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Most car manufacturers, including GAZ and AvtoVAZ, now only produce injection engines... Their design provides for a fuel rail, into which gasoline is supplied under pressure. To the impossibility of exploiting injection motor failures in the operation of electronics, as well as any breakdowns in the fuel supply system. In practice, such phenomena occur quite often. And reliability carburetor engines, operated to this day by most car owners, has been tested for many years. Further, it is considered how to properly clean and disassemble a standard two-chamber carburetor.

The device of the simplest car carburetor

Everyone knows that the flow of air passing through the nozzle tube will draw in liquid, resulting in a fuel mixture. This principle is illustrated by the following figure:

Single chamber carburetor device

Actually, the simplest single-chamber carburetor is shown here. Fuel enters the diffuser cavity through the nozzle "9". The float chamber "11" is half filled with gasoline. The float "10", pressing down the needle "2", at the right moment, shuts off the fuel supply. Well, the throttle valve "7", as many know, is equipped with a drive from the gas pedal.

In fact, there is one important element missing in the upper picture. This is a fuel filter that looks like a tube made of steel mesh. And place it in front of the inlet, indicated by the number "1" in the first drawing.

Fuel mesh filter in Ozone and Solex carburetors

It is clear that in order to clean this filter, you need to unscrew the fastening nut-plug. The installation of the filter is carried out in the reverse order: install the filter, tighten the nut.

When performing any repair actions, it will be desirable to disconnect the negative terminal of the battery. This is how you can protect yourself from unforeseen consequences.

We make cleaning

Before you start cleaning, there are a few important tips to keep in mind:

  • Cleaning and flushing the carburetor can be done without removing it from the car;
  • To access diffusers and other important elements, just take off air filter;
  • The float chamber cover is best left in place. However, if it is not dismantled, access to the fuel jets will be blocked.

Let's use the second tip and see the cavities of the two chambers:

It looks like a VAZ carburetor (air filter removed)

Already, access to the following elements has appeared:

  • Air jets (two identical parts in the center);
  • Diffusers;
  • Air dampers.

When cleaning the nozzles, they can be unscrewed, but it is better to leave all the elements in place. Use compressed air or special aerosol (see below). But cleaning the moving parts must be done with care: regular factory grease should not be washed off.

After dismantling the mesh filter, it can be washed in acetone or diesel fuel and also "blown" with compressed air. After installing the element in place, tighten the nut and check how tight the connection is.

Fuel filter together with plug nut

To perform such a check, fuel is pumped to the maximum, rotating the fuel pump shaft by hand. The shut-off needle must close off the inlet. If the cork remains dry, then no mistakes were made.

If you still decide to remove the float chamber cover, first you need to do the following:

  1. Loosen the clamps of all fuel hoses;
  2. Remove each hose from the fitting;
  3. Disconnect electrical connectors (if any).

The lid itself is placed on a horizontal surface with floats upward. Whoever breaks this rule will have to regulate the locking mechanism, which in reality is quite difficult to accomplish. The result of all actions looks like this:

Float chamber cover

The assembly of the unit after cleaning is carried out in the reverse order.

Materials and equipment

The inner surfaces of the carburetor chambers are well cleaned with acetone. You can also use diesel fuel, or buy a special aerosol. The instructions will indicate how many minutes the composition is kept before washing it off. And the presence of a can of compressed air will not hurt either.

Do not attempt to clean the jets using wire, fishing line, or burnt matches. Compressed air, liquids and aerosols are what professionals use in practice.

The carburetor cleaner is usually supplied as an aerosol spray. The product is sprayed, kept for several minutes and washed off with gasoline. The word "washing", moreover, can mean starting the engine. This means that the assembly will need to be done in 1-2 minutes. We will leave the choice to the owner.

Only use a soft cloth such as flannel or rags to clean aluminum. And it is strictly forbidden to use any fabrics with pile. The fact is that the pile will in any case remain in the insides of the carburetor. Then it goes into the combustion chamber.

There is a huge selection of products on the market to help you clean your carburetor yourself. But most of the chemical compositions offered even by well-known brands are based on acetone.

