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The Volga car has had a reputation as a gluttonous monster since the days of the Soviet Union. And indeed, despite the factory figures of up to 10 on the highway and up to 14 in the city, often the real figures significantly exceed the indicated figures, sometimes by 50%, and in especially neglected cases by 100%.

So what affects the fuel consumption on the Volga, and how to reduce it?

All factors that affect fuel consumption are divided into engine-related and non-engine related. In the first case, a serviceable and tuned engine is forced to overcome increased movement resistance. In the second case, the engine does not work optimally due to a malfunction of its individual systems.

Consider engine problems affecting fuel consumption.

problems associated with the ignition system

malfunction of the ignition system. here most of all the ignition distributor (distributor) is to blame. the fact is that the contact distributor is very sensitive to the cleanliness of the contacts, the adjustment of the gap, and especially to the axial lateral play. If there is a lateral backlash, it is IMPOSSIBLE to set the gaps in the contacts and the engine does not start well and does not drive well, sooner or later it will stop working altogether. From a faulty distributor, the consumption can take off by 2 times, since misfiring, not optimal combustion significantly impair the operation of the engine. It is ideal to replace the ignition with an electronic one. Its price will more than pay off with confident starts and stable fuel consumption.

incorrect spark plug gap. too small a gap, although it prolongs the life of the contacts, but worsens the combustion of fuel. Excessive clearance leads to burnout of contacts and, accordingly, to an increase in consumption.

soot on candles, broken broken candles. like all faults in the ignition system, faulty spark plugs increase consumption, and when they die completely, the engine, as a rule, does not start, or starts very badly.

incorrect adjustment of the ignition timing. if the ignition is late, the fuel consumption increases, and there is also a risk of burnout of the valves. the ignition must always be controlled at the knock threshold. Those. on the Volga at a speed of 40-50 km / h in 4th gear, with a sneaker on the floor, detonation should be clearly audible. For gas, UOZ is set for propane +7 from 92nd gasoline, for methane +15 from gasoline (set at the detonation threshold).

carburetor problems

The carburetor, as the main metering system of the engine, often makes its own adjustments to the fuel consumption. The main problem of the native Volgovskiy K-126G carburetor is leakage, which leads to fuel leaks both outside and overflow into the engine.

valve problems

an insufficiently large valve clearance leads to a decrease in engine compression, the efficiency naturally decreases and, accordingly, fuel consumption increases. Always set the optimal clearance of 0.4-0.45 mm and only for the extreme valves can you set 0.35-0.4. On gas fuel, it is better to increase the gaps by another 0.05 mm.

burnt out, cracked, non-rubbed valves also naturally reduce compression and, accordingly, engine performance is significantly impaired. in especially advanced cases, the cylinder with defective valves stops working and simply spits out the fuel and sooner or later it explodes in the muffler, blowing it apart. Therefore, if the engine is troit (for any reason), do not continue driving, but check the ignition and if it fails to fix it, it is better to call for help in tow or a tow truck. Even a kilometer on a trojay can lead to an explosion of fuel assemblies in the muffler. Especially in the urban cycle when the engine cannot blow all the fuel into the pipe.

compression and general condition of the engine

normal compression for the Volgovskiy engine under the 92nd gasoline is 13-14 atmospheres. When compression is less than 10 atmospheres, you should make overhaul... I advise you to measure the compression every time you replace the spark plugs (and unscrew them for cleaning, adjusting the gap). Compressometer for gasoline engines it is not expensive, although this procedure is best done with an assistant. Compression is measured with the engine warm.

Consider the rest of the problems and nuances affecting fuel consumption

brake problems

the brakes of the Volga car, especially the GAZ-24 models, are distinguished by their "cleverness" and not optimal. What's the problem? And the fact that they like to wedge. And they do it for different reasons. So there may be a faulty check valve for adjusting the residual pressure in the brake system (located in the GTZ), the tension springs may be stretched, or the bearing pins of the brake pads may acidify, which will cause them to jam. Naturally swollen cuffs in the hydraulic vacuum amplifier (including its control valve), in the working and main brake cylinders, the divider contribute to poor wheel release. In general, I strongly recommend that everyone who is not chasing originality to install a normal vacuum amplifier. You can install a system from the GAZ-2410, or foreign cars. Decide for yourself what you prefer. But the vacuum cleaner from the GAZ-2410 has the property of "fucking ****" and does not slow down. But it can be disassembled and the cuffs can be replaced, although the procedure is not easy. I installed a new one, while the flight is normal.

problems with the chassis

overtightened wheel bearings, incorrect wheel alignment angles increase fuel consumption

deflated wheels are one of the most common causes of increased flow, buy a normal pressure gauge and pump after all, and do not be lazy to check the pressures at least once a week. there are also caps with a control function.

transmission problems

slipping clutch increases fuel consumption

too thick oil that does not meet the requirements of the factory in the axle and box leads to a sharp increase in fuel consumption, this is especially noticeable in winter.

overload with unnecessary things

the trunk in the Volga is large and many carry a lot of rubbish and heavy tools there. Think about whether you need 4 sets of keys and two jacks or 2 spare wheels? every extra kilogram is an additional expense. Many people in the winter throw a bag of sand in the trunk ... better install it, they are still allowed in the CIS.

sharp driving style

The Volga is a heavy car, and "sporty" driving increases fuel consumption dramatically.

