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Every car owner wants to modify his car so that it is perfect in everything. But an ideal car should be not only externally, but also internally. The engine also needs some work. If you tune the motor, then there is no way without a filter. zero resistance.

It is absolutely impossible to do without installing such a device, since the new injection, the reworked intake and exhaust system significantly increase the power indicators. power plant which requires more air to run as smoothly as possible.

If a zero resistance filter is not installed in such a situation, then the motor will simply "choke". He will waste and twitch, since the mixture will not be enriched at all. In addition, such filters can be purchased at any store. car parts... The so-called "zero" very easily replaces the regular one. Mounts are interchangeable. The aesthetic side of the new filter should also be noted. It will give the engine a sporty look.

Why install a zero resistance filter?

It is important to understand the essence of the question: is it possible to use zero on a regular car, and, if possible, then which one to choose? In order to fully and with understanding deal with this issue, you need to understand how the zero resistance filter works.

As everyone knows, any air filter must filter the incoming air from unwanted environmental influences, as this air mixes with the fuel to achieve a rich mixture. It was not in vain that the designers came up with the idea of ​​installing air purification agents on motors, since they reduce the wear rate of parts and assemblies of the power plant. In particular, they protect piston group... If you remove the filter, then the abrasive microparticles, entering with air, will wear out the motor parts in a very short period of time.

But the other side needs to be considered air filters: they are very dense, so not only particles, but also air is difficult to pass through such material. This causes the motor to lose its power. He cannot give out full-fledged horsepower, as he simply "suffocates". And, in addition, the more resistance the air receives, the less power will be output. Very often this phenomenon can be observed in the summer, when the air filter becomes clogged with all sorts of dirt and dust, interfering with the passage of air. But, after dismantling the old one and installing a new filter, something seems to move into the engine. The power increases, the dips disappear.

In order to minimize the resistance to the incoming air, and to allow the motor to work at all horsepower, they came up with such special means for cleaning the air.

"Nulevik" is specially designed so that the motor can consume as much air as possible. Air filters installed on racing cars increase the engine power by several Horse power.

The main advantages that tuning lovers highlight

Many people ask a question, but not everyone knows what a zero-wheel will do with a conventional motor.

  • The power of the power plant increases up to 10%. This is despite the fact that the filter is still there, and particles will not enter the cylinders along with the combustible mixture.
  • Zero requires no frequent replacement, unlike a conventional filter.

Such an air purifier, as it gets dirty, is simply washed with a special aerosol. After processing, the unit can be reused. You can install a modern filter in a regular place, depending on the shape, but you can simply put it on and clamp it with a clamp on the air supply line.

How to properly care for the filter?

In order to service the zero, it must be dismantled from the car. Then it is cleaned with a special brush. Cleaning has passed, now a special filter cleaner is applied to the entire filter. Now you should wait 10 minutes for the product to saturate the filter. Further, after this time, the filter is washed in some container with water. And after that you need to rinse the element under running water.

After the filter has been cleaned, you do not need to dry it at all. The most sure thing is to simply remove the remaining water with the usual shaking. There are cases when the product has poorly impregnated the filter, and light spots have appeared on it. In this case, the tool will have to be used again. After completing the entire procedure for cleaning the zero resistance filter, it can be mounted back. According to the factory data, zeroes are designed for 20 washes. Further flushing is useless, and you cannot do without replacement.

It should be noted important information: filters of zero resistance perform well in power plants with large volumes. Weak and small engines will not notice the increase in horsepower from such a device.

People's opinions that if the air filter is completely dismantled, then the engine will become much more powerful, are completely mythical. Nothing really happens. When the designers invented the engine, they calculated all valve timing, taking into account the resistance of the air filter. So, in addition to the fact that the motor will become unusable very quickly, due to the ingress of a large number of "extra" particles into it, removing the filter will not add power.

It is up to the owner to decide whether to use a standard accessory, or try to tune your car.


One way to increase engine power internal combustion the car is a decrease in resistance in the air intake - exhaust system exhaust gases... It is known that removing the muffler and catalyst can increase engine power by up to 10%.

