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Lyuba Bazhkova
Introducing children to elementary norms and rules of relationships with adults and peers

Experience on the topic:

« Introducing children to elementary norms and rules of relationships with adults and peers» in the senior speech therapy group "Rainbow".

date: April 2014

educators: Bazhkova L. A.

Communication and self-knowledge are two big problems that have been worrying the minds of mankind for a long time. In recent decades, interest in them around the world has become even more aggravated. And there are many reasons for that. Nowadays, the development of means of communication and transportation has brought together different parts of the planet, made it "small", as Yuri Gagarin, who first looked at the Earth from space, said. But here paradox: the rapid and ever-accelerating pace of life simultaneously introduces alienation between people. Moving away from each other those who live completely near: in the same house, and often even in the same apartment. The destruction of the old, patriarchal way of life leads to the fact that we rarely see our neighbors, meet friends a little, and lose closeness with our relatives. People feel loneliness invade their lives and suffer painfully from it.

Communication opportunities for preschoolers adults expand with age, its content deepens, which is facilitated by the achieved level of speech development.

At the age of six or seven, there is a transition to a new form of communication, the highest for preschool childhood - extra-situational-personal. The personal motive of communication is manifested in the transformation of the content of questions, in new topics for discussion, in questioning adult about his work, family, children. Adult acts for the older preschooler as a source of social knowledge, as a standard of behavior in various situations and as the most competent judge. And at the same time, he is perceived as a special, holistic personality. Personal communication deepens the child's knowledge of the social world, joins him to moral and ethical social values, first of all, of course, to the values ​​of close people.

The child's need for communication adults deepened by the desire for empathy and mutual understanding striving for commonality of views. Behaviorally, this need reveals itself, in particular, in the phenomenon of a large number of complaints. children to each other. During this period complaints children each other perform a specific function. They are associated with an actively ongoing process of assimilation of everyday rules and regulations of relationships. Behavior peers stands out in the mind of the child earlier than his own behavior, and even more so rule. When Peter says teacher: “And Vitya draws on the table!”, this does not mean that he is eager to subject Vitya to condemnation or punishment. Rather, he wants to make sure that, indeed, it is impossible to draw on the table, and, moreover, to inform him that something, Petya, is the rule is known. A complaint is an indirect request to confirm or reject what he has identified for himself as rule, its obligation, it is a form of acquaintance with rules.

By 5-7 years peer acquires individuality in the eyes of a child of the same age, becomes a significant face of communication, overtaking adult most of the indicators of communication. The child begins to perceive both himself and the other, peer, as a holistic person, to show a personal attitude towards him.

With indirect guidance, reading fiction(example of positive characters and discussion of the behavior of negative characters, conversations, personal example ( family relationships, we try to form children child's communication style comrades: softness, attention, emotional responsiveness, balance.

To solve the problems of introducing children to the elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults, we use various forms work:

Reading fiction (fairy tales "Cat, Rooster and Fox", "Winged, furry and oily", "The Fox and the Crane"…., V. Oseeva "I punished myself", N. Grigorieva "Family tree", "TV", "Common Game", T. Shorygina "Sociable Tales");

Conversations on illustrations from manuals "Me and my behavior", "Lessons of kindness", "My family", "Me and Others";

Reading, analyzing and retelling moral stories ( "Zhenya, grandfather and bread", "Game in reverse", "The Bear and the Sun");

Debates on moral topics "Is it necessary to be polite?", "Good bad",

Exercises "Finish the sentence", "Who wants to help the boy?", When does friendship get in the way and when does it help?,

Minutes of creative activity (drawing based on works, on a specific topic,

- intimate conversations: "Can the boy (girl) call a friend?" "Learning to walk with sick children",

- games: "Neighbours", "Stubborn goats", "How Good to Play Together".

Project "Learning to be friends with a book"

Project .

All these forms of work help us: cultivate friendly relationships between children; the habit of playing together, working, studying; the desire to please the elders with good deeds; the ability to independently find common interesting activities. We also bring up a respectful attitude towards others, teach to take care of the younger ones, help them, protect those who are weaker. We form such qualities as sympathy, responsiveness.

We continue to enrich the vocabulary children"polite" words (hello, goodbye, please excuse me, thank you, etc.). We encourage you to use folklore in speech (proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, etc.).

After conversations, reading works of art, looking at illustrations, we form children the ability to evaluate one's actions and deeds peers, we develop the desire to express our attitude to the environment, independently find various speech means for this.

The modern, rapidly changing dynamic world dictates its own rules. The social changes taking place in modern society led to the destruction of traditional stereotypes of male and female behavior. The democratization of gender relations led to a mixture of gender roles, the feminization of men and the masculinization of women.

If, in preschool years, girls do not develop softness, tenderness, accuracy, a desire for beauty, and boys have courage, firmness, endurance, determination, a chivalrous attitude towards the opposite sex, that is, do not develop the prerequisites for femininity and masculinity, then this may lead to the fact that adults men and women, they will be bad deal with your family, public and social roles

To solve this problem, we organize s/r games "Family", "Beauty saloon", "Rescuers", "Ship", where we form y children certain qualities inherent in girls and boys. During labor activity, we teach boys to take care of girls, to do harder work.

We develop ideas about the change in the position of the child in connection with growing up(responsibility for the younger ones, respect and assistance to the elders, including the elderly, etc.). We have very good allowance "Me and Others", "Me and my behavior", "My family", on which we conduct conversations, game exercises, discussions, games on moral topics.

To develop a child's awareness of his place in society, to expand ideas about rules behavior in public places, deepening ideas children about their duties in the kindergarten group, at home, on the street, I developed a project "Boys and girls are two different worlds living together".It also helps us shape u children the need to behave in accordance with generally accepted norms.

With the help of the children's project are learning: - find differences between boys and girls (sculpting human figures, game "What a Little Lady, Little Geltman Needs", library for boys and girls, mini-projects "I'm a boy", "I am a girl" making baby books "I like it", production of mnemotables "Who needs what?")

Get acquainted with the role of employment of men and women in the family, their relationships(viewing illustrations in the manual "My family", conversations on them; exhibition of family photos, viewing albums "Our mothers (dads) at work”, drawing a family, reading works);

Develop the skills of a friendly attitude towards each other (conversation « Rules for communicating with peers and adults» , "What kind of son (daughter) am I?", "Is it necessary to be polite?", reading works);

The skills of helping each other in the game, joint activities are formed.

With the help of various forms of education, we strive to instill ethical standards that are formed as a result of the assimilation rules and regulations behavior and reflect the child's attitude to universal human values, and he applies them not only to his own personality.

As a result of our work, children are becoming more independent, independent of adults. Their social experience is enriched, their relationships with others and this allows them to more fully realize themselves, their strengths and weaknesses. Children are increasingly beginning to evaluate their personal moral qualities, to realize, to differentiate emotional states. The independence and criticality of their assessment and self-assessment is growing. Children, first of all, evaluate those qualities and characteristics of behavior peers and yourself, which are most often evaluated by others and on which their position in the group largely depends. Throughout preschool childhood, children evaluate others more objectively than themselves. At the same time, self-esteem of older preschoolers, like younger ones, is often overestimated.

By the end of preschool age, an important new formation arises - awareness of one's social "I" and the appearance on this basis of an internal position - understanding by the child different nature people's attitude towards him and the desire to occupy a certain position among adults and peers.

