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Outdoor dating games

The game "Let's meet!"

Children with a teacher become in a circle, and a newly arrived child can stand in a circle, together with a parent, if desired. The leader, this is the teacher, stands in the center of the circle, holds a soft toy, calls his name and the name of the person to whom he passes the toy. The child who is called comes up and takes the toy and remains in the center of the circle. The teacher takes his place. Now there is a new leader. He also calls his name and the name of the next participant in the game.

The participation of the educator is important here, since he plays a leading role in introducing a new child.

Children sit in a semicircle, and the newly arrived child can be with the parent, if desired, the leader is the teacher, in front of everyone with his back to the players. Children take turns saying something, it is better if they are simple rhymes, feasible for this age, or counting rhymes. The host, without turning around, must name the one whose voice he heard. First, the children call the teacher in a normal voice, over time, when they all know each other well, you can specially change voices and intonation, and over time, any of the children can be the leader at will.

Carousel game.

For this game, children stand in a circle and hold hands tightly so that the “carousel” does not break. With words:

Barely, barely, the merry-go-rounds spun.

The carousel moves slowly in a circle.

And then, then, then, All run, run, run!

The pace of speech and movements gradually accelerates

Run, run, run, run! Hush, hush, don't rush

Stop the carousel!

The pace of movement gradually slows down.

One-two, one-two! Pause.

So the game is over!Everyone stops and bows to each other.

Group dating games

The game "Tell poems with your hands."

You can play this game endlessly, because there are a great many rhymes that can be “illustrated”. The game allows children to be liberated, feel more confident, helps to establish trusting relationships with the teacher.

Game progress . First, the teacher reads a poem to the children (you can start with light, short poems). Then the teacher repeats the poem and simultaneously performs illustrative movements.

Example. Bunny.

Bunny-hare, (children jump with their arms folded imitating a stutterer).

Little bunny (sit on the floor showing how small the bunny is).

Long ears (show ears with palms).

Quick legs (run).

bunny bunny,

Little hare (movements are repeated).

Are you afraid of children

Coward Bunny (wrap their arms around themselves, showing fear).

"How to get?"

Purpose of the game - learn to navigate in kindergarten. To do this, first conduct a tour of the kindergarten.

Leading (educator) - “The ears of the bunny hurt! What should he do?

Children - "Go to the doctor!"

Host - "Show me the way"

First, the children describe the road in words: leave the group, go down to the first floor; turn to the front door. Then several children are invited to take Bunny to the doctor. The doctor (forewarned) bandages the ears and gives vitamins for all children.

"Whose things?"

materials : attributes of various professions: thermometer - honey. worker, ladle - cook, accordion - music worker.

The teacher says that while there were no children in the group, someone came to them, and it is proposed to guess who. Moreover, children should name not only the profession, but also the name of the employee of this children's institution.

"Find a toy"

Leading (first the teacher, then the children) hides a small toy in the group, or in one of its rooms, after which he invites the others to find it.

"The toy is on the windowsill in the waiting room (cloakroom)." Then more difficult - "The toy lies in the bedroom on the Machine bed."

After the toy is found, the children express their versions of what she did: she was going to walk, went to bed.

You can complicate the task even more: “The toy washes the dishes” - which means that the children must guess where to look for it.

Ludmila Vashchenko
Games to meet kids senior group

“A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas bursts into the spiritual world of a child, a concept of the environment.

The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

A game "Name yourself."

Target: allows participants get to know each other, get used to, adapt to the new environment.

move games: The exercise is carried out in a circle. Each participant identifies himself by his first name. (If you want, you can tell something about yourself).

A game "Picture your name in motion." (from 6 years old)

Target: the game helps children remember the names of their comrades, evokes positive emotions and forms a feeling group unity. In this exercise, everyone gets a chance to express themselves and draw attention to themselves.

move games: Children sit in a circle. Alternately, clockwise, the children make gestures that suggest their name. The exercise is more effective if you ask everyone to repeat names and body movements.

A game "My mood."

Target: developing the ability to describe one's mood, recognize the mood of others, stimulate empathy.

move games: Children are invited to tell the others about their mood: it can be drawn, it can be compared with any color, animal, physical state, show it in motion. It all depends on the imagination and desire of the child.

A game "Transmission of feelings."

Target: to teach children to convey various emotional states in a non-verbal way.

move games: The child is given the task to convey "along the chain" a certain feeling through facial expressions, gestures, touches. When the children passed it around in a circle, you can discuss what kind of mood was intended. Then anyone can become the leader. If one of the children wants to be the leader, but does not know what mood to think of, the teacher can help him by coming up and prompting some mood in his ear.

Game Greeting with a bell (for children from 5 years old)

Target: greeting, set the children in a friendly way.

Children stand in a circle, an adult approaches one of them, rings a bell and speaks: “Hello, Vanya, my friend!”. After Vanya takes the bell and goes to greet another child. The bell should greet each child.

Game wind blows on. (for children from 5 years old)

Target: acquaintance, warming up, rallying groups.

With words "The wind is blowing on." the host starts the game. Questions may be next: "The wind blows on the one with blond hair" all fair-haired people gather in one pile. “The wind blows on the one who has it. have a sister", "who loves animals", "who cries a lot", "who has no friends" etc. The leader must be changed, giving everyone the opportunity to ask around the participants.

Game Different but similar (for children from 5 years old)

Target: warming up and rallying groups, reduction of tension, development of self-awareness, activation of attention.

adult speaks:

Now only girls will raise their hands. And now the boys will raise their hands. Those who are in trousers will jump. Those who have a sister will hug themselves. Who has a brother, clap their hands. Those who ate porridge today will pat their heads, etc.

At the end of the exercise, a short conversation is held, during which the children are led to the conclusion that all people are different, but in some ways they are still similar.

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In preschool childhood, for the first time, an activity arises that is free from the influence of adults - communication with peers. The rate of development of the child, his sense of self, self-esteem, attitude towards other people depends on how successfully this communication develops. A preschooler cannot do without peers, however, his communication with them without the help of adults almost always turns out to be ineffective. A child must be taught to express his emotions and desires, to sympathize and help another person, to adequately get out of a conflict situation, to put up, to distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behavior.

"Name yourself."

Target: allows participants to get to know each other, get used to, adapt to the new environment.

Game progress: The exercise is carried out in a circle. Each participant calls himself by name (if he wants, he can tell something about himself).


Target: allows children to quickly remember names, each other, establish contact.

Game progress: The first participant (for example, to the left of the leader) calls his name. The next one repeats it, and calls his own. And so in a circle. The exercise ends when the first participant calls the whole group by name.

"Affectionate name."

Target: the exercise also allows children to remember each other's names, helps to create a comfortable environment for each participant.

Instruction: “Remember how affectionately you are called at home. We will throw a ball to each other. And the one to whom the ball hits calls one or more of his affectionate names. In addition, it is important to remember who threw the ball to each of you. When all the children call their affectionate names, the ball will go in the opposite direction. Now you need to try not to confuse and throw the ball to the one who first threw it to you, and, in addition, pronounce his affectionate name.

"Let's say hello."

Target: development of imagination, creation of a psychologically relaxed atmosphere.

Game progress: At the beginning of the exercise, the facilitator talks about different ways of greeting, accepted and comic. Then the children are invited to say hello by touching their shoulder, back, hand, nose, cheek, invent their own unusual way of greeting for today's lesson and say hello through it.

"Arise, those who..."

Target: develops observation, allows children to get to know each other better. Game progress: The host gives the task: “Stand up those who ...

Likes to run;

Rejoices in good weather;

Has a younger sister;

Likes to give flowers, etc.

If desired, the role of the leader can be played by children. After the end, everyone is asked questions summing up the results of the game: “Now we will see who in our group turned out to be the most attentive. Who in our group likes sweets? Who has a younger sister? Then the questions become more difficult (include two variables): “Who in our group likes sweets and has a younger sister?”. Each question is addressed to a specific child, if he cannot answer himself, the group helps him.

Target: the game helps children remember the names of their comrades, evokes positive emotions and forms a sense of group unity. In this exercise, everyone gets a chance to express themselves and draw attention to themselves.

Game progress: Children sit in a circle. Alternately, clockwise, the children make gestures that suggest their name. The exercise is more effective if you ask everyone to repeat names and body movements.

Target: helps relieve tension and uncertainty, allows children to get to know each other better.

Material: two dolls of different sex, preferably in the growth of a child, or glove dolls.

Game progress: The child is offered to introduce himself with the help of a doll and tell about himself. The facilitator and children can ask questions, clarify. For example: What is your favorite game? How to play it? Favorite animal? Why? The most delicious food in the world? What do you dream about? etc.


Target: the game shifts attention to the appearance of children, allows you to realize external similarities and differences.

Game progress:

A) The teacher asks the children to look at each other carefully: “You all have different hair colors. Now switch places, so that the one with the lightest hair sits on the far right on this chair, next to him - who has darker hair, and on the far right, on this chair, is the one with the darkest hair. We started ... "An adult helps the children, approaches everyone, touches the hair, consults with the others where to put him, etc.

