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After the car with distributed injection was released, motorists are interested, so what is the fuel consumption of the VAZ 2107 (injector). The reason for this curiosity lies in the higher consumption of topliva than the manufacturers indicate.

The VAZ car is familiar to every Russian. Since 1982, the VAZ 2105 has been replaced by new model- "seven", that is, VAZ 2107. This was evident in the changes that the car underwent.

They hid in changing the look of the hood, adding some details to the inside of the car, and there was also an aggressive grille. Production city - Nizhny Novgorod, RF.

The fuel consumption of VAZ 2107 per 100 km in the presence of AI-92, AI-95 injectors is as follows:

  • on the highway - 6.7-8.5 liters;
  • in urban conditions - consumption increases to 11.5 liters.

Plus, the factors of the quality of gasoline and the driving style of the motorist are added to everything. Therefore, some have more consumption, others have less.

How does this system work

In order to further correctly determine why you are using a lot of fuel, you need to know how the engine power system works. With this knowledge, you will already know how to reduce the fuel consumption of your UAZ.

After the air enters the suction manifold, the volume will be measured by a specific sensor. All this information will go further to the ECU. The process will receive a task to inject fuel through an injector, to be precise - through injectors. Anything that is released into the atmosphere is sensed by the emission meter. The data obtained helps to determine real expense fuel.

Already with knowledge of the operation of the entire system, it is easier to find the exact reason for the unreasonable high consumption of gasoline.

Reasons for overspending

To determine the reasons, the masters use a special device - a tester. He checks the electronic control unit and sensors. There are several main reasons when fuel consumption can be increased:

  • Aggressive driving.
  • Precipitation on the nozzle walls, measurement of their flow area.
  • Incorrect sensor operation.
  • The glow plug number does not correspond to that declared by the manufacturer.
  • The air engine of the car is clogged.

We diagnose ourselves

You can find out for yourself how much fuel actually goes away. To do this, you need to fill full tank gasoline, which is 39 liters, and drive until the gasoline level indicator is in the middle. It will take more than one hour of moderate driving. Then we go back to the gas station.

We consider: we divide the volume of the poured fuel by the value of the odometer mileage. So you will find out the average consumption of VAZ 2107 gasoline per 100 km. If the norms of fuel consumption are exceeded, you yourself will not be able to diagnose the exact cause of the problem. Then it is recommended to go to the service station.


What is the expense fuel Lada 2107 s injection motor, perfectly shows the statistics given by the manufacturer, and the figures received from motorists.

The manufacturer claims that when driving on the highway, the car will normally consume 9 liters of gasoline, but in fact we see that the consumption does not exceed 7.75 liters.

Riding in urban conditions should consume only 9.70 liters, but here the figure exceeds the mark of 10.25 liters. With a mixed type of driving, the indications of the manufacturer and the car enthusiast practically coincided, the first had a consumption of 8.50 liters, and the second - from 8.82 liters. Nevertheless, we see that in practice the consumption is higher.

The passport does not indicate how much gasoline is consumed when driving off-road. Having checked ourselves, we see that this kind of driving requires more than 9 liters of fuel.

Engine versions

Model VAZ 2103

The first engine, which was installed on the G7, was 2103, 75 hp, 1.5 liters. The results showed that in this carburetor car the speed does not exceed 155 km per hour. Wherein fuel consumption within the city limits is 11.5 liters.

Model VAZ 2104

The new engine - 2104, 72 hp, 1.5 l - injection. The manufacturer claims that a car with this engine can reach a top speed of 150 km per hour. But the fuel consumption of the VAZ 2107 decreased to 8.5 liters. \

Model VAZ 2106

Engine 2106, 74 hp, 1.6 l - the most popular among the other injection versions. Maximum speed reaches 155 km / h. When driving on the highway, the fuel indicator dropped to 7 liters... For 7 years of sales of this engine, the indicator was on par with sales of carburetor versions for 23 years.

