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All-terrain vehicles are unique vehicles that are designed to move on almost any road. The only exceptions are water barriers, the depth of which is more than 30 cm. In this case, the water will simply flood the ignition system. In all other cases, the all-terrain vehicle will pass. But it's worth it vehicle not cheap at all. Therefore, more and more often there are ideas like.

Assembling the tracked all-terrain vehicle

A part from the Voskhod motorcycle was used as a frame. Its rear part is lengthened, and the brackets are installed under the Ant's motor. To facilitate the installation of the engine, the front bracket was attached to the frame with two bolts.

The forks are completely new. Only the bridges and the steering shaft were taken from the Voskhod motorcycle. Small pieces of rectangular pipe must be welded to the bridges. After that, they need to be connected to the front fork feathers by cooking. At the ends of the feathers, there are lugs at the bottom through which the front wheel on an arc made of chrome-steel tube with narrow walls. Next, the most convenient direction of the arc is selected. The lightweight wide-profile wheel copes well with impacts, which makes it possible to overcome almost any obstacles on the way without hindrance. You yourself need to make a wheel with low pressure inside.

The 6th wire is used as the material for the rim. Discs are made of AMG-5 with a diameter of 3 mm. For the braces, you will need a 5 mm wire. The cylindrical body of the automobile pump will be the basis for the future axle. The hub should be lightweight, tubular.

We take one disk and cut out a hatch in it, through which you need to pass the chamber fitting. Special bolts are used to fasten the tires.

It is not relevant to use shock absorbers from a moped. But what if there is no way to buy parts from a snowmobile or scooter? Therefore, we have to look for the most budgetary replacement option. The closed frame is formed simultaneously with the wheel axle and shock absorbers. It handles kink and twist well.

Since it must be at the same time light in weight, but at the same time durable, it is necessary to cope with this task. Particular attention must be paid to those loads that the homemade vehicle will be subjected to. If you do not take this into account, then the self-propelled gun will simply get stuck somewhere in the wilderness, from where it will be quite problematic to pull it out.

To create the required clearance, you have to use an intermediate chain drive in the transmission. To do this, you need to install the brackets, in which there will be grooves, on the frame. It also contributes to getting the desired low revs driving wheel.

The rotation transmission is done from a chain from an agricultural machine. It goes from the tracked movement to the driving wheel-roller. Do not underestimate the importance of installing this circuit. With its help, the all-terrain vehicle will be able to move well in conditions of heavy pollution.

This vehicle will be driven by tracks and rollers - tension and drive. You can use auxiliary wheels, so-called sloth rollers. But after the first run-in, it turned out that if you do not install them, then this does not significantly affect the movement of the all-terrain vehicle: a stretched caterpillar can do without them, withstanding the load.

The wheels must be the same. The idler and drive wheel can be borrowed from the scooter. Cross grooves must be made on the drive tire. This will improve the traction of the tracks.

In the wheels, the suspensions are independent of each other, so you need to install them in your own swinging forks. The silent blocks can be removed from the Voskhod motorcycle, with the help of which the frame and the swinging fork will be articulated.

When making an all-terrain vehicle, it is also important to make it as stable as possible. To do this, you need to check that the load on all wheels is exactly the same. Otherwise, there will be problems.

Manufacturing of wheels and disks for them

You can use the most common discs, but you need to drill holes in them to make them lighter. A hub is installed in the very center of each. Welding with knitting needles is used as a fastening. A cylindrical housing for the manufacture of hubs is taken from a hand-held automobile pump. This piece is perfect in size.

Since the flange design has rather thin walls and a flat shape, braces made of five-millimeter wire are attached to give it rigidity. Thus, the load is more evenly distributed along the edges of the hub.

There are some voids in the niche on the inside of the front pneumatic wheel that need to be filled with foam. It is imperative to protect the bearings as they work in rather harsh conditions. To do this, they wear tires or initially use bearings with special protective washers.

Making caterpillars

For a lug, two strips of nylon cardo tape are used, for the manufacture of which wire rods of 8 mm were used. At the same time, they were reinforced with wire approximately in the middle. For better grip, bent channels from a 4 mm sheet should be welded to the lugs. In shape, the lug should completely repeat the profile of the cover. In order for the front wheel to fit well when putting on the track, there must be a bevel at the ends of the wire rod. In this case, the welded seams are thoroughly cleaned.

However, an oval-shaped lug has several disadvantages, including:
1. Sliding on ice.
2. Slip on compacted snow.

