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What does the road sign "Stopping prohibited" mean? What happens if you violate the prescription of this sign? What is the penalty provided by law for violation of the mark? Are there any exceptions on the road when the No Stopping Sign is inoperative? We have collected for you detailed information about this road sign, which many people confuse with another sign - "No parking".

The road sign "No Stopping" () is a red circle (round frame) with a red X-line drawn on a blue background. What does this sign mean? According to the rules road traffic not only parking is prohibited in the area of ​​the sign Vehicle but also a stop. That is, you have no right to stop in the zone of this sign, even for a short time.

To begin with, here is a list of fines with the most frequent violations of the rules for stopping and parking vehicles that operate outside Moscow and St. Petersburg (article 12.19 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation):

  • - Violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles (violation of the prescription of the signs "Stopping prohibited" and "Parking prohibited"), with the exception of violating the rules for stopping and parking at or near a railway crossing: 500 rubles
  • - Violation of the rules for stopping or parking cars in the area of ​​the sign and markings intended for parking cars for disabled people: 5000 rubles
  • - Stopping or parking a car at a pedestrian crossing or closer than 5 meters in front of it: 1000 rubles
  • - Stopping or parking a car at a bus stop or closer than 15 meters to it: 1000 rubles
  • - Stopping and parking the car in places designated for parking taxi cars: 1000 rubles
  • - Stopping or parking a car on tram tracks: 1500 rubles
  • - Stopping or parking in the tunnel: 2000 rubles
  • - Stopping or parking in places that impede traffic: 2000 rubles

List of fines for violation of the rules for stopping or parking cars (for Moscow and St. Petersburg)

As we have already said, according to Article 12.19 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation, there are other fines in Moscow and St. Petersburg for violating the rules for stopping and parking cars on the roadway. Unfortunately, fines in federal cities for violation of stopping and parking vehicles are significantly higher than in the whole country. Here is a list of the most common violations in this area:

Violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles (violation of the prescription of the signs "Stopping prohibited" and "Parking prohibited"), with the exception of violating the rules for stopping and parking at or near a railway crossing: 2500 rubles

- Stopping at or near a pedestrian crossing (closer than 5 meters in front of it): 3000 rubles

- Stopping or parking a car at a bus stop or closer than 15 meters to it: 3000 rubles

- Stopping and parking the car in places designated for parking taxi cars: 3000 rubles

- Stopping or parking a car on tram tracks: 3000 rubles

- Stop or parking in the tunnel: 3000 rubles

- Stopping or parking in places that impede traffic: 3000 rubles

Temporary ban on stopping and parking in certain places

Also, according to current legislation, local authorities have the right to temporarily restrict stopping and parking of vehicles on certain sections of the road (for example, during public events: festivities, rallies, etc.) or for road works. For this, the authorities are obliged to place temporary road signs in such places, strictly observing the current traffic rules. Recall that there are temporary road signs in traffic rules that look the same as the main ones, but have a yellow background.

Accordingly, if you violate the prescription (for example, "Stopping is prohibited" or "Parking is prohibited"), you can be held liable to the same extent of liability that is provided for violating the main road signs.

For which vehicles are the signs "No Stop" and "No Parking" valid?

In some cases, the road signs "Stopping prohibited" and "Parking prohibited" do not work for some vehicles. That is, the law makes an exception for a certain category of vehicles.

So, according to the Road Traffic Rules, the action of the sign "Stopping is prohibited" does not apply to the following categories of cars that stop in the zone of action of markings 1.17 and (or) road signs 5.16, 5.17, 5.18:

- Route vehicles

- Taxi cars

With regard to the road sign "No parking", then its effect does not apply to the following category of vehicles:

- Cars driven by disabled people of groups 1 and 2, as well as cars driven by ordinary drivers transporting disabled people of groups 1 and 2 and disabled children

- Taxi cars in which the taximeter (meter) is included

- Cars of the Russian Post, on the body of which a white diagonal stripe is applied on a blue background

The zone of action of the road signs "Stopping prohibited" and "Parking prohibited"

Most of all questions, of course, are caused by the area of ​​action of road signs. First of all, many drivers often confuse how the traffic signs "No stop" and "No parking" work. This is used by traffic police officers, who, where inattentive drivers often make mistakes in interpretation traffic situation... For example, due to the complexity of the interpretation of road signs and markings.

