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The operating system of a computer is a specific set of special programs designed to control its devices and provide an interface. In this article, we'll take a quick look at views operating systems .

Throughout the history of the development of computer technology, a fairly large number of operating systems have appeared, differing in a number of characteristics: multitasking, the number of users and types.

Whatever the type of operating system, they all perform the same functions:

  • memory management;
  • control of input-output devices;
  • management of the computer's file system;
  • dispatching processes;
  • control over the use of resources;
  • execution of programs;
  • creation of a user interface;
  • implementation of interaction with other computers and devices;
  • protection of programs and the system itself;
  • providing a multi-user mode of operation.

Depending on the type of interface, the types of operating systems are primarily divided into text and graphic(GUI), where user interaction occurs through the use of graphical images. Most modern operating systems are examples of the latter.

Consider the types of operating systems according to the second classification - multitasking... They are:

  1. Single-tasking. An example is MS-DOS.
  2. Pseudo-multitasking, that is, only one program is running at a time, but the operating system switches between several such programs. Examples include the very early versions of Windows.
  3. Multitasking (Windows 95, Windows 98).
  4. Really multitasking (Windows NT, Linux, Mac OS X).

The last two points have only a conditional difference: real multitasking implies that the operating system does not allow any particular program to monopolize the computer's resources, as well as the fact that the OS is capable of supporting multiple processors.

The types of operating systems are also divided according to the criterion that allows system use by several users:

  1. Single-user. These include MS-DOS and early versions of Windows.
  2. Multiuser with support on one terminal (Windows 95, 98, 2000, etc.).
  3. Multiuser with support on several terminals, but with one PC (Linux, Mac OS X, Windows).

In general, as you can see, the types of operating systems differ due to time frame, which highlighted the stages of development of computer technology.

Let's briefly consider the features of the most popular operating systems today. It's worth starting with Windows 7 which is installed on most home computers. Her positive qualities good visualization and the ability to independently install a driver for a new connected device. However, the requirement for large resources and the fact that mainly only paid programs are released for it create a huge disadvantage for this operating system.

Linux in most cases is used only by programmers or for installation on servers. A large number of versions of this OS have been released, the most common of which is. It has a high speed of work, a huge number of settings that allow you to customize the system for yourself, an almost complete absence of viruses, as well as a huge number of programs and applications that can be downloaded from the Internet as needed. At the same time, Ubuntu is quite complex.

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Saint Petersburg 2011


The emergence of the OS

OS functions

Operating system concept

What are the OS for?

OS as a virtual machine

Operating systems for a stand-alone computer

OS as a resource management system

Network services and network services

Requirements for modern operating systems


Operating systemma, abbr. OS(English operating system, OS) is a complex of control and processing programs that, on the one hand, act as an interface between computing system devices and application programs, and on the other hand, are designed to control devices, control computing processes, and efficient distribution computing resources between computing processes and the organization of reliable computing. This definition applies to most modern general-purpose operating systems.

In the logical structure of a typical computing system, the OS occupies a position between devices with their microarchitecture, machine language and, possibly, their own (built-in) microprograms - on the one hand - and application programs on the other.

The OS allows software developers to abstract from the details of the implementation and operation of devices, providing the minimum required set of functions (see application programming interface).

In most computing systems, the OS is the main, most important (and sometimes the only) part of the system software. Since the 1990s, the most common operating systems are Microsoft Windows and UNIX systems (especially Linux and Mac OS).

The emergence of the OS

The idea of ​​a computer was proposed by the English mathematician Charles Babage in the middle of the nineteenth century. His mechanical "analytical engine" was never able to really work, because the technologies of that time did not meet the requirements necessary for the manufacture of the necessary parts of precision mechanics. Of course, there was no question of an operating system for this "computer". The real birth of digital computing came shortly after the end of World War II. In the mid-40s, the first tube computing devices were created. At that time, one and the same group of people participated in the design, and in the operation, and in the programming of the computer. It was more of a scientific research work in the field of computing, rather than the use of computers as a tool for solving any practical problems from other applied areas. The programming was carried out exclusively in machine language. There was no system software other than libraries of math and utility routines that a programmer could use to avoid having to write codes each time calculating the value of a math function or controlling a standard input / output device. Operating systems still did not appear, all the tasks of organizing the computing process were solved manually by each programmer from the control panel, which was a primitive input-output device consisting of buttons, switches and indicators. In the mid-50s, a new period began in the development of computing technology, associated with the emergence of a new technical base... The speed of processors has increased, the volumes of RAM and external memory have increased. Computers have become more reliable, now they can continuously work long enough to be entrusted with the execution of truly practical tasks. But the implementation of each program included a large number of auxiliary works, therefore, in order to organize effective joint use, the positions of operators were introduced who professionally performed work on organizing the computing process for all users of this center.

But no matter how quickly and reliably the operators worked, they could not compete in performance with the work of computer devices. And since the processor was very expensive device, then low efficiency of its use meant low efficiency of using the computer as a whole. To solve this problem, the first batch processing systems were developed, which automated the entire sequence of operator actions to organize the computing process. Early batch processing systems were the prototype of modern operating systems; they were the first system programs designed not for processing data, but for controlling the computational process.

In the course of the implementation of batch processing systems, a formalized task control language was developed, with the help of which the programmer told the system and the operator what actions and in what sequence he wants to perform on the computer.

Early batch processing systems significantly reduced the time spent on supporting the organization of the computational process, which means that another step was taken to improve the efficiency of computer use. However, at the same time, user programmers lost direct access to the computer, which reduced their efficiency - making any correction required much more time than when working interactively at the machine's control panel.

Operating system functions

Main functions:

· Execution of those rather elementary (low-level) actions on request that are common for most programs and are often found in almost all programs (input and output of data, start and stop other programs, allocate and free additional memory, etc.).

· Standardized access to peripheral devices (input-output devices).

· Management of random access memory (distribution between processes, organization of virtual memory).

· Controlling access to data on non-volatile media (such as hard disk, optical disks, etc.), organized in a particular file system.

· Providing user interface.

· Network operations, support for a stack of network protocols.

Additional functions:

· Parallel or pseudo-parallel execution of tasks (multitasking).

· Efficient distribution of computing system resources between processes.

· Differentiation of access of various processes to resources.

· Organization of reliable computations (the impossibility of one computational process to intentionally or by mistake influence computations in another process) is based on the differentiation of access to resources.

· Interaction between processes: data exchange, mutual synchronization.

· Protection of the system itself, as well as user data and programs from the actions of users (malicious or unknowingly) or applications.

· Multi-user mode of operation and differentiation of access rights (see authentication, authorization).

Operating system concept

There are two groups of OS definitions: "a set of programs that control equipment" and "a set of programs that control other programs." Both of them have their own exact technical meaning, which, however, becomes clear only with a more detailed consideration of the question of why an OS is needed at all.

There are computing applications for which the OS is superfluous. For example, embedded microcomputers are found today in many household appliances, cars (sometimes a dozen in each), cell phones, etc. Often, such a computer constantly executes only one program that starts up upon startup. And simple game consoles - also specialized microcomputers - can do without an OS by running a program on a "cartridge" or CD inserted into the device at startup. However, some microcomputers and game consoles still run their own specific operating systems. In most cases, these are UNIX-like systems (the latter is especially true for programmable switching equipment: firewalls, routers).