But such minor drawbacks are nothing compared to the ease of control of the all-terrain vehicle on tracks. If the surface is smoother, then there will never be any problems with movement. When cornering, you need to be careful not to tip the vehicle. Therefore, when cornering, you must significantly reduce the speed of movement.

It's not a secret for anyone that on the territory of our vast country there are areas where it is absolutely impossible to move normally on the roads because of their poor quality. In this case, a special vehicle comes to the rescue, which is characterized by high cross-country ability. It's about an all-terrain vehicle. But, unfortunately, it is practically unrealistic to acquire such a means of transportation that would be light, economical and inexpensive. Therefore, many craftsmen with engineering and technical skills decide to create a caterpillar all-terrain vehicle with their own hands, taking into account their needs and capabilities.

How can tracked ATVs be used?

Such homemade devices on caterpillar come in different sizes and are used for a variety of purposes. With their help, heavy loads are moved, which are placed either in a body or in a special trailer. If a self-made caterpillar all-terrain vehicle is used for summer cottages, then in this case, various building materials are most often transported.

In addition, such a vehicle has transport versatility, and if any unforeseen circumstances arise, you can quickly, without any difficulties, get to a certain destination over rough terrain.

What to look for when creating a homemade all-terrain vehicle?

If you decide to make a caterpillar all-terrain vehicle with your own hands, then you must clearly understand for what purpose it will be used. Be sure to consider the following points:

  • Weather conditions during operation.
  • Dimensions. Width affects the cross-country ability of a caterpillar all-terrain vehicle, made by hand, the length is calculated from the number of seats or the presence of a device luggage compartment, and the height should be optimal when creating the amphibious properties of the unit.
  • Motor power. The more powerful the engine, the easier it is to navigate hard-to-reach sections of the road.
  • Target. Depending on the purpose for which the mobile device is intended, its design can be modified.
  • Number of wheels. Most often homemade tracked all-terrain vehicle Made by hand, it has wheels from two to eight pairs, which are necessary to support the track.

Drawing creation

The most crucial stage is making a sketch of a tracked all-terrain vehicle. Do-it-yourself drawings with the arrangement of the mechanisms of the unit and its components are drawn after that. They must be very accurate. When creating such a vehicle, they usually use both home-made parts and ready-made elements of factory production. They are drawn separately, with the calculation of the compatibility and performance of parts and assemblies.

Design features

A caterpillar all-terrain vehicle, created by one's own hands, must have an engine. Basically, this element is taken from cars, most often domestic ones. You can also borrow it from a motorcycle. Chassis represented by rubber tracks, tensioning system, suspension, rollers. Car tires are often used to make tracks. The base of the undercarriage consists of a tub, frame or any other metal frame. For the control system, various components are taken or ready-made controls for motorcycles or cars, as well as tractors, are used. A homemade tracked all-terrain vehicle, made by hand, has a power system, which is presented fuel tank, gasoline or diesel. Gas equipment is used much less often.

Manufacturing technology

Do-it-yourself light tracked all-terrain vehicles are made according to a certain technology. Their creation begins with the construction of the body, which must have high strength and complete water resistance. The basis of homemade transport must be rigid, so steel pipes are taken that can withstand any physical stress arising from movement. Then they begin to make caterpillars. To do this, take an ordinary rubber sheet and create a ring rubber. Small aluminum blades are placed on its outer side with the help of rivets, and the necessary limiters are installed on the inner side, the step width of which is equal to the width of the rubber of the wheels.

The next stage is that the bridges are removed from the car through the holes that were specially made in the body for this. Rubber couplings are used as protection. Attach the rubber band so that the wheels are right in the center of the stops. In addition, additional wheels are also fixed. They are necessary to keep the track taut. At the end of the work, heavy-duty glass is inserted in the cockpit of the all-terrain vehicle, made by hand.


Thus, this means of transportation is an irreplaceable means of transport in hard-to-reach areas, where there are practically no roads. Possessing engineering and technical qualities, you can easily create tracked all-terrain vehicles with your own hands, the drawings of which will help to correctly design such a unit.

"Parma" cuts through the swamps and impassable roads of our vast country.

All data are taken from the forum of the site "Lunokhodov.Net", where he shares his best practices and skills under the nickname mishanya68.

The tasks originally assigned to the all-terrain vehicle builder.

