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How often do you tell your child a fairy tale?

Does your child have a favorite fairy tale?

Do you invent a fairy tale for your child?

After reading fairy tales, do you discuss the content of the fairy tale?

Did you know that the fairy tale is educational in nature?

Do you find it difficult to learn what a fairy tale teaches?

Consultation for parents "READ FAIRY TALES TO CHILDREN"

In our computer age, many modern parents do not even realize that a child needs a fairy tale. Sometimes mothers buy books with bright pictures that the child brings to kindergarten and asks the teacher to read.

And yet, every kid waits with hope for the mother to put aside her important business, sit down and read a fairy tale to him. After all, not only a fairy tale is important for him, but also communication with the most dear person in the world - mother.

Reading a fairy tale to your child, you communicate with him, explain what is good, what is bad and why. Raising your babyon the example of positive characters. Teach kindness, devotion, respect.A fairy tale is a very effective tool in raising a child. The kid wants to imitate his favorite characters. Learning to distinguish good and evil. Yes, and common interests with mom or dad are very important for the baby.

In addition, listening to a fairy tale, the child receives a beautiful and correct sample of speech, which is extremely important for speech development. Children who read fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes from early childhood begin to speak correctly much faster.

Modern children often do not understand that a person dies once and for all. Accustomed to the computer game, they believe they have nine lives. And there is no one around to explain the situation. The child plays alone. While listening to a fairy tale that his mother is reading, he can ask questions and get answers to them. On the fairy tales of S. Mikhalkov, K. Chukovsky, A. Pushkin, N. Nosov and many other authors, dozens of generations grew up, among which there are many brave, honest and talented people. The country is proud of them.

Read fairy tales to children. The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.

0 (0%)
grandfather grandmother
1 (7%)
0 (0%)
Mother; dad; grandfather grandmother
2 (14%)
little bit of everything
1 (7%)
Mother; dad
2 (14%)
Mom and Dad
1 (7%)
mom, dad, grandma, grandpa
1 (7%)

2. How much time do you spend with your children?

2 hours a day
3 (21%)
4 hours a day
all day
0 (0%)
1 (7%)

3. Did you read fairy tales as a child?

9 (64%)
I do not remember
2 (14%)

4. Do you read fairy tales to your children?

9 (64%)
0 (0%)
5 (36%)

5. From what age do you think fairy tales should be read to children?

from three months
5 (36%)
from one year
1 (7%)
6 months
1 (7%)

6. In what form do you most often present fairy tales to a child?

6 (46%)
2 (15%)
fictional storytelling
reading; fictional storytelling
1 (8%)
reading; story
reading; story; telling a fictional fairy tale; theatricalization
1 (8%)

7. Do you discuss the plot, the heroes of the fairy tale with the child after it is presented?

3 (21%)
9 (64%)
computer games
0 (0%)
fairy tales fairy tales; cartoons television; computer games; cartoons BOOKS AND OWLS. FILMS
1 (8%)

9. Does the Russian folk tale contribute to the moral development of the child?

12 (86%)
0 (0%)
Don't know
2 (14%)

11. What abilities can be developed in a child with the help of a Russian folk tale?

2 (14%)
Creative skills intelligence; speech; Creative skills
3 (21%)
speech, education of kindness, responsiveness
1 (7%)
speech; Creative skills

Pikuleva Oksana Nikolaevna
Structural subdivision "children's lard "Chamomile" MAOU secondary school No. 4 of Berdsk, Novosibirsk region,
Siberian Federal District, Novosibirsk region, Berdsk

Project. "A fairy tale has come to visit us."

Project type. Creative speech.

duration. Month.

Members. Children 2 junior group, educators, parents, specialists.

Target. Introduce children to spoken word folk art to promote the development of creative and communication skills.

Tasks. 1. To promote the development of the child's speech, to form an interest in artistic creativity, the ability to emotionally perceive the content of a fairy tale, to feel and understand its character.

2. To develop the cognitive and creative abilities of children, artistic and speech performing abilities: expressiveness, the ability to use a variety of intonations that express the nature of a fairy tale.

3. Cultivate love for a fairy tale, responsiveness, goodwill, sympathy.

Project product.

