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Pumping and compressor units are used to compress and move liquids and gases.

In ancient times, a scoop was used to raise water from wells, then buckets and buckets suspended on ropes, then the buckets were lifted with a "crane" and a collar. Later, mechanisms of continuous movement appear - scoops located on a rotating wheel rim or a belt thrown over a drive wheel.

An important invention was the simplest wooden piston pump, driven primarily by human or animal power. Primitive wooden piston pumps have been around for centuries without significant design changes. And only in the 18th century. with the development of the production of cast iron, steel and various machines and with the emergence steam engines piston pump designs have been improved. Currently, piston pumps are widely used in many sectors of the national economy.

The centrifugal pump was invented in 1700 but was hardly used at the time. Only at the end of the 19th century. in connection with the invention of the electric motor, centrifugal pumps were used. Later, when the work of centrifugal pump parts was studied, they were significantly improved.

High performance, economical and compact centrifugal and propeller pumps are now being manufactured.

Fur and fan are the oldest air blowers. With their help, in the past, when smelting metal and forging work, air was supplied to the forge and furnaces. Until the 18th century. in metallurgical plants, blast furnaces were supplied with air by box bellows powered by water wheels.

In the XVIII century. Russian self-taught mechanic I.I. Polzunov developed the design of a steam engine and a piston cylindrical blower. In 1832 the Russian engineer A.A. Sablukov invented the centrifugal fan, which laid the foundation for the use of centrifugal machines in the mining and metallurgical industries.

Russian scientists played an important role in the development of compressors and pumps. L. Euler, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, developed the theoretical foundations for the operation of blade machines. Professor N.E. Zhukovsky created the theory of the propeller, on the basis of which axial fans and pumps are calculated and designed. Nevertheless, compressors were imported to tsarist Russia from abroad. During the years of Soviet power, factories for the production of various modern designs of pumping and compressor machines were built in the USSR.

Now compressor and pumping units are widely used in water supply of cities, hydraulic structures, oil and oil refining, metallurgical, mining and other sectors of the national economy. The chemical industry takes one of the first places among the consumers of pumps and compressors. So, most chemical compounds are obtained either under increased pressure or under vacuum created by compressors and pumps.

The need for centrifugal and plunger pumps of various designs for the period is estimated at more than 200,000 pcs. The pumps will be produced in high-performance and economical manner using hydraulic bearings and new corrosion-resistant materials.

Rational designs of reciprocating compressors with graphite and labyrinth seals, operating without lubrication of the cylinder group, will be developed. The number of designs of screw and diaphragm compressors will increase, in which there will be practically no leakage and pollution lubricating oil compressible gas. Gas-engine compressor units, the upper cylinders of which are power cylinders, and the horizontal ones are compressor units, will find wide application. Compressor installations for combined gas compression in centrifugal and reciprocating compressors of large capacity will be introduced for gas separation processes. Pumping and compressor units included in the technological production schemes will have integrated automatic and telemechanical control.


The converted gas from the common manifold flows through the hydraulic seal 1 into the buffer vessel 2 of the 1st stage suction. From the vessel, gas in two streams enters the suction of the 1st stage cylinders 6, is compressed to 0.35 MPa and goes to the refrigerator of the 1st stage 3, where it is cooled to a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C. Having passed the buffer 5 of the 2nd stage suction, the gas is compressed in the cylinder of the II stage 7 to 1.09 MPa and is sent sequentially to the pressure buffer 8 of the II stage, the cooler of the III stage 4 and the buffer 10 of the suction of the III stage. In the cylinder of the III stage, the gas is compressed to 2.33 MPa and then passes the pressure buffer 12 of the III stage, the cooler of the III stage 13 and the buffer 14 of the suction of the IV stage. From the buffer, part of the gas enters directly into the cylinder of stage IV 16, and part of it passes the refrigerators of the equalizing cavity 15, and then goes to the equalizing cavity of the IV stage 17. Gas, compressed in the IV stage to 6.95 MPa, passes the buffer 19 of the injection of the IV stage, along the outlet from which is divided into two parallel streams and enters the coolers of the IV stage 20.

Both streams are connected in the moisture-oil separator of stage IV 21. After the moisture-oil separator, part of the gas enters the cylinder of stage V 22, and part, passing through the cooler of the equalizing cavity 24, into the equalizing cavity of stage V 23. The gas compressed in the V stage to 18.4 MPa, the pressure buffer 25 of the 5th stage, the coolers of the 5th stage 26 and the moisture-oil separator of the 5th stage 21 pass sequentially. Further, the gas flows in two streams into two cylinders of the VI stage 18, where it is compressed to 32.1 MPa. At the exit from the cylinder of the VI stage, each gas stream passes the buffer 28 of the injection of the VI stage and the cooler 29. Both streams are connected in the moisture-oil separator 30. At the exit from the moisture-oil separator, the gas is directed to the injection manifold. When the compressor stops, the gas is vented to the atmosphere through the muffler. The compressor is driven by an electric motor 9. To reliably disconnect the compressor from the suction manifold of the shop, the hydraulic seal 1 is filled with water.




When the piston moves from top dead center, the pressure in the compression zone drops below the suction pressure (point 4). The inlet valve opens and air from the suction area enters the compression area. The piston at this moment moves upward and the pressure in the compression zone increases. As soon as it exceeds the suction pressure, the inlet valve closes (point 1).

The pressure continues to rise until it exceeds the discharge pressure (point 2). The exhaust valve opens and compressed air flows into the discharge line until the piston reaches top dead center.

On the final downstroke of the piston, the pressure in the cylinder decreases very quickly and the exhaust valve closes again (point 3).

The compressor consists of working cylinders, pistons, suction and discharge valves located in the cylinder covers.

The compressor has six compression stages and eight cylinders: two cylinders in I and VI stages and one in the others. Cylinders of stages IV and VI are made in the form of two differential blocks of the same design: block IV - VI of stages with a discharge pressure equalizing cavity of the III stage located between them and a block of V - VI stages with an equalizing cavity of discharge pressure of IV stage. Cylinders of I, II and III stages of double-acting with one-way rods. The cylinders of the remaining stages are single-acting. The compressor has an automation system that performs the following functions: control of operating parameters using instruments installed on the compressor panel in the engine room, and at the place of measurement; recording of the main parameters on the compressor control room; light and sound alarms about deviations of basic parameters from normal values; remote control shut-off valves of a gas pipeline and a water pipeline of large cross-sections from the local compressor panel; safety interlocks preventing starting and stopping the compressor electric motor in cases of violation of starting and operating modes. There is also a system for remote programmed start and stop of the compressor.


The compressor cooling system provides cooling of the cylinders, their covers, interstage coolers, oil coolers of the circulating lubrication system and the oil seal flushing system, refrigerators of equalizing cavities and air coolers of the electric motor. Cooling water enters the distribution manifold from the shop's main manifold. A shut-off valve is located on each branch to regulate the water flow. The drain funnel is designed to control the drain and the temperature of the water. Water drainage is monitored visually, temperature - with mercury thermometers. Control over the water pressure in the water supply system is carried out using instruments installed on the compressor panel. The taps located in the lowest places are used to drain the water.

Spray lubrication of the cylinders is carried out by injecting oil into the gas stream using a lubricator .. As a result, an oil mist is formed, which settles on the surfaces of the cylinders. The oils used must have a flash point at least 20 ° C above the discharge gas temperature.


While the compressor is running, the driver must monitor the readings of the instrumentation, the serviceability of the lubrication devices, the amount of oil and add it as it is consumed, must control the oil supply to all lubricated points.

Normal operation of the lubrication system prevents the bearings, crosshead, stem from heating up. The oil should not contain mechanical impurities and water.

During normal operation of the compressor, there should be no extraneous noise and knocking. If you find special knocks, you need to establish the cause and take measures to eliminate them.

The operator is obliged to monitor the operation of the stuffing box seals by timely tightening or replacing them.

When the compressor is running, the driver adjusts the capacity and pressure in accordance with the established normal technological mode. The driver keeps a shift log (report), in which, after a certain time, records the readings of the instruments that determine the operating mode of the compressor (temperature, pressure, head, etc.).


