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Manufacturers lubricants are guided by the operational requirements of modern power units, each of which has its own design features... In this regard, all motor fluids are created for certain parameters noted by the manufacturer in the product labeling. 5W50 engine oil is no exception. It removes the system from various types of contaminants, maintaining its properties at the most extreme temperatures.

In the product labeling, the manufacturer encrypted the viscosity-temperature parameters at which the engine oil works stably. The decoding of the mixture is as follows. The number 5 denotes the low temperature index or frost resistance of the product. For the lubricant under consideration, the lower limit of stability of the composition is at minus 25 degrees of cold. If grease is used below this temperature threshold, it will not pump through the oil passages. The letter W indicates the all-season use of the technical mixture. The number 50 indicates that the engine oil retains its main characteristics up to 50 degrees Celsius. Automotive grease has a wide temperature Range application of the composition from -25 to 50 degrees Celsius.


Viscosity motor fluid has a significant impact on the durability of the engine. In cases where the density of the technical solution is very low, the engine oil is not able to adhere to the working mechanisms of the propulsion system. It will drain into the oil pan, while leaving the working parts of the motor without a protective film. This process leads to premature wear of parts. A similar process is observed with excessive viscosity of the oil solution. With a high density, the lubricant cannot quickly spread through the oil channels. All this leads to a decrease in the service life of the power unit.

The performance and service life of the engine is also affected by carbon deposits that form in the vehicle's engine system over time.

The automobile fluid in question has excellent detergent properties, so it easily copes with neoplasms and deposits, safely removing them from the system.

Automotive oil of this viscosity has a synthetic origin. Base oils are obtained through hydrocracking. To impart special properties, a special additive package is introduced into the base base.

As already noted, motor fluid has a wide temperature range of use, therefore the application car oil for a run in the southern regions of the country is more than justified.

Motor fluid performs well at increased operating loads. The engine feels good in urban operation, that is, with frequent idleness of the car at traffic lights and pedestrian areas. Specifications lubricating component to protect the working areas during engine start.

Automotive oil has been approved by many major car manufacturers such as Mercedes, Volkswagen, Lexus, Porsche, BMW.

The motor fluid can be used both in lightweight vehicles and in light duty trucks.

On the market fuels and lubricants machine oil can be found in plastic containers with a volume of 1 and 4 liters. There are also more weighty packaging of the product - 20 and 208 liters. Such increased volumes are convenient for use in large vehicle fleets.

Advantages and disadvantages

The car oil has different advantages that allow the lubricant composition to differ from its competitors. The main indicators of the motor fluid:

Many manufacturers auto Vehicle recommend lubricants with a viscosity of 5W50 for modern engines. The oil can be used at the first filling in cars from the conveyor and used cars.

Numerous practical tests prove the high performance of the lubricant. The mixture is suitable for use at any time of the year.

Machine lubrication prevents early wear of engine parts and the formation of corrosion. The additives incorporated into base oils help cleanse the engine from unwanted deposits. Thanks to this property, the lubricant does not lose its useful characteristics for the entire period of operation. The lubricant change interval is every 10 thousand kilometers.

The lubricant contains substances that prevent oxidation. This allows you to restore the operating parameters of the power plant.


Before pouring the oil product into the car's engine system, the driver should familiarize himself with the technical regulations of the transport, or simply the instructions. If the car owner independently purchases consumables and pours it into the engine himself, then you should always compare the labeling of the goods purchased at the outlet with the recommendation of the lubricant manufacturer. If the lubricant is replaced at a car service, then it is necessary to monitor the packaging from which the motor fluid is poured.

It is not uncommon for employees to deceive customers and fill in another consumable.

This "replacement" is explained by the cost of the lubricant and its high-quality performance properties. The price tag for motor oil with a viscosity of 5W50 is higher than that of competitors, by about 30%.

Automotive lubricant will take good care of your power plant the car, keeping its performance at the proper level. Such protection is valid provided that the lubricant is used as intended and that consumables are purchased from authorized sales representatives. The engine oil will work in the same way both in the northern regions of the country and in the hot south.

A person is so constituted that he tries to buy "quality", but at a more attractive price. Therefore, the consumer has a great chance of encountering a counterfeit. If a poor-quality product is purchased, the manufacturer declines responsibility for early wear of the car engine.

