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There was a time when engine oil was poured into the Samara's gearbox. Now the plant recommends refueling the transmission unit. Which is better, motorists argue to this day.

Alexander BUDKIN


Almost every mechanism requires lubrication. When choosing an oil for transmission units, they are usually guided by two criteria: the specific loads acting in the mechanism and the relative sliding speed. Depending on this, oils are selected that differ in viscosity and the amount of additives, primarily extreme pressure ones. The latter, as a rule, contain sulfur compounds that cause chemical changes (modification) of the metal in critical modes. The surface layer of the material does not break out, forming scuffs, but turns into a thin film, which subsequently becomes a product of wear. Despite the fact that the metal is chemically "corroded" in this case, the overall wear in difficult working conditions is less.

There is a small caveat in this reasoning: chemical modification can reduce wear on steel or cast iron. Non-ferrous metals, from which synchronizers are made, do not get along well with sulfur compounds and, as a rule, wear out faster in their presence.

When VAZ began producing Samaras, there were simply no special transmission oils for their gearboxes. There is nothing to do, I had to temporarily use engine oil in the boxes of "eights-nines". But nothing is more permanent than temporary. Only 15 years after the start of production of "Samara" in the country there were transmission oils for it. First, TM5-9P, used for the first refueling (TM-5 group, but "adapted"), then several more products of the Ryazan and Omsk refineries, assigned to the TM4 or TM4 / TM5 group (ZR, 1998, No. 12). The launch of new oils on the market almost coincided with the appearance of the VAZ 2110 gearbox, which is being installed today on the "nines". Now there is a minimum set of requirements that must be met by the oil for gearboxes of front-wheel drive vehicles (Table 1). True, this does not include the standards of corrosiveness in relation to non-ferrous metals, but no one bothers to introduce this parameter when conducting a comparative examination. Actually, we did just that.



We entrusted eight applicants to take care of the Samara's gearbox (see photo). Their forces are obviously unequal, since these are oils of different classes. Actually, we were going to compare the classes of oils with each other.

Since motor oils in Samar boxes have been used since time immemorial and are approved for use now, it was impossible to do without them. We took two samples - "simpler" (M6z12G1) and "more impressive" ("Lukoil-Super" SAE 15W40 API CD / SF). Of the domestic gear oils recommended by AvtoVAZ for chisels, only Rexol TM-4-12 was found in stores. We could not get around the most famous "transmission" - TAD-17I. Only because this brand, as they say, is well known. Although it is more expensive to use it in front-wheel drive VAZs. Firstly, this oil is too thick (especially at low temperatures), and secondly, there are too many extreme pressure additives in it, which are detrimental to synchronizers. And what is the comparison without imported products? There are two such pairs in our test: two samples - "Valvolin" and two - "Castrol". The two Dutchmen represent different groups (GL-4 and GL-5) in the same viscosity-temperature range. Two "Germans", on the contrary, differ in viscosity (SAE-80 and SAE-90), being in the same GL-4 group. The difference between one foreign couple from another is that Valvolin oils are thickened (there are most of them on the shelves), and Castrol is not thickened. The latter, with less versatility, are very much loved by athletes, since their properties are more stable at high temperatures.

The results look rather cumbersome (Table 2). In order not to get confused in the rows and columns of this table, we will consider the capabilities of the products separately for each of the indicators. Let's take the domestic TM-4-12 as a certain standard.

Viscosity is undoubtedly one of the most important criteria and at the same time the most understandable. The higher its value, the stronger the oil film, but worse oil access to the gearbox parts. Too high a viscosity value, in addition, will complicate the operation of the synchronizers, because they must constantly squeeze out excess oil "from under themselves". The minimum value of this parameter at 100 ° С for the unit of interest to us is 9–11 mm2 / s, the maximum is 14–16, therefore, the optimum is 12–14 mm2 / s. Of the tested oils, all but the thickest Castrol (with a viscosity marking of 90) and our TAD-17I are included in the plug. The latter does not surprise anyone, because the increased viscosity of the most famous of the Russian gear oils is indicated by its marking.


