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QUALIFICATION DIRECTORY OF WORKERS PROFESSIONS WHICH ARE SET MONTHLY SALARIES (approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor ... Actual in 2018

Car driver

Grade 3

Description of the work. Management of single cars and trucks all types and brands assigned to one of the vehicle categories "B" or "C", or driving only buses assigned to the vehicle category "D". Driving cars equipped with special sound and light signals requires continuous work experience as a driver of a car for at least three years. Control of the lifting mechanism of a dump truck, a crane installation of a truck crane, a pumping installation of a tanker truck, a refrigeration unit of a refrigerator, sweepers and other special equipment of specialized and special vehicles in compliance with safety regulations. Towing trailers weighing up to 750 kg. Refueling vehicles with fuel, lubricants and coolant. Registration of travel documents. Examination technical condition and picking up a car before going on the line. Delivery of the car and staging it in the designated place upon returning from work to the car service. Car supply for loading cargo, as well as for unloading cargo. Control over the correct loading, placement and securing of cargo in the car body. Elimination of minor operational malfunctions of the rolling stock that occurred during operation on the line, which do not require disassembly of mechanisms.

(as amended by Resolutions of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of September 28, 1989 N 329 / 20-49)

When servicing passengers without a conductor: announcement using the radio installation of stopping points, the procedure for payment and receipt of test tickets; installation of ticket reels, composters, ticket accounting, sale of subscription books at stopping points.

Should know: purpose, device, principle of operation, operation and maintenance of units, mechanisms and devices of cars belonging to one of the categories "B" or "C", or buses belonging to category "D", rules road traffic; the basics of traffic safety; regulations technical exploitation cars (related to drivers); rules for the carriage of perishable and dangerous goods; the main performance indicators of vehicles, ways and means of increasing labor productivity and reducing the cost of transportation; signs, causes and dangerous consequences of malfunctions arising during the operation of the vehicle, methods of their detection and elimination; order of conduct Maintenance cars and trailers; rules for storing cars in garages and open parking lots; operating rules rechargeable batteries and car tires; the influence of weather conditions on the safety of driving a car; ways to prevent road traffic accidents; techniques for providing first aid in case of accidents; rules for filling out primary documents for accounting for the operation of the car; rules for running in new cars and after overhaul; rules for supplying buses for boarding and disembarking passengers and monitoring compliance with these rules; the procedure for emergency evacuation of passengers in case of road traffic accidents; the device of cash registers, composters and radio installations.

3rd grade

Description of the work. Driving single cars and trucks of all types and brands, assigned to one of the vehicle categories "B" or "C". Driving cars equipped with special sound and light signals requires continuous work experience as a driver of a car for at least three years. Control of the lifting mechanism of a dump truck, crane installation of a truck crane, a pumping installation of a tanker truck, a refrigeration unit of a refrigerator, sweepers and other special equipment of specialized and special vehicles in compliance with safety regulations. Towing trailers weighing up to 750 kg. Refueling vehicles with fuel, lubricants and coolant. Registration of travel documents. Checking the technical condition and accepting the car before going on the line. Delivery of the car and staging it in the designated place upon returning from work to the car service. Car supply for loading cargo, as well as for unloading cargo. Control over the correct loading, placement and securing of cargo in the car body. Elimination of minor operational malfunctions of the rolling stock that occurred during operation on the line, which do not require disassembly of mechanisms.

Should know: purpose, device, principle of operation, operation and maintenance of units, mechanisms and devices of cars belonging to one of the categories "B" or "C", traffic rules; the basics of traffic safety; rules for the technical operation of vehicles (related to drivers); rules for the carriage of perishable and dangerous goods; the main performance indicators of vehicles, ways and means of increasing labor productivity and reducing the cost of transportation; signs, causes and dangerous consequences of malfunctions arising during the operation of the vehicle, methods of their detection and elimination; the procedure for the maintenance of cars and trailers; rules for storing cars in garages and open parking lots; rules for the operation of batteries and car tires; the influence of weather conditions on the safety of driving a car; ways to prevent road traffic accidents; techniques for providing first aid in case of accidents; rules for filling out primary documents for accounting for the operation of the car; rules for running in new cars and after major repairs.

