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There are 15,000 filling stations in Russia, of which only about 40% belongs to oil companies, the rest is independent, Dmitry Makhonin, head of the fuel and energy complex of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, told Vedomosti. But in terms of the flow rate (fuel sold through one filling station), the proportion is reversed, oilmen sell more: their share in sales is about 60%.

Oil workers have enough gas stations

The Antimonopoly Service, as a rule, does not approve the purchase of several dozen gas stations by vertically integrated companies, says Makhonin: "This allows you to maintain a balance between independent gas stations and gas stations owned by oilmen." True, there have been no requests for major deals with gas stations for a long time and the oilmen are not planning them in the near future, he knows. According to him, point purchases - 1-2 gas stations - are taking place.

The three companies that own the largest filling station networks in Russia include Rosneft (2897 filling stations), Lukoil (2603), Gazprom Neft (1244).

A Rosneft spokesman did not answer whether the company would expand its retail network. Lukoil does not consider the issue of a significant increase in gas stations in the long term, an extensive path of development has already been passed, and there will be no mass exodus from the regions, says a company representative.

“The long-term strategy of Gazprom Neft assumes a slight increase in the number of filling stations, the priority is to increase efficiency,” said Alexander Krylov, Director for Regional Sales. Shell (more than 220 filling stations) plans to expand the network, says a company representative: “By the end of the year, we will open filling stations in Nizhny Novgorod and Samara. Shell regards Russia as one of the top priority regions for the development of its filling station network. "

How independent gas stations work

When the retail sector was developing, filling stations were built where necessary, says the head of the Russian Fuel Union Grigory Sergienko: “The main thing was to put the pump on. They believed that there would always be gasoline. It turned out not. We only learned it when BP came to Russia in the early 1990s ”.

“She showed how to choose a location for a gas station, analyze the demand for fuel, etc.,” continues Sergienko. “This is how the oilmen acted later - they bought it up, which was beneficial from the point of view of location, strait and profitability of refueling, and now petrol stations, which attract little attention, remained outside their attention.” Makhonin says that recently the share of independent gas stations has decreased insignificantly.

Oil workers brew coffee

In 2016, Gazprom Neft sold 21 million cups of coffee at gas stations. “All coffee machines at our filling stations are also controlled from a single automated center, which monitors compliance with the recipe and the number of cups sold,” says Krylov. - Coffee sales are constantly growing. In the first eight months of 2017, coffee sales revenues reached RUB 1.7 billion. - this is 22% more than in the same period last year. "

The retail business is not interesting - the investment attractiveness is low, says Sergienko. The times when in winter, albeit with low demand, the margin reached 30-35% are a thing of the past, now it is 13%, and if you subtract the costs of maintaining the business, the profitability goes into the zero zone, says a leading analyst at Algorithm. Fuel integrator "Victor Kostyukov.

Due to the decline in profitability " Lukoil»Thought about selling a third of the filling stations, but gave up the idea. “In 2017, retail for the first time faced a sharp decline in profitability,” says Krylov. "But nowhere in the world is retail the profit center of oil companies." “For oilmen, profitability in this segment is not important. They make money on wholesales, ”says Sergienko: vertically integrated companies dominate the market, set the rules of the game and prices, and thereby bury independent retail.

Makhonin says that in recent years the total number of filling stations in Russia has been practically at the same level. Vertically integrated companies prefer to build gas stations rather than buy them.

Independent gas stations have to survive. Some manage to negotiate with oil companies to work on a franchise, but there are not many of them, Sergienko knows. Others agree to sell oil to oil workers for a commission, increase sales of related products, or trade in surrogate fuel. The last state is trying to suppress.

For the development of independent retail, all fuel consumers should have equal access to petroleum products, says Ilya Moroz, General Director of Solid - Commodity Markets (it owns 18 filling stations in the Smolensk and Nizhny Novgorod regions): “We need at least half of the fuel that is sold in domestic market, sell through transparent exchange trading ”. In addition, fuel shipments on the exchange market should mirror the proportion of shipments on the over-the-counter market - there are very few pipe shipments on the exchange, he complains.

