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The hatchback is a fairly popular body type in our time, which has long been a serious competitor to the sedan. The word "hatchback" is formed from two English words"hatch" - hatch and "back" - behind. The body began its history in the pre-war years. In the distant 40s of the twentieth century, the first cars with a wide rear hatch began to be produced by Citroen, later the American company Kaiser Motors picked up the baton, releasing two models into the world: Frazer Vagabond and Kaiser Traveler. Hatchbacks gained wide popularity thanks to the efforts of the Japanese. In Europe, the fashion for these bodies began after the release of the French Renault 16.

What does a hatchback look like

The hatchback is a 3- or 5-door body, has one or two rows of seats, as well as a short rear overhang, in addition, it has a door in the rear wall. The length of a hatchback is often shorter than that of a sedan, which gives it a number of advantages in urban environments. As a rule, a hatchback has a sloping roof, which smoothly, without steps, passes into the trunk lid. Also, this body can be three-volume, but even in this case, the lower overhang remains shortened.

What is better to choose a hatchback or a sedan?

In order to make it easier for you to decide on the choice of the body of the future car, we provide a list of the advantages and disadvantages of the sedan and hatchback. By familiarizing yourself with it, you will receive useful information to help you make a choice.

Hatchback. Advantages

  • Quite compact in size, while not burdened with a "tail", which allows them to maneuver perfectly on the streets of the city.
  • A wide opening in the luggage compartment, which allows you to load bulky items (TVs, washing machines etc.)
  • Attractive appearance, bearing some resemblance to sports cars(in demand among young people).
Hatchbacks also have several disadvantages.
  • Lack of partition and sound insulation between the salon and luggage compartment leads to the fact that while driving you will hear and feel all the sounds and smells that come from the trunk.
  • Also due to the fact that the volume of the cabin increases due to the trunk, in winter period difficult to warm up the car.
  • The size of the trunk becomes larger than the trunk of a sedan, only in the case of dismantling or folding the rear row of seats.
Sedan. Advantages
  • The sedan has a more presentable appearance than the hatchback. This makes it a favorite with older car enthusiasts.
  • Insulated trunk. A feature that is a minus for a competitor is absent from a sedan. You will not hear any extraneous noise from the trunk while driving.
Of the shortcomings, we note:
  • The most unpleasant drawback for sedans is the small trunk, as well as the small amount of space in the cabin.
  • Compared to hatchbacks, sedans are bulkier, making it harder to drive in city traffic.
Hatchback and station wagon. What is the difference?

If we analyze these two bodies, then several differences can be noted at once:
  1. Price. As trite as it sounds, it's true. Station wagons are much more expensive than hatchbacks.
  2. Luggage size. Station wagons have a much larger luggage compartment than hatchbacks.
  3. Design. The elegant forms of hatchbacks look much more attractive than the strict lines of the station wagon.
It's time to sum up

Hatchbacks are great cars for a small family. They combine comfort, practicality and attractive design. The hatchback is ideal for outdoor trips, its trunk will fit all the things you need on vacation. And within the city, the maneuverability and small size of this car will help you quickly overcome the traffic jam. Dreaming of a hatchback? Go to the catalog of passenger cars, which will help you navigate the prices.

Popular hatchbacks that deserve your attention

The bestseller comes from Korea. Reliable and practical, with a long list of options that has everything that is usually expected from modern cars C-class.

. Renault Sandero, an affordable hatchback french brand. Nice urban compact, with spacious interior and roomy trunk. Steadfastly endures the hardships of Russian roads and weather.

An example of the ratio of price to level of equipment. Constantly high quality assemblies tuned to our roads, steering wheels and suspension, reliable motors - all in favor of this model.

Peugeot 308, the epitome of style. The latest generation of the model, both inside and out, has become the most spectacular in the class. Pleasant to the touch materials and bold lines of the body make you fall in love with yourself.