B) The task is the same as in the previous version, only the children should change places according to eye color.

"Describe a friend."

Target: development of observation and the ability to describe external details.

Game progress: the exercise is performed in pairs (simultaneously by all participants). Children stand with their backs to each other and take turns describing the hairstyle, clothes and face of their partner. Then the description is compared with the original and a conclusion is made about how accurate the child is.

"What changed?"

Target: development of attention and observation necessary for effective communication.

Game progress: Each child takes turns leading. The driver leaves the room. During this time, several changes are made in clothes, children's hairstyles, you can move to another place (but not more than 2 - 3 changes; all changes made must be visible). The task of the driver is to notice the changes that have taken place.

"My mood."

Target: developing the ability to describe one's mood, recognize the mood of others, stimulate empathy.

Game progress: Children are invited to tell others about their mood: it can be drawn, it can be compared with any color, animal, physical condition, show it in motion. It all depends on the imagination and desire of the child.

"Transmission of feelings."

Target: to teach children to convey various emotional states in a non-verbal way.

Game progress: The child is given the task to convey a certain feeling “along the chain” with the help of facial expressions, gestures, touches. When the children passed it around in a circle, you can discuss what kind of mood was intended. Then anyone can become the leader. If one of the children wants to be the leader, but does not know what mood to think of, the teacher can help him by coming up and prompting some mood in his ear.

"Colors of emotions."

Target: development of imagination, expressive movements.

Game progress: The leader is selected, on a signal he closes his eyes, and the rest of the participants conceive among themselves one of the primary colors. When the driver opens his eyes, all participants, by their behavior, mainly emotional, try to depict this color without naming it, and the driver must guess it. You can divide into two teams, while one team will depict the color (alternately or simultaneously), and the second will guess.

"Quiet conversation."

Target: the formation of the ability to convey certain semantic content in a non-verbal way.

Game progress: Participants sit in a circle. The task is to non-verbally say a phrase to the chosen partner (which the adult previously whispered in the child's ear). Everyone takes turns doing the task without words. The rest observe and determine the "spoken" phrase.

"Collect the pictogram."

Target: develops the ability to differentiate various emotional states according to mimic manifestations.

Game progress: Each child is given a pictogram of a certain emotional state, cut into several parts. The task of the participants is to assemble the pictogram as quickly and correctly as possible. Alternatively, you can depict this state with pantomime yourself.

"Gift for a friend."

Target: develop the ability to non-verbally "describe" objects.

Game progress: One child becomes a "birthday boy", the rest give him "gifts", conveying their attitude towards the "birthday boy" with movements and facial expressions.

Target: correlation of a person and his tactile image, removal of bodily barriers; developing the ability to express one's feelings and understand the feelings of another through touch.

Game progress: The exercise is performed in pairs, with eyes closed, children sit opposite each other at arm's length. An adult gives tasks (each task is completed 2-3 minutes):

♦ Close your eyes, stretch your hands towards each other, get to know each other with one hand. Try to get to know your neighbor better. Put your hands down.

♦ Stretch your arms forward again, find your neighbor's hands. Your hands are quarreling. Put your hands down.

♦ Your hands are looking for each other again. They want to reconcile. Your hands make up, they ask for forgiveness, you are friends again.

Discuss how the exercise went, what feelings arose during the exercise, what did you like more?

"Pass a smile around."

Target: fulfillment of the group rule, exchange of experiences.

Game progress: group members are invited to join hands, shake them, smile at a neighbor.

"I'm sitting, I'm sitting on a stone."

Target: development of empathy, the ability to express support for another person (peer).

Game progress: Players become in a round dance and sing, and one (or several) squat in a circle, covering their heads with a handkerchief.

I sit, I sit on a stone,

I'm on fuel

Who truly loves me

And who will replace me

Will change me, change me

Still snuggle?

After these words, anyone can come up and stroke the person sitting in a circle on the head, hug, say affectionate words (sip). Then he himself sits in a circle and covers his head with a handkerchief. The next wisher "doves" him.

"Emotions of heroes."

Target: to promote the development of empathy, the ability to assess the situation and the behavior of others.

Game progress: An adult reads a fairy tale to children. The child is given small cards in advance with symbolic images of various emotional states. In the process of reading, the child puts several cards on the table, which, in his opinion, reflect the emotional state of the hero in various situations. At the end of the reading, each child explains in what situation and why it seems to him that the hero was cheerful, sad, etc. It is better to play this game either individually or in a small subgroup. The text of the fairy tale should be small and correspond to the amount of attention and memory of children of a certain age group.

Target: feeling different positions in communication.

Game progress: Children are divided into pairs. Communication in pairs takes place in a dialogue mode. For communication, interesting and relevant topics for children are offered: “My favorite animal”, “My happiest day last month”, etc. First, the communication situation is organized when both children sit facing each other, then one child sits on a chair, and the other stands near his chair (children change places), then the partners, sitting on a chair with their backs to each other, continue the conversation. In conclusion, the children are asked about the impression, the mood that arose in the process of communication: how did you like to communicate more, why?


Target: development in children of understanding and feeling each other, differentiation of auditory perception, development of empathy.

Game progress: The facilitator introduces the concept of intonation. Then the children are invited to take turns repeating various phrases with different feelings, with different intonation (evil, joyfully, thoughtfully, with resentment). Alternatively, you can play intonation and discuss the dialogue of fairy-tale characters.


Target: development of empathy, creative imagination.

Game progress: Children are given a task - "Draw a kind animal and call it an affectionate name, reward it with some magical means of understanding." Drawing is carried out to quiet, calm music, paints or bright crayons, felt-tip pens. Then there is a competition for the kindest animal. As a jury, you can invite children from another group. The winner is awarded a cardboard medal - a smiley face.




In preschool childhood, for the first time, an activity arises that is free from the influence of adults - communication with peers. The rate of development of the child, his sense of self, self-esteem, attitude towards other people depends on how successfully this communication develops. A preschooler cannot do without peers, however, his communication with them without the help of adults almost always turns out to be ineffective. A child must be taught to express his emotions and desires, to sympathize and help another person, to adequately get out of a conflict situation, to put up, to distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behavior.

"Name yourself."

Target: allows participants to get to know each other, get used to, adapt to the new environment.

Game progress: The exercise is carried out in a circle. Each participant calls himself by name (if he wants, he can tell something about himself).


Target: allows children to quickly remember names, each other, establish contact.

Game progress: The first participant (for example, to the left of the leader) calls his name. The next one repeats it, and calls his own. And so in a circle. The exercise ends when the first participant calls the whole group by name.

"Affectionate name."

Target: the exercise also allows children to remember each other's names, helps to create a comfortable environment for each participant.

Instruction: “Remember how affectionately you are called at home. We will throw the ball to each other. And the one to whom the ball hits calls one or more of his affectionate names. In addition, it is important to remember who threw the ball to each of you. When all the children call their affectionate names, the ball will go in the opposite direction. Now you need to try not to confuse and throw the ball to the one who first threw it to you, and, in addition, pronounce his affectionate name.

"Let's say hello."

Target: development of imagination, creation of a psychologically relaxed atmosphere.

Game progress: At the beginning of the exercise, the facilitator talks about different ways of greeting, accepted and comic. Then the children are invited to say hello by touching their shoulder, back, hand, nose, cheek, invent their own unusual way of greeting for today's lesson and say hello through it.

"Arise, those who..."

Target: develops observation, allows children to get to know each other better. Game progress: The host gives the task: “Stand up those who ...

Likes to run;

Rejoices in good weather;

Has a younger sister;

Likes to give flowers, etc.

If desired, the role of the leader can be played by children. After the end, everyone is asked questions summing up the results of the game: “Now we will see who in our group turned out to be the most attentive. Who in our group likes sweets? Who has a younger sister? Then the questions become more difficult (include two variables): “Who in our group likes sweets and has a younger sister?”. Each question is addressed to a specific child, if he cannot answer himself, the group helps him.

"Picture your name in motion." (from 6 years old)

Target: the game helps children remember the names of their comrades, evokes positive emotions and forms a sense of group unity. In this exercise, everyone gets a chance to express themselves and draw attention to themselves.

Game progress: Children sit in a circle. Alternately, clockwise, the children make gestures that suggest their name. The exercise is more effective if you ask everyone to repeat names and body movements.

"Introduce yourself with a doll." (from 5 years old)

Target: helps relieve tension and uncertainty, allows children to get to know each other better.

Material: two dolls of different sex, preferably in the growth of a child, or glove dolls.

Game progress: The child is offered to introduce himself with the help of a doll and tell about himself. The facilitator and children can ask questions, clarify. For example: What is your favorite game? How to play it? Favorite animal? Why? The most delicious food in the world? What do you dream about? etc.


Target: the game shifts attention to the appearance of children, allows you to realize external similarities and differences.

