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Today, there are more than 50,000 car models and approximately 500 car brands around the world. For the convenience of familiarization with a variety of car brands, they can be broken down by country of origin.

The Chinese automotive industry is actively developing and at the moment there are more than 40 car logos from China.

Notable Chinese car manufacturers:

  1. Chery... The logo is based on the letter "A" located inside an ellipsoidal shape in the form of arms enclosing the symbol. The letter enclosed inside the ellipse symbolizes the high level of the machines of this manufacturer. The company was founded in 1997, but received the right to install its logo only in 2001.
  2. Lifan... The Lifan emblem symbolically depicts three sailing ships, which is directly related to the brand's name, literally translated as "sailing in full sail."
  3. Geely... Like many Chinese automakers, Geely Automobile Holdings began with the production of not cars, but other equipment, namely refrigerators. Together with Honda, Geely badges appeared on cars for the first time. This manufacturer is one of the most famous Chinese car manufacturers.
  4. Great wall... The manufacturer Great Wall Motors specializes in the production of four-wheel drive vehicles, although the model range includes both small cars and minivans, limousines, pickups. With the high quality of transport from this manufacturer, the simplicity and reliability of the machines is known all over the world, the positive aspects include the compatibility of parts with other Chinese manufacturers, which greatly simplifies their maintenance and repair.
  5. BYD Auto... The company first announced itself in 1995, initially focusing on the simple requirements of ordinary people. Currently, the priority direction in the production of cars is the independent development, design and production of our own unique cars in full accordance with its name - Build Your Dreams (Build Your Dreams). The manufacturer is currently focusing on the development of electric vehicles, with a focus on buses.
  6. SAIC- the largest Chinese state automobile concern, originally specialized in the production of cars for the highest government apparatus. At the moment, the manufacturer produces cars together with well-known automotive conglomerates (concerns VAG, GMC, Rover Group). In addition to light vehicles, SAIC produces trucks, motorcycles, tractors and buses.
  7. BAW Is a major manufacturer of Chinese 4WD SUVs. In addition to them, the concern produces pickups, light trucks and best cars for military needs.

Japanese cars

Japanese cars have held the leading position among automakers for many years. There are almost 20 brands from the land of the rising sun.

Major Japanese brands:

  1. Honda... The Honda badge is depicted in the form of a stylized symbol "H", after the first letter of the name of the founder of the concern, which is enclosed in a square with smoothed corners.
  2. Toyota... The Toyota emblem consists of three ovals, two of which form the letter "T" and are often described as a thread threaded into a needle with a hint of the weaving past of the manufacturer. Two ovals symbolize the union of the heart of the driver and the car. Both ellipses are enclosed within a common one.
  3. Subaru... The Subaru emblem depicts the Pleiades constellation, the second meaning of the logo is the merger of 6 companies into one - Fuji Heavy Industries. At the beginning of the journey, components from the French Renault brand were used for the production of basic cars.
  4. Suzuki. The Suzuki emblem contains the stylized letter "S". The company began its activity with the production of weaving equipment and motorcycles.
  5. Mitsubishi. The name of the manufacturer is translated as "3 diamonds", which are stylized in the logo.
  6. Nissan. The emblem of Nissan is based on the sun, and across it is the name of the concern. The history of the company goes back over 80 years.
  7. Acura- is a separate subsidiary of the Honda concern, the name is based on the word "Aku", which symbolizes reliability, accuracy and accuracy. The emblem contains a stylistic image of a caliper (a tool for the most accurate measurement). The brand was founded in 1984.
  8. Datsun. 1931-1986 the company produced its own products, after which it was absorbed by the Nissan carmaker until 2013, when the manufacturer resumed independent production of cars. The emblem is based on the Japanese flag with a transverse brand inscription.
  9. Infiniti. The Infiniti emblem contains a stylistic image of the road rushing into the distance, symbolizing the endless possibilities of the car of this brand. Premium cars of this brand are produced on the basis of Nissan-FM.
  10. Lexus. The emblem contains a stylized oblique “L” in an oval. The name of the manufacturer is a harmonious synonym for luxury, which is the priority in the production of cars under this brand. Lexus produces premium cars aimed at the consumer who prefers luxury and driving comfort.
  11. Mazda... The Mazda badge resembles both a tulip, a seagull, a stylized image of an owl, and the letter "M" with spread wings pointing up towards the sky.

Russian car brands

Like other automakers in other countries, the logos of Russian car brands have their own meanings and traditions.

Domestic car manufacturers:

  1. WHA. The emblem in the oval contains a stylized boat, in which both the Russian "B" and "V" can be seen. The rook is a symbol of the regional location of the factory, where in ancient times people and goods were transported on boats.
  2. GAS. Initially, the base for the production of these cars was the products of the Ford concern, which was reflected in the original plant badge, which resembled the American emblem. Since the mid-20th century, changes have taken place in the emblem, reflected in the appearance of a stylized image of the region's coat of arms in the badge. At the moment, the stylistic image of a deer on a blue background is present on many domestic vehicles (freight, passenger, cars).
  3. Moskvich. Several meanings are encrypted in the Moskvich logo. Initially, "M" is visible, a closer look at the emblem can be seen the similarity of the badge with the elements of the Kremlin wall. Currently, the logo belongs to the VAG (Volkswagen) concern.
  4. UAZ. In the emblem of the Ulyanovsk manufacturer, a bird can be seen, spreading its wings from a circle.

German car brands

Reliability and practicality German cars allowed not only to win love all over the world, but also led to the fact that the emblems of German concerns have become synonymous with "quality".

German car brands:

  1. Audi. The four-ring badge contains the symbol of the merger of 4 companies. Many people see the emblem as 4 wheels of the car.
  2. BMW. The German concern initially declared itself as a manufacturer of products for the aircraft industry, as a result of which the image of a propeller was present in the original logo. Subsequently, a circle with a wide black outline was used as an emblem, the inner part of which was staggered into 4 equal sectors. The two silver sectors represent steel, and the blue sectors represent the color of the flag.
  3. Mercedes-Benz. The Mercedes-Benz emblem features a three-pointed star within a circle. The beams of the star symbolize primacy and superiority in water, on land and in air, which is directly related to the release of power units for air and water transport.
  4. Opel. The Opel emblem depicts lightning in a circle as a symbol of speed.
  5. Volkswagen. The company logo contains two letters from its name.
  6. Porsche. The Porsche logo depicts a rearing horse, the symbol of Stuttgart's hometown, and the presence of deer antlers on a red background symbolizes Baden-Württemberg.

European car brands

About 30 well-known brands of cars are represented by European manufacturers.

The most popular European car brands:

  1. Rolls-Royce. The British concern produces premium cars. The logo of the company is inscribed with two letters "R" in honor of the names of its founders. The letters are located one above the other with a slight offset of the second down and to the right.
  2. Rover. Despite the constant changes of Rover's logos, stylized images from the Viking era are constantly visible in their symbolism. At the moment, the logo is a gold-colored boat with a red sail, depicted on a black background.
  3. Ferrari. In the logo of the Italian company, on a yellow background, which is the symbol of Modena, the letters "SF" (an abbreviation for Ferrari stables) have been added, and the colors of the country's flag are present at the top of the badge.
  4. Fiat. The Fiat emblem combines a circle with a square, inside which the name of the brand is inscribed. The badge is a symbol of the achievements and experience that are the pride of the company.
  5. Renault. The emblem of the French manufacturer Renault features a stylized diamond on a yellow background, symbolizing prosperity and optimism.
  6. Peugeot. The logo of the French company depicts a lion standing on its hind legs, which symbolizes dynamism.
  7. Citroen. The Citroen logo has a heraldic meaning, and two chevrons, which are an attribute of a military uniform, indicate a great length of service.
  8. Volvo... The Volvo logo represents the symbolism of the god of war - Mars (shield, spear). The diagonal line, designed to hold the symbols together, has become a bright and recognizable attribute of the emblem.

Korean car logos

Korean tradition obliges to put meaning and content in the emblems of brands.

Major Korean car brands:

  1. Hyundai. The emblem of the largest Korean manufacturer in the ellipse contains a stylized letter "H" tilted to the right, symbolizing a partnership handshake, and the name of the concern itself can be translated as "new time".
  2. Ssang Yong. The name of the South Korean manufacturer literally translates as "two dragons", which is reflected in the logo in the form of a stylized image of dragon wings or claws.
  3. Daewoo. The company's logo is a stylized image of a sea shell, and the name of the company itself is translated as "Big Universe".
  4. Kia. In the emblem of the Korean brand, the name of the brand is inscribed in an ellipse, which is a piece of the symbolic phrase "Enter the world of Asia"

American cars

America's love for visible cars and a passion for standing out from the crowd, American car emblems easily stand out from the crowd.

Some of the American car brands:

  1. Ford. The name of the founder of the concern is inscribed in capital letters in the Ford emblem in an ellipse, which is familiar to the modern automotive industry, against a blue background.
  2. Buick. The modern emblem of the American manufacturer is three silvery coats of arms, symbolizing the most successful cars produced by the company of all time.
  3. Hummer. A native of military battles is designated simply and unpretentiously in a simple font - Hummer, the emblem is located on an eight-strip radiator grille.
  4. GMC. The largest American concern General Motors for more than a century of its existence is distinguished by a laconic logo consisting of the abbreviation GMC, made in red.
  5. Cadillac. The company owes its name to the founder, whose name is embedded in the brand. In the central part of the logo there is the family coat of arms of the progenitor of the company.
  6. Chevrolet. The stylized cross, which is the logo of the Chevrolet brand, according to legend, came from a pattern seen by the owner of the company on the wallpaper of a French motel.
  7. Chrysler. The Chrysler logo contains stylized wings that symbolize the speed and power of cars produced by one of the oldest corporations. It includes such well-known brands as Dodge, Lamborghini.
  8. Pontiac. The emblem of a thoroughbred American car is a red arrow located between two large air intakes.
  9. Tesla. The emblem of the Tesla company specializing in the production of cars with electric motors is the letter "T", stylized as a sword.

Among the variety of car brands, one can single out well-known and recognizable ones. To make it easier to navigate such a variety of car manufacturers, brands can be broken down by country of origin.

Each state is characterized by investing a special meaning in the emblems and names of brands of their cars.


Correct selection names and logos in the automotive business are one of the most important tasks. Throughout the history of the automotive industry, a huge number of car brands have appeared in the world - there are at least a thousand of them; at the same time, no more than a hundred names are heard by motorists. Without knowing the emblems, it is not easy to understand such a variety. Each manufacturer tries to reflect the unique features of the product in its logo, while it is easy to see the general principles in the total mass of symbols. What do the emblems of famous car brands look like and what do they mean? How were the names of common cars born?

This Japanese brand appeared quite recently - in 1986. The Honda division has chosen the image of a caliper in a circle as its symbol. This tool is intended to emphasize the consistent Japanese precision when creating cars - it should be clear at first glance that the car is not flawed. This can be seen in the name - Acura is consonant with the English word accuracy - accuracy, accuracy.
In addition, the logo resembles the first letter of the brand name and a slightly modified first letter of the name of the parent company - H. The drawing is quite simple, due to the complexity of selecting a unique image at the end of the 20th century, but it has many possible meanings.

Alfa romeo

The Italian company took part of its logo from the coat of arms of its hometown - Milan. The left half of the round icon is a red cross on a white background. The right half - a green snake eating a man - is the coat of arms of the Italian Visconti dynasty, which ruled the country in the Middle Ages.

Aston martin

The modern Aston Martin logo appeared in 1927. It represents the spread eagle's wings - a symbol of speed and pride. This choice of the emblem is connected with the fact that the company was going to produce fast sports cars. Because of this, the old badge - the woven letters A and M - has been replaced with a stylized image of a bird.

Even a person far from automotive world, at first glance recognizes the four rings, the symbol of the German company Audi. The closed circles mark the merger of the founding companies in 1932: Audi, Horch, Wanderer and Dampf Kraft Wagen. The last three disappeared after the war, while Audi rose from the ashes in 1965 and borrowed the old logo.

There are three variations of the winged Bentley logo: the letter B on a green background is for sports cars, on a red one for elite cars, and a black background is a symbol of power. The eagle wings, borrowed by the Italians, mean, like those of Aston Martin, speed and majesty.

The circle with blue and white sectors in a black ring with BMW letters is as familiar to everyone as Audi rings. The meaning of the symbol is twofold: on the one hand, the circle resembles a rotating airplane propeller - this reminds of both the speed and the history of BMW associated with the production of aircraft engines. On the other hand, the white and blue colors are a tribute to the flag of Bavaria, where the company is located. In general, the logo has remained practically unchanged since its appearance in 1920 - only the font of the letters changed in the middle of the 20th century.


Brilliance translated from English means brilliance, brightness. It is these machines that the Chinese company produces, despite their low cost. The logo of the brand is quite simple - it means the same thing, only in the form of Chinese characters.

The red oval of the emblem is bordered with pearls - it immediately becomes clear that this is due to the luxury of the cars produced by the company. The name of the company is the name of its founder, Ettore Bugatti.

Buick is a division of the American company General Motors, founded by the Scots. Like other proud British families, David Buick, the founder of Buick, had his family crest - three shields in red, white and blue - which was taken as the logo of the car brand.

In the BYD logo, the naked eye can see the purest rip-off from BMW. The emblem is noticeably simplified - there is no volume, the circle is divided into only two parts. History, of course, has nothing to do with this. The distortion of the popular brand did not affect the fame of the Chinese company in any way - its cars are among the most common in Europe.


American cars Cadillac are known throughout the world as an elite class vehicle. Cadillacs are produced in Detroit - the industrial capital of the United States. This city was founded in 1701 by the Frenchman Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, whose family coat of arms was taken as the emblem of the automobile brand.

Chery is not a misspelling of the word cherry, as one might think; the company name is the Chinese word for prosperity. The logo is again ambiguous. You can see two letters C surrounding the letter A - this is an abbreviation for the full name of the corporation, Chery Automobile Corporation. If you look closely, you can see the clasped hands, symbolizing strength and strength. Another option - the letter A in the center of the logo means a road going into the distance.


The brand name is simple - it was named after the French racer Louis Chevrolet, who agreed to use his name in the name of an American corporation in 1911.
The meaning of the General Motors division logo is more difficult to determine. There are several versions. According to the official history, the golden cross symbolizes a bow tie associated with wealth, high society. It is also rumored that the founder of the company, William Durant, saw a similar cross on the wallpaper in the hotel. Another opinion expressed by his wife is that Durant adapted someone else's logo he liked, which he saw in the morning newspaper.


Chrysler has a very standard for luxury cars badge in the form of wings, symbolizing speed, dynamism. The name of the firm is the surname of its founder, Walter Chrysler, one of the iconic figures in the automotive world. He created a company that brought together many famous car brands and became vice president of General Motors. Chrysler enjoyed the greatest popularity at the beginning of the 20th century - one of the most famous skyscrapers in New York, the Chrysler Building, was even built for the company. Today, the company has lost some ground and produces family cars, being a division of the Fiat plant.

The two inverted Vs are symbols that are fairly common in heraldry. But in this case, the emblem has a special historical significance. The founder of the company, André Citroën, began his career in a workshop producing parts for steam locomotives. He soon began production gear wheels, a schematic representation of which was used as the logo of an automobile company founded by the engineer.

Dacia is one of the oldest names on our list. Dacia in ancient times was the name of the territory on which Romania is located today. The Romanian automobile plant borrowed this name from the ancient Romans, who called the lands of the Dacian tribes Dacia. This people worshiped the totems of animals - the wolf and the dragon, and their warriors wore scale armor. The scale also became the emblem of the car, also resembling an inverted letter D. The silver shade was chosen in honor of the parent company - Renault.

According to the main version, the Koreans chose a seashell as the Daewoo logo. However, with the name of the company, which translates from Korean as "great universe", the version that the auto badge symbolizes the opened lily flower fits better. Lily has always been associated with purity, majesty, beauty.


The company badge is the elongated initial of the brand name, reminiscent of a bullet - a symbol of speed. You can also see an airplane wing in this figure. In general, elongation is associated with acceleration as well as compactness.
The name is more difficult to figure out, since it is associated with the peculiarities of the Japanese language. The company is located in Osaka, which is reflected in the name, which consists of two hieroglyphs - dai and hatsu. The first is taken from the name of the city, and the second - from the phrase "car production". Thus, literally Daihatsu can be adapted into Russian, like the banal "Osaka Automobile Plant".

Dodge is known for its massive muscle cars. It is not surprising that the head of a mountain goat with huge horns was chosen as the emblem of the brand. However, in 2010 the logo changed - it is now the simple name of the company founded by the Dodge brothers in 1900, decorated with red slanted lines. Because red goes faster.

FAW stands for First Automotive Corporation. It can be seen that the Chinese did not bother too much not only with the name, but also with the logo - it shows the number 1. Eagle's wings are also called upon to represent the company as a leader - like a bird, FAW spreads its huge wings and shows its superiority.

In the case of Ferrari, the associative array when looking at the emblem is simple: stallion - gallop - speed - racing cars. So? But no. The horse on the logo does not mean that at all.
Enzo Ferrari, the founder of the company, was a fan of, so to speak, the military pilot of the First World War, Francesco Barak. He was an ace, and, like all professionals in his field, he had his own identification mark - a black horse painted on the body of the plane. This horse was depicted by Ferrari on the logo of his car, taking as a background the yellow color associated with Enzo's hometown of Modena. The top of the emblem is decorated with stripes of the Italian flag.

The Fiat brand name is an abbreviation for the location of the factory. Italian automobile factory in the city of Turin - this is how it stands and is translated into Russian. It was decided to shorten the name to fit it into the emblem in 1901. The shape of the logo has changed constantly over the last century. Today the badge is made in the spirit of previous versions - a round chrome edging with a crimson rounded trapezoid in the center. Pride in its history distinguishes this Italian company.

The Ford emblem is one of the simplest on our list. The surname of the founding father of the company and the legislator of the automotive industry as a whole is written in beautiful type and inscribed in a blue oval. Minimalistic, practical, impossible not to recognize - ideal.

The Polish passenger car factory took a simple path and took its abbreviation as its name. Until 2010, the plant produced cars for by Daewoo, but in recent years has acquired its own production line.
The company emblem is simple and elegant - in the center of the white letter O on a red background letters F and S merged. Red is a symbol of power, challenge.

The Chinese company Geely did not fail to associate itself with grandeur. The white element of the emblem can be associated with a bird's wing, but still it means a mountain (possibly Everest itself) against the background of a piercingly clear sky. The name of the company is translated from Chinese as "happiness".

And again the abbreviation. Behind three simple letters, not someone is hiding there, but General Motors, the largest automotive corporation not only in the United States, but also throughout the world until 2008. The company was created by the ambitious Grabowski brothers, who began with the creation of one truck, and united the small car factories of the whole state of Michigan under a single umbrella.

Great wall

"Great Wall" - from the name it immediately becomes clear where this brand of cars comes from. The logo is a schematic representation of the battlements of that great wall. The emblem has been used since 2007 and is intended to remind of patriotism, combined with majesty and unshakable grace.

The name of the company is the surname of its founder, Japanese Soichiro Honda. The emblem is a straight letter H. Not to be confused with an oblique H - this is already Hyundai!

Hummer cars are no longer in production - since 2010 the conveyor has stopped working. But it will be possible to meet them for a long time. The name of the brand is the abbreviation HMMWV adapted for better euphony - multipurpose wheeled vehicle of increased mobility, model 998. It is immediately clear that the vehicle is of military origin - indeed, Hummers are widely used by the US Army in ground operations. They became available to civilians in 1979. The car emblem is simply the name of the brand; there is no need to expect anything more stylish from the military.

