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Tasks of the fire safety lesson: to form concepts of safe behavior, actions to prevent a fire;

develop the logical thinking of children, memory, curiosity, the desire to learn about the world around them, the ability to draw conclusions, express their thoughts; to cultivate attentiveness, accuracy, independence, discretion in everyday life; instill a sense of responsibility for their actions.

Material: model of the house and puppet characters - a mouse, a hare, a frog, a fox, a wolf, a bear; layouts of the kitchen and children's room; "lights" made of cardboard - 2 small and 5 large; a toy fire truck, memory cards with its image and the numbers 101; a sheet of A-1 paper from the red and green halves for decoration

Lesson progress

Educator (V.). Children, the weather is wonderful today! Are you in a good mood? (Yes!)

I suggest keeping it the same throughout the day. As the sun shares its rays with us, so we will share smiles with each other. Also, are you ready for adventure and new discoveries? (Yes!) In this case, make yourself comfortable, because today the characters of the Teremok theater have arrived to visit us.

Children are seated in a semicircle. The teacher turns to them, putting on the table a model of the tower and the fairy-tale characters that live in it.

AT. There was a tower in the forest,

He was neither low nor tall.

Lived in it together:

Norushka mouse,

frog frog,

fox girlfriend,

Bunny - forest coward,

The wolf is a gray tail.

Friends lived, did not swear,

They went about their business.

He puts a layout of the kitchen on the table.

Chanterelle in the kitchen decided to cook dinner for her friends. She set the saucepan, lit the fire. (Exposes a small "light".) Suddenly, in another room the phone rang, the fox ran to him and began to talk to someone. Meanwhile, the flame keeps burning and burning. And while there was no red-haired mistress, he jumped out of the stove and ran, began to jump around the kitchen. (Puts a big “light.”) How did our light become over time? (Big, scary.) Indeed, he escaped from the stove. Why did he run away?

Children. Because the fox went to the phone and did not watch the fire on the stove.

AT. What needs to be done so that the fire does not run away?

Children. Do not leave dinner on a burning stove unattended.

AT. Well done, you are very attentive!

The teacher puts a model of the children's room on the table.

AT. Meanwhile, the Mouse and the Frog decided to play. They stole matches from the fox and also began to prepare dinner for their dolls. They struck a match on the box - a light appeared. (Puts a small "light".) His Mouse and Frog got scared and ran away. And the light went to jump on the beds, on the toys. (Puts a big “light.”) Do you think you can play with matches?

Children. Not!

AT. What are matches for?

Children. Matches are needed by adults, mom and dad to light a fire.

AT. Can children themselves light a fire?

Children. Not!

AT. What would you say to Mouse and Frog?

Children. Children are not allowed to play with matches!

AT. All right, well done! And now let's look again, what is being done in the tower? You see, the little animals did not know that a small fire could start a fire.

Exposes the teremok and large "lights".

Fled, frightened girlfriend:

Mouse, Fox and Frog.

Bunny runs to the phone -

Who is the bunny calling?

Children. Firemen.

AT. Who rushed to save the Teremok and its inhabitants?

He puts a fire truck on the table, on which a wolf and a bear ride.

Children. Firefighters.

AT. What did they come for?

Children. On a fire truck. She helps put out the fire.

AT. And how will the wolf and the bear extinguish the fire?

Children. Water.

AT. Quite right. This car has a hose that firefighters use to pour flames. (The wolf unwinds the hose.) Water defeats fire and gradually the fire dies out. The fire no longer makes noise, no longer buzzes, but only hisses, trying to escape from the water: psh-sh-sh-sh! (Removes the lights.)

Children. Psh-sh-sh-sh!

AT. Firefighters saved the tower. (All characters are exposed near the tower.)

Chief rescuer Mikhail Potapych asks you to help him. Teach fire safety rules to Mouse, Frog and Chanterelle. (Children come to the table on which thematic cards are laid out.)

Good and bad game.

AT. Let's help Mikhail Potapych make a memo poster for the residents of the tower. Let them know how to avoid a fire.

Takes the first card, which depicts the situation when the dinner on the stove was left unattended.

How can a fire start?

Children. If you leave the fire on the stove unattended.

AT. How to prevent a fire?

