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Nasko insurance company is the largest insurance company in Tatarstan with the largest authorized capital among Russian regional insurers of 900 million rubles. Nasko is a universal company offering a range of services for both individuals and legal entities. The activities of the insurer are confirmed by a number of certificates. At the moment, the company has a reliability rating of A + (“Very high level of reliability”)

Company management structure

The Nasko Insurance Company was founded on November 15, 1996 under the name of the National Insurance Company TATARSTAN. By 1999, the company enters the republican level, and by 2006 it is the leader among insurance companies in the Volga region. Now Nasko has great authority and is popular with policyholders.

The General Meeting of Shareholders is the leading governing body of the company highest priority. The board of directors of the company deals with the issues of the main activity of the company. The current activity of the company is headed by the General Director of the company. The control of finances and economic activities is in the hands of the Audit Commission of the company.

The organizational structure of the company is highly efficient. Representative offices in 15 subjects of the Russian Federation are divided into regional networks, with each network subdivided into 17 departments. Each department is empowered to independently resolve service-related issues, which adds efficiency to work and increases credibility in the eyes of customers. The company's sales channels are very diverse. This includes sales in the company's offices, an agent-brokerage network, and a system of financial supermarkets. All this is created for the convenience of customers.

Company's insurance portfolio

The company's products include all major types of insurance. For individuals it is:

  • auto insurance;
  • water transport insurance;
  • civil liability insurance of the shipowner;
  • home insurance;
  • movable property insurance;
  • mortgage insurance;
  • accident insurance;
  • civil liability insurance.

For each type of insurance, several types of products are presented, allowing the client to choose insurance according to his case.

For legal entities also presents a wide range of products and services. The main list is below:

  • insurance in the field of transport and transportation;
  • sports and entertainment insurance;
  • insurance services in the field of trade;
  • industry and construction insurance;
  • agricultural insurance;
  • insurance in the field of medicine and health care;
  • hotel and restaurant business insurance;
  • professional services insurance;

Insurance products offered to clients

The Nasko company provides for all possible insured events. For physical clients, a large number of products have been prepared, allowing you to individually select insurance for a suitable case. For example, car insurance. The company offers not only the usual and AUTOCASCO, but also its own products. “Weekend policy” provides insurance coverage only on weekends, “Until the first insured event”, as its name suggests, offers payouts only after a single incident. Accordingly, the price of both products is lower than full insurance. There is insurance in case of disability of the driver or passengers, as well as "Just in case +" - insurance protection against unforeseen expenses associated with the repair of the vehicle.

The future clients of the company should pay special attention to home insurance. Nasko offers a universal product, Comfortable Housing. It includes all the possible needs of a citizen in insurance of housing and movable property. This includes insurance of a residential building, and a cottage, and civil liability to third parties. The company also allows you to insure separately from fire, flooding or other accidents with the help of the Scarlet Flower product. In addition, it is possible to insure separately not only housing, but also valuable property located in it. The possibility of reducing material costs due to accidents subject to insurance increases.

The convenience of the service lies in the fact that both housing and movable property can be insured against a specific case, thereby reducing insurance costs.

The company treats with great responsibility and therefore offers a range of services. This includes insurance of the subject of mortgage, and life and health insurance of the borrower. Another important product is customer title insurance. Such an insurance product works when the subject of the mortgage, that is, the housing being purchased, is tried to be taken away through the courts.

A number of profitable offers are put forward by the Nasko company for accident insurance. Especially for newlyweds, the product “Happy Together” has been developed in two packages - for a month and for a year. This approach allows the client to choose a product that is suitable both in terms of duration and price. There is also a product for complete family members in case of injury, disability and other accidents. According to this product, it is possible to insure from two to six people aged from 1 to 70 years. also exist in the company's line of insurance products. This is insurance against accidents during sports activities. The main insurance product for accidents is “NS-Basic”, presented in two packages of insurance risks. Both packages are valid 24 hours a day and are concluded for a period of one year.

In the line of insurance products for individuals from Nasko, there is a third party liability insurance program. The policyholder may purchase insurance coverage for persons who are not in an employment relationship with him. Fire, flooding, falling icicles, faulty electrical wiring - all this can cause damage to life, health and property of third parties.

