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The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Eye redness is non-specific symptom, which can accompany various diseases and functional disorders of the visual analyzer and some other organs or systems. Regardless of the causative factor, the development of eye redness develops according to the same non-specific mechanisms.

The mechanism of development of reddening of the eyes

Redness of the eyes is a strong expansion of the vessels of the sclera. Due to the pronounced expansion of blood vessels, their wall becomes thinner, and a person sees blood. And since the blood is colored red, the eye also appears reddened. The sclera and mucous membrane of the eye are abundantly supplied with blood, that is, there is a very large number of blood vessels in the visual analyzer. And vasodilation, even in any one department or area of ​​​​the organ of vision, can provoke the appearance of such a sign as redness of the eyes.

Depending on in which part and in what volume the blood vessels were dilated, redness can cover various parts of the eye, for example, the entire sclera, only the corners, etc. Also, the skin around the eyes often turns red, which is associated with the same mechanism of vasodilation and a powerful blood flow.

Increased blood supply to the eye, and, consequently, its redness, can develop with blood stagnation, inflammation, or exposure to any allergenic or irritating factors. In addition, redness of the eyes can be triggered by some diseases of the internal organs, such as hypertensive crises, increased intracranial pressure, etc. Also, the vessels dilate and the eyes turn red during intense physical exertion, when you have to withstand powerful strenuous efforts, for example, during childbirth or lifting heavy objects. Therefore, redness of the eye can be caused by any factors that can provoke inflammation, irritation, blood stasis, an allergic reaction directly from various structures of the organ of vision, or a powerful physical effort of the whole organism. This means that redness may be associated with eye diseases, with pathologies of other organs or systems, or with strong physical exertion.

Common causes of eye redness

The whole set of causes of redness of the eyes, depending on their type and nature, can be divided into the following large groups:
1. Physical and chemical environmental factors;
2. Physiological reasons;
3. eye pathology;
4. Pathologies of other organs and systems.

Physical and chemical environmental factors can have an irritating, poisonous and allergic effect on the eye, causing it to redden. If these factors are eliminated, then the redness of the eyes will pass without leaving any complications.

The physiological causes of eye redness are various factors that can dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow to the organ of vision, but do not provoke any pathological process. These physiological factors (for example, heavy muscular work, eye strain, etc.) cause temporary reddening of the eye, which completely disappears after some time after the cessation of exposure to the cause.

Many pathological conditions of the eyes are accompanied by its redness. That is why, when redness appears, doctors, first of all, suspect some kind of eye disease.

Since the organ of vision is closely connected with many organs and systems, some diseases can also provoke redness of the eyes. Usually, this symptom develops against the background of any diseases of organs and systems, in which pressure rises, blood viscosity and clotting increase, and connective tissue is also affected. Consider each group of causative factors for redness of the eyes separately.

Physical and chemical environmental factors that can cause eye redness

Scientists and practitioners have found that eye redness can be triggered by the following physical or chemical environmental factors:
  • Eye contact with cleaning products or detergents;
  • Contact with the eyes of various aerosols (deodorant, repellent, etc.);
  • Eye contact with smoke or smog particles;
  • Eye contact with cigarette smoke;
  • Eye contact with various air pollutants;
  • Exposure of the eyes to strong solar radiation while being outdoors without sunglasses;
  • Water in the eyes;
  • Irritation of the eyes by strong gusts of wind;
  • Prolonged stay of the eyes in the cold (for example, in the cold);
  • Getting into the eye of various foreign objects - specks, grains of sand, animal hair, etc .;
  • Electrophthalmia ("bunnies" in the eyes that arose after looking at welding without a special protective glass);
  • Dim or too bright lighting indoors or outdoors, in which you have to stay for some time and strain your eyes;
  • weather change;
  • Injury to the eye by any physical or chemical object or substance.
The listed physical and chemical factors can provoke reddening of the eyes of varying severity. So, climatic factors (sun, wind, water, weather changes, cold) usually provoke a short and not too strong reddening of the eyes, which disappears within a few hours after the cessation of exposure to the causative factor.

Dim or bright lighting causes redness of the eyes due to the vascular reaction, which disappears very quickly - literally within 15 - 30 minutes after normalization of illumination.

The redness that occurs when any foreign objects get into the eyes disappears after the extraction of these specks. Normalization speed appearance eyes depends on how much the structures of the visual analyzer were injured by a foreign object.

In the event of microtraumas of the ocular surface (corneal injury when putting on a contact lens, damaged lens, accumulation of protein deposits on the lens), which are accompanied only by a feeling that something has got into the eye, treatment should not be neglected, since the lack of treatment of microtraumas can lead to irritation and redness, which in turn can contribute to the development of complications (keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, corneal ulcers), since damaged tissues are the gateway for infection.

To restore the tissues of the eye, drugs with dexpanthenol, a substance with a regenerating effect, have proven themselves well. In particular, the eye gel "Korneregel" has a healing effect due to the maximum concentration of dexpanthenol, and the carbomer, which is part of it, due to the viscous texture, prolongs the contact of dexpanthenol with the ocular surface.

Redness provoked by smoke, smog, pollutants or chemical reagents can take a long time to pass, since in this case a pathological reaction develops in the eye in the form of an inflammatory process and the tissues of the visual analyzer are damaged. The rate of disappearance of redness is determined by the severity of the provoked inflammatory process and the amount of tissue damage. With prolonged exposure to chemical irritants, the tissues of the eye can be severely damaged, which will provoke a serious disease of the organ of vision in the future.

Traumatic injury to the eye is always accompanied by its redness. Moreover, the severity of redness correlates and depends on the severity of the damage. The stronger the injury, the more pronounced the redness of the eye. An eye injury can be a blow with a hand, knife, stick or any other object to the region of the visual organ.

When a liquid or vapor of a chemical gets into the eyes, doctors speak of a chemical injury. In this case, as a rule, a chemical burn of the eye occurs, which causes an inflammatory reaction, always accompanied by severe redness.

Chronic and frequent exposure to physical and chemical damaging factors can provoke the gradual development of eye diseases with periodic episodes of severe redness.

Physiological causes of redness of the eye

Physiological factors are those that cause functional disorders in the system of normal and balanced work of the eye, as a result of which the blood vessels expand and redness of the visual organ develops. This means that after the elimination of the physiological factor, the color of the eye normalizes, that is, the redness disappears completely. Redness caused by physiological causes does not provoke any complications or consequences.

Another distinguishing feature of the physiological causes of eye redness from pathological ones is the absence of an inflammatory process. That is, redness caused by a physiological cause is not combined with inflammation. And any redness of the eyes caused by pathological causes is always combined with one or another severity of the inflammatory process. This means that the physiological reddening of the eyes does not require special treatment, and goes away on its own. If desired or possible, he can use various eye drops and vitamin complexes that relieve fatigue and improve the functioning of the eye.