Game progress:

A) The teacher asks the children to look at each other carefully: “You all have different hair colors. Now switch places, so that the one with the lightest hair sits on the far right on this chair, next to him - who has darker hair, and on the far right, on this chair, is the one with the darkest hair. We started ... "An adult helps the children, approaches everyone, touches the hair, consults with the others where to put him, etc.

B) The task is the same as in the previous version, only the children should change places according to eye color.

"Describe a friend."

Target: development of observation and the ability to describe external details.

Game progress: the exercise is performed in pairs (simultaneously by all participants). Children stand with their backs to each other and take turns describing the hairstyle, clothes and face of their partner. Then the description is compared with the original and a conclusion is made about how accurate the child is.

"What changed?"

Target: development of attention and observation necessary for effective communication.

Game progress : Each child takes turns leading. The driver leaves the room. During this time, several changes are made in clothes, children's hairstyles, you can move to another place (but not more than 2 - 3 changes; all changes made must be visible). The task of the driver is to notice the changes that have taken place.

"My mood."

Target: developing the ability to describe one's mood, recognize the mood of others, stimulate empathy.

Game progress : Children are invited to tell others about their mood: it can be drawn, it can be compared with any color, animal, physical condition, show it in motion. It all depends on the imagination and desire of the child.

"Transmission of feelings."

Target: to teach children to convey various emotional states in a non-verbal way.

Game progress : The child is given the task to convey a certain feeling “along the chain” with the help of facial expressions, gestures, touches. When the children passed it around in a circle, you can discuss what kind of mood was intended. Then anyone can become the leader. If one of the children wants to be the leader, but does not know what mood to think of, the teacher can help him by coming up and prompting some mood in his ear.

"Colors of emotions."

Target: development of imagination, expressive movements.

Game progress : The leader is selected, on a signal he closes his eyes, and the rest of the participants conceive among themselves one of the primary colors. When the driver opens his eyes, all participants, by their behavior, mainly emotional, try to depict this color without naming it, and the driver must guess it. You can divide into two teams, while one team will depict the color (alternately or simultaneously), and the second will guess.

"Quiet conversation."

Target: the formation of the ability to convey certain semantic content in a non-verbal way.

Game progress : Participants sit in a circle. The task is to non-verbally say a phrase to the chosen partner (which the adult previously whispered in the child's ear). Everyone takes turns doing the task without words. The rest observe and determine the "spoken" phrase.

"Collect the pictogram."

Target: develops the ability to differentiate various emotional states according to mimic manifestations.

Game progress: Each child is given a pictogram of a certain emotional state, cut into several parts. The task of the participants is to assemble the pictogram as quickly and correctly as possible. Alternatively, you can depict this state with pantomime yourself.

"Gift for a friend."

Target: develop the ability to non-verbally "describe" objects.

Game progress : One child becomes a "birthday boy", the rest give him "gifts", conveying their attitude towards the "birthday boy" with movements and facial expressions.

“Hands meet, hands quarrel, hands make up.”

Target: correlation of a person and his tactile image, removal of bodily barriers; developing the ability to express one's feelings and understand the feelings of another through touch.

Game progress : The exercise is performed in pairs, with eyes closed, children sit opposite each other at arm's length. An adult gives tasks (each task is completed 2-3 minutes):

♦ Close your eyes, stretch your hands towards each other, get to know each other with one hand. Try to get to know your neighbor better. Put your hands down.

♦ Stretch your arms forward again, find your neighbor's hands. Your hands are quarreling. Put your hands down.

♦ Your hands are looking for each other again. They want to reconcile. Your hands make up, they ask for forgiveness, you are friends again.

Discuss how the exercise went, what feelings arose during the exercise, what did you like more?

"Pass a smile around."

Target: fulfillment of the group rule, exchange of experiences.

Game progress : group members are invited to join hands, shake them, smile at a neighbor.

"I'm sitting, I'm sitting on a stone."

Target: development of empathy, the ability to express support for another person (peer).

Game progress : Players become in a round dance and sing, and one (or several) squat in a circle, covering their heads with a handkerchief.

I sit, I sit on a stone,

I'm on fuel

Who truly loves me

And who will replace me

Will change me, change me

Still snuggle?

After these words, anyone can come up and stroke the person sitting in a circle on the head, hug, say affectionate words (sip). Then he himself sits in a circle and covers his head with a handkerchief. The next wisher "doves" him.

"Emotions of heroes."

Target: to promote the development of empathy, the ability to assess the situation and the behavior of others.

Game progress : An adult reads a fairy tale to children. The child is given small cards in advance with symbolic images of various emotional states. In the process of reading, the child puts several cards on the table, which, in his opinion, reflect the emotional state of the hero in various situations. At the end of the reading, each child explains in what situation and why it seems to him that the hero was cheerful, sad, etc. It is better to play this game either individually or in a small subgroup. The text of the fairy tale should be small and correspond to the amount of attention and memory of children of a certain age group.

Study on various positions in communication.

Target: feeling different positions in communication.

Game progress : Children are divided into pairs. Communication in pairs takes place in a dialogue mode. For communication, interesting and relevant topics for children are offered: “My favorite animal”, “My happiest day last month”, etc. First, the communication situation is organized when both children sit facing each other, then one child sits on a chair, and the other stands near his chair (children change places), then the partners, sitting on a chair with their backs to each other, continue the conversation. In conclusion, the children are asked about the impression, the mood that arose in the process of communication: how did you like to communicate more, why?


Target: development in children of understanding and feeling each other, differentiation of auditory perception, development of empathy.

Game progress : The facilitator introduces the concept of intonation. Then the children are invited to take turns repeating various phrases with different feelings, with different intonation (evil, joyfully, thoughtfully, with resentment). Alternatively, you can play intonation and discuss the dialogue of fairy-tale characters.


Target: development of empathy, creative imagination.

Game progress : Children are given a task - "Draw a kind animal and call it an affectionate name, reward it with some magical means of understanding." Drawing is carried out to quiet, calm music, paints or bright crayons, felt-tip pens. Then there is a competition for the kindest animal. As a jury, you can invite children from another group. The winner is awarded a cardboard medal - a smiley face.

"Exercises to relieve psycho-emotional stress in children for use in pedagogical practice"

Exercise "Compliment."is carried out as follows:

1. Children stand in a circle. The palm of the right hand is placed on the palm of the left hand of the neighbor standing on the right. The palm of the left hand is substituted under the right palm of the neighbor standing on the left.

2. At the signal of the teacher, the children take turns complimenting the child on the right. Compliments should not be repeated. A compliment is uttered with a smile, you need to look into the eyes of the child to whom it is intended.

This exercise can later be included in various modifications in all classes.

Exercise "Wizards."

Do you remember the fairy tale about Cinderella?

Remember how her fairy aunt helped her, and she could make a carriage out of a pumpkin? From a rat - a coachman? Let's try to make extraordinary things out of ordinary things. For this, nothing needs to be said, but shown with movements.

A pencil can become a telescope, a sheet of paper can become a mirror. In general, who comes up with what. The main thing is not to say anything, only to show. The rest must guess what the object is and name it. Let's start.

The host picks up an object, such as a sheet of paper, and looks into it like in a mirror, straightens his hair, etc. Then he passes it on to the child. He must change the essence of the object and "turn" it into something else. Then, when the children guess what it is, the item is passed to the next player. Thus, the object is passed in a circle. In total, 3-4 items are used (paper, ball, stick, piece of cloth, etc.).

Thank you. You were all great wizards.

Exercise "Yes or no."

The players stand in a circle and hold hands, leading in the center. He explains the task: if they agree with the statement, then they raise their hands up and shout: “Yes!” If they don't agree with the statement, then stomp and yell "No!"

Are there fireflies in the field?

Are there fish in the sea?

Does a calf have wings?

Does a piglet have a beak?

Does the wave have a crest?

Does the burrow have doors?

Does a rooster have a tail?

Does the violin have a key?

Does the verse have a rhyme?

Does it have any errors?

Exercise "Breathe and think beautifully"

“When you are worried, try to breathe beautifully and calmly. Close your eyes, take a deep breath:


say: "I am a lion" - exhale, inhale;

say: "I am a bird" - exhale, inhale;

say: "I am a stone" - exhale, inhale;

say: "I am a flower" - exhale, inhale;

say: "I am calm" - exhale.

You will really calm down."

Exercise "Live plasticine."




Final exercise "Flying Carpet"

Sit comfortably (lotus position). Today we will go on a journey on a magic carpet. In order for the flying carpet to rise into the air, you need to relax. You know how to do it. Lie on your back. Close your eyes. We relax our legs. Warmth rises from the tips of the fingers, legs are heavy. Hands warm up. Warmth radiates from the fingertips up the arm. Hands are heavy and warm. The body is relaxed. Heat from the arms, legs goes to the stomach, chest, back. Her face relaxed, her mouth opened. Rest. And now your flying carpet is slowly rising up. And you are already flying.

