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One writer once said: "What Russian does not like to drive fast?". Indeed, many of us, having relatively powerful sports cars, like to enjoy the ride on a spacious and empty track. When you have a strip of asphalt in front of you to the very horizon, and under the hood you hear a pleasant hum of the engine, which accelerates the car faster and faster with the slightest pressure on the gas pedal, you inadvertently want to forget about the speed limit of 90 km / h and rush forward with all your might. But it is precisely at this moment that you need to be especially careful. After all, traffic police inspectors and photoradar absolutely do not care if the track is empty or not. And your seemingly harmless prank can turn into a decent fine or even worse, loss of a driver's license.

It is for this case that radar detectors exist. Let us immediately clarify the above, by the word "anti-radar" we should mean not that your speed cannot be determined at all, but that a special device will warn you in advance of an impending danger, which will give you time to reset the speed to acceptable. Many would like to buy a radar detector, but branded electronics cost a lot of money. Of course, there are several drawings and diagrams on the Internet that indicate all the components of the device, but it’s right to assemble everything do-it-yourself radar detector and obtaining the necessary parts is much more difficult and takes longer than buying ready-made equipment.

It is also quite difficult to enhance the reception quality of an already finished device, because very complex schemes and systems are used during creation, so an illiterate refinement of the radar detector may lead to breakage.

The only effective way to improve the performance of the radar detector is a competent flashing. Many service centers and car dealerships are now engaged in similar services. The firmware solves a number of problems that arise during operation. So with the help of anti-radar firmware, you can eliminate problems with the reception of some radars. And yet, not so many models are reflashed simply and without hassle. Many devices require the extraction of parts containing software. That is, only a competent and experienced specialist can solve such a problem. But it is worth remembering that such actions can easily lead to undesirable consequences. There were repeated cases when, after changing the software, the radar detector completely failed and did not react in any way to attempts to turn it on. So updating the radar detector software can lead to even more problems than before. Entrust such work only to qualified specialists.

Also in this article I would like to talk about a slightly unusual type of radar detectors. Modern electronics can do absolutely everything, and the well-known iPhone can also be used as a radar detector. In order to fully use the iPhone radar detector, you need to purchase a special prefix Cobra iRadar, which will connect to the device via Bluetooth and display the received data. Many doubt the effectiveness of such a device, but in practice they have repeatedly proven their performance. iRadar is able to detect all currently used radars in Russia. It is worth noting that a similar version of the iRadar detector program has also been released for the Android platform (android). A similar type of anti-radar for Android (android) has long established itself in the electronics market and there is no doubt about its performance. After all, for the application to work, you need a special prefix that is mounted on the windshield. The cost of the set-top box and the radar detector software is about $130. Also, you can download the program to your phone.

There are also inexpensive programs from enthusiasts, for example, the Strelka program. It is designed for advanced warnings about stationary cameras (including Strelka) and traffic police posts. The program runs on the smartphone in the background and issues warnings of danger. Thus, you can download the anti-radar, but it will only warn about stationary posts and cameras.

Currently, devices such as radar detectors are gaining more and more popularity among our compatriots. Such devices are designed to fix cameras, as well as police radars used to determine the speed of a car and warn the driver about their presence. Like any other gadget, over time, the detector can fail. In what cases it is necessary and what malfunctions are typical for such devices - we will talk about this below.

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Do-it-yourself device diagnostics

How to check such a device at home?

If we are talking about diagnostics of functionality, then the gadget is checked in the car, the diagnostic procedure is as follows:

  1. To begin with, the device must be connected to the on-board network, to do this, install the device on the center console and connect the power cord to it. When the cord is connected, either a characteristic sound signal should be heard, or an indicator of connection to the power circuit will appear on the product screen. If this happens, then everything is in order with the food.
  2. Then you will need to drive around the city - you should choose roads where you know for sure that cameras or radars are installed there. It is necessary to drive through the cameras and radars several times and see how the detector will react to them. The device should warn the driver in advance about approaching police equipment, and then report this several more times, depending on the device’s settings. If this is the case and the gadget warns the motorist, then this means that everything is in order with the sound. It is also desirable to make sure that the radar detector warns the driver accurately, on a certain section of the road.
  3. If you are using a hybrid device, 2 in 1 or 3 in 1, with a DVR and a navigator, then you need to check the auxiliary functions. Record the video, but before that, set the loop recording to make sure that the gadget records all the files correctly.
  4. Also check the speed of the car by comparing it with the speedometer readings and the data provided by the navigator. On many modern radar detectors, navigators allow you to accurately record the speed of movement. You also need to add one or more coordinate points with the location of police equipment to the navigator's memory. Whether the equipment will actually be located at these points is not important, you are interested in whether the navigator will warn you about this or not. Then you will need to drive through these points and see if the device will warn you about their presence on the road or not.
  5. Try changing menu brightness, alert volume, check other options. At this stage, you need to make sure that the radar detector successfully changes the configuration in the menu.
  6. Now the device should be disconnected from the on-board network of the car and dismantled from the seat. Bring it home and plug it into your computer. You need to make sure that the device is normally connected to a computer or laptop. At this stage, you can diagnose the performance of the connector, as well as the cable for connecting the device to the PC. If the device is equipped with a recorder, then check if the video is playing, and also try resetting it to another medium.

Typical malfunctions specific to car recorders

What malfunctions are most often manifested in the operation of detectors:

  1. The gadget lost sound. This problem most often occurs in the operation of devices. If the sound disappears, the driver will not be able to be warned about the presence of cameras and radars on the way, respectively, the expediency of using such a gadget is minimized. The problem of no sound can be associated with both software and hardware malfunctions.
  2. The device does not turn on or off. Perhaps the reason lies in the software or the inoperability of the forced shutdown button.
  3. The device works for no reason. For detectors, in principle, it is considered normal when a false alarm occurs. This is due to the fact that the gadget responds to impulses from various equipment, for example, automatically opening doors in supermarkets. So a small percentage of false positives is still allowed.
    Another thing is if you are driving along the road, where there are no shops, no houses, no industrial facilities and enterprises around and close. In this case, a false positive indicates a software or hardware malfunction.
  4. The screen doesn't work. Such a problem is usually associated with malfunctions of the board, which is located inside the gadget. At the same time, the product itself functions normally, all radars and cameras are fixed, the driver is warned by voice.
  5. Mechanical faults in connectors, connectors, plugs or contacts. As a rule, these types of problems are caused by errors made during operation, or by a factory defect. If you try to connect the gadget to the power cord, it will continue to signal that the cord is not connected, as a result of which the product will not charge.
  6. The computer does not see the detector. The reason is the same as above. Most likely, the problem lies in the damage to the connector or contacts. It also often happens that the car owner does not use the cord that came with the kit, but from another device, for example, a smartphone or tablet. Wires from smartphones and tablets are most often not suitable, since they usually have different pinouts of the connector, which is why the detector simply does not “see” such a cable.
  7. Another common reason is the breakdown of electronic components, most often this happens during the hot season. This may be due to prolonged exposure to sunlight on the body of the gadget, which leads to its heating and, accordingly, breakage. If some electronic components fail, some functions of the detector may not work.
  8. The device overheats, but not in the sun, but in principle. Such a problem may be due to the failure of the battery and, accordingly, a decrease in its capacity. An accompanying sign will be a quick discharge of the device, as well as its inoperability when disconnected from the mains.
  9. Various software problems. If the software is configured incorrectly, then from time to time the detector will report various errors, in general it will function slowly, and some functions will not be able to work (the author of the video is the CompsMaster channel).

Troubleshooting methods

As for the repair, it is far from always possible to carry it out with your own hands. If you have the appropriate knowledge and skills, then you can try to repair the detector on your own.

