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Inline motors Mitsubishi lancer 9 with 4 cylinders of 1.3 and 1.6 liters with one camshaft have power 82 and 92 Horse power accordingly, and the two-liter internal combustion engine, which is equipped with two camshafts, has a power of 135 horsepower. Difficult operating conditions for vehicles in our country significantly reduce the resource of these rather powerful units and, over time, lead to difficulties with increased oil consumption. More on this later in the article.

The increased consumption of lubricant on the Mitsubishi Lancer 9 can be very serious. If the engine consumes 1-3 liters of oil per 1000 km, you will have to renew the fluid all the time. Thus, over 10-15 thousand km, more than 15 liters of lubricant will pass through the system.

In the absence of leaking oil seals, seals and gaskets, the reasons increased consumption engine oil there may be the following:

Increased oil consumption due to engine valve oil seals and wear of the guide bushings

Valve oil seals in motors lose elasticity over time and when high mileage harden. On one engine, they can serve only 50 thousand kilometers, while on the other they have to be changed after 150 thousand kilometers. It is worth noting that in conditions of a high mileage of a car, replacing oil seals may not solve the problem with a high consumption of lubricant.

The valve stem seals can wear out when overheated, both internal (invisible) and visible, which is fixed by a temperature sensor. In the latter case, the problem lies in the failure of the cooling system, and in the first it is very difficult to diagnose the malfunction, although it is usually associated with poor fuel quality. With incomplete combustion of fuel, processed products form deposits and carbon deposits inside the combustion chamber, as a result of which the walls of the engine lose thermal conductivity, and also provoke overheating, which is not detected by the temperature sensor.

Replacing the valve stem seals with your own hands without replacing the valve guides and troubleshooting may not give the necessary results and the Mitsubishi Lancer 9 engine will continue to consume oil. Considering the pumping effect that occurs when the oil seals are installed on worn guide bushings, the oil consumption may even increase.

Oil scraper rings, one of the reasons for an increase in oil consumption due to wear, ring sticking, coking, scuffing on the cylinder block

One of the main reasons for grease is the occurrence and loss of mobility of the oil scraper rings when the Mitsubishi Lancer 9 engine overheats. When using low-quality fuel, the rings coke and cease to function normally. In addition, when the coke clogs the grooves and the rings fall on it, friction will cause them to wear more actively against the cylinder walls.

Under conditions of mechanical wear, seizures appear on the liner, which also leads to increased oil consumption. Compression rings are also capable of creating a pumping effect in which oil scraper rings lie, and oil consumption increases. In this case, replacing the rings will not give a positive result if you do not squander the block under new size, and also do not micro-sand the surface. It should be said that wear in the block can change the geometry of the cylinder:

  1. Taper.
  2. Ellipticity.
  3. Ovality.

This causes a knocking sound when the motor is running. It happens to be connecting rod as a result of oil starvation.

Poor quality fuels and other reasons that increase oil consumption

What can the fight to reduce toxic emissions and environmental friendliness lead to? Clearances must be optimized in the engine and its components. The smaller these gaps are, the faster they are clogged with products of improper combustion of fuel. As a result of this begins high consumption oils, and manufacturers write about the need to use high-quality gasoline. The following reasons can aggravate the situation:

  1. Operating the machine at reduced speed.
  2. Use of unsuitable fuel.
  3. Long idle work.
  4. Driving with a cold engine.
  5. Systematic trips over short distances.

The factors listed above prevent the motor from reaching the operating temperature at which coke and carbon deposits are burned. The use of AI-98 fuel instead of the 92nd also contributes to the formation of carbon deposits, since high-octane fuel has a lower combustion rate. Anything that does not burn can form carbon deposits and clog the catalyst.

Engine ga4 oil consumption reduction additive

Increasing the viscosity of the lubricant or using other brands of oils usually does not give consistent results. Regular flushing of the system special fluids makes it possible to keep the engine clean before changing the oil. In the course of flushing the engine, the inner surfaces are cleaned of deposits and carbon deposits, and also make it possible to decoke the rings and give them the same mobility.

