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5 years ago

Valve adjustment - of course, most people know what this process is and why it needs to be regularly performed on some cars, for example, on the "Classic", but there are people who do not know anything about this and want to understand this issue, therefore, especially for such people this article was prepared from which you will learn a lot. And if something becomes unclear to you, then write a comment with your question at the very bottom of the site and we will answer it in the near future.

And in addition, at the end of the article you will find an interesting video clip, thanks to which you will understand a lot for yourself in adjusting the valve drive!

Why do you need to adjust the valves?

Their adjustment is necessary in order for the machine to work more steadily both at high and low revs engine. Because, as a rule, due to improper adjustment of the valves, the gaps that should be between the camshaft cam and the valve itself are violated, which leads to too much valve opening when the engine is running and as a result of which depressurization occurs in the cylinder, which in turn can adversely affect the engine resource ...

In the event that the gap between the valve seat and the side particles of the cylinder has become very large (see the photo below, this gap is marked there), then in this case the valve may burn out, and also if at the same time the piston stroke is very large then it may occur meeting of valves with the piston itself when the engine is running. Therefore, the valves must be adjusted periodically and with great care, since incorrectly set gaps during adjustment can again adversely affect the engine resource!

How will the valves work if the clearance is incorrectly set?

In this case, as mentioned earlier, the work of the valves is disrupted, in connection with this, the valves either start to open a little more than it should be, or they start to be in a permanently open position, due to which the sealing in the cylinder disappears, for clarity, see the photo below on which the adjustment of the valves is violated and in connection with which the valve is in a constantly open mode.

How to get rid of the valve adjustment?

They never asked themselves the question: "Why, for example, on a 16-valve prior, it is not necessary to adjust the valves?" And the thing is that in the engine there are priors instead of the "Pusher" due to which the cam camshaft pushes the valve, there are "Hydro-compensators" which, in turn, due to high pressure oils find the optimal clearance between the cam and the "Hydro-compensator" of the valve itself, and therefore the valves always operate at the optimum clearances.

By the way, "Hydro-compensators" can be installed on almost any car, and therefore you can forget about adjusting the valves, but there is one thing But! "Hydro-compensators" can only be installed on vehicles in which the "Gas Distribution Mechanism - aka Timing" consists of a camshaft, a crankshaft, as well as valves and piston group- in fact, this is the main part of cars!

C-class car Ford focus 2 is equipped from the factory with high-end optics. Depending on the equipment, a reflector with a halogen lamp or a lens with xenon and an automatic washer is responsible for the external lighting. Adjustment of headlights "Ford-Focus 2" is required quite rarely due to high-quality internal mechanism... But due to falling into a large hole on the road or a minor accident, the lens or reflective element may move. In this case, it is better to make adjustments.

How do you know if you need to adjust the optics?

On "Ford Focus 2" it is required in case of insufficient illumination of the roadway in dark time days. Visual signs of a knocked-down headlamp setting:

In the event of the above problems, you need to check in which position the handle of the electric headlight range control in the passenger compartment is set. If necessary, return the regulator to position "0" and make sure that the malfunction has not been eliminated. Headlight adjustment "Ford Focus 2" (restyling and dorestyling) can get lost by accidentally pressing the headlight beam adjustment button from the passenger compartment. If the settings of the corrector are correct, then the headlight mechanism will need to be adjusted.

What does the adjustment affect? Is it difficult to adjust the optics yourself?

The correct setting of the light beam mainly affects safety. The viewing range depends on this parameter not only in the dark, but also in rain, fog, snow. Incorrect adjustment can lead to serious consequences, for example, if the driver does not notice a broken car on the track or greatly blind the oncoming car owner.

Adjusting the Ford Focus 2 headlights will not take much time. But you need a certain preparation of the car before carrying out work:

  • Car headlights must be clean.
  • You should check the pressure in the wheels and pump up to the parameters stated on the car rack or door trim.
  • Stock up the necessary tools: tape measure, screwdriver, torx star, crayon or marker.
  • Find a flat area with a building or wall first.

