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The problem of choosing between steel and light-alloy wheels continues to cause a lot of controversy among motorists. Manufacturers who advertise products in every possible way add fuel to the fire self-made for the purpose of selling. Therefore, stereotypes that do not correspond to reality have formed about the characteristics of products made from different metals. Hence the purpose of this material is to tell how stamped, forged and alloy wheels how to distinguish them from each other and which ones are better suited for different operating conditions of the car.

Light alloy wheels

The name "light alloy" is given to these products because of the properties of the materials from which they are made. It is an alloy of light metals - aluminum and magnesium; titanium and copper are added to it in small quantities for strength and ductility. Hence the second name of such discs - titanium. There are 2 types of alloy rims:

  • cast;
  • forged (pressed).

These 2 groups of products differ from each other in manufacturing technology, operational properties and cost. To understand which one is better, you need to take a closer look at disc production.

Note. Sales representatives often impose on motorists the opinion that, unlike cast products, forged rims are made of incredibly strong and expensive metals, almost platinum. In fact, this is a myth, the composition of the alloy for the manufacture of both groups of products is exactly the same. Manufacturers can slightly change the ratio of base and additional metals in the melt at their discretion.

About production technology

As the name suggests, cast products are made by pouring molten metal into special molds (casting). The sequence of technological operations looks like this:

  1. Metals - Ingredients are placed in a furnace, melted and mixed.
  2. The alloy is fed to the mold and poured into it with a special ladle.
  3. After solidification, the workpiece is removed from the mold and transferred to machining. At the same time, the structure of the rim and spokes has already been formed, it remains only to remove excess material at the edges and refine the holes for the bolts, as well as balance the disc.
  4. The last stage is testing at certain speed and shock loads.

Reference. At factories of famous brands, the process is fully automatic using CNC machines, even the casting is performed by a robot. Manual labor is practically excluded.

The name “forged” does not quite accurately reflect the manufacturing method of these discs, since they are not forged, but squeezed out of a heated alloy on high-power hydraulic presses. The manufacturing algorithm is as follows:

  1. As in the previous case, an alloy is prepared in the furnace, from which cylindrical billets are cast.
  2. Each blank undergoes several pressing operations, where a solid wheel rim without spokes and holes is formed from it.
  3. Products undergo 2 heat treatment operations - quenching (hardening the alloy) and tempering to relieve internal stresses in the metal.
  4. With the help of mechanical processing on various machines, holes are made in the discs, the spokes are cut out, excess material is removed at the edges and balancing is carried out.
  5. Testing under critical loads is performed on special equipment.

Note. So the second myth has been dispelled - that due to the manufacturing technology, forged wheels cannot boast of a variety of designs. On CNC milling machines, you can cut any, even the most complex, pattern in the body of the workpiece.

Pros and cons of cast products

The main advantage of alloy wheels is their attractive appearance, which makes a car of any age and brand look much prettier. And the choice of products in terms of configuration and number of spokes is incredibly wide. This is the main reason that drives motorists to swap steel rims for light-alloy ones.

The rest of the advantages are also important, but they are of a technical nature:

  • reduced weight of products gives less fuel consumption and increases the car's controllability;
  • for the same reason, the acceleration dynamics of the car improves, and the braking distance is shortened;
  • products are initially balanced due to production technology;
  • long service life.

Of the listed positive points, only the durability and balance of alloy wheels is really noticeable when the owner of a car changes tires in a tire workshop. Improvement in handling and acceleration dynamics can only be felt by an experienced driver, and the change in fuel consumption is so insignificant that it is imperceptible at all (0.1-0.2 liters per 100 km of run). Therefore, beauty remains a priority. alloy wheels, and only then their technical parameters are appreciated.

Now about the disadvantages:

  1. Products are afraid of strong and sharp blows. A crack appears in the thinnest place or where an air cavity has formed inside the metal. The manufacturers claim that the castings cannot be repaired.
  2. The price of the product is higher than that of stamped steel discs. Due to the run-up in prices, the difference can be from 50 to 200%.
  3. Cast rims should not be used on vans and small trucks, as they are not designed for such loads.
  4. Operations for servicing such products at a tire fitting (changing tires, balancing) are more expensive.