Likewise, removing the air filter completely can increase power by up to 8-10%. This is why air filters were simply not installed on many race cars in the 20th century. However, the ingress of dust particles into the intake system significantly reduced the engine life.

Considering that modern engines race cars cost fabulous money, the designers were given the task of developing air filters with zero resistance to the intake air, and it was solved. Now such filters (motorists often call them "zero") are affordable for ordinary car owners and their popularity is increasing.

Why do you need zero and how does it work

When operating an internal combustion engine, it is necessary to protect the air intake channel from dust, small particles, fluff, insects and other substances that are not in a gaseous state. In principle, even gaseous water (steam) also destroys the piston group.

To protect the engine, an air filter is installed in all vehicles equipped with internal combustion engines. Without such a filter, the engine life can be reduced up to 10 times.

On most cars, standard filters are made of a special, as a rule, paper composition. Such material has tiny pores (holes - micropores), which prevent the smallest particles from passing through the filter.

The more such pores, the less resistance the filter will provide to the passage of air. Therefore, most air filters are made in the form of an "accordion" to increase the area and number of pores.

Video - what problems can arise when using the zero-wheel in various modes:

During the operation of the car, such air filters quickly become clogged, as their resistance increases.

The idea behind zero resistance filters is that the pore size in them is increased to slightly impede the passage of air flow. The filter material itself (as a rule, a fabric base made of a special material), as it were, attracts dust and small particles to itself, where they settle. This "attraction" is based on the physicochemical processes of electrification and adsorption.

There are two main types of filtration:

  1. Dry filtration. Filters of this type are less effective. Research shows that the maximum increase in engine power is less than 5%.
  2. Impregnated filters. Their efficiency is higher (up to 7% increase in power). Dust and particles settle on the oily impregnation.

Where to install zero in a car

Three options are possible here:

1. At an abnormal location, that is, separately from standard system air intake.

This option allows you to install a filter of any design that will fit under the hood of an existing car.

This installation method has a big drawback. Air will enter the engine from the engine compartment, not from the external intake.

In addition, the air will be warmed up by a running engine, that is, of a lower density, therefore, with a lower oxygen content. This minus eats up almost all the benefits of a zero resistance air filter.

2. In a regular place.

In this case, it is necessary to select a filter of a compatible design. In modern cars, air filters are generally rectangular (trapezoidal).

The maximum efficiency of rectangular filters with zero resistance does not exceed 5% (cylindrical - about 7%).

3. Installation on a modified design intake system .

Most effective method installation, however, requires certain skills and additional costs for re-equipment of the standard system of air ducts and intakes.

Pros and cons of zero resistance air filters

First about the poles:

  • increase in engine power. Specifically, the power increase factor can be judged only on the basis of tests for each installation option. Do not trust advertisements. The efficiency can be from 1 to 8%;
  • reduced fuel consumption. For owners passenger cars this characteristic can be decisive when installing a non-standard zero;
  • for dry filters, the procedures for installing and maintaining the filter practically do not change (it should be remembered that they are less effective than serviced zeroes);
  • changing the "sound" of the engine. This plus is more suitable for the younger generation of motorists.
  • price. The price can be up to 10,000 rubles. A mediocre zero will cost about 2,000 rubles, but even this is more than the cost of a regular consumable.
  • an abnormal installation of a zero resistance filter can have negative effectiveness if heated engine compartment air is supplied to it;
  • the need for maintenance (impregnation) of the zero resistance filter after 2 - 3 thousand kilometers at the same time as cleaning. The procedure takes time and additional costs;
  • its installation is effective only in the complex of car tuning works. No efficiency gains exhaust system often the installation of such a filter does not make sense at all (especially with a clogged catalyst);
  • it is not a fact that the engine management system will adequately perceive the increase in air flow. In the air intake system of each modern car there is a flow meter (). It instantly "calculates" the change in the mass air consumption and corrects the engine operation. That is, when installing the zero, it is rational to perform chip tuning of the car engine control unit. This operation is costly;
  • there is no 100% proof of the effectiveness of installing zero resistance filters in conventional cars. For racing cars, everything is clear: every additional horse is expensive there, regardless of the costs. The installers there are professionals. Control and adjustment is carried out on professional equipment. At the disposal of ordinary motorists - only advertising;
  • in case of an abnormal installation of the Federal Tax Service, questions may arise during the passage of a technical inspection.