After some simple preparations, you can start setting up. It will take 15-20 minutes to adjust the Ford Focus 2 headlights.

How do I adjust the headlights myself?

To correctly adjust the head optics, you need to follow the steps:

  • Place the car with its headlights against the wall at a distance of 3 meters.
  • Turn on the dipped headlights and measure the height of the beam boundary from the ground.
  • The border of the line of light should be 35 millimeters less than the height from the ground to the car light.
  • When measuring, the maximum value of the distance of the center of the beam from both headlights should be equal to 1270 millimeters.
  • For ease of adjustment, small lines should be marked on the wall with a chalk or marker, on which the light should fall.
  • Open the hood. Find the adjusting screws on top of the headlights, they are made for a regular screwdriver or a torx sprocket.
  • The screw on the side edge of the headlight of the car is responsible for turning left and right.
  • The screw, located in the center of the headlight, is responsible for tilting up and down.
  • Adjust the light beam using the screws along the pre-marked lines on the wall.

Adjusting the Ford Focus 2 headlights does not require much time and special knowledge. After the work has been done, close the hood and drive through poorly lit areas. After making sure that the lighting devices are working correctly, the setup can be considered complete.

Adjust yourself or in a service

Headlight adjustment "Ford Focus 2" service center can cost 1000-2000 rubles. However, the check is much cheaper - 200-300 rubles. To save money, you can independently carry out the adjustment work, and in the service additionally check the angles of the head light on a special stand.

Despite the simplicity, adjusting the light of the head optics is a very important and responsible job, on which the safety of not only the car owner, but also others depends. Vehicle... That is why, after performing your own tuning, you still need to go to the station. Maintenance and make an express check.


The presented article examines the effect of adjusting the drive on the operation of the brake force regulator (VAZ-2108-351205211) of front-wheel drive VAZ vehicles. A drive correctly adjusted by the manufacturer is subjected to vibration loads during operation, leading to a change in the mounting point of the drive. For the study, we took a brake force regulator and its mechanical drive, which have no operating time. The output parameters were taken at the stand - pressure brake fluid created at the outlets of the brake force regulator, at different positions of the drive attachment point and two load modes, simulating the unladen and full weight of the car. Based on the data obtained, the performance characteristics of the brake force regulator were plotted. Based on the results of the analysis, conclusions were drawn about the influence of the position of the attachment point of the drive of the brake force regulator on its performance. To confirm the obtained laboratory data, the mechanical drives of the brake force regulator of the operated VAZ vehicles were investigated. When analyzing the data obtained, the maximum operating time of the fastening elements of the mechanical drive of the brake force regulator was determined, on the basis of which recommendations for the technical impact during maintenance were formulated.

mechanical drive of the brake force regulator.

brake force regulator

brake circuits

service brake system

1. VAZ-2110i, -2111i, -2112i. Instructions for use, maintenance and repair. - M .: Publishing House Third Rome, 2008. - 192 p .;

2. Patent for useful model No. 130936 "Stand for determining the static characteristics of the brake force regulator" / D.N. Smirnov, S.V. Kurochkin, V.A. Nemkov // Patentee of VlSU, registered on August 10, 2013;

3. Smirnov D.N. Investigation of the wear of structural elements of the brake force regulator // Electronic scientific journal "Modern problems of science and education". - 2013. -№2. SSN-1817-6321 / http: // www ..

4. Smirnov D.N., Kirillov A.G. Investigation of the operability of the drive of the brake force regulator // Actual problems of operation vehicles: Proceedings of the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference / ed. A.G. Kirillova. - Vladimir: VlGU, 2011 .-- 334 p. ISBN 978-5-9984-0237-1;

5. Smirnov D.N., Nemkov V.A., Mayunov E.V. Stand for determining the static characteristics of the brake force regulator // Actual problems of vehicle operation: materials of the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference / ed. A.G. Kirillova. - Vladimir: VlGU, 2011 .-- 334 p. ISBN 978-5-9984-0237-1.

