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Finnish car roads wonderful. But driving on them without observing certain rules will not work. In this article, we will tell you what traffic rules the Finns always adhere to, and what a foreigner needs to consider when traveling in a car across the country of a thousand lakes.

Documents that all drivers need to have

In order not to have problems with driving on Finnish highways, you need to take care of the presence of four main documents:

That is, each car driver must have with him:

1) a national driving license for the right to drive a vehicle, issued by the official authority of the country of residence;

2) registration documents valid in the country of registration vehicle(for cars, a vehicle registration certificate is sufficient); confirmation that the driver has the right to drive the vehicle if it is registered in a different name (power of attorney), however, in practice, they do not ask;

3) a coupon for an annual technical inspection (in practice, they do not ask, but the Finnish police have the right to check the condition of the vehicle of any road user in the "field" conditions);

4) car owner's civil liability insurance: Green Card or similar insurance valid in Finland. This insurance is sometimes asked, both at the entrance and at the exit from the country. "Green Card" - an international certificate of civil liability insurance of vehicle owners, an insurance policy, the form of which is made on green paper (hence the name).

The Green Card confirms the availability of compulsory motor third party liability insurance (OSAGO) on the territory of all countries included in the Green Card system. In Russia, you can also buy insurance separately for Ukraine-Belarus-Moldova.

A “green card” issued by an authorized insurer in Russia frees you from the need for additional civil liability insurance in another country.

The insurance contract is concluded for a period from 15 days to one year.

In addition to Finland, the countries of the Green Card System include: Austria, Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Israel, Iran, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Morocco, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Montenegro, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia ( 44 states).

If the vehicle is driven by a driver living in a non-Schengen country, a passport with a valid Schengen visa is required, as well as medical insurance for all participants in the trip. The latter must be valid for all states that have entered into the Schengen Agreement.

Security cameras on Finnish roads and speed limits

Many thousands of speed cameras monitor the speed limits of drivers on motorways. You cannot drive on motorways at a speed exceeding 120 km / h. If the car is driven in a built-up area, its speed should not be more than 50 km / h, and outside the built-up area - more than 80 km / h. As soon as a sign appears indicating the beginning of a settlement, the speed limit immediately takes effect. At the same time, in many settlements, speed mode 30 or 10 km / h shown road signs.

In winter, a lower speed limit is set: on most roads maximum speed from 100 km / h to 80 km / h. On motorways, where a speed of 120 km / h is allowed in summer, a limit of 100 km / h is introduced in winter. On some sections of the road, there are electronic light boards indicating changes in the speed limit, depending on weather and climatic conditions.

A maximum speed of 80 km / h is set for a dacha car (auto camper).

In Finland, it is forbidden not only to use antiradars, but also to own them.

Sanctions for violators of the speed limit

Fines for speeding in Finland are differentiated depending on the percentage of the standard.

Exceeding the speed limit from 24 to 26 km / h - 14 days. in the village and 12 d.t. outside the village.

Exceeding the speed limit from 27 to 29 km / h - 16 day f. in the village and 14 d.t. outside the village.

Exceeding the speed limit from 30 to 32 km / h - 18 days. in the village and 16 d.t. outside the village.

Exceeding the speed limit from 33 to 35 km / h - 20 day f. in the village and 18 d.t. outside the village.

Exceeding the speed limit from 36 to 38 km / h - 22 days. in the village and 20 d.t. outside the village.

Exceeding the speed limit from 39 to 41 km / h - 24 day f. in the village and 22 d.t. outside the village.

Exceeding the speed limit from 42 to 44 km / h - 26 days. in the village and 24 d.t. outside the village.

Exceeding the speed limit from 45 to 47 km / h - 28 day f. in the village and 26 d.t. outside the village.

Exceeding the speed limit from 48 to 50 km / h - court (in the settlement) and 28 day f. outside the village.

Exceeding the speed limit of 51 km / h - court.

Fines for other violations

In Finland, the fine for traffic violations can be calculated in the so-called daily rate (d.t.). The daily rate is calculated as follows: € 255 is deducted from the net profit, which is the amount of monthly income remaining after taxes are deducted. The result is divided by 60. In addition, the presence of each minor child in the care of each minor reduces the amount of the daily rate by € 3. Minimum the daily rate is € 6.

All penalty receipts are issued by the police. Their payment must be made at any bank within two weeks. All rule violations road traffic in Finland they are registered in the register. A driver fined three times within one year for traffic violations is banned from driving in Finland. Gross or systematic violation of traffic rules and unpaid fines, along with a ban on driving, can serve as a reason for refusal to issue a visa to enter the country.

