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Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

When introducing preschoolers to new objects and their names, a new word should be used in combination with personal pronouns, adjectives that have an accented word ending.

In order to develop coherent speech, the following types of classes are held: retelling literary work(story or fairy tale), drawing up stories from a picture (toys), creative storytelling, topics from personal experience.

Of course, there are not enough classes for the development of speech to solve all the goals of the formation of coherent speech. The teacher should not forget about these goals in other classes, in particular in the classes on familiarization with the outside world. The construction of a competent, expressive and correct statement should not stop at speech development classes, it must continue its development in other classes.

The development of coherent speech - main aspect teaching children of the senior group to master their native language. This problem is interconnected with other tasks: activating the enrichment of the dictionary, educating the sound culture of speech, the formation of grammatically correct speech. Therefore, in each lesson (except for classes assigned to solving one specific problem), the formation of coherent speech plays a major role. Together with this, an integrated approach is considered to be the main one, in which various goals are combined with each other and are subordinate to the main one. and work with her on integrated development speeches that improve all the nuances of mastering the language.

Vocabulary tasks are most often included in a conversation on a literary work (classes on retelling a story or fairy tale). Along with questions about the content and artistic form of a literary work, children are asked questions that prompt them to characterize the character.

Vocabulary tasks are also set in storytelling classes (based on a picture or a toy). During the conversation, the theme of which is the content of the picture, didactic tasks are carried out for the selection of antonyms and synonyms. These tasks help to enrich the vocabulary, contribute to the most expressive description of events and phenomena by preschoolers.

The formation of coherent speech is interconnected with lexical work and the development of grammatical skills. These tasks interact perfectly during the period of viewing paintings and in the analysis of a literary work. The kid learns to distinguish the semantic shades of the word.

Tasks in which lexical and grammatical exercises are interconnected are very effective in developing the skills of constructing a sentence, compiling a consistent story.

The formation of coherent speech is also interconnected with the formation of a sound culture of speech. Its elements such as voice power, intonational expressiveness, diction? each affects the coherence of the text in a different way.

Thus, we came to the conclusion that in the theoretical part of O.S. Ushakova "The development of speech of children 5-7 years old" a significant part of it is devoted to the problem of correcting grammatical errors of preschoolers.

conclusionson the second chapter

The development of the grammatical structure of speech is interconnected with lexical work and the development of coherent speech and. The difficulties that preschoolers have with regard to the correct use of words and the preparation of sentences depend not only on intellectual capabilities, but also on age characteristics. This means that this problem can be solved thanks to the educator and the right method.

For the full development of the child's speech, exemplary variable programs for the development of speech have been created. We considered technologies for correcting grammatical errors in the speech of children in the older group, since at this age milestone speech development of the child - the stage of mastering the grammatical system of the language.

The exercises contained in the O.S. Ushakova are aimed at preventing and correcting grammatical errors of preschoolers, and her manual gives methodological recommendations to the educator for the implementation of these exercises.


3.1 Ascertainingexperiment

During pedagogical practice in the winter of 2015, in the senior group "33 heroes" of MBDOU No. 52 "Lukomorye", Taganrog, grammatical work was carried out in the classroom for the development of speech with the help of methods adapted by us V.V. Gerbova and O.S. Ushakova. We divided the group consisting of 31 children into two: experimental and control.

The special classes below were used.

At the first stage of work, i.e. at the ascertaining, exercises were given to identify grammatical errors in the speech of children.

Lesson #1

Purpose: to teach how to form the genitive plural of nouns.

Educator. We are visiting todaynew girl, her name isDasha. Shedoesn't know how behave properly. Dasha suddenly got ready to go to the park, but she doesn't know what to wear? (Answers of children).

Children. Coat, boots, knee socks,tights, socks…

Educator. But Dashatook only a hat. What did she forget?

After that, the preschooler forms the genitive form, plural.

Lesson #2

Objective: Introduction to indeclinable nouns.

Educator. Say itwords,in which you will pronounce the last sound in a syllable. (Metro, piano, popsicle, coat, coffee,Pinocchio) (Answers of children).

Educator. I have a task for you, it is not simple, it is called« Add assnnew word at the end of a sentence».


Sister acquired red ….

She really liked it

Sister showed everyone red


INkindergarten is located

Maria Ivanovna is sitting at

Flowers stand near


Mom like itdrink …

I saw a whole shelf in the store with


We watched a lot of fun ...

My friends and I went to

We liked the new ….

Task number3

Purpose: to continue to form the skill of naming baby animals.

Educator. Today we will solve riddles. agreedWithus?(Answers of children).

The teacher readsriddle:

Along the river, along the water

A string of boats floats.

The ship is ahead

He leads everyone.

(Duck with ducklings).

Children guess.

Educator. Duck is mother of ducklings. Achicken,whose mom?

The children answer.

Educator. And the fox?

The children answer.

Educator. hare,whose mom?

The children answer.

Educator. And the lioness?

The children answer.

Educator. Well done! You completed the task!

Task number4

Purpose: to teach to differentiate the plural forms of nouns.

The teacher gives each child a drawing depicting houses, windows, trains, people, etc.

The teacher shows a picture of the house. Then he asks: “I have a house. And you?". The child who got the drawing with the houses answeredAet: "I'm at home." After that, by analogy, the following pictures and children's answers are shown.

· My house. - And your houses.

· Train.- Trains.

· There is a person in my picture. And on yours? - On my - People.

If children find it difficult to answer, then it is necessary to involve all children in correcting this error.

Task number5

Purpose: to teach how to match adjectives and verbs to nouns.

The teacher reads the riddle:

teasing -bites

petting -caresses,

Then he asks:

1. How did you guess?

2. What are the types of dogs?

3. Who is a puppy?

4. What can dogs do? How else to say?

Educator. Now listen to another riddle:

Tailik long,

The fur is golden

In the forestdwells,

Hare offends.


1. Then he asks questions:

2. How did you guess?

3. Nowthink what a fox could be?

4. What is she doing?

5. And when the fox, seeing the hunters, runs away, how else can you say that he is doingAem?

6. Red fox, fluffy.Who else can be: redhead, fluffyth?

Children's answers must be complete.

Task number6

Purpose: to form skills to form singular forms of verbs in three persons.

Educator. Now we will playinto the game, it's called "Finish predposition».

Rules: the teacher says sentences in the first person, then turns to the baby, and he answers in the second person, then to the third, he answers in the third person. Then also with other children.

Irunning. - You …(running). - He …(running);

Ising. - You …(eat). - He …(sings);

II'm watching. - You …(look). - He …(looks);

II'm flying on an airplane.-You …(flying in an airplane). - He…(flying on an airplane);

Ieat. - You …(eat). - He …(eating).

Task number7

Purpose: to teach how to form participles.

Educator. Guys, Todaycharacterize the actions, whichshown in the pictures. The teacher shows a picture and asks a question: « Who do we seeon the mapnke?What does a girl do? (writes) . Girl writes - writinggirl.

Yula spins - spinning top.

The tree is turning green - green tree.

The birds have arrived - arriving birds.

Task number8

Purpose: to continue to teach how to form the comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs.

Educator. Tell me about your favorite time of the year? compose about himraWithstory short and complete.

You must come up with at least three stories.

Anythingseasongirl liked it more than the previous one. Winter is fun, Aspring? more fun. Let's try to compare: in the spring the sun is brightand summerm brighteror morebright.

Filthy (dirtier, moredirty), short (below, moreshort), slender (slenderer, moremore slender), cold (colder, morecold) and etc.