Introduction. The research carried out by the authors of the operation of the brake force regulator (RTS) under operating conditions made it possible to establish that its performance is affected by a change in geometric parameters elements of RTS. During operation, the mating surfaces of the structural elements of the RTS are exposed to mechanical and corrosion-mechanical wear. The more wear on the elements, the higher the likelihood of failure of the regulator. The performance of the RTS is also influenced by its drive.

Materials and research methods. In the design of the PTC drive, there are four interfaces of structural elements, which during operation are inherent in characteristic defects or wear, leading to incorrect operation of the system:

  • incorrect mutual position of the torsion bar and the regulator drive lever;
  • wear of the pin of the two-armed bracket of the PTS drive lever;
  • incorrect adjustment of the fastening of the PTC drive (position 4, fig. 1);
  • wear on the head of the differential piston rod.

Defects in all four mates are formed in parallel, but they can appear both separately from each other and simultaneously. The most common defect is incorrect drive alignment.

Rice. 1. Regulator of brake forces with a drive: 1 - lever spring; 2 - pins; 3 - two-armed bracket for the RTS drive lever; 4 - drive fastening; 5 - bracket for fastening the regulator to the car body; 6 - elastic lever (torsion bar) of the RTS drive; 7 - RTS; 8 - regulator drive lever; A, D - PTC inlets; B, C - PTS outlets

Incorrect adjustment of the drive occurs when a shift to the left or to the right relative to the PTC of the two-arm bracket of the drive lever of the regulator 3 (Fig. 1), which has an oval hole at the attachment point 4 (length of the major axis is 20 mm). This shift may be the result of operation (loosening of the fastening under vibration load or constant overload of the vehicle) or the intervention of incompetent persons.

The recommended adjustment of the drive is ensured by observing the gap between the lower part of the lever 8 of the drive of the regulator and the spring 1 of the lever. According to the manufacturer's recommendations, this gap should be within the range of ∆ = 2 ... 2.1 mm with the unladen vehicle weight.

Research results and their discussion. Consider the performance characteristics of the PTC with different drive adjustments. For the study, the regulator and its drive were taken, which were not used on the car. The choice of the new regulator is based on the absence of wear on the components of the RTS and its drive, which allows obtaining the standard characteristics of the RTS.

To obtain the operating characteristics of the RTS, a stand was used to determine the static characteristics of the brake force regulator.

In fig. 2, a shows the operating characteristics of the RTS when simulating the curb condition of the car in three positions of the drive adjustment.

With the recommended adjustment of the drive (lines 1, 2, Fig. 2, a), the brake fluid pressure is limited at a value of p0xav = 3.04 MPa, which is within acceptable limits when compared with the factory characteristics (lines bg and ng, Fig. 2, a). Further, a smooth increase in pressure continues due to throttling of the liquid inside the RTS. As a result, at the brake fluid pressure at the inputs A, DPTC p0 = 9.81 MPa, at the B outlet - p1 = 4.61 MPa, at the C outlet - p2 = 4.90 MPa, which also fits into the permissible corridor set by the plant. manufacturer (lines bg and ng, Fig. 2, a). The difference between the output values ​​of the brake fluid pressure p1 and p2 is ∆p = 0.29 MPa, which corresponds to the permissible limits of the factory characteristics.

When adjusting the drive in the extreme left position (lines 3, 4, Fig. 2, a), there is no complete operation of the RTS, but there is a moment of the beginning of its operation, which is observed at p0xleft = 4.12 MPa. This fact is explained by the fact that the drive fixed in the extreme left position acts on the piston rod with a large force Pp, which is higher than the resultant force on the piston head at the maximum value of p0max (as the measurements showed p0max >> 9.81 MPa). Ultimately, when the brake fluid pressure at the inputs A, DPTC p0 = 9.81 MPa, the pressure p1 = 6.77 MPa will be created at the outlet B and p2 = 7.45 MPa at the outlet C. The difference between the output values ​​of the brake fluid pressure is ∆p = 0.69 MPa, which exceeds the permissible value by 0.29 MPa.