OS are needed if:

· A computing system is used for various tasks, and programs that solve these tasks need to save data and exchange them. This implies the need for a universal mechanism for storing data; in the overwhelming majority of cases, the OS responds with a file system implementation. Modern operating systems also provide the ability to directly "link" the output of one program to the input of another, bypassing relatively slow disk operations;

· Different programs need to perform the same routine actions. For example, simply entering a character from the keyboard and displaying it on the screen can take hundreds of machine instructions, and a disk operation can take thousands. In order not to program them every time anew, OS provides system libraries of frequently used subroutines (functions);

· It is necessary to distribute powers between programs and users of the system so that users can protect their data from unauthorized access, and a possible error in the program does not cause total troubles;

· It is necessary to be able to simulate the "simultaneous" execution of several programs on one computer (even containing only one processor), carried out using a technique known as "time sharing". At the same time, a special component called the scheduler divides the processor time into short segments and provides them one by one to various executing programs (processes);

Finally, the operator must be able to somehow control the execution of individual programs. For this, operating environments are used, one of which - the shell and a set of standard utilities - is part of the OS (others, such as the graphical operating environment, form OS independent application platforms).

Thus, modern universal operating systems can be characterized, first of all, as

Using file systems (with a universal data access mechanism),

Multiuser (with separation of powers),

· Multitasking (with time sharing).

Multitasking and the distribution of powers require a certain hierarchy of privileges of the components of the OS itself. As part of the OS, there are three groups of components:

· System libraries;

· Shell with utilities.

Most programs, both system (included in the OS) and applied, run in the unprivileged ("user") mode of the processor and access the hardware (and, if necessary, other kernel resources, as well as the resources of other programs) only through system calls. The kernel is executed in a privileged mode: it is in this sense that the OS (more precisely, its kernel) is said to control the hardware.

In determining the composition of the OS, the criterion of operational integrity (closure) is important: the system should allow full use (including modification) of its components. Therefore, a set of tools (from text editors to compilers, debuggers and linkers) are included in the full OS.

Types of operating systems

The most common are OS ( OS- operating system, shorthand for convenience) of the family Windows developed by Microsoft Corporation. You may have heard about this corporation and its founder, Bill Gates. This operating system is used by a lot of people. Visitors to this site are no exception, but I will give statistics later.

Macintosh computers are equipped with operating system Mac OS(OS - Operating System, in Russian OS - operating system), which is developed by Apple (from the English "apple" - an apple). It works only on computers from the same company.

The previous two operating systems cost money and a lot, but there are also free ones. The most popular of these is operating system Linux... Her logo is such a cute penguin. This operating system was developed by Linus Torvalds and made the code (in the previous article, what it is) open, that is, everyone could change something, modify something, which was what enthusiastic programmers did when modifying this OS. The code of Windows and Mac OS is closed, because they sell it for money, after all, you probably also would not want to invent something and give everyone the opportunity to use your work for free? And if you would like, then honor and praise to you. However, the disadvantage of Linux is its complexity, but the further, the more user-friendly it is. This is only basic information about these operating systems, because for other knowledge it is not enough yet, if we assume that you have started learning from the articles of the site

I would like to note that there are hundreds of other operating systems that are used for special needs, for example, for mainframes, for the needs of robotics, for real-time control systems, etc.

Not so long ago, operating systems began to appear on small computers. If you get along with electronic devices then you will probably like the fact that operating systems can be found on many of the devices we use every day, such as mobile phones. The computers used in these small devices have become so powerful that they can now run the operating system and programs. Normal mobile phone is now much more powerful than a desktop computer 20 years ago.

You should also get to know some important components of the operating system... It is a driver and a graphical shell. They will be discussed in the next article, the final one.

What are the OS for?

operating system computer hardware

The operating system provides interaction between the user, programs, and computer hardware.

The operating system communicates with the hardware using device drivers. A driver is a special program, usually created by a hardware manufacturer, that allows the operating system to communicate with a device.

For the user, the OS provides a user interface. In DOS, the entire interface was in the command line. In Windows, the concept of an interface is much broader - it is a graphical shell, and standard dialogs (for example, open or save a file), and a number of other things, sometimes not quite obvious to the user.

For programs, the OS provides user interface elements. In addition, if we are talking about a multitasking system, then its competence includes the distribution of computer resources between programs. In this case, resources should be understood primarily as processor time - the OS must ensure that none of the programs monopolizes all resources and does not conflict with other running applications.

Also, any operating system (at least those that are used on a PC) is responsible for maintaining the file system. By the way, in the days of DOS this was its main task, which is reflected in the name.

In addition, the OS includes various auxiliary programs for setting up and maintaining a PC - system utilities. In particular, these are programs for correcting disk errors (and they often appear after computer malfunctions or in case of untimely power outages). If we talk about Windows, then it comes with many more programs - from text editors (Notepad, WordPad) to various casual games (solitaire, sapper).

OS as a virtual machine

In order to successfully solve their problems, a modern user or even an application programmer can do without a thorough knowledge of the hardware device of a computer. He does not need to be aware of how various electronic components and electromechanical components of a computer function. Moreover, very often the user may not even know the processor's instruction set. The user-programmer is used to dealing with the powerful high-level functions provided by the operating system.

So, for example, when working with a disk, a programmer writing an application to work under an OS, or an end user of an OS, only needs to represent it as a set of files, each of which has a name. The sequence of actions when working with a file is to open it, perform one or more read or write operations, and then close the file. Particulars such as the frequency modulation used for writing or the current state of the motor of the mechanism for moving the read / write magnetic heads should not bother the programmer. It is the operating system that hides most of the hardware features from the programmer and provides an opportunity for simple and convenient work with the required files.

If the programmer worked directly with the computer hardware, without the participation of the OS, then to organize the reading of the data block from the disk, the programmer would have to use more than a dozen commands indicating many parameters: the block number on the disk, the sector number on the track, etc. exchange operations with a disk, he would have to provide for the analysis of the result of the operation performed in his program. Considering that the disk controller is capable of recognizing more than twenty different options for completing an operation, programming the exchange with a disk at the hardware level is not the most trivial task. The work of the user looks no less burdensome if he needed to specify the numeric addresses of tracks and sectors to read a file from the terminal.

The operating system relieves programmers not only of the need to work directly with the hardware of the disk drive, providing them with a simple file interface, but also takes care of all other routine operations associated with managing other computer hardware devices: physical memory, timers, printers, etc.

As a result, a real machine, capable of performing only a small set of elementary actions defined by its set of commands, turns into a virtual machine that performs a wide range of much more powerful functions. The virtual machine is also controlled by commands, but these are commands of a different, higher level: delete a file with a certain name, start some application program for execution, increase the priority of a task, print text from a file. Thus, the purpose of the OS is to provide the user / programmer with some extended virtual machine that is easier to program and easier to work with than the actual hardware that makes up a real computer or real network.

Operating systems for a stand-alone computer

The operating system of a computer is a set of interconnected programs that acts as an interface between applications and users on the one hand, and the hardware of the computer on the other. In accordance with this definition, the OS performs two groups of functions:

· Providing the user or programmer with an extended virtual machine instead of real hardware, which is more convenient to work with and easier to program;

· Increasing the efficiency of using a computer through the rational management of its resources in accordance with some criterion.

OS as a resource management system

The operating system not only provides users and programmers with a convenient interface to computer hardware, but is also a mechanism that allocates computer resources.

