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(spicer bridge)

The axle housing is assembled from a cast crankcase of the primary gear, as well as casings (stockings) of the axle shafts and a stamped cover pressed into it. It should be noted that the absence of a standard connector in the plane of the bridge gives the bridge structure higher rigidity, the unloaded connection of the cover with the crankcase, in principle, reduces leaks at their junction, and the placement of the primary main gear and the axle differential in a single crankcase ensures the highest accuracy of engagement of mechanisms and assemblies and more suitable conditions for the operation of bearings. Thanks to all these design features, the actual life of the bridges has increased significantly. Indeed, in addition, now, in order to access the primary pair and differential, it is absolutely not inevitable to dismantle the bridge from the car and "half" it - it is very easy to remove the cover. Maintenance of the Spicer bridge is reduced to maintaining a normal oil level in the crankcase and changing it, monitoring the condition of the axle seals and fasteners, and eliminating the resulting gaps in the differential and pinion bearings. The details of the maintenance and repair operations for Spicer bridges are described in the "Guide to maintenance and car repairs UAZ-Patriot "IR-05808600.050-2005. Third edition. 2007 To reduce warpage of the driven gear during its heat treatment and, as a result, reduce noise, increase the reliability and durability of the main gear, the thickness of the "substrate" of the driven gear was increased by 8 mm. Unfortunately, this measure resulted in a change to the left differential cup. However, the new differential can be used on the old split crankcase single-stage axles, provided that an expansion ring is installed on the spike of the cup. Spicer bridges are unified with old single-stage bridges in a number of other details. These are differential bearings, rear axle axle shafts and almost all parts of the hub assemblies. The front bearing with a double seal (469-2307086-03) and a new double-lip collar of the drive pinion flange are unified with similar parts of the U-shaped ("military") axles manufactured by JSC "UAZ". As for the front driving and steering axles, here, in addition to the above points, it should be noted the new constant velocity joints (CV joints) of the Birfield type, which are much more durable than the old design joints (Weiss). CV joints of this type are familiar to our drivers from front-wheel drive models, both domestic and foreign production... At present, all Spicer and Timken bridges are equipped with such hinges. It will be useful to remind their owners that to lubricate the Birfield hinges, a special lubricant SHRUS-4 (SHRUS-4) is used, which should not be put into the entire inner cavity of the steering knuckle, as before, but only into the hinge itself. The use of greases of a different type, including the traditional "Litol-24", is unacceptable. During operation, adding grease to the joint is not required. The inner cavity of the steering knuckle is filled with Litol-24 grease. The Spicer-type bridges currently produced by the plant have a gear ratio of 4.111 (37: 9) or 4.625 (37: 8). Bridges with gear ratio 4,111 are installed mainly on cars with gasoline engines, and with a gear ratio of 4.625 - for cars with diesel engines... Work on improving the design is carried out at the plant constantly, and we will try to inform you about all new products coming out in the range of UAZ driving axles. In the early 90s, for the new UAZ-3160 vehicle at the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant, Spicer-type drive axles with a one-piece crankcase were developed. Currently, Spicer bridges are being installed on UAZ-Hanter, UAZ-Patriot, UAZ-23602, UAZ-23632 vehicles ...


Fig. 1 Final drive:
1 - bolt; 2, 33 - spring washers; 3 - driven gear; 4, 24 - semi-axes; 5 - an adjusting ring; 6, 22 - bearings; 7 - spacer sleeve; 8 - outer cage of the outer roller bearing; 9 - roller bearing; 10 - thrust ring; 11 - oil seal; 12 - reflector; 13- flange; 14 - washer; 15 - nut; 16 - bridge housing; 17 - an adjusting ring of the driving gear; 18 - outer cage of the inner roller bearing; 19 - inner roller bearing; 20 - oil deflector ring; 21 - shaft with a driving gear; 23 - differential bearing adjusting nut; 25, 39 - right and left parts of the differential housing; 26 - bolt; 27, 40 - support washers of the semi-axle gears; 28, 43 - semi-axle gears; 29, 45 - axles of differential satellites; 30, 41, 44, 46 - differential satellites; 31, 38 - differential bearing caps; 32 - retainer for differential bearing adjusting nut; 34, 36, 37 - bolts; 35 - cover of the main gear housing; 42 - gasket for the cover of the final drive housing

