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How to find the strongest solution to a problem without solving it

There is a school trick, as old as the world,: if the problem is not solved, they look at the answer of the problem book, and then the solution is "adjusted" to the correct answer.

What's bad and what's good about it? The bad thing is that the problem was solved "dishonestly", not entirely independently, and that the learning effect is reduced. And the good thing is that the problem was solved easily, quickly and correctly.

Is it possible to use this technique in life when there are tasks and there are no correct answers?

Experience has shown that it takes some time to get used to being perfect. Indeed, it’s a bit wild: I just understood the problem, you still don’t know, not only the answer, but also how to approach it, and here they immediately suggest formulating a solution, and not a simple one, but the best one for you personally.

Meanwhile, the IQR reflects the basic law of the development of technology (and not only technology) - the Law of Increasing the Degree of Ideality, in other words, the law of increasing the degree of satisfaction NEEDS person.

RBI is practically unattainable, but theoretically you can get as close to RBI as you like. To do this, it is necessary to consistently remove all negative supereffects that arise as we approach the IFR.

Let's consider several practical problems with beautiful ideal solutions to show skeptics that ideal solutions are possible, then we will learn how to formulate an IFR, and then get an IFR.

Example 1. The Central Asian commander and emir of the Samarkand kingdom Timur (Tamerlane, 1336-1405), who defeated the Golden Horde and carried out predatory raids on India and Persia (Iran), was himself attacked by fierce war elephants, followed by an innumerable army. What to do?

Tamerlane ordered to load hay on the camels, set it on fire and drive the camels towards the elephants. The elephants were frightened by the "sea of ​​fire" moving on them, turned back and trampled their own infantry. Victory over the enemy was ensured by the resource of the enemy.

Formulate the RBI for this situation. Hard? And not only because there is no experience, but also because to formulate the IQR you need complete relaxedness of thought - “I can do anything, I’m a magician!”, As well as the ability to want and even ... courage.

How would you like the IFR wording: "Elephants YOURSELF destroy their infantry and YOURSELF flee from the battlefield "or" The enemy army ITSELF destroys itself. ”By this you directed your thinking towards a strong decision.

Example 2. It is clear that the famous "airfield lights" must be especially reliable, since they are landing lights. That is, the entire system must be reliable: lamps, power supplies, wires, contacts, switching equipment, so on. etc. It's a tricky business.

We decided to install simple reflectors of the aircraft headlights. Reflectors are so simple that there is nothing to break, and therefore reliable. But there is a fear, what if the headlights of the plane will fail? Then they came up with "eternal" lamps or "ideal fire" - a sealed glass tube is covered from the inside with a special substance (phosphor from zinc sulfide), which glows brightly under the influence of a radioactive substance mounted in the same tube. No wires, no connections, no power, lamp ITSELF shines brightly.

Rules for searching and formulating IFRs

1. Having understood the task, set yourself up for what you can ALL! Even the impossible. You have a "sea" of resources, you are a wizard! Don't be ashamed or afraid of your fantastic ideas!

2. Determine the main function of the system or main process that needs to be improved. This is what should be done. ITSELF, as they say, "without nothing".


  • or by listing to whom and what should be good (I-I principle).

Word " MYSELF"implies that a system or part of a system performs the required action without cost, without an external resource. When we formulate an IFR with the word MYSELF, we indicate the object in which we must first look for a resource.

Why Formulate an IFR?

  1. The IFR is unattainable, but it clearly shows the path to a strong decision, shows in "which direction to think." This greatly reduces trial and error.
  2. According to the degree of approximation of the actually obtained solutions to the ideal one, you can choose the strongest solution. What is the RBI, so is the solution.
  3. The technique "Formulation of IFRs" can be used independently, for example, as a method of formulating GOALS almost any activity.
  4. Formulating the IQR perfectly develops imagination, non-standard and independent thinking.
  5. The formulation of IFRs reduces the area for finding solutions.
  6. Formulating an IFR helps predict. For example, let's predict the stages in the development of surgery: it was “cut and throw away”, then - to replace the organ with an artificial one, to eat - to transplant, it will - to grow a new organ (regeneration).

Reception of solving problems - "Formulation of IFR" can be used in isolation, regardless of other methods of resolving contradictions. It is useful to take it into service! The technique greatly simplifies the solution of creative problems, especially if, after formulating the IFR, you managed to correctly answer the question: What prevents you from obtaining an IFR?