Why do most Volgas have huge expense fuel? How to reduce consumption on the Volga?

GAZ 24 ›Logbook› Consumption 6.5l / 100km on 24 Volga!

Stalingrad, Russian Federation

Good day, buddies!

I am quite interested in fuel economy issues. And not only due to the fact that I have a rather gluttonous device :) And this is not only a monetary interest. Difficult to explain, but it turns into a gamble!

I like to squeeze a lot of mileage out of the car with a minimum of fuel.

My freeway record is 6.5 liters per 100km. Moreover, it is possible to achieve a lower consumption, not everything was perfect on this trip :) Measurement conditions - the road from Georgievsk to Stalingrad (approximately 680 km). I left with a deserted tank, arrived with an almost deserted tank, filled in a total of 48 liters at three gas stations.

Total less than 48 liters per 680 km.

How did I get one low consumption? At 402 carburetor engine, without choking the carba.

1 - Very smooth ride at low speed. 99% of the time I was driving at approximately the same speed - 80 km / h. By increasing the speed of a fairly cruising value, you pay an increased expense.

At a speed of a hundred, I would have a completely second consumption) Cruising speed depends on the cars, the more wonderful the engine and the better the aerodynamics, the higher this speed. At the Volga, according to my observations, the minimum consumption is at a speed of 70 km / h in 5th gear.

2 - if the terrain permits, I coast with the engine off. Under such conditions, the consumption is zero :) But this technique must be used with extreme caution. Firstly, at the end of the load, it is forbidden to immediately turn off the engine - at the end of the period of operation at high power, the combustion chambers and the cylinders are overheated, this will provide a chance for the coolant to remove this excess heat from the cylinders. If at the end

ascending the hill, immediately shut down the engine, local overheating may occur - I think this will not allow anything good for the engine. Second, the conventional steering lock must be removed. Perhaps, through carelessness, activate it by turning off the ignition, at speed it is not very pleasant :) Based on this, if you are planning to turn off the engine on the go, it is better to remove the lock.

And thirdly, at the end of a long slide down the hill, it is forbidden to immediately give heat to the engine. The oil again flows into the sump, and if you immediately apply a load, the engine can work with oil starvation. Start the engine 10 seconds before connecting the load and for a few seconds raise the revs up to a couple of thousand in order to drive the oil through the vessels of the engine.

Remember that after a certain time of engine inactivity, the vacuum brake booster is switched off! Be much more careful, and make sure that, in addition, without vacuum booster you are able to stop the car soon. To do this, you need to put the brakes in order.

And finally, I made a small upgrade of the engine :) I removed the cooling fan, which is attached to the pump and rotates invariably with the engine. On the freeway, in cold weather, an additional fan is not needed, the flow is already sufficient. We remove the heavy detail that is always spinning, while the blades cling to the airspace and create unnecessary drag.

It is fundamentally important - do not try to remove the fan in the heat, if you have sections on your route with municipal traffic or traffic jams! And constantly look at the temperature sensor) I think I saved a few liters per hundred with this upgrade :) Returning to the city, first of all, I returned Carlson to his place. And jokingly, I thought about installing an electric fan, so that it would turn on only when necessary, and not always take on some of the engine's energy.

The 24D engine has a high compression ratio of 8.2. For its normal operation, it is necessary to use gasoline with an octane number of at least 85 units (according to motor method), ie AI-93 or Extra gasoline. Gasoline AI-93 - leaded, it is colored blue. It should be remembered that leaded gasoline is poisonous and requires special handling. Avoid getting leaded gasoline on your hands, clothing and upholstery. Particularly dangerous are the consequences of the ingestion of leaded gasoline in the respiratory system or in the mouth.

The use of gasoline with a lower octane number (A-76 and especially A-72) is completely unacceptable for the 24D model engine.

For the 2401 engine, leaded gasoline A-76, painted green, is used.

Gasoline consumption GAZ-24 Volga

Volga cars are highly efficient, which, however, is only achieved when correct installation ignition, fine adjustment of the carburetor, the use of oils of the set viscosity for the engine and transmission, the correct adjustment of the bearings of the front wheel hubs and the maintenance of normal air pressure in the tires.