Possible malfunctions

Cause of malfunction Remedy
constant increased noise during operation front axle
1. Worn or incorrectly adjusted differential bearings.
2. Incorrect adjustment. damage or wear of gears or gearbox bearings.
3. Insufficient amount of oil in the axle housing. 1.1. Replace worn parts, adjust differential bearing.
2.2. Determine if the gearbox is faulty, repair or replace it
3.3. Restore the oil level, check if there is no oil leakage through the seals of the front axle housing
Noise during vehicle acceleration and engine braking
1. Incorrect adjustment of the meshing of the gears of the main transfer.
2. Incorrect lateral clearance in the meshing of the final drive gears.
3.Increased clearance in the pinion bearings due to a loose flange nut or bearing wear. 1.1. Adjust the engagement.
2.2 Adjust the clearance.
3.3. Adjust clearance, replace bearings if necessary.
Knock at the start of the vehicle
Worn hole for the pinion axle in the differential box Replace the differential box and, if necessary, the pinion pin
Replacing the oil seal of the drive gear shaft of the front axle reducer

Replace the oil seal if oil leaks from under the gearbox flange.

Oil leakage can also be caused by an excess of oil in the crankcase or a clogged breather.
You will need: socket head "27", wrench, flat-blade screwdriver, torque wrench.
1. Brake the car parking brake, place the stops under rear wheels car. Raise and support the front of the vehicle.

2. Keeping the bolts from turning, unscrew the four nuts securing the propeller shaft to the flange of the front axle gearbox, remove the bolts and move the shaft aside (see "Removal and Installation cardan transmission»).
3. Unscrew the nut securing the front axle drive shaft flange and remove the flange with the reflector.
4. Using a screwdriver, remove the oil seal from the axle housing.
5. Mandrel suitable size Press the new oil seal into place.

6. Install the parts in the reverse order of removal.
7. Tighten the front axle drive gear shaft flange nut by turning the shaft by the flange so that the bearings sit in place (see "Adjusting the front axle final drive bearings").

Removal and installation of the wheel cut-off clutch

The wheel clutch is removed to replace it or gain access to other units.
You will need: wrench "14", flat-blade screwdriver, external circlip remover.

1. Remove the three fastening screws ... 2. ... and remove the clutch cover. 3. Remove the six bolts securing the wheel cut-off clutch and remove it. 4. Remove the three screws securing the coupling cover to the flange ... 5. ... and remove the cover. 6. With the Outer circlip remover, use a screwdriver to pry the circlip apart? 7. “remove the circlip and the washer installed under it” 8.… .and remove the splined sleeve from the flange.

9. Install the parts in the reverse order of removal.

Removal and installation of a semiaxis

The half-shafts of the front wheels are removed for replacement in case of damage, failure of the constant velocity joints (SHRUS) or to gain access to other units.
1. Brake the car with the parking brake, set the stops under the rear wheels of the car. Raise and place the front of the car on supports, remove the wheel. 2. Remove the brake disc (see "Replacing the brake disc"). 3. Remove the wheel speed sensor (see "Replacing the sensors anti-lock braking system brakes "). 4. Unscrew the bolts securing the trunnion to the steering knuckle and remove the trunnion assembly with the hub and the wheel shut-off clutch (see "Removing and installing the steering knuckle"). 5. Remove the axle shaft assembly with the CV joint from the axle housing.

6. Before installing the semiaxis, put clean SHRUS-4 grease into the constant velocity joints.
7. Install the parts in the reverse order of removal.

Replacing the oil seal of the semiaxis of the front axle

Replace the oil seal if you find oil leakage from the steering knuckle. You will need a flat-blade screwdriver.

Oil leakage can also be caused by excess oil in the crankcase or a clogged breather.
1. Brake the car with the parking brake, set the stops under the rear wheels of the car. Raise and place the front of the car on supports, remove the wheel.

2. Remove the steering knuckle (see "Removing and installing the steering knuckle") and fix it in a vise. 3. Using a screwdriver, remove the oil seal from the ball joint of the steering knuckle.

4. Install a new oil seal, carefully pressing it into the ball joint using a mandrel of a suitable diameter, and lubricate the working edge of the oil seal with Litol-24 grease.

An old oil seal can be used as a mandrel.
5. Install the parts in the reverse order of removal.

Removal and installation of the main transfer of the front axle

The main gear is removed for repair or replacement. You will need: keys "for 10", socket head "for 19", "for 27".

1. Brake the car with the parking brake, set the stops under the rear wheels of the car. Raise and place the front of the car on supports, remove the wheels.

2. Unscrew the plug and drain the oil from the front axle (see "Changing the oil in the front axle"). 3. Remove both axle shafts (see "Removing and installing a semiaxis"). 4. Disconnect the left end of the tie rod from the bipod of the steering mechanism (see "Adjustment and replacement of the ends of the tie rods") and take the tie to the side. 5. Keeping the bolts from turning, unscrew the four nuts securing the propeller shaft to the flange of the front axle gearbox and take it aside (see "Removing and installing the propeller shaft"). 6. Remove the ten bolts securing the cover of the final drive housing ... 7. ... and remove the cover. 8. Clean the old gasket from the mating surface.

