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This labor protection manual has been developed specifically for the safe operation of a harvesting machine (snow loader PFS-0.75 BKU).


1.1. This instruction was developed in accordance with clause 5 of the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia "On Approval of Methodological Recommendations for the Development of State Regulatory Labor Protection Requirements" No. 80 of December 17, 2002, Section X "Labor Protection" of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation No. 197-FZ of December 30. 2001, "Passport of snow loaders PFS-0.75B and PFS-0.75BKU", TOI R-32-TsL-527-97 "Typical instruction on labor protection for the driver of a transport-harvesting machine", in force in the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the Rules of internal labor the schedule approved by the general director.
1.2. Persons who are at least 18 years of age who have no contraindications to this work for health reasons, who have undergone introductory and primary briefings on labor protection, fire safety training at the workplace, as well as trained in safe methods and techniques of work, who have completed an internship at the workplace, are allowed to operate the harvester. and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements.
1.3. The personnel are obliged to undergo repeated instruction on labor protection at least once every 6 months, a periodic medical examination - in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 302n, a regular test of knowledge - at least 1 time in 12 months.
1.4. The employee is obliged to comply with the internal labor regulations in force in the organization, work schedule, work and rest hours, know and comply with the requirements of this instruction.
1.5. The following hazardous and harmful production factors may affect an employee during work performance:
- physical overload;
- increased or decreased air temperature of the working area;
- increased air mobility;
- overvoltage of visual analyzers;
- moving vehicles.
- faulty tools and devices;
- increased voltage value in the electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;
- sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surfaces of tools and equipment.
1.6. In accordance with the current Regulations for the issuance of special clothing, footwear and other personal protective equipment (PPE), personnel must be provided with special clothing and footwear, as well as PPE.
1.7. Areas specially designated and equipped for smoking tobacco are marked with signs “Smoking area”.
1.8. At the end of work, during breaks (including lunch), after using the toilet, you must wash your hands with soap and water.
1.9. Take food in a specially equipped place.
1.10. The employee is obliged to comply with fire safety requirements in accordance with the Instruction on fire safety measures on the territory, in buildings and structures, approved at the enterprise.
1.11. The employee is obliged to be able to provide first aid to victims in accordance with the Instruction on first aid to victims in force in the organization.
1.12. Immediately inform your immediate supervisor about every accident that occurs at work, about the signs of an occupational disease, about a sudden deterioration in well-being, about all situations that pose a threat to the life and health of people, and may also lead to a violation of the state of normal working conditions.
1.13. The employee is responsible for violation of labor protection requirements in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


2.1. Make sure that overalls and other PPE are in good working order, put them on. It is forbidden to keep sharp, piercing objects in the pockets. The sleeves should be buttoned up, there should be no hanging ends on the clothes. It is forbidden to start work in a sick or tired state. It is forbidden to work in shoes with open heels and toes.
2.2. Get a shift assignment.
2.3. Carefully study the passport for the harvester in use.
2.4. Before starting work, make sure that the operating harvester is in good working order:
- availability of a certificate for the right to drive a vehicle;
- technical serviceability of the machine, which guarantees the safety of work;
- serviceability of the brakes, clutch, gearbox;
- reliability of fastening of levers and steering rods, as well as steering backlash;
- condition of tires and pressure in them;
- serviceability of lighting devices, brake lights, direction indicators, sound (warning) signal;
- no leakage of fuel, oil, water, antifreeze;
- availability of tools, accessories and portable warning signs of an emergency stop;
- refueling the machine with fuel, oil, water, antifreeze and brake fluid;
- electrolyte level in storage batteries;
- the presence and serviceability of the operation of blocking and other devices;
- check the reliability of fastening and connection of trailed and mounted units, mechanisms and devices.
2.5. An employee should not start work if a malfunction is detected in which the Rules road traffic vehicle operation is prohibited, or at least one of the following defects occurs:
- brakes not adjusted or faulty;
- the brake signal is faulty;
- overheating of the engine or arcing of the electric motor;
- a decrease in tire pressure, through holes, damage to the cord;
- damage to electrical wires;
- leakage in the connections of oil lines, gas lines, batteries;
- faulty lighting and other malfunctions specified in the instruction manual of the machine.
2.6. Make sure the gear lever is in neutral before starting the engine.
2.7. Immediately report all discovered deficiencies and malfunctions to the immediate supervisor.


3.1. Perform only work that is assigned by the line manager and provided that safe ways of doing it are known.
3.2. When moving around the territory, production and auxiliary premises, in the performance of their official duties, observe the traffic rules established by the corresponding signs and indicators.
3.3. When a vehicle appears on the territory, it is necessary to be attentive to the signals given by the drivers of a moving vehicle and follow them, not to be in the path of a moving vehicle and to move to a safe distance.
3.4. It is forbidden to be in the area of ​​loading and unloading operations.
3.5. The employee is obliged to use the established walkways and crossings.
3.6. It is forbidden to touch parts of mechanisms, electrical wires, cables that are in motion, to step on electrical wires lying on the floor.
3.7. It is forbidden to wrap electric lamps with paper or cloth, use electric wires for hanging documents, visual agitation, clothing and other items.
3.8. While on the territory and in industrial premises organizations are prohibited from:
- stand behind cars;
- pass in narrow places between a moving vehicle and a wall or load;
- be in the area of ​​loading and unloading operations;
- to enter the fences without permission;
- touch open and not enclosed live parts of the equipment, general lighting fittings, contacts (knives) of the electric breaker, as well as bare and poorly insulated electrical wires, open the doors of electrical cabinets;
- approach at a distance of less than 10 m to the detected broken wire;
- come close to open pits and trenches;
- walk near opening doors and windows;
- to use for sitting random objects (boxes, stacks of pallets, barrels);
- admit to the workplace persons who are not related to the work performed;
- hand over the power tool to unauthorized persons, leave it unattended;
- touch objects and enter the premises, on the boards and doors of which there are warning signs with the inscriptions: "PASSAGE PROHIBITED", "HIGH VOLTAGE", "DANGEROUS FOR LIFE", "DO NOT SWITCH ON - PEOPLE WORK".
3.9. When working with tools and devices during the work shift, be guided by the safety requirements set out in the "Instructions for labor protection when working with tools and devices" approved by the General Director.
3.10. While operating the machine, the employee must:
- maintain the speed of the vehicle in accordance with the requirements of the Road Traffic Rules, road signs and taking into account the meteorological conditions (on the territory of LLC "LLC" no more than 10 km / h);
- observe the indications of control devices;
- periodically check and take measures to remove stones and other objects stuck between the tires of the wheels.
3.11. Sound a warning sound when people move in the path of the harvester. The driver must also sound a warning sound when starting off and changing the direction of travel.
3.12. The employee is prohibited from:
- leave the car unattended, as well as transfer control to unauthorized persons;
- operate the car in a sick, tired state, as well as in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication;
- to clean the territory in dark time days in low light;
- start work without a first aid kit and fire extinguisher;
- deviate from the task of the immediate supervisor and use the car for personal purposes;
- to allow the presence in the cab and the body of persons not related to the work performed;
- to transport people on footboards;
- to rest or sleep in the cab and body while stationary with the engine running;
- leave the machine under a raised or moving load;
- step on and run over electrical wires and cables;
- touch broken wires and other easily accessible live parts.
3.13. The height of the shaft of shoveled snow should not exceed 0.5 m in order to avoid slipping of the machine and the danger of it slipping to the side.
3.14. While the machine is operating, the driver must ensure that there are no bystanders in the working area when clearing snow.
3.15. When turning or changing the position of the working bodies, the driver must make sure that these operations are completely safe for passers-by. Special care must be taken when working in icy, foggy or poor visibility conditions.
3.16. The driver is prohibited from removing any objects from under the towing and attachments of the machine while the engine is running.
3.17. During breaks in work and at the end of the task of the head, trailed and mounted units, mechanisms and devices should be lowered down. It is prohibited to stay under the raised trailed and mounted units, mechanisms and devices.
3.18. Refuel the machine only with the engine off.
3.19. All operations related to maintenance and repairs must be performed after the machine has come to a complete stop, braking, setting the gear lever to neutral, stopping the engine, and when the working bodies are lowered to the ground or mounted on latches (special stands). At least two stops on opposite sides of the wheel must be placed under the wheels.
3.20. When the engine is running, only check the operation of the brakes and engine systems.
3.21. Cleaning material and rags should be kept in a metal box.
3.22. To inspect the units of the machine being repaired, it is prohibited to crawl under it while the engine is running.
3.23. When performing work, the signal beacon must be turned on.
3.24. It is forbidden, when entering the cab, to use the steering wheel and levers as supports.
3.25. It is forbidden for unauthorized persons to stay in an area with a radius of 5 m during the operation of the brush equipment.
3.26. During transport crossings, the rear and front attachments must be set to the transport position.
3.27. To avoid tipping over or damage to the tractor and attachments forbidden:
- to carry out loading and unloading operations on sites with a slope of more than 5 °;
- when working with the loader boom raised to the maximum, make sharp braking, sharp turns or abrupt engagement of the clutch.
- move at a speed of more than 5 km / h on roads with a steep slope, large irregularities or sharp turns;
- to lift the load with a loader bucket - more than 900 kg.
3.28. If the engine stops to lower the implement, move the front implement control lever to the FLOAT position.
3.29. When working with a loader, the brush equipment must be turned off and in the transport position.
3.30. When using a loader with a bucket, place the bucket horizontally on a supporting surface and fill the bucket while driving the tractor forward. After filling the bucket, turn the bucket up, raise the boom to a height that allows the bucket to pass over the side of the vehicle, taking into account the turn when unloading, drive up and unload the bucket.