The use of a special cermet additive for the engine helps to restore the resource and protect against wear. For example, Engine GA4 fluid can be used, which is designed for four liters of oil and does not change the physical characteristics and chemical composition of the lubricant.

Pro tips on how to reduce oil consumption on the Lancer 9

To reduce oil consumption on the Mitsubishi Lancer 9, it is necessary to replace the valve seals, oil scraper rings and guide bushings, but it should be borne in mind that replacing these elements by yourself does not always give a positive result.

Lancer 9 inline engines with four cylinders of 1.3 and 1.6 liters with one camshaft have 82 and 92 hp. respectively, while two-liter motor equipped with two camshafts and has a power of 135 hp. The harsh operating conditions for cars in our country reduce the resource of these rather powerful units and lead to the problem of increased oil consumption.

About increased consumption

Increased oil consumption for Lancer 9 can be so serious that upon reaching the target date Maintenance you can get by by replacing the filter. The fact is that if the engine consumes from 1 to 3 liters per 1000 kilometers, then you will have to constantly renew the fluid, since over 10-15 thousand kilometers more than 15 liters of lubricant will be passed through the system.

We will talk in detail about the reasons for the oil consumption further, but in the absence of leaking gaskets, seals and oil seals, the reasons for the increased consumption may be:

  • wear of valve seals and guide bushings;
  • coking or wear of oil scraper rings;
  • the presence of a seizure on the cylinder block.

There was a separate detailed on the oil change on our website.

Oil consumption due to valve seals

Over time, valve seals in engines lose their elasticity and harden at high mileage. On one engine, they have to be changed after 50 thousand kilometers, while on the other they can last more than 150 thousand kilometers. Note that with high mileage, replacing oil seals may not solve the problem with lubricant consumption.

The valve stem seals wear out when overheated, both visible (it is fixed by the temperature sensor) and invisible (internal overheating). In the first case, it is a malfunctioning cooling system, and in the second case, it is very difficult to diagnose a malfunction, and it is usually associated with poor quality gasoline. With incomplete combustion of fuel, processed products form carbon deposits and deposits inside the combustion chamber, due to which the walls of the engine lose thermal conductivity and provoke overheating, which is not detected by the temperature sensor.

Self-replacement of the valve stem seals without troubleshooting and replacing the valve guides may not give the desired results and the Lancer 9 engine will continue to consume oil. If we take into account the pumping effect that occurs after installing new oil seals on worn bushings, the Lancer 9 oil consumption may even increase.

The occurrence of the rings

Oil scraper rings in case of engine overheating japanese car lie down and lose mobility - this is one of the main causes of oil consumption. When using low-quality fuel, the rings begin to coke and stop functioning normally. Also, if the coke clogs the grooves and the rings fall on it, they will wear out more actively when rubbing against the cylinder walls.

With mechanical wear, scuffs appear on the liner, which also leads to the fact that Lancer 9 eats oil. Compression rings also create a pumping effect when the oil scraper rings are buried and the flow rate increases. Replacing the rings will not give positive results if the block is not bored to the new size and the surface is not micro-sanded. Block wear changes the cylinder geometry:

  • ovality;
  • ellipticity;
  • taper.

This causes a knocking sound when the engine is running. It can be srodny due to oil starvation.

The root cause of oil consumption

What can the fight for environmental friendliness and reduction of toxic emissions lead to? In the motor and its elements, the clearances must be optimized. The smaller they are, the faster they become clogged with products of defective combustion of gasoline. In this regard, the zhor of Lancer 9 oil begins, and manufacturers write about the need to use high-quality fuel. The following reasons can aggravate the situation:

  • frequent short-distance trips;
  • driving with a cold engine;
  • long idling;
  • use of unsuitable fuel;
  • operation of a car at a reduced speed.

The above factors do not allow the motor to reach operating temperature, at which carbon and coke burns out. The use of AI-98 fuel instead of the 92nd also causes the formation of carbon deposits, since the combustion rate of high-octane fuel is lower. Anything not combustible forms carbon deposits and clogs the catalyst.