Efficiency is also very much dependent on correct driving practices. Driving fast with quick acceleration and frequent braking increases gas mileage.

Fuel consumption largely depends on the operating conditions of the vehicle and the qualifications of the driver. Fuel consumption is also influenced by speed, load, road surface condition, terrain, air temperature, driving techniques, etc.

With an increase in speed, fuel consumption changes in a certain relationship ( rice. 230 ). As seen on rice. 230 , the minimum consumption is obtained at a speed of 35-45 km / h. The most economical travel speed should be selected whenever possible.

Driving on country roads, cobbled roads, and city streets with frequent braking and stopping inevitably increases fuel consumption. Fuel consumption during winter operation increases by 10%. You need to watch especially carefully technical condition a car that has a decisive influence on the economy of its operation. In order to improve efficiency, the following is recommended:

1. Correctly adjust undercarriage and, first of all, the front wheel bearings.

2. Apply greases of the required viscosity in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

3. Maintain the air pressure of the tires according to technical characteristics.

4. Correctly adjust the toe-in of the front wheels.

5. Precisely adjust the parking brake actuator.

6. Use AI-93 or "extra" gasoline for the 24D engine and A-76 for the 2401 engine. In the case of using gasoline with a lower octane number, the engine works with detonation, and when a later ignition is installed, gasoline consumption increases.

7. Correctly install the ignition and check its setting while driving. Small recommended early ignition so that when the throttle control pedal is pressed sharply at a speed of 30-40 km / h, a slight, rapidly disappearing detonation is heard. Driving with constant detonation, including with increased load (on hills, on sand, etc.), is unacceptable.

8. Precisely adjust the carburetor, especially the speed idle move and the fuel level in the float chamber. The fuel level is adjusted by bending the tongue on the lever to which the float is soldered (see Fig. 51).

9. Use the candles specified in the technical specification, adjust the gap within 0.8-0.9 mm, replace the candles with new ones in a timely manner (after a run of 20-25 thousand km).

10. Monitor the tightness of the fuel lines to prevent leakage of fuel.

11. Maintain the coolant temperature within 85-90 ° С. It is recommended to close the blinds at stops and get under way without opening them. In winter, cover the radiator grille with a warm cover.

12. Maintain economical driving speeds. Use the terrain and road conditions correctly.

A fully run-in car with a properly adjusted running gear should roll freely on a flat asphalt road at a speed of 50 km / h until a full stop of at least 500 m. 35-45 km / h should be in the range of 8-8.5 liters per 100 km.

The dependence of gasoline consumption on a flat asphalt road on the speed of movement is shown in rice. 230 .

The real gas consumption of a GAZ-24 car with a ZMZ-24D engine at speeds of 80-90 km / h is:

On the highway - 11.5 - 13.0 liters. for 100 km.

In the city - 13 - 15 liters. per 100 km

High dynamic qualities and good stability of the car in combination with a soft elastic suspension allow you to move at high speeds as on good roads with asphalt and on roads with significant irregularities. However, it should be borne in mind that, although the driver and passengers, when driving on bad roads, hardly feel road irregularities, the load arising from this is fully perceived by the chassis. part of the car causing accelerated wear on the suspension and body. In particular, you should avoid driving at high speed when cornering, as this leads to rapid tire wear.

The economy of the engine and the wear of its parts is also affected by temperature regime engine operation. The temperature of the liquid in the cooling system must be maintained within 85-90 ° C, avoiding driving with a cold or insufficiently warmed up engine. The temperature in the cooling system is controlled by a thermostat and the degree of opening of the shutters. In winter, at low ambient temperatures, the blinds must be completely covered and an insulating cover must be put on the radiator lining.

It should also be borne in mind that while the engine is warming up, the thermostat in the cooling system is closed, water does not circulate through the radiator and may freeze in it, although it will be warm in the engine jacket. When the coolant temperature rises above the permissible limit, a red warning lamp on the instrument panel comes on.

In this case, check if the blinds are open enough. If, when the blinds are open, the lamp still does not go out, then you need to stop the car and eliminate the causes that caused the engine overheating. Overheating may be the result of excessive overlap of the valves of the insulation cover, insufficient amount of fluid in the cooling system, loosening of the fan belts, etc.

The warning light sometimes comes on immediately after stopping a heavily loaded engine due to the cessation of fluid circulation in the cooling system. In this case, the movement can be continued without waiting for the lamp to go out. After starting the engine, circulation in the cooling system resumes and the lamp goes out.

Driving with an overheated engine is not recommended, as "this drastically decreases the viscosity of the oil in the lubrication system, which leads to a reduction in the service life of the engine conrod bearing shells.