How can I restore the device to work:

  1. First you need to accurately understand the circuit board. Each device is equipped with its own board, which includes many elements responsible for the operation of certain functions. After disassembling the gadget, clean the board from dust and dirt, if necessary.
    If the device does not receive signals well or works for no reason, then you need to disassemble the case with a thin screwdriver and check the integrity of the signal reception lens. Perhaps it is damaged, if so, then the lens will have to be soldered and changed. Also, the reason for the poor signal may also lie in the antenna adapter, if possible, then it also needs to be replaced.
  2. If the device does not respond to connecting to the network, then you need to check the power connector. Try unsoldering it, carefully clean the contacts and solder again. If the problem persists, then most likely the reason lies in the connection cable.
  3. If you can't adjust the alert volume, then again, you'll need to disassemble the device. If there is a control wheel, you will need to check its integrity, try disconnecting it and reconnecting it.
  4. In the absence of sound alerts, attention should also be paid to the built-in speaker. Perhaps this element is out of order and it also needs to be soldered or replaced with a new one. The same goes for the display.
  5. It happens that the signal processing or gadget control unit installed internally has failed. Problems of this kind can only be solved by qualified specialists with the appropriate equipment. Therefore, it is desirable to solve such malfunctions in service centers.
  6. If the device malfunctions, you can try to reflash it or update the software. In some cases, the problems are related to an outdated version of the software.
  7. If the device cannot work offline, then in detectors with removable batteries, you can change the battery yourself. If the battery is built-in, then you will need to unsolder it and solder a new one, obviously working.

Multi-purpose laser device - this is a harmless name for a tiny box with wires. It is very reminiscent of the crafts of the radio amateurs circle of the station of young technicians, despite the fact that this thing costs 500 euros. The instructions for the device are laconic, from it you can only find out that the device is called AL G9 RX and that it is an active radar detector, which is not officially recommended for use in many countries of the world. For its use, you can get from a fine with confiscation of the device, to imprisonment. The intrigue is that they buy it, they are interested in it, they install it, deliberately exposing themselves to the risk of falling under the article of administrative or criminal liability.

Active anti-radar and radar detector - what is it

Technical literacy - to the masses. A rare driver knows the difference between a radar detector and a radar detector, and we are forced to repeat that these are completely different devices with a completely different principle of operation and an algorithm for obtaining results. And the result is one. Exceed the speed limit with impunity. How ethical it is from the point of view of civic conscience, this is dictated individually to each of his elementary decency and common sense. Of course, you can rush around the city with impunity at a speed of 200 km / h in a country where dozens of people die every day from the idiocy of drivers, among whom 30% are children. In a word, we leave the issues of ethics and decency for the psychological rehabilitation courses of graduates of certain corrective labor institutions, and we ourselves will consider the technical side of the issue.

Whistler 268ST Radar Detector Video Review

A radar detector is a receiver that works on the principle of a Doppler radar. This is a completely harmless, from the point of view of the law, a device that can be freely bought for several thousand rubles. In terms of equipment level, radar detectors can be completely different, just as they can be different in terms of the principle of operation. This is not the point now. His task is to catch the signal from the police radar and raise the alarm in the car in time so that the driver has time to slow down. The radar detector does not perform any more actions and therefore is called a detector. This is clear, and confusing a radar detector with an anti-radar is the same as confusing a night vision device with an anti-aircraft gun.

The radar detector, or jammer, is a completely different device. There are two types of them and their design and principle of operation depend on the nature of the emitter, that is, the radar itself. The radar can operate in the radio range or in the laser range, therefore, anti-radar jammers can be both radio and laser. Laser jammers cover only the active laser range and are completely powerless against radio radars. Officially, it is impossible to buy a jammer, because there is a penalty for their sale, as well as for their use. But everything is possible in our country, so you can buy a Berkut 2M radio jammer from under the counter for $100, and a laser radar detector will cost four to five times more.

They are assembled, as a rule, in China or Croatia from conversion parts. These components are used in devices that jam the signal of laser guidance systems for armored vehicles, as well as bomber target indicators. Croatian and Chinese Kulibins are converting this device into a civilian version, adapting it to the laser spectrum of police radars, such as the TruCAM LTI20-20. You will not find any addresses or legal coordinates of radar detector manufacturers. They work only with the help of electronic money transfer systems and on their websites you can find, at best, a phone number and an electronic wallet number. The same goes for radio jammers. It is impossible to buy Berkut 2M in a human store, because in which case, the seller will receive nuts along with the buyer.

