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The DZ 98 motor grader is a special technique that is used for large-scale excavation and grading operations, in the construction and maintenance of roads on soils of 1-4 categories.

The manufacturer has provided various attachments, significantly expanding the technological capabilities of the DZ-98 grader. On the rear hitch, you can install a ripper-scarifier, with which the driver of the motor grader loosens the soil. An additional wing can be installed on the grader blade, allowing the snow mass to be thrown onto the side of the road during snow clearing. An optional side blade allows snow to be cleared behind fences.

All the main functions of the D3-98 motor grader are performed with the help of a special working body, which is a blade with a knife mounted on the machine frame and powered by a diesel engine. They can perform the functions of lowering, lifting, turning in a vertical and horizontal plane.

This motor grader has excellent maneuverability and change in the angle of installation of the blade in planes, and the blade can also be taken out to the side.

In order to increase labor productivity and improve the working conditions of the operator in this technique, containing the main frame, balancers, automatic control of the blade position, the working body and proportional sensors. In addition, an additional sensor is mounted on the second balancer.

The motor grader has a wide range of interchangeable working equipment (swivel dozer blade, side grader blade, rear ripper).


Serves to transfer torque from the engine to the driving wheels of the DZ 98 motor grader and allows you to change the value and direction of this moment, as well as to disconnect the engine from the driving wheels. In addition, the transmission is used to take off power to drive the hydraulic pumps. It consists of the following mechanisms:

  • hydraulic pump drive reducer;
  • clutch;
  • gear boxes;
  • transfer gearbox;
  • parking brake;
  • cardan drive front axle;
  • cardan transmission of the drive of the rear and middle axles.

The hydraulic pump drive reducer, clutch, gearbox, transfer gearbox and parking brake form a single unit, hereinafter referred to as a transmission unit. The transmission unit is connected to the flywheel housing of the engine by means of a centering collar on the gearbox housing of the hydraulic pump drive. The transmission of torque from the engine to the transmission is carried out through a special elastic coupling consisting of an outer coupling half, twelve rubber pins, spring rings and an inner coupling half.


The rear and middle axles of the DZ 98 motor grader are interchangeable. Each of these bridges is a steel beam, in the middle part of which the main gear bracket is attached with bevel gears with a circular tooth installed on it, and final drives... Fully balanced axle shafts connect the main gear to the final drives. The final drive is a spur gear with internal gearing. The small drive gear of each final drive is connected to the corresponding axle shaft by means of a drive bush and a flange. Each final drive is equipped with a wheel set disc brake with pneumatic drive. The brake discs are in an oil bath. The bridges are attached to two balancers with ball and cylindrical pins. This fixing allows the installation of bridges.

Front axle

The front axle of the DZ 98 motor grader is driving and steerable. All its main parts are similar to those of the rear and middle axles, with the exception of the elements that ensure the rotation of the wheels and attachment to the main frame. The cast beam of the front axle has welded cast heads at the ends. In the middle of the beam along the longitudinal axis of the motor grader, two pins are fixed, located on one axis. On these pins, the front axle can pivot relative to the main frame in the transverse plane. Fully balanced axle shafts. At the ends of the axle shafts, forks of a double cardan joint, due to which the transmission of torque to the final drive, which has a turn in the horizontal plane, is carried out. The final drives are similar to those installed on the rear axles and differ only in the absence of wheel brakes and the ability to rotate relative to the axle beam in the horizontal plane. They are interconnected by a steering transverse rod, with the help of which the toe-in of the front wheels is adjusted.

Grader blade

To expand the scope of the DZ 98 motor grader, the following additional equipment is installed on it:

  • scarifier;
  • bulldozer equipment;
  • loosening equipment;
  • track-laying equipment;
  • snow removal equipment.

All kinds of additional working equipment are located on the head of the main frame of the motor grader. Track-laying equipment is designed for the development and movement of soils up to category IV inclusive when performing the following works:

  • road construction and maintenance;
  • layout on the ground;
  • clearing snow on roads and off roads with a snow depth of up to 1.2 m;
  • cutting off bushes;
  • excerpt of foundation pits.

Track laying equipment

Consists of a central blade and two wings pivotally connected to it.

The central blade is connected through the lugs to the hydraulic cylinder rod, with the help of which the entire blade is raised and lowered. Blade wings can be set in track-laying, bulldozer and right or left grader positions with the help of two hydraulic cylinders. If necessary, one wing can be in the track-laying position, and the second in the bulldozer position. The rotation of the wings around the vertical axis occurs when the rods of the hydraulic cylinders are extended. Suspension of track-laying equipment is similar to suspension of bulldozer and ripping equipment.