Drain water from the cooling system through two taps with an open radiator cap. In addition to the cooling system taps on the lower radiator tank and on the cylinder block, the heater tap on the right side of the engine must be open (on the cylinder block in the area between the third and fourth cylinders).

In severe frosts, it is recommended to cover the holes in the radiator shields with cardboard or rags, since the through flow of cold air greatly cools the oil in the steering gear and the brake fluid in the brake master cylinder, hydraulic booster and separator. An increase in the viscosity of the oil and brake fluid increases the effort on the steering wheel when cornering the vehicle and on the brake pedal when braking.

Heating of the combustible mixture in the intake pipe, especially necessary in winter, is carried out with the help of exhaust gases that heat the intake pipe in its central part. A damper is installed in the cavity of the exhaust pipe at the point of its attachment to the inlet pipe, with the help of which the direction of the exhaust gases and the degree of heating are changed. The damper can be set in two main positions: for summer and for winter; it is recommended to change the position of the damper in spring and autumn in accordance with the coming season.

An oil cooler is installed in the GAZ-24 lubrication system. In summer (when the air temperature is more than +5 ° C), the radiator must be turned on. In winter (when the air temperature is below + 5 ° C), the radiator should be turned off. To turn on the radiator, the handle of the valve located on the left side of the engine must be turned along the pipeline, to turn it off - across.

The oil in the engine is cleaned by one full-flow filter with a replaceable filter element, which must be replaced every time the oil in the crankcase is changed. Slight darkening of the oil containing additives is not a reason to change the oil or filter element.

Into the crankcase rear axle it is necessary to fill only special oil for hypoid gears passenger cars according to GOST 4003-53. Filling or topping up any other oil, including hypoid oil for trucks according to TU TNZ 128-63, renders the gears of the main drive unusable.

A hydraulic vacuum booster is installed in the vehicle's braking system, which comes into operation when the pedal travels, corresponding to the effort on the pedal pad 3.5-4 kgf. With further depressing of the pedal, the hydraulic vacuum booster provides an auxiliary effect, providing the necessary braking performance with a relatively low effort of the driver's foot. Therefore, it is recommended to press the brake pedal smoothly, without much effort.

When the pedal is pressed hard (jerkily), the pressure in the system after the actuation of the hydraulic vacuum booster quickly increases, causing too sharp braking and even wheel locking. Abrupt braking is especially dangerous on slippery road... It should be borne in mind that in winter, due to an increase in the viscosity of the brake fluid in the system, the hydraulic vacuum booster comes into action with more pedal effort than in summer, and therefore more attention is required when braking.

Separator included in brake system, provides sufficiently reliable braking in the event of a part failure brake system(front or rear brakes), but it is possible to continue driving only in exceptional cases and with the observance of precautions.

The brake system and clutch release drive should only be filled with brake fluids(BSK or ASK) made in vegetable oil. The use of liquids containing mineral oil and designed for oil-resistant rubber, for example, oil hydraulic brake fluid GHP, is strictly prohibited.

Sidelights and taillights the bodies have bodies made of plastic with decorative metallization. Contact with gasoline or solvent is not allowed, as it causes clouding and cracking of the plastic.

Locking the machine

To prevent starting the engine and stealing the car by unauthorized persons, the ignition key should be turned 90 ° counterclockwise, which not only turns off the ignition, but also locks the steering wheel. In this case, the front wheels should be set in the straight-ahead driving position. When unlocking the anti-theft device, it is recommended to wiggle the wheel round trip.

The buttons on the door panels in the pressed position block the drive of the locks both from the outside and from the inside. When the button is pressed, the inner handle of the lock is stationary. To avoid contamination of the mechanisms of the drive of the locks of the doors, trunk and gasoline tank hatch, the covers of their switches should always be kept closed.Using the radio in the parking lot with the engine off with the ignition on is not allowed, as this can lead to overheating and damage to the ignition coil. To avoid battery drain, it is not recommended to park the receiver for more than three hours in a row.

It is strictly forbidden, even for a short time, to connect terminals III of the generator and the voltage regulator to ground (for example, in order to check for a "spark"), as this may damage the voltage regulator.

The car is designed to carry 5-6 people and 50 kg of cargo in the trunk. The sixth seat with limited amenities is for short trips only.

It is allowed to carry cargo in the trunk up to 100 kg, but only on good roads and subject to movement at a reduced speed. Overloading the vehicle, especially when operating on poor (unpaved, cobbled and uncomfortable highways) roads, inevitably leads to a reduction in the life of the vehicle.

It is recommended to get under way only in first gear, and while driving, it is time to switch to lower gears, avoiding unnecessary loss of speed. This protects the transmission parts and especially the clutch from excessive loads and increased wear. It should also be borne in mind that the engine has better traction and throttle response when operating at increased speed.