The physiological causes of eye redness include the following factors:

  • Tired eyes after hard work;
  • Eye fatigue on the background of mental overstrain;
  • Eye fatigue due to prolonged lack of sleep or lack thereof;
  • eye irritation;
  • Eye irritation from contact lenses or improperly fitted glasses;
  • alcohol intake;
  • Strong physical activity;
  • prolonged crying;
  • Severe or prolonged coughing or sneezing.
eye fatigue can be formed after a short episode of intent examination of an object, after a long concentration of vision on any object, etc. Also, fatigue can develop when working with objects that heavily “load” the eye, for example, computer monitors, control panels, radar screens, TVs, cinemas, tablets, laptops, etc. Inadequate illumination enhances eye fatigue - either too bright light, or, on the contrary, very dim. Against the background of inadequate lighting, the eyes get tired, and, therefore, turn red much faster than under normal light.
Overstrain of mental and nervous forces very powerful effect on the work of the eye. It has been proven that any nervous or mental stress causes severe eye fatigue, redness and blurred vision. It is also necessary to remember that any tension causes an increase in arterial, intracranial and intraocular pressure, which provokes pronounced redness of the eyes. If the tension lasts for a long time, then the redness may become permanent, and the decrease in vision may be progressive and leading to myopia. The same can be attributed to a prolonged lack of sleep, against which they get tired, as a result of which the blood flow to the eyes increases, they turn red, the clarity of vision decreases, etc.

Eye irritation occurs as follows - any object or object that causes a pronounced reaction from the receptor apparatus gets on the surface of the mucous membrane, since it is perceived as a potential danger. This receptor reaction leads to a reflex expansion of blood vessels and increased blood flow to them, which is perceived as reddened eyes. Eye irritation can occur under the influence of any factors, for example, foam from soap or shampoo, cosmetics, cold wind, sand, dust, radiation from any devices, etc. In women, most often the eyes are irritated and redden due to the ingress of various cosmetics.

Contact lenses can cause irritation and, consequently, redness of the eyes when worn for a long time, if they are not properly cared for, if cosmetics get under them, etc. Very often, people experience redness of the eye after a night spent in contact lenses. Incorrectly selected glasses force the eyes to strain a lot, as a result of which they turn red.

Alcohol intake causes a pronounced expansion of all blood vessels, as a result of which they become clearly visible, which is perceived precisely as reddened eyes.

Any powerful physical activity, at which the tension of the muscular apparatus of the body occurs, provoke blood flow to the eyes and, accordingly, their redness. Moreover, most often the eyes turn red during short-term, but very strong physical exertion, such as, for example, straining during childbirth, lifting weights, a sharp jerk, etc. However, moderate, but prolonged physical activity is at the limit human body also cause redness of the eyes. After the disappearance of physical activity, the eyes will remain red for several days, since the vessels have greatly expanded and will not immediately narrow to a normal, familiar diameter.

Cough And sneezing cause intense tension in all the muscles of the body. In addition, during an attack of coughing or sneezing, arterial, intraocular and intracranial pressure rises sharply. Against the background of increased pressure, the wall of the vessels of the eyes does not withstand stress and bursts, as a result of which numerous small hemorrhages occur in all structures of the organ of vision. It is because of these hemorrhages and increased intraocular pressure that the eyes become red during sneezing and coughing.

Pathologies of the eye, in which its redness occurs

The eyes are prone to various diseases in which their redness occurs. The redness of the eye can have a different degree of severity, depending on the nature and localization of the pathological process. All pathological causes of eye redness can be divided into two large groups - those associated with inflammatory processes and those caused by non-inflammatory, degenerative diseases.

Non-inflammatory pathologies of the eye

So, redness of the eye of varying intensity and localization can be observed with the following non-inflammatory pathologies:
  • Keratopathies (diseases of the cornea of ​​​​the eyes associated with malnutrition, blood supply and tissue innervation). Keratopathy can be bullous, neurotrophic, filamentous, or superficial punctate. Redness of the eye accompanies any kind of keratopathy;
  • Keratoconus (dropsy of the cornea of ​​the eye);
  • Peripheral thinning and ulceration of the cornea;
  • Corneal ulcer;
  • Pterygium (Pterygium) - a fold of the mucous membrane, which has a triangular shape and is located at the inner edge of the eye. This fold gradually grows and spreads to the entire cornea of ​​​​the eye;
  • Pseudopterygium (cicatricial pterygium) - a connective tissue fold that forms after healing of ulcers and burns of the cornea or conjunctiva of the eye;
  • Hemorrhage in the tissue of the eye;
  • Pinguecula of the eye (a benign neoplasm in the tissues of the eye, not prone to degeneration into cancer);
  • Conjunctival pemphigus (blistering of the non-inflamed mucous membrane of the eye);
  • Tumors of the lacrimal gland;
  • Flabby eyelid syndrome (the eyelid turns outward, rubs against the pillow and other surrounding objects, exposing the eye, which is injured and reddens);
  • Trichiasis (improper growth of eyelashes, when the hairs are wrapped in the eye, irritate it and provoke redness);
  • Detachment of the choroid of the eye;
  • Glaucoma (acute or incipient).

Inflammatory diseases of the eye

Inflammatory diseases of the eye, in which its redness occurs, the following:
  • Vaccination - an inflammatory reaction of the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye to a recent introduction of a smallpox vaccine;
  • Chickenpox of the eye (inflammation of the cornea against the background of the active course of chickenpox, associated with the penetration of the virus into the chambers of the eye);
  • Shingles of the eyes;
  • Herpes of the eyes (herpetic keratitis, conjunctivitis, herpes of the eyelids) is an inflammation caused by a virus from the herpes family that has entered the tissues of the eye;
  • Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye) caused by various pathogenic microorganisms, such as viruses, fungi, bacteria or protozoa;
  • Dacryoadenitis (inflammation of the lacrimal gland);
  • Dacryocystitis (inflammation of the lacrimal sac);
  • Canaliculitis (inflammation of the tear ducts);
  • Upper limbic keratoconjunctivitis (inflammation of the cornea and mucous membrane of the eye);
  • All types of conjunctivitis (allergic, viral, bacterial, fungal, chlamydial, chronic, angular, etc.);
  • Blepharoconjunctivitis Morax-Axenfeld (inflammation of the mucous membrane and the inner wet part of the eyelids);
  • All types of keratitis (inflammation of the cornea of ​​​​the eye);
  • Inflammation of the eyelids;
  • Barley on the eye;
  • Uveitis (inflammation of the choroid of the eye of any etiology);
  • Chorioretinal inflammation (inflammation of parts of the choroid of the eye);
  • Iridocyclitis (inflammation of the iris and ciliary body);
  • Traumatic eye injury (secondary glaucoma, hyphema, recession of the anterior chamber angle, displacement or damage to the lens of the eye);
  • Panophthalmitis (inflammation of all structures and tissues of the eye);
  • Episcleritis (inflammation of the connective tissue that separates the mucous membrane of the eye from the sclera);
  • Orbital abscess (abscess in the area of ​​​​bones and soft tissues that form the orbit of the eye);
  • Optic neuritis;
  • Idiopathic hypertension of the episcleral veins (very rare, etiology unknown).