First of all, a detailed and thorough preparation of the entire compressor unit for start-up is carried out. The oil level is checked in the oil sump or circulating lubrication crankcase, in the oil pump housings of the cylinder lubrication unit and its gearbox and, if necessary, add oil to a certain level. Check the cleanliness of the filter screens in the oil sump or crankcase, and turn on a cleaned oil filter. During summer, oil should only be directed through the oil cooler. If the temperature in the machine room is below + 5 ° C, then the oil should be directed to the bypass of the refrigerator and, if available, the oil sump heating should be turned on. The electric motors of the circulating lubrication pump and the cylinder lubrication unit are switched on. The oil supply to all lubrication points is checked by opening the taps in the oil check valves. Further, the compressor shaft is turned by two or three turns in large compressors by turning on the barring mechanism, in small ones - manually. "Water is supplied to the compressor cylinders, intercoolers and oil coolers, the supply of cooling water to all compressor units is checked against the control drain tank."

The position of shut-off and control valves on gas lines is checked, which must correspond to the "start" position. Bypass valves, purge valves for oil separators and oil filters, and suction valve must be open. The valves connecting the compressor with the discharge lines are in a closed state until the compressor is fully loaded and the maximum pressure in the last stage rises. " to the steps, the absence of foreign objects, the presence and connection of instrumentation and automation equipment.Along with the preparation of the compressor, preparation for starting the engine is underway.Preparation and starting of electric motors are performed by the electrician on duty. internal combustion conducted by machinists and machinist assistants. The readiness of the compressor unit for start-up is reported to the supervisor or shift foreman.

The compressor is started when it is fully operational by permission of the supervisor or shift foreman. Includes an electric motor, steam engine, or internal combustion engine. The compressor is started idle, with the discharge valve closed, but the gas circulates, since the bypass pipelines are open, the suction valve plates are raised, or additional hazardous spaces are included. When the normal speed is reached, the idle operation of the compressor is checked: the movement mechanism and cylinders are monitored, the oil pressure in the lubrication systems is checked, and with ring lubrication of the bearings, the rotation of the ring, the temperature of the bearings and the degree of heating of the rubbing surfaces, the absence of condensation in the oil-moisture separators and filters. When the compressor and its units are in full serviceability, the compressor is loaded and connected to the system.

The compressor is loaded from the sequential, starting from the first stage, closing the purge valves of all devices. The pressure in the compressor is raised by closing the valves on the bypass lines, lowering the suction valve plates or shutting off additional harmful spaces. When a certain pressure is reached in the last stage, equal to the pressure in the system, the discharge valves are immediately opened. After loading, the driver makes a complete inspection of the compressor, checks the pressure and temperature in all stages, which must correspond to the normal mode, the condition of the lubrication units, cylinders, the movement mechanism and the engine. If, at the same time, any abnormalities in the operation of the compressor or engine are noticed - knocking, jolting, abnormal readings of control and measuring instruments, heating of bearings, etc., the driver must report this to the shift supervisor, find out the reasons for the abnormal operation and take action to their elimination, up to the stop of the compressor.

The task of the maintenance personnel is to maintain the normal technological mode of the compressor, to organize the accurate and trouble-free operation of the unit. In this case, the driver is guided by the indications of control and measuring instruments, inspection of the machine by ear and touch. During the operation of the compressor, it is necessary to control the supply of lubricant by the lubricator to all points of the cylinders and oil seals; monitor the oil pressure in the circulating lubrication system; control the pressure and temperature of the gas in stages; monitor the operation of the compressor, monitor the pressure and temperature of the cooling water; blow out refrigerators, oil-moisture separators and other devices. Lubrication monitoring is the most important element in a common complex for daily service compressors. Violation of the lubrication regime can lead to very rapid compressor failure. A certain amount of the corresponding oil must be supplied to each point. V technical passport oil consumption rates are indicated for each machine. The amount of oil must be supplied to the cylinders so that a continuous thin film of oil forms on the walls and pistons. Insufficient lubrication increases cylinder bore wear and piston rings... Excessive lubrication contributes to an increase in carbon deposits in valves, pipelines and on pistons, which leads to a deterioration in the operation of the compressor, to accidents and explosions of installations. Insufficient oil supply to the friction surfaces of the movement mechanism can lead to excessive heating. The bearing temperature should not exceed 50-60 ° C. The heating temperature can be reduced by increasing the lubricant pressure in the circulating lubrication system. If bearings with ring and drip lubrication are heated, then it is necessary to flush the bearing on the fly with large portions of fresh oil and, after flushing, give abundant lubrication.

The driver performs the following work to control the lubrication of the compressor: checks the pressure in the circulating lubrication system, which should be in the range of 1.8-2 atm \ checks the oil supply to all points by opening the control valves; monitors the heating of the main bearings according to the readings of expansion thermometers or manometric thermometers, the heating of the oil seals - by touch, the parallels of frames and intermediate lights - by touch; controls the oil temperature before and after the oil cooler (so much water should be supplied so that the oil temperature after the cooler does not exceed + 35 ° C); periodically switches the oil filter sections and cleans the switched off section; maintains the oil level set for normal operation in the oil sump and oil pumps of the cylinder and oil seals lubrication unit; monitors the tightness of all oil line connections; if there are swinging supports for intermediate lights and cylinders, then check their lubrication once a shift.

In the circulating lubrication system, the oil must be changed every two months. The systematic observation of the compressor operation, carried out by the driver, is as follows: carefully monitor the operation of the cylinders, valves and the movement mechanism, if sharp knocks and impacts appear, immediately stop the compressor; when weak knocks appear, find out their cause and resolve with the shift supervisor the issue of the possibility of further operation of the compressor; monitor the tightness of pipeline connections, especially gas ones, by inspection; keep an eye on the oil seals, "not allowing gas to pass into the working space. In addition, the driver must control the tightness of the flange connections of all compressor communications, monitor the serviceability of instrumentation and automation devices, keep the compressor in a neat condition, maintain cleanliness in the room, maintain a replaceable the journal, recording all the necessary data in. The maintenance personnel carry out routine inspections of the compressor, monitor the timely repairs and eliminate minor malfunctions.

Compressor stops are short-term, long-term and emergency. The compressor can be stopped under load and with a preliminary transfer to idling... Stopping under load does not harm the compressor or cause additional damage. In this case, the movement of the crank mechanism stops much faster than when stopped in an unloaded state. When the compressor is briefly stopped, the following operations are carried out: the engine is stopped (the electric motor - by pressing the "stop" button and the ventilation system is turned off, the internal combustion engine - by stopping the supply of the combustible mixture, Steam engine- stopping the supply of steam to the cylinders of the machine); blowdown valves of all stages are opened; bypass valves open or suction valve plates are squeezed out, or additional hazardous spaces are connected; the valves on the 1st stage suction pipeline and discharge pipelines connecting the compressor with other workshops are closed; the valve on the main pressure water supply is closed; the supply of lubricant to all points stops;

it is checked by manometers whether the pressure is completely released from the cylinders, apparatus and gas communications. After a complete stop, the driver must inspect and clean the compressor, clean the oil filter mesh and oil sump from contamination. For a long time, the compressor is stopped for repair and putting it on reserve. If an explosive gas mixture is compressed and the compressor is stopped for repairs, first of all, it is necessary to purge the compressor and communications with nitrogen. After that, the engine stops, the compressor is unloaded, it is disconnected from the suction and discharge gas pipelines, the supply of oil and water stops, and cooling water is removed. During the period when the compressor is in reserve, the shaft is periodically scrolled using a barring mechanism or manually. This compressor must be ready to start on demand.


An emergency stop of the compressor is performed if:

1) the pressure in the circulating lubrication system drops below 1 atm. In many compressor installations, an audible signal is sounded and a blocking device is triggered; if for any reason this does not happen, then the compressor must be stopped manually;

2) the supply of circulating grease or grease to any point of the cylinders and oil seals stops;

3) the supply of cooling water stops and the pressure in the suction line of the first stage drops;

4) the pressure at any stage rises significantly;

5) increases in excess of the permissible temperature in any stage;

6) the seal is broken and gas leakage is significant;

7) strong knocks and blows appear in the cylinders and the mechanism of movement;

8) the temperature of the motor windings rises;

9) the temperature of the main bearings rises;

10) an explosion occurs in the compressor cylinder, valve boxes, in the pipeline or in the air collector;

11) connecting rod bolts open, connecting rod and rod are damaged;

12) any other breakdowns occur that pose a threat of compressor failure.