Hyundai, Hyundai, Hyundai - as soon as they do not call these cars. In fact, the Korean word Hyundai reads "handi". The company embodies the whole spirit of South Korea - the desire for modernity, high technology, and its name is translated this way - "new time". The emblem is a graceful oblique letter H. It looks like Russian And it is similar because it should symbolize the shaking of hands, which, in the opinion of Koreans, looks exactly like that.


Infinity is infinity, into which the road depicted on the brand's logo goes. It was decided to abandon the original version - the infinity sign familiar to everyone in the form of an inverted eight, it was decided to abandon it. And in vain - so the emblem would be more unique; the road stretching beyond the horizon is found in at least three more brands, as we have already seen.

Isuzu is an ancient company, even by the standards of the automotive industry, founded in 1889. The construction of cars began only in 1916, when diesel engines began to be used in cars. The company received its modern name in 1934 - it was named after the Japanese river Isuzu. The emblem is reminiscent of the letter I, growing skyward, like a ceaselessly expanding company.

When Jaguar Cars was founded in Britain, there was obviously no question of logo selection. The stylized wild cat, symbolizing grace, speed, grace, was created by the artist Gordon Crosby. The jaguar-shaped nameplate, however, is rarely seen for safety reasons, but the brand name can be found on the hood of any Jaguar.

The Jeep emblem is simple - it represents the company's name in the most unremarkable style. But the name is very interesting, at least because it has become a household name. Initially, this word was simply consonant with the abbreviation GP - car general purpose(general purpose).

The KIA emblem is an abbreviation on a cherry background with a chrome oval edging. This shape is a symbol of the globe, which speaks of the company's goals to become a global leader. automotive market... And the name speaks about it - it stands for “to go out into the world from Asia”.


Probably, few have met Swedish Koenigsegg cars on Russian roads. The plant produces sports cars in small quantities, exclusively on order in exclusive versions. The company is young, founded in 1994 by Christian von Königsegg, who used his family coat of arms in the company logo - gold and orange rhombuses in blue edging.


Lamborghini is a division of Audi AG, part of the Volkswagen concern. The company is engaged in the production of elite supercars, which everyone dreams of, but saw in real life only a couple of times.
The name is the surname of Feruccio Lamborghini, who became a car manufacturer, starting with the creation of tractors. The bull on the emblem is easy to associate with this story - tractors have just replaced these strong animals. In addition, Taurus is the constellation under which the founder of the company was born. Lamborghini's passion for bulls is also emphasized by the names of the lineup - Diablo, Murcielago, Gallardo and other famous supercars are named after bulls participating in bullfights.

Land rover

Legendary SUVs Land Rover and Range Rover are the brainchild of the British car manufacturer, a division of the American company Ford. The name speaks for itself: land - land and rover - all-terrain vehicle. The last word is also associated with lunar rovers, rovers and other "moves" - it becomes clear that any land will be conquered to the owner of the car.
The logo of the brand is simple - the name on a dark green background in a silver oval edging, which also evokes the associations of rough terrain, through which Land Rover can easily navigate.

Lexus is Toyota's premium car subsidiary. The name was not chosen by chance - it is consonant with the English luxury - luxury, luxury. A truly luxurious car does not need an overly pretentious emblem - it is a smoothed L, inscribed in a circle. Elegance in every line is the hallmark of these cars.

The Chinese firm Lifan produces a wide range of vehicles, from light scooters to huge buses. On our roads, however, you can only find cars.
The name of the company is translated from Chinese as "to go full sail." It is logical that the emblem also depicts sails - three pieces of blue. Ironically, sailing ships actually move at the speed of a walking person.

Lincoln cars are very prestigious, and the goal of the company's founders was worldwide recognition. The brand's emblem says exactly that - it is a stylized compass with arrows pointing in all 4 directions. The firm is part of the Ford plant and is named after Abraham Lincoln, the American president for whom the founder gave his first vote.


The premium sports car company was founded by the Maserati brothers. The logo is based on the coat of arms of their hometown, Bologna, which is colored red and blue. Neptune's trident was taken in honor of the statue of this god in the central square of the city.

The full face of a flying bird with spread wings is an obvious symbol of speed and freedom. An open flower can also be seen in the Mazda logo. Perhaps the fluid and flexible letter M is taken from the coat of arms of Hiroshima. However, it is actually just the stylized first letter of the Japanese company name.

German Wilhelm Maybach founded a luxury car company in 1909 and named it after himself. Initially, the cars were made to order, each of them was unique, but today no company can survive without mass production.
The two intertwined M letters in the logo are the names of Wilhelm Maybach and his son Karl, and the abbreviation for Maybach-Manufactura (yes, Maybach cars were originally assembled by hand).


Mercedes produces almost all types of land vehicles - trucks, buses, premium cars. The company is named in honor of the daughter of an Austrian industrial magnate, who ordered 10 cars from its founders (a fabulous sum at that time) on the condition that the cars bear this name.
The three-pointed star logo commemorates the three founders of the company - Gottlieb Daimler, Wilhelm Maybach and Karl Benz, whose production facilities were merged into a single corporation. In addition, the star symbolizes the presence of Mercedes products in all three areas - on land, in the sky and at sea - since the company's predecessor, Daimler, originally produced motors for aircraft and ships. The emblem was created by Daimler himself.


The Mitsubishi logo was created by merging the coats of arms of the founders of the company - three diamonds and three oak leaves. The name of the company is translated as “three diamonds”, it is the precious stones of red color that are reflected on the emblem of cars, which has not changed throughout the history of the company.

Initially, the logo of the Japanese automaker was traditionally Japanese - it was a red rising sun with a blue stripe on which the name of the company flaunted. Today, they got rid of such brightness for the sake of modernity. The Nissan emblem is now a silver ring with a chrome stripe in the center, on which the word Nissan is written in black.

Opel is named after its founder, Adam Opel. What this company did not do - it started with the production of sewing machines, then switched to bicycles. During the war, military trucks rolled off the assembly lines. Today, the Opel brand is used for family minivans and passenger cars.
The Opel badge is a silver lightning bolt inscribed in a ring. The symbolism is not difficult to understand - it means lightning speed, speed.

The Italian corporation Pagani produces such elite cars that even the word "supercar" is too small for them - only hypercars come off the assembly lines. The company is known for producing the fastest car in the world - the Zonda F. The plant is named after Horatio Pagani, the founder of the company.

At the beginning of its existence, the French company also paid attention to bicycles, and later the production of Peugeot cars began. The company logo has changed many times, but it has always retained the traditional lion taken from the flag of the French province in which the Peugeot factory was located. Today, the lion is depicted very schematically and with a touch of three-dimensionality.

At first glance, the Porsche brand logo resembles the coat of arms of some ancient and proud country. In general, it is - the main part of the emblem is the coat of arms of the state of Baden-Württemberg, in which the manufacturer is located sports cars... Specifically, the company is located in Stuttgart, as evidenced by the city's name in the center of the logo and the city's symbol in the form of a black horse.

Renault's logo changed even more often than Peugeot's - over more than a century of history, 12 variants of the emblem have changed. In the beginning, the logo featured the ornate initials of the Renault brothers; at one point, the company switched to tank production, and the formidable war machine found its place on the Renault emblem. Today the mark is a three-dimensional silver-colored diamond shape. It is easy to notice the unreality of its shape - by this the logo designer hints that Renault is ready to realize impossible ideas.


The company is named after its founders, Frederick Royce and Charles Rolls. Its emblem is minimalistic and ascetic - simple letters R, superimposed on each other and framed by a black rectangle. Do not forget the nameplate that adorns the hoods of premium cars - a flying woman with her arms thrown back. This woman is a symbol of speed. Both emblems were bought by BMW, under the auspices of which Rolls-Royces are produced today.

The logo of the Swedish company Saab is a red crowned griffin, taken from the family coat of arms of the local Count von Skane, the ruler of the province in which the company was founded. Today the old company does not exist - cars under this brand are produced by the Swedish concern, and the owners of the Saab name do not have the rights to the logo.

What happened to the Saab logo? The mythical winged beast migrated to trucks, the brand of which is named after the same province of Scana.

Seat is a Spanish brand whose logo is made in the form of a square cut S. The emblem contains mixed silver and red colors, which speaks at once about the status of the cars and inspires the confidence of buyers.

The logo of the Czech company is a green arrow with a huge bird's wing, inscribed in a black ring. It is difficult to unravel the artist's idea, but we can say that the arrow symbolizes the speed and swiftness of flight. Green can represent a company's commitment to creating environmentally friendly vehicles. The eye on the wing is a symbol of looking into the future, striving to develop and introduce new technologies in the production of cars.

Subaru is a huge Japanese concern that brings together six major companies in their heavy industry. The name refers precisely to this - translated from Japanese it means “to put together”. The first cars of the plant were assembled on the basis of Renault.
The logo - six silver stars on a blue background - is the image of the Pleiades constellation, familiar to all Japanese. Six companies - six stars, everything is logical.

Suzuki is not only a passenger car manufacturer - it is much better known as a manufacturer of motorcycles and ATVs. The company is named after Michio Suzuki, its founder. Its logo has a red Latin letter S, stylized as a Japanese hieroglyph.

Tesla, named after Nikola Tesla, has started serial production of electric vehicles since 2008. Its emblem looks like a chrome shield with a name applied to it, made in a somewhat futuristic font. An additional symbol is a stylized letter T.

Toyota did not immediately start making cars. Initially, it was the production of looms and sewing machines, which is reflected in the company's emblem - it symbolizes a thread passed through the eye of a needle. Here you can also see secondary meanings - for example, the driver's hands holding the steering wheel.


Volkswagen is a German name that literally means "people's car". It is these machines, available to the general population, that are produced by the German corporation, which has united many smaller manufacturers under its name. The brand's logo - interwoven V and W in a ring - was created through an open competition won by a Porsche employee. During the reign of Hitler, the letters were intertwined in the form of a swastika - this sign was changed immediately after the defeat of Germany in the war. The factories of the company were then transferred to Britain.

The arrow and circle represent the shield and spear. This is the sign of Mars, the Roman god of war, the symbol of iron and the emblem of the entire masculine gender. There are many meanings, but it was the second - the connection with metal - that justified the appearance of this sign on the emblem of the Swedish car brand. When the company was founded, Sweden produced the highest quality steel in the world, and this is the quality that cars should have been associated with. The chrome symbol is crossed by a blue stripe with the Volvo name.

The Gorky Automobile Plant is known for its minibuses and light trucks, as well as the Volga series of passenger cars. Initially, the plant copied American cars of the Ford brand, and even in the emblem it could be seen - a blue oval was used, and the letter G was a copy of the letter F. A graceful deer added the plant's symbolism in 1950, and the shape of the shield was taken from the coat of arms of Nizhny Novgorod, where GAZ is located ...

In the past, a dam was depicted on the emblem of the Zaporozhye Automobile Plant, above which there was a stylized abbreviation ZAZ. The background was dark red, the image was golden - execution in the spirit of the flag of the USSR. Today, the logo is a chrome oval with an inscribed Z letter with flowing lines.

For a long time, the Likhachev plant did not have an emblem - only in 1944 the ZIL-114 designer proposed a logo that is still used today. It represents the abbreviation ZIL against the background of a rounded rectangle.


Izhevsk Automobile Plant has not produced cars under its own logo since 2005. Today comes off its conveyors Lada granta... But you can still find the emblem on old cars. It looks very peculiar - the letters I and Ж are formed by narrow ovals, which are inscribed in a black figure.


Thanks to the Paris-Dakar races, KamAZ trucks are known not only in Russia and the CIS countries, but also in the West. They also recognize the emblem of the Kama Automobile Plant - a galloping horse. The horse is a symbol of great strength and power, and this is what many associate with KamAZ trucks.


Leader domestic auto industry- AvtoVAZ, or Volzhsky Automobile Plant. It has a voluminous silver-blue logo, which depicts a floating rook inscribed in an oval ring. The emblem hints at the location of the plant on the banks of the Volga, along which merchant ships sailed in the past. In the outlines of the VAZ symbol, you can see the first letter of the abbreviation.

Perhaps only residents of the countries of the former Soviet Union know about LAZ. Lviv buses in the past traveled along the roads of every Soviet city. The Ukrainian Automobile Plant produced cars under a very simple emblem - a bold letter L, inscribed in a circular ring.


The emblem of this brand of cars produced at the plant of the same name, which went bankrupt in 2010, is red and represents the stylized battlements of the Kremlin walls. Both the name and the logo are associated with the capital of Russia.

The masterpiece of military and industrial style, the UAZ-469, was decorated with an emblem representing a bird inscribed in a ring. In 1981, the Ural Automobile Plant acquired a new logo - the image of a live seagull and a pentagon around it. Today, UAZ hoods are marked with a dark green emblem with the plant's abbreviation in Latin letters.

Thus, there are several basic concepts among automotive logos:
the main element most often fits into the ring;
European companies use the coats of arms of their lands;
the main trend is the association of the brand with speed and luxury;
the names of companies most often use the names of their founders.

There are a great many car emblems in the world, all manufacturers try to reflect their history, philosophy and values ​​in the logo. Symbols change, old companies disappear, new manufacturers rise to the automobile Olympus - how many more interesting emblems will we learn in the future?

2016-09-13 (64 Votes, on average: 5,00 out of 5)

Many of us today can no longer imagine our life without a car. Manufacturers know this and, striving to please the tastes of even the most demanding car enthusiasts, they constantly release more and more new car models, and irrelevant ones are removed from production, so it is not surprising that not all of them, when we meet, can find out. We present to your attention the emblems of the cars of the world with names and photos, so that no other car will remain unknown to you. For the convenience of searching and memorizing, they will all be divided into groups depending on the country of origin.

American logos


Abbott-Detroit is an industrial company of the early 20th century (1909-1916) for the production of luxury cars. Its logo is a stylized image of the surname of the founder (Charles Abbott) and the place of foundation (Detroit, USA).


VL-Automotive is a young American company that produced sedans from 2013 to 2014. After the bankruptcy, the Chinese (Wanxiang) bought out the right to manufacture cars under its emblem. The emblem looks like a monogram on a black rhombus; this monogram is formed by the first two letters of the name.


A well-known manufacturer of auto parts, and after cars, trucks, pickups - the Dodge company was founded in 1900 by the Dodge brothers. Their surname became the name. As for the logo, it has repeatedly undergone changes throughout the history of the brand. Today it looks quite simple - the inscription “Dodge”, followed by two red oblique stripes, although more recently cars of this brand were crowned with a red bighorn head, as a symbol of assertiveness and power.

American Underslung

American Underslung is the brainchild of engineer Harry Stutz and designer Fred Tone that existed from 1903 to 1914. The named company produced luxury cars “not for everyone” (as their slogan said). At the end of 1913, the company went bankrupt, and its cars and logo - an eagle on the globe - went down in history forever.


Plymouth is an independent division of Chrysler, producing cars and minivans until 2001. Its logo features the Mayflower, an iconic ship in American history.


Throughout its history, the company's logo has changed more than once, and radically. Today it is formed by 3 coats of arms in a circle, symbolizing LeSabre, Invicta and Electra - 3 of the most successful car models of this brand.


From 1958 to 1960, a subsidiary of the Ford Motor Company, specializing in the production of mid-price passenger cars. It got its name in honor of Henry Ford's son, Edsel Ford. A simple stylized spelling of the name was chosen for the logo, crowning an uppercase “E” on a green background with wings. To many, by the way, this emblem resembled a toilet lid, which, coupled with the name consonant with “Dead Cell” (“dead battery”), did not add popularity to the cars of this brand among North American motorists.


SSC is a young company (founded in 2004) with the self-explanatory name "Shelby Super Cars" ("Shelby - in honor of the founder J. Shelby - supercars"), the capital letters of which formed the basis of the logo, decorating an ellipse.


Throughout its history, the Chrysler logo has repeatedly changed its appearance - from a wax seal with a ribbon to a circle with wings, and after the capture of Fiat it completely lost its uniqueness, becoming very reminiscent of the emblems of Bentley and Aston Martin.


The logo resembles a caliper and does not carry any hidden semantic load. It's just that at the time the emblem was created, many trademarks were already registered in the American registry, both similar and different, so the elite division of Honda came up with such a simple badge: on the one hand, it resembles a slightly tilted letter "H", on the other - clearly readable "A", and with a third - you can see the road on which the driver will not have any problems.


The young company Fisker, named after its founder, Henrik Fisker, was one of the first to produce ecological cars. You can recognize the cars of this brand by the bright logo formed by two semicircles (blue and orange), symbolizing the sunset over the Pacific coast in California, and two vertical stripes - the personification of the pen and tools of the founders.


One of the subsidiaries of Chrysler Corporation, specializing in the production of budget cars, with its own logo - the head of an eagle looking to the right. And it’s not just that: the name of the brand is translated from English as “eagle”.


The company specializes in the production of electric vehicles and has a completely recognizable modern logo: the sword-shaped letter T, as a symbol of speed and swiftness, as well as a stylized inscription “Tesla”, crowning it.


The brand appeared in 1911, when one of the founders of General Motors asked the famous racer Louis Joseph Chevrolet to represent their company, and in gratitude promised to name the cars after him. The brand's emblem resembles a bow tie, symbolizing the success of the racer. And the idea of ​​its design, according to one of the versions, was spied on in one of the magazines and then modernized, and according to the other, it was taken from a picture on the wallpaper of one of the hotels in France, where Durant was staying at that time.


Panoz Auto Development is a well-known manufacturer of high-tech cars with a very unusual logo: a shield with a shamrock clover in the center, guarded by Yin-Yang in bright red and blue.


A branch of Ford Motor Corporation, which produces prestigious cars, which can be recognized by the emblem of a rectangular compass that points to all directions at once. He does this not with ease, because the goal of the company is to achieve recognition in all countries.


Subsidiary of the Chrysler brand. Its logo is a modified abbreviation GP - General Purpose vehicle, which miraculously turned into JP, and then for better sound - in Jeep. In addition to the inscription on the emblem, there is also a drawing that is very reminiscent of the front of these cars - an impressive radiator grille and round headlights.

Chevrolet corvette

The Chevrolet Corvette is the first American sports car. Unsurprisingly, it was even honored with its own emblem: the intersecting checkered racing and American flag. And since the latter was banned for commercial purposes under US law, it was decided to replace it with a flag with a Chevrolet branded "butterfly", supplemented by Fleur-de-Lys - a lily - a symbol of peace and purity, as well as the power of French kings.

Ford mustang

Ford Mustang is a legendary car, an American "classic", marked by the famous Forbes magazine as the most popular muscle car (Muscle car means "muscle car"). Despite the fact that its logo is a horse ("mustang"), it got its name not from it, but in honor of the famous fighter of the Second World War - "P-51 Mustang".

Ford puma

Today this logo - the name of the model, smoothly transforming into the silhouette of a cougar - can be found only on some passenger cars produced by the concern Ford in 1997-2002. for the European market.

Ford Shelby GT500

The well-known racer Carroll Shelby, together with Ford, created a small company with the uncomplicated name Shelby. Cars released under this brand are decorated with a logo depicting a cobra - a symbol of wisdom and power.

Dodge viper

The logo of the famous supercar of one of the Chrysler Group LLC divisions looks like a snake, and if earlier this snake was just a poisonous viper, today it is the embodiment of beauty, sophistication and sinisterness all rolled into one.


The history of the General Motors Corporation dates back to 1901, when brothers Max and Maurice Grabowski released their first truck. The logo is created very simple and presents us with the abbreviation of the name of the company itself.


The iconic blue logo, coined by the founder of Ford, has remained largely unchanged throughout its history. The essence, based on the simplicity of the inscription and its undoubted recognition as a symbol of a powerful car company, has survived to this day.


