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When purchasing a used car, the future owner may have a question as to whether the car has been in accidents. And he can get an answer to this question by checking the participation in an accident using the details driving license, OSAGO policy or a unique identifier (VIN) of the vehicle.

Checking for an accident under the OSAGO policy

Information about OSAGO policies is stored in a single information resource - the database of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers (RSA). Therefore, if earlier, changing insurance company, the car owner could hide information about the participation of the car in the accident, today this data is in the public domain.

How can you determine under the OSAGO policy whether the car was involved in an accident? A variety of coefficients are used to calculate the cost of insurance, including the bonus-malus coefficient (MBM), which ranges from 0.5 (corresponding to 13th, the highest driving class) to 2.45 (M, the lowest driving class). A driver who issues an OSAGO policy for the first time is assigned the 3rd driving class and, accordingly, a KBM equal to 1. Then, with an accident-free ride, the class rating will increase, and the KBM will decrease. If the driver gets into an accident, is recognized as its culprit, and insurance payments are made to the victims under his OSAGO policy, then the class drops sharply, and the KBM, on the contrary, grows. Therefore, it would be right for the car buyer to find out from the seller what his insurance discount is. This approach is also used by employers when hiring drivers.

You can find out information about a car in an accident using the OSAGO details if the following data is known:

  • driving license details;
  • Name and date of birth of the seller.

These data should be entered in the form of the section "Information for insurers and victims" on the official website of the PCA, and based on the results of the search, the user will receive the relevant information.

How to find out about an accident by the VIN number of a car

The VIN of a car is its unique identifier and is usually located:

  • under the hood;
  • at the bottom of the windshield;
  • on the doors;
  • in the cabin.

You can also find out the VIN from the documentation on vehicle. To do this, you need to ask the owner of the car to present the Title (STS) and write down the identifier. If there are no external signs of damage, and there are doubts about the seller’s accident-free driving, then the potential buyer can use the traffic police service “Vehicle Check” and request a check for the participation of a car in an accident. After entering Vehicle VIN the system will search and return the results.

Another source of obtaining the necessary information is the Autohistory service of the Autocode website, through which, by specifying the VIN and STS number, you can find out the history of ownership and operation of the car, including the participation of its accidents.

The third option is to search for information through the public services website, which redirects the user to the car check service. According to the VIN, the service provides information about the restrictions imposed on the car, participation in accidents and being on the wanted list.

How to find out about an accident by driver's license number

According to the details of the driver's license, you can get information about whether the seller of the car got into an accident. In this case, we are not talking about a specific car, but about a person (driver), but such information may also be useful for a potential buyer.

You can get data via:

  • portal Autocode;
  • traffic police service for checking a driver's license. True, this service does not give a direct answer to the question of whether there was an accident, but it will provide information about whether the driver lost his license and for what reason (including for committing an accident).

Thus, by collecting all the information about the driver and the car being sold using special services, the buyer will receive more complete picture and will be able to appreciate the sincerity of the seller, who, no doubt, will praise the car for sale and hide impartial information.

Reading time: 6 minutes

Most of the country's population cannot afford to buy a new car from the showroom. Most often used cars are bought. In this case, the risk of acquiring a pig in a poke increases. The previous owner will do everything possible to hide the existing shortcomings of the vehicle being sold, for which in the future, as well as for inattention during the purchase, the new owner will have to pay. Therefore, when buying "from hand", you need to know how a car is checked for an accident. If it is not carried out, then the possibility of hidden breakdowns and repairs is not excluded.

Verification methods

There are two methods for checking a car for its participation in:

  • visual inspection(read about how cars are checked by professionals in a separate one);
  • electronic database checks.


Any check on the participation of the car in an accident begins with a visual inspection. A large number of the consequences of traffic accidents can be easily determined independently by carefully examining the condition of the vehicle.

During a preliminary inspection, it is important to adhere to the following rules that will help identify fraud on the part of the seller:

  • inspection should be carried out in daylight or provided there is sufficient artificial light. It is strictly forbidden to inspect the car in conditions of insufficient visibility, in the evening;
  • inspection of a dirty car is not allowed. It must be clean, as pollution of any kind can distort the result, hiding small defects;
  • special attention should be paid to the quality of painting. Any irregularities in color, color mismatch on individual parts - warning sign, indicating that the car was repainted.