Flexible Hose Sprays - Carburetor Cleaners

Be careful: in addition to acetone, aerosols contain methane and propane. These substances are highly flammable.

Video instruction (for VAZ-2108)

We are used to the fact that when it comes to cleaning a car, the main attention should be paid to its body, because, as a rule, it is on its components that the most dirt gets. By and large, this is how it is, but do not forget, also, about the internal contents of the car, that part of it, which is hidden under the hood. During the operation of the vehicle, when all its mechanisms and systems are in motion, friction arises between individual parts, and all kinds of oils are used so that the process goes smoothly. Mixing with dust lubricants settle on the surface of working elements, which, over time, begins to complicate their activities. To prevent possible problems, it is necessary to remove dirt in a timely manner, cleaning the parts, and how this is done, we will now tell you using the example of a carburetor.

1. Types of cleaning agents and methods of their use

During the operation of the car, oil, gasoline films, dust and soot are deposited in a decent layer on the carburetor dampers and highways, and to remove them, you will have to use special cleaners. In the old days, almost any available means were used for this purpose, including diesel fuel, with kerosene. However, today, special chemicals for solving such problems can be found in all car dealerships, and the cost of the compositions makes them affordable for any car enthusiast. With regard to efficiency, it clearly outperforms alternative options, because the additives used allow not only to remove all the dirt, but also to keep the parts of the carburetor mechanism intact.

Signs of heavy contamination include: increased fuel consumption and toxicity exhaust gases, problems with starting the engine, malfunctions on Idling etc. But when making a final verdict, it should be borne in mind that the listed problems are sometimes symptoms of other breakdowns, which means that before cleaning the carburetor, it will not be superfluous to check in service center general condition of the vehicle.

If the suspicions are confirmed, it will no longer be possible to avoid the use of cleaners, and here you have two options: either entrust the case to the service station employees, or do everything yourself, having previously dealt with the existing compositions.

The main task of the initial stage is right choice a good cleaner. Nowadays, they are available in two forms: in the form of a liquid and in the form of an aerosol, and such means are used either by a self-cleaning method or by a manual cleaning method. In the first case, to remove dirt, you do not have to remove or unwind anything; it will be enough to use a cleaner, which, most often, is supplied in the form of a liquid. The order of its application is as follows: liquid is poured into fuel tank, where it is mixed with the combustible mixture, after which it enters the carburetor directly, and during the combustion of a certain volume of the fuel mixture, this unit is purified. The only drawback of this method is its low efficiency, since compared to the processing of disassembled parts, it is significantly inferior in the amount of removed contaminants. Therefore, self-cleaning is recommended only in emergency cases when it is not possible to disassemble the fuel unit.

The manual cleaning method, in which the aerosol form of the cleaner is used, copes with the task much better. The cleaning agent is presented here in the form of a balloon having a dispensing device that allows you to easily apply the composition to the required surface. In addition, a kit with a spray usually includes an additional nozzle that allows you to wash the most difficult-to-reach parts of the part. The disadvantage of this method is the laboriousness of the process, since to complete the procedure you have to partially disassemble the carburetor, and this is not always convenient. The disassembled parts are manually processed with a cleaner on both sides, which undoubtedly allows for a much greater efficiency of the cleaning process.

Another way to flush the carburetor is outdoor sink... It is carried out using the same means that is used to clean the internal elements, and it is recommended to perform all actions before starting the processing of internal parts: first, the air cleaner is removed, after which all elements are thoroughly washed, including the mesh filter, which must be cleaned every 50 thousand kilometers ( about once every six months).

Regardless of the type of carburetor cleaner chosen by you (liquid or aerosol), first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's recommendations. The instructions clearly describe the entire process of using the composition, as well as the permissible frequency and some other nuances of use. Note! All modern cleaners are flammable, which means they cannot be applied to elements fuel system that are energized. In addition, the use of compounds in unventilated rooms and in the vicinity of potentially dangerous sources of ignition is prohibited.

2. Characteristics of aerosol cleaning compositions

As already mentioned, manual cleaning of the carburetor is much more effective than the self-cleaning method, which means that aerosol products are considered to be of better quality and easier to use.