We extend the life of the motor

Increasing the viscosity of the oil or using other brands lubricants usually do not give permanent results. Constant flushing of the system before changing with special fluids helps to keep the motor clean. In the course of flushing the engine, the internal surfaces are thoroughly cleaned of carbon deposits and deposits, and also help to decarbonize the rings and return them to their former mobility.

The use of a special cermet additive for the motor contributes to the restoration of service life, compensation and protection against wear. For example, you can use Engine GA4 fluid, which is designed for four liters of oil and does not change the chemical composition and physical characteristics of the oil.

A metal-ceramic protective layer is formed on the coupled friction pairs, which restores the geometry of the cylinder, increases compression and reduces or even prevents oil consumption, depending on the level of wear and the causes of the problem. The composition does not affect the valve seals and rings.

To optimize combustion processes and get rid of the problem of incomplete combustion of fuel, it is necessary to use an additive in gasoline such as FueleX. It increases the combustion rate and temperature, resulting in complete combustion. Carbon deposits, coke and deposits do not appear and the engine remains clean.

How to eliminate oil zhor?

Now let's figure out if Lancer 9 eats butter what to do? Replacing valve stem seals is not a very difficult job, but without special tools and skills, you cannot do it. Also, when replacing with your own hands, you may install something incorrectly, which will cause high consumption oil Lancer 9. Replacement of these elements in some cases helps to solve the problem, but it is impossible to talk about one hundred percent effectiveness.

Often, after the car has covered 100 thousand km, the owners of Mitsubishi Lancer 9 begin to notice that the car has begun to consume a significant amount of oil. In some cases, even Lancer 9 oil “zhor” occurs, when several liters of oil are consumed during the short-term operation of the car.

Causes of increased oil consumption

According to practice, the first reason is the failure or damage to the valve stem seals installed in the cylinder head, due to which they do not perform their functions, and oil seeps through the valves into the cylinders, where it burns.

Another reason for the increased oil consumption of Lancer 9 is severe wear or stuck oil scraper rings installed on the pistons. Stuck or worn rings are not able to remove oil from the cylinder surface, and it enters the combustion chamber.

Determining the cause of increased oil consumption

Initially, the cause of the increased oil consumption should be determined. Indirect evidence of oil entering the cylinders is the appearance of significant plaque formed on the candle skirt.

We recommend checking the condition of the valve stem seals by visual inspection only. Some car owners advise paying attention to the smoke of the exhaust and the presence of oil particles in it. But this method is not effective, since it will not give an exact answer, which requires replacement - caps or rings.

The state piston rings determined by measuring the compression in the cylinders. In their normal state, the compression should correspond to that specified in those. documentation. Only a slight drop is allowed due to the general wear of the cylinder-piston group. Also, when measuring, the compression in different cylinders should be the same, although a slight difference is allowed.

Having extensive experience in determining the cause of increased oil consumption, our specialists will quickly diagnose the engine and offer solutions to the problem.

Elimination of increased oil consumption

The operation to replace the valve stem seals is not difficult, but without certain skills and a special tool, it cannot be done correctly. Also at self-replacement caps may be incorrectly installed, which will lead to further increased oil consumption by the engine.

Replacing the oil scraper rings with a Lancer 9 is a technologically complex operation, since the engine is extensively disassembled: the cylinder head, the pallet are removed, piston group... In some cases, a cylinder bore is needed to restore operability, which in garage conditions not to do.

If you notice that your car's oil consumption has increased, do not hesitate, contact us. Our specialists have sufficient knowledge and skills to solve the above problem. In addition, all necessary spare parts both original production and analogs are available. Entrust your car to professionals!

Engine oil consumption for Mitsubishi Lancer 9

To date, the most common type of engine repair work on a Mitsubishi Lancer IX is the operation of replacing the oil scraper rings with the Lancer 9 and replacing the oil scraper seals. This work is performed due to the oil consumption on the Lancer 9. And after this work, the oil consumption completely disappears and the engine comes to life like new. And when the owner asks us, the Engine on the Lancer "Eats oil, what to do?", We answer: Go through, change the piston rings and valve stem seals.