Naturally, like all road signs, the action of the signs "Stopping prohibited" and "Parking prohibited" has its own characteristics that every driver should know about so as not to fly into a fine somewhere on an unfamiliar road. So, here is an exhaustive list of the features of the traffic signs "Stopping prohibited" and "Parking prohibited".

Area of ​​action of the sign "Stop prohibited"

  • - The road sign "Stopping is prohibited" is valid from the place of stopping to the nearest intersection
  • - If a road sign is installed in a settlement and in the absence of intersections on the road, the road sign "Stopping is prohibited" is valid until the end of the settlement
  • - The road sign "No stop is prohibited" with an information plate 8.2.2 (indicating the zone of action of a prohibited stop) is valid until the next sign "No stop is prohibited" with an information plate 8.2.3

That is, after information plate 8.2.3, the vehicle is already allowed to stop.

  • - Also, according to the traffic rules, the stop prohibition zone, in addition to the "Stopping prohibited" road sign, can be marked with yellow markings 1.4 of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation.
  • - The sign "Stop is prohibited" ceases to be valid after the sign "End of all restrictions" (sign 3.31 of the RF SDA)

Area of ​​validity of the "No parking" sign

  • - The road sign "No parking" is valid from the place of stopping to the nearest intersection
  • - If a road sign is installed in a village and in the absence of intersections on the road, the road sign "No parking" is valid until the end of the village
  • - The ban on stopping vehicles is valid only on the side of the road from which the road sign is directly installed
  • - The road sign "No parking" with an information plate 8.2.2 (indicating the zone of the ban on stopping) is valid until the next sign "No parking" with an information plate 8.2.3

That is, after the information plate 8.2.3, the parking of the car is already permitted.

  • - Also, according to the traffic rules, the stop-stop zone, in addition to the "Parking is prohibited" road sign, can be marked with yellow markings 1.10 of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation.
  • - The sign "No parking" ceases to be valid after the sign "End of all restrictions" (sign 3.31 of the RF SDA)

Is it possible to stop under the No Stop Sign and park the car for more than 5 minutes under the No No Parking sign?

In exceptional cases, in accordance with the current legislation, drivers are allowed to deviate from the prescription of the road signs "Stopping prohibited" and "Parking prohibited". For example, if the driver feels unwell, which can pose a risk to both passengers and all road users. In particular, the Traffic Rules allow you to stop the car under prohibitory signs if the vehicle is out of order and poses a danger to road traffic.

In these cases, the driver must turn on the hazard warning lights before stopping. Also, at the stopping point where prohibitory signs are in effect, it is necessary to install in order to warn other drivers in advance about the obstacle on the road so that they have time to slow down and change lane to another traffic lane. Nevertheless, the driver of a car who has stopped in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe signs "Stopping prohibited" and "Parking prohibited", at the first opportunity, is obliged to move the car to that section of the road, which does not apply to prohibition signs.

By correctly parking your car, you will not only save yourself from the material costs associated with fines and evacuation to the parking lot, but also from mechanical damage caused by angry pedestrians and other vehicles that you have created an obstacle to traffic. Where are stopping, parking and parking prohibited, and what are the rules for parking on even and odd days? These questions will be answered by Oleg Shitikov, a lawyer of YustitzGarant LLC.

What is a stop and a parking lot?

Very often, drivers confuse the concepts of "stop" and "parking", but the difference between them is huge. In accordance with the legislation of our country, a stop is a pause in the movement of a vehicle that does not exceed five minutes. This time is usually enough to disembark or embark a passenger, load or unload cargo. Of course, no one will stand with a clock next to you, and the rules do not limit drivers to five minutes, but if the stop lasts more than 5 minutes, and it has nothing to do with passengers and cargo, then this is already a car parking.

Where is it prohibited to stop and park a car?