4.1. Work must be stopped immediately in the following cases:
- the occurrence of a fire;
- breakdown of the harvester;
- sudden power outage;
- in case of an accident with an employee.
4.2. In the event of an emergency, suspend work, disconnect the equipment from the electrical network, leave the danger zone, if necessary, remove people nearby and inform the immediate supervisor. It is forbidden to start repairing the equipment yourself.
4.3. Provide first aid to the injured in accordance with the Instructions for first aid to the injured in an accident, approved by the general director, call an ambulance if necessary medical assistance call 103 or send the victim to a medical facility, notifying the management in advance.
4.4. For further investigation of the reasons for the accident or accident, if possible, preserve the situation, if this does not pose a threat to the life and health of people and the safety of material property.
4.5. If signs of fire or fire are detected, act in accordance with the Instruction on fire safety measures on the territory, in buildings and structures, approved by the organization.
4.6. In the event of a sudden power outage, stop work immediately. Notify the immediate supervisor.
4.7. Switch off the engine if any deficiencies in the operation of the harvester are found. Report to line manager immediately.


5.1. Stop the engine.
5.2. Place the gearshift lever in neutral. Brake sweeper parking brake.
5.3. Take off overalls and other PPE, inspect, tidy up and put in the designated place.
5.4. Wash your face and hands thoroughly with warm water and soap.
5.5. Report all identified shortcomings in the work to the immediate supervisor.

We are grateful to Lyudmila Litke for the instruction provided! =)


(full name of the enterprisewith indication of subordination)


Order _______________________

(position of the employer and


Company name)

_________________ № _________

2. (day month Year)




( for cleaning railway stations,

railway stations and stopping points. )



1.1. This instruction on labor protection for the driver of a transport and cleaning machine (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction) establishes the basic safety requirements for drivers using transport cleaning machines (universal cleaning machines, snow loaders, auto and electric forklifts, electric cars, electric tractors) for cleaning railway stations, railway stations and stopping points.

1.2. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone a preliminary medical examination, introductory and initial instruction at the workplace, training, internship and knowledge testing are allowed to work on the maintenance of transport and harvesting machines.

In the process of work, drivers of transport and harvesting machines (hereinafter referred to as drivers) must undergo repeated, at least once every three months, and unscheduled briefings, as well as periodic medical examinations.

In order to determine the state of health and the absence of alcohol and other drugs in the driver's body, drivers must undergo daily (before the start of the shift) medical examinations.

1.3. Drivers serving transport and cleaning machines must have a certificate for the right to drive them, know the Traffic Rules, the main sections of the Instructions for signaling on the railways of Ukraine, the corresponding sections of the Rules technical exploitation railways of Ukraine. In addition, drivers servicing cars with a license plate are required to have a driver's license issued by the State Automobile Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

1.4. Each transport harvester must be assigned to a specific driver. Another employee who has the right to operate it may be allowed to work on this machine only with the permission of the shop manager or chief mechanic.

1.5. Employees who have passed qualification tests for the right to operate them are allowed to work on newly received transport and harvesting machines, including studying technical instructions and passports of these machines, with the permission of the shop manager or chief mechanic.

1.6. The driver must know:

features of driving cars in adverse weather conditions and basic techniques for the prevention of road accidents;

purpose, device, principle of operation of the machine assigned to it, as well as attached to it trailed and mounted units, mechanisms and devices;

instructions for the technical operation and maintenance of the machine;

safety requirements when working with trailed and mounted units, mechanisms and devices;

signs, causes and dangerous consequences of malfunctions arising during the operation of the machine, methods of their detection and elimination;

the procedure for storing the car in the garage and in open parking lots;

the effect on a person of hazardous and harmful production factors arising during work;

rules for the provision of first (pre-medical) aid in case of accidents;

rules for the use of primary fire extinguishing equipment;

industrial sanitation and fire safety requirements.

1.7. The driver must:

perform only the work assigned by the manager on the machine assigned to him;

observe safety rules when repairing a machine on the line and in the garage;

own safe working practices;

comply with the requirements of prohibiting, warning, indicative and prescriptive signs and inscriptions, as well as signals given by drivers, train designers, drivers of other vehicles and workers employed renovation works on the territory of a railway station, station;

walk through the territory railway station along established routes, footpaths, tunnels, walkways and crossings;

be extremely careful in places of traffic;

comply with the internal labor regulations;

fulfill the requirements of work and rest regimes.

1.8. The driver is prohibited from:

leave the car unattended if it is on a passenger platform or near railway tracks;

to cross the railroad bed in unidentified places;

drive a car in a sick, tired state, as well as in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication;

transfer vehicle control to persons not specified in the order - task (waybill);

to clean the territory at night with insufficient illumination;

go to the line without a first aid kit and fire extinguisher;

deviate from the route specified in the order - task (waybill) and use the car for personal purposes;

cross paths in front of moving vehicles;

to be on the territory and in the premises of the railway station in the places marked with the sign "Caution! Oversized place", as well as near these places when the rolling stock passes.

1.9. Checking the technical serviceability of the transport and harvesting machine must be carried out before leaving for work by the duty mechanic responsible for its good condition and confirmed by the mark of the responsible person and the driver's signature in the order - task (waybill).

1.10. While driving a transport harvester, the driver may be exposed to the following main hazardous and harmful production factors:

moving vehicles, mechanisms, rolling stock;

objects falling from a height;

increased dust and gas content in the air in the working area;

increased noise level at the workplace;

increased vibration level;

an increased voltage value in an electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;

insufficient illumination of the working area;

low or high temperature, high humidity and air mobility in the working area;

physical overload;

neuropsychic overload.

1.11. The driver must be provided with the following PPE:

cotton suit;

a raincoat from a raincoat-tent or tarpaulin (in the absence of a closed cabin);

combined mittens;

tarpaulin boots.

For outdoor work in winter, in addition:

heat protective suit;

felt boots;

galoshes on felt boots.

1.12. The driver must comply with the following fire safety requirements:

do not smoke or use open fire when checking the engine power system and while working in the cab;

not to carry out work related to the use of open fire, electric gas welding, blowtorches, torches;

do not burn containers or make fires near the machine;

do not store explosive substances, flammable and flammable liquids in the cab or body;

all malfunctions of electrical appliances and electrical equipment should be immediately reported to the duty mechanic;

if a sharp smell of gasoline appears while driving, immediately stop the car, identify the cause of its appearance and eliminate the malfunction;

smoke only in designated and adapted places.

1.13. Personal clothing and overalls must be stored separately in lockers in the dressing room. It is prohibited to take the overalls outside the enterprise.