The insurer provides options for insurance protection in case of damage received during the stay at the facilities and entailed:

  • injury, disability or death;
  • destruction or damage to property;
  • expenses for clarifying the circumstances of the insured event;
  • court costs in cases of compensation for physical or property damage to third parties.

In terms of civil liability insurance, there are several more important points for the client. The sum insured is calculated based on the most possible risks and an assessment of the amount of damage to third parties. The insurance premium is calculated primarily based on the type of insured activity and other circumstances that may affect the insured risk. In this case, the insurance covers the following expenses:

  • reimbursement of the value of the property minus the value of items fit for use;
  • the cost of repairing partially damaged property;
  • the cost of clearing the area where the event took place;
  • the cost of saving life and/or property that has been damaged as a result of an accident;
  • expenses for clarifying the circumstances of the accident;
  • court expenses;
  • earnings or part of the earnings, which a third person has lost as a result of an accident - a part of the earnings of a deceased third person, reimbursed to his dependents;
  • burial expenses.

A full range of insurance services is also provided for legal entities. Transport and transportation insurance provides insurance coverage in case of theft, damage to the vehicle or additional equipment, personal injury as a result of an accident or robbery. The insurance provides for all those cases not covered by OSAGO.

For legal entities engaged in activities in the field of sports and entertainment, the Nasko company offers liability insurance to visitors. The object of insurance in this case is the property interest of the insured. All possible risks to which a visitor of a sports and entertainment event may be exposed are insured. With regard to the civil liability of legal entities to third parties in general, regardless of the direction and type of activity, the objects of insurance and the reimbursed expenses are the same, as described above. Trading companies are provided with insurance protection for goods leftovers in warehouses and halls.

Provides insurance for civil liability, property, and, importantly, liability for damage due to shortage of goods and services. The company also additionally insures facilities using nuclear energy, space risks and ships under construction. Construction companies can insure specialized equipment and construction and installation risks, agricultural - equipment, property and animals, medical - professional liability of doctors, property, as well as voluntary medical insurance. A number of insurance services are provided by Nasko for travel companies, as well as for the hotel, restaurant business and for companies offering professional services, such as appraisers, private security companies, notaries, and so on.

Performance results

The performance results speak for themselves twenty one years of experience, confirmed by rating agencies. In the overall rating of insurance companies in terms of insurance premiums Nasko takes 35th place among 326 companies in the market.

On the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, Nasko is confidently in the top three. Millions of customers trust the Nasko insurance company precisely because of its vast experience and stability in the market.

Prospects for the development of the company

In the short term, the Nasko insurance company plans to maintain its leadership position in the Republic of Tatarstan and the Volga Federal District, and in the medium term - to become a company of federal significance. An increase in the insurance portfolio of 20% annually may well contribute to this. The sale of the company is not planned in any of the prospects, as well as the attraction of a new one. The company is confidently standing on its feet thanks to the trust of its customers.

Main reviews about the company

Clients speak only favorably about the activities of the Nasko insurance company. High quality and speed of service make it a well-deserved leader in its region. Applications for insurance and the decision on insurance coverage are processed very quickly, which is an important plus for the client. At the same time, clients receive insurance payments very quickly, even in such a complex sector of insurance coverage as auto insurance.

Insurance company Nasko, video presentation

Nasko insurance company is a stable leader in the insurance market of Tatarstan and a promising player at the federal level. With such a high level of reliability and excellent growth prospects, it is only a matter of time before the company becomes federal. The level of service, a wide range of insurance products and reasonable prices - these are the three components of the success of this company.

According to legislative norms, every driver of a car must have an OSAGO insurance policy. To simplify the process of buying it, on January 1, 2017, a new rule was approved for the sale of policies online on the official websites of insurance companies. Now every domestic insurer offers the remote purchase service, thereby saving the time of its customers. The insurance company NASCO also adopted this convenient innovation.


NASKO started its professional activity in 1996. The authorized capital of the insurer is 900 million rubles. Now the company has turned into a whole branch network. Its offices are located in more than 130 cities of Russia. The official representative office of NASCO is located in Kazan. The RA expert assigned a very high level of reliability to this insurer.

The company has a license to provide 20 types of insurance services. These include civil liability insurance under the OSAGO policy, which can be purchased directly on the official website of NASCO.

