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For cars that have been involved in an accident, prices have been significantly reduced, since repairs are costly, and the difficulties associated with fixing the bolivar are not within the power and liking of everyone, especially since the event is always associated with additional paperwork. At the same time, many motorists buy cars that have been damaged as a result of an accident, because such copies can often be put in complete order and, moreover, significantly save money if they have skills. Sometimes a car after an accident can be completely repaired and restored to its original state for the purpose of further resale or keep it for yourself. And then the question arises of how to register with the traffic police broken car mobile.

The rules for registering a broken car.

Every motorist knows that it is forbidden to cut on public roads in an unregistered car, this is a violation and entails consequences in the form of a fine. But many are faced with the problem of registering a broken car, consisting of a vicious circle of contradictions. Everything is legal from all sides, the sale and purchase was carried out correctly, and it seems that there should not be any obstacles to the ordinary registration procedure, but in practice it turns out to be not so simple. There are also known cases of refusal by the traffic police in this service.

Is it possible to register a broken car

The question of whether or not a car that has been in an accident and has been damaged for this reason is tormented by many motorists. Some refuse to buy a broken car, doubting that the car can be officially registered as a vehicle that can move on highways. Driving heavily damaged vehicles is prohibited, as it contradicts safety standards. Vehicle malfunctions both for the driver and passengers, and for other road users. Traffic police officers will not register such a car, therefore, when purchasing a broken car, it will not be possible to register it until it is in proper condition.

What obstacles are encountered

One of the conditions for admitting a car to movement is the presence of a compulsory insurance policy for OSAGO, which is issued on the basis of a technical inspection. Previously, cars were registered in the presence of this document in the set accompanying the application. According to the amendments of October 20, 2017, Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 1001, the policy is no longer included in the package of documents provided by the applicant to complete the procedure, but this does not mean that it should be absent. Valid insurance is required, and traffic police officers can track its availability on an electronic database.

On May 4, 2018, new amendments to the law came into force, tightening the rules for carrying out a vehicle inspection, which complicates the procedure for passing it even for cars that have not been collided and are in proper condition. What can I say there if I bought a battered and faulty car. MOT cannot be passed on it - this is unambiguous, and it may take more than 10 days allotted to the new owner for registration to bring the car back to life, while the previous owner, after this time, has the authority to formally dispose of the car. Moreover, for this he does not need to provide transport, without any difficulty former owner By deregistering a car, it uses its right not to be responsible for someone else's vehicle and events related to its participation.

And here everything is logical, because no one needs to collect other people's fines or become involuntarily involved in illegal actions. It is not necessary to involve the buyer in the procedure, so since the seller often does not care how the car will be removed from the register, there is a risk that in the application the previous owner will mention the reason not for the sale, but for the scrapping of the car. This will significantly complicate the process of formal resuscitation of the car and its return to the road. A car taken off the register for the purpose of recycling can no longer be considered a vehicle, although it was not destroyed in fact (according to clause 13 of the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 1001 dated November 24, 2008, it is relied on for refusal of registration).

However, another document, namely the Act of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 13 / 5-229 dated 10/18/2011, reports that in addition to the statement, an extract from the disposal department is also required. It follows from this that if, in fact, the car is not destroyed, while it is in good working order, and the condition allows it to be admitted to traffic, then it is possible to register the car, but only the owner of the vehicle or the last owner has this right.

Grounds for refusal to provide services

The circumstances, as a result of which cars are not subject to registration, are clearly spelled out in paragraph 3 of the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 1001, as amended on October 20, 2017. According to the document, vehicles are not subject to registration procedures in the following cases:

  • the documentation submitted by the applicant does not comply with the regulations of the legislation of Russia or contains inaccurate information;
  • The vehicle was manufactured on the territory of the Russian Federation from composite structures, spare parts, equipment and other elements or imported into the country for a period longer than 6 months without the appropriate documentation confirming the certification in accordance with Russian legislation;
  • the design of the vehicle or its adjustment contradicts the current rules and regulations of the Russian Federation, ensuring road safety, or the information specified in the submitted papers;
  • signs of concealment, destruction, changes in the identification numbers of the machine, components and assemblies, or falsification of documents, as well as any inconsistencies and the finding of a car or license plate on the wanted list were found;
  • prohibitions and restrictive sanctions imposed by Russian legislation.