Ripping equipment

Consists of ripper and suspension. The ripper is a cast beam with five teeth with replaceable tips inserted into the windows. The tips are attached to the teeth with a pin, which is secured with a cotter pin. Suspension of ripping equipment is similar to that of bulldozer equipment

Snow clearing equipment

Designed for clearing roads, airfields and other areas from snow by moving or throwing it aside. The conical surface of the frontal blade of the blade allows you to clear the roadway from snow at low speeds by shifting it to the side during the longitudinal movement of the motor grader. At higher speeds, snow is thrown to the side, while being distributed at a distance of up to 15 m, which leads to the absence of snow banks along the road bed

Bulldozer equipment

Designed for the development and movement of soil, excavation, backfilling holes, trenches, snow clearing and other auxiliary work. Soils of categories I and II are developed without preliminary loosening, soils of category III and higher, as well as frozen soils are developed in a preliminary loosened state. Bulldozer equipment consists of a blade and a suspension, which includes a push frame, rods and a hydraulic cylinder for raising and lowering the blade


Designed for the development of dense soils up to category IV inclusive, loosening worn-out road surfaces, breaking the crust of frozen soil. The scarifier is a cast frame, into the windows of which five teeth with replaceable tips are inserted. With the help of rods, the scarifier is attached to the head of the main frame of the motor grader, and with the help of lugs, to the lifting and lowering hydraulic cylinder.

Technical characteristics of the DZ 98 motor grader

Total information motor grader DZ-98

Motor grader class
Width (with blade in transport position), mm
Height (without flashing beacons), mm, no more
Longitudinal base, mm
Front wheel track of the grader, mm:
Rear wheel track of the grader, mm:
Ground clearance of the grader, mm:
under the blade in transport position
under the front axle
under the rear axle
under the suspension of the middle and rear axles
Motor grader weight, kg: operational
front axle
attributable to the middle and rear axles
Static ground load at operating weight, N (kgf):
on a blade mounted perpendicular to the longitudinal axis
on the scarifier's teeth
The number of gears of the DZ-98 grader:
when moving forward
when moving back
Motor grader travel speeds at rated speed crankshaft engine, km / h:
when moving forward:
I transfer
2nd gear
III gear
IV transfer
V gear
VI gear
when moving backward:
I transfer
2nd gear
III gear
IV transfer
V gear
VI gear
Minimum turning radius when driving on dry
concrete surface, m
Grader hold slope parking brake,%, not less
Braking distance of a motor grader moving at an initial speed of 30 km / h on a horizontal section of dry asphalt with the clutch disengaged, m, no more
Braking distance of a motor grader moving at an initial speed of 30 km / h when braking by an emergency system (in case of failure of one of the circuits), m, no more

DZ-98 engine

Type of



YaMZ-238NDZ Cummins M- 11C265

Rated power, kW (h.p.)

173 (240) 202 (275)

Rated speed, rpm



Type of

mechanical, with all-wheel drive, with a front axle disengagement mechanism

Hydraulic pump drive reducer

single row with flexible coupling


dry, two-disk, permanently closed with hydraulic maintenance of its drive, with a brake on the driven shaft

Transfer gear

single row for driving the middle and rear axles with parking brake

Parking brake

belt type

Intermediate gears to bridges



Wheel formula
Leading bridges
Steering bridge


Main gear of bridges

single-stage, tapered, no differentials

Final drives of axles

single-stage, cylindrical, with internal gearing


fully unloaded type

Wheel brakes

multi-disc with sintered discs operating in an oil bath

Middle and rear axle suspension

balancer with reaction rods, providing pumping of bridges in the vertical plane

Front axle suspension

articulated, providing pumping of the bridge in the transverse plane

Tire size, inch

16.00-24 or 20.5-25

Tire pressure, MPa (kgf / cm2)

0,23…0,28 (2,3…2,8)

Work equipment (DZ-98 motor grader)

Track paving

The volume of a prism drawing in a bulldozer
position, m3, not less
The width of the blade in the track
position, mm, no more
Blade height, mm, not less
Main cutting angle when bulldozing
blade position
Blade angle back and forth
from the bulldozer position in the plan, not less


The volume of the drawing prism, m3, not less
Blade width, mm, not less
Blade height, mm, not less
Lowering the blade below the support surface,
mm, not less
Blade main cutting angle


Number of teeth of ripping equipment
Maximum deepening of the ripper tooth
equipment, mm, not less
Capture width of ripping equipment,
mm, not less

Grader blade

Blade length, mm, not less
Blade height with knives, mm, not less
Cutting angle
The angle of cleaning the slopes at an angle of capture in the plane of the slope is not less than 45 °
Cuvette depth, m, not less
inner wall slope

from 1: 2 to 1: 3

outer wall slope

from 1: 1 to 1: 1.5

Angle of installation in the horizontal plane, full-turn blade
The angle of the part-turn blade from the position perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the DZ-98 motor grader
Side extension of the blade in both directions relative to
traction frame, mm, not less
Lowering the blade below the supporting surface, mm, not less