In all these cases, the compressor is stopped immediately, without pressure relief. A non-operating compressor must not be pressurized. Therefore, the pressure from the entire system is immediately released and all other operations related to the compressor shutdown are carried out. The driver reports the emergency stop of the compressor to the supervisor or shift foreman, who take measures to eliminate the malfunctions. The driver is responsible for the accident, takes part in eliminating its consequences, in addition, after stopping the compressor, he carefully examines it, wipes and cleans it. All defects discovered during inspection and identified during the operation of the compressor are eliminated immediately.

To analyze the accident, a factory commission is created, which establishes the causes of the accident and develops measures to prevent them in the future.


The operating personnel of the compressor installation must be well aware of the purpose, mode of operation and the device of all component parts unit. Knowledge of this and experience of work allows you to detect and eliminate faults in a timely manner, thereby ensuring the durability and reliability of the machine.

What are the main abnormalities encountered during the operation of a reciprocating compressor?

1. Malfunction of the valves can be determined by the removed indicator charts. Typical malfunctions valves determined by distortion of indicator diagrams:

Excessively high lift and delayed landing of the discharge valve;

Pinching of the discharge valve at the beginning of landing;

Discharge valve has too tight a spring;

The suction valve is not tight;

Discharge valve not tight;

The suction valve is pinched (does not close);

Abnormal operation of the valve springs;

The uneven distribution of pressure across the compression stages, determined by the readings of the pressure gauges, is the result of a malfunction of the suction or discharge valve of any compression stage.

If the suction valve is faulty, the gas freely returns to the previous stage, which increases the final pressure and temperature in it. Damage to the discharge valves of the higher stages also leads to an increase in pressure and temperature in the previous stage. The compressed gas partially enters the cylinder of the high stage through the faulty discharge valve, so this cylinder will take less gas from the previous stage than it enters, and the pressure will increase.

The valve may have the following defects:

Valve plates are not tight enough;

Breakage of valve parts (plates, springs, seat, guide pin);

Weakening of the spring or loss of elastic properties;

Delayed closing of valves;

In each individual case, first of all, the reasons for the abnormal operation of the valves are determined, and then the detected defects are eliminated.

A loose fit of the valve plates on the seat is eliminated by cleaning carbon and dirt or grinding and lapping them. Valve parts that are cracked or broken are replaced with new ones. A spring that has lost its elastic properties is replaced by a new one.

Delayed closing of valves occurs due to pinching of the lift limiter in the guide; the guides must be cleaned and, if necessary, sanded. If the springs are weak, you need to tighten them, and if this does not help, replace them with new ones. As a result of gas corrosion, cavities and risks appear on the sealing surfaces of plates and seats. They are removed by grinding and lapping.

2. The appearance of sharp and dull knocks in the compressor can occur for many reasons. A sharp knock can be caused by hard metal parts (a piece of a spring, a broken valve plate, etc.) entering the compressor cylinder. It is necessary to stop the compressor, remove them and fix the defects on the cylinder mirror. The impact of the piston on the cylinder cover with insufficient harmful space gives a sharp knock. It is necessary to increase the thickness of the gasket between the cylinders or cylinder and its cover, or reduce the thickness of the gaskets on the rod near the distance nut. A sharp knock occurs when the cylinders are excessively lubricated or moisture and oil ingress from oil-moisture separators and separators. It is necessary to reduce the oil supply to the cylinders, thoroughly blow out all cleaning devices. If the rod-to-crosshead or piston connection is loosened, stop the compressor and tighten the clamping nuts.

There may be sharp knocks in the compressor for other reasons, for example, with a large production of sliders or parallels, wear of the crosshead pin, etc. In these cases, the compressor is stopped and the appropriate repair work is carried out.

Usually, to determine the place of the knock, a metal bar or tube is used, one end of which is applied to the place where the knock is heard, and the other end to the ear.

A dull knock occurs due to the weakening of the connecting rod and main bearings, the development of them or the shaft journals, the development of crosshead parts and the tapered surfaces of the fingers. It is necessary to stop the compressor, tighten the bearings, tighten the bearing cap bolts. If the slack in the bearings does not decrease, the shaft journals should be ground and the bearings should be refilled.

3 .. There are two main faults in oil seals: gas leakage and heating. Underworking and improper packing of rings in soft-packed seals are the main causes of gas leaks. Tighten the thrust box and, if the gas flow does not decrease, replace the stuffing box packing.

Gas leakage in glands with metal packing occurs for the following main reasons: underworking of the sealing rings and an increase as a result of this the gap between the stem and the inner diameter of the ring. It is necessary to supply sealing rings with permissible clearances... In case of breakage or springing off of the springs pressing the oil seal chambers to one another, the springs should be checked and reinstalled, the broken ones should be replaced. Exhaustion of the stem or risks, scratches and other damages on its surface are eliminated by building up the stem surface.

The heating of the oil seals and rods occurs mainly due to the skew of the thrust box.

4. The main malfunctions in the circulating lubrication system are: a sudden or gradual drop in oil pressure and an increase in its temperature. A sudden drop in oil pressure in the system can occur as a result of a ruptured oil pressure line, a drop in the oil level in the crankcase or oil tank, breakdown of a gear pump or oil bypass valve. In these cases, stop the compressor immediately, determine the cause of the pressure drop and correct it.

A gradual drop in oil pressure in the circulating lubrication system occurs due to the lack of density in the connections of the oil communication pipelines; tighten the bolts on the oil-permeable flanges. If the leak persists, stop the compressor, release the oil and replace the gaskets on the flanges. If the intake screen of the oil pump is clogged, it must be cleaned while the compressor is running; if the oil filter is clogged, it is necessary to switch to another filter.

An increase in the oil temperature in the system is possible as a result of contamination of the oil cooler - it is necessary to stop the compressor and replace the oil cooler. If the oil is dirty or of poor quality, stop the compressor and replace the oil; if the oil does not meet the specified requirements for this compressor, it should be replaced with oil that meets the specifications. In the event of malfunctions and improper assembly of the compressor movement mechanism (non-observance of the established clearances in bearings, parallels and sliders) - stop the compressor and eliminate the identified deficiencies.


Before being handed over for repair, the compressor units are stopped in a certain sequence set forth in the production instructions.

In the process of stopping, it is necessary to free the machine from the compressed gas, remove explosive substances from it. For this, the compressor units are purged with air or nitrogen.

Before handing over for repair, the driver must disconnect the unit from the existing collectors, completely remove the excess pressure in the machine and interstage equipment, the voltage on the electrical equipment, disconnect it from the power supply system, install plugs on the suction and discharge lines, disconnect the purge and analysis sampling lines. The driver must also check the analysis data confirming the quality of the blowing or washing of the machine, the presence of the poster "Do not turn on - people are working!" On the trigger device.

The commissioning of the installation for repair is formalized by an act containing the type, brand, workshop number of the compressor, the name of the repair organization, divisions, position and name of its representative signing the act, the name of the maintenance service, the position and surname of its representatives, the passport number of the equipment being handed over for repair.


The driver accepting the shift must appear at work no later than 15 - 20 minutes before the start of the shift. Get acquainted with the condition of all equipment of the compressor unit.

The shift operator is obliged to hand over the compressor unit in complete cleanliness and order.

The driver taking over the shift is obliged to:

1. to obtain information from the replaced driver about the operation of the equipment for the previous shift, malfunctions, tasks for the shift and comments from the management;

3. familiarize yourself with the log with all the instructions of the installation management regarding its maintenance;

4. find out the availability of the required supply of water in the feed tanks;

5. check the availability of tools, lubricants and cleaning materials and spare parts, water-indicating glasses, fittings necessary for servicing;

After inspecting the equipment and familiarizing himself with the working communication diagram, the driver is obliged to check:

1. pressure in the compressor according to the manometer, after making sure that it is in good condition;

2. the safety valves are in good condition by carefully lifting the load;

3. good condition and degree of opening of the feed water shut-off valves, as well as the absence of water leaks in the check valves;

4. serviceability of the drain and purge fittings by probing the pipes behind the shut-off valves (along the purge);

5. serviceability and position (open, closed, half-open) of all valves (gate valves, taps) and whether all handwheels and handles are in place;

6. condition and position of valves, taps and gate valves on the gas pipeline for compressors operating and being in reserve or being repaired, paying particular attention to the absence of leaks;

7. good condition of safety and control automation systems;

8. serviceability of emergency lighting and signaling devices for urgent calls to the administration;

9.the presence and sufficiency of illumination of instrumentation and fittings (manometers, thermometers, water indicating devices, purge and control valves and others). The driver taking the shift must record in the shift log all the faults he found when starting the shift and sign in the log together with the driver handing over the shift.