1.14. The driver is obliged to monitor the serviceability of the overalls, promptly handing it over for washing and repair, as well as keep the lockers clean and tidy.

1.15. Meals should be taken only in canteens, canteens or specially designated rooms with appropriate equipment. Before eating, you should thoroughly wash your hands with warm water and soap.

1.16. While on railway tracks the driver must comply with the following requirements:

to the place of work and from work go only by specially established routes, indicated by signs "Service passage";

walk along the tracks only along the side of the road or in the middle of the inter-track, paying attention to the cars and locomotives moving along the adjacent tracks;

cross the tracks only at right angles, having previously made sure that there are no locomotives or wagons moving at a dangerous distance in this place;

cross the track occupied by rolling stock, using only the transitional platforms of the cars;

when leaving the car, hold onto the handrails and face the car, having previously inspected the place of descent and made sure that the handrails and steps are in good working order, as well as that there are no locomotives and cars moving along the adjacent track;

bypass groups of cars or locomotives standing on the track, at a distance of at least 5 m from the automatic coupler;

pass between uncoupled cars, if the distance between the couplers of these cars is at least 10 m;

pay attention to the indications of the fence traffic lights, sound signals and warning signs.

1.17. The driver is prohibited from:

to cross or cross paths in front of a moving rolling stock, locomotive, motor vehicle, railcar or other vehicle;

stand or sit on the rail;

sit on the steps of carriages or locomotives and get off them while driving;

be on the inter-track between trains with their non-stop following along adjacent tracks;

cross the switches equipped with electrical centralization, at the locations of the switches and transverse fasteners of the switches, stand between the switch and the frame rail or in the grooves on the switch and the ends of reinforced concrete sleepers.

1.18. Leaving the track from the premises or buildings that impair the visibility of the track, you must first make sure that there is no rolling stock moving along it.

1.19. In the event of injury or illness, the driver must stop working, notify the work manager and seek help from the first-aid post or the nearest medical facility.

If other workers are injured, it is necessary to provide him with first aid, immediately inform the administration and, if necessary, take the victim to a medical facility.

1.20. If violations of this Manual are found, as well as malfunctions of the machine, equipment, tools, protective devices, personal protective equipment and fire extinguishing equipment, the driver must immediately inform the garage mechanic, and in his absence, the superior manager.

1.21. Knowledge and fulfillment by the driver of the requirements of this Instruction is official duty, and their violation is a violation of labor discipline, which entails, depending on the consequences, disciplinary or other liability in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.


2.1. Upon receipt of the order - task (waybill), the driver must familiarize himself with the working conditions, with the type of the removed or transported cargo.

2.2. Before leaving for work, the driver must check:

availability of a certificate for the right to drive a vehicle;

the correctness of filling out the order - task (waybill) and sign it;

technical serviceability of the machine, which guarantees the safety of work;

serviceability of brakes, clutch, clutches, gearbox;

reliability of fastening of levers and steering rods, as well as steering play;

condition of tires and pressure in them;

serviceability of lighting devices, brake lights, direction indicators, sound (warning) signal;

no leakage of fuel, oil, water, antifreeze;

the presence of tools, accessories and portable warning signs of an emergency stop, as well as signal warning signs (orange or yellow flashing beacon, red flag or shield) installed on the transport and harvesting machine when working on the platform;

refueling the car with fuel, oil, water, antifreeze and brake fluid;

electrolyte level in batteries;

the presence and serviceability of the operation of blocking and other devices.

2.3. The driver of the universal harvester must check the reliability of fastening and connection of trailed and mounted units, mechanisms and devices.

2.4. The driver of a car and electric forklift should check the idle operation of lifting mechanisms and special drives.

2.5. The driver of the electric car must check the brakes on the move, the operation of the electric lock.

2.6. The driver should not start work if a malfunction is detected in which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited by the Road Traffic Regulations or if at least one of the following defects occurs:

brakes not adjusted or faulty;

the brake signal is faulty;

overheating of the engine or arcing of the electric motor;

a decrease in tire pressure, through holes, damage to the cord;

damage to electrical wires;

leak in the connections of oil lines, gas lines, batteries;

faulty lighting and other malfunctions specified in the instruction manual of the machine.

2.7. The driver of a truck and electric forklift should not start work if a crack is found in the welded seams on the frame, the carriage of the forklift and load-lifting devices, the weakening of the fastening of the load chains, the pins of the hydraulic cylinders.

2.8. Before starting work, the driver must put on the proper working clothes and special footwear, put them in order.

The driver should not take off his overalls and footwear during the entire working time.

2.9. If, during the inspection and testing of the machine, faults are found that cannot be eliminated on their own, the driver must notify the duty mechanic or the person responsible for the technical condition and safe operation vehicles, and do not start work until they are removed.


3.1. Safety requirements when working on all types of transport and harvesting machines

3.1.1. During work, the driver must comply with the rules of the road, the rules for loading and unloading operations, apply safe work practices during the repair and maintenance of the machine.

3.1.2. While driving the machine, the driver must:

maintain the speed of the vehicle in accordance with the requirements of the Road Traffic Regulations, road signs and taking into account the meteorological conditions;

observe the indications of control devices;

periodically check and take measures to remove stones and other objects stuck between the tires of the wheels.

3.1.3. Transport and harvesting machines should only work in areas with a good-quality hard and smooth surface: asphalt, concrete, paving stones.

3.1.4. The cleaned area and driveways of railway stations, stations must be well lit and free from foreign objects.

3.1.5. When crossing railway tracks, the driver must make sure that there is no approaching rolling stock. In case of movement of the rolling stock, it is necessary to stop the car and wait for the track to clear.

3.1.6. The driver must cross the railroad tracks at low speed without changing gears.

3.1.7. The driver must maintain such a distance from the vehicle in front, which would allow avoiding a collision or collision with a sudden stop of the vehicle in front.

3.1.8. The driver must observe the following driving speed:

on passenger platforms - no more than 3 km / h;

on the territory of a railway station, railway station and at level crossings and slopes - no more than 5 km / h;

on the territory adjacent to the railway station, the station - no more than 10 km / h.

3.1.9. In all cases, when there is a danger of unexpected meeting with people, the driver must sound the sound signal no closer than 5 meters.

3.1.10. When driving through the station square and platforms for cleaning, when there are passengers on them, the driver must warn them about the approach of the car with a signal and take special care when driving. Turning off the flashing beacon during the entire operating time of the transport-harvester is not allowed.

The driver must also sound a warning sound when starting off and changing the direction of travel.

3.1.11. The movement of vehicles on platforms must be at least 1 m from the edge of the platform.

When cleaning platforms from snow, it is allowed to bring the machine closer to the edge of the platforms no closer than 0.5 m.

3.1.12. The driver is prohibited from:

allow persons who do not have the right to operate the machine, repair and start the engine;

allow persons who are not related to the work performed to be in the cab and the body;

transport people on footboards;

rest or sleep in the cab and the body while parked with the engine running;

leave the machine under a raised or moving load;

leave the car on railway tracks and crossings, in public passages and in fire passages;

step on and run over electrical wires and cables;

touch broken wires and other easily accessible live parts.

3.1.13. Before filling the engine cooling system with antifreeze, it is necessary to check for leaks and, if found, eliminate it.

Filling the engine cooling system with antifreeze must be done using dishes specially designed for this purpose.

Pouring antifreeze with a hose by mouth suction is prohibited.

Antifreeze should not be poured up to the radiator neck, but in such a way that during engine operation (when heating), antifreeze does not leak out due to overfilling of the cooling system.

Protect antifreeze from the ingress of oil products, since during engine operation they lead to antifreeze foaming.

After each operation with antifreeze (receiving, refueling), hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water.

3.2. Safety requirements when working on a universal harvesting machine

3.2.1. Passenger platforms should only be cleaned during breaks between train movements. Do not water the platform if there are electric trains with a raised pantograph on the railway track.

3.2.2. While the machine is moving, avoid stones, bumps, potholes and other obstacles, while attachments, mechanisms and devices must be raised, and the upper engine guard is tightly closed.

3.2.3. When working on the territory adjacent to the railway station, station and on passenger platforms, the driver should not turn the car abruptly and abruptly.