It is customary to determine the main transmission properties of oils on a four-ball friction machine in accordance with GOST 9490. There are also four important parameters: jamming load, welding load, seizure index and wear scar diameter.

The first indicator characterizes the load at which the oil film is pressed through and the hydrodynamic friction mode is replaced by the semi-dry (boundary) friction mode. The higher this indicator is for the oil, the less wear of parts in normal (non-critical) operating modes. The synchronizer is characterized by just semi-dry friction (after it squeezes out excess oil). It turns out that this parameter should not be too large. What is the optimum? Assuming that the TM-4-12 oil included in our test is not a fake, 1100-1200 N will fit for the "ninth" box. It was this oil that received the recommendation of AvtoVAZ. And what are the indicators of the rest? The motor M6z12G1 and TAD-17I are a little short. One of the imported "valvolines" - semi-synthetic (quality group GL-4) - practically falls into the conditional corridor. Three other foreign "transmissions" show a noticeably higher load. Let's not consider this a disadvantage, after all, our landmark is not listed in the official requirements of VAZ. It's just that such oils are more focused on maintaining the integrity of the gears. Agree, this is not surprising for transmission oils.

The next indicator is the welding load. This is the force at which the rubbing surfaces are unable to move (slip) relative to each other. If, in this mode, the mechanism nevertheless turns, then with the inevitable tearing of pieces of metal from one or both surfaces: the same scuff is formed. According to the requirements of VAZ, this value for oils must be at least 224 kgf (2200 N). Now let's look at table. 2. Motor oil "simpler" squeezed out of 1880 N, "Lukoil" held out to 2000, but all transmissions, without exception, surpassed this barrier. Moreover, the less viscous of the "castroles" - with a margin of more than 1.6 times, and the "coolest" of the "valvolins" - more than twice.

Move on. The third tribological indicator - the scuffing index - indicates the effectiveness of the extreme pressure properties in the interval between the seizing load and the welding load. The larger the index, the better. Factory requirements prescribe at least 40 kgf (392 N). The only oil that did not pass the exam in this nomination is TAD-17I of unknown origin. The leaders are the same as in the previous case. It is curious that Lukoil lost here to a less eminent "motor" competitor, and the latter's loss to the transmission TM-4-12, specially created for the KP "Samara", was less than 4%.

The last of the tribological indicators is the diameter of the wear scar. With him, everything is obvious - the less, the better. Here the attention is drawn to the TAD-17I. The 0.78 mm shown by him do not climb into any gate - almost one and a half times worse than the engine oil that follows it! The best of the two engine oils for this indicator (M6z12G1) managed to surpass one of the imported "transmissions"; however, it was more likely due to the fact that "the enemy allowed." Note that fully synthetic oil was not among the leaders in this indicator, and the best was the most viscous "Castrol EP 90". Of oils of more suitable viscosity, the semisynthetic "Valvolin" of the GL-4 group worked well.

Based on the results of the tribological test, specialists calculated the actual group of TM or GL. For motor oils 2.9 and 3.0, for TAD-17I it turned out to be 3.1 (should be 5.0). The sample for comparison (TM-4-12) had only 3.6 “dripped”, two Valvolin oils - 3.9 and 5.5 (!), And the Castrol pair - 4.3 and 4, 9 (the last two have 4.0 in the marking). The only foreigner who conditionally did not reach the declared GL-4 is the semisynthetic Valvolin, in the overall standings of oils for the Samara unit, oddly enough, is still in the lead.