OSAGO policy from NASKO

An insurance policy from NASCO meets all the standards of this mandatory document. If the culprit of the accident has OSAGO, compensation for all damage caused to them (life, health, property) will be paid by the insurance company. The limit of the sum insured under the OSAGO policy is 400 thousand rubles. If the amount of damage exceeds this mark, the remaining part is paid by the client of the NASCO insurance company independently. If he has an additional DoSAGO policy, the damage is reimbursed by the insurance company in full.

The OSAGO policy from NASKO relieves the driver from claims from the injured party in the accident. All issues are resolved through the insurer quickly and efficiently.

Documents for the purchase of OSAGO from NASKO

In order to buy a policy, the applicant must provide the insurance company with true information about himself and his vehicle, which is written in the documents he has. These include:

  1. Passport (for individuals).
  2. Certificate of state registration (for legal entities).
  3. A document confirming the registration of the applicant's vehicle.
  4. Driver's licenses (or their copies) of all persons admitted to driving the vehicle.
  5. Diagnostic card.

If the OSAGO policy is not purchased for the first time, you just need to enter the data from the documents into the appropriate forms on the official website of the insurer. If the applicant decides to buy his first policy, he will have to personally photograph or scan all documents for their inclusion in the PCA database.

The procedure for purchasing OSAGO from the insurance company NASKO online

To buy an electronic policy, you need a number of simple steps. We offer you a detailed algorithm:

  1. First of all, you need to go to the official website of the NASKO company, select the "Auto Insurance" section and go to the OSAGO service.
  2. The new page will provide basic information about the policy. On the right, all information about OSAGO insurance will be collected, starting with the rules and ending with a description of cashless payments on the company's website. If you decide to issue OSAGO from NASCO, feel free to click on the "Buy a policy online" button located on the left.

  3. To buy an OSAGO policy, you need to register. To do this, the applicant writes down his e-mail address, comes up with a password for his personal account, indicates his first and last name, and also enters a verification code. He also needs to agree to the processing of his personal data. You can register in a simplified manner using the website. A verification code will be sent to your email to complete your registration. After entering it, you can activate your account and proceed to the registration of an electronic OSAGO policy.

  4. The next mandatory step is authorization. To do this, you need to follow the link displayed on the screen, enter your email address and the password you just invented.
  5. Next, the user is in a personal account. To apply for a policy, you need to click on the "New Agreement" button, select the OSAGO policy and proceed to fill in the data about yourself and your car.
  6. To buy an OSAGO policy from NASCO online, you need to fill out 6 different forms. The information provided in most of them will affect the final cost of the policy. In the first form, information is entered about the insured - the person on whose behalf the policy is issued. It can be an individual or legal entity, an entrepreneur, a foreign citizen. At this stage, the applicant will definitely need a passport.
  7. Next, the system will need information about the owner of the vehicle. If the applicant is not only the insured, but also the owner of the car, he clicks on the checkmark. If the policy is issued for someone else's car, you must enter similar information about the owner of the vehicle, using his passport data.

  8. The applicant then carefully enters information about their vehicle. It is she who plays a significant role in calculating the cost of insurance. In a special form, the purpose of using the car, its make, model, year of manufacture, type, power, registration data (place of registration, number of the diagnostic card, its validity period) are indicated.

  9. This is followed by a form that requires information about the drivers. If the applicant wants to limit the circle of persons allowed to drive a car, he selects the appropriate button. It should be remembered that unlimited OSAGO costs more than a regular policy, which includes one or more drivers. It is more economical to indicate that the list of drivers is limited, and then enter the data that the system will request. The most budget option is to specify one driver. Remember, each driver has his own bonus-malus coefficient, which directly affects the cost of the policy. Anyone can visit the PCA website.

  10. The applicant chooses the validity period of the policy and indicates the period of use of the vehicle. The longer the policy is valid, the lower its price will be.

  11. At the penultimate stage of the purchase, the user is offered ways to deliver the policy. It is most convenient to receive it by e-mail, and then print it yourself on a regular printer. You can also get a policy at the NASCO office or wait until it is sent by mail.
  12. Payment is the final stage of the purchase. When all the entered data is verified in a single database (this process usually takes about a quarter of an hour), the system will offer to deposit funds for an electronic policy. After confirmation of payment, OSAGO will be sent by the selected method and will begin to operate within a day after the purchase. Check activation online.