Reference. In the countries of the post-Soviet space, there are many workshops, where experts got used to soldering cracks in aluminum casting. But such a repair cannot be called complete, and the remanufactured discs cannot be placed on the front axle of the car.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Forged Wheels

The essential and only drawback of forged rims is their high cost, which is 2-5 times higher than casting, depending on the manufacturer. But for this money you will receive such advantages:

  • reliability and durability;
  • durability, a pressed rim will last as long as the car itself;
  • low weight of the product (even compared to casting), which improves the behavior of the car on the road and reduces fuel consumption.

Thanks to pressing and hardening in the manufacture of such rims, the metal does not have hidden cavities and gains increased strength, therefore, impact cracks are an extremely rare case. In addition, the spokes of the product can be made thinner and more delicate, giving the wheel design additional lightness and beauty. This is what you pay your money for when you buy a forged rim.

How to make alloy wheels - video

Steel stamped rims - the secret of popularity

More than 60% of all cars on the territory of the post-Soviet countries are equipped with discs made of carbon steel sheet. The vast majority of these cars are equipped with such wheels from the factory, since they are cheaper than others. Exceptions - a car with a "luxury" configuration or luxury brands, for which "stamping" is frankly not suitable in appearance.

Despite the low cost, iron discs have many advantages:

  • in comparison with aluminum alloy, steel has ductility and elasticity, so the rim partially absorbs shocks when driving over large irregularities;
  • for the same reason, steel products are easy to repair - deformed places can be straightened, and cracks can be welded;
  • scope - transport of any purpose and carrying capacity;
  • low prices for wheel maintenance;
  • there are no problems with wheel fastening, for which factory (standard) bolts are used.

The most valuable advantage when driving on our roads is the high maintainability of the stamped discs and the ability to absorb impacts. In combination with the low cost, these features make traditional iron rims the most attractive in the eyes of ordinary users. In order to understand how their cost is formed, it does not hurt to get acquainted with the manufacturing technology of such products.

Manufacturing by stamping

For the manufacture of iron rims, thick sheet steel is used. Two types of blanks are cut from it - a circle and a strip, sent for further processing. The process looks like this:

  1. On a hydraulic press, the core of the future disc with bolt holes and technological openings is stamped from a steel circle.
  2. The strip is sent to the rollers, where it is bent in the shape of a cylinder. The ends of the sheet are welded together, after which the seam is cleaned.
  3. A hydraulic press squeezes out the finished rim from the cylinder, then a hole is drilled into it for the valve.
  4. Both elements are connected by welding, then covered with primer and painted.

In the manufacture of stamped products, expensive CNC machines and furnaces are not used, which is why the energy costs are significantly lower. Hence the small price of the final product.

Video of the assembly process of stamped parts

Weaknesses of steel discs

Compared to pretty lightweight aluminum alloy products, stamped iron rims are inferior in appearance, which often becomes the reason for their replacement. Plastic decorative caps, which are always lost on the potholes of our roads, do not solve the problem, and the owner of the car has to buy new ones.

For reference. To prevent the caps from flying off the wheels, many drivers fasten them to the disks with plastic electrical clamps. This helps, although it somewhat spoils the appearance of the car.

There are other negative aspects in the operation of "stampings":

  • due to the large weight of the wheels, the controllability of the machine is worse, and the fuel consumption is higher;
  • increased braking distance;
  • stamped iron products cannot boast of good balancing;
  • metal rusts, and therefore requires maintenance.

Judging by the statistics, the listed shortcomings do not bother the majority of Russian drivers. Again, some of the negative aspects are misinterpreted by sellers. For example, the assertion that steel can rot in 2 years and the disc becomes unusable for further use is groundless. To bring the metal to such a state, it will take a period twice as long, and with timely care, the product will last no less than light-alloy.

Note. There is a myth that the paint of stamped rims is easily scratched and quickly deteriorates, and the surface of the light alloy cannot be damaged. The second part of the statement is incorrect, alloy wheels can also be scratched, but painting them is much more difficult.