Other traffic rules

It is possible to overtake the cars in front, provided that this maneuver does not interfere and harm other road users. It is forbidden to overtake on ups and downs, near intersections, with the displacement of oncoming traffic or overtaken vehicles to the side. This entails severe fines and even leads to the revocation of a driver's license.

Regardless of whether the driver or passenger is a person in the car, he must wear a seat belt. This rule makes no exception for those sitting in front or behind. If there is a child in the car, he is placed in a child seat or fastened with a belt of a suitable size.

All cars drive only with their headlights on at any time of the day. This requirement applies to movement on all types of Finnish roads (urban, suburban, motorways).

For more than 15 years (since January 1, 2003), a hands-free headset has been compulsory in Finland when talking on a mobile phone while driving. In addition, it is forbidden to operate tape recorders, players, televisions and other telecommunication devices while driving, if this prevents the driver from concentrating on the traffic situation.

Do not darken the car windows with film (the light transmission of the windshield must be at least 75%, and the front side windows must be at least 70%).

All three winter months the car must have "winter tires". By law, the tread height of winter tires must be at least three millimeters. New winter tires have a tread pattern of 7-8 mm.

If driving is inadequate

This is how people in Finland are considered intoxicated by alcohol and / or drugs. Drunk driving is strongly discouraged, and if a driver in a similar state also makes an accident, he will not receive insurance compensation. They "catch" drunk drivers at police checkpoints, where they offer testing with an alcohol meter. If the alcohol content in the blood is at least 0.5 ppm, then you should be taken to the police station for a control check and a possible medical examination. The driver's license to drive a vehicle is withdrawn, then a fine of € 200 is imposed or a decision on imprisonment is made. 1.2 ppm is considered the lower limit of severe alcohol intoxication.

What to do if an accident occurs on the Finnish road

When an accident has occurred with the injured and / or with the participation of a moose, any witness / participant must dial 112 (emergency phone) or 10022 (police) - without a city code, and from any payphone - free of charge. The call requires the provision of information of the following nature:

Driving culture is very high in Finland. No one cuts or overtakes, especially when exceeding the speed. All road users are polite and helpful. In such an environment, to have international driver's license very prestigious. Our website deals with the registration of such rights. We invite you to issue an international driver's license without unnecessary formalities, quickly and easily!

If you come to Finland by car, then of course it would not hurt you to know the Finnish traffic rules. Everything seems to be the same here, but there are nuances. For example, Finns rarely break the rules, and serious violations are rare. Of course, this is not Japan or England and the movement is right-hand, like ours, but it will be nice if you know about the small differences that exist. Firstly, you yourself will be more comfortable, and secondly, neat Finns will be more comfortable, well, and finally, you will not have conflicts with the police. In general, conflicts with the police in Finland are rare, but nevertheless ...

What are these nuances? It is clear that our rights apply in Finland, since the rules are almost the same. If you perform them, then there will be no problems, but be attentive to small differences. What is the difference in traffic rules in Finland and Russia? These are, for example, the rules for driving according to an arrow at a traffic light; rules of priority when driving in a roundabout; of course, these are the parking rules - wherever you go to the store or fishing or somewhere else - you will face this problem; the high-speed mode of movement is also different both in the city and outside the city. We will tell you about all the nuances in order to feel at home in Finland and not break the rules. Finland is not Russia, and the fines here are more serious and have to be paid, especially since non-payment of the fine can affect the visa regime.

We decided to start with the speed limit, because this is the very first thing that you will encounter as soon as you cross the border - you need to drive at the correct speed. Excess in Finland is punished very harshly. No less harsh than our exit into the oncoming lane, and even more serious. So here's the speed limit in Finland:

Well, what happens if you do exceed? In general, the amount of the fine in Finland depends on the size of the salary, the presence of dependents in the family of the offender (children, for example). In general, with a salary of 2000 Euros and exceeding by 25 km / h, you can get a fine of something 300-400 Euros ... The minimum fine (for the unemployed and tourists) is about 120 Euros. It is better to pay if you have already received it. Unlike a parking fine, this is a federal fine. Speeding is considered a criminal offense in Finland and such a fine will definitely not be lost and may further affect the visa regime. For example, if you don’t pay or systematically violate it, you will be denied a visa. By the way, an excess of more than 30 km / h may end in court proceedings.