In case of difficulty, the teacher focuses the attention of preschoolers on the fact that the degree of comparison is formed different ways. For example, some say weak, and we say weaker.

Task number9

Purpose: to teach preschoolers to use pronouns correctly.

The kids sit on their chairs, which are located at the same distance from each other. Children must remember their high chair, which is their "house". The teacher asks.

Question. Wholocatedatcloset?

Answer. Sasha is sitting near the closet.

Question. Masha, where is your house?

Answer. My housewindow.

Task number10

Purpose: to learn to decline numerals.

First, the teacher puts illustrations depicting one bird and focuses the attention of preschoolers on this. The kids say with the teacher: « one chicken. One goose".

Then he shows illustrations depicting two birds. The teacher asks the question: How many birds are in this picture?.

After the teacher demonstrates an image that illustrates a cat with kittens. Then he asks the children to give an answer themselves without a teacher's sample (A cat with six kittens).

If mistakes were made, then the repetition after the teacher will occur until the preschoolers learn how to correctly decline the numbers.

After recording and analyzing the answers of the children, we combined them and built a histogram 1.

So, in task No. 1, some preschoolers incorrectly formed the genitive plural form. For example, golf, instead of knee socks, sock, instead of socks, boots, instead of shoe etc.

In task No. 2, the children of both groups made mistakes in working with indeclinable nouns. For example, in sentences “She was delighted with a new coat (instead of a coat)”, “Music director played the piAnine (instead of the piano)."

In task number 3, the children could not correctly name the cubs of animals, frequent mistakes in words: lion cubs (lion cubs), bunnies (hares).

In task number 4, the children made the following mistakes: houses (houses), trains (trains) and the most common was the error in the word people (people). Also, mistakes were made in agreeing nouns with adjectives, for example, angry dog, patspiny puppy etc.

In task number 6, mistakes were also made. The guys incorrectly changed the stem of the verb: you walk, he stands, you sleep and etc.

Many mistakes were made by preschoolers in task number 7, since most children incorrectly formed participles. For example, "Flying plane (flying),fallen leaf (falling)» .

In task No. 8, the children made a considerable number of mistakes, and in the experimental group 11 children made mistakes, and in the control group only 9. The children did not cope with the formation of the comparative degree of adjectives. There were errors like: cleaner, higher etc.

In task number 10, the kids made a huge number of mistakes. Children did not know how to decline numerals, and if they declined, it was wrong. Only 4 people from both groups declined the numbers correctly. And the rest of the guys made such mistakes: "one duck", "two birds", "a dog with five puppies" etc.

Based on this, we can conclude that there were no classes with children to correct these types of morphological errors, so this is the result. It is also possible that in the family of children it is customary to speak incorrectly, this is considered the norm.

Let us now consider tasks for identifying syntax errors.

Task number1

Purpose: compiling a joint story, involving the observance of the structure of the statement and the order of words in the sentence.

Educator. Now let's helpDashamake up a storyabout a squirrel.

Educator. Look at the squirrel again(remember what she is, what she can do) and compose a storyabout a squirrel, whichI met inlcov. But first you need to tell, kakayasquirrelswhat? (Fast, funny,beautiful). AwolfAnd, which? (Angry, angry, unkind).The teacher will start the story, and the children will have to finish it.. Once a squirrel sentAndclimbed into the woods... (to collect mushrooms). The squirrel started to climb... (under the bushRNick). Aunder the mushroom bush... (enough for everyone). She began to fill her basketinu mushrooms... (when suddenly met wolves). She was brave and... (so she wasn't scared). Squirrel threw... (mushroom on one of the wolves). Onwolf's head... (appearedcone).The teacher offers a drawingOpick mushrooms,wolves and, of course, squirrels.

Task number2

Purpose: to teach children to make complex sentences using various conjunctions and allied words.

The teacher invites preschoolers to finish the phrase they started.

· Yesterday we wore a hat because…. (it was cold) .

· Mom plants flowers for…. (it was beautiful) .

· ….. they left, a strong wind blew(When).

Task number3

Purpose: to learn how to correctly compose an interrogative sentence.

The teacher gives the children the task: to make a sentence from the following words: mom, why, love; cat, left when; wind blowing how hard.

· Why do I love mom?

When did the cat leave?

How strong is the wind blowing?

Task number4

Purpose: to learn to answer the question correctly, observing the structure of the sentence.

The teacher asks the children a question and asks them to answer it.

· Why is it raining? (because there are clouds in the sky).

When should carrots be watered? (when it dried up, when the ground is dry, etc.)

Why do you need to go to work? (what to earn).


Purpose: to teach the correct use of unions.

The teacher says the beginning of the sentence, and asks the children to finish.

· It was not clear to us, because ... everyone was talking at the same time.

The guys quarreled because they did not share the toy.

· Guessed… that you can't pick flowers?

Task number6

Purpose: to teach how to use conjunctions, observing the structure of the sentence.

The teacher tells the preschoolers the work "The Fox and the Goat", and then asks to retell it. If children find it difficult, then they should read in fragments.

After conducting classes aimed at identifying syntactic errors in children's speech, we made a conclusion reflected in histogram 2.

It can be seen from the histogram that in task No. 2 and No. 5, most preschoolers made mistakes. The children did not cope with task No. 2: they replaced one union with another. The errors were: "ThenThey left, were playinga strong wind blew(When).Yesterday we put on a hat because it was cold». In task No. 5, when making sentences, the children omitted part of the union or the union. For example, “It was not clear to us, so everyone sayswhether oneOtemporarily", "You guessed it, you can’t pick flowers" etc.

In task No. 1, errors arose due to the fact that the children, answering the question, put in the first place the noun that, in their opinion, was important. For example: a bump on his forehead has grown. She threw a bump right at the wolf.

In task No. 3, as well as in No. 1, preschoolers put an important word for them in the first place, but only in an interrogative sentence ( LYublove mom why?The cat is goneWhen?).

In task No. 4, when answering an interrogative sentence, preschoolers made mistakes. They answered the teacher's question with an interrogative word: " Why are there clouds in the sky”, “Once it dried up” etc.

In task No. 6, during the retelling, the children did not follow the structure of the sentence, they put the union in the wrong place where it is usually used: “The fox yawned, fell into the well when she was running. And then, when the goat looked in, she called him, and he fell down.

We believe that these syntactical errors are the result of pronunciation, as well. children are quite emotional, they want to quickly speak out and convey their own thoughts, because of this they do not pronounce half of the words.

3.2 Course and results of the formative experiment

Having identified the errors of the syntactic and morphological aspects of speech, we moved on to a formative experiment. Its purpose is to increase the level of formation of grammatical skills of children in the experimental group. Tasks are set:

· to develop summaries of GCD on speech development, aimed at the development of the grammatical structure of speech;

organize a comfortable, developing, stimulating environment that arouses interest in learning, creative activity of preschoolers;

· to form the ability to see the grammatical errors of peers, etc.

The methodology we have adapted makes it possible to track the success of preschoolers in mastering methodological tasks for speech development, the level of mastery of grammar and coherent speech in the construction of different types of sentences.

1 series of tasks.

Task number1 . Educator: Before you are objects made of clay (a cup, a pot, a tree). How to say correctly what they are?

1) The adjective agrees with all nouns.

2) Agrees an adjective with two nouns.

3) Coordinates an adjective with one noun or does not start the task.

Task number2. Educator: A bird, a fish and a bunny came to visit Masha. And if they brought more friends with them, then, how would we say?(Birds, fish, bunnies).

1) Correctly forms all nouns.

2) Makes one mistake in the formation of a noun.

3) Makes 2 or more mistakes or does not start the task.

