

    If an inattentive owner left the LADA Granta car for a long-term parking, having forgotten to turn off some pantograph (for example, audio), then there can be no question of starting the engine, since the battery will be discharged. We'll have to "light up".

    How to start a car in winter?

    The moments of a successful winter launch are a separate topic. If the car does not start, it is worth resorting to the following steps. First, turn on the ignition, and then activate the low beam headlights. We wait about 30 seconds and turn off the optical devices. This heats up the battery. But if the car starts up and stalls, the reason may be precisely in the temperature difference.

    Turn on neutral (if manual transmission) and depress the clutch pedal. Turning the key, we listen to the starter. If the launch fails, then we repeat the procedure again.

    Failure again? The battery is probably frozen. The next way out is to deliver the battery to a warm room and recharge or "light" it from another car.

    Sometimes it makes sense to start from a tug, but not with a transmission - "automatic".

    "We light up"

    This forced start method is quite common in a driving environment. The point is to temporarily power the starter from on-board network(Battery) of another car.

    For successful lighting up, we acquire cables with the largest possible cross-section. Cars should be placed in friendly positions - hoods towards each other. We connect the positive terminals of the battery of both cars by means of one wire. We use another cable to connect the negative terminal of someone else's battery with the mass of the "native" LADA car Granta.

    If the start attempt failed and the car still does not start, we change the circuit. Now we connect the negative terminals of both batteries directly. Be careful to avoid unauthorized short circuits.

    Having achieved a successful start, do not rush to remove the cables, let the motor run for a few minutes. Remember the disconnection procedure: first remove the "negative" wire, and then the "positive" one.

    Do not activate electrical appliances at the moment in order to protect them from damage due to a surge in the mains voltage.

    A source:

    What to do if your car engine won't start

    Every motorist may be faced with the fact that the engine of his car suddenly stops starting. Situations are different - the car may simply stall at a traffic light or in a traffic jam and not start, or the engine will not start after the car has spent the night in the parking lot. In any case, the problem must be solved.

    Below are the main situations and the reasons why ignition problems occur, as a result of which the car engine will not start. Also, the ways of solving the problem are considered in cases where it can be done by the motorist himself without the involvement of specialists. So, here are the reasons in order.


    If the car does not start after a long period of parking, the battery power is likely to be depleted. At night, the temperature drops, the car cools down, and with it the battery. In the cold season, the battery charge level can drop by a third after spending the night outside.

    This is not always associated with a breakdown of the battery, it may be that it was simply not fully charged, and after cooling, the charge level dropped below the critical mark. The same situation can arise when the car has been parked for several days - the battery simply discharges spontaneously.

    Alternatively, you can turn on the high beam for a few minutes - the electrolyte in the battery will become active and the charge level will slightly increase. Sometimes this is enough to start the engine. In the future, in order not to get into such a situation, you just need to monitor the battery charge level.

    Another problem that can be associated with the battery is the oxidation of the terminals. This process occurs gradually, but ultimately leads to one result - loss of tension. To fix the problem is as easy as shelling pears - you need to unscrew the terminals and just clean them.

    Fuel system.

    Another reason is problems with the fuel system. If the car starts up and immediately stalled or just stalled and does not start, perhaps the reason lies in the gas pump. The fuel pump can simply burn out. It is quite simple to check this - you need to remove the pump and connect it directly to the battery.

    If it doesn't work, then it's time to change it. You should also pay attention to the coarse filter mesh. Over time, it clogs up, which can lead to two possible consequences. First, the fuel pump simply does not have enough power to pump the required amount of gasoline for ignition. Second, trying to pump the required amount of fuel, the gas pump may simply burn out.

    There is a risk that the fuel hose has been cut off somewhere. Sometimes drivers forget about this possibility and spend a lot of time searching for faults, although it is quite simple to determine a break - just look under the bottom of the car.

    If before that you drove at high speed or heavily loaded the car, or the engine suddenly stalled on the road, it is possible that the candles are simply flooded. If an excessive amount of fuel hits the spark plug electrodes, the standard voltage is not enough to generate a spark.

    The easiest solution to the problem is to unscrew the candles and gently clean them with a dry cloth. If this is not possible, then you can blow out the candles. To do this, put the car in neutral, depress the gas pedal and turn on the ignition.