And now you are flying over a huge lake, seagulls are circling above it and above you. Near the shore, boats are rocking on the waves, you fly further. Clouds are moving above you in the blue sky. One cloud looks like a fluffy bunny, the other looks like a big ball of white cotton wool, here is a very small cloud that looks like a white kitten. The carpet slowly falls to the ground. You are in a blooming garden.

There are many flowers around, they nod to you with their cooking. You are walking along the garden path. You stepped out onto the lawn. Children play ball. The ball rolls towards your feet. You pick up the ball, toss it high, and the ball goes up. But what is it? You are flying too. Fly yourself. No flying carpet. You spread your arms. You soar like a bird. Here is a familiar lake, seagulls greet you, flap their wings. The fisherman sits in the boat. He looks at you, waves his hand to you. You fly further.

A fluffy white kitten-cloud flies nearby. Here is our kindergarten You are slowly descending. The kitten is chasing after you. And here you are. A warm kitten lies on your stomach, purring. Listen to him purr. Stroke it gently with your right hand. Now stroke it with your left hand. Stretch, open your eyes. Take the kitten in your hands. Affectionately. Sit down, make the kitten sit next to you. Pat him on the head.

Relaxation games as a way to relieve psycho-emotional stress in young children.

Young children are often in a state of high psycho-emotional arousal. The reason for this may be adaptive stress, a crisis of three years, fatigue.

I bring to your attention relaxation games, using folklore, which will help relieve the child's psycho-emotional stress, create positive emotions in him, and calm him down.

There are different relaxation games:

games that help to achieve a state of relaxation by alternating strong tension and rapid relaxation of the main muscles of the body;

games that help to achieve a state of relaxation by alternating rhythmic breathing and breathing with a delay;

games with clothespins - relaxation is achieved by squeezing and unclenching an ordinary clothespin with the hands;

games - "lullabies", lullabies.

I will give examples of games of each group.

1. Games based on neuromuscular relaxation.


Purpose: to relieve emotional tension.

Conduct procedure. All children and adults sit on the carpet. Leading: “We are sitting in a clearing, the sun is gently warming. We breathe calmly - inhale, exhale. Suddenly, an ant climbed onto his toes. Pull the socks towards you with force. The legs are straight and tense. Listen to which finger the ant is sitting on, hold your breath. Let's drop the ant from the legs, exhale the air. Socks down, feet to the sides, legs relaxed, resting. (Repeat several times.)

"Ice cream."

Conduct procedure. The children are standing on the carpet. They are invited to play ice cream. Host: “You are ice cream. You just got out of the fridge. Ice cream is hard as a stone. Your arms are tense, your body is icy. But the sun warmed up, the ice cream began to melt. Your body, arms, legs have become soft, relaxed. Hands hung helplessly along the body ... "

"Catch a butterfly."

Purpose: neuromuscular relaxation through alternating strong tension and rapid relaxation.

Conduct procedure. The host shows a flying butterfly, tries to catch it - performs grasping movements above his head with one hand, then with the other, with both hands at the same time. Children repeat the shown movements. Then they slowly open their fists, look to see if they caught a butterfly or not. Then open palms are connected, imagining that they are holding it.


Conduct procedure. Children are shown a picture of a smiling sun. Leading: “Look, what a beautiful sun, it smiles broadly for you. Let's smile back at the sun. Feel how the smile passes into your hands, reaches the palms. Smile again and try to smile wider. Your lips are stretched, your cheeks are tense. Breathe and smile. Your arms and hands are filled with the smiling power of the sun.”

"Cold - hot"

Chain: relieve psycho-emotional stress.

Conduct procedure. Host: “You are playing in a sunny meadow. Suddenly a cold wind blew. You felt cold, you froze, wrapped your arms around yourself, pressed your head to the arms - you are warming yourself. Warm up, relax. But then a cold wind blew again ... ”(Children repeat the actions.)


Chain: relieve emotional stress.

Conduct procedure. Children sit in pairs on chairs, pronounce nursery rhymes and take turns massaging each other's fingers of the right hand, starting with the thumb and ending with the little finger, and at the end of the nursery rhyme they stroke each other's palms.

Magpie-crow cooked porridge,

The magpie-crow fed the children,

I gave it, and I gave it,

And gave to this, and gave to this.

And the smallest one

From a big bowl

Yes, a big spoon.

I fed everyone!

"The plane is flying, the plane is resting."

Purpose: to relieve emotional tension by alternating strong tension and rapid muscle relaxation.

Conduct procedure. The host invites the guys to fly. But first they must turn into fast airplanes. Children raise their arms like wings, strain them (because strong wings are needed for the airplane to fly). Standing still, the children depict airplanes (the meaning of the exercise is to strain and relax their arms), buzz with “motors”, move their “wings”, then lower them relaxed - the airplanes have arrived, the wings are tired and want to rest.

"Playing with a scarf."

Purpose: to relieve facial muscle tension.

Conduct procedure. An adult says: “Imagine that you are cold, you are cold, you hug yourself with your arms. But then my mother came and brought a scarf. You tied scarves around your necks. They turned their heads from side to side: good, warm necks, smiled at each other.


Circuit: Relieve tension.

Conduct procedure. The host says: “You are bear cubs, and I am a mother bear. I will throw cones for you (the leader imitates the corresponding movement). You will catch them (the host shows what needs to be done) and squeeze them with force in your paws. Kids are playing. Host: “But the cubs are tired and drop their paws along the body - the paws are resting. And the mother bear again throws cones to the cubs ... ".


Purpose: Relieve facial muscle tension.

The frogs liked it: Adult and children carefully with their fingers

Pull your lips right up to your ears! stretch a smile to the ears

I'll pull it - I'll stop and I won't get tired at all! "Release" a smile

The lips are not tense and the finger of the hand is held along

Ras-weak-le-ny ... relaxed lips from top to bottom.


(Wash your hands before doing the exercise!)

Purpose: relieve stress

Conduct procedure. The facilitator recites the poem and shows the movements to it.

I imitate an elephant: Adult and children pull their lips with a “proboscis”

I pull my lips with my proboscis.

And now I let them go Return to their original position

And I return to the place.

The lips are not tense and the finger of the hand is held

Ras-weak-le-ny ... on relaxed lips from top to bottom


Purpose: to relieve psycho-emotional stress.

Conduct procedure. The facilitator invites the children to imagine that they have a lemon in their right hand, from which they need to squeeze the juice. Children squeeze their right hand into a fist as tightly as possible, then relax it. A similar exercise is performed with the left hand. Then the children sit on chairs and drink imaginary juice.


Purpose: to relieve psycho-emotional stress.

Conduct procedure. The host invites everyone to sleep, relax. Children gather in a circle, squat down, close their eyes. Host (after a few seconds): “So we woke up, sweetly stretched.” Children open their eyes, stand up slowly, stretch their arms forward, then raise them up, take them behind their heads and rise on their toes. Host: "Sweetly stretched, smiled at each other." Children stand on their feet, put their hands down.

2. Games for relaxation by alternating rhythmic breathing and breathing with a delay.

"Let's warm the butterfly."

Purpose: to achieve relaxation through breathing techniques.

Conduct procedure. Children sit in a circle on chairs. The host shows an imaginary butterfly, says that it is frozen and cannot fly. Offers to warm her with his breath. Children breathe on their hands. The psychologist says that the butterfly has warmed up and needs to be blown off the palm of your hand. Children take several deep breaths through their nose and exhale through their mouths. On exhalation, lips are pulled out with a tube, palms are substituted under cold streams of air.


Purpose: to develop in children the ability to relax the abdominal muscles.

Conduct procedure. Children stand in a circle. Presenter: “I have a balloon in my hands. Watch how I inflate it (inflates a real balloon and then deflates it). And now we will imagine that the balloon is in our stomach and we have to inflate it. Put your hand on your stomach. The balloon is not inflated now. Now we take air into it, inflate the tummy, as if it were a big balloon. Feel with your pen how it grows. Now let's exhale and deflate the tummy. Great! Let's repeat it again. Inhale - exhale, another breath - exhale. Well done!"


Purpose: to relieve psycho-emotional stress through breathing techniques, creating a positive emotional background.

Conduct procedure. Host: “Guys, have you seen the watch?

Who has them? Do you want us to show you the watch today? Stand up straight, legs slightly apart so that the car can pass between them, lower your arms. Mom started the clock, and they began to tick: “Tick-tock!”. Wave your straight arms back and forth. The watch got tired, stopped, rested ... Mom started the watch again, and it started ticking again. Children and the leader wave their hands, say: "Tick-tock."

I want to draw your attention to the fact that monotonous hand movements slow down negative emotions!

"The porridge is boiling."

Purpose: to relieve psycho-emotional stress through breathing techniques.

Conduct procedure. Presenter: “Mom put the porridge on to cook and left. And the porridge boiled and boiled. Do you know how porridge boils? Let's show. We put one hand on the tummy, the other on the chest. Pulled in the tummy - took in air. We speak loudly: "f-f-f", - they stuck out their tummy. That's how porridge boils!