The choice of the type of rims is best done according to three criteria:

  • depending on the operating conditions of the machine;
  • class and brand of car;
  • active driving in a cold or warm season.

Advice. If you expect to use one set of rims all year round, then taking into account Russian road conditions it is better not to risk your money and put a steel "stamping".

The ideal option is to have 2 sets of discs, using them in the warm and cold seasons. For summer driving on asphalt surfaces, light-alloy rims are perfect, but for the winter you need to put stamped ones. The problem is the ice that appears on the asphalt due to uncleared snow, which causes the flat road to be covered with continuous potholes. The same ice on the edges of the roadway will easily scratch your beautiful titanium wheels when driving to the side of the road or coming close to the curb.

When choosing a set of new disks, it will not hurt to take into account other recommendations:

  1. Don't shell out and buy light alloy products if you are driving an SUV through the fields. And vice versa, it is not necessary to put “stamping” on elite cars operated on flat roads, it looks reprehensible.
  2. Forged wheels are suitable for any passenger cars and various driving conditions, except for frank off-road.
  3. Do not try to fit alloy rims on a commercial van, you risk quickly deteriorating them.

When choosing forged products, a natural question arises - how to distinguish them from casting with external similarity. After all, an unscrupulous seller can slip you a cheaper product at the price of forged wheels. There are a number of tips on this subject:

  1. Forging is easier than casting. For example, a 15-inch forged rim weighs no more than 5 kg, and a cast rim weighs 7-8 kg.
  2. On molded pressed products, you will not find burrs or small burrs around the edges, as is the case with casting.
  3. As a rule, the inscriptions on cast wheels protrude above the surface, and on forging they are recessed, because they are applied by extrusion.
  4. If the product is branded and accompanied by documents, then in the specification of the forged rim you will find the corresponding english word- FORGED.

Advice. There are many exceptions to these rules that appear when studying products of domestic or Chinese manufacturers... The best option is to buy forged car rims at retail outlets with an impeccable reputation or from authorized dealers.

Despite the numerous advantages of light-alloy wheels, they cannot recapture even half of the Russian market... A similar situation is observed in the countries of the former USSR, where stamped products are more relevant and more practical than aluminum ones. Changes in the trend should not be expected before there is a dramatic improvement in paved roads.

Disk geometry

When choosing wheels for "ordinary" use (we do not take into account all kinds of tuning), we strongly recommend that you adhere to the parameters as close as possible to the factory ones. Why is it so important? Large changes in parameters such as width, offset, diameter and weight of the disc can affect safety and ease of use. vehicle, and on the resource of the chassis elements. So, for example, if we talk about the diameter of the disc, then its too large value (with the same outer diameter of the wheel) will adversely affect its weight.

When choosing wheel rims true proverb "measure seven times"

More wheel weight means more unsprung masses, which, in turn, leads not only to increased load on the suspension, but also to a deterioration in the smoothness of the vehicle. Also, due to the greater inertia, the heavy wheel is less willing to follow the road profile, while the more light wheel keeps the tire in contact with the surface longer, improving vehicle stability. In addition, an increase in the mass of the wheel to some extent worsens at least important characteristics- braking and accelerating dynamics of the vehicle. Needless to say, larger discs wrapped in low-profile rubber are easier to damage on Russian roads.

Larger discs wrapped in low-profile rubber are easier to damage on Russian roads

An excessive increase in the width of the wheel, coupled with wider tires, has its advantages to a certain extent (the vehicle's susceptibility to side loads improves), but there are probably more disadvantages here: in addition to an increase in mass, this can have a worse effect on the stability of the car when driving along longitudinal irregularities. On a track, a car with wider wheels will obviously be less stable, and its handling will become more "nervous". But even more "harmful" is the game with the disc flyout, which can worsen the situation even more: the less the overhang (the wheel "sticks out" more outward), the more the optimal wheel run-in shoulder (most often negative) is violated, the more sensitive to irregularities it becomes steering, and the load on the suspension elements is greater. Another danger of an increase in the break-in arm is the lack of a stabilizing torque when braking with one of the faulty brake circuits. How far can you deviate from the standard parameters? There is no clear answer, because the chassis of each car is individual and reacts to such changes in different ways, however, changes in the outreach by 2-3 mm most often remain without consequences.