What is considered an excess? It depends on who you fall for. If on camera, then there is a reserve of about 20 km / h. But it's better not to risk it. If you are photographed with a camera, you will see a yellow flash, which can spoil your mood on the trip ... If you are caught on the radar by the police (who, by the way, sometimes drive civilian cars), then the excess limit is less - within the error of the speedometer. Be careful! The police themselves do not catch on the road often, but systematically. Finnish police officers are mostly impartial, but our tourists are often viewed with suspicion because of our driving style. Arguing with the police is useless. Automatic cameras sometimes take pictures in warning mode. So if you are sure that you have not exceeded and the camera has photographed you, then do not worry - you may receive a warning: "you were driving 83 km / h, when 80 is allowed" and no fines!

So follow the rules. Especially in a city where besides pedestrians there are many cyclists! They usually have to be skipped. They know about it and they don't care if you know it!

And here is our show about speed limits in Finland:

So good luck on the road. Follow the rules and everything will be fine.

If you want your travels in Finland by car to be extremely positive, you must, among other things, comply with the Finnish traffic rules. For strict observance of traffic rules will save you, for example, from unexpected communication with the traffic police, unexpected questions and misunderstandings at customs, or, worse, refusal to issue a Schengen visa when the Consulate of Finland considers your next visa application.

Finland has excellent roads and very calm, measured and comfortable traffic. In addition, the roads between cities and towns are quite free and there are often times when you are driving completely alone. Especially in the evening or at night. And no, no, yes, and there is a temptation to submerge a little, for example, the gas pedal ...

But no. I advise you to keep yourself in control and not give in. In addition to the fact that, in principle, it is useless to break the rules anywhere, the size of the fines in Finland is seriously different from the Russian ones and can significantly worsen your vacation budget.

The Finnish traffic rules and the basic requirements that must be followed when traveling in Finland, I will give below.

The use of anti-radar is strictly prohibited.

Before traveling and crossing the Finnish border, turn off, remove from the car and hide the radar detector far away. This is a fairly widespread device in the homeland, in Finland it is strictly forbidden to exist as a class and has no right to lie even in the glove compartment or in the trunk as an item of luggage.

If they find it, they will take it away forever, and in return you will receive a fine. According to some poor fellows, for the right to deliver and present the radar detector to the Finnish customs officers, they contributed from 80 to 120 euros to the Finnish budget. According to the data provided on the website of the Finnish police, currently the fine for the anti-radar detector is at least 120 euros. In addition, the police use radar detectors and, in order to detect this prohibited device, has the right to conduct not only a search of your car, but also your personal search.

Speed ​​limits on Finnish roads

Driving in Finland is right-hand, the maximum speed limit on the motorway is 120 km / h.

The maximum speed limit in towns and cities is 50 km / h. In some areas, you can find a speed limit of up to 30-40 km / h. In the village, a maximum speed limit of 50 km / h is mandatory.

After the sign canceling the action of the sign "Settlement", if there are no other speed limits, the maximum permitted speed is 80 km / h.

But in general, there are a lot of signs that show the permitted permissible speed, so just be more careful.

We also remember that in Finland there are summer and winter speed modes (for example, on highways in winter period the permitted speed is reduced from 120 km / h to 100 km / h and from 100 km / h to 80 km / h).

Speed ​​control on Finnish roads

Speed ​​control is carried out, among other things, with the help of automatic stationary road complexes of video recording, of which there are about a thousand pieces on the Finnish road network. About 3,350 kilometers of the road network are covered with video recording complexes.

Considering that as of 2019 the total length of paved roads in Finland is about 51,000 km, it turns out that speed control is carried out on less than 7% of the road network. In this regard, according to information on the Finnish police website (, a significant increase in the number and length of control zones is planned in the coming years.

The zone of video monitoring and automatic recording of a speed violation is indicated by the following road signs:

In 2017, 289,000 speed violations were recorded on the roads of our Northern neighbor, and 9 out of 10 fines were imposed according to the data recorded by road video recording complexes.

The average fine in 2017 was EUR 172.50.

What data is recorded by a traffic camera in Finland

The violation recorded by the video recording complex is transmitted via a wireless communication channel. The photo captures your car, its state registration plate and driver's data. The photo is processed in such a way that the passenger sitting next to the driver is covered with a special filter.

In addition to road complexes for video recording and the police (policemen measure the speed without hiding), unremarkable cars without identification signs ply along the roads of Finland, in which unremarkable officers of the same police sit. So if you are suddenly overcome by your own spirit of drive, and a car with Finnish numbers accidentally follows you, then it is very possible that this is not a "hot-blooded-Finnish-guy" brother at all, but a stern servant of the law.