There are only two indicators left - the pour point and corrosive wear of copper, which is part of the brass or bronze synchronizers. We won't comment on the first one, but let's talk about corrosion. As you remember, it is caused by sulfur in EP additives. It is not difficult to understand that the oil with the best extreme pressure properties will show itself to be the most corrosive. A glance at the table. 2 only confirms the theory. Engine oils that showed the lowest welding loads, during the test, destroyed the least of all non-ferrous metal - 16 and 20 mg. TAD-17I "admitted" that there are, in fact, no extreme pressure additives - wear is 19 mg. The TM-4-12 recommended by AvtoVAZ made it possible to remove 3.5 times more - 73 mg. The semisynthetic Valvolin 75W90 of the GL-4 group, which until now held the lead, showed 112 mg. This is 5.5 times more than that of motor oils, and 1.5 times more than that of the “reference” TM-4-12. Further - even more, and closes the list of the most "hardy" oil of the GL-5 group - it has 150 mg.


Alas, there is NO "best" oil for the Samara gearbox. The more the gears are cared for, the worse the operating conditions of the synchronizers are. So that the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe - it does not work. Only two recommendations are unambiguous: to beware of counterfeits (ha-ha, surprised!) And not to use transmission oils of the TM-5 (GL-5) group for the "eight", "nine", "tens" and "Oka". You should not "feed" the specified mechanisms with oils with high viscosity - motor 5W50 (10W50, etc.) or transmission 85W90. Motor 15W40 (10W40) or transmission 75W80 will fit. The TM-4-12 recommended by VAZ is very good, if only it is not fake.

But we have not answered the main question: which is better - motor or transmission? Who read carefully, probably guessed. Engine oil is better for synchronizers, transmission oil is better for gears. In theory, this means that the use of engine oil will allow you to go through the box less often to replace the synchronizers, but the overall service life of the unit, determined by the wear of the gears, will be less. With gear oil, the opposite is true. Well, if you intend to scrupulously follow the recommendations of AvtoVAZ - look for TM-4-12, just choose carefully!

Lukoil-Super; LLC Lukoilpermnefteorgsintez. Motor, mineral, SAE 15W40 API CD / SF; price 55 rubles / l; allowed for use in gearbox "Samara", good for synchronizers, a little worse - for gears.

"Norsi" M6z12G1; OJSC Norsi. Motor, mineral, close analogue of SAE 15W40 API SF; price 35 rubles / l; allowed for use in gearbox "Samara", good for synchronizers, a little worse - for gears.

TAD-17I; OAO Slavneft Yaroslavnefteorgsintez (on the label). Transmission, mineral, close analogue of TM-5-18; price 17 rubles / l; oil of this group and viscosity is not applicable for front-wheel drive VAZs.

TNK TM-4-12; Ryazan Oil Refinery OJSC. Transmission, mineral; price 26 rubles / l; recommended by AvtoVAZ for the gearbox of front-wheel drive VAZ vehicles.

Valvoline DuraBlend, Holland. Transmission, semi-synthetic, SAE 75W90, API GL-4; the price is 185 rubles / l; one of the most preferred oils for Samara from those presented in the test.

Valvoline SynPower, Holland. Transmission, synthetic, SAE 75W90, API GL-4 / GL-5; price 290 rubles / l; very high extreme pressure properties, very low pour point, however, the use in the KP "Samara" is undesirable.

Castrol EP-80, Germany. Transmission, mineral, non-thickened, SAE 80, API GL-4; price 120 rubles / l; good for sports "boxes", but for a standard checkpoint "Samara" - not the best option.

Castrol EP-90, Germany. Transmission, mineral, non-thickened, SAE 90, API GL-4; price 130 rubles / l; use in the KP "Samara" is undesirable.

Our reference

TODAY, CARS use transmission oils of two groups: GL-4 and GL-5 according to foreign classification, or TM-4 and TM-5 according to the domestic one. As a rule, GL-5 (TM-5) oil is poured into axles with hypoid gears and loaded gearboxes, and GL-4 (TM-4) - into units of front-wheel drive cars (with a cylindrical main gear). In terms of viscosity properties, the permissible range of application: for 75W-80 - from -40 to + 25 ° С, for 80W-85 - from -30 to + 35 ° С, for 80W-90 - from -30 to + 45 ° С.