As can be seen from the list, there are a lot of eye diseases that are accompanied by its redness. Therefore, redness of the eye can signal a wide range of different pathological conditions. However, each eye disease, in addition to redness, is manifested by other symptoms and objective clinical data, which allow diagnosis. As a rule, redness of the eyes is associated with inflammatory diseases, with conjunctivitis being the most common. Non-inflammatory diseases are relatively rare in the structure of the overall incidence of eye redness.

Due to the fact that redness of the eyes can signal both harmless and non-dangerous causes, and serious pathologies that can lead to blindness and other complications, if this symptom appears, you should consult a doctor if possible. You should definitely consult a doctor if redness of the eye is combined with any of the following symptoms:

  • Decreased visual acuity;
  • Pain in the eyes;
  • Photophobia.

Pathologies of other organs and systems in which the eye turns red

Redness of the eyes can be caused not only by diseases of various structures of the eye, but also by some other organs and systems. Redness of the eye against the background of diseases of other organs is associated with an effect on vascular tone and blood clotting.

So, redness of the eye may indicate the following systemic diseases of internal organs and systems:

  • Low blood clotting;
  • Hypertonic disease;
  • Any allergic diseases (asthma, allergic rhinitis, hay fever, conjunctivitis, hay fever, etc.);
  • Prolonged intoxication of the body (alcoholism, toxicosis of pregnant women, smoking);
  • Exposure to ionizing or radioactive radiation;
  • Chronic diseases associated with a violation of the outflow of blood from the orbit of the eye (for example, carotid-venous anastomosis, endocrine ophthalmopathy, tumors of the orbit);
  • Ankylosing spondylitis;
  • Arthritis (psoriatic, reactive, rheumatoid);
  • Behçet's syndrome;
  • Inflammation of various parts of the intestine;
  • Recurrent polychondritis (inflammation of several cartilages);
  • Sjögren's syndrome;
  • Wegener's granulomatosis;
  • Diabetes;
  • An overdose of drugs capable of as the main or side effect reduce blood clotting, for example, Aspirin, Warfarin, Thrombostop, etc.
The above diseases can provoke redness of the eyes, which lasts a very long time, but is not associated with the inflammatory process. With all these diseases, redness is provoked by various violations of the integrity of the vascular wall, high blood pressure and changes in balanced blood flow.

What does redness of various parts of the eye signal?

With various diseases, there is a different degree of severity and localization of redness. Consider what reddening of various parts of the eye and eyelids can signal.

Redness in the corner of the eye

Redness in the corner of the eye is noted with pterygium, pseudopterygium, conjunctivitis, episcleritis, Morax-Axenfeld angular blepharoconjunctivitis, canaliculitis and eye irritation.

Redness of the white of the eye

Redness of the white of the eye is noted in any of the above pathologies of the organ of vision or other organs and systems. Also, reddening of proteins is noted when the eye is exposed to various physiological, as well as physical and chemical environmental factors.

Eyelid redness

Redness of the eyelids, around the eyes or under the eyes can develop with the following conditions and diseases:
  • Dacryocystitis;
  • Dacryoadenitis;
  • Beginning barley;
  • Trichiasis;
  • Syndrome of "flabby" century;
  • canaliculitis;
  • Inflammation of the eyelids;
  • Panophthalmitis;
  • Conjunctivitis.

What does redness of the eye signal in combination with various other symptoms

Redness of the eyes is combined with various other symptoms in various diseases. Consider what diseases a combination of redness of the eye with some other symptoms can indicate.

Fatigue and redness

Fatigue and redness are noted in the following diseases and conditions:
  • chickenpox eyes;
  • Hemorrhage under the conjunctiva;
  • Prolonged eye strain;
  • Prolonged lack of sleep.

Redness and itching

Redness and itching are noted in allergic diseases and vaccinia.

Redness, swelling and inflammation

Redness, B vitamins.

Redness of the eye in a child

Eye redness in children usually develops suddenly. Moreover, the causes of redness of the eyes are the same factors as in adults. However, in children, redness of the eyes is more often observed due to physiological causes, and physical or chemical factors, and not against the background various diseases. This is due to the relatively low resistance of the conjunctival surface to external influences. So, several strong coughing movements, crying, a cold that has begun, dust ingress and other factors, even with a slight force of exposure, can provoke reddening of the eye in a child.

Very often, children in elementary school suffer from dry eye syndrome, which is associated with the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process, when the child is forced to strain his eyesight for a long time, drawing, reading and deriving letters. As a result of overvoltage, the release of tears is blocked, which causes insufficient wettability and dryness of the eye.

Contact with any substances in the eyes (for example, chalk, dust from notebook paper, etc.) can provoke irritation and an allergic reaction, which is accompanied by itching and watery eyes.

Very often, colds, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, infections of the respiratory and ENT organs are accompanied by redness of the eyes and lacrimation. In this case, the child develops conjunctivitis due to infection on the surface of the mucous membrane of the eye through the nasolacrimal canal. Since the nasolacrimal canal in children is quite wide, pathogenic microbes from the nasal and oral cavities, as well as the throat, can easily penetrate the eyes and provoke an inflammatory process, always accompanied by redness. Therefore, in children, colds are very often accompanied by reddening of the eyes.

In addition, due to the tendency of children to constantly touch, rub or scratch their eyes, various objects constantly fall into them that irritate the mucous membrane, causing redness, pain and a burning or cutting sensation. After removing the mote from the eye, but for some time it will remain red.

Other causes, such as diseases of the cornea, choroid, sclera and other tissues of the eye, are very rare in children. Basically, severe inflammatory lesions of the eyes in children, associated with its redness, are caused by injuries or infections.

In children older than a year, it is imperative to consult a doctor if redness of the eye is combined with the following symptoms:

  • nausea or vomiting;
  • Headache;
  • visual impairment;
  • Discharge from the eye of any nature;
  • Photophobia.

Redness of the eye in the chest

In an infant, redness of the eyes is always a symptom of a serious illness, since its mucous membranes are still immature and easily vulnerable, and therefore even banal irritation almost always turns into an inflammatory process that requires special treatment. The causes of redness of the eyes in infants are exactly the same as in adults. However, in infants, for the development of redness of the eye, a minimal and insignificant effect of any physical or physiological factor is sufficient. For example, a few strong coughing movements are enough to cause redness, which, if left untreated, can turn into inflammation of the eye. Therefore, redness of the eye in a baby is a signal for immediate medical attention.

Causes, diagnosis and treatment of eye redness - video

What to do with redness of the eyes - video


*5% - the maximum concentration of dexpanthenol among ophthalmic forms in the Russian Federation. April 2017
There are contraindications. It is necessary to read the instructions or consult with a specialist. Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

External and internal causes that give rise to this problem in children, adults and the elderly. How can you get rid of redness in the eyes? Treatment with medicines and folk remedies, special gymnastics.