When choosing, do not be lazy and "try on" the disks to the tires - this can be done in numerous tire calculators... The rim should not be too wide or too narrow: for example, for a 205 / 55R16 tire, the rim width should be between 5.5 and 7.5 inches, but it is better to stick to the golden mean and stay on a 6.5 x 16 rim.

Case material and price

The fact that alloy wheels are lighter than stamped wheels should not mislead you. As a rule, a cast wheel is either close in weight or slightly lighter than a commensurate steel one. However, most often, when replacing disks, car owners try to increase the wheel diameter, and this entails an inevitable increase in mass, which, as we have already found out, does not lead to anything good. Typically, a 1-inch increase in rim diameter, coupled with an increase in tire width, will weigh the complete wheel by an average of 20-30%. But chasing low weight is also rash. If the seller of a tire shop offers you too light "casting", be wary: little-known companies, most often of Chinese origin, often actually produce extremely light wheels, which do not stand up to criticism in terms of their durability.

Documents referring to the certification of Chinese discs often turn out to be "fake" - such wheels will not only "roll" you will be tortured, but look for new ones to replace the broken ones!

Forged wheels, of course, in this sense differ in better side: they are noticeably stronger and lighter, but because of the laboriousness of their manufacture, their price is noticeably higher, and the supply on the market is poorer: only 10% of the presented disc manufacturing companies have forged discs in their assortment. The “forging” has another feature: when hitting an obstacle, the disc can retain its integrity, but the tire sidewall will take the whole blow, which in most cases is pointless to restore. Flying into the holes, as you can see, is unprofitable in any case.

In addition to many Chinese, discs from some Russian manufacturers, less often from European ones, have low durability. That is why, when choosing, special attention should be paid to the status and integrity of the brand. If there is no such confidence, then it's time to remember the golden words of Boris Razor from the movie "Big Score": "Weight is reliability!"

Price, perhaps, is the determining factor when choosing rims. And when it comes to tight finances, I recommend not to chase after the beauty and size of rims - it is much wiser to choose regular and affordable stampings, and the money saved is better spent on quality tires- in this case and performance characteristics the car will remain the same, including the resistance of the wheels to breakdown and the ease of straightening the discs when they are deformed. The design issue is solved by installing additional caps (either factory or non-standard). It's another matter if the budget is not limited. In this case, the choice is simplified: it is best to consider the most trusted brands. It is better if it is light "forging", however, here we do not recommend chasing a low tire profile - safety is more expensive.

Estimated prices in online stores for the most popular disc models suitable forFordFocus 3 (PCD 5 * 108, Dia 63.3):

The design of domestically produced cars is the weak link of this very production. To the design department AVTOVAZ more sharp arrows were fired than during the Battle of Agincourt during the hundred-year war between England and France in the XIV-XV centuries ...

Arrival in Tolyatti French managers from Renault gives reason to believe that foreign partners will finally help their Russian colleagues in solving this difficult task - to make beautiful cars. Indeed, even Patrick Le Keme, Renault's leading designer, announced the fruits of cooperation between Russian and French designers, which should "mature" in two or three years.

In order for these fruits to really appear, an Englishman was sent to Togliatti Anthony Grade, former vice president of Renault's styling center for exterior design. The new director of the design department (directorate) at AVTOVAZ will work on the design of new Lada models and update the old ones.

It won't be easy for Grade at AVTOVAZ. Design is troublesome, expensive and, most importantly, does not bring immediate results. During the crisis, the top management of the Russian car company does not think about beautiful matters, but about tasks that require immediate resolution.

The choice of design for alloy and forged wheels is so extensive that it is almost impossible to enumerate all the options. A good store will offer products from 40-50 different companies.

The choice of design for alloy and forged wheels is so extensive that it is almost impossible to enumerate all the options. A good store will offer products from 40-50 different companies.