Database check

While it is possible for the buyer to check for a car in an accident based on its appearance, it is not recommended to rely solely on visual inspection or the seller telling the whole truth. Modern craftsmen can mask a flaw in such a way that only a specialist can see it. Unverified sources can also provide false information, so you can only use reliable databases.

The following types of services can be distinguished:

  • Insurance companies.
  • other.

Let's get acquainted in more detail with each of them, having studied their capabilities and characteristic features.

Checking through the traffic police

Checking a car for an accident through the traffic police is the most reliable source.

It allows you to get the necessary information in two ways:

  1. By contacting the nearest police station.
  2. Through the official website.

Both methods are characterized by high accuracy, since the database used by the traffic police is identical to the database presented on the agency's website. Therefore, personal visits to the inspection are not in great demand.

Sending a request for verification via the Internet is the most relevant method for modern car owners. All information can be obtained in minutes without leaving home.

A car is checked for an accident by VIN (VIN) on the official website of the traffic police for free, and consists of the following steps:

  1. Go to the site
  2. Go to the "Services" - "Vehicle Check" section.
  3. Enter the VIN number.
  4. Select "Request an Inspection" in the "Crash Inspection" section.
  5. After a few seconds, the result will be displayed on the screen.

The database of the service contains information about all vehicles that are registered in the country. All data is constantly updated, which is an indisputable advantage. Immediately after the incident, information about it is added to the database and becomes available for search.

Using this service, you can not only check the car for an accident by the VIN code in the traffic police for free, but also find out another important information about him:

  • registration history (who owned the car before);
  • diagnostics for theft (participation in the search);
  • the presence of restrictions on registration actions;
  • existence of credit obligations.

By state number

Registering a car is not only about the VIN. Each vehicle is tied to a specific license plate.

Many car owners are interested in information, how to find out about an accident by car number? The easiest way is to use online resources. For this purpose, the same portals can be used as when obtaining data by VIN code.

The license plate can be transferred to another car and documents can be forged, and fraudulent transactions with the VIN are much more difficult. Therefore, to obtain the most reliable and accurate information, you can use, and.

Through Public Services

The State Services Portal provides a huge amount of information of various kinds. It contains data from various government agencies, including the traffic police. In order to check a car for an accident by VIN through the State Services, you must be registered on the portal.

The main advantages of the resource include:

  • efficiency in providing information;
  • ease of use;
  • constant updating of the database;
  • the ability to check by license plate and VIN-code.

Access to all functions of the site opens after the authorization procedure.

Through an insurance company

The growth of fraud in the sale of cars, an increase in requests for how to look at an accident on a car, became the reason for the creation of a database of accidents in insurance companies. To obtain data on a specific vehicle, you must contact the insurance manager.

The main disadvantage of this method is limited information. Each company has its own base and, accordingly, you can check the transport only in the company in which it was serviced. To access such data, it is enough to require from the previous owner a copy of the insurance policy from the insurance company in which he was served. Refusal to provide a document is one of the fundamental reasons for concern.

Other services

The number of online services with which you can check the history of a car in an accident by VIN code for free is constantly increasing. This method is developing rapidly. Today, it is possible to check not only domestic cars but also foreign ones.

Among the most common online resources that allow you to check a car by VIN (vin) code for an accident for free in Russia, the following can be distinguished:


There are other services, information on which is fully or partially paid:

  • VIN online.

Information in such databases is entered not only by traffic police and insurance companies, but also by experts - customs and other services.

The VINCAR resource is a collection of data from the traffic police and insurance companies. All information becomes available within 15 days from the moment of the incident. The service provides the following information:

  • car history;
  • accidents and their number;
  • a detailed description of the accidents, the damage received in them.

This is one of the most informative online resources that allows you to answer the question of how to find out if a car has been in an accident by the VIN code. To activate the function on the website, you must click the "Check by VIN" button.

The CARFAX Internet portal contains information about vehicles brought to the Russian Federation from Canada or the USA. Before you start using the site, you must register and replenish your account.

This resource is paid, but the cost of services is low compared to possible losses associated with the purchase of a damaged car. The main advantages of Carfax include the following:

  • user-friendly interface;
  • operational data processing;
  • the ability to create an electronic copy of the report.