The main resources of modern computing systems can include such resources as processors, main memory, timers, datasets, disks, tape drives, printers, network devices, and some others. Resources are shared between processes. A process (task) is a basic concept in most modern operating systems and is often briefly defined as a program in progress. A program is a static object that is a file with codes and data. A process is a dynamic object that appears in the operating system after the user or the operating system itself decides to "launch a program for execution," that is, to create a new unit of computational work. For example, the OS can create a process in response to the user's run prgl command. exe, where prgl. exe is the name of the file that stores the program code.

In many modern operating systems, the term "thread" or "thread" is used to denote the minimum unit of work of the operating system, and the essence of the term "process" changes. This is discussed in more detail in Chapter 4, Processes and Threads. In the rest of the chapters, we will stick to a simplified interpretation, according to which only the term "process" will be used to refer to the program being executed.

Managing the resources of a computing system in order to use them most efficiently is the purpose of the operating system. For example, a multiprogrammed operating system organizes the simultaneous execution of several processes at once on one computer, alternately switching the processor from one process to another, eliminating processor downtime caused by process I / O calls. The OS also monitors and resolves conflicts that arise when multiple processes access the same I / O device or the same data. The efficiency criterion according to which the OS organizes the management of computer resources can be different. For example, in some systems such a criterion as the throughput of a computing system is important, in others - its response time. According to the selected criterion of efficiency, operating systems organize the computing process in different ways.

Resource management includes the following general, resource-independent tasks:

Resource planning - that is, determining which process, when and in what quantity (if the resource can be allocated in parts) a given resource should be allocated;

· Satisfaction of requests for resources;

· Monitoring the status and accounting for resource use - that is, maintaining operational information about whether the resource is busy or free and what share of the resource has already been allocated;

· Resolution of conflicts between processes.

To address these common resource management problems, different operating systems use different algorithms, the features of which ultimately determine the appearance of the operating system as a whole, including performance characteristics, scope, and even the user interface. For example, the processor control algorithm employed largely determines whether the OS can be used as a time sharing system, batch processing system, or real time system.

The task of organizing the efficient sharing of resources among several processes is very complex, and this complexity is generated mainly by the random nature of the occurrence of requests for resource consumption. In a multiprogramming system, queues of applications are formed from simultaneously running programs to shared computer resources: a processor, a page of memory, to a printer, to a disk. The operating system organizes the servicing of these queues according to different algorithms: in the order of arrival, on the basis of priorities, round-robin service, etc. Analysis and determination of optimal service disciplines for claims is the subject of a special area of ​​applied mathematics - queuing theory. This theory is sometimes used to evaluate the effectiveness of certain queue management algorithms in operating systems. Very often, the operating system also implements empirical queuing algorithms that have been tested in practice.

Thus, resource management is an important part of the functions of any operating system, especially a multiprogrammed one. Unlike the functions of the extended machine, most of the resource management functions are performed automatically by the operating system and are not available to the application programmer.

Network services and network services

The collection of server and client parts of the OS that provide access to a specific type of computer resource over a network is called a network service. In the above example, the client and server parts of the OS, which together provide network access to the computer's file system, form a file service.

A network service is said to provide a set of services to network users. These services are sometimes also referred to as a network service (from the English term "service"). It should be noted that this term in the technical literature is translated as "service" and as "service" and as "service". Although these terms are sometimes used interchangeably, it should be borne in mind that in some cases the difference in the meanings of these terms is fundamental. Further in the text, by "service" we mean a network component that implements a certain set of services, and by "service" - a description of the set of services that are provided by this service. Thus, a service is an interface between a service consumer and a service provider (service).

Each service is associated with a specific type of network resource and / or a specific way of accessing these resources. For example, a print service provides network users with access to shared printers on the network and provides a print service, while a postal service provides access to an information resource on the network — emails. The method of accessing resources differs, for example, the remote access service - it provides users of a computer network with access to all its resources through dial-up telephone channels. To obtain remote access to a specific resource, such as a printer, the Remote Access service interacts with the print service. The most important for network operating system users are the file service and the print service.

Among the network services, one can distinguish those that are focused not on a simple user, but on an administrator. Such services are used to organize the operation of the network. For example, the Bindery service of the Novell NetWare 3.x operating system allows an administrator to maintain a database of network users on the computer on which the operating system is running. A more progressive approach is to create a centralized help desk, or, in other words, a directory service, which is designed to maintain a database not only about all network users, but also about all its software and hardware components. NDS from Novell and StreetTalk from Banyan are often cited as examples of directory services. Other examples of network services that provide a service to an administrator are a network monitoring service that captures and analyzes network traffic, a security service that may include, but is not limited to, a logon with password verification, a backup and archive service.

The rich set of services offered by the operating system to end users, applications and network administrators determines its position in the general range of network operating systems.

Network services are, by their very nature, client-server systems. Since when implementing any network service, a source of requests (client) and a performer of requests (server) naturally arise, then any network service contains two asymmetric parts - client and server (Fig. 2.2). A network service can be represented in the operating system by either both (client and server) parts, or only one of them.

Peer-to-peer and server-side network operating systems

Depending on how the functions are distributed among the computers on the network, they can act in three different roles:

· A computer exclusively serving the requests of other computers plays the role of a dedicated server on the network;

· A computer making requests to the resources of another machine plays the role of a client node;

· A computer that combines the functions of a client and a server is a peer node.

Obviously, a network cannot consist of only client nodes or only server nodes. A network that justifies its purpose and ensures the interaction of computers can be built according to one of the following three schemes:

Peer-to-peer network — peer-to-peer network;

· A network based on clients and servers - a network with dedicated servers;

· A network that includes nodes of all types - a hybrid network.

Each of these schemes has its own advantages and disadvantages that determine their field of application.

Peer-to-peer OS

In peer-to-peer networks, all computers are equal in the ability to access each other's resources. Each user can, at will, declare any resource on his computer shared, after which other users can use it. In peer-to-peer networks, all computers have an operating system that gives all computers on the network a potentially equal experience. Network operating systems of this type are called peer-to-peer operating systems. Obviously, peer-to-peer operating systems must include both server and client components of network services (in the figure, they are denoted by the letters C and K, respectively). Examples of peer-to-peer operating systems are LANtastic, Personal Ware, Windows for Workgroups, Windows NT Workstation, Windows 95/98.

With the potential for equality of all computers in a peer-to-peer network, functional imbalances often arise. Usually there are users on the network who do not want to share their resources. In this case, the server capabilities of their operating systems are not activated and the computers play the role of "clean" clients (in the figure, unused OS components are shown shaded).

At the same time, the administrator can assign to some computers on the network only the functions of servicing the requests of other computers, thus turning them into "clean" servers that users do not work at. In this configuration, peer-to-peer networks become similar to networks with dedicated servers, but this is only an external similarity - there is a significant internal difference between the two types of networks. Initially, in peer-to-peer networks, the OS specialization does not depend on what functional role the computer plays - a client or a server. Changing the role of a computer in a peer-to-peer network is achieved due to the fact that the functions of the server or client parts are simply not used.

Peer-to-peer networks are easier to organize and operate; according to this scheme, work is organized in small networks, in which the number of computers does not exceed 10-20. In this case, there is no need to use centralized administration tools - it is not difficult for several users to agree among themselves on the list of shared resources and passwords to access them.