Video - does it make sense to install a zero, if additional tuning work is not carried out:

How to properly maintain

The sequence of maintenance of the filter of zero resistance:

  • cleaning with a special brush (you can use soft clothes, you can additionally use a vacuum cleaner);
  • flushing the filter (it is possible with special compounds, even the household "Laska" is suitable);
  • drying for 12 hours (not close to the battery);
  • application of a special impregnation for the FTS from the air inlet side - two times.

Do not exceed the amount of impregnation, as surplus can enter the engine. The packaging of the Federal Tax Service and care products must contain instructions for use and operation. For some filter models, the maintenance sequence may be different.

It's no secret that the air filter has some effect on power. power unit car and its efficiency indicator. The more effective its filtering properties, the more it suppresses the engine. In this case, a compromise is needed: the installation of an effective filter element with less resistance. Does such a filter exist?

What is a zero resistance filter for?

It is believed that such a filter is a zero resistance filter. Even despite the good performance indicators filter elements of this design, nevertheless, the attitude to their installation cannot be called unambiguous. Many car enthusiasts note the fact that after changing the usual element to a filter with zero resistance, no changes were noticed.

Figure 1. Zero Resistance Cone Air Filter

On one of the sites, I came across an article, it is given below, which talks about all the advantages of such filters and states about their usefulness.

What does the use of a zero resistance filter give?

The purpose of air filters is to prevent the ingress of various particles into the area of ​​operation of the cylinder-piston group of the engine.

Greater air filtration efficiency inevitably leads to a loss in engine power. Standard filter papers from Bosch, Mann, Champion, Fram, SCT or Hengst are characterized by significant air flow resistance due to the high density of the filter media. The stronger the resistance, the greater and more noticeable the loss of power. This is especially evident before the date of filter replacement, when it is already sufficiently dirty.

The zero resistance filter design provides the ability to reduce the inlet flow resistance without compromising filtering properties and loss of motor power. Zero resistance filters are widely used in sports cars when it is important to add a few horsepower to the engine.

At the heart of the “zero” filter element is the use of multilayer cotton gauze impregnated with a special oil composition, which is located between the pressed aluminum screens.

The standard air filter has the ability to clean the air flow with only one plane. The design of the nulls allows for the filtration of the incoming air with the entire surface, which contributes to the retention of more dust. The impregnation for the zero resistance filter causes dust particles to settle sequentially on each cotton fiber layer.

The service life of standard air filters is very limited and averages about 15 thousand kilometers, after which they must be replaced. Cleaning this filter does not bring the desired effect. But filters with zero resistance have a resource exceeding 100 thousand kilometers.

Economic effect observed after installing a filter with zero resistance:

  • the plus, first of all, is that its installation allows you to save fuel up to 4%, due to the powerful air flow and increased filtration effect;
  • there is also an increase in power up to 5%, while maintaining the filtering ability in comparison with the standard element; a more complex element design provides low resistance to air flow and has significant filtering properties, which protects fuel system from contamination, and the piston group from premature wear.

Many people like the appearance of a unique in nature induction noise emanating from the filter when the engine is running.

The owners of some off-road vehicles characterize the installation of a "zero" on a car quite positively. And if we take into account the frequent off-road movements of such vehicles, then the use of this filter is accompanied by a quick payback.

If you are the owner of a sufficiently new car that has been fulfilled chip tuning and refinement of the exhaust system, then installing a filter with zero resistance will be quite effective.

As for old cars or low-power ones, for example, the classic VAZ model line, the purchase and installation of a filter with zero resistance will not in any way affect the increase in power or improvement in efficiency. Such a replacement is not justified and looks like nothing more than a farce of the owner.