Operating a car under these conditions is dangerous for two reasons:

§ the brake fluid pressure in the rear axle brakes goes beyond the upper limit of the recommended values ​​range, which will lead to the primary blocking of the rear axle wheels in case of emergency braking at all φ values;

§ unevenness braking force the rear axle, caused by pressure differences, can cause the vehicle to become unstable during emergency braking, regardless of the condition of the surface.

Rice. 2. Performance characteristics of the RTS with different drive fixation: a) - with the curb weight of the car; b) - at full weight car; p0 is the value of the brake fluid pressure at the inlet ports of the RTS, MPa; p1, p2 - the value of the brake fluid pressure at the outlet ports of the RTS; 1, 2 - correct fixing of the drive; 3, 4 - fixing the drive in the extreme left position; 5, 6 - fixing the drive in the extreme right position; 1, 3, 6 - change in the pressure of the brake fluid on the brake mechanism of the rear left wheel of the car; 2, 4, 5 - change in the brake fluid pressure on the brake mechanism of the rear right wheel of the car; vg, ng - upper and lower limits of permissible values ​​of performance characteristics; nom is the nominal value of the operating characteristic; p0xcr, p0xleft - brake fluid pressure at which the RTS is triggered, with the correct fixation of the drive and fixation in the extreme left position, respectively

Adjustment of the actuator in the extreme right position creates a gap ∆ = 6 ... 6.1 mm between the lower part of the lever 8 of the regulator drive (Fig. 1) and the spring 1 of the lever. This size of the gap makes the mechanical drive of the PTC useless with the curb weight of the car, because the drive does not provide force on the head of the piston rod, which is shown performance(lines 5, 6, Fig. 2, a). There is no PTC trip point for output C, but it is at zero for output B. The increase in the brake fluid pressure p2 at the outlet C is not observed, because the PTC plug valve is in the closed position. At inlet pressure ( holes A, D, rice. 1) p0 = 9.81 MPa, the brake fluid pressure at outlet B will be limited to p1 = 2.45 MPa. The difference between the output values ​​of the brake fluid pressure p1 and p2 exceeds the permissible value ∆p = 2.06 MPa, set by the manufacturer.

Operation of the car when adjusting the PTC drive in the extreme right position is dangerous for the same reasons as when adjusting in the extreme left position.

In fig. 2, b shows the operating characteristics of the RTS in three positions of the drive fixation when simulating the full load of the car.

With the recommended position of the drive adjustment (lines 1, 2, Fig. 2, b), the characteristics of the brake fluid pressures at the PTC outputs have an almost linear form. The difference between the output values ​​of the pressure p1 and p2 of the brake fluid is ∆p = 0.39 MPa (for example, when the pressure at the inlets is p0 = 2.94 MPa) - within acceptable limits. There is no pressure limitation at ports B and C, because When simulating a full vehicle load, the mechanical drive acts on the piston rod with a force that is higher than the resulting force on the head of the differential piston rod at the maximum value of p0max.

When adjusting the actuator in the extreme left position, the performance characteristics of the PTC have the same form (lines 3, 4, Fig. 2, b) as the performance characteristics with the recommended adjustment of the actuator. There is no limitation of the brake fluid pressure at the PTC outputs. As a result, at the input values ​​of the brake fluid pressure p0 = 9.81 MPa, the outputs of the RTS will be p1 = 9.81 MPa, p2 = 9.61 MPa. The difference between the outlet pressures ∆p = 0.20 MPa is within the permissible limits.

When adjusting the drive in the extreme right position (lines 5, 6, Fig. 2, b), the performance characteristics have the form of performance characteristics obtained by simulating the vehicle's equipped state and the recommended adjustment of the drive (lines 1, 2, Fig. 2, a). But there is one significant difference: the limitation of the brake fluid pressure occurs very early, and the actuation point can lie in the interval p0x = 0… 0.39 MPa. This will lead to a significant reduction in the resource of the pads and tires of the front wheels. when the vehicle is fully loaded, the front brakes will constantly be overloaded with increasing braking force.