Gearbox control, multiplier,
reverse and front axle


Clutch control

mechanical with hydraulic maintenance

Front wheel steering


Brake control:




Working bodies management


Electrical equipment

Voltage, V
Starter power, kW (hp)
Rechargeable batteries:
type of

Filling tanks capacity

Fuel tank of the grader, l
Engine cooling and heating system, l
Engine lubrication system, l
Hydraulic system of the grader, l
Gearbox, hydraulic pump drive reducer, transfer case, l
Main gear of rear, middle axles (each), l
Main gear of the front axle, l
Onboard axle reducer, l
Wheel brake, l
Anti-freeze fuse, l
Blade rotation reducer, l

Technical and economic indicators

Consumption working fluid hydraulic systems, g / motohour, not more
Specific fuel consumption, kg / m3, no more

Reliability indicators

80% resource before the first overhaul, engine hour, not less
Mean time between failures, engine hours, not less
Technical utilization factor, not less
Specific total operational labor intensity of periodic technical maintenance, e.h / motohour, no more
Operational labor intensity of the shift technical
service, person / hour, no more

Ergonomics indicators

Temperature at the driver's workplace, ° С:
not less
at a relative humidity of 40-60%, not higher
at relative humidity 60-80%, not higher
for areas with an average air temperature of 13 hours
hot month, exceeding plus 25 ° С, not higher
Efforts on the controls, N (kgf), no more:
on the steering wheel when the DZ-98 motor grader is moving at a speed of at least 8 km / h on a horizontal section with a dry, hard, even surface
on the engine control pedal
on the control levers of the implements used in each working cycle
on the control levers of the machine used when moving it by its own motion
on pedals like brake
on levers and pedals used no more than five times per shift
Equivalent sound level at the driver's workplace (after the motor grader has worked 300 hours) dBA, no more
Vibration Hygiene Standards and Vibration Performance Requirements

according to GOST 12.1.012-90

Environmental indicators

Indicators meet the standards:
GOST 12.1.005-88

the level of gas pollution at the driver's workplace

GOST, GOST 24028-80

exhaust smoke

GOST, GOST 24585-81

emissions of harmful substances with exhaust gases

Video review of the DZ 98 motor grader

The production of the first version of the DZ-98 motor grader was launched in 1972. Until now, it remains the heaviest model among cars. Russian production... Can be used in the North

Photo source:

The assembly of DZ-98 model motor graders is carried out at the Chelyabinsk Road Construction Machines (CHSDM) plant, which is currently part of the RM-Terex JV. Previously, the enterprise, located in the Chelyabinsk region, was called "Plant named after Kolyuschenko".

Over the past decades, the model has repeatedly gone through the process of modernization. Various modifications of the motor grader were available on the market. The current model is indexed DZ-98V. The annual production of the machine is up to 300 copies.

Technical characteristics of DZ-98

Below are the main technical characteristics of the modern version of the motor grader.

Features of the model - a steerable drive axle, the ability to mount manual transmission with gear shifting function. The steering box is adjustable. The number of gears both when moving forward and for reverse, the same - six.

The minimum turning radius (the value is given for cases of movement on a dry concrete surface) is 18 m. The slope of holding the grader with the parking brake is at least 20%.


The operating weight of the model is 20,600 kg. Weight without additional equipment - 19 680 kg. The mass on the front axle is 5660 kg, on the middle and rear axles - 14,020 kg.

Photo source:


The engine installed on the motor grader is certified according to Euro-2 standards. In addition to the currently standard YaMZ-238ND3 engine, there are instances with the YaMZ-236NE2. The power in the second case is lower - 169 kW.

There is also a DZ-98VM version with a Cummins M-11C265 diesel engine (generates up to 202 kW).

Cab, working equipment

DZ-98V has a hexagonal cockpit. The designers have provided for the possibility of easy dismantling of the cab, which simplifies the transportation of the machine. An air conditioning system is available as an option. Also, the buyer can order a damping system and / or the function of the floating position of the grader blade, an automatic leveling system.

The gearbox, multiplier, reverse and front axle are controlled mechanically. Clutch control - mechanical with hydraulic booster. Hydraulics are responsible for turning the front wheels.

Photo source:

As a result of the modernization of the frame, it became possible to install rear-mounted loosening equipment. The list of available working tools includes a snow plow, a front or rear ripper, dozer and grader blades, and track paving equipment. The part-turn blade allows traction to be adjusted by varying its working width, resulting in fewer passes.

Dimensions DZ-98


To facilitate the maintenance process, it is proposed automatic system lubricants.

The DZ-98 motor grader is equipped with multi-disc wheel brakes operating in an oil bath. This version does not require adjustment during operation.


Buyers have access to modifications of the DZ-98 motor grader with a mechanical or hydromechanical transmission. The grader blade can be full-turn or non-turn.