I want to draw your attention to the fact that squeezing the muscles of the hands also inhibits negative emotions!

3. Clothespin games

"Games with clothespins."

Conduct procedure. The host shows the clothespins to the children and talks about their purpose in everyday life, offers to play with them - shows how you can attach the clothespin to the edge of the box with three fingers, accompanying the actions with the words:

Our mother is tired

Washed all the clothes

Help my dear mother

I'll take all the clothespins.

Then the facilitator shows how the clothespin can open and close the "mouth". Next, the clothespin "turns" into a wolf:

Gray wolf - click teeth.

We are not afraid of you, wolf!

(Children repeat the text and movements after the leader.)

"Bunny and dog."

Conduct procedure. The host recites a famous poem and performs actions with a clothespin.

One, two, three, four, five - Fingers of the left hand show a "bunny"

The bunny went out for a walk.

Suddenly the hunter runs out. The right hand opens and closes.

And let the dog out. clothespin, depicting how a dog barks

Angry dog ​​barks

The bunny runs away. The left hand is retracted behind the back

"Interesting conversation."

Purpose: relieve tension, develop the communicative function of speech, develop imagination.

Conduct procedure. Children have a clothespin in each hand. Rhythmic opening and closing of clothespins with both hands in the course of pronouncing the text:

Frog: "Wak-wow!"

And the duckling: “Quack-quack!”

Everyone said, everyone asked

We talked well!


Purpose: relieve tension, develop fine motor skills of the hands, develop the communicative function of speech.

Conduct procedure. The host rhythmically opens and closes the “mouth” of the clothespin, accompanying the actions with the pronunciation of the poetic text.

Cunning cheat, red head,

The mouth opens, scares the bunnies.

(Children repeat the text and movements after the leader.)


Purpose: relieve tension, develop fine motor skills of the hands, develop the communicative function of speech.

At the zoo, the sparrow dined with the animals,

A toothy crocodile almost swallowed it.

(Children repeat the text and movements after the leader.)


Purpose: relieve tension, develop fine motor skills of the hands, develop the communicative function of speech.

Conduct procedure. The host rhythmically opens and closes the “mouth” of the clothespin, accompanying the actions with the pronunciation of the poetic text:

Ha-ha-ha, - the goose cackles, -

I am proud of my family.

(Children repeat the text and movements after the leader.)


Purpose: relieve tension, develop fine motor skills of the hands, develop the communicative function of speech.

The bird moved its beak, The hand with the clothespin turns

From side to side

The bird found the grain, The other hand shows the palm

With imaginary grains

The bird ate the grains, Pinching the palms with a clothespin

The bird sang a song. The clothespin rhythmically opens and

He closes his mouth," he sings.

Adult and children sing: "La-la-la!"

"Stupid crow."

Purpose: relieve tension, develop fine motor skills of the hands, consolidate sensory skills, develop the communicative function of speech.

Conduct procedure. Children and the leader sit at the tables. Each in the hands of one clothespin and candy wrappers, twisted into a "candy". An adult accompanies actions with a clothespin by pronouncing a poetic text. Children repeat the text and movements after the leader.

Stupid crow Clothespin rhythmically opens

I saw the paper - and closes the "mouth".

How to get her. The brush is tilted with a clothespin

I thought candy, to the table, the capture of a candy wrapper.

It turned out ... candy wrapper.


Purpose: relieve tension, develop the communicative function of speech, develop imagination.

Conduct procedure. The host rhythmically opens and closes the clothespin with both hands as the text is spoken.

Two little rooks

All day long they scream in the nest.

Open the mouths of the rook:

They really want to eat.

(Children repeat the text and movements after the leader.)

4. Games - "lullabies", lullabies.

Such games protect from excessive impressions and emotions accumulated during the day, soothe, and even heal, because it is not for nothing that the words of some lullabies resemble the conspiracies of healers, “casting out” illnesses and sorrows. The calm melody of the lullaby helps to slow down the pulse, dilate blood vessels, streamline brain rhythms.

It is necessary to accompany the “lullaby” or lullaby by stroking the arms, legs, back, hair, forehead and eyebrows. All these actions are necessary in order to develop in children a conditioned reflex to fall asleep. If an adult does this correctly, then the children literally relax before our eyes and quickly go to sleep. And the baby's sleep itself will be calm and long.

Lullabies do not have to be sung, you can sincerely and affectionately pronounce the words, whisper. Important point: after laying down all the children, the adult sits in a chair and relaxes. This condition is transmitted to children, and they fall asleep faster.

"It's time for the kids to sleep."

Purpose: to prepare for sleep, relieve tension from the main muscle groups of the baby's body.

Conduct procedure. All the guys are lying in their beds, the teacher begins to sing in a gentle voice, accompanying the words of the lullaby with strokes. Repeats several times until all the children receive a gentle stroke from him:

It's time for our fingers to sleep

It's time for our hands to sleep

It's time for our eyes to sleep

And it's time for the hairs to sleep.

It's time for our feet to sleep

And it's time for the tummy to sleep

It's time for the back to sleep too

It's time for lobbies to sleep too.

It's time for the kids to sleep!

"Let's go to bed." (playing with a doll)

Purpose: to help the child fall asleep faster, streamline the ritual of going to bed, make it habitual.

Conduct procedure. The teacher gathers all the children around the toy bed, takes the doll and says: “It's time for all the kids to sleep. And Katya doll will go to bed now. You have to get undressed. Here is the dress, tights. We lie down in bed. Sweet dreams, Katyusha. The teacher addresses the children: “And now our children will go to bed. Just get undressed first."

"Bunnies are grey."

Purpose: to prepare for sleep, relieve psycho-emotional stress.

Conduct procedure. The teacher puts the children in bed and begins to sing or pronounce the text to fall asleep: “The gray bunnies are tired and lay down in bed. And the hare Misha lay down, and the fluffy hare Alyosha lay down ... The beds of the bunnies are warm, soft. And Marina's little white bunny is warm, and... The bunny's paws are stretched out, the bunnies have warm paws. And Lenochka's bunny is warm, and... The bunnies' eyes are closing, the bunnies are sleeping. And the bunny Mashenka is sleeping, and the bunny Sashenka is sleeping. Well, warmly to my bunnies!”. An adult approaches each child, whispers these words to him affectionately, strokes his arms, legs, and back. Having laid all the children, the adult sits in a chair and relaxes.

"Sleep for the palms."

Purpose: to prepare for sleep, relieve negative emotions, relieve tension from the hands.

Conduct procedure. Children lie in beds, an adult draws

Attention is on their palms and begins to pronounce the text in a calm, melodious voice, accompanying it with movements. Children repeat after him.

Our palms are tired, Show palms, relaxed several times

They want to get some rest. shake them

They collected toys. Show how invisible toys were assembled

Made buns with mom. Sculpt from invisible dough

We cooked porridge with grandma. Stir invisible porridge

Picked daisies in the garden. Pick a few invisible flowers

They threw bread crumbs Collect fingers in a handful, fingering them,

Sparrows on the path. throwing invisible crumbs

Our palms are tired, Fold our palms one on top of the other,

Let's get some rest. relax your hands.

"Everybody sleeps."

Purpose: to prepare children for sleep, relieve negative emotions, tension.

Conduct procedure. The boys are in bed. An adult comes to the window and begins to say:

Bye bye, bye bye

Doggy don't bark

Whitepaw, don't make noise.

Cockerel, don't cry

Don't wake my kids!

The boys sleep

The big ones will grow

And go to school! An adult walks calmly between the beds, straightens the blankets, strokes all the children in turn. Then she sings a lullaby:

All the swallows are sleeping

And the foxes sleep.

And to our guys

They tell you to sleep.

The swallows are sleeping

All in nests

Chanterelles sleep

All under the bushes

The mice are sleeping

Everything is in mints,

little kids

They sleep in beds.

Sleep and you, Vanyusha!

Sleep and you, Katyusha!

(He affectionately calls those children to whom he approaches.)

Another variant:

Here people sleep

Here the animals sleep

Birds sleep on branches

Bears sleep on hills

Bunnies sleep on the grass

Ducks - on an ant,

Children are all in their cradles ...

Sleep, sleep

The whole world is told to sleep!

"The ghouls have arrived."

Bringing procedure. The teacher begins to chant the “lullaby”, gradually moving to a whisper. He walks between the beds, gently whispers the words "sleep" and strokes each child, thus relieving tension, calming the kids:

Oh, lyuli-lyuli-lyuli,

The ghouls have come to us

Ghouls sat on the bed

Ghouls began to coo:

"What do we feed the kids?"

One ghoul says:

"Let's cook porridge."

Another ghoul says:

"We'll drink milk."

The third ghoul says:

"Swing in a cradle,

Put to sleep."

You, kids, sleep

Close your angelic eyes

Sleep! Sleep! Sleep!”


Purpose: to prepare for sleep, relieve stress.