If defects and malfunctions are found that impede the further safe operation of the compressor, the shift operator must immediately notify the management of this.


pump compressor unit

For workers participating in the technological process of servicing and monitoring the operation of the compressor unit, comfortable workplaces should be provided that do not impede their actions during the execution of work. At the workplaces, an area should be provided for the necessary devices for controlling and monitoring the progress of the technological process, as well as means for signaling and alerting about emergency situations. Around the building of the pumping station, a sanitary protection zone should be provided, fenced and landscaped. To ensure production activities, the operator's workplace is equipped with an armchair (chair, seat) with adjustable backrest tilt and seat height.


Safety rules in the workshops of the enterprise depend on the nature of the technological process and the environments involved in it; the degree of automation and mechanization; condition of equipment and communications, etc.

To prevent various violations of both safety regulations and technological regulations, the following procedure for admission to independent work is established in the workshops. All newcomers to work undergo induction training in safety and fire-fighting techniques. Then the applicant receives, in accordance with the norms of the profession, the prescribed overalls, protective equipment and necessary tool... After studying the safety regulations, rules technical exploitation and instructions for the workplace, the applicant goes through a certain duplication period (at least 10 days) at his workplace under the supervision of an experienced worker of the same workshop. All this time, a beginner is not yet allowed to carry out independent operations on existing equipment. Control over its preparation for independent work is entrusted to the foreman, mechanic, technician or shop manager.

After the expiration of the duplication period and after the workshop commission has passed the instructions for the workplace and safety precautions, the admission of a newcomer to independent work is issued. If the applicant does not pass the safety tests or the workplace instructions twice, he is not allowed to work.

The results of the knowledge test are recorded in the minutes book and signed by the members of the commission.

Re-examination of knowledge of safety rules for workers is carried out in six months, for engineers - annually.

Thus, during production activities, each worker receives the following safety instructions:

a) introductory - upon admission to work;

b) primary - detailed familiarization with the workplace and the rules for safe working methods;

c) periodic - every six months;

d) unscheduled - when the technological process changes or when accidents have occurred due to poor instruction;

e) current - carried out with all workers in case of violation of the safety instructions and the use of prohibited work methods.

Accidents can happen for the following reasons:

Working on faulty equipment or faulty tools;

Violation of the technological regime;

Violation of the procedure for conducting operational and renovation works;

Poor work organization;

Poor training or instruction in safe working practices;

Violation of safety regulations and work instructions;

Lack or malfunction of overalls and personal protective equipment or non-use of them;

Violation of production and labor discipline.


1. M.I. Vedernikov "Compressor and pumping units".

2. V.M. Cherkassky "Pumps, fans, compressors"

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1.1. These Safety Rules for the production of hydrogen by electrolysis of water (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) establish requirements for explosion and fire hazardous facilities, compliance with which ensures industrial safety, and are aimed at preventing accidents, cases of industrial injury at facilities related to the production, handling, use and storage of electrolytic hydrogen and oxygen.

1.2. The rules are developed in accordance with the Federal Law of 21.07.97 No. 116-FZ "On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, No. 30, Art. 3588), the Regulation on the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 03.12.01 No. 841 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2001, No. 50, Article 4742), General rules industrial safety for organizations operating in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities, approved by the Resolution of the Gosgortechnadzor of Russia dated October 18, 2002 No. 61-A, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 28, 2002, registration No. 3968 (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 05.12.02, No. 231), and intended for use by all organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, carrying out activities in the field of industrial safety and supervised by the Gosgortechnadzor of Russia.

1.3. These Rules apply in addition to the requirements General rules explosion safety for explosive and fire hazardous chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries, approved by the decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated 05.05.03 No. 29, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 15.05.03, registration No. 4537, taking into account the peculiarities of hazardous production facilities associated with the production, handling, use of their storage of electrolytic hydrogen and oxygen ...

1.4. The rules are intended to apply:

a) during the design, construction, operation, expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities associated with the production, handling, use and storage of electrolytic hydrogen and oxygen;

b) in the manufacture, installation, commissioning, maintenance and repair of hydrogen and oxygen production plants by water electrolysis, as well as other equipment related to the handling and storage of hydrogen;

c) in the design, operation, conservation or liquidation of buildings and structures associated with the receipt, handling, use and storage of electrolytic hydrogen and oxygen;

d) during the examination of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities associated with the receipt, handling, use and storage of electrolytic hydrogen and oxygen (hereinafter referred to as related to the production of hydrogen).

1.5. The design and construction of buildings, structures and areas for the production and use of oxygen obtained from electrolysis plants must also be carried out in accordance with the regulatory documents applicable to oxygen.

1.6. Acceptance for operation of newly constructed and reconstructed buildings and structures associated with the production of electrolytic hydrogen must be carried out in accordance with regulatory documents approved in the prescribed manner.

1.7. The procedure and terms for the implementation of measures to ensure compliance with the requirements of these Rules are determined by the heads of organizations in agreement with the Gosgortekhnadzor bodies of Russia.

1.8. All production facilities and facilities subject to these Rules must have documentation in accordance with the applicable regulatory documents, including:

design documentation, developed according to the initial data for technological design, performed, if necessary, taking into account the results of research and experimental work, having a positive conclusion of industrial safety expertise, as well as executive documentation;

technological regulations, agreed and approved in the prescribed manner;

passports and technical documentation for all types of technological equipment, pipelines, fittings, safety devices, instrumentation, instruments and safety equipment, personal and collective protection equipment used in the production of hydrogen by water electrolysis;

emergency localization and elimination plan (PLAS);

manufacturing instructions, drawn up in accordance with the technological regulations and these Rules, as well as regulatory and technical documentation for the safe conduct of the technological process and repair work, approved in the prescribed manner;

industrial safety declaration, developed in accordance with the Federal Law "On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities";

liability insurance agreement for causing harm to life, health or property of other persons and the environment in the event of an accident at a hazardous production facility in accordance with the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”;

certificate of registration in the state register of hazardous production facilities.

1.9. Technological regulations must be developed and approved in accordance with the established procedure for all existing and commissioned newly built and reconstructed plants, workshops, stations and sections and other facilities related to the production, handling, use and storage of hydrogen. Technological regulations can be developed by the design organization - the developer of the project, the research organization or the operating organization in consultation with the design organization - the developer of the project.

1.10. Each workplace must have labor protection instructions (safety instructions), work instructions and fire safety instructions, approved in the established order.

1.11. When changing the technological process, or using new types of equipment, or changing the communication schemes, technological regulations and production instructions must be revised in accordance with the established procedure.

1.12. Changes to the technology, hardware design, control system, communication control, warning and protection systems are carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents only if there is project documentation agreed with the project organization - the project developer or with an organization specializing in the design of objects related to receiving, handling , application and storage of hydrogen and oxygen.

1.13. Technological equipment, fittings, safety devices, control and measuring instruments, devices and safety equipment of domestic production, operating in industrial conditions, must have a permit for their use in operated according to the design regimes and conditions, issued by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia in the prescribed manner.

1.14. At enterprises related to the production of electrolytic hydrogen, regardless of the explosion hazard category of technological units, programs should be developed for practicing startup skills, normal operation, planned and emergency shutdown of production, as well as scenarios for actions in emergency and emergency situations.

1.15. At hydrogen production facilities, clear lists of responsibilities and responsibilities should be established between technical services, the system of power supply and notification of auxiliary services in case of emergency and emergency situations has been debugged in accordance with the requirements for ensuring industrial safety.

1.16. In order to organize work to prevent accidents and industrial injuries, the organization to which these Rules apply develops a system of standards for industrial safety management and ensures their effective functioning and updating.

1.17. Organizations that carry out design activities, as well as activities for the installation, repair of equipment, training of personnel, develop and ensure the effective functioning and updating of the system of standards for quality assurance.