  • On tram lines, railway crossings and places adjacent to them.
  • On one and two-lane overpasses and bridges. However, if the bridge is wide and has more than two adjacent lanes, stopping is allowed, since you will not interfere with the movement of other vehicles.
  • In tunnels and places under overpasses and bridges. However, if there is an equipped area and a parking sign, then it is allowed to park there.
  • On narrow roads, where the distance between the solid marking line (except for the edge of the carriageway), the dividing strip or the opposite edge of the carriageway and the stopped vehicle is less than 3 m, since this makes it difficult to bypass the vehicles standing there and will require the driver to cross the dividing line, which rules prohibited.
  • At a distance of less than 5 m from the edge of pedestrian crossings and their marked area, indicated by wide longitudinal stripes or intermittent narrow transverse stripes that can cross the road either perpendicularly or at a slight angle. Before pedestrian crossings, after them, at least you can put them right away, if there are no other prohibitions. The logic of this rule is that a standing vehicle in front of the crossing obstructs the view of other drivers and they may not notice the pedestrian, and the pedestrian, which increases the chance of an accident.
  • At crossroads, at a distance of up to 5m. in all directions from the border crossing.
  • At public transport stops, 15m from the end and the beginning of the stop. As a rule, stops are marked with special signs and yellow markings. The taxi stand is also marked with a 5.18 sign, and other vehicles are also prohibited from parking there.
  • On the lanes that serve the public route transport and bike lanes. These stripes are designated with special signs or markings in the form of the letter A.
  • On any sections of the carriageway with road visibility in any direction less than 100m. This limited visibility can be due to curves and gradients in the road.
  • On sections of the carriageway where a parked car obstructs the visibility of signs or traffic lights to other road users.
  • On sections of the roadway where a parked car will create an obstacle to the movement of pedestrians and other vehicles, as well as the exit and entry of other vehicles.
  • On expressways, with the exception of special areas outside the carriageway, where there is a parking sign. If the stop is forced, then you need to put the car on the side of the road and install an emergency sign (turn on the alarm)
  • At a distance of less than 50m. parking is prohibited from railway crossings, but stopping is allowed.
  • On intercity highways with heavy traffic, where there are no shoulders and the main road is marked.

Parking rules

Parking is a sore point, especially in Moscow, where you can get not only a fine for incorrect parking, but also not find your car on the spot, as it will be taken by a tow truck to the parking lot.

The vehicle must be parked at an angle to the edge of the carriageway. Two-wheeled vehicles without a side trailer can be parked in two rows.

So, where is parking strictly prohibited?

  • It is prohibited to park on tram tracks.
  • It is forbidden to park at stops closer than 15m.
  • It is forbidden to park on the carriageway, thereby interfering with or blocking the movement of other vehicles.
  • It is forbidden to park where parking and parking is prohibited.
  • Parking on lawns is prohibited.
  • Parking is prohibited in places designed for disabled people.
  • It is forbidden to park on the sidewalk.

Parking on even and odd days

To regulate parking on certain days, special signs are used that allow parking cars on even and odd days of the month. The validity of each sign starts from 0 to 24 hours, however, with the simultaneous use of signs 3.29 " Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month " and 3.30 " Parking is prohibited on even days of the month " on opposite sides of the carriageway, parking is allowed on both sides of the carriageway from 19:00 to 21:00 - changeover time, and after 21:00 the sign is valid according to the rules of the next day.

The article will talk about the rules of the road - where it is unacceptable for vehicles to park, and what is the responsibility in case of violation.

Dear Readers! The article talks about typical ways of solving legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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Vehicles often make a stop - forcedly or in the event of a breakdown. There are areas where parking or stopping is unacceptable.

Failure to comply with these rules provides for liability in the form of a penalty. What are these places, and what is the amount of the penalty?

Important points

Stopping cars in the wrong areas is a frequent violation of drivers. For this they face punishment in the form of a fine.

In order not to get into an unpleasant situation and not receive a fine, you must carefully read the requirements for stopping and parking vehicles.

The vehicle owner is obliged to remember the main principle - parking and stopping are permissible on the right side of the track - on the edge.

Due to various circumstances, the driver has the right to stop and stand only on such a site (if there is no prohibition and other requirements of the traffic police).

If the settlement does not have a roadside, then it is permissible to stop or park at the edge of the roadway.

There are times when it is permissible to brake and stand on the left side of the track. It:

If it is a truck, then it is allowed to stop under such conditions only for loading or unloading cargo.

The purpose of such requirements is to ensure maximum safety of both standing vehicles and those moving around.

It is better not to occupy the side of the road outside the boundaries of the settlement - it can become a section that will make it possible to dodge an accident involving several vehicles.

It is permissible to park vehicles only in a single lane and only parallel to the roadway. Privileges - for vehicles with two wheels.

Parking at the angle of the carriageway or on the sidewalk is only permitted passenger cars or mopeds, bicycles. This is unacceptable for other vehicles.