In these examples, we can see that the fuel consumption of the 2107 injector is lower than that of the carburetor.

Soviet motorists have known the VAZ-2107 for more than forty years. This modification is similar to the Italian Fiat. Mainly different from it is appearance and some engine components.

This is one of the oldest models on the domestic market, therefore, both cash costs and time for repairs will require corresponding investments. This largely depends on the frequency of operation of the machine and the applied loads.

Most novice motorists have no idea where to start repairing the VAZ-2107 engine. For simplicity, it should be clarified that since the car is not new at all, consumes a sufficient amount of gasoline, has lost its traction, it cannot in any way go in the last gear uphill. Naturally, you have to "pull" on the third.


  • heating of the VAZ-2107 engine;
  • the appearance of unnecessary noise;
  • the appearance of a knock;
  • overvoltage of the oil pressure pump.

All these troubles made you go to the destination using the suction method.

As a result, an increased temperature of the VAZ-2107 engine is observed, and it begins to stall.

Your further actions can also be predicted. It:

  1. An attempt to find the root cause of the breakdown on your own.
  2. Hike to the service station for help.

The main reasons for the breakdown:

  • Complete wear of the camshafts and the appearance of rough burrs on them.
  • Violation of the integrity of the spline on the oil pump shaft with parallel slagging of its filter with shavings and other unnecessary debris.

What is the reason?

With such hard work power unit the lubricating properties of the motor were lost, as a result of which the rubbing parts wore out and the motor wedged.

The service station has carried out repairs and you have to pay a significant amount. What has been done?

  • pulling up the chain;
  • replacement of the oil pump with a new one;
  • engine oil change with preliminary washing;
  • change of the cylinder head;
  • replacement of most gaskets and oil filter;
  • installation of a new generator relay and replacement of spark plugs.

How is the engine called on a VAZ-2107 car if it was repaired at a service station? And what can he do after the overhaul?

Such repairs cannot be called major. Since the car did not pull up the hill, it will not pull.

Overhaul will be called a repair, the result of which will be the restoration of the previous traction and power of the unit by the machine.

Exists simple ways determine that the engine power of the VAZ-2107 has been lost. They are as follows:

  1. Too much engine oil consumption.
  2. Reduced acceleration of the car during normal carburetor operation.
  3. Availability exhaust gases dirty color and soot.
  4. Large amount of soot marks.

What are the reasons for the decrease in the power of the power unit?

  • violation of the adhesion of the pistons to the cylinder walls;
  • loss of compression.

Malfunctions such as loss of compression, wear piston rings, changing the diameter of the working rings of the cylinders to the maximum can cause For those who decided to save money and repair the engine with their own hands on a VAZ-2107 car, the recommendations listed below.

  • It is necessary to prepare a place for renovation works engine. To do this, you will need a pit and a crane, since the engine will need to be removed somehow. Otherwise, the repair will be doomed to failure.
  • To free access to the engine compartment, remove the hood.
  • Disconnecting the mass and removing the battery.
  • Carrying out work to open the radiator and expansion tank by unscrewing all the necessary bolts.
  • Draining the antifreeze.
  • Draining engine oil from the crankcase.
  • Withdrawal air filter and carburetor. These details should be set aside as they will not be needed for a long time.
  • Disconnecting the loose hose from the fuel pump. To minimize the loss of gasoline, an M8 bolt must be inserted into the clearance.
  • Removing the power unit.
  • Disconnecting the pipes leading to the stove, coil and candle wires.

Internal work in the engine

  • Shooting the camshaft and timing star.
  • Screwing off for which you should stock up on a torque wrench.

This is one of the important procedures, and it is necessary to start it if there is practice in this matter. If you have no experience, check out detailed instructions on working with these screws and keys.

  • Disconnection and complete removal
  • Careful inspection of pistons and cylinders for the appearance of embossed symbols.
  • It's time to climb into the inspection hole to remove the protection from the engine crankcase.
  • De-energizing the generator and removing it together with the belt.
  • Complete removal from the auto starter.
  • Removing all pipes from the cooling system, radiator and water pump.