However, in large networks, means of centralized administration, storage and processing of data, and especially data protection, become necessary, and such capabilities are easier to provide in networks with dedicated servers.

OS in networks with dedicated servers

In networks with dedicated servers, special versions of network operating systems are used that are optimized to work as servers and are called server operating systems. User computers on these networks run client operating systems.

Specializing an operating system to act as a server is a natural way to improve the efficiency of server operations. And the need for such an increase is often felt very acutely, especially in a large network. With hundreds or even thousands of users on a network, the demand for shared resources can be very high, and the server must be able to handle this flow of requests without much latency. The obvious solution to this> problem is to use a computer with a powerful hardware platform and an operating system optimized for server functions as a server.

The fewer functions the OS performs, the more efficiently they can be implemented; therefore, in order to optimize server operations, OS developers are forced to infringe on some of its other functions, and sometimes even to the point of completely discarding them. One notable example of this approach is the NetWare server operating system. Its developers have set themselves the goal of optimizing the execution of file and print services. To do this, they completely excluded from the system many elements that are important for a universal OS, in particular, a graphical user interface, support for universal applications, protection of multi-program applications from each other, and the virtual memory mechanism. All this made it possible to achieve a unique speed of file access and made this operating system one of the leaders in server operating systems for a long time.

However, the overly narrow specialization of some server operating systems is at the same time their weakness. Thus, the lack of a universal programming interface and application protection tools in NetWare does not allow using it as an environment for executing applications, and leads to the need to include other server operating systems in the network when it is required to perform functions other than file and print services.

Therefore, the developers of many server operating systems abandon functional limitations and include in the server OS all the components that allow them to be used as a universal server and even as a client OS. These server operating systems are equipped with an advanced graphical user interface and support a generic API. This brings them closer to peer-to-peer operating systems, but there are several differences that justify classifying them as server operating systems:

· Support for powerful hardware platforms, including multiprocessor;

· Support for a large number of simultaneously running processes and network connections;

· Inclusion in the OS of components of centralized administration of the network (for example, help desk or service for authentication and authorization of network users);

· A wider set of network services.

Requirements for modern operating systems

The main requirement for an operating system is its basic functions. effective management resources and providing a user-friendly interface for the user and application programs. A modern OS typically needs to support multiprogramming, virtual memory, swapping, multi-window graphical user interface (GUI), and many other necessary functions and services. In addition to these functional completeness requirements, operating systems have equally important operational requirements, which are listed below.

· Extensibility. While a computer's hardware becomes obsolete in a few years, the useful life of an operating system can be measured in decades. An example is the UNIX OS. Therefore, operating systems always change evolutionarily over time, and these changes are more significant than hardware changes. OS changes usually consist in the acquisition of new properties by it, for example, support for new types of external devices or new network technologies. If the OS code is written in such a way that additions and changes can be made without violating the integrity of the system, then such an OS is called extensible. Extensibility is achieved due to the modular structure of the OS, in which programs are built from a set of separate modules interacting only through a functional interface.

· Portability. Ideally, the OS code should be easily portable from one type of processor to another type of processor and from the hardware platform (which differ not only in the type of processor, but also in the way of organizing all the computer hardware) of one type to the hardware platform of another type. Portable operating systems have several implementation options for different platforms, this feature of the OS is also called multi-platform.

· Compatibility. There are several "long-lived" popular operating systems (varieties of UNIX, MS-DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows NT, OS / 2), for which a wide range of applications has been developed. Some of them are very popular. Therefore, for a user who switches from one OS to another for one reason or another, the possibility of launching a familiar application in a new operating system is very attractive. If an OS has the means to run application programs written for other operating systems, then it is said to be compatible with these OS. A distinction should be made between binary compatibility and source compatibility. Compatibility also includes support for user interfaces of other operating systems.

· Reliability and resiliency. The system must be protected from both internal and external errors, failures and failures. Its actions should always be predictable, and applications should not be able to harm the OS. The reliability and fault tolerance of an operating system is primarily determined by the architectural decisions underlying it, as well as the quality of its implementation (code debugging). In addition, it is important whether the operating system includes software support for hardware fault tolerance, such as disk arrays or uninterruptible power supplies.

· Security. A modern OS must protect data and other resources of the computing system from unauthorized access. For the OS to have the security property, it must at least have in its composition means of authentication - determining the legality of users, authorization - providing legal users with differentiated access rights to resources, auditing - fixing all events "suspicious" for the security of the system. The security property is especially important for network operating systems. In such operating systems, the task of protecting data transmitted over the network is added to the task of access control.

· Performance. The operating system should be as responsive and responsive as the hardware platform allows. The OS performance is influenced by many factors, among which the main ones are the OS architecture, the variety of functions, the quality of code programming, the ability to execute the OS on a high-performance (multiprocessor) platform.


· OS is a complex of interconnected programs designed to improve the efficiency of computer hardware by rational management of its resources, as well as to provide convenience to the user by providing him with an extended virtual machine.

· The main resources that the OS manages include processors, main memory, timers, datasets, disks, tape drives, printers, network devices, and some others. Resources are shared between processes. To solve resource management problems, different operating systems use different algorithms, the features of which ultimately determine the appearance of the operating system.

· The most important subsystems of the OS are subsystems for managing processes, memory, files and external devices, as well as subsystems for the user interface, data protection and administration.

· To an application programmer, OS capabilities are available as a set of functions that make up an application programming interface (API).

· The term "network operating system" is used in two meanings: firstly, as a set of operating systems of all computers on the network and, secondly, as the operating system of an individual computer that can operate on a network.

· The main functional components of a network operating system include tools for managing local resources and network tools. The latter, in turn, can be divided into three components: means of providing local resources and services for general use - the server part of the OS, means of requesting access to remote resources and services - the client part of the OS (redirector) and OS vehicles, which together with a communication system provide the transfer of messages between computers on the network.

· The collection of server and client parts that provide access to a specific type of computer resource over a network is called a network service. A network service provides network users with a set of services - a network service. Each service is associated with a specific type of network resource and / or a specific way of accessing these resources. The most important for network operating system users are the file service and the print service. Networking services can be either deeply embedded in the OS, bundled together as a shell, or shipped as a separate product.

· Depending on how the functions are distributed among the computers on the network, they can act in three different roles. A computer solely serving the requests of other computers acts as a dedicated server on the network. A computer making requests for resources on another machine acts as a client node. A computer that combines client and server functions is a peer.

· Peer-to-peer networks are made up of only peers. Moreover, all computers on the network have potentially equal opportunities. Peer-to-peer operating systems include both server and client components of network services. Peer-to-peer networks are easier to organize and operate; according to this scheme, work is organized in small networks, in which the number of computers does not exceed 10-20.

· In networks with dedicated servers, special versions of network operating systems are used that are optimized to work as either servers or clients. Server operating systems are characterized by support for powerful hardware platforms, including multiprocessor ones, a wide range of network services, support for a large number of simultaneously running processes and network connections, the presence of advanced protection tools and centralized network administration tools. Client operating systems, in general being simpler, should provide a convenient user interface and a set of redirectors that allow access to a variety of network resources.

· The requirements for network operating systems today include: completeness and efficiency of resource management, modularity and extensibility, portability and multi-platform, compatibility at the level of applications and user interfaces, reliability and resiliency, security and performance.