There are situations in which the vehicle is stationary, but this is not considered a stop or a parking. These are the cases:

  • turning on the prohibiting signal of a traffic light or traffic controller;
  • in front of a pedestrian path, an intersection, a stop, if it means the passage of people or vehicles;
  • traffic jams.

There is no penalty in such cases.

Basic concepts

Stop Planned interruption of the movement of vehicles for a period of up to 5 minutes or more - for disembarking or boarding people, loading cargo
Parking Suspension of driving, not related to disembarkation of people or loading of cargo
Parking A specially designated and equipped section, which is considered part of the track, and adjacent to the sidewalk, shoulder
Traffic Laws A set of rules that regulate the obligations of private road users (drivers, pedestrians) and contain requirements for safe movement on the highway

Validity of the Road Traffic Regulations

To mark the places where it is impossible and where you can park, the Rules provide for special signs.

They are installed separately or together with explanatory signs and inscriptions that indicate the zone and duration of these signs.

For similar purposes, yellow road markings are provided in the form of solid and discontinuous lines. They are applied from the right edge of the road.

Also, the Rules establish a certain list of zones in which stopping and parking is prohibited.

Consider where you can and cannot park, denote the permissible distances.

Parking - a specially marked or equipped place that is part of road, or adjacent to a carriageway, sidewalk, shoulder, or bridge. It is intended for the organized parking of the vehicle.

Parking - stopping the movement of the car for more than 5 minutes, which is not associated with boarding passengers or unloading cargo. Parking - the car was left, for example, in the yard near the house, and the driver is not going to go anywhere on it today.

The main differences between parking, stopping and parking:

  1. Parking: a place where a car is rendered inoperative and left for a short time. In a long-term parking lot, the car is not guarded. The car can be left free of charge for a short time.
  2. Stopping: intentionally stopping movement for up to five minutes. In this case, the disembarkation or landing of people, unloading or loading of goods is carried out.
  3. Parking: stopping traffic for more than five minutes, which is not associated with the boarding of passengers. The driver is not required to report the reasons.

Stopping and parking (Chapter 12 of the SDA) are permissible:

The way of stopping the car or parking is determined by sign 6.4... When the sign is combined with plates 8.6.4-8.6.9 and lines road markings staging vehicle allowed at an angle to the edge of the carriageway if the space allows such an arrangement.

Parking on the edge of the sidewalk bordering the carriageway is allowed only for cars, motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles in the places marked with sign 6.4 with one of the plates 8.4.7, 8.6.2, 8.6.3, 8.6.6-8.6.9.

Is sidewalk parking allowed? It is necessary to separate the concepts of "sidewalk", "roadside". The sidewalk is a space for pedestrian movement, separated from the road by a curb, lawn or green plantings.

You cannot park on the sidewalk, otherwise you may get a fine... The car can also be evacuated. Shoulder - The part of the road that is at the same level and is not separated by curbs or lawn. It stands out for its special markup. Parking is allowed on it.

Parking on the sidewalk can be justified if there is a technical malfunction of the vehicle or force majeure. They must be documented.

Violation of this rule is regulated by article 12.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, paragraph 3. The amount of the fine is 1000 rubles.

Video: Stopping and parking

Regarding the permissible distances

Let's briefly answer the most common questions:

How far from the bend can the vehicle be stopped? If the visibility on the road sections is less than 100 m, you must not stop the car in front of dangerous turns.

If the road is divided by continuous markings, the width of the lane next to the pedestrian crossing for one direction should not be less than 3 meters. Exception - the car is faulty, an accident has occurred.

5 meters are counted from the installed sign to the car... If there is no sign, then the distance is measured from the applied zebra.

Can I park behind a pedestrian crossing? You can, if there are no signs that parking is prohibited. If crosswalk is located immediately after the intersection, you need to drive 5 meters after the intersection. Otherwise, the driver will create an emergency.

Can I park at a T-junction? Stopping is not allowed at the intersection of carriageways, closer than five meters from the edge of the crossed carriageway.

Exception: Stopping in front of a side driveway at such intersections with a solid marking line or dividing strip.

Stop Line Questions

Find out how many meters before the stop line you need to stop? If the "Stop Line" marking and the corresponding sign were installed in accordance with GOST, on the same line, then usually motorists do not have any problems.