For FRONT-DRIVE VASES, several transmission oils are now recommended, but engine oils are also allowed. Of the transmissions, only TM-4-12, presented in the test, was found on sale. Oil for the first filling of TM-5-9P is not available for retail sale.

Photo by Vladimir KNYAZEV and Vladimir TRUSOV

Whatever one may say, but time flies, and with it the mileage on the car accumulates. As soon as the mileage value approaches 60,000 km, every experienced motorist knows that it is time to change the oil in the gearbox. You can find out how to do this in the corresponding material on our website. Today we will pay attention to the equally important question of what kind of oil should be poured into the VAZ 2107 gearbox? After all, there is a very large selection of transmission oils, in fact, as well as motor oils, but which one will be better, we will find out later.

Each driver asked himself more than once this question, and what kind of oil to fill in the VAZ 2107 box? Moreover, it is not easy to fill in and forget, but also at the same time at least not to worsen the lubrication process of the gearbox. The manufacturer recommends to fill in oils of the following viscosity grades:

  • SAE75W90;
  • SAE75W85;
  • SAE80W85.
  • four-stage;
  • 5-speed.

For the normal functioning of these units, it is important to change the lubricant in a timely manner. Moreover, the oil to be poured does not have to be expensive, not at all. It is important to correctly select the characteristics of the transmission oil, so that later you do not have to disassemble the gearbox for repair work.

It is known that the checkpoint on any car is the most unpretentious unit that can serve over 150 thousand kilometers without repair, provided it is carefully and correctly operated. Many people believe that if the drained mining from the checkpoint still has a bright shade, then there is no need to change it. It is required to change the lubricant in any case, since by the end of the recommended period, regardless of the color, the molecular structure of the oil changes, and it can no longer perform its functions. And when this happens, then accelerated wear of all rubbing parts inside the mechanism begins. Based on these features, it is necessary to replace it in a timely manner, this will prevent premature failure of the unit's elements.

What is the oil group talking about?

Like engine oil, transmission oil has a characteristic viscosity, as well as the group to which it belongs. For a domestic car VAZ-2107, it is recommended to fill in a lubricant of the GL-4 or GL-5 group. What is a group?
GL-4 - denotes a type of oil that contains a high concentration of additives. This type is recommended for vehicles with manual gearboxes. An excellent option for a domestic car VAZ-2107. GL-5 are oils that are used to lubricate sliding gears operating at an angle - hypoid gears.

The VAZ-2107 has such a transmission (hypoid), and it is located in the rear axle gearbox. Therefore, it is recommended to use GL-5 for the gearbox, but since the plant recommends changing the oil in the gearbox and gearbox at the same time, the valiant owners do not bother, and fill both containers with the same type of lubricant. There is nothing wrong with that, as the GL-5 is also suitable for gearboxes. It is also worth noting that this group is used in mechanisms that are designed to work in severe operating conditions.

What is the viscosity grade?

For a VAZ-2107 car, which is operated in a temperate climate with relatively cold winters and hot summers, it is recommended to fill in oil with a viscosity class of SAE75W90. This is an all-season type of oil, which is designed for operating temperature indicators: from -40 to +45. It is within these temperature limits that the lubricant does not lose its performance and is suitable for work.

It is necessary to focus on the viscosity class according to your region of residence, which depends on climatic conditions. For example, an abbreviation such as SAE80W85 denotes an upper limit of +35 and a lower limit of -26 degrees. This is not enough in some regions, so pay attention to these values ​​when choosing an oil.

Oil volume in a box

To be precise, the oil is not poured into the box, but into the gearbox housing. When replacing it, it is poured into the crankcase, where the filler plug is located. The amount of oil that needs to be poured into the gearbox housing depends on how many gears the gearbox has. If the box has five steps, then at least 1.6 liters will be required. To refuel a 4-speed gearbox, you will need 250 ml less, that is, 1.35 liters.