VIN-online is a regional resource available for residents of Kemerovo and the region. It contains two types of information:

  • free - allows you to get data about the presence of a car in the database and minimal information about it;
  • paid - issues a detailed report on the accident.

Main disadvantage paid service– lack of data on the cost of the service. It will be possible to find out only after debiting funds from the account. mobile phone after sending SMS.

Checking a car for an accident using all available portals - reliable way not only save your time, but also money by refusing to purchase problematic vehicles. But, despite the high popularity of databases, one should not forget that not all accidents are recorded. In cases where , there is no information about incidents, and it cannot be obtained in any of the databases. Then it remains only to hope for a visual inspection. The most accurate picture technical condition transport will help to get a combination of all available verification methods.

How to check a car for an accident: Video

On automotive market used cars are widely represented. Used cars are in demand among people who decide to become the owner of a car. Buyers of such cars may face dishonesty of sellers who hide the truth about the vehicle. The most unpleasant truth that is sure to be revealed when checking a car is past accidents. As a result - unforeseen chores, repair costs, waste of money and disappointment. In addition, you will have problems when re-registering the car as your property.

In most cases, when buying a car on secondary market, people are guided only by price, women pay special attention to appearance cars. With this approach, it is easy to buy unreliable car with a bad past. Before purchasing a car, you need to check the technical parts of the vehicle, the correspondence of the body numbers, the engine for compliance with the data technical passport, it is necessary to check the factory painting of the car or it has been repainted.

How to check if a car has been in an accident

New cars continue to give way to used car purchases. It is very important when buying such a car to find out whether the car has been in an accident or not. You can’t count on the honesty of the seller, so the buyer himself must recognize whether the car was broken. Some machine problems resulting from an accident can be very serious and beyond repair. In this case, the owner of the car tries to quickly get rid of it, quickly hiding visible flaws.

Verification is carried out in the following ways:

  1. Machine inspection.
  2. Check cars on existing databases.

Checking the car for an accident: external inspection

A thorough visual inspection of the machine will show damage and repair of faults. There are several generalized recommendations for inspecting the machine:

  • visual inspection is best done in a well-lit room or outdoors, in daylight;
  • the car should be washed before the inspection, as minor contamination will help to hide faults.

It is necessary to determine the quality of the paint during inspection. Any irregularities, difference in paint color in different parts of the body will indicate that the car has been in an accident. Inconsistencies in the junction of parts, asymmetry should make the buyer doubt the correctness of the choice of car. When making repairs, as a rule, inconspicuous places are left untreated. It is to them that the most attention should be paid.

Check the car for accidents by VIN code and other databases

To date, there is no unified database of accidents on the territory of Russia. In the same time existing systems will help you get the information you need about the car, albeit without a 100% guarantee. There are both public and private databases.

You can check the car before buying it according to the databases of the traffic police. The State traffic inspectorate provides information about cars, including their participation in accidents, to those who wish. You need to look for the necessary information on special Internet resources. Enter into the system government number machine, VIN or vehicle registration number.

There is a risk of falling for scammers when checking a car for an accident through other Internet resources. Prefer better verified sites and do not use random databases that were first issued by the search engine.

It is easier to check the reputation of a car imported from European countries, as already existing and well-functioning services will provide comprehensive information about the desired vehicle.

It is important to understand why you need to check the car for an accident, and not to neglect such a procedure. Professional advice boils down to the following.

  1. Checking the integrity of the car painting. It means to take a thickness gauge and determine the places that have been painted.

Many aspects of a car's life can be clarified by identifying repainted parts. If with the help of the device some part of the vehicle is painted, you need to clarify with the driver what exactly happened to the car.

Signs of an accident that can be detected during a paint inspection:

  • a painted roof indicates a car that turned over in an accident;
  • a repainted hood plus two front fenders suggests that the car was hit from the front, which could seriously damage the body geometry;
  • the painting of the trunk and both rear fenders most likely indicates strong blow cars in the back;
  • special attention should be paid to the paint on bolts and screws. Wrench marks indicate the removal of the front fenders, hood or trunk lid. Even if such parts are repainted, paint smudges will be evenly visible.
  1. Body geometry check. One of the most milestones checking the car for an accident. Not a single, even the highest quality repair is able to restore the original characteristics of the vehicle. For example, it is unrealistic to adjust the wheel alignment angles on such a car. Will constantly crack Windshield for no apparent reason. The safety of such a car is also reduced, since in the event of an accident, the power elements of the body will not be able to take the hit properly.