How to buy an OSAGO policy online cheaply

If you want to save on a mandatory policy, you can use a special OSAGO calculator that works online. The price of the policy in our country is not fixed, and the cost of insurance services varies depending on the specific insurance company. The calculator simultaneously analyzes the tariffs of a number of insurers, after which it displays the most advantageous offers for a particular user. Thanks to the calculator on the electronic OSAGO policy, you can save several times by entrusting your responsibility on the road to a reliable insurance company.

Insurance company "NASCO" today works with both individuals and corporate clients. The list of services it provides is extremely long. Over the long years of its existence, it has established itself only on the positive side.

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About company

The birthplace of the insurance company "NASCO" is Tatarstan. This organization started its work in 1996.

For more than twenty years of history, the IC in question has acquired a very large amount of experience, which makes it possible to avoid various fatal mistakes in the course of its activities. The authorized capital of the company "NASKO" is as much as 900 million rubles.

The activities of this SC have been repeatedly noted at various specialized competitions with high-profile awards:

  • National Prize of Russia;
  • "The best insurance company of the Volga Federal District of Russia in 2007";
  • "The best service provider in Tatarstan in 2008".

One of the most important advantages of the insurance company under consideration is the presence of a very large number of branches not only in Tatarstan and nearby territories, but also in other regions of the Russian Federation.

NASCO Rating

Insurance company "NASCO" is a participant in the rating, which is formed on the basis of a variety of factors by a special agency called "Expert Ra".

This organization assigned the activity of the IC in question a rating of “A + (III)” - a very high level of reliability.

The probability of fulfilling all the obligations assumed is extremely high, even with a strong deterioration in macroeconomic indicators.

The most important feature of this SC is that its rating has always progressed and never fell below the “A” level. This indicates a serious approach of the organization's management to the conduct of its business.


The insurance company in question operates only within the framework of the legislation in force in the territory of the Russian Federation.

That is why "NASCO" uses the rules of insurance in the formation of its contracts. For each individual segment, these rules are significantly different.

You can select sections that are common to all documents of this type:

  1. "Rights and obligations of the parties".
  2. "The procedure for concluding, changing, prolonging and early termination of an insurance contract."
  3. "Procedure for payment of insurance premium".
  4. "List of actions of persons in the event of an insured event."
  5. "The procedure for calculating the amount of payments."
  6. "Settlement of disputes".

Paragraph No. 1, where the rights and obligations of the parties are indicated, highlights all the obligations of the insured and the insurer arising from the conclusion of an agreement of the type in question. Also in this section, all the terms used in the text of the contract are covered in as much detail as possible.

Paragraph No. 2 stipulates all the main points regarding all kinds of manipulations directly with the contract itself.

Based on this section, an extension of the agreement, early termination is carried out. Also, if necessary, it is possible to change the initial conditions indicated in the contract.

This is allowed only with the mutual consent of the two parties: the insured and the insurer. The insured is obliged to pay for the insurance services of NASCO in the prescribed amount.

The tariff scale is also determined by one of the paragraphs of the insurance rules: “Procedure for paying the insurance premium”. This paragraph also indicates the order in which payment is made.

For many insurance programs, "NASCO" gives installments - for 6, 9 and 12 months. Which is extremely convenient, especially if the amount of the insurance premium is large enough.

Upon the occurrence of the risk indicated in the contract, the insured is obliged to perform a list of certain actions.

It is indicated in paragraph No. 3: "The list of actions of persons in the event of an insured event." All documents required for submission have been disclosed.

This section is very important, because if its conditions are not met, a precedent arises according to which the company has the full right not to pay insurance compensation to its client, or to perform this action only partially.

The terms for payment of compensation, as well as the conditions allowing for their extension, are indicated in the paragraph entitled "Procedure for calculating the amount of payments."

The insured should remember that NASCO, if necessary, has every right to extend the period for payment of compensation indicated in the legislation and insurance rules.

Quite often, when an insured event occurs, various kinds of controversial issues arise. Ways out of such situations are indicated in the section entitled “Dispute Resolution Procedure”.

If, for some reason, a compromise solution is not found, then the parties use the court to resolve such a situation.

Products for individuals

Insurance of individuals is one of the main areas in which NASCO operates.

Today it provides the following list of services:

  • car insurance;
  • property insurance of citizens;
  • personal insurance.