Get ready for your garage to look like a flea market. Next, you will have to unscrew all fasteners of the clutch housing, nuts from and resort to the help of a partner to hang the removed engine on the beam.

  1. Removing the oil filter, clutch, flywheel, timing chain, crankshaft sprocket.
  2. Inspection of the crankshaft.
  3. Transition to work with the block of cylinders.

If you are not afraid of the specified work, you can proceed with the overhaul of the engine of a VAZ-2107 car.

Engine and service station

It should be noted that one cannot do without the help of the service station, since you will have to turn to them for the services of boring the cylinder block and grinding the crankshaft. You may also need to perform other work.

For a VAZ-2107 car, engine repairs are carried out by proven auto repair shops with certain machines and qualified specialists.

When carrying out repairs yourself, you need to know the list of major malfunctions that can occur with the VAZ-2107 engine.

VAZ-2107 engine - malfunctions

1. Problems with the operation of the power system, up to a complete failure of work fuel pump and both pipelines.

2. The presence of debris in the fuel and air jets.

3. Violation of the action of the membranes of the starting device, associated with their damage.

4. Problems with serviceability high-voltage wires, candles and distributor up to their complete failure.

5. Failure of the pump, presence of debris in the filter.

6. Maximum wear of the cylinder with the piston, camshaft, Timing.

The VAZ-2107 injection engine also has a number of faults that can be eliminated by hand.

Motor malfunctions

A clean unit is not only an indicator of the car enthusiast's love for his vehicle, but also the main factor in increasing its power and efficiency. It contributes to better performance of the car, economical consumption of fuel. The problems of the VAZ-2107 engine (injector) associated with pollution contribute to a decrease in the volume of injected fuel and a violation of the composition of the air-fuel mixture.

Electronic systems can "treat" clogging of injectors. But this treatment is not the main one, since the problem remains with the VAZ-2107 car. The engine (photo below) stops pulling normally, consumption increases, etc.

The main signs of clogging are:

  • uneven operation of the motor;
  • intermittent ignition;
  • loss of power;
  • triplet or engine factory failure.

If one of these signs is confirmed, the VAZ-2107 engine should be repaired immediately.

Ignoring this requirement will lead to irreparable damage.

Carrying out repairs can be both independent and with the involvement of specialists.

Some experts believe that in order to remedy the situation, the following actions should be taken:

After complete unscrew, thoroughly clean or replace the spark plugs.

The explanation for this action is quite simple: the presence of a large amount of soot that settles on the spark plugs and inhibits their work.

It is also possible to change the oil and filters, as the penetration of solvent into the oil leads to a decrease in its quality.

Anyway, important point control remains over technical condition your car and timely troubleshooting on a VAZ-2107 car.

The engine, the price of which today ranges from 50 to 55 thousand rubles. it is not difficult to acquire.

The specified power unit is sold in almost every auto shop in a large city. It can be both conventional carburetor and injection.

Carburetor ones are much less common than injection ones. This is due to the fact that the VAZ-2107 injection engine is equipped with electronic control systems. And many motorists, having such an opportunity, changed old motor on new.

Secondary market

Many drivers prefer to save money and buy a used engine, for which the price ranges from 20 to 2 thousand rubles. with a mileage of no more than 50 thousand km.

It is worth considering that when buying a used engine, to be sure of its quality characteristics, you will have to carry out diagnostics. If you are satisfied with the results, you can buy it safely.

So, we found out how to repair the power unit of a VAZ-"seven" car.

Sooner or later, any buyer of "Zhiguli" will be faced with what kind of engine to choose a car with. Of course, many will say that the VAZ 2107 injection engine is much better than the carburetor one. Undoubtedly, in a sense, this is true, but there are pitfalls here as well.