To do this, we create conditions so that the child can willingly enter into verbal communication with others, ask questions, answer them, and talk about events. Children learn to participate in a collective conversation, to maintain a general conversation, not to interrupt the interlocutor. In the process of communication, children learn to adequately respond to the emotional state of the interlocutor. (express sympathy, help, pity).


Moral education is a purposeful process of introducing children to the moral values ​​of humanity and a particular society. Over time, the child gradually masters the norms and rules of behavior and relationships accepted in people's society, appropriates, that is, makes his own, belonging to himself, ways, forms of interaction, expressions of attitude towards people, nature, towards himself. The result of moral education is the emergence and approval of a certain set of moral qualities in the individual.

Preschool childhood is the most important period in the moral development of a person. Moral education occurs due to purposeful pedagogical influences, familiarization of the child with the moral norms of behavior in the process of various activities (play, work, classes, etc.); having moral value. All this is a kind of school for the child, where he gains experience in moral relations, learns the rules of behavior, the elementary culture of activity, the culture of speech, and, most importantly, he will form an emotional and moral attitude towards the world around him.

Preschool child acquiring in preschool educational institution an important ability to create friendly relationships with people, relatives and friends, peers and older children, acquaintances and strangers - he must be able to do this beautifully and correctly so that he and his interlocutor enjoy communication.

The upbringing of a culture of behavior among children includes a moral and aesthetic attitude towards people around them, the beauty of behavioral manners and compliance with the rules of etiquette adopted in society.

A culture of behavior is a characteristic sign of a good upbringing. Forming ideas about the norms and rules of behavior, it is necessary to influence the relationship of children with peers, parents, and other people, helping to navigate in public life. Therefore, the education of a culture of behavior is as important a part of the educational process as teaching literacy, a foreign language, and music.

Project relevance

Preschool age is characterized by increased susceptibility to social influences, the whole mechanism of the moral formation of the personality and each of its components is formed: feelings and attitudes, motives, skills and habits, actions, knowledge and ideas that determine the formation of personality qualities, both positive and negative.

A feature of the mental development of children of middle preschool age is arbitrariness, which contributes to the formation of self-regulation, self-control to a greater extent ensuring the stability of moral behavior.

The habits of moral behavior of preschoolers are unstable, situational in nature, therefore, purposeful, systematic work is necessary, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

The formation of a culture of behavior and relationships is a complex active process, one cannot count on an instant and permanent result, therefore, educators must patiently repeat the methods used and select new ones, they are sympathetic to the fact that the result will be achieved immediately and may not be quite in the same form as we expect.

Participants: children middle group.

Problem: the need to master the generally accepted norms and rules of behavior with other people.

Implementation timeline: during a year.

Target: create the necessary conditions for raising the level of formation of a culture of behavior, positive moral qualities and ethical ideas in children of middle preschool age.


- Education of friendly relations, positive habits, responsiveness, truthfulness, formation of a culture of behavior;

To help children realize the beauty of moral behavior, to form initial ethical ideas;

- To build a system of work to educate the culture of behavior of children of middle preschool age;

- To carry out the planned work in a preschool educational institution;

- Develop a long-term work plan for the formation of a culture of children's behavior;

- Formation of moral personality traits, skills, habits that allow a person to adequately express themselves in public and private life;

- To educate children in optimal forms of behavior in society, to develop communication skills.

Methodical methods:

Direct teaching




Didactic games and exercises

Verbal errands

Reading fiction

Expected result:

The child knows the rules of behavior, calls them;

Correctly evaluates the actions of children;

Motivates your assessment;

Able to understand the feelings of other children;

Explains what he might do.

Project Implementation Plan.


Conversation: "How to greet each other correctly?"

Lesson "Let's talk about the mood"

Making a Horplosha doll (the character was invented by V.I. Kulkova)

Entertainment: "Khorplosha came to visit us and brought a bag of good"

Questioning of parents "On the ways of education"


Conversation: “How many beautiful words - magical kind words!”

Lesson "In order to give happiness and joy to people, you need to be kind and polite"

Corner of Khorplosha. Box of good deeds.

Entertainment: “Meet Horplosha! Or "Grains of goodness»

Memo for Parents: "The Art of Punishing and Forgiving"


Conversation: "How to behave at the table?"

Conversation: "We go to visit and receive guests"

Lesson-performance in verse: "How to receive guests. How to behave at the table"

Lesson "I don't want to be a slut"

Fun for Mother's Day.

Creation of the album "Mom, dad, I am a friendly family"


Conversation: "How to talk correctly?"

Conversation: "Telephone etiquette"

Lesson: "The Theater of Politeness"

Drawing competition "What is good - What is bad"


Conversation: "How to behave in public places?"

Conversation: "Do you know etiquette?"

Lesson: "Introducing Good Manners"

Lesson "Politeness Lesson"

Card index of proverbs and sayings "About human actions"


Conversation: "Good will not die, evil will perish"

Conversation: "Brave eyes - well done beauty"

Lesson: "Magic Journey"

Making together with parents a folding book "Polite words"


Conversation: “He who is generous is the first in friendship, and whoever is greedy is not good in friendship”

Conversation: "Patience and work will grind everything"

Album of drawings: "How I help at home"

Conversation: "A lie does not paint a person"

Activities with children. "Honesty and Truthfulness"


Lesson: "Let's Dream"

Conversation: "The envious of someone else's happiness dries up"

Drawing competition: "What not to do"


Conversation: “Whoever helped soon, he helped twice”

Lesson: "Fairytale day"

Conversation: "There is no friend - look for it, but if you find it - take care"

Activities with children. "What is friendship?"

Parent meeting "Education with kindness"

During a year.

Reading: Russians folk tales“Boasting Hare”, “Khavroshechka”, Chinese fairy tale “Everyone got his own”.

S. Marshak "Twelve Months", "The Story of an Unknown Hero", "Fire".

S. Mikhalkov "If you are polite", "Good advice", "One rhyme".

V. Oseeva "Magic word", "Just an old woman", "Sons", "Visited", "What is easier".

N. Kuznetsova "We quarreled with a girlfriend."

G. Tsiferov "When there are not enough toys."

A. Barto "Vovka - a kind soul."

V. Kataev "Flower-seven-flower".

A. Mitta "The ball in the window."

K. Chukovsky "Telephone".

V. Mayakovsky “What is “good” and what is “bad”.

L. Tolstoy "Bone", "Kitten".

R. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all."

N. Nosov "Lollipop".

A. Lindgren "Carlson, who lives on the roof."

M. Bartenev "The best gift".

V. Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich".

E. Permyak "How Masha became big."

E. Koshevaya "My son".

L. Vasilyeva-Gangus "ABC of politeness".

G.P. Shalaeva, O.M. Zhuravleva, O.G. Sazanova. “Rules of conduct for educated children. In kindergarten.

Playing out situations:

"You came in the morning kindergarten»,

"You were instructed to find out about a musical lesson,"

"Different forms of greeting and farewell",

"You came to kindergarten"

Who do you say goodbye to when you go home?

How can you express sympathy?

"How to console, pity the offended",

“We came to the store (pharmacy, clinic),

"You got on the bus"

How to call a friend

"Alarm calls-01,02,03",

"Who will give in"

“If it’s difficult for a girl, someone will help.”


"Our close circle"

"My friends"

"Guess the Mood"

"No one loves me"


"Let's be friends!"

"Favorite animal"

"We'll play together"

"Black stripe - white stripe"

"Flower of Happiness"

"My favorite person"

"I want to give you..."