Car driver

2nd grade

Description of the work. Driving cars and trucks of all types and brands assigned to vehicle categories "B", "C" and "E", or driving buses assigned to vehicle categories "D" or "D" and "E". Towing trailers weighing over 750 kg. Elimination of operational malfunctions of the rolling stock that occurred during operation on the line, requiring disassembly of mechanisms. Performing adjustment work in the field in the absence of technical assistance.

When servicing passengers without a conductor: announcement using the radio installation of stopping points, the procedure for payment and receipt of test tickets; installation of ticket reels, composters, ticket accounting, sale of subscription books at stopping points.

Must know: purpose, device, principle of operation, operation and maintenance of units, mechanisms and devices of cars classified as vehicle categories "B", "C" and "E", and when working on buses - "D" or "D" and "E", their malfunctions: signs, causes, dangerous consequences, methods of identification and elimination; volumes, frequency and basic rules for performing maintenance work; ways to increase the between-repair runs of cars; features of the organization of maintenance and repair of cars in the field; features of the organization of intercity transportation, the mode of operation of drivers; basic concepts of the ticket system and tariffs for road transport; fundamentals of dispatch management of transportation, technical means of dispatch communication and control over the movement of vehicles; basic concepts of cost accounting at a motor transport enterprise, performance indicators of vehicles, ways to improve the use of rolling stock, methods of work of advanced drivers; the main provisions of planning and accounting for the work of vehicles; rules for using radio communications on vehicles; road elements, their impact on traffic safety; basic concepts from the theory of car movement; properties, applications, rules for transportation and storage of basic operating materials, consumption rates and measures to save them; ways to increase tire mileage and battery life; rules for supplying buses for boarding and disembarking passengers and monitoring compliance with these rules; the procedure for emergency evacuation of passengers in case of road traffic accidents; the device of cash registers, composters and radio installations.

Note that the General Provisions and other acts of legislation do not require confirmation of the class previously assigned to the driver of the car in the prescribed manner. Thus, qualifications and work experience are confirmed by a work book. Driving license confirms the driving experience. Conditions for assigning classes to drivers For assignment of the 3rd class: - availability in driving license permitting marks for the right to operate mechanical vehicles belonging to categories "B" or "C"; - there are no seniority requirements; - to drive cars equipped with special sound and light alarms, continuous work experience as a driver of a car of at least 2 years is required; - knowledge of plumbing in the scope of work of a locksmith for the repair of cars of the 2nd category.

The nuances of assigning a class to drivers

The order of assignment to workers qualification ranks provided for by clauses 10 - 21 General provisions The unified tariff and qualification reference book of works and professions of workers of the national economy of the USSR, approved by the Resolution of the State Committee of Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of 31.01.1985 N 31 / 3-30. The issue of assigning or raising a category (class, category) to a worker is considered by a qualification commission created by order of the employer.


The procedure for assigning and increasing the category (class) to workers and the procedure for issuing documents are developed by the employer and enshrined in the relevant local regulations. Conducting certification is the employer's right, which he can use in relation to a certain category of employees in accordance with the established procedure.

How to increase the category of drivers?

According to the testimony<Номер, выданному <Дата года… объединенной спортивно-технической школой РОСТО, он закончил обучение и сдал экзамены по программе повышения квалификации водителей автомобилей на первый класс. Однако ответчик не выплачивает надбавку за классность.
At the hearing, T. supported the claim in full. The defendant did not appear in court, and the case was considered in his absence.


The court made the above decision. In the appeal, UNIS LLC does not agree with the court decision and asks to cancel it due to the discrepancy between the court's findings and the circumstances of the case, violation of substantive and procedural law. After checking the case materials, discussing the arguments of the appeal, the panel of judges comes to the conclusion that there are grounds for canceling the court decision.

The court established and confirmed by the case materials that T.

On assignment of class qualifications to drivers of management

Employees who have the 2nd or 1st category can count on an additional payment. This possibility must be provided for in the employee's employment contract with the employer or in the collective agreement.

Most often, the amount of the allowance is as follows:

  • for the 2nd grade, the employee receives 10%;
  • for the 1st grade, the employee is charged 25%.

