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In this material, we present to your attention an overview of the video on making a typewriter with a motor.

So, we need:
- 3-volt motor from a cassette player;
- 3 penlight batteries;
- metal washer;
- insulating tape;
- toy car.

At the very beginning, we note that the author advises using a typewriter in which there is a mechanism that moves it forward after rolling back.

We disassemble the machine and cut out the mechanism mentioned above.

We take out the gear from the mechanism and glue it to the motor with a glue gun.

There should be another small gear on the shaft. The motor must be glued so that the large gear touches the small one.

We connect 3 batteries in series so that the minus of the middle battery is connected to the pluses of the extreme ones. You can connect the contacts using metal washers. The batteries can be connected to each other with electrical tape.

We assemble the body of the machine, not forgetting to remove the wires coming from the motor.

We connect the minus wire from the motor to the minus on the extreme battery.

Next, we take another wire and connect it to the positive contact of the second extreme battery.

We install a block of batteries on the roof of the car.

In order for the motor to work, and the machine began to move, you need to close the positive wire coming from the motor with a wire that was connected to the positive contact of the battery.

The car frame was welded from a metal square section. The dimensions were selected empirically so that in width it did not protrude beyond the dimensions of the front (7) and rear axles (5), which were taken from the grain loader. On the frame, fasteners for a tipping swap body were welded on. Instead, if necessary, we put a 200-liter barrel for the supply of water.

On front axle installed the steering gear from GAZ-51 (6)

The engine (1) was borrowed from the IZH Jupiter-5 motorcycle, since it has a semi-automatic gearbox. The control of the leverage system was brought to the front panel to the steering column. To prevent the engine from overheating during operation, a 12 V electric fan (2) was used, directing the air flow to the cylinder fins.

The air filter was taken from the T-16 self-propelled chassis (3). A reverse, gearbox (4) was installed on the frame

Our mini-car in 1st gear develops a speed of 3 km / h, in 4th - 20 km / h. Speed ​​mode can be changed by changing the sprockets - leading and on the reverse gear. Transfer from engine to rear axle chain (9)

Screwed to the engine exhaust pipe(8) Also, for greater safety, the rear axle was secured with hand brake(ten). We connected the headlights.

So, a very economical car was assembled from the spare parts at hand, because motorcycle engine a lot of gasoline is not needed.

Mini car - device in the photo

by the way

Replacing the sprocket to increase speed will reduce traction.

Interesting idea

DIY mini motorcycle


To assemble a mini-bike, Mikhail borrowed an engine from the Minsk motorcycle (photo 1), a gas tank, a seat, a headlight, a steering wheel, rear shock absorbers, exhaust pipe, chain and frame. Wheels and front fork - from the "Delta" moped.

The frame on which all the parts are installed was slightly altered: the back part was shortened by cutting it off with a hacksaw for metal (photo 2, p. 1)

Using a welding machine and metal tubes of suitable diameter, I welded on the stiffeners to prevent deformation of the frame (2).

In the same way, I welded the frame for the passenger sidecar seat taken from passenger car... Made a footboard (photo 3)

The mini-bike runs on gasoline and travels at a speed of 40 km / h.

The children are very happy!

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This article is a modeler's story about making a homemade radio-controlled model. four-wheel drive vehicle Range Rover made of plastic model. It reveals the nuances of the manufacture of axle drives, the installation of electronics and many other nuances.

So, I decided to make a car model with my own hands!

Bought a regular Range Rovera bench model from the store. The price of this model is 1500 rubles, in general it is a little expensive, but the model is worth it! Initially I thought of making a hummer, but this model is much more suitable in design.

I had electronics, well, I took some spare parts from a trophy collector called "cat" which I didn't need for a long time and was disassembled for spare parts!

Of course, it was possible to take other prefabricated models as a basis, but I wanted just such an off-road jeep.

It all started with bridges and differentials that I made from copper pipes and soldered with an ordinary 100w soldering iron. Differentials are ordinary here, the gear is plastic, the rods and drive bones are made of iron from the trophy.

These tubes can be purchased at any hardware store.

I took the differential gear from a conventional printer. I didn't need him for a long time, and so I decided that it was time for him to retire.

Everything turned out quite reliably, but the soldering iron is rather inconvenient to work with!

After I made the differentials, I had to close them with something, I closed them with caps from under the pills.

And painted it with ordinary auto enamel. It turned out beautifully, although it is unlikely that the trophy drinker needs beauty.

