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The article gives the procedure for buying a car from hand. You will find out where to check the transport and conclude a legally "clean" deal.

What mistakes are made when buying a vehicle

The procedure for selling a car from hand often turns into a fraudulent scheme, the purpose of which is to get money and disrupt the deal. Let's take a look at 4 popular scam tricks.

  1. Sale of a car for which the loan has not been paid. If the buyer does not bother to check the documents, he will get a lot of problems. The owner can hide that he has not paid off the loan and try to sell the transport, which is pledged to the bank.
  2. Requests to transfer the advance payment. Do not agree to pay an advance payment before signing the contract. Often gullible buyers make an advance payment, and then they are left without money and a car. If you transfer money, issue a receipt.
  3. Sale by proxy. We recommend that you refuse to buy a car from hands if the seller offers to issue a power of attorney for you. There is a risk that the transaction will be challenged. Fraudsters partly use the scheme when the sale process is done by general power of attorney... In fact, cars purchased by proxy do not become the property of the buyer. The power of attorney gives the right only to use the car, and the property rights cannot be issued. Maximum term to use the machine is 10 years.
  4. Defect masking. The seller "varnishes" the car from the outside and hides that the transport is actually rotten from the inside. Car purchases from hand require additional inspection. Station specialists Maintenance will reveal what defects the transport has.

If the seller's actions seemed suspicious to you, we recommend that you refuse to purchase.

How to protect yourself when buying a vehicle

Use special services to check transport. Online you can find out a lot of necessary information. There are 3 useful services for checking information about a car.

  1. On the website of the State Traffic Inspectorate, you can find out if the car has fines. Fill in the information on the form and the system will respond.
  2. Do you want to know if the owner is entitled to make a sale? Go to another service of the traffic police portal and fill out the form.

Find out the VIN of the car to fill out the form.

  1. Another service can be used in 2019. The website of the Federal Chamber of Notaries makes it possible to find out if the car is pledged.

How not to make a mistake when buying a car by proxy

Proxy transactions are risky. Yet buyers often agree to purchase a car by proxy. We advise you to observe two simple rules to avoid problems.

  1. Check the power of attorney. Pay attention to the validity period and powers that are listed in it. The power of attorney must be drawn up correctly, containing correct information about the owner of the vehicle and the car itself.
  2. Write down the real cost of the car in the agreement. There is a risk that interested parties will be able to challenge the transaction in court. The buyer will be returned exactly the amount specified in the contract. Therefore, do not agree to indicate the cost of 60 thousand in the contract if the car costs 600 thousand rubles.

Algorithm for buying vehicles from hands

When buying a car from hand, the whole procedure can be divided into 4 stages:

  • get acquainted with the offers, choose a worthy option;
  • "Break through" transport, study documents and use online services;
  • to sign an agreement;
  • register with the MREO department.

The purchase procedure includes drawing up a sales contract, so you need to know in advance how to draw up a document correctly. If you want to save money, draw up a contract yourself. The law does not establish the obligation to notarize a contract.

8 main points of agreement:

  • date and number of the contract;
  • in the preamble - information from the passport and the registration address of the parties;
  • the subject of the transaction is indicated (we advise you to identify the car as accurately as possible by indicating 5 information about the transport: model and brand, car color, VIN number, date of issue, information from the vehicle's passport);
  • an explanation is made that the car is free, is not under arrest or bail;
  • the cost of transport (the amount is indicated in numbers, the designation in words is put in brackets next to it);
  • settlement procedure: the parties indicate the day of transfer of payments and the date of transfer of rights to the car;
  • the parties indicate that they are familiar with the technical condition of the vehicle;
  • the document is dated and signed at the end.

If the sale is carried out by a thrift store, then he draws up a contract.

Advice: do not limit yourself to signing a contract - draw up an acceptance certificate. The act contains information about the condition of the car, about additional equipment and documents.

When an advance is made, information about the amount can be written in an act or receipt. If you cancel the deal, the advance payment will not be returned. The rule is established by Article 381 of the Civil Code.

After the contract is completed and the act is drawn up, the information is entered into the vehicle passport. You must specify information about the new owner and the details of the contract.

The final stage of the transaction is the transfer of car keys and documents.

How to formalize the rights to a car

Registration is an event that cannot be postponed, since you need to have time to register a car within 10 days from the date of purchase. The deadline was approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Order No. 1001). The owner, who forgot about registration, pays a fine. The amount of the penalty is from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles.

Let's consider 6 steps for registration.

  1. Prepare an application, passport, title and insurance policy. These are basic documents, but you may also need additional information... For example, if you change the design of a car, you will need a document that the car is safe. Transit numbers are not required for registration.
  2. Pay the toll. New signs cost 2,000 rubles, a registration certificate - 500 rubles. Correction of information in the TCP will cost 350 rubles.
  3. Make a payment using the terminal installed in the traffic police. You can also print the receipt on the website. The main thing is to check the correctness of the payment details.
  4. Contact the MREO department for registration. You can contact any department. You can sign up by phone or using the site We advise you to sign up in advance so that you do not have to waste time standing in line.
  5. Be present at the inspection at the MREO.
  6. Get car documents and license plates.