Spring mood

In the spring, when a visit to a tire fitting was approaching, I again thought about purchasing an additional set of wheel disks. In Moscow, for replacing one 15-inch wheel, they ask for 400 rubles (you can find more expensive - no question). A set - 1600, two re-shoes per year (summer-winter) - 3200. And this is the price of a good alloy wheel.

That is, the purchase of the kit will be repaid in four years. Understood, provided that I change the wheel assembly myself with the help of a jack, a wheel wrench and magic words. Performing this operation twice a year is lazy but acceptable. If you are completely unbearable, you can flip the wheels at the same tire service. Transfer is much cheaper than mounting and dismounting tires on disks - 100 rubles. for the wheel. Will not ruin.

"Casting" and "forging"

Wait, why alloy wheels? And in general, first let's figure out the definitions. Stamped - that is, steel, in many cases (in mine - too) these are unsightly disks of the first configuration for inexpensive cars... Many are ashamed of them appearance and covered with plastic caps.

It is logical to combine cast and forged into one group called "light alloy wheels", mentioning that magnesium alloys in this field are generally preferable to aluminum alloys. But then divide it back, since the technologies of their manufacture are different (and, accordingly, the price). Cast are poured into a mold, then processed on machines. Forged, despite the name, do not forge - they use a kind of hot stamping. At the same time, forged ones combine some of the advantages of stamped and cast ones. They are stronger than cast ones, which allows them to be made lighter. And, as stamped, they are quite elastic - they tend to bend rather than crack. If you are going to invest in improving the car or simplifying its maintenance, then it is better, of course, to invest in forged ones. Although this is the most expensive option.

The agony of choice

None of my personal cars have ever had alloy wheels. And problems with deformation of stampings arose (quite regularly) only on Tavriya in memorable times, but in general it was the Achilles heel of the Ukrainian car. Problems were treated simply and elegantly with a hammer. What is easy to bend is not difficult to unbend. The services of qualified mechanics in those days were not asked for such trifles. Therefore, it is generally not clear to me at what moment and why light alloy wheels suddenly became fashionable and so in demand? More marketing scams?

From the entire list of advantages of alloy wheels, I unconditionally accept only high corrosion resistance and aesthetic appearance. A huge selection of "casting" on the shelves (some believe that the richness of choice is an undoubted plus) is rather a disadvantage. Eyes run too wide. There are only about three companies with world names (OZ Racing, Momo, Enkei, Dotz, Fondmetal and others). But world names are always more expensive than local ones (read budget ones). How to choose from the locals? What to compare with? You will not find any complete data. Each manufacturer praises their product. V best case the seller will recommend something. And it will most likely press on world names.

Meanwhile, the sellers themselves warn that the field of alloy wheels is full of low-quality counterfeit products, which are passed off as original products. Sometimes it can be identified by suspiciously low prices... But sometimes the price is as it should be. So it's all cats in sacks?

Plus for minus

What do sellers of alloy wheels like to lure? In addition to good looks, the beneficial reduction of "unsprung mass" is certainly mentioned. This is a really important design parameter (especially for racing cars and sports cars). You may be told that light wheels will improve the ride and driving dynamics, handling and stability of the car, make life easier for all parts of the suspension and transmission, the engine and brakes. And at the same time, they will reduce fuel consumption - after all, a light wheel is easier to turn than a heavy one.

There is indeed engineering justification for all of this, but all these improvements are so microscopic on the scale of a production car that the average driver will never feel the difference when switching from stamping to "casting" or vice versa. Neither on dynamics, nor on fuel consumption, nor on handling.

Forged wheels usually have only two drawbacks: they are very expensive and much less design variety than cast ones. And they often forget about the third: the disc is too durable. There is some risk that when strong blow it will not absorb some of the energy, as a stamped (bent) or cast (cracked) will do, but will lovingly transfer all of it to the suspension, steering gear and drive shafts. At least that's the case in theory.

The main disadvantage of alloy wheels is widely known and understood: low maintainability. In an unfortunate combination of circumstances, the cast wheel can collapse to death. In those cases when repair is possible, its cost may not be far from the cost of a new disc. It will not always come out to find another exactly the same new disc in the store to replace the killed one (the range is updated very quickly), and many generally sell alloy wheels not individually, but only in sets.