9. Unscrew the nut securing the front axle drive shaft flange.
10. Remove the reflector flange.

11. Unscrew two bolts of the differential bearing caps, remove the covers and remove the differential assembly with the driven gear, and then the shaft with the drive gear assembly with the rear bearing.
12. Remove the flange oil seal (see "Replacing the shaft seal of the drive gear of the front axle reducer").
13. Remove the front pinion shaft bearing from the front axle housing.
14. Press out the outer races of the front and rear bearings of the drive gear shaft from the crankcase.
15. Install the parts in the reverse order of removal.
16. Adjust the final drive (see "Adjusting the bearings of the main drive of the front axle").
17. Fill the front axle crankcase with oil (see "Checking the level and adding oil to the front axle crankcase").

Disassembly and assembly of the front axle differential

You will need: keys "for 14", "for 17".
1. Remove the differential assembly with the driven gear (see "Removal and installation of the main transfer of the front axle").
2. Press the bearings off the axle of the differential box.
3. Remove the ten bolts securing the driven gear to the differential and remove the driven gear.
4. Remove the eight differential carrier cup bolts and separate the cup.
5. Remove the differential gears and pinions with axles.
6. Assemble the differential in the reverse order of removal.

Before assembling the differential, lubricate transmission oil semi-axle gears, satellites, thrust washers and satellite axles.
7. Tighten the bolts securing the driven gear of the differential box evenly, screwing each bolt one turn, alternately going from bolt to bolt in diameter.

Adjusting the bearings of the main drive of the front axle

Adjust the final drive bearings in the following order.

1. Select the adjusting ring 5 (see Fig. 6.4). Its thickness d1 (Fig. 6.5) is determined (with an accuracy of + -0.025 mm) based on the actual dimensions B and D (see Fig. 6.5 and 6.6) by the formula d1 = B - (111.960 + D) (mm).

Rice. 6.6. Differential bearing adjustment parameters

Rice. 6.7. Measuring the mounting height of the main drive pinion bearing:

1 - mandrel; 2 - outer bearing race; 3 - bearing

Install the ring in the crankcase 16 (see Fig. 6.4) of the main gear.
2. Install the pinion shaft into the front axle housing.

Check the torque of the pinion shaft. It should be 1.0-2.0 N / cm (0.1-0.2 kgf / cm).
3. When installing the differential assembly with the driven gear, measure dimension E (Fig. 6.7), applying an axial force P equal to 4000-5000 N (400-500 kgf), and turning the gear several times so that the bearing rollers take the correct position. Measure the distance B in the crankcase (see Fig. 6.5) from the pinion axle to the thrust end of the differential bearing. According to the actual dimensions B, E and the mounting dimension of the driven gear, equal to 50 mm, select (with an accuracy of + -0.025 mm) the adjusting ring according to the formula
d2 = B - (E + 50 + X) (mm), where d2 is the thickness of the adjusting ring;
X is the maximum deviation from the mounting dimension, equal to 50 mm, with the corresponding sign (plus or minus), this dimension is applied electrograph to the end face of the driven gear.
4. Install the differential assembly with the outer rings of its bearings and the adjusting ring into the front axle housing and secure it.
5. Adjust bearings 6 and 22 (see Fig. 6.4) of the front axle differential by tightening nut 23, periodically rotating the differential so that the bearing rollers take the correct position. After tightening the nut, the total turning torque of the differential drive gear (Mw. W.) Should be within Mw. NS. + (0.21-0.42) (Nm). Carry out the check by turning by the pinion gear.

Fig. (6.8.) Measurement of the installation dimension of the differential with bearing:

1, 5 - mandrel; 2 - differential assembly with a driven gear; 3 - bearing; 4 - outer bearing race

Check and adjust the lateral clearance in the meshing of the gear wheels of the installed new final drive set after adjusting the position of the gears.
The lateral clearance is checked with an indicator, the post of which is attached to the bridge casing in the direction n
perpendicular to the tooth surface of the driven gear when attaching the indicator stand to the housing. Check the clearance on three to four teeth, evenly spaced around the circumference. The spread of clearance values ​​should not exceed 0.05 mm. Normal side clearance should be between 0.15 and 0.25 mm. If the side clearance is less than the specified value, then the selected adjusting ring should be replaced with a ring of a smaller thickness. It is not necessary to preload the differential bearings when checking and adjusting the lateral clearance.
6. Tighten the adjusting nut 23 until it comes into contact with the bearings and disappears in them.
7. Check the meshing of the main gears by the contact patch, for which paint the teeth of the driven gear with paint (2 teeth in three or four places evenly around the circumference). 8. While braking the drive gear shaft by the flange, rotate the driven gear in both directions until contact spots appear on the gear teeth, as shown in fig. 6.8.