The traffic police control the speed limit on the main roads. In settlements, this function is mainly assigned to the local police.

Speeding in Finland

When fixing the speed, a discount of 3 km / h is always made (i.e., they are subtracted from the speed recorded by the radar, since a discount is given for the possible error of the device). What you get, a warning or a fine, also depends on where in the speed limit the violation occurred.

Also remember that since October 2016, the speed limit has been lowered in Suomi. If the permissible speed is exceeded by 1-6 km / h, a warning is issued. Exceeding the speed limit by 7 km / h entails a penalty in the form of a fine.

For example:

  • if you are driving at a speed of 69 km / h in the speed limit zone 60 km / h, then the speed value will be 66 km / h, the speeding will be 6 km / h and you will receive a warning
  • if you are driving at a speed of 70 km / h in the speed limit zone 60 km / h, then the speed value will be 67 km / h, the speeding will be 7 km / h and you will receive a fine

The amount of the fine for violation of the speed limit in Finland

The structure of fines in Finland also differs from that in Russia. There is a so-called fixed penalty Rikesakko... This is a monetary fine in a fixed amount (in euros) for various offenses. Depending on the violation, its amount ranges from 20 euros to 200 euros.

In case of violation of the speed limit, a fixed fine Rikesakko applies only for violations not exceeding 20 km / h.

An example of fixed penalties:

  • Violations related to car documents - fine 40 euros
  • Defective equipment, improper technical condition vehicle - a fine of 70 euros
  • If the driver or passengers are not wearing seat belts - a fine of 70 euros
  • Exceeding the speed limit in an area with a speed limit of 60 km / h or less:
    • Exceeding the speed limit up to 15 km / h - a fine of 170 euros
  • Exceeding the speed limit in an area with a speed limit exceeding 60 km / h:
    • Exceeding the speed limit up to 15 km / h - a fine of 140 euros
    • Exceeding the speed limit of more than 15 km / h, but not more than 20 km / h - a fine of 200 euros
  • Exceeding the speed limit by 15 km / h (for a moped driver) - a fine of 100 euros

The fixed fine for a pedestrian for a traffic violation is 20 euros.

If a fixed penalty is levied for two or more violations at the same time, the amount payable is the fixed penalty for the most serious violation, increased by € 40.

In case of serious violations for Finnish citizens, the monthly income begins to be taken into account when calculating the fine, the number of dependents on maintenance and the amount of the fine increase significantly. You can calculate the fine on the official website of the Finnish police.

In April 2013, Minister of the Environment Ville Niinistö (Member of the Finnish Parliament from the Green Union party) received a large speeding fine. Niinistö reports that he was driving at 139 km / h on a section of road where you can drive at a speed of 100 km / h. The incident took place in the town of Paimio on the Helsinki-Turku highway. The police issued a fine to Niinistö 1566 euro.
As also reported, "Niinistö regrets what happened ..." (source

It is clear that the salary of Mr. Minister, apparently, is quite good, which was the reason for the above amount. But there is one more nuance - the minister was fined, which once again confirms to us the fair rule of law over positions and privileges.

Speeding fines for Russian citizens

Unfortunately, there is an opinion that problems with violation of speed should be of concern only to residents of Finland. In this regard, I would like to inform you that since May 2, 2012, police automatic photo radars that control the observance of speed on Finnish roads have begun to photograph foreign cars, the drivers of which, apparently, due to some of their own, purely internal convictions, exceed the speed limit.

Further, information from photo radars is transmitted to the border service and the Customs Administration, and therefore, penalties will be applied to Russian, in particular, violators of the speed limit in Finland, at the crossing point of the eastern border.

The border guard will kindly write you a fine based on a police request for official assistance.

In addition, if you received a fine in Finland and did not pay it, then this fact can be appropriately taken into account by the employees of the Consulate of Finland, who will consider your (future) application for a Schengen visa to Finland. According to statistics, about half of the refusals in the subsequent receipt of a Schengen visa are associated precisely with gross violations by the applicant. traffic rules(of which the main one is speeding and overtaking in the wrong place)

Safe movement in tunnels

When driving in tunnels, the following rules should be observed:

1. When driving in a tunnel, the dipped headlights must be turned on. Distance must be maintained, especially if the speed of traffic is slowing down.

2. If suddenly the car engine stalled, then it is necessary to turn on the "emergency light" and try to move the car to the emergency or technical pocket (or to the edge of the carriageway) so as not to interfere with the traffic. If necessary, you must call the rescue service or technical service by emergency telephone, which are always installed in the tunnels.