Children. You can not be distracted when the stove is working. Fire must be watched carefully. (Choose the appropriate card. The teacher attaches both cards to the poster: the first - on the red field, the second - on the green.)

The teacher takes the second card, which reflects the situation when children play with matches.

AT. Why do you need matches in the house?

Children. To light a fire and cook food.

AT. Can you play with matches?

Children. No, matches are not toys. If you play with them, then a fire may start.

AT. How to avoid a fire?

Children. Play only with toys. And only adults can take matches.

(Find the appropriate card and attach it to the green part of the poster.)

AT. Well done boys! You already know how to behave so that a fire does not start. But what to do if the trouble still happened?

Children. We need to call the fire department. (Find the desired card and attach it to the green half of the poster.)

AT. You did a good job and helped Mikhail Potapych teach Mouse, Frog and Chanterelle fire safety rules. Today, using the example of our magical theater, we once again became convinced of what can happen if you handle fire irresponsibly. It is important that each tower, and not only in a fairy tale, but also in life, remains safe and sound. Let's say the first rule together.

Children. Remember at night, remember during the day, that you can't play with fire!

AT. When trouble came to the house, what should we do then?

Children. Call firefighters by phone.

AT. Quite right, so let's also unanimously voice the second rule.

Children. Every citizen should know: fire number - 101!

AT. Thank you, our lesson is over, well done everyone! So that you, too, do not forget about safety lessons, our lifeguards have prepared souvenirs for you.

Hands out memory cards to students.

GCD on fire safety on the topic "So that there is no trouble" in the middle group of the preschool educational institution

GCD will be of interest to educators, parents, senior educators.
Target: to systematize previously acquired knowledge about fire and fire.

- Clarify, deepen children's knowledge about the benefits and dangers of fire, fire safety rules and rules of conduct in the event of a fire.
- To form practical skills of action in case of fire.
- Improve the ability to draw elementary conclusions.

- Develop logical thinking, ingenuity, initiative in solving problem situations;
- To develop the creative abilities of the event according to the description.

- To cultivate independence in the analysis of various actions and deeds; the desire to comply always and everywhere with fire safety rules;

To form respect for the profession of firefighters.

Preliminary work:
memorization of poems, proverbs and sayings;
Visual activity on the topic of fire safety;
Didactic game "Who needs what for work"
The plot-didactic game "Firefighters"

Equipment and material:
Column uzb, pictures "Fire safety rules for preschoolers", "Rules of behavior in case of fire for preschoolers", easel, green and red cards, ball, telephone, coloring books, colored pencils,

Methodological techniques: looking at plot pictures, drawing up rules from pictures, didactic and educational games, searching for fire extinguishing equipment, searching questions for children, creating problem situations, explaining, reading poems, guessing riddles, calling firefighters by phone, encouraging, evaluating children's answers.

organizational part.
Educator: I'll give you a riddle now, and you

Hissing and angry
Afraid of water.
With tongue, not barking.
No teeth, but bites.
He is beautiful and bright red
But he is burning, hot, dangerous.
The children solve the riddle.

Lesson progress

Conversation with children.
caregiver: That's right, it's fire. A very long time ago, people learned how to make fire, and fire faithfully serves man. Fire brings many benefits to people. Listen to the poem.

We have no good fire
You can not get by even a day:
Drives the cold
Darkness is driving.
He is a friendly flame
Raises like a flag.
Everyone needs a good fire
And for that he is honored
What warms dinner for the guys,
Cuts steel
And bakes bread.

Educator: But fire can be a dangerous enemy at the same time.

As a result of careless handling of fire, children's pranks with matches, misfortune can happen - a danger to the health and life of people.

And now we guys will play the game "Wall to Wall"

Now each of you will take a picture and look at it carefully. During the task, you will be divided into two teams. The first team, who has pictures where fire is beneficial, the second, who has pictures depicting those situations where fire brings misfortune.

Everyone will defend their team and defend the position, relying on their picture.

You can start with the words "fire is our friend, because ..."

Or from the words "fire is our enemy, because ..."
(answers alternate)
- Everyone listens carefully and corrects if necessary.
- What determines whether fire will be our friend or become our enemy? (children answer)
- It depends on how people treat him.

caregiver Q: What do you think causes the fire?