With the correct adjustment of the gear engagement, the contact patch should be located in the places of the teeth shown in Fig. 6.8 (item 1).
In case of contact at the top of the tooth (key 2), move the drive gear to the driven gear, increasing the thickness of the adjusting ring, and to maintain the value of the lateral clearance, move the driven gear away from the driving gear.
In case of contact at the base of the tooth (key 3), move the drive gear away from the driven gear, reducing the thickness of the adjusting ring, and to maintain the value of the side clearance, move the driven gear to the drive gear.

Rice. (6.9.) The location of the contact patch on the teeth of the final drive gears:
A - forward side; B - side reverse; 1 - correct location; 2 - the contact patch is located at the apex of the tooth; 3 - the contact patch is located at the base of the tooth; 4 - the contact patch is located at the narrow end of the tooth; 5 - the contact patch is located at the wide end of the tooth
In case of contact at the narrow end of the tooth (key 4), move the driven gear away from the driving gear, reducing the thickness of the adjusting ring, while moving the driving gear to the driven gear to maintain the value of the lateral clearance.
In case of contact at the wide end of the tooth (key 5), move the driven gear to the drive gear, increasing the thickness of the adjusting ring, and to maintain the value of the side clearance, move the drive gear away from the driven gear.
9. Install the retaining plate onto the differential bearing cover.
10. After assembling the final drive, check its heating after making a test drive on the car. If the front axle housing in the area of ​​the drive pinion bearings and differential bearings heats up over 90 ° C, then re-adjust the preload


Single-stage drive axles are installed on the Hunter car (Fig. 1). The main gear and differential of the rear and front axles are similar in design. The rear axle of the UAZ Hunter is a rigid hollow beam, at the ends of which the hubs of the driving wheels are installed on the bearings, and the main gear (hypoid) and the differential are located inside. From the main gear, the torque is transmitted through the axle shafts to the hub.

Maintenance of the rear axle consists in maintaining the required oil level in the crankcase and changing it in time, checking the seals. timely detection and elimination of axial clearances in the gears of the main drive, periodic cleaning of the safety valve, tightening of all fasteners and cleaning the magnetic plug from metal particles when changing the oil.

The axial clearance in the bearings of the main drive pinion is not allowed, because if it is present, there is a rapid wear of the gear teeth and the bridge may jam. Check the presence of axial clearance by swinging the drive gear by the propeller shaft mounting flange.

Axial play in the bearings of the differential of the final drive is also not allowed. Check it by swinging the driven gear (see Figure 1) 2 with the cover removed 21
Eliminate the axial clearance of the driven gear of the main drive by tightening the nut 17 of the differential bearing, after removing the lock plate 19.

1 - Carter; 2 - driven gear of the main transfer; 3 - gear wheel leading the main transfer; 4 - rear bearing; 5 - front bearing; 6 - ring; 7 - flange; 8 - nut; 9 - washer; 10 - cuff; 11 - spacer sleeve; 12 - adjusting ring; 13 - oil distilling ring; 14 - filler plug; 15 - differential bearings; 16 - right semiaxis; 17 - differential bearing nut; 18 - bolt; 19 - locking plate; 20 - persistent washer; 21 - crankcase cover; 22 - differential; 23 - bolt; 24 - gasket; 25 - left semiaxis; 26 - safety valve; 27 - adjusting ring; 28 - bolt; 29 - differential bearing cover

1 - drive gear flange; 2 - back cardan shaft; 3 - brake force regulator; 4 - stepladder; 5- stepladders; 6 - rear shock absorber; 7 - stand of the drive lever, brake force regulator; 8 - rear axle housing; 9 - drain plug; 10 - filler plug.

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The Ulyanovsk-made UAZ Patriot car is equipped with four-wheel drive driven by the front and rear axles. The rear axle belongs to the main drive, and the front axle is switched on when it is necessary to overcome all kinds of obstacles. Let's pay attention to the front axle of the UAZ 3160 Patriot SUV: its features, how the repair and replacement of the component parts of the device is carried out.

The front axle of the UAZ 3160 Patriot is a device that transfers torque from the transfer case through the main gear and differential to the wheels.

It looks like a hollow beam, in which two axle shafts are located. The axle shaft is an intermediate link that performs the function of receiving torque from the driven gear and transmitting it to the hub. The hollow beam is called crankcase. The transmission of torque is carried out by elements such as. You can learn more about them from the material on this portal.

As mentioned above, the front axle is only activated when necessary. To put it into action, it is necessary to turn on those located on the axles of the front wheels. These couplings are also called hubs, and they are installed independently after purchasing a new car. Below is a diagram of the front axle of an off-road vehicle UAZ 3160, which shows the main structural elements: gears, differential, etc.