The content of the article:

Redness of the eyes is one sign of the expansion of small blood vessels that are on the surface of the eyeball. Additional symptoms of the condition may include itching, pain, discharge from the eye, blurred vision. In this situation, it is important to contact an ophthalmologist in a timely manner in order to quickly eliminate the cause that caused the condition and insure yourself against serious consequences.

The main reasons why the eyes turn red

The reasons why the vessels of the eyes can expand are divided into external and internal. Each of them, with varying degrees of probability, can occur in a particular population group.

Why do the eyes of adults often turn red?

For adults, the most relevant reasons are:
  • External stimuli. This or that influence of the external environment can lead to injury to the eyeball and, as a result, vasodilation. Often the redness of the eyes is caused by chemicals - aggressive cleaners and cosmetics. For office workers, the air conditioner poses a danger, it dries out the mucous membrane, which causes eye irritation, accompanied by redness. For the same reason, it can often be observed that the eyes turn red after visiting a bath or sauna.
  • Conjunctivitis. One of the most common eye conditions, symptoms include not only eye redness, but also discomfort and mild swelling.
  • Improper nutrition. Adults rarely have the opportunity to monitor their diet and regimen in view of the workload at work and at home. This leads to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, and it, in turn, provokes certain diseases. Eye diseases occur as a result of a deficiency of retinol, vitamins of groups B, C and E.
  • Wearing lenses. Redness of the eyes is a situation that often occurs in those people who have started wearing lenses. But in this case, we are talking only about a natural reaction to a foreign object. Over time, a habit is developed, and irritation passes. If it does not go away, you should probably choose other lenses - an ophthalmologist will help to do this competently. If redness of the eyes occurs in wearers of lenses with experience, most likely, it is not the lenses that are to blame, but another reason.
  • Bad habits. Alcohol dilates blood vessels, and therefore, in the case when drinking becomes a habit, red eyes are a common thing. Tobacco smoke also negatively affects them - mind you, it does not matter whether you yourself smoke or constantly stay in the environment of smokers. It is also important to consider that redness of the eyes is only the first symptom of the negative effects of cigarette smoke, if constant contact with it is not stopped, more dangerous ophthalmic diseases can develop.
  • Incorrect work/rest mode. Working behind a monitor is a necessity for us today. An office worker does not take his eyes off his laptop for hours. There is no escape from reality, but it is possible to make it less harsh. To do this, you need to take breaks every 45 minutes for gymnastics for the eyes - we will talk about it a little later. Also, the solution can be the use of special glasses.
  • lack of sleep. Another problem caused by workload is lack of sleep. The body does not have time to recover, and the eyes are the first to suffer. Remember, if you find it difficult to wake up, you are literally trying to "pull your eyes out."
  • Wrong glasses. Just like contact lenses, spectacles can also be misplaced, and as a result, wearing them will lead to eye problems. If you have been wearing glasses for a long time and suddenly they start to give you discomfort, check if your vision has deteriorated and the old glasses no longer correspond to the correct correction parameters.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth. During the period of gestation, a woman goes through hormonal changes, which, among other things, lead to fluid retention in the body, as a result, pressure on the vessels increases, and small capillaries suffer. Also, hormonal changes cause the development of "dry eye syndrome", and dry mucous membranes are more vulnerable to injury. Redness of the eyes after childbirth is explained by the fact that when trying, a woman tenses up and holds her breath, which leads to a sharp increase in blood pressure. The result is broken blood vessels.
As you can see, there are a lot of risk factors that cause redness of the eyes, which once again reminds you that this is a sensitive organ that needs to be protected.

Why do children's eyes turn red?

Despite the fact that most of the above reasons can become a risk factor for vasodilation in children, most often babies have sore and reddened eyes for other reasons, among them:
  1. Foreign irritants. Children do not differ in accuracy, especially if they are passionate about the game, and therefore for them the ingress of dust, small foreign bodies into the eyes is a common thing. Also, often in babies they blush after visiting the pool, this indicates that there is a lot of bleach or other chemicals in the water - management should pay attention to this fact.
  2. Allergy. Children are more likely than adults to develop allergies due to the fact that their immunity has not yet been fully formed. If redness of the eyes is accompanied by sneezing and a runny nose, it is most likely an allergy.
  3. Bad light. And here again we have to say that when a child is carried away, he does not notice discomfort. A schoolboy can quite calmly read his favorite book while it gets dark outside the window, and not use the lamp until the last. As a result, the eyes are strained and reddened.
  4. Obstruction of the lacrimal canal. This problem, which occurs in children of the first year of life, usually manifests itself in the first months and is accompanied, among other things, by redness of the eyes. Obstruction can be either unilateral or bilateral.
The first reason deserves special attention: if a foreign object has got into the child’s eye, it is important to consult a doctor promptly, because the baby will not be able to endure discomfort and will try to get rid of itching by constantly scratching the eye, which can lead to additional injuries.

What causes red eyes in older people

Finally, it is worth considering separately the reasons why the white of the eye turns red in the elderly. At this age, unpleasant symptoms in most cases are associated with certain diseases, usually these are:
  • Sclerite. This is an inflammatory process in the white of the eye, provoked by concomitant diseases, usually arthritis or tuberculosis, as well as various infections.
  • Corneal ulcers. An ophthalmic disease, the development of which can be caused by external causes (burns, mechanical injuries), but more often it is caused by internal factors (viruses, infections of a fungal nature).
  • Uveitis. Inflammation of the choroid of the eye, accompanied by pain, blurred vision and photophobia. Requires immediate treatment, as it can cause serious complications.
  • Glaucoma. One of the most severe ophthalmic diseases, can lead to complete loss of vision. It is observed against the background of increased intraocular pressure, and therefore is accompanied by sensations of constriction in the temporal part, and also clouding in the eyes.

Note! It is always possible to “interleave” causes, that is, a child may suffer from uveitis, an adult from allergies, and old man from malnutrition. One way or another, whatever the cause of redness, the main thing is to consult a doctor in a timely manner, who will diagnose and begin treatment.

What to do if your eyes turn red

You can fight redness of the eyes in various ways: with the help of medications prescribed by a doctor, through means traditional medicine, as well as by performing special gymnastics. The best solution is a competent combination of all three methods.

Medicines for redness of the eyes

The list of medicines that will be prescribed to the patient is determined by the cause that caused the problem. However, in any case, whatever the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed eye drops.