We add that snow porridge or mud (when driving through thick mud) like to stuff into the aesthetic cutouts of light-alloy wheels, after which they harden. Rim experts complain that the stuck-on dirt is difficult to remove and that residues of it disturb the balance of the wheel. In short, alloy wheels are only good for quality roads.

I often drive on classic Russian roads, and I don't like such prospects. And here's what I think: if you are going to buy another set of discs, then let it be normal steel stamped ones. They will fight back not in four, but in two seasons. I already have cute plastic caps. It remains to wait for the coming spring.

Contents of the article "How to choose rims?"

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Correctly selected rims are the key to your safety on the road. We will help you make your choice.

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Selection of disks by manufacturing technology

  • The weight. The lighter the disc, the faster car accelerates and slows down. Large weight affects increased consumption fuel and less smooth running. In addition, the resource of the rest of the suspension parts will last for a longer period if the disc is light.
  • Resistant to corrosion (rust).
  • Strength. This parameter is important if you will often drive on uneven roads with potholes and holes.

Varieties of disks for cars

To select rims, you need to know their types.

      • Stamped discs made of steel. They equip budget cars in factories. A good option if you are unassuming in design and do not want to spend a significant amount on the purchase and operation of discs. Keep in mind that discs can also be counterfeited and then they do not last long.
        • pros: low cost; are subject to repair, because upon impact, a dent is formed without significant damage.
        • Minuses: heavy; are subject to corrosion, so they must be monitored; sometimes discs are not produced accurately and are difficult to balance; standard design (but you can use special caps).

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    • Alloy wheels made of aluminum. They are 15-30% lighter than stamped ones. If each wheel weighs 1 kg less, then it will be possible to load the car with an extra 50 or 60 kg. Be careful, some manufacturers make alloy wheels in the weight of stamped ones.
      • pros: lungs; resistant to corrosion; varied design.
      • Minuses: with a strong impact, the disc does not crumple, but completely splits, and it is no longer possible to repair it; the cost is higher than that of stamped ones.

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    • Forged wheels made of magnesium or aluminum alloys . They are more often installed on sports and luxury cars. Magnesium alloy wheels are significantly more expensive.
      • Pros: 20-30% lighter than cast; more resistant to corrosion than cast; shockproof - the suspension is more likely to be damaged than the disc bend, and it does not threaten a split at all.
      • Minuses: the price, but on the other hand, the discs will serve you for many years; simple design.

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  • The combination "casting + forging". Such discs have a forged rim and a cast disc. The whole structure is connected by bolts (most often titanium).
    • Pros: lungs; shockproof; resistant to corrosion; varied design.
    • Minuses: high price.

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You can have one set of rims for two sets of tires, or you can buy stamping for summer and cast for winter. First, you save on bulkheads in the long run, and the tires will last longer. Secondly, most of the year you will be driving with nice wheels and minimal damage to them.

How to choose wheels by car model?

Each manufacturer indicates the parameters of the disks in the documentation (or on a sticker in the driver's door opening) in the form of an alphanumeric code.

From the first time it is not clear, but in reality there is nothing complicated there, and you will be convinced of this.

Our example would be the following code: 8Jx19H2 PCD5x108 DIA75 ET45

The first is always indicated width and diameter of the disc in inches. In our example, the width is 8 inches and the diameter is 19.

The letter J (or can be L, JJ, K and JK) indicates the design of the rim (information for the technician).

The letter H2 (or maybe H, AF, FH, CH) indicates the construction of the humps (information for a specialist).

In our case, the disc has 5 holes at a distance of 108 mm.

The next item is center hole diameter(DIA or D). We have it equal to 75 mm.

And the last in order, but not by value, is indicated Disk crash(ET). In our example, the overhang is 45 mm.

Sometimes the letter designations are removed and only numbers remain. It doesn't change the order itself, so you don't get confused. Our example would look like this: 8x19 / 5x108 d75 et45.

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Changing selection parameters

Let's say right away that it is better to choose wheels that fully meet the requirements of the car manufacturer.