"I am the best"

"Left bank, right bank"

"Life in the Forest"

"Good Elves"



"Revived Toys"

Album review:

"Be polite"

"Good Manners and Habits"

"Good manners".

Board games:

ABC of emotions "Guys from our yard",

Etiquette. School of graceful manners "Formulas of politeness",

Etiquette. School of graceful manners "Culture of behavior".

Working with parents:


Folder layout

Production of family albums, folding books

Drawing competitions

Card file of proverbs and sayings

Survey of parents on the topic.

Increasing the level of play and relationships of children in the middle group

The relationship of children to the beginning of the fifth year of life is still characterized by considerable instability. In this regard, the main task of work in the group of the fifth year of life will be the formation of the stability of positive relationships. The purpose of education is to expand the horizons of children, strengthening their moral positions. Based on the knowledge and skills of the children acquired in the previous group, the work is aimed at strengthening and deepening their cognitive interests, developing their activity and independence.

The thinking of a child in the middle preschool age, as well as in the early one, is characterized by concreteness, therefore, for its development, the predominance of impressions of reality over the word is necessary. In this regard, excursions and observations are of particular importance in educational work with children of this age. They allow children to directly observe the work of adults, create conditions for lively emotional communication with working people.

So, for children of the fifth year of life, you can organize walks to the airport, to the river station, to the zoo, etc. To develop various game topics, a different number of excursions are used. One excursion is enough to play in the zoo. To develop the game of “pilots”, several excursions are held, for example: to the monument to the pilots; to the airport, where children will get acquainted with the place of landing and departure of aircraft, learn that there are ticket offices at the airport, a newsstand, a hairdresser, a buffet, passengers buy tickets for a certain flight, they are escorted to the plane by a flight attendant, etc .; a second excursion to the airport in order to consolidate the children's ideas about the work of adults and to get acquainted with the device (in general terms) of the aircraft (passenger cabin, cockpit for pilots).

Children's knowledge about the work of adults at the airport, obtained on excursions, is supplemented by reading fiction; in the lessons of the native language, excerpts from the book I by B. Zhitkov “What I saw” (“Aircraft station” and “How we flew by plane from Kharkov”) are read to children, pictures depicting airplanes are considered ( These works can be replaced with excerpts from I. Vinokurov's book "The Plane Is Flying" and others.).

In the process of pedagogical guidance of the game, the main attention of children is focused on the relationships between adults in the labor process. This contributes to the development in children of the psychological foundations of relationships: social motives for behavior, moral feelings, collective interests, will, skills, habits of correct behavior. At the same time, the teacher provides the opportunity to widely use manual labor and construction in games. So, in the game of “pilots”, children build an airport, a runway, a large plane for traveling.

When working with children of the fifth year of life, the ratio of the use of various games in the pedagogical process changes: lesson games, conversation games, dramatization games and joint games with the teacher and older children. Experience shows that if the specified pedagogical means are actively used in the group of the fourth year of life, then the share of games-lessons in the next group decreases. However, at this age level, joint games with a teacher remain an important form of education and training, although they are organized mainly in the afternoon (outside of class).

Dramatization games are used much more widely (for example, based on the fairy tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox", based on the poem "Mustachioed - Striped" by S. Marshak). You can organize a dramatization game based on an excerpt from B. Zhitkov's book “What I saw” (“How we flew by plane from Kharkov”). The teacher reads the text from the author, and the children perform actions in accordance with the text and pronounce separate remarks.

Dramatizations help to better assimilate the content of the story, enrich the speech of children, contribute to the desire to imitate their favorite characters, to act in accordance with the content of the work. Under the influence of dramatization games, children acquire a positive experience of behavior, begin to feel freer in communicating with adults and peers.

The example below shows the role of communication between children of the middle and senior groups and the transfer of the nature of behavior in joint games to independent activities.

In the process of developing the game of "pilots" daily for three days, three children from the group of the fifth year of life visited the older group and participated in joint games (in senior group during this period, an interesting game of "pilots" developed). All three four-year-old children showed interest in the game, but they lacked skill and imagination to develop deep content.

For the first time, they performed the role of a cashier, co-pilot and passenger on / plane. Upon returning from the senior group with these children, the teacher had a brief conversation on the questions: what did you play in the senior group? What roles did they play? Did you like this game? On the second and third days, the children also talked about their impressions. With each visit, their activity increased, they were entrusted with the roles of a dispatcher, a gas tanker, and the first pilot in games. In dealing with peers, the boys became more restrained and polite.

Imitation had a great influence on raising the level of relationships in an independent game of "pilots". The children learned to observe and subtly notice even the little things in the organization of the game (they noted that when boarding the plane, mothers with children are first let in, and then all the other passengers enter; that the crew boards the plane first and leaves before the passengers, etc.).

The teacher widely used conversations with children, reading fiction, children's stories about trips to Moscow, Kyiv, Leningrad and impressions of everything they saw. This contributed to the enrichment of the content of the children's play activities.

To activate the gaming interests and imagination, the teacher with the children made albums about different cities of the country, attributes for the “travel” games.

Familiarization with the rules of conduct

Acquaintance of children with the basic rules of behavior is possible already in the second junior group. Although the social experience of a three-four-year-old child is still limited, nevertheless such concepts as “possible”, “impossible”, “good”, “bad” are quite accessible to him.

First of all, the educator must determine the rules for the behavior of children in the classroom, in everyday life, work and play activities. The main criteria for the selection of rules are their social orientation and accessibility to children of this age.

A small number of rules should reflect the basic norms of the child's behavior in the society of peers. For example, for a game, the characteristic rules would be the following:

1. You need to play together: do not quarrel with comrades because of toys, roles; to accept into the game anyone who wants to participate in it; to speak politely, to apologize for awkwardness.

2. Toys must be protected: do not break, do not tear, put away.

3. Order must be observed in the group: speak in an undertone (quietly) so as not to disturb other children; do not scatter toys, know which games can be played in a group, and which ones can be played on the street.

4. Comrades need to be helped: share toys, give material, if you have learned something yourself, teach it to someone else.

The teacher strives for the process of mastering the rules to be based on the natural desire of the child to be good, worthy of praise and respect from an adult. Only in this case, this process mobilizes the strength and will of the child in accordance with social requirements.

It is important for children of the fourth year of life to show in the rules specific forms of behavior in a certain situation and to achieve their implementation. If, for example, children are talking loudly, the teacher formulates a requirement: in a group, you need to talk quietly so as not to interfere with each other. Children of the fifth year of life are given not only specific instructions on how to act in a given situation, but are also invited to think and find an independent solution.

In order to find more effective forms of influence on the emotional sphere of the child and lead him to the optimal assimilation of the rule, an experiment was conducted in kindergarten. In one group (children of the fourth year of life), the rules were introduced in a relaxed, natural game situation, most often during joint games between the educator and the children or in individual conversations after the games. They were offered mainly based on game methods and techniques: games-classes, games-conversations using puppet theater, in which it was possible to generalize and clarify knowledge about the norms of behavior. In the other group - the fifth year of life - the assimilation of the rules of behavior occurred mainly in the course of conversations with children in classes on their native language and speech development. Along with frontal work in both groups, conversations were held with individual children aimed at consolidating the foundations of correct behavior and understanding their significance in joint play.

Experience has shown that learning the rules based on playing techniques is most effective. Game techniques created an emotional mood in children, caused great activity, a desire to imitate the characters.