Their additional advantage is the possibility of frequent use, which prevents the appearance of problems caused by the accumulation of dirt in the carburetor. Let's take a look at what aerosol cleaning compositions are made of. Such chemical compounds are composed of organic substances, a number of all kinds of solvents and inorganic compounds. Some of them perform basic functions, while others take secondary places, providing additional properties. The efficiency of the entire cleaning process depends on the concentration of the "basic" chemical compounds (they are also called active), since they penetrate into all the secret corners of the carburetor, removing the most complex contaminants. If such compounds do not have the necessary characteristics, then the cleaning agent will not be able to perform its task efficiently and complex deposits (for example, having a resinous base) will remain in place.

The solvents that make up aerosol cleaners are most often made either on a gasoline basis or on an organic basis, thereby determining the duration of action of the agent and the level of its "aggressive" effect on the surface of parts (the effectiveness of the entire cleaning procedure depends on this factor). However, aerosol products also gained universal popularity due to their ease of use, because to apply the composition, you just need to press the spray bottle and wait a few minutes (the more exact time is indicated in the instructions for each specific drug), additional actions are usually not required.

True, no matter how effective this or that cleansing agent is, no matter how positive qualities did not possess, you should never forget that no purifier will provide a complete Maintenance fuel system, which means that the only correct option would be to carry out systematic cleaning of units at service stations.

3. How Do I Pick a Good Carburetor Cleaner?

In the modern auto chemistry market, products are presented that meet almost any requirements, including the monetary side of the issue. There is nothing surprising here, because each manufacturer tries to make its products the best, coming up with more and more new additions to its already existing characteristics. Therefore, it is rather difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question "which carburetor cleaner is better to choose?" You can use almost any auto chemistry, the main thing is to make sure there is a sufficient amount positive feedback about her.

Of course, it is better to choose products from manufacturers with a good reputation, which has remained unchanged for several years. Also, it is a good sign that testing of one or another cleaning agent is carried out, the results of which are posted on specialized web resources or in relevant magazines. Quite often, the results of such tests help the driver to finally decide on the choice of a cleaning mixture.

Experts advise using only those means that cannot harm such components of the fuel system as: an oxygen sensor, turbochargers, catalytic converters and other monitoring devices, and information about the availability of such a possibility is usually indicated on the packaging.

4. Review of popular cleaners

If we take into account the results of the tests carried out, then the German remedy can be considered the absolute leader among carburetor cleaners. Vergaser-Aussen-Reiniger produced by a well-known company Liqui moly, which in the field of auto chemistry specializes in the release of new products. At the moment, more than five thousand names of the most diverse products that are popular throughout Europe have been released on her behalf.

Liqui Moly cleaners allow you to completely remove stubborn paint and varnish deposits from the carburetor body, clean all channels, throttle valves and other elements of this fuel unit. The product is produced in the form of an aerosol, which allows cleaning without disassembling the carburetor mechanism.

Gets good reviews, also means brand Hi Gear, which cleaners sell well in many European countries. A similar opinion of foreign colleagues is shared by domestic motorists who had to deal with these trains. Hi Gear brand products have been tested and proven to be effective in removing carbon deposits and all types of varnish thanks to a unique synthetic formula.

Currently, under this well-known brand, the following carburetor cleaners are produced:

HG3121 and HG3116- significantly reduce the toxicity of exhaust gases and can restore the initial technical specifications fuel system;

HG3177- is different low level"Aggressiveness", and it takes only a few minutes to cleanse the system;

HG3208- provides gentle removal of contaminants, eliminating problems that arise during the use of low-quality fuel;

HG3201 and HG3202- reduce the toxicity of the exhaust and allow you to clean the carburetor without disassembling it.

The third, on our list, is the ZM agent, since it ensures the destruction of all types of contaminants, while lubricating the elements of the fuel mechanism. It includes approximately 75-80% safe, from the point of view of ecology, volatile compounds of organic nature. One of the main advantages of this cleaner is its versatility, since in addition to carburetor parts, it is also suitable for removing dirt from the crankcase ventilation mechanism and the temperature indicator of the intake tract.