Moreover, in each segment, a fairly extensive list of various programs is provided. If necessary, you can use the "insurance constructor" - it allows the client to independently select the required risks, as well as create the most convenient conditions for themselves. "NASCO" most often goes to meet its insurers.


The list of car insurance services includes:

The OSAGO policy (compulsory third party liability insurance) is required for all drivers driving vehicles (regardless of their category).

It allows the client of NASCO to avoid damage as a result of a traffic accident that occurred through the fault of a third party. In this case, the company will pay the client the amount necessary for the restoration work.

If the policyholder himself became the culprit of the accident, then NASCO will pay for the damage caused to a third party. In this case, the client of the company will have to restore his own car at his own expense.

The CASCO policy makes it possible for the owner of the vehicle to avoid almost any damage associated with his car.

This service may include the following risks:

  • theft;
  • complete death;
  • damage as a result of an accident;
  • theft of additional equipment.

For an additional fee, other risks may be included in the insurance coverage: damage by falling objects, elements, fires and others.

The cost of CASCO is slightly higher than the usual OSAGO. But she is completely justified. If necessary, the client can significantly reduce the price through the use of a franchise, as well as in other ways.

Discounts available:

  • regular customers;
  • for trouble-free driving;
  • for new cars.


"NASCO" offers individuals various types of property insurance programs. As the object of insurance are the property interests of the insured.

The agreement may include the following:

  • clothing, household items, home furnishings (furniture, decorative items);
  • household electrical appliances, electronics (computers, televisions, and others);
  • equipment for hunting, fishing and other activities;
  • musical instruments, means of communication, optical and measuring instruments;
  • jewelry.

There is also a list of exceptions - NASCO does not insure certain types of property. This applies to objects of art or of historical value.

The list of risks upon the occurrence of which NASCO will pay insurance compensation includes the following:

  • impact of fire (fire caused by any reason - lightning strike, gas explosion, etc.);
  • illegal actions of third parties (intentional damage to property, vandalism);
  • flooding (accidents in the water supply, heating and sewer networks, water leakage from neighboring premises);
  • causing damage to vehicles as a result of collisions, falling trees;
  • natural disasters of various kinds:
    • mountain falls;
    • hurricanes;
    • shower;
    • hail;
    • flood.

An insurance contract of the type in question can be concluded both for any individual risks, and for a whole range of risks.

Personal insurance

Such unpleasant incidents as illnesses and accidents often cause quite serious financial damage:

  • loss of ability to work;
  • the need to purchase drugs.

The company "NASCO" offers two types of insurance services of this type:

Today, travel insurance is especially popular. The cost of medical services in other countries in most cases is quite high.

Not all citizens of the Russian Federation can afford to pay for them. It is for this case that NASCO offers its clients to purchase a travel insurance policy.

Thanks to its presence, if necessary, you can receive the following services and items abroad absolutely free of charge:

  • treatment: outpatient and inpatient (in the event of a disease, accident);
  • diagnostic examination;
  • full provision of all necessary drugs;
  • dressings and other materials necessary for treatment;

Transportation costs are also paid.

Programs for legal entities

The company "NASCO" also provides services to legal entities.

The list of insurance products for corporate clients is quite extensive, it covers:

  • property;
  • motor transport;
  • cargo;
  • responsibility;
  • employee accident insurance;
  • construction and installation risks;
  • trips.

Moreover, each product has a fairly extensive list of various programs that allow you to take into account various risks. Thanks to a wide range of services, the client can easily choose the appropriate insurance conditions for themselves.


Most often, the greatest value of all property owned by legal entities is real estate.

"NASCO" offers to insure the following types of it:

  • building;
  • construction in progress.

Also, production equipment, specialized and construction equipment, goods, raw materials have a high cost.

All of the above and other property can be insured against the following risks:

  • exposure to fire (fire for any reason - lightning strike, gas explosion);
  • flooding - accident of water supply, sewerage, heating systems, water penetration from adjacent premises;
  • subsidence of soil, the impact of underground water bodies;
  • natural disasters (floods, hurricanes, etc.);
  • illegal actions of third parties.

At the same time, the amount of the sum insured, first of all, depends on the value of the property itself, as well as the probability of occurrence of the risk indicated in the insurance contract.

Motor transport

Many large organizations have on their balance sheet a large number of very different vehicles. Sometimes the cost is very high.