After you become the owner of a car, you get not only rights, but also responsibilities. You will have to pay transport tax on your car. The seller of the car must also report the profit received from its sale.


So, buying a vehicle is not particularly difficult even on the secondary market. It is important to carefully check the documents and the car itself. If you are sure that a "clean" sale is being carried out, then you can sign the contract. After buying a car, do not postpone registration so that you do not have to pay a fine.

Under the new rules? The question is relevant, since cars are bought today by everyone who has the opportunity and an urgent need for personal transport. Well, it is worth telling in detail about this process.

First step

So, first of all, a potential buyer must find the car that he wants to buy. After he has agreed with the owner about a meeting (and usually after that, the car is bought immediately), you need to print the sales contract. Moreover, in duplicate.

These documents must be taken with you to the seller. After all the terms of the deal have been agreed upon, this agreement will need to be concluded. You must be as careful as possible when filling out the form. This document provides detailed information about the seller and the buyer, as well as what concerns the machine being sold.

The buyer and the seller indicate their name and passport data. Information about the car should be the following: make and model of the car, VIN-code, year of manufacture, engine number, chassis and body plus color. After which dates and signatures are put. Subsequently, the registration of the car in the traffic police under the new rules is carried out precisely on the basis of this document.

What's next?

The buyer then gives the seller the money for the car. And after that, the registration of the car in the traffic police begins directly. Under the new rules, it is carried out without the presence of the seller. The buyer needs to take a sales contract, and his own, civil, and go to the MREO. It is there that the registration of the car takes place. In the traffic police, according to the new rules, the PTS is also reissued. The new owner is indicated there - that is, the buyer. And after all the changes have been made, the person will be considered the official owner of the car.

It all sounds not as complicated as many thought. However, before all this happens, you will also need to get an insurance policy. Be sure to do this. Registration of a car in the traffic police under the new rules can be carried out only after presenting a policy. And if earlier it was optional, now you cannot do without it.

How is the OSAGO policy drawn up?

This is also a very important topic. Car registration under the new rules is impossible without a policy, so you should talk in detail about how this process is carried out.

To obtain insurance, you will need to come to the appropriate service (of which there are several in each city) and provide your driver's license, diagnostic card. You can also bring a certificate of Form No. 4 (in the event that the driver claims discounts for driving without losses). There may be several driver's licenses - in the event that a person plans to buy limited insurance (that is, only those people whose names are inscribed in the policy can sit behind the wheel).

After that, a person writes an application for the conclusion of an OSAGO agreement. It is important to indicate reliable data - everything regarding your experience and machine power. Some, in order to save money, write less car power and the fact that their driver experience exceeds the actual one. If suddenly the truth comes to light, then the contract will be terminated, and still have to pay a fine.

How is the cost calculated?

Many people know firsthand that the CTP policy is not a cheap thing. Well, that's the way it is, but you shouldn't be surprised, because this is insurance. And besides, you must definitely buy it, the procedure for registering a car according to the new rules says about this.

The most expensive insurance is in Chelyabinsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Surgut and in some other large cities. It is interesting that OSAGO in Chelyabinsk is much more expensive than in the capital of Russia. So, for example, a policy issued for an unlimited number of people and a car with a capacity of more than 151 liters. with., will cost more than 57 thousand rubles. For 10 months, with a zero bonus-malus coefficient, and if the person has no driving experience, plus his age - less than 22 years. In Moscow, the same policy with similar conditions will cost 54 thousand rubles. In St. Petersburg, the price will be 49,000 rubles.

But in Crimea, for example, the same policy will cost only 16,400 rubles! It is believed that insurance is the cheapest on the peninsula. The same prices are in the Chechen Republic, as well as in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. Kalmykia, Ingushetia, the Republic of Tyva, Khakassia - in these and many other regions, the prices for compulsory motor third party liability insurance are low.

Important nuances

It is worth clarifying a few points that relate to such a topic as the procedure for registering the purchase and sale of a car under the new rules. As already mentioned, the buyer and the seller say goodbye at the first stage. After the money has been transferred, new owner is already dealing with the rest of the issues.

However, it is better to do it a little differently. For the sake of his own self-confidence, the buyer should ask the seller to pay after the registration of the car. Few agree to this - and it is logical. The buyer has suspicions that the seller will deceive him, the latter has a similar situation. Therefore, you can compromise - do the registration together or agree on an advance payment.

Deception of the seller often consists in the fact that arrests have been imposed on his car. And he, of course, kept silent about this. It is found out during registration, in the traffic police, after which the car is sent to a fine-parking lot. The buyer is left without money, which he has given in confidence to the seller, and without a car. Therefore, it is better to find out the VIN-code of the car in advance and check if it is “clean”.

The seller should check whether the new owner has re-registered the car on himself. Because if he does not do this, then all fines and taxes will continue to be transferred to the previous owner. And the blame for the accident, if it happens, will fall on him. In general, no one needs problems, so it is worth agreeing on some kind of mutually beneficial compromise. And then the registration of the car in the traffic police will go smoothly.