Another carburetor cleaner that can be advised based on the tests carried out is an aerosol composition called Jet100 Ultra, designed for the treatment of internal and external parts. The composition of this cleaner is quite active, which makes it easy to deal with stubborn dirt such as carbon deposits, dust, greasy films and varnishes. In addition, such a tool is completely safe for oxygen indicators, and in some cases can increase engine power and improve throttle valve mobility.

In general, whatever your choice, remember one rule: for the proper operation of the carburetor, and the entire fuel system, cleaning compositions are recommended to be used every 5000-10,000 kilometers.

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Special "chemistry" for cleaning the carburetor can be found at any auto parts store. If earlier almost any available means were used for this operation (diesel fuel, kerosene, etc.), today special formulations are actively used, the cost of which makes them available to every car owner. In terms of effectiveness, these drugs are superior to alternative means, and the use of various additives allows you to eliminate all impurities without harming the device. In this article, we'll take a look at the most popular cleaners as well as the various processing methods.

Methods for cleaning the carburetor using liquid mixtures

Cleaning the carburetor with a special fluid

Before using a chemical, be sure to read the instructions. Since in the first version, all work is limited to pouring liquid into the tank, we will consider a method using special chemistry, with partial disassembly of the carburetor. To complete the procedure, we need cleaning in the form of a 500 ml spray can. This will be enough for several times. As a rule, the set includes a special nozzle in the form of a thin tube. It allows for the processing of hard-to-reach areas and channels.

Many experts recommend using a mixture Hi Gear... This is a good carburetor cleaner, reviews about it are evidence of its effectiveness. You also need tools, a screwdriver or a set of appropriate keys to dismantle some of the elements. Partially disassemble the carburetor so that you can get to the float chamber and nozzles. The entire surface is treated with a cleaner. The chemical composition of the liquid does the job on its own, you don't need to rub anything or otherwise help the process. With careful processing, the part will take on its original appearance. It is recommended to repeat the procedure at least once a year, when using low quality gasoline, every 5000-8000 km.

Outdoor cleaning and washing

Washing the outside is carried out with the same agent that is used for cleaning the internal elements. It is recommended to perform this operation before machining internal parts. First you need to remove the air cleaner, and then rinse everything well. It also needs to be processed. It must be cleaned every 50 thousand km or once every six months, as well as as it gets dirty. The procedure is easy. The design of this element is very simple, the main rule is not to damage the mesh itself.

Precautionary measures

All chemical carburetor cleaning fluids are extremely flammable. With their help, it is impossible to process nodes and elements that are energized. Also, do not use these products near sources of ignition. Do not use in closed rooms without a good ventilation system and heat containers with solutions to temperatures above 49 ° C. In case of contact with skin, rinse immediately with water.

Carburetor cleaning fluids

The auto chemistry market offers a wide variety of fluids. Each manufacturer tries to make its product unique, to give it best performance... It is quite difficult to give clear recommendations on the choice of a specific purifier. You can use almost any "chemistry", with positive feedback from experienced car owners. Of course, it is better to give preference to well-established manufacturers that have been on the market for more than a few years. Experienced craftsmen advise using mixtures that do not harm oxygen sensors and turbochargers. The packages of such liquids have corresponding inscriptions. Let's take a look at a few popular cleaners. We do not claim that the examples below are the best, all described tools are provided as an example and for information purposes. Remember, the final choice of "chemistry" is yours.

Hi Gear

    Hi G ear ... Hi Gear Carburetor Cleaner makes it easy to pass emissions testing. It is completely safe for catalytic converters. The drug removes the device from carbon deposits and carbon deposits. An active synthetic formula improves performance and allows perfect carburetor adjustment to minimize fuel consumption. When using low quality gasoline, it is recommended to process it every 5000 km.

Mannol vergaser reinger

    Mannol vergaser reinger used for two- and four-stroke power units with and without a catalyst. This agent removes carbon deposits, deposits and other contaminants on the body, throttle valves, nozzles, etc. Regular use of the drug allows you to reduce the amount of CO 2 in the exhaust gases and improve the performance of the fuel system. This increases the power power unit and fuel consumption is reduced. Due to its high efficiency it can be used for cleaning other engine parts.