Cafe and electric cars

To increase profitability, it is necessary to reduce costs and receive additional income from the efficient organization of retail, Krylov said. For Rosneft, the sale of related products is a priority, says its representative: in two years, sales of the related business grew by 20%, the strategy provides for a doubling of sales in 3-5 years.

The fire extinguisher was used - what to do next? What is the name of the device refilling? When should it be done? What types of fire extinguishers are there?

Refueling of fire extinguishers is called “refueling” or “recharging”.

The service of recharging fire extinguishers is necessary not only for large companies, but also for private owners who have a fire extinguisher. It is highly discouraged to carry out such a procedure on your own, since it can lead to injury if certain safety measures are not followed.

Finding out when this procedure is needed is quite simple. If your fire extinguisher has been used at least once, and after that has stood for more than a week, then this procedure is simply necessary for you.

Many experts recommend performing this procedure immediately after the first use. However, despite all the prescriptions, many people ignore these requirements. After that, the most unforeseen situations may arise, ranging from the failure of a fire extinguisher to other problems.

Even if a fire, in your opinion, cannot occur in your company, under any circumstances, you should still use the recharge service. According to safety regulations, this procedure should be carried out by absolutely all companies and individuals, after the fire extinguisher has been used at least once.

Is it possible to do without a fire extinguisher?

It should be noted that it is almost impossible to do without a fire extinguisher. Such a vital thing as a fire extinguisher should be present, both in the car and in any office, store, and so on. Even if you have other means of fighting a fire, having a fire extinguisher is a must for everyone.

If you have questions regarding this activity, then you can always go to the website and get the most complete and comprehensive information about the company's activities and how to solve this or that problem. There are professionals of the highest level who will be happy to help you.

Note that the cost of services in this company is an order of magnitude lower than that of most competing firms. In order to be convinced of this, it will be enough to simply compare prices.

What kind of fire extinguishers are there?

There are several types of fire extinguishers that are used in our country. It should be noted that all of them can be used to solve fire problems. The most popular are:

  • Air-foam fire extinguishers.
  • Powder.
  • Carbon dioxide.

All of them have a right to exist, however, according to many, powder is considered the simplest and most effective. In fact, everything is not so obvious here. In the most different situations, will be more effective different types fire extinguishers.

With an open fire, powder and air-foamy ones show themselves best.

If we talk about small fires that are difficult to determine, then carbon dioxide ones show themselves best.

Whatever the fire extinguisher is, remember that timely maintenance can save not only your property, but also your life.

To my question: "What type of gas installation does he have?" I clarified: "You are refueling," which finally confused my friend ...

As it turned out later, quite a lot of motorists with installed HBO are not "aware" of what they fill up with (methane or propane-butane), they have it installed and they have it. This state of affairs prompted me to write an article on which "all the points" will be placed, allowing an ordinary motorist to understand how they differ gas stations and what gas stations exist. If the topic is relevant to you then keep reading and I'm sure you will discover a lot of interesting and new things ...

Despite the common misconception, cars with HBO may not refuel at all gas stations, or rather, there are gas stations that have gas that is not suitable for a particular HBO installation. Gas fuel that is used in the automotive industry is mainly divided into two types: liquefied gas (a mixture of propane and butane, it is also called propane-butane LPG - Liquefied Petroleum Gas) as well as compressed (methane CNG - Compressed Natural Gas) compressed at a very low temperature. The result is a gas mixture that can be stored without high pressure- liquefied gas, or LPG - Liquefied Petroleum Gas.

As I wrote in my previous articles, LPG or propane-butane mixture is produced by refineries and then transported to refueling stations in tanks. There, at the filling station of the AGZS (Automobile Gas Filling Station), propane-butane is discharged into the storage rooms, after which vehicles equipped with gas equipment are refueled from these tanks. Refueling of cars takes place under a pressure of 16 atmospheres.

CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) or compressed methane is produced directly at the filling stations themselves, which are called so - CNG filling station(automobile gas filling compression station). Compressed methane is supplied to the CNG filling station through a pipeline, in the same way as household gas, which is available in almost every apartment. At the station, the gas is compressed to 200 atmospheres, after which cars equipped with the appropriate equipment are refueled with it.

Outwardly discern Gas station and CNG filling stations can be sized. As a rule, a CNG station occupies a much larger area than a CNG station, while the arrangement, and the equipment itself, also costs a lot of money. CNG filling stations are most often located outside the city, for the reasons described above. Methane gas stations are much less common, perhaps the reason for this is the unpopularity of methane among motorists.

The gas station, on the other hand, takes up little space and can be installed in the city, at any classic gas station, or at a small enterprise that fills its equipment with gas. The gas station itself is a fuel tank (which can be below or above the ground), a pump, as well as a compressor that pressurizes and a dispenser.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated and if you look at it, the differences between CNG filling stations and CNG filling stations are quite obvious and understandable.

Not all motorists think about how a modern gas station is arranged. But in order for the fuel to enter the tank of the car, it must go through a rather difficult path through the filling stations themselves, which now use the most modern technologies.

Fuel gets to filling stations in different ways, fuel can be delivered by train, or it can be delivered to its destination using a pipeline, but most often it is transported to individual stations using ordinary fuel trucks.

Modern fuel trucks, as a rule, have several internal sections, so they bring several types of fuel at once. The section with a volume of 10,900 liters will drain the fuel for about half an hour. During this time, refueling with specific fuel will be prohibited for safety and more accurate subsequent reporting on the volume of fuel.

Before the fuel is discharged into underground storage facilities, it undergoes control. First of all, the documents for the fuel are checked, the seal on the tank is opened, the level of its filling is checked, and then the fuel analysis is taken. New fuel is checked for density, roughly speaking, it should not be diluted with water deliberately or accidentally due to the ingress of rainwater, condensation, etc.

After checking, the fuel is connected to the tank with the help of a drain pipe and the fuel is drained.

Fuel storage

Fuel tanks can be above ground or underground. They are made of steel and are most often made in two layers for safety. Usually, fuel storage tanks do not exceed 50 cubic meters, but there are tanks with a volume of more than 200 cubic meters, such storage facilities are already considered mini-tank farms, to which their requirements apply.

The fuel level in the tank itself is measured with a metro rod. The fuel level is measured not only when draining fuel, but also when changing operators.

1. Inlet valve. It prevents fuel from draining from pipelines and all equipment back to the tank. Without the valve, the pump would have to completely fill the entire system from the reservoir to refueling gun, and this is an extra waste of energy and time.

2. Filter. Another filter element at a gas station, it can be installed immediately after the inlet valve or in the gas separator (5). If the filter is clogged, then a hum is heard during refueling, since the pump has to work with great effort.

3 and 4. Engine and pump. They work in pairs, connected, as a rule, by a belt drive, but there are also such designs where the pump and the engine sit on the same shaft. The belt drive is considered safer, since it is protected from increased engine loads.

5. Gas separator. In accordance with the name, it separates excess gases from the fuel, which in a calm state are in suspension, and with active mixing of the fuel, they combine and begin to create foam. The gas separator device is extremely simple - it is a small reservoir in which the fuel is briefly retained, and excess gases freely escape through the drain holes from above.

6. Solenoid valve. Opens when fuel is supplied and closes immediately after fuel injection stops. If this valve is broken, then it can simply shut off the entire system or not close it, in the latter case, even after the pump is turned off, the fuel will flow into the dispensing gun by inertia. When the solenoid valve is not closed, the fuel dispenser fills approximately 0.2-0.5 liters of excess fuel.