How active anti-radar works

The laser jammer works on the principle of aggressive influence on the radiation source, which is why their use is prohibited by law and falls under the article on interfering with the work of law enforcement agencies and several more administrative and even criminal articles. It all depends on the accuser. That's not the point. The radar signal is picked up by the jammer receiver, instantly processed by the control unit, and a response signal is immediately generated, which is sent in the direction of the radar. The signal is so strong that it loses data on the speed of the car and it is almost impossible to determine the speed.

Laser radar detectors use special broad-spectrum laser diodes as an emitter, and in order to exclude false alarms, the entire device control system must be adjusted to emit a certain wavelength, a certain power and a certain frequency. The probability of triggering the device depends on the number of radar detection sensors. Because one sensor can locate the radar from a distance of 100 m, but it is necessary that the radar hit its beam directly into the sensor with an accuracy of 40-50 cm, which is unlikely. Therefore, the more sensors a jammer has, the more likely it is to jam the police radar signal.

As for radio radar detectors, their principle of operation is the same, the only difference is that such a device operates at radio frequencies that older generation radars use to detect. The same Berkut 2M is made in the form of a rear-view mirror and can work as a conventional radar detector, as well as in the active anti-radar mode for 6 seconds. During this period of time, the driver will slow down, after which the police radar will already be able to fix the car, and the active signal suppression system remains in standby mode.

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You can find hundreds or even thousands of different radar detectors on the market, but not all of them are equally good. What is the difference between a radar for 1000 rubles (for example, from aliexpress) and a device for 10-15 thousand rubles? The price is naturally justified not by the marketing "chips" of manufacturers, and today we will tell you what is inside modern radar detectors and how to choose the one that will not upset you while on the road.

Let's start with the very basics. What is a radar detector? Radar is a passive radio receiver emitted by police speed cameras. I want to say right away that in this article we will analyze the design of passive radar detectors, and not radar detectors (radar detector is an active interference emitter that makes it impossible to measure the speed of a car).

  • Radar detectors with active horn
  • Radar detectors with active horn and GPS
  • GPS radars
  • Signature radar detectors (technically they can be classified as conventional radars, but in practice this is a completely new type of device).

The first group - this can be said with which it all began. The simplest and most understandable type of device. From the name it is clear that you will not find anything in these devices other than a horn and prosthetic electronics.

It looks like this

A horn antenna is located in front, turning into a radio unit, next to it you see a unit for receiving laser signals. Of course, we will not talk about the scattering of transistors and the microcircuits themselves. All you need to pay attention to is the horn, the laser receiver and of course the processor itself. It should be understood that all old radar detectors and modern devices up to 3000 rubles are built on the same principle, of course we are interested in the latter. What is the disadvantage of such a design? And the fact that the manufacturer is trying to save on almost everything. Pay attention to the antenna itself.

On the left you see the mouthpiece of a modern radar detector, and on the right an outdated one. I think the difference is visible to an inexperienced user. And it seems to me that it is not worth telling which radar detector is more noise-resistant.

But it should be understood that conventional radar detectors without GPS are outdated technology and at the moment you should not pay attention to them, since there are cameras that cannot be detected by radio signal (for example, AVTODORIA).

Radar detectors with an active horn and GPS are a more modern type of radar, but even here there are devices that you should not pay attention to. The selection principles are about the same. It is worth buying a radar - detectors with the most effective radar part and a modern processor. How to choose a really effective radar, you ask? That is why we are writing this article.

At the moment, Playme devices can be called the best offer in terms of price-quality ratio. All radar detectors of the brand are assembled at the Korean factory, and this really plays a big role (since it is Korean radars that can be called the accepted quality standard). For comparison, this is how the radar part of the Chinese radar looks like

It's not worth talking about circuitry. There are inexpensive transistors on the board, the soldering quality leaves much to be desired, and the radar part itself is almost 2 times smaller (2 times smaller than that of the same PlaymeHARD)

It is also worth noting that at the moment the Korean radar is not a synonym for high cost. In this example, we used 2 devices. Korean Playme HARD and Chinese Omni RS-500. At the moment, HARD costs 5390, and the Chinese device is 7250.