As you can see, the structure of the front axle is rather complicated, so it is very important to pay attention to its timely repair. Actually, we will pay attention to this issue and consider how the repair of the unit from the UAZ 3160 is carried out with our own hands and in what sequence it is carried out.


Consider the main types of front axle repairs on a car, so first, let's find out what is needed to replace the oil seal. The gland is designed to seal the rotating joints of the bridge parts. After failure, the oil seal cannot be repaired, but only replaced. It is not difficult to find out that the oil seal requires replacement, when you find an oil leak from the bridge, then you can start repair work. To replace the oil seal (shank) of the drive gear, follow these steps:

  1. The car is installed on the inspection pit, fixed in a stationary state. After that, the front of the car rises until the wheels come off. Oil must be drained from the bridge by unscrewing the drain plug.
  2. Initially, the propeller shaft is disconnected from the flange. The flange and propeller shaft are mated using four tie bolts, which must be removed. After unscrewing, the shaft must be swiveled to the side.
  3. The flange is dismantled together with the reflector, after which you can see where the liner oil seal is located.
  4. The shank oil seal is removed with a screwdriver, and we use tubes of the same diameter to press in a new product.

At this stage, the drive gear shank oil seal is replaced and, now it is necessary to install all the removed parts in their original places.

If the front axle differential requires repair, the process is performed as follows:

  1. Initially, the differential is removed from the car, after which its direct repair is carried out.
  2. The journal bearings are pressed out.
  3. The driven gear is dismantled.
  4. The differential cup is disengaged.
  5. Gears and satellites are removed;
  6. After the required parts have been replaced, the differential is assembled in the reverse order to removal, and, if necessary, is performed

The differential is a device that serves to redistribute the torque to all wheels, depending on the trajectory of the unit. Thus, the differential is an integral unit of the device, without which its operation would be impossible.

Removing the front axle

The front axle, although not the main drive, but without it, the UAZ patriot SUV will be an inferior rogue. Therefore, it is very important to timely diagnose and repair it. After all, even if the device is not used, it still requires attention. If the product needs to be repaired or replaced, it must be removed from the vehicle. Features of removing the device consist of the following actions:

  1. The front wheels are being removed.
  2. The bipod thrust is disconnected.
  3. The wheel couplings and brake calipers are removed.
  4. The inner washer and retaining ring are detached.
  5. Disassembly of fists, shields brake system and hubs.
  6. The steering linkage and the ball link are unscrewed.
  7. The gaskets are dismantled, and the crankcase of the device is removed.

When the crankcase of the product is removed, we proceed to disassemble the product and carry out its repair. If the crankcase is damaged, then it is replaced. The crankcase is an important detail in which the process of the operation of the unit is determined.

It is important to know that if the crankcase has been damaged even to a slight extent, then the place of impact should be given special attention. Indeed, even a microcrack can become a serious reason for the failure of the front axle of the UAZ 3160 Patriot.

Summing up, we note that the unit (bridge) of the UAZ 3160 SUV considered in the article is one of the main parts of the entire car. Indeed, if the front-wheel drive fails, there is no point in operating such a rogue as the Patriot. Therefore, the only correct solution is to control the components and parts of the off-road vehicle in order to exclude their incapacitation.

You can check your MBM and reduce it if needed!

A car with all-wheel drive UAZ Patriot has two drive axles, and the front axle is not connected through a clutch or electronic systems... The design provides for the selection of torque through transfer case and further to the main gear of the bridge. Various photos and diagrams of both the front and rear axles can be viewed not only in catalogs, but also on sites on the Internet.

Design features, device

Car on a lift

There are no big differences in the device of the driving axles. The front axle of the UAZ Patriot has a single-stage design. This is reflected in the transmission of torque through the final drive and differential.

In the front hollow beam, there are two axle shafts, which perceive rotation from the driven gear of the main drive and transmit it to the hub. The half-shafts transmit rotation through the CV joints.

When using the front axle, you can engage the wheels by turning on special couplings, also called hubs.

Possible malfunctions and their manifestation

Despite the simplicity, due to high load or violation of operating rules, malfunctions may occur that are easy to diagnose.

The front axle is characterized by the following malfunctions:

  1. Increased noise during bridge operation. This device malfunction can be caused by:
    • violation of adjustment and development of differential bearings;
    • incorrect adjustment of bearings, production of gears in the design of the main gear reducer;
    • low oil level in the axle housing.
  2. The increased noise level during car acceleration and braking is due to:
    • violation of the meshing or clearance of the main gears;
    • increase in bearing clearances in the absence of adjustment or as a result of wear.
  3. The knocking noise when the machine starts to move is caused by wear on the pinion axle in the differential mechanism.
  4. Lowering the oil level:
    • loss of elasticity by the front axle oil seal;
    • wear of the oil seals of the internal hinge;
    • poor fastening of the bridge cover.
  5. Noise while driving when cornering will be due to wear on one or more constant velocity joints.