You need to stop just before the stop line. If there is only a marking, and there is no sign, the motorist stops in front of the marking. If the markings have worn off, or are covered with snow, you need to stop in front of the sign.

If the sign and markings are not on the same line, the driver must follow the road sign. The stop line sign has priority over the lane markings; drivers should stop in front of it.

Consider where you can't stop the car:

Parking is punishable by a fine, i.e. not allowed:

  • on main roads outside populated areas;
  • the distance from railway crossings should be more than 50 meters;
  • in all places where stopping is prohibited, as well as in places that are marked with prohibition signs.


Can I park on the lawn? For this you can get a fine of 1000-5000 rubles. The amount of the fine is different in different cities.

The car can be evacuated to the parking lot. Officials can pay 30,000 rubles, and organizations - 300,000 rubles.

In 2019, violation of parking rules is punishable by fines, in some cases evacuation. The average amount of fines for incorrect parking is 3000 rubles.

For each violation, different size punishments:

Parking in an area where prohibition signs or markings are in effect in Moscow and St. Petersburg is punishable by three thousand rubles, in other cities - 1500 rubles. Forced evacuation is possible if there is a sign "Tow truck in operation".

A full list of penalties for incorrect parking can be found on the traffic police website:

In some cases, for violation of the threat of evacuation of the car to the penalty parking. But evacuation does not exempt from payment of penalties.

An unscrupulous motorist, in addition to a fine, will pay for the evacuation and storage of his vehicle in a special parking lot.

Also, after evacuation and storage of the car in the parking lot, scratches, dents and other damage often appear on the vehicle.

Some penalties are eligible for a 50% discount. The benefit does not apply if the driver was fined for:

  • unpaid parking;
  • parking on the lawn.

You can pay a fine with a discount within 20 days after receiving the claim... But if you received a parking ticket based on a photo, then you need to remember that violations that are recorded by cameras usually come to the offender later, and you can lose the discount.

You should regularly check online for penalties. For example, on the same website of the traffic police.

In the courtyard of a residential building

In the courtyard of a residential building, it is prohibited to park outside the designated areas for cargo vehicles and all vehicles with the engine running for more than five minutes.

Through traffic, training driving is prohibited. You can park or warm up the car for more than five minutes only in specially designated areas. The fine is 1,500-3,000 rubles.

Courtyards must also be respected general rules parking. The vehicle must not obstruct the movement of other vehicles.

Find out if it is possible to park on the semicircular markings of the paid parking lot?

In paid parking lots, semicircular markings are used to mark the turning points of a vehicle, and in residential areas, a semicircle is necessary to mark a turn on the roadway and the adjacent territory.

Adjacent territory - an area close to roads, but not a carriageway.

Such markings prohibit parking within it.... The ban is justified by the fact that the car can impede the movement of other participants (paragraph 12.4 of the Rules).

But clause 1.2 of the SDA regulates: if there is a carriageway on the adjacent territory, then the motorist cannot stop the car closer than five meters from the edge of the carriageway.

In the absence of a carriageway, parking on a semicircular marking will not be a violation (at the edge of the adjacent zone).

Despite some contradictions in the legislation, you need to know the parking rules.

Safety island

Can I park on the safety island? There are no clear clauses in the Rules that describe penalties for entering or stopping at a safety island. Fines are issued depending on the specific location.

Islets are indicated by a solid line. Violation of the line, its crossing falls under 12.16 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. If the driver stops in the pedestrian zone, he faces a fine of 2,000 rubles.

When can I park for free in the paid parking lot? Sundays and holidays. If Friday is a day off, then on Saturday you can also park your car for free.

Emergency vehicles are parked free of charge with identification marks on them.

Free parking is allowed everywhere except for disabled, truck and bus spaces.

You can also park for free with a special preferential permit, which is available to people with disabilities, members of large families, heroes of the Russian Federation, and so on.

If there is a car without a license plate in the parking lot, and it is 400 meters from the crowd of people or closer, it will be evacuated. Such a vehicle can pose a threat.

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    From site to site tales about parking on a semicircle (or triangle) wander. Your site is no exception.