Having mastered the ability to formulate an IFR, we can say that you have mastered the skill of finding the best solution to any creative problem fantastically quickly without solving it.

It is very useful to learn how to formulate and anti-ICR... Anti-ICR is the most undesirable, most dire situation you can imagine. And then figure out how to get out of this situation, then everything else will seem childish to you. And then? Try to turn this harm to your advantage. And then figure out what you need to do so that this never happens. It is very likely that after such an analysis, something will need to be done the other way around.

Ways to improve the degree of ideality (for adults).

1. Increased versatility.

For example, wrist watch: determine the pulse, serve as an alarm clock, stopwatch, thermometer, microcomputer, radio, even a TV screen. Show the weather, the timetable for all transport in the world ...

2. Destruction of the system as an independent unit and its transfer to the Supersystem, without destroying the function.

For example, the headlights in old cars were reinforced next to the driver, he could control the headlight. Then they moved the headlight to the wing, and now they sunk the headlight into the wing of the car. In new apartments, wardrobes are built into the wall. The landing gear used to be outside - now they make it retractable into the wing of the plane ...

Tasks for the concept of ideality (for adults)

Let's practice:

  1. There is such a seemingly innocent question: What would you do if you had an unlimited bank account?
  2. What PERFECT Work?
    Prompt. By definition: there is no work, but all work functions are performed.
  3. Who it IDEAL human?
  4. What PERFECT school?
  5. What PERFECT help a child? (Help without helping!).
  6. What PERFECT punishing a child?
  7. Who is she PERFECT
Price management in retail Lipsits Igor Vladimirovich

7.7 Effect of Significance of Outcome

The effect of the significance of the final result

Often, a particular product is just one of the elements that the buyer needs to achieve the desired end result. For example, for the new owner of a garden plot, cement is only a small part of the set of building materials needed to build a house, that is, an intermediate value.

In such situations, we are faced with the effect of evaluating the goods through final result , and this effect manifests itself in two ways: through the degree of determinism of the derived demand and through the dependence of purchases on the costs of goods of intermediate value in the total cost of obtaining the final result.

Degree of determinism of derived demand characterizes the relationship between the significance of the final result for the buyer and his sensitivity to the prices of goods that must be purchased to achieve this result. As a rule, the more sensitive the buyer is to the total cost of achieving the desired end result, the more sensitive he is to prices and those intermediate goods that he needs to purchase in order to get this result.


For the production of Zhiguli, AvtoVAZ buys metal sheets and billets from Russian ferrous metallurgy enterprises. While this car was in short supply and there was a queue behind it, the management of AvtoVAZ was not too sensitive to the level of metal prices.

However, by the mid-90s. this enterprise faced overstocking. Domestic buyers did not want to buy Zhiguli at such high prices that the plant was forced to charge due to the rise in production costs caused by inflation. In other words, the sensitivity of buyers to the price level of the final product (car] has increased, which, accordingly, has led to an increase in the sensitivity of the car plant to the total cost of production, and hence to the prices of all components, raw materials and materials that determine these costs.

As a result, in 1995 the management of AvtoVAZ was forced to gather its metallurgical suppliers for a meeting and conclude an agreement with them, according to which the metallurgists pledged, in particular, not to raise prices more often than once a quarter, and to warn the plant about this. The plant, for its part, promised to prevent non-payments for the metal supplied to it and to create, over time, a financial and industrial group to help metallurgists with obtaining investments.

If we now try to formulate a general pattern, say, for the markets of industrial goods, then it will look as follows: the greater the deficit in the market for final goods, the less sensitive the manufacturers of these goods will be to the price levels of raw materials, materials and components used to manufacture these goods. final goods. Conversely, growing difficulties in marketing final goods lead to tighter price constraints for suppliers of intermediate goods, as manufacturers of final goods become more sensitive to the prices of purchased inputs.

Understanding this circumstance is very important for sales professionals. They need to constantly monitor which end result is now really the most important for their customers (for example, a decrease in the cost of production, the fastest increase in production volumes, a significant improvement in quality, etc.). It is this end result that will determine the reaction of buyers to the price levels of intermediate goods.