Task number3. Educator: Children, look, this is Tanya doll. She's sitting on a hundred nowle. And now?(The teacher puts the doll on the window, under the table).

1) Accurately names all prepositions.

2) Pronounces one preposition correctly.

3) Does not start the task.

Task number4. Educator: I am you nowshow illustrations, and youtell mewhat's on themdepicted(Pictures depicting a doll and dolls, a coat and 2 coats, etc.).

1) Forms all forms of nouns correctly, draws attention to the fact that the noun coat is not declined.

2) Makes one or two mistakes.

3) Makes more than three mistakes or does not start the task.

Exercise5. Educator: What animals do you know?You knowwho cub u wolf? (wolf cub.) cubs?(Wolves.) Atwolfa lot of... (wolves).

The same questions about other animals: a hare, a horse, a sheep, a zebra ...

1) Names domestic and wild animals, as well as all cubs in the correct grammatical form.

2) Names only one form correctly.

3) Doesn't complete the task.

Task number6. Educator: Look, there are dolls, balls and a cube on my table.Andki. I'll take them out now. Now what's the right way to say it?(No dolls, balls, cubes).

1) Forms nouns correctly.

2) Makes one mistake.

3) Makes two mistakes or does not start the task.

Exercise7. Educator: How do you tell a bunny to jumpIhalted,laughed?

1) Correctly forms the given words in the imperative mood.

2) Makes a mistake.

3) Makes two mistakes.

Task number8 . Educator: Let's look at the picture, what does it depicteBut?(A cat with five kittens, a duck with three ducklings).

1) Correctly declines all numerals and names them.

2) Makes one mistake.

3) Makes mistakes in all numbers, does not find all the animals in the picture, does not complete the task.

Task number9. Educator: Look at the picture(pictured running girl), what is the girl doing? Now look at this(children running) what are they debark?

1) Correctly forms all verb forms.

2) Makes one mistake.

3) Makes two mistakes or does not complete the task.

Exercise10. Educator: Whatdo with a knife? Why is it needed? Make a sentence with the wordknife».

1) Names various actions (cut, cut, cut), makes a complex sentence (“We need a knife to cut”).

2) Names two actions (cut bread, cut a finger), makes a simple sentence (“Cut with a knife”).

3) Names only one action (to cut).

2 series of tasks

Task number1. Educator: Make a sentence with the words: showswayut, hours, hours, six.

1) Makes a sentence correctly, all members of the sentence take their place.

2) Swap 1-2 words.

3) Does not perform the task correctly, does not start it, lists the words in the order in which the teacher spoke.

Task number2. Educator: Complete the sentence: We went outside because... The leaves turned yellow because... The child started crying, toOwhere...

1) Completed all sentences correctly.

2) I made a mistake in one of the sentences.

3) Made more than one mistake or did not start the task.

Task number3. Teacher: Answer me the questions: Why are rails needed? Why should you eat porridge? What is an umbrella for? When does the night come?

1) Correctly established causal relationships, competently built a sentence when answering a question.

2) Made some minor mistakes while answering the question.

3) Made more than two mistakes or did not complete the task.

Abstracts of the GCD are presented in Appendix 1, 2.

At the end of the formative stage, repeated work was carried out with the children of both groups, which included similar tasks on the formation of the syntactic and morphological aspects of speech, as in the ascertaining stage.

Analyzing the work we have done, we can conclude that the level of speech development of preschoolers has increased, and with each new task it was much easier for them to find their grammatical errors, the mistakes of their comrades and correct them. And since all the tasks we proposed were carried out in game form, then the children did not get tired during classes, but rather became interested in what was happening.

So, our adapted technique helps to prevent grammatical errors in the speech of preschoolers.

By applying our methodology based on the works of O.S. Ushakova and V.V. Stamp, we can move on to the control phase. Its purpose is to determine the effectiveness of the methodology we propose, aimed at correcting and preventing grammatical errors in the speech of children in the older group.

study of the results of experimental work, which determine the level of formation of the grammatical structure of children;

· comparison of the results of the work in order to determine the effectiveness of experimental work to correct grammatical errors.

Observing the children in the process of completing tasks, we noticed that preschoolers began to make fewer mistakes in agreeing nouns with adjectives, verbs, learned to form case forms, their answers became meaningful with the correct word order in the sentence. The repeated work confirmed our study.

Based on histogram 3, we see that our classes have led to a positive result: the number of mistakes made by children has significantly decreased. And it can also be seen that our older group accurately coped with the tasks of using the plural of nouns that denote baby animals, mixing the productive and unproductive forms of the plural of nouns and changing the gender of nouns.

Now let's consider how much the number of errors has changed, reflecting the syntactic side of speech in histogram 4.

So, the children accurately coped with the tasks of putting words in a sentence, they began the answer with the correct word, and not with an important one for them and not with an interrogative union, the union was put in its place. And in the rest of the tasks, the number of children making mistakes decreased exactly by half.

Now let's compare the results in the experimental and control groups, which are shown in histograms 5, 6.

After analyzing the data, we noticed that the difference between the groups is significant. The experimental group makes fewer or no errors at all. And in the control group, the number of children who use words with errors changed in better side only in tasks on the use of noun endings, mixing of productive and unproductive plural forms of nouns, changing the gender of nouns, changing the form of participles. But the change is insignificant, since only one child corrected the error in speech. In tasks with indeclinable nouns, with nouns denoting baby animals, with the formation of verb forms and declension of numerals, the number of those who made mistakes did not change. And in the task for the ending of pronouns, on the contrary, it increased (based on the results obtained at the ascertaining stage).

Thus, we saw that our methodology has a positive effect on the degree of possession of morphological skills by older preschoolers.

For a complete analysis of the effectiveness of the methodology we used, we compared the indicators of the syntactic side of speech in two groups on final stage experiment (histogram 6).

Having studied the data obtained during the experimental work, we noticed that the degree of formation of the grammatical structure of speech as a whole has increased significantly. The results obtained in histogram 6 indicate that the syntactic side of the speech of children in the control group has not changed. So, for example, preschoolers did not stop making mistakes in tasks on word order in a sentence. Conversely, in the assignments for the use of the union, the number of children making mistakes increased.

The results of the control experiment in the control group showed no statistically significant changes in the main indicators of preschool children, and the method we proposed (at the formative stage) revealed the dynamics of growth in the grammatical level of speech development in children in the experimental group.

So, our study showed that the timely correction of grammatical errors in preschoolers has a beneficial effect on the quality of speech. Preschoolers, thanks to finding their mistakes and correcting them, can easily cope with tasks at school.

conclusionson the third chapter

The experimental work carried out to correct grammatical errors with the help of the tasks we proposed in the speech development classes showed that children in the older group have poorly developed grammatical structure of speech and the ability to notice their mistakes.

We have carried out work to improve the level of correction and prevention of grammatical errors. To do this, we used special exercises conducted in a playful way, which helped preschoolers develop their speech, see and correct their mistakes and those of their peers. So, the children of the experimental group began to correctly coordinate numerals and adjectives in gender, number and case, use complex grammatical forms (imperative verbs, plural nouns in the genitive case), form new words in different ways, select words with the same root, build sentences of different types (simple, common, complex), and the level of speech development of children in the control group did not change.


As already noted, there are many children who use typical grammatical errors in their speech. There are two ways to solve this problem: in communication in the classroom and in the development of grammatical skills in everyday communication. Classes provide an opportunity to prevent grammatical errors in children, and in Everyday life conditions are created for the practice of verbal communication.

It should be said that the development of grammar affects the development of thinking, the overall development of the child, the development of the function of communicating information, this in total increases the child's self-esteem.