Remember that no turning or movement is allowed in the tunnels. reverse... It is also prohibited to run the engine in "idle" mode.

Seat belts

In cities and towns always skip pedestrians who are either already at the crosswalk or are just going to step on it. Finns are always fully confident that when approaching pedestrian crossing, you have already slowed down in advance and will no doubt miss them. The same applies to cyclists. Skip these two wheeled mustang tamers. Of course, give way to both when turning left or right, including cyclists moving in the same direction with you.

if you are moving at a speed of 60 km / h (or less), always skip bus leaving the stop

You must not enter the traffic lane intended for public transport... You can only take it before making a maneuver (turn). Sign for a highlighted lane:

The use of a cell phone while driving is prohibited. Only through a hands-free headset.

Do not try to "negotiate within reasonable limits" with a police officer. If the latter does not make allowances for the "Russian mentality", then it is quite likely that a criminal case will be initiated, which ends with a large fine (according to the law, imprisonment for up to 2 years is also possible).

I think you shouldn't take it out as a separate item, but still: before the trip, check the availability of rights, registration documents for the car, power of attorney (if necessary), "Green Card" (Green Card).

In this article we will tell you about the roads in Finland. You will learn about traffic regulations, speed limits and the popular Imatra-Lappeenranta route. Note that there is a well-developed road infrastructure between our countries and the flow of people who want to go and relax in Finland by private vehicles is constantly increasing. On the border of the North-West of Russia, there are several international automobile checkpoints through which you can visit this wonderful country - these are Svetogorsk, Brusnichnoye and Torfyanovka.

To begin with, roads in Finland exist not only for cars and pedestrians, but also for cyclists. Quite often you can see here how many locals ride their bicycles along specially equipped paths. All roads are very good quality and absolutely free. It is safe to say that in this country you will never fly into a huge hole and knock your wheels. If you have already visited our northern neighbors, you should have noticed that on the tracks it is very rare to meet desperate racers and offenders, including those from Russia.

The driving style of Finnish citizens is calm and orderly. Everyone is trying to comply with the traffic rules, because fines in Finland for traffic violations can be quite a pain in the pocket. It must be said that from time to time the Finnish traffic police organize preventive raids. Moreover, the fine will have to be paid depending on the earnings. The higher the salary, the higher the fine will be. Once in one of the Finnish newspapers there was information that a businessman from Finland paid a little more than 50,000 euros for speeding by 20 kilometers. How do you like it?

Photo: Powerresethdd / Wikimedia Commons

On weekdays, traffic congestion in Finland is not very high, but closer to weekends there is a high probability of getting stuck in a traffic jam, but most often this happens in large cities. In small settlements, traffic jams are quite rare. When driving on country roads, you should always be careful, very often moose or deer can cross them and the consequences when colliding with these large animals can be very serious. The crossing points for wild animals are marked with special road signs.

Basic traffic rules

  • The driver should always turn on the dipped headlights, otherwise it is a violation and you can get a fine for this.
  • All passengers of the vehicle must wear seat belts while driving.
  • When traveling by car, you need to. This is a prerequisite for entering Finland.
  • The driver may have a permitted alcohol content of 0.5 ppm.
  • During winter time, winter tires or studded wheels must be fitted (December 1 - March 1).
  • While driving, the driver should refrain from talking on a mobile phone. You can use a hands-free device.
  • If you get drunk, seriously violate the speed limit or pass a red traffic light, then be prepared to receive a large fine, and possibly even arrest. Therefore, be careful and do not forget that you are in another country and must comply with its rules and laws.

Speed ​​limits

  • On motorways, in summer, you need to move at a speed of 120 km / h, and in winter - 100 km / h. Roads in Finland are equipped with all the necessary road signs and information boards, where the permitted speed limit on this section will be indicated.
  • On the highway, you can move at a speed of 80 km / h.
  • The permitted speed in the city is 50 km / h.
  • In some populated areas, you need to move at a speed of 40 km / h.
  • If an accident happened, call the police at 112.

Imatra-Lappeenranta road

After visiting the city of Imatra, many of our tourists want to continue. The first thing to do is to get onto the highway number 6. It is she who connects these two cities. It has 4 lanes and a distance of about 40 kilometers. Several video cameras are installed along this route, so observe the speed limit. You can get to Lappeenranta in 30 minutes.