    In this mode, no fuel enters the combustion chamber, and air is blown through it. After purging, it is imperative to pour a little oil into each cylinder (5-7 ml), since during purging the air removes the oil film from the cylinder walls. This method is absolutely safe for your car.

    Air filter.

    Another reason for ignition problems can be caused by the fact that it is simply clogged. air filter... It is quite simple to install, whether this is so or not - you need to remove the filter from the casing and try to start the engine. If the engine starts, the filter can be thrown away and safely go for a new one.

    It is impossible to tighten up the installation of the filter, since when the untreated air burns out, carbon deposits form, which harms the engine. This situation often happens when the car drives outside the city on dirt roads. If you drive frequently on dusty roads, you should replace the air filter twice as often.

    Circuit breakers.

    Often injection engine may stop starting due to blown fuses. For these purposes, it is worth taking a spare kit with you (it costs a mere penny), and also knowing exactly where the fuse box is located in your car. In order to find out if a blown fuse is the cause of a missing ignition, simply replace the old fuses with new ones.

    Overheating of the engine.

    When the car suddenly stalls and cannot be started, the problem may be engine overheating. There may be several reasons - failure of the coolant temperature sensor, low compression, breakdown of the water pump, low coolant level.

    In the first two cases, it is impossible to determine the malfunction on the spot. You can check the serviceability of the pump by connecting it directly to the battery. If the pump is working, the cause may be wiring or oxidized terminals. You can clean the terminals and reconnect the water pump to the regular power supply.

    It is also worth looking at the coolant level. If the amount of fluid is less than the prescribed amount, it will not fully cool the engine. If, for some reason, the amount of coolant is significantly below the norm, it may simply boil.

    It will be immediately visible - on the plugs and radiator caps and expansion tank drips will appear. In this case, let the engine cool down and, if possible, top up the coolant. In any case, if the engine overheats, you need to wait until it cools down and slowly, avoiding loads on the engine, go to the nearest service station.

    The starter motor can also be the reason the car won't start. If the starter terminals are available, just connect it directly to the battery by throwing in the appropriate wires. In the event that the starter rotates normally, the problem should be looked for elsewhere.

    If the starter doesn’t turn at all, then it’s time to change or repair it. It so happens that the starter turns, but not fast enough. In this case, the terminals on the starter or battery are most likely oxidized. They can be cleaned on site if available.

    Crankshaft sensor.

    If it is possible to check the crankshaft sensor, be sure to do it. The sensor may be working properly, but give incorrect readings due to the fact that dirt adheres to it, oxidized or loose connectors. It is quite difficult to diagnose it yourself, but trying to clean and check it is quite possible.

    See also: Photo spoilers for Lada Priora hatchback, sedan and station wagon

    First of all, pay attention to the gap between the core and the sensor disc. Ideally, it should be 1 mm, but deviations of 0.5 mm are permissible. Then disconnect the wiring from the sensor and remove the sensor itself.

    Clean it from dirt (sometimes oil gets on it if the shaft seals are leaking), clean the terminals both on the sensor and on the mating connector, then install and try to start the car. If the engine started, then the cause was in the sensor and the malfunction was eliminated.

    Of course, there are many more reasons why the engine may not start. It is almost impossible to determine them on the fly, so the only way out of the situation is to contact the service station.

    In order not to get into such an unpleasant situation, you need to periodically diagnose the car and pay attention to all changes in its operation. Practice shows that timely prevention is much cheaper and more convenient than unplanned repairs.

    A source:

    Why Renault won't start

    There are many answers to one of the most popular questions on car Internet forums.

    Of course, without being able to make diagnostics or even a visual inspection of the car, it is often impossible to get to the bottom of the problem and identify its cause.