7. Liquid meter. It can be called in different ways, for example, a fuel meter, a liquid meter, etc., but it has only one function - to accurately measure the amount of fuel. Fuel meters can be electronic or mechanical. In the first case, the accuracy is adjusted using special commands, in the second case, using the adjusting bolts.

8. Viewing window. It is a hollow flask with glass. If the flask is full of fuel, then the foot valve is working and fuel remains in the system after the pump is turned off.

It can be called differently, it is designed to control the fuel supply to the neck of the tank, it also cuts off the fuel supply when the tank is overfilled.

10, 11, 12. Control system. The system integrates the fuel dispenser and the operator's control panel.

More about the device of the filling nozzle

The device for a refueling pistol is not as simple as it seems at first glance. In addition to the fuel supply function, there is a fuel cut-off system inside when the tank is overfilled.

How this system works can be seen in the video above. With normal fuel flow, air enters the gun through a small tube and orifice. As soon as the fuel reaches the level of the filler pipe, fuel enters the nozzle and the air pressure in the protection system drops sharply, the membrane reacts to this and the cut-off spring is triggered, the fuel supply stops. When the safety system is triggered, fuel will not be delivered until the gun lever is “cocked” again.

The only exception is the unusual scheme with the top location of the fuel dispenser. But such schemes are used extremely rarely, primarily due to the shortage of such equipment and certain difficulties with its maintenance. There is no particular benefit from such an arrangement of the dispenser, except that the cars can be placed a little denser, and the dispensers themselves cannot be touched by a car.

In 1888, gasoline began to be sold in pharmacies.

In 1907, the first gas station was opened in the United States; it was a warehouse with cans of gasoline. Later, stations began to appear with one large reservoir, from which fuel was supplied by gravity.

In Russia, the first gas station was opened in 1911 by the Imperial Automobile Society.

Modern filling stations are not limited to selling only fuel. Many have small shops with related goods, groceries, cafes, car washes, etc. The development of gas stations in the United States is especially noticeable, where refueling is only a part of the complex, which includes parking lots for heavy vehicles, recreation and leisure centers, shops, cafes and much more.

There are more than 25,000 car filling stations in Russia, about 600 of them are located within the Moscow Ring Road. There are more than 120,000 filling stations in the USA, about 14,000 in Canada, and more than 9,000 in the UK, while in the 90s there were more than 18,000.

Experienced drivers know at which gas stations the most high quality gasoline... Each "ace of Russian tracks" saved invaluable experience not for self-interest, but for benefit. Because I experienced it myself: deviation from standards, the presence of impurities (to be honest: even though gasoline is not sour cream, but it is also diluted with water, fuel with a lower octane number) are fraught with big troubles.

Filters clogged, candles are out

If you approach the issue without proper attention, the machine slowly but surely, and sometimes instantly, reacts to violation of the rules of "nutrition". Clogged filters, malfunctioning nozzles, carbon deposits - this is not a complete list of troubles that await us after we have poured fuel tank God knows what, although we were assured that this is good gasoline.

What do you need to know in order to avoid the troubles associated with visiting the "wrong" gas station? To begin with, let's analyze the factors affecting the quality of the fuel: (the measure of the starting, working and final fractions, the measure of the content of alkalis, acids, organic compounds, etc.)

Although there is an opinion that it is not always fuel for branded Gas station is better than the one that little-known points implement, many drivers when asked about “ best gasoline», At which gas stations they are sold, they answer that they like Shell, Rosneft, and some other promoted stations.

When you don't need lemonade

How to find out about the progress of fuel quality control? Law-abiding owners of each gas station put up special certificates for everyone to see. I would like to believe: in fact, everything is as written. Unfortunately, practice shows: the data of the official certificate do not always shine with reliability. It is impossible to demand the same utility from gasoline 80 and 95 - fractional indicators are different.

Before talking about which gas stations sell the highest quality gasoline, we will estimate a different, consumer rating. The most popular is the 95th, the least demanded is the 76th. And what? It seems that some of the gas station workers have adopted Dale Carnegie's advice “if fate gave you a lemon, make lemonade out of it” in their own selfish manner. Using the so-called additives for diesel fuel(improvers), they make anything from 76th "lemon", up to 95th "brandy".