Special note. Engine exhaust gases contain toxic products of fuel combustion, including carbon monoxide (a colorless and odorless gas), which, if inhaled, can cause severe poisoning and can even be fatal with prolonged exposure. Therefore, prolonged operation of the engine in the garage without special exhaust devices should be avoided. It is also not recommended to turn on the ventilation of the parking lot when the engine is running.

Book on GAZ-24 Run-in>

author Oman Nakonechny asked a question in the section Service, Maintenance, Tuning

How to reduce fuel consumption on GAZ 24 and got the best answer

Answer from Alexander Shinkar [newbie]
consumption depends on the pinched bearings ending with engine malfunctions and under-inflated tires.
Volga is a flow in the summer of 12 in the winter of 15 and listen to no one less than it can be.

Answer from An Galiev[guru]
don't ride :) joke ... you can try another carb, implanted in 2140, the consumption of about 9 liters was obtained ...

Answer from Alexey Ageev[guru]
do not start it, or maybe on a walkway something, the bearings can rub, maybe brake pads, camber ...

Answer from Glushko Andrey[guru]
change the oil in the box and the gearbox - in the winter it will slightly reduce consumption, the tires to pump back to normal

Answer from Lyudmila Ukrainian[newbie]
the whole thing can be in kilometers, if you drive them in first gear!

Answer from Garik Dobermanovich[guru]
Valves - definitely - "do not play" - Large gap - no shame! =)
Ignition look ...
Although a neighbor on the "Volga" - the consumption is approximately comparable to yours .... well, maybe 1-2 liters here / there ...
I do not believe in the consumption of 9 liters on the Volzhan - fairy tales! - either it is squeezed so that not only the second, but also the first chamber - does not breathe! =)))

Answer from Ўriy Bobrov[guru]
consumption on the Volga is very much dependent on the ignition setting, on these engines it is better to set the ignition not according to the power supply, but on the appearance of knocking knocks, when the car accelerates in 4 gears from a speed of 40 km, a slight detonation should be heard

Answer from Sergei Levchenko[newbie]
Watch the YouTube video the smallest gas consumption 24

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How to reduce fuel consumption on a GAZ 24

Fuel consumption rate GAZ according to the decree of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation for cars and commercial vehicles GAZ is calculated by the formula:

Qн = 0.01 x Hs x S x (1 + 0.01 x D)

where - fuel consumption rate for a GAZ car per 100 km, l; Hs- basic rate of fuel consumption per 100 km, (l / 100 km); S- vehicle mileage, km; D- coefficient of correction (total relative increase or decrease) to the norm,%.

Fuel consumption rates GAZelle NEXT

Fuel consumption rates GAZelle NEXT 4.6 t

GAZelle NEXT 4.6 t Fuel consumption, l / 100 km
GAZelle NEXT 4.6 t chassis, 3 seats.10,3
GAZelle NEXT 4.6 tons onboard platform with awning, 3 seats.10,5
GAZelle NEXT 4.6 t. "Farmer" onboard platform with awning, 7 seats.10,7
GAZelle NEXT 4.6 t. Euro platform, 3 seats.10,2
GAZelle NEXT 4.6 t. "Farmer" Euro-platform, 7 seats.10,45
GAZelle NEXT 4.6 t. Manufactured goods van, 3 places.10,8
GAZelle NEXT 4.6 t. "Farmer" manufactured goods van, 7 places.10,85
GAZelle NEXT 4.6 t. Isothermal van, 3 places.10,7
GAZelle NEXT 4.6 t refrigerator (sandwich), 3 places.10,5
GAZelle NEXT 4.6 t. "Farmer" isothermal van, 7 places.
GAZelle NEXT 4.6 t. "Farmer" refrigerator (sandwich), 7 places.11,2
GAZelle NEXT 4.6 t. All-metal van, 3 seats.10,9
GAZelle NEXT 4.6 t. All-metal van, 7 seats.11,1

GAZ Sobol Business Fuel consumption, l / 100 km
GAZ-22171 "Sobol" minibus with a high roof, 6 + 1 seats.11,2
GAZ-2310 "Sobol" manufactured goods van, 3 places.12,1
GAZ-2310 "Sobol" onboard platform with awning, 3 seats.12,1
GAZ-2217 "Sobol" minibus with a low roof, 6 + 1 seats.13,2
GAZ-2310 "Sable" Euro platform, 3 seats.10,8
GAZ-23107 "Sobol 4x4" onboard platform with awning, 3 seats.12,5
GAZ-2310 "Sobol" isothermal van, 3 places.12,6
GAZ-231073 "Sobol 4x4 Farmer" onboard platform with awning, 6 seats.11,7
GAZ-2217 "Sobol" salon-transformer "RIVIERA"13,2
GAZ-2752 "Sobol" all-metal van, 3 places.13,2
GAZ-2752 "Sobol" all-metal van, 7 seats.12,8
GAZ-2310 "Sobol" refrigerator (sandwich), 3 places.12,4
GAZ-27527 "Sobol 4x4" all-metal van, 7 seats.12,3
GAZ-22177 "Sobol 4x4" minibus with a low roof, 6 + 1 seats.12,9