Elevated engine oil consumption for Mitsubishi Lancer 9 due to the fact that as the operation progresses, the oil scraper piston rings coke in the channels and stop completely or partially removing the crankcase oil from the cylinder walls. Thus, the engine oil enters the combustion chamber of the cylinder and begins to burn together with the working mixture. Due to the presence of combustion products in the chamber, spark plugs begin to fail quickly, floating engine speed on Lancer 9, if the rings do not fulfill their task at all, then the burnt oil begins to clog the honeycomb of the catalyst, and this is not at all cheap.

The main symptom Increased oil consumption on Mitsubishi Lancer IX, this is the ingress of engine oil into the combustion chamber, as evidenced by the presence of bluish smoke from the exhaust system when the engine is running at high speeds.

DEAR OWNERS OF LANCERS , there is no need to harbor illusions on a car mileage of 150 thousand kilometers, that when oil is consumed, you can do only by replacing the valve stem seals and nothing more,will not help!!!

If you change only the caps, the problem will not be solved, and with the subsequent work on engine repair on Mitsubishi Lancer 9 with the replacement of the piston rings, the work on replacing the caps will be repeated. And the costs incurred in the initial renovation will be in vain.

Mitsubishi Lancer IX engine repair our specialists perform within two days. And all the necessary details for the elimination work increased oil consumption on Mitsubishi Lancer 9 is available in our warehouse.

Engine bulkhead on Mitsubishi Lancer 9 with oil consumption:

After the diagnostic work on the engine and the verdict on the engine bulkhead on the Mitsubishi Lanser IX, the car gets on the lift. The first step is to prepare all the spare parts, because the engine bulkhead on the Lancer 9 is performed by our minders in two shifts.

1.Oil and antifreeze have been drained from the motor, the first thing to do is to disassemble the Drive attachments and the timing belt is removed.

In the process of disassembling the timing, the condition of the Pump, the timing belt itself and the timing roller are checked.

2. Disconnect exhaust system, remove the valve cover on the head of the block on Lancer 9. Unscrew the bolts of the block head. Important: The head bolts on the Mitsubishi Lancer IX must be replaced, no matter how good they seem. Since the tightening force of these bolts is very strong, and if at least one bolt is broken off during the re-tightening process, then you can pay with the cylinder block in which part of this bolt will remain.

3. After the head of the engine block on the Mitsubishi Lancer 9 is completely freed from the attachment and unscrewed. The head can be pulled off and set aside. All attention first to the block of cylinders and the piston group of Lancer.

As expected, the pistons are heavily soaked in engine oil.

4. After the piston group is disassembled. The motorist proceeds to wash and clean the engine parts. As mentioned above, the cylinder blocks on the Lancer 9 Engine are very, very reliable and makes it possible to replace the piston rings without cylinder bore.

This engine has traveled more than 180 thousand kilometers, and the cylinder walls look as if only from the conveyor.

5. Carrying out a thorough inspection of the engine parts on the Mitsubishi Lancer 9, and washing and cleaning all the components of the cylinder block. The pistons are being prepared for assembly with new rings.

6. Installing new rings on the pistons and replacing connecting rod bearings... The piston / connecting rod assembly is inserted into the cylinder of the engine block.

And after the oil pan is closed. The cylinder block 4G18 on the Mitsubishi Lancer 9 is completely ready for battle !!!

7 We turn to work on the cylinder head. On the head of the block, the gaskets of the intake and exhaust manifolds must be changed. To access the valve stem seals, the rocker shafts must be removed.

8. After removing the rocker arms, we begin to dry out the valves one at a time. It is very important to do this procedure with extreme caution in order not to lose the spring clips (crackers).