Jet100 Ultra

    Jet100 Ultra ... The mixture is intended both for internal cleaning of the carburetor and for external processing. It easily copes with varnishes, oil films, carbon deposits, dust and other contaminants. The use of fluid restores the mobility of the injector throttle valve, improves throttle response and increases engine power. Carburetor cleaner is safe for catalytic converters and oxygen sensors.


Many motorists pay attention only to the body part of the car, forgetting the most important thing - the engine and the fuel system. And if we consider the weak link of old cars, then the carburetor immediately suggests itself. It is because of its pollution that motorists have to go through a lot of troubles - problems with starting, increased consumption fuel and other problems. The main sources of pollution are oil, dust, dirt or low quality gasoline. What to do if the carburetor gets dirty? What are the advantages of special cleaners, and how should they be used?

Types of cleaners and how to use them

During the operation of the car, the fuel system collects dust and dirt, gasoline and oil film. All this clogs the system and prevents it from performing its assigned functions. One of simple solutions- the use of special cleaners, which quickly and painlessly for metal remove dirt and restore the usual performance. In the past, when there was no automotive chemistry yet, simpler compositions were used for cleaning - diesel fuel, gasoline or kerosene. Today, everything is simpler - a wide range of special products are presented on store shelves, and their price does not hit users on the wallet.

A contaminated carburetor can be recognized by the following:

  • Increased fuel consumption;

  • Engine problems when idling;

  • Increased toxicity of exhaust gases;

  • Malfunctions in starting the engine.

But before making a verdict, it is important to remember that each of the symptoms mentioned above may indicate another problem, for example, an ignition malfunction. If the suspicions were confirmed, then there are two options - to go to the specialists at the service station, or to do the work with your own hands using a cleaner.

At this stage, the main task is to select a tool, which can be of two types:

  • spray can;
  • liquid.

The use of each of these products is possible with manual or automatic cleaning. In the latter case, the mixture is added to the system, followed by waiting for the results. Each of the options has its own characteristics:

  • Pour liquid into the fuel tank;

  • Expect results. The composition is mixed with fuel, gets naturally to the carburetor and is cleaned out.

The main disadvantage of this cleaning method is its low efficiency, because there are no guarantees in the removal of existing contaminants. Moreover, if the fuel system is heavily "cluttered", then the lagging dirt can clog the carburetor even more, but then you cannot do without disassembling the device and completely cleaning it. Experts recommend using this option in extreme cases when it is not possible to disassemble the node. In addition, such products are often used to prevent and prevent serious contamination.

2. Manual cleaning.This option is attractive for its higher cleaning efficiency, but here a different type of composition is used - aerosol. Thanks to a special tube, it is possible to reach even the most inaccessible places. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Remove the device and dismantle the carburetor cover, as well as other items that need cleaning;

  • Apply the product to the surface. If the assembly is very dirty and requires significant processing, then perform cleaning over some container where the dirty liquid will drain.

Cleaning can be achieved even without the use of wipes - the surface will look like new.

The disadvantage of this technique is that it is too time-consuming, because the carburetor will have to be disassembled to get the job done, which is not always possible.

Regardless of the method chosen, it is worth studying the instructions on the cleaner and taking into account the manufacturer's recommendations. Please note that such devices are flammable, therefore work in poorly ventilated areas or near potential sources of ignition is prohibited.

What makes aerosol cleaners so special?

As mentioned, manual cleaning of the carburetor is more efficient. This means that aerosol products are easy to use. Their main advantage is their ability to be used frequently and to protect the carburetor from current and future problems. What are the features of such devices? What makes them work efficiently?

The products contain a large amount of organic substances, inorganic elements of solvents. Each element has its own purpose. Thus, active elements penetrate into all the nooks and crannies of the device and "drive out" dirt from there. If the product is of poor quality, then the active elements will not cope with contamination and all costs will be in vain.

The solvents used to clean the carburetor are based on the following elements:

  • organic components;
  • petrol.

If we compare the methods of application, then the most popular are aerosol compositions, which are characterized by ease of application and high speed of action. The whole process is described on a can, and no additional steps are required.

How to choose a carburetor cleaner?