Despite the fact that Pontiac has already ceased to exist, the logo, founded in 1957, we can still observe on our roads. The emblem is a red arrow instead of the original stylized Indian headdress.


Emblem powerful SUV in the form of an inscription of the name of the company personifies simplicity and restraint against the background of strength and invincibility.

Ford Thunderbird

The brainchild of Ford with original name Thunderbird (translated as the Thunderbird) has a completely "speaking" logo - a petrel bird, because it is her name that is often mistakenly translated as the name Thunderbird - a mythological creature, the spirit of thunderstorms, lightning, rain.


Styled as a coat of arms, the Cadillac logo dates back to 1701 and is tied to Detroit founder Antoine da la Mot Cadillac. Throughout its history, it has undergone significant changes: from a shield with merlets and a wreath enveloping a seven-pronged crown to a modern “symbol of superiority”, inspired by the work of the “geometrist” artist Piet Mondrian.


Founded in 1937 by Edsel Ford, the company represents the premium Ford segment in the American market.

The modern logo was created in the 1980s and received several popular names (“waterfall”, “winding road”, “hockey stick”). The reason for this is the stylized (in three stripes) image of the winged helmet of Mercury, made in a silvery-mercury color (characteristic of a chemical element).

Hennessey Performance Engineering

The Houston-based company specializes in tuning sports cars and supercars, working with models of the most famous American and European brands.

The company is named after the founder - John Hennessy. The logo features an H in a black circle with the name Hennessey Performance on a silver border.


The company, founded by former racer Steve Salin, is engaged in the production of sports road and racing cars, including those based on the Ford Mustang, Ford 150, Tesla Model S. Its own product - Saleen S7 Tween Turbo is one of the most powerful and fastest cars in the world.

The company logo is a rectangular field with the letter S, formed by stripes of 2 colors of variable thickness.


Rezvani Motors (California) with the Reazvani Beast project is a startup founded by Ferris Rezvani, a well-known human in the automotive industry. The fashion company launched the first racing car with a 500-horsepower engine in 2015.

The company's logo features wings to show the aviation roots of the project, racing stripes and a steering wheel symbolizing the love of speed and driving.


The DeLorean Motor Company, created by John DeLorean, became world famous for the DMC-12, which is familiar to almost everyone from the movie "Back to the Future". In 1995, thanks to mechanic Stephen Wayne, who settled in Houston, the brand was reborn - the company provides DMC-12 service and small-scale assembly of legendary cars.

The new company bought all the rights, including the logo - the stylized DMC lettering.

Lucid Motors

Lucid Motors (Newark, California) is a company founded by former employees of Tesla Motors, Mazda and BMW. The manufacturer is developing premium electric vehicles, trying to compete with Tesla and business sedans from Europe.

Despite its simplicity, the logo - the Lucid lettering in LED performance looks great on the exterior of the car.

English emblems


The speed, power and independence of the luxurious Bentley limousines are represented in the logo chosen for the company. The large B, embedded in the power of the luxurious fenders, is a clear confirmation of the idea of ​​the Bentley founders.


The company, aiming to develop some of the most fuel-efficient cars in Europe, has styled Axon into its logo and styled it with an A at the top.


The Reliant car brand, created in 1935, which managed to go bankrupt in its history, remains faithful to its logo to this day. Reliant cars are decorated with a stylized eagle with spread wings, bearing the name of the brand itself.


Rolls-Royce can rightfully be called the owner of one of the most elegant emblems. "Flying Lady", "Spirit of Delight" - a figurine of a woman (the prototype was Miss Eleanor Thornton, the secretary of a close friend of Charles Rolls), as if floating along with the car itself, since its birth (1911) has not been subject to external changes (changed only the material from which it was made). But that's not all. Rolls-Royce stocked up on one more logo - one-on-one letters R, enclosed in a rectangular frame. And here only the color changed: from bright red to stylish (as the founders of the company thought) black and white.


Since 1973, the company logo has changed almost beyond recognition. From the original "super 7" in an inverted triangle, enclosed in a circle with the inscription Caterham, to the stylized flag of Great Britain, made in the traditional green colors in its own way. The emblem is divided into four segments to represent the company's four divisions, centered on the line with "Caterham".


The logo, known among sports car lovers, stands for "Morris Garage" (translated as Morris garages, on behalf of the owner), although today the full name of the company sounds a little different - MG Cars Company.

Land rover

An emblem that adorns off-road vehicles manufactured by one of the Ford divisions. There is nothing special in it: a simple brand inscription inside a green oval, as the personification of environmental friendliness.


Auto Carriers, one of the oldest sports car manufacturers, adorns its sports cars with this icon: a blue circle with a light blue graphic abbreviation of the company name.


This logo adorns only cars with a unique stylish design and belonging to the Jaguar brand. It depicts a jaguar - a predator, a symbol of power, speed and beauty, and he got there from the hood, because it was there that the figure of this beast was previously attached, which was later abolished for safety reasons.


Rovers are nomadic peoples, similar to Vikings, moving mainly on ships, therefore it was the ship that formed the basis for the logo of the brand of the same name.

Aston martin

Today, the Aston Martin logo looks like the inscription of the same name, enclosed in the wings - a symbol of speed, although not so long ago it was a circle with an abbreviation. The manufacturers apparently decided that the previous emblem was too simple for the sports cars of this level that they produce.


Morgan Motor Company is a small English company that produces limited edition 2-seater sports cars with very expensive finishes and retro styling. Its logo, quite expectedly, forms a circle with a stylized inscription-the name of the founder (Henry Frederick Stanley Morgan) and wings - a symbol of speed.


Ariel Motor Company, which was formed to manufacture sports cars, wrapped its logo in a very unusual shape of the letter A, symbolizing the company itself, by placing it in a red circle.


Arash Motor Company, created by Arash Farboud, decorated its logo with a stylized image of a peregrine falcon, thereby defining its exclusive power cars as the fastest on Earth, which is the bird represented.


This car brand dates back to 1919 and its formation is directly related to the city of Bristol, whose coat of arms, in fact, formed the basis of the emblem.


When developing their logo, the founders of Mini decided to give preference to one of the recognizable variants: the name of the company, framed by a circle with stylized wings - a symbol of freedom and flight.


Lotus Cars is a British manufacturer of sports and racing cars. The company, based in the town of Hethel, near London, is famous for producing cars with extremely low weight and excellent handling.

On the company's logo there is a lotus leaf in the green color traditional for English races (reflecting speed and passion) in a sunny yellow circle (it was the enamel of this color that later became the trademark of the brand's cars). On the sheet is a monogram of intertwined letters A. B. C. C. - the initials of the founder of the company, Anthony Bruce Colin Chapman.


Founded in 1906 by Wilbur Gunn, the British company specializes in the production of luxury cars.

Its history is closely connected with Aston Martin (since 1947 the concern owns the Lagonda trademark). This is reflected in the logo - the recognizable Aston Martin fenders are complemented by the Lagonda name and an image of a car wheel.


Vauxhall was founded in 1857, produced the first car in 1903, and since 1925 has represented the interests of GMC and Opel in Britain.

At present, almost all Opel AG products for the UK bear the recognizable Vauxhall logo - the image of a griffin, which migrated to the company's emblem from the local emblem. In the latest modifications - made in the same style as the Opel emblem - the traditional red background was replaced by black, the griffin became silvery and voluminous, and the company name is represented not only by the first letter on the flag, but is shown in full on the edging.


McLaren Automotive Limited is a British manufacturer of passenger cars and sports cars, known for both high-profile Formula 1 victories and road supercars.

On the logo of a McLaren car - the name of the company and an original graphic element. According to the official version, it symbolizes the dynamics of the car - it resembles the whirlwind created by the company's car at maximum speed. Unofficially, it is a stylized image of the kiwi bird - the symbol of New Zealand, the birthplace of Bruce McLaren.


Briggs Automotive Company (Speck, Liverpool) is a young British company that has gained worldwide fame for the production of a single-seat supercar exported to 35 countries, which has received permission for road use.

This car is constantly being referred to as "the first" - the world's first single-seater supercar to be officially licensed for road use, the world's first body with graphene panels, and so on. This is also reflected in the logo - the combination of the racing stripe and the number 1 is perfectly visible here.


Noble Automotive Ltd. - British company (Leicester), the production of which is focused on sports road cars. The most famous sports car of the company is the Noble M600, which has been produced since 2009.

The logo features the name of founder, CEO and chief designer Lee Noble, combined with a modest crown of two mirrored N letters.

David brown

David Brown Automotive is a company named after the owner - entrepreneur David Brown, who has launched a production of luxury cars with a retro exterior and modern "stuffing" in Silverstone.

Classic cars received the classic logo - the emblem in the form of the British flag with the name of the founder on the transverse stripe of the English (red) cross.


Radical Sportscars is a racing car company founded by Phil Abbott and Mick Hyde in St. Petersburg, UK in 1997. The assets include several successful models, for example, the Radical SR3, which later became a road car.

The logo is an R formed by a section of the race track.


London Electric Vehicle Company (until 2017 - London Taxi Company) is a British manufacturer, which gained fame thanks to the mass production of black London cabs (taxis).

The logo of the Brisbane-based company bears the winged horse Pegasus, symbolizing beauty, power and speed.


Ascari Cars is a small automobile company from Branbury, England, specializing in the manufacture of road sports and racing cars. It was named after the first two-time Formula 1 champion Alberto Ascari.

The logo features a diamond-shaped figure composed of parallel gray and red stripes symbolizing the bend on the race track, with the company name in gray below them.



The Bayerische Motoren Werke emblem has very interesting "non-automotive" roots, since BMW has been manufacturing aircraft engines since 1913, which was undoubtedly reflected in the logo (four blue and white sectors resembling rotating aircraft propeller blades). The choice of color fell on the prevailing color of the Bavarian flag.


The Wiesmann logo is a gecko that adheres securely to any surface (ceiling, walls). By this, the manufacturers seem to be hinting: our cars also confidently keep on the road.


Trabant cars play the same role in German history as Muscovites and Lada in the history of the Soviet Union. Today "satellites" (this is how the brand name is translated) are no longer produced, they have gone down in history forever, taking with them the corporate logo in the form of a capital letter "S".


Alpina is a division of the BMW concern for the production of luxury cars to order. Its logo consists of two details, one of which is located on a red background, and the other on a blue one, which together form a kind of coat of arms, which is inscribed in a white circle, crowned with a stylized inscription "Alpina" on a black background.


Such a logo - the name of the company, as if floating on the waves, had the only serial 4-seater floating car, produced for free sale.


The four rings that form this logo symbolize the merger that took place in 1934 and united 4 companies at once into one industrial giant. And the name “Audi” itself has a Latin origin and in translation sounds like “listen / listen”. Quite a telling name, because the job modern motors this brand is really very pleasant to listen to.


Popular German brand with a very memorable logo - lightning (symbol - lightning speed, speed), enclosed in a circle. There used to be the word "blitz" next to it, but then it was removed.


Few people are not familiar with the logo in the form of a 3-rayed star enclosed in a circle, but not many people know that it embodies the heights that the Mercedes company was able to reach during its existence - in the creation of an automobile (1), sea (2) and air (3) transport.


German company that produces unique convertibles, stylized as old carriages. Its logo is a shield with two A's, belted with a ribbon bearing the name of the company and topped with a crown, a symbol of greatness and power.


The Maybach-Manufactura company logo is formed by two capital letters M (taken from the name) of different sizes, crossing each other and framed in an orange triangle.


The emblem of Smart cars is presented in the form of a circle, which depicts a stylized letter "C" - the first letter of the word "compact", because all the forces of this manufacturer are directed at compact cars. The yellow arrow next to it, as it were, emphasizes the company's high-tech and innovative thinking. Well, the brand name "smart", following this arrow, allows you to immediately recognize the manufacturer.


The emblem of the Porsche brand depicts a reared horse, which is very symbolic, because this beautiful animal is a symbol of the German city of Stuttgart - the birthplace of this German brand. The dark red stripes that frame the stallion, as well as the antlers are elements of the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Württemberg, whose capital is again the city of Stuttgart.


The emblem shown is a combined monogram of the letters V and W, designed by Porsche employee Franz Xaver Reimspiess. However, it was not always like this: during the Second World War, the logo symbolized the swastika, but after the defeat of Germany, it underwent significant changes and became what we are used to seeing it.


Mercedes-AMG GmbH or AMG is a company (currently a subsidiary of the Daimler AG concern) that produces powerful sports modifications of cars from a well-known European manufacturer.

They are distinguished by a simple and elegant logo, consisting of three letters - after the names of the founders of the company and the name of the city where the history of the company began (Aufrecht Hans-Werner, Melcher Erhard, Grossaspach, Germany).

A more complex logo in color or black and white is also used. It is a circle with inscriptions around the circumference: at the top - AFFALTERBACH (the city where the company is currently based), at the bottom - AMG. Internally, the field is divided into 2 halves, in which are placed the images of a fruit-bearing tree (the symbol of the city) and a valve with a spring and a pusher cam - as a symbol of the company.


In 1977 Klaus Brackman and Bodo Buschmann set up an aftermarket car tuning company in Bottorp, Ruhr, Germany. Today Brabus (named after the first syllables of the founders' surnames) works with the brands Mercedes, Smart, Maybach.

Despite the fact that Brabus still retains the status of a tuning company, cars marked with a simple but recognizable logo - a double B in a transparent circle and the Brabus inscription have long been popular as a symbol of high class and prestige.


Founded by Carl F. W. Borgward in 1919 in Bremen, the automobile company during its existence (until the 60s of the twentieth century) produced several brands of cars - Borgward, Hansa, Goliath, etc.

The brand was revived in 2015 thanks to the founder's grandson Christian Borgward and investors from China. The logo is an image of a cut diamond with four triangular faces painted in the colors of the Bremen flag (2-red, 2-white) and the company name in the center.


The German company Artega Automobil GmbH & Co. KG, which produces stylish and comfortable sports cars, has become a real source of pride for the inhabitants of the small town of Delbrock in North Rhine-Westphalia. This happened largely due to the fact that the logo of the company, almost completely repeating the coat of arms of the city, brought him worldwide fame.


In the summer of 2016, ABT Sprtsline celebrated its 120th anniversary. The company is known for unique modifications of Audi, VolksWagen, Skoda, Seat cars using sports suspension elements, alloy wheels, aerodynamic body parts and forced engines.

The logo is simple and solid - it bears the name of the company, which it received in honor of the founder Johann Abt.

Apollo Automobil

The German company from Denkendorf (formerly Gumpert Sportwagenmanufaktur GmbH) is the brainchild of Roland Gumpert. During his leadership of the Audi Sport division, the auto giant's team has achieved 4 victories in the overall standings of the world rally championships and 25 in individual races of these competitions.

The company's logo - the image of a silver calipers in the form of the letter A on a black heraldic shield flaunts several famous supercars such as the Apollo Sport and Apollo Arrow.


Erich Bitter Automobil GmbH is the company with which the founder, Erich Bitter, made his dream come true. The former racer was able to establish small-scale production of luxury sports cars in Germany and Austria. Among the most successful models is the Bitter CD, which connoisseurs call nothing other than the "dream machine".

The modern company logo is a large B, retaining the familiar shape of the first emblems that included the full company name.


In 1969, Horst Eckard _ created Eckard Design, which today is known as a developer and manufacturer of high-tech products, including automobiles. In the automotive industry, EDAG Engineering GmbH, based today in Wiesbaden, is known for its company that boldly implements the latest technological solutions, such as 3D printing of the car body and the integration of the Internet of Things into the car. Examples include EDAG Light Cocoon and EDAG Solumate.

The digging logo is a monogram made in a technogenic futuristic style of letters E and D.


The small car company Isdera GmbH (Ingenieurbüro für Styling Design undRacing) is well known to connoisseurs as a manufacturer of luxury cars such as Isdera Imperator, Commendatore, Silver Arrow and Autobahnkurier. All cars are handcrafted exclusively to order, which can only be left by phoning the founding owner Eberhard Schulz.

The company logo depicts a proud eagle against a sky-blue background. As a symbol of freedom and the personification of the outstanding power and speed characteristics of the brand's cars.

Domestic car industry logos


Initially, this company was engaged in the production of cars of its own design, and the presented logo adorned them, but then it went bankrupt and, in order to somehow survive, was forced to give part of its capacities for the assembly of cars from Chinese manufacturers. Today, all the conveyors are already occupied with this assembly, so cars with the Derways emblem are no longer leaving them. By the way, both the name and the logo are formed by two words "Der" (abbreviation of the founders' surname - Derev) and "ways" (from English "roads").


The emblem of the KamAZ automobile brand depicts a galloping horse, and its mane seemed to be swept away by the wind. By the way, this is not a simple horse, but a real steppe argamak, famous for its endurance.


ZIL, also known as the Likhachev Plant, existed for quite a long time (1916-1944) without a logo at all, until the designer Sukhorukov suggested using the stylized abbreviation of the plant's name as an emblem, which, by the way, later became a trademark as well.


Today the emblem of Avtodizel is formed by stylized 3 capital letters of the previous name of the enterprise - Yaroslavl Motor Plant.


UAZ is an abbreviation for the name "Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant", which produces domestic four-wheel drive vehicles. It formed the basis of the corporate emblem, and with it the "circle with a swallow" - a kind of symbiosis of the stylized letter "U", a V-shaped engine and a 3-beam Mercedes star.


This emblem belongs to the Gorky Automobile Plant located in Nizhny Novgorod. The coat of arms of this city formed the basis of the logo, however, only in 1950. Up to this point, the company has copied in every possible way the Ford concern and its logo as well.


This logo was developed in the 80s. It is presented in the form of the letter "M", stylized as a battlement of the Kremlin wall. This emblem is currently the property of Volkswagen AG.


Vortex (translated as "whirlwind, circulation") is a brand belonging to the Taganrog Automobile Plant, under which the serial production of licensed copies of Chery Automobile is carried out. Even their logo is an upside-down emblem of the originals and at the same time the capital letter of this trademark, enclosed in a circle.


The Russian automobile company Marussia Motors (2007-2014) was engaged in the production of sports cars to a greater extent, premium class. The letter "M" is visible in the silhouette of each model of this brand. It is also read in the logo. The color scheme in which the emblem is made duplicates the Russian tricolor: white, blue, red.


Founded in 1997, TaGAZ was declared bankrupt in 2004. The enterprise produced Daewoo, Hyundai, Citroen cars Russian assembly as well as several of our own models. The company's logo is an oval with two triangles inside, the exact meaning of which, and whether it was at all, is unknown.

VAZ (Lada)

Until 1994, the VAZ (Lada) company logo was presented in the form of an oval and a rook, but then the emblem underwent some changes, and its modern version looks like this: a rook under sail, made in a new graphic outline, only the white and blue color remained unchanged. This emblem symbolizes the location of the manufacturing plant VAZ vehicles(Lada) - Samara region, where the Volga river flows, along which goods were transported on Ladya in ancient times.

French logos


The founders of the French automotive Bugatti brands they preferred an oval in the shape of a pearl as the emblem of their company. Along the perimeter, this oval is also framed by pearls in the amount of sixty pieces. In the center of the oval are the initials of the founder - Ettore Bugatti. Well, and, of course, the emblem contains the very word "Bugatti".


The lion, which adorns the emblem of the French automobile company Peugeot, was borrowed from the flag of the province where the Peugeot manufactory, the progenitor of the modern automobile brand, was located. During its existence, the emblem underwent many changes: the lion turned in the other direction, and reared up, and opened its mouth, at one time only one lion's head was depicted on the emblem. Today she is like this.