TRIZ game "Good-Bad"
Description of the game.
AT: Fire is good.

Children call its positive aspects, while laying out green cards on the easel.

AT: Fire is bad.

Children call its negative sides, laying out red cards on an easel.

AT: Guys, when people forget to be careful with fire, fire becomes deadly. What can cause a fire?

Educator: I will start the poem, and the one to whom I throw the ball will have to finish it and return the ball to me:
- Where people are careless with fire

There will rise in the sky a ball,
There will always threaten us
- The smoke rose suddenly,
Who didn't turn off...
- The table and the cabinet burned down at once,
Who dried clothes over ...
- The flame jumped into the foliage,
Who burned at home ...

Educator: Your answers are correct, well done.

There are proverbs about fire. Now the children will tell us about them:
Matches are not toys, fire is not fun.
"Don't mess with fire, you'll get burned"
"Don't play with fire"
"He who does not guard against fire will soon be burned"

caregiver: I suggest you play the game "Extinguish the fire"
(Open your eyes wide, take in air into your mouth, then close your eyes, and release the air with force.)

caregiver Q: What should you do if there is a fire?

Expected responses of children: leave the premises, call neighbors for help, call "112", give the last name, first name and home address.

Listen to the poem:
In case of fire it is necessary
Feel free to pick up the phone
"112" be able to dial
And call it later:
city, street and house,
and the apartment where you live
and what kind of castle she has,
and more to say
"I give you my last name,
also phone number
by which I am standing"

caregiver: Guys, once again remind what phone number firefighters are called on?
caregiver: Who do you think will be able to quickly deal with the fire?

Suggested answers: firefighters.
caregiver: What do you think a firefighter should be like?

Suggested answers: brave, strong, smart, resourceful, attentive, dexterous, quick-witted, not afraid of anything, brave.
- And what kind of people will not be taken to the fire department?
What do you need to do to become a firefighter?

Educator: What does a fire engine look like?
Suggested Answer: red, large, there is a ladder at the top.

caregiver: Why do you think the fire engine is red?

Suggested answer: fire trucks are painted red: the color of fire, the color of danger, the color that catches the eye from afar

Educator: When the car is driving on the road, you can not only see it, but also hear the siren. Why do you think it sounds so loud?

Suggested answer: for other vehicles to hear the horn and give way to the fire truck.

Practical part.
caregiver: I suggest you draw how the fire is put out. Children are given coloring books with a fire truck.
Children draw water or foam pouring from a fire hose.

Physical education "Cat's house"
- We are friendly guys
- And we are going to a fairy tale (children walk in a circle, raising their legs high)
- Let's see who is in the fairy tale
- Put out the cat's house (tilts forward and backward)
- And if necessary, too
- We will help (walk in a half-crouch, hands on knees)
And we say to everyone:
“You can’t play with fire” (turns left and right with a threatening gesture)

- If we want to put out the fire,
Gotta hurry up kids! (running in circles)
The fire grows
Help run. (running at an accelerated pace)
Take a deep breath now. (inhale, hands through the sides up)
Exhale. (exhale, hands down)

caregiver: Well done! What are all attentive and know the rules of behavior in case of fire.

Educator: Today I really liked how you answered questions, reasoned, played, told proverbs and poems, and I want to award you all with medals "Young Fireman"

Guys, today we learned that it is necessary to follow the fire safety rules so that there is no fire and what needs to be done if a fire does happen.


Target: familiarizing children with fire safety equipment


1) Give children the concept of the benefits and dangers of fire.

2) Introduce children to the causes of fire, its consequences and fire safety rules;

3) To consolidate the knowledge of what burns, what does not burn in the fire.

4) To teach children to carefully consider the illustration, noticing the main thing and details in it;

5) Make children want to be careful with fire.

6) To form discipline, a sense of responsibility for one's actions;

7) To cultivate a desire to come to the aid of those in trouble. To cultivate a desire for oneself and one's own safety.

At the beginning of the conversation, the children greet each other and the front ball names their favorite toys.

Then we consider a slide with the children, which depicts not only toys, but also matches, in the form of a game for the most attentive "What item is missing?"