The most commonly prescribed drugs are:

  1. "Vizin". It is usually prescribed when dryness of the mucosa has led to vasodilation. Drops are fast-acting, relief comes in just a minute. The drug not only eliminates redness, but also relieves swelling, and therefore it is often prescribed if the eyes turn red and swell. When using drops, it is important to follow the recommendations of the doctor, in view of the fact that they are addictive. Due to this circumstance, they try to lay the course of treatment in 3-5 days. The drug has contraindications: high eye pressure, children's age.
  2. Octilia. These drops are prescribed if conjunctivitis has become the cause of vasodilation, because they not only remove redness well, but also relieve itching and pain. The effect of the drug occurs within 3-5 minutes.
  3. Naphthyzin. A drug with a powerful vasoconstrictor effect. It is recommended to use it no more than 3 times a day, just like Vizin, it is addictive, and in case of an overdose, unpleasant symptoms are observed - nausea, headache, general weakness. In addition, the drops dilate the pupil, and therefore, during the period of treatment, they are forbidden to perform work that requires increased concentration.
  4. Okumetil. A drug with a triple action: removes redness, fights inflammation, as well as an allergic reaction. After instillation, discomfort can be observed - burning, itching, temporary visual impairment. It is often prescribed in situations where the redness is caused by an allergy. Unfortunately, the drug has many contraindications, as it penetrates into the bloodstream. It is forbidden to use it for pregnant, lactating women, children. These drops are not recommended for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.
  5. Vizomitin. Drops with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, and therefore can not only eliminate the symptom, that is, redness of the eyes, but also treat the problem. They are often prescribed to elderly patients, as they fight well with age-related changes in the eyes. However, adults with “computer syndrome” will also appreciate them, the drug moisturizes the mucous membrane, relieves fatigue and irritation.
The need to prescribe other medications is determined by the diagnosis. For example, in case of allergies, antihistamines will also be prescribed, if the problem is due to a lack of vitamins, vitamin-mineral complexes will be prescribed, and glaucoma will require serious complex treatment, etc.

Folk remedies for red eyes

Helps fight eye redness folk remedies. Many medical drops are addictive, and you can not use them often and for a long time. If you have already dripped the prescribed dosage, and your eyes are red and watery, folk recipes will come to the rescue.
  • Tea lotions. Brew strong tea - black or green, cool. Soak cotton pads in tea leaves and put on your eyelids. Hold for 15-20 minutes. This method perfectly eliminates fatigue, refreshes the eyes and, of course, relieves redness.
  • Ice packs. This method is recommended to be used when the eyes turn red immediately after waking up. Ice cubes should be wrapped in a scarf and applied to the eyelids. You should not achieve a chilling effect, but it should be cool.
  • Aloe juice. An alternative to drops is the juice of a freshly cut aloe stalk. No more than 2 drops should be instilled.
  • Oat lotion. For this method, oatmeal must be ground into flour and mixed with whey - the consistency of thick sour cream should be obtained. The resulting mass is applied to the eyelids, this “mask” helps to get rid of not only redness, but also itching.
  • honey drops. Another alternative to medical drops, they are prepared like this - a slightly incomplete teaspoon of honey is placed on a glass of water. Water should be at a temperature of 38-40 degrees, honey at this temperature will completely dissolve, but will not lose its healing properties. You need to bury the "drug" 1-3 drops.

Note! All folk remedies should be used only after consultation with your doctor.

Eye exercises

Finally, consider another effective therapy against redness of the eyes - special gymnastics. As well as folk remedies for the treatment of eyes, there are a lot of exercises, we will recommend you a basic course:
  1. Sit on a chair, straighten your back, but do not strain it. Relax your eyes as much as possible and start moving your pupils - up, to the right, then to the left and down. The more sharply you can perform the change of gaze, the better. It is recommended to perform the exercise for at least 3 minutes, the sequence of directions can be changed at will.
  2. Go to the window, put a bold dot on it with a marker. Then select a point outside the window in the far distance. Now we begin the exercise: first we look at the nearest point for a couple of seconds, then we look at the far one, we also linger on it for 2-3 seconds. Perform alternating "switching" for 5 minutes.
  3. Keep your head straight and look straight ahead, look up to the ceiling (only the pupils move), and then look down. Repeat the exercise for 2-3 minutes.
This basic course can always be expanded, and this can even be done intuitively: close your eyes, then open them sharply, “draw” different shapes with your pupils, blink, batting your eyelashes strongly - in general, let your eyes warm up properly.

What to do if your eyes turn red - look at the video:

Redness of the eyes is a problem that can be caused by a variety of reasons, ranging from banal dryness as a result of long work at the monitor to a serious illness. If you regularly notice redness, which, moreover, is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor.

Redness of the whites and around the eyes is a common occurrence among adults. For some, it occurs quite often, for others it is extremely rare. In any case, a modern person, a man or woman employed at work and in the family, has no time to find out the causes of red eyes and deal with them. It’s easier to put special drops in your eyes and forget about the trouble. And it’s completely in vain, since the eyes turn red not only from overwork, tears and lack of sleep. Often this is a symptom of various ophthalmic diseases that require treatment. If you do not ignore the red whites of the eyes and consult a doctor as soon as possible, you can get rid of an ugly symptom without much effort and expense. But first you need to establish exactly why this happened.

For information: If a person looked in the mirror in the morning and found a strong reddening of the eyeball, the first thing that comes to his mind is that a blood vessel has burst. In fact, this is perhaps one of the rarest causes, much more often such a symptom in an adult, if it is noted regularly, signals serious disorders in the body that require medical intervention.

What does it look like and why does it happen?

Eye redness may be different character and look different. Depending on the manifestations of the symptom, it is possible to assume with great certainty the cause of its occurrence.

  • If the entire white of the eye turned red, circles and bags appeared under the eyes, and the day before the person sat up late at the TV or computer, we are talking, most likely, about banal fatigue.
  • A reddened eye with eyelid hyperemia and tearing may indicate an allergic reaction in response to any irritant: dry or polluted air, cosmetics, etc.
  • One red spot on the eyeball or multiple dotted spots is a sign of broken capillaries.
  • Irritation with the red mucous membrane of the eye, pronounced capillaries on the eye proteins, itching, tingling in the eyes, mucous or purulent discharge of varying intensity are a symptom of infectious ophthalmic diseases.

Depending on the nature of the redness, it can be assumed that it caused it: overwork, a burst vessel, or an infectious disease of the organs of vision.

In order to accurately determine the causes of redness of the eyes and choose the correct treatment, it is also important to pay attention to how often this happens, after what circumstances or under what conditions, only one eye or both reddens, and if there are other atypical symptoms. All this information will also be needed by an ophthalmologist to make an accurate diagnosis.

Factors under the influence of which redness of the eye proteins occurs:

  • The ingress of foreign bodies: villi, dust particles, midges, etc.
  • Vapors of chemicals, including aggressive household chemicals during home cleaning (cleaning products containing chlorine and acids).
  • Poor-quality or sea water strongly irritates the mucous membrane of the eye (tears during prolonged crying act the same way).
  • Cosmetics, soaps, shampoos.
  • Some medicines.
  • Weather conditions: wind, cold or ultraviolet.
  • Frequent and prolonged visits to the bath or sauna.
  • Permanent stay in a room with air conditioning or fans.
  • Allergic reactions to plant pollen, animal hair, household dust, mold.
  • Incorrect use of contact lenses, incorrectly selected glasses.
  • Overstrain of the organs of vision while working at a computer, with papers, while driving a car, especially at night.
  • Poor quality cosmetics.
  • Neglect of personal hygiene.
  • Abuse of alcohol and nicotine.
  • Sleep deprivation.
  • Colds (usually viral).
  • Pregnancy and childbirth.