As you know, motor fluid is designed to lubricate engine parts, which means that its quality plays an important role in the functioning of the motor. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the choice of oil. Today we will tell you what Mobil 1 5w50 engine oil is, reviews of motorists who have used this fluid will also be provided at the end of the article.



Motor oil (hereinafter - MM) Mobil 1 5W-50 is a fully synthetic fluid, which is manufactured using a patented technology of the Mobil company. This MM is a quality product, tested by time and by domestic motorists. 5W-50 marking fluid is an all-season consumable, which means that it can be operated both in summer and in the cold season.

In terms of its performance characteristics, "Mobil" is in many ways superior to other consumables on a mineral and semi-synthetic basis. According to the manufacturer itself, MM is able to provide a reliable level of motor protection. This is largely possible due to the high properties of the temperature of the fluid and its viscosity, as a result of which the oil is quickly supplied to all lubrication points.

A quick intake of engine fluid allows you to ensure good conditions for starting the engine in severe frost, and the temperature-viscosity properties, in general, comply with the SAE standard. It should also be noted that the oil guarantees reliable protection of engine parts from increased wear.

According to the manufacturer, the liquid is able to save gasoline, and the API SH category once again confirms this fact.

What are the advantages of using Mobil 5w50 synthetics in comparison with mineral and semi-synthetic fluids?

  • even when using the vehicle with long intervals of changing the MM, the performance characteristics of the fluid remain stable;
  • good low-temperature properties of MM, which makes it easy to start the engine and protect its parts and all components from increased wear, especially if the machine is used in cold climates;
  • when driving at high speeds, high-temperature characteristics allow you to protect the motor even at maximum loads;
  • also liquid, can increase the operating time of not only a new, but also an old motor;
  • fuel economy compared to other fluids;
  • reduced consumption of MM - engine oil practically does not "go away";
  • note the safety of use: MM from "Mobil" do not have a negative impact on human health, if the necessary conditions for handling the liquid are observed;
  • ММ "Mobil 5w50" does not require specific precautions if the rules of personal hygiene are followed (in particular - washing clothes contaminated with ММ, washing the skin with soap and water).

Now we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics of MM:

  • according to the SAE standard, as mentioned above, the viscosity grade is 5W-50;
  • the kinematic viscosity index at a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius is 103 cSt;
  • the kinematic viscosity index at 100 degrees of motor operation is 17 cSt;
  • the viscosity index is 184;
  • the dynamic viscosity index at 150 degrees and at high shear rate is 4.2;
  • MM will begin to solidify at a temperature of -54 degrees and below;
  • the liquid can ignite at an engine operating temperature of 240 degrees, but this is unlikely, since the coolant will boil earlier and the engine will not work.

For which machines is it suitable?

In fact, MM "Mobil 5w50" is suitable for most vehicles found on domestic roads. In particular, the fluid is capable of providing a reliable level of protection for modern diesel and gasoline engines v:

The use of MM "Mobil" is advisable in those engines, the cars of which operate under conditions of increased severity. Also included are turbocharged engines.

Motor oil "Mobil 1 5w50" in liter and four liter packages

The manufacturer recommends using consumables for motors that operate at maximum speeds and with maximum loads. Here we are talking about machines whose gearboxes allow the inclusion of sport mode... In other words, the MM from Mobil is suitable for most of the cars available today. The fluid is recommended for use in cars by the following manufacturers:

  • Audi;
  • Mercedes-Benz;
  • Porsche;
  • Skoda;
  • Volkswagen.


What can tell about the quality of consumables better than the reviews of motorists? Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with them.