It should be noted that the purchase and installation of a low-quality filter will not only not improve the performance of the motor, but can also greatly harm it, since such elements filter even worse than standard filters.

It should be noted that a filter with a conical design is able to add slightly more performance to the motor than a filter installed in its regular place.

Figure 2. Air filter of zero resistance in a regular place

Opinion about the inefficiency of nulls

In order not to tire you with reading, I will not describe the disadvantages of the zero resistance filter. I think it will be much more interesting to watch the video test, the conclusion of which is not based on speculation and subjective opinions, but on real measurements carried out with a special device. So, let's see.

Whether or not you believe in the uselessness of the filters we are discussing is up to you. However, my opinion is that if such filters were more effective than paper or fluff filters, then car manufacturers would install them regularly, off the assembly line. In general, I am against installing filters with zero resistance.

Installing a zero resistance filter on a car

If, after watching the video, you still want to check the effectiveness of filters with zero resistance from your own experience, then proceed as follows. First dismantle the filter housing itself. Then remove the section with the MAF sensor. After that, the zero resistance filter is attached with clamps to the section with the mass air flow sensor, and the whole structure is attached to the air intake pipe.

The filter must be securely fastened to prevent it from loosening.

There are special kits on sale, both for mounting the filter on any car, and for installation on a specific model.

How to maintain a zero resistance filter

The filter can also be cleaned, just like the installation. with my own hands... The filter is dismantled and, using a brush with a soft fluffy coating, gently clean the outer surface of dirt.

Then apply the special Universal Cleaner to all sides of the filter. After 10 minutes after the filter element has been completely saturated with the composition, the filter should be rinsed with water in a container, and then washed again under running water.

Figure 3. Zero Resistance Filter Cleaner

It is not necessary to dry such a filter; it is enough to shake it vigorously a few times to remove the remaining water. Drying with heating devices is not recommended, so as not to damage the filter element. If white spots appear on the outside or inside of the filter, it can be re-soaked. After that, the filter is installed in its place.

If you drive a car frequently in dusty conditions, the zero resistance filter oil is reapplied every 5,000 km. Under normal operating conditions, impregnation is carried out after 10 thousand kilometers. The filter resource is capable of withstanding at least 20 washings.

Some car owners, eager to increase the power of their car and improve dynamics, put a zero resistance filter. It is difficult for an uninitiated person to judge how justified this is. Among motorists, there are directly opposite opinions about such a modernization of the car. Some argue that installing a zero resistance filter significantly increases the power of the engine, which is strangled by a standard air filter. Others are sure that one "zero" is not enough to improve the power characteristics, and therefore it makes no sense to put it. In addition, there is a widespread belief that such a device is much worse at cleaning the air entering the motor.

The truth is hidden somewhere nearby, or rather, in the middle of these two conflicting opinions. We will tell you what, in fact, a zero resistance filter is, what are its disadvantages and advantages, compared to a conventional filter, and also talk about its maintenance.

Zero resistance filter: what is it?

Air contains many mechanical particles and chemical compounds. First of all, the dust that gets into the cylinders of the engine is capable of disabling it. To prevent possible breakdowns, the air must be cleaned. This requires a mechanically cleaned air filter.

Engine power depends on the amount of air contained in the working mixture. The more the air is filtered, the less it enters the engine, and the more the power is reduced. Standard paper filters are very resistant to air because they are made from a very dense material. As the filter becomes dirty, the pores of the filter become clogged, and, in general, it ceases to pass anything, significantly increasing the air resistance.

Its filter component has several layers of cotton fabric impregnated with a special mixture and installed between an aluminum screen. It allows airflow into the engine to pass almost unhindered. Dirt particles are deposited on the filter fibers without reducing the filter's capacity. The zero resistance filter is called this way because it practically does not interfere with the penetration of air at the intake. Moreover, this property of "zero" does not affect the quality of cleaning. It is for this reason that it is installed on sports cars.