Conduct procedure. Children in bed. An adult begins to tell a familiar poem, gradually setting the children to sleep, urging them to fall asleep and see a fairy tale in a dream:

Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep

He lay down in a box on a barrel.

Sleepy bear went to bed.

The elephant wants to sleep too

The trunk lowers the elephant,

He sees a sweet, wondrous dream.

Our kids are sleeping too

Quietly noses sniffle.

soft pillows

Ears warm.

The eyes are closing

The stories begin!

Exercises, sketches, games aimed at developing and correcting different aspects of the child's psyche (both its cognitive and emotional-personal spheres).

Studies on the expression of basic emotions

Humpty Dumpty (for children 4-5 years old)

Humpty Dumpty

Sat on the wall.

Humpty Dumpty

Fell off in a dream.

(Translated by S. Marshak)

The child turns the torso to the right and left, the arms dangle freely, like a rag doll. To the words “fell down in a dream”, sharply tilt the body down.

Grasshopper (for children 4 - 5 years old)

The girl was walking in the garden and suddenly saw a big green grasshopper. She began to sneak up on him. She only stretched out her hands to cover him with her palms, and he jumped - and now he is chirping in a completely different place. The music is An. Alexandrov "Grasshopper".

expressive movements. Stretch your neck forward, look closely, tilt your torso slightly forward, step on your toes.

Golden drops (for children 4-5 years old)

There is a warm rain. Bubbles dance in puddles. The sun peeked out from behind the clouds. The rain turned golden.

The child exposes his face to golden raindrops. Nice warm summer rain.

During the etude, the music of D. Hristov "Golden Droplets" sounds.

expressive movements. Tilt your head back, half open your mouth, close your eyes, relax your facial muscles, lower your shoulders.

King Borovik is out of sorts (for children 4-5 years old)

The leader reads the poem, and the child acts according to the text.

There was King Borovik

Straight through the forest.

He shook his fist

And he thumped with his heels.

King Borovik was out of sorts;

The king was bitten by flies.

(V. Prikhodko)

Two angry boys (for children 4-5 years old)

The boys quarreled. They are very angry, they knitted their eyebrows, waving their arms, stepping on each other, they are about to fight ...

The sketch is performed to the music of E. Botlyarov "Brawler".

The little fox is afraid (for children 3-4 years old)

The little fox saw his mother on the other side of the stream, but he does not dare to enter the water. The water is so cold and deep. expressive movements. Put your foot forward on the toe, then return the foot to its place. Repeat this movement several times. For greater expressiveness, you can imitate shaking imaginary droplets of water from your foot.

Brave hare (for children 4-5 years old)

The hare loved to stand on a stump and sing songs and read poetry loudly. He was not afraid that the wolf might hear him.

expressive movements. Pose. Stand position, one leg slightly in front of the other, hands behind the back, chin up.

Mimic. Confident look.

Greedy dog ​​(for children 4 - 5 years old)

The host reads a poem by Vasily Kvitka:

greedy dog

Firewood brought,

applied water,

kneaded the dough,

baked pies,

Hid in a corner

And ate it myself


Then one child imitates the actions spoken of in the poem.

Zlyuka (for children 4-5 years old)

The child pretends to be evil. He sits on a chair and, while the music is playing (D. Kabalevsky. "Zlyuka"), he looks at each of those present with anger and displeasure. Mimic. Eyebrows are shifted, the upper lip is bitten.

"Sunny Bunny" From 4 years old.
The sunbeam looked into your eyes. Close them. He ran further along the face, gently stroke it with your palms: on the forehead, on the nose, on the mouth. On the cheeks, on the chin (stroke carefully so as not to frighten) the head, neck, tummy, arms, legs, he climbed up the collar, stroke him there too. He is not mischievous, he loves to caress you, and you pet him and make friends with him.

"Save the chick" From 4 years old.
Imagine that you have a helpless little chick in your hand. Extend your arms with your palms up. And now warm it, slowly, one finger at a time, fold your palms, hide the chick in them, breathe on it, warming it with your even breathing, calm and deep, put your palms on your chest, give back the kindness of your heart and breath. And now open your palms and you will see that the chick has taken off joyfully, smile at him and do not be sad, he will still fly to you.

" Flight of bird".

We all often have wonderful dreams. In them we turn into princes and princesses, bunnies and squirrels, we understand the language of birds and animals. We will learn the secret of beauty and lightness, we will fly over the earth, we will feel the freshness of the clear blue sky. It is very similar to the sea, the body in it is as light and flexible as in the water. The sky is a blue realm of magnificent birds. One of the most beautiful is the swan: white as snow, with a long, flexible neck and a golden beak. Raise your chin up. Yes, this is exactly the neck of a swan. Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders. You are beautiful. Close your eyes. Let's breathe like birds. Inhale - exhale. After inhaling, say to yourself: "I am a swan!"
The neck of the swan is tense, extended, the back is proud, straight. Spread your arms wide - wings, wider, smoothly ... Well done!
Bend your knees a little, strain them and..straighten sharply... Deep breath and.. About a miracle! We took off! ... Inhale-exhale ... (3 p.) You can freely flap your wings. The body is like a feather, light, we do not feel it at all. How happy and free! Clear and blue sky around, pleasant coolness ... silence ... peace. Inhale-exhale.
Beneath us, like a mirror, the lake shines. You can look and see yourself in it. What a beautiful bird! Inhale - exhale.
We fly smoothly, we like it and it’s not scary at all. Let's go down, down, down, down. The field, the forest, the house, the people are already very close ... And now the legs lightly touched the ground ... Let's stretch our neck, straighten our shoulders, lower our wings.
It was a wonderful flight! Let someone not be very successful. No problem! And the handsome swan did not immediately take off. Once he was the Ugly Duckling, suffered a lot of grief and disasters, they laughed at him, offended him, and no one understood him. But it is not scary to be born an Ugly Duckling, it is important to want to be a swan. Everything beautiful someday comes true, you just need to really, really believe. Note. You need to complete the program when you feel that the children are excited, anxious, tired. You can 1-2 r. a week to recite before going to bed to calm music.

"Cheerfulness". From 4 years old.
Sit freely, stretch your arms forward and prepare two fingers: thumb and forefinger. Take them by the very tips of the ears - one from above, the other from below the ear. Massage your ears while saying: "Ears, ears hear everything!" 10 times in one direction and 10 times in the other direction. Now put your hands down, shake your hands. Take a deep breath, raising your hands, look at them, exhale lowering your hands "I breathe, breathe, breathe!"Exercises to develop the ability to feel the mood and empathize with others.

"We train emotions." From 4 years old.
Ask the child to frown like:
autumn cloud;
angry person;
evil person.

Ask your child to smile like:
cat in the sun
the sun itself;
like Pinocchio;
like a cunning fox;
like a happy child.

Ask the child to show how angry:
a child who had a candy taken away from him;
two sheep on the bridge;
the person who was hit.

Ask the child to show how scared:
a child lost in the forest;
a hare who saw a wolf;
a kitten being barked by a dog.

Ask the child to show how tired:
dad after work
a person who lifted a heavy load;
an ant carrying a large fly.

Ask the child to show what it looks like:
a tourist who took off a heavy backpack;
a child who worked hard, but helped his mother;
tired warrior after victory.

"An hour of silence and an hour" you can. "From the age of 4.
Agree with your child that sometimes, when you are tired and want to rest, there will be an hour of silence in the house. The child should behave quietly, calmly play, draw. But sometimes you will have a "maybe" hour when the child is allowed to do everything: jump, scream, take mom's outfits and dad's tools, hug parents, hang on them, etc.
Note. Hours can be alternated, or you can arrange them on different days, the main thing is that they become familiar in the family.

"Designers". From 4 years old.
To play, you need to accumulate several tubes of lipstick that mom did not like. You can play with the whole family and with your child's friends. Everyone receives a tube of lipstick and is allowed to approach any participant and decorate his face, arms, legs. As a result of the game, you will see the faces of the players transformed in their expression and beauty.
Make sure to decorate everyone, do not forget to decorate yourself.

"Straw in the wind" From 6 years old.
The exercise is performed with a group of adults and children, at least 6-7 people. Everyone stands in a circle, stretching their arms palms forward. "Straw" is selected. She stands in the center of the circle with her eyes closed. At the command of an adult: "Do not take your feet off the floor and fall back" - the participants in the game take turns touching the "straw", and carefully supporting it, pass it to the next player. As a result, each insures the other, and the "straw" sways smoothly in the wind.
Note. Distrustful and timid children first need to be in the role of support. Pleasant sensations and smiles on the faces of the "straws" will make them visit this role. Adult participation is required.

Games and exercises for children with communication difficulties.

"The wind blows on...". 5-10 years.
With the words: "The wind blows on ..." the host starts the game. In order for the participants in the game to learn more about each other, questions can be: "The wind blows on the one who has blond hair" - all the fair-haired people gather in a group. "The one who ... has a sister ... who loves animals ... who cries a lot ... who has no friends", etc.
The leader must be changed, giving everyone the opportunity to ask around the participants.