I poured Mobil engine oil, drove about 8 thousand on it. By the way, I changed it before winter, so I was able to appreciate all the advantages in conditions of heavy use. Firstly, the liquid from the engine does not go anywhere, for the entire time it has topped up about 200 grams. Secondly, even in severe frosts, the car started up very easily and naturally, I was even surprised. I always had problems with starting on a cold one, I had to add additives, but everything is clear here. Recommend!I don’t know why it’s like that for me - despite the manufacturer’s comments that the oil doesn’t go away, I had to top up about one and a half liters after replacing it. I changed the engine oil, drove about a thousand kilometers, decided to check the level. I determined by the probe that it was at a minimum. In general, for 10 thousand kilometers, I had to top up a lot (there are no leaks), and the oil is not cheap, I had to buy a liter bottle. I put "minus".
I decided to change the oil, I have a Mitsubishi Outlander. I arrived at the store, thought that it is better not to save money and take something of high quality. The seller recommended Shell at first, but I used it and, frankly, I was not satisfied with everything. Therefore, I took "Mobil". There are no complaints, I am completely satisfied with the purchase.I have been advised to refill Mobil 5w50 many times. I have never been led to this, and then suddenly decided to try. And it’s in vain, I’ll tell you so. Not only does it go to some unknown place, well, to waste, I guess. It also has a strange color when replaced. In general - I do not trust and do not advise.
I pour in my car (Toyota Camry) exclusively "Mobile". Already five times I changed the liquid, and I always fill in the same one. Once I realized that it is perfect for my car and now I'm not going to experiment. There are no problems either in summer or in winter, so I recommend not to spare money and buy a high-quality "consumable". Moreover, it fully justifies itself - European quality, and not the counterfeit that we are used to bottling in our basements and passing off as the original.Filled it, drove several thousand km, had to top up. And for this, buy another bottle. Very expensive oil, this price does not justify itself. Moreover, it is no better than our "consumables". I can't say anything good.
A specialist at the service station discouraged me from pouring this oil. He says that there is no need to overpay money, and the effect from it is the same as from Lukoil. Yeah, only Lukoil “leaves” all the time, but there are no such problems with Mobil. I think so - it is better to overpay a little once than to face expensive repairs later. I completely trust the oil.

Judging by the reviews of motorists, MM is a high-quality consumable. In particular, this is due to the original technology for the production of liquid. With handicraft manufacturing, a fake, of course, will not be able to ensure the full performance of all the necessary functions that a high-quality MM should perform. Hence the negative reviews.

Mobile lubricants are traditionally associated with high quality, expensive products. American brand, one of the first to enter Russian markets and took its own niche after the full opening of the borders.

Why Mobil 5W50 engine oils are so interesting, let's try to figure it out below.

Key Features of Mobil 5W50

Mobile lubricants include several 5W-50 viscosity products. Two of them practically do not differ in technical characteristics: Mobil 1 5W 50 and Mobil 1 Peak Life 5W 50.

One of them, the newer one, is the result of the rebranding of the other. Apart from changing the name and updating the label, there were no critical changes in the composition and performance characteristics. Another product, Mobil 1 FS X1 5W 50, has a few minor differences.

Let's look at the characteristics of Mobil 1 Peak Life 5W 50 and its equivalent, and also briefly analyze what these characteristics mean.

Chemical composition and manufacturability

The oil, judging by the results of independent tests, is for the most part created on a hydrocracked basis with the addition of synthetic components of 4 and 5 groups according to API.


The additive package is the high-tech Infineum. In addition to the standard kit, which includes the zinc-phosphorus friction modifier ZDDP, as well as boron and calcium, spectrographic analysis revealed a small amount of molybdenum.

This means that Mobil1 5W50 contains organic molybdenum, which is beneficial in the long term on low-depleted surfaces.

Viscosity characteristics

The kinematic viscosity at 100 ° C is 17.5 cSt. Average for SAE 5W-50 class. At 40 ° C, the viscosity reaches 108 cSt. That is, the grease is quite thick in the operating temperature range. And this negatively affects fuel efficiency.

The dynamic viscosity, tested for shear at high linear speeds and elevated temperatures, is 4.4 cP. This parameter describes the properties of the lubricant when working in a pair of ring-cylinder friction.

It characterizes how well the oil retains its properties under extreme conditions when working on the most loaded contacting surfaces of the internal combustion engine.

Viscosity index is 180 units... This is a very high figure for greases with such a difference between winter and summer viscosity. That is Mobil oil 1 5W50 remains stable viscous, retains its density over a wide temperature range. And at the same time, it provides a good easy start in cold weather.

Ignition, ash content and base number

Ignition index in an open crucible - 231 ° C. High performance characteristic of high-performance synthetic lubricants with a viscosity of 5W-50.

Sulphated ash is 1.3% of the total lubricant volume. Pre-threshold for Full Saps lubricants. The emission of solid particles during the combustion of the lubricant in the cylinder is small, but not small enough for filling into diesel engines equipped with DPF filters.