Preschoolers who correct their mistakes and notice the mistakes of their comrades feel more confident, they have an increased level of self-control when constructing an utterance, which is especially important for the development of coherent monologue speech, vocabulary and literacy. Therefore, we can conclude that the timely correction of errors is the foundation for successful further education at school.

The purpose of our work was to diagnose the grammatical level of speech of older preschoolers and develop a system of exercises to prevent their grammatical errors.

An analysis of special literature and methodological recommendations showed that there are enough children who make grammatical errors. It is at an older age that attention should be paid to this problem, since children 5-6 years old can already analyze their speech and correct their mistakes.

The theoretical provisions substantiated in the course of the study served as the basis for the development of tasks aimed at preventing and correcting grammatical errors in older preschoolers.

The practical significance of our study lies in the development of assignments and summaries of direct educational activities aimed at correcting mistakes in children.

Our research work included 3 stages:

1. The ascertaining stage of the study. Using the methods of O.S. Ushakova and V.V. Gerbovaya, we determined the quantitative indicators of the formation of grammatical skills in the speech of older preschoolers in the control and experimental groups.

2. Formative stage of the experiment. We have developed and implemented a system of exercises in the classroom for the development of speech to prevent and correct grammatical errors in the experimental group.

3. Control stage of the experiment. Finally, the same technique was used as in the first stage of our study, which allows us to state that special exercises are one of the important means in correcting grammatical errors.

The result of the work done was a quantitative reduction in the level of errors made by older preschoolers in agreeing nouns with adjectives, verbs, and in the formation of case forms. Their answers became meaningful with the correct construction of words in the sentence. Moreover, the children accurately coped with the tasks of arranging words in a sentence, they began the answer with the correct word, and not with an important word for them and not with an interrogative union, the union was put in its place in the sentence.

The results of the research work confirmed our assumption that the timely correction of grammatical errors during classes has a positive effect on the formation of the grammatical structure of older preschoolers.

Tasks developed and tested in the study for different types grammatical errors can be used in the practice of educators as one of the means of correcting grammatical errors in the speech of preschoolers.


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19. Ushakova O.S. The program for the development of speech of preschool children in kindergarten: RAO NTs family and childhood. - M.: Enlightenment, 2011. - 367 p.

20. Ushakova O.S. Classes for the development of speech in kindergarten: book. for the teacher of children Sada. - M.: Enlightenment, 2010. - 271 p.

21. Ushakova O.S. The development of speech of children 5-7 years old. - 3rd ed. - M.: TC Sphere, 2016. - 272 p.

22. Ushakova O.S., Strunina E.M. Methodology for the development of speech of preschool children: Textbook-method. manual for preschool teachers. educate. institutions. - M.: VLADOS, 2014. - 288 p.

23. Ushinsky K.D. A Guide to Teaching on the Native Word. Sobr. cit., T. 7. - M.: Enlightenment, 2008. - 243 p.

24. Fedorenko L.P., Fomicheva G.A., Lotarev V.K. Methodology for the development of speech in preschool children. - M.: Enlightenment, 2007. - 324 p.

25. Filicheva T.B., Soboleva A.R. The development of the speech of a preschooler: a methodological guide with illustrations. - Yekaterinburg: "ARGO", 2009. - 80 p.

26. Filicheva T.B. Peculiarities of speech formation in preschool children / T.B. Filichev. - M.: GNOM i D, 2011. - 314 p.

27. Elkonin D.B. The development of speech in early childhood // Selected psychol. Proceedings / D.B. Elkonin. - M.: Pedagogy, 2007. - 560 p.


Synopsis of the GCD on the development of the morphological side of speechin seniorgroup

Target: continue to develop the morphological aspects of speech.



To form the ability, answering a question, to highlight the preposition with intonation;

· To form the ability to change nouns in the genitive case of the singular and plural.

· Continue to develop the skills of using gender, coordinating adjectives in the gender.

Learn to use the imperative form of the verb in speech and change the verb at times.


· Cultivate a friendly attitude towards people through the game with the doll.


Develop attention.

Organizing time.

Educator: Guys, Masha doll came to visit us today. Let's say hello to her. But only she came not alone, but with a letter. It contains various tasks, but Masha alone cannot cope with them. Can we help her?

Main part:

1. Didactic game "What has changed?".

The educator children are invited to play with the doll.

During the game, children are asked questions and game actions are used depending on the preposition being learned.

Where is the doll sitting? ( On table).

· On how is the doll sitting? ( On table).

· And now on how is the doll sitting? ( On semi).

· A under how is she sitting? ( Under table).

· Near Why is the doll sitting? ( Near table).

· And now near who is the doll sitting on? ( Near Tolika).

· Behind what is the doll worth? ( Behind table).

· And now behind by whom? ( Behind Anton).

In the game, prepositions and endings of nouns are distinguished by intonation.

Educator: What good fellows you are! Completed this task. Shall we continue?

2. Game exercise "Guess what's gone?"

Game actions :

Forks, balls, cups are laid out on the table in front of the children. The question "What's wrong?" is set as the object or groups of objects disappear.

· What was missing? (Forks)

And now what is missing? (balls)

· What is missing? (cups)

· What is missing? (Forks)

· What was missing? (ball)

What is not on the table? (cups)

After that, the attributes change to dolls, saucers and pencils.

What is not on the table? (of pencils)

What is not on the table? (saucer)

What have I removed from the table? (Doll)

What is missing on the table now? (dolls)

During the game, special attention is paid to the endings of nouns.

Educator: You did a very good job, and now we will have a little rest.


Looking for things Masha,

Masha is confused

And there is no chair...

And under the chair there is no ...

No on the bed, no under the bed...

Here is such a Masha, Masha-confused.

Turning one way, the other.

Sit down, stand up, hands to the sides.

Hands forward, spread apart.

3. Game - dramatization "What does the doll do?"

The teacher brings in the doll. Children are invited to ask the doll to do something.

What do we say to the doll if we want it to jump?

· Jump doll.

· And if we want the doll to sit down?

· Doll, sit down.

· And if we ask her to drink tea with us, how will we tell her?

· Doll, swear. Have some tea.

· How do we tell her to take a pencil?

· Doll, take a pencil.

What has the doll done now?

· The doll jumped, sat down, circled and drank tea.

What is the doll doing now?

· Spinning, drinking tea, drawing.

What will the doll do next?

· Drink tea, dance, jump.

In the game, endings are distinguished and game actions are performed.

4. The game "Magic bag"

A "Magic bag" is brought in, from which toys are taken out.

1. Children look at them and answer questions.

What kind of cucumber? (Long, oval, green, juicy.)

What ball? (Blue, rubber, round, beautiful, small.)

What kind of apple? (Delicious, sweet, round, red, large.)

What kind of frog? (Green, cold, shiny, rubber.)

What kind of bucket? (Plastic, yellow, small, light.)

What kind of spoon? (Iron, small, shiny, tea.)

Then all the toys are once again carefully examined by the children and put into a bag.

2. A definition of the subject is given, and the children guess the subject.


Teacher: What did we do in class today? What did you meet? What have you learned? What did you like and what not?


Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech in starsheygroup

Subject: "INfrom so snowman!

Target: continue to form the syntactic side of speech.



1. Refinement and activation of the dictionary on the topic "Winter";

2. To form the ability to carefully consider the picture, to reason about its content (with the help of questions from the educator);

3. Learn to compose a detailed story based on the picture, based on the plan;

4. Exercise in guessing riddles.


1. Develop imagination and creativity;


1. To cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the stories of their comrades, to supplement the answers;

Equipment: plot picture on the topic “That's the snowman!”, pictures about winter, a snowflake with a riddle.