V technical requirements and wishes such items:
1. confident movement on snow of average depth and density for the Urals.
2. capacity for 2 people, plus 50-80 kg of cargo.
3. minimum, should be confident in the water (main application is fishing and buoyancy for safety).
4. The main application is snow and ice 90%, the rest is autumn and spring is snow with mud.
5. maximum use of ready-made serial parts and assemblies.

In connection with this project, I once again re-read the topics on "Tazik", "Luntik", "Barsik" and "Yukon" - these are ready-made all-terrain vehicles described on the site "Lunokhodov.Net". Many thanks to the authors of the projects for sharing their experience, best practices and drawings that they used.

Based on the experience of previous builders, outlined an approximate design
1. turn on a differential with a rear axle, but put a cylindrical one.
2.engine 2-cylinder, made in China with a cylinder volume of 690 cubic mm.
3. transmission: belt variator - gearbox from VAZ 5-speed - rear axle from VAZ.
4. dimensions 2500x1750 mm.

The rear axle is taken from the classic "Zhiguli". Sprockets are worn instead of wheels (drive wheels for caterpillars)

The beam was used. From disassembly, after checking for straightness, I cut off the excess and immediately cleaned it, cleaned it with petal circles with 40 grain. It turned out quite quickly, 1.5-2 hours for everything, and the cleaning took about 30 minutes. But this time is then saved on welding and painting.

The engine is made in China.

Drawings have been developed for the production of guides, which are fixed to the inner side of the track belt and prevent the tracks from coming off during movement and turns.

Factory half shaft.

The half-axle is bought, find the difference! Therefore, it was decided to leave the factory axle shafts, but with the replacement of bearings.

I bought belts for the production of caterpillars in a rubber goods store at a repair plant in Perm.

More details: what is "increased strength" ??? In numbers. 4 spacers are good, 12 mm is not a lot?

The strength of the tape is created by the gaskets - the rest is rubber, which itself does not bear a load, BUT protects the gaskets from damage. For example, I took one so that on one side (outer) it was 3-4 mm, and on the other (inner) - 1 mm. From the inside, damage is practically not expected, and the extra thickness means excess weight and not small! As for the spacers - they are ALWAYS of the same thickness - 1mm, the rest is from their number!

By area: I took 4 pieces. with a length of 6.5 m, width-150mm, thickness-8mm, ply-7. It turned out to be 10 thousand rubles.

He began to cook the frame of the future all-terrain vehicle. Someone calls a frame, someone a boat, someone a frame, and the author calls this structure a keel, since the all-terrain vehicle is more intended for navigation.

The rounded front keel should improve the floating quality of the car.

It was decided to make an all-terrain vehicle without a balancer, as it is intended for travel in winter, the roads are smoother, the weight of the structure is reduced, and it is technically easier to execute.

The frame is assembled with road wheels on both sides, the wheels are the most common and common with R 13 from the VAZ, the bottom of the star is raised from the floor level by 350 mm, the wheel is 570 mm in diameter.

Preparing tracks for making tracks.

Mounting plates.

Drilling template.

Pre-drilled holes in the conveyor belts for making the caterpillar.

Drilling holes according to the template.


A device for drilling holes in rubber using the punch method, but here you do not need to hit the punch, it is clamped into the drill chuck and the rubber is cut, very good holes are obtained and less effort is needed.

You can watch the video how this is done.

Photo of the device clamped into the drill chuck.

Photo of a device for folding pressure plates and bent plates.

One caterpillar is ready.

Safety precautions. In order not to hurt to beat against the ends of the pipe and not to scratch, it is better to protect yourself, at least with gloves.

The caterpillar is wrapped around the sprocket, all tracks are in contact with the teeth.

Front view.

The tensioning mechanism is made so that both sloths are tensioned at the same time, there are pros and cons to this method. Plus, the largest is the same tension of the tracks, provided that the tracks are the same during manufacture and are equally stretched, simplicity in execution and more reliable fastening of the sloth axis. Subject to these conditions, the straightness of the ride is ensured.

Cons - poor sealing of the boat, since the sloth's shaft passes inside the boat, if one caterpillar flew off, then both sides relax in order to put on. Also, to be removed for repair if necessary.

Plates for fastening tensioning mechanisms.

Beams and reinforcements are welded.

Fastening the bridge.

Installation disc brakes to the bridge from the VAZ, due to the braking of the driving wheels, the all-terrain vehicle will turn while driving.