As an illustration of one of the methods of familiarizing preschoolers with the rules of behavior, we present a recording of a game-lesson for children to learn the rules of politeness (“You need to play together, help each other, share toys”).

Puppet sledding.

The teacher stands in front of the screen, addresses the guys:

Children, dolls will come to visit you today. Let's see what they show us.

The teacher goes behind the screen. (The dolls Yura, Oksana, Andrey are prepared in advance.) Oksana appears on the sienna. She is sad.

Oksana. How you want to ride! And my sled broke.

He sees that someone is going up the hill with a sled. This is Yura, he has a big sled. Yura barely pulls them. Here he fell. Again the sled is lucky, it falls again.

Oksana (happily). Now Yura and I will ride. - Yura runs towards: - Let me help you. - He takes the rope, and they climb the hill with the sled.

Yura (to Oksana). Why did you come to the mountain? You don't have a sled, you're standing here, you're only getting in the way...

Oksana. I don't interfere, I help you. And I came to the hill because I really want to ride. And my sled broke.

Yura. If there is no sled, you have to sit at home. - He lies down on the sled and goes down the hill.

Oksana (looking sadly after him). What a greedy boy. He didn't even invite me to ride. But his sled is so big, just for two ... Now, if these were children from our kindergarten, they would definitely invite me. All our children know that we need to play together, help each other. Here again he goes uphill, the sled is barely pulling. It's hard for him, I'll go help.

Oksana. Boy, boy, let me help you.

Yura. You talking to me? My name is Yura.

Oksana. And I'm Oksana. I'm from kindergarten. Do you go to kindergarten?

Yura. No, I don't go.

Oksana. There are many children in the kindergarten, and we are all friendly: we share toys, help each other.

Oksana and Yura drove up the hill. Yura again sits on the sled alone and wants to go down the hill.

Oksana. Yura, can I ride with you?

Yura. Well, here's more. There isn't enough space for me...

Oksana. Oh, what are you, you have such big sleds...

Yura. Nothing big, but just right for me...

At this time, Andreyka with a sled drives up the hill.

Andrey. Oksana, where are your sleds, why are you without a sled?

Oksana. They broke for me.

Andrey. Do you want to ride with me?

Oksana. Yes, you have small sledges!

Andrey. And we take turns: first you, and then me.

Oksana. Oh thank you Andryusha. How kind you are ... Just come on first you, and then me.

Andrey. No, the boy must yield. Sit down, I'll push you...

Oksana slides down the hill. She laughs merrily. Andrew laughs too. And Yura stands aside, looks and thinks about something ... Then Andreyka slides down the hill, again Oksana, they have a lot of fun.

Yura. May I ride with you?

Andrey. Of course, in kindergarten we accept everyone who wants to play with us. Let's tie your sled to ours and there will be a train. Sit down, Yura, let's go.

All three of them slide down the hill and laugh merrily.

After the performance, the teacher conducts a conversation with the children: “Why was Oksana bored at the beginning of the walk? Why was she so happy at the end of the walk? What would you do if you noticed that someone is sad or bored? Then the conclusion is summed up: "Children, let's remember the rule of friendly guys - do not quarrel, share toys, help a friend, take care of each other."

The next day after the specified lesson-game, the teacher read the story of E. Serova “Bad Story” to the children, and then held a conversation on the questions: how did Raya play with the children? What did the children say to Raya when she took away their toys? Why is Ray crying?

As the social experience of children is enriched, the circle of rules of behavior expands, already familiar rules are clarified and consolidated, and new ones are introduced, in particular the following: “There must be order in the group.” Games with balls, paired pictures, with the participation of two or more children are used to introduce the rule: "Teach a friend what you have learned yourself."

Most of the children with whom the work is carried out seek to subordinate their behavior to generally established requirements, fixed in the rules, their relationships become more stable, conscious.

The older the children, the more important the game becomes in their relationships. In the group of the fifth year of life, the basis of pedagogical work on the formation of relationships is the improvement of independent play activities of children. The level of this activity, knowledge of the norms of behavior are of decisive importance for the formation of normal relations. Due to the deepening of children's knowledge about the environment, the number of roles increases significantly, which makes it possible to satisfy the interests of each child in a joint game.

However, at this age, the number of children who are not able to maintain positive relationships with their peers increases, and often come into conflict with their comrades. Therefore, individual work is carried out with them, helping to form such moral qualities that are the foundation of collective relationships: the ability to organize joint activities (invite to the game, distribute roles, material); the habit of helping, showing care, attention to comrades; the desire to establish relationships with peers based on the learned rules of conduct; courtesy and courtesy in dealing with comrades, etc. The formation of these qualities is possible only if the children's activities are organized at a higher level, at the level of collective relations, which are characterized by mutual dependence, responsibility, exactingness, and mutual assistance. And this is the beginning of collective activity.

Teaching and educational work is carried out taking into account the links between learning and play, using episodic thematic planning, while organizing the interaction of children at a higher level and mastering the rules of behavior. The use of these pedagogical tools, firstly, increases the level of gaming activity, and secondly, contributes to the education of children's moral feelings, public interests and behavioral motives, the formation of certain skills and habits, knowledge of the norms and rules of behavior in society. The development of volitional processes, the formation of personal qualities contributes to the creation of a certain style of relations between children, when mutual understanding and kindness become the norm of behavior, and greed, rudeness are rebuffed.

If we touch on the dynamics of the formation of relationships, then to characterize the relationship of children of the fourth year of life, it is more appropriate to use the concept of "positive relationships", for children of the fifth year - "friendly" and by the end of the fifth year of life, relationships can be characterized as the initial form of collective relations.

Defining the relationship of children of the fourth year of life as positive, we mean, first of all, the absence of conflict, the ability not to interfere with a peer, not to take away toys, not to quarrel, as well as initial attempts to help, show attention to a peer, care for him. At the same time, one should take into account the wide circle of communication of children, the situational nature and short duration of their relationship.

In the fifth year of life great importance acquire relationships based on personal inclinations and sympathies of children. Communication between them becomes more stable and long-lasting. However, most often play groups consist of two or three, less often four children.

By the end of the fifth year of life, under the influence of purposeful work, children can establish relationships in a group consisting of five to seven, and sometimes ten people. As a rule, these are teams based on the principles of mutual responsibility, mutual exactingness, and mutual assistance. In these collectives there is a common goal, the distribution of responsibilities, which allows the relationship of children in them to be considered as the initial stage of collective relations.

Questions and tasks for independent work

1. To what extent do the content and methods of pedagogical influence reflect the increased opportunities for children of the fifth year of life?

2. Compose rough plan educational work that enriches the content of the games of children of the fifth year of life.

3. Show the possibilities and methodological techniques that ensure that children learn the rules of behavior.

4. Prove with concrete examples that knowledge of the rules of behavior increases the level of children's relationships.

5. By what indicators can one judge the presence of the beginnings of collectivism in children of the fifth year of life?

6. Describe the group of the fifth year of life known to you from the point of view of the development of collective relations in it.