It should be noted that malfunctions are similar to those that can occur in the rear axle parts. Taking into account the simple structure of the bridge, difficulties with repair, as a rule, do not arise.

The sequence of actions for different types of repair

Bearing adjustment

In order for the UAZ Patriot bridge to work reliably for a long time, after completing the necessary repair steps, it is necessary to correctly adjust the bearing clearances. Operations are performed in a specific order.

  1. An adjusting ring is selected for the bearing of the main drive shaft. The thickness of the ring is determined by the difference in length from the imaginary line of the center of the axle shafts to the outer edge of the bearing with the thickness of the bearing itself.
  2. After installing the adjusting ring and the drive gear, check the torque while rotating the shaft. It should not exceed 1.0-2.0 Nm.
  3. A similar algorithm is used to select an adjusting ring for the driven gear.
  4. When installing the differential, the bearing clearances of the axle shafts are set with adjusting nuts.
  5. After mounting the mechanism, the output torque should be no more than 0.42 Nm when rotating behind the drive gear.
  6. A necessary operation to control the correctness of the adjustments made is to check the absence of backlash, as well as the engagement of the gears of the mechanism along the contact patch. To do this, rotate the driven gear, controlling the contact point of the teeth.

Bridge tuning

The engagement should not be superficial or excessively deep, for which purpose adjusting rings of the required thickness are installed under the bearings.

SUVs UAZ Patriot, Hunter from the factory are equipped with two drive axles: front and rear. Thanks to the presence of two bridges on the UAZ Patriot SUV, its cross-country ability is unmatched. The front axle, in contrast to the rear, is steerable. This indicates that the front axle is engaged only when necessary. The bridge that is installed on the UAZ is called Spicer. It was developed back in the distant 90 years, and every year it was improved and supplemented. Today, there is such news that Spicer will soon replace the old designs of units that are installed on "loaves" and "goats".

Today we will pay attention to the Spicer front axle of the UAZ Patriot SUV. What is it, the features, the pros and the way of adjusting the product.

Spicer bridge carter consists of cast material, into which the axle shafts are pressed. The axle housing is closed with a crankcase cover. The transverse plane of the device has no connector, which increases the reliability and stiffens the structure. Also, the differential and the main gear of the Spicer axle are located in the same crankcase, which ensures high accuracy of engagement and operation of the device. All these features lead to an increase in the performance of products.

Now, in order to service the device, it is enough to remove the crankcase cover and carry out the necessary repair or replacement of products. Periodic monitoring of the oil level in the system, timely replacement of seals and bearings, as well as elimination of backlash in the gears and differential - all this is the main criterion for servicing the unit.

The Spicer bridge is equipped with new types of joints (CV joints), which feature is durability. These hinges require periodic lubrication of the structure, for which the SHRUS-4 material is used. It is unacceptable to use Litol-24 for the lubrication of hinges.

No less important point is also the value of the gear ratio of the Spicer bridge. Devices with two values ​​of the gear ratios of the front axles on the UAZ Patriot are produced: 4.11 and 4.62. Bridges with a value of 4.11 are installed on the UAZ Patriot SUV with gasoline engine, and 4.62 for diesel units.

Construction and layout

The photo below shows a diagram of the Spicer front axle device with digital designations. Consider the main mechanisms that make up the Spicer front axle.

  • 3 - driven gear, which has a greater number of oblique teeth than the leading one;
  • 9 - roller bearing, which requires replacement when worn;
  • 13 - flange;
  • 16 - bridge housing;
  • 21 - driving gear and shaft;
  • 23 - nut, with the help of which the differential bearings are adjusted.

In the diagram, it can be seen that the Spicer bridge has many small parts, without which the operation of the front unit is impossible. We will not consider all of them, but at the time of repairing the device, be sure to control the location of each part. Otherwise, the product will need to be re-disassembled and repaired.


The UAZ Patriot SUV is equipped with a wide-type front device. The advantages of this design are the following points:

  1. Increased track gauge, which has a positive effect on stability vehicle both on the road and off-road. The track has been increased to 160 cm.
  2. This had a positive effect on the possibility of increasing the steering angle of the front wheels up to 32 degrees. In this case, the SUV received better maneuverability on and off the road.
  3. Strength class increased steering knuckles, due to which the frequency of lubrication and renovation works.
  4. Thanks to the new suspension, the UAZ Patriot received better handling and stability.