If the regulation on remuneration (labor contract) does not provide for an additional payment for class, then the employer has the right not to pay it. Additional payment for irregular working hours for drivers For drivers of first persons and truckers, irregular working hours may be established.


For work in the regime of irregular working hours, compensation is provided only in the form of additional paid leave (Article 119 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). But the employer can pay bonuses to the employee for working in irregular working hours.

Enter the site

Driver's class There is a classification on the basis of which the level of professionalism of an employee can be assessed. Classes determine the ability to drive cars of varying complexity and carrying capacity and are of three types:

  • the third is the lowest. The employee must be able to drive cars and trucks of all types and brands, categories "B" or "C", or only buses classified as category "D" vehicles;
  • the second is the middle one. The employee must be able to drive cars of all types and brands classified as vehicle categories "B", "C" and "E", or buses of category "D" or "D" and "E";
  • the first is the highest. Its owner must be able to drive cars, trucks and buses of all types and brands, assigned to vehicle categories "B", "C", "D" and "E".

Driver class surcharge

This means that having a 5th grade, the driver will perform work of the 4th grade. But if you buy a truck, then you have the right to put this driver there and he, with his 5th grade, will perform 5th grade work.

And if you have all 4-grade drivers, then they are not allowed to do such work and you need to look for and accept a driver who has 5 or higher grade. The payment for his labor should not depend on his category, but is determined by the engine displacement, carrying capacity, length, etc.

the car on which he works. I want to draw the attention of the moderator to this message, because: The notification is being sent ... Katik Belarus # 286 December 23, 2014, 9:38 am m1958-8 wrote: The decree prescribed to carry out the re-tariffication of both drivers and works.
The composition of the qualification commission for assigning a class to the drivers of the Department Appendix 2 to the order of the Central Customs Department dated April 6, 2010 N 242 V.G. Zhovtobryukh - Deputy Head of the Department - Head of Logistics Service (Chairman) S.V. Makarov - Head of the Transport Department of Logistics Service (Deputy Chairman) Yu.A. Burmatsky - Deputy Head of the Transport Department of the Logistics Service A.N. Javadov - Head of the Labor Protection and Civil Defense Department of the Logistics Service L.I. Salnikova - Chief State Customs Inspector of the Department for Civil Service and Personnel of the Personnel Service L.M. Kiryushkina - senior specialist of the 2nd category of the motor transport department of the rear service (secretary) Deputy head of the Department - head of the logistics service V.G. Zhovtobryukh Appendix 3.

If you need to determine the category of a worker without a certificate of education, but having work experience in this profession, then in this case, look at the entry in the employee's work book from the previous place of work (regardless of the break in work experience). Assign the category of such a worker when hiring in accordance with this record.

The rank assigned to the employee at the previous place of work is retained when moving to a new employer. The category in the staffing table must correspond to the category of the employee accepted for this position.

On the issue of obtaining a license for the possibility of assigning and raising the ranks of workers at the enterprise: Currently, there are two points of view on this issue. 1 point of view: According to the provisions of the General Provisions approved by the decree of the State Committee of Labor of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of January 31, 1985 No.

  • HR administration

Question The employee was accepted to the District Administration as a driver of the 5th qualification category. How to properly increase his discharge? And can you assign a 7 or 8 grade at once? Answer The answer to the question: there is no 8th grade in the position of a car driver at all.

7th category is assigned when driving buses.

Drivers of vehicles in organizations may have qualification classes one through three. In this case, the class assigned to the driver determines the ability to perform certain types of transportation work.

That is, the concept of class characterizes the driver's qualifications. According to the section "Motor transport and urban electric transport" of the Qualification Handbook, approved by the decree of the State Committee of Labor of the USSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of Russia dated February 20, 1984 No.