Fuel consumption rate GAZ 3302 Business

GAZ 3302 Business Fuel consumption, l / 100 km
GAZ-3302 "Gazelle Business" onboard platform with awning, 3 seats.13,1
GAZ-3302 "GAZelle Business" manufactured goods van, 3 places.12,7
GAZ-3302 "GAZelle Business" euro platform, 3 seats.13,4
GAZ-3302 "Gazelle Business" isothermal van, 3 places.12,1
GAZ-33023 "GAZelle Business Farmer" onboard platform with awning, 6 seats.12,4
GAZ-33023 "GAZelle Business Farmer" manufactured goods van, 6 places.13,1
GAZ-33023 "GAZelle Business Farmer" isothermal van, 6 places.12,9
GAZ-33023 "GAZelle Business Farmer" euro platform, 6 seats.12,7
GAZ-33023 "GAZelle Business Farmer" refrigerator (sandwich), 6 places.12,1
GAZ-3302 "GAZelle Business" refrigerator (sandwich), 3 places.13,1
GAZ-33027 "GAZelle Business 4x4" onboard platform with awning, 3 seats.12,6
GAZ-330273 "GAZelle Business 4x4 Farmer" onboard platform with awning, 6 seats.13,4

Fuel consumption rates GAZ

Model Type of fuel
GAZ-1320,0 Petrol
GAZ-1422,0 Petrol
GAZ-2413,0 Petrol
GAZ-24-1013,0 Petrol
GAZ-24-6013,0 Petrol
GAZ-24-0113,5 Petrol
GAZ-24-0213,5 Petrol
GAZ-24-0716,5 Gas
GAZ-24-12 with ZMZ-402 engine13,5 Petrol
GAZ-24-1716,5 Gas
GAZ-310213,0 Petrol
GAZ-31020013,8 Petrol
GAZ-3102213,9 Petrol
GAZ-31022113,1 Petrol
GAZ-3102911,5 Petrol
GAZ-310513,7 Petrol
GAZ-311013,0 Petrol
GAZ-3110-55110,6 Petrol
GAZ-3110511,5 Petrol

Fuel consumption rates GAZ

Model Engine power, h.p. Engine volume, l Checkpoint Fuel consumption rate per 100 km
1 2 3 4 5
GAZ 3102 (Chrysler)131,9 2,429 5M12,4
GAZ 3102 (ZMZ-4062)131 2,285 5M12,3
GAZ 3102
145 2,285 5M11,3
GAZ 3102 (ZMZ-409.10;
40907.10; 40920A)
143 2,69 5M12,9
GAZ 3110
145 2,285 5M10,7
GAZ 310221 (Chrysler)131,9 2,429 5M12,9
GAZ 310221
130 2,285 5M12,3
GAZ 3102-501
137 2,429 5M10,9
GAZ 31105 (Chrysler)137 2,429 5M10,9
GAZ 31105
130 2,287 5M11,2
GAZ 31105-101
130 2,278 5M10,9
GAZ 31105-190
130 2,464 5M11,8
GAZ 31105-501
(Chrysler; AI-92)
137 2,429 5M10,6
GAZ 311113
136 2,464 5M11,3

Fuel consumption rates for GAZ Mintrans buses

Fuel consumption rates for GAZ Ministry of Transport are calculated using the formula:

Qн = 0.01 x Hs x S x (1 + 0.01 x D) + Hfrom x T, (2)

where - GAZ fuel consumption rate per 100 km, l; Hs- transport rate of fuel consumption per GAZ mileage, l / 100 km (taking into account the passenger load normalized for the class and purpose of the bus); S- bus mileage, km; From- the rate of fuel consumption when using standard independent heaters for the operation of the heater (heaters), l / h; T- operating time of the GAZ bus with the heater on, h; D- correction factor (total relative increase or decrease) to the norm,%.