It is necessary to take into account the second aspect - the dependence of the degree of price sensitivity of the buyer of an intermediate product on the share of costs for this product in the total cost of obtaining the final result. If we compare, say, an automobile plant and a furniture factory, then both enterprises need metal products to manufacture their final products. But if in the total cost of manufacturing a car, metal makes up a very significant share, then in the cost of a furniture set, metal hinges and screws make up a very insignificant share. This means that if buyers of cars and furniture sets are equally sensitive to changes in their prices, then for the manufacturers of these goods the picture is different. Obviously, an automobile manufacturer will be more sensitive to changes in the price of metal than a furniture manufacturer. For the former, a change in the price of metal will almost inevitably entail the need for a corresponding adjustment in the price of the final product (car). As for the furniture manufacturer, he may not immediately react to such a rise in the price of metal, since the reduction in his profit will be insignificant in order to irritate buyers because of this with a meager price adjustment.

If we take the next step in the reasoning, then it will lead us to the fact that the buyer will react to the rise in the price of any intermediate product (in our example, metal) with a greater reduction in the volume of purchases, the greater the share of costs for this product in their total value and, accordingly, the more significant this rise in price will affect the value of production costs, profits and sales of the final product.

If you apply these concepts to retail price management, you can predict that buyers will react much more calmly to higher prices for condiments than, say, for pasta, kitchen fittings, than cement, dishwasher detergents, than dishes. etc.

The same effect makes it possible to increase the efficiency of sales of expensive goods if, with the help of well-constructed advertising, it is possible to force buyers to look at these goods "through the prism" of the significance of the final result. For example, such ads will not focus on technical characteristics air conditioners, but on “clean, allergen-free air for your kids”, not on the unique polishing characteristics of the new car polish, but on “the dazzling sparkle of your Mercedes” and so on.

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A program up to a $ 500 result The main thing is that it leads to a measurable result. You can work with a client every day, once a week - whichever is more convenient for you. The beauty of this business is that the whole game goes according to your rules, exactly the way you feel comfortable.

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1. Image of the desired result It is very important to answer the question: why will employees act in a new way, and not the way they are used to? What will push them to do this? So, you have decided that for the further development of the company, changes are a prerequisite, appreciated

Everyone wants to have a car.

To ride! After all, a car is vehicle, and its existence and development from the very moment of its inception was determined by only one goal: personally to me, its owner, it is necessary faster.

And what does a car cost to society? The answer to this question is as difficult as it is important.

At the dawn of motoring, there was a fierce struggle to increase the speed of the car. Immediately there was a problem of stability on the road, especially when cornering. The car became lower, longer, wider. The bearing part became heavier - the frame, the base of the body. To get under way and accelerate faster, an ever more powerful engine was required - and chassis: gearbox, cardan transmission driving wheels. Requirements for the reliability of brakes are growing - and the mechanical drive is being replaced by hydraulic, and then pneumatic. A compressor appears, and with it a whole pneumatic system ... The suspension improves - springs, shock absorbers, level stabilizers. To ensure the safety of passengers in a collision, the body is made of thicker metal. Weight, dimensions are growing again ... And all this is to transport one or two, maximum 7-8 people!

It only seems that the car is on four wheels. In fact, it is an octopus with hundreds of thousands of hands. In the USA, for example, every sixth worker works for him directly or indirectly. Think for yourself: about 10 million cars are produced annually. They use hundreds of types of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, non-metallic materials (plastics, leather, fabrics, etc.), radio engineering, varnishes, paints, glass, rubber, fuel, lubricants ...

The production of all this does not pass without leaving a trace for the environment, and gives rise to a lot of environmental problems.

Design bureaus, laboratories, test benches and polygons. Automatic lines and robots for the manufacture of thousands of parts every second. Kilometer assembly conveyors. Computers and computers for CNC machines, for planning, collecting and analyzing information ... More? Please!

Roads are needed. In the United States, roads now occupy about 10% of the country's area. To build and maintain them in order, a huge fleet of special machines is required that can extract materials, fill them, fasten them, cover them with asphalt and concrete, apply marking lines ...

A car, like any car, sometimes breaks down. You need equipment and tools for repairs. Thousands upon thousands of auto repair shops. Gas stations, oil production plants and refineries, a network of pipelines and giant oil tankers. And again, environmental problems.

The car must be stored somewhere. And huge areas of the territory of cities are allocated for garage complexes. It is necessary to maintain order on the roads, and a special nationwide traffic police service is being created.

On the roads, accidents happen, people are killed or injured. This means that we need medicines, first-aid kits, ambulance stations, hospitals and sanatoriums. And the funeral teams ...