That is why there is always a need for insurance of this type of property. NASCO offers its corporate clients a car insurance program.

Thanks to it, damages resulting from the occurrence of the following events can be compensated:

  • mechanical damage in an accident;
  • fire - causing damage by fire (gas explosion, lightning strike, unintentional arson);
  • disaster.

The client can independently choose the risks, upon the occurrence of which monetary compensation is paid.

The use of this program is especially beneficial when it includes a clause on full compensation as a result of the death of a car for various reasons. Since in such a situation the financial damage is greatest.


Transport companies are always responsible for the safety of the transported goods. "NASCO" offers organizations of this kind to conclude an agreement that excludes financial damage.

The action of the product in question applies to cargo carried by the following mode of transport:

  • railway;
  • automobile;
  • maritime;
  • aviation.

The insurance risks are:

  • accidents on the railway - train wreck, their collision;
  • plane crash;
  • loss of the vehicle along with the cargo;
  • theft or other deliberate illegal actions of third parties.

The insurance contract is valid only in the process of cargo transportation (including its shipment and loading). This is the main feature of the product offered by NASKO. The amount of insurance compensation is established based on the actual value of the cargo.

Also, compensation at the request of the insured may include:

  • all kinds of commissions;
  • freight cost;
  • other expenses.

It is possible to conclude a general insurance contract. This allows the transport company not to insure separately each transport trip, but to extend the agreement immediately to all transportations carried out within a certain time.


The activity of many enterprises carries a certain danger. As a result of an oversight, serious damage to life, health, as well as property of third parties can be caused.

That is why the insurance company in question has formed a large number of specialized products that make it possible to minimize the likelihood of any expenses on the part of the insured.

The following types of insurance are most in demand today:

  • compulsory insurance of civil liability of an enterprise that owns or operates a hazardous object (objects);
  • insurance of civil liability of organizations operating production facilities that pose a danger to the environment;
  • professional liability insurance (appraisers, auditors);
  • tour operator liability insurance.

If necessary, "NASCO" can prepare an individual insurance program, taking into account the activities of a particular client. This SC has a specialized group dealing with such issues.

Employees from accidents

Many employees of enterprises perform work that carries a rather serious danger to themselves. And there is a high chance of an accident. It can lead to both temporary and permanent disability.

That is why "NASCO" has developed an insurance offer that allows, in the event of an emergency at the enterprise, to fully financially protect it from any expenses.

Cash compensation is paid in the following cases:

Construction and installation risks

Conducting construction and installation work is always associated with certain risks.

"NASCO" offers its corporate clients to transfer for insurance:

  • unfinished objects, buildings, machines and materials, as well as various other property placed on the construction site;
  • temporary buildings, transportation mechanisms;
  • civil liability of the insured - associated with the obligation to compensate for harm.

If necessary, insurance coverage may include:

  • overtime expenses;
  • post-launch commitments;
  • property of third parties located near the construction site.

Insurance risks:

  • property damage;
  • claims and lawsuits brought by third parties on various grounds.


Enterprises can purchase a voluntary medical insurance program for their employees from NASCO.

Thanks to the presence of this policy, insured persons can receive the following types of services in the best medical institutions absolutely free of charge:

  • dental;
  • outpatient clinics;
  • hospital treatment.

There are specialized programs for VIP clients. They allow you to undergo a course of treatment in leading foreign clinics.


The activities of many corporate clients involve sending employees abroad. A prerequisite for obtaining a visa to many countries is the availability of a specialized insurance policy. IC "NASCO" offers an impressive list of such insurance programs.

Thanks to them, the costs associated with the need to receive the following services abroad are covered:

  • outpatient, inpatient treatment;
  • diagnostics;
  • provision of drugs necessary for treatment;
  • dental treatment.

In addition to medical expenses, transportation of the patient or his body, remains in case of death is paid.


Fulfillment of all obligations of NASCO to customers is guaranteed by reinsurance. It is provided:

  • JSC "NASKO";

At the same time, this type of activity fully complies with the current legislation (clause 3 of article No. 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation of November 27, 1992 No. 4015-I).

Cost and tariffs

IC "NASKO" was organized in 1996 in the Republic of Tatarstan to meet the interests of government agencies. Since its inception, the business has grown rapidly. The company won large government tenders and covered the property and professional risks of local enterprises. By 2000, NASKO Insurance Company took a leading position among the insurers of Tatarstan and the entire Volga region.