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windows internet operating

The 21st century is characterized by a pronounced phenomenon of globalization and the transition from an industrial society and an information society. Under the influence of scientific and technological progress, new information technologies (hereinafter IT) are being introduced everywhere, which provide unique opportunities for the rapid and effective development of mankind as a whole. At the moment, the ability to use industrial information technology has become a very important aspect for most people. Computers have penetrated all areas of human life. The culture of communication with a computer has become a common culture of a person. Familiarization with a personal computer (hereinafter referred to as a PC) must begin with an acquaintance with the operating system, because without it, working on a PC is unthinkable for most users. The relevance of this topic is that the operating system (hereinafter OS) Windows from Microsoft is currently considered the most common system on a PC. When you turn on the computer, the OS is loaded into memory before other programs and then serves as a platform and environment for their work. It is impossible to imagine working with a computer without an OS. Knowledge of the operating system is essential for the successful use of modern computers.

The object of the research is the consideration of operating systems.

The subject of the research is the study of the main features of Windows.

The purpose of this work is to investigate the concept of the Windows operating system.

This goal determines the following tasks:

Consideration of the basic concept of the operating system.

Consideration of the main types of operating systems and their characteristics.

Review of the history of the creation of the Windows operating system /

Exploring the features of Windows XP, its strengths, weaknesses, and networking capabilities.

1. The concept of an operating system

An operating system is a complex of interconnected system programs, the functions of which are to control the use and distribution of computing system resources and to organize the user's interaction with a computer.

The system boots when the computer is turned on. It carries out a dialogue with the user, manages the computer, its resources (RAM, disk space, etc.), launches other (application) programs for execution. The operating system provides the user and application programs with a convenient way to communicate (interface) with computer devices.

The main reason for the need for an operating system is that elementary operations for working with computer devices and managing computer resources are very low-level operations; therefore, the actions required by the user and application programs consist of several hundred or thousands of such elementary operations.

For example, a magnetic disk drive "understands" only such elementary operations as turning on / off the drive motor, installing reading heads on a specific cylinder, choosing a specific reading head, reading information from a disk track into a computer, etc. And even to perform such a simple action as copying a file from one floppy disk to another (a file is a named set of information on a disk or other machine medium), it is necessary to perform thousands of operations to run drive commands, check their execution, search and process information in tables placing files on disks, etc. The task is further complicated by the following: there are about a dozen diskette formats, and the operating system must be able to work with all of these formats. For the user, work with floppy disks of various formats should be carried out in exactly the same way.

A file on floppy disks occupies certain areas, and the user does not need to know anything about which ones. Everything the functions of maintaining file allocation tables, searching for information in them, and allocating space for files on floppy disks are performed by the operating system, and the user may not know anything about them.

During the operation of the copy program, several dozen different special situations may arise, for example, a failure in reading or writing information, unavailability of drives for reading or writing, lack of space on a floppy disk for a copied file, etc. For all of these situations, appropriate messages and corrective actions should be provided.

The operating system hides these complex and unnecessary details from the user and provides him with a convenient interface to work with. It also performs various auxiliary operations, such as copying or printing files. The operating system loads all programs into the RAM, transfers control to them at the beginning of their work, performs various actions at the request of the programs being executed, and releases the RAM occupied by the programs when they finish.

2. Types of operating systems and their a brief description of

There are several types of operating systems: DOS, Windows, UNIX, Macintosh OS, Linux. Other modern operating systems, such as Linux, UNIX, OS / 2, have their own advantages and disadvantages. Linux provides more advanced security than Windows and has a more sophisticated interface; UNIX is used wherever high system reliability is required. The big disadvantage of OS / 2 and UNIX is the rather meager selection of software tools, and here Windows outperforms other operating systems.

The most common operating system is Windows. There are several versions of Windows: Windows-3.1, Windows-95, Windows-98, Windows-2000, Windows NT. All of them are close to each other in content. Therefore, consider such operating systems as DOS and Windows-95. DOS is one of the first operating systems and one of the most famous. The peak of the popularity of this operating system falls on the 90s, now this operating system is rarely used. The most popular in the world at the moment are operating systems from Microsoft. Their share is about 90% among all operating systems. The most robust systems of this company are based on NT technology.

DOS operating system

The DOS operating system consists of the following parts:

) Basic input-output system (BIOS), located in the read-only memory (read-only memory, ROM) of the computer. This part of the operating system is built into the computer. Its purpose is to perform the most simple and universal services of the operating system related to the implementation of input / output. The basic I / O system also contains a computer function test that checks the operation of the computer's memory and devices when the computer is powered on. In addition, the underlying I / O system contains a program to invoke the operating system loader.

) The operating system loader is a very short program found in the first sector of every DOS diskette. The function of this program is to read two more operating system modules into memory, which completes the DOS boot process.

) The DOS shell processes commands entered by the user. The command processor is in the disk file! COMMAND.COM on the disk from which the operating system boots. Some user commands, such as Type, Dir, or Cop), are executed by the shell itself. Such commands are called internal commands. To execute other (external) user commands, the command processor searches the disks for a program with the corresponding name and, if it finds it, loads it into memory and transfers control to it. When the program finishes, the command processor removes the program from memory and displays a message that it is ready to execute commands (DOS prompt).

DOS external commands are programs that come with the operating system as separate files. These programs perform maintenance activities, such as formatting floppies, checking disks, etc.

Device drivers are special programs that complement the DOS I / O system and provide service to new or non-standard uses of existing devices. For example, with the help of drivers, it is possible to work with a "ramdisk" ie. a piece of computer memory that you can work with just like a disk. Drivers are loaded into the computer memory when the operating system is loaded; their names are specified in a special CONFIG.SYS file. This arrangement makes it easier to add new devices, allowing you to do this without affecting the DOS system files.


Window-95 evolved from a graphical DOS add-on to a full-fledged operating system. At least that's what its developers said. In fact, everything was more complicated: good old DOS was still used as a basis in Windows-95. Slightly modernized, of course, and not declared as a separate product. However, most consumers were satisfied with this option. After all, they still had the opportunity to work in the usual DOS mode without loading the Windows graphical shell, and, therefore, not to part with the familiar DOS programs.

Also, the Window-95 operating system became 32-bit. All previous versions of DOS and Windows were 16-bit and, therefore, could not fully exploit the capabilities of even the 386 family of processors, and even more so the new Pentium processors. Of course, there were some inconveniences in this dignity. Especially for Windows, users had to replace all their Windows programs with new 32-bit versions. In practice, however, the transition has proven to be relatively easy. Within a year, new versions of all popular software products were released. But the old 16-bit versions could work with the new OS without any problems.

3. Windows history

The history of Windows dates back to 1986, when the first version of the system appeared. It was a set of programs that extend the capabilities of existing operating systems for greater ease of use. A few years later, the second version came out, but the Windows system did not gain much popularity. However, in 1990 a new version was released - Windows 3.0, which began to be used on many personal computers. Popularity new version There are several reasons for Windows. The graphical interface allows you to work with objects on your computer not using commands, but with the help of visual and understandable actions on the icons denoting these objects. The ability to work with several programs at the same time has significantly increased the convenience and efficiency of work. In addition, the convenience and ease of writing programs for Windows has led to the emergence of an increasing variety of programs that run under Windows. Finally, work with a variety of computer equipment was better organized, which also determined the popularity of the system. Subsequent versions of Windows were aimed at improving reliability, as well as support for multimedia (version 3.1) and work in computer networks (version 3.11).