If the car is removed from the register

It happens that a person buys a car from his hands, and it is not registered with the traffic police. What then needs to be done? The procedure for registering a car in the traffic police under the new rules in this case begins (again) with the registration of insurance. After the policy is purchased, the person goes to the traffic police. There he presents his passport, driver's license, a purchase and sale agreement, Title Deeds, insurance, transit numbers (if any), a receipt confirming the payment of the state duty, an application for registering the car. In this document, the MREO employee who examined the car puts the appropriate stamp. It is also necessary to present a cargo customs declaration (in cases where the car was exported from abroad).

The inspector checks the submitted papers, verifies the engine number with the information stated in the PTS, and issues the state

The procedure for registering the purchase and sale of a car according to the new rules states that it is necessary to register the car for yourself within ten days after signing the contract. Better to hurry - you need to buy a policy, go through a technical inspection, get a diagnostic card. In general, there are a lot of things to do.


How much you have to pay for insurance was mentioned above. And what about how much you need to pay for traffic police services? To date, the state duty is 2850 rubles. It's not that much. This amount includes the service for the production and subsequent issuance of a registration certificate. It costs 500 rubles. The price also includes the license plate fee. 2000 rubles. But! If the person and the previous owner did not want to rent the rooms, then the cost of the state duty is automatically reduced to 850 rubles. A person gives the last 350 rubles for registration of the TCP.

In general, if you want to save money, then you should persuade the seller to say goodbye to both the car and the license plates. The procedure for registering a car in the traffic police allows this.

Why are transit numbers needed?

So, if a person removed the car from the register and he is sure that he will be able to sell it within five days, then there is no need. And the buyer who has planned to overtake the purchased car to another region, it is better to get them. They will remain valid for twenty days. The procedure for registering the purchase and sale of a car in the traffic police according to the new rules states that if during this period a person did not manage to register the car, then they will have to get new numbers. And, of course, pay for them and stand in line. So it's better to be prompt - this will help you save far from extra money.

What you need to know about duplicate PTS

This document is essential for any vehicle. Should a duplicate be alarming? In principle, there is nothing particularly scary about it. The original could have been lost or simply worn out. In such cases, a duplicate is issued. Here it is important not to run into scammers who usually issue a title to the car that was stolen, or which is a bank pledge. The consequences of such machinations are naturally dire. As a result, a credulous buyer will be left without money and a car. Therefore, you first need to check if the car is being stolen or pledged.

Once in a lifetime, 99% of car owners buy or sell a car. Buying and selling a car includes several stages and is subject to certain rules. When planning to buy or sell a vehicle, prepare for the transaction in advance. We propose to consider step by step the design of this operation.

How to arrange a purchase and sale of a car in 3 stages

We will not consider the process of choosing a car, this is reflected in the article. Let's highlight here the procedures that are carried out when the vehicle is already selected. Let's look at the process from the perspective of a buyer and a seller.

1. Registration of documents for the transaction

We will find out what securities the buyer and the seller transfer to each other.

2. Transfer of the vehicle to a new owner

How to hand over a car and accept money. What documents does the previous owner transfer with the car?

3. Registration of the car in the traffic police

Find out what other documents are required for complete set before going to the traffic police.

Let's consider in order.

What documents are drawn up when selling a car

To conclude a transaction for the sale of the vehicle, draw up and sign a contract of purchase and sale of the vehicle, fill in the TCP.

Let us analyze what documents must be provided when selling a car to each side of the process for registration:

From the seller:

  1. Passport;
  2. Vehicle passport;
  3. Car registration certificate;
  4. Power of attorney (if another owner is indicated in the TCP as the owner);
  5. Diagnostic card (optional, but if there is one, this will simplify the receipt of MTPL);

From the buyer:

  1. Passport

About the KP agreement

Based on the above presented papers, a commercial proposal agreement is drawn up in 3 copies: to the seller, to the buyer and to the traffic police. Information in the form is filled in by hand or in printed form on a computer independently.

Carefully consider drawing up a car sales contract. This paper establishes the transfer of ownership to the new owner, as well as the terms of the transaction. In 2020, it is possible to arrange the sale of a car between individuals independently without the participation of lawyers and notaries, the law allows this.

If you want an additional examination of the transaction or to draw up a purchase and sale agreement, you can involve a notary, this can be done by both the new and the previous owner of the vehicle. However, the instructions for carrying out the procedure given in the article are enough to correctly arrange the sale of a car and not involve unauthorized persons.

It is obligatory that the purchase and sale agreement specifies:

  1. Date and place of signing;
  2. Information about the new and old owner (we take from the passport);
  3. Vehicle information from the vehicle passport;
  4. Information about the presence or absence of encumbrances, prohibitions and pledges;
  5. The cost of the car, the procedure and terms of payment.

Additionally, you can draw up an act of acceptance of the vehicle, which records the date of transfer of money and vehicle, as well as the technical condition of the car. Information about the presence of the act of acceptance and transfer is registered in the DCT, the act is attached in 3 copies to the agreement.