    However, malfunctions due to which Renault may not start can be roughly divided into several categories depending on the "symptoms":

    • Battery is not supplying sufficient voltage

    This can usually be understood by the dashboard dying out during an attempt to start, or when there is no power to all the car's devices at all. Solved by replacing or charging the battery;

    • Open circuit of the starter power supply

    There are times when the wiring from the control unit to the starter is damaged, or there is poor contact at the terminals of the starter solenoid relay. To solve the problem, wiring repair or cleaning / tightening the terminals is required;

    After making sure that the starter power is normal, you can come to the conclusion that the starter itself is broken. In this case, repair or overhaul (cleaning / lubrication) of the starter is required;

    It is possible that no power is supplied to the starter motor. This may be due to both a blown fuse and a serious breakdown. electronic system car. If the fuse has nothing to do with it, it is better to contact a qualified service;

    The most "sad" of possible options when the starter does not turn simply because it cannot turn the crankshaft due to a mechanical engine failure. Usually solved overhaul or replacing the engine (or cylinder head);

    • The fuel in the tank has run out

    If the fuel level sensor fails, it can mislead the driver by showing a sufficient fuel level when it is actually absent.

    Solved by refueling;

    It happens especially after driving off-road. Fuel pipe can be ripped off or killed. In this case, the fuel flows out without reaching the injectors. It is solved by replacing or repairing the damaged part;

    • Fuel injectors do not work (for gasoline engines)

    Usually associated with a lack of power to the injectors from the control unit, since it is almost unrealistic for all fuel injectors to fail at the same time. May require repair or replacement of the engine control unit (“brains”);

    • Power does not come to fuel pump(for gasoline engines)

    As in the case of a lack of power to the starter, it can be solved by replacing the fuse. Otherwise, qualified diagnostics by the scanner is required;

    • Defective fuel pump (for petrol engines)

    Very often, a malfunction of the fuel pump becomes the result of poor-quality fuel (with an admixture of water, resin, etc.). It is solved by replacing the pump assembly or the motor (turbine) separately;

    • Ignition module (coil) does not work

    Sometimes it is associated with a poor contact on the connector of the ignition module or its breakdown. May require replacement of the module;

    • Spark plugs require replacement (cleaning)

    Worn spark plugs often produce insufficient spark, which can prevent the engine from starting. In this case, the candles must be replaced;

    • Malfunction of one of the sensors responsible for the correct operation of the engine or engine control unit

    Electrical sensors that transmit parameters to the engine control unit can directly affect the start of the car, namely, block the spark or fuel supply when trying to start. The problem requires a competent diagnosis with a scanner;

      Violations in the intake or exhaust systems of the engine:

    • Intake tract problems

    Due to worn out intake manifold or throttle gaskets, as well as general contamination of components such as the throttle valve, idle speed regulator, gas recirculation valve, etc. - starting the engine may be difficult or impossible. It is solved by cleaning the listed parts and replacing the necessary gaskets with new ones, after which it may be necessary to reset the adaptive settings of the ECU with a scanner;

    If the catalyst has collapsed and clogged exhaust pipe, the engine may not start because the exhaust gases will have nowhere to go. In this case, the catalyst is removed from the exhaust system and either changed to a new one (which is very expensive), or the engine control unit is reflashed for operation without a catalyst;

    A source:

    The car does not start, the starter turns but does not grasp

    Many drivers have been convinced of the capricious nature of the starter when starting the car engine. The car does not start, does not turn the starter, due to the fact that it does not want to scroll. But it also happens the other way around, the starter turns, but the car does not start.

    When such an unpleasant situation arises, many despair, but this is not worth doing. The vehicle must be towed to the nearest car service or garage box. After that, you should start checking the relevant systems. vehicle.

    Moreover, if a similar situation has arisen, when the starter does not grab, you should pay attention to the nodes that are responsible for the engine's performance.

    Check, possible causes of malfunction

    By delivering your car to a nearby service center or to the garage, it is necessary to inspect the car at the same hour and try to identify possible malfunctions in its systems that are responsible for launching vehicle... The car does not start, immediately check the starter does not grab.

    The initial inspection, when the car does not start, should be the fuel system. First, they check the fuel pump, and then look at its components: injection systems (nozzles or carburetor). It is the fuel pump that is the most difficult element of the system. It is necessary to adjust the fuel supply to the engine, without which it will not be able to start.

    Diagnostics of the pump, if the car does not start, is carried out by sound when the engine is turned on, which allows you to determine third-party noises during its operation. In the absence of characteristic sounds notifying about its operation, this is a sign of why the engine does not start.