The well-known "herringbone" depicted on the Citroen logo is a schematic drawing of the teeth of a chevron wheel. The founder of Citroen - Andre Citroen, it was with their release that he began his ascent to the top of the automotive industry.


A diamond is depicted on the yellow background of the presented emblem - a symbol of prosperity and optimism. In this case, each side of the rhombus is located on top of the other side. And since in reality this figure does not exist, the developers seem to tell us that they are able to bring the impossible to life.

Romanian emblems


The modern version of the automaker's logo was developed in 2014 and is an inverted silver “D” with the company's name depicted on a horizontal line.


The company was founded in 1957. The main products of the automaker are off-road vehicles supplied to the Armed Forces of Romania.


The French company Aixam is known as a manufacturer of small cars, which do not even require a driver's license to operate.

The logo is quite simple - a dark blue circle with a red border, a silver letter A inside and the name of the company (AIXAM) below it (in the original version, the inscription took the place of the crossbar in the letter A).

With the start of the production of the MEGA auto brand - compact sports cars with powerful engines and excellent speed characteristics, the company changed its name to Aixam-MEGA.

The car of this brand flaunts a modified logo - in the blue circle there is an image of a bull ready for a dash, stylized in the form of the letter M, symbolizing power and speed, and the MEGA inscription took place under it.


DS automobiles - originally a PSA sub-brand under which premium cars were produced, is now a standalone premium auto brand. In addition to the explicit reference to the well-known Citroen DS, the abbreviation successfully portrays the uniqueness of the brand (pronounced déesse, translated from French - goddess)

The logo took a lot from the "chevron" Citroen - familiar three-dimensional angular silvery figures are added to the name of the brand.


Since 1984, the French company has been producing two- and four-seater minicar city cars, license-free vehicles and ATVs. After the merger with LIGIER, the brand retained its independence and production base, continuing to produce agile cars for city streets with excellent high-speed performance on the highway.

The French car logo, a red oval containing the company name in white letters, is well known in Europe and is gaining popularity in other markets.


Ligier is a French carmaker named after founder Guy Ligier. The company started out with sports cars and was a regular participant in Formula 1 races from 1976-1996.

Racing history is reflected in the company's emblem of the crossed national flag and the F1 finish flag, although it does not reflect the modern direction of activity - the production of city cars and electric vehicles.


Venturi Automobiles is a company from the Principality of Monaco, whose activities began with the production of luxury sports cars. Currently, the main direction is the creation and production of electric vehicles of various classes. In 2015, the VBB 3 would have set the world speed record for electric cars - 386.757 km / h.

Initially, the company logo included heraldic elements - an azure triangular shield with an image of an eagle sitting on its arm with outstretched wings under the sun was located on a red oval. Currently, the emblem has become much simpler - only the letter V remains, resembling a stylized image of a bird.


Founded in 1955 in Dieppe by racer Jean Rédélé, Alpine specialized in the production of sports cars based on Renault. Success, in particular a number of high-profile victories at the Monte Carlo Rally and in other competitions, led to the fact that for a long time the company played the role of the official sports division of Renault. Currently, the French auto giant is making efforts to revive the legendary brand.

The Alpine emblem has remained unchanged since the times of global success - a circle divided into white with a blue letter A (top) and blue with the company name in white letters (bottom).


The small car company from Saint-Cristol-les-Ales in the south of France is well known to the clientele. The founders Gilles and Olivier (Prevo, Gilles and Olivier - hence the name of the PGO company) relied on the classic exterior of sports cars and convertibles of the middle of the twentieth century and modern equipment.

The PGO logo clearly represents the fusion of tradition (heraldic shield) and modern dynamics (3 speed lanes).

Taiwan badges and logos.


The logo of the brand, a symbiosis of two words - Luxury and Genius, is an image of a stylized letter "L", which is depicted on a black trapezoid framed with silvery sides.


Yulon Motor (formerly Yue Loong) is the largest Taiwanese automotive corporation. At production facilities located both on the island itself and in China and the Philippines, the production of licensed models of Nissan, GMC, Mercedes-Benz, Mitsubishi, etc. is deployed.

After the rebranding, which simplified the spelling of the company name in Latin letters, a new logo appeared. Experts say that it has nothing to do with the hieroglyphs used, and tend to see in it a stylized image of a red dragon or a complex monogram of the letters Y (or U) and L.

Denmark car logos


The logo of Zenvo, a sports car manufacturer with a unique and memorable design, clearly shows the hammer of the god of thunder Thor (a character in Germanic-Scandinavian mythology) against a dark background, a symbol of immense power. And this hammer is crowned with the inscription of the same name - Zenvo.

Sweden car emblems


The emblem of the Swedish car company Volvo - spear and shield - is the Roman designation of Mars, the god of war. The stripe running diagonally through the grille was originally used as a mounting point for the emblem. Now she plays the role of a brand identifier. In the center of the emblem on a blue background is the name of the company.


The blue background of the logo of this automaker depicts a griffin (mythical bird) in red with a red crown on its head, and under it is the white inscription Saab, which together symbolizes the power of this brand both over the earth and over the air.


The logo of this sports car company is based on the family coat of arms of its founder - the shield, with the rhombuses depicted on it.


Polestar is a Gothenburg-based company that is currently Volvo's electric vehicle division.

The logo of the company, in full accordance with the name, has the image of the North Star.

Cars originally from Malaysia


The largest Malaysian car manufacturer Proton initially produced cars created by upgrading other cars - the Mitsubishi brand. However, over time, original models also appeared. What is noteworthy: during the entire existence of the company, its logo has changed only once: earlier it was created in the form of a crescent and a star with 14 ends, and today it is decorated with the inscription “Proton” and a stylized tiger's head.


Perodua is the second largest and most productive Malaysian car manufacturer. The range of the company mainly includes compact cars.

The emblem is a red and green oval, emphasizing the Italian roots of the company, in which the fields of different colors are separated by the outline of the letter P.


Bufori is a brand that represents hand-built cars made in the traditions of the American automobile industry of the 30s of the twentieth century. The founders, the Khouri brothers, have coined the name of the company as an acronym for Beautiful - Unique - Fantastic - Original - Romantic - Irresistible.

Is it any wonder that on the logo there is a full name in gold, reflecting the best qualities of the car brand.

Turkish auto badges


Considered the first car manufacturer in Turkey, the company was founded in 1966. The Anadol logo consists of two circles, one against the other. In the central one, a deer is drawn against a blue background, and the name of the automaker flaunts on the second, executed in black.

Italian emblems


Abarth Joint Stock Company - once a stand-alone company now wholly owned by Fiat - has been making sports cars since 1949. It owes its name and logo to its founder Karl Abart, who adorned his creations with a yellow-red (with the colors of motor sports) a shield with a scorpion (his astrological sign), a personal inscription and a stripe in the color of the Italian flag, which together symbolize power and strength, the ability to resist all difficulties on the way to excellence.

De tomaso

The logo of this company, which produced only racing cars until 2004, changed only once - in 2009, and then only slightly. Previously, it looked like a symbol of the ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility against a background of white and blue flowers. With the change of leadership, the icon became more geometric, and the background was completely abolished.


The first Lancia emblem appeared in 1911 thanks to the development of Carlo Ruffia, who put in it a 4-spoke steering wheel, shield and flag on a spear. Of course, during all this time it has changed more than once, but the original idea was always read. Modern interpretation is no exception.

Alfa romeo

The logo of this famous automobile company is easily recognizable, and all because the draftsman who developed it put one very interesting symbol in it - a snake that swallows a person. And although today, in a tribute to fashion, it looks more like a fire-breathing dragon, its essence has remained unchanged: it, as before, means a readiness to destroy ill-wishers and enemies. A white flag on a white background, located nearby, only emphasizes these sentiments, at the same time recalling the exploits of the Milan Giovanni, who fought for the return of the Holy Land to Christians.

Both of these symbols are framed by a blue circle, which contains the abbreviation for the name of the company.


The renowned sports car manufacturer today adorns its cars with the “golden” (an important color in the history of the city of Modena) a shield-shaped logo depicting a prancing horse. This horse migrated here from the fuselages of the planes of the famous aviator F. Baracca: the parents of the hero of the First World War, after his death, simply presented this logo to Enzo Ferrari and offered to use it in tribute to the memory of Baracca and just for good luck to the racer, to which the latter agreed. In addition to the horse on the Ferrari emblem, you can see the Italian flag drawn into the stripes, as well as the letters S and F - the abbreviated name of Enzo's team - Scuderia Ferrari (translated as Ferrari Stable).


This brand is easy to recognize by its logo, because, firstly, it is very simple - it was formed by one company name, and, secondly, it practically did not change over time (with the exception, perhaps, of the very first version), more precisely it changed , but only in form and color - the font and the absence of any kind of images were and remain indestructible.


This simple emblem, which does not conceal any hidden meaning) is well known to those who are interested in expensive and ultra-fast sports cars, because it is precisely to produce them that Pagani is aimed.


Inspired by the statue of Neptune, which at one time could be admired in the park of Bologna, the Maserati brothers chose a trident for their company logo. However, the history of the automaker is not at all connected with this character, rather, only the weapon of the heavenly God was awarded the honor: the brothers thus perpetuated the honor and their gratitude to the savior Alfieri Maserati. With a pitchfork in his hands, the man not only saved the life of one of the brothers by attacking a wolf from one of the forests of Bologna, but also became a symbol of courage in salvation. This is how the stylized trident with the Maserati signature appeared in the company's logo.


The emblem of the famous company Ferruccio Lamborghini appears to be very ambiguous. More precisely, everything is quite simple with the emblem itself: a golden bull with the signature of Lamborghini, enclosed in a somewhat "smoothed" "inflated" inverted triangle. But the history of its creation has several versions: 1) the bull is a symbol of the sign of Taurus, under which the founder of the company was born; 2) the bull is a powerful challenge for the horse - the symbol of the rival company (Ferrari); 3) bull - a symbol transferred from the coat of arms of the Ferruccio Lamborghini company; 4) the bull is the indestructible power of the tractors, the production of which was originally the company.


Mazzanti Automobili is a small Italian company (in the past, an auto laboratory), whose products are supercars of original design and hand-made assembly.

Named after founder Luca Mazzanti, the company places a stylish logo on its cars - a blue and yellow (in the colors of the city of Pisa) shield with the name and a stylized image of calipers (blue on a yellow field), at the top of which there is a stripe in the colors of the national flag.


Construzione Automobili Intermeccanic is an automobile company with Italian roots (founded in 1955 in Turin) and an international history - moving to the USA and currently located in Canada. The main products are modern replicas of famous cars. Today the company is working on the production of electric vehicles.

International history is also reflected in the logo - on a traditional Italian shield with an indomitable bull, you can see fragments of the flags of the United States and Great Britain (Canada formally remains part of the British Empire).



Toyota has been faithful to its logo since 1989. And it is represented by a very intricate "twisted" figure of ovals, which includes all the letters of the name of the native company, but the decoding of this logo does not end there: "crossed" ovals are a symbol of a strong relationship between the company and the client; background space - the boundless potential of Toyota and the idea of ​​the global expansion of its technology. There is also a version that says about the stylization of the image of "thread in a needle" in the company logo, as a tribute to Toyota's weaving past.


The Nissan brand has enclosed in its emblem a blue bar with the word "Datsun" located on top of the "rising sun", in which lies the essence of the company: the sincerity of a hot star can lead to success-climbing. Blue, the dominant color in the logo, speaks of the honesty and reliability of the automaker.

Toyota harrier

The name of this SUV is translated into Russian "harrier", so it is not surprising that this particular bird of prey of the hawk squad formed the basis of the model's emblem. By the way, in our latitudes this car is better known under the name Lexus RX (with the corresponding logo).

Toyota Altezza

Originally a Japanese car for the domestic market, everyone else knows it as the Lexus IS. But since this article is about the emblems of the cars of the world with the names , then it is its logo that helps to recognize Toyota Altezza: a pentagon with a huge letter "A" inside, the horizontal line of which forms the name of the model.


This emblem is over 80 years old. It is formed by the rising sun and the name of the manufacturing company inscribed in it, which together symbolize success through sincerity.

Toyota crown

Crown is the oldest Toyota sedan with the crown emblem, which is quite logical, because "crown" means "crown".


The well-known subsidiary of the Toyota brand has a rather uncomplicated logo - the brand's capital letter inscribed in an oval. The word lexus itself is a transformation from luxury, which is why the emblem symbolizes it, as if hinting to motorists that luxury is beautiful in itself, and therefore does not require any additional accents to attract attention.

Toyota Mark X

This emblem of the famous Toyota concern speaks for itself. It is present only on one model of business class cars - Mark X, the last letter in the name of which (only stylized) is the brand logo.


"Heavenly inspiration" - this is how the Subaru logo can rightfully be described. The stars symbolizing the constellation Taurus represent the number of companies that have merged to form the parent company Subaru.


Mitsuoka Motor (Toyama City) is an automobile company that offers original design cars in the style of British cars of the middle of the last century, micro cars for the city, and sports cars.

The basic logo resembles the first hieroglyph of the manufacturer's name installed on the wheels; for European, in particular the British, markets, an emblem in the form of a silvery seven- or eight-pointed star is often used.


The logo of the company, one of the first to start producing cars with diesel engine, at first glance it seems very simple: the usual inscription-the name of the company. However, even it has a certain meaning: the stylized first letter speaks of the stimulus for growth and development, red - the warm hearts of employees.


The company, founded in 1920 in the city of Hiroshima, decided to give its name to the great Zoroastrian God - Ahura Mazda. Its logo, equal to the company's name itself, has undergone changes since 1936: from the stylized capital letter "M" (the symbol of the emblem of the coat of arms of the city of Hiroshima), which took a horizontal position over time, to the modern emblem in the form of a circle, which means the sun, which carries " winged "letter M (she is an owl, she is a tulip).

Toyota Estima

A simple E-shaped logo enclosed in a trapezoid is the hallmark of the Japanese Toyota Estima minivans. In other countries, this car was delivered under the name Toyota Previa with the standard Toyota emblem.


The Infiniti emblem is a display of the endless possibilities of cars of this brand, stylized into an endless (running into the distance) road.

Toyota Century

This model of the executive class received its name Century (in translation "century") in honor of the 100th anniversary of the founder of the company. For the same reason and for harmony with the name, the phoenix bird, a symbol of immortality, was enclosed in its emblem.


The emblem of this automobile giant outwardly very much resembles a hieroglyph, although in fact it is not. This is just a properly stylized capital letter of the company name and, at the same time, the surname of its founder (Michio Suzuki).

Toyota Soarer

Today, cars with such an emblem do not leave the assembly line, but not so long ago (1981-2005) they adorned the coupe of the GT class. The model name translates as "soaring", hence such interesting logo- a lion (symbol of strength and courage) with wings.


The emblem of the industrial company "Honda" is the stylized first letter of its name. And it got the name in honor of its founder - Soichiro Honda.


The company, which produces cars in a single configuration, while working on the logo, plunged into the marine theme, enclosing the first letter of its name in the image of a stylized shark - a symbol of fans of ocean extreme sports.


The “Three Diamonds” in the name of the company are reflected in its logo as well. The Mitsubishi logo is a kind of fusion of the heirlooms (coat of arms) of the Iwasaki clan, revealed in the image of three rhombuses, and the Tosa clan, which is based on three oak leaves growing from one point.

Toyota Alphard

This logo of one of the Toyota models contains the star of the constellation Hydra, after which the first was named.


Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd is a Japanese manufacturer of compact cars. In the combination of the first hieroglyphs of the original name "Ōsaka engine manufacture", the symbols change the shape and sound, as a result of which the modern name was formed.

The logo is simple - capital letter D.

Spanish stamps


The sports car manufacturer chose the bird figure as its emblem, changed it significantly and added the name of the company below.


Aspid is a family of venomous snakes and a subsidiary of IFR Automotive with a thematic logo.


The stylized letter S on a red background is the emblem of Sociedad Española de Automóviles de Turismo, known worldwide under the abbreviation Seat.

Tauro sport

Tauro Sport Auto is a manufacturer from Valladolid, which began its activity in 210 and gained fame in the world markets for its luxury sports cars.

The name Tauro (Spanish for bull) is reflected in the logo - in a red circle, a swift and powerful figure of an animal. Around the circle is the full name of the company.



The name of this company is translated into Russian as “to sail in full sail”, so it is quite natural that sailing ships are depicted on its logo (in the amount of 3 pieces).


This emblem can only be seen on Chinese pickup trucks and SUVs. It looks like an elliptical ring with a red rhombus inscribed with metal edges and a stylized letter L inside.


One of the most recognizable logos of the Chinese car industry: the blue circle inside it is a symbol of planet Earth, environmental friendliness of production, the additional background on which this circle is located represents the use of modern technologies and constant movement forward, and the letter "V" (from Victory, Value) - the central element of the composition indicates Changan's constant pursuit of victory and eternal values.


State Automobile Company of China with a logo in the form of a triangle, divided by two oblique lines into 3 parts, very similar to the adidas brand name. What it means is a mystery, but the main thing is not what the emblem means, but whether it is recognizable.


Founded in 1992, the Hebei Zhongxing car company has developed a custom logo displaying two parallel upward lines bent from 2 places in the form of a kind of steps, enclosed in an oval with a red background.


The name of the company, which makes luxury cars, includes 2 characters: "rong" and "wei", meaning "great power." In addition, the name itself is consonant with the German word "loewe", which means "lion" in Russian. This explains the presence of two golden lions on the red and black background of the shield of the company logo.


Chery Automobile Corporation has embedded its name's interlocking capital letters in its logo, which merge into the letter "A", representing the first class of cars, which is "supported" by the outlines of hands, symbolizing unity and strength.


Subsidiary logo large manufacturer Auto Beijing Automobile Works is a stylized image of the abbreviation "BJC".


2006 - the time of the transformation of the company into an independent national auto-building holding and the release of a number of its own cars and engines. At the same time, this logo was invented - an ancient Chinese shield with stylized waves, which symbolizes the bed of the Songhua River flowing through the ancient city of Harbin.


First Automobile Work depicted on its logo a unit (a symbol of primacy) with schematic wings behind its "back" (a symbol of an eagle conquering space) and the name of the brand that personifies the corporation.

Great wall

The logo of the company, founded in 2007, consists of a circle, into which a stylized battlement of the Great Wall of China is gracefully inscribed.


Created in 1985, BAW (Beijing Automobile Works), now known as BAIC GROUP, in its logo enclosed metal, concave to the center, lines framed by a circle, reminiscent of the shape of an hourglass.


The emblem of the company, founded in 1999, is an ellipse with a five-pointed star and the inscription “JAC MOTORS”.


Founded in 1969, the logo of Dongfeng Motor Corporation resembles the opposing yin and yang, stylized in red and enclosed in a circle.


The company dates back to 1990 as a result of the collaboration between FAW and Mazda. This, in fact, was reflected in the company's logo, which resembles the emblem of Mazda with a schematic silhouette of Ahura Mazda - God personifying wisdom, life and light.


The logo of the largest company Jiangling Motors Co, located in Nanchang, is represented by 3 red triangles connected by vertices in the center, at the bottom of one of which is the abbreviation of the name "JMC".


The logo of the company, which has recently appeared on the car industry market, conveys all the shine of the cars themselves. Intertwined lines in the form of two silvery hieroglyphs speak of beauty and superiority.


Founded by Mr. Shufu in 1986, the company is based on the image of a stylized wing, stretching up to the sky, located in the center of a framed circle with the words "Geely". According to another version, the picture presented is a kind of image of a mountain against the background of the sky.


The company of distinctive cars did not strive to conclude something special in its logo, so the emblem with the brand name enclosed in an oval, somewhat reminiscent of the modified BMW logo, became its property.