In addition, in addition to the usual version (from +45 to + 40 ° C), the manufacturer offers a modification for regions with a tropical climate. The career version assumes the installation of two hydraulic cylinders and tires of size 20.5-25. This modification is characterized by a lighter turning of the front steering wheels.


Among the analogues from well-known manufacturers are:,

Motor grader (grader) DZ-98.

Photo Motor grader (grader) DZ-98.

When building new roads, builders very often use heavy motor grader DZ-98, which is able to effectively carry out work on moving large volumes of soil and leveling the subgrade with high precision. The front grader blade is rotatable, which allows pre-leveling of the platform in a minimum of time. The grader 98 is equipped with a 173 kW diesel engine from the Yaroslavl Motor Plant.

The manufacturer has provided various attachments in the configuration, significantly expanding the technological capabilities of the DZ-98 grader. On the rear hitch, you can install a ripper-scarifier, with which the driver of the motor grader loosens the soil. An additional wing can be installed on the grader blade, allowing the snow mass to be thrown onto the side of the road during snow clearing. An optional side blade allows snow to be cleared behind fences.

The DZ-98V motor grader has some differences from the base model. On it, you can optionally install any of the six proposed engines with a capacity of up to 220 kW, including imported ones. In addition, on the DZ-98V grader, the leading front axle, it is possible to adjust steering column for a specific driver, and the blade can be rotated while driving under load. In the complete set different kinds attachments.

There are many machines of this series in operation, so the manufacturer strives to ensure the availability of spare parts in all regional warehouses. Spare parts for the DZ-98 motor grader in a full range are always available from dealers. This approach allows repairing motor graders in the shortest possible time, and "branded" spare parts guarantee the reliability of the equipment after Maintenance and overhaul.

Grader class - 250

Width, mm - 3220

Height (without flashing beacons), mm, - 4000

Longitudinal base, mm - 6000

Front wheel track, mm: narrow - 2622. wide - 2696

Rear wheel track, mm:

Narrow - 2502

Wide - 2576

Ground clearance, mm:

Under the knife in transport position - 350

Under the front axle - 615

Under the rear axle - 440

Under the suspension of the middle and rear axles - 395

Motor grader weight, kg:

Operational - 19500

Attached to the front axle - 5660

Attached to the middle and rear axles - 13850

Static ground load at operating weight, N (kgf):

On a blade installed perpendicular to the longitudinal axis - 103000 (10500)

On scarifier teeth - 45400 (4630)

Number of grader gears:

When moving forward - 6
when moving back - 6

The speed of the grader at the rated speed of the engine crankshaft, km / h: when moving forward:

1st gear - 3.5

II gear - 5.51

III transfer - 9.75

IV gear - 14.1

V gear - 22

VI gear - 41

When moving backward:

1st gear - 4.22

II gear - 6.64

III transfer - 11.72

IV gear - 16.9

V transfer - 26.6

VI gear - 47

Minimum turning radius when driving on a dry concrete surface, m - 18

The slope of holding the grader with the parking brake,%, not less - 15

Braking distance of a motor grader moving at an initial speed of 30 km / h on a horizontal section of dry asphalt with the clutch disengaged, m, no more - 14

Braking distance of a motor grader moving at an initial speed of 30 km / h when braking by an emergency system (in case of failure of one of the circuits), m, not more - 41

Grader motor

Type - Diesel

Model - YAMZ-238NDZ

Rated power, kW (hp) - 173 (240)

Rated speed, rpm - 1700

Start - Starter


Type - Mechanical, with all-wheel drive, with a front axle shut-off mechanism

Hydraulic pump drive reducer - Single row with flexible coupling

Clutch - Dry, double-disc, permanently closed with hydraulic maintenance of its drive, with a brake on the driven shaft Transfer gearbox - Single-row for driving the middle and rear axles with a parking brake

Parking brake -Band type

Intermediate gears to bridges - Cardan


Wheel formula - 1x2x3

Leading bridges - two

Steering Axle - Front

Main gear - Single-stage, bevel, without differentials

Final Drives - Single Stage, Helical, Internal Gear

Half Shafts - Fully Balanced Type

Wheel brakes - Multi-disc with sintered discs, oil bath

Suspension of the middle and rear axles - Balancing with reaction rods, providing pumping of the axles in the vertical plane

Front axle suspension - Hinged, providing pumping of the axle in the transverse plane

Tire size, inch -16.00-24 or 20.5-25

Tire pressure, MPa (kgf / cm2) - 0.23 ... 0.28 (2.3 ... 2.8)

Working equipment:

Track paving

The volume of the drawing prism in the bulldozer position, cubic meters - 3.03

Knife capture width in track-laying position, mm - 3400

Blade height, mm - 950

The main cutting angle at the bulldozer position of the wings, degrees - 48

Angle of installation of the wing back and forth from the bulldozer position in the plan, degrees - 24