    The semicircular marking 1.1 is not a parking space and is not included in the parking lot. If parking is paid, you do not have to pay anything. And the car placed inside the semicircle / triangle does not violate anything at all. This is pure "samopal" Mr. Liksutov, which can not be found either in traffic rules or in GOSTs. Specially appealed to the traffic organization department of the DPS Regiment in the Central Administrative District of Moscow and to the judge of the Moscow City Court A. Seliverstova, who deals with the APN cases on the roads. Both in the DPS regiment and in the Moscow City Court, the answer is the same: it is not included in the parking lot, you can put it, if it is not prohibited by other signs.

    Doubt? Then put your car in a semicircle after sign 3.27. Get, even with or without payment, a "letter of happiness" for 3,000 rubles. Or even find your horse in the parking lot, if the sign was with the sign 8.24. It will be popularly explained to you that the semicircle is not the boundary of the parking lot, and therefore does not interrupt the coverage area of ​​the 3.27 sign. And they will be right. With regards to paragraph 12.4 of the SDA, then it must be observed in any case - whether there is a semicircle or not. Most often, a semicircle is drawn exactly where your parking lot obviously does not bother anyone.

    A the border of the parking lot is L-shaped markings 1.1. Behind it is just a carriageway.

    It's just rubbish, which is not in the traffic rules:

    "But clause 1.2 of the SDA regulates: if there is a carriageway on the adjacent territory" ...

    Only roads have a carriageway.

    Vladimir, 44 years of driving experience


He was parked at the side of the road in the oncoming lane facing the oncoming traffic, where he turned from his lane, without crossing the solid line along the dotted line, and immediately stood at the side of the road. There were no signs prohibiting stopping or parking.

The traffic police drove up to me head-on and asked for my documents. I said that my vehicle is not moving and that means I am not a road user, and I will not show my documents. The employee explained that I had violated the rules for placing the vehicle on the road and drove into the oncoming lane. Then he got into a patrol car and started filming me with a video camera. I turned on the direction indicator and drove away, but the employee did not have time to stop me.

I am not the owner of the vehicle, a power of attorney in a simple written form. Tell me, please, what the traffic police can do, should I explain anything on this fact upon further stop by the employees?


According to clause 12.1. Traffic rules of the Russian Federation, stopping and parking vehicles are allowed on the right side of the road on the side of the road, and in its absence - on the carriageway at its edge and in the cases established by paragraph 12.2 of the Rules - on the sidewalk.

On the left side of the road, stopping and parking is allowed in settlements on roads with one lane for each direction without tram tracks in the middle and on one-way roads ( trucks with permitted maximum weight more than 3.5 t on the left side of one-way roads, only stopping for loading or unloading is allowed).

Outside the settlement, stopping and parking the vehicle on the left side of the road is prohibited. From which it follows that by parking the vehicle "at the side of the road in the oncoming lane facing the oncoming traffic" you violated clause 12.1 of the RF SDA, liability is provided for in Part 1 of Art. 12.9 KRFoAP: "Violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles, with the exception of cases provided for by part 1 of Article 12.10 of this Code and parts 2-4 of this article, shall entail a warning or imposition administrative fine in the amount of one hundred rubles ".

However, if in the future you continued driving in the oncoming lane, then what actions are qualified under Part 4 of Art. 12.15 KRFoAP, exit in violation of the Traffic Rules on the side of the road intended for oncoming traffic, except for cases when the exit is connected to a U-turn, a left turn or bypassing an obstacle, as well as an exit to tram rails the opposite direction, and entail the deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four to six months.

To bring you to justice, the inspector had to draw up a protocol on an administrative offense, where, in accordance with Art. 28.2 KRFoAP, to record the full name of the person brought to administrative responsibility, his place of residence, data of the owner of the vehicle, etc.

However, the inspector did not check your documents, which means that he does not know the full name of him, and he does not know whether you are the owner or drive the vehicle by power of attorney. I believe that the inspector does not dare to go to the bank, "punch" the vehicle owner's numbers and draw up a protocol for him, as this is a risk, because the latter can provide irrefutable evidence that he did not drive a car.

The fact that there is no signature in the protocol, driver's license not withdrawn, will also confirm the version of the owner.

And you simply will not be able to be brought to administrative responsibility, since your full name is not known, the presence of a power of attorney made in a simple written form (if you did not present it to the inspector) cannot be confirmed, since, unlike a notarized power of attorney, it is not fixed anywhere.

On this fact, you do not have to explain anything to the traffic police, but if you are summoned to court, you should not ignore it. It is necessary to develop a legal position on the case and be sure to appear to protect their rights.


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