The Zotye company was founded in 2005 and introduced the graphic letter "Z" as its logo, located in the center of a stylized square.


Budget cars under the Baojung brand come out under the logo in the form of a framed, stylized horse head. By the way, the name of the company is translated exactly like this - “precious horse”.


The company's cooperation with Hyundai Motors, which lasted several years, left a mark on its logo, placing a half-letter "H" in a metal-colored ellipse.

Xin kai

Founded in 1984 and trusted by the police, the Supreme Court, the Prosecutor's Office, the Ministry of Justice and others, the company has incorporated the capital letters "X" and "K" into an ellipse shape in its logo.


Haval is a new (created in 2013) Great Wall brand of modern SUV cars. Cars are marked with a simple logo with the full brand name.


SAIC-GM-Wuling is a mass-market and commercial vehicle company in China. One of the main activities is the production of micro vanes.

The cars of the brand adorn the logo in the form of the letter W, composed of images of five faceted red diamonds.


Qoros Auto Co., Ltd is a Shanghai-based car manufacturer co-founded by Chinese and Israeli investors. The production of cars started in 2013, the product line includes high-quality crossovers, sedans, hatchbacks at affordable prices.

The company's logo is the capital letter Q, and the manufacturer suggests taking the name as a homonym of the Greek chorus (chorus), in which everything sounds as harmonious as possible.


GAC Gonow is a Chinese manufacturer of light trucks, crossovers and SUVs. In the domestic market, the products are supplied under the brand name GAC Gonow, in world markets it is known as Gonow.

The company logo consists of 2 concentric circles (inner - stylized G), which mean “as one heart”, “working together”, “walking in step” or harmony in traditional Chinese culture.

Korean car emblems


On the one hand, the emblem famous brand Hyundai is a simple stylized spelling of its capital letter, and on the other - the personification of two people shaking hands as a symbol of mutually beneficial cooperation. At least, this is how the creators explain its meaning.


Cars with this logo are especially popular in our country, but not every owner of them knows that the familiar emblem contains the wings and claws of a dragon - a strong and powerful creature that has passed into it from the company's name, which translates as “two dragons”.


The Daewoo company (translated as “Great Universe”) has chosen the heraldic symbol “lily” as a trademark - the personification of purity and grandeur.


This seemingly simple word stands for "Enter the world from Asia." The use of such a loud name and its inclusion in the logo, for sure, also played an important role in the fact that today this Korean manufacturer really knows the whole world.


The Renault-Samsung logo is a metal ellipse - a symbol of the company's endless possibilities.

Swiss car brands


A simple logo (stylized spelling of the company name) of an unusual automobile company that directs all its efforts to the development of fundamentally new types of transport, therefore cars with such an emblem always have interesting outlines and non-standard fuel sources.


In its emblem, the famous Swiss sports car manufacturer enclosed the capital letter of the company name (it = the surname of the founder - P. Sauber), inscribed in a red circle, symbolizing confidence in their strengths and capabilities.

Austrian stamps


The company, founded by James Alexander Holden in 1856, chose the "Wimbledon Lion" - the symbol of the British Royal Exhibition of 1924-1925 in choosing a modern and modern image of the brand.


The logo of the company, which opened in 2002, is quite recognizable. It is represented by an ellipse-shaped emblem, inside which is a falcon (a symbol of courage, victory, aspiration for the future) and capital letters of the brand name.

Poland car emblems


Arrinera Automotive SA, a sports car company since 2008, has chosen two stylized capital letters of its name as its emblem, positioned above two metal triangles in a mirror image.


Fabryka Samochodow Osobowych has divided its logo into 2 parts, united only in red, as a symbol of passion, reliability and quality. In the first part, the letters F and S are encrypted inside the letter O. The second is represented by a stylized abbreviation of the company.

Czech car icons


The Skoda logo has undergone a number of changes over its long history. Today it is a green “winged” arrow (symbol of environmental protection) on a white background with an “eye”, placed in a ring with the name of the company. The wing here is a symbol of technological progress, the arrow is a symbol the latest technologies, and the eye symbolizes the company's open-mindedness.


The Kaipan company began its history in 1991 and a significant role in this beginning was played by the Lotus Super Seven car, the name of which was transformed into the emblem of the new brand - two crescent moons of different sizes, located one at the same ends up, like the petals of a lotus flower.


The firm, which currently manufactures backbone heavy trucks, has created a logo without too much intricate plots - a red circle with a stylized image of the name "Tatra".

Indian car logos


The endlessness of roads and future prospects are reflected in this logo belonging to one of the "old-timers" among car manufacturers - the company Mahindra, founded in 1945. The emblem consists of three red stripes tapering towards the top, which merge into an elliptical shape.


The Hindustan Motors Limited emblem encapsulated the stylized white and yellow capital letters of the company name, set against a blue background, the color of eternity and constancy.

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd is one of the largest companies in the country. Its emblem is a kind of component of two logos, one of which is the logo of the Maruti company (stylized blue wings raised up), the second is Suzuki (graphical red letter S) and the inscription consisting of the names of these two companies.

Canadian car brands


The brand, created as an analogue of Geo, was opened by General Motors Corporation in 1993. Its symbol is a stylized triangle - a symbol of conquering peaks - and the inscription "Asuna".

Ukrainian emblems


The company engaged in the production of VAZ 2110 cars has a very interesting ornate logo. It was based on the letter B, enclosed in an ellipse (a symbol of stability), which is presented in the form of a sailboat (a symbol of good luck on the road), which opened the sails (a symbol of a fair wind). The emblem is colored green and gray to represent the company's excellence, growth and renewal.


Since 1960, the Zaporozhye Automobile Plant has produced a line of all well-known humpbacked beauties "Zaporozhtsev", which were distinguished by their affordability. From this period, the emblem appeared, decorated with a stylized letter Z, enclosed in an ellipse.

Brazilian logos


The creator of the Amortiz GT was once the designer of the Volkswagen company Fernando Morita, who put its stylized name in the logo of his company.

Holland / Netherlands car logos


Founded in 1898, Spyker began with the production of exclusive hand-assembled sports cars. And, despite a considerable break in work (from 1925 to 2000), today she again pleases her clients. The chosen logo of the company only confirms a significant claim about itself in the automotive market: a wheel with a propeller and spokes is a symbol of the sophistication of a sports car and the boundless power of an aircraft.


Donkervoort, based in Lelystad, has chosen stylized red fenders as a logo for their sports cars - a symbol of flight, speed and freedom - with the words "Donkervoort" in white over them.

Iranian car emblems


The logo in the form of a shield, which depicts the stylized head of a horse, as a symbol of speed and strength, belongs to Iran, the most famous "brainchild" of which is the Khodro Samand model, which only emphasizes the relevance of the chosen emblem, because the word "samand" in Russian means " fast-footed horse ".



Automotive brand founded in 2015 in Uzbekistan. RAVON stands for "Reliable Active Vehicle On Road".

Every day, when you go out on the street, many cars of different brands, produced in different countries of the world, pass by you. Each of them has a unique emblem on the grille and on the trunk lid -. Of course, this is not a chaotic design fiction. Every combination of numbers, letters and symbols has a meaning.

Volga GAZ 21

For years, experienced designers have been working on any logo of a particular car brand, who try to reflect in it the history, traditions and many other nuances that are important for the owner of the company, thanks to which in the future this particular emblem will be associated with a well-established car brand.

Of course, various stories associated with the names of a particular car are often directly related to the founders of the companies that produce them. Some of these names influence the exterior decoration and serve as a kind of starting point for the design of the emblem, a kind of identification mark for the car.

The long history of the automotive industry has its own myths and legends. Basically, they are associated with the history of the creation of a particular emblem (logo) of the car. Each of them has its own message from the past, and books and articles are written about the entertaining stories of creating a logo of a particular trade brand, as well as television programs are shot.

In this article we will tell you about 100 world car emblems with names and photos. We will cover many countries and almost all continents and parts of the world. Are you ready for an exciting journey? Then buckle up. Go!


001 Holden

The image of a lion in the name of the company appeared back in the days when it was engraved on the doorstep of a house at the end of the 19th century, at which time the company produced saddles and carriages. In 1928, the famous sculptor J.R. Hoff sculpted the Lion and the Stone sculpture. According to ancient Egyptian legend, a man invented the wheel when he saw a lion rolling a stone. The symbolic image of the Hoffa sculpture formed the basis of the logo for the Australian company.

Holden emblem



002 TATA Motors

The emblem of this most famous Indian car brand is somewhat reminiscent of the Korean trademarks of Daewoo and KIA, the same fonts, the same colors. In 1945, the first locomotives left the assembly line of the Indian plant, this was the beginning of the activities of the TATA company. And in 1954, the production of the first cars under the same brand began.


003 Iran Khodro

The word "khodro" in translation means "swift horse", hence the head of a horse on a shield in the emblem of an Iranian car, which is very similar to the French model Peugeot 405. Brothers Ahmad and Mahmoud Khayyami founded the car company in 1962.

Iran Khodro emblem


The color scheme on the emblem of the Chinese car BYD is another example of plagiarism, which has nothing to do with the process of creating a model or its manufacturers. Look closely and you will see a resemblance to the BMW brand name.

BYD emblem

005 Brilliance

Of course, even an ignorant person understands that the name of this brand is translated as “diamond”. By this, the Chinese manufacturers wanted to emphasize the high quality of the offered goods. The trademark itself consists of a combination of two hieroglyphs that mean this word.

Brilliance emblem

006 Chery

In 2013, Chery Automobile presented the world with a new modified logo. It looks like an oval with a diamond-like triangle in the center. According to the comments of Chinese manufacturers to the emblem of their cars, the sides of the triangle symbolize the main indicators of the company's work: quality, technology and development.

Chery logo

The emblem of this one of the oldest trade marks consists of two modified hieroglyphs, which are read as "first" and "car". The designers of this symbol claim that they conceived it in the form of a hawk, spreading its wings in flight. This symbol is filled with pride in the success of the Chinese engineering industry.

FAW emblem

008 Foton

Another example of imitation. Only in this case, the logo of the Chinese car brand is very similar to the famous sports shoe brand Adidas. At the same time, Foton cars are among the three most significant auto brands in China.

Foton emblem

009 Geely

In April 2014, Geely announced new vehicles with an updated logo design to enter the market. Geely's new emblem retains the design of its Emgrand hybrid concept, but comes with new colors - bright blue and black.

Geely emblem

Geely Emgrand emblem

010 Great wall

For a long time, only small trucks were produced under this brand. Now "Great Wall Motors" is a powerful design and test center located in the Baoding Industrial Park. The emblem bears two large letters "G" and "W". And the closed ring of the logo represents the symbol of the Great Wall of China.

Great Wall emblem

011 Hafei

Cars produced under this brand are inexpensive in cost and are in demand among wide circles of the population. The logo looks like a shield, and the waves symbolize the bed of the Songhua River, near which the city of Harbin is located. It was there that TM Hafei began its history.

Hafei emblem

012 Haima

If you divide the name of this brand into two words "hai" and "ma", then connoisseurs will notice that the first word symbolizes the name of the province of Hainan, and the second the company "Mazda". Even the logo of this car is very similar to its Japanese prototype.

Haima emblem

013 Lifan

The TM Lifan emblem is, schematically, three sailing ships. The very name of the car, translated from the Chinese language, means "to race with full steam."

Lifan emblem


014 Proton

The logo of this Malaysian company initially looked like a crescent and a star with fourteen ends. In the late nineties, the updated car brand received a new emblem. Now it has the appearance of a tiger's head and an inscription with the name of the brand.

Proton emblem


015 Uz-Daewoo

In March 2008, a joint venture “GM Uzbekistan” was established in Uzbekistan. It started producing Uz-Daewoo cars. It is clear that the original logo of the popular Daewoo brand has not changed much. To it only two letters were added on the front. In recent years, the products of this Uzbek company have entered the list of ten best-selling brands in Russia.

Uz Daewoo emblem

South Korean

016 Daewoo

The word "daewoo" in translation from the Korean language means "big universe". And the emblem of this popular brand from South Korea looks like a stylized sea shell.

Daewoo emblem

017 Hyundai

The emblem of this famous South Korean TM looks very simple. This is the first letter in the name of the company - "H", written in a beautiful design style. But if you look into the dictionary and see the translation of this word, then you will find out that literally it means "modernity", "new era" or "new time".

Hyundai emblem

This word literally translates as "the rise of Asia." The 3D emblem represents a young and energetic company. Red is the warmth of the Sun, like an upward striving. The ellipse serves as the symbol of the Earth here, it emphasizes the worldwide fame of the brand.

KIA emblem


019 Acura

In Latin, the syllable "Acu" means accuracy, reliability and accuracy. The logo contains the letter “A” changed in the form of a caliper. The purpose of this emblem is to highlight the technical and design values ​​of the Japanese brand.

Acura emblem

020 Daihatsu

The logo of this Japanese brand looks like a stylized letter "D" and symbolizes convenience and compactness. For completeness, remember the company's slogan "We make it compact" and you will understand everything.

Daihatsu emblem

021 Honda

Deciphering the meaning of the TM "Honda" logo is very simple. Firstly, this is the first letter of the word, and secondly, this is the surname of the founder of the company, Soichiro Honda.

022 Infiniti

During the initial work on the creation of the logo, the idea was to use the infinity sign, because in translation the word has exactly this meaning. But, then they made it in the form of a road going to infinity. This symbol has an underlying meaning of perfection in everything.

Infiniti emblem

023 Isuzu

Everything is elementary, the logo looks like a capital letter "I" in a stylized version. But, wise Japanese, and in one letter can find a bunch of meanings. They interpret this logo and, especially, its color scheme as an openness to the world and burning hearts of the company's employees.

Isuzu emblem

024 Lexus

The idea for the logo belongs to the Italian designer Giorgetto Giugiaro. He didn't like the first idea of ​​the logo, which looks like a heraldic shield. He came up with the idea to bend in dynamics and place the capital letter of the model in an oval. In his opinion, this option symbolizes luxury.

Lexus emblem

025 Mazda

Starting in 1934, the logo of this car had six variants. The latter was recorded in 1997 and presented to the world along with the slogan "Zoom-Zoom". In keeping with the company's spirit, the winged capital M symbolizes the ideas of freedom and flight. There is a legend that the grandfather of the founder of the company was a great admirer of Chekhov and once came to the Moscow Art Theater for the play "The Seagull". Many years later, his grandson saw the seagull logo on the old program and decided to use it in his business.

Mazda emblem

026 Mitsubishi

The name of another popular Japanese brand has a secret meaning. Its name consists of two words "mitsu" - "three", and "hishi" - "water chestnut", it is also called "diamond-shaped diamond". The official translation of the word sounds like "three diamonds". And the company's logo combines the coat of arms of its founders, the Iwasaki family, which consists of a three-row diamond and a three-leaf Tosa clan crest.

Mitsubishi emblem

027 Nissan

The name of the company appeared in 1934 from the merger of two words meaning directly the country of manufacture, Japan, and its industry. The red circle on the company logo symbolizes the rising sun and a sense of sincerity. The blue rectangle is the symbol for the sky. This emblem perfectly fits the company's motto "Sincerity brings success".

028 Subaru

Translated from Japanese, the word "subaru" can be translated as "showing the way" or "gathering together", as well as a galaxy of stars in the Taurus Constellation. The car emblem, on which six stars "shine", means high quality workmanship, the use of advanced technologies and excellent driving performance.

Subaru emblem

029 Suzuki

The history of this logo is also insanely simple. The Latin letter "S" is stylized as a Japanese hieroglyph and this is the first letter of the surname of the founder of this TM, Michio Suzuki.

Suzuki emblem

030 Toyota

In 2004, the emblem of the famous Toyota brand underwent some changes. The manufacturers of this product promised their customers superior quality. Accordingly, the emblem should have become excellent. This is a three-dimensional image in metallic silver, with three ovals, two of which are located perpendicularly in the center of the composition and symbolize mutual understanding between the manufacturer and the customers.

Toyota emblem


031 Buick

The emblem of the luxury car Buick has changed many times. In 1975, the name of the company returned to the logo again, as at the very beginning of the production of this model. And when the company launched a new version of the car called the Skyhawk, a hawk figure was added to the logo. Skyhawk ceased to exist in the late eighties, and the three coats of arms of the Scottish aristocrats and the founders of the Buick family company returned to the emblem.

Buick emblem

032 Cadillac

In 1999, the owner of TM Cadillac, the GM concern, decided to make changes to the existing emblem. In order to make it modern in the coming 21st century, it was decided to remove the images of birds and crowns from it. The remaining coat of arms of the ancient noble family de la Motte Cadillacs and the wreath framing it were decided to be made in the form of graphics. An abstract artist from the Netherlands, Piet Mondrian, was invited to work on the new emblem. Thus, at the turn of the century, it was possible to combine the past and the future.

Cadillac emblem

033 Chevrolet

There are several versions of the appearance of the emblem of this iconic car. One of them says that one of the founders of the company, William Durant, while visiting Paris, saw this drawing on the wallpaper of a hotel room and made it the logo of a new car. According to another version, Durant often drew various variants of the emblem and as a result drew the same bow tie, which became the emblem of Chevrolet. And finally, the latest version is that Durant saw an advertisement for a coal company using this symbol in one of the newspapers and patented it for his business.

Chevrolet emblem

034 Chrysler

The twists and turns of the history of the Chrysler car emblem are similar to the long-running Brazilian TV series. Per last century its appearance has changed a huge number of times. For example, in 2007, it looked like a star with five rays. And in 2009 it was changed again, and now it looks like its name, placed on a blue background with outstretched silver wings.

Chrysler emblem

035 Dodge

The Dodge logo has changed many times during the 20th century. In 2010, it was decided to remove the ram's head from the emblem and make a simple inscription with the name of the company and two oblique stripes.

Dodge emblem

036 Eagle

The logo of this trade brand is a triangle with arched sides in the form of a coat of arms, inside which there is a contour image of an eagle's head. The emblem is completely black with white contour lines.

037 Ford

In 2003, in honor of the centenary, it was decided to make small changes to the logo. The company returned to the oval emblem with "flying letters" from 1927, replacing only the color lining in it from purple to blue with tints.

Ford emblem

The General Motors Corporation was founded in 1916. The founders of the company, the Grabowski brothers, were engaged in the production of trucks before the creation of GM. After William Durand joined them, the company took on a new name and united the entire Michigan engineering industry. The emblem is nothing special and benefits only from the color scheme of red with silver frames.

GMC emblem

039 Hummer

Initially, this trademark of the General Motors SUV was intended for use in the army, a little later it began to be sold to civilians. There are no frills in the emblem. And why are they in the army?

Hummer emblem

040 Jeep

Just like the Hummer, the Jeep car was manufactured for military use and therefore no one paid much attention to the originality of its logo. In the beginning, it simply did not exist. When the car was launched on a large scale, the logo also appeared, which consisted of two circles and seven rectangles arranged vertically. This composition is visually similar to the front of an SUV.

Jeep emblem

041 Lincoln

The Lincoln logo is based on a stylized compass that simultaneously points to all cardinal directions. At a time when this brand was a huge success around the world, such a logo was appropriate. At the moment, the demand for the company's products has dropped significantly even in the United States.

Lincoln emblem

042 Mercury

Not so long ago in the logo car brand Mercury the stylized letter "M" appeared. And in 1939, Henry Ford's son Edsel came up with a name for the new car in honor of the patron saint of trade, the god Mercury, and depicted his profile on the emblem of the car.