Fuel consumption rates GAZelle Business

Fuel consumption rates GAZ Ministry of Transport year

GAZ buses up to 2008

Model Fuel consumption rate per 100 km Type of fuel
GAZ-22171 "Sobol" (7 seats)10,2 B
GAZ-22171-0 "Sobol" (7 seats) (ZMZ-4063-4L-2,3-110-4M)16,7 B
GAZ-22175 "Barguzin" (11 seats)14,5 B
GAZ-22177 (7 seats)15,6 B
GAZ-3221 (9 seats)
17,4 B
GAZ-3221 (9 seats)16,5 B
GAZ-3221 "Gazelle" (9 seats)18,8 B
GAZ-3221 "Gazelle" (9 seats) (ZMZ-4025.10-4L-2.445- 90-5M)17,9 B
GAZ-3221 "Gazelle" (9 seats)17,9 B
GAZ-3221 "Gazelle" (9 seats)16,9 B
GAZ-32213 (13 seats)
16,4 B
GAZ-32213 (13 seats)11,8 D
GAZ-32213 "Gazelle" (13 seats)16,9 B
GAZ-32213 Diesel Turbo (13 seats)11,0 D
GAZ-322132 (13 seats)16,2 B
GAZ-322132 (13 seats)15,8 B
GAZ-322132 (13 seats)15,5 B
GAZ-322132 (13 seats)17,6 B
GAZ-322132 (14 seats)17,9 B
GAZ-322173 (14 seats)18,2 B

Fuel consumption rates for GAZ buses of the Ministry of Transport

GAZ buses since 2008

Engine power, h.p.Working volume, lFuel consumption rate per 100 km
1 2 3 4
GAZ 2217 (6 seats; Chrysler)133,3 2,429 13,9
GAZ-2217 (6 seats; ZMZ-40524)123,8 2,464 14,1
GAZ-2217 (6 seats; UMP-421600)107 2,89 14,4
GAZ-2217 (7 seats; ZMZ-40522T)140 2,464 14,7
140 2,464 14,7
GAZ-22171 (10 seats; ZMZ-40630D)98 2,3 14,2
GAZ-22171 (10 seats; UMP-421600)107 2,89 14,6
GAZ-22171 (11 seats; ZMZ-405240)123,8 2,464 14,3
GAZ-22171 (6 seats; Chrysler)133,3 2,429 13,7
GAZ-22171-730 (7 seats; Chrysler)133,3 2,429 13,8
GAZ-221710 "Sable" (7 seats; Chrysler)133,3 2,429 14,2
GAZ-2217-288 "Business" (7 seats; UMP-421600)107 2,89 15,2
GAZ-22171 (11 seats; GAZ-560)95 2,134 10.2D
GAZ-22177 (6 seats; ZMZ-40522R)145 2,464 15,6
GAZ-2752 (7 seats; Chrysler)137 2,429 13
GAZ-3221 "Business" (9 seats; UMP-421600)107 2,89 15
GAZ-3221 (school 13 seats; UMP-4216)107 2,89 13
GAZ-3221-216 (8 seats; UMP-4216)107 2,89 15,1
GAZ-3221-218 (8 seats; UMP-4216)107 2,89 15,4
GAZ-32213 (13 seats; ZMZ-405220)140 2,464 15,8
GAZ-32213 (13 seats; Chrysler)133,3 2,429 14,6
GAZ-32213 (14 seats; ZMZ-40260F)86 2,445 16,9
GAZ-32213 (7 seats; ZMZ-405240)123,8 2,464 14,3
GAZ-32213 (13 seats; UMP-421600)107 2,89 15,2
GAZ-322132 (14 seats; UMP-421600)102 2,89 14,9
GAZ-32213-408 (13 seats; ZMZ-405240)123,8 2,464 15,5
GAZ-322173 (14 seats; ZMZ-405220)140 2,464 18,3
GAZ-322173 (14 seats; UMP-421600)107 2,89 17,3
GAZ-323810 "Barguzin" (7 seats; ZMZ-40630D)98 2,3 14,6
GAZ-32590C (11 seats; UMZ-421600)107 2,89 15,4

Fuel consumption of GAZ trucks

Fuel consumption for GAZ trucks and road trains in accordance with the fuel consumption rate is calculated by the formula:

where S Hsan

Fuel consumption rates GAZon NEXT

Fuel consumption rates GAZ NEXT

GAZ trucks up to 2008

Model Fuel consumption rate per 100 km Type of fuel
GAZ-2310 "Sobol" (ZMZ-40522-4L-2,464-145-5M)14,7 B
GAZ-2704 "Farmer" l / c (GAZ-560-4L-2,134-95-5M)11,9 D
GAZ-2943 "Farmer" (ZMZ-402-4L-2,445-100-4M)16,7 B
GAZ-3302 (ZMZ-405220-4L-2.464-145-5M)15,3 B
GAZ-3302 "Gazelle" (ZMZ-4063.10-4L-2,3-110-5M)15,5 B
GAZ-3302, -33021 "Gazelle" (ZMZ-4025.10-4L-2.445-90-5M)16,5 B
GAZ-3302, -330210 "Gazelle" (ZMZ-4026.10-4L-2,448-100-4M)16,5 B
GAZ-33021 (ZMZ-4025.10-4L-2.445-90-4M)16,9 B
GAZ-33021 (UMZ-42150-4L-2.89-89-5M)16,6 B
GAZ-330210 "Gazelle" (ZMZ-4026.10-4L-2,448-100-5M)16,0 B
GAZ-33023-16 (6 seats) (ZMZ-4026.10-4L-2.445-100-5M)15,7 B
GAZ-33027 "Gazelle" (ZMZ-4026.10-4L-2,445-100-5M)17,0 B
GAZ-330724,5 B
GAZ-33073 (ZMZ-511.10-8V-4.25-125-4M)24,9 B
GAZ-33104 Valdai (D-245.7E2-4L-4.75-117-5M)17,3 D
GAZ-52, GAZ-52A22,0 B
GAZ-52-0122,0 B
GAZ-52-0322,1 B
GAZ-52-0422,2 B
GAZ-52-0522,3 B
GAZ-52-07, -52-08, -52-09 GAZ-52-27, -52-28 30,0 21 LPG LNG
GAZ-53, -53A, -53-12, -53-12-016, -53-12A,
-53-50, -53-70
25,0 B
GAZ-53-07, -53-1937,0 CIS
GAZ-53-2725,5 (25) LNG
GAZ-63, -63A26,0 B
GAZ-66, -66A, -66AE, -66E, -66-01, -66-02,
-66-04, -66-05, -66-11
28,0 B

Fuel consumption for GAZ trucks and road trains in accordance with the fuel consumption rate per 100 km is calculated by the formula:

Qн = 0.01 x (Hsan x S + Hw x W) x (1 + 0.01 x D)

where - standard GAZ fuel consumption per 100 km, l; S- mileage of a car or road train, km; Hsan- the rate of fuel consumption for the mileage of a GAZ car or a road train in running order without load;

Fuel consumption rates for GAZ trucks

Fuel consumption rates GAZ 3309

Fuel consumption rates GAZ 3308

GAZ trucks since 2008

Model, make, modification of the carEngine power, h.p.Working volume, lCheckpointFuel consumption rate, l / 100 km
1 2 3 4 5
("Sable"; UMZ-4216)
107 2,89 5M15,2
133,3 2,429 5M13,7
GAZ-A21R22 Next
(Cummins ISF2.8s 4129P)
120 2,776 5M11,7D
GAZ A21R32 Next
(Cummins ISF2.8s 4129P)
120 2,776 5M11.9D
GAZ-AB-27573A (ZMZ-405240)123,8 2,464 5M14,4
GAZ-278462 (D-245.7E3)119 4,75 5M16.6D
GAZ 3302
133,3 2,429 5M13,8
GAZ 3302
123,8 2,464 5M15,1
GAZ 3302
107 2,89 5M15,2
GAZ 3302
102 2,89 5M14,7
GAZ 33023 "Farmer" (Chrysler)133,3 2,429 5M14,1
GAZ 33023 "Farmer" (ZMZ-405240)123,8 2,464 5M15,2
GAZ 33023 "Farmer" (UMZ-421600)107 2,89 5M15,6
GAZ 3302-531
110 2,134 5M13.2D
GAZ 330273 "Farmer" (UMZ-421600)107 2,89 5M16,4
GAZ 3308 "Sadko"
116 4,25 4M26,9
3308 "Sadko"
113 4,67 5M26,7
GAZ 331043
119 4,75 5M17.5D
GAZ 33106
(Cummins ISF3.8s3154T)
152 3,76 5M15.3D
GAZ 37053C
140 2,464 5M15,6

Fuel consumption for GAZ dump trucks is calculated in accordance with the fuel consumption rate of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation according to the formula:

Qн = 0.01 x (Hsan x S + Hw x W) x (1 + 0.01 x D)

where - fuel consumption rate of the GAZ dump truck, l; S- mileage of the GAZ dump truck, km; Hsan- the rate of fuel consumption for the run of the dump truck in running order without load;

Fuel consumption rates for GAZ dump trucks

Dump trucks GAZ since 2008

Fuel consumption for GAZ vans

Fuel consumption of GAZ vans, the standard value of fuel consumption is determined similarly to the onboard trucks according to the formula:

Qн = 0.01 x (Hsan x S + Hw x W) x (1 + 0.01 x D)

where - standard fuel consumption of the GAZ van, l; S- van mileage, km; Hsan- the rate of fuel consumption for the run of the van in running order without load;

For vans operating without taking into account the mass of the transported cargo, the standardized value of fuel consumption is determined taking into account the increasing correction factor - up to 10% to the base rate.


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