In addition, all documents must be in order in accordance with the regulated norms, and the car must be submitted for inspection by an expert in order to register it. The car is delivered to the traffic police department on its own or by a tow truck, if it is not on the move. There is also an option with a call to the inspector and a survey at the location of the car. If significant damage was found during the inspection, these data are entered into the TCP. "Total" cars are not registered.

How to register a car after an accident

Inspection is a key factor in deciding whether to register a car after an accident. All registered cars must fully comply with the concept of transport participating in road traffic, so before contacting the traffic police with a statement, the car must be put in order and meet all the requirements for vehicles. Thus, a car that has serious defects that contradict safety on the road will not be registered.

The restored car undergoes a technical inspection, after which data on the condition of the vehicle will be entered into the diagnostic card. For a car that has passed MOT, you can already buy a CTP policy. Next, the state duty is paid, and the car owner can apply to the traffic police, having previously prepared required package documents that are standard for the implementation of the procedure:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • STS, PTS;
  • receipt of payment of the duty.

Each case may be required. According to the new rules, it is not necessary to present insurance, since the traffic police will be able to see it in the electronic database anyway, but it will not be superfluous to take CMTPL with you, this will help speed up the process and avoid possible misunderstandings.

For the 10 days allotted for registration, the newly-made car owner is unlikely to have time to put the broken car in full order, go through MOT and put it on record. For this reason, it is better to negotiate this moment with the previous owner, so that he does not dispose of it by chance, worrying that the car belonging to him collects fines. The option of a joint trip is possible to deregister the car in order to make sure that it is not disposed of. A pleasant bonus is the fact that for the time period, while the car was removed from the register and put again, the transport tax is not charged to either the former or the new owners. After restoration, the car will be tested in the form of a technical inspection, which will determine the further fate of the car.

Hello Sergey! As they say, ignorance of the laws does not relieve you of responsibility. And the rules for staging the purchased car are the same for everyone. The legislation establishes a period of 10 days from the date of the conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement. However, transit numbers can be used for up to 20 days, therefore, you need to register in compliance with these deadlines. After this time, a fine will be imposed.

1. Driving a vehicle that is not registered in accordance with the established procedure -
entails overlapping administrative fine in the amount of five hundred to eight hundred rubles.
(as amended by Federal Laws of 05.04.2010 N 47-FZ, of 23.07.2013 N 196-FZ)
1.1. Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for by part 1 of this article -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one to three months.

To register a car with the traffic police, you will need the following documents:

  • passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • vehicle technical passport
  • a document that certifies your right to own this machine (purchase agreement or purchase invoice),
  • transit signs(2 pcs.),
  • customs documents (if the car is not manufactured in Russia and is registered in the country for the first time)
  • CTP policy
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty for registering the car;
  • statement of the standard type about the registration of the machine;
  • and, of course, the car itself.

In addition, if the seller is not the owner of the car, you will also need a power of attorney to register the car, which must be notarized.

In the case of purchasing an emergency car, you must submit an application to the MREO with a request to conduct an on-site inspection (sometimes, such a service is provided for a fee, then we pay to the cashier and the chief does not need a visit), on the basis of which a single inspection report is drawn up, replacing the presentation of the car for reconciliation of numbers. If the car is located in the same settlement as the traffic police body, you must contact the head of the registration department. If the vehicle is located in an area / region under the jurisdiction of another department of the traffic police, it is necessary to contact the registering body of the traffic police at the location of the vehicle and obtain a Single Vehicle Inspection Act, on the basis of which, when registering / deregistering in the "native" traffic police, the vehicle should not be presented necessary. To obtain a Single Inspection Act, you must provide:

  • model statement
  • technical documents for the car
  • power of attorney (in case of contact of the authorized person)
  • identity document
  • receipt of payment of fees
  • vehicle presented for inspection.