Since 2003, the company has been actively concluding OSAGO contracts and developing the personal insurance segment. The company has created a group of insurers of the same name. It included IC Idel and reinsurer Kama Re.

Since 2007, the company has set itself an ambitious goal - to develop new regions and enter the top 50 leading federal companies. By 2013, NASCO Insurance Company managed to break into 43rd place in the rating of Russian insurers.

In 2015, the company ranked 35th in the ranking in terms of premiums. The amount of fees reached the level of 3.6 billion rubles. In its region, in terms of fees, the company got the 3rd place.

The company's portfolio is 66% formed from retail insurance contracts. The rest is to cover the risks of legal entities. In 2015, awards were received in 13 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The largest part of them falls on the Republic of Tatarstan.

In 2015, the company's portfolio was dominated by auto insurance contracts (61%) and property risk coverage (slightly less than 17%).

The central office is located in the city of Kazan. The insurer has a wide network of representative offices (120 units) located in different regions of the Russian Federation. The agent network includes more than 1.5 thousand people.

Today, the insurer provides comprehensive insurance to state and commercial enterprises, the population. The company is a member of the RSA, VSS, Bolshaya Volga and other trade unions.

Vladimir, Moscow

There was an accident due to someone else's fault. I called the traffic police, wrote out all the papers, then went to Alpha. Repairs were quickly inspected and approved. Was pleasantly surprised! Usually they say that you need to wait 15 business days for review. And then they approved it right in front of me. Before that, I read reviews, I thought it would be the same with me, red tape and so on. An no. And the repair at their service station in Pelican was done pretty quickly, only two weeks of waiting for the fender and bumper, but it's fast. They did a pretty good job. Satisfied. STO is not worse than others, you can apply. Not everyone is bad, a lot is good.

Maria Sevastyanova, Moscow

The accident was not my fault. I collected all the documents, everything as they require, conducted an examination, they said everything, wait, we will pay. I'm waiting for a month. Rather, I go, I call them endlessly. Either one or the other is answered, they are fed breakfast. Either the accounting department is to blame, wait, then something with documents, then they generally offer repairs instead of money. And I have already repaired them, I don’t need their repair, let the money pay! Tired of this attitude. It doesn't go through any gates. They have already begun to respond boorishly on the phone and in the office, you will never get an exact answer from anyone. Another month they will pull - I will go to court, let him deal with them. We have a law! And then there will not be enough nerves for them, but money is not visible. And they promised when I bought insurance, a completely different attitude. Deceivers!

Sipakov Victor, Moscow

When the deadline for strictly Casco approached in the spring, I did not want to go to the former company. Although she did not apply for payments, her reputation still left much to be desired (I will not name here what kind of company). I thought for a long time where to go. To be cheaper and closer to home. Friends advised Alfastrakhovanie. I called, it turned out that their office is not far from my work. Made an appointment, arrived. We were greeted with courtesy and all questions were answered in a clear and understandable manner. I was pleasantly surprised, by the way, that Casco cost me 10,000 cheaper than in the previous insurance. It also happens. I hope that the company will continue to show itself as a good partner, although I drive carefully, but everything happens in life. In the meantime, everything is just fine, I am satisfied with the conditions, the price, my friends did not deceive me.

Nemtyshkin Alexander, Moscow

On February 4 this year, I had a stupid accident right at the intersection. I stopped at a red traffic light, and Lada Granta, who was driving behind, could not cope with the brakes and drove into me. The Lada driver was insured by Alfa. I had to contact them. The traffic police issued all the documents and we submitted them to Alpha's office. We were pleasantly surprised that the staff were friendly to us, explained everything clearly and did not delay with the design. This is a little like the usual attitude in insurance. It's okay, but the money was transferred to my account exactly one month later, which means March 4th. And fully listed, the money was enough to repair my Tayota with a vengeance. Thanks to such a good company, I have only good impressions.