Lowering the knife below the supporting surface, mm - 200


The volume of the drawing prism, cubic meters - 2.57

Working area width, mm - 3200

Height, mm - 970

Lowering the knife below the supporting surface, mm - 110

Main cutting angle, degrees - 55


The number of teeth of the ripping equipment - 5

Maximum depth of the ripping equipment tooth, mm - 230

Capture width of ripping equipment, mm - 1800

Grader equipment

Knife length, mm - 4200

Blade height with knives, mm - 700

Cutting angle, degrees - 30-70

The angle of cleaning the slopes at an angle of capture in the plane of the slope is not less than 45 degrees, 0-90, the depth of the ditch, m - 0.5, the slope of the inner walls is From 1: 2 to 1: 3, the slope of the outer walls is from 1: 1 to 1: 1.5

Installation angle in the horizontal plane, degrees -0-360

Lateral extension of the knife in both directions relative to the traction frame, mm - 1050

Lowering the knife below the supporting surface, mm - 500


Transmission, multiplier, reverse and front axle control -Mechanical

Clutch control - Mechanical with hydraulic servicing

Front Wheel Steering - Hydraulic

Brake control:

Wheeled - Pneumatic

Parking - Mechanical

Working bodies control - Hydraulic

Electrical equipment

Voltage, V - 24

Starter power, kW (hp) - 8.2 (11.2)

Rechargeable batteries: type - 6ST-190A quantity - 2

Filling tanks capacity

Fuel tank, l - 485

Engine cooling and heating system, l -87; 50

Engine lubrication system, l - 50; 32

Hydraulic system, l - 120

Gearbox, hydraulic pump drive gearbox, transfer gearbox, l - 35

Main transfer of rear, middle axles (each), l 7

The main transfer of the front axle, l - 15

Onboard reducer, l - 8.6

Wheel brake, l - 3.6

Anti-freeze fuse, l - 0.2

Blade rotation reducer, l - 3

Technical and economic indicators

Consumption of the working fluid of the hydraulic system, g / engine hour, no more - 7.06

Specific fuel consumption, kg / cubic meter, - 0.15

Reliability indicators

80% resource before the first overhaul, engine hours, at least - 8400

Mean time between failures, engine hours, - 200

Technical utilization factor - 0.85

Specific total operational labor intensity of periodic technical maintenance, man / hour - 0.118

Operational labor intensity of shift maintenance, man / h, no more - 0.95

Ergonomics indicators

Temperature at the driver's workplace, hail: not lower - +14

At a relative humidity of 40-60%, not higher - +28

At a relative humidity of 60-80%, not higher - +26

For areas with an average air temperature of 13 hours

Hot month, exceeding plus 25 ° С, not higher - +31

Efforts on the controls, N (kgf), no more:

On the steering wheel when the motor grader is moving at a speed

At least 8 km / h on a horizontal section with a dry, hard, even surface - 115 (11.75)

On the engine control pedal - 50 (5.2)

On the implement control levers used

In each working cycle -60 (6.15)

On the machine control levers used when moving

Its own stroke -120 (12.5)

On the pedals of the brake type - 200 (22)

On levers and pedals used no more than five times per shift - 200 (22)

Equivalent sound level at the driver's workplace

(after a motor grader has worked 300 hours) dBA, no more - 82

Environmental indicators

Indicators meet the standards:

GOST 12.1.005-88 Level of gas contamination at the driver's workplace;

GOST, GOST 24028-80 Smoke of exhaust gases;

GOST, GOST 24585-81 Emissions of harmful substances with exhaust gases.

Replaceable working equipment:





Track paving

Brief technical characteristics of the DZ-98V motor grader.

For reference - DZ-98V is the modernization of the DZ-98 grader

Operating weight, kg

Engine power, kW

Forward speed, km / h

Engine model

YaMZ 238ND3, Cummins M-11C265

Grader blade length, m

Grader blade height, m

dimensions, mm

11000/ 3064/ 4000

Number of gears forward / reverse

Transmission type


Wheel formula

Angle of the cut slope, degrees

Replaceable working equipment

Dozer rotary blade; snow plow front rotary; rear ripper scarifier; front scarifier; lateral blade for clearing snow behind fences; lateral dump for expanding the area for removing snow from the road, shoulders

Turning radius, m

Design features

Imported motors with low consumption fuel. Four-wheel drive

Heavy motor grader DZ-98, the technical characteristics of which are given below, is used in road construction and quarrying. Its functionality allows moving large volumes of embankments and soil, as well as leveling the roadway.

The machine is equipped with a frontal dozer blade with a swivel mechanism, which makes it possible to process a large area in a minimum amount of time. The equipment is powered by a YaMZ diesel power plant, which has a power of 173 kW. The complete set includes a variety of attachments, including pickaxe and loosening systems. An additional wing can be mounted on the blade, which serves for clearing snow drifts. Moreover, with a side analogue, this can be done even behind fences.

general description

The DZ-98 motor grader is equipped with a special working attachment in the form of a blade with a knife, which is installed on the equipment frame. It is powered by a diesel engine, lifting, lowering, turning to the sides and vertically. High productivity is ensured by good maneuverability of the machine and the ability to set the blade angle in several positions.