In Imatra, there are a number of information signs pointing to Lappeenranta. You can take the route from the castle hotel “Scandic Imatran Valtionhotelli”. This is the very center of the city. The second option, after passing the Finnish border, you enter the 1st roundabout. Drive straight on the circle. After about 3 kilometers, go to the bridge, under which the route number 6 passes.

On the left you will see a sign to Lappeenranta. The roads in Finland will give you a lot of pleasure from traveling in this country, just remember to follow the traffic rules and be careful. In our next material, we will tell you, which you can watch online, to clarify your route, as well as the traffic situation.

When going to Finland by car, it is worth refreshing knowledge about the requirements for a car, gasoline, the peculiarities of Finnish traffic rules, speed limits, traffic features, toning and winter tires and what to do in case of an accident.

Today, car tours abroad are mainly sent by families with children or small companies - in contrast to Soviet times, when after exhausting checks for lice - both vehicles and the travelers themselves - only an organized convoy of at least 5 people could cross the border. 7 cars.

There are no special requirements for the car: it is desirable, at least, that there are no dents and smoke from the chimney does not fall, the windows should not be completely dark, but with factory shading, some countries do not tolerate anti-radar systems, winter tires must be installed on the car in winter. Tour operators issue a car green card (necessary insurance for a car, without which it is impossible to cross the border).

But let's talk about everything in order.

Vehicle requirements

When crossing the border, the Finnish border guards have the following requirements for the car:

  • Driver's license. Russian license is valid on the territory of Finland, nothing additional is required. A driver's license issued in Russia is also valid in Finland.
  • Serviceability of headlights, turn signals, brakes, wheels and steering. When driving on roads around the clock and all year round, the headlights (low beam) must be turned on. It is recommended to keep the dipped beam on also in settlements.
  • The minimum permissible tread depth for a summer wheel in Finland is 1.6mm. The use of winter and summer tires simultaneously.
  • The use of radar detectors is strictly prohibited in Finland. Even an unlit radar in the glove compartment of your car is a violation of the law.
  • A temporary driver's license is not valid in Finland.
  • Green card ("green card") - a policy of insurance of civil liability of car owners in Europe. Cost - 2450 rubles for the minimum option (2 weeks). The easiest way to buy in St. Petersburg (in an insurance company or in any travel agency offering cottage holidays in Finland), but you can also in Vyborg or at the Green card sales point near the customs.
  • Lack of tinting of the front windows of the car. Dimming for windscreen and front windows is only permitted within the manufacturer's specifications. The light transmittance of the windscreen must be at least 75% and the front side windows 70%. Many car manufacturers darken the glass to the maximum, but the glass appears transparent. Additional darkening, for example with a light-protective film, is prohibited in Finland. And this requirement of the Finnish side is so serious that in a situation you have to either turn home to your homeland, or rip off the tape right at the border.
  • Winter tires and studs - Winter tires (without studs) can be used all year round, however, from December 1 to the last day of February, there is a mandatory period for their use, and the tread depth of this type of tire must be at least 3 mm. The rubber must be stamped (M + S). The use of winter tires with studs is allowed only in the period from 01.11 to 31.03, but it is allowed to exceed the indicated periods if the use of these tires is necessary due to weather conditions. The use of summer tires with a tread depth of at least 1.6 mm is allowed from 01.03 to 30.11 (i.e. in summer you will not be allowed on bald tires either).
  • The Finns do not ask for the vehicle inspection certificate.

General rules for winter tires

  • In winter - winter (M + S) tires are needed, tread depth is at least 3 mm, studs are not required.
  • In summer - summer or winter studless, depth not less than 1.6 mm.
  • Simultaneous use of studded and non-studded rubber on a car is unacceptable.
  • It is forbidden to use tires of different types on the same axle. Different type on different axes - not prohibited.
  • Tires on wheels are checked at customs quite often.


Allowed duty-free import into the country of 10 liters. fuel in cans. However, the carriage of a spare canister on the ferry may be prohibited due to safety requirements.
The network of gas stations is quite dense, but in the northern, less populated areas, the distances between individual stations are quite large and therefore every opportunity to refuel should be used.

Features of traffic rules

  • When driving on roads around the clock and all year round, the headlights (low beam) must be turned on. It is recommended to keep the dipped beam on also in settlements.
  • If there are no special road signs, the “right hand rule” always applies, i.e. you need to give way to vehicles on the right.
  • You cannot overtake a car that has stopped at a crossing in order to let a pedestrian pass.
  • On sections with a speed limit of 60 km / h, you should let the bus departing from the stop.
  • In cities, entry into the lane reserved for buses is allowed only immediately before the bend.
  • At intersections without traffic lights or road signs, you should always let the tram pass.