Mamchur Yulia Sergeevna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MADOU "Kindergarten No. 12"
Locality: Perm region, city of Solikamsk
Material name: abstract
Subject: Formation of positive relationships of children of middle preschool age through a role-playing game
Publication date: 03.02.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 12"
Forming positive relationships

children of middle preschool age through

role-playing game

Compiled by: Mamchur Yu.S., educator Solikamsk, 2015


Paragraph 1.
The concept, levels and features of the formation of relationships
Paragraph 2.
The concept, meaning and features of the organization of the role-playing game for children 4-5 years old
Paragraph 3.
The influence of role-playing game on the relationship of children of middle preschool age

Bibliographic list


Preschool age is a particularly responsible period in education, since it is the age of the initial formation of the child's personality. At this time, in the communication of the child with peers, rather complex relationships arise that significantly affect the development of his personality. Knowledge of the characteristics of the relationship between children in the kindergarten group and the difficulties that they have in this case can be of great help to adults in organizing educational work with preschoolers. Communication with children - necessary condition psychological development of the child. The need for communication early becomes his basic social need. Communication with peers plays an important role in the life of a preschooler. It is a condition for the formation of the social qualities of the child's personality, the manifestation and development of the beginnings of the collective relationships of children in the kindergarten group. Children all have different personalities. An important role is played by the personal qualities of the child, his various skills and abilities, as well as the level of communication and relationships in the group. Between children of preschool age, a fairly wide range of relationships is found. But, unfortunately, the relationship of children in the middle group of kindergarten does not always work out well. To create favorable relations in the group, a developing environment must be created. When creating a subject-developing environment for story games for children, it is important to remember that the game should reflect personal experience children and the knowledge that they receive in the classroom, during excursions, observations, reading fiction. Therefore, the playing environment must be flexible, changing, changes are constantly made to it depending on the interests of children and their needs. 3
Along with the positive nature of the contacts, there are also complications that sometimes lead to the child “falling out” of the team. Conflict relationships with peers impede normal communication with them and the full formation of the child's personality. The negative emotional mood associated with impaired communication often leads to the appearance of self-doubt, distrust of people, up to elements of aggressiveness in behavior. Therefore, the educator must be attentive to all the children of the group, know their relationships and relationships, notice in time any deviations in the relationships and relationships of children in the group. 4
Paragraph 1
The concept, levels and features of the formation of relationships.
- this is an attitude that goes from people to people, "towards each other." Relationships arise on the basis of psychological motives: sympathy, community, views, interests, complementarity, and others. A necessary condition for the emergence of these relationships is the comprehension of each other. It is through learning that relationships are established. Relationships can end as soon as the psychological motives that gave rise to them disappear. The system of personal relationships is expressed in such categories as friendship, comradeship, love, hatred, alienation. The problem of interaction between the individual and the team is reflected in specific psychological and pedagogical studies (A. V. Zaporozhets, A. A. Lyublinskaya, D. B. Elkonin, L. I. Bozhovich, V. G. Nechaeva, T. A. Markova and etc.). Scientists emphasize the influence of the nature of relationships on the daily well-being and mood of children and prove the need to create pedagogical conditions, a favorable environment for the development of positive relationships between children, starting from the early preschool age. Studies by domestic psychologists I. A. Arzhanova, V. A. Gorbacheva, E. I. Kulchitskaya show that with a targeted pedagogical influence, a child can be early brought up the ability to empathize, the ability to come to the rescue. Pedagogical and psychological research proves what a great role in shaping the relationship of children with each other can play, which for a small child is not only a school of knowledge of the surrounding world of adults, but also a school of human relations. 5
Interpersonal relationships determine the position of a person in a group, team. The emotional well-being, satisfaction or dissatisfaction of a person in a given community depends on how they develop. The cohesion of the group, the team, the ability to solve tasks depends on them. Scientists emphasize the influence of the nature of relationships on the daily well-being and mood of children and prove the need to create pedagogical conditions, a favorable environment for the development of positive relationships between children, starting from the early preschool age. The prerequisites that contribute to the formation of a sufficiently high level of relationships between children of the fourth and fifth years of life are; significant changes in relationships with others, which appeared in connection with the need for independent actions, with more conscious moral behavior, activity, a developing ability to imitate and peculiarly display the surrounding reality in the game, with an increase in the level of development of social motives, cognitive, mainly gaming, interests owls, moral feelings, speech, will, skills and habits. The joint activity of children is the main condition for the emergence and development of interactions and relationships. Communication is a process of interaction between people aimed at coordinating and combining their efforts in order to achieve a common result, relationships are personal relationships of individuals among themselves that arise in joint activities, and interactions are a component of joint activities and relationships. Communication is vital for a person and is considered by psychologists as a special way of adapting to the surrounding social environment. As a result of communication, an idea is formed about another person and about oneself, about 6
their capabilities and abilities. Such a need manifests itself early in the child, but its content is formed and expanded with age. A significant leap in the development of the need for communication is observed in the fourth or fifth year of life, however, the discrepancy between the desire and the ability to communicate is clearly revealed. The lack of skill or its low level negatively affects the nature of participation in joint activities, determines the fragility and conflict of contacts between children of this age. Children communicate with their peers mainly in joint games; the game becomes for them a peculiar form of social life. In the game, children unite at their own discretion, act independently, carry out their plans, without experiencing direct dependence on an adult. Positive relationships between children are characterized by their natural desire to be good, the desire to please others, their willingness to help, show respect for peers, and goodwill. These personality traits of a preschooler determine not only the internal culture of relationships, but also the form of their expression. Positive relationships are expressed in a fair, polite, modest, tactful and precautionary attitude of the child towards an adult and peers. The forms and methods of relationships in the early years of a child's life are influenced by imitation of other people. Imitativeness, easy suggestibility and self-hypnosis characterize the main features of the neuropsychic organization of the younger preschooler. They have a significant impact on the nature of the relationship between children. A five-year-old child does not have firmly fixed ideas, does not understand enough the relationships and connections between the phenomena of the surrounding life, therefore he easily believes everything, follows the inspiring force 7
words, examples. He willingly and energetically repeats after others and reproduces ready-made patterns of gestures, manners, words. The accumulation of experience of independent behavior ensures the establishment of mutual assistance and cooperation between children as the main components of positive relationships. In the process of forming relationships, children should be given relevant knowledge, develop skills, abilities and habits, primarily the ability to organize their own activities, make contact, act in concert with others, as well as the skills and abilities of the game, moral behavior, the habit of doing something useful and pleasant for others. . When developing communication skills in a group, it is important to instill in children a good disposition towards peers, the manifestation of initiative and the first signs of collectivism. However, the development of these behavioral skills in a society of peers is possible only if children develop public interests and motives. Therefore, when organizing the pedagogical process, special attention should be paid to the development of social motivation of children's behavior, awareness of the social significance and motives of the game. Organizing the process of forming relationships, the teacher must not only take into account the level of development of these qualities in the child, but also constantly predict and program their further improvement. Relationships in the children's team are largely determined by the level of development of the child's personality. And vice versa, it is positive relationships that contribute to the formation and development of his personality. The relationship of children to the beginning of the fifth year of life is still characterized by considerable instability. In this regard, the main task of work in the group of the fifth year of life will be the formation of the stability of positive relationships. The purpose of education is to expand the horizons of children, strengthening their moral positions. Based on the knowledge and skills of the children acquired in the previous group, the work is directed to strengthening and 8
deepening their cognitive interests, developing their activity and independence. The older the children, the more important the game becomes in their relationships. In the group of the fifth year of life, the basis of pedagogical work on the formation of relationships is the improvement of independent play activities of children. Defining the relationship of children of the fourth year of life as positive, we mean, first of all, the absence of conflict, the ability not to interfere with a peer, not to take away toys, not to quarrel, as well as initial attempts to help, show attention to a peer, care for him. At the same time, one should take into account the wide circle of communication of children, the situational nature and short duration of their relationship. In the fifth year of life, relationships based on the personal inclinations and sympathies of children acquire great importance. Communication between them becomes more stable and long-lasting. However, most often play groups consist of two or three, less often four children. By the end of the fifth year of life, under the influence of purposeful work, children can establish relationships in a group consisting of five to seven, and sometimes ten people. As a rule, these are teams based on the principles of mutual responsibility, mutual exactingness, and mutual assistance. In these collectives there is a common goal, the distribution of responsibilities, which allows the relationship of children in them to be considered as the initial stage of collective relations. In order to increase the level of relationships in the team, experienced educators try to enrich the knowledge of children, develop interest in the phenomena of social life and, on the basis of this, raise the level of children's games and relationships in them. They form social ideas in children during excursions, observations, reading fiction, "looking at pictures, organizing conversations with interesting people (builders, sailors, drivers), creating optimal conditions for the development of joint games (selection of toys, etc.). Sometimes more than 9
effective is the direct guidance of children's creative games. So, in the work on the formation of positive relationships between children of the fourth and fifth years of life, the main thing is to improve the pedagogical process as a whole and its individual components: training, education, organizing the life and activities of children, establishing links between various activities, as well as between learning and play. (11;52). The formation of positive relationships is carried out, first of all, in the process of assimilation by children of the norms and rules of behavior in society. Compliance with the rules of behavior in a society of peers contributes to the formation of the beginnings of collective relations. Which are manifested primarily in a friendly joint game (in coordination of actions), in the desire to help each other, to maintain general order in the group, in the readiness of each to teach the other what he himself has learned, in the ability to reckon with others, in a careful attitude to common things, toys, etc. Determining the level of children's relationships makes it possible to build work in such a way as to form missing or insufficiently developed qualities for positive relationships. Based on the above materials, it can be concluded; that, although the relationship of children from three to five years of age is undergoing some kind of evolution, the need for the active influence of the teacher on their development is increasing. In addition, the teacher must remember the significant influence of the experience of family education, the style of relationships in the family on the behavior of the child in the peer group, which in turn obliges educators to establish close contacts and continuity in the work of the kindergarten and the family. 10
Paragraph 2. The concept, meaning and features of the organization of the role-playing game for children 4-5 years old.