The album “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows”, a catalog of riddles, poems “What a charm these fairy tales are”, making baby books, staging the fairy tale “Ryaba the Hen”.

Project stages.

Preparatory stage.

Selection of games, poems, riddles, finger games, physical minutes, visual material.

Replenishment various kinds theater (finger, table, flannelograph, dressing corner, etc.)

Development of GCD, a card index of games for the development of imagination, leisure, the scenario of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen".

Main stage.

Interaction with children.

cognitive development.

  1. NOD "In the land of fairy tales".
  2. Conversations “My favorite fairy tale”, “Which of your favorite characters would you choose as your friend”, “Who lives in the little house”, “Visiting the puppet theater”.

3. Didactic games"Heroes of Russian fairy tales", "About fairy tales", "Funny stories".

4. Consideration of illustrations, albums based on fairy tales.

5. Games with cubes, puzzles "Collect a fairy tale."

Socio-communicative development.

1. NOD “The story of the river. nar. fairy tales “Cat, rooster and fox”, “Reading and dramatization of the river. nar. songs "Ryabushka Hen"

2. Reading fiction: fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes,

guessing riddles.

3. Consideration of illustrations for works (V. Vasnetsov, V. Rachev, V. Konashevich, etc.)

4. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen".

Artistic and aesthetic development.

1. Reading fiction and acting out fairy tales with the help of various types of theater.

2. Singing songs

3. Application "Plates for bears (for the fairy tale "Three Bears"), modeling

4. Making crafts for Easter "Easter chickens"

5. Listening to fairy tales in audio recordings.

Physical development.

  1. Learning physical education minutes "Gnome", "In the dark forest there is


  1. Finger games "Gnome", "Grandma".
  2. Outdoor games "At the bear in the forest", "The little white bunny is sitting."

Interaction with parents.

  1. Consultations "Reading together", "Education with a fairy tale".
  2. Questionnaire "A fairy tale in the life of your child."
  3. Memo "Speech of a child 3-4 years old."
  4. Making baby books "My favorite fairy tale".

Outline of the NOD "In the land of fairy tales."

Goals. To form in children the ability to understand the meaning of fairy tales, elementary ideas about good and evil, to answer questions; develop thinking, speech, imagination; to cultivate interest in Russian folk tales, a culture of communication.

Course progress.

The fairy-tale hero Grandfather Vseved comes to the group and invites the children to go with him on a journey to fairy tales. Children line up in a train and go on a journey.

The first children are met by one goat (from the table theater). He complains that he was left alone, that trouble happened to his brothers and sisters, and asks the children to help find the goats.

Grandfather Vseved (educator). Let's rush to help.

Children approach the screen on the table.

Grandfather Omniscient. Guys, the hero of which fairy tale hid here, you will find out by guessing the riddle. Mixed with sour cream

It's cold on the window

Round side, ruddy side

Rolled (kolobok).

That's right, this is the fairy tale "Kolobok". And here is the bun itself. Look how handsome he is, ruddy. Let's remember a song from a fairy tale together with him. What happened in the fairy tale? (Children's answers.) That's right, the gingerbread man ran away from his grandfather and grandmother, and the cunning fox ate him. And let's come up with another end to the tale and save the bun. (Children offer options for a different end to the tale.) Well done, guys, we saved the bun, but we didn’t find the kids. Let's go further.

Flannelgraph illustration for the fairy tale "Snow Maiden and the Fox".

Grandfather Omniscient. Guys, what fairy tale are we in? That's right, "The Snow Maiden and the Fox." Let's tell together what happened there. What kind of fox is in this tale, the same as in Kolobok or different? Which fox do you like better? (Children's answers.) And I like the kind fox. But where are the goats? Let's go further in the land of fairy tales?

The next children are met by a teddy bear, who makes a riddle and gives the children a parcel with a fairy tale on a flannelgraph.


Showing a fairy tale on a flannelgraph.

Fairy tale conversation.

What happened to the girl? Where did she come? Who lived in the hut? How did the girl manage to escape from the bears? (Children's answers.)