The guides are from the inner side of the caterpillar, on the upper bend along the edges of the canine, they are pressed by 9 mm, this is with a plate width of 40 mm, the steel thickness is 2.5 mm. this is the limit for a press with a force of 10 tons.

Guides, with a plate welded inside for attaching to tracks.

Tool for making guide plates using a press.

This will guide the track along the tension wheel.

The guide plate touches the brake hose from the disc brakes on the sprocket, so you need to change the brake hoses and install them from the "Niva".

Clearances for the track to run over the track sprocket are acceptable.

All plates are chopped and folded.

The caterpillar is the most labor-intensive and labor-intensive part of the all-terrain vehicle.

The caterpillar and sprocket must interact with each other without jamming in and out of the star. Verification completed.

Watch the video.

Installing the engine.

Installing the clutch and gearbox.

Installing the cardan.

The variator on the engine pulley. Transmission - so far only positive results, the Kayurov variator works with the Chinese engine very clearly. At first, there were problems with releasing the belt at idle, but after adjusting the carb, everything returned to normal. Releases completely at about 1000-1100 engine rpm, setting at about 1500-1700 rpm. Fully compressed by about 2500-2800 rpm.

I could not understand why by ear the maximum revs are less than 3000 rpm, then I saw the throttle limit bolt turned completely, the Chinese, apparently, tightened it for a quiet break in, also completed the control levers.

The first departure took place. First impressions are great.

Everything I said about differential rotation is not entirely true. There are moments about which a little later. The all-terrain vehicle turned out so far quite light and nimble.

He rolls around the garage with his hands into one, turns into 2 people. In the video, the surface is packed with snow, the first and third of the gas transmission, I press the levers with one finger, there is almost no noise from the stars.

I finished working with the controls (gear shift and gas drive), and also made a frame for protecting the cardan. I made a small trip. Now everything works well. Tomorrow I will disassemble everything for welding the boat and painting.

Dismantled the all-terrain vehicle for welding and painting.

I turned it over on my back.

I boiled the bottom, the sides remained and can be painted.

The braces are installed.

The pulley shaft is inside the casing.

Boiled sides and painted.

I painted everything inside.

Gearbox outside with oil filler plug and differential.

On the basis of a walk-behind tractor, home-made all-terrain vehicles and other high-traffic vehicles are often made. There are several reasons for this:

  • there is an energy-rich transport unit with high traction characteristics assembled on a frame;
  • engine and transmission control moved to comfortable grips;
  • the mass of motoblocks is low, they can be transported to the desired place in the trunk, body or on a car trailer.

For hunting and fishing, a light mini all-terrain vehicle is quite in demand. But the industry has yet to see commercial prospects for kits. attachments converting a serial walk-behind tractor into a transport off-road... There are some pretty interesting examples of the creation of such machines. DIYers have created role models with their own hands. There is room for ideas when developing new interesting devices.

Features of all-terrain vehicles from a walk-behind tractor

The main units that should be purchased or made independently for a vehicle based on a walk-behind tractor:

  • frame, it serves to organize a mobile vehicle;
  • the rear axle is needed to install the rear wheels;
  • a seat for the driver, it is desirable to protect it from moisture and dirt from under the wheels;
  • a lighting system is needed to move safely at any time of the day.

An all-terrain vehicle based on a walk-behind tractor is created as a single-seat vehicle. Its carrying capacity should be about 200 kg. The width is calculated from the conditions of resistance to overturning, usually it is from 1100 mm or more.

Modern walk-behind tractors Neva, Ugra, MTZ and others are equipped with engines with a capacity of more than 10 hp. This power is enough to move at a speed of over 10 km / h. Off-road, when passing through slurry or swampy places, the speed can drop to 1-2 km / h.

How to make a homemade wheeled all-terrain vehicle

An example of a drawing of an all-terrain vehicle on tires low pressure

It makes sense to equip the base unit. The reason is that the best torque figures are gasoline and diesel engines have at a frequency of rotation crankshaft about 75-85% of the maximum.

The engine must have a forced cooling system. When driving at low speed, the incoming flow will not be enough to maintain an optimal thermal regime.

ATV frame

An example of a drawing of a fracture frame

A frame is created between the front and rear axles. It is better to use rectangular or square shaped pipes as a basis. They provide greater rigidity than rolled corners, channels and I-beams of the same mass.

The joining of the frame elements of a wheeled all-terrain vehicle can be rigid, then it will be formed in a one-volume format. When using heavy motoblocks "Neva" or MTZ, this option will be preferable.