Comfortable working conditions for the operator are guaranteed by balancers, a reliable, informative frame, an automatic blade position control system, as well as main and additional sensors. The conveyor package includes a side blade, a bulldozer analog, a rear ripper and additional equipment (if necessary).

Transmission unit

The DZ-98 unit, the technical characteristics of which correspond to most analogues in its category, is equipped with a system for transmitting torque from the motor to the wheels using a transmission, which makes it possible to correct the direction and significance of this aspect. In addition, the power plant can be disconnected from the drive axle. Also, the unit is used to take off the power of the drive of hydraulic pumps.

The node consists of the following elements:

  • Clutch block.
  • Hydraulic pump drive reducer.
  • Transfer box.
  • Parking brake.
  • Dispensing mechanism.
  • Cardan transmission of the drive of the rear, front, middle axles.

All components are included in a single unit, which represents the transmission. It interacts with the hydraulic pump drive housing and the engine flywheel by means of a centering belt. The transmission of torque is carried out through a special elastic coupling and a dozen rubber fingers. Various pin, stopper and bolt fixing parts are also available.

Middle and rear axle

Special construction vehicle DZ-98, the technical characteristics of which we will continue to consider further, has an interchangeable middle and each of the nodes is a steel beam with a main gear bracket and bevel gears with circular teeth. Final drives are fixed on flanges, balanced axle shafts connect the main gear with an additional hook.

The small main gear of each side gear is aggregated with the axle shafts by means of a flange and a main bushing. Each element is equipped with a pneumatic disc brake. These parts are in an oil bath. The bridges themselves are mounted on a pair of balancers using ball and cylindrical pins. This design simplifies bridge installation and maintenance.

Front axle

The DZ-98 motor grader is equipped with a steerable drive front axle. Its main body is almost identical to the back and middle element. The assembly is distinguished by the swivel parts of the wheels and fixation to the frame. The beam of this design is cast with heads welded at the ends. In the middle of the part, there are two fingers located along the longitudinal axis. On them, the bridge can rotate relative to the base in the transverse plane.

The block includes fully unloaded axle shafts, at the edges of which the forks of the pair are fixed. With its help, the torque is transformed to the final drive. It changes the position of the working part in the horizontal direction. The rest of the final drives differ from the elements of the rear and middle axles in that they do not have wheel brakes, as well as the ability to rotate the beam relative to the axle horizontally. They are connected to each other by means of a transverse tie rod. The convergence of the front wheels is also carried out through it.

Blade blade DZ-98 and basic equipment

The range of use of this machine increases the mass of possibilities for installing additional equipment. It includes:

  • Scraper.
  • Bulldozer attachments.
  • Loosening and track-laying equipment.
  • Snow blowers.

All the tools are placed on the main frame, allowing for laying, road repair, as well as terrain planning, snow clearing, digging pits, cutting off bushes. The domestic car plays an important role in the laying of airfield strips and railway tracks.

The track laying device consists of a central blade and two wings on the Elements can be moved to the right or left position, thanks to a pair of hydraulic cylinders. In addition, the rising stem facilitates the rotation of the workpiece around the vertical axis. The suspension of the equipment is identical to that of a similar ripper and dozer.

Other equipment

The manufacturer DZ-98 has provided for the possibility of equipping the grader with various functionality. The ripper is equipped with a working blade and suspension. In general, this is a cast beam, on which there are five teeth inserted into special sockets. The elements are fixed with fingers and a check.

Designed for cleaning roads, runways and other areas from snow drifts and drifts. The process is carried out by shifting the interference to the side or by throwing it over. At maximum speed, snow can be thrown up to 15 meters, which allows you to clear wide sections of roads with minimal time investment.

The bulldozer attachment is aimed at moving the soil, bulk materials, as well as the development of trenches, pits and other auxiliary work. Heavy and frozen soils are mined with preliminary loosening. The equipment itself includes a blade and a suspension consisting of a push frame, a linkage and a lowering mechanism.

The DZ-98 spare parts include a scarifier. It is designed for the development of soils of the 4th category, dismantling of worn-out road surfaces, opening the upper permafrost layer. The device consists of a cast frame part with inserted teeth, placed in special slots. The equipment is connected by means of rods to the head of the main frame of the grader. The auxiliary elements are the hydraulic cylinder and the lifting and lowering eyes of the equipment.