Mercury emblem

043 Oldsmobile

The last of the existing emblems of the now defunct company was made in the Japanese automobile style, characterized by simplicity and conciseness. It looked like a stylized letter that "breaks" through the oval frame in which it is located. The emblem was intended to symbolize the technological modification of the model, which is able to compete with similar car models from Europe and Japan. There was also a slight "nod" towards the old logo, in the form of a hint of a rocket inside the emblem.

Oldsmobile emblem

044 Plymouth

In 2001, this brand ceased to exist. Until that moment, its logo looked like the Mayflower ship, with the help of which its discoverers sailed to America, moored at the Plymouth Stone.

Plymouth emblem

045 Pontiac

At the beginning of the existence of this car, its emblem was an Indian headdress. In 1957, its appearance was changed, and it became like a red arrow, which is visually located in the place of the bifurcation of the radiator. Unfortunately, this brand of American car has made a long life.

Pontiac emblem

This car, from Chrysler Group LLC, bears the badge-horned ram's head logo in the middle of the emblem. The entire composition is finished in metallic silver with a sheen.

RAM emblem

047 Saturn

Another car from the “dropped out” category. Its emblem bears the image of the planet Saturn with rings. The lettering on the emblem is executed in the same script as on the Saturn 5 launch vehicle that delivered the Americans to the moon.

Saturn emblem

048 Scion

For this brand, the logo was invented by the designers of California. It is based on the letter "S" in the form of exposed shark fins, since this car was originally intended for fans of extreme sports and fishing on the ocean. The word "scion" is translated as "heir".

Scion emblem



049 Aston martin

The logo of the beloved car of the first James Bond appeared in 1921 in the form of the letters "A" and "M", which were inscribed in a circle. The founder of the company Lionel Martin gave his brainchild the second part of the name, and the first part was taken from the town of Aston Clinton in England, where the car won its first race. In 1927, wings were added to the existing emblem.

Aston Martin emblem

050 Bentley

The open wings symbolizing speed, independence and strength are successfully inscribed in the TM Bentley logo. In the middle of the composition is the letter "B", in honor of the founder of the company Walter Bentley. The background on which the letter is located is very important. The green background is for racing cars, red is for models with a subtle taste, and black stands for power and strength.

Bentley emblem

051 Caterham

The emblem of this TM at the beginning of its creation bore striking similarities with the logo of the Lotus car. The magic number 7 has been on the logo for quite some time and has been associated with the Caterham Super Seven brand. In January 2014, a brand new logo appeared with the traditional green color and contours of the UK flag.

Caterham emblem

052 Jaguar

It is clear that the symbol of this car is a famous feline animal. So a car with this name should have power, beauty and grace. A sketch of a jumping jaguar was drawn in 1935 by the head of advertising and sales for Swallow Sidecars and shown the drawing to sculptor Gordon Crosby. And he blinded such a graceful figure of a jaguar in a jump. There was a time when cunning car dealers sold this figure to car buyers for an extra fee.

Jaguar emblem

053 Land rover

Land is land, Rover is wanderer. A car wandering the Earth. This is the essence of this remarkable SUV. More than 60 years have passed since Maurice Wilkes came up with this name for his ATVs. There are two types of TM Land Rover emblems. The first looks like silver letters on a black background, the second looks like gilded letters on a green background.

Land Rover emblem

054 Lotus

The TM "Lotus" logo is a bright yellow circle resembling the sun and an inscribed triangle in British Racing Green. The name of the car brand and the initials of its creator Anthony Colin Bruce Chapman (ACBC) are inscribed in the triangle.

Lotus emblem

Apparently the designers did not sweat for long over the creation of this brand name. The brand name is simply inscribed inside a regular octagon.

MG emblem

056 MINI

It is one of the flying winged brands that traditionally mean agility, speed, strength and freedom. And black is strong in innovation, dynamics, elegance and excellence. And how can it be without silver color with its sophistication and grandeur. No way!

MINI emblem

057 Morgan

Apparently the favorite representatives of the fauna in the UK are birds. Another “winged” logo with a cruciform emblem on the background of a circle and the inscription Morgan is owned by a small enterprise from England “Morgan Motor Company”, which produces sports coupe cars in retro style with the most modern “insides”.

Morgan emblem

058 Noble

The brand's emblem bears the name of Lee Noble, who was the main designer and director of Noble from 1996 to 2009. The company is now engaged in the production of sports cars with high speeds.

Noble emblem

059 Rolls-royce

There are two emblems for this famous car. The first one contains double letters RR. These are the names of the founders of the brand, Sir Henry Royce and Charles Stuart Rolls. There is a version that the color of the letters changed from red to black immediately after the death of Sir Henry Royce in 1933. Another symbol of this car, which is placed on the hood, is a figurine of a woman floating, as if taking off, with a fluttering dress. This figurine is sometimes called the Spirit of Delight.

Rolls-Royce emblem

This car owes its birth to two British engineers - Trevor Wilkinson and Jack Picard, who formed TVR Engineering in 1947 and named it Wilkinson - TreVoR. The company specializes in light sports cars.

TVR emblem

061 Vauxhall

The emblem of this oldest British car brand adorns the image of a griffin - a mythical creature with the body and head of a lion and eagle wings. The name TM comes from the area on the south bank of the Thames.

Vauxhall emblem


062 Alfa romeo

In 1910, the draftsman Romano Cattaneo stood waiting for a tram at the Piazza Castello station in Milan. Suddenly he turned his gaze to the image of the red cross on the flag of Milan and to the emblem that adorned the facade of the house of the noble Visconti family. The emblem depicted a snake that swallows a person. Over time, he combined the cross and the snake. The result is the logo of a well-known automotive brand. In 1916, the word Romeo was added to the first name, in honor of the Naples businessman Nicola Romeo, who became the new owner of the company.

Alfa Romeo emblem

063 Ferrari

The prancing horse in the emblem of this TM was first placed on airplanes piloted by Francesco Baraca during the First World War. In 1923, Alfa Romeo driver Enzo Ferrari and Barak's parents met. They suggested that the rider put a prancing horse drawing on his racing car as a symbol of good luck and in memory of their son. Ferrari did just that, adding the official yellow color of his hometown of Modena to the drawing and lifting the horse's tail up.

Ferrari emblem

064 Fiat

In 2007, after Fiat won the Car of the Year world title for the eighth time, it was decided to change its emblem. The red color and shape of the shield has been preserved from the old model. Three-dimensional features of shape and color have been added. They symbolize the development of advanced technologies in production, features of Italian design, dynamics and individualism.

Fiat emblem

065 Lamborghini

This emblem was invented by the founder of the company Ferruccio Lamborghini. He placed the bull on the emblem because he was born under the zodiac sign Taurus. According to legend, Lamborghini simply copied the Ferrari shield and changed the yellow and black colors in places.

Lamborghini emblem

066 Lancia

In 1911, the first logo of this Italian car brand was created. It had the appearance of a four-spoke steering wheel with an accelerator handle, which is under the flag and name of the brand. This emblem was invented by Carlo Biscaretti di Ruffia. In 1929, he proposed placing the emblem on a triangular shield. Over time, the shape and color of the emblem changed, various elements appeared and disappeared, but the foundations of the logo, invented in 1929, have survived to this day.

Lancia emblem

067 Maserati

This company was founded in 1914 in the city of Bologna and specializes in the production of sports cars and business class cars. The logo features a trident, which is one of the elements of the Neptune fountain in the company's hometown.

Maserati emblem

068 Bugatti

The logo of this old Italian brand was invented by its founder Ettore Bugatti. It is an oval shape of pearls, studded with pearls along the edges. The fact is that Ettore's father, Carlo Bugatti, was engaged in jewelry design. In honor of his father, Ettore invented the logo. In addition, inside the logo you can see the initials of the founder of the company "E" and "B". The red color of the emblem embodies passion, excitement and energy, black - masculinity and the desire for excellence, and white refers to the concepts of nobility, purity and elegance.

Bugatti emblem


069 SEAT

The capital letter of the company "Sociedad Española de Automóviles de Turismo" in gray and the name of the car brand in red form the basis of the new SEAT emblem. It began to be produced in 1950. In those days, there were only 3 cars per 1000 inhabitants of Spain.

SEAT emblem


070 Audi

The emblem of this car can be roughly called the "sign of four". The four rings in the car's logo represent the conglomerate of four previously independent companies, Audi, DKW, Horch and Wanderer, which merged in 1932.

Audi emblem

In 1917, the first version of the famous TM BMW was created, which looked like a rotating propeller. The logo was full of small details and in 1920 they decided to change it. The circle from the propeller was divided into four components with alternating light silver color and a shade of blue sky. Plus, blue and white are the main colors of the Bavarian flag.

BMW emblem

072 Volkswagen

Translated from German, this word means "people's car". In 1934, its release was authorized by the leaders of the Third Reich. In 1945, the German military authorities took over the management of the company. The city where the cars were produced took the name Wolfsburg and its coat of arms became the first Volkswagen logo. It depicted Wolsburg Castle and the figure of a wolf. For the export version of the car, the letters "V" and "W" appeared in the logo.

Volkswagen emblem

The luxury car maker Maybach has decided to place two large Ms on its emblem, which originally symbolized Maybach Motorenbau and now have the new meaning Maybach Manufaktur.

Maybach emblem

074 Mercedes-Benz

The brand emblem of the famous German manufacturer was registered on March 26, 1901. The meaning of the three-ray star is that the motors produced by the company are suitable for use on earth, sky and water. For the first time, this star is mentioned in a letter from the founder of the company, Gottlieb Daimler, which he wrote to his wife. He implied that the star would point to the site where the new Daimler home in Deutz would be built and that it would be located on top of the rooftop of his new car factory, symbolizing the company's success. Daimler's sons decided to use this symbol in the emblem of the new car.

Mercedes-Benz emblem

075 Opel

In 2002, Opel decided to make its logo more vibrant and dynamic. The lightning was replaced by a large three-dimensional sign, and the name of the company shifted down.

Opel emblem

076 Porsche

The car was named after Dr. Ferdinand Porsche. The reared horse was taken from the coat of arms of the city of Stuttgart, and the appearance of horns, red and black stripes on the emblem is due to the coat of arms of the kingdom of Württemberg, in which Stuttgart was the capital. This logo appeared on the car in 1952.

Porsche emblem

Of course, for the flux of the English language, it will not be difficult to translate the word "smart" as "smart". But, this is not the case. This word contains parts of three other words: "Swatch" (the famous Swiss watch brand), "Mercedes" (the current owner of the brand) and "Art" (art). At the beginning of the emblem there is the letter "C", which means the compactness of the car and an arrow, hinting at the avant-garde thinking.

Smart emblem

078 Wiesmann

The models of this automobile company are called "exclusives". This is also hinted at by the lizard, which is placed on the hood of the car. She symbolizes speed, extravagance and wealth.

Wiesmann emblem


The abbreviation for this Polish brand comes from the name of the Passenger Car Factory (Fabryka Samochodow Osobowych). It was founded in 1951. There is a legend that in 1684 the world's first scooter was developed, which was powered by a rocket engine. Then the literal translation of the emblem sounds like Special Scooter Factory. In the emblem, the letter "F" consists of a part of the letter "S" and is outlined by the letter "O". And red is a manifestation of passion, quality and trust.

FSO emblem


080 VIS

The emblem of the VAZinterService company is a graphic design using the letters "B", "I" and "C". This is a subsidiary of AvtoVAZ, which specializes in the production of pickups for various purposes.

WIS emblem

081 GAS

The Gorky Automobile Plant produces cars Volga, Chaika and several types of trucks. The logo of the plant was made public in 1950 and bore a great resemblance to the coat of arms of the Nizhny Novgorod principality. The emblem features a prancing deer. The image of the logo has undergone changes over the years.

GAZ emblem

082 ZIL

This famous Russian brand has a fairly simple logo with stylized letters. It was invented in 1944 by the body designer I.A. Sukhorukov for the ZIL-114 model. The head of his department liked the emblem, and he handed it over for approval to the top management of the plant. Likhachev.

ZIL emblem

083 Izh

In 2005, the production of cars under this name was discontinued. The plant from Izhevsk became the property of the Russian Technologies company. And the old logo was a combination of two unfinished hemispheres with oblique rounded lines in white in the middle of the logo, symbolizing the letters "I" and "Ж". And also a stylized inscription "AUTO" under the emblem.

IZH emblem

084 Lada

In 1994, the emblem of the Russian model Lada appeared in the form of a boat under sail in white on a blue background. The logo was updated by AvtoVAZ chief designer Steve Mattin, who previously headed the design department at Volvo. This emblem hints at the location of the plant in the Volga city of Samara. Long ago, the boat was the main vehicle for transporting merchant goods along the Volga. On the logo, the letter "B" is drawn in the form of a rook.

Lada emblem

085 Moskvich

Moskvich's logo has undergone changes many times. But, on it, the image of the Kremlin, symbolizing Moscow, was always clearly traced. The last emblem of this car looks very straightforward. The contours of the battlements of the Kremlin wall are connected with the stylized letter "M".

Moskvich emblem

086 Oka

The emblem of this Russian passenger car looks like the stylized capital letters of the word "Oka". This brand was launched in 1988. In the Russian Federation, the KamAZ plant produces Oka with the letter K, AvtoVAZ produces Lada Oku-2, and SeAZ has launched the production of Oka with the letter C.

OKA emblem

087 UAZ

In 1962, the well-known “circle with a swallow” became the emblem of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant. At the beginning of the new century, the name began to be written in Latin letters, and the company changed its logo. Now it is green and with changed shapes.

UAZ emblem


088 Dacia

A company from Romania has come up with an emblem for its car based on a blue shield with the manufacturer's name written on it. Then the emblem became even simpler. This time they did without a shield. All that remains is the silver emblem with the name of the company.

Dacia emblem


089 Bohdan

The Ukrainian car "Bogdan" has a logo in the form of the Latin letter "B", which looks like a sailboat with inflated sails. It is a symbol of good luck and success, a tailwind when traveling. The letter is placed in an ellipse on a green background. Green means the processes of growth and renewal, the gray color of the letter and the ellipse hints at perfection.

Bogdan emblem

090 ZAZ

The emblem of the Zaporozhye Automobile Plant has been changed. Previously, it depicted the Zaporozhye hydroelectric power station, at the top of which the letters ZAZ were located.

ZAZ emblem


091 Skoda

The emblem of the famous Czech car in the form of a "winged arrow" appeared in 1926. For 5 years (1915-1920) Mr. Maglie worked on this logo. As a result, he got a stylized Indian head, which is wearing a headdress with a round clasp and five feathers.

Skoda emblem


092 Koenigsegg

This Swedish company produces exclusive sports-grade products. It was founded in 1994 by Christian von Koenigsegg. The logo is designed as a shield with orange and red diamond-shaped lines.

Koenigsegg emblem

093 Saab

The logo of this company is an image of a griffin, which has the body of a lion, as well as the head and wings of an eagle. They took it from the logo of the Vabis-Scania company, which produced trucks, after its acquisition by the Saab concern. The logo bears great resemblance to the TM Scania emblem.

SAAB emblem

094 Volvo

The word "volvo" from the Latin language is translated as "I roll." The main composition of the logo is the antique symbol of iron. In ancient Rome, he was closely associated with the God of War Mars, who used only iron weapons in battles. And iron is a symbol of durability, reliability and high quality.

Volvo emblem


095 Aixam

The French subcompact car company was formed in 1983. Its logo is very simple and straightforward. It's a capital A on a blue background, inscribed in a circle with a red outline. Below is the name of the company, written in capital letters directed towards the center.

Aixam emblem

096 Matra

Apart from cars, this brand also produced aerospace equipment, weapon systems, bicycles, and telecommunications equipment. The logo is the company name in black capital letters and a circle with black and white stripes, inside which is an arrow pointing to the right.

Matra emblem

097 Peugeot

Sometimes the owners of this car affectionately call it "lion cub". At the beginning of their careers, the founders of the company, brothers Jules and Emile Peugeot, were engaged in the manufacture of cutting tools. And in this case, the lion was a symbol of flexibility, speed and strength. And now, after a while, this symbol migrated from the surface of the saw to the surface of the car. At first, the lion seemed to be walking along the arrow, but then he was reared up.

Peugeot emblem

098 Renault

This company had many logos. The most famous is the vertical rhombus, which appeared in 1925. In 1972 and 1992, it was radically changed. In 2004, a yellow background appeared on the emblem, and in 2007, the RENAULT inscription was added at the bottom.

Renault emblem

099 Simca

The logo of the now-extinct French car Simca featured a heraldic base divided into a blue and red background on the inside. Moreover, the red background was one third more than the blue. In the upper blue part of the emblem there was a stylized image of a white swallow, and the name of the company was written at the bottom in elongated white letters.

Simca logo

100 Venturi

The emblem of this TM looks like an oval, bordered by a silver stripe and a red background inside. In the center there is a coat-of-arms triangle, inside which there is a bird with outstretched wings; above it, along the upper contour, the name of the company is written in capital letters. The color background inside the triangle is dark blue.

Venturi emblem

What does the installation of autobuffers give?

Mirror DVR Car DVRs Mirror

Undoubtedly, every motorist wondered what they are - the most expensive cars in the world. Someone imagined it as a powerful, "licked" from all sides, a sports car, someone - a huge super-comfortable executive class car with a powerful engine. By the way, both are right.

100th place - BMW M5 G-Power Hurricane RR 5 liter V10 RWD 2010

Price $ 750,000 - 22.5 million rubles
-maximum speed 372 km / h. - 231 mph.
- engine power 800 h.p. - 588 kW - 800 N / m at 5000 rpm.

- weight 1800 kg. 0.4444 hp / kg - 2.25 kg. 1 hp

99th place - Bentley Continental Supersports Convertible 6 liter W12 AWD 2010

- engine power 621 h.p. - 457 kW - 800 N / m at 2000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 4.2 sec.
- weight 2395 kg. 0.2593 hp / kg. - 3.86 kg. 1 hp

98th place - Faralli & Mazzanti Vulca S 5.8 liter V10 BMW RWD 2009

Price $ 750,000 - 22.5 million rubles

- engine power 630 h.p. - 630 N / m at 5500 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.9 sec.
- weight 1600 kg. 0.3938 hp / kg.

97th place - AC Roadster Iconic 7 liter V8 RWD 2010

Price $ 760,000 - 22.8 million rubles

- engine power 825 h.p. - 607 kW - 900 N / m at 4200 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3 sec.
- weight 1088 kg. 0.7583 hp / kg. - 1.32 kg. 1 hp

96th place - BMW M6 G-Power Hurricane CS 5 liter V10 RWD 2009

Price $ 760,000 - 22.9 million rubles

- engine power 750 h.p. - 551 kW - 800 N / m at 5000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 4.2 sec.
- weight 1761 kg. 0.4259 hp / kg. - 2.35 kg. 1 hp

95th place - Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722 Edition 5.4 liter V8 RWD 2006

The most advanced version of the McLaren SLR supercar, called the 722 Edition, commemorates the victory of Stirling Moss and his partner Denis Jenkinson in the Mille Miglia in 1955, in a Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR with start number 722. This modification is much better than the standard McLaren CPR. The last super coupe rolled off the assembly line at the end of 2007.

Price $ 770,000 - 23 million rubles

- engine power 650 h.p. - 478 kW - 820 N / m at 4000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.6 sec.
- weight 1724 kg. 0.377 hp / kg. - 2.65 kg. 1 hp

94th place - Ferrari 458 Italia Mansory Siracusa 4.5 liter V8 RWD 2011

- engine power 590 h.p. - 434 kW - 560 N / m at 6000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.2 sec.
- weight 1310 kg. 0.4504 hp / kg. - 2.22 kg. 1 hp

93rd place - Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG Black Series MKB P 1000 6 liter V12 RWD 2011

According to the statements of the engineers of the tuning company MKB, the technically predicted speed of the car is 370 km / h. additional characteristics acceleration 0-100 km / h: 3.6 seconds, 0-200 km / h: 8.9 seconds, 0-300 km / h: 21.5 seconds. Quarter mile travel: 11.1 seconds. Note that the engine revision alone costs 117,000 euros.