We recommend that when selling a car, indicate in the act or in the contract information on the condition of the car (the presence of technical malfunctions of components and assemblies). Indicate that the buyer has no complaints about the condition and appearance of the car.

On the initiative of one of the parties, prior to registration of the vehicle, it is possible to carry out an examination of the condition of the vehicle and attach a conclusion to the contract. The buyer's signature means acceptance of the existing technical condition.

If the buyer has signed a purchase agreement, in which agreement with the condition of the car at the time of sale is spelled out, terminate the agreement for reasons technical nature it will be difficult.

For more information on drawing up a commercial proposal agreement, read the article.

About filling out the TCP

After signing the DCT in the vehicle passport, the seller signs in the "former owner" section. If the car is not purchased for resale, then fill in the information about the new owner.

Check the availability of free space for the entry in the passport of the car. In the absence of clean lines, the old owner of the car must replace the TCP and sign a new one. The new owner will not be able to get a duplicate title deed, so if you miss this moment, you will have to contact the seller.

What does the buyer get after the transaction

As a result of registration of the purchase and sale, the buyer after payment receives for the car:

  1. Ownership agreement in 2 copies (and the act of acceptance of the transfer, if any.)
  2. Vehicle passport signed by the seller
  3. Vehicle registration certificate
  4. Diagnostic card (if available)
  5. Keys and car.
  6. A copy of the power of attorney (if the car is sold by an authorized person)

The CTP policy is drawn up for the owner of the vehicle and after the transaction, the old copy becomes invalid. If there is a valid diagnostic card, insurance is issued to the new owner without going through MOT.

Registration of a car by a new owner in the traffic police for DCT

Note that according to the rules for registering KP transactions in 2020, the former owner may not contact the traffic police to remove the car from the register, the procedure occurs automatically when registering by the new owner.

The seller will have to visit the traffic police if:

  1. You need to get a duplicate passport for the car;
  2. You are planning to transfer the state number for storage in order to put it on the next car;

The buyer, in addition to the papers received during the execution of the transaction for the purchase of the sale of the car, will need:

  1. Pass a technical inspection (if the seller has not submitted the diagnostic card or the deadline has expired);
  2. Conclude an agreement on compulsory motor third party liability insurance;
  3. Pay the registration fee with the traffic police;
  4. Apply for registration.

Register the machine within 10 days to avoid late fees.

How much it will cost to register the sale of a car in the traffic police under a purchase agreement depends on whether the previous owner retains the license plate with the car or keeps it.

  • in the presence of a state number - 850 rubles (amendments to the TCP - 350 and the new STS - 500);
  • upon production of a new license plate - 2 850 rubles (additionally for the issuance of a registration plate 2 000).

The registration process is considered in detail.

As a result of visiting the car inspection, the owner of the car will receive:

  • Manufactured certificate of registration of the vehicle;
  • PTS with a mark on the registration of the car;
  • State signs (if required).

This concludes the deal.

Buying a used car is always a difficult and risky business. A person takes minimal risk if he buys a new car in the salon, but a used car can often harbor bad points in itself or in its “history”. How to choose and execute the purchase correctly, what is necessary to check what documents are needed, and how difficult it is to buy a car from hand, we will consider further.

You can look for a car to buy from hand in different ways - online services, newspapers, advertisements on the vehicles themselves, etc. But it is worth knowing what should alert a potential buyer at different stages of the search " iron horse»And further purchase procedure.

Nuances when searching for a vehicle

Already in the process of searching for a vehicle hand-held, it is worth paying attention to how the owner of the car you like talks to the potential future owner. If for simple questions according to the TCP data, the previous purchase of a car (in the salon or from the hands), etc. he answers very often or is completely silent, and also, if he offers to look at the car somewhere in a non-populous place or outside the city, it is better to refuse right away, because there is a high probability of meeting with scammers.

It should also be remembered that the used car, brand, its year of manufacture and condition must correspond to the price. That is, if, while searching, a person saw a car that is 100-150 thousand rubles. less than the market value of comparable technical specifications (while the announcement says that the car is problem-free), then 99% of this is a deception and you shouldn't even call on such an announcement.

You cannot deposit money even under the pretext of booking a car before a personal meeting with the owner, and it is better not to transfer any money at all until the conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement. Such fraud has become very common in the modern used car market.

Check for arrest, bail and unpleasant statuses of a used vehicle

The following nuances should alert the potential buyer:

  1. Title has been replaced or lost, and the owner has a duplicate.
  2. The sale of a car is carried out not by the owner, but by his representative under a general power of attorney.
  3. A large number of car owners, indicated in the Title, at a relatively small age of a used car (for example, a car is only 5 years old, and more than 10 people have already owned it).

, as well as the presence of administrative arrest or theft, you can through special online services or upon request from the traffic police. The only thing that cannot be checked with 100% probability (this can be done in the Federal Tax Service, but they do not always have complete information, and the verification process can be delayed) is the credit status of the car, because PTS can be replaced "on loss". At the same time, the owner will not say that his car is in the status of a pledge, a loan is paid for it, or it acts as a pledge in a pawnshop. Here you should rely only on your own intuition and honesty of the seller. Otherwise, the organization that issued the loan, or the pawnshop have every right to take the car even from the new owner on account of non-payment of the debt. The money given for a used car can be returned, but for this you will have to write more than one application in law enforcement and it takes a very long time to sue. Therefore, in case of doubt about the honesty of the owner of the used car, it is better to refuse the deal.