As an option, a breaking frame (fracture) is made, the option is used for areas with a complex profile. Here, the articulation is performed through the king pin. Front and rear axles have independent suspension from each other. Masters create such all-terrain vehicles on the basis of the "Neva" and "Ugra" motoblocks.

For hunting and fishing, it is better to have a wheeled all-terrain vehicle with a breakable frame. Its flotation is higher than with a rigid frame design.

Rear axle and suspension of a homemade all-terrain vehicle

Some do-it-yourselfers use a ready-made rear axle from passenger car... For example, from the car "Moskvich-412": its small weight allows installation on light all-terrain vehicle... Suspension is made on shock absorbers for a smooth ride and reduced vibration.

Other masters do independent suspension for every rear wheel... This approach is implemented on the "Ant" scooter. When driving, a slight swaying is felt, at the same time, the wheels experience less resistance on bumps, and fuel consumption is noticeably reduced.

Connect the rear axle to the frame with long hardened bolts. For elastic joints, rubber inserts are used, for example, silent blocks. This improves performance characteristics all-terrain vehicle based on a walk-behind tractor.

The rear axle on skis is used in winter. Movement resistance is minimal, and the design is greatly simplified.

Wheels (low pressure chambers)

You can use lugs to move on wet and wobbly ground. They provide high grip. Large diameter low pressure chambers behave even better. Pneumatics have minimum pressure on the ground, and the presence of air trapped in the chambers of the all-terrain vehicle will create a floating all-terrain vehicle.

For installation on the rear axle, self-made or special wheels for all-terrain vehicles, swamp vehicles and snowmobiles are used. They are purchased as an assembly or as separate elements: a tire, a camera, a disk. Assembling the wheel is simple.

It is possible to increase the permeability of conventional wheels on low-pressure chambers by creating an additional protector. For example, you can additionally secure the cameras with chains, conveyor belts, homemade tracks or in another way.

Another option is to cut an overhead lug out of the tire. The depth of the hook of the structure reaches more than 20-25 mm. The rolling resistance is increased, while the slip coefficient is sharply reduced.

Assembling a homemade all-terrain vehicle from a walk-behind tractor

When all the tools, spare parts and accessories are prepared, you can start assembling. it rough plan How to assemble a homemade all-terrain vehicle, it all depends on the chosen design.

  1. A walk-behind tractor is installed on a welded or finished frame.
  2. The rear axle and, if necessary, the front axle are mounted.
  3. The seat is placed on the frame.
  4. If provided by the drawing and diagram, the steering is installed.
  5. Protection is attached to the frame; it is made of plastic or metal sheet.
  6. The prospective driver should test the comfort of landing, if necessary, provide auxiliary devices for adjusting the fit.
  7. The performance of the brakes is checked.
  8. Electrical circuits and lighting fixtures are being installed.

As individual elements and assemblies are manufactured, their performance is checked. A five-fold safety factor is provided here.

After the completion of the bench tests, the field tests are started. You need to know how the car behaves in difficult conditions.

Buy a hitch and trailed to a walk-behind tractor in online stores

Homemade tracked all-terrain vehicles with your own hands

The use of tracks will help to reduce the specific ground pressure. The weight is distributed over the entire track area. Such an all-terrain vehicle based on a walk-behind tractor is able to overcome sand, wetlands, steep climbs and other obstacles.

Some do-it-yourselfers make metal track links from plates more than 5 mm thick. Rings from water pipes are welded to the plates. Another version of the track links is made entirely of PVC pipes, cut lengthwise. The tracks are attached to each other on a conveyor belt or other base.

It is easier to make tracks from composite materials. For this, fiberglass and epoxy are used. Glass-polymer reinforcement is used as a frame. Track links are made in special shapes. After making the required amount, they are collected into a caterpillar. In the manufacture of tracks from composite materials, articulation elements made of wear-resistant steels are used.

There are options for using timber tracks. They will need to be impregnated with protective mixtures.

The easiest way to make a track for an all-terrain vehicle based on a walk-behind tractor is to use a conveyor belt. One track requires two lanes. They are connected in a ring, and then a caterpillar is created using pieces of steel pipe.

In the video, you can see the option of making a waterproof case that is kept afloat. In this case, the tracked propeller will allow you to move not only on the ground, but also on the water. The result is an amphibious all-terrain vehicle. For hunting and fishing, it will be irreplaceable.


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