9. And here is the one valve stem seal, on which we sometimes pin so many hopes, but it was not so))).

10. And here is the actual difference between the old and the new valve stem seal on the Mitsubishi Lancer 9, as well as on any other engine with a range of more than 150 thousand kilometers. Over time, the upper rubber part of the cap becomes non-elostical and ceases to tightly squeeze the valve stem and, accordingly, begins to pass oil through the valve into the combustion chamber, and there are 16 such caps in the engine.

11. After the bulkhead of all 16 valves and the installation of new valve stem, the minder washes, cleans the seating plane of the block head, necessarily changes the block head gasket and, in reverse order, assembles the engine back.

12. After the engine is fully assembled, antifreeze is poured in, new spark plugs are screwed in and replaced air filter... The engine is started and on idle warmed up to operating temperature. After the fans operate, the mechanic inspects the engine from all sides for leaks, checks the oil level, and if everything is in order, then the car is ready for operation with an updated fiery heart... It is very important for the first time not to give the motor high revs, the further service life of the engine depends on how carefully the engine is run in on the Mitsubishi Lancer 9.

Yes, we wrote such a peculiar name in the title of the article. This topic is about troubleshooting one of several potential issues with Lancer "eats" butter... The elimination of this is the analysis of the Lancer 9 engine and the replacement of various parts. Well, let's start:

I'll tell you the background: the first urges came after that. when, when changing the oil, I was asked in the service "was there any oil there at all?" I change the oil every 10,000 runs and monitor its level. After changing the oil, I began to monitor the level more often and realized that, like Kamaz! After a short topping up of oil, I decided to change the rings with all that it implies. I called Sergey (Gear of War) for help for which a special THANKS to him!

So, for the overdue work, the following spare parts were purchased:
1.MD 348631 - Oil filter (Original 1pc.)
2.MD 342397 - Cylinder head gasket (original 1 pc.)
3.MD 342281 - Gasket, cylinder head cover (original 1 pc.)
4.MD 339118 - O-ring (original 4 pcs.)
5. LX 1076 - Air filter (Mahle 1 pc.)
6.MD 324702 - Thermostat housing gasket (original 1pc.)
7.MD 377999 - Front crankshaft oil seal (original 1pc.)
8.MD 372536 - Engine camshaft oil seal (original 1pc.)
9.12019900 - Oil scraper outlet cap (Ajusa 8pcs.)
10.12019800 - Inlet oil scraper cap (Ajusa 8pcs.)
11. MD 361982 - Set of piston rings (original)
12.MD 355550 - Cylinder head bolt (original 10pcs.)
13 Cabin filter Sakura 1 pc.
14. NGK candles BKR6E-11 4pcs.
15. Oil motul 8100 x-cess 5w40 5l.
16. Antifreeze of Green color Japanese TCL LLC 6 l.

In general, we drove the car into the garage and began to disassemble the Lancer 9 engine, first draining all the fluids, except for the brake and power steering (a). Next are the photos of the process:

Actually our patient is a pretty cute Lancer 9

We begin to disassemble the Lancer engine:

We remove all attachments and remove Lancer engine valve cover, we see this

Next, we unscrew the cylinder head bolts and remove the head, what we saw did not surprise us in principle, we saw in general what we expected, judge for yourself by the condition of the pistons and rings:

The valves were in quite normal condition:

Next, we take out one piston at a time, remove the old rings, and use them to clean off all carbon deposits from the pistons, while spraying Carb with it. Cleaner.
By the way, the earbuds were in excellent condition.
Here's what happened after replacing all the rings and installing all the pistons in place:

After replacing the rings, we begin to collect Lancer engine 9 back. Then I did not take a photo, tk. I fixed everything basic, and the assembly is already a matter of technology and those who work with them know how everything is assembled.

P.S. during these works, it is imperative to change the gaskets of the candle wells (when I took mine off, they were just oak and let oil through), the valve cover gasket must be replaced (the same story as with the candle wells), the candles were also not in the best condition.
Sea of ​​emotions Thank you Seryoga again!
And by the way, now mine Lancer does not eat oil.
I hope my report will help someone!

P.S. Note from the editors of the site: as we can see, the process is quite laborious, so it is advisable not to disassemble the engine without knowledgeable people.


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