Grader DZ-98: technical characteristics

Below are the main parameters of the considered technique:

  • Length / width / height - 6 / 3.2 / 4 meters.
  • Front wheel track (narrow / wide) - 2.62 / 2.69 m.
  • The same indicator for the rear wheels is 2.5 / 2.57 m.
  • Maximum ground clearance - 615 mm.
  • The operational weight of the machine is 19.5 tons.
  • The number of gears (forward / backward) - 6/6.
  • Travel speed (maximum) - up to 47 km / h.
  • The minimum turning radius is 18 meters.
  • Stability on a slope - 15 degrees.
  • The braking distance at a speed of 30 km / h is 14 m, the same indicator for the failure of one circuit is 41 m.
  • Engine's type - diesel engine YaMZ or "Cummins" with a rated power of up to 275 horsepower at a speed of 1700 rotations per minute. Start - starter type.

Other parameters

Other features of the motor grader are as follows:

  • DZ-98 gearbox with all-wheel drive, mechanical with a disconnecting front axle.
  • Hydraulic pumps are single-row driven and flexible couplings.
  • The clutch type is a dry closed block with a braking driven shaft.
  • Transfer gearbox - single row with parking brake for middle and rear drive.
  • Intermediate gears are of cardan type.
  • Band parking brake.
  • Wheel formula - 1/3/3.
  • Drive axle - front steering.
  • Final drives - cylindrical with one range, have an internal engagement.
  • Fully balanced axle shafts.
  • Wheel brakes - multi-disc with sintered elements, placed in an oil bath.
  • Front and rear suspension- balancer with jet rods, provides vertical pumping of bridges.
  • The middle suspension is responsible for pumping the drives in the transverse plane and is equipped with hinges.
  • Light and sound alarm.

Equipment characteristics

The DZ-98 device involves the use of several devices, namely:

  1. Track laying system. It has a grip of up to 3.4 meters, a blade height of 0.95 m. The wing mounting angles are 48 and 24 degrees. The dump falls below the support platform by 20 centimeters.
  2. Bulldozer equipment. Capture the prism while drawing - 2.5 cubic meters m. Blade height - 0.97 m. The main cutting angle - 55 degrees, lowering below the working surface - at least 11 centimeters.
  3. Loosening device. Equipped with five tines, the depth and working width are 0.23 and 1.8 meters, respectively.
  4. Grader blade. This equipment consists of a spare part DZ-98, which has a length of 4.2 meters and a blade height of up to 0.7 m. The angles of stripping and cutting are 70 and 90 degrees, respectively. The lateral movement of the part is 1.05 m, and the lowering below the supporting ground is 0.5 m (minimum indicator).

Technical and economic indicators

Let's start by controlling the motor grader. The gearbox and clutch are mechanically and hydraulically controlled. The brakes are applied thanks to the pneumatic mechanism. The electrical equipment is a 8.2 kW 24 volt starter. This block includes a pair rechargeable batteries type 6 ST-190A.

Below are the parameters of the technical and economic direction:

  • Fuel consumption DZ 98 - 0.15 kg / cu. m.
  • Fuel tank capacity - 485 liters.
  • The hydraulic system of the machine holds 120 liters of working fluid.
  • Working resource in engine hours (minimum) - 8400.
  • Coefficient technical application- not less than 0.85.
  • Labor intensity - 0.95 person / h.
  • Ergonomics - 14-31 degrees, depending on climate conditions.
  • Environmental standard - GOST 12.1.012-90.
  • The emission of exhaust gases and the level of smoke in the workplace comply with the standards of GOST 17.2.2-02.86 and 17.2.2-05.86.

In conclusion

The DZ-98 motor grader, the dimensions of which are indicated above, is a unique domestic car, designed to perform a wide range of work functionality. The considered special equipment is able to cope with the tasks of road construction from the 1st to the 4th category, it has the ability to be equipped with various attachments.

The technique is actively used in the construction of sections of railway tracks, airfields, as well as for the needs of the land reclamation, hydraulic engineering, geological and irrigation industries. An additional advantage of the machine is a wide range of operating temperatures (from -40 to +40 degrees Celsius).

The DZ-98 "ChSDM" motor grader is, to some extent, a "visiting card" of the domestic mechanical engineering in the field of special equipment. This is a machine for leveling ordinary soil and rocky embankments, removing a layer of earth up to 0.5 meters thick, removing ice and snow, moving large masses of loose cargo (sand, gravel, crushed stone). There have always been a lot of such works in Russia - for example, the construction of railway embankments, the preparation of areas for construction, the cleaning of large sections of roads from snow and ice in cold weather. In this regard, many design ideas and inventions in terms of how to make a machine are reflected in the design of the motor grader:

  • very maneuverable with a large mass - about 20 tons - and length;
  • highly passable;
  • powerful;
  • equipped with a set of universal tools, incl. rotary, for the above works;
  • moving at a "decent" speed (in the first gear - 3-4 km / h, in the 6th - 41-47 km / h) equally forward and backward;
  • maintainable (including modular replacement of any hydraulic cylinder) and quickly readjustable to another attached tool.