Price $ 780,000 - 23.4 million rubles

- engine power 1015 h.p. - 746 kW - 1300 N / m at 3300 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.6 sec.
- weight 1870 kg. 0.5428 hp / kg. - 1.84 kg. 1 hp

92nd place - Ferrari 599 GTO 6 liter V12 RWD 2010

Price $ 780,000 - 23.5 million rubles

- engine power 670 h.p. - 493 kW - 620 N / m at 6500 rpm.

- weight 1605 kg. 0.4174 hp / kg. - 2.4 kg. 1 hp

91st place - Lotec Sirius 6 liter V12 Mercedes-Benz RWD 2003

This car, Kurt Lotterschmid conceived to build sixteen years ago. The carbon body is glued by hand, and the six-liter V12 engine is from the same six-hundredth Merc (W140). In addition to the ABS, the car does not have any auxiliary systems, and due to slipping, the supercar constantly hesitates to accelerate to a hundred.

Price $ 790,000 - 23.6 million rubles

- engine power 1200 h.p. - 882 kW - 1322 N / m at 3400 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.8 sec.
- weight 1280 kg. 0.9375 hp / kg. - 1.07 kg. 1 hp

90th place - Brabus CLS Rocket V12 S Biturbo 6.2 liter V12 RWD 2006

Price $ 800,000 - 23.9 million rubles

- engine power 730 h.p. - 537 kW - 1100 N / m at 2100 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 4 sec.
- weight 1890 kg. 0.3862 hp / kg. - 2.59 kg. 1 hp

89th place - Brabus GL 63 Biturbo 6.3 liter V8 AWD 2010

Price $ 800,000 - 24 million rubles

- engine power 650 h.p. - 478 kW - 850 N / m at 3000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 4.7 sec.
- weight 2540 kg. 0.2559 hp / kg. - 3.91 kg. 1 hp

88th place - Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SuperVeloce 6.5 liter V12 RWD 2009

Lamborghini has expanded its lineup with the most extreme model for advanced drivers. The SV SuperVeloce attachment marks major improvements in the fight to reduce weight, increase power and improve dynamic performance. A distinctive exterior design is an aggressive aerodynamic body kit and a large rear spoiler. The series is limited to 350 cars.

Price $ 800,000 - 24.1 million rubles
-maximum speed 342 km / h. - 212 mph.
- engine power 670 h.p. - 493 kW - 660 N / m at 6500 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.2 sec.
- weight 1565 kg. 0.4281 hp / kg. -2.34 kg. 1 hp

87th place - Porsche RUF CTR 3 3.8 liter boxer-6 RWD 2008

Based on the Porsche Cayman.

Price $ 830,000 - 24.8 million rubles
-maximum speed 375 km / h. - 233 mph.
- engine power 700 h.p. - 515 kW - 890 N / m at 4000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.2 sec.
- weight 1400 kg. 0.5 hp / kg. - 2 kg. 1 hp

86th place - Carlsson Aigner CK65 RS Eau Rouge Dark Edition 6 liter V12 RWD 2009

Based on Mercedes-Benz CL 65 AMG

Price $ 840,000 - 25.1 million rubles
-maximum speed 335 km / h.
- engine power 756 h.p. - 1150 N / m at 2000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.8 sec.
- weight 2240 kg. 0.3375 hp / kg.

85th place - Tramontana R 5.5 liter V12 RWD 2009

Price $ 840,000 - 25.3 million rubles
-maximum speed 325 km / h. - 202 mph.
- engine power 720 h.p. - 529 kW - 1100 N / m at 4000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.6 sec.
- weight 1268 kg. 0.5678 hp / kg. - 1.76 kg. 1 hp

84th place - Brabus SL V12 6.3 liter V12 RWD 2008

Inspired by the revamped fifth-generation SL model, the exclusive Brabus tuner has written its word in the unprecedented success of the popular Mercedes roadster. The exclusive interior has been completely redesigned. The engine is equipped with a more efficient turbocharging system. Impressive, 20 '' light-alloy wheels, one-off BRABUS Monoblock.

-maximum speed 350 km / h. - 217 mph.
- engine power 720 h.p. - 529 kW - 1320 N / m at 2100 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 4 sec.
- weight 2280 kg. 0.3158 hp / kg. - 3.17 kg. 1 hp

83rd place - Bristol Fighter T 8 liter V10 Viper RWD 2007

The British luxury car manufacturer Bristol, with its new model, has entered the club of a thousand strong supercars. Powered by a twin-turbocharged Dodge Viper engine under a huge bonnet, the car has impressive torque. The motor runs at reduced rpm to protect the drivetrain.

Price $ 850,000 - 25.4 million rubles
-maximum speed 362 km / h. - 225 mph.
- engine power 1012 h.p. - 744 kW - 1405 N / m at 4500 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.52 sec.
- weight 1475 kg. 0.6861 hp / kg. - 1.46 kg. 1 hp

82nd place - Porsche 911 Turbo Gemballa Avalanche GTR 800 EVO-R 3.8 liter F6 AWD 2008

-maximum speed 335 km / h. - 208 mph.
- engine power 850 h.p. - 625 kW - 935 N / m at 2000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.1 sec.
- weight 1545 kg. 0.5502 hp / kg. - 1.82 kg. 1 hp

81st - Brabus GLK V12 6.3 liter V12 AWD 2010

The exclusive, special-purpose Brabus SUV, powered by a twelve-cylinder, twin-turbocharged engine, debuted at the DUBAI INTERNATIONAL MOTOR SHOW. At this point in time, BRABUS GLK V12 is officially recognized as the fastest crossover, or SUV in the world.

Price $ 850,000 - 25.5 million rubles

- engine power 750 h.p. - 551 kW - 1100 N / m at 1350 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 4.35 sec.
- weight 1970 kg. 0.3807 hp / kg. - 2.63 kg. 1 hp

80th place - Porsche Carrera GT 5.7 liter V10 RWD 2003

An ingenious supercar. The peculiarity of the Carrera GT is the way the engine is mounted, due to which the car has a very low center of gravity, excellent handling and aerodynamics. The high-tech ceramic drive clutch and electronic traction control give this supercar no match. An interesting fact is that in terms of production costs, the car is almost one and a half times more expensive than the factory selling price.

Price $ 850,000 - 25.5 million rubles
-maximum speed 332 km / h. - 206 mph.
- engine power 611 h.p. - 449 kW - 590 N / m at 6000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.85 sec.
- weight 1380 kg. 0.4428 hp / kg. - 2.26 kg. 1 hp

79th place - Saleen S7 Twin Turbo 7 liter V8 RWD 2006

Saleen is an American manufacturer that produces high-tech, hand-assembled limited edition supercars. S7 Twin Turbo is updated version the original S7 has a twin turbocharger on it. This is the most pretentious and prestigious american car... The rosy, automobile dream of a wealthy American patriot.

Price $ 850,000 - 25.5 million rubles
-maximum speed 400 km / h. - 248 mph.
- engine power 750 h.p. - 551 kW - 700 N / m at 4800 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 2.9 sec.
- weight 1338 kg. 0.5605 hp / kg. - 1.78 kg. 1 hp

78th place - Carlsson Aigner CK65 RS Blanchimont 6 liter V12 RWD 2008

Based on Mercedes-Benz S 65 AMG

-maximum speed 320 km / h. - 199 mph.
- engine power 705 h.p. - 518 kW - 1100 N / m at 2000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.9 sec.
- weight 2270 kg. 0.3106 hp / kg. - 3.22 kg. 1 hp

77th place - Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren ASMA Design Perfectus 5.5 liter V8 RWD 2009

Price $ 870,000 - 26.1 million rubles

- engine power 700 h.p. - 515 kW
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.5 sec.

76th place - Ferrari 599XX 6 liter V12 RWD 2009

Price $ 870,000 - 26.1 million rubles
-maximum speed 315 km / h. - 196 mph.
- engine power 720 h.p. - 529 kW - 686 N / m at 6500 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3 sec.
- weight 1521 kg. 0.4734 hp / kg. - 2.11 kg. 1 hp

75th place - Brabus G V12 S Biturbo Widestar 6.3 liter V12 AWD 2009

Price $ 870,000 - 26.2 million rubles

- engine power 700 h.p. - 515 kW - 1320 N / m at 2100 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 4.3 sec.
- weight 2550 kg. 0.2745 hp / kg. - 3.64 kg. 1 hp

74th place - Brabus E V12 Black Baron 6.3 liter V12 RWD 2010

The BRABUS E V12 Black Baron is the fourth generation of the model based on the latest Mercedes-Benz E-Class. The car, with its technical excellence, again sets new standards for the most powerful and efficient sedan in the world. The piece production is based on the newly developed BRABUS SV12 R Biturbo 800 engine.

Price $ 880,000 - 26.3 million rubles
-maximum speed 370 km / h. - 230 mph.
- engine power 788 h.p. - 579 kW - 1420 N / m at 2100 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.7 sec.
- weight 1980 kg. 0.398 hp / kg. - 2.51 kg. 1 hp

73rd place - Laraki Fulgura 6 liter V12 RWD 2005

The first African supercar offered by Laraki from Morocco. Built on a Lamborghini Diablo frame. Six-liter V12 engine borrowed from Mercedes.

Price $ 890,000 - 26.6 million rubles
-maximum speed 350 km / h. - 217 mph.
- engine power 680 h.p. - 500 kW - 750 N / m at rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 4.5 sec.
- weight 1250 kg. 0.544 hp / kg. - 1.84 kg. 1 hp

72nd - Audi R8 V10 MTM Biturbo 5.2 liter V10 AWD 2011

Price $ 890,000 - 26.7 million rubles
-maximum speed 350 km / h. - 217 mph.
- engine power 777 h.p. - 571 kW - 888 N / m at 6500 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3 sec.
- weight 1425 kg. 0.5453 hp / kg. - 1.83 kg. 1 hp

Price $ 890,000 - 26.7 million rubles

- engine power 888 h.p. - 653 kW - 862 N / m at 6500 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.2 sec.
- weight 1600 kg. 0.555 hp / kg. - 1.8 kg. 1 hp

70th place - Lamborghini Murcielago LP750 Edo Competition 6.5 liter V12 AWD 2011

Acceleration dynamics: 200 km / h. (124 mph) in 9.7 sec. and 300 km / h. (186 mph) in 24.5 sec.

- engine power 750 h.p. - 551 kW - 740 N / m at 6500 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.1 sec.
- weight 1625 kg. 0.4615 hp / kg. - 2.17 kg. 1 hp

69th place - Brabus SV12 R Biturbo 800 6.3 liter V12 RWD 2011

Price $ 900,000 - 27 million rubles
-maximum speed 350 km / h. - 217 mph.

- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.9 sec.
- weight 2300 kg. 0.3478 hp / kg. - 2.88 kg. 1 hp

68th place - Gumpert Apollo 4.2 V8 RWD 2008

Gumpert Apollo is the creation of Roland Gumpert, the creator of the legendary Audi quattro... As a basis for the engine, he took a converted V8 from a charged Audi RS6. Although it looks like a Le Mans car, you still get some amenities such as air conditioning, leather upholstery, audio system, navigation and a rear-view camera.

Price $ 900,000 - 27 million rubles
-maximum speed 360 km / h. - 224 mph.
- engine power 650 h.p. - 478 kW - 850 N / m at 4000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3 sec.
- weight 1468 kg. 0.4428 hp / kg. - 2.26 kg. 1 hp

67th place - Porsche Cayenne Turbo Gemballa Tornado 750 GTS 4.8 liter V8 AWD 2009

Price $ 920,000 - 27.5 million rubles
-maximum speed 301 km / h. - 187 mph.
- engine power 750 h.p. - 551 kW - 1050 N / m at 3200 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 4.3 sec.
- weight 2105 kg. 0.3563 hp / kg. - 2.81 kg. 1 hp

66th place - Brabus G 800 Widestar 6.3 liter V12 AWD 2011

Price $ 950,000 - 28.5 million rubles
-maximum speed 240 km / h. - 149 mph.
- engine power 800 h.p. - 588 kW - 1420 N / m at 2100 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 4 sec.
- weight 2550 kg. 0.3137 hp / kg. - 3.19 kg. 1 hp

65th place - Carlsson C25 Royale Super GT 6 liter V12 RWD 2011

Based on the Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG

Price $ 960,000 - 28.7 million rubles
-maximum speed 352 km / h.
- engine power 753 h.p. - 1320 N / m at 3750 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.7 sec.
- weight 1970 kg. 0.3822 hp / kg.

64th - Hennessey Venom GT 6.2 liter V8 Corvette RWD 2011

The supercar has received the name of a poisonous and dangerous snake, with it you really should not lose your vigilance. Hennessey Venom GT, will become a serious competitor among the famous supercars and will go on sale in the amount of 10 copies. The car, for a long time was presented only as a concept and now this beast is embodied in metal and carbon, based on the Lotus Elise and the power unit from the Corvette ZR1. The maximum speed is declared at 438 km / h. but officially it has not been achieved.

Price $ 960,000 - 28.8 million rubles
-maximum speed 421 km / h. - 261 mph.
- engine power 1200 h.p. - 882 kW - 1493 N / m at 3800 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 2.3 sec.
- weight 1071 kg. 1.1204 hp / kg. - 0.89 kg. 1 hp

63rd place - Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren Hamann Volcano 5.4 liter V8 RWD 2009

-maximum speed 348 km / h. - 216 mph.
- engine power 700 h.p. - 515 kW - 830 N / m at 3300 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.6 sec.
- weight 1700 kg. 0.4118 hp / kg - 2.43 kg. 1 hp

62nd place - Ford GT40 4.7 liter V8 RWD 1967

Price $ 1,000,000 - 30 million rubles
-maximum speed 348 km / h.
- engine power 700 h.p. - 830 N / m at 3300 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.6 sec.
- weight 1700 kg. 0.4118 hp / kg

61st - 9ff Porsche Carrera GT GT-T900 5.7 liter V10 RWD 2008

Price $ 1,000,000 - 30 million rubles

- engine power 900 h.p. - 662 kW - 937 N / m at 6900 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.2 sec.
- weight 1380 kg. 0.6522 hp / kg. - 1.53 kg. 1 hp

60th place - Isdera Commendatore 112i 6 liter V12 Mercedes RWD 1993

Price $ 1,000,000 - 30 million rubles
-maximum speed 342 km / h. - 212 mph.
- engine power 408 h.p. - 300 kW - 580 N / m at 3600 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 4.7 sec.
- weight 1450 kg. 0.2814 hp / kg. - 3.55 kg. 1 hp

59th place - Lotus Elise GT1 3.5 liter V8 Twin Turbo RWD 1997

Price $ 1,040,000 - 31.1 million rubles
-maximum speed 320 km / h.
- engine power 350 h.p. - 400 N / m at 4250 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.8 sec.
- weight 1050 kg. 0.3333 hp / kg.

58th place - Ferrari F50 4.7 liter V12 RWD 1995

Mid-engined supercar built for Ferrari's 50th anniversary. The sophisticated V12 engine was borrowed from the Formula 1 F92a cars. 349 cars were produced, out of the planned 350. Management said the supercars represent the ultimate icons of the automotive world and should be less than expected demand.

Price $ 1,040,000 - 31.1 million rubles
-maximum speed 325 km / h. - 202 mph.
- engine power 513 h.p. - 377 kW - 470 N / m at 6500 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.7 sec.
- weight 1230 kg. 0.4171 hp / kg. - 2.4 kg. 1 hp

57th place - Koenigsegg CCX 4.7 liter V8 RWD 2006

Price $ 1,050,000 - 31.5 million rubles
-maximum speed 395 km / h. - 245 mph.
- engine power 806 h.p. - 593 kW - 920 N / m at 6100 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.2 sec.
- weight 1180 kg. 0.6831 hp / kg. - 1.46 kg. 1 hp

56th place - Aston Martin V8 Vantage Le Mans 5.3 liter V8 RWD 1998

Price $ 1,100,000 - 32.9 million rubles
-maximum speed 322 km / h. - 200 mph.
- engine power 600 h.p. - 441 kW - 814 N / m at 4400 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 4.18 sec.
- weight 1975 kg. 0.3038 hp / kg. - 3.29 kg. 1 hp

55th place - Leblanc Caroline GTR 2 liter R4 Turbo RWD 1999

Following in the footsteps of Swiss manufacturers, exotic cars Monteverdi and Sbarro, Leblanc has presented a very spectacular sports car. The mid-engine Caroline GTR, despite its low-displacement two-liter engine, is highly competitive in the struggle for leadership in the rankings among the best supercars in the world.

Price $ 1,110,000 - 33.3 million rubles
-maximum speed 341 km / h. - 212 mph.
- engine power 512 h.p. - 376 kW - 539 N / m at 6000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.13 sec.
- weight 785 kg. 0.6522 hp / kg. - 1.53 kg. 1 hp

54th place - Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren Stirling Moss 7.3 liter V8 RWD 2009

Series, SLR Stirling Moss - 75 cars of the speedster category, which excludes the roof and windshield. The project is inspired by Sterling Moss - who led the company to victory in major car competitions in the middle of the last century. This is the latest collaboration between Mercedes-Benz and McLaren. It is noteworthy that the cars will only be available to owners of SLRs.

Price $ 1,130,000 - 33.8 million rubles
-maximum speed 350 km / h. - 217 mph.
- engine power 641 h.p. - 471 kW - 820 N / m at 4000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.5 sec.
- weight 1626 kg. 0.3942 hp / kg. - 2.54 kg. 1 hp

53rd place - GTA Spano 8.3 liter V10 RWD 2009

Price $ 1,140,000 - 34.2 million rubles
-maximum speed 350 km / h. - 217 mph.
- engine power 780 h.p. - 574 kW - 920 N / m at rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 2.9 sec.
- weight 1350 kg. 0.5778 hp / kg. - 1.73 kg. 1 hp

52nd place - Jaguar XJ220 3.5 liter V6 AWD 1991

Unlike the XJR-15, which left the racetrack for the public road, the Jaguar XJ220 was embodied as the first civilian supercar, the legendary firm from the foggy albion. Initially, the design fantasy on the topic of a streamlined body was not daring in time, and the problem of squeezing into a reasonable framework of road regulations was a priority.

Price $ 1,150,000 - 34.5 million rubles

- engine power 500 h.p. - 368 kW - 640 N / m at 4500 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 4.1 sec.
- weight 1560 kg. 0.3205 hp / kg. - 3.12 kg. 1 hp

51st place - Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Mansory Cormeum 6.2 liter V8 RWD 2011

Price $ 1,200,000 - 36 million rubles
-maximum speed 330 km / h. - 205 mph.
- engine power 660 h.p. - 485 kW at 4850 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.5 sec.
- weight 1530 kg. 0.4314 hp / kg. - 2.32 kg. 1 hp

50th place - AC Cobra Weineck 780 cui Limited Edition 12.8 liter V8 RWD 2006

Words are not enough to describe what will happen if you want to experience the full potential of this mind-blowing engine. The huge volume of 13 liters allows this Cobra to accelerate to 300 km / h. in 10 seconds! Only 15 lucky people around the world will be able to experience this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Price $ 1,250,000 - 37.5 million rubles
-maximum speed 300 km / h. - 186 mph.
- engine power 1100 h.p. - 809 kW - 1760 N / m at 5600 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 2.42 sec.
- weight 990 kg. 1.1111 hp / kg. - 0.9 kg. 1 hp

49th place - Brabus 700 Biturbo 6.2 liter V8 RWD 2011

Based on Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG

-maximum speed 340 km / h. - 211 mph.
- engine power 700 h.p. - 515 kW - 850 N / m at 4300 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.7 sec.
- weight 1600 kg. 0.4375 hp / kg. - 2.29 kg. 1 hp

48th place - Ferrari Enzo 6 liter V12 RWD 2002

Currently - the best car in the Ferrari production line. Supercar, proudly bears the name of the founder's father, Enzo Ferrari. The construction uses Formula 1 technology, carbon fiber body, ceramic disc brakes. It also features technologies not allowed in F1, such as active aerodynamics and traction control.