  • Disc diameter. You can choose a larger diameter to fit on low profile tires for improved handling and increased traction. But this increases the load on the suspension and, in particular, the hub, and there is also a high probability of damaging the disc itself. For our everyday off-road conditions, this option is not suitable.
  • Rim width... There is a tolerance of 0.5-1 "for diameters up to 14" and 1-1.5 "for diameters over 15". If you deviate significantly from the specified parameter, then the tire will either be strongly compressed or relaxed, which will negatively affect the driving characteristics (response to cornering, lateral stiffness, resistance to drift). By the way, if you are looking for a rim for a tire, then remember the rule: the width of the rim of the rim should be 25-30% less than the width of the tire profile.
  • Center hole diameter. It may be slightly larger than the diameter of the hub of your car, but not less (the disc will not be able to be worn at all).

For larger diameters, additional adapter rings are used for mounting and balancing. There are no other advantages to increasing the diameter of the center hole. Just know that if you find a disc you like, which, if all other parameters coincide, has a slightly larger diameter of the central hole, then it's okay - you can install such a disc.

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Immutable options for the selection of rims

The parameters listed below must be strictly observed, so you can immediately set them in the e96 heading in order to narrow the range of choice.

  • Number of mounting holes. If there are 4 mounting holes on the hub of your car model, then there should be 4 of them on the disc, not 5. Otherwise, you simply will not attach the disc to the hub.
  • Hole diameter. Pay close attention to this parameter. If the diameter differs from the standard one by at least a couple of millimeters, then only one bolt will be fully tightened. On the move, such a wheel will "beat", and not tightened nuts can unscrew by themselves.
  • Departure. This parameter must comply with the manufacturer's requirements with an accuracy of 1 mm without fail. Sometimes motorists have a desire to reduce the outreach. The main reason is an increase in handling due to a wider track and an improvement in appearance. The wheels protrude from the arch - it is believed to be stylish. Even sellers can assure you that this is a normal situation when the departure is slightly different from the specified value. But you should understand that when you change the departure, the load on all the suspension units, for which they are not designed, increases dramatically. The least that is waiting for you is a decrease in the life of the suspension parts, tire abrasion. In the worst case, it can collapse during movement.

What are the best foxes to choose?

If a car is just a means of transportation for you, then when choosing disks, first of all, pay attention to the compliance of all technical characteristics... Only with the dimensions recommended by the manufacturer will you extend the life of your vehicle's suspension and not compromise roadholding.

If you often drive off-road or the roads in the city are far from ideal, then choose stamped discs with exact observance of all parameters. The same recommendation for those who want to save money.

If you drive carefully on good roads or you are an inexperienced driver and comply speed mode then pay attention to alloy wheels.

If you are an experienced driver and love speed, then choose alloy wheels. Assu is better to buy forged wheels - and they will last easier and longer.

Choose discs on the e96 website, and remember: the main thing is safety! Good luck on the road!

When it comes to buying discs for a car, it is often impossible to do without the help of specialists. After all, the most common mistakes of motorists when making an independent choice, at first glance, are commonplace, but they either turn out to be a loss of money or affect the safety of the driver and his passengers not for the better.

Firstly, the disc may not fit to the car's hub. For example, you have selected the appropriate size "opelevskie" discs for "VAZ" or "Zhiguli", and then, already when installing the discs, found out that they fit only in appearance. In fact, the holes for seating the disc and the value of the hub diameter are different for these cars.

It also happens that outwardly the dimensions seem to correspond, but the disc does not want to get into place. What is the reason - the specialists of the professional trade and service center, who have thematic literature at hand, will be able to explain. The site has a special service for the selection of disks for a car, which will show all available options. Without leaving your computer, you can get advice from the specialists of the online store.

Secondly, motorists often do not take into account that longer bolts are needed for light-alloy wheels, which are more voluminous in the mounting area. Including the so-called "secret". Short ones that come with the car as standard ones, having "hooked" several threads of thread, can break off on the road. There is probably no point in describing the consequences of such a nuisance: a falling off wheel, a car that has lost control.