Why a duplicate vehicle passport is dangerous and how to check it when buying

Duplicate PTS is a common trick of scammers. The reasons for the presence of a duplicate, and not the original, sellers can name different - loss, replacement due to wear, lack of space in the original title, etc. All this should not be a reason to believe a person. When checking the PTS, you must also check the history of the used car through special services so that the information matches. We will talk about this further.

Both the original and the duplicate PTS must be checked for authenticity according to the following criteria appearance:

  1. The ornament of the passport, which is a pattern, should not lose clarity upon detailed examination.
  2. The hologram must be clear and easy to read and the most difficult to counterfeit.
  3. There should be a three-dimensional drawing in the form of a rose on the back of the document. It can be identified by touch. It also changes color from green to gray at different viewing angles.
  4. The volumetric watermark "RUS" can be found if the TCP is enlightened.
  5. In the case of a duplicate, it will be stamped "Duplicate".

What you need to check in addition to the TCP

Before buying a car, you need to find out what documents, in addition to the car's passport, are needed for verification. Then carefully check everything on the list. In addition to PTS, the owner of a used car must be ready to present the following papers, which must also be carefully and thoroughly checked for authenticity:

  • vehicle owner's passport.
  • certificate of full repayment of debt to a bank or pawnshop, if any.
  • a document confirming the payment of the cost of a car or other documents confirming the transfer of ownership of the vehicle to the current owner.

What documents are needed when transferring the vehicle to the buyer by the seller

The purchase and sale of a used car should preferably be legalized by a notary using a sale and purchase agreement (hereinafter DCT). It requires the following documents:

  1. Passports of both sides.
  2. Vehicle title.
  3. Certificate of registration of the car by the owner.
  4. CTP or CASCO insurance policy.

If a transaction for the sale of a vehicle may not be certified by a notary, then afterwards it will be quite difficult to prove the case in problematic situations for both parties. Even relatives are usually advised to put a notary's seal, because and there may be disagreements between them, in which the MP will become an important document for solving the problem.

How to draw up a sales contract correctly

A sample of DCT can be found on the Internet, the parties can also fill it in themselves, but it is still desirable to have it certified by a notary. In addition, the notary will check the correctness of the filling, so that in the future there are no problems with actions related to the subsequent operation of the car (registration, sale, donation, etc.).

The following information should be reflected in the monetary policy:

  1. Data individuals(Name, passport data).
  2. Vehicle technical data (VIN, brand, model, year of manufacture, engine, body, chassis no.).
  3. PTS data (series, number, date of issue).

Before filling out the DCT and buying a car, you should definitely check the documents of the car owner to make sure they are authentic. That is why it is better to carry out the procedure at a notary, so that if something happens, he can bring the fraudster to clean water. But you should not go to the notary, whom the seller advises, especially if the buyer doubts the honesty of the owner. Often fraudsters, in our case the seller and the notary, work together.

In addition to DCT, a notary can issue and certify a receipt of receipt by the seller of funds in the amount of full cost auto.

What will happen to license plates

The previous owner, when selling the vehicle, can keep the numbers for himself in order to subsequently install them on new car... To do this, he needs to write a statement to the traffic police, and they will be given back after re-registering the car and assigning new numbers to the car. If both parties do not care what numbers will be on their cars, then those that were at the time of registration of the DCT are saved and the car with them is registered to the new owner. In this case, the fee is less than when replacing.

What to do after buying a car

Firstly, after buying a vehicle from hands, you need to insure the car. The policy can be either OSAGO or CASCO - at the discretion of the new owner. Secondly, the car must be registered with the MREO of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. Fortunately, since 2013, the presence of the previous owner is not required to remove the car from the register and register it by the new owner. To reissue a car, you need the following documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. A document confirming the right to own a car (sale and purchase agreement, donation, certificate of inheritance or certificate-invoice from a car dealership, if the car is new).
  3. CTP or CASCO policy (in which the owner of the car is entered).
  4. Vehicle registration application (completed and signed).
  5. A check that confirms that the state duty has been paid (it ranges from 500 to 3000 rubles, depending on the region and the fact of replacement of license plates. If a replacement is made, the amount of the duty will be 2000 - 2500 rubles more).

The new owner must re-register the car within 10 days from the date of purchase. In the event of intentional or unintentional evasion from this procedure, an administrative penalty in the form of a fine will be applied to him, which will be from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles. In addition to this fine, if the new owner of the car is stopped by the traffic police, he will have to pay an additional fine in the amount of 500 to 800 rubles. In case of a repeated violation, the fine will be several times higher and amount to 5,000 rubles, and the owner of the car may be deprived of his rights for a period of 1 to 3 months.

Summing up, we can say that buying a car from hands is not so difficult. It is more difficult here not to contact the scammers, to correctly execute the transaction and to perform all the necessary operations to re-register the car to the new owner.