Grandfather Omniscient. The girl went into the forest alone, and therefore ended up in the bears' house. And why did the trouble happen to the goats? (Children's answers.) That's right, they were deceived by the wolf. And the goat went to save the goats. Maybe in the forest of the Land of fairy tales we will find them.

Children go to the "forest" - to the screen. Behind it are the figures of a goat and six kids.

Grandfather Omniscient. And here is a goat with kids alive and healthy. They will go home to drink milk, make good, sing songs. And let's remember which fairy tales we visited. (Children's answers.) And the goat at parting gives us a new fairy tale

Scenario of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen".

Participants: grandfather, woman, chicken, chickens, mouse, leader (adult).

Leading. Once upon a time there was a grandfather (grandfather appears) and a woman (a woman appears). And they had hens and cockerels. (Dance of chickens and cockerels.) And most of all they loved the chicken Ryaba. (Grandfather and woman are stroking a chicken.) They fed her ...

Grandfather (feeds the chicken).

Eat, my chicken, eat, get better,

Grain by grain peck, have fun,

I have a lot in my bins.

In the barn I have a golden grain.

Leading. Drink…

Baba (pouring water into a plate).

Drink my chicken, drink my bird.

I have enough water in the bucket,

Get drunk, go for a walk outside the gate,

And I'll add some water to you again.

Hen. Co-co-co, co-co-co. (Leaves and continues to cackle offstage.)

Grandfather. Apparently our chicken Ryaba wants to get laid,

You hear how it cackles, look at the woman.

Woman. I'm going to take a look

I'll go for a fresh egg as soon as possible.

(Baba leaves. Grandfather slowly follows her.)

Leading. And the chicken laid an egg, but not a simple one, but a golden one ...

(Grandfather and woman carry out a large golden egg.)

Grandfather. That's the egg! It's very big.

Woman. Look, the egg is not simple,

You don't see, old man, the golden egg.

Leading. They see - golden ... Just what's inside?

It will be necessary to split ... Come on: one, two, three!

(Grandfather hits the egg with his hand.)

Woman. Fist with a swing, that's how it should be, grandfather!

(Baba hits the egg with her fist. At this time, the grandfather goes behind the screen and returns with a large spoon.)

Grandfather. Wait a minute, baba, step back a little.

I'll slap him harder with this spoon!

(He hits the egg with a spoon. At this time, the woman takes out a shovel.)

Woman. Spoon will not work, break with a shovel.

(He hits with a shovel. Grandfather leaves and takes out a log.)

Grandfather. Beat him with a shovel, like peas against the wall,

Step aside, I'm his log!

(He beats him with a log, the woman leaves and takes out the ax.)

Woman. Drop your log. There is little power in it.

Break an egg with a sharp axe.

(He strikes with an ax. Grandfather leaves. Baba looks around, does not see grandfather, and also leaves.)

(A mouse appears, runs around the egg, runs away with the egg, a knock is heard.)

Leading. The egg is broken!

(At the same time, a grandfather and a woman come out from two sides with large hammers in their hands, looking for an egg.)

Woman. Missing egg...

Grandfather. (asks the host) Or maybe you know where it went?

Leading. The mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle fell and broke.

Grandfather. And it really crashed!

Woman. Nothing turned out to be gold in that testicle ...

(Grandfather and woman are crying. The hen Ryaba appears.)

Hen. Don't cry, grandpa, don't cry!

Don't cry, grandma!

You will lay another testicle

Your Ryabushka.

Grandfather and grandmother. We don't want gold!

Hen. I'll bring a simple one!

Grandfather. We will collect ten of them ...

Woman. Let's breed chickens!

Together. It's a joy for all of us

Start a fun dance!

(general dance.)

Questionnaire for parents

"A fairy tale in your child's life"

1. Surname, name of the child.

2. How often do you read (tell) fairy tales to your child?

3. Does your child have a favorite fairy tale? If there is - which one?

5. Name your child's favorite films, TV shows.

6. Does your child play with the fairy tales he has heard?

7. Does the child tell a story together with you or his dolls (toys?)

8. Does the child have books for self-examination?

9. Looking at illustrations for fairy tales, does the child ask you questions?

10. Does your child recognize the fairy tale from the illustration?

11. Do you ever make up fairy tales for your child?


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