    If the car does not start, then the malfunction is eliminated in two ways. The first is to change the fuel pump fuse, which is done first. If nothing has changed, then the situation is much more deplorable - the fuel pump itself "flew". Therefore, it will be required complete replacement this part.

    In the next step, if the car does not start, the fuel filter is checked. It may be that the start-up does not occur due to contamination in it. If the filter is clogged, then the gasoline does not reach the engine, as in the situation with the pump.

    The problem is quite trivial, because of the savings in money, many are forced to refuel with low-quality fuel at small gas stations, which do not particularly value their image, selling bad gasoline or diesel fuel.

    At gas stations belonging to more well-known chains with a name, they do not dilute fuel, but they also sell it at a higher price than at other points. As a result, drivers are forced to fill in low-quality fuel, which clogs the filter, and then does not turn the starter.

    Before entering the engine, the fuel goes through three stages of various purification, which few people know. There is also air filtration in the system, the components of which can also become clogged. The solution is to simply replace the filter parts.

    At the third stage, when the car does not start, diagnostics are carried out on parts of the ignition system. Initially, you should pay attention to the ignition coil. It is entrusted with the task of creating the necessary voltage, which is used to ignite the fuel mixture in the combustion chamber.

    If there are no problems, but still does not turn the starter, then we consider the candles. They should be free of excess fuel, and a spark should also appear. If there is no spark after igniting or replacing the spark plugs, install a new ignition module.

    Such a solution is necessary for injection ICEs, and on a carburetor ICE, the ignition coil changes.

    It is also necessary to check the distributor cover if the starter does not turn. It should be without obvious signs of mechanical damage, and a spring-loaded graphite rod will be located inside the unit.

    Other causes of malfunction

    After diagnosing all of the above elements of the fuel system and not fixing the malfunction, and not turning the starter as before, you should not lose heart, there are a number of reasons why the engine refuses to start. This may be due to throttle.

    It often burns, so it cannot completely open (close), which is very similar to a breakdown in filters. But unlike their replacement, the flap needs to be cleaned. Having freed it from soot, most likely, it will turn out to start the car. You should also check the battery and terminals.

    The problem when the car does not start can be caused by low level battery charge or terminal oxidation.

    To identify such a malfunction, you do not need to go through the engine, but you just need to turn the ignition key and if the engine does not start, that is, does not turn the starter, then the problem is most likely in the power supply system. In this situation, there can be two problems.

    The first is a discharged battery; to get out of the situation, you need to charge or use the battery of another car to start. If the problem is in the terminals, then you need to install new ones.

    Also, if the car does not start, it may be due to violations in the car's wiring.

    Its diagnosis should be started only after checking all other mechanisms and systems before this, in case of establishing their full operability.

    Initially, the absence of breaks and the integrity of the upper insulating layer of the wires are checked. Having established that the wiring is unborn, you can diagnose the main devices associated with the car's electrical system.

    The most common problem is oxidation of fuse and relay contacts.

    It doesn't take long to check the working status of the relay. Using the controller, we will establish the presence of voltage at the positive contacts. If a lack of power is found, then the legs should be cleaned.

    This problem indicates the likelihood of a malfunction in the fuel pump, which does not allow the engine to start. A similar weak link can be a relay in the assembly of instruments and wires.

    If there is corrosion on the contacts, no voltage is transmitted to the device. This prevents it from functioning. Although the trouble is eliminated simply - by removing oxidation or rust.

    After cleaning, the connecting points should be treated with a special anti-corrosion liquid.

    Summing up

    There are moments when the starter does not turn, that is, it scrolls to idle, not allowing the power unit to start. All this happens due to some reasons, which are discussed in detail in the publication.

    Checking the elements of the systems responsible for planting the car should be carried out only in a situation when the starter scrolls smoothly without jerking, otherwise, with uneven scrolling, the starter mechanism itself should be replaced. Since he is the original source of the problem.

    Most likely, if the starter does not grab, then the problem is associated with increased wear of the brushes, therefore, a similar torque occurs with jerks.

    Usually, these spare parts for a car are changed without much difficulty, and the engine works fine, but most car enthusiasts do not realize this, as a result of which they buy a new starter mechanism.