What is the uniqueness of the design of the DZ-98 motor grader, what can it

Even when considering the numerous photos of a motor grader on our website, it can be noted that the DZ-98 (approx.: the version of the DZ-98V grader differs in the power plant model - the presence of a diesel engine YaMZ-238ND2, -ND3) in its constructive layout, it is absolutely unlike all other special vehicles, except for analogs of competing manufacturers. This is a kind of "lunar rover", universally equipped to perform its functions, with three drive axles, six forward and reverse speeds(due to the checkpoint with a multiplier), high ground clearance and frame main blade, the angle of rotation of which can be unlimited.

On Russian market road and construction machinery, there is no other type of special vehicle (for example, if we compare the characteristics with a bulldozer), which could turn the blade at such large angles:

  • 360 degrees for full-turn blade(the design provides for a blade rotation reducer);
  • 0-64 degrees from transverse axis cars - for part-turn.

Attachments DZ-98. How dumps work

Moreover, the DZ-98 grader is equipped with two swivel blades - the main front and side auxiliary... The machine is equipped with both bulldozer and track laying, loosening equipment, special knives and brushes. For example, modification DZ-98V1.4 is a grader with diesel engine YaMZ-238ND2, with bulldozer equipment and scarifier.

The working body of the machine - a moldboard knife, raking the rock - in the process of moving the grader back and forth, it can rise, fall, turn when controlled from hydraulics, performing planning works on all soils up to fractured rocks. The slide-out and rotating side plow, for example, is good for clearing snow and can also be replaced with a ripper.

Important: about working hydraulic cylinders

All working bodies of the machine are controlled by powerful reliable hydraulic cylinders with rod diameters of 100-160 mm. The design contains hydraulic cylinders:

  • removal of the frame;
  • front blade extension;
  • blade rotation;
  • lifting - lowering the blade;
  • side blade extension;
  • power steering, etc.

Note that the presence of a power steering makes a special vehicle with large-diameter wheels even more maneuverable, despite its large dimensions and only seeming external "clumsiness".

If the owner of a motor grader, when performing work in a large volume at a remote site, has spare cylinder kit(this is a small financial investment in 2018 prices - only 140-150 thousand rubles), replacing a damaged cylinder often solves the issue of restoring the machine's performance.

A certain stock of such hydraulic cylinders is constantly maintained in the warehouse of the Mashservice company for prompt service of our customers, since the sale of DZ-98 is one of our main activities. In our practice as a supplier, there are cases that even within the framework of a military order it was planned to buy a DZ-98 motor grader in Chelyabinsk from our company, which was recently implemented.

As spare parts, we supply high-quality hydraulic cylinders of the "Berezovskiy Mechanical Plant" from our Ural region. For this well-known manufacturer, we have been an authorized dealer for several years and keep in touch with him.

Diesel grader: YaMZ-238, other options, features

As in the case of any large special vehicle of domestic production, known in our market for more than a dozen years, the manufacturer tried several options during this period power plants... The most popular was the YaMZ-238ND2 engine with direct fuel injection and a turbocharging system (for the DZ-98V.1 with a scarifier), although the Cummins M-11S265 (USA) and U1D6-TK-C5 of the Ural Motor Plant were tested.

Diesels for various modifications of the grader are usually 4-stroke, 8-cylinder, V-shaped arrangement of cylinders, although there are other options. One of the characteristics of the YaMZ-238 and its modifications on a motor grader is the consumption about 0.15 kg of fuel for processing 1 m 3 of rock by the machine.

New additional equipment of a modern motor grader

The machine is constantly being improved - on the new motor grader they are already present in the optional equipment:

  • a pump load control system to save fuel (the so-called -system);
  • joysticks to control working bodies;
  • the possibility of transferring the blade to the "floating" mode of movement;
  • video camera for the rear working area;
  • the Glonass system and many other accessories that improve the operator's work.

How much can you buy a DZ-98 motor grader

A modern car costs relatively much: in 2018 new motor grader You can buy DZ-98 for at least 5.5-6 million rubles, depending on the configuration and accounting for the utilization fee. However, if the customer has a large amount of work for such equipment, all heavy earthmoving and planning operations that can be performed with its help more than pay off the cost of purchasing a DZ-98 grader.

In addition, the Mashservice company can offer and used after full restoration of the resource and with our guarantee... We have extensive experience in repairing machines that have been used by customers for several years. As a result, our client can get a special vehicle, fully checked and "tightened up" by specialists, after replacing worn-out units with new spare parts from our warehouse, for a couple of million rubles cheaper.

How our customers choose

If the customer wishes to purchase such a heavy-class earthmoving and planning machine, it is quite natural that no one makes a decision only on the basis of information about the price of the DZ-98 grader and its basic technical characteristics... Equipment of this level of cost is not sold "by catalog". A reasonable client may well be interested in, in addition to this:

  • availability from our warehouse;
  • the experience of our mechanics in the repair of such equipment;
  • the number of machines already delivered by us;


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