3.2.4. The height of the shaft of shoveled snow should not exceed 0.5 m in order to avoid slipping of the machine and the danger of it slipping to the side.

3.2.5. While the machine is operating, the driver must ensure that there are no unauthorized persons in the working area when watering, washing or clearing snow.

3.2.6. When turning or changing the position of the working bodies, the driver must make sure that these operations are completely safe for passengers. Special care must be taken when working in icy, foggy or poor visibility conditions.

3.2.7. When parking a trailer, the driver must place stops under the wheels.

3.2.8. The driver should not allow the passage of people on trailed and mounted units, mechanisms and devices.

3.2.9. The driver is prohibited from removing any objects from under the towing and attachments of the machine while the engine is running.

3.2.10. Running car engine produce, as a rule, with a starter. When starting the engine with the crank, grasp it with all fingers on one side, without pinching the crank with your thumb. Move the handle from bottom to top.

It is not allowed to start the engine by towing.

3.3. Safety requirements when working on a snow loader

3.3.1. When moving around the territory of the railway station, the driver must transfer the boom and shovel to the transport position on the snow loader.

In order to avoid overturning of the snow loader, its path should not have a lateral slope of more than 15 °, when driving on sharp turns, the speed must be reduced to 5 km / h.

3.3.2. When starting off or when starting work, you must give a sound signal.

3.3.3. Upon arrival at the work site, the driver must lower the shovel to the loading horizon and raise the conveyor boom to the required height.

3.3.4. Before starting to load snow, the driver must make sure that there are no people in the area of ​​the work to be done and between the snow loader and the vehicle on which the snow is being loaded.

3.3.5. When loading snow, the driver must:

turn on the mechanism only when the shovel is lowered;

before raising or lowering the shovel or the conveyor, first make sure that there are no workers near these units involved in the removal of snow or foreign objects;

constantly monitor the pressure in the hydraulic system, the forward speed of the conveyor and the amount of snow loaded.

3.3.6. When the snow loader is in operation, workers involved in snow removal are not allowed to be on the conveyor, as well as at a distance of less than 5 m from its paws.

3.3.7. The driver can only increase the speed of snow feeding if the snow loader easily overcomes the snow shaft.

3.3.8. Allow the snow loader to idle for a while before clearing snow from the shovel and the snow loader conveyor.

3.3.9. Clearing the snow loader's shovels and conveyor from frozen snow should be carried out only after the mechanism has completely stopped using shovels, scrapers and other hand tools.

3.4. Safety requirements when working on a car and electric forklift

3.4.1. The driver must follow the instructions of the slinger for lifting, lowering and moving the load. The stop signal should be followed in all cases, no matter who is giving it.

3.4.2. To touch the truck and electric forklift from a place should be smooth, at low engine speeds. During the movement, the load or gripper should be at a distance of 300 - 400 mm from the ground or floor surface with the forklift frame tilted back.

3.4.3. Do not make sudden braking while driving. Moving a truck and an electric forklift with a load is allowed with a slope of no more than 7 °. When transporting cargo downhill, move reverse, on a slope - front. During movement, it is prohibited to raise and lower the load.

3.4.4. Install the forks at the same distance from the center of the forklift carriage. Place the load center of gravity as close as possible to the front walls of the forks and to the center of the forklift carriage.

3.4.5. Small piece cargo is allowed to be lifted only if it is packed in a special container that protects it from falling.

3.4.6. Do not allow people to be under the load taken on the working attachment of the forklift.

3.4.7. Before lifting and lowering the load, put the forklift on the hand brake, and on the electric forklift, put the brake pedal on the latch.

3.4.8. Do not move an auto, electric forklift with a forklift frame tilted forward.

3.4.9. When transporting cargo, the driver must comply with the following requirements:

lift the load from the supporting surface to a height of 200 - 300 mm;

in order to avoid the load slipping from the forks, set its frame parallel to the supporting surface or tilt it back;

start moving at first speed;

make turns smoothly;

avoid lateral slopes.

3.4.10. When driving a truck and an electric forklift, observe the upper obstacles (wires, arches and other obstacles) at all times.

3.4.11. It is forbidden to tear off a frozen or clamped load, to seize the load if there is no clearance under it for entering the forks.

3.4.12. After transportation, the cargo must be laid on gaskets that provide free exit of the gripping fork from under the cargo.

3.4.13. The load on the gripping fork should be positioned in such a way that the resulting overturning moment is minimized. In this case, the load must be pressed against the vertical part of the gripping fork.

3.4.14. Before lifting a load, the driver must fulfill the following requirements:

make sure that the place from which to raise or where to lower the load is suitable for this;

set the forks in width symmetrically relative to the vertical frame and parallel to the horizontal plane;

drive up to the load at first speed until the forks come under the load (pallet) to be lifted;

make sure that the load is installed close to the frame, is evenly distributed on the forks, does not go beyond the forks beyond 1/3 of their length, and is secured, if necessary, with a tie wire;

make sure that the upper part of the load does not protrude above the carriage by more than 1/3 of its height;

make sure that the loads on the pallet are formed into a stable and tight package, the dimensions of which do not exceed the pallet by more than 20 mm on each side.

3.4.15. If, for any reason, the lift carriage stops moving along the rails and the forks do not rise or fall, the driver should stop working and inform the work supervisor.

3.4.16. When working on a car and electric forklift, it is prohibited:

place the load above the protective device that protects the driver's workplace from the load falling onto it through the frame;

lift a load whose mass exceeds the carrying capacity, as well as a load whose center of gravity extends beyond the forks;

apply additional counterweights;

push cargo off stacks;

drag the load by dragging;

lift and move the load with only one fork;

lift, lower and transport people with a forks.

3.4.17. The driver of the electric forklift is prohibited from:

operate an electric forklift truck with the dashboard removed from the control panel and the battery open.

3.4.18. When leaving the car and electric forklift, the driver must remove the key from the switch on the electric control circuit and set it on the parking brake.

3.4.19. Long loads are allowed to be transported only in open areas, previously tied in such a way that the possibility of their falling is excluded.

3.4.20. In order to avoid overturning of the truck and electric forklift under adverse weather conditions (ice, wet or slippery road), sharp braking is not allowed. In case of loss of a stable position by the truck and electric forklift (when rear wheels detached from the supporting surface) the load must be lowered immediately.

3.5. Safety requirements when working on an electric car and an electric tractor

3.5.1. Electric cars, electric tractors can be operated on passenger platforms and in other places on the territory of the railway station, railway station, where the slope does not exceed 15 °. When stopping on an incline, these vehicles must be braked with a hand brake. Parking them on a slope of more than 8 ° is not allowed.

3.5.2. The driver is obliged to monitor the correct loading, tying the load on the trolley so that its stability during transportation is ensured, as well as its safety on the way.

3.5.3. When transporting cargo that is capable of randomly moving around the site of an electric vehicle, the driver must require the installation of safety struts and reliable fastening of the cargo. It is prohibited to use an electric car without meeting these requirements.

3.5.4. Electric braking is not allowed under normal conditions, it can only be used in extreme cases when there is a danger of collision with people, other vehicles and other obstacles.

3.5.5. The driver is allowed to hitch luggage or container carts, but no more than ten.

The weight of the trailer trolley together with the load should not exceed the carrying capacity of the electric vehicle, electric tractor.

3.5.6. An electric car, an electric tractor must be equipped with a reliable towing device with a lock, preventing spontaneous release.

3.5.7. When working on an electric car, an electric tractor, it is prohibited to tow carts of an unidentified sample, drag loads and devices by dragging, as well as towing by two electric cars, electric tractors.

3.5.8. In all cases, the movement of the electric car should be carried out forward by the platform on which the driver stands, except for cases of maneuvering at a short distance of up to 10 meters, when it is necessary to supply the electric car for loading or unloading in warehouses with the platform forward.

3.5.9. If necessary, switch the electric vehicle to reverse, the driver must stop him, turn his face in the direction of the subsequent movement, and then reverse.

3.5.10. The driver is prohibited from switching the electric car to reverse while driving until it comes to a complete stop, except in cases of obvious danger.