First of all, you need to understand what an injection engine is. In general, an injector is an electronic valve and a nozzle at the same time, which is driven by an electrical impulse. Such a nozzle is controlled by electronics, which calculates at what point the air-fuel mixture needs to be supplied to the engine and how much it is needed. The electronics builds these conclusions based on the readings of the sensors with which the entire injection engine is hung.

I classify all injectors depending on the type of injection. On the VAZ 2107 engine, for example, direct injection is installed. This means that the fuel goes directly into the combustion chamber, that is, the injectors go directly into the cylinders. This is a very effective scheme, since all fuel burns efficiently and does not settle anywhere.

There are also single injection systems. In fact, this is the same carburetor, only electronic. That is, the injector does not inject fuel into the cylinder, but into the intake manifold.

Advantages of the VAZ 2107 injector

Generally all injection engines, including on the VAZ 2107, are developed in such a way that the person himself does not regulate them. That is, it is a fully automated system that does not require attention. Compared to carburetor engine, then there periodically you need to adjust the carburetor, disassemble and clean it, adjust the ignition, etc.

But the main advantage of injectors is their high efficiency. This means that such engines are much more economical and "cleaner" than carburetor ones. And due to the fact that the process of fuel combustion is carefully controlled, no knocking occurs in the cylinders, which is so destructive for the engine.

But it has an injection engine and disadvantages. If the system malfunctions, sensors or electronics fail, then it will not work to repair the system on your own in an open field. It requires a qualified approach and computer diagnostics.

Pros of a carburetor engine

The main advantage of the carburetor engine is that it is designed in the simplest way. And the simpler the mechanism, the more difficult it is to break it, everyone knows that. So, in the event of a VAZ 2107 breakdown, the carburetor can be sorted out even on the knee in an hour or two. In addition, all parts for servicing the carburetor cost a penny. Basically, you have to change the gaskets from time to time and rinse the carburetor.

However, there is nothing eternal and sooner or later the injectors are either changed or washed.

As for the disadvantages, it is a relatively high gluttony and toxicity. In addition, carburetor engines are significantly inferior to injection engines in acceleration. The thing is that the fuel enters the carburetor engine only if the engine pulls it in there itself, but for this you need to develop the speed. In an injection engine, the fuel is supplied precisely and forcibly.

What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above? If the owner does not have any skills in car repair in general and turns to the service station for every little thing, then you can take an injection engine when buying a VAZ 2107. If a person is dear to him or he just loves to tinker with pieces of iron, then you can buy a VAZ 2107 with a carburetor engine. If a car is needed not for drawing, but simply as a means of transportation, then it will fully justify any hopes.

VAZ 2107 can be considered progressive for the line of VAZ cars. Since this is the first car of this manufacturer, in which an engine with an injection system is used, when a carburetor was used in other VAZ vehicles.

Some of the car owners were pleased with this innovation, while others were not. Of course, there are fans of one system, and there is another. But whatever it is, what's done is done. Therefore, let's see what are the advantages of such an engine over its predecessor and what are the main disadvantages.

As such, the injector was invented a long time ago. The first model was introduced in 1894, even before the carburetor system was invented. But it turned out to be impossible to recreate such a model in practice at that time. Therefore, for a while, the injector was forgotten and remembered only in the 40s of the last century.

Differences between carburetor and injector

If we talk about functions, then there are no fundamental differences - both systems perform the task of supplying fuel from the tank to the fuel rail, then to the cylinder. However, the difference lies precisely in the ways of supplying this very fuel.

In an engine that uses a carburetor design, a mixture of fuel and air enters the combustion chamber using a pressure difference. The disadvantage of such a system is that the power of the engine itself is expended to implement this method.

As for the injection system, then the fuel enters the combustion chamber immediately under a certain pressure. But here the fuel injection is controlled by the computer. This is one of the main advantages of this design. Since the system, which is electronically controlled, uses fuel in precise dosages, which makes the engine more economical.

The main pros and cons of the carburetor and injector

A huge number of engine manufacturers are ditching carburetor systems and using injectors. So what are the main reasons?