Role-playing game - (according to the views of leading domestic psychologists (A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonin, etc.) the leading activity of preschool age. It is an activity in which children take on the roles of adults and in a generalized form in specially created play conditions reproduce the activities of adults and the relationship between them.It acts as an activity in which the orientation of the child takes place in the most general sense of human activity.The features of the role-playing game are revealed in the works of psychologists (L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin, A.V. Zaporozhets), and teachers (R.I. Zhukovskaya, D.V. Medzheritskaya, A.P. Usova, N.Ya. Mikhailenko). In the collection "Certification and state accreditation of preschool educational institutions" in the section "Criteria assessment of the content and methods of education and training implemented in the preschool educational institution ”it is said that the employees of the preschool educational institution contribute to the development of role-playing games in children, the ability to communicate during the game, establish friendships, and provide an opportunity to choose during the game. R.I. Zhukovskaya considers the possibilities of a role-playing game for the formation of relationships between children of primary preschool age and uses for this purpose games-activities in which the attention of children is focused on life phenomena that are accessible to them, which helps to form a culture of behavior and moral feelings. V.G. Nechaeva shows that the means of forming relationships between children are the rules that regulate the behavior of children surrounded by peers. The author continues line 11
studies that studied the role of rules in the education of preschoolers (E.Yu. Demurova, V.A. Gorbacheva, L.V. Artemova). With the development of a role-playing game, the number of its participants increases, the activity of the existence of the game team increases. Conflicts arise over the possession of an attractive object. The relations that arise between the participants in the game, performing various game roles, ensure the need to obey the rules. The game helps children to realize their behavior and rebuild it in accordance with the requirements of the team. If we want to accustom our children to collective relationships in life, to instill the ability to feel confident and independent among other people, obeying the requirements of society, we will give them the opportunity to test themselves in a collective game earlier. Joint play will bring children great pleasure, it is here that the first sprouts of friendship appear, common experiences begin. When managing games, you need to pay most attention education in children of friendship, courtesy, the ability to reckon with the team, joining the game, tactfully sort out conflicts. The independence of children in the role-playing game is one of its characteristic features. Children themselves choose the theme of the game, determine the lines of its development, decide how they will reveal the roles, where the game will unfold, etc. Each child is free to choose the means of translating the image. Uniting in a role-playing game, children choose a partner of their own free will, set the game rules themselves, monitor their implementation, and regulate relationships. But, the most important thing in the game is that the child embodies his view, his ideas, his attitude to the event that he is playing. 12
Like any creative activity, a role-playing game is emotionally saturated and gives each child joy and pleasure by its very process. At the age of four, games become more meaningful, which is associated with the expansion of children's ideas about the world around them. They begin to combine different events, including episodes from their own experience and from literary works that were read to them or shown through games, illustrations in books, filmstrips. At the age of 4-5, in the games of children, the integrity of the plot, the interconnectedness of the reflected events is observed. Children respond vividly to new experiences, weaving them like storylines into familiar games. The content of the role-playing game is embodied by the child with the help of the role that he takes. The main condition for the development of a role-playing game is the joint games of an adult and a child. To teach children to develop the content of the game, the teacher plays with life situations, involving them in active participation. Children should be encouraged to reproduce previously learned actions in new versions of the game, to create situations that stimulate the child to use substitute objects, to act in an imaginary situation. Stage shows are also effective. Children are shown dramatizations using a table, puppet theater, plot and didactic games. After the show, the teacher invites the kids to play with toys, arouses a desire to imitate what they saw in the classroom, activates the children's speech, asking them to sing along with the toys, to recite a poem. Role-playing games create favorable conditions for the formation of children's relationships. Research conducted by A.P. Usova and her students revealed the following levels (stages) of the formation of the relationship of children in the game: 13
1. The level of disorganized behavior that leads to the destruction of other children's games. Mostly, such behavior is found in younger preschoolers who still do not know how to occupy themselves, do not represent the consequences of their actions for others. 2. The level of singles. It is characterized by the fact that the child does not interact with other children, but does not prevent them from playing. 3. The level of games next to each other is manifested in the fact that two or three children can play at the same table, on the carpet, but each one acts, realizing his plan. 4. The level of short-term communication, interaction, is characterized by the fact that for some time the child subordinates his actions to the general plan and harmonizes them with the actions of others. 5. The level of long-term communication - interaction based on interest in the content of the game, in the actions that it requires. 6. The level of constant interaction based on common interests, electoral sympathies. Management of role-playing games is carried out in two directions. - Formation of the game as an activity. - the use of the game as a means of raising a child, the formation of children's collectivism. When getting acquainted with the environment, the teacher draws the attention of children to those moments that can be reflected in the game, in accordance with their age, for children 4-6 years old this is the relationship of people. 14
Paragraph 3. The influence of the role-playing game on the relationship of children of middle preschool age. In the game, two types of relationships can be distinguished - role-playing and real. Entering into a joint game, the child, first of all, is guided by his own attitude towards those peers who will be his partners. Having outlined the plot, the children distribute roles, and each seeks to correlate their actions with the actions of their partners, to establish positive role-playing relationships with them. When managing games, the educator needs to take into account both the role-playing and real relationships that arise between the children. Children with more developed interests are constant organizers of joint games. Despite the fact that the general background of the relationship of children of the fourth or fifth year of life is emotionally positive, a large number of conflicts arise in groups. Consequently, the problem of the formation of children's relationships cannot be considered outside the organization of meaningful activity, outside the organization of the pedagogical process as a whole. An effective increase in the level of relationships is facilitated primarily by means that provide meaningful play activities for children. Such activities contribute to the growth and development of social motives, moral feelings, collective interests, which are the basis of children's relationships. Against the background of a variety of meaningful activities, it is possible to purposefully form positive relationships. Unlike individual games, a process of interaction arises in joint games, which causes children to communicate in one way or another, establishing relationships with each other. With purposeful guidance, children's games become more meaningful, the number of roles in them increases significantly, which
contributes to the prevention of conflicts, provides a positive relationship between the players. In some cases, the educator also uses methods of direct influence on children (pedagogical assessment of the games of other children, reliance on the positive qualities of each personality). The teacher, with his actions, advice, helps to enrich the game with new plots, roles, action, skillfully uses children's ideas about the rules of behavior, relationships. Although in different periods of the development of the game, the leadership of an adult in children's relationships is not the same, there is no doubt that the main condition for establishing the right relationship is to ensure unity in the education, upbringing and organization of the life of preschoolers, to establish links between their different types of activities, and above all between learning and play. In pedagogical work at the first stage, taking into account the age characteristics of children of the fourth year of life (their natural need to imitate, the desire to communicate in joint play activities and the relatively low level of knowledge, skills, volitional processes, etc.), it is necessary to pay maximum attention to learning to play . The nature of the relationship is influenced by the child's personal experience of communicating with adults and peers. The accumulation of social experience in joint activities is considered as a necessary condition, without which children's relationships cannot develop. Involving in the game, the teacher influences the development of interest in joint construction. The joint participation in the game of the educator and children, the establishment of closer contacts brings together, activates the players, creates a positive emotional attitude to the activity in them. We noted that, participating in joint activities with adults, the child feels a desire to be worthy of praise, attention, positive assessment, as a result of which he develops an assessment of his own skills and merits. 16
Teaching the game combines the tasks of mental and moral education of children, the formation of common interests. The pedagogical task is to teach children to independently develop role-playing games, to form an interest in joint games and the ability to coordinate their own actions with the actions of their peers. In the process of forming positive relationships with the help of joint games, games-activities, attention should be focused mainly on the education of moral feelings: attentiveness, empathy, care, mutual assistance, etc. and others. One of the significant indicators of children's relationships is an increase in the duration of joint games. At the beginning of the year, when children do not yet have sufficient experience in organizing joint activities, single games, as a rule, are longer than joint ones. Under the influence of learning, games become longer and more meaningful, with a pronounced humane orientation, and the interests of children in them are more stable. The children's team in the game is formed gradually, under the influence of the work of the educator. The formation of a game team depends on the content of the game, the richness of the idea, in turn, the very fact of the formation of the team has an impact on the development of game creativity. The ability to organize a game, to agree, to distribute roles is necessary in order to get an exciting game. Even with sufficient knowledge, rich impressions about what is depicted, the plan is not realized if the children are not brought up with the moral qualities necessary for a collective creative game. The task of the teacher is to awaken feelings of sympathy in the game. The work of a teacher in instilling friendly feelings in children should begin with the fact that he teaches children to treat the game of their comrades with care and respect. 17
The educator, first of all, by his example teaches children various methods of organizing the game, helps in solving organizational problems. Thus, through the game, interest in various professions is consolidated and deepened, respect for work is brought up. The task of the educator is to help the children organize these games, make them exciting, action-packed. For the correct management of games, the educator needs to study the interests of children, their favorite games, the completeness and educational value of the games that exist in the group; to know how children unite in the game: who likes to play with whom, what is the moral basis of these associations, their stability, the nature of the relationship in the game, etc. Watching the games, the teacher assesses the degree of development of independence and self-organization of children in the game, their ability to negotiate, create a game environment and fairly resolve conflicts that arise. Relationships between children influence the very play of preschoolers. Children with low level relationships do not know how to interact with peers.