In women, after childbirth, hemorrhage in the eyes is often noted, due to strong physical stress.

Separately, the causes of redness of the eyes in ophthalmic diseases are considered. This symptom is typical for the following pathologies:

  • blepharitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • keratitis;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • uveitis;
  • glaucoma;
  • astigmatism;
  • asthenopia.

This also includes injuries to the organs of vision and head, which lead to damage to blood vessels and redness of the eyes. And now it is worth considering in more detail the most common ophthalmic diseases, in which the organs of vision redden and become inflamed.

Conjunctivitis is the most common cause of red eyes when it comes to pathological changes in the organs of vision. With such a disease, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye develops, provoked by infections of various origins. In addition to redness, the patient is concerned about the following symptoms:

  • itching and burning;
  • feeling of sand in the eyes;
  • swelling of the eyelids of varying degrees;
  • secretions that glue the eyelids during a night's sleep and form crusts;
  • in severe forms of visual impairment.

The causative agents can be bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci or gonococci), adenoviruses, fungi, and an allergic form of conjunctivitis is also found. Usually, the infection first affects one eye, and a few days later it moves to the second.

A pronounced vascular network, which makes the white of the eye appear pink - typical signs of inflammation of the conjunctiva

Conjunctivitis itself is not considered a serious eye disease, but if left untreated, more serious complications can develop, and the risk of reduced visual acuity increases. Conjunctivitis caused by viruses is contagious, in its advanced form it is very difficult to treat and can recur for months. Treatment methods depend on the pathogen and the severity of the lesions.


In fact, it is a consequence of untreated conjunctivitis, when the infection penetrates the structures of the eye and reaches the cornea. But it can also develop independently with microtrauma of the surface of the eyeball: for example, rough putting on and taking off contact lenses or when foreign bodies get in. It manifests itself in the same way as conjunctivitis, but at the same time additionally disturb:

  • photophobia;
  • intense lacrimation;
  • severe swelling and redness of not only proteins, but also the eyelids;
  • pain in the eyes;
  • a sharp decrease in visual acuity.

Treatment is carried out in two directions: suppression of infection and restoration of affected tissues. If the disease is started, scars will remain on the cornea, which will lead to irreversible changes in the quality of vision. This defect can only be corrected with surgery.

The main symptom of this eye disease is redness and thickening of the eyelids. As a rule, one eye is affected, the cause is the spread of infection from the source of inflammation located in the immediate vicinity: the sinuses, tonsils. Dermatological pathologies, caries, helminthic invasions, diabetes mellitus, fungal infections, any chronic diseases that reduce immunity can also cause blepharitis.

Thickening, deformity and redness of the eyelid are typical symptoms of blepharitis.

Therapy is carried out in two directions: elimination of the underlying disease and relief of the inflammatory process locally.

With this pathology, the iris of the eye becomes inflamed. Usually it is a concomitant complication of severe infectious diseases:

  • measles;
  • malaria;
  • tuberculosis;
  • gonorrhea etc.

Serious metabolic disorders in the body can also manifest as iridocyclitis. In advanced forms of the disease, the pigmentation of the iris and pupils change.

What an eye affected by iridocyclitis looks like is shown in the photo

One of the most common and dangerous pathologies of the organs of vision, in which the circulation of the eye fluid is first disturbed, and then the intraocular pressure changes. It used to be thought that glaucoma was a disease of the elderly, but today it is diagnosed in men and women in their 30s and 40s, and even in children and adolescents.

It is impossible to cure glaucoma completely by conservative methods, it is only possible to stop the process and delay the surgical operation. But if at all to refuse treatment with special drops, vision will begin to deteriorate rapidly, as a result, complete blindness may occur.

In glaucoma, in addition to the red eye protein, there is also a change in the iris and pupil

burst vessel

In about 15% of cases, red eyes or eyes are the result of a burst vessel. If the capillaries are weak, even a coughing fit or an incorrect posture during a night's sleep can be the cause of this phenomenon. In addition, hemorrhage can provoke such factors:

  • physical activity, weight lifting;
  • overheating or hypothermia;
  • overstrain of the organs of vision when working at a computer;
  • stress;
  • labor activity in women;
  • blows and injuries.

Doctors do not consider a burst vessel to be a serious problem that requires specific treatment, unless there is visual impairment and other alarming symptoms. The red eye does not look very aesthetically pleasing, but after a few days everything will recover by itself. You can speed up the process with the help of vasoconstrictor and whitening drops, cold compresses.

If a large vessel in the eye bursts, the blood spills under the transparent mucous membrane and can color the entire white of the cavity red, which looks scary, but is actually not so dangerous.

Ways to solve the problem

In view of the foregoing, it is obvious that there is no single method for treating reddened eyes and cannot exist, since this symptom is characteristic of a number of pathologies of completely different etiologies. That is why, before dripping your eyes with any drugs, you should consult with your doctor and still establish the cause of the redness.

If it's all about an infectious disease of other organs, then you first need to cure it, otherwise, local treatment of redness of the eyes will not give a good and lasting result. If the cause is a metabolic disorder and the resulting pathologies (for example, diabetes mellitus), you will need to reconsider your lifestyle, habits and try to minimize the factors that provoke redness: stress, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, physical overwork, etc.

The treatment regimen for ophthalmic diseases is determined depending on the diagnosis, the severity of the disease, and the physiological characteristics of the patient. What drops should be used and what methods to supplement, the doctor will tell you after the examination. Usually, to enhance the effect of meteo with eye drops, vitamin complexes with lutein are prescribed, which strengthen the visual apparatus, and special exercises that help relieve tension in the organs of vision.

Treatment with folk remedies is also not excluded. But it should not be the main one, but only acts as an auxiliary and preventive

What drugs and folk remedies can be used

Dryness and redness of the eyes inflamed after excessive exertion are well eliminated by eye drops from the “Artificial tear” category. According to many, Vizin is the best eye drops for redness and fatigue. They are available from pharmacies without a prescription, are relatively inexpensive, and can be used regularly for a long time.

Alternative eye drops that quickly relieve swelling, redness, eliminate dryness and brighten the whites of the eyes:

  • Slezin;
  • Octilia;
  • Okumetil;
  • Alomid.

Vasoconstrictive, moisturizing and soothing eye drops - the easiest way to solve the problem of reddened eyes

To stop the inflammatory process, the doctor may prescribe steroid or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drops. Most popular in this category:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Dexamethasone;
  • Indocollier;
  • Tobradex.

With viral conjunctivitis, the following drugs will be effective:

  • Oftalmoferon;
  • Aktipol;
  • Poludan;
  • Oftan I go.

If eye damage accompanied by redness is caused by a bacterial infection, the following are used for treatment:

  • Tobrex;
  • Albucid;
  • Levomycitin;
  • Tsipromed.