Reinforced gear cover

Thus, these advantages indicate that the SUV has high off-road stability, as well as cross-country ability, which is important for such a unit.


Adjustment is the process by which the device must be adjusted to function correctly to prevent further defects from occurring. Adjustment of the front Spicer axle is carried out mainly after repair work. In rare situations, axle adjustment is carried out in the event of wear on bearings or collars. Consider how the bearings of the Spicer front axle are adjusted on the UAZ Patriot SUV.

So, the adjustment is carried out in the following order:

If adjustment of the Spicer bridge is required without replacing bearings, then the process includes the following steps:

  1. The axle shafts are unscrewed, and the crankcase cover is removed. Before that, do not forget to drain the oil from the bridge.
  2. In the differential of the bearings, a clearance should be set equal to the value of 0.15 mm. This is done using the same adjusting nuts.
  3. The side clearance should be 0.2 mm. To do this, the gear turns and the measurement is carried out at 6 points.
  4. To increase the gap, unscrew the nut, and to reduce it, screw it in.
  5. The bearing is compressed in the direction of the axle, with the help of which the preload is adjusted.
  6. The Spicer front axle can then be reassembled and filled with oil. This completes the bridge adjustment.

As you can see, the Spicer front axle differs in its parameters from its predecessors, therefore, the placement of such products on an SUV entailed an improvement not only in cross-country ability, but also in the durability of the units.

The cost of the Spicer front axle is quite impressive, so it is very important not to bring it to the point of malfunctioning and to fix them in time. Indeed, even if the front axle is not the main device, then its failure will simply lead to the fact that the UAZ Patriot will not be able to move off-road. Why, then, do you need an all-wheel drive jeep? Therefore, summing up, it should be noted that diagnostics and preventive measures are required not only for the motor and chassis, but also for the direct drive of both the front and rear wheels. Because front-wheel drive wheels are used in rare cases, it is important to know that you can check the serviceability of the bridge by periodically switching it on and moving off-road. This way, you can be sure that the jeep will never let you down.

You can check your MBM and reduce it if needed!

For UAZ Patriot and UAZ Hunter cars, as well as all models based on them, front and rear single-stage drive axles of the Spicer type with a one-piece crankcase, named after the American engineer Clarence Spicer, are installed

Exterior view of the front axle "Spicer"

Spicer bridges began to be installed on UAZ-3160 and UAZ-3162 Simbir vehicles, instead of Timken bridges. But on these cars, as well as on the first models of UAZ Hunter, "narrow" bridges with a width of 1445 mm were installed.

UAZ Patriot began to install "wide" bridges with a track gauge of 1600 mm.

Design features

The crankcase of the axle consists of a one-piece cast crankcase of the final drive, casings (stockings) of the axle shafts pressed into it and a stamped crankcase cover.

The absence of a split in the transverse plane of the axle gives the structure high rigidity, the unloaded connection of the cover and the crankcase reduces the likelihood of leakage along the joint, and the placement of the main gear and differential in a single crankcase ensures high precision of engagement and more favorable conditions for the operation of bearings.

Thanks to all these design features, the actual life of the bridges has increased significantly. Also, now to access the main couple and the differential does not need to be removed and "halved" - just remove the cover.

To reduce warpage of the driven gear during its heat treatment and, as a result, reduce noise, increase the reliability and durability of the final drive, the thickness of the "backing" of the driven gear was increased by 8 mm. However, this measure led to a change in the left differential cup. But, the new differential can be used on the previous single-stage axles with a split crankcase, provided that an expansion ring is installed on the spike of the cup.

Spicer bridges are unified with old single-stage bridges in a number of other details. These are differential bearings, rear axle axle shafts and almost all parts of the hub assemblies. The front bearing with a double seal (469-2307086-03) and a new double-lip collar of the drive pinion flange are unified with similar parts of U-shaped ("military") axles manufactured by JSC UAZ.

As for the front driving and steering axles, here, in addition to the above points, it should be noted new joints of equal angular velocities ( CV joint) like " Beerfield", Which are much more durable than the hinges of the old design (" Weiss"). At present, all Spicer and Timken bridges are equipped with such hinges. It will not be superfluous to recall that to lubricate the Birfield hinges, a special SHRUS-4 grease is used, which should not be put into the entire inner cavity of the steering knuckle, as before, but only into the hinge itself. The use of greases of a different type, including the traditional "Litol-24", is unacceptable. During operation, adding grease to the joint is not required. The inner cavity of the steering knuckle is still filled with Litol-24 grease.