To collect statistical data related to the change in the adjustment of the RTS drive, cars in operation in the central federal district of the Russian Federation were investigated. highways the usual type of category II, III, IV and V. Cars had a different service life, ranging from 3 to 70 thousand km. The study involved 55 cars with VAZ-2108-351205211 markings in the PTS brake drive.

Analyzing the collected statistical data on the reliability of the mechanical drive and the probability of its failure due to the change in kinematics, a graph of the dependence of the change in the adjustment position ∆S of the drive attachment on the operating time of the PTC drive was obtained (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Graph of the dependence of the shift of the fastening of the mechanical drive on the value of the operating time: ∆S - the value of the change in the position of the adjustment of the fastening of the drive, mm; L is the operating time of the RTS drive, thousand km; X is the start point of the shift; Y is the point of the critical shift value; 1 - line characterizing the maximum allowable displacement of the RTS drive mount; dependence equation: ∆S = 0.0021L2 - 0.0675L + 0.2128

In the interval 1 (Fig. 3) operating time (29.1% of the investigated cars), the cause of failures is the violation of the manufacturing and assembly technology. There is no change in the adjustment position ∆S of the actuator attachment in interval 1.

In the interval 2 (Fig. 3) of operating time L from 29.400 ± 0.220 to 51.143 ± 0.220 thousand km (41.8% of the sample), a change in the position of adjustment ∆S of the drive attachment towards the extreme right position begins to appear. On the run L = 51.143 ± 0.220 thousand km, a change in the adjustment position ∆S = 2.25 mm of the drive fastening is observed, while the gap between the lower part of the lever 8 (Fig. 1) of the regulator drive and the spring 1 of the lever ∆ = 3.5 ... 3.6 mm. With such a gap, the PTC plug valve, which is responsible for limiting the pressure of the brake fluid in the drive to the rear right working cylinder and having a stroke of 1.5 mm, will be closed when the vehicle is unladen. As a result, a difference in braking forces will appear on the wheels of the rear axle, which will lead to a loss of vehicle stability during braking.

In fig. 4 shows the direct dependence of the gap ∆ on the change in the position of adjustment ∆S of the PTC drive attachment, and in Fig. 5 - the dependence of the dynamic conversion coefficient Wd RTS on the change in the regulation position ∆S of the fastening of the RTS drive. The value of the maximum allowable change in the adjustment position ∆S of the PTC actuator attachment to the right, determined in two ways, has one value ∆S = 2.25 mm.

With further operation of the car (more than L = 51.143 ± 0.220 thousand km, interval 3), the probability of failure of the RTS increases due to the absence of effort Pp from the drive side.

Rice. 4. Graph of the dependence of the gap ∆ between the lower part of the regulator drive lever and the lever spring on the change in the position of the fastening ∆S of the PTC drive; dependence equation: ∆ = 0.6667∆S + 2.1

Rice. 5. Graph of the dependence of the dynamic conversion coefficient Wd of the RTS on the change in the position of the fastening ∆S of the drive RTS: 1, 2, 3 - the lower limit, the nominal value and the upper limit of the dynamic conversion ratio of the RTS, respectively; 4 - change in the dynamic conversion factor from the leftmost drive fixation to the rightmost one; A, B - the maximum permissible values ​​of the shift of the RTS drive to the left and right sides, respectively

In the course of the research, cases were observed that did not correspond to the natural operational change in the position of the fastening of the RTS drive (5.5% of the cars under study): 1) on a car with L = 27.775 thousand km of operating time, the change in the position of the drive attachment was 6 mm towards the extreme left position ; 2) on a car with a mileage of L = 58.318 thousand km from the beginning of operation, the change in the position of the drive attachment was towards the extreme right position by 6 mm; 3) on a car with L = 60.762 thousand km of operating time, the change in the position of the drive attachment was 1 mm towards the extreme right position of the PTC drive fixation.