2.1. The design of facilities related to the production, handling, use and storage of electrolytic hydrogen and oxygen should be carried out with the division of the technological scheme into separate technological blocks that ensure their minimum level of explosion safety.

2.2. The organization - the developer of the project calculates the relative energy potential of each technological unit, gives an assessment of the energy level of the facility and substantiates measures to ensure the explosion safety of the entire technological system.

2.3. When calculating the energy potential QВ of technological units for hydrogen production by the electrolysis of water, design solutions should be taken that should ensure QВ< 27(III категория взрывоопасности).

2.4. When developing measures to prevent explosions and fires at facilities providing industrial enterprises with electrolytic hydrogen, regulatory requirements for fire safety must be taken into account.

2.5. The choice of equipment is carried out in accordance with the initial design data, the requirements of the current regulatory documents and these Rules. Based on the category of explosion hazard of technological units included in the technological system, equipment is selected according to reliability indicators.

2.6. Complete installations for hydrogen production supplied by aggregated units must be designed and manufactured according to technical conditions and have a permit for use.

2.7. The level of explosion protection of electrical equipment in rooms associated with the circulation of hydrogen is selected in accordance with the safety requirements for electrical devices, the General rules for explosion safety for explosive and fire hazardous chemical, petrochemical and oil refineries, approved in accordance with the established procedure, and these Rules (Appendix 2).

2.8. Categories of premises, as well as the level of explosion protection of electrical equipment in the premises of hydrogen-oxygen stations can be selected in accordance with Appendix 2 of these Rules, while calculations must be made according to the method of fire regulations and in accordance with the safety requirements for electrical devices approved in the established order.

Differing classification signs from the values ​​of Appendix 2 must be confirmed by appropriate calculations.


3.1. Design master plans of a newly constructed and reconstructed complex of buildings and structures and other facilities associated with the production, handling, use and storage of electrolytic hydrogen must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of fire safety and building codes and regulations, approved in the prescribed manner, as well as in accordance with the requirements of these Rules.

3.2. Buildings and structures associated with the production of hydrogen (hydrogen-oxygen stations, warehouses, gas tanks, hydrogen receivers, etc.) must be located at the industrial site of the organization. It is not recommended to take them out to the fences of the enterprise, overlooking the street, driveways, squares.

3.3. Distances from buildings and structures associated with the production of hydrogen to neighboring buildings and structures (except for the cases specified in these Rules) should be taken according to table. 1 applications 1.

3.4. The smallest distances from the shops for filling and storing cylinders, warehouses, platforms and sheds for storing cylinders (in terms of 40-liter) with hydrogen and inert gases to neighboring buildings and structures should be taken according to Table. 2 applications 1.

3.5. The minimum distances from buildings and structures of gas tanks and receivers with hydrogen (except for the cases stipulated in these Rules) should be taken according to table. 3 applications 1.

3.6. Gas tanks for hydrogen, as well as receivers for hydrogen and oxygen are placed in open areas with a light-type fencing around the perimeter with a height of at least 1.2 m made of non-combustible material. Safety warning signs should be posted on the fence: "No smoking", "No unauthorized entry", on receivers and gas tanks there should be explanatory inscriptions: "Hydrogen. Explosive "," Oxygen. Flammable. "

The distance from the gas tanks with hydrogen to the fence must be at least 5.0 m, from the receivers with hydrogen and oxygen to the fence - at least 1.5 m.

3.7. The distance between the hydrogen and oxygen receivers should be taken at least 10.0 m. A decrease in the distance of less than 10.0 m is allowed, while between them there must be a blank partition of non-combustible material that exceeds the receivers in height by at least 0.7 m and protrudes beyond the dimensions of the receivers not less than 0.5 m.

3.8. In some cases, it is allowed to install hydrogen receivers with a pressure of up to 10 kg / cm2, with a capacity (geometric capacity) of up to 10 m3 near blank walls or in walls of hydrogen production buildings. In this case, the distance between the receivers and the walls of the buildings should be at least 1.0 m and ensure the convenience of servicing and repairing the receivers. In this case, the total number of receivers should not exceed two.

3.9. The distance between receivers of the same gas should be at least 1.5 m in the light and ensure ease of maintenance.

3.10. Receivers for oxygen, nitrogen and compressed air can be located near blank walls or in the walls of buildings where hydrogen production services are located. The clear distance from the receivers to the walls of these buildings is taken to be at least 1.0 m. The blank section of the wall should protrude at least 0.5 m beyond the dimensions of the receivers.

3.11. Receivers for nitrogen and compressed air should be located on the same site with receivers for hydrogen at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the latter.

3.12. The operating organization is obliged to ensure the protection of the organization, excluding the possibility of unauthorized persons entering and unauthorized actions. The territory of the entire hydrogen production complex must be fenced around the perimeter with a fence at least 2 m high with the installation of heatsinks and gates with locking devices, bells, code locks and security alarms.

3.13. Metal cabinets or fireproof sheds for storing 40-liter filled cylinders with hydrogen and inert gases (no more than ten in total) are allowed to be located outside the blank walls or in the walls of industrial buildings of I, II degrees of fire resistance, in which hydrogen consumers are located, without increasing the shortest distances to neighboring buildings and structures adopted in accordance with building codes and regulations.

3.14. The speed and order of movement of vehicles on the territory of production of electrolytic hydrogen must be established by the operating organization and regulated by signs and road signs.


4.1. Space-planning and structural solutions of buildings and structures for the production of electrolytic hydrogen must comply with the requirements of building codes and regulations for the design of industrial buildings of industrial organizations, fire-prevention standards for the design of buildings and structures and sanitary design standards of industrial organizations, approved in the prescribed manner.

4.2. Categories of premises, buildings and structures for explosion and fire hazard should be taken in accordance with Appendix 2 to these Rules and justified by calculations in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation on fire safety.

4.3. The entire complex of services for the production of electrolytic hydrogen can be located in one or more industrial buildings, as well as in one building together with other divisions (industries), if this does not contradict the requirements of the relevant building, fire-prevention and sanitary norms and rules for the design of industrial buildings of industrial organizations and auxiliary buildings and premises.

4.4. Subdivisions for the production of electrolytic hydrogen with explosive rooms should be designed as one-story, with sites located, if necessary, in the second tier for the placement and maintenance of equipment. The rest of the production of electrolytic hydrogen may be located in accordance with the current building codes and regulations and these Rules in multi-storey buildings or annexes, but not more than four floors.

4.5. The degree of fire resistance of buildings with the production and circulation of electrolytic hydrogen must be at least II.

4.6. Industrial premises hydrogen-oxygen plants must have at least one outer wall. Rooms associated with the accumulation of hydrogen must be separated from other rooms by dust and gas tight walls.

4.7. Placement above or below rooms with hydrogen circulation, except for the cases provided for by these Rules, of any production facilities and any other rooms is not allowed. It is prohibited to locate production facilities in basements and on ground floors.

4.8. Buildings and structures for the production of electrolytic hydrogen must be protected from direct lightning strikes and secondary manifestations of it in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation.

4.9. Compressor plants for hydrogen compression can be located both in a stand-alone building and in rooms adjacent to rooms with hydrogen production.

4.10. In existing and reconstructed workshops, electrolysis rooms with electrolyzers, in which the product of the total hourly productivity in hydrogen (in cubic meters under normal conditions), the electrolysis pressure (MPa) does not exceed 10, can be located on the upper floor of a multi-storey building, provided:

the volume of the room (m3), where the electrolyzers are installed, is five or more times higher than the actual value of the above product;

the number of electrolyzers does not exceed two.

4.11. In one industrial building of the complex of services for the production of hydrogen, in addition to the units directly connected by the hydrogen, other services necessary for the normal process of electrolysis of water and accompanying it can also be located (preparation of electrolyte, distilled water, compression of oxygen and filling it into cylinders, room for painting and drying cylinders, repair and testing workshop, analyzers, etc.).

4.12. In industrial buildings for the production of hydrogen, located adjacent to explosive industries of category A, it is allowed to place the following auxiliary and auxiliary production premises:

bathrooms, showers, smoking rooms;

a room for eating;

rooms for storing duty workwear;

premises of express laboratories with a total area not exceeding 36 m2, and with a staff of no more than five people per shift;

premises for the workshop personnel on duty, an engineer, a mechanic, a foreman (1-2 rooms no more than 20 m2), a chief's office, rooms for repair personnel (a locksmith on duty, an electrician, an instrument operator) with a total area of ​​no more than 20 m2 without machine and welding equipment;

pantries of household equipment, spare parts and accessories and auxiliary materials, as well as other auxiliary production premises without work places.