3.5.11. All bulk goods should only be transported in containers or crates. The height of placing the load on the platform of the electric car should not exceed the controller's rack, the load should not protrude beyond the platform.

3.5.12. When leaving the electric vehicle (electric towing vehicle) and at the end of work, it is necessary to remove the battery plug from the socket and lock it.

3.5.13. During embarkation and disembarkation of passengers from the cars, movement on the platform of an electric car, electric tractors is not allowed.

3.6. Safety requirements for the maintenance of transport and harvesting machines

3.6.1. Maintenance and repair of transport-harvesting machines should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the instructions for their operation.

3.6.2. To ensure safety during the repair and maintenance of the machine, the driver must:

work with a jack, installing safety tragus and brake pads under the wheels;

remove heavy units and assemblies with appropriate precautions (serviceable electric hoists or hand winches);

lubricate, adjust and carry out other repair work with the engine off;

use only serviceable tools for repairs.

3.6.3. You can leave your car at stops, parking lots and when refueling only when the engine is off.

3.6.4. A damaged car should be delivered to the garage by towing it with a tractor. It is forbidden to push the machine with another vehicle.

3.6.5. When towing the machine, you must use a special towing device that has a test tag.

When towing on a flexible hitch, it is necessary to ensure the distance between the towing and the towed vehicle within 4 - 6 m, on a rigid hitch - no more than 4 m.

3.6.6. When servicing and repairing the machine, no unauthorized persons are allowed to enter the workplace.

3.6.7. All operations related to maintenance and repairs must be performed after the machine has come to a complete stop, braking, setting the gear lever to neutral, stopping the engine, and when the working bodies are lowered to the ground or mounted on latches (special stands). At least two stops on opposite sides of the wheel must be placed under the wheels.

When the engine is running, only check the operation of the brakes and engine systems.

3.6.8. During inspections, adjusting, adjusting and repair operations, when the driver is forced to stay under the working bodies raised and installed on latches (special stands), it is forbidden for other workers and unauthorized persons to stay near the levers and handles for controlling the working bodies and touch these levers and handles.

3.6.9. During maintenance and repair of the machine, the driver must use only serviceable tools and a portable lamp with a safety net with a voltage of no higher than 42 V, and in the inspection ditch no higher than 12 V.

3.6.10. Hammers, sledgehammers should be mounted on hardwood handles and wedged with metal wedges. Chisels, barbs and cores should not have knocked down and beveled striking parts, burrs on the side edges and places where they are clamped by hand.

3.6.11. The size of the wrenches during operation must match the sizes of the nuts and bolts. If it is necessary to have a long lever, a wrench with an extended handle should be used. It is prohibited to extend the key with another key.

3.6.12. Files and screwdrivers must be firmly secured in the handles with metal rings.

The surface of the wooden handles of the tools must be smooth, free of burrs and cracks.

3.6.13. When working with chisels and other hand tools when cutting metal, wear safety goggles.

3.6.14. The wedges or chisels should be supported during operation with wedge holders with a handle at least 70 cm long.

3.6.15. To lift the working bodies during repairs, it is necessary to use serviceable lifting equipment (hoists, jacks, etc.).

3.6.16. For assembly and disassembly of assemblies and attachments, it is necessary to use special tools or pullers.

It is prohibited to stay under the removable (installed) units of the machine.

3.6.17. Aggregates, assemblies and wheels weighing more than 15 kg must be moved only with the help of lifting and transport equipment and small-scale mechanization.

3.6.18. Before dismantling hydraulic system and the lubrication system must be drained working fluid and oil in special containers.

3.6.19. The workplace should not be cluttered with unnecessary materials and tools.

Cleaning material and rags should be kept in a metal box.

3.6.20. When carried by hand rechargeable batteries a stretcher must be used.

3.6.21. It is forbidden to tighten connections, couplings on pipelines under pressure of liquid, oil, fuel, air.

3.6.22. When removing the coolant radiator filler plug on a hot engine, use caution, such as covering it with a heavy cloth or mitten. Add coolant to the radiator with the engine running at low speed or stopped.

Do not add coolant to the radiator of an overheated engine and do not lean over the filler hole.

3.6.23. A pump should be used to transfer fuel when refueling and to purge fuel lines.

3.6.24. After maintenance and repairs, before starting the engine, make sure that all hydraulic control drive mechanisms are in neutral (off) position.

It is forbidden to start and run the engine. internal combustion indoors.

3.6.25. To inspect the units of the machine being repaired, it is prohibited to crawl under it while the engine is running.

3.6.26. Dismantling of tires and wheel rims should be done only after complete release of pressure in the tire chamber. Carry out work on remounting tires in a specially equipped place with the presence and use of safety devices (pins, staples, etc.).

3.6.27. When reassembling, use only a special tool designed for of this type wheels.

3.6.28. In order to avoid damage to wheel parts, tires and chipping of small metal parts when dismantling a wheel, blows on the blades should be made with an aluminum sledgehammer.

3.6.29. When installing cameras, tires and wheels, do not allow dirt and other objects to get into the wheel being mounted. If water or dirt gets into the chamber, tire or other parts of the mounted wheel, they should be washed and wiped dry.

3.6.30. Before dismantling each tire that has been in operation, it is necessary to inspect the inner and outer surfaces for foreign objects on them. The inner surface should be wiped with a special scraper or bundle of ends. It is forbidden to touch the inner surface with unprotected hands. Removal of detected foreign objects (nails, glass, pieces of wire, etc.) should be done with special tools.

3.6.31. At internal inspection tires, between the bead on the inside and the rim flange, it is necessary to put wooden or special spacers.

3.6.32. The tires of the mounted wheels should be inflated only through a spool in a special safety device (cage, spider, etc.). At the end of inflation, the tires must be checked for air bleeding through the valve spool with soapy water from a dropper or other appropriate device.

3.6.33. When inflating tires, make sure that the locking ring is seated correctly, adjusting it only at the beginning of inflation.

3.6.34. Tires should be inflated from the pneumatic system of a stationary compressor or a compressed air cylinder with a reducer.

3.6.35. In all cases, the tires should be inflated to the pressure established by the rules for the operation of this type of pneumatic tires and depending on the place of their installation on the vehicle.

Before inflating a tire, make sure that the hose is securely attached to the valve of the pneumatic chamber, and during inflation, constantly monitor the pressure in the wheel using the pressure gauge installed on the hose.

3.6.36. When inflating the pneumatic tire, do not knock on it. Correct by tapping only after stopping the air supply.

3.6.37. It is possible to inflate a tire without remounting it only if the air pressure in it has decreased by no more than 40 percent from normal, or if there is confidence that the decrease in pressure did not interfere with the correct installation of wheel parts.

3.6.38. Inflate the tire of a wheel mounted on a vehicle only when the wheel is raised from the ground. After inflating the tire, replace the cap on the valve.

3.6.39. Tire assemblies delivered for repair and after repair should be installed in a specially designated place in a standing position with the convex side of the rim facing away from the wall.

3.6.40. When cutting the cuffs on a blank, it is necessary to cut with a knife away from you, moisten the knife with water.

3.6.41. In the event of malfunctions with the valve of the chambers, the reducer, the valve of the compressed air cylinder, tools and accessories, it is necessary to stop work and notify the garage mechanic on duty.


4.1. Driver's actions in the event of situations that may lead to undesirable consequences

4.1.1. When working on a transport harvester, the following main emergencies can occur:

collision with another vehicle;

hitting people;

overturning of a transport-harvester, exit from a high platform;

fire of the car, which can lead to fire or explosion.

4.1.2. In the event of an emergency, the driver is obliged to stop work, turn off the engine, brake the wheels, immediately report the incident to his immediate supervisor, and then follow his instructions on preventing accidents or eliminating an emergency situation.

4.1.3. Drivers who are nearby are obliged to immediately report to the scene of the accident and take part in providing the victim with first aid or eliminating an emergency situation that has arisen.

4.1.4. If a fire occurs, it is necessary to immediately start extinguishing the fire using the primary fire extinguishing means and, if necessary, inform the fire brigade personally or through people nearby.

4.1.6. When a transport-harvesting machine catches fire, use only carbon dioxide, powder and aerosol fire extinguishers. When using a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, do not put your hand on the bell.