The main problem that a car enthusiast has to face is the choice of a quality product. The modern market is represented by a dozen different liquids, each of which has individual characteristics. Each manufacturer tries to distinguish its product, make it more visible among competitors, and provide better performance. That is why, when choosing, it is worth focusing on several criteria at once:

  • Manufacturer.The more a developer is on the market, the higher the likelihood of getting a quality product. The main thing is to be careful when choosing and avoid fakes;

  • Reviews on the Internet.Car enthusiasts often share their practical experience related to the use of certain devices for cleaning the fuel system. These recommendations can and should be used. But do not “blindly” trust everything said - evaluate the information as a whole and make a decision. Alternatively, you can contact the specialists at the service station and ask them for advice. As a rule, they are able to give the correct recommendation and even advise on a specific product;

  • Price.No matter what many people say, but the cost of the device plays an important role. Not every car enthusiast can afford to buy an expensive device just for cleaning the carburetor. Another thing is that a trip to a service station and professional cleaning will cost a lot more. In such a situation, you have to choose which option is more preferable;

  • Harm to other nodes.It is important that the composition used does not harm other elements of the systems. Masters recommend using carburetor cleaners that do not destroy catalytic converters, oxygen sensors, and turbocharged compressors. It is not difficult to find out about this - you should carefully study the inscriptions on the packaging.

Review of popular devices

Let's take a look at a few of the cleaners that are in the highest demand and that have been shown to work with better side... In this case, we will touch upon not only the quality, but also the features of the use of some products:

  • Hi Gear - a well-known product, which is represented by a whole series of high-quality cleaners (including for the carburetor). Application practice has shown that the use of the composition facilitates the maintenance process, reduces exhaust gas toxicity and fuel consumption. The product provides effective cleaning with minimal risk to the catalyst and other components of the fuel system. The additive quickly removes carbon deposits and deposits. Thanks to the synthetic formula of the product, the performance is improved and the optimal control of the fuel mixture is ensured. Regular use ensures that the carburetor is kept clean and fuel economy is saved. If fuel is used High Quality, then processing is allowed every 4-5 thousand kilometers;

  • MANNOL Vergaser Reiniger - a modern cleaner designed for 2- and 4-stroke engines with or without a catalytic converter. When used correctly, the composition removes deposits present in the system, removes carbon deposits and removes impurities on the carburetor casing. In addition, the jets and dampers are cleaned during processing. Periodic processing of the fuel system using MANNOL Vergaser Reiniger is a guarantee of increasing the performance of the car, reducing the volume of carbon dioxide in the exhaust, as well as reducing the "gluttony" of the car. Thanks to increased efficiency The MANNOL Vergaser Reiniger is used for cleaning other parts of the motor. After cleaning, all impurities are removed, optimal characteristics in the exhaust gases are established, idling is normalized, and the operation of the carburetor is improved. To achieve the result, it is imperative to apply the composition correctly. The algorithm of actions is as follows. Shake the container with the cleaning agent first, then remove the air filter and spray the cleaner into the air intake. Start up the power unit and let it idle. Then apply the compound to the throttle valves, intake valves, carburetor passages and air jets. At the same time, depress the gas pedal several times. Replace the air filter element once cleaning is complete. It is important to store the product in the correct location to maintain the performance of the cleaner. So, it is forbidden to hit the sun's rays on the composition and heat it over 50 degrees Celsius. Please note that the container is under pressure, therefore it is prohibited to deform it or spray it near a flame source (possible spark). Store the purifier in a well-ventilated area and out of the reach of children. Before discarding the can, the composition must be used completely;
  • JET100 ULTRA- a well-known carburetor cleaner, characterized by its versatility and cleaning quality. The composition is intended for internal and external cleaning of the product. The cleaner is based on powerful components that easily remove any dirt, carbon deposits, films and varnish. The use of fluid helps to restore the mobility of the throttle valve, increase engine power, and reduce fuel consumption. The plus is that the chemical elements in the composition do not violate the integrity of the oxygen sensor and catalyst;