Conclusion 18

The essence of the game as the leading type of activity lies in the fact that children reflect in it various aspects of life, especially the relationships between adults, clarify their knowledge of the surrounding reality. In children of middle preschool age, team building is actively going on. Relationships are pretty stable. The relationship of children in joint games is built on the basis of the emergence of moral qualities: justice, kindness, attentiveness, caring, mutual assistance, etc. The formation of these qualities, which are the basis of the relationship of children of middle preschool age, is best done in joint games with dolls. Forming communication skills, it is necessary to raise the authority of a beginner in the eyes of children: to provide such a child with additional information unknown to children in order to arouse their interest in communicating with a beginner; teach him to play; help with difficulties and gradually involve in participation in collective games. An important means of forming relationships with peers is a role-playing game. In the role-playing game, the ability to make a choice is formed, to correctly resolve a conflict situation, which in turn contributes to the formation of moral motives of behavior. Role-playing games are the most characteristic games of preschoolers and occupy a significant place in their lives. A distinctive feature of the role-playing game is that it is created by the children themselves, and their play activity is clearly amateur and creative. In role-playing games, special conditions should be created in which the child can choose a peer of his choice. At the same time, opportunities for free communication and, thereby, the development of positive relationships between peers should be created. References 19
1. Attestation and state accreditation of preschool educational institutions. Sterkina R.B. Moscow publishing house AST. 1997. 2. Gerbova V.V. Guidelines for the "Program of education and training in kindergarten" Moscow "Mosaic-Synthesis" 2005. 3. Glebova SV Kindergarten-family: aspects of interaction. Voronezh 2005. 4. Gubanova N.F. Game activities in kindergarten. Publishing house Mosaic Synthesis. Moscow. 2006. 5. Kozlova S.A., Kulikova G.A. Preschool Pedagogy. Moscow. publisher center "Academy".2007. 6. Krasnoshchekova N.V. Role-playing games for preschool children. Rostov-on-Don. 2008. 7. Mikhailenko N.Ya., Korotkova N.A. Organization of a plot game in kindergarten. Linka-Press. Moscow. 2009. 8. Uruntaeva G.A. Preschool psychology. Moscow. Academ A 1998. 9. Tseluiko V.N. Parents and children. Psychology of relationships. Mozyr. 2007. 10. Elkonin D.B. The psychology of the game. Moscow. Vlados. 1999. 11. Shcherbakova EI Formation of relationships between children 3-5 years old in the game. Moscow. "Enlightenment".2000. 12. Dybina O. Game - the way to the knowledge of the objective world. / / Preschool education. 2005. No. 4. 13. Dubina L. Development of communication skills in children. // Preschool education. 2005. No. 10. 14. Dubina L. Development of communication skills in children. // Preschool education. 2005. No. 11. 15. Shirokikh O. To the question of the formation of relationships between children / / Preschool education. 2008. No. 4. Annex №1 20
Diagnosis of the level of relationships between middle-aged children in a role-playing game. Surname of the child 1. Interaction with peers in the game (the ability not to interfere with a friend, organize a game or take part in a joint game) 2. The ability to play for a long time, with enthusiasm, focus but 3. Knowledge of the norms of behavior and the use of positive forms in communicating with peers (talk calmly , politely ask, offer a toy to a friend, give up a role, provide assistance) 4. Manifestation of moral feelings (empathy, sympathy, joy from communicating with peers, etc.) 21
Appendix No. 2 4 levels of relationships: (T. A. Vladimirova) Level I includes sociable children who know how to play together, show sympathy and friendly feelings for comrades, obey the rules, and resolve emerging conflicts. Level II includes sociable, initiative children, but somewhat selfish. Level III includes children who do not know how to play together, distribute roles independently, etc. Level IV includes children who violate the rules of behavior in games. As you can see, when characterizing levels, the author mainly puts forward the child’s ability to communicate, take initiative, independence , features of collectivism, etc. 22

Formation of friendly relationships

children of the middle group in the game

Shchetinina Oksana Borisovna,

GBDOU No. 62 of the Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg,


Friendship indicators are:

  • sociability, i.e. an active desire to establish contact;
  • benevolence, characterized by sensitivity, responsiveness;
  • the ability to coordinate their actions with other participants in the game.