Then it was necessary to make steering rods and put the bridges on the frame, the frame was included and to my surprise it turned out to be iron, not plastic.

It was quite difficult to do this, since the scale of the parts is very small and it was not possible to solder here, I had to screw it with bolts. I took the steering rods from the same old trophy case that I disassembled.

All the parts of the differentials are on bearings. As I have been making the model for a long time.

I also ordered a gearbox with a reduction gear, the gear will be turned on by a microservice from the remote control.

Well, in general, then I installed a plastic bottom, cut out a hole in it, installed a gearbox, cardan shafts, a homemade gearbox, an ordinary collector engine for such a small model, there is no point in putting a bk, and the speed is not important to me.

The engine is from a helicopter, but in the gearbox it is quite powerful.

The most important thing is that the model does not go in jerks, but smoothly without delay, the gearbox was not easy to make, but the main thing is ingenuity.

The gearbox was screwed to the bottom, it held up perfectly, but to attach the bottom to the frame it had to tinker.

Then I installed electronics, shock absorbers, battery. At first I put the electronics rather weak and the regulator and the receiver were a single whole, but then I put everything separately and the electronics were more powerful.

And finally, painting, installing all the main units, decals, headlights and more. I painted everything with ordinary paint for plastic in 4 layers, then painted the wings brown and skins the parts to give a worn and worn look.

The body of the model and the color are completely original, the color was found on the Internet and photos real car I did everything according to the original. This combination of colors exists on a real machine and was painted in this color at the factory.

Well, here are the final photos. I will add a video with the test a little later, and the model turned out to be very passable, the speed was 18 km / h, but I did not make it for speed. In general, I am satisfied with my work, and you will appreciate it.

The machine is not large, scale 1k24 in size and there is the whole point of the idea, I wanted myself a mini trophy.

The model is not afraid of moisture! He sealed everything himself, he simply covered the electronics with varnish, very reliably, no moisture is terrible.

Servomachine micro park from the plane to 3.5 kg.

The battery is enough for 25 minutes of riding, but I will put more powerful electronics and a battery, because this is not quite enough.

Even the bumpers are the same as on the original. And the mounts on them are the same. The drive on it is not 50 to 50%, but 60 to 40%.

In general, the Range Rover turned out to be in a rustic style, I did not even think that it would turn out to paint so high-quality because I don't really know how to paint, although there is nothing difficult!

I forgot to add for beauty, I also installed a roll cage and a full-fledged spare tire. The spare wheel and frame were included with the kit.

More about radio-controlled models:

Mishania comments:

Tell me how it works four-wheel drive, inside the bridge, what is there for the hand-outs? There should be rounded fist after all.

Hello to all lovers tinkering homemade cars from the available parts from broken machines! Today we will tell you how on your own make a car on a motor.

This model a toy car is an air car (structurally it is similar to ""), that is, it will be set in motion with the help of a screw. If you wish, you can put it in a boat, which will float very briskly.

We make a car on a motor

To create an air car you will need the following parts:

If you are ready, let's start tinkering!

  1. Solder a wire to the batteries and connect them in series, that is, "+" of one battery, solder to "-" of the second, and so on.

    Connect the batteries creating a serial electrical circuit

    Secure them together with rubber rings. Thus, you should have an ode to a 6 volt battery.

    Finger-type batteries connected by rubber rings

    Alternatively, you can replace the finger batteries with one or two more powerful ones, then you either don't have to solder, or you need less.

  2. Connect the toggle switch to the batteries, and then connect an electric motor to this circuit. Turning on - turning off the toggle switch, check if the motor is working.

    Connect the electric motor to the battery

  3. Then we move on to creating the body of the car. To do this, cut out the rectangular base of the machine from the foam and mark the locations of the wheels.

    Cut out the car body

  4. Use a knife to make indentations in the foam for the thickness of the tubes worn on the wheel axles.

    Prepare wheel attachment points

  5. Cut two thin plates out of the foam that will hold the wheels. Fasten them with screws.

    Secure the wheels with screws

  6. Cut out the holder for the electric motor from the foam and fasten it to the base of the machine.

    Cut out the mount for the motor

  7. Attach the electric motor to it using rubber bands and a thin hairpin or nail, as shown in the figure.

    Attach the electric motor

  8. Cut the screw out of the plastic bottle. Bend its blades. Make a hole in the center and insert the screw onto the electric motor, securing it with a locking ring from the ballpoint pen shaft.

    Attach a homemade screw to the motor

  9. Fasten the batteries with rubber rings and turn on the toggle switch. The air car must go.


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