He must know: the basics of safe driving, the typical causes of road accidents with cars and how to prevent them; rules for boarding and transporting people in cars; the volume, frequency and procedure for organizing maintenance and repair of cars; typical car malfunctions, their causes, signs and dangerous consequences, methods of identification and elimination; rules for the use of garage equipment used in the maintenance and current repair of cars; operating materials, their properties, application and storage rules, consumption rates and measures to save them; ways to increase tire mileage and battery life; rules of labor protection, fire safety, industrial sanitation, environmental protection during the operation of vehicles. 7.
Thus, the assignment of a qualification class to car drivers is carried out by a qualification commission created by the employer and only to those drivers who have undergone training or retraining at an educational institution according to uniform programs approved in the prescribed manner, received a driver's license with marks giving the right to drive certain categories of vehicles (for 1st class - "B", "C", "D", "E"), and have a certain length of service (for the 1st class - with continuous work experience of at least two years as a driver of a class 2 car on this enterprise). In addition, performance indicators and compliance with labor and production discipline are taken into account.
Attached to the application: a copy of the work book; copy of the driver's license; a petition from the head of the motor transport department of the logistics service for the assignment of class qualifications. 3. The class qualification "driver of a car of the third class" can be assigned to a driver of a car if he has marks in his driver's license that give the right to drive cars classified as "B" or "C". 4. The class qualification "driver of a second class car" can be assigned to a driver of a car if he has marks in his driver's license giving the right to drive cars classified as vehicles "B", "C" and "E", or to drive buses, assigned to the category of vehicles "D" or "D" and "E", as well as having continuous work experience in the customs authorities for at least three years as a driver of a car of the 3rd class. 5.

The tariff and qualification characteristics of the “Car driver” profession are required to determine the types of work, the tariff rate and the assignment of categories in accordance with the Russian Federation.

Based on the specified characteristics of the work performed and the requirements for professional knowledge and skills, a job description of a car driver is drawn up, as well as personnel documents, including for interviewing and testing when hiring.

When drawing up work (job) instructions, it is necessary to take into account the general provisions and recommendations for the release, if the information is not enough, refer to the search for a profession through alphabetical order.

1. Car driver 4th grade

Description of the work. Driving passenger cars of all types, trucks (road trains) of all types with a carrying capacity of up to 10 tons (road trains - according to the total carrying capacity of a car and a trailer), buses with an overall length of up to 7 meters. Control of the lifting mechanism of a dump truck, a crane installation of a truck crane, a pumping installation of a tanker truck, a refrigeration unit of a refrigerator, sweepers and other equipment of specialized vehicles. Refueling vehicles with fuel, lubricants and coolant. Checking the technical condition and accepting the car before leaving the line, handing it over and storing it at the designated place upon returning to the vehicle fleet. Car supply for loading and unloading of goods and control over loading, placement and securing of goods in the car body. Elimination of minor malfunctions that have arisen during operation on the line that do not require disassembly of mechanisms. Announcement by the bus driver of stopping points and the procedure for paying for travel using a radio installation, installing composters, selling subscription books at stopping points. Registration of travel documents.

Must know: purpose, device, principle of operation and operation of units, mechanisms and devices of serviced vehicles; rules of the road and technical operation of cars; causes, methods of detecting and eliminating malfunctions that have arisen during the operation of the car; the procedure for carrying out maintenance and the rules for storing cars in garages and in open parking lots; rules for the operation of batteries and car tires; rules for running in new cars and after major repairs; rules for the carriage of perishable and dangerous goods; the influence of weather conditions on the safety of driving a car; ways to prevent road traffic accidents; radio installation and composters; rules for supplying buses for boarding and disembarking passengers; the procedure for emergency evacuation of passengers in case of road traffic accidents; rules for filling out primary documents for accounting for the operation of the serviced car.

2. Car driver 5th grade

Description of the work. Driving trucks (road trains) of all types with a carrying capacity of more than 10 to 40 tons (road trains - according to the total carrying capacity of a car and a trailer), buses with an overall length of 7-12 meters, as well as driving cars equipped with special sound and light signals, giving the right to take advantage of traffic on the roads. Elimination of operational malfunctions of the serviced vehicle that occurred during operation on the line, which do not require disassembly of the mechanisms. Performing adjustment work in the field in the absence of technical assistance.

Must know: purpose, device, principle of operation, operation and maintenance of units, mechanisms and devices of serviced vehicles; signs, causes, ways of identifying and eliminating malfunctions; volumes, frequency and basic rules for performing maintenance work on the vehicle; ways to increase the between-repair runs of cars; features of the organization of maintenance and repair of cars in the field; ways to increase tire mileage and battery life; rules for using radio communications on vehicles; features of the organization of intercity transportation.