Many antibacterial drops have the same active ingredient, but are perceived differently by the patient, so treatment with such drugs is best done under medical supervision.

The duration of treatment and dosage in each individual case is determined only by the doctor strictly individually, it is not recommended to change the prescription on your own.

There are also many folk remedies for redness of the eyes, mainly compresses and lotions based on decoctions of medicinal plants: chamomile, hop cones, oak bark, sage, calendula. Compresses from aloe or Kalanchoe leaves also help.

What else to try:

  • Green or black tea bags without additives. They are squeezed out and put on the eyes for at least ten minutes.
  • Sliced ​​fresh cucumber or potato.
  • Parsley juice.
  • Gruel from leaves and stalks of fresh mint.
  • Cold spoons. First, they are placed in the freezer for half an hour, and then applied to the eyes for a couple of minutes.

A cocktail of fresh cucumber, parsley, celery and drops of aloe juice inside and to the eyes in the form of lotions will help restore a healthy, fresh, radiant look.

If you drip your eyes with vasoconstrictor drops, and then make a compress or apply cold, the effect will be almost instantaneous. But it should be remembered that folk remedies will not help to completely get rid of the redness of the eyes. They only temporarily eliminate a cosmetic defect. But if its cause is not found and eliminated, it will soon disturb again.

Preventive measures

Redness of the eyes, if it is not a symptom of an infectious or chronic disease, can be prevented by following simple rules. There are five main ones in total:

  • Give your eyes a complete rest. The fact is that during a night's sleep, when the eyes are closed, lacrimal fluid is intensively produced, which cleanses, moisturizes and softens the mucous membrane. If the rest was complete, in the morning the eyes are not red, they have a healthy shine, the person looks cheerful and rested. If the sleep is short, the mucosa simply does not have time to recover, it dries up, gets irritated and turns red. Therefore, under any circumstances, an adult needs an uninterrupted 6–7-hour sleep every day.
  • When working for many hours at the computer, every 45 minutes you need to take a break and perform special exercises that relax the optic nerves and eye muscles. And also in addition, moisturizing eye drops should be used. When a person looks at a computer monitor, he blinks several times less often, which also leads to drying and irritation of the mucous membrane, so the organs of vision need additional moisture.
  • Eat well. Sandwiches, pizza and hamburgers quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger, but do not give the body the necessary nutrients. With a tendency to ophthalmic diseases, it is necessary to include in the daily diet products that help strengthen the organs of vision and maintain their functions. These are raw carrots, spinach, broccoli, blueberries, blackberries, black currants, nuts, sea fish, cottage cheese.
  • Avoid injuries to the head and organs of vision, when swimming, protect your eyes with a special mask, and on sunny days, be sure to wear dark glasses. The influence of external factors significantly affects the state and functions of the organs of vision, therefore they need to be protected and protected from aggressive influences. This is a very important point if you want to keep your eyesight sharp, and your eyes healthy and beautiful.
  • Regularly visit an ophthalmologist, even if there are no complaints. Many eye diseases proceed in a latent form for a long time and do not make themselves felt until they reach a serious stage. Only a doctor can detect the first pathological changes when examining the fundus and examining the patient. This procedure is painless and does not take much time; it is carried out in clinics completely free of charge. But the benefits of professional examinations are enormous, so you should try to find time to visit the optometrist at least once a year.

Summary: Reddened eyes in adult women and men are common. Often this is a sign of chronic overwork or a sleepless night. But if such a symptom constantly worries, most likely, we are talking about some kind of disturbance in the body. In this case, in order to cure red eyes, drops alone and proper rest will not be enough, consultation and examination by an ophthalmologist, and possibly other narrow specialists, will be required. It is not recommended to engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment, such experiments only lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition and the development of complications. It is easier, cheaper and safer for health to consult a doctor, find out the true cause of redness of the eyes and choose the appropriate treatment. As a rule, redness can be dealt with once and for all in 7-14 days, provided that all medical recommendations are followed.

Many people experience reddening of the whites or eye fatigue from time to time. Most often, these symptoms are associated with eye strain, as well as the influence of external factors, for example, strong wind, dust. However, the reasons why the eyes get tired and redden may be more serious. These manifestations may indicate an inflammatory process, allergies or vascular pathology. Often, eye diseases are accompanied by other unpleasant manifestations.

Associated symptoms may include:

  • burning sensation in the eye;
  • pain;
  • temperature increase;
  • discharge from the eyes;
  • photophobia;

Eyes turn red in the sun

Exposure to environmental factors is the most common cause of protein redness. In this case, the eyes may water or hurt, blurred vision may occur. If the eyes turn red in the sun, most likely there is nothing to worry about. However, if you observe this constantly, you should consult a doctor.

Among the external factors that cause redness of the eyes are called dry air, insufficient lighting. In this case, the symptom disappears within a short time on its own. Sometimes redness can be the result of an allergic reaction to dust or plant pollen.

Causes of redness of the eyes and the appearance of a feeling of fatigue

Redness of the eyes and a feeling of fatigue in the eyes may indicate the development of the most various diseases. This symptom can appear both in the morning and in the evening. Environmental conditions, observance of personal hygiene rules and the presence of other diseases also have a significant impact.

Among the common symptoms of eye diseases, redness of the organ of vision is distinguished. The main reasons are different pathologies of the eyes, as well as if the visual analyzer is overstressed. Against the background of everyday hours of work at the computer, the symptom cannot be avoided. If you drive for a long time, a pathology appears: one eye is red, the other is normal.

The vessels located on the surface begin to expand, as a result of which the vessels dilate, as a result, the eye turns red. If the vessels are damaged, blood spots appear on the mucous membrane of the organ of vision. In general, the redness of the eye indicates the appearance of many ophthalmic diseases. A similar symptom is the first reason to consult a doctor.

Causes of redness of the eye

Redness of the whites of the eyes occurs for a reason, there are good reasons for this:

  • constant eye strain;
  • with a long stay under water;
  • when hit by a foreign object;
  • in case of damage;
  • soap in the eye
  • due to smoking;
  • after a long stay in a strong wind;
  • from occupational hazards;
  • irrational lighting affects the eyes;
  • eyes may turn red from improperly selected glasses;
  • after using contact lenses;
  • from crying for a long time;
  • if a person drinks a lot of alcohol;
  • sometimes red eyes after a strong cough.

The mechanism of development of reddening of the eyes

During the reddening of the organs of vision, the vessels in the sclera expand greatly. Because of this, the wall of the vessels becomes thin, a person can see the blood. The organ of vision appears red because the blood is red. The sclera along with the mucous membrane is subject to abundant blood supply. This is due to the presence of many blood vessels.

Redness appears in different parts of the eye, it depends on where the vessels are located. Strong blood flow along with dilated vessels create redness of the skin around the eyes. With blood stasis, there is an excessive blood supply to the organ of vision. In addition, redness appears when inflammation occurs, as well as under the influence of allergens and other irritants.