In parallel with the development of Windows, Microsoft began work in 1988 on a new operating system called Windows NT. The new system was tasked with significantly improving reliability and effectively supporting network operations. At the same time, the system interface should not differ from the Windows 3.0 interface. Interestingly, the third version is also the most widespread version of Windows NT. In 1992, Windows NT 3.0 was released, and in 1994, Windows NT 3.5.

The process of development of operating systems does not stand still, and in 1995 the Windows 95 system appeared, which became a new stage in the history of Windows. Compared to Windows 3.1, the interface has changed significantly, the speed of programs has increased. One of the new features in Windows 95 was the ability to automatically configure additional equipment computers to work without conflicts with each other. Another important feature the system became the ability to work with the Internet without the use of additional programs.

The Windows 95 interface became the main one for the entire Windows family, and in 1996 a revised version of Windows NT 4.0 appeared, which had the same interface as Windows 95. The continuation of the development of Windows 95 was the operating system, which appeared in 1998. While the interface has been preserved, the internal structure has been significantly redesigned. Much attention was paid to working with the Internet, as well as supporting modern information transfer protocols - standards that ensure the exchange of information between various devices. In addition, a feature of Windows 98 is the ability to work with multiple monitors.

The next stage in the development of Windows was the emergence of Windows 2000 and Windows Me (Millennium Edition - edition of the millennium). Windows 2000 was developed on the basis of Windows NT and inherited from it high reliability and information security from outside interference. The Windows Me operating system is the successor to Windows 98, but it has acquired many new features. First of all, this is improved work with multimedia tools, the ability to record not only audio, but also video information, powerful information recovery tools after failures, and much more. Gradually, the difference between different Windows systems fades, and the Windows XP operating system is intended to replace both Windows 2000 and Windows Me.

In 2007, after Windows XP, a new operating system appears. This time, Microsoft's operating system is Windows Vista. This system was built on top of Windows XP. Fixed shortcomings, improved design, a new three-dimensional interface Aero Glass appeared, which requires a video card with support for DirectX 9.0. Windows. Vista has become more demanding than Windows XP.

After a while, Windows Seven appears. Known to all as Windows 7. This operating system was created on the basis of Windows Vista. There were processing in the structure. Fixed flaws, expanded network capabilities. V new system, the developers have clearly paid a lot of attention to working with the Internet. Windows7 is also less vulnerable than earlier releases.

On October 2012, Microsoft launched the Windows 8 operating system. Windows 8, unlike its predecessors - Windows 7 and Windows XP - uses a new interface called Modern (formerly Metro). This interface appears first after system startup; it is similar in functionality to the desktop - the start screen has application tiles (akin to shortcuts), by clicking on which the application is launched, a site or folder opens (depending on which element or application the tile is attached to). Windows 8 is the newest operating system to date. 8 has significant flaws and receives negative reviews from non-touchscreen users due to the prevalence of Metro interface gadgets. Users criticize the redesigned interface forcing them to spend additional time learning to work with the new operating system. Although most of the innovations are described in the help system, which is invoked by pressing the F1 key while the desktop is open.

4. Windows XP

After reviewing the history of Windows development, analyzing the main points of its improvement, as well as taking into account user reviews of this product, we can come to the conclusion that Windows XP was and remains the most demanded version. Therefore, we will consider the features of this particular operating system.

Features of Microsoft Windows XP

The Microsoft Windows XP operating system is based on NT technology and is a direct successor to Windows 2000. At the same time, all the best innovations included in Windows Me can be found in Windows XP as well. While maintaining high indicators of reliability, safety and performance, the system has become easier to learn, it has a lot of tools designed for individual home users.

The system is available in several versions to suit different application needs. Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition is intended for individual users, most often working on a home computer. In this version, special emphasis is placed on working with drawings, audio and video. Microsoft Windows XP Professional is intended, as the name implies, for professionals. This version is most commonly used by organizations. If you are doing complex work on the creation and editing of images, modeling and construction, or any other complex work at home, then this version is also suitable for your home computer. The version of Microsoft Windows XP Server is designed to be installed on a server - a powerful computer that allows many users to work on a computer network. Working on local networks is beyond the scope of this book, so the server version will not be considered by us. The book describes the main version of the operating system - Windows XP Professional. The version of Windows XP Home Edition practically does not differ from it. Any minor differences will be highlighted.

It should be noted that to work effectively with the Windows XP operating system, a sufficiently powerful modern computer is required. First of all, the computer must have at least 128 megabytes of memory installed. Better to set it to 256 megabytes to make the system run faster. Any processor can be used, but not too old. If the clock speed of the processor is at least 300 megahertz, then it will do. Although it is better, of course, to use a processor with a frequency of more than one gigahertz. The hard disk should not only contain the operating system files and temporary files, but also have enough free space, for example, to create a CD image before burning it. In reality, a disk with a size of at least two to three gigabytes is required. And if you consider that you need to install other programs on the disk and leave space for various documents, then a 10 gigabyte disk cannot be called too large.

Has changed a lot in the Windows XP version appearance systems. Buttons, icons, panels now look a little different. Even the Windows main menu has changed. The interface changes are the most significant since the transition from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95. However, it is possible to use the old interface if you are used to it. It should be especially noted that the programs work in compatibility mode with previous versions of Windows. You can work with a program that is written for Windows 95, but does not work in Windows 2000. All versions of Windows XP have many innovations. Much more variety of devices are supported. The system allows you to easily and conveniently process videos, photographs, drawings, music and songs. Now, with Windows XP, anyone can build a home network based on two or three computers, sharing files, folders, printer, fax and Internet access.

With Windows XP, you do not need to install additional software to write information to CD-RW or CD-RW. You can burn a CD directly from Windows Explorer. By the way, the conductor has changed a lot. In addition to support for compressed folders, special folders for storing pictures, music and videos, a panel with commands has been added, the composition of which changes depending on the actions you perform.

A useful component of the system is the video editor. Now you can perform professional non-linear editing of your amateur films. It became much easier to work with digital cameras and scanners. You do not need any additional program to enter a photo into a computer, slightly transform it and print it on a printer. The universal audio and video player now supports more formats and allows you to change its appearance. You can create your own sound files in the popular MP3 format. The all-in-one player also supports digital video disc (DVD) playback, so you can enjoy the highest picture and sound quality when watching modern movies. For entertainment, Windows XP includes several new games, some of which allow you to play online.

System protection has also been significantly improved. Now, if you accidentally delete important system files, they will be automatically restored. It is possible to restore the system to an earlier state after installing new programs and equipment. Improved support for Plug & Play technology allows you to connect many modern household appliances to your computer.

The means for working with the Internet received further development. The help system has been significantly revised, the security system has been improved. Numerous changes have affected the administration and management tools for the work of many users in the local area network.

There are many other innovations in the system, which you will learn about as you read this book and become familiar with Windows XP. However, before starting to work with the system, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the basic concepts used in Windows XP. If you are familiar with previous versions of Windows, most of the concepts will be familiar to you.