    For the correct start of an internal combustion engine, the presence of a prepared fuel-air mixture, in the correct proportion, in the cylinders is necessary, which ignites from the spark of the spark plug at a strictly defined moment.

    In addition, all parts and components connected to the starter / ignition switch must be in good working order. Lada Largus can get problems when starting the internal combustion engine, if some elements of the system are broken or not working correctly.

    Inoperative starter

    After turning the key to the "Engine start" position, the starter starts to rotate the flywheel of the car and within 5 seconds, under normal temperature conditions, the Largus engine should start. If the starter does not work, it is possible that some elements are out of order:

    1. Low voltage in the on-board network - the voltage at the battery terminals must be at least 12V. When the voltage is less, it is necessary to charge the car battery.
    2. Faulty contact Group ignition switch or start relay - after turning the key, power is not supplied to the starter retractor relay - you can measure the voltage at its contact with a voltmeter. A broken ignition switch or relay must be replaced.
    3. Defective starter retractor relay - when 12V is applied to its contact, the relay does not work (no characteristic click is heard) and the starter does not turn. The retractor will need to be repaired or replaced.
    4. Defective starter - after applying voltage to its winding, the engine does not turn. The first reason is the wear of the brushes; to eliminate the breakdown, it is enough to replace them. The second reason is that the starter winding burned out, in this case it is necessary to replace the complete part. The third reason is jamming of mechanical elements; to eliminate it, it is necessary to disassemble the electrical part of the starter and the overrunning clutch (bendex), rinse all parts and lubricate with graphite grease.

    Some other reasons due to which the starter of Lada Largus does not turn, for example: problems in the wiring or jamming of the internal combustion engine are much less common.

    The internal combustion engine does not start with a working starter

    If in the position of the ignition switch "Starting the engine" the starter turns, but the engine does not start, it is necessary to find out the operability of a number of elements.

    DiagnosticsMalfunctionElimination procedure
    ICE rotation is slower than usual, there are extraneous sounds in the engine compartment.At low temperatures, solidification is possible. engine oil... Wedging of hinged elements of the engine - water pump, generator. Destruction of the elements of the connecting rod-piston group - seizure marks on the liners or cylinders.Park the car in a warm parking lot to warm up the oil. Poor quality oil - replace.
    Replace generator / water pump or repair wedging.
    Repair the internal combustion engine.
    Arrow fuel tank in the empty positionOut of fuelRefuel the car
    When the key is turned to the "ignition" position, the operation of the fuel pump is not audible.There is no supply voltage to the pump.Remove the fuel pump, apply voltage to the terminals, if the pump is running - check the power supply circuit (fuse, relay, wiring), as well as the burglar alarm.
    The pump is out of order.Replace the non-working pump with a new one.
    The engine can be started with the accelerator pedal depressed; after release, the engine stalls.Defective idle speed control sensor.Install a new sensor
    The engine is trying to start in jerks, pops are heard in exhaust system, high vibrationThere is no spark, sparking occurs at the wrong time.Check for spark. Check the correct connection of the high-voltage wires or ignition coils according to the wiring diagram.
    Check the crankshaft position sensor, replace if necessary.
    Insufficient pressure in the fuel rail.Fuel pump wear.Replace the pump.
    Clogged fuel filter.Replace the filter.
    Damaged fuel line.Inspect the fuel line for kinks or other damage.
    In the cold season, water in the fuel system may freeze.Warm up the frozen line to positive temperature.
    Fuel injectors not delivering gasolineDefective injector, electrical problems.Measure the resistance of the injector, it should be 12 ohms. Replace the defective injector.
    Check wiring.
    The engine control unit does not workThere is no 12V power on the ECU.Check the power supply to the control unit.
    Failure of the ECUReplace block.
    Air leaks in the intake manifold.Damage to the intake manifold.Replace or repair the manifold.
    Damage to vacuum hoses.Replace hoses or tighten clamps.
    Violation of the tightness of the intake tractChange the intake manifold gaskets.

    If Lada Largus does not start, and the starter turns and a cursory inspection does not give results, it is recommended to check the integrity of the timing belt and the correct timing of the valve timing. To do this, remove the protective cover, inspect the timing belt for integrity, tension and damage (lack of teeth, tears).