Not cheap, however, the car is very expensive!

Any system, be it a car or a fishing rod, is created and exists not for its own sake, but for the sake of performing some useful function for a person. So, the main useful function of a car is to move people and goods from place to place.

As a matter of fact, a person needs exactly this function, and not at all the system that performs this function, while generating a mountain of all kinds of problems.

From this point of view, TRIZ has the concept of an ideal system:

By the way, Pushkin's Baba Yaga had a vehicle close to the ideal: her stupa moved “by itself”. But the stupa itself was still there, it was necessary to climb into it, it was necessary to get out of it, so this vehicle is not one hundred percent perfect.

Fully perfect option the car looks like this: there is no car at all, but you arrive at the desired point at the right time.

And you don't need a fishing rod. You need the function it performs. And what is its main function? Throw a worm, pick up and pull out a fish that will swallow this worm.

Think about the question of “ideal fish” for yourself. Just do not think that such a fish must remove its scales from itself, gut itself and dive into the pot with fish soup. Indeed, there should not be fish in an ideal ear, but its smell, taste and nutritional value should be.

From all this, one practically very important position follows:

In TRIZ, other laws of systems development (SRS) have been identified, but this law - the law of increasing the degree of ideality of systems - is perhaps the most important among them.

When solving specific inventive problems, this law allows you to abandon many empty trials and immediately formulate the ideal answer to the problem - ideal end result (IFR). As in the case of the worm. The perfect worm myself falls into the water, myself holds on there and myself removes the fish that has eaten it from the water.

Sometimes this is enough to solve the problem.

Of course, it is not possible to obtain pure IFRs in most cases. The meaning here is somewhat different. Setting the IFR allows you to immediately choose the right direction of work, narrow the search area and concentrate efforts on finding strong solutions to the problem.

Let us illustrate the operation of the law of increasing the degree of ideality using the example of a technical system.

The production car “Niva” weighs 1150 kg and has a 53 kW (about 70 hp) engine. To participate in international car races, the Niva was modernized: a forced engine was installed, which developed power up to 200 hp, and the weight of the entire car was reduced to 700 kg.

Figures of absolute (arithmetic) change usually say little: it was - it is. Relative indicators speak much more. Previously, each engine horsepower was carrying 1150 kg: 70 hp. = 13.5 kg / h.p.

Now each "horse" carries only 700 kg: 200 hp. = 3.5 kg / h.p. Almost four times less!



All managers require employees to work towards the “end result”. But in practice, both those and others do not always clearly understand what these words mean and how exactly such a result can be achieved.

The manager says: "You have to work well." Everyone understands this in their own way. For one, it means getting to work on time. For another - that you need to prepare and submit reports with high quality. For the third, it is necessary to prevent spoilage in the production of sausages. For the fourth, it means serving the customer well. The fifth believes that it always works conscientiously and well as it is ... So what did you mean, gentlemen leaders?

In order to evaluate the work on the final result, for a start it is important for us to formulate (for ourselves for now) as clearly as possible (and often better in the language of numbers) how it will be measured.

And it is important to remember that the more concretely we formulate this ultimate goal and employees, the higher the likelihood that we, firstly, will be understood, and secondly, a result will be achieved.

On the contrary, when we avoid a specific description of what exactly needs to be done, but only urge employees to do everything possible, in reality, what was required by the job description is not done either.


When you have figured out what you mean by work "for the final result", you have a task - to convey these criteria to employees,

School management

so that the staff also clearly understands how you and they will know (by what criteria?) that the result has been achieved. And what is "good work" for you.

So, if your sellers have to sell three pieces of equipment per month, each transaction should be worth at least 200,000 thousand rubles, does it mean that the result of a good work of the seller by the end of the month is money received from customers to your company's account in the amount of 600,000 rubles? And is it obligatory from three clients? Or is it still important that at least three pieces of equipment be sold? Or are we talking about at least three transactions, while the subject of the transaction may be related equipment and services? If it is important for you that there are exactly three transactions, then the “final result” in the understanding of the employee should be as follows: three transactions with different clients carried out by the reporting period. In this case, you will create the following motivation system: your employees will try to find more and more new customers, constantly expanding the market. But sales managers will want to know if it is possible (in the most extreme case), when there are no three deals, to consider the “end result” of one deal they have made, but for the same amount - 600,000 rubles?