Analysts automotive market noted a significant increase in sales in the segment of used vehicles in 2020. This is due to the following macroeconomic factors and the general economic situation in our country:

  • high prices for new cars remain unattainable for the majority of the population of Russia;
  • unaffordable loan rates also remain unaffordable for most buyers;
  • increased selectivity of banking organizations towards borrowers is reflected in the volume of new car sales;
  • a high level of "debt load" of the population of the Russian Federation (every second citizen of the Russian Federation has 1 - 2 unsecured loans);
  • instability in the foreign exchange market scares potential buyers.

These factors and many other personal reasons influence the fact that a large proportion of motorists choose cars with secondary market and acquires more budget options "hand-held". Accordingly, each buyer wants to get his property quality car with mileage. Therefore, they are interested in how to buy a car from hands, the design of which will be safe and relatively inexpensive?

Positive and negative points when buying a used car

There are several undeniable benefits to buying a car from the aftermarket:

  • a huge selection of vehicles, which is unlimited by territorial boundaries. It is possible to engage in the selection process for an unlimited amount of time, without the participation of obsessive salon sellers. This can be done remotely or in person. Any assistant and expert can be invited for inspection;
  • value for money. For relatively little money, you can buy good transport, you can bargain and get bonuses.

Definitely, any purchase "off hand" is a venture capital event. Searching for a car at a reasonable price on your own can lead you to some risks, for example:

  • there is a risk of buying a car that is stolen;
  • you can buy a "constructor" assembled from parts of different, often non-cleared cars;
  • often sold pre-trimmed broken cars or "drowned";
  • there is an opportunity to purchase a vehicle from professional car fraudsters and swindlers.

According to the latest changes in the laws of the Russian Federation regarding the registration of the vehicle, now, before the sale, the seller does not have an obligation to remove the car from the register. You can also re-register the car for yourself in any department of the State Traffic Inspectorate on the territory of the Russian Federation without reference to the place of registration. Therefore, let such innovations not frighten the buyer, they greatly simplify the process of buying and selling cars. If you treat the purchase of a used vehicle wisely and with utmost care, such a deal can delight the buyer for more than one year.

Features of purchasing a car "from hand"

How to buy a car so that the transaction is safe and the car is of high quality? Buying a car from hand, what you need to know? What needs to be checked first of all - documents or technical condition of the car?

It is advisable to start checking the car with information about its registration history (the number of previous owners by technical data sheet), oh, about the presence of restrictions (arrests), about being wanted. It is better to immediately find out the reasons why this car will be impossible to buy or no longer want to do it before inspecting the technical condition.

Nowadays, with the development of digital technologies, it is possible to check any car in a couple of minutes. To do this, it is enough to know the VIN - the number of the car. By the way, if the seller does not give the potential buyer data on the identification number of the car being sold, you should immediately abandon the purchase. The seller who has nothing to hide understands the need for the buyer to check the car before buying.

Many online resources specializing in the sale of vehicles, in their ads have long been using this method of checking the "cleanliness" of cars. In this case, the verification report is paid.

However, experienced buyers will say that you can check any car completely free of charge, excluding intermediaries, quickly and without leaving your home. For this, a special online has been created.

Site navigation is made in such a way that you can start checking on the site in two ways: use the "Service" tab at the top of the page:

Or find the section "Online services of the traffic police" at the end of each page:

Checking the car will give answers to the main questions of concern to any buyer:

What is the history of vehicle registration? How many owners did the car have?

At the same time, taking into account the confidentiality conditions, as a result of the check, the periods of ownership and an indication of the ownership of the vehicle by an individual or legal entity will be listed. Full name will not be indicated.

Was the car involved in an accident?

Is the car stolen and on the wanted list?

Is it superimposed with the car? Are there any restrictions for the implementation of the purchase and sale transaction?

Also in this section there are links to checking vehicles in the database of the Federal Notary Chamber (FNP) for collateral obligations and the service of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RSA) regarding the CMTPL policy. All information received will be accurate and official. After such a thorough check of the vehicle, if the buyer is satisfied with everything and does not cause any concerns, you can proceed to the analysis of the technical condition of the car.

What documents should the seller transfer to the buyer?

The safest deal will be when the owner of the car will act as the seller. In this case, he will put his personal signatures on the documents and will also accept the funds personally. If the seller is a trusted person of the car owner, then there may be a possibility of some unpleasant surprises for the buyer:

  • the owner of the car has the right to revoke the notarized power of attorney at any time of its validity without giving any reason;
  • a notarized power of attorney is a fixed-term contract, and its validity period may expire before the car is re-registered to the new owner (especially if he has violated the terms of renewal);
  • an unscrupulous trustee can embezzle money from the sale, and the owner will sue to terminate the transaction. In this case, the buyer will be the injured party, since the car will return to the previous owner, and the money is unlikely to return to the buyer;
  • the death of the car owner or his authorized representative, as well as his recognition as incapacitated, can become an insurmountable obstacle when re-registering the car for the buyer.