Pros of a zero resistance filter

So, let's list the main advantages of a zero resistance filter:

  • Firstly, it is an increased power factor without a decrease in the quality of air purification. The filter has a more complex design, which guarantees low resistance, but at the same time, effective filtration, which protects the piston system from wear and the intake system from clogging.
  • Secondly, there is no need to change the filter every 15 thousand km. The cleaning component is easily washed with a special liquid, after which it acquires its original properties.
  • Third, the zero impedance filter emits the characteristic sound inherent in racing cars and a few additional "horses". And with averages and low revs torque appears.

It is worth noting that in order to obtain a tangible increase in power characteristics and torque, you should remove the standard air filter housing assembly with a filter cartridge and install a cone filter - zero, which is selected in accordance with the diameter of the seat.

Cons of a zero resistance filter

As the saying goes: "Not all the cat is Shrovetide." Unfortunately, the zero resistance filter also has a number of disadvantages, which can override all the advantages of this product. Let's list the main ones:

  • The zero resistance filter requires regular maintenance.
  • The cost of a high-quality zero filter is several times higher than the price of a conventional filter.
  • The driver practically does not feel the increased power of 5-6% when the filter of zero resistance is installed, since physically a person cannot sense the difference in power less than 5 horsepower.

Feasibility of installing a zero resistance filter

Make no mistake that removing the filter with the housing will significantly increase engine power. This is not the case at all, and all sorts of measurements confirm this. The reason is that the developers calculate the valve timing in advance, taking into account the losses for air filtration. In addition, you should not risk the condition of the engine, since it will quickly fail in untreated air.

An obstacle for debris in the form of an air filter is a must. Minimum flow resistance can be achieved only by expanding the passage holes, slightly impairing the quality of filtration.

To summarize, we can say that if your car does not possess sports engine, then spending several thousand on a zero resistance filter is inappropriate. Still, this is the privilege of racing cars, and for an ordinary engine, there is just a beautiful thing under the hood.

Another conversation, if you decide to comprehensively modify the car engine with a turbo or the installation of sports camshafts, cylinder bore. In this case, the zero will have to be in place. Together with a zero resistance filter, an enlarged throttle valve can be purchased, which will increase the return from the engine intake system.

Maintenance of a zero resistance filter

Installing a zero resistance filter obliges the car owner to regularly rinse it and soak it with a special liquid, which also costs money. Moreover, the processing should be carried out according to a certain technology, instead of a simple algorithm of actions "removed and placed". It is impossible to miss the moment of filter maintenance, since such negligence threatens to increase fuel consumption and reduce the power of the car.

  • At the first stage of servicing the filter of zero resistance, remove it and, armed with a brush with soft bristles, carefully clean the filter element from coarse dirt.
  • After that, a special solution is applied on both sides of the filter and wait 10 minutes until complete impregnation.
  • Next, it must be rinsed in a basin with water, and then substituted under a weak pressure of running water.
  • They don't dry the zero, they just shake the water off it.
  • The dry filter should be carefully inspected for light spots. If they are present, then the impregnation with a special solution will have to be repeated.
  • At the last stage, we put the filter in place.


Now you know what a zero resistance filter is and can conclude that it is advisable to use it. To reinforce the knowledge gained, we recommend watching the following video:

An ambiguous attitude towards tuning the air system develops among motorists who want to get the most out of their car. This is due to the installation of an element such as a zero resistance air filter (VFNS). Unlike professional athletes, who are unambiguous about such a detail, amateurs did not come to a consensus.

The name itself speaks about the functions of the product. In fact, according to the assurances of the manufacturers, it minimizes the resistance of the air entering the engine to form the air-fuel mixture. Due to its design, the amount of air increases, and with it the mass of supplied oxygen increases. The point of installing this unit is to increase the power of the vehicle.

Installed filter

It is believed that the nulevik gives an increase of about 5-7% of the power. In terms of average car, you get about 5 hp.

It is unlikely that such a parameter can be called essential. Not all experienced drivers will be able to feel this increase. Therefore, the main buyers of the new items are representatives of the younger generation of car owners. Most often, the device is equipped with machines of domestic manufacturers.