Preliminary work: observing winter phenomena during a walk, talking about winter fun, finger gymnastics.

Course progress.

Organizing time.

Educator: Guys, today on the way to kindergarten I found a snowflake, and there is a riddle on it. Guess what time of year the poem is talking about? Guesses a riddle:

The cold has come.

Turned into ice water

The bear stopped roaring:

The bear went into hibernation in the forest.

Long-eared hare gray

Turned into a white bunny.

Who's to say, who knows

When does it happen? (in winter)

Main part.

1. Questions about winter.

Educator: Guys, is winter a fun time of the year or a sad one?

Why is it fun? (Answers of children).

Why sad? (Answers of children).

2. Showing a picture.

Educator: Guys, if a lot of snow fell, then you can blind what? (Snowman). The teacher shows the children a picture.


One two three four. Children under the count bend their fingers.

We made a snowball with you. Make a snowball pretend.

Round, hard, very smooth. The children are stroking the snow.

And not at all sweet. "Threaten" with a finger.

One, throw up, catch two. Imitation of throwing snowballs.

We drop three, oh, they broke!

3. Considering the picture "That's the snowman!".

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the picture. Gives an opportunity to consider it, to exchange impressions. Then he asks to come up with a name for the picture. Names the most successful names, explains that they are the most accurate and concise.

And the artist called his painting "That's the snowman!". Is the snowman really good? Let's try to describe it then.

Children, with the help of a teacher, make up a short story according to the picture according to the plan.

1. What season is shown in the picture? Why did you decide so?

2. What did the children blind? What is the snowman made of?

3. Look at the snowman and tell what kind of snowman it is. (The snowman is big, cheerful, he has a bucket on his head, coal eyes, a carrot nose ...)

4. Tell us about what is happening around the snowman?

5. Did you like the snowman?

It is important that children answer in full sentences, it is necessary to pay attention to the consistency of all parts of speech with each other. If an error occurs, it must be corrected immediately.

The teacher then summarizes:

It was a beautiful winter day, it was very beautiful around. A lot of snow fell. The children made a snowman out of snow. The snowman turned out big, cheerful. Instead of a hat, the snowman has a bucket, coal eyes, a carrot instead of a nose, twig handles. He is very beautiful.

The teacher invites the children to repeat the story (the task is performed by 3-4 children). Well done guys, you got good stories, and now let's rest.


Educator: What did we talk about today? What did you meet? What did you like the most? What have you learned?

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Olga Kozycheva
Grammatical errors in the speech of preschool children

Grammatical errors in the speech of preschool children.

Prepared by: Kozycheva Olga Nikolaevna

Morphological errors in children's speech.

Question: Gleb, do you have pencils at home?

Answer: I have a lot at home, a whole bunch of pencils.

Question: Sonya do you like going to kindergarten?

Answer: I like being in the garden.

Question: Kirill, what are you doing?

Answer: I'm looking for my car?

Question: Kirill, what did you get for your birthday?

Answer: Lots of cars.

Question: Sasha bring me a book?

Answer: It is torn.

Games for the formation of the morphological side of speech.

Game "What do you have?"

The goal is to use words with opposite meanings.

I have a long tape. What is yours?

I have a small car, what is yours?

The game "What? Which? Which?"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to correlate an object and its attribute. Fix the agreement app. with noun. in gender, number.

Material: pictures depicting a tree, a mushroom, a stump, the sun, a girl, a basket, pictures are symbols of the quality of objects.

Game progress: in the center of the picture with the image of objects, separately - symbols of qualities. Children are invited to find objects to which they can ask the question “what?” and answer the question by choosing the symbols of qualities. (Stump - what? The stump is low, hard, round, etc.). Similar work with objects of feminine and neuter gender

The game "Guess what's gone?"

Purpose: mastering the form of the genitive case of the plural of nouns.

Game progress. First, the teacher specifies the name of the toys, presented in quantities from two to five: nesting dolls, pyramids, cubes. Then he hides one of the groups of toys under a napkin, for example, cubes and asks: “What is missing?”. Children answer: "There are no cubes."

The game "Pick up the sign?"

Purpose: to learn to coordinate adjectives with nouns.

Game progress: the teacher calls the word and asks questions (what? what? what? what, the child answers.

Jacket (what kind) - red, warm, winter.

Boots (what kind) - brown, comfortable, warm.

Scarf (what kind) - fluffy, knitted.

Gloves (what kind) - leather, white.

Hat (what) - black, big.

Shoes (what) - autumn, beautiful.

Dress (what) - new, elegant, green.

Shirt (what kind) - white, festive.

Fur coat (what) - fur, warm.

The game "Count?"

Purpose: to exercise in agreeing nouns with numerals 1-2-5.

Game progress: the teacher calls one object, the children answer how 1-2-5 objects will sound.

One ball, two balls, five balls.

One doll, two dolls, five dolls.

One cloud, two clouds, five clouds.

Syntax errors in children's speech.

Mom bought a parrot.

I put on mittens, why is it cold outside.

Because therefore.

As we came from our grandmother, we watched a cartoon with Egor.

Why is Fedya crying?

Games for the formation of the syntactic side of speech.

Match five game

Purpose: to teach to attribute single objects to certain thematic groups.

Game progress. For the game, you need to prepare a set of subject pictures, consisting of several thematic groups (clothes, dishes, toys, furniture, etc.). Several people play, according to the number of thematic groups. The pictures are face down on the table. Everyone takes one picture, names it and the generic concept to which this picture belongs. Thus, it is established which group each participant will collect. If identical groups are selected, one more picture is opened. Then the host shows the players one picture at a time, and they should ask themselves this or that picture: “I need a doll because I collect toys.” The winner is the one who first collected his group of pictures (the number of pictures in each group must be the same, for example, six pictures).

Game "Choose the right word"

Purpose: to develop thinking, speech attention.

Game progress: from the proposed words denoting the signs of an object, we suggest that the child choose one that is most suitable in meaning.

Think and say which word is more suitable than others?

In spring, the ... (hot, warm, sultry) wind blows.

... (green, blue, red) poppies bloomed in the meadow.

Mom took to the forest ... (bag, package, basket).

Santa Claus comes to visit ... (autumn, spring, winter).

The dog lives ... (in the forest, in a kennel, in a den).

The train travels along ... (road, water, rails).

Game "Finish the sentence"

Purpose: to teach correctly, build sentences with a causal relationship. Develop logical thinking.

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to complete the sentence.

Masha took the iron, she will ... (iron linen).

Dima took a saw, he will ... (cut a log).

Yura took an ax, he will (chop).

Dad bought Alyosha a bicycle, Alyosha will ... (ride a bicycle).

Today you need to put on galoshes, because ... (puddles in the yard).

Seryozha took a pencil to ... (draw).

Maxim does not reach the call, because he is ... (small).

Children water carrots so that ... (it grows well).

We'll go for a walk, if. (it won't rain).

The flowers will wither if. (do not water them).

If I hadn't helped Natasha, she would have. (could fall).

The cup will break if. (drop her).

Marina did not go to school today because. (fell ill)

We turned on the heaters because. (It became cold)

I don't want to sleep because. (it is too early)

We'll go to the forest tomorrow, if. (weather will be fine)

Mom went to the market to. (buy products)

The cat climbed a tree to. (save that dog)

Game "Say Different"

Purpose: to teach children to choose a synonym - a word that is close in meaning.

Game progress. The teacher says that in this game, children will have to remember words that are similar in meaning to the word that he will name.