"Find a friend." From 5 years old.
The exercise is performed among children or between children and parents. One half is blindfolded, given the opportunity to walk around the room and offered to find and recognize a friend (parent). You can find out with the help of hands, feeling hair, clothes, hands. Then, when a friend is found, the players switch roles.

"Mittens". From 5 years old.
For the game, mittens cut out of paper are needed, the number of pairs is equal to the number of pairs of participants in the game. The host spreads mittens with the same ornament, but not painted, around the room. The children disperse around the room. They look for their pair, go to a corner and, using pencils of different colors, try, as quickly as possible, to color the mittens in exactly the same way. The facilitator observes how the couples organize the joint work, how they share pencils, how they agree. Congratulations to the winners.

"The Dragon". From 5 years old.
The players stand in a line, holding on to their shoulders. The first participant is the head, the last one is the tail of the dragon. The head should reach the tail and touch it. The dragon's body is inseparable. Once the head has grabbed the tail, it becomes the tail. The game continues until each participant has played two roles.

"Touch to ...". From 5 years old.
All players are dressed differently. The host shouts out: "touch ... blue!" Everyone should instantly orient themselves, find something blue in the clothes of the participants and touch this color. Colors change periodically. Who did not have time, the leader. An adult ensures that each participant is touched.

"Positron". From 4 years old.
Sitting in a circle, everyone holds hands. Looking into the eyes of a neighbor, one must say a few kind words to him, praise him for something. The receiver nods his head and says: "Thank you, I'm very pleased!" Then he gives compliments to his neighbor, an exercise in a circle.
Instead of praise, you can just say a tasty, sweet, flowery, milky word. If the child finds it difficult to compliment, then compliment his neighbor yourself.

Is there or not?". From the age of 5.
The players stand in a circle and hold hands, leading in the center. He explains the task: if they agree with the statement, then they raise their hands up and shout: "Yes!" If they do not agree with the statement, they throw up their hands and shout: "No!"
Are there fireflies in the field?
Are there fish in the sea?
Does a calf have wings?
Does a piglet have a beak?
Does the wave have a crest?
Does the burrow have doors?
Does a rooster have a tail?
Does the violin have a key?
Does the verse have a rhyme?
Does it have any errors

"Mirror". From 5 years old.
Children are asked to imagine that they have entered a mirror shop. One half of the group are mirrors, the other half are different little animals. Animals walk past mirrors, jump, make faces - mirrors must accurately reflect the movements and facial expressions of animals.

(M.I. Chistyakova. Psycho-gymnastics. - M., 1990)

Relaxation exercises with children.

Modern preschoolers are sometimes loaded no less than adults. Visiting a kindergarten, various clubs and sports sections, they get a lot of information, get tired physically and emotionally. After all, you need to be in time everywhere!

Such loads adversely affect the health of children. Therefore, it is so important to use relaxation exercises when working with preschoolers.

An active lifestyle, frequent stress in the family and at work often lead to overstrain, bad mood, and as a result, to depression. You need to learn how to relax and use the means of relaxation and meditation to combat "overload". But what to do if a very small child is overstressed, overexcited and it is difficult to calm down after active games and communication? How to defeat children's hyperexcitability?

For some reason, it is generally accepted that relaxation and meditation methods are shown only to adults. In fact, this is not entirely true. Yes, frankly, it is difficult to explain to a three-year-old child what meditation is. Therefore, the relaxation of children preschool age requires a special look and approach. The main thing is to use it correctly and skillfully.

The nervous system of a preschool child is far from perfect. It is difficult for children to control the processes of excitation and inhibition of the nervous system. This explains restless sleep or problems with falling asleep after active games. First of all, this applies to active children. But, despite this, there are many ways by which you can calm the "loosened" child.

For the formation of emotional stability of the child, it is important to teach him to control his body. In the process of development, education and training, children receive a huge amount of information that they need to learn. Active mental activity and accompanying emotional experiences create excessive excitation in the nervous system, which, accumulating, leads to tension in the muscles of the body. The ability to relax allows you to eliminate anxiety, agitation, stiffness, restores strength, increases energy.

Relaxation (from Latin relaxation - weakening, relaxation) - deep muscle relaxation, accompanied by the removal of mental stress. Relaxation can be both involuntary and voluntary, achieved as a result of the use of special psychophysiological techniques.

Relaxation exercises with focus on breathing:

"Blow out the candle."

Inhale deeply, drawing as much air into the lungs as possible. Then, stretching out your lips with a tube, exhale slowly, as if blowing on a candle, while pronouncing the sound “u” for a long time.

« Lazy cat."

Raise your hands up, then stretch forward, stretch like a cat. Feel how the body stretches. Then sharply lower your hands down, pronouncing the sound “a”.

Facial muscle relaxation exercises:

"Naughty cheeks".

Take in air by puffing out your cheeks. Hold your breath, slowly exhale the air, as if blowing out a candle. Relax your cheeks. Then close your lips with a tube, inhale the air, drawing it in. The cheeks are retracted. Then relax your cheeks and lips.

"Locked mouth".

Purse your lips so that they are not visible at all. Close your mouth with a “lock”, tightly squeezing your lips. Then relax them:

I have a secret, I won't tell you, no (purse your lips).

Oh, how hard it is to resist without saying anything (4–5 s).

Nevertheless, I will relax my lips, and I will leave the secret to myself.

"Evil has calmed down."

Tighten your jaw, stretching your lips and exposing your teeth. Roar with all your might. Then take a few deep breaths, stretch, smile and, opening your mouth wide, yawn:

And when I get very angry, I tense up, but I hold on.

I squeeze my jaw strongly and scare everyone with a growl (growl).

For anger to fly away and the whole body to relax,

Take a deep breath, stretch, smile,

Maybe even yawn (open mouth wide, yawn).

Neck relaxation exercises:

"Curious Barabara".

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, head straight. Turn your head as far to the left as possible, then to the right. Inhale-exhale. The movement is repeated 2 times in each direction. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

Curious Varvara looks to the left, looks to the right.

And then again forward - here a little rest.

Raise your head up, look at the ceiling as long as possible. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

And Varvara looks up the longest and farthest!

Comes back - relaxation is nice!

Slowly lower your head down, press your chin to your chest. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

And now let's look down - the muscles of the neck have tensed!

Coming back - relaxing is nice!

Muscle relaxation exercises:


Lower your hands down and imagine that there is a lemon in your right hand, from which you need to squeeze the juice. Slowly clench your right hand as tightly as possible into a fist. Feel how tense your right hand is. Then throw the "lemon" and relax your hand:

I will take a lemon in my hand.

I feel like it's round.

I squeeze it a little -

I squeeze lemon juice.

All right, juice is ready.

I throw a lemon, relax my hand.

Perform the same exercise with your left hand.

“Pair” (alternate movement with tension and relaxation of the hands).

Standing opposite each other and touching the partner's forward palms, straighten your right arm with tension, thereby bending the partner's left arm at the elbow. At the same time, the left hand bends at the elbow, and the partner straightens.


What a wonderful day today!

We will drive away boredom and laziness.

They shook their hands.

Here we are healthy and strong.

Leg muscle relaxation exercises:


Imagine yourself on a ship. Shakes. In order not to fall, you need to spread your legs wider and press them to the floor. Clasp your hands behind your back. The deck rocked - transfer the body weight to the right leg, press it to the floor (the right leg is tense, the left is relaxed, slightly bent at the knee, the toe touches the floor). Straighten up. Relax your leg. It swung in the other direction - to press the left leg to the floor. Straighten up! Inhale-exhale!

It began to rock the deck! Press your foot to the deck!

We press the leg tighter, and relax the other.


Our legs wobbled

We will run along the path.

But be careful

Don't forget what to do!


Put your feet firmly, then imagine yourself as an elephant. Slowly transfer the body weight to one leg, and raise the other high and lower it to the floor with a “roar”. Move around the room, alternately raising each leg and lowering it with a kick of the foot on the floor. Breathe out "Wow!"

Relaxation exercises for the whole body:

"Snow Woman"

Children imagine that each of them is a snowman. Huge, beautiful, which was fashioned from the snow. She has a head, a torso, two arms sticking out to the sides, and she stands on strong legs. Beautiful morning, the sun is shining. Here it begins to bake, and the snowman begins to melt. Next, the children depict how the snowman melts. First the head melts, then one hand, then the other. Gradually, little by little, the body begins to melt. The snowman turns into a puddle that spreads on the ground.


Children imagine that they are small birds. They fly through the fragrant summer forest, inhale its aromas and admire its beauty. So they sat down on a beautiful wild flower and breathed in its light aroma, and now they flew to the highest linden, sat on its crown and felt the sweet smell of a flowering tree. But a warm summer breeze blew, and the birds, along with its impulse, rushed to the murmuring forest stream. Sitting on the edge of the stream, they cleaned their feathers with their beaks, drank clean, cool water, splashed and again rose up. And now we will land in the most comfortable nest in a forest clearing.