Thus, purchase and sale without the participation of notarial powers of attorney, directly with the owner of the vehicle, will be optimally safe. At the same time, he must give the buyer a vehicle passport (PTS), a registration certificate (STS) and available keys.

The buyer needs to verify the information in the TCP and STS. And pay close attention to the form in which the TCP is transferred to it - the original or a duplicate. A duplicate may mean that the original is pledged at a car pawnshop or with a private person. If the presence of notarized debt obligations can be checked using online resources, then it is almost impossible to obtain information about a pledge from a private person.

Some unscrupulous sellers can report a lost document (PTS) to the State Traffic Inspectorate and receive a duplicate while the original is with the lender. Be careful!

Also, the seller can give all the documentation for the equipment additionally installed inside the car (music, alarms, etc.), which he has in stock.

Rules for drawing up a contract for the sale of a car

The vehicle sale and purchase agreement () is a voluntary agreement between the parties, in which one party undertakes to sell and transfer movable property, and the other to buy (pay) and accept it. At the same time, the key points of any civil law contract are:

  • item;
  • price;
  • terms (payment and transfer of property).

In the contract for the sale and purchase of vehicles, the subject of the agreement must be described in detail: the brand and model of the vehicle, its identification numbers, year of manufacture, body color and other technical data reflected in the TCP and STS.

The contract price is the cost of the car. Many sellers insist on lowering the value in the contract in order to hide income and avoid taxes. The danger lies in the fact that if in the future the transaction is recognized by the court as invalid and invalidated, the refund will be carried out in accordance with the agreement (understated amount). Therefore, the buyer should not agree to such wishes of the sellers. The contract must indicate the real amount that was paid. This is the simplest and most transparent payment method.

As a rule, in ordinary bilateral transactions, a simple method of settlement is used between the parties: payment at the time of transfer of property. However, there are other payment terms. For example, you can buy a car in installments (an interest-free financial transaction) or a loan (a financial transaction with interest). At the same time, the transfer of transport to a new owner will be possible only after full payment under the contract. Until that moment, the car will be in the possession of the previous owner. It is advisable to formalize such transactions by a notary.

With regard to the timing of the transfer of property, in most cases, the method of exchanging goods for money is used immediately after the signing of the contract. But there may be variable situations when the contract specifies a different period for the transfer of the vehicle. The main condition is the consent and signatures of the parties.

Accordingly, each agreement must contain the personal, passport and contact details of both parties to the transaction, and each page of the document must be sealed with personal signatures.

It must become an integral part of the contract. It is also called the act of acceptance and transfer of property. It reflects the fact that the car was handed over after a personal inspection by the buyer. As a rule, they write in it that the seller inspected the subject of the contract, is familiar with the technical condition of the vehicle and has no complaints, and the seller handed over the property and the keys to it.

The fact of payment for vehicles by hand can only be confirmed by a receipt of receipt of money. It can be printed or handwritten in free form. The main thing is that it contains an amount identical to the amount of the contract, and information that the money is transferred under the contract of sale for a specific vehicle. It will be correct to indicate all specifications TS, as well as in the contract. The signatures of the parties and the date will confirm the validity of the transaction.

The contract is drawn up and signed in three copies, each of which has the same legal force: one for the seller, the second for the buyer, and the third at the traffic police.

Algorithm for registering a vehicle in the traffic police

In fact, from the moment the signatures of the parties are affixed on the purchase and sale agreement, the buyer has the right of ownership of motor vehicle... However, the right that has arisen requires further legal registration - registration of the car at the traffic police department.

Car registration when buying at the State Traffic Inspectorate is a legal requirement. This can be done in the old fashioned way or using modern communication channels at the choice of a new owner.

Algorithm for registering a vehicle in the traffic police department

  1. Before starting the vehicle registration process, you need to buy an OSAGO policy.
  2. It is necessary to drive up to any department of the traffic police. The car must be clean. You need to have original documents with you:
  • your civil passport;
  • STS (if the car is not removed from the register);
  • a sale and purchase agreement signed by both parties to the transaction;
  • CTP policy.
  1. You need to find a free window for accepting documents and take an application form and a receipt for payment of state duty from a specialist.
  2. The application must be filled out independently, and the state fee must be paid. There should be a check on your hands.
  1. Get in a live or electronic queue (according to the situation), wait for a call from a specialist.
  2. Submit your car for inspection to the traffic police officer.
  3. Receive STS.

Algorithm for registering a vehicle through the Gosuluga portal

  1. You first need to buy a CTP policy.
  2. You must register on the website
  3. It is necessary to fill out an application for registration of the vehicle in electronic form and indicate the required data about the sales contract, the CMTPL policy and about yourself as an applicant.
  4. Choose the traffic police department convenient for you, the time and date of your visit and make an appointment electronically.
  5. Submit your application electronically.
  6. Pay the state duty (only by bank transfer) with a 30% discount.
  7. You must arrive at the right time in the traffic police. The car must be clean. Have with you the originals of the documents specified in the application.
  8. Receive STS.