Speed ​​limits in Finland

If road signs do not indicate otherwise, then in settlements (the territory bounded by the signs of a settlement), vehicles are allowed to move at a speed of not more than 50 km / h, and outside them - 80 km / h. In many settlements, a speed limit of 30 or 40 km / h is set, indicated by road signs.
In winter, a lower speed limit is set: on most roads, the maximum speed is reduced from 100 km / h to 80 km / h. On motorways, where a speed of 120 km / h is allowed in summer, a limit of 100 km / h is introduced in winter. On some sections of the road, there are electronic light boards indicating changes in the speed limit, depending on weather and climatic conditions.
The cruiser car (car-home) has a maximum speed of 80 km / h.
The sign "Beginning of a settlement" also means a speed limit of 50 km / h.


Overtaking is prohibited when approaching oncoming traffic. Finnish driving culture does not allow overtaking with the displacement of an overtaken or oncoming vehicle to the side of the road. For such overtaking, the police punish with a fine up to and including deprivation of a driver's license.
Overtaking is also prohibited on inclines, bends or in the immediate vicinity of an intersection. You should not start overtaking if it is impossible to return to the stream without causing interference to other road users, or if the car following you has already started overtaking.

Turn on your headlights during daylight hours

The headlights should be switched on when driving not only in the dark, but also during the daytime, regardless of weather or visibility conditions. This applies to both city and suburban driving. The included headlights significantly improve the vehicle's emission, especially in sunny weather.

Safety belt

In passenger cars and pickup vehicles, the driver and all passengers must be wearing seat belts in both the front and rear seats... Children must either have a suitable seat belt or sit in a special child seat... According to research, wearing a seat belt could prevent the death of more than half of the drivers and passengers of cars and pickup trucks killed in road accidents.

Behind the wheel only when sober

The driver of a power-driven vehicle is considered guilty of driving while intoxicated if the alcohol content in his blood is not less than 0.5 ppm. The boundary of strong alcoholic intoxication is 1.2 ppm. The police identify drunk drivers, forcing drivers passing by the control post to blow into the phone. A driver suspected of driving under the influence is taken to a medical examination or to a police station to recheck his blood alcohol with a high-resolution alcohol meter. Potential drug intoxication is controlled by a medical examination.
The offender's driver's license is subject to seizure and the offender is punished with imprisonment or a fine. Potential drunk-driving damage to your vehicle is not reimbursed from transport insurance.

Use mobile phone in Finland

There is a fine for using a mobile phone while driving without Hands Free equipment in Finland.

Stopping and parking features

Stopping and parking the car is allowed only on the right side of the road or street. On a one-way street, stopping and parking a car is also permitted on the left side of the street. The vehicle should be stopped or parked parallel to the road or street and as far from its central axis as possible. In this case, the vehicle must not create a danger or hindrance to road traffic.

Stopping and parking are prohibited:

  • in places where the profile of the road is broken and near bends
  • at an intersection and closer than 5 meters from the edge of the intersected carriageway
  • on the carriageway in two rows (next to another car)
  • in places where a standing vehicle makes it impossible to move or evacuate another vehicle
  • in a paid parking lot without payment
  • on the sidewalk, pedestrian crossing and at the intersection with a cycle path, as well as closer than 5 meters from the edge of a pedestrian crossing or cycle path
  • at the entrance to the building or at the gate, if the vehicle impedes the movement (entry or exit) of other vehicles or interferes with the movement of pedestrians
  • in the passage under the roadbed (overpasses) or tunnels
  • by tram or railway tracks and less than 30 meters from the railway crossing
  • in the presence of a yellow prohibition line, if the distance between the vehicle and the line is less than three meters
  • in a parking lot outside the place marked for an individual car
  • outside settlements on the carriageway, if the road is marked with a road sign "Main road"

Mandatory use of an individual parking clock

In some localities, the mandatory use of individual parking clocks of an approved form has been introduced. This obligation and the maximum parking time must be indicated by a road sign. Parking clocks can be purchased at petrol stations and car stores.

Skip public transport

Within the territory where the speed limit is not more than 60 km / h, the motorist is obliged to give way to the bus leaving the designated stop. Traffic rules oblige a bus leaving a bus stop to turn on a turn signal, but city buses do not always do this.