    Then check the alignment of all marks on the belt, rollers and pulleys. A broken timing belt can be checked in a simpler and fast way... Unscrew the oil filler cap on the engine, make sure that when you try to start the internal combustion engine, the camshaft rotates, part of it is visible under the cover.

    To diagnose a malfunction of the Lada Largus car, you may need special tools and devices. If there are problems with the fuel supply, it is necessary to measure the pressure in the fuel rail, for this you need a special pressure gauge with an adapter. If it is absent, you can unscrew the gasoline supply hose from the rail, lower it into an empty container, turn on the ignition and measure how many liters of fuel the pump will pump in one minute. A working Lada Largus pump pumps about one and a half liters of fuel in one minute.

    The performance of the crankshaft position sensor can be checked using an ohmmeter, a device that shows electrical resistance. The working sensor has a resistance of about 250 ohms, and when a piece of metal is approaching the sensor, this value should change.

    The presence of a spark can be easily checked by removing the high-voltage wire or ignition coil from the spark plug and bringing the contact at a distance of 2-3 mm to the iron element of the engine. During the start of the internal combustion engine, an electric charge - a spark - will slip between the wire / coil and the motor element. During the procedure, you must use special insulating gloves or tools.

    Alternative ways to start the engine

    It is possible to start a car with malfunctions in the starter / ignition lock system by towing or "from the pusher". To do this, you need to turn on the ignition, squeeze the clutch with the second gear engaged at the checkpoint, accelerate the car to a speed of 10-15 km / h and release the clutch. If the engine starts, turn off the gear and stop smoothly.

    There are situations when it is not possible to push the car to the required speed. In this situation, if the problem is not in the starter winding or jamming of its elements, you can start the car simply by short-circuiting the contacts with a screwdriver or a large wrench. To do this, you need to turn on the ignition, turn off the gearbox transmission. Next, find a starter under the hood, remove the protective rubber casing from the wires and close two large opposite contacts. After the engine starts, open the indicated contacts.

    Such actions must be carried out making sure of your own safety and the safety of others.

    According to reviews, the problem with floating engine speeds is familiar to many owners of Lada Largus. This is especially true in winter, when the car does not start well when cold (starting the engine is difficult in the morning). In such situations, floating revs only exacerbate the situation. The tachometer needle can randomly jump from 1000 to 1500 rpm or not go to the "warm-up" level at all, keeping below the set idle values. Experts do not recommend self-diagnostics of the vehicle. If the cause of the problem is unknown, it is better to contact a service station.

    Car engine modifications and their features

    The reasons why the revolutions on the Largus can float are due to differences in technical characteristics motors. Depending on the configuration, an 8- or 16-valve engine is installed.

    8-valve K7M 800

    This engine model was borrowed from Renault Logan and Sandero. Such motors have been installed on the Largus since 2010. The unit complies with the Euro-4 standard, its capacity is 83 liters. with. Among the disadvantages:

    • floating idle speed;
    • high fuel consumption;
    • lack of hydraulic lifters in valve mechanism- it is necessary to adjust the clearances every 30,000 km;
    • the need to replace the timing belt every 60,000 km - a broken belt will inevitably lead to bending of the valves;
    • unreliability of the crankshaft oil seals;
    • vibration and increased noise during the operation of the power unit.

    The 8 valve motor is too weak for Largus. Of the advantages, the unpretentiousness of the engine and its inexpensive maintenance are noted.

    16-valve K4M

    This engine is used only in the top-end Largus modifications in the "Lux" configuration. The engine power is equal to 106 hp. s, but it still needs some work. It differs from the previous unit:

    • lack of vibration and almost complete absence of noise;
    • low fuel consumption.

    The disadvantage of a 16-valve engine can be considered its complex structure, which leads to the high cost of the car. The service life of the motor is about 450,000 km, but it is more costly to maintain the unit. The main thing is not to use it often at increased loads and to undergo maintenance on time.

    Causes and methods of elimination of difficult engine start

    For a successful start of the engine, a fuel mixture and a spark from spark plugs must appear in its cylinders at the same time.

    The engine cannot be started if one or more components are out of order. This happens, for example, when the starter does not spin the crankshaft.