This dubious mixture is used by a huge number of cars throughout the country. Improvers, originally added to the raw materials from which gasoline is produced, are especially harmful to the car. However, not all "shoals" are stacked on the conscience of fuel traders. So, it falls if it has been stored for too long. At the same time, the content of resins increases (due to an increase in the concentration of fuel hydrocarbons).

Ask a friend

How not to miss the choice of a gas station? There are many ways. The first step is to ask those whose opinions you consider objective and honest (friends, work colleagues, relatives). Although opinions may differ in this narrow circle, you can grasp the vector of actions and draw conclusions. The highest quality and proven brands in Russia in 2016 are considered: Lukoil, Gazpromneft, Shell, TNK. But maybe this applies only to the center?

It is believed that when traveling around the country, one may encounter the fact that a gas station, which has a high reputation among metropolitan consumers, sells fuel that does not meet the declared quality. What to do in this case? Ask local motorists where they prefer to be serviced. Or watch the "behavior" of cars with local numbers. Which station has the most of them - there really is.

Another subtlety: watch out for excessive use of bright words "luxury", "premium" in the fuel price list at the station. Remember that everyone knows how to show off in our advertising time. Look for a little modesty: a brand name without any "suites". This is how the product is presented where there is no need to prove that it is of high quality and proven.

Gasoline passport

Which gas stations have the best quality gasoline? The responses of the people sometimes slightly (and sometimes radically) change places of emphasis. For example, Shell is in the top three. It is believed that the product is environmentally friendly (complies with the Euro-4 standard), during production the standards of GOST are observed. Fuel system does not get dirty. But you can also hear that Shell (as well as TNK) in a number of cases sells fuel stored in not the coolest oil depots (the owners of the storage facilities shake off their partners, to put it mildly, not that).

Therefore, attention, attention and more attention. Examine at the gas station, find there a gasoline passport. If the fuel has improved, it has a separate document. Read whether this process was carried out in accordance with GOST or on the basis of technical specifications. Assess environmental safety, find the name of the manufacturer.

Gasoline passport may be expired (valid for 10 days). At the end of this time, the initial indicators decrease, the quality of the fuel decreases. Do not take risks, do not buy fuel at gas stations before you read the passport data. If there is no document in sight, this is already a signal of the seller's dishonesty.

Don't chase, chauffeur, for cheapness!

Almost every second driver at least once thought about where to buy not too expensive gasoline. An understandable desire. But standing at a gas station with a product "at a reasonable price", think about it: GOST is unlikely to be so cheap, and made according to TU will probably not be very useful for your car. The quality of the conditions is initially less stringent.

The knowledge of which gas stations have the highest quality gasoline, of course, is strength. But always remember that in large cities there is less counterfeit and low-quality fuel, it is better to keep your ears on top of your head away from them. In addition, gasoline is better on weekdays than on weekends and holidays.

Check the quality. Look at appearance flammable liquid, please rate color range... Poisonous shades are present - do not take risks, do not fill the gas tank, even if the price is tempting.

About color. Experts say that in A-72 it is pink, in A-76 it is yellow, in 93 it is orange-red, in 95 it resembles gastric juice in color (yellow-green). Although there are those who find that sometimes it looks like Duchess lemonade and doubt the quality.

What smells?

There is a touch test. This is done by dripping gasoline onto your hand (the back is more sensitive). Dries up the skin? you did a good choice... Are there any greasy marks left? Stop! Diesel fuel was added to the fuel, which reduced the quality. Highly bad smell- also a signal of fuel trouble. Experienced car owners and attentive newcomers are alarmed when they catch the smell of burnt rubber and chemicals.