Pros and cons of Microsoft Windows XP

The system has become more complex - but on the other hand, it crashes much less often, practically does not "freeze" and almost does not display cryptic error messages. All this is provided by the following innovations:

a) new Windows kernel. The Windows XP developers have removed the last remnants of MS-DOS-compatible code used in Windows 95/98 (and despite attempts to hide it, in Windows Me). Inside both versions of Windows XP is a robust and reliable kernel, first introduced in Windows 2000.With a fully protected memory model, an integrated security system, and a Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) that protects key system components from bad software, Windows XP has much less chance of failure in the course of day-to-day work. And if a failure does occur, you can use a set of recovery utilities that are significantly superior in their capabilities to those available in previous versions. Windows applications.

b) sustainable means of protecting the system. A typical source of problems in previous versions of Windows was the replacement of vital system files with outdated or incorrect versions. Windows XP controls these overrides by keeping the system-correct version of the file while allowing the application to use the DLL versions it needs. Additional protection is provided by recovery tools that monitor the system and, through a saved snapshot of system files and settings, allow you to roll back to a previous configuration if a new application or device driver is causing problems.

c) rolling back device drivers. Experienced Windows users know that buggy device drivers can completely destroy even a carefully tuned system. Windows XP protects against driver troubles by warning you when you try to install a driver without a digital signature that certifies that it is compatible with Windows XP. The system also allows you to uninstall the driver and restore the previous version, and even in safe mode if needed.

d) equipment compatibility. Any user clearly understands how important it is to have good operating system support for this or that equipment. Device drivers play an important role in this understanding between the OS and the hardware. They are intended for the compatibility of specific equipment with a specific OS. It is no exaggeration to note that Windows is the only operating system of its kind that is capable of "correctly" working with the vast majority of modern hardware designed to work with a computer. Have you seen today, say, a printer or scanner whose accompanying drivers are written only for Linux or Mac OS? Of course not! Due to its widespread prevalence, modern Windows today is simply obliged to support any computer equipment and peripherals. Therefore, today in the world the largest number of drivers and their versions are written specifically for Windows. Installation drivers today usually come with the hardware itself on a companion disc or floppy disk. Moreover, for a large number of hardware in the base of Windows itself today there are standard drivers installed in the operating system by its developers. So, for example, for a SIS 6326 video card or an Epson LX printer today, it is not at all necessary to look for an installation disk with drivers. Windows itself will detect the newly installed hardware and correctly install the driver for it from its database. However, a reservation should be made here: drivers in the Windows database are not present for all equipment, especially new ones. Most often, there you can find a driver for equipment that is outdated today. In general, the modern OS supports all modern types of devices designed to work with a computer: scanners, printers, information digitizing devices, modems, tuners, infrared sensors, network cards, disks, etc.

e) OS stability. In general, the stability of modern Windows can be called acceptable. However, the word "acceptable" here must be accompanied by a host of qualifications:

acceptable stability of the OS becomes only after its high-quality and competent settings;

the stability of modern Windows also depends to a large extent on the version of the product and the presence of installed add-ons. Unfortunately, without their presence, the OS often crashes;

the stability of Windows XP also depends on the applications themselves installed on the OS by the user: the more stable they are in operation and the more compatible with the Windows software shell itself, the fewer failures we will be able to observe in the operation of the main OS;

the stability of modern Windows is greatly influenced by the hardware itself, which is used in conjunction with the running OS. Often, the incompatibility or incorrect operation of one or another equipment is easily attributed by some users to the instability of Windows;

Also, device drivers are not the least influencing the stable operation of modern Windows XP. Today's problems arise for the mass of users. Much in the operation of this or that device is decided by the version of this or that driver. If we consider the drivers written for video adapters, then the fact is that today the release of the next video drivers is most often timed to coincide with the release of a video game. Many video drivers are written specifically for a specific instance of the game and for a specific instance of a video card. The purpose of this "focus" is only one - to maximize the performance of the video adapter. Such drivers usually accompany the games themselves on the same game installation discs. By and large, the release of new drivers is always the elimination of errors in old ones, plus "sharpening" for the most modern computer games to test the performance of video adapters. Therefore, the "curvature" of the drivers installed on the OS plays an important role in the normal functioning of modern Windows XP;

the use of the Internet and the number of common viruses living in the vastness of the World Wide Web also directly affects the stability of the OS. These virtual viruses can make it difficult to work on any computer. Sudden and frequent reboots, spontaneous shutdown of the computer, unauthorized access of the computer to the Internet and other cases of virtual life are a sure sign of a PC infection with viruses. In general, Windows XP is able to work for a fairly long time (more than a year) without any special problems and the need to reinstall the OS (of course, subject to all the precautions described above).

f) new interface design. For the first time since the introduction of Windows 95, the user interface was only so overhauled in Windows XP. If you choose the new Windows XP interface, you will notice some of the differences right away:

bright colours. The color scheme is installed by default in Windows XP. The new operating system takes full advantage of the graphics hardware capable of 24- and 32-bit color;

volumetric windows and buttons. When you choose the Windows XP style, windows and buttons become three-dimensional with rounded corners and anti-aliased shadows. You can also notice that all objects change their colors slightly when you hover over them with the mouse cursor - buttons, tabs and other interface elements are highlighted like links on web pages;

distinct icons. All system icons have been redesigned. New icons are brighter, the set of colors is richer, because they are designed for resolution up to 24-bit (true color);

built-in themes. For the first time, themes for the desktop appeared in the Microsoft Plus package for Windows 95. In Windows XP, support for themes is integrated into the "Display" utility, and it is also supported to change the properties of controls, window borders and menus;

compatibility issues. Many programs originally written for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me will not work correctly under Windows XP. Moreover, some devices require drivers that are incompatible with Windows XP.

Networking capabilities

Windows XP leverages the power of network performance, reliability, and efficiency.

The Windows XP operating system provides for the Fast User Switching feature.

This allows you to organize the work of several users on one computer. Each computer user can create a separate password-protected account with personal settings and private files. Several accounts can be active on one computer at once, switching between them is simple and quick.

Connecting computers to a network greatly increases their capabilities. Powerful, easy-to-use Windows XP networks save you time and money. Networked computers can share a shared Internet connection, a shared printer and other equipment, and shared files. You can even play online computer games with other participants.

In addition, network setup with MS Windows XP is easier than with any previous operating system. You don't need to be a networking expert to set up a network in your home or small office, a wizard will take all the steps to get it done. All that remains is to answer a few questions about the computers you want to connect, and the wizard will do the rest.

Once the network is up and running, Windows XP helps maintain it by automatically tracking changes and adjusting settings to maximize performance with minimal user effort.

Windows XP introduces powerful new tools designed to keep your network healthy under all circumstances. Sophisticated software protects the operating system of each computer and also creates a security barrier, or firewall, that prevents unauthorized individuals and viruses from the Internet from entering the network.

Thus, the Windows operating system is the most widespread system. Windows XP networks have many advantages, including power and ease of use. Reliability stands out among the advantages of the system. The OS software protects your computer from viruses and unauthorized use of information by others.

Creation of local networks in MS Windows

A local network is usually intended for the collection, transmission, dispersed and distributed processing of information within one laboratory, department, office or firm, often specializing in performing certain functions in accordance with the profile of the firm and its individual divisions. In many cases, the LAN serving its local information system is connected to other computer networks, internal or external, up to regional or global networks.