The TBN is very high - 11.8 mgKOH / g. Provides excellent detergent, dispersant and anti-sludge properties.

The cost of these engine oils, even if you compare it with high performance, cannot be called low.

Differences between oils from "Mobil" with a viscosity of 5W-50

As mentioned above, regular oil without the name Mobil 5W-50 and its "twin" Peak Life are the same in terms of technical characteristics. And the version of Mobil 1 FS X1 5W 50 grease is slightly different.

Let's take a quick look at these differences:

  1. The viscosity at 100 and 40 ° C is slightly lower than that of other oils, but only by 1-2%. This practically does not affect the real properties of the lubricant.
  2. The oil is more resistant to low temperatures. The pour point is at –45 ° C. It is quite natural for the lower high temperature viscosity.
  3. Price. The FS version is slightly more expensive.

This is where the significant similarities in terms of technical characteristics end. There are differences in the scope, but more on that below.

Approvals, specifications, approvals

Mobil Peak Life 5W50 engine oil is manufactured to meet the requirements of the following international standards:

  • by API: SN and below for gasoline, as well as CF for diesel;
  • according to ACEA: A3 / B3 and A3 / B4.

These indicators indicate that oil can be poured into gasoline and diesel internal combustion engines with any power supply systems, including unit injectors (direct injection).

Compatible with exhaust gas converters. Suitable for turbocharged engines. Cannot be used in diesel vehicles that have a particulate filter.

Mobil 1 FS 5W50 engine oil meets the same standards as cheaper options.

Peak Life and Regular 5W-50 greases have the following automaker approvals:

  • Volkswagen 501 01 and 505 00;
  • MB-Approval 229.1;
  • Porsche A40;
  • MercedesBenz-Approval 229.3;
  • Lexus LFA Service Fill.

Approvals for the FS version are slightly different. Namely, it has no endorsement for Volkswagen cars and Lexus.

Scope and customer reviews

Despite the similar technical characteristics, the field of application of these greases is different. At the same time, oils can be interchangeable. Let's figure out why this is happening.

For "charged" motors that operate at high revs, increased contact loads and become very hot, it is important that the oil retains its viscosity.

The rubbing parts work with colossal overloads. And good protection is provided by the thicker and more stable overheating Mobil 1 Advanced Full Synthetic 5W50 oil.

In engines with mileage, the clearances are greatly increased... And here it is important that the oil film, especially in the ring-cylinder friction pair, is thicker and stronger than the standard one. Otherwise, engine wear will accelerate like an avalanche. The thicker the film, the thicker the oil should be.

Customers generally speak well of this lubricant. It is important to understand that oil with such a viscosity is not mass. And when a motorist buys a similar product, he must do it consciously.

In reviews of Mobil 5W50, for engines with wear, there is a decrease in engine noise and a decrease in oil consumption for waste. Some motorists notice an increase in power.

In parallel, fuel consumption may increase. Especially with a sharp transition, for example, from 5W-30 to 5W-50. Viscous friction loss will increase. Motorists speak negatively about the cost of these lubricants.

Despite the fact that these are high-tech products with the addition of synthetics of groups 4 and 5 and an enriched package of additives, the cost of 5W50 lubricants from Mobil is, on average, 30-50% higher than simpler analogues with similar characteristics.

Also, some motorists talk about the presence of fakes, and quite high-quality ones.

Below are the Mobil 5W50 part numbers for the most common 4 liter container:

  • normal - 152085;
  • Peak Life - 153638.

Counterfeits and methods of their recognition

Mobil lubricants are often counterfeited. However, counterfeit manufacturers generally limit themselves to common SAE viscosity grades. And the less popular oils are almost never counterfeited.

Mobil 1 5W50 4L is the most common oil on the market. It is on him that you can find a fake on the market. And, for example, counterfeit manufacturers do not pay attention to Mobil 1 5W 50 1 liter. So far, no proven fakes have been found.

How to distinguish a fake from an original? Manufacturers of clandestine products "Mobil" make mistakes, by which you can easily recognize a poor-quality product. Let's consider the most common differences:

It is important to understand that Mobil makes oils with fairly high performance and price. Therefore, the company does not skimp on packaging. And any flaws in the printing or plastic molding of the canister should cause alertness.