Algorithm for registering the vehicle through the MFC

  1. Buy a CTP policy before starting the vehicle re-registration process.
  2. Make an appointment in advance at the MFC:
  • through the official website of the MFC;
  • on hotline MFC (8 800 100 32 82);
  • by calling the MFC branch you are planning to contact;
  • by registering in the terminal of the department of the MFC, which is conveniently located for you

Or go to a specialist on a live (electronic) queue. You must have original documents with you.

  1. With the help of a center specialist, fill out an application and make an appointment with the traffic police at a convenient time for you and the preferred traffic police department.
  2. Pay the state fee and keep your receipt.
  3. It is necessary to arrive at a certain date and time at the traffic police. The car must be clean. Have with you the originals of the documents specified in the application.
  4. The inspector will call you at the appointed time.
  5. Provide the vehicle for inspection to the traffic police officer.
  6. Receive STS.

Car registration cost

The state duty is paid for the performance of a public service when registering a vehicle. In this case, the mandatory actions will be:

  • obtaining a new STS document - 500 rubles;
  • making an entry in a valid vehicle passport (PTS) - 350 rubles, or if there is no free space for entries in the PTS - 800 rubles.

Obtaining new state registration plates (2 pieces) has ceased to be a prerequisite for re-registration of vehicles. If desired, the new owner of the car can leave those state. numbers that are on the body, and save 2,000 rubles on replacement. Then the total cost of registering a car will cost only 850 or 1300 rubles (depending on work with PTS). In case if new owner wants to get new state. numbers, or they are not suitable for their physical condition, then for all registration services you will have to pay 2850 or 3300 rubles (also depends on the TCP).

However, there is an opportunity to save 1/3 of the cost of the duty if you use the "Gosuluga" portal and pay all state duties through it with non-cash money.

Thus, the total price of re-registering a car without changing numbers can cost 595 or 910 rubles, depending on whether they make changes to the current PTS or have to receive a new document. A registration actions with the change of state. signs can be carried out for 1995 or 2310 rubles, also depending on the work with the TCP.

Terms for car registration

Register your new car every new car owner is obliged, and this must be done within a clearly established time period - 10 days from the date of signing the contract under which the car was purchased. The penalty for an overdue re-registration period for citizens is from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles. This punishment will overtake the offender if he voluntarily comes to the traffic police to register the vehicle. And if a violation is revealed during the verification of documents on the road, then the employee will issue a fine from 500 to 800 rubles during execution. A similar check and detection of a repeated offense is threatened with a fine of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights from 1 month to 3.


The procedure for re-registering a used car, as well as a new one, implies compulsory motor third party liability insurance. That is, after the contract under which the car was purchased is signed, and before starting the registration procedure in the name of the new owner of the vehicle in the traffic police, it is imperative to obtain a diagnostic card about technical condition and purchase an OSAGO policy. For all events, a time interval of 10 days is allocated.

"Is it possible to buy a policy on the CASCO system, instead of OSAGO?" - car owners are interested.

ANSWER OF THE LAWYER: “To register a vehicle, you need an MTPL policy, based on the provisions of the law“ On MTPL ”.

CASCO and OSAGO insurance are of a different nature:

  1. CASCO - voluntary car insurance in case of theft, theft, damage, up to complete destruction. With this type of insurance, compensation for the loss of health of the driver and third parties is not provided. Any car owner can purchase a CASCO of his own free will after the registration of the vehicle. The purchased policy before the registration of the vehicle will cover only the risk of "damage", but extended risks, such as theft or fire, will not be available to the new car owner until the completion of the re-registration process of the used car.
  2. OSAGO is a compulsory insurance for all vehicles, designed to compensate for damage (vehicle and health) to the injured party in the event of an accident and the guilt of the owner of this policy.

It is such a policy that must be purchased before registering transport at the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Should I keep the previous state registration plate?

Many motorists are aware that under the new laws, you can leave the old state. license plates on the car. Should I do it? What pitfalls can be hidden in this action?

Based on the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 605 clause 56.3 dated 08/07/2013 for vehicle saved previously assigned state. signs, and their replacement is made at the request of the new owner. It must be said that by leaving the previous numbers on the car, the buyer does not risk anything if he has previously made sure of the "legal cleanliness" of the car. The registration procedure with old numbers is possible provided that the plates themselves look good. Thus, you can save money (2000 rubles). To do this, you just need to express your desire in the application and sign.


How to buy a car from hand? How to buy a car from hands, registration without changing state numbers? Can this be done legally? Such questions are asked by motorists.

Indeed, to buy a brand new car from hands, you need to study the topic and prepare for the purchase. The first time this event seems difficult and unsafe enough. However, by approaching this issue thoroughly and wisely, you can do a good choice and rejoice in the "iron friend" for more than one year.

For any person, free and paid Internet resources for checking cars are available, specialized firms work with the help of which you can find out "the whole ins and outs" of any vehicle. In the end, you can just drive up to the traffic police post and check the car there. After the buyer is convinced that the car is "clean", you can proceed to the design. According to the new rules, there is no need to remove the car from the registration register, and the transfer of ownership from the seller to the buyer is carried out by signing a sale and purchase agreement.


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