When you create a home or small office network, computers running Windows XP Professional or Windows XP Home Edition are connected to a local area network (LAN). At Windows installation XP detects the network adapter and creates a local network connection. By default, the LAN connection is always active. Only connections of this type are automatically created and activated. If you disconnect the LAN connection, it will no longer be automatically activated. This information is stored in the hardware profile, so the profile can accommodate the needs of mobile users who change their location.

By creating a home network or a network for a small organization, you can effectively use all the resources of your computer, using it for both work and play.

If you have multiple computers or other equipment, such as printers, scanners, or cameras, you can use the network to share files, folders, and Internet connections. For example, when a computer is connected to a network, a user of the other computer can also access the Internet at this time. With multiple computers and one or more peripheral devices (printers, scanners, or cameras), these devices can be accessed from all computers.

There are several ways to connect computers to a network. For home and small office networks, the simplest model is a peer-to-peer network.

A peer-to-peer network, also called a workgroup, allows computers to communicate with each other directly and does not require a server to manage network resources. It is most suitable when placed on a total area of ​​less than ten computers. Computers in a workgroup are treated as nodes because they are equal and share resources. Each user decides for himself what data on the local computer can be shared on the network. Sharing resources will allow users to print to a single printer, access data in shared folders, and work on a single file without transferring it to a floppy disk.

A home or small office network is like a telephone system. While on the network, each computer is provided with a network adapter, which performs a function similar to the function of a telephone receiver: like a telephone receiver used to receive and transmit a conversation, a computer's network device sends and receives information from other computers on the network.

Thus, the local area network Windows XP are used within the same firm or enterprise. The most common local area network is a peer-to-peer network, which allows computers to communicate with each other directly and does not require a server to manage network resources. The local network provides the following opportunities: use shared access to the Internet connection, to files and folders, to office equipment, as well as joint games and entertainment.

Global Internet

Computer networks that cover large geographic areas are called global. The most widespread global network is the Internet. The Internet is a global international computer network for digital communication, which unites many servers into a single logical architecture, which contain a huge amount of information on various topics. A wide area network always consists of many local area networks connected together.

If you are using Windows XP, the Network Connection Wizard is used to set up a new Internet connection. The connection wizard will create a connection to the Internet and display a list of Internet service providers on the screen, along with details of the services they offer. All that remains is to select a suitable provider from the list, then a new account is provided. XP contains the most recent version of MSN Explorer with the full Microsoft services package and the latest Internet Explorer update.

Information resources of the Internet, focused on the servers of the World Wide Web, allow users not only to view the pages, passing from link to link, but also to request the necessary information.

Internet users can use the network not only as a source of information, but also as a means of communication. XP offers the following ways to ensure security and privacy while using the Internet:

Using the security and privacy settings of Internet Explorer to maintain your privacy and improve the security of your computer and your personal information;

using security zones to increase the protection of your computer by setting different security levels for different areas of the Internet;

using a Content Advisor to avoid displaying objectionable pages on the screen using standard ratings that have been independently determined by the Platform for Internet Content Selection (PICS) committee.

Thus, the Internet is the most widespread global network. MSN Explorer is a new, versatile program that allows you to make better use of the Internet. It allows you to access various Internet resources (text, images, files) at a given address. For communication in the Windows XP operating system such programs as E-mail, Outlook Express, Windows Messenger are used. Windows XP uses powerful tools to help keep your network safe and secure.


In this work, "Features of the Windows operating system", the very concept of the Windows operating system, the history of its development and improvement, as well as the features of this information product were studied. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude: the Windows operating system is the most popular and widespread operating system in the world, and for most users it is the most suitable due to its simplicity, good interface, acceptable performance and a huge number of applications for it.


1. Gordeev A.V. Operating systems: textbook. for universities for ex. "Informatics and computer technology" / A.V. Gordeev, 2nd ed., St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009 .-- 415 p.

V.P. Leontiev Mastering Windows XP quickly and in a fun way: reference publication / V.P. Leontiev, M .: OLMA-PRESS, 2010 .-- 219 p.

Ostreykovsky V.A. Informatics: a textbook for universities / V.A. Ostreykovsky, M .: Higher school, 2011 .-- 511 p.

Sviridova M.Yu. Operating system Windows XP: textbook. manual for the beginning. prof. education / M.Yu. Sviridova, Moscow: Academy, 2009 .-- 189 p.

Stepanov A.N. Informatics: a textbook for universities / A.N. Stepanov, 4th ed., St. Petersburg: Peter, 2012 .-- 684 p.

Tanenbaum E. Modern operating systems / Andrew Tanenbaum, 2nd ed., St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009, 2010. - 1038 p.

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Types of operating systems. One user system is an operating system that does not have multi-user properties. Examples of single-user operating systems are MS DOS from Microsoft (USA) and OS / 2, created jointly by Microsoft and IBM. Multi-user system - a computing system or part of it (for example, an operating system) that allows several users to simultaneously access one computer from their terminal (local or remote).

Multitasking OS - an operating system and a computer in which one processor can process several different programs or different parts of one program at the same time. In this case, all programs are held together in RAM and each is executed for a certain period of time. The most common multitasking system is Unix. Single-tasking operating systems — The operating systems for the first microcomputers were also single-tasking; these include CP / M, MS-DOS, PC-DOS, etc. Types of operating systems.

Network operating systems Network operating system, SOS (NOS, Network Operating System) - an operating system designed to ensure the operation of a computer network. Examples of network operating systems are Windows NT, Windows 2000, Novel Netware, Unix, Linux, etc.

Today, the most famous operating systems are Windows, Mac OS and the Linux family of operating systems Windows - the most popular system in the world. 91% of the world's users use Windows operating systems. Mac OS - The second most popular operating system in the world. The total share of users in the world is about 5.4%. Linux family - This OS has gained the greatest popularity in the market of smartphones with Android OS (64%) and among Internet servers.

A family of proprietary operating systems. Microsoft Corporation focused on the use of a graphical interface in management. Windows was originally just a graphical add-on for MS-DOS. The first Windows 1.0 was released in 1985 by Microsoft Corporation. The corporation was originally called MICROcomputers SOFTware and was founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen.

As of May 2013, about 91% of personal computers are running Windows operating systems, according to Netmarketshare (Net Applications). Windows operating systems run on x86, x86-64, IA-64, ARM platforms. Recently, Microsoft has been actively releasing Windows-based mobile devices, but so far they have been unable to surpass Android and Apple in popularity.

Mac OS (Macintosh Operating System) is a family of proprietary graphical operating systems. Apple wanted the Macintosh to be presented as a computer "to everyone else." The term "Mac OS" itself didn't really exist until it was officially used in the mid-1990s. Apple was also the first to invent and use a computer mouse. Which has become a very popular device.

In 1984, Apple Computers introduced the Macintosh computer running Mac OS 1. Users controlled their computer not only with commands and instructions entered from the keyboard, but also with a new device called a mouse at that time.

Earlier versions of Mac OS were only compatible with Macintosh based on Motorola 68k processors, later versions were compatible with PowerPC architecture (PPC). Recently, Mac OS X has become compatible with the x86 architecture. But it is Apple's policy that it only allows Mac OS to be installed on their computers.

Common name for Unix-like operating systems based on the kernel of the same name. The Linux kernel and the components commonly used with it are created and distributed according to the free and open source software development model. Therefore, the generic name does not imply any single "official" package for Linux; they are usually distributed (often free of charge) in the form of various ready-made distributions that have their own set of application programs and are already configured for the specific needs of the user.


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