"Big" - the teacher offers. Children name the words: huge, large, huge, gigantic.

"Beautiful" - "pretty, good, beautiful, charming, wonderful."

“Wet” - “raw, wet”, etc.

Game "Explain why?"

Purpose: to teach correctly, to build sentences with a cause-and-effect relationship, the development of logical thinking.

Game progress: The teacher explains that the children will have to complete the sentences that the facilitator begins to say, using the word "because." You can choose several options for the same beginning of the sentence, the main thing is that they all correctly reflect the cause of the event described in the first part. For each correct continuation, players receive a token. The one who collects the most chips wins.

Unfinished suggestions for the game:

Vova got sick ... (caught a cold)

Mom took an umbrella ... (it's raining)

The children went to bed ... (late)

I'm very thirsty ... (hot)

The ice on the river has melted ... (warmly)

The trees swayed a lot ... (the wind blows)

It became very cold ... (it snowed)

The game "How to say differently?"

Purpose: to replace polysemantic words in phrases.

Say it differently! The clock is running. (walk). The boy is coming. (walks). It is snowing. (falls). The train is coming. (rides, runs). Spring is coming. (coming). The steamer is coming. (floats).

Finish the sentences. The boy went. The girl is gone. People got out. I came. Sasha walks slowly, but Vova walks. We can say that he does not go, but.

Mistakes in word formation.

We walked around their house.

I slipped and fell.

The squirrel climbs out of the hollow. (gets out)

Stick here. (stick)

Why Zhenya is a commander.

Games for the formation of word formation in speech.

Game "Say kindly"

Purpose: to form word formation with the help of diminutive suffixes.

cucumber - cucumber

Tomato - ... sparrow - ...

Apple - ... tit - ...

Pear -… spruce -…

Plum -… pine -…

Peach - ... needle - ...

Banana - ... branch - ...

Hat - ... cat - ...

Boots - ... dog - ...

Coat - ... pig - ...

Jacket - ... mother - ...

Ball - ... grandmother - ...

Doll - ... sister - ...

Bear - ... aunt - ...

Matryoshka - ... nightingale - nightingale

Parsley - ... crane - crane.

Game "Choose a Name"

Purpose: to teach how to form relative adjectives.

Birch leaf - birch.

Maple Leaf - …

Aspen leaf - ...

Birch leaf - ...

Rowan leaf - ...

Oak leaf - ...

Leather bag - …

Wooden table - …

Plum Jam -…

Apple juice is...

Silk scarf - …

Wooden spoon - …

Plastic glass - ...

Glass beaker -…

The game "Answer quickly"

Purpose: to teach how to form the comparative degree of adjectives from adverbs.

Answer the question how?

In the morning it is light, and in the afternoon it is still (as) - lighter.

It's dark at night, but still at night...

It's cold in autumn, but still in winter...

It's warm in a coat, but still in a fur coat ...

In the spring the sun shines brightly, and in the summer even ...

In the spring the birds sing loudly, and in the summer even more ...

The cake is sweet, but sometimes...

The cake is delicious, but sometimes…

Game "Pick up the words"

Goal: continue to work out the accusative case, develop logical thinking, teach how to select objects for a sign.

What is possible?

Tie, sew, put on, shoe, darn.

What can?

Melt, bloom, appear, turn green, bloom.

What could be?

Old, new, powerful, flying, long,

deep, shallow, cargo, high-speed, light.

Game "Garage"

Purpose: to learn to form verbs with prefixes on-, on-, you-.

Equipment: toys (garage, car, paths, traffic lights, etc.).

The child performs game actions with the machine and comments on them.

For example: the car left the garage, drove along the path, etc.

The game "Animals and their cubs"

Purpose: to consolidate the names of baby animals in the speech of children. Strengthen word formation skills. Develop dexterity, attention, memory.

Material: Ball.

Game progress: Human children know all the animals in the world. Throwing the ball to the child, the teacher names an animal, and the child, returning the ball, names the cub of this animal. Basic movements: throwing the ball with a hit on the floor, throwing the ball; rolling the ball while sitting on the carpet. Words are grouped into three groups according to the way they are formed. The third group requires remembering the names of the cubs.

Group 1. Tiger, lion, elephant, deer, elk, fox.

Group 2. A bear has a bear cub, a camel has a camel, a wolf has a wolf cub, a hare has a hare, a rabbit has a rabbit, a squirrel has a squirrel, a cow has a calf, a horse has a foal, a pig has a pig, a sheep has a lamb, a chicken has a chicken, a dog has a puppy.

Group 3. Tiger cub, lion cub, elephant cub, deer cub, elk cub, fox cub.

Speech. The development of speech in children of primary preschool age. Mistakes in children's speech. What parents need to know to understand the process of language development.

We, adults, give children a lot of speech stereotypes that serve as templates for them. But suddenly we hear:

Granny, we give you three spirits! - three-year-old Marina presents her grandmother with a set of three bottles of perfume - from herself, mom and dad.

Did you sew this with a needle? - Lesha asks for 2 years 10 months when his mother puts on a new shirt for him.

Oh, don't crush the fungus! - shouts Lenochka 2 years 10 months. She admires: "Look, what a herd of blueberries!"

"Needle", "chernIkov", "three spirits", etc. - these are mistakes that are associated with insufficient mastery of the language. Some of these mistakes, however, are so common and so regularly repeated in the speech of all correctly developing children that it is worth talking about them separately.

It is important to know the "regularities" of errors in children's speech in order to understand the process of speech development. In addition, parents and educators should know how to treat children's mistakes.

What are the most common mistakes and why are they interesting? With regard to verbs, the most common mistake is to build verb forms on the model of one that is easier for the child. For example, all children at a certain age say: I get up, lick, chew, etc. "Did you chew at last?" - - "I chew", "Well, get up, stop lying around!" - "I get up, I get up!", "Mom, and Lena licks the glass!"

This form was not invented by the child, because he constantly hears: I break, I break, I fall asleep, I fall asleep, I grab, I grab, I allow, etc., and, of course, it’s easier for the kid to use one standard form of the verb. In addition, the articulation of the words "lick", "chew" is easier than the words "lick", "chew". Therefore, despite the corrections of adults, the child stubbornly speaks in his own way. At the basis of these errors, therefore, lies the imitation of the frequently used form of the verb, on the model of which the child changes all other verbs.

Sometimes such imitation occurs on the model of the form of the verb just heard. "Igoryushka, get up, I've been waking you up for a long time." - "No, I'll still sleep," the three-year-old boy replies. Four-year-old Masha is spinning around her mother, who lay down to rest. "Masha, you're bothering me." - "Why are you lying and lying?"

Scientists who studied the development of children's speech noted that when a child learns any one form of linguistic meaning, then he then spreads it to others. Sometimes this generalization of the linguistic form turns out to be correct, sometimes it is not. In cases such as those presented here, such a generalization was incorrect.

In young children, as A. N. Gvozdev points out, the use of the past tense of verbs only in the feminine gender (ending in "a") is very often observed. "I drank tea", "I went" and the like is said by the boys. The reason for this very common error is unclear; perhaps it lies in the greater ease of articulation.

Children encounter many difficulties when they begin to change nouns according to cases. Well, in fact, why are tables - tables, and chairs - already chairs?! Unable to cope with the complexity of the grammar of the Russian language, the kids form case endings according to some already learned pattern. "Let's take all the chairs and make a train," three-year-old Zhenya suggests to his friend. "No," he objected, "there aren't many chairs." But Hera, 3 years 8 months old, already remembered well that the plural of the word "chair" is "chairs": "I have two chairs in my room, and how high are you?"