According to a study by the Avtostat agency, domestic motorists annually buy about 280 tons of motor oil for passenger cars. The high demand for these lubricants shows an acceptable price / quality ratio for Mobil 5W50 oil. By reading the material below, you will learn how to buy genuine, high quality lubricants.


For which cars is it suitable?

Synthetics 5W50 is considered one of the best among the produced analogues of this brand. This lubricant is not a representative of the sports series, but is marketed using SuperSyn technology, originally intended for cars participating in sports events.

At high temperatures, Mobil 5W50 is able to provide good protection against premature failure of parts. By applying this oil even under extreme conditions, you will see how easily it provides high wear resistance and reduces deposits. The service life of Mobil 5W50 synthetic oil should vary from 100 to 150 thousand kilometers at standard conditions exploitation. In extreme temperatures or at increased loads, it is necessary to replace the lubricant after 50-60 thousand kilometers.

In addition to protecting engine parts from wear, Mobil 5W50 oil, due to its composition, also guarantees detergent properties. This ensures excellent protection and cleanliness of the motor, which means a longer service life and fewer workshop visits. According to reviews of Toyota, Audi, Mitsubishi, Honda owners using Mobil 1 Peak Life 5W50, this is one of the the best oils, which has shown a high level of protection of engine parts in winter and summer during tests by the magazine "Za Rulem" and in practice.

Mobile 5W50 oil can be used in most vehicles that are found on the roads of our country. It will easily provide reliable protection like gasoline engines and diesel. Among the consumers of this lubricant there are owners passenger cars, minibuses, SUVs and crossovers. Also to the consumer of this oil can easily be attributed to owners of vehicles with a turbocharged engine.

How does 5W50 stand for?

Description of the viscosity index parameters:

  1. The first 5. Shows us the temperature mark of freezing of particles of the composition. In this case, it starts at -30 degrees. At the slightest drop in temperature, it will be impossible to let the engine oil through the engine channels.
  2. The letter W. Means that the oil can be used both in summer and in winter, since the cold season indicated in the label is critical.
  3. Two-digit numbers . Knowing them, you will understand what the maximum high temperature is permissible for the correct operation of the lubricant. If the temperature limit is exceeded, the oil can boil and cease to perform protective functions.

Manufacturer and quality

The French corporation Exxon Mobil is engaged in the production of Mobil 5W50 engine oil. Previously, this company was closely involved in the production of products for the care and maintenance of power plants.

Mobil 5W50's characteristics allow it to be used in a variety of temperature conditions, both in summer and winter. Performance characteristics Mobil 5W50 are considered much higher when compared to analogues. This lubricant is an SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) standard.

Oils marked 5W50 have first class performance in extreme frost and high temperatures. This allows them to be used for engines of any modern vehicles.

Forms of issue and articles

Mobil 5W50 can be found commercially available in 4 liter or 1 liter gray canisters.

Item numbers:

  • 152561 - Mobil 1 5W-50 4L;
  • 152562 - Mobil 1 5W-50 1L.

For large vehicle fleets, there is a package of 20 liters and 208 liters.

Mobil 1 5W-50 synthetic oil 20 liter Mobil 1 5W-50 synthetic oil 1 liter Mobil 1 5W-50 synthetic 4 liter oil Mobil 1 5W-50 synthetic oil rated 208 liters

Specifications and parameters

Specification and approvals

Tolerances and specifications:

  • VW 501 01/505 00;
  • SAE 5W-50;
  • API SN / SM / SL / SJ / CF;
  • ACEA A3 / B3, A3 / B4;
  • MB 229.1;
  • MB 229.3;
  • PORSCHE A40;
  • Lexus LFA Service Fill;
  • BMW High Performance Diesel Oil;
  • AAE B6.


The following lubricants can be called analogs of the oil in question:

XADO Atomic Oil 5W-50 SL / CF Mobil Super 3000 5W-40 Mobil Super 2000 10W-40

How to distinguish a fake?