Choosing a car, a person is guided by many factors, including cost vehicle, brand, model of car, and, of course, body type. The last factor is almost decisive, because comfort and opportunity directly depend on it. correct operation car. Hatchback and station wagon are very popular among drivers all over the world, and the difference between the two body types just determines the choice of a motorist in favor of one or another option.


The car body can have one or two rows of seats, depending on the configuration. Distinctive feature of this type body: the presence of a door in the rear wall and, most importantly, a shortened rear overhang. The last factor makes it easy to distinguish the hatchback in appearance. As a result, the trunk of a car is not as roomy as, say, a station wagon. But such a design allows the hatchback to maneuver well in urban conditions, because this type of body is widely in demand in megacities. Another advantage is the possibility of easy parking. The actual combination of the passenger compartment and the trunk has and negative side: Quite often, drivers and passengers complain about bad smell from the trunk, if, for example, some products are transported there.

Toyota Prius NHW20 - an example of a hatchback

station wagon

This is a closed two-volume body for passenger and freight traffic. We can say that the station wagon is a sedan in which the luggage compartment is enlarged and there is an additional lifting door at the back. As a result, the vast majority of station wagons have five doors, less often three. Since the luggage compartment and passenger compartment are combined, this creates a risk of injury to passengers by the transported goods (for example, due to an accident). Therefore, in many countries of the world, a special dividing net is used to properly protect passengers from force majeure situations.

Opel Astra H is an example of a station wagon


Combining the luggage compartment and the cabin is the most striking example of the similarity between the hatchback and station wagon. What is the difference between a hatchback and a station wagon? In the following:

  • The size of the luggage compartment of the hatchback is smaller, respectively, this type of body is less often used for cargo transportation. But the station wagon is specially purchased by many companies as a vehicle for cargo transportation.
  • The hatchback has a more elegant design (rear). The inclined door looks more beautiful than the strict vertical version of the station wagon. For example, many women prefer hatchbacks because of their aesthetic appearance.
  • The station wagon is longer. It is difficult to say whether this is an advantage or a disadvantage - it all depends on the purpose for which the car is used. If for cargo, then rather an advantage, if for a normal trip and transportation of passengers, then closer to a disadvantage.
  • The riding comfort of a station wagon and a hatchback is almost the same, except that in some station wagons there are tall passengers located on rear seats feel more comfortable.
  • As a rule, the station wagon costs more. For example, a station wagon body type for new Lada Priora or Kia pro cee'd cars is more expensive than a hatchback.

Findings site

  1. Luggage size. The station wagon is more spacious.
  2. Different design. The rear of the hatchback car is more elegant than the station wagon.
  3. In the length of the car (station wagon is longer).
  4. The station wagon is more comfortable for tall passengers in the back seat.
  5. In most cases, the cost of the station wagon is higher.

We do not buy a car every year and when choosing it, we have a large list of requirements. Manufacturer, price, fuel consumption, passenger capacity - all this must be taken into account. An important criterion is the type of body. It is on him that the appearance, comfort during operation, and the cross-country ability of the car depend. There are many types of body: convertible, coupe, pickup, limousine, crossover and others. We will consider the most common on Russian roads: sedan, hatchback, station wagon. And let's try to figure out which is better.

Body types

Let's analyze the most common body types:

  • Sedan- it's a body passenger car with a trunk separated from the passenger compartment by seats. This type is also called three-volume: the interior and trunk are two closed adjacent spaces (the third is the engine compartment). The trunk lid is called the hood. The rear window is comparable in installation angle and area with the windshield. Mostly car models have 4 doors and 2 rows of seats.
  • hatchback- this is a body with a shortened rear overhang, that is, the distance from rear wheel before rear bumper. The body is two-volume - the trunk is part of the cabin and is located behind the passenger seats. To hide the contents of the trunk and protect passengers, a stretch fabric mesh is provided by the manufacturer. In the rear wall there is a lifting door that provides access to the salon. The vast majority of modern hatchbacks have this door slanted. Models are available with both 3 and 5 doors.
  • Wagon - a passenger car with 5 doors and a luggage compartment combined with a passenger compartment. Has a large trunk space. The fifth rear door can be lifting, opening to the side, double-leaf. It is possible to install an additional row in the cabin passenger seats. Sedan and station wagon have the same body length.