Vladimir Ivanovich Lugovoy, Kaluga

On February 27, 2011, my car was damaged in an accident. The driver of the Opel Astra lost control and drove into the oncoming lane, hitting two cars and mine. He was insured in AlfaStrakhovanie. The emergency commissioner arrived in 40 minutes, and the traffic cops waited another hour. My damage was the bumper, headlight, headlight washer replaced, and scratches on the wing. A total of 41 thousand rubles was estimated by the appraiser Alfostrakhovanie Aenkom. They fiddled with the papers for more than two months, since there were several victims besides me. Sometimes the papers get lost, sometimes they get mixed up, but in the end, the whole amount was paid to me. And they also offered to insure their car at a discount. Well, since they paid, it means they are not working for deceit, and this is now a rarity among insurance companies, nevertheless. Thank you for your attention.

Strakhov Maxim Olegovich, Moscow

In January 2012, my Toyota Camry was badly damaged in an accident. The damage came to 110,000 rubles. After the amount was approved by the insurance company and I took the car to the service, they began to call and demand some unknown certificates, and they had to be provided by the guilty party, then why did they call me? Am I supposed to look for it myself and collect certificates for it? Then they said that some kind of independent examination had been repeated, and the amount of the payment would already be not 110, but 48 thousand rubles. Moreover, in the service itself they don’t know anything about it, they didn’t do any additional examinations, and the amount of their repair is still 110 thousand. As a result, after two months of disputes, swearing and correspondence with the company, the amount of 48,000 was transferred to the account. The question is, who will pay the rest? Sue these scammers and swindlers. This is again nerves and expenses. The lawsuit has been going on since May 10 of this year. And it's already August. In vain I was insured with them, I regret it now.

Zolotarev Artem, Moscow

I have been insured in Alfa for 5 years in a row. Prior to this, there were no cases to apply, and then a car parked in the parking lot was scratched in the yard. I had to contact the insurance company. I have CASCO, I live in St. Petersburg. There is a certificate from the traffic police, there are photos, an assessment, everything is as it should be. Well, the insurance company did not find fault, since all the points were met and all the certificates were on hand. Maybe it's a regular customer, or maybe it's a minor scratch (the amount of damage came out to 3,600 rubles in total), a referral for repairs was issued right there. At the service station, I had to wait in line for painting for two weeks, but it was worth it, they painted it perfectly, nothing was noticeable. So, my advice to everyone is to collect all the papers, keep all the certificates in order, and insure constantly in the same insurance company, then you will have benefits and there will be no delays.

Oleg, Moscow

A car on credit, insured in Alfa CASCO, on June 14 there was an accident through my fault. Gathered all the documents, took Alfe to the office. A week later they called the car for inspection. After inspection, 3 days later received a referral for repairs. Arrived, did not like the service station, the queue. I asked for a replacement and they replaced it with no problem. Waited 14 days for parts to arrive. While waiting, they called from the service, they found more hidden damage. I went to agree. We agreed, we didn't argue. When everything was brought, after 4 days he took the car. I am writing a review so that they know that they work, pay and repair without problems. Everyone loves to find fault, but they are too lazy to write good things. That is why I am writing.

Margarita Ushakova

Many thanks to Alpha Insurance! There was an accident, the car was badly damaged, I couldn’t drive it, it’s hard to take the metro to and from work in this crush. I was very worried about this, and all my friends said that they would pay out insurance for a long time and tediously, I would have to run a lot for insurers. As a result, nothing of the kind! Everything was paid in full and on time! The accident happened on March 14, and already on May 2 I was back on wheels. In my experience, this is very good. The car was fixed, the work was not damaged, my nerves are intact, I am satisfied, many thanks to the company, I recommend it to everyone!

My Toyota Land Cruiser Prado is still in service for repairs!!! And this is the fourth month since September! The accident happened in August, for a month they approved certificates, photos, argued with me what and how to fix. I wanted to take him to the dealership, but no, they persuaded him to theirs. Some kind of professional is called. They've been repairing it there for the 4th month, then it's not there, then that, then they hang up the phone. Dealer says they'd fix it in a week! There, the headlight is broken and there are only dents on the hood. But this insurance company does not want to pay 48,000 to the dealer, but wants to do it at random and for a long time. I call and get indignant, forwarded from one to another, then generally hang up. I went to the service, they are generally inadequate, they just sit, they don’t fix anything. I wanted to receive money, but a refusal came, supposedly the money had already been transferred to this Professional. Why do I need it?? I regretted a hundred times that I contacted them. I’ll just pick up the car, terminate the contract, although this won’t be easy, I think.


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