Price $ 1,300,000 - 39 million rubles
-maximum speed 350 km / h. - 217 mph.
- engine power 650 h.p. - 478 kW - 657 N / m at 5500 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.65 sec.
- weight 1255 kg. 0.5179 hp / kg. - 1.93 kg. 1 hp

47th place - SSC Ultimate Aero TT 6.3 liter V8 AWD 2006

After seven years of design, legendary supercar manufacturer Shelby Super Cars (SSC) has unveiled a car that is hard to find a worthy competitor. At the time of construction, the car became the fastest production car on the planet!

Price $ 1,310,000 - 39.3 million rubles
-maximum speed 412 km / h. - 256 mph.
- engine power 1183 h.p. - 870 kW - 1483 N / m at 6150 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 2.85 sec.
- weight 1270 kg. 0.9315 hp / kg. - 1.07 kg. 1 hp

46th place - Ascari A10 5 liter BMW V8 RWD 2006

The Ascari A10 is a British car that was conceived by Dutch billionaire Claes Zwart. This is the third road car produced by the company, after Ecosse and KZ1, the name commemorates the 10th anniversary of the company and the number of units produced. Standard equipment includes: ultra-light wheels, ceramic brakes and roll cage.

Price $ 1,310,000 - 39.4 million rubles
-maximum speed 354 km / h. - 220 mph.
- engine power 625 h.p. - 460 kW - 700 N / m at 5000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 2.9 sec.
- weight 1280 kg. 0.4883 hp / kg. - 2.05 kg. 1 hp

45th place - Maybach BRABUS SV 12 Biturbo 6.3 liter V12 RWD 2005

Price $ 1,330,000 - 39.8 million rubles
-maximum speed 314 km / h. - 195 mph.
- engine power 640 h.p. - 471 kW - 1026 N / m at 1750 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 4.9 sec.
- weight 2735 kg. 0.234 hp / kg. - 4.27 kg. 1 hp

44th place - Maybach 62 Zeppelin 6 liter V12 RWD 2009

Price $ 1,360,000 - 40.7 million rubles
-maximum speed 250 km / h. - 155 mph.
- engine power 640 h.p. - 471 kW - 1000 N / m at 2000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 5.1 sec.
- weight 2855 kg. 0.2242 hp / kg. - 4.46 kg. 1 hp

43rd place - Leblanc Mirabeau 4.7 liter Koenigsegg V8 RWD 2009

Super light, outdoor racing car, Swiss origin, powered by a Koenigsegg CCR V8 engine. The supercar is prepared for the FIA ​​standard for racing at Le Mans. It's amazing that the car meets the requirements for use on public roads! Additional driver amenities include leather upholstery and sequential transmission.

Price $ 1,420,000 - 42.6 million rubles
-maximum speed 370 km / h. - 230 mph.
- engine power 700 h.p. - 515 kW - 850 N / m at 4500 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 2.7 sec.
- weight 812 kg. 0.8621 hp / kg. - 1.16 kg. 1 hp

42nd place - Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren FAB Design Desire 5.4 liter V8 RWD 2009

Price $ 1,430,000 - 42.9 million rubles
-maximum speed 310 km / h. - 193 mph.
- engine power 750 h.p. - 551 kW - 1080 N / m at 4500 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.6 sec.
- weight 1700 kg. 0.4412 hp / kg. - 2.27 kg. 1 hp

41st place - Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren Mansory Renovatio 5.5 liter V8 RWD 2008

Price $ 1,500,000 - 45 million rubles
-maximum speed 340 km / h. - 211 mph.
- engine power 690 h.p. - 507 kW - 880 N / m at 4500 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3 sec.
- weight 1700 kg. 0.4059 hp / kg. - 2.46 kg. 1 hp

40th place - Cizeta Moroder V16T 6 liter V16 RWD 1991

Brilliant work of the Italian designer Marcello Gandini. The project was made for Lamboghini, and was supposed to replace the Countach, but they also did not like the auto design maestro, he proposed his concept to Chizete, which was embodied in the only supercar of the company. A transverse V16 engine (two V8s), connected to a longitudinal gearbox, forms a T-shape.

-maximum speed 328 km / h. - 204 mph.
- engine power 540 h.p. - 397 kW - 542 N / m at 6000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 4.35 sec.
- weight 1700 kg. 0.3176 hp / kg. - 3.15 kg. 1 hp

39th place - Jimenez Novia 4.1 liter W16 RWD 1995

This interesting supercar, built in a single copy in 1995, by the French company Jimenez. In motion, the car is driven by 4 (four!) Engines from a superbike, Yamaha 1100 cubic meters, each. The motors are assembled in a single block, with a W-shaped arrangement and a drive on rear wheels.

Price $ 1,500,000 - 45 million rubles
-maximum speed 380 km / h. - 236 mph.
- engine power 553 h.p. - 407 kW - 432 N / m at 7500 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.1 sec.
- weight 890 kg. 0.6213 hp / kg. - 1.61 kg. 1 hp

38th place - Lamborghini Reventon 6.5 liter V12 AWD 2007

Despite the external novelty, almost all mechanics (including the engine) are used directly from the Murcielago LP640. The Reventon's angular styling design, according to an official press release, was inspired by the fastest U.S. Air Force military aircraft, the F-22 Raptor. All exterior panels in carbon fiber, painted in matt khaki.

Price $ 1,550,000 - 46.5 million rubles
-maximum speed 340 km / h. - 211 mph.
- engine power 650 h.p. - 478 kW - 660 N / m at 6000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.4 sec.
- weight 1665 kg. 0.3904 hp / kg. 2.56 kg. 1 hp

37th place - Maybach 57S Xenatec Coupe 5.5 liter RWD 2010

Price $ 1,560,000 - 46.8 million rubles
-maximum speed 275 km / h. - 171 mph.
- engine power 630 h.p. - 463 kW - 1000 N / m at 2000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 4.9 sec.
- weight 2735 kg. 0.2303 hp / kg. - 4.34 kg. 1 hp

36th place - 9ff Porsche GT9-R 4 liter F6 RWD 2009

The project is based on the Porsche 997. GT9-R is one of the fastest supercars in the world! Breaking the SSC record by 1 mph. 20 cars, the GT9-R is available with three power outputs from 750 hp. up to an incredible 1120 hp The cars are designed not only for straight-line sprints, but also for piloting on difficult tracks such as the Nurburgring.

Price $ 1,570,000 - 47.1 million rubles
-maximum speed 413 km / h. - 256 mph.
- engine power 1120 h.p. - 824 kW - 1050 N / m at 6000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 2.9 sec.
- weight 1326 kg. 0.8446 hp / kg. - 1.18 kg. 1 hp

35th place - Vector W8 Twin Turbo 6 liter V8 AWD 1989

22 iconic super-cars were built by specialists of the Vector Aeromotive company from the states. The design used aerospace technologies such as a honeycomb aluminum monocoque. Today, you can buy a car only for a tidy sum, but some firms produce exact replicas of this car for quite reasonable money.

-maximum speed 354 km / h. - 220 mph.
- engine power 625 h.p. - 460 kW - 854 N / m at 4900 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 4.35 sec.
- weight 1506 kg. 0.415 hp / kg. - 2.41 kg. 1 hp

34th place - Bugatti EB 110 Super sport 3.5 liter V12 AWD 1993

There are only 31 cars in the Super Sport modification, the supercar differs from the regular version, with rear-wheel drive instead of full, a lighter body and a cabin that has lost unnecessary luxury, a fixed rear wing, bucket seats and increased power and engine displacement. (5 cars from this series converted to Dauer EB110)

Price $ 1,600,000 - 48 million rubles

- engine power 660 h.p. - 485 kW - 641 N / m at 3600 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.35 sec.
- weight 1418 kg. 0.4654 hp / kg. - 2.15 kg. 1 hp

33rd place - B Engineering Edonis 3.8 liter V12 Bugatti AWD 2001

In fact, it is the legendary Bugatti EB110 that served as the basis for the Edonis. B Engineering used a Bugatti carbon monocoque chassis and a modified EB110 V12 biturbo engine, placing the filling in the original new body. 21 vehicles built.

Price $ 1,770,000 - 53 million rubles
-maximum speed 365 km / h. - 227 mph.
- engine power 680 h.p. - 500 kW - 735 N / m at 3500 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.15 sec.
- weight 1300 kg. 0.5231 hp / kg. - 1.91 kg. 1 hp

32nd place - McLaren F1 6.1 liter BMW V12 RWD 1993

An incredible achievement in the automotive world, a true automotive superstar and the fastest car the world has ever seen - before the Bugatti Veyron. Lightweight body, powerful engine and central steering, it is a pity that they are no longer produced. The F1 is one of the best automotive investments in a collectible supercar.

Price $ 1,920,000 - 57.6 million rubles
-maximum speed 387 km / h. - 240 mph.
- engine power 627 h.p. - 461 kW - 651 N / m at 4000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.6 sec.
- weight 1138 kg. 0.551 hp / kg. - 1.81 kg. 1 hp

31st place - Ferrari Enzo XX Evolution Edo Competition 6.3 liter V12 RWD 2010

-maximum speed 390 km / h. - 242 mph.
- engine power 840 h.p. - 618 kW - 780 N / m at 5800 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.2 sec.
- weight 1155 kg. 0.7273 hp / kg. - 1.38 kg. 1 hp

30th place - Ferrari 288 GTO Evoluzione 2.85 liter V8 RWD 1986

Of the five cars produced to date, only three have survived, the fastest Ferrari of the eighties. It is an aerodynamically improved modification of the 288 GTO with a new, aggressive body. The car formed a visual connection between the 288 GTO and the F40. This is the first car in the hi-end series of supercars F40, F50, Enzo.

Price $ 2,000,000 - 60 million rubles
-maximum speed 370 km / h. - 230 mph.
- engine power 650 h.p. - 478 kW - 667 N / m at 7800 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 4.1 sec.
- weight 1114 kg. 0.5835 hp / kg. - 1.71 kg. 1 hp

29th place - Porsche 911 GT1 3.2 liter F6 RWD 1996

To meet the demands of the GT racing series, Porsche has created 30 road versions of the sport prototype. Efforts were not wasted, the car taking part in the 1998 Le Mans race took the honorable first place. The car is based on the 911 model, which is greatly extended and lengthened. Equipped with incredibly powerful 8 piston brakes.

Price $ 2,000,000 - 60 million rubles
-maximum speed 320 km / h. - 199 mph.
- engine power 600 h.p. - 441 kW - 650 N / m at 3950 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.5 sec. weight 1100 kg. 0.5455 hp / kg. 1.83 kg. 1 hp

28th place - Jaguar XJR-15 6 liter V12 RWD 1990

Jaguar XJR-15 at one time, was conceived as the most expensive road car, adapted for racing sports prototypes. In the early 90s, 20 wealthy people bought it to participate in a series of races where the winner received the same car as a prize.

Price $ 2,000,000 - 60 million rubles
-maximum speed 307 km / h. - 191 mph.
- engine power 450 h.p. - 331 kW - 569 N / m at 4500 rpm.

- weight 1048 kg. 0.4294 hp / kg. - 2.33 kg. 1 hp

27th place - Maserati MC12 Corsa 6 liter V12 RWD 2006

Price $ 2,050,000 - 61.5 million rubles
-maximum speed 326 km / h. - 202 mph.
- engine power 755 h.p. - 555 kW - 710 N / m at 6000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 2.9 sec.
- weight 1150 kg. 0.6565 hp / kg. - 1.52 kg. 1 hp

26th place - Dauer 962 Le Mans Porsche 3 liter Porsche B6 RWD 1994

The only truly racing car for public roads and beyond. In 1994, it was these cars that took 1st and 3rd places in the most prestigious 24 hour race of sports prototypes at Le Mans. This is a replica of the Porsche 962 officially approved by Porsche.

Price $ 2,060,000 - 61.7 million rubles
-maximum speed 402 km / h. - 250 mph.
- engine power 730 h.p. - 537 kW - 700 N / m at 5000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 2.7 sec.
- weight 1030 kg. 0.7087 hp / kg. - 1.41 kg. 1 hp

25th place - Koenig C62 3.4 liter Porsche B6 RWD 1991

In 1991, German sports car tuner Koenig Specials produced the C62, a replica of the legendary Porsche 962 racing sports prototype, and one of the fastest cars the world has ever seen was born! The design has been increased ground clearance, reduced engine noise and power, added upholstery and options.

Price $ 2,070,000 - 62 million rubles
-maximum speed 378 km / h. - 235 mph.
- engine power 588 h.p. - 432 kW - 533 N / m at 4500 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.5 sec.
- weight 1100 kg. 0.5345 hp / kg. - 1.87 kg. 1 hp

24th place - Pagani Zonda F 7.3 liter V12 RWD 2005

Price $ 2,100,000 - 63 million rubles
-maximum speed 345 km / h. - 214 mph.
- engine power 602 h.p. - 443 kW - 760 N / m at 4000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.6 sec.
- weight 1230 kg. 0.4894 hp / kg. - 2.04 kg. 1 hp

23rd place - Nissan R390 GT1 3.5 liter V8 RWD 1997

The ultra-rare supercar Nissan 390R was built on the basis of the successful Le Mans race car and was offered for sale for one million dollars. Only two cars were built and it is unclear if they were ever sold. (Currently, both cars are in different branches of the museum, Nissan company).

Price $ 2,100,000 - 63 million rubles
-maximum speed 322 km / h. - 200 mph.
- engine power 550 h.p. - 404 kW - 637 N / m at 4400 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 4.05 sec.
- weight 1098 kg. 0.5009 hp / kg. - 2 kg. 1 hp

22nd place - Lamborghini Reventon Roadster 6.5 liter V12 AWD 2009

The fastest and most expensive roadster in the Lamborghini range. The model is distinguished by its stylish appearance, the design of which is dominated by angular surfaces. This series is limited to 20 pieces. An interesting design of optics, consisting of special heat-resistant LEDs at the back and seven point Bi-Xenon beams in each headlamp in front.

Price $ 2,200,000 - 66 million rubles
-maximum speed 305 km / h. - 189 mph.
- engine power 661 h.p. - 486 kW - 660 N / m at 6000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.4 sec.
- weight 1690 kg. 0.3911 hp / kg. - 2.56 kg. 1 hp

21st - Weber Sportscars Faster One 7 liter V8 Corvette AWD 2008

Legendary Swiss precision is no longer limited to the creation of the world's most prestigious timepieces. Using a unique combination of high technology and uncompromising innovative design aimed at achieving maximum aerodynamic efficiency and directional stability at high speeds. The supercar is made entirely of ultralight carbon fiber.

Price $ 2,220,000 - 66.6 million rubles
-maximum speed 400 km / h. - 248 mph.
- engine power 900 h.p. - 662 kW - 1050 N / m at 3800 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 2.5 sec.
- weight 1100 kg. 0.8182 hp / kg. - 1.22 kg. 1 hp

20th place - Pagani Huayra 6 liter V12 AMG RWD 2011

Price $ 2,250,000 - 67.5 million rubles
-maximum speed 370 km / h. - 230 mph.
- engine power 700 h.p. - 515 kW - 1000 N / m at rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.2 sec.
- weight 1350 kg. 0.5185 hp / kg. - 1.93 kg. 1 hp

19th place - Koenigsegg Agera 4.7 liter V8 RWD 2010

Price $ 2,300,000 - 69 million rubles
-maximum speed 400 km / h. - 248 mph.
- engine power 910 h.p. - 669 kW - 1100 N / m at 5100 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.1 sec.
- weight 1290 kg. 0.7054 hp / kg. - 1.42 kg. 1 hp

18th place - McLaren F1 LM 6.1 liter V12 RWD 1995

Price $ 2,400,000 - 72 million rubles
-maximum speed 362 km / h. - 225 mph.
- engine power 680 h.p. - 500 kW - 705 N / m at 4500 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 2.9 sec.
- weight 1062 kg. 0.6403 hp / kg. - 1.56 kg. 1 hp

17th place - Pagani Zonda Cinque 7.3 liter V12 RWD 2008

A model embodied to meet the needs of a Pagani VIP Dealer in financially prosperous Hong Kong. Only five copies were made. This is the first car of the company equipped with a sequential gearbox. It is also the first Zonda to use Pagani's new invention, Carbon Titanium, a fantastic fiber created specifically for the Cinque.

Price $ 2,500,000 - 75 million rubles
-maximum speed 350 km / h. - 217 mph.
- engine power 678 h.p. - 499 kW - 780 N / m at 4000 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.4 sec.
- weight 1210 kg. 0.5603 hp / kg. - 1.78 kg. 1 hp

16th place - Bugatti Veyron 16.4 8 liter W16 AWD 2005

Greatest supercar of all time, named after French driver Pierre Veyron, who won the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1939, in a Bugatti race car. Two hundred vehicles were built from 2005 to 2008 with various modifications: Veyron 16.4, Pur Sang, Hermes Edition, Sang Noir, Targa, Vincero, and Bleu Centenaire.

Price $ 2,550,000 - 76.5 million rubles
-maximum speed 407 km / h. - 253 mph.
- engine power 1001 h.p. - 736 kW - 1250 N / m at 2200 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 2.5 sec.
- weight 1888 kg. 0.5302 hp / kg. - 1.89 kg. 1 hp

15th place - Aston Martin One-77 7.3 liter V12 AWD 2009

Price $ 2560000 - 76.8 million rubles
-maximum speed 355 km / h. - 220 mph.
- engine power 700 h.p. - 515 kW - 750 N / m at 5750 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.5 sec.
- weight 1500 kg. 0.4667 hp / kg. - 2.14 kg. 1 hp

14th place - Koenigsegg Agera R 5 liter V8 RWD 2011

Price $ 2,600,000 - 78 million rubles
-maximum speed 420 km / h. - 261 mph.
- engine power 1115 hp - 820 kW - 1200 N / m at rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3 sec.
- weight 1330 kg. 0.8383 hp / kg. - 1.19 kg. 1 hp

13th place - Maserati MC12 6 liter V12 RWD 2004

The car is based on the same platform as the Ferrari Enzo. Ferrari is the parent company and supports the development of the project in everything. For Maserati, the MC12 is the first step into the supercar league. The car is produced in tandem with GT series racing cars, from which it is distinguished by a beautiful leather interior and modified suspension.

Price $ 2,850,000 - 85.5 million rubles
-maximum speed 330 km / h. - 205 mph.
- engine power 630 h.p. - 463 kW - 652 N / m at 5500 rpm.
- acceleration up to 100 km / h. 3.95 sec.
- weight 1335 kg. 0.4719 hp / kg. - 2.12 kg. 1 hp

12th place - Koenigsegg CCXR Edition 4.8 liter V8 RWD 2007

The Koenigsegg CCXR is the only eco-friendly supercar on the planet. Swedish designers have made the machine comply with eco-standards and run on bioethanol (E85 Bioethanol). Being green doesn't mean being slow and boring. Unfortunately, having a 1000 horsepower motor and simultaneously catering to the environment does not


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