When the instrumental case appears in the child’s speech, the baby forms it for a long time according to a template scheme by adding the ending “om” to the root of the noun, regardless of the gender of the noun: needle, cat, spoon, etc., i.e., following the pattern of declension of masculine nouns.

Children constantly make mistakes in the generic endings of nouns: “people” (woman), “chicken” (chicken), “horse” (horse), “cows” (ox), “people” (man), “kosh” (cat), etc. Four-year-old Seva has a father who is a doctor, but he himself, when he grows up, will be a laundress (in his opinion, “laundress” is a washerwoman), since he really likes soap suds and bubbles. Three-year-old Lucy, on the contrary, was seduced by the profession of a doctor, and she decided that when she was older, she would become a "doctor".

Very typical mistakes that children make in the use of the comparative degree of adjectives. In this case, the imitation of the previously learned form is again clearly manifested. We say: longer, funnier, poorer, more fun, etc. A large number of adjectives in a comparative degree have this form. Is it any wonder that babies say: good, bad, high, short, etc.

"You are a good boy!" - "And who is good, me or Slava?", "It's close to me to go to the kindergarten." - "No, it's closer to me."

Children without any embarrassment form a comparative degree even from nouns. "And we have pines in the garden!" - "So what? And our garden is still pine!"

All these examples show that typical mistakes in children's speech are connected with the fact that grammatical forms are formed according to a few previously learned patterns. This means that the classes of words with their corresponding grammatical relations are not yet clearly separated; they are still primitively generalized. Only gradually, when such a division becomes clear, will grammatical forms be subtly distinguished.

Usually adults are limited to laughing at a funny distortion of a word. When the child's mistakes in speech are of an accidental nature (like "three spirits", "did not press", etc.), then it is really not worth fixing the baby's attention on them. The same errors that are typical (the formation of the instrumental case with the help of the ending "om" regardless of the gender of the noun, the ending "ee" in the comparative degree of adjectives, etc.) must be corrected. If you do not pay attention to them, the child's speech will remain incorrect for a very long time.

In no case should you laugh at the baby or tease him, as is often the case when the boy says “I went”, “I drank”, etc. for a long time. Until the age of 3, Igor K. stubbornly used the past tense of verbs only in the feminine gender. To wean him off, the grandmother and the nanny began to tease the baby: "Oh, our girl was drinking tea!", "You know, Igor is a girl - he says" took "," fell "!" The boy was offended, cried and began to avoid verbs in the past tense. "Go drink tea, Igor!" - "I have already drunk." - "Did you take the book?" "No, I don't have a brother." Only at the age of 3.5 Igor began to use the past tense of verbs correctly.

You should also not retell children's words and phrases with a mistake as jokes, especially in the presence of the children themselves. Children are very proud that they managed to make adults laugh, and they begin to distort words already deliberately. The best thing is to calmly correct the child, without making a joke out of a mistake or a reason for resentment.

Topic: The concept of the grammatical structure of speech. Typical syntactic and morphological errors in children, their causes.

The term "grammar" is used in linguistics in two senses. Firstly, it denotes the grammatical structure of the language, and secondly, science, a set of rules for changing words and combining them in a sentence. The methodology for the development of speech involves the assimilation of the grammatical structure of the language by children.

The grammatical structure of a language is a system of units and rules for their functioning in the field of morphology, word formation and syntax.

Morphology studies the grammatical properties of a word and its form, as well as the grammatical meanings within a word.

Word formation studies the formation of a word on the basis of another cognate word with which it is motivated.

Syntax studies phrases and sentences, compatibility and order of words.

Grammar, according to KD Ushinsky, is the logic of the language. It helps to clothe thoughts in a material shell, makes speech organized and understandable to others.

The formation of the grammatical structure of speech is the most important condition for improving the thinking of preschoolers, since it is the grammatical forms of the native language that are the “material basis of thinking”. Grammar is a mirror intellectual development child.

The formed grammatical structure of speech is an indispensable condition for the successful and timely development of monologue speech - one of the leading types of speech activity. Any type of monologue requires mastering the techniques of logical connection of all types of simple and complex sentences.

The development of the grammatical structure of speech is the key to successful general speech training, which provides practical knowledge of the phonetic, morphological and lexical levels of the language system.

But, despite all the importance, the problem of the formation of the grammatical structure of speech became the subject of study only in the 50s. 20th century after the publication of the fundamental work of Alexander Nikolaevich Gvozdev "Formation of the grammatical structure of the language of the Russian child." The paper describes in detail the grammatical categories, elements and constructions in a child's speech at each age stage.

A.N. Gvozdev revealed the following regularity. In the assimilation of the grammatical structure, a certain sequence is observed: first, all the most typical, ordinary, all productive forms in the field of word formation and inflection (case endings of nouns, forms of verb change by person, tense) are assimilated.

Everything singular, exceptional, violating the norms of this system, is often subjected to repression in the child's speech. Gradually, by imitating the speech of others, the samples are adopted in their entirety. Single, stand-alone words are assimilated already at school age.

A.N. Gvozdev outlined the main periods in the formation grammatical structure of the Russian language.

The first period is the period of sentences consisting of amorphous root words that are used in one unchanged form in all cases when they are used (from 1 year 3 months to 1 year 10 months).

The second period is the period of assimilation of the grammatical structure of the sentence, associated with the formation of grammatical categories and their external expression (from 1 year 10 months to 3 years).

The third period is the period of assimilation of the morphological system of the Russian language, characterized by the assimilation of types of declensions and conjugations (from 3 to 7 years). During this period, all single, stand-alone forms are increasingly intensified. The system of endings is assimilated earlier, later - the system of alternations in the basics.

F.A. Sokhin, N.P. Serebrennikova, M.I. Popova, A.V. Zakharova, A.G. Arushanov. She highlights several directions in this work.

First direction associated with the correction (prevention) of inaccuracies and errors inherent in children (verb conjugation, plural and gender of nouns, prepositional control, etc.).

Second direction- identifying the essential links in the mechanism of mastering the grammatical structure by children, developing an understanding of grammatical forms, forming grammatical generalizations, abstracting them and transferring them to new areas of reality.

third direction associated with the identification pedagogical conditions formation of the mechanism of grammatical structuring in the field of syntax and word formation.

Typical morphological errors in children's speech

  1. Incorrect endings for nouns:
a) genitive case, pl. number:

At the fox foxes so small.

It's winter outside, everyone snow covered.

There are five nesting dolls on the table.

Vova told us horror stories.

Mom cooked delicious porridge.

  1. Write an abstract on Sat. S.N. Zeitlin "Language and the child" (linguistics of children's speech). –M., 2000.
Topic: Tasks and content of work on the formation of the grammatical side of speech in preschool children

The objectives of this section can be considered in three directions:

1. To help children practically master the morphological system of their native language (change by gender, number, person, tense).

2. To help children master the syntactic side: to teach the correct agreement of words in a sentence, the construction of different types of sentences and their combination in a coherent text.

3. Communicate knowledge about some norms for the formation of word forms - word formation.

The volume of grammatical generalization skills can be represented as follows.

In morphology

The morphological structure of the speech of preschoolers includes almost all grammatical forms. The largest place is occupied by nouns and verbs.

Nouns designate objects, things, people, animals, abstract properties. They have grammatical categories of gender, number, case and animateness-inanimateness.

It is necessary to exercise children in the correct use of case forms (especially in the use of the genitive plural form: plums of oranges, pencils).

In a sentence, the noun is one of the most important components; it agrees with adjectives in gender, number and case, coordinates with the verb. Children need to be shown a variety of ways to agree on a noun with adjectives and verbs.