3. Car driver 6th grade

Description of the work. Management of fire trucks and ambulances, as well as trucks (road trains) of all types with a carrying capacity of over 40 tons (road trains - in terms of the total carrying capacity of a car and a trailer), buses with an overall length of over 12 to 15 meters.

Should know: the impact of individual performance indicators of vehicles on the cost of transportation; ways to ensure high-performance and economical use of cars; the main technical and operational qualities of the serviced vehicles and their impact on traffic safety.

When driving buses with an overall length of over 15 meters - 7th grade.


Car drivers are charged one category higher in the following cases:

  • work on 2-3 types of cars (cars, trucks, buses, etc.);
  • performing the entire range of repairs and maintenance of a driven vehicle in the absence of a specialized vehicle maintenance service at the enterprise, organization, institution.
4th grade

Description of the work. Driving passenger cars of all types, trucks (road trains) of all types with a carrying capacity of up to 10 tons (road trains - according to the total carrying capacity of a car and a trailer), buses with an overall length of up to 7 meters. Control of the lifting mechanism of a dump truck, a crane installation of a truck crane, a pumping installation of a tanker truck, a refrigeration unit of a refrigerator, sweepers and other equipment of specialized vehicles. Refueling vehicles with fuel, lubricants and coolant. Checking the technical condition and accepting the car before leaving the line, handing it over and storing it at the designated place upon returning to the vehicle fleet. Car supply for loading and unloading of goods and control over loading, placement and securing of goods in the car body. Elimination of minor malfunctions that have arisen during operation on the line that do not require disassembly of mechanisms. Announcement by the bus driver of stopping points and the procedure for paying for travel using a radio installation, installing composters, selling subscription books at stopping points. Registration of travel documents.

Must know: purpose, device, principle of operation and operation of units, mechanisms and devices of serviced vehicles; rules of the road and technical operation of cars; causes, methods of detecting and eliminating malfunctions that have arisen during the operation of the car; the procedure for carrying out maintenance and the rules for storing cars in garages and in open parking lots; rules for the operation of batteries and car tires; rules for running in new cars and after major repairs; rules for the carriage of perishable and dangerous goods; the influence of weather conditions on the safety of driving a car; ways to prevent road traffic accidents; radio installation and composters; rules for supplying buses for boarding and disembarking passengers; the procedure for emergency evacuation of passengers in case of road traffic accidents; rules for filling out primary documents for accounting for the operation of the serviced car.

Car driver

5th grade

Description of the work. Driving trucks (road trains) of all types with a carrying capacity of more than 10 to 40 tons (road trains - according to the total carrying capacity of a car and a trailer), buses with an overall length of 7-12 meters, as well as driving cars equipped with special sound and light signals, giving the right to take advantage of traffic on the roads. Elimination of operational malfunctions of the serviced vehicle that occurred during operation on the line, which do not require disassembly of the mechanisms. Performing adjustment work in the field in the absence of technical assistance.

Must know: purpose, device, principle of operation, operation and maintenance of units, mechanisms and devices of serviced vehicles; signs, causes, ways of identifying and eliminating malfunctions; volumes, frequency and basic rules for performing maintenance work on the vehicle; ways to increase the between-repair runs of cars; features of the organization of maintenance and repair of cars in the field; ways to increase tire mileage and battery life; rules for using radio communications on vehicles; features of the organization of intercity transportation.

Car driver

6th grade

Description of the work. Management of fire trucks and ambulances, as well as trucks (road trains) of all types with a carrying capacity of over 40 tons (road trains - in terms of the total carrying capacity of a car and a trailer), buses with an overall length of over 12 to 15 meters.

Must know: the impact of individual performance indicators of vehicles on the cost of transportation; ways to ensure high-performance and economical use of cars; the main technical and operational qualities of the serviced vehicles and their impact on traffic safety.

When driving buses with an overall length of over 15 meters - 7th grade.
Note. Car drivers are charged one category higher in the following cases:

Works on 2-3 types of vehicles (cars, trucks, buses, etc.);

Performing the whole range of works on repair and maintenance of a driven vehicle in the absence of a specialized vehicle maintenance service at the enterprise, organization, institution.


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