In other words, figure it out: do you control the turnover, or the number of transactions, or maybe something else? And in this case, do your employees know what exactly you are checking? Employees will know this for sure, especially when you back it up with appropriate material motivation. For example, link their salaries to the number of deals.

Often the final results of labor are confused with intermediate results that must be achieved in order to arrive at the main result. For example, for a telephone marketing manager, is 40 calls a day an end result or an interim? Yes, if you and the employee do not care how they ended, as long as the report for the day was written "40". Not if you need completed sales or clear meeting arrangements on the way out.

It's not just employees who get confused about this.

One head of the sales department, who was reprimanded by the management for not fulfilling the plan, was glad that in his department the financial turnover increased by 10% every month and so - within six months. He was very proud of this, he called this indicator “ good result»His leadership work and argued that his salespeople thereby work for the final result. This boss was disappointed by the company's management. It was explained to him that the end result in the work of this department is a 100% fulfilled monthly sales plan (even if you break yourself into a "cake"). For more than half a year, the department brought losses to the company, here only 30% of the established plan was fulfilled. As for an increase in turnover by 10% monthly, this figure does not show the final result, but states exactly how fast the department is moving towards fulfilling 100% of the sales plan. That is, it reflects a certain process or path, movement, so to speak. With the help of this figure, we will be able to make calculations and reveal that at such a pace of work,

Chapter 4. How to get employees to work for the final result?

In approximately 20 months the department will reach the originally planned result, having made 100% of the plan.

Another important question that arose in this company: why did the head of the sales department not achieve this goal during the whole six months of work?

The head of this department was appointed almost by accident. A vacancy was opened, he was offered, he agreed. It was important for him to grow, and other growth in the company was not expected at that time. The product that this department implements is neither then nor now is it interesting. While managing this department, he himself was still involved in larger sales. As a result, he did not believe that this product could be successfully sold, and therefore, deep down, he considered the individual sales plans of his employees overstated. As a result, in his interactions with staff, he never appeals to plan numbers. When asked by the sales director when the last time this boss told employees the exact number of the plan that each of them must fulfill, the boss said he did not remember it. He always motivated people by telling them to “work well and fulfill the sales plan,” and it was not customary to pronounce which one.

This example shows that if you leave everything as it is, neither in twenty months, nor in five years, this department will not come to the final result.

It turns out that managers expect results from their employees in their work, often not realizing that they themselves do not believe in the end result of work!

Solving an inventive problem, a TRIZ specialist is looking for a solution with high ideality, that is, one that allows achieving the desired result with minimal costs. To search for such solutions, Altshuller developed a special tool - the IFR operator (ideal end result), which tunes the inventor to obtain the desired effect by using the available resources.

The RBI can be formulated in different ways. But the most common, classic formulation is as follows:

Perfect end result: NS-element itself performs the required action (instead of some specialized vehicle), continuing to perform the function for which it was originally created.

Moreover, under the name " NS-element "can hide either the problem vehicle itself, or some of its subsystem.

There are buoys in the sea not far from the coast. They mark the line that ships must not cross. The buoys glow in the dark - they are equipped with lamps and batteries. From time to time, the batteries have to be changed and recharged - a special service works for this. In windy weather, when the sea is rough, changing batteries becomes a problem. The customer asks to solve this problem. Which way to solve it should be chosen?

The ideal recharging system is when there is no system at all, and its function is performed. Let's formulate the IQR: the buoy charges the battery itself, continuing to function as the boundary of the zone allowed for swimming.

Is it possible to implement IFR in this particular case? To do this, you need to find a resource - free energy that can be converted into electrical energy. It is not hard to guess that there is such a resource - this is the energy of the waves. There are simple off-the-shelf devices with which a buoy swinging on the waves will be charged by itself. And a system for replacing batteries with the use of risky human labor will not be needed.

An inventive situation is given: it is necessary to improve the ideality of a room air purifier. What could be an X-element?

IKR-1: the air itself separates dust from itself.

IKR-2: the filter element itself (without fan and housing) purifies the air.

IKR-3: the wall of the apartment itself cleans the air from dust.

Exercise # 8

1. Washing windows is a tedious job that you have to do all the time, otherwise the dust settling on the glass will very soon make the window opaque. In high-rise buildings, washing windows is also simply dangerous. Think of how to improve the perfection of this operation.