Installation of VFNS is usually carried out during tuning of the power plant. Because the filter without preparation of the motor will not bring the desired effect. It is recommended to install a direct-flow exhaust, and only then mount the zero-point. Additionally changes throttle to a more powerful one. Also, the "brains" are being reflashed under the updated design.

As a result of the work done, it is hoped that an additional five horses will be added to the power.

Variety of filter shapes

After performing such manipulations, the sound emitted by the engine will change slightly. A solid motor bass can amuse the pride of young drivers, and will highlight the car "voice" in the traffic flow.

Positive and negative sides of installing zero filters

In every case, there are positive and negative consequences. Let's try to evaluate the pros and cons of the zero resistance filter installed in the car.


  • increasing the power of the car, when carrying out additional work with the exhaust system;
  • new, more "solid" sound from the engine compartment;
  • an updated look of the engine compartment, stylized as a sports car.


  • regular maintenance of the installed filter is required;
  • cheap non-proprietary filters perform poor-quality air purification, which negatively affects operation engine oil; it becomes dirty, and this leads to disastrous consequences for the engine as a whole.

Difference between normal and null filters

Air purification with a zero-wheel directly depends on its design features... Standard air filters are made from materials that are known to be dense. Thanks to this, they qualitatively clean the air supplied to the system from various polluting particles of dust and debris. But at the same time, significant air resistance is obtained due to the high density of the filter layers.

Difference between filters

Zero filters are based on cotton fabric. An additional deterrent for debris is a special fabric impregnation. Thanks to this design, small particles of dust and dirt do not penetrate the inside of the motor, but remain outside the filter.

In fact, cleaning takes place due to the adhesion of debris, while nothing else interferes with the air.

This design does not create 100% cleaning. Also, if you do not clean the filter in time, then there will be more negative than positive from this installation.

Maintenance of Zero Resistance Filters

After installing the zero, you need to take care of it. It is required to flush and impregnate the filter with a certain fixed frequency of mileage. Used for impregnation special liquid, which is purchased separately.

Flushing the zero-point

You should not skip the service, otherwise the car will worsen its power characteristics, and fuel consumption will noticeably increase.

The service procedure is as follows:

  • the filter must be removed from the car, then with a soft bristle brush or a soft bristle brush, visible dust particles and debris are removed from the surface;
  • a layer of impregnation from a branded balloon is applied to a dry cleaned filter and left for 10-15 minutes to completely saturate the fabric;
  • now the nulevik is lowered into a container with water at room temperature and caressed in it;
  • removed from the container and placed under a weak flowing stream of water for flushing;
  • shake off excess water and put the device to dry for a short time;
  • the filter can then be replaced.

Please be aware that drying with a hair dryer or similar intensive appliances is not allowed.

Cleaning under running water

The average mileage between services is 8-10 thousand kilometers. If the operating conditions of the car imply travel on dusty roads, then the mileage is reduced to 4-5 thousand kilometers.

For VFNS, about two dozen flushing cycles are provided. Further, it is recommended to replace the zero resistance filter with a new one.

Self-made filter

The estimated price of the product in stores is from 500 to 3500 rubles, excluding the cost of impregnation. Not all car owners are willing to pay a hefty price for such an additional device. Therefore, craftsmen make a zero resistance filter with their own hands in garage conditions... Most often, the "VAZ" classic or the model of old "Muscovites" acts as an experimental car.

Step 1. Cut the filter cover by diameter Step 2. Adjust the filter cover to size Step 3. We clean the edges on emery Step 3. We measure and sizing Step 4. Preparing the filter Step 5. Cut off the unnecessary intake pipe Step 5. Clean up the edges Step 6. Mount on the engine

Standard filters and body parts of car air systems are used as scrap materials. The alteration is carried out with the help of a grinder, emery, a file and hard work. The operating conditions apply approximately the same as for branded products. But the installation of such a part on a car is carried out at your own peril and risk. At the same time, no irreversible changes in the design are carried out, therefore, if desired, everything can be returned to its original position with the "native" filters without damage.


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