    If the floating idle speed has become too annoying, and it is already useless to turn the engine with the starter, it is time to understand the causes of the malfunctions that have arisen. The table shows the most common reasons why the engine speed of the Lada Largus floats, and it may not start.

    Cause Diagnostics and manifestations


    There is no gasoline in the tank. On the instrument panel, the fuel level arrow is at zero. Fill with gasoline.
    Low battery charge. Typical crackling sound when trying to start. When checking, the voltage shows less than 12V. Charge the battery.
    Loose contact of the battery terminals or oxidation. Crackling from under the hood. Low voltage onboard network. Clean the terminals, put them on the battery terminals as tightly as possible.
    There are no electrical connections of the power supply and control systems Checking the reliability of the connection of the blocks of wires. Tightly connect the connectors.
    The rotation of the crankshaft is impeded (seizure of the piston group, liners, deformation of the shaft, seized water pump, generator). Slow rotation of the crankshaft, extraneous noise when starting and running the engine. Replacement of defective parts.
    Ignition problems. Netiskras. Check all elements and parts of the ignition system, replace if necessary.
    High voltage wires installed out of order or disconnected. Inspection. Install in correct sequence, replace if necessary.
    Breakage or wear of the timing belt. Visual inspection. Replacing the timing belt.
    Phase and gas distribution are violated. Inspection of the location of the crankshaft and camshaft marks. Set the phases according to the labels.
    Malfunctions in the electronic engine control unit (ECU): crankshaft position sensors, coolant temperature, phases. Find out if power is supplied to the ECU, if there is an open circuit, check the health of the sensors. If necessary, change the control unit software or replace the ECU, as well as the sensors.
    The IAC is out of order (idle speed regulator). Check the IAC (if the engine starts only with the accelerator pedal pressed, and when released, it stalls). Replace the regulator.
    Blown fuse or control relay. Checking the relay and fuse. After eliminating the cause of the blown fuses, replace them.
    Fuel pump malfunction, fuel pump relay fuse blown. After turning the ignition key, there is no characteristic sound of the pump in the gas tank when fuel starts to flow into the rail. Check the fuse, apply voltage directly from the battery. Replace defective parts.
    Clogged fuel filter, water freezing in the fuel line. Measure the pressure in the fuel system. Replace fuel filter and fuel line parts.
    Low pressure in the fuel rail. Check pressure, fuel pump filter and fuel line for damage. Replace filter or fuel pump, fuel pressure regulator.
    Malfunction of injectors. Check the performance of the injectors. Replace defective parts.
    Air in the intake system. Inspect the intake parts for air leaks, check vacuum amplifier brakes. Eliminate air leakage, replace the faulty brake booster.

    Regular and timely vehicle maintenance will minimize or eliminate possible problems with the start of the Lada Largus engine.

    You should not randomly change all the details without first checking them for performance. Comprehensive diagnostics is required, since there can be several sources of malfunction at once. On modern cars of the VAZ family, engines of the same type are installed. For this reason, the solution to the problem will be virtually the same for different cars.

    Air leaks as a cause of floating speed

    Many owners say that in the morning, especially at winter period, the engine is unstable after starting, the rpm jump, and the car starts to twitch on the move. They look for a problem in the immobilizer or spark plugs, but if the diagnostics do not reveal any problems, the problem is in the throttle assembly.

    The malfunction consists in air leaks through a loose connection between the throttle assembly and the intake receiver. The problem is solved either by replacing the O-ring with a similar new one, or by finalizing the design using a plumbing fum tape. Ring replacement procedure:

    • the throttle cable is disconnected;

    • the elastic band is removed, which secures the inlet pipe;

    • the plastic "muffler" of the intake is removed;

    • the power plug is disconnected from the IAC and the throttle position sensor;

    • the air filter mounting bolts are unscrewed;

    • the bolts of the throttle assembly are unscrewed;

    • the old ring is removed and a new one is put on.

    The process of replacing the O-ring of the throttle assembly takes a maximum of half an hour.

    Although the engines were borrowed from the popular Renault models, they migrated under the hood of the VAZ Largus along with common malfunctions. However, the problem with floating idle can be eliminated on their own... If you lack confidence and experience, it is better to contact a service station.


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