Based on the results of the study, it can be recommended to include the following types of work on the RTS drive in the regulatory technical impacts:

  • when carrying out maintenance (MOT) on a run of 30 thousand km, pay special attention to the condition of the RTS and its mechanical drive. Check the change in the position of the drive fastening, correct its required position by measuring the gap ∆ between the lower part of the lever 8 (Fig. 1) of the regulator drive and the spring 1 of the lever;
  • when carrying out maintenance on a run of 45 thousand km, replace the drive mounting elements: bolt М8 × 50 for fastening the drive 4 (Fig. 1), bracket 5 for fastening the regulator to the body. Set the required clearance ∆ between the lower part of the lever 8 (Fig. 1) of the regulator drive and the spring 7 of the lever;
  • at each subsequent maintenance, with a frequency of 15 thousand km, carry out maintenance work on the mechanical drive of the RTS, described in paragraph 1, and with a frequency of 45 thousand km - the work described in paragraph 2.

Conclusions. Thus, the adjustment position of the actuator has a significant impact on the PTC working processes. Studies have shown that at full vehicle load, changing the position of the PTC drive adjustment has a lesser effect on active security than with curb weight. With a curb weight, it is dangerous to operate the car when changing the position of the drive adjustment from the recommended one, because there is a priority blocking of the wheels of the rear axle of the car, and further operation may lead to a road accident. When studying a sample of cars, it was revealed that changes in the settings of the PTC drive begin to appear at L = 29.400 ± 0.220 thousand km of operation. In most cases (70.9% of the sample), the change in the position of the actuator attachment occurs towards the extreme right position. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures aimed at servicing the mechanical drive of the RTS when the car reaches a run of 30 thousand km, and with maintenance at a run of 45 thousand km, it is necessary to replace the fastening elements of the mechanical drive of the RTS.


Gots A.N., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department " Heat engines and power plants "of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education" Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigorievich and Nikolai Grigorievich Stoletovs "(VlSU), Vladimir.

Kulchitskiy A.R., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chief Specialist of LLC “Plant of Innovative Products”, Vladimir.

Bibliographic reference

Smirnov D.N., Kirillov A.G., Nuzhdin R.V. INFLUENCE OF DRIVE REGULATION ON THE OPERATION OF THE BRAKE FORCE REGULATOR // Modern problems of science and education. - 2013. - No. 6 .;
URL: (date of access: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"

High-strength types of different glass occupy important niches in almost all areas of industry and technological developments... The presentation of new computer products is impossible without the presentation of original capabilities and performance characteristics displays, screens, touch panels. Elements like these help you create clearer, more colorful graphics. Other types of glass material are products such as plastic windows, which nowadays have the ability to transfer from summer to winter.

Two types of regulation

PVC double-glazed windows are versatile products that retain heat with high quality. But optimal balance indoor microclimate is necessary at different times of the year, especially when the air is humid. For this purpose, for different systems of plastic windows, the possibility of regulating products according to the "winter-summer" principle was introduced. Such novelties, as the emergence of new gaming products or "hardware" for pumping them, are covered by specialized sites.

These capabilities of sealed window systems can reduce the flow of air in the cold season and significantly increase it in the summer. Often, owners of modern PVC windows can cope with such work, which will save money and time for calling specialists. The main actions that make up the seasonal adjustment of fiberglass products are the following manipulations:

  1. Preparation for winter period... To prevent the penetration of cold air and drafts, it is necessary to ensure the most tight clamping of the window sashes. When pulling the trunnion towards you, you need to move it to the right using circular motions.

  2. Preparation before the warm season. At the end of the heating season, the load on the seal is weakened, for which the eccentric is pulled towards itself as much as possible and moves the required distance to the left.