The connection of these premises with industrial premises of categories A and B must be carried out through the vestibule - sluices with a constant air pressure of at least 20 Pa (2.0 kgf / m2).

4.13. It is allowed to locate auxiliary and auxiliary premises in separate blocks (outbuildings) adjacent to buildings with explosive production from the side of the associated premises of categories B4, G, D or from the side of auxiliary production premises without the presence of work places (ventilation chambers, storerooms, staircases, etc. .), the width of which must be at least 6.0 m.

4.14. It is allowed not to place auxiliary premises in the hydrogen production building when installing fully aggregated automated equipment for the production of hydrogen with a capacity not exceeding 20 m3 / h, which do not require periodic maintenance.

4.15. It is allowed to place the premises of local cooling systems for technological, electrical equipment, as well as for air conditioning systems in the insert or annexes of the building with the production of hydrogen. In this case, the requirements of the current norms and rules for these premises must be observed. When placing cooling towers on the roof, it is recommended to place them as far as possible from hydrogen emissions into the atmosphere.

4.16. The location of the engine rooms of refrigeration plants (systems for drying hydrogen by the cooling method) must be in a separate room from the electrolysis room, while the requirements of the current norms and rules for these rooms must be observed.

4.17. If it is necessary to compress oxygen at a hydrogen-oxygen station, a separate room is equipped that is not connected with rooms with hydrogen circulation, in accordance with the current building and other norms and rules approved in the prescribed manner.

4.18. Air compressor rooms for the needs of pneumatic systems may be located in the areas of the hydrogen station outside the explosive zones in a separate room with independent supply and exhaust ventilation in accordance with the requirements of building codes and regulations approved in the established manner.

When using stationary reciprocating and rotary compressors with an installed power of 14 kW and above, air ducts and gas pipelines operating in air and inert gases with a pressure of 2 to 400 kgf / cm2, the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation in the field of industrial safety must be observed.

4.19. At hydrogen-oxygen stations, it is allowed to build in and attach to them the premises of transformer substations (TP, KTP) and switchgears(RU) subject to safety requirements for electrical installations. The device of exits from the premises of the KTP and RU to the production and other premises of the hydrogen-oxygen station is not allowed.

4.20. Walls dividing explosive areas must be fireproof, non-combustible, with a fire resistance limit of 2.5 hours, a fire spreading limit of zero and dust and gas tight in accordance with fire safety requirements and building codes and regulations approved in accordance with the established procedure.

4.21. The device of openings in the walls separating the compressor room from the filling room is not allowed.

4.22. It is allowed to place the hydrogen production in a water building with the production of electrolytic hydrogen consumption in accordance with the requirements of building codes, approved in the established order, subject to the following requirements:

the production of hydrogen and the production of consumption of electrolytic hydrogen have the same category of premises and buildings;

between the rooms of hydrogen production and production-consumer of hydrogen, an insert must be equipped along the entire length with rooms without a permanent stay of service personnel with a width of at least 6.0 m;

on both sides of the insert there should be fire walls with a height exceeding the highest point of the building by at least 0.7 m;

cut-off valves must be installed on the hydrogen pipelines to the consumer.

4.23. Communication of the subdivisions of the complex for the production of electrolytic hydrogen with other subdivisions that are not included in it, but located in the same building, is carried out through a corridor equipped with a vestibule-gateway.

4.24. In buildings and premises of category A, external easily removable enclosing structures should be provided with an area taken in accordance with the calculation, and in the absence of calculated data - at least 0.05 m2 per 1 m3 of the volume of the premises.

Easy-to-drop enclosing structures include windows (when window frames are filled with ordinary window glass 3.4 and 5 mm thick, with an area of ​​at least 0.8; 1 and 1.5 m2, respectively); structures made of asbestos-cement, aluminum and steel sheets with light insulation; lamp bindings.

For easily drop-off pavement structures, the surface load (including their own weight, as well as constant and temporary long-term loads) should be no more than 1.2 kPa (120 kgf / m2).

4.25. In rooms where hydrogen circulates, the design of the coatings should exclude the possibility of hydrogen accumulation. If it is impossible to provide such a structure, measures should be taken against the possible accumulation of hydrogen under the coatings, as well as under the platforms in places bounded by the ribs of the structures. To remove it from the upper zone of the room, special natural ventilation devices should be provided at a height below 0.1 m from the ceiling plane in rooms with a height (H) of up to 4.0 m; at a height of rooms over 4.0 m, the devices should be provided at a height of not less than 1/40 Nm of the ceiling plane, but not less than 0.4 m. For ventilation of stagnant areas in the sites, openings should be provided, closed, if necessary, with gratings. In the absence of openings, it is necessary to provide ventilation of these places by means of natural ventilation, laying pipes in the protruding ribs for free passage of air between the compartments, or use another equivalent solution.

4.26. In rooms associated with the circulation of hydrogen, it is allowed to install non-filling and non-ventilated channels with a depth of:

up to 0.5 m - when laying hydrogen pipelines in them;

up to 1.5 m - in the absence of hydrogen and oxygen pipelines in them.

In other cases, the ducts should be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation or covered with sand.

4.27. In the channels under the external or fire walls and walls (partitions) dividing rooms of category A from others, blind diaphragms made of non-combustible materials should be provided with a flame spread equal to zero.

In the channels intended for laying pipelines, it is necessary to provide under the walls separating adjacent rooms, filling with sand for a length of at least 1 m in each direction from its axis.

4.28. In the rooms of the electrolytic department and the cell department, as well as other rooms with electrolyte circulation, it is necessary to provide for chemical protection of the channels, as well as protection against possible electrolyte spills from the equipment when the system is depressurized.

4.29. Floors in hydrogen production rooms should be non-sparking and dielectric. In the electrolysis and alkaline compartments, the floors must also be alkali-resistant. When choosing a material for floors, you should follow the recommendations of building codes and regulations. It is allowed to use terrazzo and mosaic-concrete floors with a filler that ensures sparklessness. It is allowed to use ceramic (metlakh) tiles in electrolysis (with an explosive zone in the upper quarter of the room) and alkaline compartments.

4.30. The maximum capacity of an intermediate storage room located in a hydrogen production building or on a site near the building should be no more than 300 filled and 300 empty hydrogen cylinders.

4.31. The design and operation of warehouses for storage of cylinders of hydrogen, oxygen and inert gases, filled and empty, must comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation in the field of industrial safety and these Rules.

4.32. Warehouses for storing filled cylinders with hydrogen must be divided into compartments by load-bearing or self-supporting walls with a height of at least 2.5 m, and in each compartment it is allowed to place no more than 500 cylinders. Each compartment must be provided with a direct exit to the outside, to the loading area. In each compartment, as a rule, special cabins with a capacity of no more than 36-40-liter cylinders in each should be arranged, as a rule, separated from each other by a fence with a height of at least 2.2 m.

4.33. Warehouse storage of cylinders with oxygen and hydrogen should be carried out in adjacent rooms, isolated from each other by a blank fireproof gas-tight wall. Rooms for storage of hydrogen cylinders and oxygen cylinders should have independent exits.

4.34. It is not allowed to place auxiliary premises in the buildings of storage warehouses for hydrogen cylinders.

4.35. Joint storage on open areas of cylinders with hydrogen and inert air separation products is allowed, while the area for storing cylinders with hydrogen is separated from the area occupied by cylinders with other gases by a protective wall with a height of at least 2.5 m and a thickness of at least 120 mm. The wall should extend beyond the extreme rows of cylinders by at least 0.5 m.

4.36. Buildings for the production of electrolytic hydrogen must have sanitary facilities, the composition and equipment of which must be installed by the project in accordance with the requirements of building codes of rules approved in the prescribed manner.

4.37. Each production area should have a first-aid kit with a set of medicines and dressings for first aid.


5.1. Heating and ventilation systems for electrolytic hydrogen production premises must comply with the requirements of technical and regulatory documents in the field of industrial safety, sanitary and construction standards and rules, taking into account the peculiarities of the properties of hydrogen.