  • RUNWAY is another widely known cleaner in automotive circles that quickly and without aggression removes dirt from carburetor elements. The product removes dirt from the throttle valve, XX system, carburetor passages, intake valves, fuel jets and piston system bottoms. The use of the additive contributes to the normalization of the injection process and simplifies the process of tuning the carburetor. This results in lower fuel consumption and reduced exhaust emissions. The use of the product is recommended every three thousand kilometers. The advantage of the product is that it is fully adapted to domestic-made carburetors. The composition is thought out in such a way as to eliminate the risk of damage to the catalytic converter and oxygen sensor;

  • ABRO- a cleaner for the carburetor, throttle valve, injection valve, main fuel line and other systems. The product removes any contamination, facilitates start-up, and guarantees smooth operation at XX. The device is suitable for modern injection systems and EFI. The application process is simple. Remove the air filter, clean the inside and outside of the carburetor, start the engine and add a portion to the inside of the device. Then process the air damper sector. Cleaning is possible with or without disassembling the carburetor.

If during processing the composition got on the body, then it is worth rinsing and wiping the area. Please note that the composition is flammable, therefore, it is prohibited to heat the cylinder above 49 degrees Celsius or use it near an open flame. It is allowed to use the product only in rooms with good ventilation.


Now you know how to use a carburetor cleaner, what formulations exist and what are their features. There is little left - to choose the appropriate option and follow the manufacturer's instructions. The result will pleasantly surprise you with increased power, stable performance and reduced fuel consumption.

The carburetor cleaner used by many modern motorists makes it possible to efficiently and very quickly perform high-quality cleaning of the internal and external components of the carburetor of any vehicle.

What are carburetor cleaning compounds and how should they be used?

The shops car parts offer drivers a wide range of products designed to clean a variety of contaminants from carburetors, from oil and tar to carbon deposits from a vehicle's fuel system. Until recently, domestic motorists used improvised “preparations” for these purposes - kerosene, diesel fuel, and so on, but now this is not necessary.

It is enough for a person to purchase a good carburetor cleaner to remove all impurities from it without causing any harm. this mechanism... Carburetor cleaners are currently available in liquid and aerosol form. They are used in two ways: manual cleaning; self-cleaning. In the first case, it is required to disassemble the carburetor and apply a cleaning composition to its elements (outside and inside).

To carry out such activities, as a rule, a carburetor cleaner is used - an aerosol. It is a can with a dispensing device. The composition from such a can is applied very easily. And in order for the cleaner to get to the most inaccessible places, many manufacturers supply their aerosols with special nozzles, which make the treatment process even more comfortable for the motorist.

Manual cleaning demonstrates high efficiency in removing dirt. But if you have no desire or a real opportunity to fulfill it (for example, processing was urgently required "in field conditions"- on the highway), you can use the self-cleaning method. Such cleaning is performed without disassembling the fuel system, usually it is carried out using liquid formulations.

  • the composition is poured into the fuel tank;
  • it is mixed with fuel in the tank;
  • after that, the resulting combination goes directly to the carburetor.

The unit is cleaned after a certain amount of fuel has been burned. Let's say right away - self-cleaning does not perfect result, in its quality it is not comparable to the processing in which the disassembly of the carburetor is carried out. For this reason, it is used exclusively in emergency cases when it is impossible to disassemble the fuel assembly.

Before using a carburetor cleaner (aerosol or liquid), you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for its operation, which the manufacturer of the product must give to motorists. The instruction allows you to clearly understand exactly how and how often the cleaning composition should be applied, as well as many other nuances.

Separately, we note the fact that all modern cleaners are flammable, therefore, they must not be applied to the components of the fuel system, which are energized. It is also forbidden to use cleaning agents in rooms without high-quality ventilation and in cases where there are potentially unsafe ignition sources in the dangerous vicinity of the work place.

Description of aerosol cleaning compositions

Carburetor aerosols, as you already understood, are considered more effective and easier to use for cleaning fuel system elements. They can be used quite often, which makes it possible to prevent many problems associated with contamination of the carburetor.

Aerosol cleaners are specially selected chemical compositions consisting of organic substances, all kinds of solvents, inorganic compounds. Some of them perform an auxiliary function, and some - the main one. The "base" compounds are commonly referred to as active because their concentration in the cleanser affects its effectiveness. It is the active substances that penetrate into all corners of the carburetor unit and carefully remove various contaminants from its elements.