Opposite oversight: The mounting bolts you purchased were too long for the disc. In this case, when rotating, they touch stationary parts of the car. For example, the parking brake cable spring in the rear drum of a Zhiguli. It is difficult to choose the bolts of the optimal length yourself. Again, this is the case when you need advice or direct assistance from a specialist.

Of course, you can buy original rims that the manufacturer recommends for a particular car. Often the "originals" are made in Germany. For BMW, Mercedes or Audi, the original wheel will definitely come with a set of mounting bolts. It has only one drawback - the high price.

Do you want a combination of price and quality? You can consider the option of "second set" of disks. These are high-quality discs that are produced by factories in the same: Germany, Taiwan or Italy. Fastening rings, bolts or nuts for them are supplied "shaft". It is not difficult for a specialist to figure out what kind of fasteners are needed for a particular disk. He knows for sure that on wheels with the same hub diameter, say d75, which are equally suitable for Mercedes and Audi, the first car needs 66.6 rings and 12x1.5 fastening nuts / bolts, the second car needs rings of size 57.1, nuts / bolts 14x1.5. However, some Mercedes models require 14x1.5 mounting nuts / bolts. It happens that market sellers or traders of small shops do not know about these subtleties. Therefore, such purchases are best done in specialized centers.

Every car enthusiast wants to make his car different from the others, standing out against the background of the general traffic. Stylish rims are one of the most affordable ways to provide her with individuality, and for those who want to see how new rims will look like on their car, we have a convenient service - trying on rims by car brand online. But first you need to find out what needs to be done in the event that the selected wheel disks do not fit the car perfectly.

Magnesium or Aluminum?

Probably, we will not make a discovery if we say that when putting alloy wheels on the car, car owners, first of all, think not about their advantages, but about how the car will look like. Looking at the brand new, glossy discs, one cannot help thinking: "How long will they be like this?"

More resistant to water, salt, road reagents and mechanical damage - aluminum alloy wheels. In addition to a special coating and varnish resistant to destruction, the surface of the aluminum alloy of the disc is protected by a strong oxide film, the coefficient of thermal expansion of which is approximately the same as that of the metal itself. Aluminum dishes used in everyday life also have such a film - this is a unique property of this metal. How stable this film is, is evidenced by the fact that at low temperatures aluminum does not dissolve even in a nitric acid concentrate!

There is a similar oxide film on magnesium alloy discs, but it is far from being as dense. Due to its "looseness", it does not resist further oxidation of the metal. However, magnesium alloy wheels are lighter than aluminum alloy wheels. But, for the reasons described above, they are more susceptible to the effects of salt and reagents on the roads.


So: discs and mounting bolts for them are available, everything is fine "sat down" on the car ... It seems that only recently the wheels were balanced, the weights are all in place, and there are already signs of imbalance: vibration in the wheels and "patchy" wear on the treads ... Perhaps the reason is in the disk. In theory, the action of inertial force should be sufficient for its self-cleaning, and infrequent trips to the cosmetic sink eliminate what the laws of physics have not coped with.

The rapid accumulation of dirt between the disc spokes when it has to be wiped out means that in pursuit of fashion or in an effort to improve durability, the manufacturer has poorly designed the wheel. It should also be remembered that wheel balancing corrections are required from time to time. And it is better to choose self-adhesive balancing weights for wheels. In the place of attachment, where the bracket of the standard weight is hammered, the varnish is damaged, and the lead, interacting with the metal of the disk, significantly accelerates the corrosion process.

In addition, standard brackets are originally designed for use on stamped steel rims and hold the weights on a cast rim much worse.


It is believed that alloy wheels are inferior in strength to conventional steel stamping. The reality is that a cast disk can crack only upon impact, which will also disable the “stamping”. It is enough to know that the Russian standards for certification of light-alloy wheels are much tougher than American, European or Japanese. When developing them, the condition of the roads in our country was taken into account. At first, when importers were just exploring our market, they often recalled products in order to modify them in accordance with Russian requirements. Another thing is that when buying a disc, it will not be superfluous to ask the seller to show the quality certificate for the product.


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