2. The duration of the moments when a person is experiencing a thrill is very short. You need to take a lot of pictures to "catch" the right moment and get a photograph of a person in this state. How, without taking a lot of pictures, to photograph a human face at the right moment, for example, when riding extreme rides? Formulate the IFR.

3. In the spring, when the river is overflowing, it may be necessary to quickly build a dam. It is long and expensive to import special building materials (concrete, stone, metal sheets) for this. And the materials at hand (sand, soil), unfortunately, are very quickly washed away by water flows. How to increase the speed and efficiency of the construction of such a temporary dam?


Resources for solving problems

To obtain a highly ideal solution, that is, to ensure the execution of a function at minimal cost, it is necessary to find the appropriate resources in the problematic system itself or in its environment.

In the previous chapter, the problem of removing piles driven into the bottom of a river was considered. What resources could be found to remove the piles?

It was possible to pull piles from the shore using people or horse teams. This requires workers, horses, long strong ropes, boats to fasten the ropes to the piles, etc. It was possible to connect several rafts around a pile, swing it from these rafts and then pull it out of the ground with a lever. Rafts are needed large and strong so that when pulling the piles they do not go under the water, do not fall apart. And people are needed - strong and in sufficient numbers. Exotic solutions were also proposed: to lower people with saws to the bottom in a bell, or to place a pile in a pipe and dissolve it with acid.

In fact, an ideal resource was used, the most powerful source of energy - the river itself. The strength of its flow surpasses the strength of all workers put together, besides, this resource is completely free and practically inexhaustible. The river can be used to remove piles in a variety of ways. For example, to flood several barrels around the pile, tying bags with stones to them, and then, attaching the barrels with ropes to the pile, cut off the “anchors”. Pop-up barrels, if large enough, will pull out the pile. In this case, the lifting force of the water will perform the work. You can also use the kinetic energy of water flow - to make a "water sail". To do this, you will have to lower the cloth into the water, tying it to the piles, and allow the river flow that fills this "sail" to turn the piles out of the bottom. Or, as it was done, you can fix the logs to the piles and, after waiting for the ice drift, watch from the shore how the moving ice will tear out and carry away the piles.

So, the solution to any problem, as in the example above, largely depends on the finding and wise use of resources.

A resource is space, time, matter, energy, information that can be used to solve a problem.

Highly ideal solutions are obtained using the resources that are already in the system. If the required resource no, it can often be obtained by modifying existing ones. For example, if you need to use a liquid to solve a problem, and only solids are available, the liquid can be obtained by melting. Finding, "calculating" and using resources is one of the important parts of a solver's skill.

Resource types

It is useful to know the classification of resources in order to search for them not randomly, but systematically. Distinguish between energy and material, spatial and temporal, information resources.

Energetic resources. In almost every vehicle there are sources of energy and force - both explicit and latent. Even in such a simple vehicle as a pile, one can find the longitudinal and transverse elastic forces of the material that resist pressure, the weight of the pile, and the energy of wood burning. In the “river” supersystem there is the kinetic energy of water movement, the weight of water, the force of Archimedes ... In the interaction of different systems, certain forces can also be generated: flow pressure on the pile, friction force and heating of contacting bodies.

Material resources can be all substances that are in the system or its supersystems. In the problem of removing piles, a material resource can be considered water in a river, ropes, draft horses, stones and sand on the bank and the bottom.

Spatial resources are space that can be used to solve a problem. "Emptiness", features of the shape of objects that can be used to change the original system or to improve the efficiency of its operation. An example of the use of spatial resources is the proposal to completely drive the piles into the bottom. The resource here is the space under the bottom, which is usually not taken into account when deciding.

Time resources are periods of time that can be used to improve the functioning of the system, to perform additional operations. A classic example of this kind of resource is combining the execution time of two different operations, say, processing an object while it is being transported.

Separately, it should be said about information resources. All of the above resources can be considered informational if they carry important information for a person. So, the information resource for an experienced sailor is the swirl of water over an object submerged in water.

In real situations, there is not always exactly what is needed to solve the problem. Changing, modifying the source resource in order to bring it to the desired form is an important part of the solver's work. Modified resources of this kind are called derivatives. For example, the cellulose that is part of the piles cannot be used as a resource, but after the cellulose is impregnated with certain chemicals, a composition is formed that can burn under water. With such a derivative resource, the piles can simply be burnt.


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