The difference between a sedan and a hatchback

We found out the characteristics of the sedan and hatchback body. Now let's see how they differ and what advantages they have.

  • Machine length. The hatchback is 30-40 centimeters smaller due to the shortened rear overhang. This affects maneuverability and greatly simplifies parking. This is important in a city where every inch of parking space counts.
  • Axle weight distribution. The sedan has the advantage of an evenly distributed weight load on the wheels.
  • rear overhang. The hatchback has it shortened and thanks to this it is easier to park it in reverse without fear of hitting the curb. Because of the spray from the road, the hatchback needs a rear wiper with a washer.
  • Cabin volume. For this parameter, plus gets a sedan, since there are more comfortable lounge for passengers. And although its competitor's interior is considered more due to the trunk, it is not so comfortable. Moreover, in order to create a suitable microclimate in a hatchback, it will take more time to heat the interior or, conversely, to cool it.
  • Trunk volume. It's hard to say who wins. The volume of the trunk itself in the sedan is larger. But in a hatchback, you can fold the passenger seats, which will give extra space. At the same time, the usable space is commensurate, but it is difficult to load, for example, a TV or long objects in a sedan. The hatchback makes practical and a large loading window.
  • Safety. The sedan clearly wins, since in the event of an accident, depressurization of the passenger compartment at the rear is almost impossible. Passengers in a hatchback are often injured in a collision with objects that were in the trunk. Some countries even oblige to use a special dividing grid.
  • Body connection. It is difficult to say on whose side the advantages are, rather it depends on the situation. Advantages of the combined cabin and trunk space:
  1. access to luggage without leaving the car;
  2. in an unusual situation, it is possible to get into the car through the back door;
  3. increase in the volume of the trunk due to the cabin.

Positive aspects of an insulated trunk:

  1. When transporting a can of fuel or an open can of paint, you will not smell, and this will not affect your well-being.
  2. Opening the trunk, you do not change the microclimate in the car.
  3. It is safer to carry small items.
  • Ease of management. In a hatchback, the border of the car body runs along the edge of the rear wheels, which allows the driver to better feel the dimensions of the car. Almost all models of sedans have low ground clearance, which does not allow you to freely ride on dirt roads or broken asphalt.
  • rear view. Novice motorists will notice that it is wider in a sedan. This is achieved as a result of rear window and short distance to the driver. In a hatchback, this distance is greater, and the glass itself is smaller, thus resulting in a tunnel effect or a reduced viewing angle.
  • Appearance. The sedan has a more solid, presentable look. A hatchback is closer to a sports car.

What to choose?

When choosing a car, decide what functions, in addition to delivering from point A to point B, it should perform.

If you are planning a move, repair, replenishment in the family or frequent trips to the countryside, then it is better to opt for a hatchback. It will help to transfer bulky goods, for example, a small refrigerator, TV, stroller or cornice. It also handles bumpy roads with a higher seating position and adapted suspension.

The Russian buyer prefers a sedan for its comfort, respectable appearance, and safety. If you carry a lot of little things - the best option there will be a car with a closed body.

As we can see, the characteristic of the body type in different situations can play both for us and against. When buying a car, focus not only on the aesthetic appearance, but also on your needs and practicality. The machine will tell others about your status, lifestyle and even character.