External stimuli

One of the most simple reasons is a physical factor. Due to such frequent phenomena, normal vision is impaired. During the day, factors such as:

  1. The influence of the sun.
  2. Strong winds.
  3. Frost exposure.

In addition to bad weather conditions that adversely affect the mucous membrane of the eye, urban smog, as well as tobacco smoke and other impurities in the air, have a negative effect. The redness that appears disappears in different ways, it all depends on the human body. Sometimes the eyes turn red from a blow or burn. In any case, you need to visit a doctor.

Allergic reaction

Various allergens have a detrimental effect on the structural features of the eye. There are a lot of allergens in the environment. These substances often get on the shell of the organ of vision. The human body can not cope with foreign substances, so there is an allergy.

The immune system responds inadequately to exposure to an allergen. The active molecules responsible for vasodilation are released during the allergic process. The reaction is observed if there has been repeated contact with the allergen.
The impact of alcohol

Another reason for dilating the blood vessels of the eye is alcohol. Expansion is observed not only in the visual organs, but throughout the body. Norepinephrine and renin increase blood pressure due to the ingestion of a large dose of an alcoholic beverage into the blood. The capillary network on the whites of the eyes appears mainly in people who abuse alcohol. Sometimes there is hemorrhage in the eyeball.


Arterial hypertension affects the general condition of the membrane of the organ of vision. In this case, retinal angiopathy occurs, in this place the veins become branched and tortuous, small arteries become more visible, and petechial hemorrhages occur in the shell of the eye.

At correct selection antihypertensive agents, angiopathy, which is in the first stage of hypertension, passes quickly. If angiopathy appears in the second stage of hypertension, the disease turns into angiosclerosis. Vessels narrow and become thicker. Sometimes there is a complete blockage. In addition to redness of the shell of the eye, other symptoms appear:

  • dark spots appear before the eyes;
  • in the organs of vision there is pain and itching;
  • flies often flicker.

With severe hypertension, swelling of the eyelids occurs, in addition, a person suffers from nasal and ear hemorrhages, blood is observed in the urine. Damage to the vessels has a detrimental effect on the optic nerve, as a result of which a person, unfortunately, can completely lose his sight, which is why, in case of any deviations, you need to consult a specialist.

Dry eye syndrome (xerophthalmia)

One of the causes of redness of the organs of vision is considered a disease - xerophthalmia. This disease can cause not only redness of the eye, but also a burning sensation, dryness and itching are felt in the eyes. All of these symptoms occur against the background of an insufficient amount of tear fluid due to the appearance of a number of diseases. For example, dryness appears from pathologies thyroid gland or lymphoma or Sjögren's disease.

All the symptoms that appear are similar to conjunctivitis, but it is necessary to eliminate the diseases that have arisen or use eye drops. They will help restore natural lacrimation.


The disease conjunctivitis also causes redness of the lining of the eye. In addition to the fact that inflammation appears, burning, irritation appears in the organs of vision, the patient is tormented by frequent lacrimation, the eyes get tired very quickly, the eyelids swell, and photophobia appears.

Non-compliance with hygiene and the use of other people's objects often leads to infection in the eyes and the appearance of conjunctivitis. In addition, the disease is transmitted not only by contact, but also by airborne droplets. The disease must be treated in accordance with the form of development, but, despite this, in order to eliminate the severity of inflammation, it is necessary to prepare tea or a decoction of field chamomile, and wash the organs of vision.

Eye strain and fatigue

After a long period of observation of an object, fatigue quickly appears in the eyes or pressure rises. This happens with prolonged eye strain. If you work for a long time with objects that burden your eyesight, and these can be computer monitors or control panels or radar screens, fatigue often appears.

Incorrect lighting has a detrimental effect on the eyes and, as a result, causes fatigue. Among the irritants emit a bright light, or vice versa, it may be too dim. From improper lighting, the eyes not only get tired, they begin to quickly turn red, which is not observed under normal lighting.

The normal work of the organ of vision is affected by an overstrain of mental, as well as nervous forces. The eyes get tired from nervous or mental tension, and this has already been proven. Vision after overstrain, the tissues of the eye turn red and vision deteriorates. Severe redness of the organs of vision comes from arterial or intracranial pressure. With prolonged stress, the redness becomes permanent, vision is reduced, which leads to myopia.


If the whites of the eyes and eyelids turn red, only an ophthalmologist will understand this reason. In addition to finding the cause of the disease, he will establish the correct treatment. Antibiotics are prescribed when iridocyclitis appears, in addition to antibiotics, antiseptics along with antiviral drugs, which are produced in the form of tablets or drops, are effective.

It is important to know! For redness and eye disease, these medicines are used:

  • Tobrex;
  • Okomistin;
  • Albucid;
  • Oftaquix.

Mydriatics have an anti-inflammatory effect, in addition, diclo-F and vitamins are prescribed. Washing is carried out with redness of the eyes, as well as their diseases, frolicking against the background of conjunctivitis. To eliminate painful symptoms, installations and ointments are used, special for the treatment of the eyes. Injection drug treatment is used in cases of severe and protracted form.

Antihistamines and vasoconstrictor drops help eliminate allergic conjunctivitis. Tetracyclines, together with macrolides, are used when chlamydial etiology occurs. Local antibiotics usually cope with a disease such as scleritis. Additional medications include NSAIDs. In frequent cases, diathermocoagulation is used, in addition, laser coagulation is used, as well as electrolysis. If necessary, reconstruct the posterior pole of the eyelid.

In case of eye diseases do not use epilation. The treatment of panophthalmitis must be taken seriously, so it is necessary to find out the cause of the redness of the white of the eye, as well as establish the correct treatment. Such a disease is treated with massive antibiotic therapy, infusion treatment is used. Evisceration or enucleation is carried out in special dangerous cases. With the help of antihypertensive drugs, as well as the use of physiotherapy or the use of beta-blockers, eliminate the disease - glaucoma. Miotics help with this disease, as well as prostaglandin derivatives and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. Often, with diseases of the organs of vision, the development of hyperemia is observed.

Prevention of reddening of the whites of the eyes

With the help of preventive methods, it is possible not only to eliminate unwanted symptoms that appear on the mucous membrane of the eyes, but also to improve vision. The disease must be prevented, this will help to avoid the development of negative factors and long-term treatment. There are many useful and favorable procedures that help:

  • sitting at the computer is better to take periodic breaks;
  • the mucous membrane of the eyes must be often moistened, therefore it is recommended to blink often;
  • to work in front of any monitor, you need to purchase special glasses;
  • for the eyes, it is recommended to do gymnastics, which helps eliminate fatigue;
  • rest at night should not be less than 8 hours;
  • visual organs, like other organs, need vitamins, so you need to eat natural foods;
  • during the day it is recommended to consume a large amount of liquid, namely water.

The beauty and health of the eyes will be preserved for a long time, if you follow these simple rules. In addition, do not forget to visit an ophthalmologist, who will also identify a number of causes and establish the correct treatment and prevention.


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