In a child of the fifth year of life, if he had experience of communicating with peers, the level of goodwill is quite high. Children are well aware of each other's favorite games and roles in them, when playing, they unite in groups of two to four people. Games of "family", "driver", "kindergarten" arise on their initiative, and games of "shops", "hospital", "zoo", "traffic" are organized with the help of a teacher.

It is best to form the relationship of preschoolers in the game by influencing the content of the games, as well as the choice of roles by children and their performance. Therefore, the educator encourages, for example, those who play "family", so that the father is kind, caring, tries to help in the house; mother is friendly in relations with children, and they, in turn, respected their parents, obeyed them.

It is very important that drivers help each other in life, and doctors provide assistance at the first request of the sick person. And in play relationships with each other, children mostly show kindness, caring, responsiveness.

There are frequent cases of a fair distribution of roles, refusal of the main role (“I was already chosen once”), compliance, taking into account the desires of other participants in the common game. Disputes, quarrels can arise for purely external reasons (because of the place, because of toys), because of the lack of formation of the ability to communicate with peers, as a result of the habit that has developed in some children in the family to satisfy their desires, regardless of others, and also from -for shyness, isolation of individual participants in the game.

When establishing friendly relations, it is important for the teacher to maintain the positive individual characteristics of the child, to take into account his personal aspirations, feelings, interests. The organization of the game itself (a preliminary discussion with the participation of the educator of the game plan, the choice of toys) predisposes children to unite, to think about the game. They share their plans, listen to each other's opinions, coordinate their desires.

The teacher draws the attention of children to the merits of classmates, advises which of them to invite to play, or, on the contrary, suggests that one of the children ask permission to be accepted into the game.

For example, such a situation: before a walk, the teacher warns:

“We will take to the site only those toys that will be needed in the games. Now you can agree with whom and what games you will play. Together think about what you will take with you for the game.

Michael: “Seryozha and I need a steering wheel. We will play train. caregiver: “Have you agreed with Serezha to play together? Does he agree to play train?

Michael(referring to Seryozha): “Will you play “train” with me?

(Seryozha accepts a friend's offer).

caregiver: "You can invite passengers - Zhenya, Vera and other children."

Dasha(takes Nick's hand): “What are we going to play with you?”.

Nika: "Let's go to the" daughter-mother ". Let's take our little daughter, we'll take her to the nursery, we'll go for walks.

Dasha: "You can also have a big sister for her, like I have at home."

Lera: "Can I be a sister? I will help with the baby to play. And you (referring to Nika) will be our mother.

IN dispenser: “Well done, Lera, invited her friend to be a mother. Nika will be a good mother. And who will Dasha be?

Dasha:“I wanted to be a mom. But let Nika be, I was there once yesterday. Educator:“Of course, you need to take turns. Others want it too."

In the above example, the teacher involves shy children (Zhenya and Vera) in a common game, tells the children how to coordinate their actions, evaluates the sincere assignment of the main role to partners (the example of Dasha and Lera). The sociability, goodwill of Nika and Lera made it possible for the educator to influence Mikhail and Seryozha, in whom these qualities manifested themselves only sporadically.

Children most often need to clarify the game plan. For example, the situation: Zhenya, Seryozha, Vova and Vera are playing in the sand without coming into contact with each other. Having found out that they do not have a specific plan for the game, the teacher clarifies it: “But I thought Zhenya and Serezha were building a garage.”

Zhenya:“We are already building a garage! Seryozha, are we building a garage? Let's rake together, then the cars will come here.

caregiver: “Vova has a car. He will bring you a lot of sand, but someone needs help to load the sand into the truck.”

Faith: "I will help Vova, and then we will plant trees to make it beautiful."

Children begin to actively negotiate the distribution of responsibilities. Serezha helps Zhenya unload the sand. The conversation is lively and friendly. Vova rejoices at the overall success: “Wow, what a mountain has grown! Seryozha, pat her with a shovel, and we'll bring more! Come on, come on, load faster, the cars will arrive soon!

It is often necessary for the teacher to encourage children to:

  1. act in a friendly manner;
  2. emphasize the moral side of the behavior of performers of certain roles;
  3. to approve manifestations of benevolence, mutual assistance, care for others.

The methods of influence of the educator create an atmosphere of goodwill in the group, form the necessary skills of friendly relations in children. Interest in a particular role, the need to feel attention from peers help children develop friendly relationships. For example, the education of kindness in children who cannot share toys will be more effective if they are assigned roles in the general game, in which they will be forced to exchange or share toys with partners. In such cases, children yield to the toy naturally, without coercion.

Equally, pedagogical influence is also necessary in those cases when children unquestioningly obey the egoistic manifestations of their peers, who suppress the initiative of the other participants in the game, dictating their demands to everyone. It is advisable to unite these children in the game with partners equal to them in skills, in showing initiative, but distinguished by fairness, able to combine their interests with the requirements of the team, with the desires of other children. Being on a par with friends, playing secondary roles, selfish children learn to coordinate personal desires with the interests of the players and thus exercise in the manifestation of friendly feelings and relationships. Under these conditions, their proposals after discussion may be accepted or rejected. Gradually, such children get used to the fact that it is necessary to reckon with the opinions of others, to fairly distribute responsibilities in the game, to act in accordance with the role played.

Positive communication in games is largely facilitated by the educator helping children in choosing the plot of the game, expanding its content, as well as drawing their attention to the games of friends. Sometimes the teacher needs to get involved in the game in order to direct the relationship of children, to help them do the right thing in the situation.

In the middle group, role-playing games can be widely used, the content of which encourages children to positive forms of communication.

Didactic games can be used to form friendly relationships among preschoolers. For games, you can select poems, fairy tales and songs that talk about friendship (“Two greedy bear cubs”, “Cat, rooster and fox”, “What is good and what is bad?” V. Mayakovsky; “We are friendly guys” words N. Naydenova, music by S. Razorenov, etc.).

In addition to works of fiction, dramatization games and the like, musical games and songs have an effective pedagogical impact on children. Music games, round dances, dramatizations deepen the impressions of children, cause a desire to unite in the game, emotionally express common experiences.

Thus, during the games various kinds children of the fifth year of life are brought up sensitivity and responsiveness, the ability to reckon with their peers, respect their intention and the right to an interesting role, a sense of justice. It is precisely those aspects of friendly relationships that are a prerequisite for the formation of a higher and more complex feeling - collectivism, as well as collective relationships that develop at the senior levels of preschool age.


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