  1. Less pollution of the environment. Injection engines emit approximately half the amount of harmful substances than their predecessors. We can say that this is the main reason why carburetors were abandoned. Since this system does not meet the established EURO - 3 standards;
  2. Profitability. An engine with this system uses about 40-50 percent less fuel;
  3. Increased power indicators. Thanks to the improved design, manufacturers were able to increase engine power by 15 percent. Also, thanks to this, the dynamics of the car is improved several times;
  4. Quality and reliability. The injector engine is very reliable. The presented system rarely breaks down;
  5. Easy to start up. Unlike a carburetor, there is no need to warm up the injector in cold weather;

Despite the large number of advantages, the injection system has unpleasant disadvantages:

  1. Difficulty in diagnostics and repair. Due to the fact that the device is electronically controlled, it will be impossible to diagnose and repair without special equipment and a professional in this field;
  2. Price. The constituent elements of this system have not only high cost, but also low suitability for repair;
  3. Needed quality gasoline... If you use bad gasoline, then this will very badly affect the reliability and performance of the system. When using fuel that contains a large amount of solid impurities, it will be necessary to regularly flush the injector;

The carburetor is still quite popular. There are the following reasons for this:

  1. Simple renovation. There is no need for expensive equipment to service the carburetor. It can be repaired at home by anyone who has at least some idea about engines;
  2. Price. Spare parts for a carburetor are several times cheaper than an injector;
  3. Any fuel quality can be used. This mechanism almost does not feel the difference in fuel.

On a note. Vehicles with a carburetor system, even the AI-76 can be refueled and this will not affect the quality of work.

And this is where the advantages of the carburetor end, as for the disadvantages, they are a complete reflection of the advantages of the injection system:

  • high fuel consumption;
  • in order to start an engine with a carburetor system in the cold, a long warm-up is required.

And these are not all the disadvantages.

Injector and vaz 2107

Injection system is a solenoid valve.

This device operates in very difficult conditions and is subject to heavy loads, especially in Russian realities and on domestic cars... Therefore, the injector for 2107 requires good service... Even with a slight blockage of the system, it can affect the flow and economy of fuel. This reduces the efficiency of the engine.

Therefore, if the following signs are detected, it is necessary to clean the injector:

  1. Malfunction of ignition systems;
  2. The engine runs unevenly;
  3. Decrease in power;
  4. When you press the gas pedal "stumbling" occurs.

If we talk about the shortcomings of the VAZ 2107 injector, then here you can add from all the above shortcomings of the injector system only:

  • Low catalyst location. Only 10 centimeters from the ground, so you should choose flat roads, otherwise it can be hurt.

The diagram of the VAZ 2107 injector is shown in the image.

Modern injection engines have not been spared and domestic auto industry... This is definitely a good thing. Since the injector has many advantages over the carburetor.

The VAZ 2107 engine with the introduction of the injector system has become more powerful and more reliable in operation. This should please all future car owners of this car.

In accordance with the purposes for which each model was intended and depending on the year of "birth", the engines in the VAZ 2107 were of several types. The "seven" celebrated its debut with four-cylinder engines of the carburetor "type", the volume of which is 1.3, 1.5, 1.6 liters.

The total power of the car was measured at 64, 68 and, respectively, 72 hp. The cars, which were intended for the European market, were equipped with an engine with a volume of 1.7 liters. The power was 84 hp. Cars that were sent to Asia (where China most often wanted to buy them) were equipped with an engine, which, on the contrary, was weaker - 1.45 liters. and a power of 68 hp. In recent years, the plant has produced only VAZ 2107 with injection engines.