Children are invited to look at the picture and say which object is superfluous? Why?

Pyramid, dolls, plane, ball, car are toys.

And matches can be called a toy (children's answers)

We concluded that matches are not a toy for children!(view slide)

Here they found out with the children what appears when a match is lit? (children's answers).

Didactic game

"What burns and what does not burn in fire" with cards

The game "Fire up the light"

You turn around

Turn into a fire...

Guys, let's imagine that you and I are small, bright lights. Suddenly, guys, the window opened, and a spring breeze flew in. And this is all that a small fire needs, it began to grow, grow, and turned into a fire - great, angry and evil.

Drawing up a descriptive story with children based on the painting “Fire in the apartment”

And also during the conversation, the guys received information that fire can be big and small, useful and dangerous, good and evil. She explained to the children that with careless handling of fire, it turns from a true friend into an insidious merciless enemy, which in a matter of minutes destroys what people have created for many years of hard work. It sweeps away everything in its path and it can be very difficult to stop it.

She also told the children about the causes of fires, told about the name of the profession of people who help us in case of fires.

We must fight fire

We are bold and brave

We are very much needed by all people,

They all call us - FIRE.

Firefighting is for tough guys

Firefighting is saving people.

Firefighting - courage and honor,

Firefighting - it was and is!

Concluded with the children that The profession of a firefighter is an important and very courageous one.

Outcome. Game with children "Yes and no"

The guys answer with one word to the poem - questions about fire.

And also the children received knowledge about the rules of fire safety, what to do and how to behave in case of a fire.

Conversation with children

"About fire safety rules"

Purpose: promotion of knowledge on the protection of life safety.

Show the role of fire in human life;

To identify the causes leading to the occurrence of a fire;

To develop the cognitive interests of students, creative abilities; communicative and speech qualities;

Consolidation of students' knowledge about behavior in case of fire;

To cultivate a sense of self-preservation, to form the ability to behave correctly in an emergency situation, to quickly respond to danger.

The course of the conversation.

    The role of fire in people's lives.

Before I tell the topic of the lesson, guess the riddle.

He is beautiful and bright red.

It gives warmth and light.

But he is burning, hot, dangerous!

You don't have to joke with him, no! (the fire)

Guys, as you probably guessed, the topic of our lesson will be the role of fire in human life and the rules for dealing with fire.

Since time immemorial, man has learned to make fire. People have turned hot flames into their friends and helpers. Fire is warmth, light, food, protection. He helped people to light and heat their homes, cook food, and defend themselves from wild animals. Ancient people did not have matches, and therefore worshiped fire as a deity. It was forbidden to throw garbage and waste into the fire. This could "offend" the fire. Then they learned to get fire by striking a spark by striking stone on stone.

Can fire be called a friend of man? List the uses for fire. (Cooking, engines internal combustion(machines), metal smelting, glass and brick making, pottery firing, home heating, thermal power plants, and much more).

It is said that fire is man's best friend. Without it, life on earth is not possible. It does a lot of good things with it.

Everyone knows: a man without fire,

Doesn't live a single day.

With fire, as with the sun it is light!

With fire and warm in winter!

Look guys around:

Fire is our everyday friend!

But when we're careless with fire

He becomes our enemy.

When does fire become our enemy?

With careless handling, fire often turns from a true friend into a merciless enemy, which in a matter of minutes destroys what was created by many years of hard work. He sweeps away everything in his path, and it can be difficult to stop him.

With the power of a raging fire, a fire is very difficult to deal with!

2. Riddles about the causes of the fire.

What could cause a fire?

Now let's guess riddles and once again repeat the causes of fires.

wooden sisters

In a box. This is ... (Matches)

Tourists will come to their camp,

He will be divorced in the evening,

It will burn for a long time

Warm them up with your warmth. (Bonfire)

The log in the firebox is blazing

And these "stars" are thrown at us.

One burning particle

Fire can turn. (Spark)

Both shirts and pants

I look for you kids

But remember, friends

That you can't play with me! (Electric iron)

There is a unit in the kitchen,

That I am happy to cook food.

Let's strike a match, and instantly

The fire will shoot up. (Plate)

A container that contains gas

Will one of you tell me? (Gas bottle)

She won all the matches

In combustible gas, its strength.