Children lie on their backs. They close their eyes and relax to the sound of the lullaby “Fluffy Clouds”. “Awakening” takes place to the sound of a bell.

"Summer day".

Children lie on their backs, relaxing all the muscles and closing their eyes. Relaxation to the sound of calm music:

I'm lying in the sun,

But I don't look at the sun.

We close our eyes, our eyes rest.

The sun caresses our faces

May we have a good dream.

Suddenly we hear: boom-boom-boom!

Thunder came out for a walk.

Thunder rumbles like a drum.

"Slow motion".

Children sit closer to the edge of the chair, lean against the back, put their hands freely on their knees, legs slightly apart, close their eyes and sit quietly for a while, listening to slow, quiet music:

Everyone can dance, jump, run, draw.

But not everyone knows how to relax, to rest.

We have a game like this - very easy, simple.

The movement slows down, tension disappears.

And it becomes clear - relaxation is pleasant!


Hush, hush, hush!

You can't talk!

We are tired - we need to sleep - we will lie down quietly on the bed,

And we will sleep quietly.

Children really like doing such exercises, because they have an element of the game. They quickly learn this difficult ability to relax.

Having learned to relax, each child receives what he previously lacked. This applies equally to any mental processes: cognitive, emotional or volitional. In the process of relaxation, the body redistributes energy in the best possible way and tries to bring the body to balance and harmony.

Relaxing, excited, restless children gradually become more balanced, attentive and patient. Children who are inhibited, constrained, lethargic and timid acquire confidence, vigor, freedom in expressing their feelings and thoughts.

Such systematic work allows the child's body to relieve excess stress and restore balance, thereby maintaining health.

Summer camps, tourist gatherings for children, creative meetings, seminars and team building for adults begin with sports and entertainment events that are aimed at getting to know and liberating the participants. For younger children, these are, most often, games in a circle, undertakings with songs or rhymes, for teenagers and adults - more diverse games, the purpose of which is not so much the direct pronunciation of names, but the rapprochement and rallying of the formed team.

Suggested dating games for kids and adults funny and unusual, you need to choose them in accordance with the place and age of the participants. By the way, many of them will perfectly fit into the program of festive events, where an unfamiliar company gathered.

1. Game for acquaintance "Kaleidoscope of names".

This game as a tool for acquaintance can be used not only at children's holidays, but also during the start of work of children's associations, teams, detachments in camps, teams at seminars.

The facilitator says:

“To find out the names, I will name the letters.

Whose name begins with this letter,

He gets up and introduces himself

The letter "A" starts!

Stand up those whose names begin with "A":

Thank you! Continues the letter "B"!

Those whose names begin with this letter rise.

Let's turn to the letter - "B"!

Participants with names beginning with "B" are introduced, etc.

The game must be played at an intense pace so that it does not turn into a tedious undertaking.

Any teacher sometimes has to enter into a completely new class. And sometimes the children themselves only get to know each other for the first time on September 1st. And it's not always first-graders. Sometimes, for example, specialized classes, classes in a newly opened school turn out to be new. In such cases, acquaintance between children can be carried out informally, using special games well known to summer camp counselors.

dating games

7–9 years old

Each age has its own characteristics, and they must be taken into account when selecting games. "Games for acquaintance" will help to create a favorable environment, liberate children and introduce them in a creative and original way.

For acquaintance of children of primary school age, the game "Ball" is suitable. The leader holds the ball in his hands and says:
colorful ball
Jumping along the path
Along the path, along the path
From birch to aspen,
From the aspen - turn -
Straight to Sasha in the garden! (name of one of the players.)
WITH last words the leader throws the ball up. The participants whose name was called must catch the ball. The one who caught becomes the leader. If the name of a participant who is not in the game is called, then the leader catches the ball and makes the next throw.

It's me
Another version of the dating game for younger children is the “This is me” game. The players become in a circle. The leader is in the center and calls two names (one of the children present), one is male, the other is female.
The players whose names have been called shout: "It's me" - and change places. The leader's task is to take the vacant seat. The one who did not have time to take a free place becomes the leader.

11–13 years old

Children in grades 5-8 can be introduced using the game "Hello".
All participants stand in a circle facing shoulder to shoulder. The driver walks along the outside of the circle and touches one of the players. The driver and the player who was hit run in different directions along the outside of the circle.
Having met, the children shake hands with each other, say: “Hello” - and call their names. Then they run further, trying to take an empty place in the circle. The one who is left without a place becomes the driver.

Who is who
Another version of the dating game is called "Who's Who?". Each player receives a piece of paper and a pencil. Five minutes after the leader's signal, the players should get to know each other, learning the names and who wants to be who (future profession). You can recognize anything - your favorite color, your favorite music, pets, etc. The data obtained is recorded on a piece of paper. The winner is the one who has time to learn more and write down.

Let's open our hearts to each other
You can use a game called "Open our hearts to each other." Each player receives a heart-shaped token on which he writes his name. The leader walks around with a hat. The players say their names out loud and put their hearts into the hat. After that, the host goes around the circle a second time.
Now the task of the players is to get one of the hearts out of the hat, read the name written on it aloud, remember who it belongs to, and give it to the owner.

The game "Helpline" will help the collective acquaintance of students. Participants sit in pairs, boys opposite girls. The girls whisper their names to the boys sitting with them in a pair. After that, the boy sitting in the front row quietly tells the neighbor the name of his partner, so that the other boys do not hear. The second player tells the third the name of the first girl and the name of the one sitting opposite him, and so on.
The last boy must say out loud the names of all the girls. If the name is called correctly, then the girl gets up, if not, then the girl remains seated. After that, the girls learn the names of the boys and call them. The team with the most accuracy wins.

14–16 years old

To meet high school students, it is good to use the game "Vanity of Vanities". All participants in the game are given cards that are divided into 9-25 cells. Each cell contains a task. The essence of the game is to write in each cell the name of a person who loves fish, keeps a dog at home, goes hiking, etc. There is room for your imagination here. The more unexpected the tasks, the better.
Using this game, the teacher will not only introduce students, but will also be able to conduct primary diagnostics in the classroom - it all depends on what questions will be recorded in the task cells. You can identify lovers of drawing, singing, playing the guitar. There is no winner in this game, although it is possible to mark those who complete the task first.

My partner
A looser form of the dating game is called "My Partner". Participants are divided into pairs. They are given 3 minutes, during which they must learn as much as possible about each other. Then everyone sits in a circle, and each of the players talks about his partner. Style of presentation - any. Originality is encouraged.

An unusual way of meeting high school students is the Liar game.
This game will also help you get to know each other better. 5-8 people are needed. Prepare blanks in an amount equal to the number of players. Forms should contain the following questions:
- The farthest place I've been to is... ________________ .
- As a child, I was forbidden to do _____, but I did it anyway.
- My hobbies - ____________.
When I was little, I dreamed of being .
- I have one bad habit - .
Sheets with these questions are distributed to each player, and everyone must fill them out by answering truthfully to all but one of the questions. That is, one answer will be wrong, false.
When everyone has completed their questionnaires, the players take turns reading their answers aloud. The task of the other players is to guess which of the player's answers is false. Have them write their version on the opposite side of their questionnaires. Find out the number of the false answer and award a point to all those who guessed the false answer. The one who scored the most points wins.
You can change the rules. Instead of one wrong answer out of five, write four wrong ones, and one right one.

In order for children to better remember each other's names, you can use the game "Snowball". The participants in the game sit or stand in a circle so that they can see each other. Everyone takes turns saying their name.
Each subsequent player calls the names of all previous players, adding his own to them. For example, the first participant calls his name, the second - the name of the first and his own, the third - the name of the first, the second and his own, and so on until the last player, who must name the names of everyone who is in the circle.
Game options:
In addition to his name, each player names a quality that begins with the first letter of the name or corresponds to his character. For example: Vera is fidelity, Sergey is brave, Natalya is tender...
Each player, calling his name, enters the circle of players, making some kind of movement - waving his hand, limping, bending over, etc. Following him, all the players take a step in a circle, calling the name of the previous player and repeating his movement.

The group is given cards divided into squares. In each square, some quality of a person is written, for example: “I like to sing”, “I have a dog”, “I play volleyball”. Everyone must find people with these characteristics and write their names on their card so that all the cells are filled.
The exercise should include those qualities that are important to the teacher: interest in core activities (“I love the theater”), hobby groups (“I love reading science fiction”), etc.

I can, I can teach, I want to learn
A more complex version of acquaintance, which will also help the teacher to diagnose in a new class, is the game "I can, I can teach, I want to learn." The players sit in a circle. Each on a piece of paper writes answers to three questions: what can I do, what can I teach, what do I want to learn.
Then all the players are divided into pairs, exchange sheets of paper and prepare a presentation to each other for 1-2 minutes in any form (speech, poetry, song, sketch, etc.).

You can find a few dozen more dating games on the Igrobank website.


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