4.1.7. When igniting fuel (gasoline), do not extinguish the fire with water. In this case, a foam fire extinguisher should be used, the fire should be covered with earth, sand, covered with a tarp or felt.

When extinguishing with a felt mat, cover the flame so that the fire from under it does not fall on the extinguishing person.

When extinguishing a flame with sand, a scoop, shovel, etc. do not raise to eye level to avoid sand getting into them.

4.1.8. When using fire extinguishers, direct the foam stream (powder, carbon dioxide, aerosol) away from people. If foam gets on unprotected areas of the body, wipe it off with a handkerchief or other material and rinse with an aqueous solution of soda.

4.2. Actions of the driver to provide first (first aid) aid to the injured

4.2.1. Electrical trauma

In case of electric shock, first of all, it is necessary to stop the action of the current (turn off the voltage, cut the wire, etc.), while observing safety measures and not touching the victim with bare hands while he is under the influence of the current.

In the event of a high voltage shock or lightning strike, the victim, despite the absence of signs of life, can be brought back to life. If the victim is not breathing, artificial respiration should be applied immediately and at the same time heart massage. Artificial respiration and heart massage are performed until natural respiration is restored or until a doctor arrives.

After the victim regains consciousness, it is necessary to apply a sterile bandage to the site of the electrical burn and take measures to eliminate possible mechanical damage (bruises, fractures) if falling. A victim of electrical injury, regardless of his health and lack of complaints, should be sent to a medical institution.

4.2.2. Mechanical injury

If you receive a mechanical injury, it is necessary to stop the bleeding, treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide, and apply a bandage. If a tourniquet is applied, it is necessary to fix the time of its application. The tourniquet can be left on for two hours in the warm season, and in the cold - one hour.

In case of fractures, it is necessary to apply a splint to fix the immobility of the damaged parts of the body. For this, you can use boards and bandages. For open fractures, it is necessary to bandage the wound before the splint is applied.

When stretching the ligaments, apply a pressure bandage and a cold compress to the stretch site. In case of dislocations, the limb is immobilized in the position that it took after the injury, a cold compress is applied to the joint area.

For all types of mechanical injuries, the victim must be taken to a hospital.

4.2.3. Thermal burns

In case of first-degree burns (only redness and slight swelling of the skin is observed), moisten the burned area with a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

In case of second-degree burns (bubbles filled with liquid are formed), a sterile bandage must be applied to the burned area. Do not lubricate the burned area with grease and ointments, open or pierce the blisters.

In case of severe burns, a sterile bandage should be applied to the burned area and the victim should be immediately sent to a hospital. Do not lubricate the burned area with fat or ointments, tear off parts of clothing that have burnt to the skin. The burnt one must be given plenty of hot tea.

4.2.4. Acid and alkali burns

In case of acid burns, the burned area of ​​the body should be washed with water with alkalis added to it: soda, chalk, tooth powder, magnesia. In the absence of alkalis, it is necessary to abundantly water the burnt body with clean water.

In case of burns with caustic alkalis, wash the burned area of ​​the body with water acidified with acetic or citric acid, or wash with clean water abundantly pouring over the burned area.

4.2.5. Poisoning

In case of poisoning with poor-quality food products, it is necessary to induce artificial vomiting in the victim and rinse the stomach, allowing him to drink a large amount (up to 6 - 10 glasses) of warm water, tinted with potassium permanganate, or a weak solution of baking soda. Then give milk and drink 1 - 2 tablets of activated carbon.

In case of acid poisoning, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the stomach with water and give the victim an enveloping agent: milk, raw eggs.

In case of gas poisoning, the victim must be taken out of the room into fresh air or a draft must be made in the room by opening windows and doors. If breathing and cardiac activity stop, start artificial respiration and heart massage.

In all cases of poisoning, the victim must be referred to a hospital.

In case of accidental ingestion of antifreeze, the victim should be immediately taken to a hospital.

4.2.6. Eye injury

In case of eye injuries with sharp or stabbing objects, as well as eye injuries with severe bruises, the victim should be urgently sent to a hospital. Objects caught in the eyes should not be removed from the eye in order not to further damage it. Apply a sterile bandage to the eye.

If dust or powdery substance gets into your eyes, rinse with a gentle stream of running water.

In case of burns with chemicals, it is necessary to open the eyelids and rinse the eyes abundantly for 10 - 15 minutes with a weak stream of running water, after which the victim should be sent to a medical institution.

In case of eye burns with hot water or steam, rinsing of the eyes is not recommended. The eyes are closed with a sterile bandage and the victim is sent to a medical facility.


5.1. At the end of the work, the driver must:

inspect the car and make sure it is in good working order;

put the car in the designated parking place, put the gear lever in neutral, turn off the ignition, brake the wheels;

lock the cab door;

take off overalls and other personal protective equipment and put them in the closet;

wash hands, face and contaminated body parts with soap and water or take a shower.

If necessary, the driver must hand over contaminated and defective overalls for washing, dry cleaning or repair.

5.2. To cleanse the skin from industrial pollution at the end of the working day, it is necessary to use protective and washing pastes and ointments that combine the properties of protective and detergents.

To keep the skin in good condition after work, you should use various indifferent ointments and creams (boric petroleum jelly, lanolin cream, etc.).

The use of kerosene or other toxic oil products for cleaning the skin and personal protective equipment is not allowed.

5.3. In winter, it is necessary to drain the water from the cooling system. When opening the plug of the engine cooling system, take precautions against the possible release of hot water. Open the cork with gloves or put a thick cloth on top of the cork to avoid burns to hands and face.

5.4. At the end of service or repair, tidy up the workplace, clean and remove tools and accessories.

5.5. Hand over the keys to the person responsible for the safety of the parking lot.

5.6. It is prohibited to store the transport and harvesting machine at the driver's place of residence.

5.7. All violations of the technological process, malfunctions and defects noticed during work, and the measures taken to eliminate them, the driver of the transport-harvesting machine must inform the garage mechanic or the person responsible for the technical serviceability of the vehicles.

________________________ ________________ _________________

(position of the head (personal signature) (surname, initials)


/ organization / - developer)


Manager (specialist)

security services

labor of the enterprise ______________ _______________

Legal Counsel ______________ _______________

(personal signature) (surname, initials)

Chief Technologist ______________ _______________

For the driver, as for any other employee of the enterprise, there is a job description. This document regulates the list of duties, rights and responsibilities of drivers. And although it does not apply to the mandatory regulatory acts of the enterprise, lawyers recommend that the provisions and clauses in this document be spelled out as accurately and carefully as possible, so that in the future there is no possibility of their double interpretation.

General manager
OOO "Deliveries by the gross"
Shirokov/ Shirokov I.A. /
August 12, 2014

Job description car driver

І. General Provisions

1.1. This document regulates the list of job functions, tasks, duties that must be performed by the driver of the organization, as well as his rights, responsibility, working conditions and other parameters.

1.2. The driver of the organization must have at least secondary education, have been driving a car for at least three years, as well as the rights of categories "B".

1.3. Recruitment and dismissal takes place in the manner prescribed by the internal rules of the organization and with the obligatory presence of an appropriate order from the management.

1.4. The driver's immediate supervisor is the director of the enterprise.

1.5. In the absence of a driver at the workplace, his duties are transferred to a person appointed by a separate order of the head of the company and having the required level of education and work experience.

1.6. The driver must be familiar with:

  • the laws of the Russian Federation in the field of civil and labor law;
  • internal regulations for organizing, labor protection, fire safety, etc.
  • The charter of the organization;
  • orders and instructions of the management, company regulations;
  • traffic rules, penalties for certain traffic violations;
  • road maps of the region.

1.7. The driver must own:

  • complete information about the internal structure of the car, the principles of its operation;
  • information about the equipment of the car, its technical characteristics, devices, mechanisms and assemblies, as well as about their purpose and maintenance;
  • ways and methods of troubleshooting, as well as their elimination with improvised means;
  • knowledge about the consequences of certain breakdowns and malfunctions in the operation of the engine and other car systems;
  • service standards vehicles, including washing, cleaning the body and interior, keeping in the garage, etc.