Why is there such a difference, you ask? Why is Korean radar detector cheaper? Yes, because in Playme radar detectors you do not overpay for extra features and marketing, which is very rare in modern devices. As an example, let's look at the Neoline X-COP 5700 (which costs about 10,000 at the time of writing). If we talk about the circuitry of the device, then you will not find anything special here. In almost all tests, the device showed itself to be average. The only functional difference between neoline is that the manufacturer has attached to a conventional radar, which should cost no more than 5,000 rubles, the Motion Control function (disabling the sound warning with a wave of the hand), which is what we call an overpayment for marketing.

GPS radars are an outdated type of radar. At the moment, there are practically no such devices. This is not surprising, since almost every second DVR has a GPS base of posts, radars and cameras, and almost every radar has a GPS module. Why GPS is needed, we have already told you whether it is worth buying a device without a radar frequency, it's up to you to decide. At a rather considerable price, GPS radars are inferior in functionality to conventional ones and have only one plus - this is the size.

Signature radar detectors - as already mentioned, technically this is a regular radar. The only difference is a super powerful processor that allows the device to analyze any incoming signals in a split second. For those who do not know, radars that are able to recognize a speed camera by a “signature” are called signature radars. At the moment, only Playme devices can boast of really working signature radars, which at the same time cost absolutely adequate money.

Summing up, I would like to say that this article serves as a kind of educational program for choosing radar detectors. Naturally, not a single online store will let you disassemble the radar before buying and make sure that everything is really so. I would like to express special gratitude to the engineers of the Playme company, who did not hesitate before this article (like most of the manufacturers we contacted) and provided us with their devices so that we could disassemble them and show you what is inside the most modern radars.

Practice shows that quite often everything home-made, if done with high quality, works best of all serial. This is due to the fact that manual assembly, unlike mass assembly, is performed most carefully. In addition, with your own hands you can collect something that is not available for sale at all. One of these tasks is the task of how to make a radar. There are radar detectors and radar detectors on sale, but it is almost impossible to buy a radar itself, such as the one used by the traffic police. This special technique is not commercially available, so it is virtually unavailable, regardless of its price. Although if it were on sale, then it was the price of modern electronic systems designed to control the speed of cars by the traffic police that would become the main obstacle to its acquisition.

When thinking about how to include a radar in a number of do-it-yourself electronic devices, you must first understand where to get the components to assemble this rather complex device. The components include a good digital video camera and a device for laser measurement of the speed of moving objects, which can be purchased in specialized stores for aeromodelling enthusiasts. In addition, you will need patch cords that will allow you to transfer the laser speedometer readings and the image from the video camera to a computer, and then record these readings along with an image of a moving car. You will also need a housing that solves the problem of how to install a radar consisting of two separate named electronic devices, so that both the camera and the laser speedometer "look" at the same object.

The laser speed meter works on the principle of fixing the time after which the laser beam, pulsed by the device, reflects from the surface of a moving object, and returns to the device. Such fixation when measuring speed is carried out up to 10 times, after which the device displays on its display the result of measuring the speed of the object at which it was aimed. In fact, this is the radar, and the camera is needed only for reliable recording of the results. It remains to solve the question of how to connect the radar to the computer. This requires a USB cable as this instrument has standard settings for transferring information to a computer. In the same way, a camcorder is connected to the computer through another USB port using a second cable.

The camera and instrument are placed together in a housing that secures them rigidly and allows both instruments to "look" at the same moving object. All devices turn on simultaneously, then the image received from the camera in on-line mode remains in the lower open window, and the image received from the laser speed meter is superimposed on top of it in another window of a smaller size. The Camtasia Studio program is installed on the computer, which allows you to record everything that happens on the monitor, this program is configured according to the instructions attached to it and starts in recording mode. As a result, it becomes clear how to use the radar: turning everything on together, point the body with the camera and the meter at a moving object, and then record combined images of the moving object and speed readings from the computer monitor.


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