5.2. For rooms of category A, water heating should be used. At the same time, heating system devices, elements used, fittings, as well as their location should exclude moisture ingress into these rooms during operation, maintenance and repair. In some justified cases, when arranging mechanical supply ventilation, it is allowed to use air heating, while the ventilation equipment must have an intrinsically safe design.

5.3. Water heating in control rooms (control rooms, control rooms) in the production of electrolytic hydrogen is carried out in accordance with building codes and regulations approved in the established manner.

5.4. Places of passage of heating pipelines through internal walls separating rooms of category A from others, as well as rooms of different categories of fire hazard, must be carefully sealed with non-combustible materials.

5.5. The rooms for electrolysis, purification and drying of hydrogen, compressor room, filling room and other rooms where hydrogen emission is possible, are equipped with natural exhaust ventilation from the upper zone through deflectors in a volume of at least one per hour. The air supply in the required volume must be carried out through the window openings equipped with dust-retaining devices.

An emergency ventilation device is not required.

5.6. The calculation of ventilation systems in rooms for electrolysis, purification and drying of hydrogen should be carried out taking into account the assimilation of surplus from electrolyzers, dryers, contact devices and other heat-generating equipment, as well as pipelines.

5.7. All casement window and skylight sashes and other opening devices necessary for the implementation of natural fresh ventilation must be equipped with easily controllable and reliable devices that allow you to adjust the size of the ventilation hole and set them in the required position.

5.8. Adjusting the size of the ventilation opening of the luminaire bindings is allowed when the calculated air ratio in the room is more than one time per hour, while blocking devices must be provided that do not allow air flow through the deflectors in the amount of less than one time per hour.

5.9. When justified, in some cases, it is allowed to arrange mechanical supply and exhaust or mixed (mechanical inflow and natural exhaust) general exchange ventilation with an air exchange rate of at least 6 per hour. In this case, emergency ventilation must be provided with a rate of at least 8 per hour, taking into account the constantly operating one. In this case, in the event of an accident, in addition to the constantly operating general ventilation for the production of electrolytic hydrogen, the air supply system must be automatically switched on. The activation of emergency ventilation must be blocked with the readings of the gas analyzer.

5.10. The possibility of using low pressure ejector systems in exhaust systems in rooms associated with the circulation of hydrogen is determined by the design organization.

5.11. The removed air together with hydrogen is discharged into the atmosphere without flare systems and cleaning.

5.12. The air intake device for supply ventilation systems must be provided from places excluding the ingress of oxygen, hydrogen and other explosive vapors and gases into the ventilation system.

5.13. A backup fan must be installed in the supply chamber serving the gas analysis room.

5.14. In the rooms for painting and drying cylinders, ventilation should be equipped in accordance with the requirements of special regulatory documents for such departments.


6.1. Water supply and sewerage systems for electrolytic hydrogen production must comply with the requirements of building and sanitary norms and rules and these Rules.

6.2. All workers in factories, stations and workshops for the production of hydrogen, as well as at compressor stations must be provided with drinking water. The drinking regime of workers must be organized in accordance with the sanitary standards approved in the prescribed manner.

6.3. The arrangement of the bath and laundry facilities and saunas on the areas of the hydrogen-oxygen station is not allowed.

It is allowed to place additional sanitary and utility rooms in the areas of the hydrogen-oxygen station, if they do not contradict these Rules and other applicable regulatory documents.

6.4. In the electrolysis and electrolyte preparation rooms, in visible and easily accessible places for flushing the electrolyte that has got into the body, self-help fountains or sinks connected to the drinking water supply should be installed.

6.5. It is not allowed to discharge into the industrial sewerage system of various streams of wastewater, the mixing of which can lead to reactions accompanied by the release of heat and the formation of flammable gases, as well as oxygen.

6.6. The temperature of industrial wastewater discharged into the sewerage system should not exceed 40 ° C. It is allowed to discharge small amounts of water with a higher temperature into collectors with a constant water flow, so that the temperature of the total runoff does not exceed 45 ° C.

6.7. At all outlets into the sewage system of wastewater from workshops (departments), as well as from devices, hydraulic locks must be installed, as well as other protective measures after water locks against hydrogen leakage and oxygen in dissolved form. The location of the valves and their design should ensure convenient and quick cleaning and repair. The height of the fluid layer in the hydraulic seal must provide a guaranteed seal, is selected and justified by the project developer and must be at least 100 mm.

6.8. Each outlet of the sewage system must have an exhaust ventilation riser installed in the heated part of the building. The ventilation risers must be brought out above the ridge of the roof of the production building by at least 1 m.

6.9. It is not allowed to discharge concentrated alkaline wastes into the main sewage network without preliminary cleaning or other treatment, except for cases when the main network is a special alkaline sewage system.

6.10. For small systems, it is allowed to provide for the evacuation of alkaline solutions into special mobile containers in accordance with these Rules.

6.11. The conditions for the discharge of wastewater into water bodies must satisfy the rules for the protection of surface waters from pollution by wastewater, approved in accordance with the established procedure.

6.12. The temperature of the cooling water entering the capacitive and heat exchange equipment of electrolysis plants must provide sufficient cooling and, as a rule, be not higher than 25 ° C. If it is impossible to ensure the maximum permissible temperature by recycling water supply systems (especially in the warm season), refrigeration systems should be used. The choice of the equipment cooling system is carried out during design.

6.13. Requirements for the qualitative composition of the circulating water supplied to the cooling of technological and electrical equipment should be reflected in the technical documentation of the manufacturers of the water-cooled equipment used.

temporary hardness no more than 5 mg eq / l;

constant hardness no more than 15 mg eq / l.

6.15. To cool the thyristors of rectifier units, as a rule, water with a specific electrical resistance of at least 2x103 Ohm-cm is used.

6.16. The use in cooling systems of water that does not meet the quality requirements is not allowed.

6.17. In order to exclude the ingress of hydrogen and oxygen into the circulating cooling system in high-pressure hydrogen installations, it is necessary to provide, as a rule, a rupture of the jet on the drain-cooling water from the equipment. In other cases, the pressure of the circulating water must exceed the pressure in the gas cavity of the heat exchange and other equipment, and control of the water flow must also be provided.

6.18. For premises of category A of hydrogen-oxygen stations, an internal fire-fighting water supply system is mandatory. At the same time, the use of a fire-fighting water line in the electrolysis room in case of a fire is allowed only in the absence of power supply to the electrolysers and should be regulated.


7.1. All premises for the production of electrolytic hydrogen must have natural and artificial lighting in accordance with the requirements of: sanitary and building codes and regulations; regulatory and technical documentation in the field of industrial safety for electrical devices, the operation of electrical installations of consumers and safety engineering during the operation of electrical installations of consumers.

7.2. Explosion-proof luminaires must be used to illuminate explosive areas with an environment in zones of class B-Ib and B-Ia (for hydrogen).

7.3. In the premises of electrolysis plants in hazardous areas for electric lighting, as a rule, complete lighting devices with slotted light guides should be used, and luminaires are also allowed general purpose installed in special niches with double glazing in the wall, in special double glazed lanterns in the ceiling. Outside hazardous areas, it is allowed to install luminaires with a degree of protection of at least IP54.

7.4. In the operating workshop, for internal lighting of devices and containers during their inspection and repair, explosion-proof portable lamps with a voltage of no more than 12 V, protected by a metal mesh, must be used.

7.5. In electrolysis rooms, as a rule, stationary local lighting is required under metal platforms and technological equipment.

7.6. Portable luminaires must be powered through stationary step-down transformers. Portable transformers are not permitted.

7.7. Sockets and transformers must have a design corresponding to the class of the room, as well as the category and group of the explosive mixture.

7.8. Emergency lighting for the continuation of work must provide on work surfaces that require maintenance in an emergency mode, illumination of at least 10% of the standards established for the work lighting of these surfaces. Emergency lighting for the evacuation of people from the premises should create an illumination of at least 0.3 lux along the line of the passages on the floor and on the steps of stairs.

7.9. All outdoor installations associated with the production and storage of hydrogen, as well as receiver platforms must have outdoor lighting around the perimeter.

7.10. Gas tanks must have outdoor lighting. In the control point of the gasholder valves, external lighting or internal lighting with an explosion-proof lamp corresponding to the category and group of the explosive atmosphere must be used.