General information from the history of the car

Rich in events. Russian car equipped with rear wheel drive, is the latest from the "classic" series. In a way, this is a modified version of the VAZ 2105. Probably, this is the extreme "point" of the development of subcompact models with rear axle, which was able to conquer the domestic giant of the automotive industry. The car is distinguished by the angular shape of its body - the model resembles a sedan of the 70s; as well as a spectacular grille. The car has 4 doors, volumetric, roomy trunk(379 liters), the cabin has five seats for passengers and a beautiful, practical dashboard... There are two different configurations - "luxury" and "norm". The main difference is the interior trim. Climate control is supported by the interior heater and power windows.

VAZ 2107 engine injector

The modification of the VAZ 2107 car largely influenced the installation of one of four engines: 2104, 2103 (1.5 liters), as well as 2106, 21067 (1.6 liters). Car engine for VAZ 2107 it is a four-cylinder, four-stroke, gasoline, eight-valve engine, in which camshaft is at the top. The propulsion systems 2106 and 2103 are carbureted, and 21067 and 2104 are equipped with multipoint fuel injection. The prototype for creating the 2104 engine was the 2103 configuration, as a result of which the cylinder block, the gas distribution system drive, the connecting rod-piston group and the integral component - the crankshaft - have the same size and design. Motor 21067 is a modification of 2106. Since 21067 and 2104 have different cylinder diameters, respectively, the pistons with rings are not identical. At the same time, the elements of the drive of the gas distribution mechanism are the same as crankshafts... Thanks to the distributed fuel injection, which is supplemented by a vapor recovery system and a catalytic converter, it is possible to slightly reduce fuel consumption. The launch of the "heart" of the car is also somewhat easier in the cold season. The ignition mechanism is included in the control system. On a VAZ 2107 car, the functions of the ignition distributor are "fully assigned" to the electronic control unit.

How it works?

The diagram of the VAZ 2107 injector shows in general terms the design of the mechanism of the "brains" of the car engine. The process of operation of the control system consists of three stages:

  • collecting all the necessary information;
  • its subsequent processing;
  • execution of the corresponding functions.

Information is collected using various sensors. Usually these are devices that measure the amount and temperature of the incoming air, the exact position of the distribution shaft, rotation speed and other indicators. The information is processed by the engine control module. With the help of the processor, the information that comes here from the sensors is analyzed. It is compared with a specially created mathematical model stored in memory at a speed many times per second. If discrepancies are found, appropriate commands are issued to the mechanisms for the correction process. The executors of these commands are injectors that deliver fuel in the appropriate amount at precisely measured intervals. The spark plugs ignite the fuel at a predetermined interval.

VAZ 2107 injector engine malfunctions and subsequent ways to eliminate them

Many owners of domestic cars, in particular, Lada cars, carry out work in order to increase power and efficiency. An important factor, without which it is impossible to improve efficiency, are clean injectors. In many ways, they provide a high return to the "heart" of the car, fuel economy and are considered a guarantee of clean exhaust emissions. Malfunctions of the VAZ 2107 engine, the injector in the form of contaminants reduces the injected volume of fuel, violates the shape of the atomized air-fuel mixture. Electronic systems cars can reduce the effect of clogged injectors, but this is only a "symptom treatment", while the main cause of the disease remains unchanged.

Many photos and videos on the Internet of contaminated injectors give a visual idea of ​​what it is and how it harms the engine. They must be cleaned immediately after the first signs of clogging appear: uneven engine operation, uncertain ignition, loss of power. Sometimes the engine stalls or troit, there have been cases that it simply would not start. In such a situation, you should immediately repair the VAZ 2107 injector engine, since the car will not last long this way. Of course, you can try to do the repair yourself, however, if you are not sure about own forces, it is better to consult a specialist. Many experts recommend unscrewing and cleaning, or even replacing spark plugs immediately after the injector cleaning process.

This is due to the fact that during the cleaning process, a large number of unbound particles of harmful soot are formed. They easily settle on spark plugs and significantly degrade the quality of their work. You can also change the oil and filters, as the solvent, if it gets through the rings into the filled oil, will slightly reduce its quality. It is important to always monitor the condition of your car and then you will be able to eliminate all faults in time.


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