Verb denotes an action or state of an object. Verbs differ in form (perfect and imperfect), change in person, number, tense, gender and mood.

Children must correctly use verbs in the form of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd person singular and plural ( I want, you want, you want, we want, they want).

Preschoolers must correctly use the gender category, correlating the action and object of the feminine, masculine or neuter gender with past tense verbs ( the girl said; the boy was reading; the sun was shining).

The explanatory mood of the verb is expressed in the form of the present, past and future tenses ( he plays, played, will play). Children are led to the formation of the imperative mood of the verb (an action to which someone encourages someone : go, run, let's go, run, let it run, let's go) and to the formation of the subjunctive mood (possible or intended action: would play, would read).

Adjective denotes a sign of an object and expresses this meaning in the grammatical categories of gender, number and case.

Children are introduced to the agreement of a noun and an adjective in gender, number, case, with full and short adjectives ( merry, merry, merry), with degrees of comparison of adjectives ( kind - kinder, quiet - quieter).

In the process of learning, children master the ability to use other parts of speech: pronouns, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions.

In word formation

Children are led to the formation of one word on the basis of another single-root word that motivates it, i.e. from which it is derived in meaning and form. The formation of words is carried out with the help of affixes (endings, prefixes, suffixes).

Ways of word formation in Russian are diverse: suffixal ( teach - teacher), prefix ( write - rewrite), mixed ( feast, run away).

Children can, starting from the original word, pick up a word-formation nest ( snow - snowflake, snowy, snowman, snow maiden, snowdrop).

Mastering different ways of word formation helps preschoolers to correctly use the names of baby animals ( hare, fox), utensils ( sugar bowl, butter dish), driving directions ( went, went - left).

In syntax

Children are taught how to combine words into phrases and sentences of different types - simple and complex. Depending on the purpose of the message, sentences are divided into narrative, interrogative and incentive. A special emotional coloring, expressed by a special intonation, can make any sentence exclamatory.

It is necessary to teach children the ability to think about phrases, then correctly link words into sentences.

When teaching children to build sentences, special attention should be paid to exercises on using the correct word order warning mismatches. It is important to ensure that children do not repeat the same type of construction.

It is important to form in children an elementary idea of ​​the structure of a sentence and the correct use of vocabulary in sentences of different types. To do this, children must master different ways of combining words in a sentence, to master some semantic and grammatical connections between words, to be able to form a sentence intonation.

1. What are the tasks of work on the formation of the grammatical side of speech in preschool children.

3. What word-building skills should preschoolers master?

Pedagogical tasks

Determine the tasks of the didactic game and the age of the children with whom it can be carried out:


The teacher calls a sentence of two words: "The girl is drawing." The participants in the game take turns adding one word at a time, spreading the sentence: “The girl draws the sun”, “The girl draws the sun with a pencil”, “The girl draws the sun with a yellow pencil”.

"What is made of what?"

Material: miscellaneous items in a box.

The child takes an object out of the box and says, following the model of the teacher: “This is a scarf made of wool, it is woolen; this is a spoon made of wood – a wooden spoon, etc.”


The child must ask the driver to complete a specific assignment. For example, clap your hands, sit on a chair, etc. The driver fulfills the request only if it is correctly stated.

"Who has who?"

The teacher shows the children pictures depicting animals and their cubs and offers to arrange the pictures in pairs (parent - child), accompanying the actions with the words: "This is a cow, she has a calf."

"Magic bag"

Children take out an object, a toy, from the bag, name it and answer the question which one (what? what? what)? For example: a white bunny, fluffy, long-eared; apple round, red, sweet; the doll is small, rubber, beautiful.

"Answer the questions"

Why do birds fly south in autumn?

When can you cross the street?

What is a vacuum cleaner for?

Why did Misha go to the library?

Tasks for expanding and deepening knowledge on the topic

a) grammar exercises are carried out on the material of the lesson;

b) a grammar exercise can be a part of the lesson, but not related to its program content;

3. Classes in other sections of the program (development of elementary mathematical concepts, familiarization with nature, drawing, application, modeling, physical education and music classes).

When planning classes, it is important to correctly determine the program content, select verbal material, think over methods and techniques for teaching correct grammatical forms (didactic game, special exercise, sample, explanation, comparison, etc.).

Formation of grammatical skills in the practice of speech communication.

Everyday life makes it possible to imperceptibly, in a natural setting, exercise children in the use of the necessary grammatical forms, fix typical mistakes, and give a sample of correct speech. During the gathering for a walk, organizing duty in the dining room, while washing, etc., the teacher imperceptibly for the children exercises them in the use of verbs, nouns in different forms, in coordinating nouns with adjectives and numerals, etc.

Correction of grammatical errors.

The technique for correcting errors has been sufficiently developed by O.I. Solovieva, A.M. Borodich. Its main provisions can be formulated as follows.

* Error correction contributes to the fact that children get used to being aware of language norms, i.e. know how to speak properly.

* An uncorrected grammatical error is an extra reinforcement of incorrect conditional connections both in the child who speaks and in those children who hear him.

* Do not repeat the wrong form after the child, but invite him to think about how to say it correctly, give a sample of the correct speech and offer to repeat it.

* The mistake should be corrected tactfully, kindly and not at the moment of the child's elevated emotional state. delayed correction is acceptable.

* With young children, correcting grammatical errors consists mainly in the fact that the teacher, correcting the error, formulates a phrase or phrase differently. For example, the child said: We put a plate and many spoons and cups on the table.», - « That's right, you put a lot of cups", - confirms the teacher.

* Older children should be taught to hear mistakes and correct them on their own.

* An example of the correct speech of one of the children is used as a sample.

* When correcting children's mistakes, one should not be too intrusive, one must take into account the situation, be an attentive and sensitive interlocutor. For example,

The child is upset about something, he complains to the teacher, wants help, advice from him, but makes a speech error;

The child plays, he is excited, says something and makes mistakes;

At such moments, you should not correct the child. it is important to note the mistake so that you can correct it later at the right moment.

Questions for updating basic knowledge

1. Why is it the professional duty of every teacher to take care of improving their speech?

2. What are the requirements for adult speech?

3. How are the tasks of forming grammatically correct speech among preschoolers solved in the process of organized educational activities?

4. What kind of work on the use of the necessary grammatical forms can be carried out in everyday communication with children?

5. How should grammatical errors occurring in children's speech be corrected?

Pedagogical tasks.

1. What grammatical skills did the teacher of children exercise in the following situation:

The attendants help set the table for dinner.

What utensils do you need for dinner?

How many kids are at this table? (Six). So, how many plates should be placed? (Six plates). Shallow or deep? (Six shallow and six deep). How many spoons do you need? (Six spoons). How many cups will you put in? (Six cups).

The child entered the group in the morning and joyfully informed the teacher: “Today I am in a new coat! Do you want to see it? The coat has pockets and a fur collar. It's warm and beautiful." The teacher, looking at the child, answers him: “Who says so: in a coat, at a coat, do you want? Only strangers. You are a stranger." The child sadly walked away from the teacher.

3. Children must answer the teacher's questions. Determine the task of the exercise:

Reading what?

My what?

Who am I waiting for?

Listening to what?

Planting what?

Watering what?

I tie what?

I buy what?

Who am I chasing?

Who do I love?

Tasks for expanding and deepening knowledge on the topic.

1. Synopsis of Art. Konina M.M. Some questions of teaching children 3-5 years of grammatically correct speech. // Reader on the theory and methodology of the development of speech of preschool children. - M., 1999, p. 283-290.


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