For the initial check of geometry, you need to squat near rear wheel cars and look at the sideline of the car. Daylight should be reflected on the machine evenly, without sharp refractions. Uneven lines, distorted light reflections may indicate dents or other damage.

  1. Checking the condition of the glasses. Glasses must be intact and marked. About the changed glasses will not match the markings. If the owner denies replacing the windshield, he most likely wants to cover up the accident. Rubber seals must evenly adhere to the glass.
  2. All indicators on the dashboard of the car should work well. Only the necessary icons should light up. Working warning yellow or red icons indicate a malfunction in the vehicle.


Recognizing a car in time after an accident is very important. After all, restoring a car is very expensive. A good repair will not guarantee the safety of car occupants in the future. The best specialists will not be able to predict the behavior of the vehicle after undergoing a major repair. Checking the real condition of the car is quite simple. For example, he will turn to a car repair shop, where, with the help of special equipment, professionals will check the car and make their verdict. The vehicle must be fully diagnosed, as it could have been broken from any side, including the roof.

In the conditions of daily operation of the car in a big city, it is simply impossible to avoid damage to the body. Wings, bumper, doors usually suffer. Therefore, you should not be afraid of a car after a minor cosmetic repair, which the seller honestly told about. It is a completely different matter when the car is after an accident or assembled from several parts. Checking the car for an accident will help to assess the real condition of the vehicle and make the right decision.

Before buying, you need to check the vehicle for participation in an accident. This is one of the most important and mandatory items, of all possible. Thanks to a modern check of the vehicle, it will be possible to find out not only about the accident itself, but also about the level of complexity of obtaining damage.

It is also necessary to add that quite often, when checking a car for participation in accidents, photographs from the scene of an accident are also provided, so you can personally verify:

  • no damage power unit or running;
  • body damage;
  • the level of damage inflicted.

In the event that accidents involving the car took place, this will be indicated in the inspection report. Thanks to the ability to receive information simultaneously in the traffic police and automobile insurance bases, the most detailed report and description of the accident will be received. You can also get information about the court order with the most complete data on the level of damage to the car and the cause of the accident, which is also necessary to know before purchasing a vehicle.

Now you can check the car within a few minutes. In the event that the car was repaired after an accident at an official car center, then in addition to all available information, you can additionally obtain information about the replaced parts and the cost of the repair performed.

Not beaten, not beautiful?

In modern realities, checking a car for participation in an accident is a necessary measure at the time of purchase. We provide the most complete information about all such incidents. Do not be overly dismissive of the car buying process and trust all the information that the seller provides.

Do not rush and sign documents for the purchase of a car as soon as possible. In this case, you can get a large number of problems, including financial ones. It is very important to “break through” the car in all available databases in order to be sure that the vehicle has not been involved in accidents.

Checking is also necessary because buying a car after a traffic accident is the most common modern problem in the secondary market. All the consequences of the accident can be so carefully disguised that only an official check will allow you to get all the information. Some "professional outbidders" deal with such cars and carry out such high-quality "cosmetic" repairs that even a professional driver with several years of experience cannot find any disguised damage.

Only automotive experts who deal with automotive topics at a professional level can visually or after several test drives determine the presence of technical faults. That is why, such a necessary and easy-to-use service has appeared, like checking cars for accidents by VIN.

Even a well-repaired one, but wrecked car, it is best not to buy, because there is a risk that there will be no end to financial investments. Subsequently, it will also be problematic to resell such a car.

Increasingly, there are cases of selling used cars that have been in an accident.

Therefore, before purchasing a vehicle, you need to make sure whether the vehicle really could have been involved in a traffic accident. The article will tell you how to check the car for an accident.

How to check a car for an accident yourself?

There are several methods to check a car for an accident will be reliable. If future owner wants to buy a used car, then he should conduct a kind of research. To do this, you need to get information about the product.

For example, if the transport was found via the Internet, then you can find out how long the ad hangs: a long time can be an indicator of a low-quality product. But it is better to keep in mind more effective methods of checking a car for an accident.