Tired - you need to refuel,

Blazed that she again. (Lighter)

I'm running along the path

I can't do without a path

Where am I, guys, no

The lights won't turn on in the house. (Electricity)

From the fire burns and melts,

The room illuminates.

In a birthday cake

Maybe as a decoration. (Candle)

A shell filled with gunpowder

He is waiting for commands from the guys.

It sparkles with different lights,

Under the clouds when it takes off. (Petard)

You correctly guessed everything, correctly named the main causes of the fire. And I think that you will always carefully and carefully handle these items, because the main culprits of fires are people, their forgetfulness, mischief, inattention. I hope you are not one of them. Let's make sure of this by playing the attention game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends."

(Children must correctly use the words from the name of the game in their answers to questions)

The game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends"

1. Who is perky and cheerful,

Keeping loyalty to the rules

Protects both the house and the school from fire?

2. Who set fire to the grass near the house,

Set fire to unnecessary rubbish,

And the garage of acquaintances burned down,

And a construction fence?

3. Who is the neighbor's kids,

Explains in the yard

That playing with fire is not without reason

Ends in fire?

4. Who is furtively in the corner,

Burning a candle in the attic?

The old table caught fire

Barely left alive.

5. Who is in dad's pocket,

Found a box of matches

And stealthily took it with you?

6. Who helps firefighters,

Doesn't break the rules

Who is an example for all the guys

And happy to help all people?

3. Repetition of fire safety rules in game form.

Fires are very dangerous. In a fire, things, an apartment, and even an entire house can burn down. But the main thing is that people can die in a fire. Therefore, we repeat the fire safety rules that you must always follow.

Competition "Finish the phrase."

Small in stature

small match

Only touch matches

Don't have (habits)

If you want to save property

Don't leave when it's heating (furnace)

An ember fell on the floor

The wooden floor is on fire.

Don't look, don't wait, don't stand

And quickly fill (with water)

If younger sisters

Lighting matches at home

What should you do?

Immediately those matches (take away)

You remember, friends,

Matches for children (not allowed)

The iron is on, there are no owners,

A trace smokes on the sheet.

Guys, take action.

Iron hot (switch off)

We warn everyone for a reason:

Difficult to deal with (fire)

Easier than putting out a fire

Us him (warn)

Did you hear about the fire?

Hurry up about it give (signal)

We will quickly defeat the fire,

If we call on ("01")!

What number should I dial if calling from a cell phone? (112 is a single rescue service).

Now listen to a poem that once again talks about how to behave in a fire.

A fire can happen, even if it's not our fault,

In that case, we also know how we should behave:

If you can go out the door, let's do it, let's go,

We will take all the animals with us from the apartment.

We'll close the door tighter, we'll report the fire.

If there is no telephone, we will hurry to the balcony,

We’ll close the balcony door behind us more tightly.

If we don’t have a balcony, we’ll stand at the windows and shout:

We will announce the fire loudly to all passers-by.

Then people will hear us, and they will come to our aid,

We won't have to wait long, the firemen will rescue us.

Why do we keep our doors closed?

If we open the doors, a fresh wind will blow,

He will double the strength of the fire, it will blaze and everything will burn.

Smoke comes from a fire, if something suddenly burns,

This smoke is both edible and poisonous in content.

We'll get to the balcony, though crawling in a continuous row,

And we will be able to open the balcony, which means we will go out onto the balcony,

The air will be fresher there, we'll wait for help there.

If clothes caught fire (we were sitting by the fire)

There is hope for salvation: you can’t just run away.

Because the wind will increase the flame, speed it up,

Not only clothes - we ourselves will burn in this flame.

If it is difficult to take off our clothes, we will fall to the ground,

We will ride on the ground - so we will cope with the fire.

Suddenly the clothes will burst out strongly on our comrade,

We will take off our clothes and cover the flame at once

Let's close the access to air - and the fire will die immediately,

We will immediately calm the friend and take him to the doctor.

The main thing is to call for help those who fight the fire,

We respect them very much and call them firefighters!

Every citizen knows the fire number "01".

If trouble comes to you, call them as soon as possible.

Children's drawings on the topic - fire safety.


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