If these compounds do not possess the desired characteristics, the cleaner will not be able to cope with difficult deposits (for example, tarry). Solvents included in aerosols can be made on the basis of organic substances or on a gasoline basis. The dissolving components determine the duration of the cleaner's action and the level of its "aggressiveness". At the same time, the effectiveness of the cleaning composition does not directly depend on the basis on which the solvent is made (organic or gasoline).

The popularity of aerosols is due not only to their effect, but also to the ease of use. You will only need to press the sprayer a couple of times, and then wait the time specified in the instructions for "autochemistry" to perform cleaning at. In most cases, no further action is required.

With all the many advantages of modern cleaners, the driver must understand that they do not provide full-fledged maintenance and professional cleaning of the fuel system and the car's carburetor. In particular, not a single "super-powerful" aerosol composition is able to penetrate into the float compartment and into the fuel jets. In any case, your "swallow" should be periodically sent to the auto technical center to perform high-quality cleaning of its internal components.

Each company engaged in the production of special auto chemicals for, strives to make its products as high quality as possible, to give them certain special characteristics. This, on the one hand, allows motorists to choose the best (in their opinion) purifier, but, on the other hand, makes this very choice difficult. Difficulties are also added by the fact that experts do not give any special recommendations on the selection of a cleansing composition.

They advise paying attention to the popularity of a particular manufacturer, the presence of favorable reviews about its products. A test of a specific cleaner, performed by professionals and posted on a specialized web resource or in a magazine for owners, can also be a good help to drivers. Vehicle... Very often, it is the test of several compositions under different brands that allows a person to decide which mixture he should buy.

  • catalytic converters;
  • oxygen flow sensors and other monitoring devices;
  • turbochargers.

We will not give you advice on the selection of cleaning mixtures, but simply describe those compositions that are most often purchased by domestic car owners.

Review of cleaners popular among domestic motorists

The German carburetor mixture called Vergaser-Aussen-Reiniger, which is produced by the world famous concern Liqui Moly. This company specializes in the production of innovative auto chemistry (about six thousand names of various products), popular throughout Europe.

The product we are interested in is from Liqui moly makes it possible to remove paint and varnish deposits on the carburetor body, clean all the channels of the unit, throttle valves and other elements. The composition is made in the form of an aerosol, approved for use without the need to disassemble the processed mechanism. An international test has proven the high efficiency of this composition. It easily copes with cleaning and degreasing the injection system ( injection cars) and carburetor.

The mixture also receives good reviews. 3M... It guarantees the destruction of all contaminants without exception, has a lubricating effect on the components of the fuel mechanism, and includes about 75–80 percent of environmentally friendly volatile organic compounds in its composition. The advantage of this composition is that it is, in fact, universal, since it can be used to clean the crankcase ventilation mechanism, as well as the intake tract temperature indicator.

Special words deserve branded products Hi Gear. Purifiers under this trade mark are actively sold in European countries. Russian drivers also highly appreciate their quality. Test of different products Hi Gear showed that they perfectly cope with carbon deposits and all types of carbon deposits due to the fact that they are created according to a unique synthetic formula, which is characterized by high activity.

Now under the brand name Hi Gear the following cleaning compositions for carburetors are sold:

  • HG3177: the most gentle cleaning of the system in a few minutes;
  • HG3121 and HG3116: compositions that provide minimal exhaust toxicity, and are also capable of restoring the initial technical parameters of the fuel system;
  • HG3201 and HG3202: processing the carburetor without removing its individual parts, reducing the toxicity of the exhaust;
  • HG3208: gentle removal of impurities, elimination of problems that arise when using low-quality fuel.

Also, according to the test results, you can advise the aerosol Jet100 Ultra, designed to handle the carburetor inside and out. This mixture is very active, which allows it to cope with dust, carbon deposits, oily films and varnishes. Jet100 Ultra safe for oxygen indicators, in some cases, its use leads to an increase in engine power and an improvement in the mobility of the throttle valve.


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