Main gear:
1 - bolt; 2, 33 - spring washers; 3 - driven gear; 4, 24 - semi-axes; 5 - an adjusting ring; 6, 22 - bearings; 7 - spacer sleeve; 8 - outer cage of the outer roller bearing; 9 - roller bearing; 10 - thrust ring; 11 - oil seal; 12 - reflector; 13- flange; 14 - washer; 15 - nut; 16 - bridge housing; 17 - an adjusting ring of the driving gear; 18 - outer cage of the inner roller bearing; 19 - inner roller bearing; 20 - oil deflector ring; 21 - shaft with a driving gear; 23 - differential bearing adjusting nut; 25, 39 - right and left parts of the differential housing; 26 - bolt; 27, 40 - support washers of the semi-axle gears; 28, 43 - semi-axle gears; 29, 45 - axles of differential satellites; 30, 41, 44, 46 - differential satellites; 31, 38 - differential bearing caps; 32 - retainer for differential bearing adjusting nut; 34, 36, 37 - bolts; 35 - cover of the main gear housing; 42 - gasket for the cover of the final drive housing

The "Spicer" bridges produced by the plant have a gear ratio of 4.111 (37: 9) or 4.625 (37: 8). Axles with a gear ratio of 4.111 are installed mainly on cars with gasoline engines, and with a gear ratio of 4.625 - on cars with diesel engines.

Front wheel hub

Hub front wheel UAZ with disc brakes, but without ABS

Front axle steering knuckle

Steering knuckle and hub.
1 - leading flange with a plug; 2, 10, 25 - gaskets; 3 - a hub with a brake disc; 4 - hub bearings; 5 - wheel bolt; 6 - brake disc shield; 7 - heat-insulating shield of the ABS sensor; 8 - pin; 9 - steering knuckle body; 11 - clamping sleeve; 12 - king pin; 13 - pivot liner; 14-bracket for fastening the ABS harness; 15 - spring; 16 - outer sealing ring; 17 - inner sealing ring; 18 - hinge; 19 - ball bearing; 20, 28 - thrust washers; 21 - pivot support; 22- outer cage of the oil seal; 23 - pad; 24 - nut; 26 - impulse disk; 27 - cuff; 29 - retaining rings; 30 - lock washer; 31 - nuts; 32 - lock washer

UAZ steering knuckle assembly diagram:

1 - brake disc shield; 2 - amplifier of the heat-insulating shield of the ABS sensor; 3 - heat-insulating shield of the ABS sensor; 4, 18 - bolts; 5 - impulse disk; 6 - hub; 7, 12 - bearing; 8 - lock washer; 9 - nut; 10 - lock washer; 11 - lock nut; 13 - thrust washer; 14 - cuff; 15 - pivot of the steering knuckle; 16 - gasket; 17 - steering knuckle joint; 19 - ball bearing; 20 - axle shaft casing

Adjustment of axial clearances in the front and rear axle Spicer

Axial clearance in the bearings of the main drive pinion is not allowed, since if it is present, the gear teeth quickly wear out and the bridge may jam. The axial clearance is checked by swinging the drive gear by the propeller shaft mounting flange.

Front axle "Spicer". Camber, convergence

The front axle is a steering axle. To facilitate driving, the front steering wheels have camber ( not adjustable) in the vertical plane and convergence in the horizontal plane.

Toe-in of wheels. A< Б на 1,5-3 мм.

To return the wheels to the middle position, the pivots of the steering knuckles are inclined in the longitudinal and transverse planes.

Positive camber is the deviation of the upper part of the wheel from the vertical plane outward.
The camber angle at the Spicer axles is a = 1 ° - 30 ". Wheel camber affects tire wear. When camber is up to 2 °, the wear will not be very large. camber gradually decreases to zero, and then the wheel deflection moves towards negative camber, which worsens wheel steering.

As a result of the inclination of the wheels during camber, forces arise that tend to return them in different directions when driving. Lateral wheel slip appears, which contributes to tire wear and makes it difficult to drive. To eliminate the harmful effects of camber, the wheels are installed with toe-in. At the same time, the distance between the rims of the wheels at the level of the front axle at the front is several millimeters less than at the rear.

The longitudinal tilt of the king pin (KASTOR) is designed to stabilize the steered wheels in the middle position, but its effect is noticeable only at high speeds with significant centrifugal forces. The stabilizing moment and the angular velocity of the wheel when returning to the neutral position serve as measuring the stabilization of the wheels when the car exits a turn.


Maintenance of the Spicer bridge is reduced to maintaining the oil level in the crankcase and periodically changing it, monitoring the condition of all seals and axle mountings and timely elimination of the resulting axial clearances in the gear and differential bearings.

The details of the maintenance and repair operations for Spicer bridges are described in the Manual for the maintenance and repair of the UAZPatriot vehicle IR-05808600.050-2005. Third edition. 2007


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