Immediately after the installation of double-glazed windows, the adjustment of the products will be undesirable, since the maximally sealed position of the trunnion in winter will significantly increase the load on the sealing material. The deformation of this element will be final and irrevocable. At the same time, creating the optimal temperature and humidity will allow the consumer to feel as comfortable as possible in any room, playing online games and creating virtual worlds.

Caster angle - the angle between the wheel's axis of rotation and the vertical in the side view. It is considered positive if the axis is tilted backward relative to the direction of travel.

Camber is the inclination of the plane of the wheel to the perpendicular restored to the plane of the road. If the top of the wheel is tilted outward of the vehicle, then the camber angle is positive, and if inward it is negative.

Toe-in is the angle between the longitudinal axis of the vehicle and the plane passing through the center of the tire of the steering wheel. Toe is considered positive if the planes of rotation of the wheels intersect in front of the car, and negative if, on the contrary, they intersect somewhere behind.

Below are some experiments to understand how wheel alignment affects vehicle behavior.
Samara VAZ-2114 was chosen for the tests - most modern foreign cars do not burden the owner with a range and a choice of adjustments. There, all the parameters are set by the manufacturer and it is quite difficult to influence them without structural alterations.
The new car has unexpectedly light steering and slurred behavior on the road. The camber angles are within the tolerance range, with the exception of the longitudinal tilt angle of the left wheel (caster) steering axis. Applied to the front suspension of the domestic front wheel drive car setting angles always starts with adjusting the caster. It is this parameter, on the one hand, that serves as a determining factor for the others, and on the other hand, it affects to a lesser extent the tire wear and other nuances associated with the rolling of the car. Moreover, this operation is the most time-consuming - I think that is why it is "forgotten" at the plant. Only then, having dealt with the longitudinal corners, a competent master begins to regulate the camber, and then the toe-in of the wheels.

Option 1

The master maximally shifts the longitudinal tilt angles of the racks, taking them to the "minus". We kind of move the front wheels back to the wheel arches mudguards. A situation that is quite common on old and heavily "worn out" cars or after installing spacers that raise the rear of the car. The result: lightweight steering wheel, quick response to its slightest deviations. However, "Samara" has become overly nervous and fidgety, which is especially noticeable at a speed of 80-90 km / h and above. The car has unstable responses when entering a turn (not necessarily fast), strives to take a chance to the side, demanding constant steering from the driver. The situation is complicated when performing the "rearrangement" maneuver.

Option 2

The "correct" position of the struts (inclined in "plus"), set to "zero" and the angles of convergence and camber. Wheel became elastic and informative, and a little more "heavy". The car drives clearly, understandably and correctly. Gone are the agility, indistinct interconnections and trajectory yawing. On the "rearrangement" VAZ easily outstripped the previous version.

Option 3

Overly "positive" collapse. It is undesirable to change it without convergence correction; therefore, a positive convergence is also introduced.
Again, the steering wheel "lightened", the responses at the entrance to the turn became lazier, the side swing of the body increased. But there is no catastrophic deterioration in character. However, when simulating an extreme situation, the "steering feeling" is lost. With the appearance of slips unexpectedly early, it becomes difficult to get into the given corridor on the "rearrangement" and the car starts to slide too early. The strongest front axle slip dominates in fast corners.

Option 4

Option with sporting ambitions: everything is negative, except for the caster. A car with such settings makes turns more confident and faster, as well as the "rearrangement" maneuver. Hence the best result.

So, there are many simple and very effective ways change the character of the car without resorting to expensive replacement of units and parts. The main thing is not to neglect the adjustments - they often turn out to be very important.
Which of the options should you give preference to? For most, the second will be acceptable. It is most logical for everyday driving, with both partial and full load... You just need to take into account that by increasing the longitudinal tilt of the rack, you not only improve the behavior of the machine, but also increase the stabilizing (return) effort on the steering wheel.
The last, "fastest" setting option is more suitable for the near-sports audience who loves to improvise with the car. Giving preference to these adjustments, it must be borne in mind that with an increase in the load, the values ​​of the toe and camber angles will increase and may go beyond the permissible limits.


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