First, you need to visually analyze the transport, because most of the damage is very visible even when you first get acquainted with the car.

But to facilitate this process, it is worth remembering for yourself some recommendations of experts:

  1. The inspection should take place in good light, because many owners will make an appointment in the evening to hide any defects.
  2. The car is better to be cleaned, as dirt can mask the damage perfectly.
  3. It is worth paying attention to painting: it should be applied evenly.
  4. Color Mismatch: A broken car is usually repainted, but sometimes even a slight mismatch between the old and new colors can be a sign of a low-quality car.
  5. Textured finish.

Checking through the website of the traffic police

An accident check is provided on the official website of the traffic police. This is a fairly popular database that stores all information about all vehicles that are registered in the country.

Some may not trust Internet resources, so these owners prefer to come to the traffic police department. However, the final result will still be the same as it was presented through the site, because the branch employee will work through the same resource.

How to check for an accident by VIN code on the Internet?

It is possible to obtain data on an accident by VIN-code. Several Internet sources have been developed, through which you can get the necessary information.


This site cooperates with the traffic police and insurance companies. It will be easy enough to break through the car by the number of accidents by vin. Vin (to be specified) is the special number of the car.

The database is updated very often, as adjustments are made there. This is done by employees who are provided with all the data of insurance organizations. After fifteen days after an accident, hijacking, declaring a vehicle wanted, all this information is added to the database.


This resource is much higher than other resources, because it is he who has many advantages in organizing work:

  • convenient interface, because it is enough to drive a number or wine number into the designated column to check;
  • all entered information is processed fairly quickly due to the automation of the system;
  • the result is a report that the user receives, and the report is compiled correctly, in detail;
  • an option to make a copy of the report in electronic format.


This is a specialized service created on the basis of a state program for informing about cars for accidents by numbers or by VIN. At the moment, the service stores more than thirty-five million reports. You can also get photos from the scene of accidents.

In order for the car to be checked for an accident, it is enough to enter the minimum data about the car. But this process is not free, because if there is information about a particular transport, the owner must buy it, but at a meager price.

Data is always compiled in detail, from which information can be obtained about:

  • characteristics of the vehicle;
  • run;
  • accidents in which the car could be involved;
  • operating the car as a taxi;
  • about possible searches;
  • possible purchase of goods on credit;
  • repair procedures that concerned the facility;
  • customs control data can also be provided.

AutoCAD is best used because it provides information not only about incidents, but also gives complete description one vehicle or another.

Vin online

Checking the car on vin-online. During the registration of a purchased car, the vin number is read from it. If there is information about this, then the owner selling the car is decent. In addition, this indicates that the car did not get into an accident.

If the future owner of a used car cannot find information by number via the Internet, then he can enter chassis numbers or body registration data to obtain information. With the help of this manipulation, you can also find out about fines and that the future property was not stolen.

Through insurance companies

Insurance companies also have special databases that provide an opportunity to obtain the necessary information.

An insurance agent can help with this, but there are a few things to consider:

  • if there was an accident, then the previous owner probably applied to the company for damages, then this moment is entered into the database and subsequently displayed in it.

Through the website of the State Services

If a future car user wants to know about possible prohibitions that have ever been imposed on the vehicle, then the State Services website will become his assistant. You can check the state data by VIN.

The site provides quite extensive data:

  • about fines;
  • about prohibitions;
  • about past owners;
  • about an accident;
  • about damage.

But it is worth remembering that all information can be presented only after it is fixed by traffic police officers. If some kind of accident was registered without the state traffic inspectorate and insurance organizations, then information about this car will not be indicated on the website. So check it out and keep that in mind.

What to remember when checking for participation in an accident?

So for safe traffic on a used car, it is worth punching it in the database to get all the information about it and, if necessary, about the previous owner. Only on proven cars will the real owner feel comfortable behind the wheel, knowing for sure that the vehicle was not registered in an accident and that it was not stolen.

To check, just go to one of the above sites (if someone does not trust the Internet, then he can contact the traffic police department), drive in the VIN or number and thereby check. The result will be instant, as the sites are equipped with automation that allows you to get information in a matter of minutes.

Video review - how to break through an accident

Due to frequent changes in the administrative laws of the Russian Federation and traffic rules, we do not always have time to update the information on the site, in this regard free legal experts are working for you around the clock!


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