The validity of the inspection certificate is 20 days.

A wrecked car can be purchased at a significantly low price, since its repair costs a lot of money. Basically, this is done by motorists who independently bring the vehicle into a normal state. Let's see how a broken car is registered.

Is it possible to register a broken car

Is the car badly damaged? Operation is prohibited, as this is a violation of safety standards.

The traffic police inspector will not be involved in registration, until the car is bounced back... However, there are several options for registering a car (see below).

How to register a broken car

Provide your car to the traffic police officer for inspection at the MREO in the usual way. Is the car not driving or the numbers are not readable? Means, need a tow truck and expertise for theft.

For transport not on the move, you will need a tow truck, which the inspector will climb onto for inspection.

With a certificate of an accident, the provided car can be registered, if there are no critical remarks. It is better to check the readability of the body and internal combustion engine numbers, VIN code in advance.

It is also necessary to have an OSAGO policy, which will contain information about the new owner.

Stages of the registration procedure

Stages of registration of a battered car:

  1. Make an entry in the traffic police. It is better to do this in advance through the State Services, but if this is not possible, then you can take a coupon and wait for your turn.
  2. Then you need to transfer the collected package of papers to the employee for consideration. This will take about 30 minutes, after which the expert will inspect the vehicle.
  3. At the end of the inspection, you must go to the employee to whom the papers were handed over.
  4. If everything goes well, then the new owner will have to wait in the general queue for the issuance of new documents. In another case, they will tell about further actions.

How to buy a broken car correctly

There are several options that allow buy a wrecked car correctly:

  1. Purchase with simultaneous renewal. This option can be used only if the CTP policy has not expired.
  2. Purchase by general power of attorney... In this case, the car will be reissued after the repair work.
  3. Conclusion of a sales contract. This option implies the registration of a car after its repair.

In order to avoid problems, it is better to re-register everything as before - with the previous owner in the MREO.

Is it possible to re-register a damaged car without an accident certificate

Re-registration without an accident certificate is impossible. At least legally.

Documents for vehicle registration after an accident

It is necessary to collect the following package of papers:

  • power of attorney for the transfer of authority (required only in cases where the owner cannot personally register the car);
  • an agreement confirming the ownership;
  • a statement containing information about the owner, as well as the vehicle;
  • transit signs (if any);
  • passport (foreigners will additionally need to confirm the right to reside in Russia);
  • OSAGO policy;
  • PTS;
  • a check confirming the payment of the state fee.

State duty expenses

The amount of the state fee will directly depend on the service that the citizen wants to receive.

Transit numbers allow new car owners to avoid transport taxes.

For convenience, you can use the table below:

Service Price (in rubles)
Replacement of signs, PTS and parallel registration of a new owner 3 300
Obtaining marks, registration certificates and initial registration 2 850
Receiving signs 2 000
Registration of a new owner with preservation of numbers (subject to the availability of free details in the TCP) 850
Replacement of PTS and issuance of STS 1 300
Registration of a new owner with preservation of numbers (there are no free details in the TCP) 1 300
Changing the data contained in the TCP 350

Deregistration at the traffic police and sale of an emergency vehicle

To remove a vehicle from the register, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Collect the required package of papers.
  2. Visit the traffic police department.
  3. To write an application.
  4. Pay the state fee.
  5. Deliver the vehicle to the MREO site.
  6. Dismantle state signs.
  7. Visit the traffic police department and submit an application with the inspection mark of the inspector.
  8. Get transit numbers.

What is better to do with a broken car

If a person has already purchased a broken vehicle, but the traffic police does not register it, then from this situation there is multiple outputs:

  1. Sell all for parts... In this case, the insurance company can reimburse part of the cost of the vehicle (subject to the availability of a CASCO policy).
  2. Scatter and sell in parts... In this case, it is very important to deregister the car in advance.
  3. Sell ​​whole... To do this, it is enough to find a car enthusiast who will agree to buy a broken car for its subsequent restoration. You will need to re-register.
  4. Hand over for sorting.
  5. Urgent redemption... To do this, you need to turn to outbids, which will give their price. Most often these are pennies compared to the market value.