ІІ. Job responsibilities car driver

2.1. The list of driver's work functions includes the following tasks:

  • driving a car,
  • timely arrival at the workplace and delivery of the car to the entrance of the organization, as well as putting the car in the garage after the work shift;
  • timely refueling, adding oil, and adding other fluids necessary for the operation of the car;
  • adherence to the rules of the road, observance of all road signs, timely familiarization with all the changes introduced by law to the traffic rules;
  • ensuring the safety of passengers while driving and driving a car;
  • ensuring the safety of property in the trunk of the car;
  • control over the safety and integrity of the car itself, including leaving it in parking lots and parking lots only with the alarm on, blocking all doors and windows both while driving and during stops;
  • daily inspection technical condition car, timely elimination of identified faults on their own or with the help of specialized car services;
  • keeping the car clean and tidy, including daily morning car wash at the car wash and weekly dry cleaning of the interior;
  • advance preparation for long trips, familiarization with the area map and road maps, selection of the shortest routes;
  • exclusion of the use of any drugs, medications, foods and liquids that can affect the driver's performance, concentration, coordination of movements and reaction;
  • work with route and waybills, including entering information into documents on mileage, consumption of gasoline and oil, travel destinations, etc., timely provision of documentation for reporting;
  • fulfillment of orders and instructions of the direct supervisor.
  • respect for the entrusted car.

ІІІ. Rights

3.1. The driver has the following powers and rights:

  • make reasoned and well-grounded proposals to the management to improve and optimize the work of both yourself and the organization as a whole;
  • independently make decisions to ensure the safety of both yourself and passengers while driving;
  • demand from the management to ensure labor safety;
  • receive all the necessary information from employees of car service enterprises about car repairs;
  • make proposals for optimizing route traffic, incl. to reduce the financial costs of travel;
  • participate in any corporate events (meetings, discussions, meetings) directly related to his activities;
  • make constructive suggestions to eliminate violations, errors, shortcomings identified in the course of work;
  • enter into communications with representatives of any structural divisions of the company to resolve issues within his competence;
  • refuse to perform work functions when there is a threat to life or health.

IV. A responsibility

The driver is liable for the following violations:

4.1. Causing, intentionally or unintentionally, damage to the vehicles entrusted to him (engine, systems and assemblies, mechanisms and assemblies, interior and body), as well as untimely service and Maintenance,

4.2. Causing damage to the health of passengers and other road users;

4.3. The use of any prohibited and permitted substances that negatively affect coordination, thinking, reaction, etc.

4.4. Neglect to perform labor duties, including complete evasion from them.

4.5. Regular violation of the internal regulations, work and rest hours, discipline established at the enterprise, as well as violation of any types of safety.

4.6. Failure to comply with the orders and orders issued by the management of the organization or the immediate leader.

4.7. Disclosure of confidential information about the organization.

4.8. Providing inaccurate information to the management in reporting documents;

4.9. These points of the job description strictly comply with the framework of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Head of the transport department
OOO "Deliveries by the gross"
Myshkin/ Myshkin T.V. /
August 12, 2014

Ivanov R.S.
Driver of LLC "Deliveries Wholesale"
Passport 8735 No. 253664
Issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Leninsky District of Perm
09/14/2012 subdivision code 123-425
Signature Ivanov
August 17, 2014


What is the driver's job description for?

The job description is important not only for ordinary employees of the enterprise, but also for management. It makes it possible to coordinate the relationship between the employer and subordinates, clearly defining the working functionality and responsibility of the drivers. In conflict situations, when the intervention of the court is required to resolve the dispute, the job description serves as proof of the presence or absence of fault on the part of the employee or employer.

Basic rules for drawing up a driver's job description

There is no standard, universally accepted form of a driver's job description, so companies can develop and approve it themselves. Since there is no single sample, in different organizations employees in the same position can perform different functions, but at the same time, their main responsibilities should be similar. A driver's job description usually includes the following parts:

  • "General Provisions"
  • "Job responsibilities",
  • "Rights",
  • "A responsibility".

If necessary or at the will of the management, other points can be added to it.

The preparation of the job description is usually carried out by a lawyer of the enterprise or a specialist in the personnel department. She is taking shape in one copy, but if there are several drivers at the enterprise, then copies of it are printed in the required quantity.

Each driver must be familiar with the document, he is also obliged to put his signature under it, which will indicate that the employee agrees with its content.

The job description must be certified by the direct supervisor of the driver or the person responsible for the implementation of the rules and regulations prescribed in it. The head of the enterprise must also sign the document.

Drawing up the job description of the driver

At the very top of the job description, on the right, place should be left for the resolution of the head of the organization. The form for it is standard: here you need to enter his position (general director, director), the name of the company, last name, first name, patronymic, and also leave a line for signature with mandatory decoding and put the date of approval. Then, in the middle of the line, you need to write the name of the document.

Main sections

In the first section titled "General Provisions" to begin with, it should be noted to which category of workers the driver belongs (worker, technical personnel, specialist, etc.), then it is indicated to whom he reports and who replaces him in case of such a need (here it is enough to indicate the positions of authorized employees, without names) ... Further, the document contains the qualification requirements for the driver (specialization, education, additional professional training), as well as the required work experience and length of service. It is also worth indicating on the basis of which documents the driver is appointed and removed from office.

Then, in the same section below, it is necessary to list all the rules, laws, orders, regulations with which the driver must be familiar, as well as the requirements for knowledge of the car.

Second part "Job responsibilities of the driver" concerns directly the instructions that are assigned to him. They need to be prescribed as detailed and clearly as possible, taking into account the peculiarities of the enterprise where the driver works.

Chapter "Rights" includes the powers that are given to the driver in order to efficiently perform his work. Here you can separately indicate his right to various initiatives, including interaction with management and other parts of the organization when such a need arises, as well as the right to participate in internal company events and additional training.

In chapter "A responsibility" violations are clearly established for which the employer has the right to bring the driver to recovery. It should be noted here that the driver is personally responsible for the safety of the car and its parts, as well as compliance with labor regulations and safety standards.

After registration, the document must be agreed with the superior (above the driver) employee of the organization (either the immediate supervisor, or a person authorized to monitor compliance with the rules and regulations prescribed in the job description). Here you should enter his position, name of the organization, surname, name, patronymic, and also sign with a decryption.

Below you need to specify driver data: his last name, first name, patronymic (in full), again the name of the organization, passport data, signature and date of acquaintance with the document. It is not necessary to certify the job description with a seal, since it refers to the internal documents of the enterprise.

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of its approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document has been agreed upon: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. This document is periodically checked at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Driver of a transport and harvesting machine of the 3rd category" belongs to the category "Workers".

1.2. Qualification requirements - complete or basic general secondary education. Vocational education or on-the-job training. No requirements for work experience.

1.3. Knows and applies in activities:
- construction, operation and maintenance of transport and harvesting machines;
- types of fuels and oils;
- purpose, timing and methods of charging batteries;
- Traffic Laws;
- traffic safety rules.

1.4. The driver of a transport and harvesting vehicle of the 3rd category is appointed and dismissed by order of the organization (enterprise / institution).

1.5. The driver of a transport harvester of the 3rd category reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

1.6. The driver of the transport harvester of the 3rd category supervises the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

1.7. During the absence, the driver of the transport and harvesting vehicle of the 3rd category is replaced by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Description of work, tasks and duties

2.1. Supervises transport and cleaning machines of various systems and carrying capacity, designed for cleaning and transporting garbage from landside and station areas, aprons and passenger platforms, streets, etc.

2.2. Monitors loading, unloading and harvesting.

2.3. Carries out maintenance and upkeep of the transport harvester.

2.4. Knows, understands and applies the current regulatory documents related to his activities.

2.5. Knows and fulfills the requirements of regulatory enactments on labor and environmental protection, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. The driver of a transport and harvesting vehicle of the 3rd category has the right to take action to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. The driver of a transport and harvesting vehicle of the 3rd category has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. The driver of a transport and harvesting vehicle of the 3rd category has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his official duties and the exercise of rights.