Do not use the public transport lane

Within the city limits, driving on the lane of public transport (buses and trams) marked with road signs is allowed only when the driver is changing lanes to turn.
Tramways should be allowed at intersections.


The motorist is obliged to let pedestrians or cyclists enter the pedestrian crossing, as well as to let pedestrians and cyclists pass by turning right or left. In Finland, pedestrians cross the street at a pedestrian crossing, believing that any motorist slows down and lets them pass.

Tires and brakes

The height of the tread pattern in summer tires passenger car should be at least 1.6 mm, and in winter tires- not less than 3 mm. Riding on bare tires is not allowed. The simultaneous use of studded and non-studded tires in a vehicle is prohibited.

The police monitor the condition of the brakes of vehicles with a mobile dynamometer, which allows them to identify brake malfunctions. The vehicle can be sent directly to the inspection station to check and determine the technical condition.

Dimming the windshield over the limits

Dimming of the windscreen and front windows is only permitted within the permissible limits: the light transmission of the windscreen must be at least 75% and the front side windows 70%. Many car manufacturers darken the glass to the maximum, but the glass appears transparent. Additional darkening, for example, with a light protection film is prohibited in Finland.

Accounting for violations of traffic rules

All traffic violations in Finland are recorded in a register. A driver fined three times within one year for traffic violations is banned from driving in Finland.

Gross or systematic violation of traffic rules and unpaid fines, along with a ban on driving, can serve as a reason for refusal to issue a visa to enter the country.

Speeding fine

There is currently a fine for speeding up to 20 km / h in Finland.
For serious violations, such as significant speeding and other violations, a fine is imposed, the amount of which depends on the driver's income. In addition, the driver loses his driver's license directly at the scene of the accident and cannot continue driving. The police deliver the car to the nearest parking lot.
The driver's license is returned to a foreign driver only when leaving the country.
The fines are paid at the bank.

Road traffic accidents

Emergency telephone number - 112
Police, ambulance, a doctor and a fire brigade can be called in the event of an accident by calling 112 (dial without a city code), which is the same throughout the country.

Dictionary for emergencies

  • Tarvitsen apua - I need help.
  • Missa on puhelin? - Where is the nearest telephone?
  • Soittakaa ambulanssi / poliisi / palokunta. - Call an ambulance / police / fire brigade.
  • Tarvitsen ambulanssin / poliisin / palokunnan. - I need an ambulance / police / fire brigade
  • On sattunut onnettomuus - An alarm has occurred.
  • Ihmisiä on loukkaantunut. - There are victims.
  • Ihmisiä ei ole loukkaantunut. - There are no casualties.
  • Tarvitsen hinausauton. - I need towing.
  • Kartan mukaan olen lähellä paikkaa, jonka nimi on ____. - According to the map, I am near a settlement called ____.
  • Kartan mukaan olen maantiella kahden paikan välissä. Toinen paikka on ____ ja toinen paikka on ____. - According to the map, I am located between two settlements. One is called ____ and the other ____.

Record the following information at the scene of the accident:

  • Registration numbers of the vehicles involved - Osallisten ajoneuvojen rekisterinumerot
  • Insurance companies where the vehicles involved are insured - Osallisten ajoneuvojen liikennevakuutusyhtiot
  • Names and surnames of the owners / owners of the vehicles involved - Osallisten ajoneuvojen omistajan / kuljettajan nimi
  • Address and phone number - Osoite. Puh.
  • Names, addresses and telephones of accident witnesses - Tapahtuman todistajien nimet, osoitteet ja puhelinnumerot

When contacting the Vehicle Insurance Center, please provide this information. If a Finnish vehicle is the culprit for the accident (damage to the vehicle), the application is submitted to the Finnish insurance company.

The damaged car must be removed from the road

If the vehicle is left on the side of the road due to engine damage or for any other reason, an emergency triangle must be installed on the road 150-250 meters behind the vehicle. V dark time days and at dusk should be left on parking lights(backlight).
When towing one vehicle with another, the distance between them should be from three to six meters. The cable or tow bar must have a clearly visible flag. Towing a vehicle with a cable on the motorway is prohibited. When towing a machine with a hard or soft coupling, it is allowed to move at a speed not exceeding 60 km / h.
Information about towing services can be obtained from car repair shops, gas stations and from the telephone subscriber book in the Latin letter "H" under the heading: "Hinausautoja". On the number 0800-13500 Rosqvist Oy provides services in Russian around the clock. You can call this number anywhere in Finland. The negotiations are directed to a person who speaks Russian.

See also related materials

List of border checkpoints; operating mode; telephones


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