The five-speed gearbox differs from the four-speed gearbox not only in its design, but also in the crankcase volume. The difference is not significant, but this must be taken into account when changing the lubricant.

Mineral, semisynthetics or synthetics - what to choose?

The manufacturer recommends filling in synthetic, semi-synthetic or mineral oils, which are the best option for the VAZ-2107. Mineral water is the cheapest material, but its disadvantage is that in winter it hardens at a higher temperature than others. This makes it much more difficult to start the engine, especially if you do not squeeze the clutch when starting.

Synthetics and semi-synthetics do not thicken so much on frosty days, but both materials differ in consistency. Synthetics are more fluid, and are good for use in new gearboxes, as they tend to leak at the slightest defects in the seals. Semi-synthetics are slightly thicker, and do not have such problems, so this is a good option if you plan to fill in a gearbox with a decent mileage. If even semisynthetics begins to ooze, then it is required to repair the gearbox with the replacement of worn parts. The cost of semisynthetics and synthetics is not very different, and starts at 1000 rubles.

Flows out of the box, repairs required.

The question of which oil is better to fill in the VAZ-2107 box, each driver must decide for himself, based on the information provided. It is important to be responsible for the choice: use an oil that is suitable for its characteristics, and observe the timing of its replacement. After all, this will prolong the healthy life of your car and save repair costs.

For the owners of Lada Kalina, the problems associated with the transmission are urgent. In most cases, they arise from a deterioration in the quality of the lubricating fluid. Also, over time and with an increase in mileage, there is a decrease in the amount of grease in the gearbox. All this brings the inconvenience that drivers face.

All problems can be solved by changing the grease in the gearbox. But here a completely natural question arises. What oil to choose for addition to the Lada Kalina gearbox? After all, the market is represented by a huge assortment, both in price categories and in chemical composition. We will try to understand this in detail.

How to decide on the choice of oil

So what kind of oil to fill in the gearbox in the "Lada Kalina"? It is simply impossible to give an unambiguous universal answer to this question. There are several criteria that you should pay attention to when choosing.

Basically, attention is paid to the price, viscosity, chemical composition, as well as the popularity of the manufacturer's brand. In fact, everything is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. However, when buying, you should pay special attention to the availability of GOST and product certification. This is very important, because when purchasing a product that does not have all of this, you may encounter not only low oil quality, but also with a further deterioration in the operation of the transmission.

When you buy a brand new Lada Kalina, the transmission is already filled with oil. As a rule, it is the manufacturer who recommends it. It can be found without any problems in almost any store. Magnum 300 from TNK is added to Lada Kalina from the factory.

In fact, according to the reviews of most car enthusiasts, this is not the best option. Oil very quickly deteriorate, and it has to be changed much more often than analogues. That is why we present a list of the most popular Lada Kalina owners:

As you can see, products of the most famous and trusted manufacturers are most often chosen. The use of oil from TNK is justified in cases where the car is not used so often, or for a long period of time the mileage is less than 20 thousand kilometers. Therefore, we can objectively say that the product recommended by AvtoVAZ is not the most effective for the vast majority of drivers.

Choosing the viscosity of the transmission oil

When choosing an oil for the Lada Kalina gearbox, it is important to focus on the viscosity of the purchased product. The following table will help with this:

Viscosity grade

Minimum temperature

Maximum temperature

-40 +35
-40 +45
-26 +45

45 and more

We hope that, depending on the viscosity, you can most accurately choose for yourself which oil is better to fill in the gearbox of the Lada Kalina.

How to choose the composition of transmission oil

In the Russian market, gear oils are divided into three types according to their chemical composition:

  • synthetic;
  • semi-synthetic;
  • mineral.

From the plant, as we have already said, Magnum 300 from TNK is poured. By its composition, it belongs to. But less than 5% of Lada Kalina owners use this type.

The most preferred type of lubricant is semi-synthetic. This type is chosen by 50% of drivers, and we recommend it. And 45% of car owners buy fully synthetic fluids. What kind of oil you fill in the manual transmission depends entirely on you.