3.4. The driver of a transport and harvesting vehicle of the 3rd category has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision of the necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The driver of a transport and harvesting vehicle of the 3rd category has the right to get acquainted with the draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. The driver of a transport and harvesting vehicle of the 3rd category has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary for the performance of his official duties and orders of the management.

3.7. The driver of a transport-harvester of the 3rd category has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The driver of a transport and harvesting vehicle of the 3rd category has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. The driver of a transport and harvesting vehicle of the 3rd category has the right to familiarize himself with the documents defining the rights and obligations of the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The driver of a transport-harvester of the 3rd category is responsible for non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) non-use of the granted rights.

4.2. The driver of a transport-harvester of the 3rd category is responsible for non-compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The driver of a transport-harvester of the 3rd category is responsible for disclosing information about an organization (enterprise / institution) related to a trade secret.

4.4. The driver of a transport-harvester of the 3rd category is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of the internal regulatory documents of the organization (enterprise / institution) and legal orders of the management.

4.5. The driver of a transport and harvesting vehicle of the 3rd category is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The driver of a transport and harvesting vehicle of the 3rd category is responsible for causing material damage to the organization (enterprise / institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The driver of a transport and harvesting vehicle of the 3rd category is responsible for the misuse of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

His knowledge should include all the rules and regulations of the technological process of his duties, how the units should be operated, what kind of care they need for normal operation and what additional tools are required for this. Other knowledge The job description of a tractor driver implies that the employee must know what methods exist to identify and eliminate malfunctions that occur during the operation of the equipment. He also needs to know what quality the work done by him should be. All instructions that relate to the safety of his workplace, as well as what actions he must take to prevent emergencies during the performance of his duties, must be followed. All requirements regarding the use of protective equipment are also.

Job description of a tractor driver for cleaning streets

2. Qualification requirements:

  • Must know:
  • device and maintenance rules for transport and harvesting machines
  • fuels and lubricants
  • purpose, timing and methods of charging batteries
  • traffic rules, traffic on the territory of the enterprise, station routes
  • installed alarm.

3. Job responsibilities:

  • Management of transport and harvesting machines of various systems and carrying capacities during the transportation of cargo waste from railway and station areas, aprons and passenger platforms, streets, etc.
  • Monitoring loading and unloading.
  • Maintenance and upkeep of the transport harvester.

p. 1 Job description Driver of a transport-harvester p. 2 Job description Driver of transport-harvesting machine 4.

Job description of a tractor driver

What is guided by Carrying out his direct activities, an employee hired as a tractor driver is obliged to be guided by legal acts, technical standards and other materials, which include a list of work assigned to this worker. He must also follow the instructions and other tasks not only of his direct manager, but also of other officials, including tasks from the chief engineer of the organization where the tractor driver is employed. In addition, he must adhere to the labor protection instructions, work schedule and job description of the tractor driver.
What you should know The knowledge of tractor drivers from the third to the eighth category should include information about what specifications It has vehicle, entrusted to him, and how it works.

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The driver of a transport and harvesting vehicle is subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for improper performance through his fault of the duties listed in this instruction. 4.2. The driver of the transport and harvesting vehicle is financially responsible for ensuring the safety of the inventory items entrusted to him. 4.3. The driver of a transport and harvesting vehicle for committing offenses in the course of his activities, depending on their nature and consequences, is brought to civil, administrative and criminal liability in the manner prescribed by law.
4.4. . 5.

Driver's manual of transport and harvesting machine

The height of the shaft of shoveled snow should not exceed 0.5 m in order to avoid slipping of the machine and the danger of its slipping to the side. While the machine is operating, the driver must ensure that there are no unauthorized persons in the working area when clearing snow. 3.15. When turning or changing the position of the working bodies, the driver must make sure that these operations are completely safe for passers-by.


Special care must be taken when working in icy, foggy or poor visibility conditions. The driver is prohibited from removing any objects from under the towing and attachments of the machine while the engine is running. During breaks in work and at the end of the task of the head, trailed and mounted units, mechanisms and devices should be lowered down.

It is prohibited to stay under the raised trailed and mounted units, mechanisms and devices. 3.18.

Job description of a tractor driver: duties and rights

During the working day (shift), the driver of the transport-harvesting machine: 1) performs work on the transport-harvesting machine assigned to him; 2) performs cleaning of passenger platforms, the territory of a railway station, a station during the hours of a decrease in the intensity of passenger traffic and the movement of passenger trains; 3) carries out the lifting and movement of cargo with trailed units, mechanisms and devices; 4) contains in good condition and cleanliness the transport and harvesting machine, tools, devices, as well as personal protective equipment assigned to it; 5) by order of the immediate supervisor, performs work corresponding to the complexity of their execution by workers of lower qualifications; -. (other obligations) 2.4.


Job responsibilities of the employee The following job responsibilities are assigned to the tractor driver: 2.1. Driving a tractor with an engine power of up to 25.7 kW (up to 35 hp), running on liquid fuel, when transporting various goods, machines, mechanisms, metal structures and structures of various weights and sizes using trailers or devices. 2.2. Monitoring the loading, securing and unloading of transported goods.



Refueling the tractor and lubricating the tractor and all trailed devices... 2.4. Identification and elimination of malfunctions in the operation of the tractor. 2.5. Production maintenance and participation in all other types of repair of the serviced tractor and towing devices.

3. Rights of the employee The tractor driver has the right to: 3.1. For all social guarantees provided by law. 3.2.
The following hazardous and harmful production factors may affect an employee during work performance: - physical overload; - high or low air temperature in the working area; - increased air mobility; - overvoltage of visual analyzers; - moving vehicles; - faulty tools and devices; - increased voltage value in the electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body; - sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surfaces of tools and equipment. 1.6. In accordance with the current Regulations for the issuance of special clothing, footwear and other personal protective equipment (PPE), personnel must be provided with special clothing and footwear, as well as PPE. 1.7. Areas specially designated and equipped for smoking tobacco shall be marked with signs “Smoking area” .1.8.

Job description of a tractor driver for cleaning streets

A person who also has work experience is accepted for the position of a tractor driver of the 2nd category. 1.3. The tractor driver is accepted and dismissed from work by order. (position of the head of the organization) 1.4. Tractor driver of the 2nd category must know: - the principle of operation and the structure of the serviced tractor; - traffic rules; - rules for loading, stowing, slinging and unloading various goods; - rules for the production of work with trailers and devices; - ways of identifying and eliminating shortcomings in the operation of the tractor; - the power of the serviced engine and the maximum load of trailers; - the procedure for registration of acceptance documents for transported goods or work performed; - rules for labor protection, environmental protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety. 1.5. Professionally important qualities:. (list qualities) 2.
The specialist must also understand the principle of operation of attachments and trailed devices, accessories and engines. He must be well versed in the tractor control system, know how much fuel is needed to operate the unit. The job description of a tractor driver implies that he knows all the rules for stacking, loading and slinging various loads.

He is required to understand the power supply system, lubrication and operation of cooling elements in internal combustion engines. It is also important to know the rules of the road, how attachments are installed and removed, as well as how to carry out work using this technique. It is understood that he can draw up defective statements, draw up documentation regarding completed tasks.

  • The driver of the transport and harvesting vehicle has the right to get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise concerning the activities of the Division.
  • The driver of the transport and harvesting machine has the right to propose for the manager's consideration proposals for improving the work related to the duties provided for in this Job Description.
  • The driver of the transport and harvesting machine has the right to submit to the head of the proposal for the promotion of distinguished workers, the imposition of penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
  • The driver of the transport and harvesting machine has the right to report to the head about all violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.

He must also know the basics of labor protection, sanitation and hygiene, as well as fire safety. The job description of a tractor driver implies that he will carry out measures for the acceptance and delivery of shifts, prepare jobs, tools and equipment on time. He is obliged to clean the workplace after himself and draw up the documentation necessary for reporting. Periodically, his knowledge should be checked by senior management. Obligations of instructions for a tractor driver of grade 3 An employee who has received a third grade must be able to manage various tractor systems that operate on liquid fuel, participate in the transportation of machines, cargo, mechanisms and other devices necessary for his work using attachments and trailed devices ... He is allowed to drive a tractor, the power of which does not exceed 44.2 kilowatts.


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