Using the instructions below, you can distinguish original oil from counterfeiting:

  1. Package. All welded seams should look flawless and tidy. Letters on the label should not flow or rub off if rubbed over them with a damp cloth. Bright and clear font, even stickers, printed batch number - already half the guarantee that you have original Mobil 5W50 oil in your hands.
  2. Lid. The oil should close tightly and the lid should have a minimum gap. If the gap is large, you can suspect that the liquid in the bottle is counterfeit. If you have an original bottle in your hands, when you open it, the lid will certainly extend into a small spout.
  3. Smell. You will not be allowed to open the oil cover until you pay for the item, but be sure to pay attention to the smell before pouring it into the machine. The original Mobile 5W50 has a mild smell, and often does not smell at all. Unlike the original, the fake has a strong unpleasant odor.

The video clearly shows how to distinguish an original from a fake. The author of the channel Program Car.

Oil cost

If you turn to the catalogs of online stores specializing in the sale of lubricants for cars, you can find the following prices for Mobil 5W50 oil:

  • Mobile 1 5W-50 1 l from 548 rubles;
  • Mobile 1 5W-50 4 l from 2,100 rubles.

Mobil 5w50 engine oil belongs to the group synthetic oils marketed under the brand name Mobil 1.

Mobil 1 has a proven track record among consumers. According to the sales results for 2015 and 9 months of 2016, the oil of this brand won the leading position in terms of sales. Mobile also provides good engine performance before the first overhaul.

On lettered cars total mileage before the engine bulkhead exceeds 500,000 km. Also, this manufacturer has established itself well in the market for transmission and industrial oils, where it is also in the top ten.

Oil packaging

There is Mobil 5w 50 oil on the market, packaged in plastic canisters gray with a capacity of 4 and 1 liter. For the convenience of servicing large car parks, there is packaging in 20 l plastic drums and 208 l iron drums.

Reading the label

The full synthetics in question are mainly used for gasoline engines with increased technical data. According to ExxonMobil, this grease can be used for filling in diesel engines. The possibility of such an application is indicated by the API CF marking indicated on the product label.

According to the ACEA standard, the fluid is intended for use in high-powered engines with high mechanical stress and operating under severe operating conditions. European mark indicates the suitability of this type lubricating fluid for diesel engines with direct fuel injection, also for use on light trucks.

According to the decoding of the APi coding, the petrochemical product can be used on cars manufactured after 1996 and has increased protection against oxidation.

All standards, except SAE, indicate that the oil is applicable for engine operation with extended drain intervals.

SAE Mobil 1 5w50 performance indicates optimum temperature regime starting the engine. The temperature of the outside air, which ensures the optimum lubricating properties of the oil, at the start is in the range from -30 to + 50C.

The technical meaning of such a limitation of the operating mode indicates that at the minimum winter temperature, the oil viscosity is sufficient to crank the engine with a standard starter. rechargeable battery specified in the vehicle specification.

At a maximum summer air temperature of + 50C, the condition is ensured that the oil film does not drain from the surface of the mating parts and retains its protective properties of the rubbing pair.

Description of the oil. specified in the quality certificate indicates that this product complies with GOST R 51634-2000. For technical personnel of the old school, the designation 5w50 corresponds to GOST M-3z / 20E 1 E 2. In fact, if the labeling is correlated with the old GOST, then this technical fluid has the maximum possible all-season application based on the requirements in force until 2003.


Mobil1 5w50 is designed for all-season use in any car engines... Increased summer lubrication characteristics ensure reliable operation of car engines at temperatures up to + 50C.

Do not forget that when parking in the open air on a sunny summer day at an air temperature of + 35C, the temperature in the engine compartment can easily reach + 50C. Therefore, this type of liquid lubricant is indispensable when using the tactics of changing oil by mileage when operating a car in the southern regions of the country.

However, it is also indispensable when used for filling in the engine of a vehicle fleet operating in excess of the rated commercial load of a car, or for vehicles that are often in traffic jams.

Modern cars are equipped with fuel economy systems that turn off the internal combustion engine when stopping at a traffic light and then start when the gas pedal is pressed. When stopped for a long time under conditions of a plug, oil that has reached operating temperature can drain into the crankcase. This happens when parked for more than 10 minutes. The technical characteristics specified in the 5w50 colline are able to ensure safe engine start.

Mobil1 5w50 and 15w 40 engine oil is approved for filling on the assembly line of Mersedez Benz, Volkswagen, Porsche, Lexus and BMW.


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