Dear Dmitry Anatolyevich!
As a deputy of the State Duma from the Samara region, I am seriously concerned about the situation that is developing in the automotive company AVTOVAZ OJSC - the largest manufacturer cars in Russia and Eastern Europe. I remember very well how the VAZ and the city of Togliatti were built, and what significance they had and can still have for the country's economy, since I worked at the Volga Automobile Plant from a foreman to deputy head of the scientific and technical center.
January 22, 2015 You visited AVTOVAZ. However, unfortunately, you were never shown either the destroyed Experimental Industrial Production and the Volga Machine-Building Plant, or the queues for a free lunch, in which former employees of AvtoVAZagregat, which had been brought to bankruptcy, were forced to stand, or new lists for layoffs of several thousand more workers. Engineering has been almost completely eliminated at the enterprise - there has been a total reduction in the staff of the Scientific and Technical Center. This means that AVTOVAZ will no longer have its own domestic developments. The destroyed Volga Machine-Building Plant provided a full cycle of high-precision products - there are only a few such enterprises all over the world. The cessation of production by the plant of a large range of components and parts causes dependence on foreign suppliers for enterprises in the automotive industry, aircraft manufacturing, nuclear energy, and, most importantly, the military-industrial complex. In the long term - the liquidation of other Russian enterprises associated with AVTOVAZ, leading unique innovative developments, producing components, special vehicles for medicine, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other emergency services. AVTOVAZ used to work as a gigantic system: allied enterprises - manufacturers of auto components and materials, as well as a whole network of research institutes - were engaged in various areas of the automotive industry. Today it is all destroyed.
Only in the Samara region over the past 10 years, more than 200 enterprises and plants - manufacturers of automotive components have been operating. Only a few remain today.
Problems began at AVTOVAZ back in 2005 with the arrival of the Moscow team. And the first mistake: the plant was put in charge of managers, among whom there were no specialists in the automotive industry. Twice the state injected funds, but the money went into the sand. It all ended with the sale of a controlling stake to foreigners.
I hope that today our Government understands that the transfer of control over JSC AVTOVAZ to foreign owners - the Renault-Nissan alliance - was an extreme mistake that practically destroyed the domestic passenger car industry. It seems that the Russian government simply refuses to notice that foreign owners are systematically working to eliminate AVTOVAZ as a competitor to foreign manufacturers. In fact, the cleanup is underway. Russian market for foreign engineering products.
The production of cars under the Lada brand is declining, while the assembly of Renault, Nissan and Datsun is actively gaining momentum. At the same time, the management of the plant actually ignores the import substitution program proclaimed by the President of Russia.
Recently the president of AVTOVAZ Bo Andersson in your report V.V. Putin out loud indicated the figure of 70% localization for Vesta, while taking into account hidden imports, this figure is unlikely to reach 47%. Almost two thirds of the budget for the purchase of components and consulting goes abroad to the accounts of foreign companies. And billions in debts remain with Russian parts manufacturers, domestic banks and suppliers. LADA xray approximately 80% consists of foreign components, which makes it more expensive than many foreign cars. The decision of the President of AVTOVAZ Bo Andersson to transfer production Lada Vesta in Izhevsk, not only cost the plant, according to open sources , an additional 10 billion rubles, but also significantly increased the cost of the model due to the additional logistics shoulder of 600 km. As a result, AVTOVAZ's net losses in 2015 alone, according to the report, amounted to about 73 billion rubles. These are the biggest losses of the automobile plant in its history.
As a result of your visit to Togliatti, the Russian automotive industry was promised 50 billion rubles of budgetary funds. A significant part of this money, presumably, will be directed to support AVTOVAZ. And here a frightening paradox awaits us: this money will go to support the Renault-Nissan alliance, owned by the state that has announced sanctions against us! The foreign owner will continue to use our budget funds. It is important to understand that AVTOVAZ is not a separate enterprise. Today, this is the Russian passenger car industry itself, which is on the verge of destruction.
In order to revive the domestic passenger car industry, it would be advisable for the Government of the Russian Federation to take radical measures. Now AvtoVAZ is practically bankrupt, with huge debts to Russian creditors. Taking advantage of this situation, the state could take a controlling stake. In fact, it is necessary to return AVTOVAZ to Russia, i.e. nationalize the plant. All that is needed is political will.
The automotive industry all over the world is a locomotive for the development of a huge number of related industries and the economy as a whole, with huge employment of the population (examples are Germany, Japan, the USA, Korea, China).
I would like to ask you to pay attention to measures that could radically solve the problems of restoration domestic auto industry:

Nationalization of JSC "AVTOVAZ";
- establishment of full state control over the activities of the enterprise;
- selection of a responsible team of leaders, especially the first person, from among experienced Russian personnel. There are a lot of competent VAZ managers in Togliatti who know well what a plant is, live in Togliatti, depend on the city and see its future. - localization will return to a level of at least 90%, while eliminating hidden imports, which will provide an incentive for recovery domestic market;
- the maximum increase in duties on the import of imported cars and components from abroad;

State support in terms of recycling and concessional lending to stimulate demand from the population, including a temporary reduction (up to cancellation) of the transport tax on newly purchased cars under the LADA brand;
- state support measures aimed at developing the export of AVTOVAZ products, including subsidizing logistics costs;
- revival of the system of service and sales network of OJSC AVTOVAZ;
- development of a support program for Russian manufacturers automotive components, and domestic small-scale production, including expanding access to credit, subsidizing the interest rate on loans for working capital, increasing support through the industrial development fund;
- it is necessary to focus the efforts of AVTOVAZ, the Government of the Russian Federation and the governments of the regions on the preservation and development of traditional Russian suppliers, stimulating an increase in the volume of localization in the Russian Federation, and the implementation of import substitution programs;
- increase in the volume of government orders for OJSC AVTOVAZ, placement of the Cortege project at the pilot production of OJSC AVTOVAZ;
- creation in Togliatti of a modern scientific and technological innovation complex for the development of new technologies for the automotive industry in Russia (on the basis of Pilot Production, the Volga Machine-Building Plant, the Scientific and Technical Center).
The author is a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

Station wagon and hatchback are the names of car body types. They both have common characteristics, but one fundamentally important difference

station wagon

As a rule, a five-door passenger car, in which four doors are located in pairs on the sides, and there is one door in the rear of the body. This door is a cover of the luggage compartment, while this cargo compartment itself communicates with the passenger compartment of the car. The rear row of passenger seats can be folded, which significantly increases the volume of the trunk. The station wagon is usually a variation of the corresponding sedan model, has the same chassis size, drive type, and so on. The rear wall-door is closer to vertical in position. For the transportation of goods, the station wagon is the most adapted of all cars, which is why station wagons were (and remain) so popular with gardeners transporting seedlings, building materials, etc. to their suburban areas.

VAZ four-station wagon - a characteristic representative of this class

Kalina with an extended body station wagon

A three- or five-door car that has a noticeably shortened rear overhang compared to a station wagon or sedan. Accordingly, the hatchback trunk volume is less than that of the station wagon. The name hatchback is taken from in English, where hatch is a hatch, and back is at the back. body type passenger car with one or two rows of seats, a door in the rear wall and a shortened rear overhang. The shortened rear overhang is the main feature of the hatchback. The appearance of a shortened body, the rear border of which runs almost along the edge of the rear wheels, is caused by the constraint of movement and maneuvering in urban conditions. The layout of all hatchbacks is overwhelmingly the same: front-wheel drive with a transverse engine, which also improves the maneuverability of the car. The luggage compartment of the hatchback is combined with the passenger compartment and also allows you to increase its volume due to the folding rear row seats.

Kalina hatchback main modification

Briefly for memorization

station wagon

Passenger car based on a sedan of the same model with back door and a luggage compartment combined with the passenger compartment.

A passenger car with a rear door, a luggage compartment combined with the passenger compartment and a shortened rear overhang. The length is shorter than the wagon of the same class, it has a smaller trunk volume, but greater maneuverability.

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