These tips are helpful in identifying low quality fuels, but are not ideal testing methods. There are also chemical tests that can be done at home. Pour the test substance into a glass beaker and observe. Is there soot deposits at the bottom? This indicates that the fuel was enriched with carbon or benzene.

If you take a sheet of paper and put a drop of gasoline on it, a real one will evaporate without a trace, a low-quality one will leave behind a greasy and dirty mark. If you set fire to a drop, the clean one will burn without a trace, or rather, a white circle will remain. The presence of brown and yellow indicates an excess of the resin content. Particularly vigilant drivers resort to testing the fuel consumed by their favorite car in special laboratories.

We continue testing

Didn't make it to the laboratory? Continue your personal experiments: see how a drop of gasoline behaves on the glass? Did the "test subject" flow up to 5 mm in diameter? This means that the concentration of resins in it is 9-10 milligrams per 100 milliliters (the norm for high-quality fuel is 7-15 mg).

Blurred to 30 millimeters? The resin content is exceeded and reaches approximately 19 to 21 milligrams per hundred milliliters. Permanent excess of this indicator halves the service life by 20%.

About the amount of water in the tested gasoline. Add potassium permanganate crystals to the vessel with fuel. If the composition becomes typically violet, there is an excess of H2O in it. Crystals do not dissolve in high-quality fuel. Watery gasoline will damage spark plugs and contaminate fuel equipment.

The beautiful word "ariometer"

Cannibalistic? It is worth learning how to recognize the highest quality gasoline in Russia, at which gas stations it is most likely to find it. Many people like to use a household gas meter (ariometer). Of course, you should not completely rely on the reliability of the data obtained with its help. But if you need to separate the "grain from the chaff" and determine gasoline and diesel fuel, then the ariometer is what you need. After identifying fuel problems, take the time to conduct a professional diagnosis of the vehicle.

In the event of a breakdown and repair of transport due to poor-quality infusions, having laboratory reports on poor-quality fuel in your hands, you can contact Rospotrebnadzor (it is engaged in consumer protection) with an application for reimbursement of the costs of bringing the car into working order.

TOP 10

Looking for where there is the best quality at which gas stations, some motorists did reviews while driving through the vastness of Russia. The experiment showed that eight samples for the sulfur content met the requirements of class 4 (a couple of which approached the fifth), two showed the third class (we are talking about the sulfur content). So it's not all that sad. If you do not refuel from a fuel tanker, do not chase after cheapness, you have every chance of refueling with a decent 95th, no matter where the hunt for a change of places leads you to.

The brands "Gazpromneft", "Kirishsky benzin" are praised (tests give a stable positive result). The first of these has two factories - in Moscow and Yaroslavl, both guarantee the quality of products.

More about those who are ranked among the "ten brave": these are the well-known companies "TNK", "Rosneft", Shell. Many are familiar with TNK-BP and Neste. The filling stations of these brands are based on domestic fuel (with the exception of 98th gasoline). But be careful: in the wrong place or "at the wrong time" you can face the fact of the discrepancy between the desired and the actual - there are complaints about the quality from consumers.

German and Russian quality

There is a small company "Statoil" and a large, well-known, but not too beloved by consumers "PTK". The list of average quality is completed by Tatneft (there is no own oil depot) and Bashneft (there is a base). They shared 10th place among themselves. In terms of global assessments, there is the International Fuel Quality Watchdog Center. It is believed that the highest quality gasoline in the world is sold in Germany. Japan is on the second position, on the third - six countries, including Austria, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Sweden.

What is it, the highest quality at which gas station is found? The question is rather rhetorical. Some are sure that it is necessary to adhere to the principle “one gas station - one manufacturer”. Others believe that you can contact different stations, as long as they are branded. Still others say that even at a small gas station you can buy high-quality fuel, and fly at a luxury one. These are just some of the opinions!

It seems that the wisest of them is this: do not look for an unambiguous answer to the question of which gas stations have the best quality gasoline. Comprehend the essence of the question. And you will always find what you are looking for while driving through the endless Russian expanses.


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