Which manufacturer to give preference to

Another important factor in choosing the best gear oil for Lada Kalina is the manufacturer's brand. The modern market is saturated with a large selection of products. It is the popular and popular brands that offer solid and high-quality products. In practice, the overwhelming majority of the offered lubricating fluid are cheaper analogs of really good oils. Always check the availability of GOST when buying. If it is not there, then, most likely, this liquid will not help. Better to pay a little more and get quality lubricant.

We present you a list of the most purchased Lada Kalina:

  • ZIC (29.7% of buyers)
  • Shell (14.1% of buyers)
  • Liqui Moly (13.4% of buyers)
  • Lukoil (12.4% of buyers)
  • (5.5% of buyers)
  • Mobil (4.2% of buyers)

Also, manufacturers TNK and Rosneft are almost on a par with Mobile. All presented brands produce products of different chemical composition. Among them are synthetic, semi-synthetic oils. A small circle of manufacturers is engaged in mineral fluids, since they are not so much in demand and are suitable for drivers in extremely rare cases due to their fragility.

What to choose for "Kalina"

If you still find it difficult to determine what kind of oil to fill in the gearbox of "Lada Kalina", then feel free to choose the products of one of the above manufacturers. So you will definitely not go wrong. The best quality are ZIC and Liqui Moly. Also, do not take mineral oils if you often drive. It is best to take semisynthetics or synthetics. This is the most durable option for those who regularly and for a long time uses the car.


As a result, we can say that the modern Russian market offers a wide range of transmission oils for any car. Among all the products, it is important to choose exactly the lubricant that is ideal for you. After a little comparative analysis, or trusting the opinion of most motorists, you can easily make the right choice. When buying, it is imperative to take into account the certification of the product. This is very important in order to be sure of the quality of the purchased oil.

I have 6, classic, four-stage, she is 12 years old. What is the best oil to pour into the box and bridge (grade and viscosity)? Thank you in advance! (Victor)

Good afternoon, Victor. What consumables for the gearbox to give preference to - this question is interesting to many motorists. Below we have provided some tips for choosing a lubricant.


What kind of oil to fill in the VAZ 2106 gearbox?

For the unit to function properly at all times, it must be lubricated. If the transmission oil level is low enough, the fluid has reached its end of life and you are sure that it is not working efficiently, then it needs to be changed. For gearboxes of classic VAZ models, in particular 2106, it is allowed to use lubricants marked 75w90, 80W-85 and 85W-90. In practice, the use of fluids with such a viscosity classification is the most optimal, since the car will start in frost without problems. If possible, it is better to use a semi-synthetic or synthetic "transmission".

As for the direct choice of the brand itself, everything here depends solely on your preferences and financial capabilities. According to the data from the manufacturer AvtoVAZ, the main thing is that the consumables correspond to the GL-4 class. You can use foreign-made liquid if your wallet allows, but Russian-made products can also be poured into domestic cars. Such transmission fluids include LADA Trans for gearboxes, Lukoil TM 4-12, Nordix SuperTrans, Slavneft, etc. In practice, many people use Lukoil or a liquid from the manufacturer itself - LADA Trans, as the reviews of Internet users show, such oils normally cope with the tasks assigned to them.

Many car enthusiasts also advise using Castrol or TNK. If you believe the reviews of consumers, in the cold season on such a TM, you can even start the engine without squeezing the clutch. As for the total volume, by buying one canister of transmission grease, you can fill both the gearbox itself and the gearbox. The average filling volume is about three liters. In any case, the lubricant must meet standards and be of high quality, counterfeit and suspiciously cheap products are strongly discouraged from using, as later you will face more serious problems. Also, before pouring new grease, it is necessary to flush the gearbox so that the remnants of all "working off" come out of the unit.

Video "Replacing transmission oil in a VAZ 2106"

How to change the oil in the checkpoint on your own - look at the video (the author of the video is Lesha Master).


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