7.11. For maintenance of lighting devices, cleaning and replacement of glass windows and lanterns, special devices and devices must be used to ensure the convenient and safe performance of these works.


8.1. The process of obtaining hydrogen and oxygen by the electrolysis of water is an explosive and fire hazardous and is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the General rules of explosion safety for explosive and fire hazardous chemical, petrochemical and oil refineries, approved by the Resolution of the Gosgortechnadzor of Russia dated 05.05.03 No. 29, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 15.05.03, as well as registration number 4537 - technical documents on fire safety, rules for electrical installations, building codes and regulations, state standards approved in the prescribed manner, and these Rules.

8.2. Technological processes for the production of electrolytic hydrogen must be carried out in accordance with the established technological regulations.

8.3. It is not recommended that the maintenance personnel stay in the electrolytic department. Continuous supervision of the technological process is carried out by the operator from the control room.

8.4. In the production of hydrogen, the liquid level in the apparatus, the temperature, pressure and purity of the gases produced are subject to mandatory control.

When the differential pressure between hydrogen and oxygen is exceeded, the pressure in the system rises and the purity of the produced gases deteriorates, the electrolyzers should automatically shut down.

8.5. Rooms of category A, where hydrogen circulates, must be provided with automatic gas analyzers with a light and sound alarm device, which are triggered when the hydrogen content in the air is not more than 10% of the lower explosive limit (0.4% by volume) and oxygen is less than 19% and more than 23%. The number and location of gas analyzers should be determined by the design organization based on: for hydrogen - one sampling point for every 100 m2 of area, but not less than one sensor per room; for oxygen - one point per room. It is recommended to install extraction points in electrolytic compartments and hydrogen compressor rooms above each unit (under the very ceiling), where hydrogen is likely to escape into the room, but no further than 3 m from the horizontal source.

8.7. All technological equipment after stopping for more than 2 hours and before starting up must be purged with an inert gas, if it was not under excess hydrogen pressure during the shutdown period. The end of the purge should be regulated on the basis of the calculation and determined by the analysis of the composition of the gas to be purged. In this case, there should be no hydrogen in the purge gas (after shutdown), and the oxygen content in the purge gas (before start-up) should not exceed 4% (vol.).

8.8. At the entrance to detached buildings and premises for the production of electrolytic hydrogen, indicators of the category for explosion and fire hazard and class zones should be installed in accordance with the safety requirements for electrical devices.

8.9. Before repair and maintenance work, after purging with an inert gas, hydrogen receivers should be purged with air, followed by sampling for the optimal amount of oxygen in the receiver for repair work. Oxygen receivers must be purged with air only.

8.10. As a rule, flame arresters are not installed on waste pipelines from technological devices in which there is hydrogen. The planned discharge of hydrogen should be carried out with preliminary purging of the pipeline with nitrogen. The purge time is regulated.

8.11. The purity of hydrogen generated by electrolysis plants must be at least 98.5%, and oxygen must be at least 98% (vol.).

8.12. For continuous monitoring of the content of hydrogen impurities in oxygen and oxygen in hydrogen, electrolysis plants should be equipped with automatic gas analyzers with alarm of maximum permissible concentrations. In addition, at least once a shift, a control analysis of gases should be carried out with portable chemical gas analyzers.

8.13. The value of the maximum allowable differential pressure between the hydrogen and oxygen systems of the electrolyzer must correspond to the manufacturer's passport data, but must not exceed 0.003 MPa.

8.14. It is not allowed to touch the cell body during its operation, except for sampling operations, which must be carried out using protective equipment (dielectric gloves, dielectric bots or standing on a dielectric rubber mat) permitted for these operating conditions.

8.15. The electrolyser can be put into operation only after checking the state of the electrical insulation, inspecting the equipment and in the absence of foreign objects on them.

8.16. The start-up of the electrolysis plant after installation, repair and long shutdowns must be carried out under the supervision of a responsible engineer and technical worker.

8.17. The need for redundancy of the main hydrogen equipment is determined during the design process, taking into account the continuity of the technological process, operating conditions, reliability and quality conditions for the production hydrogen, as well as for the production associated with its consumption.

8.18. With a continuous technological process, during the period of switching hydrogen equipment to standby, as well as during routine maintenance and checking of automation devices and safety valves, a buffer stock of hydrogen must be provided in receivers or gas holders. The calculation of the capacity of receivers or gas tanks is carried out by the design organization.


9.1. The location of the equipment should ensure the safety and ease of maintenance and repair. The general layout of the equipment must meet the requirements of building and sanitary standards and design rules of industrial organizations.

9.2. The distances between the electrolyzers, as well as between the electrolyzers and the walls of the room, must comply with the safety requirements for electrical devices, the requirements for the operation of consumers 'electrical installations, and safety precautions for the operation of consumers' electrical installations. The distances from the current-carrying parts of the electrolyzer to the metal structures of the installation must be at least 1.2 m at a voltage on the electrolyzer up to 65 V and 1.5 m - at a voltage of more than 65 V. It is allowed to reduce the indicated distances to 0.8 m with reliable electrical insulation of metal structures.

9.3. When installing the equipment, it should be provided:

a) the width of the main passages along the front of servicing machines (compressors, pumps, etc.) and devices with fittings and instrumentation must be at least 1.5 m;

for equipment located on sites, walkways must be at least 0.8 m;

for small-sized equipment (width and height up to 0.8 m), it is allowed to reduce the width of the main passage to 1.0 m;

b) the width of the passages between the equipment, as well as between the equipment and the walls of the premises, if it is necessary to service it from all sides - not less than 1.0 m;

c) the width of the passages for inspection and periodic checking and adjustment of equipment and instruments - not less than 0.8 m;

d) repair sites for disassembly, inspection and cleaning of equipment.

The minimum distances for passages are set between the most protruding parts of the equipment, taking into account foundations, insulation, fencing, etc.

The distance between the maintenance-free equipment and the wall, as well as between the heat exchange equipment located on the platforms or brackets, and the wall is not limited.

Installation of two or more pumps on one foundation is allowed; in this case, the distance between these pumps is determined by the conditions of their service.

Repair sites are allowed not to provide for an appropriate justification.

9.4. The placement of receivers must comply with the requirements of these Rules and ensure the convenience of their maintenance and repair. Their distance from buildings and structures should also not contradict the General rules of explosion safety for explosive and fire hazardous chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries.

9.5. The distance from the manholes located on the covers and the bottom of the equipment to protruding building structures, apparatuses, pipelines mounted above and below the slopes should be at least 0.8 m.In some justified cases, it is allowed to reduce this distance to 0.6 m, which should be reflected in technical documentation for this equipment.

9.6. Placement of gas blowers and compressors in the electrolysis room is prohibited.

9.7. In the electrolysis room, it is allowed to place installations for the catalytic purification of hydrogen and oxygen and their drying, operating under a pressure not exceeding the electrolysis pressure.

9.8. Plants for purification and drying of hydrogen and oxygen, operating under compression pressure, may be located in a common room with compressor units.

9.9. The sections for drying and purifying hydrogen can be located in a separate building of the hydrogen production complex, power units, or in production buildings. If the sections for drying and purifying hydrogen need to be located in a power unit or in a production building, then they are installed on the top floor with access to a common corridor through a vestibule-gateway.

9.10. It is allowed to store electrolytic hydrogen in a hydrogen production room or in a separate room in tubular storage tanks with intermetallic or other fillers in which hydrogen is in a bound state, provided that the requirements of these Rules are met, as well as instructions for their use developed by the manufacturer (or another organization) and safe operation.

9.11. It is allowed to place in a hydrogen compressor room intended for filling cylinders, liquid ring vacuum pumps, which are periodically used to evacuate empty cylinders before filling.

9.12. Electric heaters for hydrogen and oxygen purification and drying units may be placed outside the building near a blank area of ​​the wall. In this case, the height of the blind area should be at least 300 mm above the mark of the upper point of the heaters.

9.13. The production premises must be equipped with lifting mechanisms for carrying out repair work and technological operations in accordance with the requirements of the subsection "Mechanization of heavy, hazardous and time-consuming work" of these Rules. The device of these mechanisms must comply with the safety requirements for the device and safe operation of cranes, and the safety requirements for electrical devices.


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