Technically, the car can be restored - outbids will do just that. If the matter is in ordinary dents, in the same St. Petersburg you can contact this company for repair of dents.

Features of registration of a used car

According to the current legislation, it is possible not to deregister the car during the sale. As for the new owners, they must register within ten days.

Otherwise, the accrual of fines cannot be avoided, which will be addressed to the previous owner.

When buying a used car, it is important to check the vehicle numbers with those indicated on the papers. If the buyer does not notice the discrepancy, then a lot of time will be spent on the procedure or it will become impossible to carry out it.

Why? The inspector will immediately pay attention to the defect, after which the forensic specialists will work with the car.

Even if after the results of the check it turns out that the car is "clean", experts will demand a considerable fee for their services. Expertise price in the region of 50 thousand rubles.

It is better to have the car watched by a certified autocriminalist. It is expensive, but it gives its guarantees of legal purity.

Before buying a car, it is important to visit the traffic police department together with the previous owner. This is necessary to check for any encumbrances, fines, prohibitions, etc.

The subtleties of the design of a wrecked car

In this case, it is very important to get a certificate of an accident. But it should be borne in mind that there may be problems with the registration of the CTP policy, since it is not issued without a technical inspection. The difficulty lies in the fact that this procedure cannot be passed on the TC bit.

The car must be registered within 10 days. Further penalties will go. However, savvy buyers simply rewrite the DCT on a regular basis to "reset" the due date. But so all the fines will go to the previous owner. And so not long before the trial.

Other articles about choosing a car.

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The procedure for the purchase and sale and re-registration of cars, in force from September 15, 2013

In connection with the entry into force of the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation N 605 of 08/07/2013, we propose such a purchase and renewal procedure.

1) Inspection of the broken car (you can use the photo) and price negotiation.
2) Checking the identification numbers for compliance.
3) Check for search and bans.
4) Renewal under a sales and purchase agreement.

We do not offer to issue a power of attorney, since the deregistration at the traffic police has now been canceled.

Change of vehicle registration in the traffic police (change of owner)

After the “deregistration for sale” procedure was removed from the traffic police, this very deregistration from the previous owner began to occur automatically, when the car was registered with the traffic police, to the new owner.

Registration of an emergency vehicle

After the sale and purchase, the new owner is given ten days to register the car.
To register a broken or burnt car, it must first be repaired. Emergency vehicles with serious external damage, or dismantled (no headlight, bumper, fender, etc.) are not registered with the traffic police. Accordingly, the owner should know, while the car is being repaired, it will be listed in the traffic police database for him. Therefore, fines from surveillance cameras will come to his address.
There is a significant nuance here. As a rule, 10 days is not enough to buy all the spare parts, pick up the paint and completely restore the broken car after even a minor accident. Observing all the norms and regulations for repairs, for example, a car broken into the front spar will take at least 15 days. It's just work. And you also need to find spare parts, materials and paint at a normal price. On average, it takes about one to two months to restore a car.
One or two months is the real time that the car, after its sale, will be registered in the traffic police for the previous owner, unless, of course, the former owner stops registering, or, as the people say, removes the car from the register.

Termination of registration (deregistration) in connection with the sale

Many sellers of salvage vehicles do not want the sold car to "hang" on them. For this, the traffic police have a procedure called "Termination of registration".
The bottom line is this. The owner who sold the car ON THE ELEVENTH DAY (10 days is given to new owner put the car on record) comes to the traffic police with the ORIGINAL OF THE SALE AGREEMENT and submits an application to terminate the registration (deregistration) of the sold car. From this moment on, it will be prohibited to drive this car. When a traffic police inspector stops such a car on the road, the car is delayed, numbers are removed, and the driver faces a fine, or deprivation of a driver's license.

State registration marks (Numbers)

Without numbers, as it was before, you cannot buy or sell a car. If you want to keep your favorite license plates, you need to hand them over to the traffic police for storage and, of course, get new numbers. Only then will it be possible to sell the car.

When purchasing a vehicle in disrepair after an accident, the buyer thinks about registering a broken car. New owners are required by law to register a car after purchase no later than 10 days. Otherwise, the owner will be fined. However, the registration of emergency vehicles in the traffic police can cause difficulties. Let's take a closer look at whether it is possible to register a damaged car.

Many people buy a car after an accident at a lower price and later restore it. The recovery procedure usually takes a long time.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "On the registration procedure Vehicle»Does not prohibit the registration of crashed vehicles. But the main thing is that it is impossible to register vehicles without valid insurance.

Whether it is possible to put a car on record after an accident depends on the passage of the technical inspection. There should be no problems with registration if you managed to pass the examination and get an insurance policy.

There are several options for registering a damaged car:

  1. Simultaneous purchase and renewal. The problem is that on a machine in a faulty condition, it is problematic to undergo a technical inspection. This option is possible if the term of the CMTPL policy of the previous owner has not yet expired or 3 years have not passed since the date of issue of the car, when the CMTPL is not required. If the old insurance is still valid, then re-registration is possible. A traffic police officer puts a mark on the vehicle in a state of disrepair in the TCP, which has a negative effect on the subsequent sale of the car.
  2. Purchase by general power of attorney. When the car is reissued to itself only after repair. But, it will not be the property and will be registered with the old owner. This is a very risky way. The seller may die, divorce or owe bailiffs. Then, formally, your transport will be taken away from the debt, given to your spouse or the heirs will share. Also, when selling by proxy, there may be discrepancies with the car - broken body or frame numbers.
  3. Conclusion of a sales contract with the seller and subsequent registration after restoration. However, when staging, you will have to pay a fine of 1,500 rubles for exceeding the 10-day deadline.

The seller is obliged to remove the car from the register in connection with the sale. If he indicates the reason for the withdrawal "disposal", then the new owner will not be able to register it in his name in the future.

Is it possible to register a broken car, but on the move? Of course. Choosing the option of re-registration with the purchase, you will need to provide the car for inspection. If the car is not on the move, then with the help of a tow truck to the traffic police. On-site inspection of a car is not practiced in Russia.

The advantage of registering a car after repair is that no transport tax is charged on the owner. It will begin to be counted only after registration.

In order to find out if the car was involved in an accident, use our.

Registration rules in 2018 are simple and straightforward. For this procedure, you must personally visit the traffic police department. You can make an appointment, as well as pay the state duty at a discount, using the public services portal.

According to the administrative code, traveling on unregistered vehicles entails a fine of 500-800 rubles. Repeated violation - the fine will increase to 5 thousand rubles, and sometimes they can deprive the driver of his license from one to three months.

Documents required for the procedure:

  1. A statement from the owner.
  2. Citizen's passport.
  3. Purchase agreement (or other document confirming ownership).
  4. Documents for cars (PTS, STS).
  5. Other documents that are available (for license plates, customs documents, recycling, etc.).

There is no need to provide OSAGO, inspectors will see it in the electronic database.

Having collected the required package of documents, you go to the traffic police. In many cities, terminals for recording are installed in traffic police departments. It is necessary to select the function "make an appointment". After that, the item "Registration of the vehicle". Then proceed according to the instructions - select the date and time, enter the requested information.

Having received the ticket in the terminal, you are waiting for the call. You give your documents to the employee, in return you receive a receipt for payment of the state duty and an application. After paying the receipt, the traffic police inspectors will conduct an inspection, on the basis of which they will make a decision on staging and draw up the documents.

By registering on the portal of public services, you can make an appointment from home and pay the state fee from a bank card. It is not only faster and easier, but also more economical. State services provide a discount on state fees.

How much does it cost to register a car

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation determines the size of all state fees. The total amount depends on the range of services.

The prices for services are as follows:

  • registration of vehicles with license plates - 850 rubles;
  • transit numbers - 1 600 rubles;
  • new car - 2000 r;
  • changes in technical passport- 350 rubles;
  • registration of any certificate - 350 rubles;
  • registration of STS - 500 rubles.


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